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Ginger has long been known to be a wonderful health tool as well as a lovely cooking spice. There are quite a few ailments ginger can help alleviate, such as pain from gas, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and inflammation of the joints. Also, limited studies have shown ginger to be a useful spice in combating heart disease as it may thin the blood and lower the cholesterol levels of humans.

However, most people are interested in ginger because of its purported powers over the human body's sex drive. The myths, stories, scientific facts, and medical findings regarding ginger show it has a long history of not only stimulating the human sex drive, but also increasing feelings of lust, bettering sexual performance, and boosting yearnings of attraction.

The History of Ginger

Ginger's history starts all the way back to 500BC in the writings of Confucius--a well renowned Chinese philosopher. And physicians as well as medical philosophers from the Middle East and ancient Greece and Rome touted this spice's aphrodisiac and lustful yearning powers. The Koran, Islam's book of sacred texts, states that ginger was included at the feasts being served in Paradise.

The Legend of Ginger

In France, it is said that Madam du Barry, King Louis XV's official royal mistress during the years between 1769 to 1774, served up the all powerful ginger to each and every one of her lovers, King Louis XV included. The way the legend tells the story, whenever she fed her lovers ginger, they would become completely submissive to her every demand and desire.

The Scientific Facts About Ginger

Since ginger has a strong, unique aroma, many people instantly recognize its scent as a sexually arousing stimulant. The effects of ginger can be experienced even without ingesting it. For example, its aroma alone has the power to increase a person's circulation, which in turn causes hypersensitivity in erogenous zones.

And because the perspiration properties of ginger are very strong, many people regard this as one of the reasons why it is the ideal aphrodisiac. When ginger is consumed, the body will begin to perspire, causing the heart rate to increase. These two effects are in many ways similar to feelings experienced during sexual intercourse. Of course, ginger has quite a kick to it, like so many other spices that make the heart rate become elevated.

Because ginger can pep up a person's circulatory system--the system in charge of circulating the blood, the removing of toxins, the cleansing of the bowels and kidneys, and the supplying of nutrients to the skin--it is only natural that ginger would also be able to increase the blood flow to the user's private area.

The Medical Findings About Ginger

The Ibadan University's College of Medicine, located in Nigeria, conducted a study in 2002 regarding how ginger effected rats. During the eight days of testing, all rats were fed water droplets mixed with ginger in order to see what effect ginger would have on their testosterone levels. The findings showed the weight of the rat's testes as well as the levels of testosterone had increased. This fascinating study demonstrates that testosterone secretions may be elevated upon the consumption of ginger, which is key when it comes to a man's sex drive as testosterone is the controlling factor.

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Cats are one of the most beautiful pets and no one wants to see his pet in a pathetic stage. Many diseases and illnesses are responsible for the bad heath of your pet. Cats are very sensitive as compared to dogs and it is a fact that more than 50% of the cats are facing the diseases in the very first year of their life. Therefore, knowledge about the cat care is necessary in order to achieve a good cat care plan. This article will discuss some of the cat problems and the preventive measures by which your cat can remain in a wonderful state. So here we go,

Stomach Worms

Infestation of worms is a common problem in most of the cats. The cats fail to absorb the nutrition and the result is that the consumption of diet is more and there is no development of health during the period of infestation. The roundworms and the tapeworms are very common and the hookworms are rear in infestation. One or two doses of any medicine can remove these worms. Several precautions are there for the treatment of worm infestation. Most of the times you observe that your cat is eating too much and the sleep cycle become disturbed. In those cases, you have to consult a vet. The vet will diagnose the type of worm after the stool test and suitable medicine will help your pet to get out of this issue.

Vomiting and Diarrhea Issues

There are many types of vomiting. In one type, the cat vomits and there are no further episodes. The single vomiting is better for the cat health as the stomach gave an anti-peristaltic response to the foreign invader. There are many reasons of this type such as engulfing of bad food, rotten fish, etc. Observation shows that due to the humidity issues, pet's food develops a particular sort of smell. That smelling food is very harmful as far as the health of your animal is concerned. Most of the people do not give a proper attention towards the single vomiting but you should at least change the food and give a proper bed rest to the little one. Multiple vomiting is the second type in which most of the cats fail to recover without proper medication. Serious conditions may lead to the blood vomiting. Diarrhea is also a very painful condition and it is most important among many of the cat problems. It is not a disease rather a condition or a secondary disorder that points towards other issues in the digestive system of cat.You should control the dehydration condition by the in time medication. Preventive measure include healthy diet, keeping eye on your pet activities, limited outdoor exposure, daily running, etc.

Urinary Infections and Kidney Issues

This is a serious issue and it affects the males as well as the females. The urinary tract infection may come from the pond swimming or after any dirt adventure. Therefore, if your smart pet is very active and wants a fun and adventure stuff, then you should use the antiseptic solutions. After the dirty tour, you can just dip the animal for some minutes in the water tub mixed with the antiseptic solution. It is very effective strategy and most of the cats love to enjoy bathing. In case of infection, your animal will feel uncomfortable. Urethra may block and accumulation of urine may lead to bad effects on bladder of animal. If the infection penetrates into the renal area then there is possibility of damage in the kidney zone. You can easily identify the kidney issue. Increase in thirst and an aggressive drinking attitude can give you the perfect indication of the problem.

Viral Diseases: Feline Leukemia Virus & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

These are two common diseases that are prevalent in cats. The virus spreads from the saliva droplets. The virus called corona virus, produce the flu type symptoms. Watery eyes serve as the most important symptom of this disease. As far as the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus is concerned, it affects the immune system of cat. Mainly sexual contact with the infected animals produced this disease.

Other Diseases

Flea, Ticks and Mites Issues

These are all eight legged bugs commonly known to be the pest of animals. These suck the blood of cat and result in the development of many secondary infections. For example, ticks are responsible for the Lyme Disorder.

To conclude, a proper management plan is necessary to tackle with cat problems. Precautionary measures serve as the perfect source to prevent the issues and to increase the life duration of your pet.

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Liver disease, is not talked about a lot in the societies of today very often. It is a quiet killer with many symptoms. Statistically, liver is rapidly increasing in today's world as a ruthless fatal disease due to our diets and lifestyles.

Liver disease can be caused by many different things. Some of which are drinking alcohol, abusing drugs, using too much Tylenol, hepatitis, obesity, and many other reasons.

Liver disease can kill you, if not treated early and properly. Regular blood work can show if the liver is functioning well or not. You should always ask your doctor to routinely check your liver function.

A very healthy diet, abstaining from drinking alcohol, and exercise promote good liver function.

Symptoms depend on the type and the extent of liver disease. In many cases, there may be no symptoms at all, or you may have some or all of these symptoms. Darkened urine, due to high bilirubin, nausea, loss of appetite, unusual weight loss or weight gain, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain in the upper right part of the stomach.

Other sympstoms are, a feeling of illness, enlarged blood vessels in the abdomen ( portal hypertension), fatigue, or low blood sugar. Muscle aches and pains, loss of sex drive, jaundice, light coloration of stools, bloating and distention of the abdomen.

Symptoms of liver disease, as you can see, mimic a lot of other illnesses and diseases, and vice versa.

In Alcoholic liver disease, which is what my husband has, there are four stages. Stage one is a fatty liver, stage 2 is alcoholic hepatitis, stage 3 is liver fibrosis, and stage 4 is cirrhosis, and sometimes cancer of the liver.

My husband's symptoms of alcoholic liver disease were very subtle at first, and they had mimicked the flu, being tired, sleepiness, heart trouble, obesity, muscle pain and weakness upon exertion, and foggyness due to depression.

My husband was a heavy drinker for several years. He quit on his own after a doctor told him that he had moderate cirrhosis of the liver. The doctor warned him that he might die in a few years if he did not stop drinking. At that time he was diagnosed with fatty liver, Barrett's Esophagus, portal hypertension, and sluggish kidneys.

The specialist advised my husband to lose weight, to slow down the disease. He went from drinking too much alcohol, to overeating his favorite foods, which are hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and sweets. He seemed to replace his alcohol addiction with unhealthy food choices. We now know that his kind of food adds to the destruction of the liver as well.

Now it is three years later, and last week he was given the diagnosis of stage 4 cirrhosis. It came on so quickly!

He has been having some of the symptoms for the last few years and we really were not aware of how bad his disease had gotten. He had gradually begun gaining a lot of weight, and he became very swollen in his feet, legs, and abdomen. We just thought this had been due to his poor diet.

Then he suddenly developed symptoms of encephalopathy, (swelling of the brain due to toxins in the brain), a few weeks ago, and he was hospitalized just in time. It was very frightening to see him so very ill. He does not remember anything about the first twenty four hours of going there. He was talking out of critically ill. He became incoherent, and unaware of how sick he was. He stayed in the hospital for a few days until they stabilized him. Then he was sent home with medications and it was up to me to care for him unless he became acute again.

At the hospital he was then referred to a new liver specialist as an out patient. When we saw the specialist, he was straight with us, and told us that John now had stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. He informed us my husband would need to lose 100 lbs in 6 months to become qualified to get on the liver transplant list.

Now he has to try to lose weight, most of which is water, stay with a special, very strict liver diet. He is to take 7 1/2 water pills a day, and large doses of Lactulose, (a medicine to rid his body of high ammonia levels through the bowels), to help prevent the brain from swelling.

I was inspired to write such an article due to my husband getting this terrible disease from drinking heavily for many years. Warn your friends and loved ones to beware of the causes of liver disease, and also its many symptoms.

There are many sites to visit about these subjects on the internet.

Here are a couple: http://www.medicinenet.com/liver_disease/article.htm


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Canine parvovirus was first diagnosed in 1978. Because of its strength and mobility, the virus proceeded to go worldwide in less than 2 years. The parvovirus is a virus that mutates. Some feel that it is a virus that mutated from the feline distemper virus. Whatever the case is, this extremely contagious virus has mutated several times since its official discovery. Canine parvovirus has several different strains, the CPV1, CPV2. CPV2a, CPV2b, and CPV2c are all potential killers. While the canine parvovirus can be hindered with the proper shots, it is a vicious disease that is extremely contagious, dangerous, hard to contain, and needs to be slowed or stopped as soon as it is suspected.

Canine parvo tends to more readily infect Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, American Staffordshire Terriers and their Pit Bull cousins more than other dogs. The first and foremost method of dodging a parvo infection is to get your puppy his shots. Unfortunately, no vaccine offers a 100% guarantee against parvo. Also, vaccinations help but there is no direct anti-viral medication for parvo. I have read horror story after horror story about under-vaccinated puppies coming home from the breeders or the pound only to go straight to the ER days later to die from Parvovirus. A puppy's vaccination schedule should always be up to date.

Parvo tends to prey upon puppies between 6 weeks and 6 months in age. Only 1,000 units of the virus are needed to cause an infection. An infected dog passes 35 million particles per ounce of stool. Parvo is plentiful and covers a lot of ground rather freely. Unfortunately, all a puppy has to do is sniff an infected stool for a serious chance at contracting parvovirus. Usually the infection is a result of ingestion. Oral contact with infected feces or immediate area are enough to warrant infection as well. It is also interesting is that parvo will survive almost anywhere. Parvo can be tracked into a house by the feet of a person who lives with a parvo-infected dog, or has visited a parvo-infected kennel or walked through an infected dog park. In my takedown of this subject, I've read accounts of people who feel that parvo can live for years outside of a host. There are countless other stories of it being tracked into new environments via clothing, tires, other animals, air, and water. It is also able to survive freezing temperatures in the ground during the winter. In short, if you have a dog, it will come in contact with parvo sooner or later.

After contact strong enough for infection, the parvo goes into an incubation period of three to fifteen days. Puppies are especially contagious to other dogs during this time. Another fascinating aspect of this virus is that its methods of attack can differ from dog to dog. Varying immune systems, whether the puppy is still nursing, and age play a part in the variety of parvo symptoms. As previously mentioned, proper shots and vaccinations are also key (there are stories of vaccinated dogs coming down with the disease). An example of the virus' varied attack patterns is that it can cause heart failure in a puppy less than 8 weeks old. Parvo can also cause respiratory (lung) failure. An untreated dog can die within 48 to 72 hours without the proper medical attention. The mortality of this disease can hit 91% if untreated. The virus usually starts by housing itself within the lymph glands. Fever and depression set in as the disease works its way to the intestinal tract. Parvo also simultaneously wrecks the dog's immune system as it shuts down white blood cell production in the marrow. Once in the intestinal tract, parvo's main purpose is to rip away at the intestinal lining. The result of this is that the intestinal lining is rendered unable to absorb food and water. There is also the potential for intussusception, which is when intestines slide in on themselves. Intussusception is basically a reducing of sections of intestine to the principles of a retracting telescope. The only solution to intussesception is surgery. Meanwhile, the dog is unable to control his fluid loss (via vomit and diarrhea) or stop the resulting bacterial infection.

Treatments for parvo are anti-nausea medication, fluid therapy (because of the constant vomiting and diarrhea), and antibiotics. With proper treatment there is an 80 percent recovery rate. Any dog that survives parvo is typically assumed to have a lifetime immunity from reinfection.

In the event of a post-parvo cleanup, everything that the infected dog has come in contact with needs to be sterilized. This means all dishes, floors, bedding, crates, etc. Parvo is impervious to many household disinfectants. Bleach is the key parvo-killer on surfaces. Steam cleaning on drapes, curtains, and upholstered furniture is another parvo-killing method. I have read stories of people staying vigilant with their parvo-disinfection for more than six months. The warning that I have heard again and again is that sterilized areas can easily become reinfected.

The accepted notion is that parvo will live for 30 days indoors after it has been introduced. The virus may still be alive, but it doesn't have the numbers to actually pull a full-blown infection off. Furthermore, all areas where the dog has defecated need to be purified with either bleach or scooped out of the yard. Shaded areas where an infected dog has left fecal matter should be considered infectious for at least seven months. Areas in the sun where an infected dog has left feces should be considered infectious for five months. One solution for the yard is a thorough soaking of the infected areas in order to dilute the virus. There are even accounts of people pouring bleach directly into the infected areas of their yards in to kill parvo off. In truth, it might very well be impossible to completely remove parvo from an environment. What has to happen is that there has to be such a reduction of the virus that it can't muster an attack. All dogs come into contact with parvo sooner or later in their lives. The longer a dog has been alive, the more time he's had to build up his immune system against it.

If there is any one reason to get your new puppy vaccinated and keep him up to date on his shots, parvo is definitely it. Parvo is one of the ugliest things that could potentially happen to a new puppy and his owner. With the proper information about symptoms, shots, and a comprehension of its aggressive migration, a puppy owner can hopefully control and temper the chances of a parvovirus onslaught.

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What does it mean if I see blood in my poop?

First, don't get scared. At least for younger people, the reason is not always serious. It could be hemorrhoids, it could be medicine you're taking, it could be colitis, and (usually in older people) it could be cancer.

If you actually see blood, then most likely it's red, but sometimes it can be black. Blood that mixes with stomach acid turns black and means the bleeding is coming from high in the gastrointestinal tract (the stomach or duodenum). If you see unusually dark or black-colored stools (called melena), or ones that look like tar, it may be blood that's passed all the way down from your stomach through your intestines. A stomach ulcer or irritation is commonly the culprit. Since this can be serious, see your doctor right away.

Now if the blood is red, first a question: is it a streak on the outside of the bowel movement, or blood in the toilet water, or blood mixed in with the stool (poop)?

If there's a streak on the outside of the bowel movement, it's often caused by external hemorrhoids. There may be pain associated with this type of bleeding, which is commonly seen with constipation or large stools.

If there's blood on the stool and perhaps some dripping into the toilet water, this may be internal hemorrhoids, which are often painless. These, too, are associated with constipation and hard stools, but also with diarrhea and straining.

You should confirm these conditions with your doctor, but hemorrhoids are probably the "best case" scenario and are easily treated (most of the time). Occasionally a tumor (such as cancer) will present this way as well. Anyone over age 50 should be checked for colon cancer.

If the blood is mixed in with the stool but you have no other symptoms, cancer is again a possibility, along with colitis, diverticulitis, and medication effects. If you are taking aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, or other anti-inflammatory drug or blood thinner, stopping these medicines and consulting your doctor is advisable. If you have infection or inflammation (such as diverticulitis, colitis, or inflammatory bowel disease) you'd probably have some sort of symptom other than just bleeding: abdominal discomfort, cramping, gas, bloating, diarrhea. However, some patients just have bleeding. Either way, having blood mixed in with the stool is usually serious and you should have this evaluated promptly.

Sometimes people have diarrhea (with or without blood) after taking an antibiotic. This may be due to antibiotic-related colitis (clostridium difficile colitis, " c. diff") and requires prompt attention. Report these symptoms to your doctor right away, as you'll probably require a second antibiotic to treat this condition. However, certain antibiotics may cause diarrhea on their own without causing c. diff colitis.

Lastly, sometimes red dye or red food can look like blood, but isn't. Beets, red jello, and other red foods have been known to be confused with blood, but don't attritube red discoloration to food unless you're sure.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J Koelker MD

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Gall bladder disease can generate a wide range of non-specific clinical manifestations in patients. Gall bladder disease sufferers usually experience differentiated symptoms according to their age and sex. Although gall bladder affections and problems can occur in both sexes, the female gender generally experiences more intense and diversified symptoms. The clinical manifestations of gall bladder disease are also influenced by the underlying causes of the illness and its stage of progression.

The gall bladder is a small organ situated in the close proximity of the liver, in the right upper region of the abdomen. Its main purpose is to aid the liver in the process of fat digestion, by collecting and storing bile, then releasing this substance inside the small intestine and stomach when necessary. Produced by the liver, bile has a vital role in the assimilation of vitamins A, D, E and K. The composition of bile consists of water, bile acids, phospholipids, electrolytes and pigments. Gall bladder disease can be either caused by chemical imbalances in the composition of bile (which results in thickening of bile, leading to the formation of gallstones), physiological dysfunctions at the level of the biliary system or gall bladder infections.

In the early stages of the disease, people with gall bladder affections rarely experience pain. At first, the disease generates symptoms such as abdominal bloating, indigestion, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. As the disease progresses, patients experience radiating pain in the region of the right upper abdomen, pain that eventually moves to the lower back side. Although lower back pain is not always very revealing for gall bladder affections, it is still considered to be an important criteria in the process of diagnosis. Recent studies have revealed the fact that gall bladder disease sufferers commonly experience lower back pain in more advanced stages of the illness. This symptom of gall bladder disease is mostly common in patients with ages over 50, rarely occurring in younger adults or children. Gall bladder back pain can be either the result of pronounced inflammation of the gall bladder or biliary colic.

Biliary colic is a common cause of lower back pain. Biliary colic refers to formation of gallstones inside the gall bladder and hepato-biliary ducts. Gallstones, also known as biliary calculi, are small stones formed from excess cholesterol, calcium and bile pigments. When gallstones accumulate in large amounts they can obstruct bile ducts completely, facilitating the occurrence of gall bladder infections. Associated with gall bladder inflammation and infections, biliary colic generates intense, persistent pain in the region of the lower abdomen and lower back. Gall bladder back pain usually occurs in episodes, each attack lasting from 20-30 minutes to a few hours.

The formation and accumulation of gallstones at the level of the biliary system is a common disorder, affecting more than 15 percent of people with ages over 50. Gallstones can be easily observed with the means of ultrasound tests and computerized tomography and patients can be quickly diagnosed with biliary colic. If you experience intense abdominal and back pain, associated with abdominal bloating, nausea and vomiting, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible, in order to receive an appropriate medical treatment.

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The recent voluntary recall of the over the counter (OTC) arthritis pain reliever Tylenol by its manufacturer (McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a division of Johnson and Johnson) has lead to a series of heated exchanges between industry executives. Tylenol caplets were recalled en masse amidst reports that customers had detected an unpleasant odor resembling mildew issuing from the pills. Some consumers reported to the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration that they had suffered unpleasant symptoms such as nausea, stomach pains, vomiting and diarrhea upon taking the tablets. After consulting with the FDA, McNeil decided to withdraw the product from sale immediately while their scientists investigated possible causes.

The controversy appears to have been sparked by McNeil's press release explaining the recall, in which it appeared to be downplaying reports that consumers had become unwell upon taking the product. The company stated that all observed events which had come to its attention were 'temporary and non-serious'. The culprit was identified in subsequent analysis as the trace of a breakdown product from a chemical used to treat wooden storage pallets - 2,4,6-tribromoanisole. However, the company's wording was somewhat ambiguous - the responsible substance is 'believed' to have been a breakdown product, a choice of words which might be taken to imply that McNeil was not entirely sure that this really was the case when they issued the statement.

The Chief Executive Officer of a company manufacturing hard plastic pallets (Bob Moore of Intelligent Global Pooling Systems, or iGPS) condemned the use of wooden pallets in the transportation and storage of food and drug products. Wooden pallets have to be treated to preserve the wood; a treatment which Moore claimed involved the use of harmful pesticides and other chemicals such as urea formaldehyde. The latter is known to have carcinogenic properties and releases traces into the air as it 'off-gases'. The use of treated wooden pallets increases the risk of contamination not only to the products stored on them, but to workers who have to move them about.

In addition, according to Mr. Moore, wooden pallets are often fumigated with methyl bromide (an exceptionally poisonous compound which also depletes the ozone layer) and are often exceptionally dirty - his company detected high levels of pathogenic organisms such as Listeria and even rodent nests when wooden pallets commissioned by the firm were randomly tested.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that up to 40,000 Americans are killed each year by prescription drugs, with several thousand more fatalities being caused by OTC preparations. In the light of such statistics, Mr. Moore's call for the FDA and Congress to take action over the use of wooden pallets in connection with food and drug products seems eminently reasonable. While there is a limited amount that can be done to prevent accidental adverse reactions that some individuals have to OTC and prescription drugs, it would seem only reasonable to make certain that these products are transported in the safest, cleanest way possible.

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Diarrhea is a condition or a disorder, which causes the discharge of frequent stool which is loose, liquid and soft; thereby the frequency is increased of a person's excretion rate. Diarrhea takes place or happens to a person, when the intestine does not absorb much fluid or when the intestine creates excessive fluid. Having diarrhea and fever are the symptoms of having viral or bacterial stomach flu. Diarrhea and fever occurs when one feels or get abdominal pain and throws up or vomits frequently. Diarrhea gets cured within five to seven days. While having diarrhea and fever, causes the discharge of regular stool sometimes with blood or pus, in quantity which is usually small. If a person has fever of 102 F or more than that, usually lasting over 24 hours or even lasting for 48 hours after the onset of having diarrhea, then it is the symptom of bacterial infection, there might be extreme cases like fainting or shivering due to high fever. Having diarrhea and fever increases the chances of having dehydration, through the fluid loss increase, constant breathing for the cooling of one's body and the interference of fluid and its replacements.

The cause of diarrhea are many the most common are lifestyle that a person leads, too many medicines and weak immune power whereby there is a reduction of fighting ability against infection and diseases. If not checked by a doctor, then it might lead to severe and serious problem and other hazardous illness. Condition of diarrhea and fever are older age, especially above the age of 60, drinking diary products which are not pasteurized and impure water, swimming in water which is contaminated, undergoing surgery of any kind especially in the abdominal region.

Taking antibiotics, and other medicine like ampicillin, amoxicillin, Dioxin Lithium Medicines to support an organ transplant Medicines used to treat cancer and radiation therapy. A person can prevent the occurrence of diarrhea by properly preparing and cooking food, watching what one is eating, and the intake of prescribed antibiotics, all these can prevent from having diarrhea and fever.

The other ways of preventing oneself from having diarrhea and fever, is by leading a hygienic life, especially by washing one's hands quite often, as diarrhea and its virus spreads through unhealthy and unclean hands and other things. One should consume mineral water and avoid or reduce the intake of soda, bee and other alcoholic drinks.

One should not take in water from the tap and iced water too. While brushing teeth a person should use mineral or treated water, Boiled water must be consumed. Therefore by applying and introducing such habits which are healthy too, can prevent the occurrence of diarrhea and fever. Diarrhea is a condition that is cured by small treatments, but OTC or over-the-counter antibacterials, can be taken to cure diarrhea and fever, dehydration usually occurs along with diarrhea and fever, therefore a person has to increase the intake of fluids, water and electrolytes too. With all these diarrhea and fever can be prevented and cured.

Related Articles:

Proper Diet for Diarrhea

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Psychological Stress

When we are undergoing constant psychological stress, our bodies react physically.

Stress can trigger:

  • backache

  • neck pain

  • headaches

  • irregular or rapid heartbeat

  • raised blood pressure

  • shallow breathing

Mental stress can also shut down the digestive tract which may result in acid reflux, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea or constipation.

As well as having an impact on the physical body, stress can also affect the 'higher' capacities of the mind such as decision-making, clarity of thought and intent as well as discernment and judgement. This can lead to feelings of confusion, overwhelm and hypersensitivity.

5 Situations that increase our Psychological Stress

1) Arguments with friends or family members - and if these quarrels occur at at meal-times, the three Is may result: Indigestion, Insomnia and Irritability.

2) Money worries: not only can financial difficulties create anxiety, fear and frustration but they can also keep you awake night which is detrimental to your health.

3) Public speaking (or making a presentation, auditioning, going for an interview) - situations where you feel you are going to be judged on your performance and found wanting.

4) Travel chaos - including being stuck in a traffic jam, being stuck in a tunnel on an underground train, your overground train arriving late or missing your bus, train or plane. These kinds of external situations, which are beyond our control, can create reactions verging from mild panic to explosive rage.

5) Working in deadline-driven environments or having to meet unrealistic targets.

Physical Stress

Physical problems also create stress for the body.

Knee pain, allergies, low blood sugar, fatigue syndromes and infections can all be a result of adrenal exhaustion which is caused by steady relentless persistent stress that slows down the response levels of the adrenal glands.

Our adrenals respond to sudden stress by releasing the hormone adrenaline. When our adrenals are depleted, our sleeping patterns become disruptive and we have disturbing dreams. Stress which affects the adrenals can make us jump awake in the middle of the night. Adrenal depletion can also be the result of poor nutrition or spiritual unhappiness.

Exposure to toxic metals and chemicals also creates adrenal burnout. Plus the consumption of stimulants such as caffeine places even more stress on the adrenals. General overstimulation is also a major cause of adrenal stress, particularly in children.

If you suffer from adrenal exhaustion, your immune system is lowered which may make you vulnerable to any bugs or colds that are going around.

Ways to Combat Physical and Psychological Stress

  • Large quantities of Vitamin C can help to deal with the stress that is created by adrenal exhaustion. Vitamin B5 and Vitamin B3 are also helpful.

  • Eating small meals at frequent intervals will also help with adrenal fatigue problems.

So for example, eating your first meal at 8am, your lunch just before noon, a snack at 3 and your evening meal at 6pm plus a light snack before bedtime will help to alleviate both adrenal problems and interrupted sleep patterns.

Natural therapies that help to relax and balance the body's systems such as reflexology or massage can also help.

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If you are a pet owner, it's important that you take the responsibility of your pet's care seriously. Most of my life, I have had a pet of one kind or another, usually a cat or a dog. Sometimes I had both at the same time. I can say without reservation that owning a pet is great fun and very rewarding. There are many responsibilities with regard to pet ownership. This includes giving love and affection to your pet, which will be returned to you many times over.

Keeping vaccinations current for cats is very important. Other health problems can occur, too. Some examples of health problems for cats would include hairballs, parasites, vomiting, diarrhea, urinary tract infection, and feline leukemia. As you can see, some of these can be easily prevented while others are much more serious. For example, hairballs occur from your cat's constant grooming. This can be prevented by bathing and brushing your cat regularly. Vomiting and diarrhea can be prevented by carefully monitoring what your cat eats and providing only the best nutrition. Sometimes you veterinarian will recommend supplements. I also think it is not good to give your cat milk because it is not easily digestible and can cause diarrhea. Urinary tract infection and feline leukemia are serious disorders that require the veterinarian to intervene with medication. Many times, feline leukemia is fatal.

Like cats, dogs should be kept current on all vaccinations. But there are other health concerns for dogs, too. Parasites can be problematic. This has to be carefully monitored and treated. Other problems for dogs involve the bones. Panosteitis is an inflammatory disease of the bones. It affects younger dogs. It can cause a sudden symptom of lameness. The young dog will suddenly start to limp. This condition occurs particularly in German Shepherds, but all breeds are susceptible to it. Dogs can develop other conditions, such as cancer, constipation, and ear mites. It's always important to ensure your dog has regular checkups.

I personally think it is best to keep pets inside and not let them outside unsupervised. There is much less chance for an animal to get ill or hurt if it is kept inside. While outside, your dog or cat could come into contact with another animal that has some sort of disease. Your pet could become infected. I am always afraid my dog or cat will get hurt being outside with all the traffic that is in the neighborhood. I think it is a good idea is to take your pet for a walk. Like us, pets need exercise. This can provide an opportunity for both of you to get out.

To summarize, owning a pet it a big responsibility. You have to ensure your pet's health. As I discussed, this involves many factors. But if you do your part and keep your dog or cat healthy, she will provide you with many years of love and affection. You will not regret taking care of your pet.

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Commonest Kidney Failure Symptoms

What is Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure, or renal failure, as it is sometimes called, occurs when the kidneys fail to dispose of toxins and waste products from the blood stream. There are two forms of the condition, and these are acute kidney injury and chronic kidney failure. It is extremely essential to point out that, there are several factors that can lead to kidney failure. In acute kidney disease, the body becomes overloaded with toxins, which cause the kidneys to shut down. Drug overdose or accidental drug overdose can also aid in the onset of acute kidney failure. Chronic kidney disease actually has many causes, the main one being diabetes mellitus.

The major problem with chronic kidney disease is that, it develops slowly, and sometimes only shows a few symptoms. There are several problems that aid in kidney malfunction, which include deranged acid levels, poor potassium, calcium and phosphate levels, and in some cases, anemia. Long-term kidney problems can also lead to other health complications like heart failure among others.


There are many symptoms that can lead to ultimate kidney failure. Some of the commonest ones include vomiting and diarrhea, which can also lead to severe dehydration. Another major symptom is nausea, which ultimately leads to vomiting. It is extremely vital to note that, the symptoms do vary in severity, as well, from person to person. It should be noted that early stages of kidney failure may not produce the signs and symptoms, which indicate that there is a problem. Over a period of time, however, as waste is filtered out of the body properly, the symptoms will start to be noticeable.

One of the noticeable symptoms is frequent or less frequent urination, as well, as nocturnal urination. Urine may also be pale colored or even discolored and could have blood in it. People with the condition might experience pressure and difficulty in urinating or abnormal amounts of urine. It is tremendously vital that you keep an eye on any of these possibilities as the condition is a major health issue, and should be dealt with immediately. When the kidneys fail to do their job properly and dispose of excess fluid, a person might notice signs on other parts of the body. These signs include swelling of the legs, ankles, feet, hands and face. Some minor symptoms include appetite loss, difficulty sleeping, darkening of the skin, and excess protein in the blood. Others may experience shortness of breath, due to extra fluid in the lungs, which may be cause by anemia.

Any symptom that indicates failure of the kidneys should not be taken lightly, and should be dealt with immediately.

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There are many foods that just may not sit with you well. Overeating or eating a food you may be sensitive to may leave you with a stomach ache for several hours. However, sometimes the ill feeling after eating is actually food poisoning, caused by one of the following bacteria.

Salmonella - This bacteria comes from animal products, especially raw milk. It is often present in foods that have been undercooked, such as red meat and eggs. Improper storage temperatures of these same foods can heighten the risk of salmonella poisoning. Symptoms of salmonella poisoning include diarrhea and irregular bowel movements, sometimes lasting for months.

Shigella - This toxin is associated with the failure of food preparation staff to wash hands sufficiently. It comes from fecal matter residue. Symptoms include the presence of blood in bowel movements and painful stomach cramping. If the body is unable to fight shigella, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Campylobacter - This is most often found in poultry. Poultry can cause major illnesses if it is not stored at an appropriate temperature or cooked thoroughly.

E. Coli - This bacteria is the leading cause of food poisoning. It is often present in undercooked meat. E. Coli can cause bloody diarrhea and, if it goes untreated, cause kidney failure.

It can be easy to prevent these harmful substances from getting into our food at home, but eating out is another matter. Improper storage or cooking of food is not always obvious when the dish is served. An irresponsible staff that fails to wash their hands or clean their preparation space can lead to the presence of these harmful bacteria, putting customers at serious risk of illness.

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Although premenstrual Syndrome and Menstrual Irregularities are modern Western disease categories, Chinese doctors have been treating what they call "menstrual movement diseases" (PMS) and "menstrual diseases" (menstrual irregularities) for millennia.

Menstrual diseases consist of menstrual cycles where the "period" or menses are coming "late", "early, or "at no fixed date". Menstrual diseases also include situations where there is heavy uterine bleeding during the time of the period and/or continuous uterine bleeding at irregular intervals (menorrhagia/ metorrhagia); absence of periods (amenorrhea); painful periods (dysmenorrhea); ovarian cysts; and endometriosis.

"Menstrual movement diseases", aka, PMS, is best characterized by the array of possible symptoms that may accompany "this time of the month" such as:

- Nervous tension and Fatigue
- Breast Distention, Pain & Lumps
- Abdominal Distention and Pain
- Headache & Body Pain
- Diarrhea, Vomiting and Nausea
- Constipation, Bloating
- Nosebleed, Bloody stools &/or urine
- Fever, Asthma or Recurrent Colds
- Rashes & Acne
- Changes in Appetite & Cravings
- Changes in Emotions & Irritability

According to Chinese medical theory, there are very definite mechanisms accounting for each and every one of these premenstrual symptoms, as well as, for the "menstrual disease situations", mentioned above. There are time-tested treatments for each of these. These may include acupuncture &/or Chinese herbal medicine. Treatment for the "menstrual movement diseases"/PMS and for the menstrual irregularities will begin starting somewhere during the woman's 28-30 day menstrual cycle, and is dependent on how her symptoms are manifesting. These treatments are combined with dietary changes, exercise and lifestyle modifications.

Typically, the traditional Chinese medical course of treatment for PMS and menstrual irregularities spans 3-4 menstrual cycles (= 3-4 months) but can also span 6-12 months (depending on severity of situation), with the number of days each month requiring treatment declining with each cycle.

And the ultimate goal of this therapy, is to teach the woman what foods to avoid and how to arrange her life so as to help manage her own condition(s) and help avoid any recurring PMS symptoms. In addition, using the theories and diagnostic methods of Chinese Medicine, we will be able to advise each woman on what vitamins and minerals to use to make her therapy even more effective.

Such treatment does not merely suppress symptoms and regulate menstrual cycles, but rebalances the entire body's mechanism, thus resulting in vibrant good health and a renewed sense of poise and harmony.

Using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, each of the major organs and bowels are brought into harmony, as well as, the woman's Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids. Western medicine describes the mechanisms of PMS and Menstrual irregularities in terms of hormones, prostaglandins, and neurotransmitters. While all of these are true and valid, such biochemical descriptions do not enlighten and empower women.

Although the Chinese concepts of Qi and Blood, Yin and Yang, the five elements, and twelve organs and bowels may appear primitive and unscientific, they nonetheless have proven their value in professional clinical practice for over 100 generations. Using these concepts, women are enlightened and empowered on a very practical human level. No one can control their secretion of estradiol, but "liver qi stagnation" can be remedied by exercise, relaxation and the right acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.

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Did you ever take in a baby squirrel and start to feed and care for it, then have it go downhill physically and die? You're not alone! The following are three common reasons why baby squirrels die in captivity:

1. The Wrong Diet.

Improper diet is the number one reason why squirrels die. There's a lot of controversy over what is the correct formula to feed baby squirrels who are still nursing. Many wild animal rehabilitators will tell you to buy an expensive puppy formula, and to never feed a squirrel cow's milk. I've used the expensive puppy formula with marginal success, but recently they changed the formulation which left it lacking enough milk fat for squirrels. Now, all of a sudden, they're telling people to add heavy cream to boost the fat content! Hello! What is heavy cream? It's the cream from cow's milk! The reason cow's milk will kill a baby squirrel is because there are substances in the milk that will give a squirrel severe diarrhea. Diarrhea will lead to an electrolyte imbalance,which will lead to a heart irregularity and ultimately death from sudden cardiac arrest.

I've found that if you get rid of the substance in cow's milk and cream that causes diarrhea, a baby squirrel will do just fine on a cream rich cows milk formula. But you must do one simple but vital thing to make this formula safe for squirrels! I can teach you how to make this formula and save you having to spend twenty dollars per can for puppy formula!

2. Hypocalcemia.

The second big killer of squirrels is Hypocalcemia. That's a fancy name for low blood Calcium. Squirrels, especially in captivity, have an extraordinarily high calcium requirement. Death from low blood calcium comes after they stop nursing. While they are getting milk, their calcium needs are being met. When they quit nursing, they need a calcium supplement or they'll develop what is called Metabolic Bone Disease. This disease is characterized by loss of calcium from the bones, especially in the spine and back legs. They start to shuffle their back legs when they walk, and progressively lose nerve and muscle control. Their bones become brittle and break easily.

Low blood calcium can also lead to heart irregularity and sudden cardiac death. A squirrel with metabolic Bone Disease is a pathetic scene! Prevention is simple! I teach a very simple way to make a dietary supplement called Nut Squares or Nut Balls that will insure optimum calcium intake and good health for squirrels.

3. Internal Injuries.

The last major killer of baby squirrels is internal injuries. Many times a found squirrel has fallen a great distance out of a leaf nest. One of the first things you should do for a baby squirrel, after you get it in a warm environment, is to check it over carefully for injuries. Babies normally have rapid respiration and heartbeats, but if a baby squirrel is having difficulty breathing or is using more than just chest muscles to breathe, it may have internal injuries. It could have broken ribs or a contused lung or heart! Blunt trauma to the abdomen can injure internal organs such as the liver, kidneys or spleen. A baby squirrel's abdominal wall is very thin. If you see dark purple discoloration of the abdomen, that is an ominous sign that indicates internal bleeding.

There's not a whole lot that can be done for a baby squirrel that is in that condition. A Veterinarian could evaluate the animal, but chances are, nothing would be done other than observe and support it's breathing struggle with oxygen and a warm environment until it passes. I've found in my years as a Squirrel Rehabilitator that squirrels love to have their head and neck gently rubbed, it's very soothing and calming for them. Death is a part of life. For me, holding and comforting a dying squirrel helps me realize how precious and brief life is. I find tremendous joy and satisfaction in caring for these magnificent creatures, and thank God that even in death, I can make a difference!

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Detox FAQ

Rapid Opiate Detoxification and Ultra Rapid Opiate Detoxification

Clients' questions - medical specialist's answers

- What does a panliness and comfortable opiate detoxification mean?
- According to the questionnaire results, 92% of our patients don't experience any withdrawal symptoms. The patients go trough an easy and comfortable transition to a drug free state of body. The other 8% be mildly indisposed and may feel insignificant symptoms of chills and cold. We don't allow patients to suffer pain, nauseousness, vomiting and diarrhea. The patients is protected against of depression and sleeplessness as well.

- What am I going to feel during and after the detox treatment?
- You will be sleeping during the 8-hours of detoxification procedure, and you won't feel a thing while the highly trained and experienced doctors are cleaning your blood and cells from the drugs. After the procedure, you will wake up without pain and suffering, and you will be feeling relaxation in your body and sleepiness. Within only a few hours, you will be fully functional and you will be able to eat. In the evening, you will receive sleeping medicines to be able to sleep normally.

- What happens in the following days after the detox?
- Although, the body will continue cleansing itself from the insignificant remains of drugs molecules, you will be receiving a prophylactic therapy and you will be feeling comfortable. In case of minimal signs of discomfort, you should inform the doctor about that, and you will receive an adequate medical assistance. Additional detoxification procedures can be preformed if necessary.
Afterwards, you'll take the drug tests, before it shows that your body is perfectly drugs free. That will be the end of your opiate detox and the beginning of a drugs free life. In case you would like to get a protection, you can have one of the Naltrexone forms.

- What does an uncomfortable detox mean and how it happens? How to avoid it?
- Mild withdrawal symptoms might occur in cases when a patient says that his/her daily drugs intake is lower than it really is, and that incorrect information results in planning insufficient prophylactic therapy and detoxification procedure.
Also, it happens in cases when a patient keeps to him or herself about some other substances intake (methadone, benzodiazepines, cocaine etc.). In such cases, it is necessary to modify and intensify the treatment.

- What does a safe rapid detox mean? What kind of risks are there involved and how to avoid them?
- A safe opoioid detoxification is not only a comfortable treatment, but protection of the brain from stress and organs from overpressure during the rapid detoxification from opiate and opioid drugs. To avoid the risks, it is necessary to make an extremely detailed planning, preparations and performing of the whole detoxification program by a medical doctors team (therapist, psychiatrist-addictionologist, anesthesiologist). The medical team must be experienced and specialized in this area of medicine. Modern technologies and the right tactics will not allow development of some risks during the medical sleep. We protect you from hard palpitation, high blood pressure, vomiting, and respiration problems during the detoxification process.

- How can you check that the body is fully clean and ready for Naltrexone induction? Will I be feeling ill after a Naltrexone injection of a Naltrexone implant/depot insertion?
- The control of the detoxification process success is being tested several times - during the detox and at the end of the treatment program. After the program is finished, the doctor is making sure that the body is 100% drugs free, and that there aren't any reactions, to neither small nor full Naltrexone dosages. Only then it is possible to insert a Naltrexone depot pellets under the skin or to give an intramuscular Naltrexone depot injection, or to take Naltrexone orally on daily basis. The psychosomatic condition of the patient will stay good and stabile.

- What is the difference between a rapid and ultra rapid detox?
- Ultra rapid opioid detoxification (UROD) is performed by a team of anesthesiologists, who put a patient under anesthesia or deep sedation for 6 to 10 hours, while administering total opiate antagonists. After the detox procedure, a patient recovers quickly, maintaining good appetite and night sleep. Still, a patient stays under the medical supervision from 1 to 3 days, till he stabilizes fully.

Rapid detoxification (ROD) is performed by physicians-addictionologists during 5 to 7 days while administrating suitable agonist-antagonist of opiate receptors
(tramadol, buprenorphine, butrofanol), preventing the withdrawal symptoms and using symptomatic therapy.

- What is the difference between a detox under anesthesia and sedation?
- An ultra rapid opioid detox under general anesthesia means that all sensations are off. Patients are maximally protected from all discomfort that involves withdrawal symptoms. This procedure is highly qualified, performed according the high technology standards and expensive. Close organs function monitoring and administrating. Patient wake easily up and quickly become functional - they communicate, walk normally and eat with appetite.
Unfortunately, general anesthesia is not indicated for everyone. In those cases, UROD is performed under deep sedation, and anesthesiologist inducts long acting sedatives and analgesic medicines.
Patients experience withdrawal symptom in sleep, under close monitoring and with doctor's assistance. After the procedure is finishes, patients stay in their bed for many hours feeling sleepy and relaxed. On the following day, the strength restores.

- Which medicines are usually used for detox?
- Ultra rapid opioid detox either under general anesthesia or sedation applies Naltrexone, Naloxon, Clonidine, Diazepam and tens of other different medicines. Enormous medical mastery defines the right dosages, combinations and the way and speed of induction. The most important is that withdrawal symptoms pass in a rapid, safe and painless way. Rapid detox is gradually performed, with one main medicine (Tramadol, Buprenorphine), and a wide range of vegetative stabilization, sedatives, soporific and symptomatic medicines.

- How does a heroin detoxification look like and how long does it take?
- A comfortable cleansing from heroin and other opiates (morphine, codeine, surrogate opiates) usually lasts from 3 to 5 days and includes diagnostic and preparation for the main procedure. UROD takes from 6 to 8 hours, after which a mild extra cleansing and the test are being done.

- What is the difference between heroin and methadone detox?
- Opioid detoxification lasts longer: methadone, buprenorphine, (subutex, subuxon), morphine sulfate (substitol, compensan etc.) is more demanding treatment program. It might include a few deep drugs cleansing procedures, a powerful protection from withdrawal symptoms and efficiency monitoring. The length of comfortable methadone detoxification takes not less than 7 days.

- When the implant insertion takes place?
- The best thing to do is to insert a Naltrexone depot at the hospital, right after the painless detoxification and the detox results tests.

- What difficulties can I expect after the detox?
- Firstly - intensification and manifestation of the latent physical and psychological disorders, which used to be "concealed" by drugs (toothache, heart and lungs condition, depression etc.)
- Secondly - psychological withdrawal symptoms: sleeplessness, blues, irritability, aggressiveness, transit "mental pains", obsessive-compulsive drugs cravings.
To avoid sleeplessness, mood swings etc. in the early adaptation period, it is recommended to have an in or outpatient treatment after the detoxification.

- What does a qualified detox mean?
- Meeting specific standards for an excellent result achievement:
1. Careful and detailed physical and psychological condition diagnostics.
2. Correct information about the drugs, medicines and other substances intake as well as the dosages.
3. Tailor made detoxification model taking into account all specifics of each patient individually.
4. An optimal combination of the detox methods.
5. 24h medical monitoring and timely preventive assistance to avoid withdrawal symptoms and development of latent co-occurring illnesses.
By fulfilling of all the mentioned conditions above, a patient gets an easy and comfortable detoxification from opiates and opioids.

- How does a detoxification from more substances look like?
- It's a rather complex and delicate process. Heroin, methadone, valium, alcohol, cocaine etc. give specific problems, in different combinations, during the detox. It requires exact information about the daily substance intake, and prognoses of the patient's condition taking into account all substances. Besides that, additional medical procedures and medicines will be required.

- What is the best place to have a detox done?
- It is where more detoxification methods are applied - there is choice of detoxification models and combinations which are right for you.
It is where highly trained and qualified doctors are.
It is where psychological opiate withdrawal symptoms are avoided.
It is a detox center with moderate prices.

- What is the difference between your and other detoxes?
- Hospitals and detox centers usually offer "one method of rapidly detoxifying the body of opiates without the patient experiencing significant detoxification withdrawal". We offer a few methods of totally painless detox, tailored made for each patient individually, by a team of medical doctors, specialized in different medical areas. At the lowest costs in Europe, too.

- How much does a high quality rapid opiate detox and ultra rapid opioid detoxification cost?
- From 1.000 euro (including 24h medical monitoring, 3 meals a day, medications, doctors' fees).

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Hookworms are very common in dogs, most especially in puppies. Most of the time, puppies catch the disease more readily than full-grown dogs. Hookworms are tiny internal parasites that can infect a dog or puppy, and are sometimes fatal, most notably in puppies.

While the instance of hookworm is uncommon in older dogs, they may still be infected, but if they are, the infection is usually minor and recovery from the infection is fast. Dogs should always be protected from these parasites since they can cause such major damage.

How a dog may contract hookworms:

Commonly, a dog picks up hookworms from infested soil. A dog may eat something off of the soil, and at the same time take in the eggs of the hookworms. Dogs can also be infected by roundworms, whipworms, or tapeworms in much the same way. Some of the larvae are able to burrow through muscle and membrane to the trachea, where they are coughed up and swallowed, ending up in the intestines. Other times, ingested eggs travel straight through to the intestines where they mature into adults and attach themselves to the intestinal walls. They feed on the blood of the dog and will make more eggs that are either expelled in waste by the dog, or they will go back into the bloodstream to continue the cycle.

What symptoms to look for with hookworms:

A dog's owner needs to look the dog over well for any signs of hookworm infestation. Some of the symptoms are anemia, weight loss, appearing weak or frail, and vomiting or diarrhea. A dog's gums may appear pale, and dark, tarry stools may be seen. You may also notice worm like parasites or eggs in the stool of the dog. The worst thing about hookworms is that the outward symptoms often occur only after complete infestation, when the larvae have matured into adults and have begun feeding on the dog's blood. This is especially bad for pregnant females, as the larvae may lie dormant in the dog, then get passed to the puppies before birth, or while they are nursing. Although hookworm disease is seldom fatal for the adult, it is often deadly in puppies, as their fragile immune system and small supply of blood makes them more susceptible to the dangers of the infestation.

Treatment of hookworms:

By inspecting the feces of your dog, a veterinarian can make an absolute diagnosis of hookworms. De-wormer medication is typically given to the animal to kill off the worms and help the dog evacuate them. The medicine is either a pill or liquid, and you should pay attention to the dosing recommendations of the medicine. Giving too little of the medication may not kill the worms, while giving your dog too much may actually poison him, leading to death.

Dogs typically get infested by hookworms a number of times during their lifespan. If your dog travels with you and is exposed to varied environments, he is more likely to contract the disease. It is advised to check your pet's feces periodically for signs of parasite infection, including hookworms.

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If you suffer from unexplainable medical problems like chronic fatigue, headaches, muscle weakness, Fibromyalgia, candidiasis, and anxiety, and your doctor told you every test result is fine, think of chronic parasite infections.

Parasite related problems are one of the most neglected areas of the medical fields. Few people recognize that parasites not only cause diarrhea, bloody stool or abdominal cramps but also have been associated with a whole list of symptoms such as anorexia, autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue, constipation, food allergies, gastritis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, low back pain, Crohn's disease, arthritis, headaches, rash, rectal itching, weight loss and weight gain, and many more.

No one wants to be sick, but where does disease really begin? Illness develops because one's immune system is weakened. This is indisputable yet often not acknowledged. Complementary and Alternative Medicine is based upon this premise. Parasites, which often go undiagnosed, can contribute to weakening the immune system, which then allows favorable conditions for a vast range of illnesses. More often, many factors bombard the immune system over time.

Five principle causes of immune system deterioration are: Heavy Metal Toxicity, Food Allergies, Dental Problems, Poor Diet and Nutrition, and Parasites. What are parasites? In the United States, the most common human parasites are of the microscopic protozoal variety (single cell Amoeba-like) that can be transmitted by air, food, water, insects, animals, and other humans.

The most common protozoal parasites are Giargdia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, Dientamoeba fragilis and Crytosporidium.The other parasites, commonly know as worms include pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms, trichinia spiralis, hookworms and filarial.

Doctor Leo Galland, M.D. from New York City, a specialist in parasitology, estimated that conservatively, a minimum of 10 percent of the American population might be infected by parasites. Worldwide, 25 percent is infected by protozoal parasites.

Many parasites go undetected for many years because they don't produce classic diarrhea symptoms or abdominal cramps. Doctor Galland's findings indicated that any person with chronic gastrointestinal complaints such as bloating, diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, chronic constipation, multiple allergies and unexplainable fatigue should be screened for intestinal parasites.

Unfortunately, one of the main problems related to parasite infections is that most parasitology labs fail to find the majority of intestinal parasites in stool specimens submitted to them. Therefore, parasites are often undiagnosed and untreated. As a result, one is often treated for the wrong diagnosis.

The treatment plan for parasites includes dietary precautions, herbal parasitic remedies and prescribed medications as indicated. The patient should eliminate all uncooked, raw foods from the diet and cook all meats and fish well done. Vegetables should be well cleaned and all sugars should be eliminated including fruit juices and honey.

Herbal parasite remedies include citrus seed extract, Artemisia Annua, wormwood, pumpkin seed, ginger root, black walnut hull extract, goldenseal root and genitian root, to name a few.

Diagnosing hidden parasites is not a simple task. If you are not feeling well and in a chronic state of illness without definite diagnosis after multiple blood tests and other diagnostic tests, you must think about parasitic infection. You may be a victim of hidden parasites.

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Protect Your Post from Careless Errors

Blogs have become one of the most popular forms of media in recent years. Anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can now publish his or her written material. Blogs are easy to access, easy to create, and often easy to read. Unfortunately, the simple nature of blogs and blogging often breeds a careless mindset when generating a post. Individuals are often too caught up in the thrill of their story or opinion to properly edit or proofread their piece. Our editors at Scribendi.com have compiled a short list of tips in order to help the average blogger optimize his or her posts and get the most out of his or her online publications. Follow these tips and your messages, thoughts, arguments, or ponderings are sure to be well received.

  1. Proofread your post
    This is easily the most important step in generating worthwhile blog posts. There is nothing that renders a blog useless faster than a post riddled with careless spelling mistakes. As blogs are often statement or opinion based, it is likely that the blogger is trying to make a point or convey an argument of some sort. A blogger could make the most profound statement of all time, only to have it torn apart in the comments section by readers who are quick to point out that he or she used 'there' instead of 'their.' Always go over your post several times to ensure that you've removed every grammar or syntax error you're capable of finding, and your posts will improve tremendously.

  2. Edit for context
    Are you a professional? A politician? A pro wrestler? Or just an average Joe looking for a creative venue to vent your frustrations about everyday life? A CEO should not use the same language as a schoolgirl, as their readers are from vastly different walks of life. Your blog post will say a lot about your personality, so be mindful of your tone. What's more, when you're publishing things online, anyone can find your entry and read it. Take your personal context into account in the editing process: remove any language or thoughts that you wouldn't want your boss or co-workers to read. Conversely, if your post is aimed at fourth graders, don't use terms suited for university graduates.

  3. Fact check
    Editing your blog for truth is a necessity. Although the Internet does not require citations and references, nothing will affect your readership more than blog posts filled with obvious lies and false statistics. You should edit your posts to remove outlandish statements masquerading as facts. Again, it is important to assess your facts in relation to the context of your blog; a humor blog is more likely to exaggerate events in order to get a chuckle, but if your genre doesn't call for outrageous antics, edit them out. Fellow bloggers tend to be a tough crowd, and if you're constantly spouting lies and false truths, your credibility will forever be in question.

  4. The shorter, the better
    Internet-savvy folks may be familiar with the term TLDNR, which stands for "too long did not read." TLDNR is used to quickly and efficiently communicate that a blog post's length is far too long to attract potential readers to even begin. Who wants to read a 46-page blog post when they could potentially get the same information on Twitter in 140 characters? This leads directly to our final tip:

  5. Remove the rambling
    Steady, unrelenting, coffee-induced stream of consciousness ramblings worked for Jack Kerouac and the Good Doctor Thompson, but in the blogosphere, these instances of verbal diarrhea tend to draw negative comments or even result in a loss of readership. This goes hand in hand with the TLDNR concept, as readers will get lost in incoherent blathering or unnecessary instances of verbose declarations. Edit the language of your posts to remove redundancies; your readers won't frequent your blog for long if they can barely understand what you're talking about.

Make your blog a must-read

These are just a few examples of how a thorough edit and proofread can potentially improve your blog. If you want people to read, or continue to read, your blog, then you must ensure that what you are writing is not only worth reading, but is plainly readable. Try applying these five steps to your next post and keep an eye on the comments section; chances are your feedback will be more about the content of your post than any grammar or stylistic errors. If you're not sure you've got what it takes to properly edit and proofread your own post, that's ok! Submit your entry to Scribendi.com for a critique. A second set of eyes is always helpful when it comes to catching errors.

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Lately we have all heard of all the excellent deeds that are pending as a result of Turmeric. The scientific community is starting to herald the countless benefits that are linked with it such as its facility to combat cases of cancer, its capacity towards acting as an effective anti-inflammatory agent, treatment for rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, antiseptic capacity for curing wounds and as a prospective treatment for Alzheimer's disease. We can readily see that there are a huge number of health related issues that are either preventable or remedied by the use of this unique spice.
The dilemma that we encounter at this time is that Turmeric has not been studied extensively for its therapeutic use so as a result it is basically uncertain what possible side effects if any this herbal product can have. Several preliminary clinical reports have indicated that potential side effects relating to turmeric are negligible and could potentially embrace slight cases of diarrhea and nausea. When it is applied to the exposed skin it is possible that turmeric may perchance cause an irritation or generate a small allergic reaction. Although it is plausibly that turmeric would not even remotely cause any serious side effects users of this spice should still precede on the side of caution.
When thinking in terms of side effects you would be very hard-pressed to identify any natural substance that is completely and totally free of any sort of side effects. The same is true of Turmeric. Even though the herb is considered a natural product it could perhaps have some minor effects that pertain to certain classes of people. As a whole the majority of people that use it do not seem to display any negative reactions what so ever and appear to tolerate turmeric very well. This general class of people experience no side effects what so ever.
As we have previously stated turmeric appears unlikely to generate any concerns as a result of serious side effects. Theoretically this herb could potentially increase ones risk of increased bleeding but please note that as of this date there has been no reported incidences of this happening. When using this product you should logically let your family physician know immediately in the event that you develop any sort of bleeding problems.
When you experience a black, tarry form of stool or if any bright red blood should be viewed in your stool you may have a form of bleeding. Vomiting of blood may be a significant sign of gastrointestinal bleeding. If you bruise easily or you encounter cuts which are extremely slow at halting the bleeding you should see a doctor right away.
Particularly dangerous are signs of hemorrhagic stroke or bleeding within the brain. These symptoms encompass various speech or vision changes, numbness or a weakness experienced in an arm or leg, or even a sever headache that simply will not go away.
 In several animal related studies it was found that high doses of the spice turmeric could cause liver problems. Now let's be fair and clarify this. We as responsible humans would never purposely subject ourselves to the vast quantities of high doses that the laboratory animals receive and as such we must feel a bit of doubt as to the usefulness of these tests. Most items even the life giving water when excessively used will cause problems and in some cases even death. Therefore little value can be placed on tests of this sort.
Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish

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When one becomes pregnant she becomes responsible for not only her own health but also for the health of the growing fetus inside of her. It is important that she takes good care of her body by staying physically fit and maintaining a diet that involves nutritious foods. Since there are a lot of information out there regarding nutrition for the expectant mother, many of them find it confusing with regards to who and what to believe when it comes to food that they should have and food that they should avoid. Doing research by talking to doctors or other experts about a pregnancy food guide guide will help a lot so women should take down notes and follow their pieces of advice thoroughly.

Experts agree that the one thing women should avoid when they are pregnant is raw or undercooked foods. They should stay away from seafood like sushi, sashimi, shellfish, clams, oysters, mussels, and the like. This will expose the growing fetus to harmful bacteria and parasites that will affect their health immensely. In addition to these, women should also avoid eating seafood with high levels of mercury such as swordfish, mackerel, and shark. A better alternative would be to stick to salmon, catfish and shrimp because they have lower levels of mercury and they contain omega-3 fatty acids which will help in the baby's brain development.

They should also be wary of eating anything that are made with eggs that could be undercooked because they could be tainted with salmonella which will lead to fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some food that could contain raw or undercooked eggs include cake batter, cookie dough, homemade sauces and salad dressings, eggnogs, and meringue for dessert. However, food that are made with pasteurized eggs or fully-cooked eggs are allowed as long as they are eaten in moderation. Pregnant women can enjoy a freshly baked cupcake or two every now and then.

When it comes to milk and cheese pregnant women should make sure to consume only pasteurized milk and cheese because they have been heated during production to kill bacteria. Beware of soft cheeses that could contain listeria which is a bacteria that could put both mother and baby in grave danger. As long as there is no label in the cheese that says it is pasteurized then it is best to stay away from it. Pregnant women should avoid the following: feta, bleu cheese, goat cheese, Brie, Camembert as well as Mexican-style cheese.

The pregnancy food guide recommends that women stay energized most of the time so she can go for walks and keep fit during her entire pregnancy. For protein they should eat food like eggs that are fully-cooked, poultry, and fish. For carbohydrates they should eat a good amount of fruits and vegetables along with whole grain cereal. Healthy snacks such as olive oil or nuts should also be included in their diet. It is advisable to eat every three hours while she is awake to keep hunger pangs at bay. It is also important to drink lots of water and to keep herself hydrated but she should still stay away from sweet beverages, coffee, and other juice drinks.

This article if for information purposed only. It should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure anything. Please consult with your physician regarding any dietary changes or food plan.

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