Does your dog get sick from whipworms? Andrea the barber has a big dog. In summertime, she and her husband vacationed with their dog at their trailer in Wisconsin for an extended weekend. After a couple of days, their big dog started having diarrhea and vomiting. The dog got very sick. They loved their dog and wanted it well. So they brought him to the emergency room at an animal hospital for treatment and observation. Their dog was admitted for several days stay at the hospital. It was expensive -- about $1,800. And what was wrong with the dog? It contracted whipworms. And what's worse, their vet had not recommended a simple remedy of the right kind of heartworm medicine.

When your pet gets a case of whipworms, look out. These creatures are a threat to dog health and cat health. Worm in dogs and worms in cats often lead to either immediate health problems or chronic health problems. The only real preventative measure against this parasitic worm and its dangerous effect on your best friend's life is the annual check up.

What pets are most at risk?

Dogs and cats who spend a great deal of time outside in enclosed areas are the most at risk for attracting these nasty little worms. In particular, dogs are unbelievable at re-infesting themselves. If your dog has been treated for any type of parasitic worm, but still roams freely in the area that he uses for his toileting, chances are excellent that he will pick up another case of whipworms.

Cats and dogs and cats that spend a least part of their time outdoors are tested for whipworms during their annual check-up. Testing for whipworms is usually part of this process. Blood tests can determine whipworms, as well as other types of worms during the once a year check under the hood routine. Stool tests can also detect any number of parasitic worms that may have died in the intestinal tract or were excreted prior to being able to latch onto the intestinal wall.

What are the symptoms of whipworms? When pets get any type of parasitic worm, they often experience upset stomachs, vomiting, and diarrhea. Diarrhea in dogs can be associated with a wide variety of possibilities, and dog owners often overlook the potential for serious dog health problems. Cats, as well experience vomiting and diarrhea, which is often mistaken for hairballs. Diarrhea in cats generally does not represent a hairball problem, but a more serious cat health complication.

What is the best way for treating whipworms? When paying a visit to the veterinarian, he or she will recommend several worms treatment options that typically include the following ingredients: fenbendazole, milbemycin oxime and febantel. These types of treatments are quite effective in treating a whipworm infestation without producing many side effects. A veterinarian will generally suggest to space out treatments every two to three months throughout the year to decrease the risk of reinfection since whipworm eggs may remain active for five years

Preventing whipworms is something every pet owner can do. Make sure to read this article and gain insights on what remedies and preventive medicine are most effective.

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