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Can you guess what exactly the connection between hemorrhoids and diarrhea is? Has it ever come to your mind that diarrhea can cause hemorrhoids as well? Now that I have told you the fact, what type of hemorrhoid treatment should you use in this case?

Let us first talk about what exactly is diarrhea. Diarrhea is actually a form of watery stool. It can happen to anyone and typically occurs more than thrice in a day and the whole thing may even last for a whole day or two. This is how scary it is. The worst scenario is that if the condition does not get better, it can lead to even more serious problems. It is usually accompanied by nausea, cramping abdominal pain, bloating or an urgent need to use the bathroom.

Depending on individual situations, a person may even have fever or you may experience bleeding during bowel movement. Symptoms during the later stages are typically similar to hemorrhoids symptom, as both of them can cause rectal bleeding, itching or burning. Diarrhea can be acute or it can be a chronic problem.

For acute cases, they usually last for up to a month or so and are related to bacterial infection or other kinds of infection by virus or parasite. You will also experience further discomfort if you are already suffering from hemorrhoids.

Chronic cases usually last longer than a month and are usually due to functional disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, similar bowel diseases, parasites, medication side effects (antibiotics, antacids, chemotherapy medications , high blood pressure drugs, nutritional supplements containing magnesium), lactose intolerance or misuse of laxatives.

Hemorrhoids are usually due to chronic diarrhea cases where the straining during frequent bowel movements caused by diarrhea causes the veins in the anal canal to swell. This eventually leads to the formation of hemorrhoids.

To prevent that from happening, then you need to do something to your dietary habits. That is right! Prevention of hemorrhoids formation through the prevention of constipation starts from managing your dietary habits. That means that you need to start eating food that is able to soften your stool so that your bowel movements are smooth and steady. My recommendation will be to take in foods that are rich in fiber content. At the same time, you should be drinking lots of water or other fluids so that your bowel movements are smooth. This will therefore avoid straining during bowel movements.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Mold can grow anywhere in the home, so identifying symptoms of toxic mold exposure can help you determine if a dirty house is making you sick. Mycotoxins produced by black mold and other common molds can lead to upper respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, and exacerbate symptoms in asthma sufferers. However, there are many more symptoms of toxic mold exposure that can tip you off to a mold problem.

Mold can thrive using almost any carbon-based substance for food, and needs a moist, temperate place in order to grow. These conditions are fulfilled in most households, and bathrooms, refrigerators, and areas near pipes or air conditioners are places where mold is most commonly found. Below, you will learn what are the common symptoms to look out for.

The most common short term exposure symptoms can include:

• Sneezing and stuffy nose
• Watery, red eyes
• Itchy, red skin, in the cases of mold allergies

Repeated exposure to mold, even if it is not constant, can create a host of new symptoms. These include:

• Frequent nosebleeds
• Constant headaches
• Feelings of fatigue
• Respiratory problems, including difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, or frequent illnesses like pneumonia
• Increased asthma symptoms in asthmatics
• Gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or a lack of appetite
• Glandular swelling, particularly in the glands located under the chin and under the armpit
• Neurological deficits, including memory loss

The Center for Disease Control notes that some people, either exposed to extreme amounts of mold or that have compromised immune systems, may show severe reactions to mold, including:

• Chronic respiratory illnesses, particularly including fever and difficulty breathing
• Fungal infections in the lungs
• Anxiety and possible emotional changes

Toxic mold exposure in humans occurs when there is an excessive level of mold spores, or Stachybotrys chartarum.

Keep in mind that while any mold problem that has reached the capacity to affect your health is large enough to be seen or smelled, some of the places mold can grow are not easily spotted. This means that you may not make an immediate connection between these symptoms and an infestation. If multiple members of the household (including pets) are coming down with one or more of these symptoms, it is possible that mold could be the culprit.

Remember that it's good to be aware of the symptoms to look out for, but its better to solve the problem from its cause - eliminating the source of toxic molds from your hose.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable bowel syndrome spares no one. It can affect your infant child or your 92-year-old grandpa. It can affect your father or your mother, your brother or your sister. IBS is not a racist; it can affect an Asian as well as it can affect a Caucasian. It could even affect you. It chooses nobody.

Given that this is the case with irritable bowel syndrome, knowing its symptoms is the first step for you and your family. It can aid you in the early detection of IBS as well as its early treatment.

This syndrome is a functional bowel disorder and its causes are not yet known - it could be from a psychosomatic disorder, to an immune system disorder, or to an infectious agent. There are also studies that show diet, eating habits, stress and psychological well-being also contribute in the development of IBS.

Treatment of this disease varies from person to person. This is mostly due to the fact that treatment consists only of relieving the symptoms of the syndrome. Some of the treatment includes therapy for stress and psychologically induced IBS and taking of different medication related to symptoms.

Here is a list of symptoms for irritable bowel syndrome:

1) Abdominal Cramps - painful muscular contractions in the abdomen.

2) Flatulence - gas released from the anus

3) Diarrhea - consistent passage of soft to watery stools in short intervals.

4) Abdominal Discomfort - feeling of discomfort in the abdominal area.

5) Abdominal Pain - sensation of pain in the abdominal area.

6) Belching / Burping - production and release of gas in the oral area.

7) Abdominal Swelling - bloating of the abdomen.

8) Hard Stool - also known as constipation is stool that is usually dry and hard.

9) Stool With Mucus - the presence of mucus in the stool.

10) Headache - sensation of pain occurring in the head area.

11) Weight Loss - weight loss in IBS can be an effect of losing appetite.

12) Haggard Looking - the look of exhaustion is eminent on the person.

13) Nausea - uneasy feeling

14) Difficulty In Swallowing

15) Chest Pain

16) Bowel Movements

The most common symptoms that people experience are abdominal pain, abdominal swelling and a sudden change in bowel movement pattern. When this happens to you then it is possible that you have irritable bowel syndrome or other gastroenterological disease.

Since the etiology of IBS is unknown, there is no specific laboratory test that can detect it. Diagnosis can sometimes really become very difficult. A battery of tests is done to be able to rule out other possibilities of gastroenterological disease. Signs and symptoms manifested by the patients are also very vital in its detection.

The problem with this is that most, if not all of these symptoms are present in other gastric related diseases. This again becomes a painful task of categorizing signs and symptoms just to make sure that it really is irritable bowel syndrome.

Irritable bowel syndrome is not fatal. The most that it can do to a person is let him or her experience severe pain in the abdominal area. If experiencing severe diarrhea or constipation, it can lead to hemorrhoids. But even if it is not fatal, irritable bowel syndrome should not be taken lightly. There is a possibility that the signs and symptoms are indications of something more than IBS.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a poorly understood cluster of gastrointestinal (GI) tract symptoms that typically includes varying degrees of abdominal bloating and crampy pain, diarrhea, constipation, and the frequent discharge of mucus-like stools from the rectum. At any one time, an estimated 10 to 20 percent of all Americans chronically experience one or more of these intestinal symptoms. In most patients with IBS, these symptoms begin in childhood. In the United States, and in most other Western countries, IBS is at least 3 times more common in women than in men although, interestingly, in Southeast Asia, men are 2 to 3 times more commonly afflicted with IBS.

Numerous theories about the cause(s) of IBS have been proposed, but none have been definitively proven to cause this common syndrome, thus far. Because the precise cause(s) of IBS has not yet been determined, there is no specific medical test available to diagnose this condition. Likewise, there is no specific treatment available for IBS, although fiber supplements and careful attention to dietary "triggers" are often helpful. Moreover, as IBS is frequently associated with chronic depression and/or anxiety, the use of some types of antidepressant medications has also been associated with an improvement in IBS symptoms.

Among the numerous proposed causes of IBS, an excess of a powerful hormone and neurotransmitter, serotonin, within the GI tract has been the focus of considerable research, lately. (Serotonin is also commonly known as 5-HT, which is an abbreviated form of serotonin's chemical name.)

Serotonin has been shown to have multiple functions within the human body. Decreased serotonin levels in the brain have been associated with both depression and anxiety, which explains why the most commonly used antidepressant medications, the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are used to treat both chronic depression and anxiety. (Commonly prescribed SSRIs include Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro and Celexa, among others.) Because more than 95 percent of the body's serotonin is found in the GI tract, SSRI drugs also have a profound effect on GI tract function, in addition to their effects on brain serotonin levels. Indeed, previous observations that certain SSRI antidepressant medications worsen cramping and diarrhea in patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS have at least suggested that serotonin in the GI tract may play an important role in this common form of IBS.

Another serotonin-related disease that is associated with severe abdominal cramping and diarrhea is carcinoid syndrome. In this relatively rare condition, serotonin-secreting carcinoid tumors of the GI tract cause profuse, watery diarrhea in affected patients after these tumors spread to the liver.

Based upon these apparent clinical links between IBS and serotonin (and for diarrhea-predominant IBS, in particular), additional research into the metabolism of serotonin in the GI tract of IBS sufferers is sorely needed. Fortunately, a newly published research study, which appears in the current issue of the journal Gastroenterology, sheds further light on the potential link between serotonin and at least some forms of IBS.

In this novel clinical research study, 98 children with chronic GI tract symptoms were evaluated. Twelve of these children presented with chronic symptoms suggestive of IBS. Endoscopic GI tract biopsies were performed on these 12 children, and the results of these biopsies were compared with similar biopsies performed on other age-matched children who were undergoing endoscopy for reasons other than IBS symptoms.

When compared with the biopsy results on the "control" children without IBS symptoms, the children with IBS symptoms were found to have significantly elevated levels of serotonin (5-HT) in the mucosal cells lining their GI tract. At the same time, the children with IBS symptoms were also found to have lower levels of a protein that is responsible for removing serotonin from the GI tract (serotonin transporter protein, or SERT) when compared to the children without IBS symptoms. Therefore, these two findings, in children with chronic IBS symptoms, further and strongly suggest that an excess of serotonin in the gut may be associated with classic IBS symptoms.

In view of the varying degrees of diarrhea and constipation (and other IBS-associated symptoms) observed among individual patients considered to have IBS, it is highly likely that this syndrome has more than just one cause. However, the biopsy-proven excess of serotonin in the GI tracts of the 12 children in this study with chronic IBS symptoms is a powerful indication that the abnormal regulation and metabolism of GI tract serotonin likely plays an important (if not causative) role in many, if not most, cases of this chronic and very common GI affliction. The data from this powerful little clinical study also supports the continued development and clinical testing of serotonin/5-HT blocking (antagonist) agents in patients with diarrhea-predominant IBS.

For additional information on IBS, please see my previous column on this topic:

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Diet & Fiber

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Surgical procedures Your surgeon removes the part of your colon that contains the cancer, along with a margin of normal tissue on either side of the cancer to help ensure that no cancer is left behind. Nearby lymph nodes are usually also removed and tested for cancer.

Your surgeon is often able to reconnect the healthy portions of your colon or rectum. But when that's not possible, for instance if the cancer is at the outlet of your rectum, you may need to have a permanent or temporary colostomy.
This involves creating an opening in the wall of your abdomen from a portion of the remaining bowel for the elimination of body wastes into a special bag. Sometimes the colostomy is only temporary, allowing your colon or rectum time to heal after surgery.

In some cases, however, the colostomy may be permanent. In cases of rare, inherited syndromes such as familial adenomatous polyposis, or inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis, you may need removal of your entire colon and rectum as a prophylactic measure.Then, in a procedure known as ileal pouch-anal anastomosis, your surgeon will likely construct a pouch from the end of your small intestine that attaches directly to your anus. This allows you to expel waste normally, although you may have several watery bowel movements a day.

Side effects of colon cancer surgery may include short-term pain and tenderness, and temporary constipation or diarrhea. If you have a colostomy, you may develop an irritation on the skin around the opening (stoma). If your cancer is small, localized in a polyp and in a very early stage, your surgeon may be able to remove it completely during a colonoscopy. If the pathologist determines that the cancer in the polyp doesn't involve the base -- where the polyp is attached to the bowel wall -- then there is a good chance that the cancer has been completely eliminated. Some larger polyps may be removed using laparoscopic surgery. In this procedure, your surgeon performs the operation through several tiny incisions in your abdominal wall, using small instruments with attached cameras that display your colon on a video monitor.

He or she may also take samples from the lymph nodes that drain the area where the cancer is located. Studies have found that people undergoing this procedure need less pain medication and leave the hospital a day earlier on average. Also, people who have this procedure don't have higher rates of recurrence than those who choose the open surgery.

If your cancer is advanced or your health poor, only a small portion of your colon or rectum may be removed. This isn't as effective as surgeries that remove more tissue, and doctors mainly do this to relieve blockages or bleeding. This is referred to as palliative surgery; it isn't curative.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea is caused due to food poisoning, laxatives, overeating and also due to some allergies. Diarrhea means passing of watery stools and also frequently. Due to this problem body comes in the urgent need of essential fluids and salts. While taking some remedies the balance of the fluid in the body is restored. Most of the cases of diarrhea can be resolved within few days and simply rest and intake of extra fluids will prevent dehydration. In some cases of diarrhea especially in chronic condition there is an irritable bowel syndrome which may result into ongoing bouts of diarrhea. Some of the important and popular home remedies for diarrhea are available which help in quick recovery and without any harmful side effects.

1. The simplest home remedy for diarrhea is to prepare a solution by mixing a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar in a cup of warm water. Sip this solution as slowly as you can. Remember to consume this mixture as frequently as you can.

2. Tea is also having an importance in reducing the symptom of diarrhea. If strong cup of black tea and without sugar is taken then it is very effective for treating the problem of diarrhea.

3. Buttermilk is a very good and effective remedy of diarrhea. Germs of the diarrhea are destroyed by the acid present in the buttermilk. For quick results take the buttermilk flavored with salt three or four times a day.

4. Mint is also very effective for treating diarrhea. Prepare a mix by mixing a teaspoon each of honey, mint and also lime juice together. Take this mix at least three times a day.

5. Banana is also very effective in diarrhea. It is very useful as it replace potassium levels which are depleted when any one suffer from diarrhea.

6. Take a cup of water and add a tea spoon of fenugreek seeds in it. Swallow these seeds with water. You can also use curd or butter milk in place of water. But remember not to chew its seeds.

7. Yoghurt is an important remedy for diarrhea. It is very popular also. As yoghurt contains lactobacillus it acts as a probiotic bacteria and also helps in antibiotic induced diarrhea. Usually yoghurt replaces the good 'gut' bacteria which are destroyed due to the antibiotic.

8. A juice of pomegranate is also helpful in treating diarrhea. It is very important for the patient who has become weak due to loss of fluids.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Safer sex can be fun and you won't have to worry as much. The best advice is to use safer sex supplies until you and your lover are in a monogamous relationship.

- Saucy phone-sex or sex talk
- A luscious body massage
- Naughty videos & audios
- Scrumptious body licking
- A spicy striptease
- Savory kissing
- Mouth watering mutual masturbation
- Tasty cleavage fornication
- Juicy oral delights with a condom or rubber dam
- Steamy sex with vibrators and other adult toys (Not shared)
- Delicious penetration with an FDA approved condom

- Sugary caresses
- Syrupy love bites served gently
- Sweet body pressing
- Warm blows of breath
- Creamy cuddles

Condom Talk

If your lover gives you a hard time about wearing a condom, here are some good responses and excellent reasons why you need to use one.

Him: I don't think condoms are romantic.
Her: Just let me show you how romantic condoms can be.
Him: You don't trust me, do you?
Her: It's not a matter of trust; it's a matter of health.
Him: I don't like to use condoms.
Her: I don't have sex without them.
Him: I haven't had sex with anyone in years so I know I'm clean.
Her: Thanks for being so honest, but let's use one anyway.
Him: I can't feel anything when I wear a condom.
Her: Let me provide you with some extra stimulation.
Him: I know I'll lose my erection by the time I get it on.
Her: Here, let me put it on for you with my mouth.
Him: I'm only going to use a condom this once.
Her: Once is all it takes.
Him: Sorry, I don't have one.
Her: That's ok. I do.
Him: How come you have condoms on you? Did you plan to have sex with me?
Her: I made sure I had some because I really care about you.
Him: Forget it. I'm not going to use a condom.
Her: Fine. Then let's not have sex until we can work out our differences.

Dr. Ava Cadell's Sexual Consent Form

Who needs it and why use it?

Superstar athletes, actors, rock stars, politicians, even entrepreneurs have groupies that will do just about anything to have sex with them, but can they be trusted? Will they lie about the act being consensual? Could they threaten to sue or worse still, make an accusation about sexual assault? You bet they can! So how can these people who are regularly out of town and away from home, which can lead to loneliness and result in temptation, protect themselves? Condoms can protect from the Std's and unwanted pregnancy. Another form of protection is to have a signed sexual consent form before having any sex as I described on TV's Celebrity Justice, CNN , ABC , Fox News and Good Morning America

If you think that a sexual consent form is only for the rich and famous, think again. Even if you have no assets, you need to protect yourself from false accusations because you can lose everything including your personal property, freedom and reputation. There are many other benefits to signing a sexual consent form, including the fact that you literally open up a form of intimate communication prior to rushing into sex. And, ladies the sexual consent form can protect you from being taken advantage of sexually because there is an -out clause- that stipulates that if you say the words -Code Red,- your partner must stop immediately. I chose this phrase because the words -No- and -Stop- have been used all too frivolously in our society and unfortunately, they are not always taken seriously. By using the sexual consent form with an FDA approved condom, you could protect yourself legally and sexually.
Benefits of a Sexual Consent Form
- I created it so that there will be no confusion or miscommunication as far as sexual consent is concerned.
- It protects men from conniving women who may bring false charges of sexual misconduct for financial gain.
- Even men who have no assets need to protect themselves from false accusations because they can lose everything that is dearest to them. Property, freedom and their reputation.
- This form is actually a way for the man to ask for permission to have sex with the woman.
- Women should NOT sign it if they do not trust the man are not ready for intimacy.
- It can be a form of foreplay before you get to the bedroom since you get to talk about sex before rushing into it. Great communication.
- The woman can select which sexual activities she wants to indulge in.
- -No- & -Stop- has been used frivolously, playfully and teasingly & is not taken seriously anymore. The phrase Code Red will not be mistaken for anything other than -high alert- hands off, you've gone too far. A similar 'Out Clause' is used in consensual bondage.
- Code Red is an alert that means stop because I am having physical or emotional problems. He must stop instantly.
- Any contract is contestable, even a prenuptial or Will. But if I were accused, I would rather go to court with it than without it. It would be admissible and relevant as evidence of consent if signed by the alleged victim.
- It's a great way to keep tabs on how many sex partners you've had.
- This is not a rape tool. On the contrary, I believe that it will prevent rape. A rapist is less likely to use a sexual consent form.
- As for the argument that a woman can be forced into signing it, I contend that a handwriting expert could probably identify a forced signature.
- There is never a guarantee that someone will NOT take advantage of you sexually, emotionally or physically. The best line of defence is always to be cautious and listen to your gut instincts. Never do anything that you do not want to do!

Is Oral Sex really Sex?
It is ridiculous to view oral sex as -not sex.- It's just as intimate as sexual intercourse, so why would you engage in oral sex with someone you wouldn't want to have intercourse with? Well, I'll tell you why. It all started in 1998 when then President Bill Clinton stated publicly, -I did not have sexual relations with that woman- even though he had repeatedly received oral sex from his intern, Monica Lewinsky. Now there is the growing problem of defining what sex really is. In the minds of many teenagers, oral sex isn't really sex. They seem to think they can stay virgins by engaging in oral sex because their hymen isn't broken. That's like saying, you can have anal sex and remain a virgin. Technically, it's true, but theoretically and emotionally it's not. Some guys also think they aren't cheating when they have oral sex with another woman because they can't get her pregnant. Giving and receiving oral sex is one of the most intimate and erotic acts that can be exchanged within a loving adult relationship and yes, it is sex!
Oral sex isn't a safe sex activity

Although oral sex is safer than vaginal and anal sex, it is still possible to contract Std's. The bottom line is that oral sex should be avoided if the giver has any sores or bleeding gums in the mouth. Even if he or she has just brushed or flossed their teeth, it can cause microscopic scratches in the lining of the mouth that makes one vulnerable to infection. Because of this, doctors advise the use of condoms for fellatio (flavored condoms are best) and the use of female condoms, dental dams or kitchen plastic wrap) for cunnilingus.

Better to be safe than sorry

Many people are unclear on the risks associated with oral sex. Unprotected oral sex carries a lesser risk for the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (Std's) than unprotected intercourse or anal penetration, but there's still a risk for both the giver and the receiver of oral sex. First let's look at how to avoid these contagious Std's by practicing safer sex.

Safer Sex Supplies

If you love yourself, you must protect yourself. Ladies, there's no reason why you can't enjoy the eroticism of oral sex and practice safer sex at the same time. Even if you're in a monogamous relationship, you'll want to have some of the safer sex supplies around to help you add more pleasure, persity and spontaneity to your oral sex adventures.

Female Condoms

Reality Condoms are the most well known, but they recently changed their name to FC Female Condoms. Femidom is another brand of female condoms. Most female condoms work the same way. They're made of polyurethane (stronger than latex), are hypo-allergenic, heat conductive, and odorless. They are a soft, loose-fitting sheath specifically designed to protect women from pregnancy and Std's by lining the inside of her vagina. Read the instructions before inserting it because if you don't insert it correctly, it's like not using protection at all. The female condom has to go deep inside the vagina and over the cervix.

Dental Dams

Aptly named because they are used by dentists to isolate a tooth. Dental dams come in various sizes and flavors. Made of ultra think latex, these square shaped barriers allow good sensations for oral sex. Sheer Glyde Dams are FDA approved for protection against Std's for cunnilingus and rimming. The best way to use a dam is for the giver to mark the -mouth- side of the dam with a marker so that they knows which side to lick, then apply a couple of drops of lubricant on the other side, press the dam against her vulva with two hands and enjoy.

Latex Gloves and Finger Cots

Good oral sex involves the hands as well as the mouth. There's nothing more exciting than orally pleasing a woman's clitoris and fingering her vagina or anus simultaneously. By using latex gloves and or finger cots (think of them as mini condoms for your fingers) you can increase erotic sensations and protect the receiver from jagged fingernails, cuts, germs or viral Std's such as herpes, which can be spread by skin-to-skin contact.


We all know, -wetter is better.- But, which lube is best? It can be very confusing because there are so many to choose from including, odorless, tasteless, water soluble lubricants with a lightconsistency and without Nonoxynol-9 spermicide. Here are some favorites: Wet Light, Astroglide, ForePlay Personal Gel, Aqua Lube, Sensua Organics and Probe Silky Light.

What Stds can I get from Oral Sex?
The following list of Std's is the most contagious and common when it comes to performing and receiving oral sex on a person. While no one knows exactly what the degree of risk is, to ensure safeties make sure that no cuts or lesions are present in the mouth or on the genitals. Protect yourself and your partner by using a barrier to avoid the contact of bodily fluids that may result in catching a sexually transmitted disease.

Herpes is a virus that causes sporadic flare-ups of painful blisters, usually around the mouth and or genitals. Herpes can hop from mouth to mouth and from mouth to genitals through the mucous membranes and skin. It can be spread by hand to vagina or hand to anus contact. Since Herpes is such a common virus, you can get a prescription drug called Valtrex.

Genital Warts are similar to Herpes in that they are a virus that remains in your system for life. They are spread in the same way through skin to skin and mucous membrane contact. The warts have to be removed surgically by laser and the bad news is that they may reoccur anyway.

Gonorrhea is a serious bacterial Std that can be spread through unprotected oral-vaginal contact. Symptoms may not show, but vaginal burning, discharge and pelvic pain are common warning signs. The good news is that antibiotics do work, but they must be taken for weeks.

Syphilis is a severe bacterial Std that can also be spread through unprotected oral-vaginal contact, especially if there is a sore present on the mouth or her vagina. Syphilis can be deadly if it isn't cured in the first couple of stages. The first visible sign and stage is the sore at the entrance of the vagina; the second sign is a body rash. Fortunately, Penicillin can cure Syphilis in these early stages. However, the third stage attacks the nervous system and debilitates the heart. Medications have limited success if left untreated.

Crabs and pubic lice are tiny creatures that gravitate towards the pubic hair where they live. They can be spread from one infested person to another. Symptoms include itching, swollen lymph glands and a mild fever.

Hepatitis A is a dangerous virus that can be transmitted by rimming or analingus (licking or penetrating the anal opening with your tongue). Other rimming risks include anal herpes, anal warts, internal parasites and even HIV. Hepatitis A can be prevented by getting a hepatitis A shot. In some cases hepatitis infection can cause muscle ache, fever, loss of appetite, headaches or dizziness.

Hepatitis B can be a life-threatening virus transmitted from sexual contact or contaminated needles. It's found in blood and other body fluids, such as semen, vaginal secretions and the breast of a lactating woman. It's possible to contract Hepatitis B when performing unprotected oral sex, especially when fluids from a carrier enter your body through a cut or sore in your mouth. Symptoms of Hepatitis B are fever, abdominal pain, jaundice and in some cases liver disease. There is no known cure, but it can be prevented with a vaccine.

Hepatitis C is the most deadly of all the hepatitis diseases. It is transmitted exclusively through direct blood contact so the receiver of oral sex must be menstruating, and the person going down on her must have a cut or sore on his mouth. There is no known cure or vaccine for hepatitis C at this time. Symptoms include the same as for A and B, plus dark urine, light stool colors, yellow eyes or skin and tenderness of the liver area.

HIV/AIDS can be fatal when the blood, semen, vaginal secretions or breast milk of an infected person enters another person's bloodstream through a cut, sore or blood vessel. If you perform oral sex on a menstruating partner, you could be at risk. Even if you have recently flossed or brushed your teeth, it's possible that you cut your gums and you could be at risk. HIV doesn't have any immediate warning signs so it's possible to have the virus for years and transmit it to others. The first symptoms of AIDS are weight loss, night sweats, pneumonia and other illnesses related to a low immune system. There is no known cure or vaccine for AIDS, but combinations of medications can slow the virus down.
How to properly put on a male condom
Prepare: Always check your condom for an expiration date, throw it out if it is expired. Also, make sure to store condoms in a cool place, such as a desk drawer, never store a condom in your wallet, hot environments (such as in your car) or if it has been washed or dried by accident. Don't hesitate to get a new condom if you have any doubts.

The penis must be erect in order to put on the condom. Do not attempt to put a condom on if the penis is limp.

Opening: Be careful when opening the package, condoms can rip very easily. Feel free to use your teeth, in a sexy manner, but be careful.
If the man's penis is not circumcised, be sure to pull the foreskin back first.

The condom should be right side out. Make sure to unroll the condom slightly at first in order to check which direction it is unrolling in. Slip it over the head of the penis; moving downward (it should unroll easy). (Hint: try putting the condom on with your mouth, watch your teeth.)

It is important that you hold the top half inch of the condom between your thumb and forefinger when you roll it down. This will leave space for when your man ejaculates.

Roll down the condom as far as it will allow, it should reach the base of the penis.

In the case of anal intercourse (remember: always use a condom during anal intercourse, even if you cannot get pregnant) use a lot of lubricant, the anal region is not naturally lubricated and can tear more easily than the vagina. For intercourse, a water-based lubricant is best. Always apply lubricant after the condom has been put on, a condom could easily slip off of a lubricated penis. Apply lubricant as often as needed, dry condoms break more easily.

For Men: make sure that when you pull out, you continue to hold the condom in place at the base of the penis. If possible, pull out while your penis is still erect. It is imperative that you remove the condom only after you are completely out of your partner's vagina.

Once you have safely removed the condom, throw it away immediately, a condom can be used once, and only once. In the case of anal intercourse, make sure you use an entirely new condom, never switch from vaginal to anal intercourse with the same condom. A man should never ejaculate in the same condom twice, and should also never wear a condom that somebody else has already used.

Also, remember never to use more than one condom at a time. -Doubling Up- only increases the chances of the condom breaking.

Using a female condom
How to properly put on a female condom:

The female condom is a sleeve of polyurethane with a closed end and a larger open end. There is a flexible ring in each end.
Have a condom fashion show
We all need to know about safer sex practices. And, safer sex can be very sexy and fun. For those of you using condoms, experiment with different kinds of condoms and practice putting them on manually and orally.

There are many kinds of condoms including flavored, polyurethane, extra-large, snug fitting, extra-sensitive, and condoms with nubs and stimulators. Here are some examples for you to choose from and experiment with:

Latex: Mentor, Ramses, Durex, Global Protection, Sheik, Pleaser, Kimono, Lifestyles, Crown, Magnum, trojan, Contempo, Paradise

Natural: Fourex, Natural Lamb, Skin Kling

Polyurethane: Avanti, Reality for women (female condom)

New Condoms:
Pleasure Plus Bulbus Head (Gives room inside the condom for the head of the penis to have more friction.)

Custom fit condoms by condomania.com.
You can also experiment with dental dams, latex gloves or finger cots.
Safer Sex Activities
- Cuddling and caressing
- Dry kissing
- Undressing
- Phone sex
- Watching or reading erotica
- Cleavage fornication
- Massage
- Mutual Masturbation
- Manual stimulation
- Oral sex with an FDA approved condom or rubber dam
- Sex toys unshared
- Intercourse with a condom and spermicide

Unsafe Sex
- French kissing in the presence of open sores or cuts
- Manual stimulation in the presence of open sores or cuts
- Oral sex without a barrier
- Sharing unclean sex toys
- Sucking the breasts of a lactating woman
- Vaginal or anal intercourse without an FDA approved condom
- Penetration of anything from the anus to the vagina
- Never blow or force air into the vagina because it can cause an embolism that could be fatal, especially if the woman is pregnant.

Birth Control Methods

NuvaRing-99.7%; $30-$35/ monthly. Protects against pregnancy for one month, no pill to take daily, does not require a -fitting- by a clinician, does not require the use of spermicide, nothing to put in place before intercourse. Possible: more regular, shorter periods, less: menstrual flow and cramping, acne, iron deficiency anemia, excess body hair, headaches, depression and vaginal dryness and painful intercourse associated with menopause, reduces the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, pelvic inflammatory disease, noncancerous growths of the breasts, ovarian cysts, and osteoporosis (thinning of the bones), fewer occurrences of ectopic pregnancy (in a fallopian tube), ability to become pregnant returns quickly when use is stopped. Increased vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation or infection, cannot use a diaphragm, cap, or shield for a backup method of birth control, rare but serious health risks, including blood clots, heart attack, and stroke (women who are 35 and older and smoke are at a greater risk), change in sex drive and temporary irregular bleeding, weight gain or loss, breast tenderness, nausea (rarely, vomiting, changes in mood, and other discomforts)

Patch- 99.7%;$30-$40/month supply of patches. Protects against pregnancy for one month, no pill to take daily, nothing to put in place before intercourse, Possible: more regular, shorter periods, less: menstrual flow and cramping, acne, iron deficiency anemia, excess body hair, premenstrual symptoms (such as related headaches and depression) and vaginal dryness and painful intercourse associated with menopause, reduces the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, pelvic inflammatory disease, noncancerous growths of the breasts, ovarian cysts, and osteoporosis (loss of bone mass), fewer occurrences of ectopic pregnancy (in not in the uterus), ability to become pregnant returns quickly when use is stopped Skin reaction at the site of application, menstrual cramps, may not be as effective for women who weigh more than 198 pounds, rare but serious health risks, including blood clots, heart attack, and stroke (women who are 35 and older and smoke are at a greater risk), other side effects include change in sex drive and temporary irregular bleeding, weight gain or loss, breast tenderness, nausea (rarely, vomiting, changes in mood, and other discomforts).

POPs (Progestin-only Birth Control Pills)- 92-99.7%; $20-$35/ monthly. Can be used by women who cannot take estrogen, nothing has to be put in place before vaginal intercourse, can be used while breastfeeding, ability to become pregnant returns quickly when use is stopped, irregular bleeding patterns, headache, nausea, dizziness, sore breasts, must be taken at the same time of day each day to reduce the risk of pregnancy and irregular bleeding

IUD- 99.2-99.9%; $175-$500/ exam, insertion, and follow-up visit. Nothing to put in place before intercourse, ParaGard® (copper IUD) may be left in place for up to 12 years, Mirena® (hormone IUD) for five years, no pill to take daily, Mirena® may reduce menstrual cramps, ability to become pregnant returns quickly when IUD is removed Increase in cramps and heavier and longer periods (copper IUDs), spotting between periods, increased chance of tubal infection leading to infertility if inserted when a woman has a STI, rarely, wall of uterus is punctured during insertion, rarely, insertion can cause infection, pregnancies, which rarely occur, are more likely to be ectopic (not in uterus)

Depo-Provera- 97-99.7%. $20-$40/visits to clinician. $30-$75/ injection. Can be used by women who cannot take estrogen, nothing has to be put in place before vaginal intercourse, can be used while breastfeeding, effective for 12 weeks, no pill to take daily, helps prevent cancer of the lining of the uterusirregular bleeding, headache, nausea, dizziness, sore breasts, must receive injection every three months, loss of monthly period, change of appetite, weight gain, depression, hair loss, or increased hair on the face or body, nervousness, skin rash or spotty darkening of the skin, change in sex drive, side effects not reversed until medication wears off (up to 12 weeks), causes temporary bone thinning, may cause delay in getting pregnant after shots are stopped, pregnancies, which rarely occur, are more likely to be ectopic (not in the uterus)

Abstinence-100%; Free. No medical or hormonal side effects of any kind. Many people find it difficult to abstain from sex play for long periods of time

Withdrawal- 73-96% (nearly 100% w/condom); Free (or cost of condoms). Can be used when no other method is available. Not effective against Stds, requires great self-control, experience

Sterilization- 99.5-99.9%; $2,000-$6,000/ Tubal sterilization; $350-$1,000/ vasectomy. Permanent protection against pregnancy, no lasting side effects, no effects on sexual pleasure. Risks of minor surgery, regret, usually not reversible, rarely, tubes reopen, allowing pregnancy to occur

The Pill- 92-99.7% $20-$35/monthly. Nothing to put in place before intercourse, more regular, shorter periods, less: menstrual flow, cramping, acne, iron deficiency anemia, excess body hair, headaches, depression and vaginal dryness, and painful intercourse associated with menopause. Reduces the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, pelvic inflammatory disease, noncancerous growths of the breasts, ovarian cysts, and osteoporosis (loss of bone mass), fewer occurrences of ectopic pregnancy (not in the uterus), ability to become pregnant returns quickly when use is stopped, can be used to change the timing and frequency of your period rare but serious health risks, including blood clots, heart attack, and stroke (women who are 35 and older and smoke are at a greater risk), change in sex drive, temporary irregular bleeding, weight gain or loss, breast tenderness, nausea (rarely, vomiting, changes in mood, and other discomforts), must be taken daily, persistent side effects may be relieved by having your clinician change your prescription

Diaphragm- 84-94% $15-$75/ diaphragm
No major health concerns, can be used during breastfeeding. Can be messy, allergies to latex, silicone, or spermicide, should not be used during vaginal bleeding or infection, increased risk of bladder infection, can only be left in place for up to 24 hours

Condom- 85-98% (nearly 100% with withdrawal) $0.50 and up - some family planning centers give them away or charge very little. Easy to buy in drugstores and supermarkets, can be put on or inserted as part of sex play, can help relieve premature ejaculation, helps to protect against Stds and AIDS Latex allergies, loss of sensation, breakage

Female Condom- 79-95% $2.50/per condom Easy to buy in drugstores and supermarkets, can be put on or inserted as part of sex play, erection not necessary to keep condom in place, can be used by people allergic to latex, external ring of condom may stimulate clitoris. May be noisy, may be difficult to insert, may irritate vagina, penis, may slip into vagina during intercourse

Sponge- 68-91% $7.50-$9/package of three sponges. Easy to buy in drugstores and supermarkets, can be put on or inserted as part of sex play, does not interrupt sex play (it can be inserted hours ahead of time) May irritate sex organs, can be messy, may be difficult to remove, cannot be used during vaginal bleeding

Spermicide -71-82% $8/applicator kits of spermicide ($4-$8 refills). Easy to buy in drugstores and supermarkets, can be put on or inserted as part of sex play May irritate sex organs, can be messy

Fertitility Awareness- Based Methods (FAMs)-checking temperature daily, checking cervical mucus daily, recording menstrual cycles on calendar, keeping a very accurate record of when your period comes each month, keeping track of your menstrual cycle using a string of beads called CycleBeads 75-99% $5-$8 and up/temperature kits (drugstore).

$13/CycleBeads- Free classes often available in health and church centers No medical or hormonal side effects. Requires expert training before effective use, uncooperative partners, taking risks during -unsafe- days, poor record keeping, illness and lack of sleep affect body temperature and may interfere with the temperature method, changes caused by vaginal infections and douches may interfere with the cervical mucus method, must have regular menstrual cycles that are never shorter than 26 days and never longer than 32 days to use CycleBeads

Source: http://www.plannedparenthood.com
health information - birth control

If You Choose Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FAMs)...
... a professional will teach you how to keep track of your menstrual cycle to help you predict -safe- and -unsafe- days. Abstain from intercourse (periodic abstinence) or use condoms, diaphragms, caps, shields, or spermicide during nine or more -unsafe- days

Stds from Unprotected Intercourse
Genital Herpes- Virus; Burning sensation in genitals, low back pain, pain when urinating, flu-like symptoms, small red bumps may appear around genitals, some show no symptoms. Medications prescribed by your doctor, such as ValtrexTM

Gonorrhea-Bacteria Women: strong smelling vaginal discharge, may be thin & watery or thick & yellow/green, irritation or discharge from the anus, abnormal vaginal bleeding, possibly some low abdominal or pelvic tenderness, pain or a burning sensation when passing urine, low abdominal pain sometimes with nausea
Men: white, yellow or green thick discharge from the tip of the penis, inflammation of the testicles & prostate gland, irritation or discharge from the anus, urethral itch & pain or burning sensation when passing urine. Antibiotics (Similar to antibiotics used for Chlamydia)

Chlamydia Bacteria- Women: an unusual vaginal discharge, pain or a burning sensation when passing urine, bleeding between periods, pain during sex or bleeding after sex, low abdominal pain sometimes with nausea
Men: white/cloudy, watery discharge from the tip of the penis, pain or a burning sensation when passing urine, testicular pain and/or swelling. Antibiotics (those similar to gonorrhea). Such as, Doxycycline

Syphilis- Bacteria; Painless sores or open ulcers may appear on the anus, vagina, penis, or inside the mouth, and occasionally on other parts of the body. During the second stage (roughly three weeks to three months after the first symptoms appear), an infected person may experience flu-like symptoms and possibly hair loss or a rash on the soles and palms -- and in some cases all over the body. There are also latent phases of syphilis infection during which symptoms are absent. Antibiotics. However, can be extremely dangerous if left untreated.

HIV/AIDS- Virus; Most symptoms of AIDS are not caused directly by HIV, but by an infection or other condition brought on by a weakened immune system. These include severe weight loss, fever, headache, night sweats, fatigue, severe diarrhea, shortness of breath, and difficulty swallowing. The symptoms tend to last for weeks or months at a time and do not go away without treatment. In some cases, infections result in death. Doctors can prescribe and array of medications (commonly known as a -cocktail-) to preserve life, however, there is no cure.

HPV (Genital Warts)- Virus; Can cause cervical cancer, visible warts in and around the genitals, may look like miniature cauliflower florets, some show no symptoms. Warts can be removed by a physician, however, they will always return

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The following describes some common canine intestinal problems seen occasionally in all dogs:

Gastric Torsion, Dilation, and Bloat:

This health problem is usually found in large and heavy breeds and occasionally in big crossbred dogs. There are several possibilities as to the cause regarding this often-fatal condition.

Allowing your dog to exercise right after a hearty meal is a factor that boosts gastric torsion. Another is the habit of feeding the large canine on the floor or ground.

Approximately two to six hours after eating, an affected dog's stomach expands with gas and twists on its long axis. This distortion keeps the gas from getting out by burping. The dog repeatedly tries to throw up, but is not able to do so and spits thick saliva in small amounts. A veterinarian may attempt to pass a stomach tube to relieve the stomach gas, however due to the twist, those attempts are oftentimes unsuccessful.

Bloating causes sharp stomach pains, which is followed by shock. Quick surgery might spare the pet, but regrettably by the time the dog arrives at a veterinary hospital, it may be suffering from advanced toxemia (toxic substances in the blood) and attempts to save the pet might be too late.

There are a number of steps you can take that will help keep this condition from developing. Feed your dog when his physical activity is minimal. Elevate his food bowl by setting it on a porch step, which will minimize swallowing air. Feed frequent, small meals or give him free-choice feeding. Whenever you find it necessary to feed a large meal, make certain he stays quiet for an hour or so afterward. Don't let him overindulge with water following a meal. Most importantly, cut back his activity after any meal.

Esophagitis, Enteritis, Gastritis, and Colitis:

The esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and rectum are confluent and together are known as the gastrointestinal tract or simply the gut. The suffix - itis means inflammation of; therefore, esophagitis is an inflammation of the esophagus, gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach, enteritis is an inflammation of the large intestine or the lower bowel. These gut irritations are usually accompanied by a degree of enteritis, and enteritis generally has some colitis linked with it. In other words, the single word diagnoses are seldom technically right.

When your vet says that your dog is ailing from gastroenteritis, the cause of the gut irritation is more crucial than the diagnostic term implemented. If your dog displays watery diarrhea, throwing up, nausea, depression, and lack of normal appetite, we may think of food or chemical poisoning, however gastroenteritis may be caused by eating indigestible material such as steel wool pot scrubber. The same signs can be an indication of cancer of the liver. It's important to remember that a gut irritation is a signal that might mean a dangerous, even life-threatening condition and should never be taken lightly.


Another type of gut problem is blockage or impaction. Most commonly seen in older dogs, constipation is oftentimes caused by bone chips and pieces. Your dog finds a nice juicy bone. He literally devours the mouth-watering morsel over the next hour, and swallows every bite. Bone pieces are not very digestible, thus, when these small chips reach the rectum where fluid is extracted from the waste, the result is a concrete block in the lower bowel. The same result might be seen when a dog licks and swallows wads of its hair.

As blockage begins to build up, the dog's gut fills with food and waste that can not escape, and he loses his appetite and becomes lethargic (sluggish). Diagnosis is generally made by a vet's palpation (examine by touch) of the solid mass in the dog's lower bowel. Treatment is normally performed by enemas, which will provide liquids to the mass, break it up, and enable the dog to pass the impaction.

Pseudocoprostasis or False Constipation:

This condition is more common to long haired dogs of all ages, and normally is the result of soft stools and grooming negligence. It happens when the long hair in the area of the anus isn't routinely trimmed back or combed and becomes matted with fecal matter. The fecal matting acts as a blockage of the gut, and signs similar to true constipation are seen.

Diagnosis is simple and can usually be made from across the room by the odor. Treatment is even simpler, although not very pleasant to do. The long hair and fecal matting needs to be carefully cut away to expose the skin surrounding the anul opening.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hamsters surviving in the wild are, for most part, sturdy little creatures that are rarely troubled by infectious hamster illnesses occurring in their natural habitat. Unfortunately, all of the species bred and maintained in captivity, are highly susceptible to a wide variety of infections commonly spread by humans, as well as, most of the other domestic animals they come in contact with, making it more than challenging to reach a maximum hamster lifespan.

Adding to the difficulty of avoiding the potential threats of infection, are the incidental injuries sustained through aggressive behavior, frequently exchanged with other occupants of the hamster cage. Conflict can quickly occur as a result of territorial defense or encroachment, ownership of food or sexual posturing. Typical kinds of battle damage include cuts, abrasions and infected lumps where injuries have partially healed over.

Other causes of your hamsters illness include fungus, which can quickly grow on the surface of the hamsters bedding material when exposed to moisture from drinking water, either splashed or spilled, and also in areas of urination. Symptoms will generally manifest in the form of diarrhea, difficulty breathing and bloody urine. Other causes of respiratory problems may include allergies to materials used in hamsters cages, such as certain types of wood shavings, foods and hamster treats. Symptoms can also include sneezing, scratching and watery eyes. One highly preventable condition, cage paralysis, occurs when the deprived pet is forced to exist in a habitat that's too small to permit adequate physical activity. By dragging its rear end around, it appears to be crippled, however, the condition will generally disappear after upgrading to a larger cage and providing more opportunity for exercise.

As a consequence of its relatively small size, an infection that may typically be quite minor, for a larger animal, can be exceedingly dangerous for your tiny little friend if not treated with great haste. One complicating factor, inhibiting early detection of a hamster illness is the nocturnal aspect of the hamsters behavior, which limits the opportunity for human observation, since most hamsters spend the daylight hours snuggled up in their hideaways snoozing and resting, as they prepare for another evening of feeding, high energy investigation and physical activity.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon every hamster caring owner to include regular periods of evaluation to allow for early recognition of sick hamster symptoms, immediate intervention and treatment, to provide the greatest chance for survival. The earliest indication of trouble is likely detected in your hammie's demeanor. A sick hamster will likely be either lethargic and inactive or irritable and difficult to handle. The eyes may be watery and dull, with a sunken appearance. The hair around the tail may be wet, indicating diarrhea from possible infection. They will generally show a change in eating and drinking habits, which can contribute to another hazardous situation, dehydration and excessive weight loss.

Surprisingly, when it comes to dwarf hamsters, right up to and including the largest hamster, it seems a incredibly ironic that, while the artificial environment known in captivity most often protects the little critters from the predatory potential found in the wild, that same confinement makes exposure to an even bigger threat an unavoidable reality.

Copyright 2010 Walter Tekman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share the entire contents of this article with your friends or post it on your site as long as it is left intact with all links unchanged, including this notice.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Most people live with the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) without being aware that it is a disorder. Hence they are surprised at being diagnosed for the ailment, or rather, surprised that the doctor has put a name to symptoms that they thought were normal occurrences. They have been suffering for several years with the symptoms and experiences like abdominal cramping or bloating happen so often that it becomes a normal occurrence in their perception. People get used to these discomforts and may tend to ignore it.

Irritable bowel syndrome is the most common disorder diagnosed by gastroenterologists. About 15 to 20% of the American population suffers from irritable bowel disorder. Many people experience mild abdominal discomfort that lead to aches in the abdominal muscles. This may be followed by a phase where there is no abdominal discomfort. Irritable bowel syndrome is also known as mucous colitis, spastic colitis, spastic colon, nervous stomach or irritable colon. The symptoms include abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. This is a disorder related to the gastrointestinal tract, more so to the large intestine or colon.

Irritable bowel syndrome is classified as a functional disorder and cannot be diagnosed with the conventional methods of blood tests and x-rays. It is possible to diagnose it only by a careful examination of the physiological functions. At times colonoscopy is used for a close examination of the colon. A flexible tube with a small camera at the end is inserted into the anus of the patient. The image captured by the camera is projected on a screen which is used by the gastroenterologist for examination of the colon tissues. However, colonoscopy by itself may not provide a solution to the problem.

IBS is a complicated condition and very often difficult to diagnose. It is believed to be caused due to the disturbance in the interaction between the intestines, the autonomic nervous system, responsible for control of the lining of the intestinal tract and the brain. It is distinguished by various symptoms of abdominal discomfort, change in bowel patterns, watery stools or constipation. Each person experiences varied symptoms where some may have mild attacks while others may have severely disabling ones.

There is no cure for irritable bowel syndrome; patients can be treated symptomatically. Changes in lifestyles, diet, reduction of stress and some medication may help to alleviate symptoms. Again, it all depends on the individual's bodily constitution. Some persons may respond to treatment while others may not. Eating the right type of food and including fiber in the diet may help to keep the symptoms at bay. It is best to seek medical help to treat the disorder and to formulate a diet plan suitable to the individual needs, with the help of a dietician.

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Other common name(s): norovirus, tummy flu, calicivirus

Family name(s): Caliciviridae

What is Norwalk Virus?

Norwalk virus is an extremely common cause of food-borne illnesses especially in Japan. It greatly affects the human gastrointestinal system. The viruses are commonly associated with shellfishes harvested from sewage-contaminated waters. The norovirus occurs occasionally on many places of the world mainly cruise ships, schools, daycares, restaurants, and summer camps.

What are the Symptoms of Norovirus Infection?

Norwalk virus symptoms occur in all age groups and may include :

1. Stomach cramping

2. Nausea

3. Vomiting (profuse, nonbloody, nonbilious)

4. Watery diarrhea

5. Low-grade fever

6. Head or muscle aches

The symptoms usually show within 1 to 3 days after exposure to the virus, and can persist up to two days to several weeks.

How do Noroviruses Spread?

Norwalk viruses are transmitted via the fecal-oral route. These viruses only spread from person-to-person, and can't be spread by animals.

Other common routes of infection include:

1. Shellfishes harvested from waters contaminated with sewage.

2. Having contact with objects or surfaces contaminated with norovirus, and then placing their hand in their mouth.

3. Infected people who don't wash their hands regularly especially before preparing or touching food that another person might eat.

4. Ice or water that is contaminated with sewage.

Recurrent infections can occur through lifetime because norovirus has many different strains, which makes a person's body difficult to develop long-term immunity.

How to Diagnose Norwalk Virus?

Several tests have became available that can detect norovirus. Laboratory techniques like ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) method and the RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) method are used for diagnosis.

How to Prevent the Spread of Norwalk Virus?

The best way to prevent the spread of Norwalk viruses is by thorough handwashing after toilet use and before preparing or serving foods for at least 15 seconds. In addition, have plenty of rest and stay home until your Norwalk virus symptoms are gone.

Other preventive measures are:

1. People who already have a Norwalk virus infection should never prepare food for others.

2. Those who are sick with diarrhea or vomiting should not work in daycare centers or health care facilities until these symptoms have stopped.

3. Dispose or clean and disinfect infected materials or contaminated surfaces immediately after an incident of Norwalk virus infection in your home.

4. Eat only thoroughly cooked shellfish. Avoid food or water that might be prepared in an unsanitary way such as party foods and raw or uncooked foods.

5. Immediately wash clothing that may be contaminated with Norwalk virus after an illness incident.

6. Avoid handshaking when it's not necessary.

Treatment for Norwalk Virus Infection

There is no antibiotic (Norwalk virus is not bacterial) and antiviral agents that can kill or treat Norwalk viruses. There is also no vaccine yet to prevent infection. Never use any antibiotics, as they tend to make the illness worse. Getting rest and drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration is the most recommended for this type of illness. Dehydration has the most harmful effect that can result from norovirus infection. Doctors suggest drinking juices that gives additional nutrients to the body rather than drinking just plain water. Avoid drinking milk as it contains sugars that are hard to break down making it harder to digest. Milk may bring you other gastrointestinal problems like stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Some doctors suggest the following recipe for an oral rehydration drink that you can buy at most convenience stores and it is inexpensive to prepare:

To one liter of water, add

- 8 teaspoons of table sugar

- 1/2 teaspoon of table salt

- 1/3 teaspoon of Lite salt (potassium chloride) and

- 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

Contracting Norwalk-type viruses or noroviruses can indeed be very dangerous and deadly if you don't follow the preventive measures. Remember to use proper sanitation procedures and utmost cares as soon as an illness episode occurs. Still, the best-known treatment in the medical community is to drink plenty of liquid or electrolyte replacement.

Now, is there a permanent cure for Norwalk viruses? Although, no vaccines have been made yet, a cure does exist. What could that be? It's for you to find out.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Food poisoning is the result of eating food or drinking water contaminated with bacteria (usually the salmonella strain). Depending on the severity of the case, the symptoms  may include diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, fever or dehydration. In most cases, food poisoning is not a life-threatening condition. It generally runs its course within 24 hours from when the first symptoms appear. Therefore, natural cures used to treat food poisoning are mainly designed to shorten the period of discomfort and minimize the symptoms.

Here are some natural ways to fight food poisoning:

Fresh lemon juice can be used effectively as an internal cleanser to fight the infection. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a cup of warm water and drink all of it.

To encourage vomiting, drink a mixture of apple cider vinegar with water.

One of the best cleansers, helping absorb bacteria in the gut and flush it out of the system, is activated charcoal. You can buy activated charcoal pills over-the-counter at your nearest pharmacy. Adults should take 4 to 5 pills at one time at the onset of food poisoning symptoms. Make sure your crush them into power or chew on them before you swallow the pills. It is especially helpful when food poisoning is accompanied by diarrhea. Just be careful not to overuse it. If the diarrhea is not too watery, the charcoal may get you constipated.

Ginger helps ease nausea. Cut a slice of ginger root and take little nibbles, chewing on it until the symptoms subside.

To compensate for the salts and minerals lost during a bout of diarrhea and vomiting, drink a mixture of 1 tablespoon of organic molasses with 8 ounces of water. If you do not have molasses available, just dilute a teaspoon of table salt in a cup of water and drink that.

Another way to restore balance in your stomach is to eat a couple of ripe bananas.

A tea made of chamomile helps ease digestion and reduce inflammation.

A word about prevention. In many cases, it is possible to prevent food poisoning by using common sense and not eating the food that does not smell or look right. However, when you are in a situation where food poisoning is a possibility, remember that eating strong spices like cayenne pepper, curry, and turmeric might help prevent it from happening. It is also a good idea to drink a lot of water to help rid the body of whatever poisons you may have ingested.

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According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in January 1991, an epidemic cholera appeared in South America and quickly spread to several countries. A few cases have occurred in the US among individuals who visited South America and had eaten contaminated food they brought back home from that particular continent.

Cholera has been all over the world but today the infection is still rampant in some developing countries in the third world.

Prevention of Cholera in the USA

Although cholera can be life-threatening, it is easily prevented and treated. In the United States, because of advanced clean water and sanitation methods, cholera is not a major threat. However, everyone, travelers in particular, must be aware of how the disease is transmitted and what can be done to prevent infection.

What is Cholera?

Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by the pathogen Vibrio Cholerae, a gram-negative bacterium that infects the intestines. The infections often cause mild or, sometimes, no symptoms at all. But, if left untreated, it can be so severe it leads to death. It is estimated that for every twenty infected patients, one has a severe version of the disease, identified by profuse watery stools, nausea and vomiting and leg cramps with rapid body fluids and electrolyte loss, eventually causing dehydration and shock.

Its Infectivity

Cholera mostly infects humans. A person may acquire this kind of water-contaminating disease by drinking water or eating food that has been infected with the cholera bacterium Vibrio Cholerae. In an outbreak, the source of this contamination is usually the feces or fecal matter of a person infected with cholera. The disease can spread quickly where there is poor treatment of sewage and drinking water. The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment of brackish rivers and coastal waters.

What to Avoid

Shellfish that are uncooked and eaten raw have also been sources of cholera. The disease is not likely, and rarely spread directly from person to person, thus, casual contact with an infected person is not a big threat for becoming ill. A certain amount of bacteria is needed before people with normal quantities of stomach acid become infected, since the acid in our stomachs also kills a number of bacteria.

Once the bacteria has infected its main target, which is the small intestines, the person may experience diarrhea that is characterized by "rice- watery stool" and is profuse. Vomiting is one of the hallmarks of this disease. If these symptoms are present one should seek medical treatment quickly before it becomes fatal.

Treating Cholera

Usually ORS or Oral Rehydrating Solution is the primary treatment to replace the water and electrolyte lost since the solution contains salts and sugars. Antibiotics are also prescribed to help lessen the course of the disease and relieve symptoms. Increasing one's fluid intake is very essential and could be a lifesaver.

Who are at Risk?

Everyone could be at risk to have cholera but there are specific factors that can make you much more susceptible to the disease. Malnutrition and cholera are interconnected. Those who are malnourished are very suscepitble to cholera because cholera flourishes when proper nutrition is lacking.

Also, people with low levels of stomach acid are likely to develop cholera since cholera bacteria can't survive in an acidic environment. People who have had gastric surgery, who have untreated Helicobacter pylori infection, or who are taking antacids, H-2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors for ulcers are also at risk.

Using Antacids

Antacids help neutralize stomach acid. On the other hand, H-2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces. Thus, children and older adults are at risk because they tend to have lower than normal stomach acid levels. You have a higher risk of acquiring cholera if you live with somebody who is infected with the disease. You may also be infected easily if you have a compromised immune system.

What Studies Say

There are also studies that show that people with type O blood are twice likely to develop cholera compared to people who have other blood types. Also, ingesting raw or undercooked shellfish, which are transported by travelers from countries where cholera is an outbreak, increases one's risk.

These are a few of the risk factors that should be taken note of for people who may be susceptible to acquiring the cholera infection.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea is an unpleasant and distressing condition we all experience from time to time. However, certain forms of diarrhea are more severe than others and these are the ones that can cause weight loss.

The most common cause of diarrhea is either a bacterial or viral infection. For example, rotavirus frequently causes chronic diarrhea among infants and young children and can also result in rapid weight loss.

How Does Diarrhea Cause Weight Loss

The main symptom of diarrhea is frequent watery stools and these can seriously disrupt the functions of the digestive system.

With diarrhea food passes rapidly through the digestive tract.This compromises the body's ability to sufficiently absorb the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the food.

As the body is not absorbing these nutrients it has to use up its own reserves. As these reserves are not being replenished the weight falls off very quickly.

An indirect way that diarrhea can result in weight loss is because the person has a lack of appetite. Once you have it you realise that eating food is soon going to result in nausea, stomach cramps and then the runs.

This realisation soon puts you off eating food, which of course is going to make you lose weight.

What's more, you'll have to eat very bland and low calorie foods such as rice to avoid triggering the severe symptoms of diarrhea.

Diarrhea also results in heavy fluid loss which can have the effect of lowering your weight.

If you have intolerance to certain foods this can also lead to diarrhea. Two foods that commonly cause the runs in people are milk and gluten.

People who have lactose intolerance cannot digest the sugars in milk and this often results in excessive gas, abdominal pains, followed shortly followed by diarrhea.

Gluten is a protein in wheat and this is well known to irritate the GI tract causing bloating, more gas and you've guessed it - diarrhea.

Treatment For Diarrhea

If the cause is a bacterial or viral infection there is very little that you can do apart from letting nature take its course. The key is to keep taking plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

If the diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, blood in the stool and lasts for more than 2 days, then you should see a doctor immediately. If you've a food intolerance, then avoid eating spicy foods and foods that contain wheat and milk.

But its important you do eat, but these should be bland easy to digest food such as white toasted bread, apple sauce, bananas, white rice and mashed potatoes.

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Diarrhea is a condition wherein the stools are loose and watery. There isn't any consistency in the stool when a person is suffering from diarrhea. Actually, diarrhea is considered as a body's defense mechanism in an attempt to eliminate unwanted substances or toxins in the body.

A person with diarrhea may experience moderate to severe stomach pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, and frequent thirst. The most dreaded complication of diarrhea would be dehydration, which is why the goal of treatment for diarrhea would be to prevent dehydration.

Although there are some prescription drugs that can help in treating diarrhea, it is still unacceptable to completely rely on these drugs because there can be a lot of side effects or adverse effects which can cause problems rather than cure to your problem.

Actually, it is not good to stop diarrhea because it is the body's natural way of expelling the toxins or unwanted substances in the body. Natural treatments for diarrhea would be to relieve the symptoms and to prevent dehydration, but not to completely cease diarrhea itself. This is because if diarrhea is ceased, the toxins will be contained in the body which can cause more severe complications.

The main reason why diarrhea happens is because you may have ingested foods that contain bacteria or fungi. The body attempts to eliminate these bacteria and fungi; thus, causing diarrhea. If you have diarrhea, you are going to pass out watery stools for more than 4 times a day accompanied by stomach cramps and body weakness. Sometimes, it can also be accompanied with fever and vomiting while the dehydration worsens.

Generally speaking, dehydration is a severe condition, especially for the old people and very young people. Dehydration can impair the body's normal function and can lead to severe complications. A person with dehydration excretes fluid and electrolytes more than he/she should and this loss should be replaced. Replacement of lost fluids and electrolytes is the main treatment for diarrhea in order to prevent dehydration.

Diarrhea is just one of those conditions that can impair a person's health. To live a longer life, it would be necessary to take good care of yourself. One way to be healthy is to stay physically active. If you want to know more about working out, seek help from personal trainers Sydney to get more information about the best exercises and workouts that are suitable for you.

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Do you have allergies? Whether you have seasonal allergies or you are allergic to certain situations, such as being exposed to animal dander, coping with allergy symptoms can be quite difficult. Not only are allergy symptoms uncomfortable, they can slow you down during the day and interrupt with your sleep cycle. Therefore, it is important to know how to recognize allergy symptoms and to know what to do in order to alleviate the symptoms you experience.

Recognizing Allergy Symptoms

Since there are so many different types of allergens and because everyone's body reacts differently to these allergens, allergy symptoms can differ from person to person. Nonetheless, there are several different signs and symptoms that are commonly associated with allergies and may signal that you have allergies.

Some of the most common allergy symptoms include:

o Abdominal pain
o Congestion
o Cramps
o Diarrhea
o Difficulty swallowing
o Dizziness
o Itchy and watery eyes
o Itchy skin
o Mental confusion
o Problems breathing
o Rash
o Vomiting

Whether or not you experience these symptoms will depend upon the type of allergy and how you make contact with the allergen. Physical contact with an allergen, for example, is more likely to cause rashes and itching, while inhaling the allergen is more likely to cause breathing problems.

Coping with Allergy Symptoms

Depending upon the type of allergy you have, you may be able to prevent allergy symptoms by taking certain types of allergy medicine. If you have seasonal allergies, for example, you might want to discuss the issue with your doctor and begin taking a prescription allergy medicine that will help prevent allergy symptoms from developing. If you are allergic to animals, on the other hand, you may want to talk to your doctor about prescribing an allergy medicine that you can take before being exposed to the known allergen.

Of course, you can't always prevent an allergic reaction. Sometimes, you may find yourself unexpectedly exposed to allergens. In this case, you will need to treat the allergy symptoms after they develop. It is important to keep in mind that you can only treat the symptoms when they occur rather than "curing" the allergy. Therefore, you should search for medication that will help alleviate the symptoms you are experiencing. If you have a rash, for example, you will need to use a topical ointment to treat the rash. If you are experiencing diarrhea and vomiting, on the other hand, make certain to stay hydrated and to seek medical attention if you cannot get the symptoms under control.

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Allergies can come from various sources. This being the case, it is not quite easy to come up with a single treatment plan that covers every type of allergy. When you learn about the different types of allergies that you have a reaction to, you can make the best choice for you as far as treatments and prevention. Allergies can be separated into six main types. The different types of allergies include:

1. Respiratory allergies. Most people think of allergies as respiratory allergies. These can be caused by many different allergens, including dust, mold, mildew, pollen, and more. The most common symptoms of a respiratory allergy are sneezing, coughing, runny nose, dry and itchy throat, and watery eyes.

2. Asthma. Allergy-induced asthma is seeing a rise around the world. The sources for this are much the same as respiratory allergies, but the allergic response causes the air passages to become inflamed, which can cause wheezing and difficulty in breathing.

3. Food allergies. These allergens come from food. Most people react to a common list of foods. They include shellfish, cow's milk, soy, peanuts, wheat, and berries. You can get minor symptoms of intolerance such as diarrhea and bloating, or an allergic reaction as severe as death.

4. Drug allergies. The most common drug allergies that people have include allergies to codeine, penicillin, and sulfa drugs. The common allergic reaction to these medications is hives, digestive problems, or a rash. In the most severe of drug allergies, anaphylactic shock could occur and possibly even death. That is why it is so important that you report any side effects that you have to prescription medications to your physician and your pharmacist.

5. Skin allergies. This type of allergy can be due to many different sources, including foods, drugs, pollen, stress, and insect stings. The allergic reaction shows up on your skin with hives, redness, a rash, swellings, or itchiness.

6. Insect sting allergies. This type of allergy occurs when a bee, fire ant, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket stings you and releases the poison into your body. Insect sting allergies can cause pain, itching and swelling at the site of the insect sting. In the most severe cases, an anaphylactic reaction could occur, which could possibly be fatal.

It is a good idea to keep a record of your observations as to what types of allergies that you think you have. Then, confirm this with your doctor by going for allergy tests. In this manner, you can come up with an appropriate treatment plan.

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A dog in your household means a lot of devoted love. They can see nothing you do wrong and always meet you at the door with a wagging tail. When they get sick, it is important that immediate attention is given to dog diarrhea treatment if they have loose bowels.

Your dog can get this problem from a number of causes. One of the most common is an incorrect diet. Human food can be a cause because the dog's digestive tract is not built to handle it. There are certain processes of their digestive system which any disruption, by the wrong food, can cause a loose stool.

Other things can include bacteria, parasites, mold, food left out too long and stale food. In puppies, a common cause is roundworms. These are particularly nasty creatures and can cause pneumonia, intestinal obstructions and even death.

When loose stools occur in a puppy or a full-grown dog it is important for you to start some sort of dog diarrhea treatment immediately. A lot depends on how severe the problem is. It depends on whether it is just an occasional loose stool or a runny, watery stream.

If you suspect the problem is because of food, the best type of approach is for you to stop feeding the animal for 24 hours, being sure it has plenty of water. After 24 hours, a very bland diet can be given until the loose stool is no longer present. If this does not work then you should take the dog to a veterinarian for a full examination and medical care.

One of the reasons dogs must be vaccinated is to prevent a disease called parvovirus, which is more commonly found in young dogs. This deadly disease attacks and kills intestinal lining cells, making it impossible for the animal to absorb nutrients. Liquid stool occurs and may even contain blood. If this occurs, it is vital that you seek dog diarrhea treatment from a veterinarian immediately.

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When you see your dog easily get tired and out of his mood, probably the main cause is diarrhea. The several explanations are stress and excitement, improper diet, bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, viruses, and worms. Sometimes the diarrhea in dogs is misinterpreted. To find out if he has the disease, you can get a sample and see if the stool has blood in it. Dogs can suffer from it for two days. And if unlucky, the diarrhea can last for a longer period of time. When the stool seems wet, this will result to your dog's dehydration and you should seek a veterinarian immediately. Most of the cases are only mild to moderate. However, if the illness gets to be chronic, your dog will start to eliminate the stool with blood accompanied by vomiting.

Simplest Home Remedies For Dogs With Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the serious diseases that a dog is afflicted. In times that you cannot bring your pet to an animal doctor right away, the following home-prepared remedies are available.

It is important to keep your dog hydrated. He squirts his stool often watery and this will result him to expel much of the water his body has. The amount of water loss must be replaced with the same volume to be taken. But if the diarrhea is not that serious, water must be moderately provided. It is advisable to mix it with electrolytes available over the counter.

Fasting for dogs is not affective in controlling diarrhea. But if it is the food he had just eaten that caused him to get diarrhea, stop giving such food to your dog, then observe if diarrhea still continues or not. But if you would insist and want his stomach to take a break from grinding foods, take only few hours to fast him.
Table scraps should not be given to your dog. One of the probable causes of diarrhea could be his upset stomach and giving him inadvisable foods could worsen the situation.

If the dog experiences severe diarrhea, medications that the veterinarian prescribes are available. Someone can give Pedialac to his pet. Be sure that you would follow the instruction indicated. If you are hesitant in giving unfamiliar medicines, it is a good choice to ask the veterinarian first.

If the suspected cause is bacteria, adding yogurt or cheese to his meal is a good act. These foods contain good strains of bacteria that will help to fight the pathogenic bacteria your dog has caught.

Avoid giving him foods with fat. This will help him to take back his normal stool appearance. Do this slowly for a few days. Then if you see that is ready to take again the regular meal, give it to him in lesser amount at first.

Dogs with diarrhea should not be neglected and must be provided with utmost attention. If we are going to ignore the sickness our dog, then what more if something worse than that happen to him? It is us who must know and understand the care he needs. The moment we adopt them, along with that is a worn obligation if giving our dog the best health choices he deserves.

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Cholera is a deadly infection of the small intestine causing severe amounts of watery diarrhea and vomiting. Additional symptoms include abdominal cramping, dry mouth, constant thirst, sunken eyes, nausea, low urine output, and lethargy. Diarrhea caused by cholera will often resemble water with speckles and may have a "fishy" odor. According to the World Health Organization, about 75% of infected individuals show no symptoms, but because the pathogens responsible for the illness can stay in feces for seven to fourteen days it is not uncommon for the pathogens to be shed back into the environment and potentially infect others. If left untreated, cholera may result in death in as little as four to twelve hours. The risk of death is much greater in countries were children are malnourished and people suffer from diseases such as malaria or HIV.

The bacteria responsible for cholera is Vibrio cholerae. In areas where sanitation is poor, V. cholerae can be ingested via contaminated food and water. Once ingested, the bacterium colonizes the small intestines. While in the intestinal wall the bacterium produce toxic proteins creating an ion imbalance in the intestine that results in excess water and salts to be excreted. This increased release of water in the intestine results in acute watery diarrhea.

The majority of patients afflicted by cholera can be treated with oral rehydration therapy. Those severely suffering from the illness may need intravenous fluids. Antibiotics can also be used in treatment to reduce the duration and severity of the illness although some strains of V.cholerae have shown increased resistance to antibiotics.

In preventing cholera, the best method is to advance proper sanitation practices. Having clean water and health education is critical in reducing the impact of this illness. Many charities and non-profit organizations are tackling the cholera endemic by providing clean water to villages. The non-profit organization Defy Thirst has installed water filtration systems, given personal hygiene classes, and provided hygiene items to individuals in numerous countries. Travelers are advised to treat water with chlorine or iodine, avoid raw fruits and vegetables, thoroughly cook all food, and to frequently wash their hands.

To learn more about the organization mentioned visit http://defythirst.org

Another great resource on water-borne illnesses is http://cdc.gov

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