Complaints of food poisoning from holidaymakers returning from Tunisia have increased in the past 18 months and personal injury solicitors are currently handling hundreds of cases for compensation against tour operators.

Ten things you should know about holiday food poisoning compensation claims after food poisoning in Tunisia include:

1. If you become ill after eating contaminated food in Tunisia, you can claim compensation in the UK for loss of enjoyment of your holiday, medical expenses and pain and discomfort, providing the negligence of the tour operator caused your illness.
2. It will not cost you a penny to claim holiday illness compensation if you use a no win, no fee solicitor and you should keep 100% of the compensation. A personal injury/holiday illness solicitor should also assess your claim free of charge.
3. Common symptoms of holiday illness in Tunisia include vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and fever.
4. You should always get checked out by a doctor at your resort in Tunisia and in the UK when you return home to confirm you are not still suffering from food poisoning.
5. Salmonella and E.coli can cause serious illness and even death if they are not treated correctly at the outset and you must take plenty of fluids to help avoid dehydration after prolonged bouts of sickness and diarrhoea. Anyone can become ill with food poisoning but those most likely to suffer serious illness include young children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and older people.
6. Tour operators may offer you money off vouchers or small amounts of compensation for food poisoning in Tunisia, but you should not accept it until you have spoken to a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor in the UK, as you could be entitled to claim much more.
7. If you become ill after eating the food at a package tour hotel or an all inclusive hotel in Tunisia, you should hand in a written complaint to the holiday representative at the hotel making a note of his/her name. Keep a copy of the complaint form, to show to a personal injury solicitor in the UK if you decide to bring a compensation claim against the tour operator.
8. If other people are ill at the hotel, with similar symptoms as yours, make a note of their names and contact details as you may be able to bring a joint claim against the tour operator when you return home.
9. Try to avoid eating any foods which may have been reheated day after day and never eat 織hot織 food which is served lukewarm or meat which is not cooked thoroughly.
10. Drink bottled water (only if the seal is intact) and avoid ice in drinks.

Once you return to the UK contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. Although legally you have three years in which to make a claim, contact a solicitor as soon as possible when you return home, whilst the details of your illness are still fresh in your mind. Holiday illness in Tunisia can ruin your dream trip abroad and you can claim compensation for mild or severe symptoms of food poisoning, providing the tour operator was to blame for your illness. Gather as much evidence as possible from your holiday hotel, which will help with a claim for compensation against the tour operator.

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