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Since 1817, there have been seven global cholera pandemics. In 2003, 111,575 cholera cases from forty five countries were reported to the World Health Organization.

According to the World Health Organization, cholera is an infection that mainly occurs within the intestines. It is caused by eating or drinking food or water that has been contaminated with the cholera bacterium named Vibrio Cholerae. Its period of incubation ranges from less than one day up to five days and produces enterotoxins that cause copious, painless, watery diarrhea that can quickly lead to severe dehydration and death. The complications of cholera will only occur if treatment is not promptly given.

Source of the Infection

The bacteria of cholera are excreted in feces and come in contact with drinking water or water used for washing and cooking. Eventually, it will infect people. The bacteria can also be spread to food if people do not practice proper hygiene and do not wash their hands thoroughly after using the toilet.

Most of those who are exposed to cholera bacterium do not fall ill too quickly and might never be aware that they have been infected. The main reason for this is because cholera is initially asymptomatic. However, they also do not know that they have been shedding the cholera bacteria in their stools for seven to fourteen days. This makes them the carriers of the disease, as they can still infect other people around them. Most symptomatic or obvious cases of this particular disease cause mild to moderate bouts of diarrhea that are often hard to distinguish from the diarrhea that is caused by other health problems.

When a person is infected with the bacteria that causes cholera, which is Vibrio Cholerae, these bacteria begin to grow within the intestines. After twenty four to forty eight hours, symptoms of cholera can occur. The period between becoming infected and the start of cholera symptoms is called the cholera incubation period.

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of cholera include severe, voluminous, loose stools. The period of incubation for cholera is normally one to five days following the infection. Diarrhea is experienced almost immediately. Diarrhea caused by cholera is often in huge volumes and comes with mucus and dead cells. The feces will have a pale milky appearance that looks like water in which rice has been washed. This term is also called as rice-watery stool.

Fatal Diarrhea

This makes cholera diarrhea so fatal since the loss of fluids is excessive. If the fluid loss is not replaced and exceeds five to ten liters, it can be life-threatening. Severe dehydration can make the skin floppy, cause muscular cramps and damage the voice box as the voice will become hoarse. There is also an effect in one's level of consciousness, which may manifest as lethargy and confusion as it progresses.

Nausea and vomiting occur in both the early and later stages of cholera. Persistent vomiting could happen for hours at a time. As a result of a rapid loss in the essential natural body salts, such as sodium, chloride and potassium, painful muscle cramps may follow. Dehydration develops within hours after the onset of cholera symptoms and is much faster than in any other diarrheal diseases.


Dehydration can range from mild to severe depending on how much body fluid has been lost. A ten percent loss or more of the total body weight indicates severe dehydration. Signs and symptoms of dehydration include lethargy, confusion, sunken eyeballs, extreme thirst, dry mouth, dry skin which is very slow in bouncing back to its original stance whenever pinched, little urine or no urine output at all, low blood pressure and also an irregular heartbeat, medically termed as arrhythmias.

Dealing with Shock

Shock is the most possible serious complication of untreated cholera dehydration. It happens when low blood volume causes a drop in the blood pressure and corresponds to a decreased amount of oxygen that is able to reach the tissues. If this is untreated, severe hypovolemic shock could occur. This condition can lead to death in just a matter of seconds.

For children in general, the signs and symptoms of cholera infection may be the same with the adults. But, they may also experience extreme drowsiness or even coma, fever and convulsions.

Cholera as a Threat

The threat of cholera is small in developed nations, especially those with adequate water treatment. In endemic areas, you will not be infected if you follow food safety precautions and recommendations.

If one is experiencing severe diarrhea and think you may have been exposed to cholera, do not waste time to seek treatment as soon as possible. The sooner you treat yourself, the greater the chance is of saving other innocent lives as well.

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The Miracle is Over

Once hailed as miracle drugs 100 years ago, today antibiotics are proving to be anything but. Medical experts are placing the blame for the extremely rapid evolutionary rate seen in micro-organisms on the overuse of antibiotics. Viruses and bacteria have been exposed to antibiotics for so long that they have now become immune to the once miraculous penicillin or amoxicillin. Antibiotics also cause intense side effects in the patient such as watery diarrhea, nausea and yeast infections in women.

Although humans won one round of the arms race against illness when penicillin was introduced in 1928, bacteria and viruses are winning the latest round. According to a Reuters report, Europe alone has had to spend over 900 million Euros a year fighting illnesses that have become resistant to antibiotics ('Antibiotic Overuse Could Threaten Medicine;' 10/11/2009.) Before penicillin, humans used herbs and food in order to help fight illness. The time may have come to start using ancient treatments once again.

The Rise of the Superbug

Antibiotics became so revered by both doctors and patients in the 1950s that by the 1970s, they were being prescribed for nearly every infection, no matter how mild. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (CDPC), 60% of patients were unaware of which antibiotics were lethal and which were not. For example, antibiotics cannot kill influenza viruses, but most individuals are not aware of same. Doctors questioned for the Reuters article claimed that patients demanded antibiotics and it was easier to give a prescription than to argue.

Bacteria that cannot be killed by current antibiotics have been dubbed 'superbugs.' The best known superbug is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA.) Ten years ago, Staphylococcus aureus could be killed with methicillin. But since viruses reproduce so rapidly with a new generation every few days, it is now completely immune to methicillin. Only the newer generation of antibiotics, such as Vancomycin, seems to have an effect.

But the newest generations of superbugs are already adapting to Vancomycin, according to reports from India ('Emergence of a Vancomycin-resistant strain of Staphylococcus aureus from a tertiary care hospital from the northern part of India;' Hare Krishna Tawari, et al; 'BNC Infectious Diseases'; 2006). This stain is now being called VRSA instead of MRSA. Although given a different name, VRSA presents the same problem - how to destroy the bacteria without harming or killing the patient?

Antibiotics Kill Indiscriminately

Antibiotics do not know what bacteria they are supposed to kill, so they kill all the bacteria they come into contact with - even if those bacteria are essential for a patient's health. For example, the intestinal tract uses certain bacteria to help individuals to digest their food. Without these good bacteria, food simply passes through the digestive tract without extracting the nutrients. In the 1990s, doctors recommended that any patient about to undergo a round of antibiotics either start taking acidophilus capsules or consuming yogurt with live acidophilus cultures - also known as probiotic yogurt.

This addressed the severe diarrhea and cramping that plagued some patients, but the medical community began noticing that one round of antibiotics was not sufficient to kill infections. The patient was then switched to another antibiotic. If that did not work, then the patient was put on a third type of antibiotic. By then, the patient needed hospitalization. Some troublesome bacteria had been exposed to over 150 antibiotics since 1928. They had acclimated to their enemy. But other bacteria, such as those which reside in the human digestive tract, had not adapted and continued to be destroyed.

The pharmaceutical industry's answer is to continue to manufacture new types of antibiotics. But so far they have not been able to create bacteria-specific antibiotics. It takes many years for a new drug to be tested and then gain approval from a country's medicinal drug authority. What should doctors and patients do in the meantime?

Care in the Superbug Era

Simply exposing the infection to an antibiotic begins the countdown for when the bacteria will learn to become resistant to that same antibiotic. Bacteria are not confined to just one human body. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria spread among the population through breath, blood or bodily fluids. Meanwhile, they keep reproducing.

The Mayo Clinic has some recommendations as to how to use the antibiotics that are currently available - use them sparingly and only for certain infections, such as a chronic ear infection. Antibiotics should only be provided to adults, unless there does not seem to be another way to treat a child with an infection. Patients are urged not to use antibiotics of others or to take any pills remaining from a previous infection. Furthermore, if provided an antibiotic, take the entire dose unless side effects are severe.

The Mayo Clinic also urges that prevention is the best weapon against not only superbugs, but any other bacteria-borne illness. Hands should be washed after using the lavatory. Wounds - even small ones - should be cleaned and bandaged. Individuals diagnosed with an infection should not go to work or school to help stop the illness from spreading. Individuals who do not eat a balanced diet should take multivitamin supplements to aid the immune system.

Manuka Honey

One promising weapon in the fight against superbugs is derived from manuka honey (honey that is made from the tea tree, also known as manuka.) Manuka bushes or 'trees' grow best in Australia and New Zealand, so manuka honey may be difficult to find in certain parts of the world. But manuka honey has been shown to weaken MRSA bacteria, according to promising tests conducted at the University of Wales in Cardiff.

National Geographic and the University of Wales speculate that manuka honey contains an ideal combination of sugar and antibiotics. The University of Wales also notes that MRSA can still thrive in a sugar syrup, but not in a manuka honey solution. It can be placed directly upon a wound, provided that it is medicinal-grade or sterilized manuka honey, otherwise it will not work.

Although the decline of antibiotics seems daunting, there are always alternatives, such as manuka honey and enhanced hygiene to help individuals steer clear of infections.

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Irritable bowel syndrome may cause a lot of discomfort to a person. Hence, it is extremely necessary to treat it on time. In order to consult a health care practitioner or start working towards eliminating this problem, one should start early. This indicates that you should watch for warning signs of irritable bowel syndrome and start working for it.

There are several symptoms that suggest the presence of irritable bowel syndrome inside the body. The symptoms include the following:

a) Pain or discomfort in the abdomen

This is one of the most common signs of irritable bowel syndrome. The pain may be mild or severe. One can also experience severe pain when passing wind, opening the bowels or even eating. Pain usually occurs at a particular time of the day. People experience the pain in the evening. Women may feel the discomfort getting worse during that menstrual cycle.

b) Change in bowel habits

The irritable bowel syndrome may result in varying the consistency of faeces. It may either get hard, pellet-like loose or watery. One may also pass certain amounts of mucus. The bowel habit usually varies between constipation and diarrhea. You may also feel that your bowels have not been emptied completely.

c) Bloated abdomen

This is a major discomfort that occurs due to inability of passing wind from the body.

d) Passing excess wind

This is a common problem faced by people with irritable bowel syndrome. It is also referred to as excessive flatulence. One must steer clear of 'windy vegetables' such as broccoli, cauliflower, legumes and cabbage.

e) Other symptoms

There are other common symptoms. One may face due to irritable bowel syndrome. These symptoms include the following:

o Bloating

o Gas

o Flatulence

o Diarrhea

o Constipation

o Alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea.

o Abdominal pain

o Abdominal cramping

o Feeling or strong urge to have a bowel movement even after you have had one.

o Diarrhea after eating

o Diarrhea early in the morning

o Indigestion

o Experiencing a sense of fullness.

o Nausea

o Vomiting

Most people show only mild signs and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Sometimes, the problem may result in a lot of discomfort. There are also cases where the patient with irritable bowel syndrome does not respond well to the medical treatment. This is because symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome may be present with several other diseases.

Most people may suffer this problem as a chronic condition. The best thing to do is to visit a doctor and discuss the symptoms.

The condition is not fatal but one can suffer from a lot of discomfort due to irritable bowel syndrome. Life is beautiful. It should be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. As soon as you suffer from the symptoms mentioned above, it would be wise to visit an experienced health care practitioner.

You also require to make some changes in your lifestyle and food habits to improve the condition and make it disappear completely in the future. Irritable bowel syndrome is not fatal. It can be easily cured. Make sure you watch out for the warning signs.

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Bleeding of the bowels is a sign that something could be wrong and can occur as a result of a number of different conditions. Most of these conditions can be easily treated and cured but of course the greatest concern of rectal bleeding is cancer.

One cause of rectal bleeding is Hemorrhoids, which are otherwise commonly known as piles. They are dilated blood vessels that can rupture and bleed which can occur on the outside of the anus and are felt as little bumps which can be very painful. They can also occur on the inside of the anal canal where they are usually painless. Hemorrhoids can be treated and cured.

A fissure is a tear in the lining tissue of the anus which can be caused by diarrhea or more commonly constipation. The hard stool stretches the lining causing it to tear slightly, which exposes the nerve endings and blood vessels causing pain. Most patients experience pain on passing a stool. A fissure can be treated with medication or sometimes surgical intervention.

A fistula is an abnormal passage between the rectum and the skin around the anus which can bleed and discharge. Again fistulas can be treated with medication or surgical intervention.

Colitis is where the colon, rectum or both become inflamed or ulcerated and bleed. The patient usually experiences abdominal cramps, urgency to defecate and pain on defecation. When only the rectum is inflamed this is known as proctitis.

Colonic polyps are small growths of tissue on the inside lining of the large intestine. They often cause no symptoms but can result in bleeding, pain and passing of mucus with bowel motions. There are two main types of polyps in the bowel one of which is of no long term significance. However, the other more common polyps are benign tumours called adenomas which if left have the potential to grow and develop into a malignant cancer. One in ten adenomas turn into cancer. Polyps can be identified and removed during a colonoscopy. The tissue sample is then sent to pathology.

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If you are allergic to eggs then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies.
The immune system overreacts to the proteins fond in the eggs. The immune system products antibodies that are designed to fight off the harmful egg proteins. The reason the body overacts to certain foods is not clear and more studies are needed.

The proteins fond in the egg whites usually cause allergic to eggs reaction but in rare cases some individuals have been know to be allergic to the yolks of eggs. People with allergies to eggs have a good chance of being allergic to chicken products. As your body becomes sensitized to the eggs allergens, you may react to the ingestion of chicken products as well.

Most food allergy reactions usually happen within a few minutes to a few hours after eating the eggs. Most mild to moderate reactions last less than a day and can involve a rash on the skin, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing.

Prior to seeing any allergy specialist for testing to on egg allergies you will need to stop taking any anti-allergy medication or over the counter antihistamines 2 to 3 days before the test are to be performed. Talk to the allergy specialist if you are unsure about any medications that need to be stopped and for how long.

The allergic to eggs testing involves putting a liquid extract of the egg protein on your body, usually the back or forearm, and then scratching the skin slightly. If you develop hives, or red bumps, or the skin turns reddish in color and itches then these symptoms could indicate a positive result for allergies to eggs.

Another test that can be performed is called The Food Challenge. You are told to avoid all egg-containing foods for several weeks. Avoidance can be very difficult because egg protein is often hidden in other foods. Read the labels of every food that you bring into your home. Because the manufacturing processes change continuously re-read the labels each time you purchase a product. On January 1, 2006 a new law was passed stating that all labels should be designed in such a way that a 7-year-old child could read and understand the ingredients.

The doctor will then have you eat only eggs under close supervision. If symptoms appear after eating the egg products they you are allergic to eggs and will need to avoid anything that has on the label, contains egg ingredients, made using egg ingredients, or made in a facility that also processes eggs.

A growing awareness about food allergies is becoming well known in the United States. Food manufactures and restaurants are becoming more understanding and willing to accommodate people living with food allergies. Living with any food allergy is no longer a major undertaking; it is now just a minor adjustment to your life-style.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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The common cold is a major concern for people from all over the world and hence the need to look at different kinds of cold remedies. The average person will get between 2 and 4 colds in a year. It can also manifest together with a cough which with time can cause chest pains and a general discomfort. There are a number of remedies including medications, over-the-counter pills and medications. Most people prefer natural remedies to avoid the side effects of medications.

The most common signs of a cold include but not limited to runny nose, nasal congestion, mild or strong head ache, sneezing, coughing, fever watery eyes, and congestion. You should note that a good diet is vital to support the remedies.

Below are some of the proven cold remedies:

Zinc lozenges

Zinc is a vital mineral needed by over 300 body enzymes. It's abundant in foods like seafood, eggs, liver, and meat. Zinc can be gotten as lozenges in health shops. Research has indicated a high efficiency among those who took zinc 24 hrs after initial signs of the cold. It also impairs the ability of the virus to multiply.

Vitamin D

Of all people, those found with higher vitamin D levels are less susceptible to catching the cold. Apart from that, it's a common ingredient among remedies for colds.


A traditional Chinese root, astralagus has been proven to increase immunity to contracting colds and flu. It doubles up as an anti viral and anti oxidant that will provide relief to those with heart conditions. Health stores stock it in capsule and tea form. It also prevents colds before they occur. It also increases efficacy of other medication


Popular home cure for a wide range of issues. It can be taken in soup, chewed or made as garlic juice. Its compound allicin has antiviral and fungal properties. Potency is at a maximum when the garlic is raw and fresh.

Vitamin C

It's a very popular cold remedy. It also protects from colds and ensures severity; occurrence and duration of colds are reduced dramatically. It should however be used in moderation as large amounts can cause diarrhea.


Probably the most used across various cultures around the world. Research has shown it reduces coughs among kids significantly and assists them to sleep well. It carries anti oxidant and antiseptic properties. It may however be unsafe in kids younger than a year old.


It's a very popular herb touted by herbalists as having the ability to cure and prevent colds. The suggested dosage is taking after every 3 hours for several days to alleviate all the symptoms.


There is a variety of ginseng for sale but the North American type has gotten a good reputation when it comes to healing and preventing colds. It has been noted that it could reduce the effect of medications like blood thinners, anti-psychotics and diabetes medications. People with hormone related conditions are advised to steer clear of Ginseng


Its one of the most popular remedies for colds throughout the world. It treats runny noses, coughs, white tongue aches and general body aches. It can be brewed into a tea which is a popular cold management home remedy. You can add honey and lemon to soothe the throat. some people report disturbances like heartburn when used excessively so practice some moderation.

Elder berry

It has a long history in treating flu, colds and sinus infections. Its extracts have indicated ability to fight viruses. Its compounds strengthen the immune system while blocking flu infection at the same time. It is distributed as juice capsules or a syrup.

Eucalyptus steam inhale

Eucalyptus oil in boiling water provides steam that can help calm flu and cold symptoms. Cover your head with the steam under a blanket to reap the full benefits.


Boil a glass of water and put in a fresh lemon. Lemon contains medicinal qualities and it can help you to get rid of cold.

Other remedies like the legendary chicken soup and broth have proven to have good levels of success in combating colds. You should be sure before you attempt any of the above of their compatibility with any drugs you are taking to avoid conflicts and side effects. The best thing would be to consult your doctor so he/she can advice you on the best remedy. You can use one or several of the above cold remedies for best results.

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Food poisoning, an illness not typically thought of as a life-threatening condition, can make its victims quite miserable for the few days it affects them. Those who suffer from this condition will experience extreme abdominal cramping, nausea and vomiting, and persistent diarrhea. In the worst cases, these symptoms can cause the victim to lose enough fluids to become dangerously dehydrated. Without medical attention, these folks run the risk of death.


You become infected with food poisoning when you eat food that has been contaminated by an attacking microorganism. Certain strands of bacteria, viruses, and even parasites may cause this illness. These dangerous microbes, often found in animal feces, may come into contact with and infect food during just about any stage of packaging and processing. 

Most of the time, if food is stored, cleaned, packaged, and prepared properly, then consumers do not run the risk of being poisoned. Sometimes, however, workers can be negligent when they handle these products and consumers then fall ill as a result. Some common causes of food poisoning include:

Failure to fully wash produce

Failing to full cook meat, or leaving meat out for too long (so that it spoils)

Drinking milk or juices that have not been pasteurized

Drinking contaminated water

Eating food prepared by workers who do not take proper sanitary measures, such as washing their hands after using the bathroom

Eating foods that are inherently toxic

Eating food that has not been packaged and stored properly

If you have fallen ill because a restaurant worker, food manufacturer, or grocery store handled their food items unsafely, then you have the right to take legal action.


No matter what type of bacteria or virus infects your body, you should expect to experience these common, universal symptoms:

Nausea and vomiting

Watery diarrhea

Severe abdominal cramping

No appetite


If you start to see blood in your stools, if you cannot retain liquids, or if your symptoms persist for several days, then you should seek medical attention right away.

Contact Us

If you or someone you love has suffered food poisoning as the result of another party's negligence, then you may have the right to recover compensation. The Tucson personal injury lawyers of Haralson, Miller, Pitt, Feldman & McAnally, P.L.C. have the experience necessary to help you make an effective claim for damages. To learn more, visit http://www.hmpmlaw.com/ today. 

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With summer here, most of us will be having lots of barbeques with our friends and family in Florida and around the country. We'll be cooking burgers, hot dogs and chicken every chance we can Well today it's the chicken that I want to talk to you about.

In a relatively recent study done by Consumer Reports back in 2007, they tested 525 fresh, whole broilers at supermarkets and other stores in 23 states for the bacteria Campylobacter and Salmonella. Several of the leading brands were included in the test. What they found was startling.

Campylobacter was found in 81% of the chickens, Salmonella in 15% and 13% of the chickens tested had both bacteria.

What is Campylobacter? It is a bacterium that can also be found, with not quite the frequency as in chicken, in healthy cattle, birds, raw milk, and contaminated water. Most cases of campylobacteriosis are associated with eating raw or undercooked poultry meat or from cross-contamination of other foods by these items. Infants may get the infection by contact with poultry packages in shopping carts. It is also possible to get infected from the feces of an infected pet cat or dog. It is the leading cause of bacterial diarrhea in the United States, more than Salmonella and Shigella combined.

It doesn't take a lot of this organism to get you ill. In some studies it showed that as little as 500 organisms can cause disease in some individuals. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention says that you can get infected from one drop of juice from raw chicken meat.

Campylobacter jejuni, the species most often implicated in infection causes diarrhea, which may be watery or sticky and can contain blood and white blood cells. Other symptoms often present are fever, abdominal pain, nausea, headache and muscle pain. The illness usually occurs 2-5 days after ingestion of the contaminated food or water. Illness generally lasts 7-10 days, but relapses are not uncommon (about 25% of cases).

There can be complications associated with campylobacteriosis; they include arthritis and neurological disorder Guillain-Barré syndrome. It is estimated that the latter is seen in one out of every 1000 cases of Campylobacter.

Most cases of Campylobacter are self-limiting and do not require treatment. However severe cases can be treated with antibiotics to shorten the length of the disease.

So how do you protect you and your family from this diarrheal disease? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that the following steps can be taken:

o In the supermarket, choose well-wrapped chicken, and put it in a plastic bag to keep juices from leaking.
o Store chicken at 40° F or below. If you won't use it for a couple of days, freeze it.
o Thaw frozen chicken in a refrigerator (in its packaging and on a plate), or on a plate in a microwave oven. Cook chicken thawed in a microwave oven right away.
o Prevent cross contamination. Separate raw chicken from other foods. Immediately after preparing it, wash your hands with soap and water, and clean anything you or raw chicken touched.
o To kill harmful bacteria, cook chicken to at least 165° F.
o Don't return cooked meat to the plate that held it raw.
o Refrigerate or freeze leftovers within two hours of cooking.
o Avoid drinking unpasteurized milk and contaminated surface water.
o Wash hands with soap and water after contact with pet feces.

Undercooked chicken should never be eaten; the risk of food borne illness is ever present in this common summertime grilling food. Don't put a damper on your summer barbeques, cook all meats thoroughly.

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It's often hard for people to talk about trouble they might be having with their digestive system, especially when it involves a socially embarrassing condition like diarrhea. Most people are surprised to learn that diarrhea is one of the most common medical conditions affecting any age group, second only to the common cold. Most people experience diarrhea only temporarily, and it passes on its own without any significant treatment. Others will find they experience diarrhea on an ongoing basis, and these people often have to seek chronic diarrhea treatment.

Who Needs Diarrhea Treatment?

As mentioned previously, there are some cases of diarrhea that are little more than signs of indigestion, while other cases are quite serious and might be the symptom of a more significant health problem that needs chronic diarrhea treatment. If you've been experiencing diarrhea continuously for more than twenty-four hours, it's probably a good idea to seek treatment for diarrhea from your doctor. They can perform the tests that are necessary to determine the causes of your condition. It's especially important that you don't wait longer for diarrhea treatment, because it could result in dehydration or even death if you allow it to continue for too long.

Symptoms That Indicate the Need for Diarrhea Treatment

Anytime you're experiencing abnormal activity in your bowels it's important to pay attention to the symptoms so that you can get treatment for diarrhea if the need arises. Most people are familiar with the symptoms of diarrhea that indicate treatment for diarrhea might be necessary, but just as a reminder, be sure to watch for:

• Watery, liquid stools of any color. Red and black stools both indicate a serious medical problem and should be cause for seeking emergency treatment right away.
• Moderate to intense abdominal pain. This can occur both before and after bouts of diarrhea. If the pain is so severe that you can't walk or stand up, seek diarrhea treatment immediately.
• Dehydration. This is a common side effect of diarrhea because the body expels so much fluid with the waste.

Finding Your Own Diarrhea Treatment Plan

If you're just experiencing an out of the ordinary bout of diarrhea, it's fairly simple to take care of the problem with your own treatment for diarrhea. First, you'll want to drink a lot of water because it's easy to completely deplete your body of liquids with just a moderate case of diarrhea. If a child is suffering, this treatment plan is even more important. Avoid drinking milk as this can make the diarrhea worse. Another common treatment is to follow the BRAT diet, which stands for bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast.

Using Probiotics as a Diarrhea Treatment Plan

Some people live with more than just the occasional bout of diarrhea, and these are the individuals in need of a chronic diarrhea treatment plan. Typically, diarrhea that is reoccurring, or lasts for more than a few days but is not caused by illness is the result of an imbalance of bad bacteria in the digestive system. Probiotics can help restore normal function and replenish the good bacteria into your digestive system.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

With the growing global demand for more natural health products many people are becoming aware of the substantial benefits of a healthy colon cleanse. A concern for some is will they experience diarrhea? With a safe healthy colon cleanse diarrhea should not be a symptom.

Clinical diarrhea is defined as frequent and watery bowel movements, often leaving the sufferer weak, drained and dehydrated and caused by temporary problems including,

- A Virus

- Infection

- Intestinal disease such as IBS, Celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease

- Lactose intolerance

- Prescription drugs, reactions to medications such as blood pressure regulators and antibiotics

- Parasites

- Bacterial infections from contaminated food or water

If using Osmotic laxatives as a colon cleanse, diarrhea is an expected result. Their purpose is to leech water from the body and into the colon converting compacted waste into diarrhea. Commonly causing other distresses to the body including build up of gas, severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance as well as the diarrhea.

Many herbal cleanses use ingredients such as Senna and Cascara sagrada. If using this type of colon cleanse, diarrhea can be an unwelcome side effect. Other herbal cleanses can have the opposite effect, causing hard to pass dry and bulky stool and in severe cases can actually cause total obstruction due to the bulking effect of the fibre trying to pass through an already restricted colon.

With a preferred oxygen based natural healthy colon cleanse, diarrhea is not a symptom. An oxygen based colon cleanse works by sustained time released oxygen (over 18 hours in proven effective oxygen cleansers). Providing a complete cleaning of the whole digestive tract as well as providing oxygen therapy to the blood, liver, kidneys and other organs as it is transported in safe ozonated magnesium oxide. Providing the added benefit of assisting in the elimination of a large number of parasites and anaerobic bacteria that cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.

The purpose of an oxygen colon cleanser is to oxidise compacted stuck stool. In other words it turns solids into a liquid or gas. it is highly recommended to start with small doses (which is usually enough for most people) and slowly build up until 3-5 bowel movements are achieved in a day, that way excessive, disruptive or extremely urgent bathroom visits are avoided, unlike a case of diarrhea.

Not all Oxygen based colon cleansers are the same however, some are not effective due to the use of improper and inferior ingredients. As a result of using these products for a colon cleanse, diarrhea, dehydration and other symptoms are possible.

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Although I have a daughter with severe food allergies, I am not a doctor and this article is not medical advice.

The definition of anaphylaxis in the simplest form is some kind of harmful reaction to a food, an insect sting, or exposure to other types of allergens. Anaphylactic reactions often "sneak up" without notice, but understanding the signs and symptoms can teach you to recognize the "red flags" before they become a bigger problem.

Anaphylaxis is a whole body reaction, where after being exposed to an allergen, the body becomes sensitized to that allergen. When that allergen is re-introduced into the body, the body produces histamines to fight it. It is during this reaction that the bodies' outside signals show what is happening on the inside.

An anaphylactic reaction could begin with tingling sensations, itching anywhere on the body, hives, wheezing, difficulty breathing, vomiting, swelling of the throat, coughing with increased intensity, diarrhea, a drop in blood pressure, nausea, swelling of the mouth and lips, watery or puffy eyes, or difficulty swallowing. It could also include skin redness and irritation, splotchy skin, confusion, anxiety, light-headedness, nasal congestion, and slurred speech.

Anaphylactic symptoms may be mild with only itching, or severe in combination with difficulty breathing, hives, and other symptoms. The symptoms can begin within seconds of a food being ingested, or show up two hours later. They can appear and disappear quickly, then come back several hours after the incident.

In some circumstances, anaphylaxis can be fatal if not treated properly and with quick action.

Children may not be able to tell adults what the specific allergy or reaction may be, and precious time can be wasted if adults do not immediately understand that the child is having a reaction to something.

Children may describe these allergic reactions as the food being spicy (when it is not), the tongue being hot, their mouth feeling funny, or like something is poking or itching their tongue. They could also say it feels like a frog is in their throat, their lips feel tight, like there are bugs in there, or complain that their throat feels thick. Or, simple observations of other signs will tell you.

If at any point you notice any of these signs or symptoms of anaphylaxis or see your child having an anaphylactic reaction, follow your doctor's instructions on handling the situation. When in doubt, call 911 and take your child to the Emergency Room.

For help with communicating your child's food allergies and to download 12 Pre-written Allergy Letters for your communication plan (including the Emergency Allergy Plan that describes in detail how your child may describe an allergic reaction), visit http://www.allergylettersinabox.com the website below.

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Have you ever snacked on something and then been even hungrier than before the snack? Do you get cravings for a specific food that will not go away until you satisfy that craving? If you answer yes to either of these two questions then it is a good chance you some type of food allergy. This is good news for you if you are also over weight, because there is a simple solution to your excess weight problem.

Allergies affect people in different ways. The most common ways that an allergy will manifest itself may involve a rash on the skin, cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, runny nose, watery eyes, wheezing and coughing.

What is interesting to note is that some allergic responses will cause the human body to produce adrenaline (epinephrine), dopamine, serotonin, and opioid enkephalin. Because of the stimulating and other effects of these chemicals the allergic symptoms are masked. Epinephrine is the drug of choice to treat a sever allergy attack.

Dr William Philopott has speculated that frequent ingestion of allergenic foods will trigger a rise in the amount of opioid enkephalin found in the brain. Opioid Enkephalin is a narcotic that is naturally produced by the human body.

To someone addicted to these chemicals can cause you to suffer from withdrawal symptoms when access to a particular food is denied. The obese person has no idea that the phenomenon of allergies and addictions to both foods and chemicals can control the daily eating habits with a powerful physiological need to stop the withdrawal symptoms caused by food allergies.

An allergic reaction can cause a drastic reduction in the blood sugar level. Irritability, weakness, and hunger symptoms will not go away when food is consumed in normal amounts. This allergic and addictive response to an allergic attack can cause an uncontrollable eating disorder.

Patients that have started a low-allergen diet usually experience a marked increased sense of well being with a single month. Food allergies or food intolerances can cause the body to retain both water and fat. Water retention is a common symptom of an allergic response. With the new low-allergen diet a rapid water loss of five to ten pounds within a week is often noticed. After the excess water has been removed from the human body the patient will tend to loose fat more easily.

Vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium will neutralize the acidity caused by the allergic reaction and should reduce the hunger pangs and relieve stress. Two teaspoons of a combination of the nutrients can eliminate withdrawal symptoms of food allergies and can reduce the hunger cravings.

A combination of avoidance of the allergenic foods and the use if this nutritional supplement can offer patients a dramatic alleviation of symptoms from food allergies, especially hunger. If this vitamin and nutrient combination gives you relief from withdrawal symptoms and eliminates you hunger then the indications are that your symptoms were indeed caused by an allergic-addiction to foods.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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If you're taking care of dog for many years ago, then probably you experience having a big problem about your dogs health. Diarrhea is one of the most common disease dog can experience. It make you feel bad seeing your dog sick and unhealthy. As a dog owner we want our dog to be playful, active and healthy all the times.

Seeing them suffering from diarrhea can break your heart especially if they are still puppies. Which badly most need the love and care. Some breed like shih tzu are very active and they love to play, sometimes they ruined some of the furniture at home that can cause diarrhea.

However, if you notice your dog suffering from diarrhea the first thing you should is to bring them right away in the veterinary clinic for proper treatment as well as rehydration. Diarrhea is not very simple health problem that most of us think. Because if it is left untreated it may lead to death.

So how will you know if your dog suffering from diarrhea? Just like humans, when you notice them moves from too many times a day with the watery side then probably its diarrhea. And of course observe the dog for weakness and even vomiting. These diarrhea may usually last a couple of days. And this disease can be classify as mild or severe and each classification has different treatment as well. However, usually the cause is virus. But no matter what, you should deal with it properly and never ever ignore it.

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Canine Coronavirus is a highly contagious virus that invades and replicates in the small intestine. The resulting symptoms are generally not too severe except if the dog is already infected with the Parvo virus. Together Corona and Parvo are synergistic producing exaggerated symptoms and possibly leading to death.

Corona is typically spread by fecal material. The virus can stay in the environment for months so transmission is fairly easy. Like many of the canine viruses multi-dog environments such as kennels, shelters and dog parks pose a higher risk. Also, puppies are more vulnerable than adult dogs.

The most prevalent symptom is watery diarrhea which tends to be more yellowish and foul smelling. Other symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and depression.


There's no cure for Coronavirus. Treatment varies with the severity of the symptoms. With diarrhea you always want to be very cautious about dehydration. If the dog does get dehydrated, subcutaneous or IV fluids are needed to protect him from organ damage and going into shock.

Antibiotics are sometimes used to prevent opportunistic secondary infections. And some medications and dietary changes can be used to help with severe diarrhea and/or vomiting. The disease generally runs it's course within 10 days.


Since the virus can be anywhere dogs congregate and since puppies with less developed immune systems are more vulnerable, prevention for puppies includes avoiding these places and any contact with stray dogs.

There is a vaccination for Coronavirus. It's fairly effective but there are multiple strains of Corona so it's possible to be vaccinated and not be immune to all strains. You want to talk to your Vet to determine the prevalence of the virus in your area. As well you want to assess the risk relative to your individual situation.

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When your Pug starts acting out of the ordinary and showing allergic reactions it can be very scary! Pugs can have both internal and external allergic reactions that can be baffling to figure out what they are stemming from. These allergic reactions include: vomiting, diarrhea, hives, lethargy, sneezing and even wheezing. Sadly, all of these can be life threatening.

About six months ago we were a having a normal day at home when out of the blue our Pug, Martini, started vomiting. We were concerned, but not overly concerned as otherwise Martini was acting normal. We also noticed she had a red bump on one of the folds of her face. We decided to watch her closely as we thought she could have ate something bad, been stung by a bee, or had an allergic reaction to something in the air.

Over the course of the day she would vomit occasionally and mostly rest. We were worried and decided to boil a chicken breast with some rice to see if that would calm her stomach. We left the rice watery to keep her hydrated and cut the chicken into small bite-sized pieces. We were advised by our Vet to feed Martini this meal when her stomach is upset, but to not make it a habit! She ate the food and rested some more.

Later in the night things took a turn for the worse. Martini suddenly developed big hives all over her body and continued to vomit. We called the 24 hour ER Veterinarian service and they told us to give Martini a Benadryl (1 mg per pound) every six hours. They also advised us to place cool compresses on her body and if she didn't get better bring her in immediately. We did as advised and waited to see if our little pugglet would get better.

My loving and devoted husband, Eric, stayed up all night long with Martini to make sure we didn't need to rush her in. He wrapped her body in cool rags and cuddled with her. The hives eventually went down and the vomiting stopped. The next morning we took her to our Veterinarian who gave her a shot of Cortisone and advised us to always keep Benadryl on hand for occasions like this.

Our Veterinarian could not say what caused the allergic reaction and we'll probably never know. He gave us another bit of advice we'll never forget, and that is it is better to be safe then sorry! Pug allergies and allergic reactions can be deadly, so when in doubt take your pooch to the Doctor. They can administer drugs and fluids to keep your Pug alive and get your pup on the road to a speedy recovery!

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As spring bursts onto the scene with all of its lovely color, vibrancy, light, and new growth you may- unfortunately - experience an array of discomforting symptoms. Your eyes may tear, you may have a scratchy or draining throat, your nose may be constantly itchy and you may be always be on the verge of a sneeze or experience repeated sneezing - spring allergies

Seasonal allergies are usually accompanied by "stuffiness", sneezing, watery eyes, excess drainage, runny nose, excess mucus. These symptoms are the body's attempts to flush out an offending allergen. For those with seasonal allergies these symptoms can get out of hand and result in feeling miserable.

Herbs can be added to your medicine chest of remedies to help make your change of season more comfortable and enjoyable. Before deciding which herbs to include as part of your spring allergy relief program, it is wise to check with a practitioner familiar with herbal health care.

Bioflavonoids to the Rescue

Bioflavonoids are an important constituent found in many flowers, leaves, and fruits that help bring relief for seasonal allergy symptoms.

Bioflavonoids help prevent the formation of histamine. Histamine is one of the substances released by the body in an attempt to get rid of the offending foreign particle - the allergen. It is a hormone that causes tearing eyes and runny noses to enable the body to flush out the offending allergen. Histamine prompts the body to quickly get rid of the allergen by activating the common allergy symptoms such as itchy and watery eyes, runny and congested nose and sinuses, and swelling and inflammation.

Increasing your intake of bioflavonoids helps prevent the formation of histamine (as opposed to commonly used over the counter anti-histamines which interfere with histamine's action after it has been produced). Herbs that help alleviate sneezing, watery eyes, and runny noses contain substances that prevent the formation of histamine. Without histamine, your seasonal allergy symptoms can be significantly reduced. Many bioflavonoids are also anti-inflammatories, which means they decrease the swelling of tissues caused by reacting to an allergen.

Anti-allergenic and bioflavonoid rich herbs include German chamomile, lemon balm, Baical skullcap, mints, anise, ginger, peppermint, spearmint, feverfew, milk thistle, and yarrow.

Hawthorn is an anti-histamine herb that blocks the release of histidine decaroxylase needed to convert histamine in the body. Licorice, ginkgo, cinnamon, cardamom, rosemary, many mints and the essential oils of orange, tangerine, lemon are antihistamine and anti-allergenic and help relax the nasal passages and airways. German chamomile may slow allergic reactions by increasing the adrenal glands' production of cortisone, which reduces lung inflammation and makes breathing easier. These herbs can be taken as teas or in tincture form.

Herbal Baths and Teas Help Soothe Irritation

Essential oils of chamomile, clove, caraway, and lemon balm contain natural antihistamines that can be useful for soothing itchy hives. Mix a few drops of the essential oil with an ounce of carrier oil such as almond or olive and apply to hives. Never apply the essential oils directly to skin as they can be caustic. Never take essential oils internally unless directed by a health care practitioner.

Itchy hives can also be relieved by taking an herbal bath. Dried antihistamine herbs such as thyme, German chamomile, basil, fennel, and tarragon can be mixed together and made into a soothing bath for allergy relief for skin reactions. To make an effective herbal bath use a quart glass jar and fill the jar one-third way of the dried herb mixture. Pour in boiling water to fill the jar. Put a cap on the jar and let it sit for over an hour. If you want a stronger bath, let the mixture sit four to six hours. Strain out the herbs and pour the remaining herbal liquid into the bath. Soak and relax. These same bath herbs can be used to make an anti- allergy tea to help relieve those worrisome symptoms. To make a tea use one teaspoon of the herbs to one cup of boiling water. Steep for 20 minutes. Drink one to three cups a day.

More Herbal Allergy Helpers

An allergic response can cause tissue lining the sinuses to swell, which can block the outlets of the sinuses to the nose. When this happens mucus build up in the sinuses can cause headaches and mucus draining from the back of the nose into the throat (the common postnasal drip). Using an over-the-counter anti-histamine with these symptoms can thicken the mucus even more so that it can not drain. It is better to help dilate the sinus passages and thin and liquefy the mucus so that it can drain easily. Hot chili peppers are very effective at draining thick, congested mucus and relieving these symptoms. Herbs such as ginger, yarrow, lemongrass, chickweed, red clover, fenugreek can be effective decongestants that thin and liquefy the congested mucus.

To help relieve the scratchy, sore throat that accompanies seasonal allergies herbs that soothe and coat the mucus membranes - demulcents- can be effective. Demulcent herbs include: marshmallow, malva, slippery elm, and violet. If a cough accompanies the sore throat, you can try plantain, wild cherry bark, or horehound all of which act as excellent cough relievers. Plantain also supports the adrenals, acts as an anti-spasmodic and helps expel mucus.

Nettles helps to prevent the excessive release of inflammatory substances such as leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are one of the natural body substances released when an allergen enters the body resulting in an inflammatory response. This leads to irritated and swollen mucus membranes that secrete excessive mucus. Nettles is also anti-allergen, enhances the immune system and increases the body's ability to handle stress.

The herb ginkgo contains ginkgolides that interfere with the chain of events that results in allergic reactions. Phytochemicals found in ginkgo biloba block the action of platelet-activating factor that activates immune cells responsible for inflammation. Several studies suggest that ginkgo improves the ability to tolerate allergens. Follow label directions on the bottle as far as dosage is concerned. Avoid taking in excess as excessive ginkgo can lead to diarrhea, irritability, and insomnia.

Another helpful herb to use to increase the body's ability to resist reacting to allergens is milk thistle. Milk thistle protects the liver and improves its ability to clear antigens from the body and strengthens mucus membrane integrity while providing bioflavanoids.

Herbs can be a definite benefit in helping you enjoy the early days of spring and move energetically and free from allergy symptoms into the warm days of summer.

Before taking any herbs always learn about the herb you are taking to be sure it is compatible with you and check with a knowledgeable herbal health care provider. Enjoy!

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You'll never know when it's going to attack. Loose Bowel Movement or what we call diarrhea, is the passage of a watery or loose stool occurring more frequently than your usual bowel movement. This sometimes occurs due to a simple irritation of the bowel. But there are times that these happen because of an infection. It is better to be aware of the symptoms and be able to know how to deal with it. This actually leads to a serious kind of complications.

The major concern in a child with diarrhea is the risk of being dehydrated, the loss of fluid and electrolytes, and the development of metabolic acidosis that may even lead to death. It is dangerous because it can cause undernutrition because nutrients can be lost from the body during the frequent passage of stool and sometimes the parents may contribute to the undernutrition due to the lack of knowledge about it. What the parents don't know is that they should allow the child to eat as much as they want mostly when they have diarrhea. In that way, the excreted nutrition can be replaced.

Here are some pointers that you may observe and can be helpful during the diagnosis of the disease:

    o Character of the stool
    You should observe whether the stool is watery or just plain loose. You can also check for the color of the stool, odor, and the consistency.

    o Pain and abdominal cramping
    Observe for the frequency of pain, what kind of pain whether it is cramping or twisting.

    o Dehydration
    This occurs when too much nutrients and fluid is lost. And the main goal is to rehydrate the patient or the child. The patient can be assessed by pinching the skin, this is for checking the skin turgor, whether the skins elasticity is lost. Check for drying of the skin, and then this means that the patient has been severely dehydrated. Other things that can be helpful to check for dehydration is the presence of a sunken eyeball, decreased urine output, cold clammy skin, weight loss, frequent thirst, and absence of tears during crying.

    o Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
    This may result due to too much fluid loss. It can cause the child to have manifestations of weakness, confusion, and decrease response to stimuli.

    o Metabolic acidosis
    This occurs due to severe dehydration and malnutrition. It may lead to drowsiness, stupor and even coma.

    The person with diarrhea can lose essential water and salts, so what we do is to prevent the occurrence of dehydration. There are 2 phases that can help:

    1. Rehydration Phase
    This is the replacement of the fluid due to fluid and salt lost in stools and vomitus.

    2. Maintenance Phase
    It is the replacement of lost fluid during the ongoing diarrhea and vomiting.

Some tips on how to deal with dehydration:

    o Treatment Plan A: To prevent dehydration
    Explain to the mother on how to treat diarrhea at home. By just simply following these 3 rules, your child can be prevented from getting dehydrated:

    1. Give your child a lot of fluids than the usual. Give rice water, fruit juices, weak tea, soup, or salt and sugar solutions (ORS). ORS stands for Oral Rehydrating Salts, you can actually make this at home by mixing 1 tsp of salt to a 8 tsp pf sugar and then add 1 liter of clean drinking water.

    2. Give your child food. Don't scold the child from eating, at least the lost nutrients and fluids can be replenished, but give those foods that are easy to digest and contains potassium like banana, apple, and coconut juice.

    3. Watch for the signs of dehydration. Bring your child if you suspect of dehydration, so the child can be treated by the experts.

    o Treatment Plan B: To treat dehydration with ORS Solutions
    ORS is the standard recommended formula by WHO/UNICEF. This has 4 constituents and should be discarded within 24 hours.

    o Treatment Plan C: To treat severe dehydration quickly
    For infants, the mother should be advised to breastfeed or give milk formula in between ORS.

The most important thing to remember to prevent diarrhea is to wash your hands often.

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Cholera is a water borne infection/disease that involves the lower intestines [small bowel] which causes severe diarrhea and vomiting, this leads to dehydration and if left untreated has a very high mortality rate. The actual germ that causes this illness is called Vibrio Cholerae, which releases a powerful poison/endotoxin when active and can be spread via contaminated water, cross contamination of infected people and/or flies.

Early symptoms are mild diarrhea - stools are loose and watery, and as the infection worsens there will be violent purging, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps, restlessness, thirst and the patients temperature will skyrocket. The color of the stool will be a brown-grey and as the stages progress the patient will have a cold clammy feel to their skin [even with the high temperature] and their pulse will weaken, this is followed by the body getting colder, the skin having a dry feel and becoming wrinkled with a purplish tinge, the voice will be husky and weak with urine being scant and very dark. The blood pressure will drop, the cramps will become more painful and imminent signs of total collapse start rearing their ugly heads.

As you can see this disease can have a rapid onset and gets pretty severe very quickly, immediate attention needs to be given to this patient, home remedies will not work in the healing/curing of this disease, they will only be useful in the recuperation of the patient [once the medical team has ensured that the patient is on the road to a full recovery].

So please if you suspect that the patient has come into contact [or had contaminated water] with cholera get medical attention as fast as is humanly possible. Also be careful of cross contamination by ensuring the good personal hygiene of the patient [washing of hands etc] and maintaining your own personal hygiene to the best of both yours and the patients ability.


Using lemon juice externally [washing of hands etc] and internally can assist in preventing cross contamination as this juice can kill the cholera germ in a short time. In times of a epidemic this fruits juice can assist in the prevention of the healthy getting ill, they need to drink at least one glass of pure lemon juice daily as well as using it as a cleansing tool by rinsing their hands [after a thorough washing] in the pure juice.

Natural treatments - if unable to get medical attention immediately

onions - thirty grams of this vegetable pounded with several pepper kernels down to a fine paste, this needs to be given to the patient in 3 doses over the course of the day. This helps reduce thirst and restlessness which in turn helps the patient rest.

Guava - the root bark of this plant is rich in tannins which helps in the reduction of vomiting and diarrhea, take 30 grams and 1/2 liter of water, boil together till the amount has been reduced down to 2 thirds. Give this liquid to the patient twice a day.

Cucumber - the juice of this plant mixed with equal quantities of coconut water will assist in alleviating the patients thirst as well as restoring the electrolyte balance in the case of dehydration [give the patient doses of 60 ml about 3x a day]

Nutmeg - assist with relieving dehydration, soak 1/2 a nutmeg in 1/2 a liter of boiled water [or mix 1 teaspoon of the powder into uncontaminated cool water] till cool, add 1/2 liter coconut water and give to the patient in 15 ml doses every hour or so.

Cloves - boil 4 grams of this spice in 3 liters of water until reduced by half, give a glass of this to the patient to drink at least three times a day [cooled]

Other treatments include bitter gourd, Achyranthes aspera and drumstick leaves but these are not found in our pantries as easily as the home remedy ingredients mentioned above.


Avoid until fully recovered - uncooked vegetables and solid food

Eat bland foods [liquidized where possible]
and increase the consumption of - lemon juice, mint, onions and vinegar

Remember [if there is a epidemic] to stick to the following strict rules:

Purify all water - boil all water that is used in the preparation of food and drink before use [even though you are going to boil it when cooking rather start off with uncontaminated water]
Wash all fruit and vegetables thoroughly before using to cook or eat [a solution of potassium permanganate is the best]
Ensure all food is covered or in tight containers to avoid contamination by flies
Personal hygiene at this time is paramount.

As I have already mentioned - go to a doctor as soon as possible if you suspect that you have been in contact with a infected person and are starting to show the symptoms mentioned above.

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In 2008, my father had a gallbladder attack that landed him in the critical care unit of the hospital. This experience led me to research deeply into what causes gallbladder attacks and what can be done to prevent them.

Function of the Gallbladder:

The only function of your gallbladder is to store bile, which is produced in your liver and is necessary for the breakdown and absorption of fats and fat soluble vitamins in your small intestine.

Symptoms of Gallbladder Distress:

Abdominal gas, bloating and loss of appetite
Nausea or indigestion after meals
Discomfort is worse after eating, especially after eating fatty foods
Pain or discomfort in your abdomen, chest and back
Abnormal bowel movements, including diarrhea or constipation

Causes of Gallbladder Pain:

Diet. The bile that is stored in your gallbladder should be a thin, watery substance. If your bile becomes concentrated and turns into a thick sludge, gallstones and inflammation can result. If you did not change the oil in your car for several years, your engine would not run very well. A similar thing happens with your gallbladder when you consume a standard American diet. A recent study found that the incidence of gallbladder surgery went up by 600 per cent in Saudi Arabia as the people shifted from a clean, healthful traditional diet to a Western junk food diet consisting of sugary and fatty foods.

Allergy: In 1968, Dr. James C. Breneman, Chairman of the Food Allergy Committee of the American College of Allergists discovered what he called the real cause and cure of gallbladder pain. He selected 69 people who suffered from recurrent gallbladder attacks and put them on an elimination diet to determine their food allergies. Six of the participants had already had their gallbladders removed but continued to have symptoms. Dr Breneman found that all 69 people, or 100%, were totally free of gallbladder pain when they avoided their individual food sensitivities, and all 69 had a recurrence of their symptoms when they reintroduced the foods they were allergic to back into their diets. When you eat a food allergen, your body reacts by creating swelling. When food allergies cause swelling of the gallbladder ducts, the flow of bile is obstructed. The symptoms of allergy caused obstruction are the same as a stone being stuck in the duct. This title of this study was Allergy Elimination as the Most Effective Gallbladder Diet. It was published in1968 in the journal Annals of Allergy.

Cure for Gallbladder Attacks:

Identify and eliminate food allergens with an elimination diet or food allergy testing

Avoid fried foods and decrease your intake of saturated fats (red meats, cream, butter and cheese)

Limit your intake of sugar - a high intake of sugar has been associated with an increased risk for gallstones

Cook with olive or coconut oil

Increase your dietary fiber by eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, raw nuts and seeds

Take the following nutrients:

  • Magnesium - deficiency is extremely common among people who suffer with gallbladder pain.

  • Omega 3 EPA/DHA fish oil - it may block cholesterol formation in bile.

  • Lecithin - it helps to emulsify bile and helps with the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

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Hamsters in the wild are hardy little creatures. Although they make wonderful pets, captivity exposes them to previously unknown diseases to which they are susceptible. If neglected, minor injuries and illnesses can escalate into serious disease in hamsters, so it is important to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible, and also to educate oneself in actions to take if a veterinarian is not immediately available.
Disease in hamsters reveals itself primarily through symptoms such as huddling in a corner for long periods of time, lack of interest in food, discharge from the nose and eyes, unkempt coat, lethargy, diarrhea and wetness in the tail area.

Abscesses -These are pockets of pus under the skin, caused by a cut or bite. They are actually the body's way of preventing more serious disease in hamsters by isolating the infection. Although they may clear up on their own, it is good practice to prevent complications by having a veterinarian treat the abscess. It will be flushed, drained, and the hamster will be put on a course of antibiotics. Sometimes the inner cheek may be punctured. If the hamster's cheek pouch seems to be continually full, it may have an abscess that needs to be dealt with.

Antibiotic overdose - Overuse of antibiotics or the administration of the wrong antibiotics may result in a disease in hamsters called Fatal Toxicity. These powerful medications should only be prescribed by a licensed veterinarian. Once prescribed, it is important to follow the full course of medication, even after symptoms have abated. By killing off intestinal flora, antibiotics may cause diarrhea. This side effect can be averted by feeding the hamster probiotics within an hour of taking the medicine. Probiotics restore balance to the hamster's digestive system.

Cold and Flu - This is one area where human disease and disease in hamsters overlap. When a human caretaker is suffering from a viral infection, it is important to handle the hamster as little as possible, and to wash hands thoroughly before doing so. Symptoms such as runny eyes and nose, sneezing and lethargy are indicative of this hamster disease, which can degenerate rapidly into respiratory infection and pneumonia. A veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics, and it is essential to keep the hamster warm.

Constipation - this disease in hamsters can be quite serious if caused by ingesting unsuitable bedding material, leading to blockage. The symptoms would be a swollen belly and a bulging anus. In such instances, a veterinarian should be consulted immediately. Lack of exercise and insufficient water may also cause a less serious case of constipation. Symptoms would be fewer droppings than usual. What droppings are present may be hard and small. It is possible to administer a dropperful of prune juice to get the bowel moving. If constipation persists, a veterinarian can relieve the situation by administering medication.

Diabetes - This disease in hamsters is caused primarily by too much sugar. Some hamster varieties are more prone to it than others, but it can affect all breeds. Overeating is another cause. The first symptoms are unquenchable thirst and frequent urination. Feeding a proper, well-balanced diet is the best way to avoid this incurable disease.

Tooth Problems - While not exactly a disease in hamsters, overgrown teeth are a common problem when hamsters have not been provided with sufficient material to chew upon. Apple wood is thought to be the best wood for gnawing, as it is free of natural toxins. Dog biscuits may also be given, but they should be free of dyes and other additives. A veterinarian may show the hamster owner how to clip overgrown teeth, which can be common in older hamsters. Tooth decay may indicate a lack of calcium in the diet or too many sugary treats.

Wet tail - Stress, crowding, unsanitary bedding, and a change in diet are all conditions that encourage development of this devastating disease in hamsters. It is common in just-weaned hamsters. In addition to a wet bottom, symptoms include appetite loss and inactivity. Lacking proper attention, watery diarrhea results in death from dehydration within a matter of days. Contact a veterinarian immediately at the first sign of wet tail. It is vital to rehydrate the hamster with warm fluids. Wet tail affects Syrian hamsters more than Dwarf hamsters. This disease in hamsters is different from simple diarrhea, which can be caused by merely overfeeding fresh fruits and vegetables and is not usually accompanied by wet tail's customary lethargy and loss of appetite.

Concerned owners who notice symptoms of illness may first try to give the hamster food and water. If the pet won't eat or drink, a visit to the veterinarian may be in order. Early detection is the key to avoiding serious disease in hamsters.

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