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You can maintain a healthy intestinal tract, fight bad micro organisms and thus kill disease causing bacteria. Find out what contributes to good health and brings about a balance in the intestinal tract? It is a beneficial bacteria known as probiotics.

Restore levels of health promoting good bacteria in your digestive tract and strengthen your natural defence mechanism popularly known as immune system. Good health is based on more than 400 types of friendly, symbiotic bacteria that is found in the digestive tract.

Bifido bacteria help to protect against viral, fungal and bacterial organisms. These micro organisms are known to cause diarrhea. This diarrhea should not be ignored as this may claim people's lives. In few of the developing countries, digestive problems are rampant and have caused death. There is a sudden increase in the bowel movement and the stools get loose. It makes a person very weak and dehydrated. You might experience bowel movements immediately after eating a meal or some times feel incomplete evacuation. In case of an incomplete evacuation, you feel that another bowel movement is necessary soon after one bowel movement. But, it is difficult to pass the stool with the second sensation. There is another type of such symptoms known as Relative diarrhea (RD). In case of RD there is more bowel movements than usual.

You must have heard about traveler's diarrhea (TD) which is very common. TD is accompanied by abdominal cramps, vomiting and rectal urgency. With this there is semi-formed stools which may be watery at times and are more frequent. It also results in bloating, fever and abdominal pain. Bifido bacteria can cure this by generating lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid. Thus, it reduces the pH levels within the bowel. It further lowers down acidic tolerance bacteria which is likely to cause TD. Do not ignore your digestive problems, if ignored it may be painful and last for 5 to 7 days.

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Those little men that enjoy living in the desert will often detail the benefits of a colon cleanse and how to prepare for a colon cleanse. The theory is that poor diet will cause a structure known as a mucoid plaque to arise just before the opening to the small intestine, completely throwing off your digestive system.

The obvious consequence of less than perfect colon function is the discomfort associated with constipation, which can cause bloating and pain to the sufferer. But many alternative practitioners and users also fear that this built up material can become very bulky and poison the system. This is called autointoxication and is somewhat controversial.

It is no surprise that modern diets and lifestyles produce lazy guts. People do not eat enough fiber, nor do they drink enough water. Furthermore, they put off going to the bathroom, thinking other things are more important. All of these factors lead to the colon ignoring natural signals, which produces ever increasing problems in the body.

Learning how to prepare for a colon cleanse involves reading about how the bowel functions. Prior to taking a very efficient cleansing product such as Almighty Cleanse, it is a good idea to not eat dairy produce for a few days. A good idea is to eat foods rich in fiber and to drink lots of water and intake plenty of minerals.

As well as knowing how to prepare for a colon cleanse by adding roughage and dodging "sticky" foods, people also need to know to get plenty of fluids and electrolytes while taking the cleansing products. Most try to be gentle as well as thorough, but a sickly intestine may overreact and produce diarrhea for a short time. Replacing what is lost in watery stools is important but easy with a sports drink or homemade replacements.

Another suggestion for anyone asking how to prepare for a colon cleanse is that they purchase a "diaper rash" cream and protect the anal area in case there is watery discharge which can be irritating. Replace this cream after each elimination for greater comfort, and try to pick a day when you can stay home. For more suggestions on prepping, read the Almighty Cleanse instructions carefully and completely before beginning.

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Acute appendicitis is a surgical emergency most frequently caused by an obstruction of the communication between Ilion and appendix. It causes an inflammation of the mucous layer because of the colonization with intestinal bacterial flora. In case of appendix perforation, fecal matter and infected intestinal bodies pierce into the peritoneum and cause acute septic peritonitis. Depending on the infected area, the peritonitis can be local or general; around the inflamed appendix an abscess can appear.

About 10% of the population is expected to develop appendicitis in the near future but the incidence is decreasing. Appendicitis is commonly resolved by appendicectomy, the removal of the appendix. The occurrence of normal appendix removal is 10-20% of the suspected cases.

The inflammation of the appendix usually occurs in men but the chance of removing a healthy appendix is higher in young women. The trickiest situations of appendicitis are seen in children and old people who don't always develop the classical symptoms; this is the major reason for wrong and false diagnosis of appendicitis.

The pain usually appears around the navel or in the epigastria and moves down and right in the right ileal fossa after several hours, when the inflammation process involves the peritoneum. Pains get worse as hours pass, they can awake or keep awaken a patient. The pain tends to get worse while moving or coughing and the person tries to stay still and in an antalgic position to calm the aches.

Next appearing symptoms are nausea, vomiting and sometimes anorexia. Most common is constipation because the inflammation process tends to slow down the intestinal transit. Diarrhea can also occur, mostly without fever when the appendix is localized after the Ilion, in an abnormal position.

Pulse and temperature are normal in the debut period but can increase as the peritoneum is caught or an infection develops.

In the right ileal fossa a sensation of tenderness and discomfort can persist. Pain can be worsen by touching the area, and the inflammation of the peritoneum can be also checked by touch methods.

In spite of the suggestive symptoms, a retro-cecal or in the pelvis situated appendix can be missed or misinterpreted. Such cases of appendicitis can only be diagnosed by rectal touché.

Objective clinical tests to prove the inflammation of the appendix are:

1.The Psoas test- from the right side of the patient extend the hip and perform the abduction of the thigh.

2. The obturatory-muscle test- flexing the right thigh and rotating the hip to the interior.

3. The Rovsink test to cause pain in the right ileal fossa while pressing the left ileal fossa.

4. The rebound- pain after releasing the pressure exercised in the right ileal fossa, means the peritoneum is interested.

After the appendix perforation patients may feel less pain, but the rising pulse and other developing symptoms appear showing the peritonitis.

Atypical symptoms for appendicitis are watery diarrhea and vomiting, anorexia and diffuse abdominal pain, shock and confusion in older persons. Pregnant women usually feel the pains higher in the abdomen.

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Diarrhea is manifested by the passage of fluid stools due to the effects of toxic matter and other infectious substances that have been ingested into the digestive system. Normally, a person's stools are as a result of food particles that are retained as excretion after initial assimilation of nutrients on their passage to the colon. The colon plays the role of absorbing the watery part of the fecal matter before it is passed in a damp but solid condition to the anus for removal. However, if one consumes infected food or any poisonous substance, the digestive system undergoes a reversal in its functions leading to the swelling of the interior layer of the colon, which fails to absorb the watery part. This leads to dehydration.

The main manifestations of this condition include stomachache that is intermittent depending on the seriousness of the disease. One also feels the urge to visit the toilet after short intervals. The patient also experiences nauseous feeling which leads to their throwing out frequently to remove what they have eaten.

Though diarrhea can pass off after just a few days or even a day, it may take several weeks if it has been caused by ingestion of toxic matter. At the complicated stage, the main symptoms include passage of fecal matter tinted with blood as well as excretion of pus. One may also experience a rise in their normal bodily temperatures. The main resort for treating this condition is administration of medicine to combat the infection. One is also recommended to increase their intake of water and other beverages to rejuvenate their bodies.

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If you have experienced nausea, you know how some home remedies for nausea would have come in handy. Nausea treatment can actually be quite simple if you prepare yourself.

Especially if you suffer from nausea frequently due to your health or maybe you have a system that gets upset easily.

Remember that nausea is a symptom of something else that may be going on in your body. It could be a reaction to an illness that you are unaware of.

I experienced this myself. I could not figure out why I suddenly had nausea all the time. Turns out that when I finally went to the doctor I had pancreatic cancer.

The point is, please see your health care provider if you extreme or frequent nausea and you haven't in the past.

Some symptoms of nausea could include:

Stomach pain
Watery mouth

Some of the causes of nausea are:

Heat stroke or overheating
Car, boat, plane etc. motion - motion sickness
Morning sickness from pregnancy
Side effects of chemotherapy or radiation treatments
Food intolerances - dairy, yeast and wheat products, or sugar could be likely culprits
Illnesses - Cancer, gallstones, depression, pancreatitis, depression and others

The way to deal with nausea is to have some home remedies for nausea available to use. Try different ones to see how it works for you.

Try taking 1-2 tablespoons of non-carbonated syrup every 20 to 30 minutes. You can make this with a sugar and water solution or a non-carbonated soft drink

Take a couple of ginger root capsules. These can be found at health stores and online.

You can also make a tea with fresh ginger and drink it at regular intervals.

As you can see, ginger and the products associated with it are great for nausea.

Another thing to try is - vomit! Your body wants to rid itself of whatever is upsetting your stomach. Sometimes that will solve your nausea problem.

Peppermint or chamomile tea might work also.

For pregnant women that have morning sickness, the above home remedies for nausea might help. Here are few more suggestions.

Try 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of honey mixed with cold water and drink before bed.

A few teaspoons of wheat germ mixed with a cup of milk and consumed every hour for a few hours might help.

Or try one-half cup of rice boiled in one cup of water for about 10 minutes and drink the rice water after draining the rice.

Slowly eating saltine crackers has also been known to help.

Some other home remedies for nausea are.

Try taking one half teaspoon of ground cumin seed.

Use pressure points to try an ease the nausea. Place the tip of your right index finger on the underside of your wrist about one-half inch in from your hand. Apply moderate pressure for 2-3 minutes. Pressure points are very small so you may have to try more than once.

Try a cool compress on the back of your neck.

Once you have eased your nausea or to prevent nausea from occurring in the first place there are things you can do in your diet to help prevent nausea.

Eat foods high in fiber and in small amounts. Foods like bananas, rice, apple sauce, toast can help.

Avoid oily and spicy foods, and avoid junk foods.

Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will also help.

Nausea is no fun. There are not too many other conditions worse than nausea to deal with.

These home remedies for nausea should help but don't wait until you are feeling nauseous to have something on hand.

For me, ginger in all the different forms discussed earlier works the best.

But to help prevent some of the diseases that may cause nausea supplement your diet with mangosteen juice!

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Below is a look at the main types of side effects by body system that arise from taking Prevacid.

Gastrointestinal symptoms: Gastrointestinal side effects when using Prevacid include diarrhea, abdominal pain and nausea which are the most common. On the other hand, constipation and vomiting are reported less often while there have been several cases of microscopic colitis and pancreatitis being reported. In the event that you develop chronic watery diarrhea, it is advisable to discontinue taking Prevacid immediately and you should recover within a couple of days.

Nervous System symptoms: Nervous system side effects include headaches, dizziness and pain, as well as certain incidences of speech disorder in patients taking Prevacid. However, these have been seen to go away soon after the patient discontinues their medication.

Dermatologic symptoms: Dermatologic side effects include the appearance of skin rashes in about 4.3% of patients and some rare incidences of erythema multiforme occurring in patients taking Prevacid.

Respiratory symptoms: Respiratory side effects include incidences of rhinitis and pharyngitis in 1-2% of patients. There have also been rare reported cases of coughing and influenza like symptoms in patients taking Prevacid.

Psychiatric symptoms: Psychiatric side effects of using Prevacid include depression and anxiety although these are extremely rare.

Genitourinary symptoms: Genitourinary side effects have been rarely reported as resulting from taking Prevacid. In certain cases impotence in men has been reported as occurring along with a certain type of "testes disorder". However, there have been cases of urinary retention and interstitial nephritis occurring in individuals who are taking this medication.

Cardiovascular symptoms: Cardiovascular side effects have also been rarely reported as occurring due to the using of Prevacid. These include angina, hypertension, myocardial infarction and hypotension.

Hypersensitivity symptoms: Hypersensitivity symptoms have been rarely reported as occurring due to using Prevacid. These include glottis edema as well as anaphylactic reactions.

Musculoskeletal symptoms: Musculoskeletal symptoms have also been reported as occurring due to taking Prevacid - although very rarely. For instance, certain patients have reported suffering hip fracture and tetany, as well as myositis.

Other side effects include an increase in blood potassium levels, presence of crystal urine, increased blood urea as well as positive fecal occult blood. The most common side effects that may occur due to taking Prevacid include: constipation, diarrhea, nausea, headache, swelling, pain, stomach pain and redness at the injection point. If any of these symptoms persists or becomes bothersome, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

There are also certain severe symptoms that may occur as a result of taking Prevacid. These include severe allergic reactions such as hives; rash; itching; tightness in the chest; difficulty breathing; swelling of the mouth, lips, face and tongue; unusual hoarseness; chest pain; bone pain; fast or irregular heartbeat; chills, fever and sore throat; red, swollen, peeling or blistered skin; seizures; unusual tiredness; unusual bruising or bleeding; as well as vision changes. In the event that you notice any of these serious symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention.

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Diarrhea is generally a waterborne disease prevalent in the developing countries. Countries having tropical climate also have often recurrences of this disease sometimes leading to epidemic. Children and persons above sixty mostly fall prey to this disease. This is characterized by passing loose, watery stools more than 4-5 times a day accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating and nausea. This may continue for 2-3 days. The body turns pale with dried lips and gets dehydrated and cramps may occur.


Diarrhea is generally caused by the microbial infections through contaminated food and water. Other factors like overeating, incomplete digestion, food poisoning, bowel disorders or some food allergies are responsible for this disease. One can confirm of parasitic infection if the stool contains blood and mucous.

Natural Cures

Diarrhea can be completely cured by administering simple natural cures providing relief within 2-3days, but in grave conditions institutional treatment is seriously required.

1. Basic treatment starts with the replenishment of the salts and nutrients in the body by administering oral rehydration therapy.
2. Fluids in the form of tender coconut water, tea, butter milk and boiled rice water can be given to prevent dehydration.
3. Diarrhea can be controlled by giving curd along with banana. Curd contains the beneficial bacteria contain lactobacillus that fights out the harmful bacteria.
4. Taking roasted fennel seed and cumin powder mixed with water helps to control the disease.
5. Few carrots boiled in water with the pulp strained out, leaving the juice only, if consumed can help in curing diarrhea.
6. Consuming Spiegel seeds mixed with curd also helps in the treatment.
7. The astringent property in pomegranate juice helps in controlling diarrhea and the purging associated with it.
8. Ginger tea relieves pain. Ginger ale helps in making the stool less watery.
9. Grated papaya boiled in water for ten minutes and the juice if consumed gives effective results in treating Diarrhea.
10. Herbs like basil, mint are also used as means of nature cure in treating diarrhea.

Diet must be sufficient to maintain the protein nutrition of the body; otherwise a person may become very weak. Brown rice, toast, ripe bananas, apple sauce can be taken in moderate amounts. Toasts made from whole wheat flour is preferable than the white flour. Though fluids must be taken in plenty, but fruit juices must be avoided totally.

Since this disease spreads through water, so care should be taken to have clean drinking water. Maintaining clean hygienic habits especially with the children prevents further contamination. In case of newly born babies, mothers should carry out breast feeding as nothing can substitute mother's milk.

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There are medications that cause a dog to drink more and thus produce such a copious volume of urine that your dog can't wait as long between outdoor breaks or leaks while relaxed. Consult his veterinarian first to see if the increased thirst or urination is the side effects when wetting accidents happen shortly after a dog starts a new medicine.

You should be warned that halting the use of certain medications without consulting a veterinarian could be dangerous for your dog.

Below are some most commonly used medications that may cause side effects:

- Phenobarbital - the most widely used antiseizure in veterinary medicine which the side effects may be permanent or temporary.
- Thyroid supplements - a dog may experience increased thirst and urination, gastrointestinal upset, weight loss, restlessness, or hyperactivity.
- Cortisone-based meds - used in a wide variety of conditions like as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy. Oral, injectable, and topical cortisones can cause increased thirst and urination.


- Inflammatory bowel disease - Black diarrhea (due to digested blood) caused by an immune disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. Dogs suffer weight loss, vomiting, and poor appetite.

- Viral - Infections include parvo and corona viruses. These may result in profuse, extremely watery diarrhea and relentless vomiting, both of which lead to severe dehydration. They debilitate and kill dogs with inadequate vaccinations.

- Parasites - contact with an infested area can easily occur. Some parasites require water to survive.

- Bacterial - These include clostridium, E. coli, salmonella, and campylobacter. Diarrhea is manifested with increased amounts and frequency, with mucous or blood sometimes present in stools.

Abnormal Volumes of Urine, Leaking, and Dribbling

- Endocrine disorders
- Metabolic diseases
- Ectopic ureters (abnormality of the ureteral duct mostly seen in young dogs)
- Fecal accidents
- High-fiber diets
- Canine cognitive dysfunction (or the "doggie Alzheimer's)
- Idiopathic epilepsy (seizures from unknown causes)
- Arthritis
- Neurological (Spinal cord tumors, disc disease, or other degenerative spinal cord disorder)

Obtaining an accurate diagnosis is an important factor for a successful outcome, regardless of the reason for your dog's soiling in the house. Treatment and prognosis depend, of course, upon the cause of inappropriate elimination and how severely affected your dog is. Sometimes, finding and addressing the cause is pretty simple and straightforward; other times, it can be challenging and take awhile.

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If you are allergic to a pollen you may be allergic or react to certain foods such as apples, celery, nuts, melons or bananas. Numerous studies have confirmed the reports of people who have pollen allergies reacting to certain foods. The most well described and studied of the food-pollen syndromes is the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) or as it is also called "the burning mouth syndrome" because of the typical reaction noted by affected people. After eating a food that cross reacts with a pollen to which you are allergic, burning or tingling sensations begin in your mouth. Itching, pain, swelling and difficulty swallowing or breathing may occur. True anaphylaxis resulting in total body collapse from shock and death if not reversed has rarely been reported.

Typical pollen allergy symptoms such as runny nose and congestion, itchy watery eyes, and wheezing are also commonly reported. Other symptoms described include nausea, stomachaches, headaches, diarrhea and chest or throat tightness. Very few people are aware of these associations. Most doctors, except a few allergists and gastroenterologists, do not explore patients allergy history in the context of possible food reactions. Educating people about these types of conditions is one of the primary goals of "the food doc", Dr. Scot Lewey, a practicing gastroenterologist (stomach-intestine specialist).

Ragweed pollen has been shown to be associated with these type of reactions after people eat bananas and fruits in the gourd family such as watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe. Pollen from Mugwort, another weed also known as Sagebrush, in the Artemisia family, has been associated with allergic reactions to celery, carrots, fruits in the Rosaceae family (apples, cherries, peaches) and those in the Gourd family (melons). Pistachio, persimmon, peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, lettuce, camomile tea, and honey have also been reported to cause reactions in some people who are Mugwort pollen allergic.

Birch tree pollen is associated with numerous food cross reactions including celery. Cross-reactivity between celery and Birch pollen occurs more in central Europe whereas in Southern Europe celery and Mugwort reactions are more common. A Mugwort-Birch-Celery-Spice syndrome has also been described. People allergic to both Birch tree and Mugwort weed pollen may react to spices like pepper and paprika in addition to celery, carrot, and mango. Birch pollen is strongly associated with food reactions to Rosaceae family fruits (apples, apricots, peaches, pears, cherries), tree nuts (walnut, hazelnut, Brazil nut), legumes (peanut, various beans and peas), members of the Parsnip family (parsnip, parsley, anise, cumin, caraway, coriander) and the potato-nightshades (potato, tomato, peppers).

House dust mite, a serious allergen for many people, cross reacts with mangos, shellfish, bananas, melons, tomato, avocado, papaya, pineapple, peaches, Kiwi fruit and various spices. Kiwi, an unusual fruit in a class by itself, may elicit a reaction in people allergic to Birch trees, Mugwort weed pollen, and latex. The Latex-Fruit Allergy Syndrome is characterized by allergy to foods in the Rosaceae family including almond (classified as a fruit not a nut) and plums, as well as other fruits such as passion fruit, papaya, pineapple, mango, melons, and bananas. It is also associated with reactions to spices such as dill, ginger, and oregano and the nightshades, potato and tomato and chestnuts.

A few articles in scientific literature have reported associations of specific HLA gene patterns to pollen allergy and fewer still have noted HLA DR and DQ gene pattern associations with food-pollen cross-reaction syndromes. HLA DQ genetics are well known in celiac disease. There is also limited published data associating certain DQ patterns with microscopic colitis, collagenous colitis and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. HLA typing may be clinically useful in evaluation and elimination diet recommendations for suspected food allergic, intolerant or sensitive individuals. This type of information will be one of the goals of thefooddoc.com website. A table that lists the common pollens and foods that have been reported to cross-react with those pollens will be posted on the site very soon.

Though extensive research has been done and many of the protein structures contributing to these cross-reactions is known, little is known about these reactions by most of the lay public and many doctors. Seasonal pollen allergies may be associated with more severe reactions. Those with documented cross-reactions or prior OAS reactions may be at increased risk and certain HLA gene or DQ patterns may be associated. People with known or suspected pollen allergies should be aware of these possible food reactions. If you would like further help sorting out if you are intolerant or allergic to certain foods please visit http://www.thefooddoc.com in the near future to undergo a free online assessment and sign up for the online diet symptom diary, updates, and access the free educational content.

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Intolerance to lactose is also known as lactase deficiency, an incapability to metabolize and digest lactose. It is a big sugar molecule created of glucose and galactose and also sugars. For the absorption of lactose, galactose and glucose must be split. Then these are getting absorbed through the lining of the cells of the small intestine. The enzyme which helps in splitting the lactose into both galactose and glucose is known as lactose. Lactose intolerance is caused by the lack of lactase in the digestive tract.

Lactose intolerance signs and symptoms

Most of the people suffer a lot due to this, parents are very anxious about babies who are suffering with this condition. Everyone will not experience all the symptoms. Yet, wind and bloating are the two major symptoms which are common to everyone.

If the lactose is not digested, it stays in the intestines by exerting the osmotic effects. Salts and fluids are drawn by the osmotic pressure in to the guts that moves fast to the large intestines. This increased salt levels and fluid in the colon assists the bacteria which ferments the lactose to methane, CO2, hydrogen and also hydrogen sulphide. The hydrogen is a major gas that causes bloating, as it is small it moves on out of the intestinal walls. Fermentation of lactose results in symptoms such as cramping pain, flatulence and abdominal bloating.

Diarrhea is the most general symptoms occurring but it is different from one individual to the other. Other signs of lactose intolerance are rumbling, gaseousness, nausea and in some cases you can even see vomiting sensation. Vomiting and nausea are caused as a result of the escaped gas. Intestinal pain is caused by the dairy products that cause continuous loose bowel movements. Diarrhea begins to develop within one to two hours after having dairy products in the people being intolerant to lactose. Watery bowel movements will also lead to loss of appetite. Diarrhea caused may result in risky condition because of the extreme loss of fluid from the body.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance become severe or mild based on the amount of sugar consumed and the intensity of lactose deficiency.

Final Words

Being intolerant to lactose is a digestive problem affecting many people in the world. You can ease your current lactose intolerance condition by just cutting all foods that contains lactose, for example the dairy products. Consume yogurt as it contains rich source of calcium. Consuming yogurt in every meal will definitely eliminate the lactose intolerance signs and symptoms.

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Infestation of mold and mildew is the topic of the day. People residing in humid subtropical region suffer from mold problems very much. Molds, mildews and other fungus need humid weather to live and breed. Humid regions provide the right conditions naturally.

Flood is another natural phenomenon that leads to serious mold problem. When flood water enters into houses, indoor places become damp and molds and mildews get the right condition for life.

Water damage, leaky roofs, cracks on the walls through which rainwater can penetrate, overflow of kitchen sink and dampness in bathroom and basement are the main reasons behind indoor mold growth. Mold spores are everywhere; they float around with air current. As soon as they get the right conditions, they begin to sporulate and colonize.

How much dangerous are they? Are they health hazardous at all? Do all species of fungi pose health threats? Let's find answer to all the questions one by one.

Molds may result in allergic responses in human beings. Coughing and wheezing, stuffy or runny nose, watery and red eyes, itching of throat, sneezing, skin rashes and dermatitis, respiratory problem, headache and fatigue are most common symptoms of exposure to molds. Sometimes, fever and flu-like symptoms are also observed in infected people.

The condition may worsen in case of exposure to toxic black mold. Black molds produce toxins which are very much injurious to health. Black molds produce mycotoxins as metabolic byproduct. Exposure to mycotoxins results in diarrhea, high fever and sickness.

Therefore never ignore mold growths inside your home. It can be black mold. Conduct mold testing and inspection before you apply mold cleaning products for mold removal. Mold testing yields the value of mold spore and airborne hyphal part concentration in your home. Basically molds are present everywhere; chances are whenever you conduct mold testing in your home, it will show traces of molds. But high spore count is not desired, though there is still no guideline on what should be the safe mold spore concentration.

Basically it depends on the immune system of individuals. A certain amount of mold spore may be hazardous for one, whereas, it may not affect another person. That is why it is quite difficult to set a mark as safe mold spore concentration.

People with weak immune system may face severe health problems including heavy respiratory trouble, high fever, bleeding in lungs, headache and more serious troubles.

There are innumerable types of fungus, not all of them have been identified yet. Some members of fungi class are health hazardous only; not all. Stachybotrys chartarum and Stachybotrys atra produce toxins and pose high health threats.

Mold removal is the only way to remove molds and mildews when they nest in your home. There is no point in sharing room with these unhealthy organisms. They are not only responsible for various allergic responses, but they damage your property as well.

While cleaning mold, take enough precautions. As you are going to disturb the mold colony, hyphal parts and mold spores would get aerosolized. Hence you need to wear mask, goggles, gloves and cleaning suit to avoid cleaning time exposure.

By using organic cleaning products you reduce health problems. Unlike acids or bleaches, organic products do not contain any harmful chemicals and free from side effects.

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If you have an ailment which is caused by an allergy, do not assume that you are the only one; millions are suffering from the same problem. Milk allergy symptoms can show as vomiting, diarrhea, hives and many more but these are the most common ones. In addition, acne, watery eyes, bloating and gas are the other signs. Hyperactivity may also be considered a symptom, mainly with children. There has been so much research conducted about this topic that it has culminated in the creation of better alternatives to milk.

To allergic outbreaks it is recommended to avoid eating products which are derived from milk. However this is really difficult because many products we use in our daily routine including baby nutritional products all have traces of milk. If you have the habit of 'think before you leap' then you should closely watch the contents of any product. People who suffer from milk allergy should avoid anything that contains 'casein'.

If you have been to the supermarket recently & have glanced on the shelf you will notice a number of products which are categorized as food allergies treatment product, under this category you can get plenty of alternative dairy products. I bet that henceforth you won't have to avoid those palatable dishes that you like the most; you can find different alternatives for that.

Now we will come to another issue, one ingredient in milk is called as lactose, in general term it is referred as milk sugar. Lactose intolerance can cause a person intolerant to the lactose available in milk. There is an enzyme called lactase which is responsible for breaking down the lactose. If one goes by statistics then it is estimated that almost 70% of the population of the world is lacking in this enzyme & more astonishing part is that most of them have none at all. Due to this it has problem in the past when some delegates of international care tried to supply the milk products to the African countries where food relief camps were distributing these products; it came to notice that those milk products were consumed by lactose intolerant people over there, it created more problems rather than curbing starvation.

Those who suffer from lactose intolerance can avoid drinking milk and eating products derived from it but in return they will need a supplement in lactase because this enzyme is needed by the digestive system. So lactase supplements are the only way to ensure a pleasant experience with dairy products for these people. Dose of lactase depends upon the dairy product which you want to consume, because with high priced lactase supplements it is important to give consideration about this.

Additionally, those who suffer from intolerance to lactose are denied calcium in their diet which is why more alternatives have been introduced to the market. They may use substitute products including Soya and Tofu. Soya-based products have been improved greatly; even if you taste Soya milk and try to adapt it to your diet; you will find its taste very delicious & it can substitute milk quite well. Tofu is a good alternative for cheese and in some cases even meat.

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When human parasites have invaded your body, it may not always be clear that they have done so. This article examines common symptoms you are likely to experience during a parasitic invasion and explains why you're experiencing them and what is going on in your body. Once you learn to pay attention to these subtle clues and signs, then you will be better prepared to detect and stop harmful human parasite infections that may be the root of many of your health problems.

Chronic Fatigue: While parasites are sitting in your intestines they are effectively feeding on the food you consume, stealing all the nutrients, minerals, proteins, vitamins etc. from your food before your body gets a chance to absorb them. This leaves you in state of constant fatigue sometimes accompanied by impaired memory and concentration.

Teeth Grinding at Night: Abnormal grinding of teeth at night has been linked to parasite infections, and it may be a result of the body's nervous system responding to the foreign internal irritation.

Allergies: When parasites feed on and damage your intestinal lining, this allows large undigested particles to cross otherwise impermeable membranes. This in turn triggers the body's immune response, signaling inflammatory agents that in turn result in an allergic reaction.

Skin Rashes: Parasitic worms can cause inflammation, hives, rashes and other itchy skin breakouts that resemble an allergic reaction. Many parasites enter the human body by crossing through our protective skin and into the bloodstream.

Trouble Sleeping: Some intestinal parasites climb out of and around the anus during night to lay eggs, which causes an irritating and discomforting itch around the anus. These parasites, because they are active at night, tend to cause sleep disturbances.

Excess Gas: Because intestinal parasites eat, they also release toxins inside our intestines. Combined with the inflammation caused by the constant parasitic irritation of the body's intestinal lining, the results tend to be continual abdominal gas, bloating and discomfort.

Diarrhea: Often diarrhea is the body's defensive response to rid itself from foreign unwanted organisms, but in some cases it may even be the parasites themselves who are eliciting the diarrhea response. Parasites can lead to decreased chloride and sodium levels, resulting in watery stools.

Constipation: Some of the larger parasitic worms can literally block the intestines up, leading to constipation and infrequent bowel movements. After some time these stuck foods start to decay in your intestines and this can lead to serious health problems along with major discomfort.

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Allergies are not only annoying; these can be fatal if serious cases are not given immediate and correct treatment. However, until now, almost all of those so-called treatments do not really cure a person from allergies. In fact, these merely rid one of the symptoms, which can harm most. For as long as there is still no particular cure for it, the best way to deal with it is to avoid items that may carry allergens. Allergens are the causes of the any allergy. When an allergic person comes into contact with an allergen, he naturally reacts to it with the symptoms he usually experiences. It is, therefore, important to learn about the common allergens. Doing so will help in avoiding anything that can trigger allergic reactions.

One of the most common allergen carriers are pollens. Pollens are very tiny that they can be inhaled easily. Extreme exposure to it can cause hay fever. However, the allergic reactions are usually those that related to inhalation. These include nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. To treat this, one can take antihistamines. To prevent this, anyone who is highly sensitive to pollens should avoid staying outdoors, especially if it is windy. Dust mite allergies are almost similar in terms of symptoms. The only difference is that microscopic dust mites cause these. To avoid catching these, ridding the house of dust as often as possible is the best measure.

Some people experience insect sting allergies. Normally, insect bites or stings can merely hurt a person for just a few minutes at maximum. Of course, this does not include those made by those with poison such as scorpions and certain spiders. However, some individuals' body systems over-react to the stings. They suffer anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction that occurs in the entire body. Symptoms of such include wheezing, breathing difficulties, dizziness, and swelling of the head and throat areas. For immediate treatment, taking epinephrine may be taken immediately after being bitten or stung. This is to avoid anaphylaxis.

Another common cause of allergies is food. For certain individuals, some particular food item can be trigger allergic reactions from their body. The most common of these are seafood, eggs, nuts, and certain fruits. The problem with food allergies is that this can be more serious than other types. The usual symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, asthma, and swelling, especially on the face. These can be so severe that there are cases when hospitalization is necessary. The best prevention is to totally avoid anything with these foods. For mild attacks, taking in antihistamines may suffice. However, for more serious cases, injecting epinephrine may be needed to stop the reaction from growing worse.

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The tropical jungle/forest of the Amazon River Basin or valley of South America is referred to as the Amazon Rainforest.

The plants and trees in the Amazon Rainforest with rich Medicinal Values are described as Amazon Herbs. Sangre de Grado is one such herb found in the Amazon Rainforest. They are the large trees. These trees are concentrated more in the Peru region, which has 13% of Amazon Rainforest.

Sangre de Grado is known by many different names. The popular names among them are: Blood of the Dragon and Sangre de Drago. Its scientific name is Croton Lechleri.
The bark of the tree is used to extract latex resin. This resin is ripe with taspine compounds.

Several studies revealed that it is very much effective in treatment of Stomach Ulcer and similar Intestine Disorders, Rashes, Travellers' and Watery Diarrhea, Reduces Inflammation, Help in reducing the pain, Help in healing the wounds, Stops bleeding and Kills viruses, Germs & Fungi. This Alternative Medicine would not pinch your pocket.

The Latex Resin of Sangre de Grado could be administered both externally as well as internally. It can be applied directly to the affected area (for healing the wounds) several times a day and allow it to dry. Alternatively, it could be administered internally by taking 10-30 drops in a small amount of liquid one to three times a day. The drop can be added to water and honey.

There is no report of side effects or after effects of using this resin.

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C. diff colitis: A Bug on the Rise

C. diff colitis, also known as Clostridium difficile colitis, is a really nasty, debilitating infection that has gone relatively unnoticed over the last 20 years. And while most pandemic attention has been focused on bird flu or other foreign invaders from overseas, a sharply rising C. diff infection rate has been silently on the rise. Symptoms can span a range from mild diarrhea to painful and life-threatening inflammation of the colon.

C. diff infections have not only been increasing in numbers, but also the bacterial strain has become more and more difficult to treat. It can strike anyone. Tens of thousands of people including those in the best of health and not on antibiotics, residing in a hospital, or other risk factors are stricken each year.

A carrier can spread C. diff infections without even being aware of the symptoms themselves. It can take weeks, months even for some to notice they are ill and by that time they have probably not taken precautions to contain the bug from contaminating things. And because C. diff can become an increased threat when taking antibiotics for a different condition, it can hide in the periphery until the "good" intestinal bacteria is in the minority and gain the upper hand.

C. diff Symptoms

Early, common symptoms of a C. diff infection are:

  • Runny, liquid diarrhea which occurs 3+ times per day, two or more days in a row

  • Slight abdominal cramping and discomfort

In contrast, more severe instances of C. diff would actually cause colitis (inflammation of the colon). A variant of colitis is pseudomembranous colitis which includes colon bleeding or discharge. Symptoms of these escalated C. diff infections are:

  • Runny, liquid diarrhea occurring up to 15 times per day

  • Severe abdominal cramping and discomfort

  • Feces containing blood or pus

  • Nausea

  • Dehydration

  • Fever

  • Weight loss

  • Loss of appetite

If you experience loose stool or any of the symptoms for longer than three days while taking or after taking antibiotics, you should consult your physician at once.

C. diff Causes

Contrary to the belief that C. diff bacteria is only found in feces or restrooms, it is actually found in our air, water, and even the soil. Though it can be carried by healthy people in their intestines, it is most commonly found in sick people. Those that are healthy have a much stronger immune resistance to C. diff exposure. And there are many more carriers of it where concentrations of the sick are found: hospitals and with other health service providers. This bacteria can thrive when the feces they live in is transmitted from a carrier's unwashed hands to food, clothing, counters, and other common objects (scissors, remote controls, utensils, money, doorknobs, etc.). This bacterial contamination can be very hearty and remain in a room or on an object even after several months. Once a person picks up the C. diff on their hands, they could accidentally ingest it by touching their mouth, a piece of gum, a toothpick, etc. or spread it to more locations.

As mentioned earlier, while taking antibiotics can help with some infections, it can reduce the number of "good" bacteria that your body has too. When there are not very many good guys, the bad bacteria has a chance to overpower and gain the upper hand. Once it has control over your gut, toxins are produced which erode the lining of the intestines and causes decay within the colon itself.

It is good to keep in mind that the antibiotics which most commonly result in a C. diff infection are: clindamycin, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, and penicillins.

C. diff Superbugs

As a result of years and years of overly-perscribed antibiotics to treat ailments, some bacterial strains have evolved as more resistant to medicine. These new C. diff strains are much more robust and harmful than the ones of the past, and excrete toxins which are more caustic to the intestines and colon. Also, starting around the year 2000, cases of the new-and-improved bug have been found in patients who are in good health and are not staying in a healthcare facility. This is in contrast to the infection traditionally needing an unhealthy or hospitalized person to strike.

Increasing the odds...

Let's be clear. Anyone can be at risk for getting a C. diff infection. Nursing homes, emergency rooms, and hospitals where tables, carts, desks, stethoscopes, phones, and pens present easy ways for the bacteria to become transmitted. Your odds are greatest for getting the infection if:

  • You have had a C. diff infection before

  • Have had abdominal or gastrointestinal surgery

  • Are 65 years of age or older. The odds are 10 times or greater for those 65 or older when compared to younger adults

  • If you are taking antibiotics or have been recently

  • Have an existing condition or weakened immune system

  • Have colon cancer or an inflammatory bowel issue

  • You are hospitalized or are staying in a long-term care facility

Additional Problems

Here are some of the additional problems that can result from C. diff colitis or infections:

  • Toxic Megacolon. It is not as fun as it sounds. It is when the colon is unable to expel gas and feces, which cause it to greatly enlarge and distend. When this condition is not taken care of immediately, the colon may rupture and send deadly bacteria gushing into the abdominal cavity. Emergency surgery must be performed at once in these circumstances.

  • Kidney Failure. With all the diarrhea, dehydration can happen fast enough that the kidneys cannot function normally and quickly deteriorate.

  • Dehydration. Extreme diarrhea can create a great loss of electrolytes and fluids. Your body must have these things in order to maintain a healthy system and organ support.

  • Bowel perforation. When the infection has caused enough damage to the intestines to erode all the way through, the result is a hole which leaks out bacteria. The bacteria then flow into the abdominal cavity creating an immediate life-threatening condition. Emergency surgery is required to seal the hole and save the patient.

Screening for C. diff

Whenever anyone has been using antibiotics and develops diarrhea within around two months since last use, or if there is watery stool soon after hospital admission, medical providers usually suspect a C. diff infection. There are a few tests which can rule this out:

  • Colon check. Your physician may need to inspect the insides of your colon to rule out an infection. Theflexible sigmoidoscopy, as it is called, consists of inserting a flexible tube with a little camera into your colon to check for any spots of inflammation or pseudomembranes.

  • CT Scan. When there is a possibility of complications stemming from C. diff, a scan called a computerized tomography (CT scan) can give highly detailed information and imagery about the colon. It can even give a report on how thick the wall of the colon is -a wall that is too thick is indicative of pseudomembranous colitis.

  • Stool test. The most simple and least invasive test. There are a few types of stool tests, but what they all are trying to detect is the presence of signature, telltale toxins excreted by a hidden C. diff infection. The most common type of stool test is called a enzyme immunoassay, or EIA, test. It is one of the fastest test but can produce some false-positives. Sometimes it is used in conjunction with a tissue culture for best accuracy.

C. diff Colitis and related infections are on the rise and many cases are starting to make the headlines. Through greater pubic awareness and prevention, we can significantly lower the odds of contracting such a debilitating affliction. Old treatments from the late 1950s such as the Fecal Transplant are re-emerging as viable, incredibly-effective curing alternatives to pill popping and pharma-cures.

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Hemorrhoid remedies play an essential role in easing the symptoms of hemorrhoids easily and efficiently. Hemorrhoid or piles is a serious disorder of the intestinal tract. This ailment involves irritated and swollen blood veins in the rectum area.

Basically, hemorrhoids are of two types; internal and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless and cannot be seen, whereas the external ones stick out from the rectum and causes severe pain. Hemorrhoids are generally caused due to aging, pregnancy, straining while passing bowel movements, diarrhea, medications and chronic constipation.

People who suffer from hemorrhoid realize that they have piles when they detect traces of blood on the toilet seat or toilet paper. This symptom indicates signs of internal as well as external hemorrhoid. There are numerous conventional treatments for hemorrhoids that help to minimize the bleeding and inflammation. Moreover, there are few effective hemorrhoid remedies to ease the swelling and itching which can prove to be very helpful.

Hemorrhoid Remedies - 5 Steps To Ease The Swelling and Itching:

Intake Lots Of Fluids:

Consume loads of fluids. The primary factor that causes hemorrhoid is when the fine lining of the blood veins of the anus gets damaged. This breakage is caused due to straining while passing dry and hard stools and constipation.

Internal hemorrhoids won't get an opportunity to heal if the stools are too hard and dry. Therefore, by including more liquids to the daily diet, the stools will retain sufficient amount of water particles and will be excreted very easily. This will ease the itching and inflammation.

Sitz Baths:

A sitz bath is considered to be a standard treatment for internal as well as external piles. One has to sit in a bath-tub filled with warm water. The warmth of the water aids in reducing the swelling and improving the blood circulation in that region, which helps to heal the hemorrhoid. The bath has to be taken for around 20 to 25 minutes, twice to three times each day.

High Fiber Diet:

High fiber diet can be one of the most effective natural hemorrhoid remedies. Fiber is an integral component of healthy digestion process as it contributes to the waste materials of the digestion tract and lowers the possibilities of diarrhea. Hemorrhoids may be triggered due to recurrent watery bowel motions, which break the thin lining of the blood vessels present in the anus area. Foods that are rich in fiber are fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and nuts.

Hemorrhoid Creams:

One can easily use creams that are manufactured particularly to ease the pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids. Several commercial ointments and creams are available that can heal both internal and external piles. These products generally include cortisone which is an anti-inflammatory element that helps to reduce the swelling. One can also try dabbing petroleum jelly in the rectum area to assist in reducing the discomfort caused by hemorrhoid during bowel motions.


Several herbal hemorrhoid remedies are available that may help to ease the swelling and itching. Bromelain, the digestive enzyme and herb horse chestnut assists in preventing the enzymes from harming the damaged blood veins and in turn provides hemorrhoid a possibility to heal. Butcher's broom can make the veins less permeable, and thus boost the healing process. Furthermore, herbs such as gingko, bilberry and gotu kola enhance blood circulation which aids to minimize the itching and inflammation caused by hemorrhoids.

Overall, by adopting these six simple hemorrhoid remedies, one can conveniently get rid of the swelling and irritation associated with hemorrhoids.

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The term "parasites" is used to indicate an organism that lives in a host or off another organism. Humans commonly are the favorite host of over 100 different kinds of parasites. Symptoms of parasites may show once these organisms interact with human host. They may cause sickness for a temporary period until the body's immune systems fights and destroys it or, the parasites destroys and weakens the body's life system over hours, days, or weeks. These small organisms can be transmitted by contact in either water or air. In general they can infect almost every part of the human body such as abdomen, chest, diaphragm, hands, feet, genitals, digestive tract, blood, respiratory tract, muscles, buttocks, skin, liver, and upper arms. With these range of human body parts that could be invaded by these small killers, ways to prevent them should be done.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it is estimated that over one quarter of the world's population are infected or suffering from intestinal parasitic infections, the most common parasite attack. With this statistics, it is important to know and be aware of what these parasites can do to the human body. Here are the most common symptoms of parasites. The top one is constipation. Worms or parasites come in varying sizes and shapes. Sometimes they can cause obstruction to certain human organs such as the intestine thus, making it hard for one to eliminate. Second is diarrhea. Certain parasites such as protozoa produce a prostaglandin that creates sodium and chloride which causes watery stools.

The third most common symptoms of parasites are gas and bloating. Some parasites live in the upper small intestines where the inflammation they cause triggers bloating and gas. Fourth is irritable bowel movement. Once parasites inflame and irritate the intestinal walls, various gastro-intestinal symptoms can be prevalent. Fifth is joints and muscle pains. When parasites migrate to encyst on joint fluids, pain becomes evident and this is usually mistaken to be caused by arthritis. Sixth most common symptom is Anemia. Some varieties of parasites attach themselves to the mucosal lining of the intestine and scavenge all the nutrients from the host. If massive parasites are present, these can altogether create blood loss.

Other common symptoms of parasites include allergy, skin conditions, granuiomas, nervousness, sleep disturbances, teeth grinding, chronic fatigue, and immune dysfunction. All these conditions may greatly affect the human body. It would seem that this is an easy problem to diagnose and treat but actually it is hard. Parasites come in different size and shapes and stages of development and as a matter of fact, most lab tests miss them. So as a popular saying goes "prevention is better than cure", preventing possible contact with these parasites should be practiced.

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One of the biggest problems in kitchens throughout the United States is the German cockroach. This type of roach is relatively small measuring 翹 to 5/8 inches in length and can be recognized by dark, lengthwise stripes on its head. Although it has fully developed wings, the German cockroach does not fly.

The German cockroach prefers a moist environment, not only under sinks, dishwashers or stoves in our kitchens, but bathrooms and wet basements as well. These areas of our home provide the perfect conditions in which they thrive: water, food, humidity, warmth and security. This insect is a scavenger and will feed on a wide variety of foods. Their favorite treats are sweets, greasy foods, meats and starches, but when those can't directly be found, garbage is the next best thing. Like many other pests, German cockroaches are nocturnal and search for food and water at night. During the day, they hide in cracks and crevices and in other dark, high moisture areas. Very rarely, if a strain is placed on the infestation; no food or too many cockroaches trying to hide in one place, will the German cockroach be seen during the day.

Unlike another unwelcome nocturnal visitor, the bed bug, which is not known to carry any disease, the German cockroach can be responsible for many. Many forms of gastroenteritis (Salmonella food poisoning, diarrhea, dysentery) are the primary illnesses transmitted by these invasive pests. The bacteria that cause such stomach upset are carried on the legs and bodies of cockroaches and deposited on food and utensils as they look for food. German cockroach feces and cast skins have also been known to create an allergic reaction for some people. This reaction includes, skin rashes, watery eyes, sneezing, congestion and asthma.

Eliminating this pest for good is not an easy task, but a few simple steps can help keep their ever growing numbers at bay.

Get rid of clutter-clutter on your cupboards or floors make for perfect hiding places

Keep cupboards and under appliances crumb free-clean frequently under stoves, dishwashers, refrigerators, toasters and microwaves, do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight; if there is no food, there are no cockroaches

Food storage and garbage disposal-store foods such as cereal, crackers, flour and cookies in air tight containers; empty interior garbage cans regularly and store in receptacles with tightly fitting lids

Don't go it alone-for the best in eradication and prevention, contact a trained pest control specialist

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If you own a cat, and want to keep it happy and healthy, you will need to take your cat to the vets on a regular basis for immunizations to protect it from diseases. There are many diseases that cats can contract including Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), and Feline Leukemia.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP):

This is a cat disease that is caused by the coronavirus infection. There are many different strains of the coronavirus that can make your cat sick, but most of them do not produce the serious kind of illness. The FIP-producing kind of coronavirus invades and grows in certain white blood cells in the cat's bloodstream. The infected white blood cells then travel through the cat's body where an intense reaction can occur in the tissues. Infected cats can pass the virus on to other cats through the saliva and feces. Saliva can get into the water and food dishes, toys, clothing, bedding and surfaces they lie on. The virus can survive for several weeks but can be inactivated by common household detergents and disinfectants. Owners of multiple cat households should use one part household bleach to thirty-two parts of water (4 oz. of bleach to a gallon of water).

Symptoms of FIP are those of a mild upper respiratory disease in that the cat will sneeze, have watery eyes, and a watery nasal discharge. Sometimes the cat will have a mild intestinal disease. Usually cats completely recover from FIP and can also become virus carriers. Unfortunately a few cats can develop the lethal disease several weeks, months, or even years after having the disease for the first time.

Symptoms of the lethal FIP are anemia, depression, fever, and weight loss. The cat will develop kidney failure (increase it's water consumption and urination), or have liver failure and become jaundiced, or have pancreatic disease and show signs of diarrhea and vomiting and diabetes. It may also have neurological disease, which manifests itself in loss of balance, behavioral changes, paralysis and also seizures. It may have eye disease, which includes inflammation of the eyes or blindness. Because there can be so many different symptoms FIP can be difficult for vets to diagnose.

Cats that are very young, or are older than 10 years, or cats that are in poor physical condition are all prone to FIP.

The first FIP vaccine (Primucell PIF) was introduced in 1991.

FIP has not been documented in any other species other than the feline population.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV):

The virus that causes Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is the same retrovirus family of viruses that includes the feline leukemia virus (FeLV), the is different in many ways including the shape of the virus and genetically.

FIV is spread basically through bite wounds; thus cats who are outdoor cats allowed to roam freely are prone to this infection. Sometimes an infected mother cat can give the infection to her kittens while passing through the birth canal or through the milk when nursing.

A cat may have the FIV virus for years before showing any signs of illness. The virus will render the cat more susceptible to diseases caused by common bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or fungi found in everyday environments that normally do not affect a healthy cat. The cat with FIV will have a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of FIV infection:

In the early stage of the infection the virus is carried to nearby lymph nodes where white blood cells are produced and the virus is spread to other lymph nodes throughout the body resulting in a temporary enlargement of the lymph nodes, which if a vet is examining the cat at this stage the vet may notice the swollen lymph nodes. There is usually a fever while the lymph nodes are enlarged.

The health of a cat with FIV will deteriorate progressively and the owner may notice a loss of appetite, poor coat condition, an inflamed gum (gingivitis) and inflamed mouth (stomatitis), and chronic skin infections, a urinary bladder infection and upper respiratory tract infection is also usually present. Slow but progressive weight loss is very common, followed by severe wasting late in the disease. When a cat has FIV, it is prone to get different kinds of cancer and blood diseases. Some cats with FIV may have seizures, and behavior changes as well as other neurological disorders.

The diagnosis is made with a simple blood test.

There is an FIV vaccine.

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV):

Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) is also a retrovirus, just like FIV, and HIV the human immunodeficiency virus. In the U.S. approximately 2 to 3% of cats are infected with FeLV.

FeLV is spread through the saliva and nasal secretions, but can also be spread by contaminated urine, feces, and in the milk of infected cats. It can be spread by a bite, or by sharing of litter boxes, or feeding and water dishes. An infected mother cat can give the FeLV to her nursing kittens. Cats in multiple households where there is an infected cat are at risk, as well as cats that are allowed to go outside unsupervised, where an infected cat can bite them.

Symptoms of FeLV are loss of appetite, slow and progressive weight loss, poor coat condition, enlarged lymph nodes, persistent fever, pale gums, gingivitis, stomatitis, skin infections, urinary infection, upper respiratory tract, persistent diarrhea, seizures, behavior changes, and also eye conditions.

Visit [http://www.bestcatbook.com/] to receive your free copy of the Best Cat Book.

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