We parrot lovers will do just about anything to include our parrots in our lives. After all, they are such smart, loving characters, how can we help ourselves? We love to spoil them silly because we can see that they just love it.

This article outline just a few parrot care dangers that range from choosing parrot cages properly to what people foods you may share with your feathered loved ones.

Parrot Cage Considerations:

When considering adopting a beautiful parrot, you should be aware that their parrot cages can greatly contribute to their well-being or detract from it in a most serious way. Parrots have been known to become irritable or depressed, if they are in a cramped cage. Take as much time to choose your parrot cages as you take to choose your feathered friend. They certainly deserve it. Some of factors you should consider in choosing parrot cages are:

Cage Size:

If your parrot is young, be sure they can grow into the cage you choose. Ample cage size ensures a happy healthy environment for your parrot. Be sure the cage is wider than it is tall as birds are more likely fly side to side in the cage.

Bar Spacing on The Cage:

It may seem obvious, but your parrot should not be able to poke his/her head through the bars on the cage you select. Often times what goes through does not come back through so easily. It would be horribly tragic to have your parrot get stuck in the bars when you are not around.

Cage construction:

Ensure the cage is constructed of anti-corrosive materials such as stainless steel. Also, ensure that no welded spots, screws or wires may be worked loose over time. An unfortunate discovery of a loose screw, could be fatal to your parrot if he/she should swallow it.

Sharing People Food Deserves special consideration as well.

When it comes to sharing 'people food' with our parrots, we need to beware of some very poisonous foods and toxic fumes that can be deadly to parrots. The following foods have been known to cause serious health issues, if not fatal reactions with parrots:

Avocado: Deadly to parrots and other varieties of birds. The skin and the pit are know to cause cardiac distress and eventually heart failure.

Chocolate: Chocolate strikes the parrots' digestive system and will likely causing vomiting and diarrhea. It affects the central nervous system and eventually causes seizures severe enough to cause death.
Fruit Seeds: Seeds from cherries, peaches, apricots and pears contain small amounts of cyanide (a deadly poison to humans and birds). The flesh of these fruits is just fine to share with your parrot, but please be sure to wash the skins of these fruits as they are commonly subjected to pesticides, which may also harm your parrot.

Onions: In large amounts this veggie may cause vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive issues.
Alcohol: A definite 'no-no'. Be careful that your parrot does not get into unattended drinks if you are having a gathering. Alcohol can be fatal to parrots and other bird varieties, as it depresses the organ system quite easily.

Mushrooms: These fungi have been known to cause digestive upset in our companion birds. Sadly, some varieties of mushroom caps and mushroom stems can cause liver failure.

A very common kitchen element, Teflon, is very deadly to your pet birds. Get rid of your Teflon and any plastic coated cookware that you have in your home. Overheated Teflon omits an odorless gas that you cannot see or smell; your bird can die within minutes upon inhalation of these deadly fumes. If you have a pet parrot, you should not have any Teflon in your home.

Think of your pet bird or pet parrot as a very tiny baby. They have tiny lungs which are very susceptible to smoke from kitchen cooking smoke and many other fumes we inhale with no noticeable affects upon our health.

The facts noted above are meant as a guideline in caring for your parrot in the very best possible way. Be sure to treat your pet parrots like the fragile beings they are. It's so easy to injure them, I thought it was important to share this information with whomever might be searching for it. And, above and beyond all, be sure to spend some quality leisure time together with your parrots. They need to have fun.

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