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It's important for every dog owner to recognize dog health problems and symptoms as your furry pal relies on you to be his or her "first responder" when they have a problem. You can tell when they aren't feeling all that well but do you really know what to do? Listed below are the symptoms for some common dog health problems ranging from the everyday to the very serious.

Dog Diarrhea

The symptoms of this condition are pretty obvious. Your canine buddy is probably going to express some pain when defecating because that strain is just magnifying the pain in his stomach. The stool will be runny and may be an abnormal color. The odor will be more intense.

Diarrhea in dogs is quite common thanks to a dog's complete lack of discrimination in what he eats. If it smells okay and doesn't hurt his mouth then it is potential food. As a result they eat stuff that makes them sick.

Symptoms Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

Lyme disease is a bacterium known as Borrelia which is transmitted to your dog through a tick bite. Unfortunately, there are no symptoms until weeks after the infection and when they do show they are often mistaken for other ailments.

The most common symptom is one that appears to be arthritis. Joints and lymph glands can become swollen making it very painful for the dog to walk or even get comfortable laying down. Your pal will become listless, may refuse to eat because the effort hurts too much, and may revert to using the inside of the house as his bathroom rather than going outside.

The giveaway that this is Lyme's and not arthritis is that the affected limbs will change. When arthritis develops it doesn't move around. With Lyme's disease one side of your dog can be affected one week and then suddenly it heals and the other side is affected.

Symptoms of Distemper

Distemper is an airborne virus that is highly contagious and affects the dog's respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems. Distemper will first show itself with cold like symptoms with watery eyes, runny nose, a cough and sometimes diarrhea. Later in the development of the disease the dog will suffer from disorientation, twitching and even convulsions. Unfortunately there is no effective treatment for this disease.

Symptoms of Ear Infections

These infections are fairly common particularly with dogs that have heavy earflap like Bassets and Dachshunds. The infection is caused by bacteria or yeast that appear when there is a change in the dog's ear like an infestation of ticks or mites. Symptoms of an ear infection include the shaking of the head, a pawing of the ears, pain and a foul odor coming from the ears.

Of course there are many more ailments that can affect your canine friend but the thing to remember is prevention. It's really not so different from taking care of a kid. Keep their shots up to date, keep them well fed and clean and provide clean bedding. Parasites cause most of the problems and if you can limit your dog's exposure to strange dogs you are limiting the possibility of exposure to disease. If you notice dog health problems that do not go away after a few days, take your pal to the vet.

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There are millions of people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you are over the age of 30 you have probably experienced some form of gas, bloating, heartburn and abdominal pain.

Do You Have IBS?

Functional bowel disorders such as constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, abdominal pain are forms of IBS. Approximately one in 5 Americans and more than 20% of the population have symptoms of IBS. In addition, IBS makes up around 20 50% of visits to a digestive specialists.

IBS maybe characterized as some form of bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, and cramping. IBS as you probably know can cause a great deal of discomfort and distress, but doesn't permanently harm the intestines, and in most cases doesn't lead to any serious diseases. A lady named Tonya who recently revealed how embarrassing her IBS has become stated that her digestive problem has escalated. An all time high has been achieved in the population for suffering with diarrhea, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. Do you also suffer from IBS?

What Are The Symptoms Of IBS?


-Abdominal pain

-Watery Stools

-Hard or difficult to pass bowel movements

What Causes IBS?

Researchers haven't found any specific causes for IBS. Studies indicate that people who suffer from IBS have a large bowel that is particularly sensitive and reactive to certain foods and also stress. Here are three hypothetical causes of IBS..

-An individuals colon may respond negatively to stimuli such as certain foods or stress

-People with IBS frequently suffer from depression and anxiety which can make the symptoms worse.

-Researchers have a strong theory that IBS may be caused by a bacterial infection in the GI tract.

There are some healthy ingredients which deliver and maintain a full functioning, optimal running digestive system. Four of these are listed below.

-Benonite clay-

A completely safe clay that absorbs water and forms a gel and thereby works as a mild laxative. The water that is absorbed captures the toxins into a gel and then the body carries them out.


Wormseed detoxifies the intestinal tracts unwanted organisms that are present without eliminating the bacterial flora. It thereby effectively helps reduce occasional constipation and diarrhea.

-Black Seeds-

Contain high amounts of dietary fiber and have been widely used to promote bowel health.

-Turkey rhubarb-

Has powerful properties as an intestinal cleanser. This herb considerably reduces occasional constipation and small dosages have been used for hundreds of years to assist digestion.

IBS does affect millions of Americans, but it can be resolved in a way that is safe and natural. Because of this there isn't any need to be uncomfortable and embarrassed about any (IBS) symptoms.


The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/ patient relationship with its readers.

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Ferrets are no different to human beings when it comes to illnesses, except in one major area. Although they are normally healthy enough, a major disease can be fatal in a very short period of time; so they need watching over.

The first sign that all is not well is usually found in their behaviour. If they seem to be lethargic or aren't tearing around in their usual manner when out of the cage, take a closer look. Are their eyes dull? Is there a loss of appetite? Is there a lack of bowel movement?

The litter tray is good place to go to next. Check to see that their stools are normal and not 'pencil' thin, if they are, this could suggest some kind of intestinal blockage. Any unusual bowel movement, affecting colour and texture, should heighten the alert status; if there is no change in 24 hours gets in touch with the Vet.

Loose skin generally suggests dehydration and dehydration is dangerous, especially in small animals. Make sure that your pet has access to an adequate supply of water and try to get it to drink more. Failing that, it's another trip to the Vet's where they will be able provide subcutaneous fluids and can take a closer look at the cause.

Another sign of dehydration is diarrhea; this can be caused by milk products. Ferrets are not lactose tolerant so if you have fed it a milk base product within the previous 24 hours, you can probably put down the diarrhea to that, but as usual keep a close eye on your pet and monitor its condition - the 24 hour rule will apply here as well.

A swollen and painful stomach can also suggest a problem. This could be due to an intestinal blockage or something more serious such as heart or major organ disease.

Tumors are quite common in Ferrets. Signs of tumors will be swellings, usually on the feet but of course, they can be anywhere on the body. A tumour isn't necessarily life threatening; if it is benign(non-cancerous), you have the choice of having it removed however, any unusual lumps that appear on your pet should be investigated by the Vet, he will be able to take a tissue sample and perform a biopsy to determine whether it is malignant(cancerous) or benign.

Something to be aware of, especially in older Ferrets, is the sudden loss of active use of their hind quarters. This can be nothing more than Rheumatism setting in, or a reaction to a back or spinal injury, usually caused by aggressive and active play, but this can also be a major sign of something more serious.

Adrenal or insulinoma are potential killers if not caught and dealt with early enough. They have very similar symptoms to many other ailments, both major and minor such has difficulty in using the hind legs, pawing at the mouth, staring out into space etc., so if your pet starts to show any of these symptoms get it to the Vet.

Ferrets also have seizures or fits. This can be brought on my low sugar levels in the blood and if your Ferret does have one, you can try rubbing Honey or Syrup on its gums, in order to help it come out of a seizure and then get it to the Vet as quickly as you can.

There are a couple of other important things you should look for which I will quickly cover.

Ferrets do not like to be hot; overheating can lead to a loss of life from relatively low temperatures. Therefore, like a dog, you should never leave a Ferret in a car and if you do leave it outside on a hot day, ensure that it is has shade and a cool place to lie with plenty of water.

Internally, you shouldn't put its bed or cage right next to radiators and you shouldn't allow it to 'nest and rest' under radiators either.

Hair loss is also something to be aware of. Twice a year a Ferret will molt i.e. shed its existing fur for a new growth and this is normal. What is not normal is if the Ferret starts to shed huge lumps of fur from the tail forward and there is no re-growth of new fur. This can be an indication that there is a tumour of the Adrenal gland and that it has Adrenal disease.

And of course, Ferrets do vomit! This could be for a number of simple straightforward reasons such spitting up a hair ball during molting or a reaction to over excitement. The next action as usual, is to carefully observe your pet to ensure that the vomit does not contain blood and is not continuous.

Ferrets can catch colds and flu and their symptoms are very similar to our own. Sneezing, runny noses, watery eyes and lethargy. The Ferret will normally slow down and drink a lot, but if it persists, get to the vet.

The list and advice could fill volumes of articles, but as you can see from the information above, Ferrets are prone to all sorts of illnesses and ailments - some minor, others more serious.

The recommended action as always, is to observe your pet if it starts to show signs of unfamiliar behaviour and a physical change to its body, if you are concerned get the animal to the Vet straightaway.

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It is very important to remember that antibiotics only help in infections caused by bacteria. They have no effects on viruses. Hence antibiotics do not help with colds. You have to allow your immune system to fight the viruses. Beside that, antibiotics do not help with any of the cold and cough symptoms either. They do not stop your condition from getting worse and also do not stop you from spreading the viruses to other people. Very importantly, the use of antibiotics when you do not need them makes them less effective when you eventually do need antibiotics for a bacterial infection. This also increases resistance to antibiotics in the community. Use of antibiotics can also cause unwanted side effects such as stomach discomfort, diarrhea, fungal infections such as thrush and all allergic reactions. It usually suffices to get adequate rest and use symptomatic treatments.

Treat yourself:

- Rest, resting helps your immune system build up to fight the virus off.

- Drink at least eight glass of water a day, helps loosen mucus hence easier to cough or blow out.
- Avoid drink that dehydrate further like coffee or tea.

- Take symptomatic medications to give you some comfort.

- Inhale, use a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil in a bowl of steaming water. Put a towel over your head, close your eyes and breathe in the vapor.

-Decongestant rubs help

- Gargle with warm, salty water to ease throat irritations.

Nothing cures colds but at the very least there are good symptom relievers on the market.


Topical decongestants such as nasal sprays must not be used longer than five days at a time. They should be kept refrigerated and be discarded after a month. Oral decongestant can cause insomnia, restlessness and should be avoided in patients with hypertension and heart problems.


Help with runny noses, watery eyes and dry cough.

Combination products. (Seek Doctors Advice first!)

- Decongestant and paracetamol, a useful combination if you have a mild fever and do not take excessive doses.

- Decongestant, paracetamol and cough suppressant, good when you also have a dry cough.

- Decongestant, paracetamol and antihistamines, useful if you are suffering from a runny nose.

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Suboxone could be a powerful narcotic drug that's specially intended to treat opioid dependence. Together with psychosocial support and counseling, Suboxone is an important component of a holistic treatment strategy to opioid dependence. The drug is advantageous to the body when used properly but withdrawal from Suboxone brings about a number of symptoms which can be terribly uncomfortable to the user. Of all the opiate based medicine, Suboxone delivers the least amount of withdrawal symptoms to the user.

Suboxone is scientifically proven to be an efficient detoxification agent of an opioid-based drug. Furthermore, it is efficient in assuaging the painful effects of cold turkey detox. To forestall the antagonistic facet effects of Suboxone withdrawal, consultation with a professional medical professional is strongly advised. The body wants sufficient volume of time to adjust with this dosage of Suboxone that a personal takes. For higher possibility of success, medical doctors suggested patients to scale back only 5 mg of opioid they are currently taking each 2 months.

Many folks desire to withdraw from taking Suboxone as a result of its addictive property. Even so, the concern of struggling from the disturbing and uncomfortable withdrawal signs hinder them from operating on with their goal. The concern of experiencing the undesirable signs of Suboxone traps various individuals across the world in opiate addiction.

The signs or symptoms of withdrawal from Suboxone only occur when the individual abruptly stops from taking it instead of gradually cutting down his doses. The initial few days of the withdrawal are terribly critical to the victim as a result of the withdrawal signs or symptoms continue to occur simultaneously. The symptoms basically vary from one person to another and it normally last for 4-7 days. Nonetheless, severe situations of Suboxone addiction can bring withdrawal indicators which will last for weeks.

The foremost common signs or symptoms of withdrawal from Suboxone include abnormal cold and warm flushes, profused sweating, goose bumps, cramp-like pain within the legs and shaking. Different sufferers who withdrawal from using Suboxone suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, watery eyes, runny nose and muscle aches. Severe agitation, restlessness, irritability, depression, lethargy and extreme cravings for drugs are also withdrawal signs and symptoms of Suboxone. Other withdrawal signs of Suboxone embody dehydration, abdominal pain, convulsion and suicidal tendencies.

Irregular skin sensations like numbness and tingling sensations, pains, mood swings, loss of appetite, fever, cold and flu-like signs, nausea and speedy heartbeat are some of the most common withdrawal signs and symptoms of Suboxone. Alternative signs and symptoms embody shivering, tremors, anxiety, insomnia, sneezing, leg kicking tendencies and rigid muscles. Visual and auditory hallucinations can also be expected by individuals who withdraw from taking Suboxone.

At the onset of Suboxone, signs or symptoms basically rely upon the halflife of the drug which has been taken. Studies show that heroin has shorter half life and of course, it solely takes 4-eight hours for the user to practical experience its withdrawal signs and symptoms. Conjointly, the onset of withdrawal signs and symptoms depends on the amount of drug used. Consultation with a medical doctor is strongly recommended once the withdrawal indicators are at its peak.

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We have veins running all through our bodies. Yet most people are only aware of the ones that are seen, like the ones in our hands and feet. Most people are not aware that we also have veins located in our rectum and anus. But we do become very aware of these veins when they become swollen and inflamed, especially when stool is passed. A hemorrhoid, or piles, is the known term used for this condition.

Natural home remedies are the best option for the caring of hemorrhoids and the uncomfortable symptoms associated with them. But what causes hemorrhoids? There is a number of underlying causes and by learning what creates this painful situation, treatment and even prevention is made easier.

1. Constipation.
*Not drinking enough water and diet low in fiber causes hard stool - makes you strain to have a bowel movement.
*Constipation and straining when defecating is a sure cause of hemorrhoids. The veins there will not be able to tolerate the pressure and therefore they will get swollen and may even start bleeding.

2. Diarrhea.
*Most people do not associate diarrhea with hemorrhoids. Diarrhea is considered as passing watery stools more than three times a day for over 2 days. When you have diarrhea, you will spend a lot of time in the toilet straining to get out the entire stool. Despite the fact that it is watery stool, you still exert pressure and this can cause hemorrhoids.

3. Pregnancy.
*Pregnant women also suffer from hemorrhoids because the baby puts pressure on the mother lower abdomen and as a result the rectal veins swell.

Some home remedies for hemorrhoids.
4. If you have pain and feel like you are on fire, use an aloe vera gel to soothe you
5. Another pain reliever is myrrh, golden seal, and Bayberry
6. Another remedy that works for swollen veins is witch Hazel. Get a clean cloth or piece of cotton and use it as an applicator.

7. A mixture of one teaspoon of flowers of sulfur and Vaseline applied three times a day will also help.

8. Soak figs in water overnight. The next morning drink the water before eating any food.
9. Get cumin seeds and roast one teaspoon. Mix a teaspoon of unroasted and roasted seeds then grind them to form a powder which you will take as another remedy.

10. Mango seeds that have been dried and ground into a powder also relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.

11. Another remedy is to grate white radish and mix with honey then take it two times a day.
12. Mixing mashed bananas and milk then drinking a glass full of this will relieve the symptoms.

13. A teaspoon of coriander juice mixed with sugar taken three times a day also works.
14. Soak in a sitz bath. Fill the bathtub with warm water and salt, or baking soda.
15. Make an icepack with a soft towel and apply directly to swollen area.

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I always love to travel, but the problem with me is getting a loose bowel movement. I enjoy trying new things as I travel; trying the cultures of any country I go to. Trying new cuisine is the one thing I enjoy the most. But then I get a loose bowel movement like this one time when I went to China. This loose bowel movement is called the "Traveler's Diarrhea". Let me give you some overview about this certain disease, so as to avoid getting it.

Traveler's diarrhea is common to occur in people who travel a lot. About 20-25% of international travelers gets diarrhea. The usual onset of traveler's diarrhea is during the first week of travel but may still occur all through out the travel or even after the travel. The easiest way of determining if you got traveler's diarrhea is the destination of your travel since there is a higher chance of it developing in some countries of Middle East, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. A young adult, immunosuppressed patients, diabetic person, or a person with an inflammatory bowel disease, or even someone who takes H2 blockers or antacid has a higher risk of getting traveler's diarrhea. But men and women has an equal rate of occurrence. Traveler's diarrhea is caused by eating or ingesting a fecally contaminated food or water.

Common Symptoms of Traveler's Diarrhea

o Abrupt Onset - occurs instantly with out any warning

o Increased frequency, volume, and weight of stool

o Altered consistency of stool - it can be soft or watery

o Frequency usually ranges from four to five loose or watery bowel movement per day

o Nausea - the feeling of wanting to vomit

o Vomiting

o Abdominal cramping

o Bloating

o Fever

o Urgency to defecate

o Body malaise - also related to body weakness

This is a benign disease and disappears in 1 to 2 days without treating it. Usually traveler's diarrhea resolve in a week but in some resolves in a month. This is caused by a bacterial enteropathogen called the Escherichia coli or the ETEC. ETEC causes a watery diarrhea and is commonly developing with low-grade fever.

There are ways that we can do to avoid traveler's diarrhea. Preventive measures should be practiced, unlike me who sometimes is too stubborn, do not observe or do this preventive measures. But don't be like me, because I get what I deserve after eating those nasty foods. Here are some ways we can use to prevent ourselves from getting a traveler's diarrhea.

o Do not buy or eat food or drink beverages from unhygienic establishments or from street vendors.

o Raw or undercooked meat and seafood should be avoided.

o In eating raw fruits and vegetables, peel them yourselves. Don't eat or buy peeled fruits or vegetables.

o Tap water, unpasteurized milk and dairy products are usually fecally contaminated.

Traveler's diarrhea is a self-limiting disease, it resolves without even treating it. But we can oral rehydrate ourselves to be able to replace the lost fluid and electrolytes from our system. Clear fluids are often recommended for us adults.

So let us practice more of the preventive measures for us to enjoy more of our trip or vacation.

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Infrequent Bowel Movement can be very irritating and you might suffer from mood swing due to this problem. Anybody can suffer from this problem irrespective of age and gender. In fact it has become a common phenomenon and bothers you due to many reasons. As a matter of fact when you suffer from this syndrome the metabolism rate of your body gets disturbed.

Difference between Bowel Movement Disorder, Constipation and Diarrhea

Normally a person should have 3 bowel movements per week or a day. But, if you are not experiencing 3 bowel movements a week then it is an indication that you are being affected by the constipation problem. However, in case you are experiencing 3 watery stools a day then it means you are suffering from diarrhea. Further, the bowel movement disorder would further compel you to bear abdominal pain, cramping and bloating. In fact, the bowel movement disorder can be of two types i.e., diarrhea and constipation. Laxatives can help to solve these problems without any doubt.

How to treat Bowel Movement Disorder and Constipation:

* Opt for Exercises: The best natural treatment would be exercises without any doubt. In fact, the entire movement of the body would help encourage the steady passage of the food items via intestine. You can opt for swimming, brisk-walking and running etc., to strengthen the internal system of your body.

* Increase the intake of raw vegetables and fruits: If you develop the habit of eating more vegetables and fruits on a regular basis then you can enhance your digestive system and get rid of the constipation problem at ease. This is particularly because the fiber component of these food items would make the stools very oft and allow them to pass through easily.

* Liquid Diet : If you are suffering from constipation then try to drink at least 8 glasses of water along with your favorite fruit juices. This factor would easily soften the stool and keep your internal system healthy by increasing the rate of metabolism.

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Women naturally experience many changes during pregnancy: physiological and psychological. Therefore, it would not be an understatement to say that they are often countered with many health-related problems. Stomach upset is also one such problem.

However, there can be many causes of stomach upset that trouble the ladies in the family way.

Here are causes of stomach upset during pregnancy:

i. Slow Functioning of the Digestive System - The entire body undergoes innumerable changes through pregnancy; it's only natural that the functions of the digestive system slow down too. The imbalance in the acid content in the stomach causes dyspepsia often leading to constipation, gastric problems, heart burns and acid reflux.

ii. Constipation - One of the most common complaints with pregnant women is that of constipation. This is due to incomplete digestion and taking an improper diet.

iii. Food Poisoning - Pregnant women may show symptoms of food poisoning such as fever, stomach aches accompanied with diarrhea and dehydration. This is caused by a certain type of bacteria which may result in hospitalization of the patient when things go pretty bad. However, these symptoms are known to disappear within a day or two.

iv. Nausea - It is a very irritating situation for the expecting women and to an upset stomach, nausea must be treated well. The best thing to do is avoid those foods with high saturated fats and pungent smell as they trigger the episodes of nausea a lot.

v. Stomach Virus - These often lead to abdominal cramps and watery diarrhea. Pregnancy often makes women vulnerable to a whole new number of illnesses and infections. These infections feed on the immune system of women depending on their individual strengths and weaknesses. As a result, they may last for a week or ten days.

vi. Diet - Women need to monitor their diet closely when they are expecting. However, one should not rush to make changes in their eating pattern. Instead, the body should be given sometime to adapt to the sudden changes. Switching to the consumption of roughage all of a sudden will cause stomach upset, diarrhea and weakness; which will make the situation even more difficult to handle.

vii. Hormonal Changes - Fluctuations in the hormonal levels (estrogen and progesterone) in pregnant women can often result in diarrhea. These changes in the hormones relax and slow down the gastrointestinal actions. Consequently, diarrhea occurs as the symptom of an upset stomach.

Therefore, in order to protect one from the causes of stomach upset during pregnancy, healthy dietary habits should be practiced, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle should be followed. Above all, the mothers-to-be should be showered with lots of attention and love. This way they'll be perfectly ready to welcome their little bundle of joy happily and healthily.

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Pseudomembranous colitis is an inflammatory condition of the colon that occurs mostly in adults who have received antibiotics. Common symptoms of this condition include watery diarrhea; abdominal cramps; high fever; urgency for bowel movement; nausea; dehydration; and blood, pus or mucous in the stools. Antibiotic use, age over 65 years, a weakened immune system, inflammatory bowel diseases, colorectal cancer, intestinal surgery and cancer chemotherapy, are risk factors for this condition.

The Ayurvedic treatment of pseudomembranous colitis is aimed at controlling the diarrhea, reducing inflammation in the intestines and preventing complications like perforation. Ayurvedic medicines like Kutaj-Ghan-Vati, Kutaj-Parpati, Praval-Panchamrut, Panchamrut-Parpati, Kutajarishta, Bilva-avaleha and Laghu-Sutshekhar-Ras are used to treat the diarrhea. Herbal medicines which can be used for this purpose include Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Dadim (Pomegranate), Maiphal (Quercus infectoria), Jaiphal (Myristica fragrans), Lavang (Eugenia caryophyllata), Haridra (Curcuma longa) and Daruharidra (Berberis aristata).

Patients who do not respond to the above mentioned medicines can be given additional medicines like Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Usheer (Vetiveria zizanioidis), Rakta-Chandan (Pterocarpus santalinus), Pittapapda (Fumaria vaillantii), Shankh-Bhasma and Praval-Bhasma. Medicines like Kamdudha-Ras and Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra) can be used to prevent perforation in the intestine. Medicines like Ras-Parpati, Kutaj-Parpati and Panchamrut-Parpati are effective both for treating the diarrhea as well as helping the normal bacteria to grow again in the intestines.

Patients affected with pseudomembranous colitis have a tendency to relapse several times. Medicines like Panchamrut-Parpati and Suvarna-Parpati can be given to prevent this. Medicines like Bilva-avaleha and Kutajarishta can also be given for this purpose on a long term basis. Pomegranate juice, curd and buttermilk are recommended for this condition. It is important to treat dehydration in order to prevent complications like circulatory collapse, toxic megacolon and kidney failure.

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Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS is a chronic situation mainly affecting the gut area. IBS is really a great threat to the smooth digestion process of human beings. Indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain, intermittent constipation or diarrhea, urgent need to defecate, loose or watery or hard or lumpy stools, feeling of incomplete, bowel movement, abdominal fullness, wind, abdominal soreness, fatigue, backache, passing mucus during defecation, abdominal swelling are the main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, which makes the life very complicated. However, this can be prevent to a certain extend with the help of irritable bowel syndrome treatments.

The treatments available for this condition seems to be very different from the other curative forms as a lot of comfort can be attained by changing the entire eating habits. It does not depend on the medicines alone, but it works out best in changing one's lifestyle so that healthy foods are included in it. Food containing calcium, iron, multi-minerals, multi-vitamins, probiotics and psyllum husks must to be included in daily diets. Avoiding fatty oils and implement regular exercise makes them perfect. Nowadays almost all hospitals undertake irritable bowel syndrome treatments.

The scientists were unaware of the real facts and the treatments involved in this syndrome and thus it resulted in having different treatment procedures and processes in different places. It was due to this sole reason, the scientists preferred to improve the living style and the way of living to avoid this disease. Hypnosis has got its importance across the globe and is also considered to be one of the major irritable bowel syndrome treatments known till now. It is very helpful to resist this condition to a certain extend. However, unfortunately it gives only temporary security and safety from IBS.

Hypnosis is very helpful to calm down the stomach muscles and help to increase the blood flow to the stomach, giving a much more relief from the pain resulting from this condition which is far better than suppressing it. Fiber supplement and laxatives are the other main examples for irritable bowel syndrome treatments. These treatments cannot have the ability to make a positive impact on the patient. Nowadays you can also avail probiotics supplements from the market which are spreading its use and success far and wide. It helps in restoring the appropriate function by reducing pain and also in repopulating the intestinal tract which seems to be resulting in great comfort.

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What is rotavirus diarrhea?

Rotavirus diarrhea is the diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection. This is the most common cause of diarrhea and death due to diarrhea throughout the world among infants (below one year of age) and young children below five years of age. But unfortunately more than half (in developing and underdeveloped countries the unawareness is much higher) of mothers are unaware or little aware of rotavirus infection. It is estimated that by the age of five years almost every child throughout the world has been infected with rotavirus at least once. But the brighter side is that, every infection with the virus makes the child more immune against the organism and by adult age individuals become rarely affected or if affected, remain asymptomatic.

What is the mode of transmission?

Rotavirus infection is transmitted by feco-oral route via contact with contaminated objects and contaminated surfaces. Only 10-100 virus particles can transmit the disease and it is estimated that every gram of infected person's feces contain more than 10 trillions of virus particles, which can explain the high infectivity of the disease. The worst part is that, the virus can not be eliminated by normal sanitary measures used for drinking water supply.

What are the signs and symptoms?

The signs and symptoms include watery diarrhea, vomiting and low grade fever. There may be abdominal pain in some cases.

The incubation period is generally two days. The first symptom is usually vomiting, which is followed b profuse diarrhea, both of which lead to severe dehydration. Death occurs due to dehydration.

What is the treatment?

The treatment of rotavirus diarrhea is mainly symptomatic and nonspecific. The main aim of treatment is replacement of lost fluid (through diarrhea and vomiting) and maintenance of hydration. In mild to moderate dehydration, oral rehydration salt (ORS) is sufficient to replace lost fluid, but in severe dehydration intravenous fluid must be given. If treatment is started early, prognosis is excellent with almost no complication.

How to prevent rotavirus diarrhea?

At present there are two (both are approved by USFDA for use) safe and effective vaccines are available for prevention of rotavirus infection. One is produced by GlaxoSmithKline (brand name is Rotarix) and the other is produced by Merck (brand name is RotaTeq). In many countries including United States rotavirus immunization has become routine with very good results.

Improved sanitation does not reduce incidence of rotavirus infection and vaccination remain only effective way to prevent the disease.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome is as common as any bowel syndrome can be. You can guess from the name what is Irritable Bowel Syndrome disorder about. But it helps to know more. It has affected many people all over the world already.

IBS is a chronic disorder. This means progression in gradual, it may even span more than six months. It's primary focus is patient's bowel movement. It is difficult to become aware of the disorder as the symptoms of the syndrome are not that obvious during its progression. There are times when the symptoms go untreated because they are not obvious and are overlooked.

The question "What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?" doesn't have one definite answer. It is more important to understand the symptoms of IBS to answer What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

IBS symptoms affect the bowel and large intestine

Bowel is part of our body that stores and produces end product (stools) of all that passes our digestive system. Lot of people think IBS is a psychological disorder. The fact is, it is not. It is a physical disorder. Studies show that IBS can affect anyone between 15 to 40 years age. IBS disorder can begin at any age and can afflict anyone. There is no perfect cure for IBS but there are methods to alleviate the symptoms of IBS.

Undergoing self-treatment may be dangerous as you may be doing more harm to yourself that curing the symptoms. It is good to be better educated about the symptoms of IBS. This way if you feel that you have the symptoms you can get help.

People with IBS usually have watery and very loose stools. Their digestive system processes food way faster than it normally should, which explains watery stools. Constipation and Diarrhea are the primary symptoms. These symptoms are like opposite sides of the coin.

People with Diarrhea have urgency to empty bowels soon after eating, Specially after breakfast. Most people also have stomach pain along with Diarrhea. Their digestive system processes food faster than normal hence the urge to empty the bowels soon after eating.

People with Constipation have opposite symptoms than Diarrhea. In this case the digestive system processes food slower than normal. Hence the bowel movement is very constricted. Constipated people find it very difficult to excrete bowels.

Most people also have stomach pain along with these symptoms. Stomach Pain is experienced more by women. It often gets mistaken for the menstruation pain. The pain can be mild or severe.

There are more symptoms as well: depression, back pain, nausea, groin pain, indigestion, sleep disturbances and vomiting. If you have experienced one or more of these for a while you should get help.

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The antibiotic is referred to any substance produced by micro-organism which is antagonistic to the growth of others in high dilution. Antibiotics are powerful medicines that fight with bacterial infections. Antibiotic are among the most frequently prescribed medications in modern medicines. It cures the diseases by killing or hurting the bacteria.

Selection of antibiotic

Antibiotic is effective against certain bacteria. Antibiotics are useful to fight with wide variety of bacterial infections. It is against viral infections. There are 100 of beneficial antibiotics and some of them are penicillin, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, tetracycline, trimethoprim, amoxicillin etc. Most of the antibiotics have two names one is brand name and other is trade name. Each antibiotic is effective only for certain types of infections and your doctor are able to compare your needs with the available medicines.

Unable to fight

Antibiotics are unable to fight with some infections caused by viruses like colds, flu, most coughs, bronchitis, and sore throat and by strap.

Side effects of Antibiotics

Some of the antibiotics have side effects are soft stool or diarrhea. Patient also felt a mild upset of stomach. You can also notify some side effects such as severe watery diarrhea, hives, vomiting, abdominal cramps, white patches on tongue, swallowing of lips and face, shortness of breath and vaginal itching.


If you combine the antibiotics, it can be sometimes helpful to treat severe infections. In starting days of problem, when the bacterium's sensitivity to antibiotics is not known it can prove beneficial. Combinations are also important for those infections in which the bacterium rapidly develops resistance to a single antibiotic. Infections caused by more than one bacterium, in which each bacterium is susceptible to a different antibiotic are also treated with a combination of antibiotics.

Misuse of antibiotics

Antibiotics can be sometimes misused and that includes failure to take the entire prescribed course of the antibiotic or failed to rest for sufficient recovery to allow clearance of the infecting organism. These types of practices may facilitate the development of bacterial populations with antibiotic resistance. Common form of antibiotic misuse is inappropriate antibiotic treatment.

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Irritable bowel disease is also known as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS. It is a common digestive functional problem that is characterized by abdominal pain and abnormal bowel movements. It is usually worsened by stress or anxiety. It affects people at any age.

Symptoms can be mild to severe, depending on the severity of the disease. Most people suffer only mild ones including mild abdominal pain, loss of appetite, watery stool due to diarrhea and constipation. IBS is not a serious illness like cancer. Although symptoms can be relieved through treatment, there is no cure for this digestive condition. However, there are a lot of natural ways to manage this disease.


Diet and food choices are important because it may bring on or worsen the symptoms. Fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, and chocolates can trigger or worsen abdominal pain. Choosing the right foods can reduce the pain and the symptoms.


Increased fiber intake may help or worsen the symptoms. Although it is helpful, it can aggravate the condition if you take too much fiber. Minimal amount of fiber in the diet can harden the stool that leads to constipation. On other hand, excessive fiber intake leads to diarrhea. Balanced intake of fiber is the key. Fulfill the right amount of fiber so that the symptoms won't get worse.


An intake of rice can reduce the symptoms of IBS. Just boil 1 cup of rice in to two cups of water. This will work in mild symptoms.


Fresh lemon juice is effective in relieving constipation and diarrhea. Just squeeze the juice out, add in a glass of water, and do not add sugar. Make sure it is not too concentrated, or else it may add to the acidity of the stomach, leading to a new problem.


Peppermint oil is one of the best natural remedies of IBS. This will help reduce abdominal pain. It is used to eliminate gas or flatus in the intestines. It comes in enteric-coated capsules.

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Hemorrhoids are every much of a bother to most people. No doubt this ailment is neither dangerous nor life-threatening but the pain and discomfort sufferers have to endure have somewhat become unbearable. Effective hemorrhoid relief is always available to alleviate the malady without going for surgery to relieve hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are just swollen blood vessels that occupy the lower part of the rectum and at the anus. They are somewhat like varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can be either internal or external. The prolapsed and the external hemorrhoids so-called the fourth-degree hemorrhoids are usually too large to be pushed back into the rectum and thus these have to be physically removed. With hemorrhoid

relief remedies the steps to elimination of hemorrhoids become very simple and painless.

Prepare a sitz bath. For immediate and effective hemorrhoid relief, use the sitz bath where you soak the buttocks into a basin containing warm water. In it you can put in Epsom salts, herbal salts or even baking soda. Soak for about 20 minutes in the bath and make sure you do this a few times a day. You will get effective hemorrhoid relief almost immediate as more blood will reach the anal region thus promoting its analgesic effect as well as promoting healing.

You must always be on guard against diarrhea and constipation. Both these effects will cause you to strain during bowel movement and this will do you more harm with regards to hemorrhoids. So you need to watch out on your diet. You need to ensure that you take a balanced diet containing plenty of fibers which can be obtained from vegetables and fruits. Apart from these, you can also take whole grains like rice and oats. These will provide for watery bulk in the intestinal tract. As man is made up of 65 percent water, it is only logical that we consume foods with high water content. Allowing this will ensure that the stools formed will be soft thus eliminating diarrhea and constipation. These are some of the steps in hemorrhoid relief remedies.

Have a very active lifestyle because doing so will allow you to boost the immune system. Exercising will also stimulate the abdominal area resulting in proper digestion of food leading to softer stools. Exercise will remove stress. It has to be noted that as a natural reflex, the body will stop digesting food in times of stress.

If you have the urge to move bowels, go immediate and never delay nature's call because this can lead to constipation.

You can also reduce the swelling associated with hemorrhoids by using natural astringents including witch hazel, cranesbills a well as aloe vera. They will sooth the affected areas as well.

Effective hemorrhoid relief is always available to treat hemorrhoids and being home based, the remedies can be readily applied in the comfort of your home. Many sufferers have found the remedies to be very effective. These remedies are also cheap and safe to use.

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A colon infection generally induced by a particular type of bacteria that often multiplies in the colon throughout another type of sickness. And now, a brand new and more aggressive type has developed, as this article explains.

The words "colon infection" can cover a collection unique colon issues.

When used by doctors, having said that, it generally refers to a disorder triggered by the Clostridium difficile bacteria - far more typically recognized as C. difficile or basically C diff.

Older adults who're living in a very lengthy expression care facility or staying in the hospital are amongst these probably to get a C. diff colon infection. This can be on account of the truth that they are usually taking antibiotics.

In addition to killing harmful bacteria, antibiotics might also kill bacteria we need to method and digest our food effectively. These handy bacteria reside in our intestines. When you will find not enough valuable kinds of bacteria in the intestines, it is less complicated for Clostridium difficile to obtain established. As soon as C. diff gets established, it causes an infection by generating a toxic substance that attacks the lining with the cells and intestines. The resulting irritation brings about abdominal pain and discomfort.

Sometimes a colon infection induced by C. diff is mild. If that's the case, your infection could subside when you cease taking the antibiotic. In cases wher the colon infection is more severe, even so, a different type of antibiotic may be required to destroy C. diff.

The antibiotics that appear a lot more probably to generate Clostridium difficile infections are fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, clindamycin and penicillin.

There is C. diff bacteria practically everywhere in nature: in plants, water, and dirt. This bacteria floats within the air and may also be discovered inside the metabolic wastes of humans and animals. Therefore it prospers in region exactly where there's inadequate sanitation.

The most effective means of staying away from C. diff germs involves keeping surfaces inside your atmosphere clear and washing your fingers often.If you've been taking antibiotics and wish to protect yourself against a colon infection, you can find two crucial procedures you need to stick to. Wash your hands frequently and keep all surfaces within your environment clear. It is due to the fact C diff bacteria create spores that will spread through a space and reside for weeks or even months. By touching a place exactly where C. diff bacteria is situated, then touching your mouth, you could be beginning a series of events that creates a colon infection.

Just have Clostridium difficile in your program does not always imply you are likely to be sick. But people who have C.. diff can absolutely spread them to other persons who will then develop a colon infection in turn.

Inside the last couple of decades, an growing amount of colon infections induced by C. difficile have been noted. You can find reports that a new, additional aggressive strain of C. diff has developed and is also spreading. The new strain is much more capable of resisting traditional medicines.

It could get months for any colon infection to create and symptoms to seem right after C. difficile germs invade your digestive tract. Once signs and symptoms start to existing on their own, it is possible to anticipate one or far more with the following.

Abdominal cramping, together with tenderness and discomfort within the reduced digestive tract.

* Watery diarrhea that continues for additional than two days, with no less than 10 trips to the bathroom every day.

* Irritation within the colon (also known as colitis).

* It's possible that you'll see items or raw tissue in stools, along with blood and pus..

* Fever and nausea.

* Decreased urge for food and sudden weight loss.

* Indications of dehydration

If you have these signs and symptoms for 2-3 days, it is time to call your physician.

As soon as you have been diagnosed with a C. difficile colon infection, your physician will probably discontinue prescribing the antibiotic that brought on your issue. But although this may reduce the severity of your symptoms, other remedy actions will probably be needed.

The good news is this. You can find other antibiotics it is possible to take that will kill Clostridium difficile without destroying the handy bacteria in your method. Metronidazole and vancomycin would be the ones which are most often prescribed. Unwanted effects from each - which includes nausea along with a bitter aftertaste - are possible with each. Be certain by no means to get metronidazole at the same time as you drink alcohol.

Specific probiotic supplements may also be helpful in restoring the colon and intestines to normalcy. A type of yeast known as Saccharomyces boulardii can also help when mixed having a range of other medicines.

Medical procedures isn't generally needed. It really is only performed in the most severe cases.

Not all colon infection solutions mentioned above will work each time. When a colon infection returns, it's normally since the Clostridium difficile bacteria was not totally eliminated inside the initial therapy. It may also arrive back again for the reason that the individual may be exposed to a distinct strain.

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You can hardly find an individual who had not suffered from black mold. Mildews and black molds are the problem of the day. They grow on practically anything and amplify very fast. Different types of molds and mildews are found in nature. They grow naturally on dead organic substances. Molds collect their nutrition from organic matters and decompose complex molecules into simpler forms.

When dead animals, vegetables, foods or any other organic substances are abandoned in nature, they decompose naturally due to mold formation. Even if you leave any food, covered or uncovered, untouched for long, it starts smelling bad. The reason is mold.

Indoor mold growth can really be frightening if not inspected early. Among different types of molds and mildews black mold is frequently found in environment. Toxic black molds when grow inside your house lead to various health problems. What is black mold actually and how it is toxic?

Stachybotrys chartarum and Stachybotrys atra - Toxic Black Mold:

Stachybotrys atra and Stachybotrys chartarum are known as Stachybotrys or toxic black mold. They are greenish black in color and belong to fungi class. Stachybotrys or black mold is found worldwide. They prefer to grow in materials with high-cellulose content like lint, dust, paper, food, straw etc. They can also be found on gypsum, fiber board and other building materials that contain high amount of cellulose and nitrogen.

Humidity is the main life factor for black molds. When the high-cellulose substances get wet and hold the moisture for long, black molds grow on them. They produce spores and grow in number rapidly. 2 to 40 degree Celsius temperate range is ideal for the growth of Stachybotrys.

During mold removal, you need to ensure that the infected place is dry, otherwise it will be difficult to kill mold. Unless you remove the factors for life, you cannot control mold manifestation.

Why Stachybotrys is toxic?

They produce toxin, scientifically known as mycotoxins as the byproduct of metabolism. Production of toxin depends on various environmental factors like temperature, humidity, nutrition etc.

Exposure to mold toxins can be health hazardous for human beings. Irritation of throat and eyes, watery eyes, diarrhea, headache, skin rash and dermatitis, fatigue and flu like symptoms are the common effects of exposure to mycotoxins.

Stachybotrys chartarum is also reported to produce a toxin that may paralyze sperms and result in bleeding in lungs. Hence, everybody should try to avoid exposure to toxic black molds.

How to identify and kill black mold:

It may be difficult for home dwellers to inspect and locate the exact place of mold growth. Any exposure to toxins can lead to serious ailments. It is suggested to take help from professionals. They conduct a thorough investigation to find out the degree and location of mold growth. Mold testing result shows the type of mold that has infected your house.

With mold testing done, you can start mold cleaning process. Organic mold removers can effectively remove molds and mildews from your home. Unlike bleaches, natural cleaning products kill molds permanently. Top of all, natural products are free from side effects and do not affect your health adversely.

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Digestion problems can give you a lot of discomfort if you do not treat them early. There are digestion problems that can be temporary while others may take some bit of time to treat. The good thing is that most of digestive disorders can prevented if a person is serious with the observation of the right hygiene and is keen on the diet.

The most common digestion problems are discussed below:

Cancer of the colon and rectum

This is also referred to as colorectal cancer, and it commonly attacks the colon and the sections of the rectum.  In the USA, the colorectal cancer is said to be a major killer.

Stomach cancer

This is also referred to as the gastric cancer, and it is commonly manifested in individuals aged over 60 years. People are advised to eat less of smoked foods, salted meat and fish, low fiber foods, and food that contain high level of nitrates and nitrites.


Diarrhea will be notable as it leads to a person having stool that is watery, and having a high frequency of passing the stool.  The cause can either be viral or bacteria. Diarrhea is a common digestion problem which may also be as a symptom of many other health disorders.


Gas in the stomach comes about as a result of the process of breaking down of certain foods in the stomach by the bacteria that are in the colon.  This digestion problem is common to all people, but it may become so embarrassing when there is little or no control of the release of the gas.


This is also a digestion problem which is noted periodically. There are people who have heartburn out of consuming certain meals. The problem is caused by the flow of the gastric acid  to the  esophagus from the stomach.

Learn more about digestion solutions to alleviate these problems.

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Many times, clients call us with concerns about their pets' bowel movements. Sometimes, the complaint may be diarrhea or a change in normal consistency or frequency. Sometimes, a worm-like object may be observed. Whatever the concern, if your pet is not actually sick, we may ask you to bring us a stool sample. In today's article we will provide you with some helpful pointers on ways you can collect a fecal sample from your pet. Please read the steps below to obtain a proper sample.


An animal's feces (excrement, stool) can provide important information about the function of internal organs, including pancreatic and intestinal health, the presence of intestinal parasites, and many other useful indicators. Therefore, microscopic evaluation of a sample of the feces is an important, noninvasive test that many veterinarians use for identifying the causes of certain illnesses and gastrointestinal (GI) disorders.

Getting Started

Materials needed for collecting a fecal sample include:

Latex medical-type gloves (can be purchased in a drugstore or pharmacy)

Plastic ziplock bag or other small, plastic container that can be sealed

Plastic disposable spoon.

When collecting a fecal sample, it is important to remember that with improper technique, there is a health risk to you: if the feces contain an infectious organism, that organism can be infectious to people. Examples of these infectious organisms include several types of GI worms, coccidia, Giardia, and Toxoplasma. Utmost hygiene is essential. Wearing medical-type latex exam gloves is appropriate for collecting a fecal sample, and whether you wear them or not, it is essential that you avoid any chance of fecal-oral transmission of germs. This means:

Wash your hands immediately after completing the collection of the sample, before touching your face, clothes, or anything else

Keep the container (ziplock bag, other) wide open when depositing the sample so as to not contaminate the edges

Avoid bending or placing tension on the plastic spoon when collecting the sample so there is no risk of spreading the sample (flicking/splashing)

Properly done, fecal sample collection is simple, safe, and medically important for your pet.

Troubleshooting Beforehand

For a valid analysis, the feces should be submitted to the veterinarian within 24 hours of being passed by the pet, and preferably within 12 hours. If this is not possible, the sample should be kept in a cool area (but not frozen) out of direct sunlight.

In multicat or multidog households, it can be challenging to know with certainty which pet produced which feces. For dogs, a basic first step is to allow a dog to defecate without other dogs present, either on a walk or in an enclosed area like a yard. If he/she is not accustomed to this, then waiting for the pet to become comfortable may take some extra time.

When many puppies live together and diarrhea is noted, it can be difficult to determine the exact source-which puppy has the diarrhea? And is it just one of them or more than one? The simplest but most time-consuming approach is to watch the puppies until each one has defecated. If this is not possible, an alternative approach is to add a small piece of a nontoxic wax crayon in the pups' food, with a different color for each puppy. Keep track of which color goes with which puppy, and when the crayon color is then passed in the diarrhea, the color identifies which puppy has diarrhea. It is important to note that even though only one puppy may have diarrhea, a veterinarian may recommend treating all puppies with a dewormer. Puppies often expose each other to parasites or acquire parasites together at birth or in the milk during nursing.

Before beginning, it is important to note that pregnant women and any person with a compromised immune system (such as someone undergoing chemotherapy) should not be collecting fecal samples. Additionally, because of the risk of exposure to toxoplasmosis in cat fecal samples, pregnant women are warned by their physicians to have someone else in the household clean cat litterboxes once daily for the duration of their pregnancy. (Toxoplasmosis can be present in a cat's stool even in the absence of diarrhea.)

Procedure: How to Collect the Sample

To collect a sample from a cat litterbox, scoop the feces from the litterbox with the disposable plastic spoon and seal it (with the spoon in the bag) in a ziplock bag. It will not harm the sample if some litter is included. If the stool is formed/solid, it may be possible simply to invert the plastic bag inside out, use it as a glove to pick up the feces, and invert it with the feces inside and seal.

To collect a sample from a dog, walk the dog on-leash outside. Confirm that the feces sample to be collected is fresh and not old. Collect the sample with a plastic spoon or, if the feces is firm, use the inverted plastic bag approach, as described above. Only a small amount of feces (approximately 1 tablespoon) is necessary for most testing. If the sample is watery or if the pet has very little patience for leash walking, it may be necessary for one person to walk the pet and a second person to collect the sample.


Dispose of latex gloves and any leftover materials (e.g., plastic spoon if you did not put it in the ziplock bag) appropriately, and wash your hands immediately.

The fresher the fecal sample is, the better it is for analysis. Ideally, a sample should be examined at your veterinary hospital within 4 hours of collection, but samples that are up to 24 hours old are still valuable. If immediate delivery of the sample to the veterinary hospital is not possible, store the sealed container in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and deliver within 24 hours. Then dispose of the latex gloves and paper towels appropriately.

Alternatives and Their Relative Merits

Fecal analysis is the simplest test for evaluating a dog or cat's intestinal symptoms like diarrhea. Up to three analyses may have to be performed to identify a parasite, because the parasite eggs may be shed only intermittently. If a fecal analysis is negative (no parasites or parasite eggs seen), further testing may be needed if the problem persists for weeks or longer and does not respond to initial treatment. Such tests can include abdominal ultrasound (to examine the structure of the intestines), blood tests (to evaluate general function of the liver, kidneys, blood cells, pancreas, and other organs), x-rays (to show the position and proportions of the internal organs), and intestinal biopsy, either via endoscopy or surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

My dog only goes outside to urinate and defecate. How can he/she have GI worms or parasites?

The eggs of worms and parasites are microscopic and cannot be seen. They are carried and passed on to pets through the stool of wildlife, and in this way, a dog takes in the worm eggs when sniffing the ground. These same eggs also are often passed from mother to puppy at birth or in the milk during nursing.

My pet is on a monthly dewormer. Why did my vet recommend a fecal analysis?

Not all infectious organisms are worms. A pet can be on a monthly dewormer and still be exposed to other parasites (like protozoa) that cause diarrhea. Additionally, there are other reasons for examining a fecal sample beyond parasites, including fecal enzymes and bacteria, that can explain a pet's symptoms and identify the best treatment.

My pet's diarrhea is very watery. How can I collect it? It is best to collect it directly from the ground or floor (or litter, for cats' litterboxes) immediately after it has been passed. Use the technique described above, keeping in mind that 1 tablespoonful is usually sufficient, and that some contamination with soil or litter is acceptable. Alternatively, your veterinarian may have to keep your pet in the hospital, typically overnight, in order to collect the sample necessary for testing

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