目前分類:diarrhea (1056)

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Parvo treatment has always been a relatively expensive affair if you take your dog to the vet's, but these days, it's got way out of hand for many people - bills of anywhere from $500 USD to over $12,000 USD are typical, and that's just to treat a single animal.

Why is this, especially given that many vets use treatment protocols that are outdated at best?

Let's face it, Parvo today is nothing like the virus from the 1990s - it's mutated (we're now on the fifth major variant with the 2c strain) into something much more aggressive, it's more easily transmitted, symptoms can appear at a greatly accelerated rate (dogs can die just hours after their first bout of diarrhea), and it's harder to treat.

However, many vets still cling to the traditional treatment of IV fluids and antibiotics, which are proving to be far less effective against the newer strain.

We know of people who have been charged $150 just for the IV fluids, which are basically nothing more than a bag of salty water.

Office visits alone will cost you $50 or so, and you rarely get away with just a single one.

Then, before the vet even starts on the Parvo treatment itself, he will do a test to see whether it is indeed Parvo.

While having the test done in the clinic is a lot faster than waiting for a full blood work-up to be sent off to the lab, it is not as accurate as many vets make out - false positives and false negatives can occur.

So, if your dog does test negative, the vet will assume (because they claim the tests are infallible) that your dog doesn't have Parvo, but then here's the kicker: they will suggest a Parvo shot, to "protect" your pet.

Now, if your dog actually does have Parvo, in spite of what their test shows, then vaccinating him at this stage is about the worst thing you can do - we know of dogs that have not shown any symptoms of Parvo who died within five hours of being given completely unnecessary shots.

(In fact, even the vaccine manufacturers state that their vaccines should only be given to healthy dogs - and a dog that has been infected with Parvo is definitely not healthy!)

And if your dog didn't have Parvo before being vaccinated, the shots can actually give him the virus - with full symptoms and the same life-threatening consequences.

So, what other costs might you incur?

Well, all traditional vets will prescribe antibiotics (e.g. Amoxicillin, Metronidazole, Baytril), and that will add to your bill, of course. Not to mention that these antibiotics won't help treat the Parvo at all - Parvo is a virus, and these drugs are designed to attack bacteria; they also can have side-effects that are either the same as Parvo (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea) or even worse (Metronidazole is reasonably anticipated to be a carcinogen and it's not allowed to be given to feed animals).

They may also prescribe anti-emetics to prevent vomiting, but because these too are chemical-based drugs, they too may result in additional vomiting, not less.

Vets also claim that they need to do additional clean-up with Parvo cases (because of all the vomiting and diarrhea), and hire additional staff (especially those where they provide care during the night too, which seems to be somewhat rare).

And then some vets will insist on blood transfusions (note the plural, here), each of which can cost $200 USD or more.

But should all of this really add up to a Parvo treatment bill of several thousand dollars?

We think not, especially when you consider that most vets will only give your dog a 50% chance of surviving this virus.

That's an awful lot of money for odds that are no better than tossing a coin.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

According to the Food Standards Agency, it is estimated that up to 5.5 million people in the UK are affected from food poisoning each year but only a small number of these visit their family doctor or get medical advice. Because of this less than 100,000 cases a year are tested for the exact cause of food poisoning. Nevertheless there are more than 200 known diseases that are transmitted through food.

Some food poisoning can produce symptoms within 30 minutes to a few hours but most cases take between 12-48 hours. However if the food poisoning is due to an infection with Campylobacter, it may take a week or longer to develop symptoms.

So what are the symptoms?

These can vary, depending on the cause but most common symptoms are vomiting,, abdominal pain and diarrhea. However symptoms may also include fevers and chills, be as non descript as weakness and exhaustion. or as tangible as bloody stools, dehydration and muscle aches.

The Causes?

We can split food poisoning into two groups

Infective Agents

Includes viruses, bacteria and parasites.

• Campylobacter, which is found in raw poultry, unpasteurised milk, red meat and untreated water.

• Salmonella is the next most common type and is found in unpasteurised milk, eggs and raw egg products, raw meat and poultry

• Listeria, Shigella (Travellers diarrhoea) and clostridia.

• Staphylococcus Aureus, Clostridium Perfringens and Bacillus Cereus. These bacteria cause vomiting and mild to moderate diarrhoea.

• Normal intestinal bacteria can cause food poisoning eg E. Coli E157 can cause severe illness, kidney failure or blood damage.

Toxic Agents

• Poisonous mushrooms

• Improperly prepared exotic food

• Pesticides on fruits and vegetables.

Normally food poisoning will clear up within a few days without medical intervention but the recovery period depends upon the type of infection, age and fitness of the person and whether he/she have any other medical conditions...


Good hygiene practices will reduce your risk of food poisoning.. Not storing cooked food with raw food, throwing away any food that is past its sell by date or that you are unsure of, keeping all types of food and drink away from any household chemicals, such as cleaning products and bleach, checking that your fridge and freezer are in good working order and set to the correct temperature. The fridge should be 0-4°C (33.8F - 39.2F) and the freezer should be less than -18°C (-0.4F).

Most importantly washing your hands after visiting the toilet, before handling food or touching ready to eat food.

During times of stress, travel, illness, changes in the diet (including going out to dinner), and taking antibiotics, the unfriendly, pathogenic bacteria sometimes overwhelm the friendly bacteria in our digestive system. In these situations, I would recommend the use of Probiotics [http://www.vidasana.co.uk/digestion.html] (capsules containing beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum). Many of you will already eat probiotic bacteria in yogurt but in the above conditions you need billions more bacteria to come to your rescue. With a high strength capsule you will be taking the equivalent of 20 full pots of yogurt in a way that is much easier to cope with. This will also strengthen your immune system


You may be given a course of antibiotics depending on the cause but do not eat any food while feeling sick or vomiting. Rest your stomach for one hour after being sick and then try small sips of water. If weak and exhausted then sleep.

Once the vomiting has stopped then you would hasten your recovery by taking the probiotic bacteria mentioned above.

You may be dehydrated so gradually build up the amounts of fluids like water, or use rehydration powders available from pharmacies. Make sure you drink regularly.

Avoid alcohol as it will make you more dehydrated.

Avoid sports drinks or sugary drinks as the sugar content may increase diarrhea.

Keep good personal hygiene to prevent passing the illness to other people.

Only try eating again once you have been free of sickness and diarrhea for several hours. Eat small amounts of plain foods that are easy on the stomach (such as rice, bread, potatoes and low sugar cereals)

Are there adverse effects from taking Probiotics?

Probiotics are well tolerated and safe. There are no reported drug interactions or adverse effects, and no known risk of overdose. Probiotics can be taken by pregnant , lactating women and can be given to young children as early as is practical.

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Antibiotics for parasites in humans are the most common type of treatment that medics all over the world use in treatment of parasitic infections. This is especially the case in treatment of diseases caused by unicellular parasites, which spread disease by biting the host. The nature of bites treatable with antibiotics includes minor cetaceous lesions to major visceral wounds.

Antibiotics for parasites in humans are best administered by a qualified medic based on blood and stool screening. This is because over the counter medicines may not wipe out all the parasites in the body. Studies have also shown that use of antibiotics for the wrong reasons provide the parasites with a better thriving environment in the body. For parasites that thrive in the stomach cavity, where oxygen is limited, different antibiotics are available for flushing out the same. However, this requires the doctor to observe the parasitic infection that one has, determine the area most affected and issuing the most appropriate drugs.

Some of the parasitic symptoms treatable with antibiotics include liver abscesses, fallopian tubes and ovary abscesses and bacterial peritonitis. Giardia lamblia is common intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea and abdominal pain. Luckily for most people, the parasite can be treated with antibiotics. Also in this category is trichomonas, which is a parasite affecting the vaginal area causing vaginitis. Antibiotics used in the treatment of such usually block the functions of the parasite thus leading to its death.

Giardia infections occur in the small intestines, and can occur in the colon, the liver and vagina. When such happens on the colon, the patient may present with symptoms of bloody diarrhea commonly known as amoebic dysentery. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, doctors are able to prescribe a combination of antibiotics for parasites in humans for the treatment of the same. Trichomonas parasitic infections are sexually transmitted and effective treatment of the same must include sexual partners.

Like other antibiotics, doctors recommend that a patient finishes the recommended dose in order to render the treatment effective. Skipping treatment doses usually leads to the body developing a resistance towards the continued use of antibiotics to treat the parasites. Though antibiotics can be administered intravenously, the most common forms are in tablet form. This therefore calls for disciplined drug taking at the specified time and in the right doses.

Parents whose children are undergoing antibiotic treatment for parasitic infections are advised to ensure that their children take the medication religiously. Parasitic pneumonia may also be treated with antibiotics but this also largely depends on the type of parasite responsible for causing pneumonia. The most common pneumonia causing parasites include Ascariasis, Schistosoma, and Toxoplasma gondii. Such parasites cause cellular destruction in the lungs thus disrupting the oxygen flow in and out of the lungs.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Everyday choices affect the health of our families and our environment. Watkins Natural Lemon Liquid Laundry Detergent is ultra concentrated and requires only 1 ounce per load. This convenient 32 ounce bottle contains 74% less water than commercial 100 ounce detergents; and the 32 ounce packaging requires less than half the plastic. Minimize waste and your impact on the environment with Watkins Natural Lemon Liquid Laundry Detergent. Traditional laundry detergents are often petroleum-based. These detergents deplete a nonrenewable resource and create pollution when manufactured. Natural laundry detergents reduce the number of chemicals and toxins that come into direct contact with your family's skin as well as reduce energy costs and protect water supplies. This natural formula also contains a soy-based fabric softener to leave clothes feeling soft and clean. Ideal for both front loaders and high efficiency washers.

Watkins Premium Natural Cleaning Products feature plant-based formulas that are:
o Ammonia Free
o Animal Ingredient Free
o Benzene Free (Benzene exposure has serious health effects. The short term breathing of high levels of benzene can result in death, while low levels can cause drowsiness, dizziness, rapid heart rate, headaches, tremors, confusion, and unconsciousness.)
o Biodegradable
o Boron Free
o Butyl/Ethyl Cellosolve Free (Some animal studies indicate that it produces reproductive problems, such as reduced fertility, death of embryos and birth defects.[2] People exposed to high levels of 2-butoxyethanol for several hours have reported nose and eye irritation, headaches, vomiting and a metallic taste in their mouths. In addition to inhaling 2-butoxyethanol vapor, research has shown that skin can also absorb 2-butoxyethanol vapor from the air, making skin a major pathway of exposure to this chemical.)
o Chlorine Free (Chlorine is a toxic gas that irritates the respiratory system. Because it is heavier than air, it tends to accumulate at the bottom of poorly ventilated spaces. Chlorine gas is a strong oxidizer, which may react with flammable materials.)
o Diethylene Ether Free (1,4-Dioxane is a known eye and respiratory tract irritant. It is suspected of causing damage to the central nervous system, liver and kidneys.[3] Accidental worker exposure to 1,4-dioxane has resulted in several deaths.[4] Dioxane is classified by the IARC as a Group 2B carcinogen: possibly carcinogenic to humans because it is a known carcinogen in animals.)
o Dye Free
o Formaldehyde Free (Formaldehyde solutions are used as a fixative for microscopy and histology. Formaldehyde-based solutions are also used in embalming to disinfect and temporarily preserve human and animal remains.)
o Isopropanol Free (Isopropyl alcohol is oxidized by the liver into acetone by alcohol dehydrogenase. Symptoms of isopropyl alcohol poisoning include flushing, headache, dizziness, CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, anesthesia, and coma. Use in well-ventilated areas and use protective gloves while using. Poisoning can occur from ingestion, inhalation, or absorption.)
o Kerosene Free (Kerosene is widely used to power jet-engined aircraft (Jet fuel) and some rockets, but is also commonly used as a heating fuel and for fire toys such as poi.)
o Mineral Spirit Free
o Never Tested On Animals
o Non-toxic
o Petrochemical Free (Petrochemicals are chemical products made from raw materials of petroleum or other hydrocarbon origin.)
o Phosphate Free (A phosphate, an inorganic chemical, is a salt of phosphoric acid.)
o Phosphoric Acid Free (Phosphoric acid, used in many soft drinks (primarily cola), has been linked to lower bone density in epidemiological studies.)
o Propylene Glycol Free (Eye - Causes mild eye irritation. Contact may cause irritation, tearing, and burning pain.
Skin - Causes moderate skin irritation. Contact with the skin may cause erythema, dryness, and defatting.
Ingestion - May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Low hazard for usual industrial handling. May cause hemoglobinuric nephrosis. May cause changes in surface EEG.
Inhalation - Low hazard for usual industrial handling. May cause respiratory tract irritation.
Chronic - May cause reproductive and fetal effects. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Exposure to large doses may cause central nervous system depression. Chronic ingestion may cause lactic acidosis and possible seizures.)
o Sodium Lauryl Sulfate Free (SLS can be converted by ethoxylation to sodium laureth sulfate (sodium lauryl ether sulfate; SLES), which is less harsh on the skin, probably because it is not as much of a protein denaturant as is the unethoxylated substance.)
o Sulfuric Acid Free (Although sulfuric acid is non-flammable, contact with metals in the event of a spillage can lead to the liberation of hydrogen gas. The dispersal of acid aerosols and gaseous sulfur dioxide is an additional hazard of fires involving sulfuric acid.)

Leading Laundry Cleaning Brands in Stores Ingredients

Consumers have become much more concerned about how the products they use impact the environment in recent years. Unfortunately, it can be difficult for even highly educated consumers to find out just what ingredients are in certain products, and how they might impact the environment.

Take the leading brand laundry detergents. You certainly won't get a straight answer by looking at the ingredients label, where you typically find the following cryptic message: "Ingredients include surfactants (anionic and nonionic) and enzymes."

We cannot provide you with specific ingredients used in Tide or other name brand laundry detergents, for a couple reasons. First of all, companies are not required by law to list their ingredients, and claim that their formulations are confidential. Secondly, the ingredients they use change periodically, whether due to reformulation or simply the use of alternative ingredients to reduce costs. However, the following list of ingredients commonly used in the leading brands, along with a description of how they impact the environment, should give you a good idea of what's really inside:
Alkyl benzene sulfonates or ABS (also linear alkyl benzene sulfonates or LAS, linear alkyl sodium sulfonates).

A class of synthetic surfactants (usually identified as "anionic surfactants.") ABS are very slow to biodegrade and seldom used. LAS, however, are the most common surfactants in use. During the manufacturing process, carcinogens and reproductive toxins such as benzene are released into the environment. While LAS do biodegrade, they do so slowly and are of low to moderate toxicity. LAS are synthetic. The pure compounds may cause skin irritation on prolonged contact, just like soap. Allergic reactions are rare. Because oleo-based alternatives are available, LAS should not be used.

Alkyl phenoxy polyethoxy ethanols (also nonyl phenoxy ethoxylate or nonyl phenol).

This is a general name for a group of synthetic surfactants. They are slow to biodegrade in the environment and have been implicated in chronic health problems. Researchers in England have found that in trace amounts they activate estrogen receptors in cells, which in turn alters the activity of certain genes. For example, in experiments they have been found to stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells and feminize male fish. One member of this family of chemicals is used as a common spermicide, indicating the general level of high biological toxicity associated with these compounds.

Artificial fragrances

Artificial fragrances are made from petroleum. Many do not degrade in the environment, and may have toxic effects on both fish and mammals. Additionally, they often can cause allergies and skin or eye irritation.

Diethanolamines (also diethanolamine, triethanolamine and monoethanolamine).

A synthetic family of surfactants, this group of compounds is used to neutralize acids in products to make them non-irritating. Diathanolamines are slow to biodegrade and they react with natural nitrogen oxides and sodium nitrite pollutants in the atmosphere to form nitrosamines, a family of

potent carcinogens.

EDTA (ethylene-diamino-tetra-acetate).

A class of synthetic, phosphate-alternative compounds used to reduce calcium and magnesium hardness in water. EDTA is also used to prevent bleaching agents from becoming active before they're immersed in water and as a foaming stabilizer. EDTA does not readily biodegrade and once introduced into the general environment can re-dissolve toxic heavy metals trapped in underwater sediments, allowing them to re-enter and re-circulate in the food chain.

Optical brighteners

Optical brighteners are a broad classification of many different synthetic chemicals that, when applied to clothing, convert UV light wavelengths to visible light, thus making laundered clothes appear "whiter." Their inclusion in any formula does not enhance or affect the product's performance in any way; they simply trick the eye. Optical brighteners do not readily biodegrade. They are toxic to fish when washed into the general environment and can create bacterial mutations. They can cause allergic reaction when in contact with skin that is then exposed to sunlight. Most optical brighteners are given trade names which consumers are unlikely to see on a label.

Petroleum distillates (also naphthas).

A broad category encompassing almost every type of chemical obtained directly from the petroleum refining process. Any ingredient listed as a "petroleum distillate" or "naphtha" should be suspect as it is, firstly a synthetic and, secondly, likely to cause one or more detrimental health or environmental effects.


A key nutrient in ecosystems, phosphates are natural minerals important to the maintenance of all life. Their role in laundry detergents is to remove hard water minerals and thus increase the effectiveness of the detergents themselves. They are also a deflocculating agent; that is, they prevent dirt from settling back onto clothes during washing. While relatively non-irritating and non-toxic in the environment, they nonetheless contribute to significant eutrophication of waterways and create unbalanced ecosystems by fostering dangerously explosive marine plant growth. For these reasons they are banned or restricted in many states. Products containing phosphates should be considered unacceptable.

Note: The major laundry detergent manufacturers no longer use phosphates in their formulations.


Similar in chemical structure to certain plastics and acrylic compounds, these are relatively new, synthetic phosphate substitutes. Because they are recent additions to the consumer product chemical arsenal, however, their effects on human and environmental health remain largely unknown. Though tests show they are non-toxic, do not interfere with treatment plant operation and generally settle out with the sludge during water treatment, until further study and analysis are conducted, use of this ingredient is not recommended. Further, they are not biodegradable and are petroleum based.

Polyethylene glycol (also PEG).

Another type of anti-redeposition agent, PEG is a polymer made from ethylene oxide and is similar to some non-ionic detergents. Not considered toxic, it takes large doses to be lethal in animals. However, PEG is slow to degrade and is synthetic.

Quaternium 15

An alkyl ammonium chloride used as a surfactant, disinfectant and deodorant that releases formaldehyde, a potent toxin.

Xylene sulfonate

Xylene is a synthetic that, when reacted with sulfuric acid, creates a surfactant. Slow to biodegrade in the environment and moderately toxic.

Take advantage of the natural cleaning power of Watkins Lemon Liquid Laundry Concentrate Detergent and feel the difference from chemicals to naturally soft and pure.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Noninfectious inflammatory intestinal disease is distinguished from infectious entities by exclusion: recurrent episodes of mucopurulent (ie, containing mucus and white cells) bloody diarrhea characterized by lack of good cultures for infectious organisms and failure to respond to antibiotics alone.

Simply because inflammatory bowel illness is characterized by exacerbations and remissions, favorable responses to treatment are hard to distinguish from spontaneous remissions occurring as component from the organic background of the disease. The trigger of noninfectious inflammatory intestinal disease is unknown in spite of development in knowing its pathogenesis.

There are two forms of chronic inflammatory bowel disease: Crohn's disease, which is transmural and granulomatous in character, occurring anywhere along the GI tract, and ulcerative colitis, which is superficial and restricted towards the colonic mucosa. The causes of inflammatory intestinal illness are unknown despite progress in understanding its pathogenesis.

A combination of genetic chance and environmental factors are acknowledged crucial elements in the pathogenesis of inflammatory intestinal illness. An explosion of newly acknowledged susceptibility genes for each Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are already discovered via genome-wide associations.

These studies evaluated thousands of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in thousands of sufferers with inflammatory intestinal illness and compared them to people without having the illness. These studies have found that a number of groups of susceptibility genes that consist of modulators of immune function and interaction with microorganisms.

Numerous environmental factors are already speculated to lead to the improvement of Crohn's disease, such as microorganisms (bacteria and viruses), nutritional elements, genetic elements, defective immune responses, and psychosocial elements. The typical gut is able to modulate frank inflammatory responses to its constant bombardment with dietary and microbial antigens within the lumen.

This modulation might be defective in Crohn's illness, resulting in uncontrolled inflammation. There has been considerable interest in the role of cytokines, this kind of as interleukins and tumor necrosis aspect, in Crohn's disease. Cytokine profiles of TH1 and TH17 groups have been implicated in Crohn's illness.

Mice lacking the TH1-inhibiting cytokine interleukin-10 have a TH1 cytokine profile and produce a Crohn's disease-like irritation of the intestine. Monoclonal antibodies to tumor necrosis aspect (TNF) reduce inflammation in these animals and patients.

Similar elements might lead towards the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis, such as infections, allergies to dietary components, immune responses to bacteria and self-antigens, and psychosocial elements. In mice, targeted disruption of the genes for that T-cell receptor and also the cytokine IL-2 results in GI tract illness resembling ulcerative colitis.

The two types of inflammatory bowel illness have feature differences and in many instances considerable overlap in manner of presentation. The features common to all forms of inflammatory intestinal disease are mucosal ulceration and inflammation from the GI tract, indistinguishable, in fact, from that which can occur acutely during invasive infectious diarrhea.

Other factors besides the presence of crucial gene items, such as infectious agents, altered host immune responses, immune-mediated intestinal damage, psychologic elements, and nutritional and environmental elements, may contribute to a final common pathway of disordered immune response.

Clinical Manifestations:
1) Crohn's Illness: Crohn's disease most usually occurs in the distal ileum. Nevertheless, the distribution of the disease may also involve the colon or less commonly any other region from the GI tract (such as the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, and proximal small intestine).

A characteristic feature is that places of ulceration and inflammation occur in a discontinuous fashion and include the whole thickness from the intestinal wall. Recurrence of disease can happen in previously uninvolved regions of the intestine and can even involve adjacent mesentery and lymph nodes.

The combination of deep mucosal ulceration and submucosal thickening gives the included mucosa a characteristic "cobblestone" look. Perforation, fistula formation, abscess formation, and little intestinal obstruction are frequent issues of Crohn's disease, although an indolent course happens in most sufferers. The full-thickness involvement from the intestinal wall may predispose to these complications.

Frank bleeding from the mucosal ulcerations can be either insidious or massive, as can protein-losing enteropathy. Another essential complication is a possible increased incidence of intestinal cancer. Sufferers with Crohn's disease often manifest symptoms outside of the GI tract.

Most generally, inflammatory disorders from the joints (arthritis), skin (erythema nodosum), eye (uveitis, iritis), mucous membranes (aphthous ulcers of the buccal mucosa) bile ducts (sclerosing cholangitis), and liver (autoimmune chronic energetic hepatitis) are also observed in these sufferers. Renal disorders, particularly nephrolithiasis, are observed in a single third of patients with Crohn's disease, probably related to increased oxalate absorption associated with steatorrhea.

Amyloidosis is really a serious complication of Crohn's disease, as is thromboembolic illness. Each of these complications are probably reflections of the systemic character of the inflammatory procedure. Sufferers are frequently malnourished and display evidence of nutrient deficiency states.

2) Ulcerative Colitis: In contrast to Crohn's illness, irritation in ulcerative colitis is restricted to the mucosa from the colon and rectum. It usually begins at the anorectal junction and extends proximally. At a single time it was believed that ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease had been distinct entities.

This view was based on the observation of characteristic necrotic lesions from the colonic crypts of Lieberkuhn, termed "crypt abscesses" in sufferers with ulcerative colitis. However, it's now recognized that in 10% of patients, regions characteristic of both Crohn's illness and ulcerative colitis are present.

The diseases are comparable in presentation (eg, bloody diarrhea and malabsorption) and in at least some of the complications (eg, protein-losing enteropathy and malnutrition), reflecting widespread involvement from the mucosa in both entities.

Nevertheless, because ulcerative colitis usually is restricted to the mucosa, obstruction, perforation, and fistula formation aren't standard complications. Most sufferers have mild disease, and, as with Crohn's illness, some sufferers will have only a single or two episodes throughout their lifetimes.

For unfamiliar reasons, the chance of carcinoma seems even greater in ulcerative colitis than in Crohn's disease. Toxic megacolon may be the a single complication of ulcerative colitis that carries a high chance of perforation. Its cause is unfamiliar. Both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's illness can go into remission after treatment with first-line anti-inflammatory agents such as sulfasalazine and glucocorticoids.

Crohn's illness also responds to therapy that utilizes monoclonal antibodies against the inflammatory cytokine, TNF. These antibodies bind to and inhibit this cytokine. Lately, therapy with anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies may be utilized in patients with ulcerative colitis too. As a result of potential complication of serious, even life-threatening infection, these drugs are utilized only for severe instances.

The natural background of both diseases is of periods of remission interrupted by energetic disease; medical therapy throughout exacerbations is directed toward supportive measures and attempts at inducing remission. Because these illnesses can recur right after resection of involved regions of the GI tract, operative management is usually restricted to relief of life-threatening intestinal obstruction or bleeding.

As a result of the variable response rate and also the high risk of side outcomes, therapy with immunosuppressive agents this kind of as mercaptopurine and azathioprine are limited to cases that have failed to respond to sulfasalazine and glucocorticoids.

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When a puppy gets sick, it is the responsibility of the dog owner to haul your pet to the veterinarian. However, there will be some circumstances when you need to do some examination before you take the dog to the dog vet.

When You would have to See the Local vet - bring your pet to the dog vet if it starts to show signs and symptoms of severe sickness. You also need to take immediate action is your pet collapses or if it starts to show indicators of neurologic issues. You would also need to take your family pet to the local vet when it begins to show indications of diarrhea, be it bloody diarrhea or watery diarrhea coupled with anorexia. These might be very unsafe because it can lead to dehydration.

Dehydration is really life threatening in dogs and it might be a cause of death if it is not treated appropriately and instantly. NGTs remedy and Intravenous fluids can help to treat dehydration in dogs. If 3 days have passed without your family pet eating anything, it could be time to bring it to the dog vet. You also must take injuries to a puppy's limbs and seizures gravely. These should not be treated at home because it can cause the dog a whole lot of harm.

Observe Your Dog for a While When - These are certain motives when it is better to monitor your dog for a bit while to determine where things go. If your pet weimaraner has refused to eat or if it has no hunger, give it some time. There can be many motives why your weimaraner would refuse to have a meal. Observe the dog's condition for day or two to find out if it is likely to get any better.

There were some concerns about dog healthiness in a forum that discussed weimaraner crate training. There were many owners who were asking about when they should go to the doctor and when they should wait things out. It is certainly a all important thing to know because the healthiness of your family pet could very well depend on it.

If your pet weimaraner shows weakness, you also should give it some more examination. If your family pet show indicators of weakness, wait a bit and see if there is a change or if your family pet gets worse. In the weimaraner crate training forums, it was also focused on how some owners must wait before heading to the doctor when their pet has a dry nose. It doesn't always mean that a pet dog is unwell when it has a dry nose and it could just be because of weather and other factors.

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Talking about having gas may be politically incorrect, but in extreme cases of gas and acid reflux you may want to visit your physician to rule out some more serious ailment like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What Is Flatulence (gas)?

Let's talk about gas and acid reflux a bit or to be more politically correct, flatulation and acid reflux. First of all, if you have a human body, you are blessed with a digestive tract and you will have gas (flatulation). You are born with it and you will die with it. It may be politically incorrect to talk about it and it is certainly the butt of a host of jokes. Everyone has it and everyone does it, even kings and queens.

On the average we pass gas fifteen to twenty times a day depending on our diet, sometimes in our sleep. The gas is a combination of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, most of the time it is odorless. When it isn't, it smells like rotten eggs.

As embarrassing as it is, it is natural. The large intestine creates hydrogen sulfide (the rotten egg smell) when bacteria in the colon break down carbohydrates left over and passed from the small intestine. The smell is the result of fermenting carbohydrates. A small amount of methane, hydrogen and another sulfide gas are also created.

Surprisingly, the unmistakably foul smelling odor produced is a very small amount, about one percent of the total gas our digestive system produces. When it becomes excessive, such as with gas and acid reflux, and is accompanied by constipation, vomiting or weight loss you should consult your physician.

As for the sound the gas produces, it depends on the force with which it is expelled. The pressure with which the gas is expelled causes the anal sphincter to vibrate which creates that unmistakable sound. Not being a socially acceptable bodily function you can hold it, remove yourself from the scene or suffer the consequences.

Gas and Acid Reflux

I realize this may all seem a little on the comical side, but that is only because of our conditioning. Flatulence is a symptom of acid reflux and GERD. Excessive flatulence may be cause for concern and you should consult with your physician.

Gas and acid reflux go hand-in-hand. Most all foods contribute to the making of gas in the intestines. Just chewing your food, drinking soda water, or smoking can create gas in the digestive tract. Wearing tight clothing hinders food digestion and contributes to gas and acid reflux.

If the gas is not released through belching or flatulence, it can cause bloating. The bloating can be more than uncomfortable and can cause mild or severe pain.

The Mayo Clinic suggests that you eat less fatty foods, identify those foods that cause the gas and limit or eliminate them from your diet, eat slowly, and maybe take a walk after you eat.

If you experience bloody stool, diarrhea or constipation, weight loss, nausea or vomiting with excessive flatulence seek out a physician. It could well be symptoms of severe acid reflux or GERD.

As the Mayo Clinic notes, "Intestinal symptoms can be embarrassing - but don't let embarrassment keep you from seeking help."

These symptoms can be treated holistically without over the counter drugs or expensive prescriptions. If you are a victim of excessive flatulence, consider the fact that your body has the capacity to heal itself and you have a lot to say about how that is accomplished.

Sometimes it takes small changes in our daily routines and habits to rid ourselves of annoying and sometimes painful symptoms.

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No one wants to see their dog turn into Old Yeller, right before the movie's tragic ending. It's even more traumatic to see your defenseless little puppy suffer. We'll take a closer look at what to look for.

What is rabies?

Rabies is a viral infection of the central nervous system that leads to neurological damage. It can cause inflammation and paralysis in the brain and eventually death. Wild animals transmit the disease through their saliva, either by biting your dog or licking an open wound or mucous membrane, like the eyes, nose, and mouth. Such wild animals include bats, foxes, skunks, coyotes, raccoons, and wolves.

Once infected, your dog likely won't show any symptoms for several weeks or months while the virus grows in the muscle tissue. After that the virus spreads to the spinal cord and the brain (the central nervous system). Once the virus spreads to the bodily fluids, the dog has less than a week to live.

What are the symptoms?

The first symptoms occur in the Prodromal phase, which lasts just a few days. They include:

  • Flu-like symptoms, including muscle pain, headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

  • Subtle changes in behavior and temperament

  • Loss of appetite

  • Chewing at the site of the bite

  • Change in bark tone

The furious or Mad Dog phase lasts 2-4 days. Some dogs skip this and go right to the final stage. Here's what you can expect:

  • Poor coordination

  • Muscle spasms

  • Seizures

  • Aggression

  • Disorientation

  • Erratic behavior/aimless wandering

  • Constant growling and barking

  • Inability to recognize familiar people and things

  • Lack of fear around predators

The last phase, known as the Paralytical Phase, also lasts 2-4 days. Those symptoms include:

  • Difficulty swallowing causing increased drooling and foaming at the mouth

  • Paralyzed jaw, throat, and chewing muscles

  • Appearance of choking

How is rabies diagnosed and treated?

After contact with a wild or potentially infected animal, visit your veterinarian. He will ask certain questions to assess your puppy's risk; for example, where did the incident take place? What type of animal attacked your dog, and which animal provoked it? Has the other animal had his shots? Do you have access to the other animal to test him for rabies? If your dog's been vaccinated, your vet will re vaccinate him and quarantine him for up to 90 days for observation. Protocol for an un-vaccinated dog is euthanasia (killing) and brain testing. Your only other option is to quarantine your puppy for six months with another vaccination one month prior to release.

How can you prevent rabies?

  • Have your puppy vaccinated for rabies at 13-16 weeks old, at one year, and three years after that.

  • Keep your puppy under your supervision whenever he's outside. Do not let him run loose!

  • Never take in a wild animal as a pet.

  • Keep doors and windows closed so wild animals won't enter your home.

  • If you see stray animals, report them to your local health department so no defenseless animals are at risk.

  • If your puppy shows signs of illness, visit your veterinarian.

Rabies can affect people, too, so always maintain your distance around wild animals. If you work in the wildlife industry, or as an animal control officer, you should get a vaccination, which is given in three shots, administered once a month. Unlike dogs, humans can survive rabies if given a vaccination within fourteen days of infection.

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Your cat is an important part of your family, so it's definitely natural to include him in family festivities and celebrations. As in any get-together, food and drink are the center of attention and the focal points, but try to avoid indulging your cat in table foods. It may seem harmless to share food with your cat, but many common foods can be dangerous for your cat.

Fatty foods:

Rich or fatty foods can cause digestive stress for your cat. For example, turkey, ham or other meats rich in fat will result in diarrhea. Large amounts of fat digested may lead to a life-threatening inflammatory disease called feline pancreatitis. The calling signs of pancreatitis can include vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and a loss of appetite. If you must feed your feline meats, satiate his hunger by giving him turkey-flavored cat food.


Any bones from meat, fish and poultry can be a potential danger to your kitty and should be avoided at all costs. If your cat decides to pull a bone from your waste basket, or from the table or counter his digestive tract could be severely damaged. A bone can cause laceration or obstruction within your kitty's digestive system.

Onion and garlic:

You may also be tempted to give your kitten baby food. This may contain onion powder, which is highly toxic for your cat. Any type of onion or garlic, raw, cooked or in powder form can damage your kitten's red blood cells and cause life-threatening anemia. Another hiding spot for onion and garlic can be stews, soups and sauces.

Undercooked meat:

In rare cases, raw or undercooked meat may contain bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Also, keep your cat away from moldy or spoiled foods, which can contain toxins, that cause tremors, shaking, seizures, diarrhea and vomiting.

Some nuts:

Most nuts, including macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin, which can affect your cat's digestive and nervous systems. Nuts have also been known to cause muscular weakness and tremors in dogs as well. Many researchers believe that macadamia nuts can have the same effect on your cat.

Chocolate, raisins and grapes:

Unlike dogs, most cats are not drawn to sweets. Even so, take note: a chocolate snack can cause increased heart rate, tremors and hyperactivity in your cat. The severity of the reaction depends on the type of chocolate and how much is eaten. Dark baking chocolate will cause a more severe reaction than milk chocolate. Also, raisins and grapes have been proven to induce kidney failure in dogs. There have been reports of similar effects on cats, so it is wise to avoid letting your cat ingest these fruits.

Cow's milk:

We all picture pouring our beloved kitten a fresh, cold saucer of milk. Unlikely as it may seem, milk is a no-no for your cat. Shortly after they're weaned, kittens lose the ability to digest milk. More than a few of licks could translate into a very messy episode of diarrhea. If your kitten has a taste for milk, specially formulated lactose-free milk products are available for cats which should satisfy his craving.

The most important thing you can do for your cat is to ensure that he receives the nutrition and care that he needs. If you remember the things to avoid giving your cat, as well the things he needs to thrive, your cat will have a long, happy and healthy life as member of your family.

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Diarrhea and vomiting are common occurrences among pooches. However, a single episode of diarrhea or vomiting isn't something to be overly concerned about. You usually discover that your hungry hound has just wolfed down something that he shouldn't have eaten and now he's paying the price by regurgitating. Diarrhea occurs when your dog's body attempts to process the food quickly just to be rid of it.

However, you do need to be concerned when these symptoms persist for more than a day. Diarrhea and vomiting could be signs or symptoms of an underlying illness or worms. Your dog could have ingested toxic food such as rodent bait, resulting in food poisoning.

You will need to check your dog for any signs that his physical condition has changed. A good place to start would be checking to see if his eyes are still bright and alert. Verify that your dog isn't listless or running a temperature, as veterinary attention should be given in these cases. Do take some time to observe what your dog has vomited or defecated to check for unusual materials and odd color. If your dog shows signs of discomfort and strains himself as he defecates, check to see if the stools contain traces of blood or appears to be full of mucus, as these would need a vet's advice.

Your dog might still appear perky, but it is unusual for symptoms to persist beyond a day, so do get your vet to check him over to see what's ailing the dog. This would also help prevent the symptoms from worsening. If it is simply something he shouldn't have eaten then the vet can prescribe some medication to help stop the diarrhea and vomiting. You will also be advised on your dog's water and food intake to compensate for the loss of mineral salts and possible loss of hydration in your dog. Dietary restrictions on your dog are usually implemented for the next two or three days. Food that is low in fat and easily digestible is usually advised to avoid undue pressure put on a already weakened digestive system.

On the other hand, if your dog is plagued by worms or other internal parasites, your vet will prescribe treatment to expel them and set up a treatment routine to help to prevent their recurrence. Dogs tend to love to explore and can pick up these parasites from other dogs' or from other dogs' fecal matter. Another possible reason for diarrhea or vomiting could be due to an allergic reaction. The vet would also be able to determine if your dog developed an allergy to something he's eaten or come into contact with, resulting in an adverse violent reaction.

Should your dog be suffering from a serious ailment; investigation, treatment and good nursing care will be necessary. If your dog is very weak due to repeated purging, he will be placed in overnight care at the surgery for intravenous therapy to maintain hydration. Tests will be conducted to establish whether your dog is harboring viruses or bacteria that may affect his liver or his digestive system.

The longer your dog suffers, the greater the possibility there will be for the situation to worsen. When in doubt, always get veterinary advice as soon as possible.

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"For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost.

For the want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

For the want of a horse, the rider was lost.

For the want of a rider, the battle was lost.

For the want of a battle, the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horse-shoe nail."

~ Old English Nursery Rhyme

How could Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest military leaders of all time, go from leading a world dominating superpower to a straggling band of no more than 10,000 tattered soldiers in seven months? Believe it or not, chemistry may hold the answer to that baffling question. This old English rhyme may sum up Napoleon's defeat when said, "And all for the want of a button." The buttons that held together every garment from Napoleon's own greatcoat to the pants of his soldiers was made from tin, a shiny metallic element. However, in cold temperatures, like the ones that would have been present in the Russian winter of 1812, tin undergoes a chemical reaction that transforms it into a crumbly gray substance. Yes, it's still tin, but in a very different structural form. Does this mean that the soldiers would have been too busy trying to keep their shirts and pants closed? Was the bitter cold too much for the Grande Arm矇e to handle without their coats? Could Napoleon's defeat really be traced back to something as simple as a couple thousand tin buttons disintegrating in the cold? Maybe not, but it's still a possibility.

Napoleon's Buttons explores the intricate world of chemical structures, all while telling the story behind major chemical advances. Did you know that TNT came from a kitchen experiment that involved an exploding apron? Or how about the fact that today's golf balls were a by-product of the search for rubber tires? Did you realize that one of the highly addictive substances in cigarettes, Nicotine, is a potent natural insecticide? Did you know that the hallucinogen LSD is actually just one of twenty-five synthetic derivatives for a compound known as Lysergic Acid? The world of molecules in an interesting place. The addition of an extra OH here and a few more double-bonds there can change a harmless substance into a lethal poison.

癒Christos E Espiciarias! The search for spices fueled much of early exploration. Pepper, once a highly valued and expensive commodity, is still the most commonly used spice. It's "spiciness" comes from it's chemical makeup. The hot sensation you experience when pepper makes contact with your tongue isn't really a taste; it's a response from our nerve endings when they encounter Piperine. This chemical has a special shape that allows it to bond to the nerve endings in your mouth and induce the fiery pain that has made pepper famous.

Ascorbic acid, otherwise known as Vitamin C, is found in citrus fruits or in over-the-counter supplements. However, for sailors in the early 1500s, it was incredibly hard to come by. One of the most infamous killers on the high seas was known as Scurvy. This disease causes exhaustion, swelling of the limbs, softening of the gums, diarrhea, bad breath, rotten teeth, nose hemorrhages, kidney malfunctions...the list of symptoms goes on and on. Needless to say, Scurvy was a miserable experience for anyone unlucky enough to contract it, and most likely meant death while at sea. It wasn't until Captain Cook required his men to drink lime juice on their voyages that Ascorbic acid was finally recognized as an antiscorbutic, and gained widespread attention (and implementation) as a way to lower the high death toll at sea.

Sugar is something that makes life a lot more enjoyable. Whether it's glucose, glycerol, sucrose, lactose, or fructose, sugar makes our world go 'round. The search for sweetness actually introduced the concept of artificial compounds. The Vitamin C produced in a lab is synthetic, or chemically identical to the Vitamin C found in oranges. Artificial sweeteners, however, are substances that are unlike sugar's chemical structure at all - the only similarity is that they are sweet.

Cellulose is one of the most uninteresting, but most important, things you'll ever eat. It usually goes by the name of dietary fiber. Why is this so important? Because humans cannot digest it! Cellulose makes up the bulk of all plant matter. There's tremendous amounts of energy stored in it, but only plant-grazing animals can break it down for use.

Nitrated compounds have increased our ability to wage war, blast through tons of solid stone, and light the sky with fireworks. The process of nitration was first discovered by the ancient Chinese. Gunpowder was their invention, mainly used to launch rockets and fireworks. You are probably familiar with one very popular nitrate compound. Trinitrotoluene, sometimes called TNT.

In the early days of Europe, silk was a luxury. The only way to get silk was to cultivate a mulberry bush and grow tiny caterpillars fed on the leaves. These tiny silkworms spin cocoons of silk fibers that the ancient people of the orient would harvest, turn into fabric, and sell to Europeans at high prices. It's chemical makeup makes it incredibly hard to duplicate, however, in the 1870s a scientist named Chardonnet created artificial silk. (Remember, since it's artificial it's not identical in structure to silk, it just has some of the same desirable qualities as silk.) Later, another scientist at the Du Pont Fibersilk company invented Nylon, a replacement for silk that's still used today.

The first totally man-made polymer went by the name of Phenol, and was used for its antiseptic abilities in surgery. It was a huge success and effectively lowered the rate of death in hospitals. Later, however, phenol was used in a different application. For centuries the cue ball in billiards was cut from the heart of an ivory elephant tusk. However, ivory was expensive and "perfect" cue balls were hard to come by. Phenol was the answer. By combining it with other compounds it formed a substance called Bakelite - a versatile thermoset material that is used in everything from billiard balls to artwork.

Rubber has literally changed the entire world. From tires to golf balls to erasers to chewing gum; rubber has a huge impact on day-to-day life. When it was first discovered and experimented with, rubber was a horrible compound. It was either too brittle or too malleable; it was either freezing stiff or melting into a shapeless mound; and it always stunk! Through time it developed into something more. Charles Goodyear took the novelty "Eraser" and turned the substance called rubber into an automobile tire. What had once been a frustration to chemists turned into a goldmine!

Dye is essential to the clothing, printing, and paint companies of today. Dyes color our clothes, our furniture, our walls, our books, our appliances, even some people's hair! While pigment has been a human fascination since pre-historic times, dye wasn't perfected for thousands of years. Before synthetic and artificial dyes were invented, color came from nature. Brown, green, and red were common colors while blue and purple were harder to come by. (Hence purple was associated with royalty. They were the only ones who could afford expensive purple dyes for their clothes.) Today dyes are all factory-mixed from a variety of elements. It's a wonder to think that the modern dye industry was born in the kitchen of a British teen on summer vacation.

As you could guess, medicine is all chemistry. Sulfa drugs were the primitive beginnings, followed by penicillin, and then by modern antibiotics. In the 1900's the life expectancy for a U.S. Male was only about 46. By contrast, the average U.S. Male lived to be 72 within the next century. What made the difference? Chemicals! Medicine helped people to stay healthy, fight infection, and recover from disease like never before. It's little wonder that people started to live longer.

Chemistry has led to moral conflicts more than once. One of these is that of birth control. Often referred to as "The Pill," birth control wrecked havoc when it was first developed. (Although the scientist who invented it meant it to be used to enhance fertility, not hinder it.) From the medieval remedy of spitting into a frog's mouth to the oral contraceptives of today, birth control has always been a hot topic for some chemists.

Who would have thought that the Salem Witch trials could have roots in chemistry? It's true! The Witches of Salem were likely descended from the Herbalists of old Europe. Before witchcraft was known as an evil sin, it was simply thought of as the ability to control nature for your own gain. Some of this witchcraft still exists today. The popular Botox treatment comes from potent toxins in herbs known to these so-called witches - just applied in smaller doses.

It's little wonder that with the human desire to feel good, three different alkaloid molecules have had such a huge impact on our lives. Morphine (From the Opium poppy), Nicotine (Found in cigarettes), and Caffeine (In coffee, tea, energy drinks, and chocolate) have had a profound influence on our lives. While both Morphine and Nicotine are illegal, there is no restriction on Caffeine. This lack of legal restraint was led to energy drinks that are little more than cans of liquid Caffeine, and are marketed as such! It brings up an interesting discussion. What is it that we're trying to outlaw? The chemical or the effects of the chemical? If you answered "the effect" do you think we should outlaw energy drinks as well as Heroine and Marijuana?

The ancient lore surrounding olives gives us a sneak peek into just how valuable they were to the old world. A chemical spin on a good claim to the market would define it as, "an uneven distribution of highly desired molecules." Olive oil was like this. The olive tree was only cultivated in certain areas of the world; Greece and Italy, to be exact. Why? The Romans said that it was because Heracles planted the first olive tree in their land. Greece credited Athena with its cultivation. Wherever it's origin, you can still see the impact it has on the modern world. It's key in cooking and the ideas fostered from ancient Greece's affluence (made by the olive) still impact Western civilization.

Salt, with the chemical name Sodium Chloride, has one of the most interesting histories of any molecule. Early on in history people collected salt for preservation or to enhance flavor. Evaporating seawater, mining rock salt, or boiling brine were common ways to obtain salt. In the days of Rome, the fastest way to cripple and demoralize a city was to cut off their supply of salt. The ultimate irony surrounding salt is the fact that by the time modern technology had made it widely affordable, modern technology had also made it obsolete as a form of preserving food.

Refrigeration was definitely a huge leap into the future. Since 2,000 B.C. humans have been using ice to keep things cool. It wasn't until 1748 that the first primitive refrigerant was invented. Refrigeration was a tricky business, though. Many of the first refrigerants were explosive, flammable, bad-smelling, toxic, or a combination of all of these. Freon was invented as a solution. It was non-flammable, non-toxic, and orderless. The dark side turned out to be the fact that they destroyed the Ozone layer. While people may point fingers of blame, the fact that refrigeration has revolutionized the world cannot be discounted.

Malaria is an infamous killer. Transmitted by a female mosquito searching for a meal, Malaria has devastating symptoms. It would silently strike and kill the great and the small. (Alexander the Great supposedly died of Malaria.) The search for Quinine, a known antidote took several years. While it could be obtained from the bark of certain tropical trees, it was an expensive and labor-intensive process. The manufacture of Quinine has never fully been recognized. To fix the problem DDT, a powerful insecticide, was developed. (Although it was quickly put out of use when multiple negative side-effects were exposed.) Malaria has been reduced from it's "glory days" when it would kill multiple millions of people each year, but it is still a problem in many places of the world. Perhaps chemistry still holds the answer to eradicating this fatal disease once and for all.

If you don't believe that chemistry has shaped your life; look around! The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the car you drive, the house you live in...all of it is there because of chemistry. Chemicals make up the world around us. They are literally everywhere. While some molecules may not have made any significant impact on society, most have played a major role in how history has played out. If it were not for spices, cellulose, sugar, rubber, or medicine, where would we be today? Chemical compounds can be both a blessing and a curse to humanity - and often, we don't know which it will be at the time it's first synthesized. In future generations, what will be the chemicals that have shaped our lives? We are in good company if we hesitate to guess at which molecules will make our posterity say, "Now that changed the world." I doubt that few scientists would have guessed that the molecules they were working with would someday shape the modern world.

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Many pet owners must be wondering why, for reasons unknown, their pet dogs occasionally get an upset stomach or they constantly sputter and vomit on a number of instances. One major factor for this to occur is the dog's diet. We might think that our dogs are healthy because of what we religiously feed them. Actually the reverse may be true. We might instead really be causing them serious harm. Indeed, humans and dogs have different metabolisms. Not everything that humans eat may likewise be consumed by dogs.

Based on the above discussion, it is very important that pet owners are aware of what kinds of food they should avoid giving their pet dogs. Here are a few examples of common foods that must not be fed to the dogs:

Alcohol - This may cause the dog's intoxication, comatose or death.

Avocado - This contains persin, which may cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Bones - From whatever meat source the bone may be, it may cause choking, obstruction and laceration of the dog's digestive tract.

Caffeine - This may cause restlessness, palpitations, irregular breathing, tremors, vomiting and diarrhea. It can be toxic to the respiratory and nervous systems as well.

Chocolate - This may cause vomiting, abnormal heartbeat, tremors and seizures.

Citrus - This may cause vomiting.

Corn on the cob - This may cause intestinal blockage.

Fat - This may cause pancreatitis.

Fish - When consumed in excessive amounts, whether raw or cooked, this may lead to loss of appetite, seizures and even death.

Garlic and Onions - They contain sulfoxides and disulfides that damage red blood cells and can cause anemia.

Grapes and raisins - These may damage the kidneys and may cause lethargy and depression.

Milk and other dairy products - Some pets may be lactose intolerant, which can lead to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.

Mushrooms - This may cause shock and result in death.

Nuts - These may cause muscle weakness, tremors and irregular heartbeat and can affect the muscles and the digestive and nervous systems.

Raw eggs - These may cause skin and hair problems.

Raw meat - These may contain salmonella and e.coli bacteria and other parasites, which may cause diarrhea.

Salmon and trout - They may carry parasites that are not killed even when the food is cooked.

Salt - If consumed in large amounts, this may cause electrolyte imbalances.

Vitamins and supplements for humans - These may damage the digestive system lining and affect other organs like the liver and kidneys.

Xylitol and other sweets - This may cause hypoglycemia and liver failure if taken in high doses.

Yeast dough - This may produce gas in the stomach and intestinal linings, causing terrible pain, bloating and even possible rupture of the same.

The above mentioned list of foods is not exclusive. There are so many other foods that people might never have thought of to be potentially hazardous to their pets. The safest way for pet owners to go about feeding their pets is to consult their trusted veterinarians on what proper diet their pets should have.

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Most people experience pain or discomfort in the stomach from time to time. If it happens only once in a while when you have eaten something your stomach doesn't agree with, and it quickly passes when you empty the stomach, it is not really something to worry about.

However, if it becomes frequent or even weekly or daily it is necessary to take action and find out what the problem is. Here are some of the most common causes.

1. Low stomach acidity

When the acid in the stomach is too weak to digest the food, the first consequence will be that the food sits long in the stomach causing bloating; during that time some liquid can be forced up the esophagus causing heartburn. When the food eventually moves on it is only semi-digested and not really ready for the intestines. It will therefore cause pain and is a contributing factor to IBS, leaking gut and food intolerance and allergy. In many cases the acid production is low because the vagus nerve is pinched in the neck. Optimal acid production can be achieved when the vagus nerve is liberated by a kinesiologist or chiropractor.

2. Hiatus hernia

Hiatus hernia is a type of hernia where the upper part of the stomach has been forced up through a hole in the diaphragm. This could have happened during birth or through heavy lifting or pregnancy. It will cause heartburn and pain and because it pinches the vagus nerve, it may cause decreased acid production. In most cases a kinesiologist or a chiropractor can push down the stomach.

3. Helicobacter Pylori

H. pylori is a bacterium that burrows itself in the stomach lining. The symptoms are burning pain, bloating, burping and in some individuals it will cause nausea and vomiting. It is the main cause of stomach ulcers and can cause gastritis. The standard cure is treatment with two different antibiotics over a couple of weeks. It may also be eliminated if the person optimizes the acid production as outlined above.

4. Stomach ulcer

A stomach ulcer will cause burning pain, heartburn, chest pain, belching and vomiting. In severe cases the person will vomit blood or food eaten days before and severe pain in the abdominal area that radiates to the back. It is caused either by H. pylori or medicine of the NSAID type (aspirin, ibuprofen etc.). When you eliminate the causes - H. pylori or the medicine - the ulcers will normally heal by itself. If the medicine is prescribed to you, do not stop the medication without consulting your doctor.

5. Candidiasis

Candidiasis means an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida Albican in the intestines. In most cases it is caused by a treatment with antibiotics. Symptoms are pain and diarrhea, but can also cause sudden onset of depression. You may be able to eliminate it through a certain diet, but if it is severe you should see your doctor.

6. Food Intolerance

This will cause pain half an hour to one hour after a meal. It means a certain kind of food does not agree with the stomach or intestine. It can be caused by too low stomach acidity, but if it doesn't improve when you optimize you stomach acid production, you may have to eliminate certain foods from your diet.

7. Bad Food Combining

Some people get stomach pain from combining foods that don't digest well together, like proteins and carbohydrates. Find out from a food combining chart, which foods go well together and experiment a little.

8. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS causes lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or both alternating. According to the official explanation there is no cure, and a life long diet is recommended. However, there is reason to believe it can be caused by too low stomach acidity.

9. Bad Habits

In order to avoid diluting the stomach acid you should not drink anything one hour before eating and you should drink as little as possible during the meal. Also make sure you chew the food properly; thereby you break the food down into smaller particles and you mix it with enzymes needed for the digestion.

10. Appendicitis

Appendicitis means an inflammation of the appendix, which is a little blind-ended tube near the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine. Typical symptoms will be pain in the right side of the abdomen and diarrhea, but symptoms can vary considerably. Appendicitis is a medical emergency.

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It could be alarming knowing that your Labrador is infested with worms. What we are talking here are worms, meaning to say, different types of worms. Maybe some thinks that worms are all just the same but, no they're not. Worms vary and are different from one another.


Roundworms, as the name implies, have round bodies of about three to five inches long. They live in the dog's intestines but they do not attach to the intestinal wall like hookworms. Also called ascarids, they consume partially digested foods. Dogs pick up roundworms by sniffing the ground, especially sniffing other dog's feces. They can also pick it up through their coat, paws and muzzle and ingest them while grooming. Infected mother dogs can also pass roundworms to their puppies through nursing. Symptoms of roundworm infestation in dogs include vomiting, diarrhea, pot-bellied appearance, dehydration, weight loss and loss of condition. Some cases may show no symptom but severe infestation may lead to lung damage causing breathing problems.


Hookworm, just like in roundworm, is named based on its characteristic. They feed by hooking onto the wall of the intestine. These parasites can cause the dog's intestines to bleed because of their sharp teeth. Hookworms can be picked up by your dog from the ground or from an infected nursing mother. Severe infestation of hookworms can be life-threatening to puppies. Symptoms of hookworm infestation include dermatitis, pneumonia, enteritis, bloody diarrhea, blood loss, weight loss and anemia.


Whipworms are about ¼ of an inch long, smaller compared to other intestinal parasites. Whipworms, as the name implies, are whip-shaped with skinny head and enlarged tail. The head is its digestive end and the enlarged one is its reproductive end. Large number of whipworms in a dog can inflame the intestine tissue and may result to bloody diarrhea. Whipworms can be picked up from the ground or from feces of other dogs. Symptoms of whipworm infestation include watery and bloody diarrhea, weight loss and general debilitation.


Tapeworms have long, ribbon tape appearance, that's why they are called tapeworms. They live and lay eggs in your Labrador's guts and these eggs are then released with the fogs feces. Adult tapeworms are about eight inches long and are made up of small segments of about 1/8 of an inch long. Itchy anus and crawling segments in the surrounding area may indicate tapeworm infestation. Severe infestation of this intestinal parasite may cause debilitation and weight loss.

Infestation of these intestinal parasites can be very much treated. Ask your veterinarian for suggestions on the proper deworming of your puppy.

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It is absolutely the season to be jolly and wintry, I might say. Winter is definitely freezing cold. While children would most likely want to be on the loose to play snowballs, they are most likely prone to catch diseases that are also out to play for the season. Being out for a few hours earns you coughs or colds, usually. Most winter ailments hit the respiratory system by nature. At this point where the temperature suddenly drops, our body adjusts to it. The period of adjustment is in a way a stressor to the body resulting in a lowered resistance. So what are these ailments?

Influenza tops the list of these diseases. It is caused by a virus and is transmitted through droplets. Influenza is common among children with manifestations like fever, episodes of vomiting and coughing and sniffing. Influenza is highly preventable with vaccines; it is not life threatening in that case.

Another viral disease that one acquires from the winter season is RSV which is spelled out as respiratory syncytial virus, affecting all ages. It is characterized by a coughing and at some points, wheezing among children. Sore throats as well as nasal congestion are common manifestations among adults. RSV may possibly lead to pneumonia if the symptoms are untreated which may require hospitalization.

It is also very common in winter to acquire sore throat; it may either be caused by a virus or bacteria. Pharyngitis, which is the inflammation of the pharynx, is the medical term to denote sore throat. Usually if a sore throat is bacterial in nature, it may be a streptococcal infection and thus, you may expect your physician to prescribe you with antibiotics.

Another virus that is on the loose during winter is the rotavirus which is attributed to the diseases such as gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is the inflammation of the stomach and the intestine, characterized by subsequent episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. Dehydration may be likely if the vomiting and diarrhea is uncontrolled. It may require confinement in the hospital.

Apart from the diseases aforementioned, winter can cause other skin ailments for people with sensitive skin. The dryness and lack of moisture during winter, when it becomes extremely cold, may cause skin breakage.

When these illnesses hit you, it could mean a week off from your office or school; it means work undone, and homework to catch up to. Like any other ailments, winter diseases are preventable. Because most of these diseases are viral in nature, proper hand washing, immunizations and a healthy diet gives you a shield against these illnesses.

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Salmonella is commonly known as a food-born infection as it is commonly found in contaminated food items. If a person has ingested too much of the bacteria that the body cannot destroy, salmonella poisoning symptoms soon occur.

Salmonella often produces salmonella poisoning symptoms of the gastrointestinal type as salmonella is transmitted via oral-fecal route. When the bacteria attach to the intestinal linings and multiply, they destroy the epithelium, causing a disturbance in food absorption. This problem with food absorption is also due to the presence of motility problems in the intestine, which the person would feel as an upset, grumbling stomach. If you will listen closely, the grumbling can even be audible without the use of a stethoscope.

These changes in the intestines will result to salmonella poisoning symptoms of either constipation or diarrhea. There will also be fever, nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, bloody diarrhea may show because of epithelial lining damage. Headache, anorexia, as well as abdominal distention because of spleen and liver enlargement can also occur later as the bacteria spread throughout the body.

Salmonella poisoning symptoms occur 6-72 hours after ingestion of contaminated food. These are usually undercooked meat and poultry, as well as eggs. Currently, there are several salmonella outbreaks that were traced from peppers on salami or other meat products that come from Daniele International Inc. Other known salmonella outbreaks have also come from peanut butter. There are other sources of Salmonella other than food: pet amphibians and reptiles can harbor the bacteria, and can produce salmonella symptoms if not handled properly. As long as there is water, right temperature, and food, there will always be the risk of Salmonella.

Salmonella poisoning symptoms usually resolve themselves after several hours. In other instances, the salmonella symptoms can last from 4-7 days. Children, the elderly and immunocompromised patients suffer more severe manifestations and must be treated promptly. There are some reported fatalities due to salmonella infection because of massive fluid loss that often result to severe dehydration. Fluid replacement antibiotics, and anti-diarrheal medications help fight the infection as well as resolve the salmonella poisoning symptoms.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome Cause

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is described as a gastrointestinal disorder identified by symptoms such as stomach pain, altered bowel function and varying complaints of flatulence, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Eating healthy and making sure you avoid foods that upset your tummy may help manage these symptoms.

IBS is believed to be due to the unbalanced function of the muscles of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract or the nerves controlling the organs. The nervous control of the gastrointestinal tract, however, is complicated. A particular cause may be diagnosed as Crohn's disease which is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract. Most commonly it affects the lower part of the small intestine. It can occur in people of all age groups. Like ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease can be both painful and incapacitating, causing severe bouts of watery or bloody diarrhea and tummy pain.

For many people, managing your food intake reduces IBS symptoms. Before changing your diet, keep journals noting the foods that seem to cause distress. Then discuss your findings with your doctor. You may want to consult a dietician who can help you make changes to your diet. For example, if dairy products cause your symptoms to flare up, you can try eliminating those foods. You might be able to tolerate some dairy products such as yoghurt better than others because it may contains bacteria that supply the enzyme needed to digest lactose. If you need to avoid dairy products, be sure to get sufficient nutrients in the foods you substitute, or take oral supplements.

IBS symptoms may be controlled by making some changes in your diet. Keeping a food and fluid record is a practical way to keep an eye on symptoms. You can also note of other factors, such as stress, that have an effect on the symptoms.

Drinking plenty of water (six to eight glasses) a day is important, especially if you have diarrhea. Drinking fizzy beverages may result in gas and cause tenderness. Chewing gum and eating too quickly can lead to the digesting of air, which could lead to gas. Large meals can cause cramping and diarrhea, so eating smaller meals more often, may help irritable bowel symptoms. Eating meals that are low in fat and high in carbs such as pasta, rice, whole-grain breads and cereals, fruits, and vegetables may help.

As its name indicates, IBS is -a combination of signs and symptoms. It has been shown to lead to a serious disease, including cancer. Through the years, IBS has been called by many names, among them colitis, mucous colitis, spastic colon, or spastic bowel. However, no link has been established between IBS and inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

Researchers argue that the cause of this disease is abnormalities in the function of the motor nerves. For example, uneven commands through the motor nerves might create a painful spasm of the gut muscles. Still others argue that unusually functioning processing centres are responsible for irritable bowel diseases because they misread the normal sensations or send unreliable commands to the organ.

Research has established that individuals can produce larger amounts of gas than individuals without IBS, and the gas may be retained longer in the small intestine. Among patients with IBS, abdominal size can increase increases over the day causing extreme discomfort, and reaching a maximum in the evening before returning to normal levels overnight. In individuals without IBS, there is no increase in abdominal size during the day.

Controversy exists over the influence of dietary sugars and poor digestion and/or poor absorption. Poor digestion of lactose is very common as is poor absorption of fructose, due to the production of gas from the increased formation of gas.

Although these abnormalities in production and transport of gas could give rise to some of the symptoms of IBS, much more work will need to be done before the role of intestinal gas in IBS is clear.

It has been researched that dietary fat in healthy individuals can and does aggravate the symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome as food and gas moves more slowly than normal through the stomach and small intestines. So if individuals suffer from this condition they may respond to a reduced intake of Dietary fat.

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Health officials recognize over 250 different types of food poisoning, which cause an estimated 76 million illnesses per year. Therefore, next time you suffer from nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, there is a good chance that it is food poisoning and not the stomach flu. Although food-borne illnesses include everything from viruses to parasites, the second most common cause of food poisoning is a bacteria called campylobacter.

Campylobacter jejuni is a bacteria that causes a disorder called campylobacteriosis, which is normally carried by raw chicken or other poultry. Chickens can carry the bacteria without showing any signs of infection. Then, when the animal is slaughtered, the intestines can leak campylobacter onto the meat. In fact, over half of the raw chicken available on the U.S. market carries this bacteria. If you cut the meat on a cutting board and then use the knife or board to cut something else, you can transfer the bacteria to other types of food.

Two to five days after you consume food contaminated with campylobacter, you will notice symptoms typical to food poisoning. One of the main problems that you face with food poisoning is dehydration. Additionally, you may suffer from symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea, sometimes bloody

  • Fever

  • Abdominal pain and cramping

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

Although most people recover from campylobacteriosis in 2-5 days, it can take others up to ten days to recover. In some cases, the infection can leave people with more serious problem like:

  • Meningitis

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Reactive arthritis

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome

Sadly, about 124 people die each year from campylobacteriosis. Thus, all people involved in the food industry, from poultry farmers to restaurant chefs, should work to prevent the spread of this food-borne illness. If you have suffered from this illness as a result of eating contaminated food, you should not let this go unpunished. To discuss your case, visit the website of the Detroit product liability attorneys from Ravid & Associates, P.C., today.

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There are various reasons that dog get diarrhea. I have listed 5 main reasons which your dog may get diarrhea as well as when it is good to seek a vets opinon. As with anything, use common sense and if you think your dog is not acting well, take them to the veterinarian.

  1. Food Poisoning. This is one of the least worrying when it comes to your dog's illness. Dogs can get food poisoning, just like any human. It is common if you are feeding your dog scraps from your plate. The diarrhea should only last 24 hours, if it is any longer then you need to take you dog to the vet.

  2. Diet. What your dog eats could play a part in its diarrhea. Over eating or foods with high fat content can cause diarrhea. Keep an eye on your dog and if the symptom persists, speak to your vet.

  3. Infections. If your dog is suffering from an infection in the intestines then one symptom would be diarrhea. This is when you need to look at the color of your dog's stools. If they are black or there is blood in them, that could indicate an infection. Many infections can be caused by a number of things such as your dog's diet, any allergies your dog may have and even parasites.

  4. Metabolic Diseases. This includes kidney infections and liver diseases, but there are many others that are much more serious. Another sign would be if your dog is vomiting, the two are usually present together when it comes to diseases.

  5. Parasites. These would be tapeworms or roundworms and they usually play a large part in gastric problems, including diarrhea. You should have your dog wormed everything three months, which can be done by a vet, to stop parasites from making your dog ill.

Looking after your dog is extremely important; it cannot tell you outright when there is something wrong. If you think that he is ill, keep an eye on it. It is important to watch for any chronic diarrhea in dogs because if it does last for more than 24 hours you need to get it to a vet. The sooner you get your dog treated, the easier the problem is to treat; and the more likely your dog will make a dull recovery without any problems.

Get to the Vet if your dog has any of these symptoms

  • Fever

  • Pain

  • Vomiting

  • Blood in the diarrhea

  • Lethargy or depression

  • Weight Loss

  • Dehydration

  • Loss of appetite

  • Foul smelling diarrhea

  • Any other sign of illness

Diet for treating your Dog with Diarrhea

  • Boiled potato (plain without skin. Feed on small potato.)

  • Hard boiled egg (plain)

  • Boiled chicken (no skin or bone)

  • Scrambled egg (no salt & pepper)

  • White rice (plain)

  • Pure Pumpkin Puree - 1 cup (this has lots of fiber to absorb excess water. If you feed too much, it can make liquid stools.)

This is called a bland diet and it is recommended to feed small portions to the dog until the runny bowel movements stop. Do not feed the amount of food you normally would to your dog while he isn't feeling well.

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There has been a lot of hype recently about male erectile dysfunction pills and their devastating side-effects. Because of the side-effects that come along with E.D. pills, millions of men have chosen to use natural remedies for male impotence to cure their erectile dysfunctions naturally.

In fact, natural remedies search engine results are off the charts in recent months because most men do not want to risk losing their eyesight, losing their hearing or deal with the regular vomiting or diarrhea that comes along with the expensive pills. Even sales have quadrupled for most E.D. natural remedy companies.

Are you considering natural health?

What You Are Getting by Choosing Natural Remedies for Male Impotence

It is proven that you will most likely solve your problem if you do choose to take colorful pills. But research proves that these pills could be devastating to your health!

On the other side of that, by curing your erectile dysfunction naturally, you will most likely cure your problem along with 4 other healthy benefits. (E.D. pills will do NONE of the following!)

1. Lose Some Weight- Some of our customers have lost up to 50 lbs of body fat by eating what your body needs. Do you know what foods keep plaque out of your arteries? Do you know what foods store body fat for years?

2. 15% Better Circulation- By choosing the natural treatment, you will boost circulation levels (cure of E.D.) by a whopping 15%. Eating the right foods and breathing exercises will pump circulation downstairs.

3. Confidence is Everything- This is a quote everyone has heard at least once! And it is true. By curing your E.D. problem, losing some pounds, looking healthier, feeling healthier and finally eat right, you WILL BE a new man and feel like one too!

4. Live Longer! Your body is using your problem to tell you something, "You are not as healthy as you think!" You need to make a change so your body can become healthy again. The result of this will be to live longer! And you can only do this by curing your problem naturally. E.D. pills will only hide your problem.

5 Effective Natural Remedies for Male Impotence

Before we get to the 5 secrets of male impotence, you should know that this male problem is usually caused by 4 things: a high fat diet, poor circulation, lack of exercise or a low activity lifestyle. All of these remedies will in some way combat these causes.

1. Your Diet!- "You need to keep the arteries to the member open, and the way to do that is with low-fat, low cholesterol dieting," states Michael A Klaper, M.D., a nutritional medicine specialist. You should begin to a diet containing high fiber fruits and vegetables, lean meats (if any), legumes and low-fat foods. More details in our report.

2. Gingko will get you going! - The herb gingko will boost circulation levels in 6 to 8 weeks. Visit your closest health foods store and pick up the supplement.

3. Zinc! - Whenever an individual suffers from zinc deficiency, they may suffer from negative effects on their sexual function. Most human beings suffer from zinc deficiency. The typical treatment for impotence dictates that the patient takes 15-30 mg daily. Don't take over the recommended dosage.

4. Generate a sweat! - As always, regular exercise remains a fundamental part of any relaxation program. It can lower anxiety, fend off depression, boost self-esteem, detoxify your body and boost circulation. All of these will help cure E.D. For starters, try walking at least 15 to 20 minutes a day. That is only one-third of your lunch break too!

5. The 3 C's! - You should cut out cigarettes and cigars. And moderate caffeine use. These 3 C's could be keeping you impotent.

Is There Any More Secrets?

Yes! There are numerous other remedies that have been proven to combat the causes of erectile dysfunctions (see 4 causes above). And all of the remedies are proven to work and are organized in a 40+ page remedy report that has helped thousands of men cure erectile dysfunctions naturally.

Do you want to make your health a priority? Do you want to cure this problem for good? Do you want to learn how to eat healthy? Are you interested in feeling like your 20 again?

Learn everything you need to know about erectile dysfunctions and natural remedies for male impotence today. Your cure erectile dysfunctions naturally report is waiting for you.

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