目前分類:watery diarrhea (364)

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The information featured in this report is provided to help you understand more about your guinea pig's health. When finding your guinea pig sick or injured, please seek the help of a trained Veterinarian. The facts, opinions and suggestions written here should not replace the recommendations made by your Vet. With proper care and attention guinea pigs can live a long healthy life (some up to 10 years). Prevention is far superior than medicine. Keep your pet on a proper diet, exercise them regularly and maintain a clean and tidy cage.

Groom them frequently and keep their cages clean and sanitary. Guinea Pigs (or Cavys as they are called) try to avoid getting wet (just like their feline friends cats) so unless your guinea pig has gotten involved in a dirty smelly mess, it's better not to strain them with dipping them in water. Keeping the living space clean and free of urine, waste, and uneaten food will prolong the life of your little fur ball and keep him/her Strong and vibrant!

Cavy's (another name for Guinea Pigs) are much more likely to contract disease and illness when compared to other common household pets. Some believe the size of the cage is responsible for this. If we envision the living space Rex and Fluffy are entitled to, and then look at where the little fur ball sleeps, it begins to make sense. Guinea pigs spend their lives in a much smaller space.

Sneezing and running nose. Allergies with the bedding material occasionally come about. Also Lengthy exposure to a new setting or contact with foreign objects or plants can generate allergies. Try Swapping the bedding material and stop from taking him to places you think may cause these symptoms. Constant discharge or chafing of the nose should be a sign to call the Vet.

Coughing This can be life-threatening. Any type of Heavy Respiration, wheezing or panting sounds could be a signal of a repertory disease. Call your vet ASAP. Delaying this engagement can be grave for your guinea pigs health.

Watery eyes. Bothersome particles like dust, dirt, pollen, and powder can occasionally induce this. Visit your Vet and ask for directions on how to safely flush the eyes of your pet. Agonizing sores from cysts can arise on pet's eyes and should be removed by a qualified Vet.

Hair loss. When a Cavy is cut or bitten the fur near the injury will fall out. This is entirely natural.Extreme hair loss is much more severe. Parasites such as mites, ringworm and fleas may be to blame and should be treated by your vet right away.

Diarrhea. Upon discovery of this problem, immediate action is required on your part. This can be fatal if not quickly treated. Diarrhea's main cause is an over abundance of fruits or vegetables(wet foods), and possibly the ingestion of something foreign or rotten to the regular diet. Add more dried foods and hay to the diet. Along with boosting the vitamin C in his pellets, an introduction of lactobacillus acidophiles for guinea pigs in capsule form should be administered.

Pink or red urine. Blood in the urinary tract is grave. Get him/her to the Vet immediately.

Skin irritations. Itching and scratching caused by parasites and fungal infections can lead to more serious conditions and should be dealt with quickly. Consult your Vet or pet store and get a medicated shampoo designed to kill and prevent further infestations. Many products exist to deal directly with specific vermin that attack your pet's coat.

Seizures. When your Guinea Pig frequently tilts or shakes his head this may be the result of an ear infection. Infections caused by repeated bites from parasites can cause damage to a Cavys nervous system and have severe consequences to your Guinea Pig's health. Body shaking, curling up, stiffness and erratic behavior are dangerous conditions that require immediate attention by a trained Veterinarian.

In Conclusion. The most significant aspect of bringing up a healthy Guinea Pig and the key to sustaining the life of your little fur ball is by keeping his/her cage clean. Change the litter material regularly and sanitize the cage frequently. Doing this will prevent some of the unfortunate symptoms discussed in this report and ensure good guinea pig health! 

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You may be one of the masses who don't even realize that you have allergies! According to studies, there are about 17 out of every 100 Americans that are allergic, or hypersensitive, to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.

What are allergies? According to Wikipedia, "an allergy is a condition of hypersensitivity to a substance (an allergen) considered harmless to most people." Hmmm, most people? In fact, 50 million Americans are estimated to have allergies.

There is no clear apparent medical reason why people contract allergies, but one thing remains clear: the condition is indiscriminate in its coverage and may affect us regardless of age, gender, or race. Commonly, however, the allergy manifests in our infancy or childhood, although some symptoms may appear at any age or may reappear after any period of apparent inactivity.

Most allergies are largely insignificant and may be dealt with by simple lifestyle choices; however, there is a possibility of them either adversely affecting our daily life, or perhaps life-threatening conditions.

As of this writing, if you run a Google search on the word "allergy" you will receive over 32 million results. Sure, some of those are duplicates but that's a pretty substantial number. And that doesn't include other simple search terms.

The bottom line here is that those 50 million Americans already know they have an allergy. That doesn't include all the people who are under the misconception that their suffering is not just a simple cold!

How would you know if you have an allergy?

Below are the most common types of allergies.

- Food Allergies - ignited by certain food types

- Anaphylaxis - triggered by drugs, food, or insect stings

- Respiratory Allergies - triggered by allergens which are airborn

- Contact Allergies - triggered by skin-affecting allergens

- Insect Sting Allergies - triggered by insect venom

Mild Symptoms:

- Tingling, itching, or swelling of your mouth, tongue, lips, or throat

- Tightness feeling in your throat

- Difficulty speaking or swallowing

- Nausea

- Indigestion and abdominal cramps

- Vomiting and diarrhea

- Skin rashes

- Coughing, congestion, wheezing, or sneezing

- Runny, stuffy, or itchy nose

Severe Symptoms:

- Breathing difficulties

- Sweating, dizziness, and faintness

- Rapid or sudden heart rate increase

- Sudden inability or hoarseness to speak

- Extreme and sudden facial itching and swelling

- Anaphylaxis

What Causes Allergies?

The immune system of a person with an allergy tries to combat allergens. It looks upon the small driftwood of everyday life - house dust, pollen, animal dander, and mold - as outsiders that are sure to do some dreadful damage.

In order to recognize and capture these strangers, it is important that people know who the culprits are. They should try to educate themselves on how allergies work and what causes them because these are the only means to find the solution to the problem.

Basically, allergies are agitated reactions of the immune system to certain foreign substances to the human body. These stuffs are known as "allergens."

Allergens are then classified into four categories based on where they have come from. By knowing these four classifications of allergens, an individual could identify where he is allergic.

Normally, if a person is having persistent allergic symptoms, but he cannot isolate the allergen, it is a good idea to see an allergist, get tested, and find out what the allergens are. In this way, people can easily find out what causes their allergy and resolve the problem.

Who is at risk for allergies?

Among all known diseases, allergies are placed among the most universally manifesting diseases among humans. It does not discriminate among the individuals to be infected. People of all ages, gender, culture, nationality and skin color have equal chances of developing them.

Through the study of allergies and allergic attacks, it is apparent that some individuals have a higher probability of acquiring an allergic condition compared to other individuals exposed to the same particle.

Each age level is particularly prone to a certain allergen. This fact should provide you with an idea on how you can at least minimize, if not perfectly avoid, the attack of allergy.
Research shows that 7 to 8 out of 10 newly born infants have a large predisposition in acquiring hypersensitivity to anything in their surroundings. Moreover, 1 out of 7 American adults suffer from at least one type of allergic condition.

Some even develop allergic reactions among substances used in clothing such as color dyes and bleaching chemical agent (contact dermatitis) and other forms of medications such as penicillin and other antibiotics (drug hypersensitivity).

Some young adults who have experienced lesser attacks or were not put into any allergic state earlier in their life are apt to develop such condition should adequate trigger attacks (allergen particles) are present.

What are seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies are one type of allergic rhinitis. If you recall our chapter on allergic rhinitis you know that it is a type of allergy where breathing in an allergen becomes the source of an inflammatory reaction in the membranes of the nose. With this seasonal allergy, inflammation happens only during a particular period. This is most likely caused by molds, pollens, or other substances that are in the air during specific seasons.

What treatments are available for different types of allergies?
Allergies affect almost everyone since almost anything can trigger an allergic reaction. These reactions are caused by the immune system over-reacting to an allergen or the substance that causes the allergy. These reactions range from violent sneezing to itchy hives or in a more serious form, breathing difficulties.

To address these reactions, the first line of defense is avoiding allergens that cause these allergic symptoms. Minimizing your exposure to allergens will translate less episodes of sneezing, coughing and itching.

But since avoidance isn't possible at all times, your doctor can prescribe allergy medications and treatments, the correct kind and combination of which depends on the kind of symptoms you exhibit. Allergy medications come in pill, liquid, spray, eye drop and topical forms. Some can be bought over-the-counter while others require prescriptions.

Always remember though that in taking medications whether OTC (over-the-counter) doctor-prescribed, consult with your doctor and inform him/her of your medical history before starting any allergy treatments.


Histamines are chemicals released by the immune system as part of the reaction to an allergen. This substance is responsible for the inflammation or swelling of nasal passage, the skin or any other part affected by an allergy. As the name suggests, antihistamines prevent histamines to cause such reactions reducing redness, swelling, hives and watery eyes. They are prescribed in the form of liquids, sprays, pills and drops.

With the exception of some OTC creams, corticosteroids require a doctor's prescription. Forms of corticosteroids include:

- Eye drops relieve symptomatic itching and redness of the eyes due to hay fever. Contra-indications include eye infections, glaucoma, and pregnancy. So if any of these apply to you, avoid using corticosteroid eye drops. Contact lens users are also more susceptible to eye infections when using these eye drops.

-Nasal sprays

Since it is administered directly to the affected area, nasal sprays are the preferred treatment for hay fever or allergic rhinitis to relieve stuffiness, runny nose and sneezing. However, relief may take time to set in and in some cases, only after regular use. Some of the side effects are an unpleasant taste, irritation that may cause nose bleeding especially during the winter months.

- Creams that come in varying strengths of dosages are good for itching and scaling skin. However, be cautious of continued use as they can sometimes cause skin irritation.

- Oral corticosteroids are prescribed for short periods to address more acute forms of allergic symptoms. But the long-term use of such has been known to cause side effects like cataracts and osteoporosis so prescription is regulated.
Leukotriene modifiers

These medicines work similarly to antihistamines in that they block the substances released by your immune system to aggravate allergic reactions. Leukotriene modifiers have been proven to treating allergic asthma and rhinitis.

Injectible epinephrine

Anaphylactic shock is a violent allergic reaction that affects key body functions such as the respiratory and cardiovascular system. This kind of reaction is similar to throwing a monkey wrench into a machine that puts the system in jeopardy. The danger of that kind of reaction is therefore very high.


If your condition doesn't see improvement in spite of medications or if taking them will incur adverse side effects, your doctor may recommend immunotherapy, which is the process of training your immune system not to react to substances that used to cause allergies for you. This can take as long as three to five years to finish. It is done by introducing extracts of the allergen into your body through a series of regulated injections. The goal is to make your body desensitized to the substance, which will eliminating or decrease your need to take medicines.

This method is especially effective for people allergic to substances that are found everywhere and cannot be avoided (such as dust and pollen). The procedure is also helpful in arresting the development of asthma in children.

Natural Remedies

A lot of people nowadays turn to a holistic health lifestyle and rally for natural remedies like homeopathy or herbs to recover from certain illnesses. Natural remedies or alternative medicine encompasses a number of non-traditional ways for a healthier lifestyle.

Some of these natural remedies are:

1. Apitherapy

Apitherapy is one of the natural remedies which makes use of bee products to help someone recover from a certain illness or condition. There are about 500 diseases that Apitherapy can heal.

2. Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiology can pinpoint body dysfunctions by identifying weak muscles.

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the science of using essential plant oils for the betterment of one's well-being.

The most common carrier oils are: sweet almond, olive, avocado, borage, apricot kernel, cocoa butter, sunflower, evening primrose, peanut, grape seed, hazelnut, sesame, jojoba, kukui, macadamia nut, pecan, rose hip, and shea butter.

4. Ayurveda

Considered the oldest health care system in the world that originated from India, Ayurveda stems from three biological principles: Vata which is the regulation of movement, Pitta for regulation of metabolism and Kapha for structure.

5. Biofeedback

Biofeedback is one of the natural remedies that use the body's signals for the improvement of health.

6. Bodywork

Bodywork employs deep tissue massage, balance of energy and movement awareness to improve one's health. It does not necessarily involve body touch but it takes care of the body's healing response.

7. Buteyko

One of the natural remedies to watch out for is buteyko which involves breathing exercises to help asthmatic people.

8. Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine has always been known as one of the most popular natural remedies. Chinese Medicine is rooted from the Taoist belief - the law of Yin and Yang. The person will experience less illness if the Yin and Yang is well-balanced.
Chinese medicine is famous for its herbs like the Ren Shen, Dang Gui, Dan Shen, Mu Li, Du Huo and Fang Feng.
One cannot talk about Chinese medicine without mentioning acupuncture. Acupuncture is able to diagnose the illness by the flow of Qi (energy).

9. Color Therapy

Color Therapy uses the spectrum to enhance the energy center or Chakra of the body and also improve the body's healing process.

10. Flower Essences

Dr. Edward Bach discovered in 1930 that flowers contain energy that can put human discord to an equilibrium.

11. Gemstone Therapy

There is such a thing as a healing gemstone that can alleviate ill body conditions. A gemologist must be consulted as "synthetic gems" are useless.

12. Herbology

Natural remedies are immediately associated with herbs. Herbs are classified into aromatic, astringent, bitter, mucilaginous and nutritive. Proven to improve health, herbs are great sources of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin A can be found in alfalfa, saw palmetto and dock, whereas bee pollen, juniper berry and peppermint are rich in Vitamin C. For one's calcium fix, there's aloe vera and fennel seed.

13. Homeopathy

Homeopathy involves the use of active ingredients in small doses together with natural substances for a healthier balance.

15. Iridology

Iridology is diagnosing through the irises, as they are human parts that show signs of physical and mental illnesses.

16. Macrobiotics

Macrobiotics is achieving over-all wellness by changing one's lifestyle, diet and attitude. It comes from the words macro which means great, and bios which means life.

17. Meditation

What can be more natural than just looking for a quiet spot and muse deeply on series of subjects that will eventually lead to enlightenment? Stress is dramatically reduced and the body is recharged by deeply meditating.

18. Music Therapy

Music is language of the soul, so it is not surprising that there is such a thing as music therapy. So far, music therapy has incurred differences and benefits to people who practiced it. This is a fortified healthcare profession that is designed to do the following: promote well-being, express emotions, manage and combat stress, improve memory and alleviate aches and pains.

19. Naturopathy

Naturopathic medicine's principles are based on the belief that natural balances make up for a well-balanced internal chemistry.
With those effective natural remedies, it is no wonder a lot of people have started employing each one of them in times of sickness. Most go for natural remedies just to maintain their healthy bodies.

Avoiding Allergic Reactions

Most allergens attack and trigger allergic reaction if they find themselves on the skin or inside the eye. Allergic reactions can happen through inhalation, ingestion or injectionand, as discussed previously, allergies can be seasonal as with the case of the hay fever or it can be drug or dust-induced and food-related.

The production of an antibody called immunoglobulin happens upon the first exposure to an allergen. This immunoglobulin or (IgE) attaches itself to basophiles, a type of white blood cell and mast cells. The initial exposure may have a person extrasensitive to allergen but the symptoms may not be there. Subsequent exposures can eventually lead to more reactions and tissue irritations. Reactions can be mild or severe.
Avoiding an allergy simply translates to one commonsense fact: avoid the allergen. This means the person has to discontinue using a drug, have the dust removed, put the pet outdoors, install effective air filters and simply avoid eating a particular food. If the allergy is severe, the person may consider moving out and finding a place that does not contain the allergen.

Here are more ways to prevent an allergic reaction:

1. Ask the doctor for an allergy kit.

An allergy kit is used for severe allergic reactions, also called anaphylaxis. The kit must have the following: how-to's on using the kit, sterilized cotton swabs for cleansing the skin before and after the injection, Epinephrine which comes in a syringe and some Antihistamine tablets.

Remember that the medications inside an allergy kit may lose their efficacy if exposed to direct sunlight or high temperature. The patient must watch out for the color of Epinephrine. It must be clear. Once it turns pinkish brown, it must be thrown away.

2. You must wear a medical ID tag if you are susceptible to serious reaction so other people are alerted your allergy.

3. There must be a thorough discussion on allergy shots or immunotherapy with the doctor.

Allergy shots can reduce or totally ward off one's sensitivity to an allergen. These shots are for the following allergies:

1. Pollen (trees, grasses and even ragweed)

2. Dust motes and cockroaches.

3. Dander from dogs and cats

4. Fungus

5. Insect venom (from bees, hornets, wasps, yellow jackets and fire ants)

6. Medications

As children are more susceptible to allergic reactions, the parent must exert extra effort to keep any allergic reaction at bay. Schools are often considered breeding ground for allergens so the parent and school administrators must work hand in hand. The home must also be allergen-proof so the children can go about freely.

Allergic reactions are dangerous and fatal, if left untreated or if the person is more susceptible than usual. It is mandatory that preventive measures must be carried out to avoid the severe symptoms. For more information on allergic reactions, one must ask the family doctor.

Properly diagnosed and treated, allergies need not affect your life in any significant manner.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

During the moments when we have diarrhea, we often go in and out from our bathrooms. Almost all of us would have certainly experienced this one. This diarrhea is a certain condition where we pass more than three loose or watery stools in a day. Usually, this is an effect of a certain infection that results to the intestines' malabsorption. If it is ignored, diarrhea could result to a life threatening complications like dehydration. That's why the top remedy for this illness is a blast of fluid replacement.

As a person undergoes diarrhea it is a very unpleasant experience. You could then be going on regular visit your bathrooms and it's certainly an annoying thing to do. If we are in our work and in school, this could really impair our level of concentration & attentiveness.

Although pharmacologic remedies have already been utilized by a lot of physicians to treat diarrhea and its specific symptoms, appropriate hygiene and a healthy lifestyle must be the highest priority. This would be composed of correct hand washing techniques right before eating and after waste removal. This measure would avoid ingestion of various elements that can activate diarrhea. Apart from this, appropriate eating habits are certainly very important. It is significant to know which specific foods can be safely eaten and which ones must be prevented. Nonetheless, "Can I eat yogurt if I have diarrhea?" is a popular dietary concern that is commonly questioned about this subject matter.

In this kind of condition, strict food restrictions are specifically crucial. Thus, during the episodes of diarrhea, our digestive tracts results to a high sensitivity to certain substances like food. It implies that anything we intake through our mouth must always be clean, bland and most importantly, nonirritating. This would eradicate then the spicy and salty foods & also the dairy products. As everyone is aware, yogurt is base from milk and milk is one typical example of dairy products. So based on the previous statement, we can already reason out that yogurt is inappropriate for conditions like diarrhea. Nevertheless, every general rule has always a certain exception.

Though yogurt is under dairy products, at time when people experience diarrhea, physicians recommend yogurt as a food for remedy. This is actually because of its certain components like the active micro bacilli which are approved to be the bowel's normal micro floras. These certain bacilli assist in keeping the intestines' appropriate state. This will also attempt to bring back to normal movement of the bowel which can decrease the unwanted effects of diarrhea. However, it is beneficial only to eat yogurts that are plain to prevent bowel irritation.

So now that we are aware of the certain wanted and unwanted foods, diarrhea can be cured earlier than the usual. Therefore, if somebody will ask you, "Can I eat yogurt if I have diarrhea?", then you certainly know what the answer is, YES!

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It can be very hard to spot lactose intolerance in babies. Some of the symptoms shown by lactose intolerance are common in new born babies. The can be sick after a feed (breast or bottle), and they can have diarrhea on and off for some weeks.

Lactose is found in all milks whether cows milk or a mother's breast milk. It is sugar like substance. For our bodies to be able to digest milk it has to produce lactase, if we can't make enough of this our bodies become lactose intolerant.

It is not very often that a baby is diagnosed with this kind of intolerance. As I mentioned above it is very common for babies to be a little bit sick, and diarrhea is also extremely common. This would have to be happening for a long period of time before a doctor would even refer you for the tests to be done. If this is an official diagnosis, the child would need to start on a lactose free diet immediately.

Consuming too much lactose may produce an overdose effect, this will result in the child being;

Extremely uncomfortable,
Trapped or breaking wind
Wants continuous feeding
May be sick a lot
May have watery stools
May have very pasty stools

Although the babies may take some relief in continuous feeding, this is actually detrimental to them as it often worsens the effects.

These symptoms may occur due over feeding on the low fat breast milk or other milk substitute. Babies will probably be producing enough lactase but have simply had a higher amount of lactose than their bodies can handle.

You may be able to prevent these symptoms from occurring, by limiting the amounts of feeds your baby is having in any one day. This would mean feeding 4 hourly, so it would be 6 bottles per day.

I have 4 young children of my own, two of them were sickly babies, it took around a week to get them into a comfortable 4 hourly feeding routine but you notice a change in their bowel movements almost instantly.

Whilst lactose intolerance in babies is found to be very rare, it can appear as a result of the following;

Any recent surgery on the bowel
Interaction with antibiotics
Another intolerance or allergy
Celiac disease
Crohn's disease
Upset stomach

If lactose intolerance has occurred due to any of these, it may only last a week or two, this is called temporary lactose intolerance. If you are worried seek advice from your doctor or other health professional, they may suggest switching to a lactose free milk substitute.

If your child is suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek medical advice. If these symptoms are left untreated your condition may worsen.

Lactose intolerance in babies can be treated with the use of a lactose free substitute. Other diary products may also have to be avoided depending on the severity of the intolerance. Always ask for advice from a medical professional, they may be able to point you in the right direction.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Celiac disease is a complex inherited digestive disorder that affects I in 100 persons worldwide. This condition involves a unique immune response within the digestive tract to gluten, a protein found in the grains of wheat, barley, rye and oats. All persons with celiac disease, regardless of age, race or gender, are susceptible to intestinal damage when they eat food containing gluten or its derivatives. The treatment for celiac disease is a strict gluten-free diet that stops damage and allows recovery. Probiotics and prebiotics should be incorporated into the diet to improve the quality and balance of intestinal bacteria that inhabit the colon.

Intestinal enzyme deficiencies, sugar intolerances and associated dysbiosis, or imbalance of intestinal microbes, called flora, appear commonly in persons with celiac disease.1 Research indicates that the metabolic activity of intestinal microbial flora in celiacs is different from the general population and that it is a genuine phenomenon of celiac disease not affected by either the diet, the inflammation, or the autoimmune status of the patient.2 The severity of disturbances in intestinal balance of flora was found to depend on the gravity of the patients' state. 3

Celiac reactions work in the following way. Undigested fragments of gluten cause a "leaky gut syndrome" by relaxing the normally tight intercellular junctions that function to prevent large molecules from slipping through the lining. Penetrating gluten fragments become bound by the intestinal enzyme tissue transglutaminase (tTG) to form a molecule that triggers the development of antibodies. These antibodies then attack the gluten/enzyme molecule within the lining.

The immune reaction within the gut lining causes inflammation and damage to the delicate structures of the lining, leading to failure to digest and absorb nutrients. Malabsorption leads to malnutrition that then brings about malfunction of any or all body systems, depending on the nutrients that are missing.

In this way hundreds of diverse health problems may develop from celiac disease.

Various microbial imbalances stem from the unnatural passage of undigested fat, carbohydrates and protein into the colon, poor gut motility, and certain nutrient deficiencies.

1. Passage of unabsorbed nutrients into the colon results from pancreatic insufficiency, bile insufficiency and digestive enzyme deficiencies. Pancreatic insufficiency results in deficiency of pancreatic digestive enzymes lipase, amylase, and protease needed for the digestion of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Bile insufficiency results in impaired secretion of bile by the liver, obstruction of the bile ducts and abnormal circulation of bile salts that impairs the digestion of fats. Deficiency of lactase, sucrase, maltase and proteases result in failure to finish the digestion of sugars and protein required for absorption.

Undigested nutrients arriving in the colon cause excessive fermentation and drawing of water from the bloodstream into the colon. These conditions produce symptoms such as abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, IBS-like symptoms, bloating, and gas. Pale foul-smelling stool that float or stick to the toilet bowl results from fat malabsorption.

2. Altered gut motility and low stomach acidity commonly found in celiac disease promote fermentation in the large bowel and also overgrowth of yeast and bacteria in the small bowel, both serious conditions.

3. The health and integrity of intestinal cells depends on adequate availability of niacin, zinc and vitamin A. Deficiency of these nutrients sets the stage for inflammation, infection and diarrhea that worsen gut function and induce overpopulation by pathogens.

For these reasons, persons with celiac disease should learn about and properly use both probiotics and prebiotics to improve their overall health and specifically their intestinal health. This is especially important if they continue to experience fatigue, weakness, achiness, depression, foggy thinking and digestive problems while maintaining a gluten-free diet.

Probiotic supplements and fermented food such as yogurt and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, replace lost or reduced health-producing bacteria populations, such as lactobacillus and E. Coli bacteria, in the colon while prebiotics, such as soluble fiber, will stimulate their growth. Indeed, good health depends on good balance of intestinal bacteria.

1. Tjellström B, Stenhammar L, Högberg L, Fälth-Magnusson, K Magnusson KE, Midtvedt

T, Sundqvist T, Norin E. "Gut microflora associated characteristics in children with celiac disease." Scand J Gastroenterol. 2001 Feb;36(2):163-8.

2. Murray IA, Smith JA, Coupland K, Ansell ID, Long RG. "Intestinal disaccharidase deficiency without villous atrophy may represent early celiac disease." Am J Gastroenterol. 2005 Dec;100(12):2784-8

3. Kamilova AT, Akhmedov NN, Nurmatov BA. "Intestinal microbiocenosis in children with intestinal enzymopathy." Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 2001 May-Jun;(3):97-9.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many dog owners lose their precious Pugs when it could have been easily avoided.

As a Pug parent, you should be well informed of this special breed's common fatal diseases or conditions and their corresponding symptoms.

Pug Dog Encephalitis (PDE)

Every Pug owner dreads this disease which is exclusive to this breed. A Pug afflicted with PDE means that its brain has become swollen or inflamed.

Symptoms: Seizures, loss of muscle coordination, pacing in circles, unusually violent behavior (barking and biting), and restlessness are the most obvious symptoms of PDE. Another telltale sign is when they press their head against a hard surface, indicating that they are in agonizing pain. Watch out for these symptoms in Pugs between 2-3 years old. PDE can cause sudden death if not treated at its early stage.


Pugs are susceptible to heatstroke because of their thick skin. Be on the lookout for these possible signs of heatstroke especially during the summer months.

Symptoms: Rapid breathing, excessive thick saliva or dry mouth, vomiting and loss of balance, are some of the signs of a fatal heatstroke in Pugs. These symptoms along with fever (103 degrees Fahrenheit or 39 degrees Celsius and above) and vividly red tongue and gums confirm that you should bring your Pug to the vet immediately.

Poisoning or Allergy

Probably the most overlooked cause of death in dogs in general is poisoning and allergies. Your Pug could be a victim of poisoning or extreme allergic reactions due to a number of things such as dog food, antifreeze, medications, shampoo, household chemicals, plants or even fabric.

Symptoms: Rush your Pug to the vet if it begins to exhibit breathing difficulty, chronic wheezing or coughing, severe watery eyes, excessive scratching, sudden hair loss or falling hair, vomiting and diarrhea.


A common cause of fatality in Pugs is severe heartworm infestation. This type of parasite is deadly as it invades the major organs which include the heart and lungs. Heartworms can be passed on to dogs through a mosquito bite. It is important to determine the symptoms of severe infestation as it can lead to instant death in Pugs.

Symptoms: Your Pug's stamina or endurance is a good indicator of heartworm infestation. If simple walks in the park or short runs easily wind your pug, it may be a sign of heartworm disease. Irregular breathing sounds coming from the lungs and chronic coughing are likewise strong indicators of heartworm infestation.

Heart Disease or Cardiomyopathy

Anatomically speaking, a Pug is susceptible to heart failure or cardiac arrest. Its squished in face, short nose and tongue and heavy weight are all factors to heart conditions. While a heart failure results in instant death, paying closer attention to earlier symptoms or signs may save your Pug.

Symptoms: Labored breathing, foaming mouth, white or pale gums, loss of appetite, increased heart rate, coughing, loud snoring or snorting, slow or stilted movement, and fainting all point to the onset of a heart failure. Immediate medical attention is needed if your Pug shows these symptoms.

Enjoy long years with your precious Pug by being mindful of your pet's common ailments and symptoms.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

No doubt we have all heard of it, most of us have probably experienced it, but what does it mean?

It is the name given to a functional disorder of the bowel. One that does not function properly, or one that is 'irritated'. It is a classification for a number of irksome conditions with similar symptoms that seem difficult to diagnose and impossible to treat, such as spastic colon, mucous colitis or non-inflammatory bowel disease.

It affects 1 in 10 people and is not necessarily an on-going condition. It is not life threatening and will not cause cancer, however, it is often disabling and definitely uncomfortable to say the least! Up to 1 in 5 people in the UK develop an irritable bowel at some stage in their life, usually in their teenage years or as a young adult, and it affects more women than men.

A number of conditions have similar symptoms to IBS and can be mistaken for it. These include coeliac disease, diverticulitis, laxative abuse, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and it is important that these are investigated first. However if they have been checked out and nothing adverse found, then a diagnosis of IBS is usually given and you may have to 'learn to live with it'!

However, there are lots of things that you can do to help yourself.

1. The most common is irregular bowel movements:

  • It could be diarrhea, and often several times in the morning with your breakfast.

  • On the other hand it could be constipation.

  • In some people it is diarrhea one day and constipation the next.

  • The stools can be small and pellet like, sometimes watery and ribbon like.

  • There may be mucous mixed in with the stools.

  • There is often an urgency.

  • You may have a feeling of not having emptied your rectum completely.

2. Abdominal pain is frequently a problem and can occur in any part of the abdomen.

  • It can be of a colicky nature.

  • It can be severe cramps across the lower abdomen.

  • It can be pain in the upper abdomen.

  • It could be pain under the rib cage.

3. Wind and bloating is a common occurrence with grumbling noises.

This can happen immediately after eating or several hours later.

4. Sometimes there is nausea, indigestion and belching, occasional vomiting and, very occasionally, dizziness.

There may be mucous in the stools, fatigue, weight fluctuations, feeling quickly full after eating, poor appetite, back pain, muscle pains, headache, heartburn, bladder symptoms and depression. The problems may occur at anytime; after food, before food, immediately on waking or even during the night.

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If you are planning international travel for a vacation, a business trip or a holiday you may be at risk for contracting the most common illness affecting travelers, "Traveler's Diarrhea" (TD). Approximately 50,000 travelers per day fall prey to TD. Destination, quality of accommodations , and length of stay are the 3 major variables that contribute to the likelihood of contracting TD.

Traveler's diarrhea is a clinical syndrome resulting from the ingestion of microbial contaminated food and water. Symptoms of TD are: loose, watery or semi-formed stools, urgent in nature, which may or may not be accompanied by abdominal cramping. Associated vomiting may occur in up to 15% of cases. Duration of the illness usually lasts 3-4 days. A similar but much less common syndrome is toxic gastroenteritis, caused by ingestion of pre-formed toxins. Vomiting is the predominate symptom of this syndrome and usually resolves within 12-18 hours.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates 30-50% of travelers with high- risk destinations will develop traveler's diarrhea during a 1- to 2-week stay. Countries are ranked by the CDC according to risk into 3 categories:

Low-risk countries:
o Australia
o United States
o New Zealand
o Japan
o Northern Europe
o Canada
o Western Europe

Intermediate-risk countries:
o Caribbean Islands
o Eastern Europe
o South Africa

High-risk countries:
o Africa
o Asia
o Central and South America
o Middle East

Traveler's diarrhea is defined more by the circumstances of acquisition that by a specific microbial agent. It may occur during or shortly after traveling and most commonly affects persons traveling from an area of more highly developed hygiene and sanitation infrastructure to a less developed one.
Cases of traveler's diarrhea are most commonly caused by bacteria (80%-85%). Parasites account for approximately 10% and viruses 5%.

Preventative measures are:
o Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially before eating. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand gel (with at least 60% alcohol).
o Drink only bottled or boiled water, or carbonated (bubbly) drinks in cans or bottles. (My husband's excuse to drink beer.) Avoid tap water, fountain drinks, and ice cubes.
o Do not eat food purchased from street vendors.
o Do not eat undercooked or raw food
o Avoid dairy products, unless you can ascertain they have been pasteurized.
o Peel fresh fruits and vegetables eaten raw.

Antibiotics are the principle element in treating TD. Therefore it is advised that you see your physician 4-6 weeks prior to your departure date to obtain the appropriate medical advice and needed prescriptions to take with you in the event you develop the symptoms of TD. Adjunctive treatments include taking an anti-motility agent such as loperamide to reduce the frequency of diarrhea and allow the traveler to resume activities while waiting for the antibiotic to take effect. Replenishment of fluids and electrolytes through oral rehydration is also very important to prevent dehydration.

Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) should only be taken if approved by your physician as it contains aspirin-like ingredients that can be dangerous for those on aspirin or anticoagulant therapy as well as those with renal insufficiency.

Children and pregnant or nursing mothers should consult their respective medical experts for guidance in the prevention and treatment of TD.

Hopefully this information will allow you to spend your vacation engaged in recreational activities as opposed to spending it in the bathroom.

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Diarrhea or "D-Day" is not exactly my favorite topic. Nor is it likely to be the subject of normal conversation. But like it or not, the problem is bound to crop up sooner or later, especially if you're not concerned about the food or drink you're taking.

Overeating itself does not cause diarrhea. While a brief attack may be due to overindulgence in alcoholic beverages like wine and beer or by eating overripe fruits and raw vegetables, the common culprit is food that's contaminated with bacteria.

Known as "food poisoning", "turista" and gastroenteritis, this problem is rampant in places where there is poor hygiene and lack of clean food and drinking water.

"The run-of-the mill gastroenteritis, familiarly known as 'turista', 'Montezuma's revenge' or the 'Aztec two-step' that tourists contract in developing countries is usually more of a nuisance than a serious threat. It is almost always due to Escherichia coli, a bacterium normally present in the gut," explained Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of the New York Hospital -- Cornell Medical Center in "Modern Prevention:- The New Medicine."

"Strains of this organism vary from country to country. If you pick up a different form of E. coli, you may have some watery diarrhea and abdominal cramps (usually without fever) for a couple of days," he added.

Food poisoning, however, is just one part of the picture. Diarrhea can follow periods of stress, the ingestion of chemicals like arsenic, lead, nitrate or cadmium, a virus infection or an allergic reaction.

The condition may also be triggered by certain drugs and serious and chronic ailments like a vitamin B deficiency, a stomach tumor or heart disorder. Whatever the cause is, diarrhea means frequent trips to the John and a great inconvenience for many of us.

"In cases of diarrhea, the irritant - whether it be a virus, a chemical, or bacteria -- disturbs the gastrointestinal tract in a way that interferes with the normal absorption of liquids and salts. The disturbance speeds up the peristaltic movements of the tract, causing body fluids and salt to pass more rapidly through the intestines and out of the body," explained Dr. Morris Fishbein in his "Popular Illustrated Medical Encyclopedia."

What then should be done to prevent diarrhea? If you're traveling to a place where you suspect that sanitation is poor, Rosenfeld recommends the following:

"First of all use common sense. Drink and brush your teeth only with bottled water. I've heard of empty bottles being refilled with local tap water (or worse), recapped and sold as 'pure and safe.' So carbonated water is the best bet. Dine only in restaurants recommended by your hotel. Avoid food from street vendors. All your dishes should be cooked, especially vegetables, and you should eat only those fruits you can peel.

"Shun creams and custards, especially in warm weather. Finally, take your cocktail without ice, since the ice is usually made from local tap water and the organisms it contains are not affected by the alcohol or the freezing. Don't ease up on any of these precautions, including the ice on the homebound flight. The airlines usually stock up in the country you're leaving," Rosenfeld warned. (Next: Preventing dehydration from diarrhea.)

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system.

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Before I discuss the Symptoms of Parasites or the symptoms of parasitic infection, let me just give you a brief introduction on parasites. As you must know, parasites are organisms that live off other organisms by sucking out their life juices. Parasites can live inside or with another mother organism.

The bodies of human beings can accommodate 100 plus different types of parasites. Some of the places which can get affected by parasitic invasion are upper arms, skin, muscles, liver, genitals, hands, feet, respiratory tract, digestive tract, diaphragm, chest, buttocks, blood and the abdomen. You won't believe it perhaps but according to a study done by WHO, 25% of the global population suffers from chronic intestinal infections due to parasitic attacks.

Commonest Symptoms of Parasites


In diarrhea, frequent watery stools occur as a result of chloride and sodium loss caused by specific parasites like protozoa (primarily). As you can understand, it is the parasite causing an infection that leads to diarrhea.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Sometimes the walls of the intestinal cells are coated by parasites or the parasites cause inflammation or irritation of these cells. The result is that you tend to suffer from different types of GI symptoms. The body is unable to properly absorb fatty substances, especially vital nutrients. As a result you get steatorrhea or feces infected with excess far and bulky stools.

Bloating and gas

Bloating and gas are also caused by parasites living in the upper portions of the small intestine that result in inflammation. When you consume hard to digest food particles, like veggies, raw fruits and beans, it leads to the problem of gas and bloating getting magnified. If you don't eliminate the parasites from your body completely, then this situation can persist for years and years and can be very embarrassing.

Skin problems

Protozoan invasion can cause itchy dermatitis, popular lesions, sores and swellings, cutaneous ulcers. Allergic skin reactions, weeping eczema, rashes and hives are caused by intestinal worms.


Nutrients are leached by intestinal worms which love to attach to the intestinal mucosal lining. When these intestinal worms are present in sufficiently huge numbers, the blood loss they cause leads to pernicious anemia or iron deficiency.

Immunity dysfunctions, chronic fatigue, faulty memory, impaired concentration, depression, apathy, flu like complaints, tiredness, malabsorption of nutrients, malnutrition are also Symptoms of Parasites. If the body is suffering from parasitic invasion, it cannot properly absorb vitamins B 12 and A, fats, carbohydrates and proteins.

A few more Symptoms of Parasites or syndromes of parasitic invasion are cancer, heart diseases, migraines, acne, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, bad breath, a bitter taste in the mouth, excessive weight loss, excessive hunger, weight gain etc. These are all tell tale signs.

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Diarrhea is a common condition characterized by runny or watery stools that occurs in many individuals once or twice per year. This condition is typically not serious and does not require medical treatment and can be treated effectively by increasing the intake of fluids or over-the-counter medications.

There are three categories that medical experts typically use to classify diarrhea that are primarily based upon its cause. "Osmotic" diarrhea is when a substance in the bowel is causing excess water to be drawn into the bowel from the body. This can occur from certain foods that are consumed such as foods that contain the sugar substitute sorbitol, certain medications, and other disorders or conditions such as lactose intolerance.

Secretory diarrhea is defined by medical experts as the abnormal release of excess water by the body into the bowel and can be caused by numerous types of infections or medications, as well as other conditions.

Diarrhea is typically classified as exudative diarrhea when there is blood and pus present within the stool. This can be caused by several types of infections and diseases of the bowel including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. While there are numerous causes of diarrhea, the most common is that of a virus that infects the digestive system.

Common Causes of Diarrhea

While the most common cause of diarrhea is that of a viral infection also commonly called a stomach or intestinal flu, there are many other conditions that can cause diarrhea including a bacterial infection which is most commonly caused by food poisoning. Other organisms such as parasites can also cause diarrhea.

The symptom of diarrhea is also common among individuals who have food allergies or food intolerance. Diarrhea can also be a side effect of certain medications including antibiotics, antacids that contain magnesium, cancer drugs, and blood pressure medications. Diarrhea is also a symptom of diseases and disorders of the bowel including irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and celiac disease.

Common Types of Treatment for Diarrhea

The most common form of treatment that is recommended for diarrhea is replacing the fluids that were lost by increasing the intake of fluids to prevent dehydration. In most cases, no other form of treatment is needed; however, there are over-the-counter medications such as Imodium AD that are effective in controlling diarrhea.

These medications are not recommended, however, for diarrhea that is caused by a parasite or bacterial infection as stopping the diarrhea may cause the organisms to become trapped within the intestines causing the condition to last longer. For these types of infections, a physician will typically prescribe an antibiotic as the primary form of treatment.

Foods that can cause the symptom of diarrhea to worsen and should be avoided until diarrhea subsides include milk products, fatty or greasy foods, sweets, caffeine, and foods that contain a high amount of fiber. Bland foods such as toast, plain rice, bananas, crackers, baked skinless chicken, and boiled potatoes, are the recommended foods to be eaten when the diarrhea begins to lessen.

While diarrhea is a common condition that typically does not cause any serious health issues when experienced from time to time, if you have diarrhea that is prolonged or accompanied by a fever lasting for a period of longer than twenty four hours you should contact your physician for advice.

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Pet owners become very concerned when their dog has diarrhea. There is a need to be concerned when your dog has diarrhea as this is a symptom that indicates your pet may be ill.

The first thing most of us look to as the possible reason for loose, watery stools is the pet food. What food did my doggie eat? What commercial brand did I give my pet? If you think the way I do, we look at food because this is our daily contribution to keep our pet healthy.

How do we know when pet food is spoiled?

  • Rancid odor

  • Food color does not seem right

  • The dog will not eat it

  • The dog removes unwanted food nuggets

  • Dog has diarrhea every time he eats food

Diarrhea, if not treated, will have our pet losing necessary fluids and may become dehydrated. When this happens see your veterinarian immediately.

Diarrhea indicates your pet is not receiving vital nutrients to remain in good health. An occasional incident of diarrhea may be okay, but if repeated, this becomes a more serious symptom of an infection or an indicator of disease.

Your next question might be:

If my dog has diarrhea is it always because of spoiled food?

The simplest reason for our dogs getting diarrhea is changing diets too quickly. When changing diets new foods should be added slowly over the course of a week or two. Foods need to be slowly introduced to not shock the intestinal system.

Other reasons for food ingredients causing diarrhea in dogs are:

  • Allergies to particular ingredients e.g. artificial coloring, additives and preservatives.

  • High fat content

  • Reduced protein

  • High carbohydrate content

  • Lack of essential nutrients

  • Chemicals e.g. flavor enhancers, sweeteners, and other toxic materials

These are other possible causes of diarrhea:

  • Viruses

  • A foreign object

  • Intestinal parasites

  • Diseases

The more serious causes of diarrhea will require that you see a veterinarian. The vet will perform x-rays, lab tests, and analyze stool cultures to determine the illness. Medication will be needed for serious conditions.

My dog had diarrhea and severe skin problems. After trying a variety of brand and non-brand commercial dog foods without any success for his miseries, I then turned to natural home cooking and raw meats.

For this particular dog I will not use commercial dog foods. His health is too precious to him and me. He is a very happy and healthy dog since feeding him more nutritious foods.

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Do you know that more than 70% of Dog owners experience a diarrhea dog within their first three months!
But the real reasons of diarrhea: the causes and the different varieties are known by fewer dog owners.

Diarrhea is usually evident when there is excessive water content in the feces. Its an important sign of intestinal diseases in the dog. It causes extreme fluid loss, which usually leads to dehydration, electrolyte disturbances, and/or acid-base imbalances.

When there is acute diarrhea, a sudden onset and short duration (three weeks or less) of watery or watery-mucous diarrhea. Occurs, Occasionally the fecal material is also smeared with blood.

General Causes of Diarrhea

1. Changes in Dogs' diet without ascertaining whether its proper for age and breed, eating inappropriate food/material are immediate causes. Dietary indiscretion include the eating of spoiled food, overeating, the ingestion of foreign material, and/or sudden changes in the diet.
Acute diarrhea may also follow ingestion of a food that contains substances that are poorly tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract of the dog.

2 Infectious agents - bacterial, viral, fungal, protozoa, parasitic infections

3. Some of dogs' Drugs and toxins in and around your dogs' food.

4. Intolerance of materials in the normal diet of your dog

5. An obstruction in the Dogs' intestine,, intestinal parasites (e.g. roundworms, hookworms, whip-worms) are a common cause of acute diarrhea, especially in young. Dogs De-worming is a sure first step. But when diarrhea persist the Vet is usually required.

6. Dietary Changes. This is especially a problem with young puppies. You are required to find out what your puppy was on before you brought him in and what is best for him. It is necessary to always make gradual transition from any old diet to a new one. Make sure you handle this well to avoid intolerance in your dog.

7. Underfeeding and overfeeding your doggy are two possible causes for diarrhea. Self-feeding, which means that dogs chooses to eat when ready a full dish is adopted by most owners. When you do this with dry food, cases of diarrhea becomes rare.

8. Dog drinking too much water is another possible reason for diarrhea in dogs.

What to check for in cases of occurrence of diarrhea in Your Dog

Although most cases of acute diarrhea are short-lived and self-limiting, there are some cases that require diagnostic testing to confirm an underlying cause.

Such tests include:

1. A complete history and physical examination of your dog.

2. Fecal studies to test for intestinal parasites. Various or multiple exams are run, as some parasites are difficult to diagnose.

3. A complete blood count (CBC) to evaluate for infection, inflammation, anemia and dehydration.

4. A biochemical profile to help evaluate kidney, liver function and electrolyte status

5. A urinalysis to evaluate kidney function and the hydration status of the pet.

Treatment In-depth

Diarrhea in your dog is a symptom that is caused by many different diseases or conditions.
And to treat him you have to ascertain the immediate causes. Usually a Vet is required in acute cases.

The following dog diarrhea treatment will reduce the severity of signs and offer relief to your pet:

These include the following::

1. You may withhold food and thereby help to place his intestinal tract in a state of physiologic rest.
This is an important aspect of the therapy for acute diarrhea in dogs. Restricting food intake in your pet completely for between 12- 24 hours allows the intestinal tract lining to start to heal.

2. Food is then usually reintroduced, gradually. Starting with a bland, easily digestible, low-fat diet, served in small amounts and served frequently to him will assist his digestive system. Examples of such diet include boiled chicken or beef, boiled rice and potato. Prescription diets may also be administered for cases of acute diarrhea. Vets are in position to assist in this regard. This is fed for several days, and then he can be served the usual.

3. Fluid therapy may be necessary in some dogs with acute diarrhea. Dehydration and acid-base balance are restored by replacing lost electrolytes during the bout of diarrhea.

4. The Use of Antibiotic for cases is not usually required but on can be administered on Vets advice.

5. De-worming is often recommended in most cases.

6. Intestinal protestants and adsorbents (medications that coat, soothe and protect the lining of the intestines) may also be helpful. This is used under your Vets advice.

If your dog has diarrhea, what can be done

1. Give only prescribed medications by your Vet.

2. Provide fresh water or oral dehydrating solutions to help prevent dehydration.

3. Temporarily change the diet to something bland. These diets can be made by you at home or prescription types can be obtained from your Vet.

4. Watch closely your dogs' general activity and appetite, Check for the presence of blood in the stool, worsening of signs, or the onset of vomiting.

5. Have your pet examined by your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.

Normally, the best treatment for your dog requires a combination of home and professional veterinary care. Once the diarrhea has been resolved, keep your dog on a consistent, balanced diet. Restrict access to garbage and other things that can cause diarrhea. Your dog's health is of utmost importance. So keep him fit, healthy and thus prolong his life.

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Wheat intolerance is a condition wherein your body has difficulty in digesting wheat. It isn't the same as an allergy to wheat, where your body's autoimmune responses produce allergy symptoms. Wheat intolerance is a chemical reaction, and this type of intolerance is actually more common than allergies, although you don't hear about it as often.

In intolerance or more commonly in allergy, often called Celiac diseases, there is a defect in an enzyme, which results in your body not being able to digest wheat gluten. The tissue toxicity that results can produce swift cell turnover, damage parts of the small bowel, and increase epithelial lymphocytes.

Although not widely heard about, Celiac disease affects about one of every 133 people living in the United States. It results from a genetic predisposition and from environmental factors. The exact mechanism that causes wheat intolerance is not known. There is a strong association between this disease and the antigen haplotypes DQw2 and DR3. The disease could also be caused by your body's autoimmune system malfunctioning. This disease affects twice as many women as men, and is frequently seen among relatives, especially brothers and sisters. Wheat intolerance primarily affects Caucasians and those whose ancestry traces to Europe.

Gluten is a protein that occurs in oats, rye, barley and wheat. When any of these grains is milled, that process releases the gluten, and this gives flours their elasticity and strength. You will notice the difference if you buy gluten-free bread; the texture is not the same.

When most people eat gluten, the stomach breaks it down, and then it goes through the small intestine. There, projections known as "villi" absorb nutrients from the gluten. These villi cover a large area, in which nutrients are absorbed from food.

When someone with a wheat allergy or intolerance eats food containing gluten, their body creates an immune response to what it perceives as an invader. The intestinal lining will become inflamed, and the villi will flatten, instead of covering their normal large area. The vital nutrients are thus not able to be absorbed, and over time, this can lead to loss of weight and malnutrition.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Mis-diagnosis

The signs and symptoms of wheat intolerance include those listed below. You should note that these symptoms usually refer to those noted by a patient, but some are not noticed until a physician checks for them. Some of the symptoms are:

Watery or itchy eyes
Unexplained runny nose
Unexplained cough
Lethargy and tiredness
Swollen tongue or throat
Irritable Bowel Syndrome effects
Skin rashes
Nausea or vomiting
Muscle and joint aches and pains
Feeling faint or dizzy
Mood swings or depression
Chest pain
Bloated stomach

Besides these symptoms, there are various medical conditions and diseases that can be associated with celiac disease, and some are found with wheat intolerance or allergy:

Autoimmune disorders like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis
Unexplained miscarriage or infertility
Thyroid disease
Type 1 diabetes
Skin disorders, including dermatitis
Lactose intolerance

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is a functional disorder that is related to the dysfunction of the large intestine also known as colon. IBS is not a life threatening disease like cancer or brain tumor, though it can disrupt the normal social life of the person suffering from it. It can cause a great amount of stress to those suffering from it due to its peculiar symptoms. Early identification of the disorder can help to take the necessary steps for alleviating the stressful symptoms. Some information on the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome is being discussed here.

During earlier times, it was not known whether there were any symptoms that could be attributed to irritable bowel syndrome. Therefore, the diagnosis would be a different disease altogether and the treatment would be ineffective. However, with a lot of research and studies on the subject, a group of specialists has established a set of standards to check out if the person has the symptoms of IBS.

ROME I, II and III criteria form the basis for the judging if what the person experiences constitutes symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. The ROME II criteria diagnoses patients on the basis of data collected over a period of twelve weeks in the previous year. The ROME II classifies the abdominal pain suffered by patients into three categories as below:
I) Pain that is relieved by having a bowel movement
II) Pain with change in frequency of the bowel movement
III) Pain with a change in the appearance of the stools

A change in the frequency of the bowel movement would mean a sudden abnormality in the bowel movement. This may be more than three times a day or less than three times a week. A sudden onset of abnormality of the bowel movement can be deemed to be irritable bowel syndrome.

Symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome can be quite contradictory in nature and confusing to a lot of people. Persons suffering from IBS may experience two kinds of symptoms and these are:

- Diarrhea - This symptom constitutes very frequent bowel movements. The stools could be watery and loose and can also have mucus.

- Constipation - Constipation means having difficulty in passing stools. This is due to the stools being hard, lumpy, and difficult to excrete.

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome make life very uncomfortable for those suffering from the disorder. In some cases, the discomfort and pain may be so severe that the patients may absent themselves from work and avoid socializing. A common symptom of IBS is having gas or bloating in the abdominal area. Often, this gas is released by breaking wind.

A patient need not have all of these symptoms at once. The doctors usually conduct examinations to find out if the symptoms the patients experience are indeed irritable bowel syndrome.

It is important to be aware of the various symptoms that lead to irritable bowel syndrome. An early diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent this disorder from affecting the lifestyle of the individual. Awareness about the symptoms and knowing how to control these symptoms before they get out of hand is very crucial to leading a healthy and stress free life.

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Irritable bowel syndrome accounts for up to 70 percent of gastrointestinal complaints seen in general medical practice. IBS is a digestive disorder that manifests with cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and alternating between constipation and diarrhea. It occurs more often in women than in men, and typically starts before the age of 35 in 50 percent of the population. It is estimated that one in five Americans have symptoms of IBS, making it one of the most common disorders.

Most times, IBS sufferers frequently have cramping, straining, and are only able to eliminate a small amount when having a bowel movement. Once able to have a bowel movement, it might have mucus in it. With IBS and diarrhea, there is an urgent uncontrollable feeling to have a bowel movement. Also, the bowel movement is frequent, loose, typically diarrhea, and consists of watery stools.

Others with IBS alternate between constipation and diarrhea. Sometimes those with IBS find that their symptoms subside for a few months and then return in a never-ending cycle, while others have a constant worsening of symptoms over time. In addition, some with IBS feel the need to have a bowel movement after they have already had one.

IBS will heal naturally when using a holistic approach. Medication and surgery are not required when one treats the body as a whole instead of focusing on the individual parts like the bowel.

To get to the cause of IBS you must think of all the systems in the body working together producing a symphony of total health of body and mind. In the order of importance, these systems must be balanced so to heal the source or cause of irritable bowel syndrome instead of treating the effects with medication that never heals the condition, only temporarily patches it up. Remember medications have between 7-500 side effects. This means they can negatively affect this many systems, organs, gland and tissues. Why would you do something that can potentially do so much harm? To heal IBS, we must heal the systems of the body and state of mind.

Once you balance these systems, the body (and bowel) will do what God intended it to do, they will heal naturally. There are seven different core systems in the body that must have the proper attention to create this balance. Each one of these systems has its role in effectively treating the cause of all irritable bowel syndrome.

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An occasional bout of diarrhea that corrects itself is typically not something for alarm. However, diarrhea that lasts more than two to three days or is reoccurring over weeks or months is reason for concern. Symptoms of watery diarrhea are especially severe and alarming if there is blood and pus in the stool or if it is in the form of watery emission. These can be signs of a more severe underlying infection that can be fatal if not treated properly.

Untreated watery diarrhea can also lead to death if extreme dehydration occurs. You absorb water into your body through the intestine, and if this doesn't happen you can quickly become dehydrated. Thus, it is very important to take severe cases of diarrhea seriously and seek proper treatments. In short, diarrhea becomes severe if left untreated or if treated improperly.

Unfortunately, one potential cause of severe diarrhea is the very antibiotics used in mainstream medicine to treat the infections that cause diarrhea. This can develop within anything up to a month after taking them, and though this affects only a small proportion of people administered them, it still amounts a large number of people in numeric terms. 0.5% of a population of 50 million that is treated with antibiotics amounts to 25,000 that will suffer severe diarrhea because of it.

That is one reason why natural remedies are the best option and are generally more effective that mainstream medicine. What causes diarrhea are predominantly stress, infections (bacterial, viral and or parasitic), physical trauma, bad diet and toxins. Of these, any can cause severe diarrhea, although it is generally infections and toxins that cause diarrhea to become severe to the extent that it can threaten life.


Hundreds of different types of bacteria live in your colon, and without them you could not stay alive. These are colloquially termed 'friendly bacteria'. However, harmful viruses, bacteria and parasites can also enter your gastrointestinal system, and your body can react by trying to expel them in the form of diarrhea. Most viral intestinal infections come and go quickly, and are expelled after short periods of diarrhea. Many bacteria and parasites, however, persist and can cause serious problems. Viruses clear up quickly, but bacteria and parasites persist and multiply and this is where probiotics enter the arena.

Probiotics contain friendly bacteria that can compete with unfriendly invaders that cause diarrhea and eventually displace them. Probiotics work in more than one way, but they start by stimulating the immune system that destroys invading organisms, and they then compete successfully with infectious invaders for those sites on the epithelial cells of the intestine. Unfriendly intestinal invaders do no harm until they occupy your body cells and linings, and if these cells and linings are already populated by friendly bacteria, the dangerous squatters cannot get in.

There is a lot of documented evidence for the effect of probiotics on intestinal bacteria, and how the effects of acute infectious diarrhea are rapidly dissipated. These friendly bacteria, including strains of lactobaccili and beneficial forms of streptococcus are effective with both adults and children, and are also effective in treating what is commonly known as 'traveler's diarrhea', caused by E. Coli.

Most people are familiar with the name E. Coli, and it is one common cause of 'food poisoning' which is a gastrointestinal infection of a toxic agent, such as E. Coli, but not necessarily so. Probiotics can be effective in displacing E. Coli, and ejecting it out of your body along with your diarrhea.


What causes diarrhea to become severe other than gastrointestinal infections? One major cause is toxins. This term refers to just about any non-living agent, such as heavy metals, pesticides, pollutants and the toxic by-products of the biochemistry of bacteria.

These are notoriously difficult for mainstream medicine to treat, but a natural substance known as activated charcoal can adsorb these toxins and pass them through the body without them doing further harm. Adsorption is different to absorption, in that the toxins attach to the charcoal's large surface area, and cannot affect the body further. Failing activated charcoal, you can use burnt toast in an emergency.

If you have diarrhea and believe it to be caused by something that you have eaten, you can treat it by deliberately burning toast, scraping off the black bits and drinking it mixed with water. As soon as you can get some activated charcoal, continue the treatment till you feel better.

Don't overdo it though, because charcoal can adsorb the nutrients in your intestine as well as the toxins. This treatment can be effective against bacteria, viruses, heavy metals and other pollutants. Finally take a nutritious drink containing those essential nutrients lost with your diarrhea, such as bananas (potassium), oily fish if you can face it or in a supplement (essential fatty acids and vitamin D) and juiced greens (vitamin C and other antioxidants).

What causes diarrhea to be severe is normally better treated by natural means, but such extreme cases may need expert medical help. Seek professional advice should your own attempts with natural remedies fail. However, for the vast majority of cases the treatments outlined above will be less liable to produce unwanted side effects than mainstream treatment using synthetic drugs, and will also be more effective.

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Bowel Obstruction Symptoms normally turns out to be Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS, which happens to be a condition that the gut does not function as it should. If you are one that actually has a diagnosis of IBS after having bowel obstruction symptoms, then there is a real need to find the help to alleviate the symptoms you are facing. If you haven't had a diagnosis yet, it is time to think about heading to the physician if you feel that these are things happening to you. The trouble is that many medicines for bowel obstruction symptoms or IBS commonly are not safe and do have some abrasive side effects. With that said, I can imagine the questions on your mind right now. As well as, is there a dependable way to manage IBS difficulties? Just how do you go on with your everyday life without having to worry about these symptoms? What's even more difficult is for folks who are suffering from IBS to speak about their condition. After all, to many individuals, talking about the bowels is not something they want to do. The good news is that there are some effective means that can enable you to alleviate the pain and annoyance that you face a consequence of this condition.

So what are the bowel obstruction symptoms which you get and how are they possibly a symptom of IBS? Irritable bowel syndrome is something that no one actually wants to discuss, but more people need to learn about it. This illness affects an average of 50 % of those that see the gastroenterologist each year. Still if you haven't gone there yet, it is likely that eventually, you will want to make the journey. The condition is one that will likely cause you quite a lot of pain and irritation. For that cause, it is essential to find out all that you can about what irritable bowel syndrome or any bowel obstruction symptoms as well as how it can be relieved. That's what we take aim to carry out here. Nonetheless, before you find ease from irritable bowel syndrome, you must know what it actually is.

The bowel obstruction symptoms along the lines of IBS, is also known as spastic colon. In this condition, individuals can feel pain in their abdominal cavities. The agony is due to a problem of the function of your intestine. In addition to pain, you certainly will likewise feel changes in common bowel habits. There could possibly be a lot of symptoms that will be contributed to that of irritated bowel syndrome. Getting to know about these can help you and your physician to get a start on what's wrong. In a lot of bowel obstruction symptoms examples, IBS symptoms typically seem like a normal intestine, but in fact there could be extra problems lying in wait.

The most frequent symptoms will include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomens

  • Bloating.

  • Hurting that is relieved by laxation.

If you are afflicted with any kind of these conditions, you might want to talk to a physician, especially when they are recurring. The symptoms that you may experience may feel like diarrhea or even constipation. In some individuals, it goes from one extreme to the next. A change in the feces is often a sign of IBS. It is also thought, that people with other conditions are more probable to experience IBS. Those conditions include chronic tiredness, stress, chronic pelvic infliction, and fibromyalgia. Many mds have discovered that there is a link between irritable bowel syndrome and mental conditions. They associate IBS to having both neurological and psychological components. In addition to this, health conditions cause it to be worse. As an example, menstruation ordinarily makes IBS worse or causes the bowel obstruction symptoms harder to deal with.

For folks who think that you are battling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it is imperative that you work on getting the relief you need. The 1st step is to be diagnosed by a physician. Most physicians will be able to provide you with the necessary examination and evaluation. Your physician will want to track your bowel movements over a period of time, as well as monitor your other conditions during the monitoring.

Various things that they will look at are:

  • Are you relieved from the pain after laxation?

  • During the time you feel this way, is there a change in the frequency of your stool?

  • When you are experiencing this pain, is there a change in the form or the way that your stool looks?

These questions are a few, along with other questions to see if you have bowel obstruction symptoms of IBS. Then, they will judge the differences and answers found out with what is considered normal against what is not, as listed below:

  • If you have excess of three bowel movements per day or you have fewer than three movements per week that is considered abnormal.

  • If you have hard or lumpy stool or you have a very loose and watery stool that is considered abnormal.

  • If you are straining, or you have an urgent need to go or you feel like you can not completely end, this too is abnormal.

  • If there is any sign of mucous secretion, this is abnormal.

  • In addition, the feeling of pain in the abdomens or the feeling of being bloated is considered abnormal.

Yet through all of this screening, your doctor is likely to do blood test. So please see a professional to test and confirm exactly what the bowel obstruction symptoms that you are experiencing is something to follow up on.

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Diarrhea, like constipation, is one of those embarrassing problems that most people don't like to talk about, but which we all suffer from from time to time. And diarrhea is not only a problem because of the discomfort it brings (which can be considerable) but also because of the damage that prolonged diarrhea can cause.

The damage I'm talking about is that in diarrhea your body loses minerals: particularly potassium. And while a day or 2 of the problem won't cause any long-term damage, prolonged diarrhea can leave your body depleted of potassium and other minerals you need.

Diarrhea is -- quite simply -- loose, watery bowel movements. It doesn't mean more frequent bowel movements, but only ones that are loose and runny. There's often discomfort involved with diarrhea, too.

There are several causes of the problem. Probably the most frequent is that you've got some bacteria in your system, and your body is trying to get rid of it. Other causes can be spicy foods, or it can be a temporary side effect of some medicines.

If you begin having diarrhea, your body will probably need a rest, both physically and digestively. Slow down on your regular diet. This will allow the body to sort out whatever is causing the problem. Begin by drinking 2 glasses of water every time you have loose stools.

This sounds crazy to most people, since they are trying to cure the loose bowel movements, and they think (rightly so) that this will only make them worse. Well, it will, but only temporarily. And what it will do is allow your body to get rid of whatever is upsetting your system. (Remember, I'm a big fan of dealing with the problem itself, and not necessarily with the symptoms).

In addition to drinking the 2 glasses, eat bland, non-stressful foods. Ripe bananas are particularly good. In addition to providing bulk and fiber for your system, a ripe banana provides ample amounts of potassium, which is what your body is needing. Yogurt is good, too, but make sure your yogurt has active yogurt cultures. (If it's homemade, it definitely does. If store bought, it should have "active yogurt cultures" on the label). Yogurt is milk cultured with a gut-friendly bacteria, and the bacteria help to replenish the bacteria your body normally has -- and needs.

Your body has lots of friendly bacteria in your intestines. You need those bacteria to keep you in good health, as well as to help you digest foods. When you've suffered from diarrhea, your body may excrete some of those bacteria. So use yogurt to help get some back in there!

But the water is the main thing you need. The water will help the body flush the bad stuff (whatever it is) out. You'll probably feel tired and need more rest when you've suffered from diarrhea. But keep drinking, eat lightly, sleep a bit more, and you'll be better quickly.

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Gastrointestinal and respiratory crud: Hmm...Seems like this month I am seeing gobs of gastrointestinal and sore throat symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, coughing... It is testing out as Shigella (gut crud), and some type of Streptococcus (respiratory crud) in our neck of the woods (the United States).

It's amazing how many people don't understand the difference between colds and flu and viral vs. bacterial infections, so let's review that first:

Viral infections are usually responsible for flu symptoms: Flu symptoms include achy muscles and joints, alternating fever and chills, white or clear watery discharge, flu like symptoms. Skin symptoms would be blisters. Asthma is usually associated with viruses. Pneumonia can be both viral and bacterial in origin.

Bacterial infections are often associated with colds: Bacterial signs and symptoms include diarrhea, fever, yellow discharge with congestion, and pus, skin discharges would be carbuncles, acne, boils and secondary infections causing lots of oozing and scabbing.

Of course each specific virus or bacteria has its own signs and symptoms, but that's what we see in general. I usually just ask the body which one it is. The body will usually tell me if it's a virus or bacteria, but won't often let me know which particular strain of virus or bacteria it is if I ask from a list. And I have seen a viral infection followed by bacterial infections after a few days. Your body will tell you with muscle testing which products, given a list of products, will work to stimulate the immune system to help fight off infections of both kinds. I hope that helps.

So, here's what's working for most people:

o More electrolytes: fluids, chicken soup, mineral water--we use liquid minerals and vitamins for better absorption. Some people are using the new product called Airborne for the electrolytes and it seems to be helping.

o Rosemary: For some reason people keep testing they need this herb specifically--in capsule, tea or soup form, it doesn't matter. I've been telling people that even if you use canned chicken noodle soup, Lipton's dehydrated chicken noodle soup (which does not contain MSG) or make your own chicken soup, add additional parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. All these herbs are antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and have lots of minerals and a full complement of cell salts in them. I add a dash of Irish moss powder as well, but that is difficult for most of you to find unless you have an awesome herb store.

o Viral Immune System Stimulator Drops and Bacterial System Stimulator Drops by Professional Complementary Health Formulations: Most of my clients have one or both of these homeopathic drops. What's working for us is to take a dropper (about 17 drops) of each twice a day either under your tongue or in water for exposure, and up to three days after the symptoms stop.

o Ipecac homeopathic tabs (30x strength) to control the nausea or vomiting--3-7 tabs under the tongue daily as needed until these symptoms stop. You can get the Hyland's brand at your local health food store.

o Immune Stim Herbs: Many of you have these for various immune challenges. The dose right now is two per day for the next 2-3 weeks. This is a combination of herbs that I was guided to make up many, many years ago to fortify the immune system. The formula contains: Alfalfa, Astragalus, Black Walnut Hull, Burdock Root, Chaparral, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Irish Moss, Red Clover and Wormwood in equal portions. (Ooops--so much for my "secret formula" that seems to work great!)

o Remember to eat your raw fruits and veggies. It's cold out so many of us have not been eating these foods--because they are cold! Our immune systems are suffering from that and all the holiday stress and extra sugar.

o Cut back on sugar: Each time you eat sugar it suppresses your immune system for about six hours. Alcohol also suppresses your immune system because the liver has to work overtime to help remove it from your system.

o Ester C: Ester C is easier on the stomach and has a full complement of molecules to make up the total vitamin C molecule--500mg/day is what is needed (or the juice of two fresh oranges). About half my clients seem to need this.

o Lemons: The juice of one fresh whole lemon once daily for 2-3 days has been helping to break fevers. It helps to flush the system and fry the bacteria, plus it's alkalizing. Drink it straight or diluted, it doesn't matter as long as it's fresh and not that concentrated stuff off the shelf or out of the freezer section.

o Wash your hands regularly and remember to clean the phones and door handles. Carry your own pen and use it instead of using the one the grocery store provides! Imagine all those germs on that utensil!

Well, I hope this helps you all keep from getting the crud! Good luck this cold and flu season!

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