Mother's milk is the best choice for healthy baby food. However, there will be a time when the baby needs much more nutrients as they grow up and mother's milk can not accomplish it anymore. This will be the time your baby needs some soft food from cereal, fruits or vegetables.

As Dr. Bernard Jensen said in his Juicing Therapy book that the best time for your baby to start consuming juice as healthy baby food is when their weight has been two times heavier or more compare to their born-weight, that is about 7 kilograms. At this point, babies are able to consume up to 64 pounds of bottle milk.

Some doctors have some different opinions about this idea, that is when babies attain the age of six months or at any other time when babies can hold their own plastic straw cup.

Apple juice can be the first choice for your healthy baby food after mother's milk, besides, you can choose one between white grape or pier juice. Remember that home made juice is the best. Strain the juice well and carefully to ensure your baby does not take the juice waste. Mix the juice with purified water in 1:1 portion.

You can also add one teaspoon of green leafy vegetable juice to your baby's milk bottle once in two days. Spinach, broccoli or parsley are perfect healthy baby food, they are source of Ferrum (which milk alone can not accomplish), electrolyte and chlorophyll. Anemia case in babies who are merely feed more milk and less soft solid food is not impossible thing.

Therefore, this green vegetable juice is one thing you have to pay a lot of attention, one teaspoon only not more, you have to consider its high concentrate, too.

It is important to notice that, if your baby react to some certain juice by diarrhea or vomiting, leave and wait for some another one-month and then try again. If the problem still persist, you better talk to your doctor.

As your baby growing up and they are getting more and more body weight, reduce the water content in their juice gradually so that finally they will consume the wholly juice.

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Many pet owners wonder how much glucosamine for dogs is appropriate. The correct dosage depends on many factors including the weight of your pet, age, breed and how severe the arthritis may be. The malady affects about 30% of all canines and is a common problem for concerned pet owners. When dogs suffer from arthritis and their bodies are no longer able to produce an adequate supply of the compound naturally, glucosamine is necessary to maintain healthy cartilage and connective tissue. Supplements provide relief from inflammation and help regenerate joint tissues.

How much glucosamine for dogs is needed to cure the condition?

When an older animal develops arthritis it will have trouble getting up and will move much more slowly. Previously friendly pets will not like to be touched or handled because those actions can cause them pain. When your dog begins to show these symptoms, you should begin a course of treatment immediately. The dosage is usually calculated based upon the dog's weight and the method of administration. Sulfate and hydrochloride are generally the best forms of the compound for canines, so dosage information is based on their use. It is good to start out with 20 mg per pound per day. A pet weighing 50 pounds should receive a dosage of 1000 mg.

Many veterinarians believe that an increased dosage during the early stages will enhance the restorative process, kicking it into high gear. Some suggest doubling the dosage in the beginning for at least two weeks, then cutting back to a regular dosage. Unfortunately, this can have side effects that include vomiting and diarrhea. But the same symptoms may be caused by even a mild dose for the first few days. The best solution would be to administer the increased dosage and if the symptoms do not disappear within four or five days, then reduce the dosage. Your dog's body will take at least three or four days to make the adjustment, so waiting four or five days should give a good indication how well your pet is tolerating the medication.

How much glucosamine for dogs is needed for prevention?

The larger the breed of dog, the more susceptible he or she will be to arthritis. Breeds such as Collies, German Shepherds, Kelpies, Rottweilers, Labradors and Retrievers are very likely to develop the problem. Small breeds likely to develop osteoarthritis include Dachshunds and Pekingese. You can begin treating these animals in middle age at 500-750 mg for a 50 pound dog and adjust accordingly by weight. If your dog is injured, arthritis may develop during convalescence. Treatment should begin during this time at a full curative strength.

After a couple of weeks you can reduce the dose to a maintenance level of 750 mg per 50 pounds and continue this dose for the rest of the dog's life.

The above information should provide an accurate guide for determining how much glucosamine should be given to your pet. Supplements should always be paired with good basic nutrition and exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

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We all use to be guilty of it. Admit it. We have given our cat table scraps from our plate. You love your cat. Showing that you love him/her is usually by giving into what they want. When your cat is begging for a piece of turkey or any other goody on your plate you do what all animal lovers do you give in and let your cat have what they want.

The only problem with doing that is you may be giving your cat food that could be harmful to cats. First, it is best to train your cat not to be at the table when you or anyone else is eating. It is just good manners. You do not want to have company and have your cat begging at the table. The main reason for not feeding your cat table scraps is much more important, and here is why.

For example: you are having a turkey dinner. Is there gravy on your turkey and do you feed a piece of that turkey to your cat? You could be harming your cat.

Many types of gravy have onion-flavored broth and onions like garlic and other root vegetables are among the list of foods that cats should never eat. Potatoes that are raw as well as green tomatoes also can be harmful to your cat. So when peeling potatoes if any fall on the floor make sure your cat does not get a hold of it. Tomatoes that are green are harmful especially the stems and leaves. They contain toxins that are dangerous for cats. Unlike ripe tomatoes, those have no danger to your cat.

I think by now we know that chocolate is just plain bad for animals. It is deadly for dogs and cats. Keep it away from all pets.

We have all seen movies and read books where people put out a saucer of milk for cats. That is wrong and should not be done. I am not saying that milk is toxic or dangerous to cats. It just does not have a purpose for cats that have a healthy diet. It can have side effects for them that are extremely uncomfortable. In addition, many cats are lactose-intolerant and milk can make them have diarrhea and an upset stomach.

There are products on the market designed for cats that are better for them then milk. One such product is called Catsip. It is available in many supermarkets and has better nutritional value for your cat. Therefore, if you have a cat that just loves milk try this instead.

Last two foods that may cause harm to your cat are grapes and raisins. They seem to have an adverse effect on many cats, so the ASPCA has recommended that you keep these two foods away from your cat.

Therefore, when your cat comes begging give him/her a treat that was made for cats. There is any number of healthy treats available now that you can safely give that will make your cat happy and you will not have to worry about toxic side effects.

Remember our pets think we know what we are doing and depend on us to keep them safe. That is the least we can do since we are so fortunate to have these wonderful animals in our life.

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In the Chinese Medicine Materia Medica, the bark of the Magnolia tree is called Hou Pu. Hou Pu is the highly aromatic bark stripped from the stems, branches and roots of the magnolia tree. The first mention of magnolia bark as a Traditional Chinese medicinal substance was recorded around 100 C.E. It is used frequently by acupuncturists and practitioners of Oriental medicine in Chinese herbal formulas. These herbal remedies include formulas to resolve complaints such as abdominal distension and pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Magnolia bark's therapeutic actions include the promotion of qi in the gastrointestinal region. For the acupuncture patient, this translates to relief of stomach fullness, bloating and discomfort.

These properties are illustrated in the Chinese herbal formula Hou po wen zhong tang also known as Magnolia bark decoction for warming the middle. This medicinal formula features magnolia bark in addition to six other ingredients. The prescription remedies the diagnosis of damp-cold injuring the spleen and stomach. This clinical picture can arise most commonly from the overindulgence of foods and drink that are uncooked and cold, especially during colder months of the year. The nature of cold is to congeal, and when this condition strikes, the qi of the digestion becomes obstructed. Symptomatically, the patient may experience fullness, loss of appetite, fatigue in the extremities and diarrhea. The herbs in this formula work synergistically to move the obstruction, warm the digestion and dry the inappropriate stagnation of fluids in the gastrointestinal tract.

Magnolia bark is an invaluable asset in the Chinese herbal arsenal to restore poor digestion due to lack of movement from cold stagnation. A licensed and experienced Oriental medicine provider brings a lot to the table in the relief of digestive complaints. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and dietetic recommendations can be a powerful combination to combat the symptoms and to rectify the underlying issues surrounding digestive discomfort.

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Parvo treatment has always been a relatively expensive affair if you take your dog to the vet's, but these days, it's got way out of hand for many people - bills of anywhere from $500 USD to over $12,000 USD are typical, and that's just to treat a single animal.

Why is this, especially given that many vets use treatment protocols that are outdated at best?

Let's face it, Parvo today is nothing like the virus from the 1990s - it's mutated (we're now on the fifth major variant with the 2c strain) into something much more aggressive, it's more easily transmitted, symptoms can appear at a greatly accelerated rate (dogs can die just hours after their first bout of diarrhea), and it's harder to treat.

However, many vets still cling to the traditional treatment of IV fluids and antibiotics, which are proving to be far less effective against the newer strain.

We know of people who have been charged $150 just for the IV fluids, which are basically nothing more than a bag of salty water.

Office visits alone will cost you $50 or so, and you rarely get away with just a single one.

Then, before the vet even starts on the Parvo treatment itself, he will do a test to see whether it is indeed Parvo.

While having the test done in the clinic is a lot faster than waiting for a full blood work-up to be sent off to the lab, it is not as accurate as many vets make out - false positives and false negatives can occur.

So, if your dog does test negative, the vet will assume (because they claim the tests are infallible) that your dog doesn't have Parvo, but then here's the kicker: they will suggest a Parvo shot, to "protect" your pet.

Now, if your dog actually does have Parvo, in spite of what their test shows, then vaccinating him at this stage is about the worst thing you can do - we know of dogs that have not shown any symptoms of Parvo who died within five hours of being given completely unnecessary shots.

(In fact, even the vaccine manufacturers state that their vaccines should only be given to healthy dogs - and a dog that has been infected with Parvo is definitely not healthy!)

And if your dog didn't have Parvo before being vaccinated, the shots can actually give him the virus - with full symptoms and the same life-threatening consequences.

So, what other costs might you incur?

Well, all traditional vets will prescribe antibiotics (e.g. Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Baytril), and that will add to your bill, of course. Not to mention that these antibiotics won't help treat the Parvo at all - Parvo is a virus, and these drugs are designed to attack bacteria; they also can have side-effects that are either the same as Parvo (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea) or even worse (Metronidazole is reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen and it's not allowed to be given to feed animals).

They may also prescribe anti-emetics to prevent vomiting, but because these too are chemical-based drugs, they too may result in additional vomiting, not less.

Vets also claim that they need to do additional clean-up with Parvo cases (because of all the vomiting and diarrhea), and hire additional staff (especially those where they provide care during the night too, which seems to be somewhat rare).

And then some vets will insist on blood transfusions (note the plural, here), each of which can cost $200 USD or more.

But should all of this really add up to a Parvo treatment bill of several thousand dollars?

We think not, especially when you consider that most vets will only give your dog a 50% chance of surviving this virus.

That's an awful lot of money for odds that are no better than tossing a coin.

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According to the Food Standards Agency, it is estimated that up to 5.5 million people in the UK are affected from food poisoning each year but only a small number of these visit their family doctor or get medical advice. Because of this less than 100,000 cases a year are tested for the exact cause of food poisoning. Nevertheless there are more than 200 known diseases that are transmitted through food.

Some food poisoning can produce symptoms within 30 minutes to a few hours but most cases take between 12-48 hours. However if the food poisoning is due to an infection with Campylobacter, it may take a week or longer to develop symptoms.

So what are the symptoms?

These can vary, depending on the cause but most common symptoms are vomiting,, abdominal pain and diarrhea. However symptoms may also include fevers and chills, be as non descript as weakness and exhaustion. or as tangible as bloody stools, dehydration and muscle aches.

The Causes?

We can split food poisoning into two groups

Infective Agents

Includes viruses, bacteria and parasites.

• Campylobacter, which is found in raw poultry, unpasteurised milk, red meat and untreated water.

• Salmonella is the next most common type and is found in unpasteurised milk, eggs and raw egg products, raw meat and poultry

• Listeria, Shigella (Travellers diarrhoea) and clostridia.

• Staphylococcus Aureus, Clostridium Perfringens and Bacillus Cereus. These bacteria cause vomiting and mild to moderate diarrhoea.

• Normal intestinal bacteria can cause food poisoning eg E. Coli E157 can cause severe illness, kidney failure or blood damage.

Toxic Agents

• Poisonous mushrooms

• Improperly prepared exotic food

• Pesticides on fruits and vegetables.

Normally food poisoning will clear up within a few days without medical intervention but the recovery period depends upon the type of infection, age and fitness of the person and whether he/she have any other medical conditions...


Good hygiene practices will reduce your risk of food poisoning.. Not storing cooked food with raw food, throwing away any food that is past its sell by date or that you are unsure of, keeping all types of food and drink away from any household chemicals, such as cleaning products and bleach, checking that your fridge and freezer are in good working order and set to the correct temperature. The fridge should be 0-4°C (33.8F - 39.2F) and the freezer should be less than -18°C (-0.4F).

Most importantly washing your hands after visiting the toilet, before handling food or touching ready to eat food.

During times of stress, travel, illness, changes in the diet (including going out to dinner), and taking antibiotics, the unfriendly, pathogenic bacteria sometimes overwhelm the friendly bacteria in our digestive system. In these situations, I would recommend the use of Probiotics [] (capsules containing beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum). Many of you will already eat probiotic bacteria in yogurt but in the above conditions you need billions more bacteria to come to your rescue. With a high strength capsule you will be taking the equivalent of 20 full pots of yogurt in a way that is much easier to cope with. This will also strengthen your immune system


You may be given a course of antibiotics depending on the cause but do not eat any food while feeling sick or vomiting. Rest your stomach for one hour after being sick and then try small sips of water. If weak and exhausted then sleep.

Once the vomiting has stopped then you would hasten your recovery by taking the probiotic bacteria mentioned above.

You may be dehydrated so gradually build up the amounts of fluids like water, or use rehydration powders available from pharmacies. Make sure you drink regularly.

Avoid alcohol as it will make you more dehydrated.

Avoid sports drinks or sugary drinks as the sugar content may increase diarrhea.

Keep good personal hygiene to prevent passing the illness to other people.

Only try eating again once you have been free of sickness and diarrhea for several hours. Eat small amounts of plain foods that are easy on the stomach (such as rice, bread, potatoes and low sugar cereals)

Are there adverse effects from taking Probiotics?

Probiotics are well tolerated and safe. There are no reported drug interactions or adverse effects, and no known risk of overdose. Probiotics can be taken by pregnant , lactating women and can be given to young children as early as is practical.

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Parents who have experienced colic know what a trial it can be. ?They know the frustration of watching their baby cry and feeling powerless to do anything about it. ?They also know that they would have considered trying almost anything to relieve their child's colic. ?They went to the doctor with high hopes that she would be able to help, but sadly there is no magic bullet that can take colic away.?

Colic is a very difficult problem to diagnose.? The well-known pediatrician Dr. William Sears has said that colic should really be called, "my baby is in pain."? While there can be many different causes of colic, what is consistent is that your baby is uncomfortable and crying.

Many parents have discovered gripe water and hoped that this would be the cure they were looking for. ?They have been told by other parents, maybe even grandparents, that this is the colic remedy that cured their baby's colic.

What is gripe water and how does it help? ?Gripe water is really a catch-all term for a number of home colic remedies or homeopathic remedies. ?What, in turn, is homeopathy? ?This is a field of medical study whose basic premise is that appropriate natural stimuli will cause the body to react and heal itself.? Homeopathy began in Europe in the 1800s, and it has proven itself to be a very effective modality.? Homeopathy has its roots in natural medicine. ?Most of the cures are based on combinations of plants and herbs that are found in nature.?

Gripe water has been around in England since 1851 with an original formula that contained dill oil, sugar, sodium bicarbonate, water, and alcohol.? These days the formulation has usually changed; while you can still buy the original, most of today's gripe waters contain sterile water and a combination of herbs, such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger and fennel.? Different formulas are not targeted at specific symptoms; they represent different practitioner's ideas of how the formula should be made up.? ?Because gripe water is more of a concept than a specific formula, it may be difficult to find any studies that clearly state if gripe water will work or not.

Gripe waters work by using a blend of herbs that settle the stomach and intestines.? Some contain vegetable carbon, a food grade substance that traps chemicals, preventing them from being absorbed, and provides relief from gas and distention.? If your brand contains vegetable carbon, and your child is taking any medications, make sure to take the medication and the gripe water an hour apart so that the vegetable carbon does not prevent the medication from being absorbed.

Most gripe waters are not regulated by the FDA.? You can still find the original and many, many variations.? Recently there was a recall of a popular brand because the formula contained?cryptosporidium,?which can cause runny diarrhea.? In order to make sure that you find a formula that is safe for your baby, purchase one that is homeopathic (homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA) and is endorsed by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, or the HPUS.?

Basic ingredients to avoid when choosing gripe water are: alcohol, citric acid, dairy, essential oils such as dill or clove, gluten, herbal extracts, sodium bicarbonate, soy, and sugar.

The safe ingredients to look for include aloe, blackthorn, caraway, chamomile, fennel, ginger, lemon balm, peppermint, and vegetable carbon.

Does gripe water work? ?Yes and no. ?If your baby is colicky is because he or she has excess gas or an upset stomach, then it may help.? If it does not bring colic relief, then it would be beneficial to look deeper into the possible cause of the gas or stomach discomfort.? Remember, gripe water does not cure colic; it is a temporary band-aid for the problem.? Stopping your baby's colic usually requires some research and trial and error using different techniques and strategies.

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As we all know that sterilizing is a process of eliminating any kind of bacterias. They can be killed from heat that's why washing with water and soap is not enough. Nowadays, many infants are brought to hospitals with cases like diarrhea, fever and infections. Some infants are unhealthy and have parasites inside their body. These are some things that are so alarming on parents side.

Infants can be healthy if they are properly cared and nourished. Infants are sensitive and easily get sick and can have fever if they are exposed to bacterias, dirty things and surroundings. Since sterilizing is the best way of eliminating germs, it is highly recommended to sterilized each feeding bottles for babies and all feeding utensils like spoon, milk contains, etc. Feeding bottles must be cleaned properly because bacterias can go inside infant's body through the feeding bottles. One common way of sterilizing is the boiling method. Boiling method is used many decades and until now it is still widely used. This method is effective however it takes a longer time in preparation. And sometimes that is the reason why parents don't bother sterilizing the feeding bottles for babies because of busy time especially when you are a working mom.

Steam Sterilization is a new way of eliminating bacterias to a certain things. This is suited for working moms who don't have enough time in doing a boiling method. Steam sterilizing is done through using an electronic sterilizer and it is capable of cleaning feeding bottles for only 6 minutes and keep them sterile for a longer time. So compare with boiling method, steam sterilizing is the most efficient, convenient, easy and guaranteed fast.

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Antibiotics for parasites in humans are the most common type of treatment that medics all over the world use in treatment of parasitic infections. This is especially the case in treatment of diseases caused by unicellular parasites, which spread disease by biting the host. The nature of bites treatable with antibiotics includes minor cetaceous lesions to major visceral wounds.

Antibiotics for parasites in humans are best administered by a qualified medic based on blood and stool screening. This is because over the counter medicines may not wipe out all the parasites in the body. Studies have also shown that use of antibiotics for the wrong reasons provide the parasites with a better thriving environment in the body. For parasites that thrive in the stomach cavity, where oxygen is limited, different antibiotics are available for flushing out the same. However, this requires the doctor to observe the parasitic infection that one has, determine the area most affected and issuing the most appropriate drugs.

Some of the parasitic symptoms treatable with antibiotics include liver abscesses, fallopian tubes and ovary abscesses and bacterial peritonitis. Giardia lamblia is common intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea and abdominal pain. Luckily for most people, the parasite can be treated with antibiotics. Also in this category is trichomonas, which is a parasite affecting the vaginal area causing vaginitis. Antibiotics used in the treatment of such usually block the functions of the parasite thus leading to its death.

Giardia infections occur in the small intestines, and can occur in the colon, the liver and vagina. When such happens on the colon, the patient may present with symptoms of bloody diarrhea commonly known as amoebic dysentery. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, doctors are able to prescribe a combination of antibiotics for parasites in humans for the treatment of the same. Trichomonas parasitic infections are sexually transmitted and effective treatment of the same must include sexual partners.

Like other antibiotics, doctors recommend that a patient finishes the recommended dose in order to render the treatment effective. Skipping treatment doses usually leads to the body developing a resistance towards the continued use of antibiotics to treat the parasites. Though antibiotics can be administered intravenously, the most common forms are in tablet form. This therefore calls for disciplined drug taking at the specified time and in the right doses.

Parents whose children are undergoing antibiotic treatment for parasitic infections are advised to ensure that their children take the medication religiously. Parasitic pneumonia may also be treated with antibiotics but this also largely depends on the type of parasite responsible for causing pneumonia. The most common pneumonia causing parasites include Ascariasis, Schistosoma, and Toxoplasma gondii. Such parasites cause cellular destruction in the lungs thus disrupting the oxygen flow in and out of the lungs.

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Nowadays allergy symptoms plague a majority of Americans. I for one have continually struggled with understanding the signs that indicate an allergic reaction. Every day we are exposed to foods that could cause us food intolerance like lactose intolerance to drugs that can give us side effects that are due to our body reacting negatively to it. Even the simple pleasure of spending time in the backyard expose you to other possible allergens like grass and flowers.

Understanding your allergy symptoms and treating the underlying causes are two very important parts of finding an effective solution to improving your health and wellness. There are many ways that people treat allergy symptoms. The band-aid approach of treating the allergic reaction quickly is pretty popular, yet often these treatments are short-lived. With patience and research, one can learn to manage these otherwise debilitating allergies.

Common allergy symptoms are seen throughout the world by both Allergists and Family Practitioners. Doctors tend to categorize the symptoms as mild, moderate or severe. The most common fall into the mild and moderate category and include:

  • Chronic Sinusitis

  • Watery Eyes that can become Red and Itchy

  • Rash

  • Congestion

  • Itchiness

  • Difficulty breathing

Chronic sinusitis is possibly the most frequent sign of an allergy. This usually causes sinus headaches as the nasal passages are continually clogged and sometimes draining as well. Watery eyes are another very common allergy symptom which can cause painful irritation. This causes scratching which can make matters worse particularly in children who usually show no restraint. In order to treat these symptoms, there are a variety of medications available to help stop this reaction and inflammation process. Both prescription and over-the counter medicines are available. Eye drops like Visine are often used as well to take out redness and irritation from the eyes. Natural approaches popular for treating so many things nowadays are also an option when it comes to treating allergy symptoms as well. An example of this is the herb milk thistle which cleanses the liver and helps it to function properly which helps those with food intolerance.

Severe reaction otherwise known as anaphylaxis is more rare but is life-threatening. It may begin with a common symptom like itching of the eyes or face but will suddenly progress to include:

  • Swelling that effects breathing and swallowing

  • Abdominal pain

  • Cramps

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Dizziness(possible mental confusion)

If you think you are experiencing anaphylaxis seek emergency help immediately.

Other allergy symptoms may cause more reactions that can occur even weeks after an exposure. This type of allergy is probably the most difficult to diagnose. Sufferers continue to experience problems for years. Some are continually misdiagnosed particularly for those with allergy symptoms that include gastro-intestinal issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or diarrhea. Finding the food that causes these reactions and eliminating them is the only way to find relief. Depression and attention deficit have also surprisingly been linked as an allergy symptom to certain chemicals or food additives. Out of the box treatments such as acupuncture may help to find the root causes of these allergy symptoms.

Many times we like to brush off our allergy symptoms as minor nuisance. We would rather think we have a cold than address the process of trying to identify your allergies and treat them appropriately. We continue to eat some things that we know don't agree with us and just chalk it up to the latest stomach flu. Do yourself a favor and bring these symptoms up to your doctor. It doesn't hurt to ask and the answers could help drastically improve the quality of your life.

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