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Each year fall and winter brings cold and flu season. Seasonal flu strains (which we shall refer to as "regular flu") are widespread and varied. They appear all around the world and generally cause temporary discomfort. Regular flu doesn't pose a long term health problem for the average person. The exceptions are the elderly and others with weakened immune systems. Most deaths attributed to regular flu occur within this demographic.

From year to year the general population builds up some immunity to regular flu. This is not true of swine flu --- the strain that is receiving world wide attention. It is believed to be an entirely new strain of influenza never before seen before in humans.

The current swine flu, it is believed, originated in a pig farm in Vera Cruz, Mexico. A pig farm? Yes --- pig intestines are a natural incubator for a variation of influenza A, known as H1N1. The current swine flu is a variation of influenza A that has crossed over into the human population. This happens on rare occasions.

The CDC feels this H1N1 virus poses the greatest disease burden for people younger than 25 years of age. Fewer cases (and fewer deaths) have been reported in people age 60 and older, perhaps due to their exposure to a similar influenza A in the 1960s. Whatever the reason --- this is a big difference when recognizing what the differences are between swine flu and regular flu.

While regular flu vaccines for are generally available at the beginning of the annual flu season (late September / early October), they will not protect you against H1N1 flu. The H1N1 flu vaccine is entirely separate and may not be available for everyone until late into the flu season, if then. Initial supplies appear to be short due to manufacturing capacity, and rationing of the vaccine is expected to occur based on risk factors.

There are many similarities between swine flu and regular flu. The early symptoms of both infections are about the same: Fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, aches, chills and fatigue. A number of people infected with the H1N1 virus have also reported vomiting and diarrhea.

In regular flu, the symptoms generally last a couple of days. In cases of swine flu, however, the symptoms may last seven days or longer, and become more severe and complicated. Health professionals become most concerned when the symptoms severely hit the respiratory system. If you develop any kind of breathing problems, seek immediate help from your doctor and follow his or her advice.

Remember: the H1N1 swine flu has the potential to be a deadly killer. If the pandemic hits in the numbers that many health professionals expect, it may become a very disrupting force in day to day commerce and transportation. Instead of a relatively small number of deaths among those older and/or ill, the potential is there for the death toll to become staggering, even among young, healthy people. Make no mistake about it: there are major differences between swine flu and regular flu.

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The condition is typically hereditary and is mainly experienced by women which is why it was classed for years as a woman's problems, It's another one of those conditions that used to just be labelled and forgotten about. Now it is well recognized that many people have the problem, and the symptoms can be helped.

In case you're wondering why people eat foods they are sensitive to, It has been found that it's perfectly possible to have an intolerance to something as common as wheat for years without realising it. Investigations at a Cambridge hospital found that 2/3rds of patients were intolerant of wheat! It is quite possible to be intolerant to wheat, dairy products or some other major part of your diet yourself.

People who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome frequently discover that a proper diet can make a world of difference in their overall health. Chances are good that you are already aware of specific foods that trigger your IBS attack. Perhaps you have also noticed that at times you are able to eat these same foods and not experience any problems. There's no doubt about it, IBS could be a very complicated and frustrating affliction.

Irritable bowel syndrome diet is the foremost strategy for irritable bowel syndrome, one of probably the most often identified ailments within the U.S.A with close to 10% to 20% of the inhabitants struggling with this problem. 70% of these individuals are women of all ages. The IBS leads to irregular bowel movements, explosive diarrhoea, and abdominal pain combined with other signs and symptoms. As there is no specific remedy or treatment method for irritable bowel syndrome, the simplest and best way to manage this disorder is by the irritable bowel syndrome diet.

The very best strategy to figure out how food affects you is to keep a food diary. It doesn't need to be elaborate, but ought to include the date, time, food you ate, and any signs and symptoms or benefits that occur. The more you find out how food affects you; the more effective outfitted you'll be to make healthy and balanced decisions

A lot of irritable bowel syndrome sufferers can effectively manage their signs and symptoms with straight forward changes to their diet plan. The irritable bowel syndrome diet also suggests eating more meals but in smaller portions through out the day. Not following the, old fashioned, 3 meals a day, much better would be to eat around 5 times or 6 times a day. This should make the total amount you eat each day the same as before. Large and fat-filled meals will be irritants and produce the stomach pain, diarrhea, and/or constipation. Following the irritable bowel syndrome diet properly means you will need to eat healthy and balanced meals. Increase the intake of fruit and vegetables use whole grain bread, and leaner meat. Keep your stomach in control and prevent any flare-ups.

The predominant symptoms of the irritable bowel syndrome are diarrhoea and constipation. Diarrhoea is caused because the spastic contraction within the colon means the food is not processed properly. Constipation is lack of movement because of the freezing up of the colon. These symptoms are diet related, the most effective way of dealing with this is to go for a diet which mainly involves reducing or eliminating the use of stimulants or irritants such as caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, and chocolate, as they all cause either stimulation or irritation in the intestinal tract which causes the irritable bowel syndrome. Healthier food choices will reduce the irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, because, there is no absolute cure for IBS.

If you follow the fairly simple instructions, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, particularly eat the fiber on an empty stomach, which, is recommended. But mainly find the food that is good,or allowed for you. Do not eat what is not allowed and stick to it, and you will reduce the irritable bowel syndrome.

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With prolonged use of opiates such as morphine or heroin, the brain cells gradually stop synthesizing the endorphins they normally produce. As a result, the nerve cells develop a physical dependency on the supplied opiates. When you attempt to suddenly stop taking these opiates, it therefore leads to several changes in your body's metabolic process and these effects are together described as the withdrawal symptoms of opiates.

Opiate withdrawal
People who use illegal opiate narcotic drugs such as heroin get addicted to it. Over time, the body develops a tolerance to the usual levels of this drug and finds it necessary to take a larger dose to experience the same "high" as before. When such a person later enters a detoxification program, the body responds by producing the typical severe withdrawal symptoms of opiates.

In other cases, individuals who are on treatment with morphine, methadone or fentanyl for the relief of severe pain may also develop a dependence on the drug and need to undergo a detoxing to rid themselves of this dependence. Such individuals too will suffer from opiate withdrawal symptoms. These signs and symptoms generally set in about 12 hours after the last dose of the opiate if it is heroin or about 30 hours after an opiate drug such as methadone.

Why You Need Guidance
The withdrawal symptoms of opiates are highly uncomfortable and that is the reason many people look for a clinic to help them detox. You can do a detox by yourself in the privacy of your home, because these signs and symptoms do not pose a threat to life. However, the process can be a scary one when you are confronted with the magnitude of the signa or symptoms and therefore, you need the right guidance from a trained professional as well as a close friend or family member to support you physically and emotionally throughout the process.

Going Cold Turkey
Making the decision to give up opiates is most likely easier than actually sticking to it. Some people decide to go cold turkey and suddenly stop taking the opiates. This approach holds remarkable appeal because you imagine that in one shot you will be free of your dependence. Reality, however, is sadly different. Opiate withdrawal leads to a series of signs and symptoms that include muscle pain, a running nose, increased anxiety, sweating and sleeplessness along with severe abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Graded withdrawal
In a graded opiate detoxification program, you have to gradually reduce the dose of the drug to which you are addicted. This gives your body a little time to adjust to the declining levels of the opiate. The withdrawal signs and symptoms of opiate removal will persist but they are easier to manage as compared to those on a sudden stoppage. You will need to take a few medications to reduce the muscle cramps, anxiety and running nose. Besides, you will also need to replenish the fluids your body loses through vomiting and diarrhea by consuming fresh fruit juice, light soups or some sports drinks that can give you the essential electrolytes.

Will Power is the Key
The withdrawal symptoms of opiates are most severe during the first few days of a detox program. During this period, you have to battle the physical effects of the drug withdrawal on your body. Typically, the intensity of the signs and symptoms is such that it can be very tempting to simply give up on the detox. This is exactly where your personal will power to overcome the addiction counts a lot for a successful detoxification. For all those moments of weakness when you fear of succumbing, have a close friend close to you at all times during this period. Once the physical element of the withdrawal of opiates dies down begins the daunting part of overcoming the psychological craving for the drug. Joining a group like Narcotics Anonymous can help you build your will power as well as learn from others who have been through the process.

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Ah, yes. It's summertime. That means barbecues and picnics, trips to the local park and beach, and lots of time spent out-of-doors for both you and your pets. Although it's wonderful to take your furry friend outside when the temperature rises, there are numerous perils that can occur. Here is a list of 10 great tips to follow so that your pet can have a fun and safe summer!

1. Always provide fresh, cool water to keep your pet well hydrated. Take water with you if you're on-the-go.

2. Provide your animal with plenty of shade. Since the sun moves across the sky during the day, the shady areas will change. Therefore, keep an eye on your furry friends.

3. On hot days, make sure your pet doesn't overdo the exercising, running around, playing, or other activities.

4. Consider keeping your pets indoors on humid days. High humidity interferes with your animal's ability to cool itself.

5. Keep your dog off fertilized lawns and away from insecticides and dangerous, toxic plants.

6. Swimming in a lake, pond, or even a pool is a great way for your pet to stay cool. Just make sure you supervise your dog in the water. A doggy life jacket is an important safety item.

7. Traveling with your pet can be lots of fun. Just make sure you spend the time preparing the travel plans including car or airplane arrangements.

8. Never, ever, ever leave your pet in a parked car. Even if you park in the shade and leave the windows down somewhat, the temperature inside your car will rise so quickly, your pet can be dead in minutes. Don't ignore an animal in distress even if it's inside someone else's car.

9. Just like humans, pets can get sunburned, too. So, don't forget to apply sunscreen on your animal's nose and ear tips. Pets with light colored noses or fur are more susceptible to sunburns and skin cancer.

10. Watch for signs of heat stroke. Heat stroke can be fatal and can occur quite quickly. Signs include (but are not limited to): body temperature of 104-110F degrees, excessive panting, dark or bright red tongue and gums, staggering, stupor, seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. These can lead to coma and death. Dogs with the highest risk are short snout, elderly, or heavy-coated breeds as well as those with predisposing illnesses. If your dog is suffering from heat stroke, seek veterinary attention immediately! Remember, prevention is key.

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Dogs can also have similar health situations that humans have. Diseases affect everyone who has life; may it be plants, animals and humans. Arthritis is one of the most painful conditions that our pets can acquire, which can even possibly debilitate some of their functions. As the dog ages, its risk of developing arthritis increases because of cartilage deterioration. The major factor that causes such condition is the production of glucosamine. This is a natural substance that protects and lubricates the joints. In the early stages of a dog's life, glucosamine is produced abundantly until it no longer sufficiently provides to meet the demands. Some of the signs of arthritis can include limping or inability to jump, go up and down the stairs, stand and lie down. With the hope of relieving pain and improving mobility, debates still exist as to whether it is possible to administer human glucosamine for dogs.

Medicinal supplements are available for consumption on either humans or animals. One example is the use of glucosamine which covers a large market for those who want to ease their pain. These are safe for long time use and serve many purposes in pets and humans. However, there have been little reports of its side effects when used with animals. Some have concerns about changing the dosage to eliminate the occurrences of vomiting and diarrhea.

There are some dog owners who buy human glucosamine for dogs products. These practices are common since human supplements are readily available for purchase, compared to dog supplements that are highly regulated by the FDA. On the other hand, glucosamine's accessibility can pose a dangerous threat to animals' health. Decision making with regards to treatment of pets are critical and subject for further understanding. There are various ingredients found in supplements that are beneficial to humans but are harmful for animals. Death can also result in worst case scenarios. To prevent any harm, pet owners should purchase canine specific products which are proven safe.

Supplements have varied formulations for people and animals. Human glucosamine are usually composed of 99% glucosamine hydrochloride while dog specific products have 90% content. Canine formulas are specially made to provide the best results for the pets. It has the ability to be absorbed quickly in the animal's system while supplying beneficial minerals and ingredients that promote healing. Pets are more attracted to flavored dog tablets which make it easier for owners to administer.

If there are instances that pet owners need to give human glucosamine to dogs, extreme caution is advised. Dosage has an essential role as to what is clinically safe. Medications in tablet forms are more practical to use rather than liquid formulas because they are easier to split. As much as possible, owners are recommended to purchase dog specific products because of their overall quality and safety for pet use. Products can be bought in a vet's office or online. Even though dog formulas are more expensive, one responsibility of a pet owner is to give the necessary means of right treatment to their pets. Asking a registered veterinarian can help you decide if human glucosamine for dogs is the best option for your pet's condition.

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There are no alternatives to hormone replacement therapy for Addison's disease. Untreated that is nearly always fatal. With hormone replacement therapy, however, a person with Addison's disease can expect to live a normal life span.

Standard hormone replacement for Addison's disease, however, fails to support the body's production of normal levels of the hormone testosterone, which is essential for sex drive in both men and women and for other aspects of quality of life.

The New England Journal of Medicine reports a double-blind study of 24 women with Addison's disease who were given either 50 milligrams of DHEA or a placebo every day for 4 months. Every woman in the study was DHEA-deficient at the beginning of treatment. The researchers found that taking DHEA reduced anxiety and depression and heightened overall sense of well-being in the treated women. DHEA also restored normal sex drive.

Experts in treating adrenocortical insufficiency speculate that DHEA can also restore sex drive in men with Addison's disease, but this idea has not been subjected to clinical testing. An editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that men with Addison's disease can probably benefit from taking DHEA on an ongoing basis.

Women who take DHEA should get regular breast exams, and men who take DHEA should get regular prostate exams. About half of people who take DHEA for Addison's disease will notice slightly oilier skin and hair and increased growth of hair-detrimental only to those wearing hair weaves or extensions or who are averse to getting haircuts.

How do you cope with Addison's disease?

Know how to recognize an Addisonian crisis. Symptoms include:
o Sudden penetrating pain in the lower back, abdomen, or legs;
o Severe vomiting and diarrhea;
o Low blood pressure;
o Loss of consciousness;
o Pale skin;
o Excessive sweating.

These symptoms require immediate medical treatment. They are treated with an emergency injection of cortisol and IVs of saline and glucose.

If you have Addison's disease, you should carry identification alerting emergency medical personnel to the need to inject 100 milligrams of cortisol if you are found injured or unconscious. Carry a syringe and cortisol with you at all times.

To avoid a "crash and burn" crisis:

o Alternate active periods with rest;
o Avoid strenuous physical activity in hot, humid weather;
o Don't be afraid to eat salty foods, especially when you sweat a lot;
o Don't skip meals;
o Make sure you drink plenty of fluids.

Avoid resveratrol. Animal studies suggest resveratrol may interfere with the production of adrenal hormones.

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Cow's milk allergy is a common allergy. It is an increased response from your body's immune system to milk and other dairy products. This type of allergy mostly occurs in infants. Lactose intolerance looks pretty similar at first glance, since people that suffer from it also have problems drinking milk. There is however a difference.

Cow's milk allergy symptoms
Cow's milk allergy presents itself with the following symptoms.

· Vomiting

· Diarrhea or constipation

· Itching or rashes

· Your baby might cry a lot

· Migraine

Lactose intolerance symptoms
The symptoms of lactose intolerance are different. They include the following reactions when eating or drinking products containing lactose. These reactions usually occur within 30 minutes to two hours after consuming a product containing lactose.

· Bloating

· Cramps

· Flatulence

· Vormiting

· Diarrhea

The difference between cow's milk allergy and lactose intolerance
The difference between the two afflictions is that cow's milk allergy is a food allergy that causes an immune reaction to milk. Lactose intolerance is not an allergy, but a food sensitivity. This food sensitivity occurs because of a lack of the lactase enzyme. Almost all adults are lactose intolerant in a way, although some people suffer more than others.

Treating cow's milk allergy
What is the best treatment of this allergy? If you suspect that your baby is allergic to cow's milk, it is best to see a doctor. He can indicate the severity of the allergy and give you advice on how to treat it. Inform people around you about your child's allergy. This way you can avoid that your child accidentally consumes milk products.

Treating lactose intolerance
How do you treat lactose intolerance? Patients suffering from this affliction can be treated by avoiding certain products. First you should avoid products containing lactose. Lactose is present in lots of foods and drinks, so this can be tricky. Always check the ingredients to foods and drinks, so you know whether they contain lactose. In some countries products containing lactose have to state that they contain (traces of) lactose. What products should you avoid when you have a severe intolerance?

Of course you should avoid drinking milk, as milk contains lactose. Did you know that human milk contains about twice as much lactose as cow's milk?

Cheese contains far less lactose than milk, but it still contains traces of lactose. 'Older' cheese contains less lactose than younger cheese.

Butter contains small quantities of lactose. There are however special types of butter that contain almost no lactose, like clarified butter.

Lactose intolerant patients should note that yoghurt contains a reasonable amount of lactose and should be avoided when there is a high intolerance. Some types of yoghurt contain even more lactose than cow's milk.

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Food poisoning is caused by a contaminated food or water. This disease can target anyone at any time if precautions are not taken while preparing or serving food. Today, food poisoning remedies are well advanced and easily available. In fact, most of such cases can be treated at home without much complication.

You can provide the treatment at home if you experience vomiting and diarrhea lasting less than 24 hours. The treatment must be given step-by-step. They are as follows;

• First, avoid solid foods since it can aggravate vomiting. But you can drink lots of fluids. This will protect you from dehydration. You must take the drinks in small sips. You can use over-the-counter rehydration products too. But, at any cost, avoid taking alcoholic, milk, caffeinated or sugary drinks. You can also go for home remedies like drinking tea with lemon and ginger. However, it is advised to consult a health care practitioner before going for such remedies.

• Once you feel you are doing well with fluids, only then you should begin to consume foods. But make sure that nausea and vomiting have completely stopped. First, consume plain foods in small quantities which can be digested easily. Rice, wheat, breads, potatoes, lean meats, low-sugar cereals and non-fried chicken are recommended.

• You can use some over-the-counter medicines to stop diarrhea but in most cases, they are not necessary. If you use them, do it as per given directions. If you still have doubts, then it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

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Had problem with your bowel movement this morning because of hard stools? Is this a regular problem? If yes, and at the same time you are a junkie of processed food, then its time to wake up. You may be suffering from the phenomenon of diverticulitis or other bowel related diseases. What is it? It is the output of the infection in your intestine wall, because of processed food and less fiber food. And the consequences are not so welcoming.

In the age of packaged and fast food and this fast paced life we have become so ignorant to our own body that we do not even think of the effects of what we are taking. What we see is will it make us fat or slim and to get a good figure we compromise with the good food habits. And the result comes in the form of inflammatory bowel diseases, stomach related problems like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, nausea, acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome.

And what do we get is a visit to doctor once every week. How weird that sounds. In the times when one barely has time for oneself, one has to take time out for doctor.

Since most of the diseases of stomach are related to our intestine and its wall and that is a soft area, and the intake of food and water decides what will be the implications on it, we should be very careful with our food habits.

There are medicines available for these diseases but they rarely banish the disease itself. They just cure the symptoms. So, what is the solution? It is quite simple. Just turn to nature and you have the answer. The herbal and natural cures have been the best in the cure of any disease, be it of liver or of any other organ. For one thing, they do not have any side effects and they give the long lasting results and actually cure the disease.

The interesting thing about bowel diseases is that their cure lies in the food itself. For instance, the herbal remedy for IBS includes ginger, peppermint and chamomile etc and they can be taken in the form of tea. Similarly the natural cure for Acid reflux contains carrot juice and olive. Those for diverticulitis are papaya, healthy liquids and orange juice.

If we just say no to processed foods, drink a lot of water, lower the consumption of alcohol and caffeine and exercise daily all the intestine and liver problems can be kept at bay. A regular routine is must to live a healthy life. And what are you going to do with all the money you have earned if you are not having a good health. Start thinking.

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Some of the most poisonous plants for dogs (and cats) are also some of the most common that people keep around their homes and in their gardens. They might be beautiful and even smell fragrant, but if our furry friends get a hold of them, they can cause a frightening array of toxic side effects, including death. The best way to protect your pet is to be aware of the most poisonous plants, flowers and trees, and to rid your home and yard of them.

Remember, like children, pets are very curious. In addition, they are often drawn to the scent of these poisonous plants, which makes tasting them irresistible -- and possibly deadly.

19 Common Poisonous Plants

Amaryllis (also known as the Belladonna Lily or naked ladies)
Can cause stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, depression, appetite loss, abdominal pain, lethargy, tremors, drooling and, shock and death.

Part of the genus Rhododendron. Can cause weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, heart failure, depression of the central nervous system and possible coma.

Autumn Crocus (Colchicum autumnale)
Can cause in oral irritation, bloody vomiting, diarrhea, shock, multi-organ damage and bone marrow suppression.

Castor Oil Plant (Ricinus communis)
Contains ricin, a highly toxic protein. Can cause severe abdominal pain, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, weakness and loss of appetite. Severe cases of poisoning can result in dehydration, muscle twitching, tremors, seizures, coma and death. Raw castor beans are highly toxic. One bean can kill a human and four could kill a horse.

Christmas tree pine needles
Can produce oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, trembling and posterior weakness.

Chrysanthemums contain compounds called pyrethrins, which are used to make insecticide. Can cause vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, depression and loss of appetite.

Cocoa Bean Mulch
Although not a plant, mulch with cocoa beans is important to mention, as it is highly toxic. Dogs are attracted to eating it due to its chocolate scent. Can restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination, excessive panting, increased heart rate and blood pressure levels, seizures and death.

Can cause significant gastrointestinal irritation, intense vomiting and can be fatal.

Can cause severe gastrointestinal illness, convulsions, seizures, low blood pressure, tremors, heart failure an death.

Easter Cactus
Can cause vomiting, diarrhea and depression. Can cause staggering in cats.

English Ivy (Hdera helix)
Also called branching Ivy, Common Ivy, English Ivy, Glacier Ivy, Needlepoint Ivy, Sweetheart Ivy and California Ivy. Can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, drooling and diarrhea.

Commonly found during the Christmas season. Can cause intense vomiting, diarrhea and depression.

Can cause gastrointestinal irritation, toxicity to the heart, and can seriously affect cardiac rhythm and rate.

Even very small amounts can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression and severe kidney damage or failure. Even one leaf from any variety of lily is fatal to cats.

People might like to kiss under it at Christmas, but for pets it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, collapse, erratic behavior, hallucinations and death.

All parts of Nerium oleander are considered to be toxic. Can cause vomiting, heart failure, hypothermia and possible death.

Can cause irritation to the mouth and stomach and vomiting.

Sago Palm (Cycas Revoluta)
Cycad Sago Palm is extremely poisonous to both humans and animals if ingested. The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center estimates a fatality rate of 50 to 75 percent when ingestion of the Sago Palm is involved. The incidence of Sago Palm ingestion by pets has risen by over 200% in the last five years. If any quantity of the plant is ingested, a poison control center or doctor should be contacted immediately. Just one or two seeds can cause very serious toxic effects, including vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, liver failure, and death.

Tulip/Narcissus Bulbs
Can cause intense gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, drooling, loss of appetite, diarrhea, depression of the central nervous system, convulsions and cardiac abnormalities.

This is only a partial list of poisonous plants for pets. If you would like to check the possible toxicity of a particular plant, The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center Web Site http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pagename=pro_apcc_toxicplants has an alphabetical list of the most common plants, with information about their safety..

The ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center
VPI Pet Insurance

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Anal fissure may sound like the name of some flora-fauna but it is actually a medical term for the small split or tear in the thin moist tissue lining the anus (lower rectum). This fissure is also known as fissure-in-ano and it can cause pain, bleeding and itching.

Anal fissures are common in infants and its rate decreases gradually with school-aged children and adults. In adults, it may be caused by constipation, the passing of large, hard stools, or by prolonged diarrhea. In older adults, anal fissures may be caused by decreased blood flow to the area. Anal fissures are also common in women after childbirth and persons with Crohn's disease. Other causes may be digital insertion (during examination), foreign body insertion, or anal intercourse, health conditions such as Vitamin B-6 deficiency, abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes bloody diarrhea, syphilis, a suppressed immune system, tuberculosis, HIV infection, anal cancer. A low fiber diet may also contribute to the development of a fissure.

The fistula symptoms are sharp, burning pain during bowel movements, malodorous discharge, constipation or crack in the skin in the middle when the area is stretched and bleeding. This blood is separate from the stool. Blood mixed with the stool indicates some other conditions (like colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease).

Generally, anal fissures heal themselves and do not need treatment, aside from good diaper hygiene in babies. Usually home care methods are successful like, avoiding constipation by high fiber diet and substances that absorb water while in the intestinal tract, more fluid intake, using stool softeners, cleansing gently, sitz bath (soaking anal area in plain warm water), muscle relaxants applied to the skin, numbing cream, if pain interferes with normal bowel movement, petroleum jelly applied to the area and avoiding sharp, hard-to-digest foods.

Usually, acute fistula symptoms take few days or weeks while chronic anal fissure may take more than 6 weeks, by the home treatment method. Natural anal fissure treatment prevents bleeding and helps to heal damaged tissue. When it does not prove to be successful, it is re-examined by a rectal exam and a sample of the rectal (anal) tissue. The treatments may be Botox injections into muscle in the anus (anal sphincter) or a minor surgery to relax the anal muscle.

As goes the saying, prevention is better than cure, it is wise to be aware of the pointers which can prevent anal fissures at any age. Keeping the anal area dry, wiping with soft materials or a moistened cloth or cotton pad, promptly treating any constipation or diarrhea and avoiding irritating the rectum are some of the prevention techniques. Children's diapers should be changed frequently to prevent anal fissures in infants.

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Many serious pet diseases can be prevented by vaccination. Even if always kept indoors, your pet can be exposed to viruses carried in the air, dust, or on clothing. Vaccination at a veterinarian clinic is inexpensive protection for your pet against serious disease, costly treatment, and premature death. Remember also that booster immunizations are necessary to continue protection.

In this article we will be focusing on dogs and cats. Please note that when the word "contagious" is used below, it usually means spreading from cat to cat, from dog to dog, or between dogs and cats. However, a couple of diseases can be spread from animal to human, and these type of diseases are called "zoonoses." The majority of animal diseases pose no threat to or cause only minor inconvenience and sickness in humans, and can be easily treated by your doctor. In fact, many pet owners have probably had zoonotic illnesses without even noticing the symptoms.

But like any other disease, some of these diseases can be more hazardous to those with poor immune systems, the very young, the very elderly, and pregnant women. A very small minority are of course unquestionably dangerous, e.g. rabies. Prevention - generally simple and easy to practice - will be discussed at the end of this article. First, let us look at some of the diseases that dogs and cats can get.

For Dogs

Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (collectively referred to as DHL) are widespread, contagious and deadly diseases. Nearly every dog will be exposed during its lifetime, making vaccination a must.

Canine Cough, or Tracheobronchitis, is an upper respiratory infection that causes a persistent, dry, hacking cough. The disease may last several weeks and is highly contagious, especially if showing or boarding.

Parvovirus and coronavirus are intestinal infections resulting in viral diarrhea, fever, vomiting and depression. Transmitted through direct contact with an infected dog's feces or urine, both are highly contagious and life-threatening.

Heartworm is a life-threatening disease wherever mosquitoes are present. Preventive medication is a must here. However, your pet must be tested prior to starting on preventive medication because use of preventive medication in an infected dog could result in death. Annual testing is recommended even with year-round use of the preventive medication.

For Cats

Feline Leukemia, or FeLV, is now considered the leading cause of cat deaths. FeLV breaks down the cat's ability to fight off infection. The cat usually dies of a disease it would normally be able to resist. Effective FeLV vaccines are available to protect uninfected kittens but they must be given by 12 weeks of age.

Rhinotracheitis, Calici, and Chlamydia are feline respiratory diseases that are highly contagious and widespread. These diseases are easily spread from cat to cat. Even another cat that seems healthy can infect your cat. Chances are high that your cat will be exposed.

Feline Panleukopenia, also known as distemper, is highly contagious and can be fatal. Symptoms include depression, loss of appetite, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Nine in ten cats with distemper may die from it. Since the disease is easily transmitted from cat to cat, chances are also very high that your cat will be exposed.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is an incurable, usually fatal viral disease. Vaccination is your pet's only protection.

For Both Dogs and Cats

Rabies is an incurable and fatal infection of the nervous system that attacks all warm blooded animals including humans. It is a public health hazard and risk to all pet owners. Therefore vaccination is your and your pet's only protection. Your pet should be vaccinated at 4 months of age.

Intestinal parasites, such as the parvovirus and coronavirus mentioned above, threaten your pet's health by causing intestinal blockage, bloody diarrhea and even premature death. Microscopic examination of your pet's stool should be done regularly, at least as part of the annual checkup, for early detection and treatment.

Dental examinations should be done at least annually as well. Periodontal disease does not only threaten the well-being of teeth and gums, but can also lead to infection in the liver, kidneys and heart. Regular examination of the teeth and gums as part of annual checkups, as well as following proper dental home care advice from your vet, are necessary for good pet health.

Prevention and Control

Geriatric workshops for elderly pets help detect many of the problems caused by aging (kidney, liver, heart, joints, dental, etc.). Early detection and proper treatment can lengthen and improve your pet's life. Spaying and neutering is recommended for all pets not intended for breeding. This surgery has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of many animal cancers and certain undesirable behavior. You can also protect dogs and cats from infection (and reinfection) by preventing access to birds, rodents, uncooked meat, and unpasteurized dairy products.

Fleas can transmit blood borne diseases from any other potential animal source to your pet. If swallowed, fleas can transmit tapeworms to your pet. Flea bites also can cause allergic reactions resulting in a painful, difficult to cure skin disease. Ticks are another common parasite that can carry and transmit Lyme Disease, which can pose a serious health risk to you and your pet. A flea and tick control program is needed on pets and in the home at the same time. Your veterinarian is best qualified to prescribe the proper products for you to prevent and control these parasites, and most of these products are carried at your local pet shop.

Lastly, general cleanliness (besides vaccination) is you best weapon for preventing pet-to-owner disease transmission. The following are some useful tips:

  1. It may be cute and pet owners are often extremely indulgent of their pets, but pets should not be allowed on food preparation or serving areas! This is especially true if you let your pet outdoors. In fact, it is also highly recommended that you keep your pet off the beds.

  2. Promptly disinfect areas which have become contaminated.

  3. Wash hands after handling contaminated pets and items.

  4. Do not share your ice cream, or any other human food, with your pet. Its mouth may contain viruses and bacteria. That tongue may have been cleaning its bottom shortly before licking your ice cream. Your pet may be also carrying all manner of germs on its paws, particularly if it has access to outdoors. In addition, remember that many human foods may be harmful to your pet's health.

  5. Clean out litter trays regularly, daily if needed. Wear rubber gloves for this task. Preferably, disinfect litter tray with very hot or even boiling water, but not chemical agents. Chemical disinfection is actually not very reliable, and the smell can discourage cats from litter boxes. It is best to wash hands after handling litter trays, even if you have worn gloves.

  6. Young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with weakened immune systems should make a special effort to avoid handling free-roaming and outdoor pets as their fur or paws have a greater risk of being contaminated than home/indoor pets.

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We all need energy every single day just to function in life; it takes energy to get out of bed in the morning, to get ready and go to school or work. It takes energy to walk, run, play, work-out, and for sexual activities, to name just a few.

Pretty much anything you do involves energy, or is impacted by how much energy you have.

One cause of low energy levels in your body can be dehydration.

What Is Dehydration?

Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of fatigue, and one of the least recognized.

Having enough water and fluids in your body is important at all time for the body to function correctly. Not having enough water and fluids in your body can lead to dehydration.

While dehydration is more common in infants and the elderly, it is something we can all suffer form if we don't pay proper attention to our health and our bodies.

What Causes Dehydration?

Dehydration is caused when you are not taking in enough fluids to meet your body's needs, and to replenish the fluids you are losing.

You lose fluids when you sweat, during hot weather, exercise, and even during a fever, and through vomiting and diarrhea. During these situations it's important to increase your fluid intake accordingly.

How To Avoid Dehydration

Drink plenty of fluids regularly. Don't wait to become overly thirsty before drinking, and instead take small regular drinks throughout the day.

Drink more if the weather is hot, during exercise, and at the first signs of vomiting or diarrhea.

So, How Does It Affect My Energy Levels?

While energy depletion during physical activity and dehydration typically go hand-in-hand, what about dehydration when you aren't being overtly physically active?

Even mild dehydration causes fatigue because as you dehydrate your blood thickens and your body has to work harder in order to pump the blood around, which not only requires energy to do, but reduces the blood's ability to transport other nutrients around the body.

Tip Of The Day

Often when our body needs water we misinterpret it for a need for food and grab a snack. Not only does this not satisfy the need for water, but it adds additional calories our body didn't need... and we all know where they end up?

Try to ensure you are drinking sufficient water throughout the day, and when you do get the urge to snack or eat outside of regular meal times, try drinking a glass of water first and see how often that craving to eat goes away!

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As your dog grows older, you will have to give him a more specialized care and attention just like what we do with old people. If you have an old dog in the family, then it is essential that you learn the proper and the basic elements of caring of senior dogs. Your dog is expected to reach the age of 15 if he is properly cared for and critical health issues are immediately acted upon.

It would serve you and your dog well if you develop the eye at identifying the health issues which are critical especially for a senior dog. Typical health issues confronting old dogs usually involve dog arthritis. It is important for you to recognize the onset of this health issue and appropriate intervention must be done to avoid further deterioration of your dog's health and prevent complications.

The most popular prescription drug used to manage the pain caused by arthritis in animals is the NSAIDs or the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. What is causing a lot concern for those who are aware of the side effects of this drug types is the unregulated use of NSAIDs to manage pain especially in senior dogs. Dog health experts stress the importance of blood work up before prescribing NSAIDs to treat canine arthritis.

Safety Profile of NSAIDs

The efficacy of NSAIDs to treat arthritis is highly recognized, however, the documented side effects require us to take a careful look at the continued use of the drugs to manage the pain attributed to canine arthritis. Some quarters claim that the drug reactions far outweigh whatever benefits it provides.

Some owners of dogs prescribed with NSAIDs agree that the quality of life of their old dogs have immensely improved and even extended the lives of their senior dogs. On the other hand, some owners claim that NSAIDs actually aggravated the medical condition of their dogs and led to early mortality caused by liver failure attributed to the side effects of NSAIDs. The failure of some veterinarians to recognize the drug's side effects of NSAIDs also contributed to the problem. Owners of senior dogs must be able to determine the signs of reaction in the use of NSAIDs in order to prevent further aggravation of the problem. You should check for possible onset of vomiting, diarrhea and generalized lethargy in our senior dogs. Dogs can also manifest distinct behavioral changes and constipation which is an indication of toxic reaction to the use of NSAIDs.

Before any prescription of NSAIDs, request for a thorough blood work up and examination of liver enzymes. Dog owners should also remember that NSAIDs is not recommended for dogs with history of bleeding disorders and should not be administered to dogs with confirmed liver dysfunction. It is also important not to use NSAIDs in tandem with other anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, prednisolone or prednisone.

In managing the pain experienced by senior dogs as a result of arthritis, you must explore other alternative treatment intervention beyond the use of NSAIDs. There are other alternative drugs known to deliver good results without the attendant adverse reactions normally associated to the use of NSAIDs.

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Chocolate. Who can resist it?

Your dogs health depends on it! (resisting, that is). We humans get to indulge because most of us know when to stop. But your dog won't quit after just a few. Give her a chance and she'll down the whole box of Godivas in one gulp. So on Valentine's Day, you're actually being kind to your best buddy if you eat all the chocolates yourself!

**Why is chocolate harmful to a dogs health?**

Chocolate, as you know, is made with cocoa beans. And cocoa beans contain methylxanthine alkaloids in the form of theobromine and caffeine, which are toxic to dogs. Chocolate can also contain high amounts of fat which can put your dogs health in jeopardy as well.

**How Much is Too Much?**

Though it's certain that dogs and chocolate don't mix, different dogs react differently to the methylxanthines. And reactions can vary according to the age, size and overall health of the dog. The smaller the dog the smaller the dose needed to produce an effect.
And of course, if your dog's health is already weakened by other medical conditions, he's more susceptible. The same holds for older dogs..
Theobromine is present in differing amounts in different kinds of chocolate:

繚 White chocolate 1mg/oz

繚 Hot chocolate 12 mg /oz

繚 Milk chocolate 44-66 mg/oz

繚 Semi-sweet chocolate 260 mg/oz

繚 Dark chocolate 450 mg/oz (wow!)

繚 Baking/bitter chocolate or cocoa powder varies as much as 150-600 mg/oz.

**How much chocolate can a dog eat and survive?**

That depends in part on her weight.

Under 200 mg theobromine per kg body weight (91mg per lb) has not been observed to be fatal. A potentially lethal dose in a 16 pound. dog is only one pound of milk chocolate. Only two ounces of baking chocolate can cause serious problems in a 10-pound dog. People stop eating chocolate before getting to toxic levels, but dogs don't!

**What are the warning signs of a problem?**

Any dog who's eaten chocolate should be watched closely for symptoms, particularly smaller dogs, "seniors", and dogs with health problems. Symptoms may range from from vomiting and diarrhea to panting, excessive thirst and urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors, seizures and even death in severe cases.

While white chocolate may not be as likely to cause a methylxanthine poisoning, the high fat content of lighter chocolates could still lead to vomiting and diarrhea, and possibly the development of life-threatening pancreatitis. Too much fatty food will also affect a dogs health in the same way it does ours, by packing on the pounds!

**What can be done once chocolate is ingested?**

Make note of the type of chocolate ingested and how much was eaten, if possible.

Theobromine will stay in the bloodstream between 14 and 20 hours. Within two hours of ingestion, try inducing vomiting unless your dog is over stimulated, comatose, or has lost the gag reflex.

If your dog has eaten a considerable amount of chocolate, or displays any of the above symptoms, take her to the vet right away. If her symptoms are minor, make her eat activated charcoal. The unabsorbed theobromine binds to it and be passed out of the system. (In a pinch, burnt - as in thoroughly blackened - toast will do.)

**Are there any other products I should worry about?**

Yes -- Cocoa Mulch!!

No, it's not chocolate, but the two products have something in common. They're both derived from the cocoa bean, and they're both hazardous to your dogs health.

Cocoa bean shells are a by-product of chocolate production and are popular as mulch for landscaping. Homeowners like the attractive color and scent, and the fact that the mulch breaks down into an organic fertilizer.

Some dogs are attracted to cocoa mulch, and will eat it in varying quantities. The coca bean shells can contain from 0.2% to 3% theobromine (the toxin ) as compared to 1-4% in unprocessed beans.

Eating cocoa mulch has four possible outcomes. The most common is vomiting, in 50% of cases. Next most common, in 33% of cases, is tremors (shaking). And 17% end up with tachycardia (rapid heart rate), hyperactivity or diarrhea. The fourth outcome is no effect on the dogs health at all, and this is the result in 33% of cases.

Although only 16 cases were reported in approximately one year (the duration of the study), reports are on the increase. California accounts for about 2/3 of cases reported so far. Fortunately, there have been no reported fatalities, and getting your friend to the vet promptly will assure a happy outcome.

**What's the Bottom Line?**

Thanks to a more educated public, fewer fatalities from foods like chocolate are being reported these days.

Still, it pays to keep up with what's currently known about various foods and their effects on a dogs health and well being. Grapes and cocoa mulch, for example, were discovered only recently to have harmful effects.

If your dogs health is important to you (and I'm betting it is!), then keep him away from the chocolates on Valentine's Day and other holidays as well. And watch out year round for products made from the cocoa bean.

In an emergency, call your vet or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at 888-426-4435.

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Acne medicines only treat the symptoms of acne. They do not remove the cause of acne. Acne is caused from toxins being eliminated through your skin. Some acne medicine can have very harsh side effects.

Are you willing to risk damaging your skin with these sometimes dangerous drugs?

The good news is that you can cure your acne by changing your diet like I have, without using any type of acne medicine at all. Years ago I tried using different types of acne medicines to try and fix my skin, but they didn't work.

At the time I believed it when I read that eating an unhealthy diet does not cause acne. I now know that eating foods that are not compatible with your genetics definitely causes acne. When you are on the proper non-allergenic diet, you will not need to buy any more expensive acne medicine.

Acne medicine will not change your genetics. Not all people are the same. Some people might digest certain foods well without causing acne. Other people might be slightly allergic to that same food, and it can cause them to break out with acne. Remember: people have different genetics and come from different parts of the world.

Trains planes and automobiles have mixed up the food supply of the world and made it possible for people to have almost any food from any part of the world available to them.

Just because you can eat a food without it instantly killing you, doesn't mean that it is the best food for you with your unique genetics. Every animal on the planet has its own species-specific diet.

If you want to fix your skin without using acne medicine, than you will have to stop eating the foods that are causing your acne in the first place. Also certain combinations of foods can react with each other and form substances that your body will react negatively to.

Remember back in high school in chemistry class? When we would mix a bunch of chemicals together? Sometimes they would have a dramatic chemical reaction, and turn into a totally different substance. Have you seen the Mentos and Diet Coke experiments on Youtube, where the combination of the two makes an explosive reaction and sprays soda way up into the air? If you haven't already, you should see it. Just Google it.

What do you think happens if you eat Mentos and Diet Coke at the same time? If you have gas pains, then you are probably eating the wrong combinations of foods at the same meal.

There are many other foods and food additives that people eat on a regular basis that are turning into toxic chemicals when mixed together, that the body then has to get rid of. If your body has to, it will just send the toxins strait through your skin for rapid elimination, and taking acne medicine is not going to stop the toxins from being eaten in the first place.

Acne medicines might seem to work sometimes because some of them will make your skin tougher, which in turn makes the skin less permeable, which makes it harder for the toxins to be eliminated through the skin.

But this is not the healthy way to get rid of acne symptoms. It can actually be worse for your health in the long run because it makes it harder for your body to get rid of these toxins, which can lead to a toxic overload in the body.

So, you might want to think twice before deciding to try and cure your acne with acne medicines, because they can actually make your acne worse in the long run. If you really want to cure your acne the healthy way, you must change your diet.

There is no way around it. However, there are many other benefits to going on a healthy diet other than just curing acne, so look at it as a win-win.

Many diseases are caused from not being on the proper diet. If you get on the proper diet now, you will not have to worry as much about developing a major health problem in the future.

Also, your taste-buds will adapt, and healthy foods will actually start to taste good. I know that junk food, and the typical American diet of fast food, artificial chemical flavorings, junk food, candy, and deserts taste good, but it just isn't worth all of the diseases that it causes.

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Cat diarrhea, or gastroenteritis, is an all too common of a problem in our four legged friends and although many cases are simply an upset intestinal tract, a cryptosporidium infection could be the cause.

A nasty parasite, cryptosporidium is a single celled organism that causes diarrhea by reproducing within the intestinal cells. This eventually kills the intestinal cell and as the number of cryptosporidium increase, the number of intestinal cells killed increases as well, resulting in sometimes severe bloody diarrhea.

Cryptosporidium is based in contaminated water and is in the same family as giardia. Symptoms of cryptosporidium infection include mild to severe watery diarrhea with or without blood, poor appetite, weight loss, abdominal cramping, and lethargy.

The most common diagnosis is a fecal exam but the cryptosporidium oocysts are so small, they are difficult to detect under normal testing and the magnification of microscopes in the average vet clinic. Instead of the usual 'in house' fecal exam, samples should be carefully sent to the lab for special staining and examination. Blood work to detect serum antibodies can often detect exposure to the infection and in rare cases, an intestinal biopsy may be necessary to confirm the presence of the parasite.

Treatment of Cryptosporidium

How severe the disease becomes is dependent on the overall health and immune function of the patient. Some infected individuals will not show any clinical signs of the cryptosporidium infection and are considered carriers. Eventually, the healthy immune system will kill the parasite and you may not have been aware your pet was ever sick.

For young kittens, older cats and cats suffering from a suppressed immune system, the severity of the condition can become life threatening and it is strongly recommended to hospitalize your pet. Dehydration from the diarrhea is as dangerous as the disease and IV fluids may be necessary to balance fluid levels and replace electrolytes.

There are antibiotics that slow down the reproduction of cryptosporidium protozoa, however, the only 'cure' is for the animal's immune system to fight off the disease. In healthy, immunocompetent cats, the disease is self-limiting and a full recovery is possible without medication. Some veterinarians prescribe antibiotics to prevent secondary infections although this practice is controversial as the medication kills the healthy bacteria and intestinal flora, leaving the body less capable of fighting off the parasite.

Life Cycle of Cryptosporidium and How Cats become Infected with Cryptosporidium

Like most parasites, cryptosporidium has a life cycle that involves multiple stages. The non-infectious oocysts are sloughed off in the intestinal tract and then eliminated in the feces. Once the environmental conditions are right, the non-infectious oocysts mature and become infectious (sporulated oocysts). Other cats, dogs, humans, livestock, or rats then accidentally swallow the infectious oocysts and another infection develops. Outdoor cats are more likely to be exposed to infected feces then indoor cats.

The oocysts contain sporozites and sporocysts and once in the intestinal tract, the 'zoites' attack and invade the intestinal cells. These develop into schizonts that release more zoites, then compromising more intestinal cells. These zoites then form gametocytes. The male gametocyte release gametes that fuse with the female gametocytes to form oocysts and the cycle continues.

Cryptosporidium Infection in Humans

Cryptosporidium is easily transferred to humans and, like cats, the immune system normally fights off the infection without any problems. For someone who is immunosuppressed, however, the infection can become life threatening and hospitalization is recommended.

Infected animals should be kept isolated from young children, the elderly and anyone suffering from an immunosuppressed condition such as HIV/AIDS.

How Common is Cryptosporidium Infection

In a study done by on stray dogs and cats in the San Bernardino City and County animal shelters, it was found that 2% of the 200 dogs were carriers, shedding the infectious cryptosporidium oocysts while 5.4% of cats were similarly infected. In itself, it is not a conclusive study as the detectable oocysts are only one part of the life cycle of the parasite and animals may have been infected but the disease was in an undetectable stage. Estimates of 15 to 20% of animals as carriers are considered more realistic.

Cryptosporidium transmission is possible to humans from cats, dogs and livestock. Cryptosporidium, a coccidian protozoon, is the cause of 2 to 6% of self-limiting diarrhea in pediatric cases.

Preventing Cat Diarrhea and Combating a Possible Infection of Cat Cryptosporidium

Cryptosporidium oocysts, the infectious stage of the life cycle, are hardy, resisting bleach and most normal cleansers. Extreme temperatures and prolonged exposure to ammonia is the only effective way to kill the oocysts.

If your cat is diagnosed as a carrier, keep them inside to prevent further infection of other animals. Clean their kitty litter and water dishes regularly with ammonia. Rinse well after cleaning.

Feeding high quality, high fiber food helps regulate the diarrhea associated with cryptosporidium in cats and always provide fresh, filtered water.

Supplements to help support the immune system will shorten the length of the infection and help reduce the impact or severity of the disease. A vital part of your pet's immune system is a healthy digestive tract and will reduce the impact of the cryptosporidium oocysts on the intestinal walls. Adding soil-based probiotics to your cat's daily regime can help prevent this common parasite from infecting your beloved pet.

Cryptosporidium is a common problem amongst outdoor cats and although it can be devastating, supporting your cat's immune system and always feeding her the best quality food can help lessen the overall impact.

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Diarrhea and vomiting are two of the most common reasons dogs are brought into the vet's office. Here is a guide to help you understand how to deal with both of these problems. Because both diarrhea and vomiting have a multitude of causes ranging from minor to life-threatening, if you have any doubt as to the cause or severity of your dog's diarrhea or vomiting you should not hesitate to contact or visit your vet immediately.

Diarrhea - loose, unformed stool - can be caused by no more than a small gastrointestinal upset or a bout nerves or it can be a symptom of a more serious problem requiring immediate care such as parvovirus or a twisting or collapse of the bowel area. Chronic diarrhea can also indicate an underlying disease such as exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, pancreatitis and certain tumors including lymphoma and adenocarcinoma. However, two of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs are intestinal parasites such as giardiasis and roundworm and dietary causes such as switching food too quickly or eating spoiled food.

Diarrhea is categorized based on the location of the problem causing the diarrhea. Diarrhea is considered large bowel when the problem causing the diarrhea occurs in the colon or large intestine. Symptoms of large bowel diarrhea are feces with mucous (sometimes the feces will look like jelly) and red blood. Your dog may strain to defecate, and the amount of feces produced may or may not be larger than normal. Some causes of large bowel diarrhea are gastrointestinal parasites (giardiasis or roundworm for example), inflammatory bowel disease, tumors, large bowel bacterial overload, dietary changes or indiscretions, medications and stress. Diarrhea is considered small bowel when the problem is located in the small intestines. Symptoms of small bowel diarrhea include increased feces volume and changes in feces color. In general, there will be no mucous in the feces, and your dog will not usually strain to defecate. Some causes of small bowel diarrhea are small bowel bacterial overload, inflammatory bowel disease, other malabsorption diseases, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, food allergies, tumors and gastrointestinal parasites.

If your dog has diarrhea that contains a lot of blood or mucous, if his stomach seems bloated, if his gums are pale or a strange color, or if he seems upset, lethargic, weak, or in pain he needs to go to the veterinarian immediately. Repeated diarrhea in puppies, senior dogs, and dogs with any pre-existing health condition also requires veterinary assistance.

If your young or middle-aged generally healthy dog has diarrhea, but seems otherwise normal, you can try a homecare remedy to see if the diarrhea resolves itself. You should of course put a phone call into your vet to make sure this is appropriate for your dog before starting on the homecare remedy. To treat diarrhea at home, first do not give your dog any food at all for about twelve hours, but allow him all the fresh water he wants to drink. It is important that your dog drink because diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Upon consultation with your vet you may also mix your dog's water with an electrolyte solution such as Pedialyte® - generally one gives ½ water and ½ electrolyte solution. After 12 hours, you can begin feeding your dog a small portion of 3 parts plain boiled white rice and 1 part plain white meat boiled chicken breast. Feed him this bland diet in small quantities four times a day until his diarrhea resolves. Your vet may also allow you to give your dog a small amount of Pepto-Bismol® or Kaopectate®. However, it is essential that you adhere to your vet's recommendation regarding the safety and the dosage of these medications because they contain subsalicylates which can be harmful in dogs in elevated doses. If your dog's diarrhea does not disappear after a day or two on a bland diet, take him to the veterinarian. Of course, if at any point, your dog seems to get worse, you should take him to the vet.

Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of undigested food or stomach contents. The active effort of vomiting will usually require your dog to visibly contract the belly. Vomiting is to be distinguished from regurgitation in which there is a backflow of food contents without any active effort on the part of your dog. With regurgitation your dog may cough, but will not heave his belly.

Vomiting can be the result of a multitude of underlying conditions from a minor stomach upset, fear, or excitement to a true medical emergency such as an ingestion of toxic substance, acute pancreatitis, or even bloat. Vomiting can also be caused by many underlying diseases and condition such as ulcers, tumors, diabetes mellitus, or worms.

You should visit your veterinarian right away if your dog is vomiting repeatedly, seems very weak, or has a swollen belly. Vomiting in puppies, senior dogs, and dogs with any pre-existing health condition also requires veterinary assistance.

Vomit that contains red blood or digested blood, a dark substance that looks like coffee grounds, also means your dog needs immediate vet attention. The red or digested blood generally indicates your dog is bleeding internally, usually at a point somewhere between his mouth and bowels.

Vomit that looks and smells like feces also requires immediate veterinary attention. Vomit with a feces-like odor or appearance can be a sign of intestinal obstruction.

Projectile vomiting - in which the vomit is ejected forcefully and a considerable distance from your dog's mouth - also requires a visit to the vet. Projectile vomiting is often caused by an obstruction somewhere in your dog's stomach.

If your dog repeatedly tries to vomit but nothing is produced, especially if these actions are accompanied by a swollen and painful abdomen, this is often the sign of bloat, a life-threatening condition requiring immediate medical attention.

You should also take your dog immediately to the veterinarian if you suspect the vomiting has been triggered by your dog's ingestion of a toxic substance or any non-food item.

If your young middle-aged generally healthy dog who seems otherwise normal and whose bouts of vomiting do not adhere to any of the "go to the vet" triggers above, upon checking with your vet, you can try a homecare remedy. To rest your dog's stomach, withhold food for at least 10 to 12 hours. You should also withhold water for the first 4-6 hours, but give your dog an ice cube to lick hourly. You are trying to rest his stomach, but you do not want to dehydrate him. After 4 hours, you may offer your dog 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water every two hours until the 10-12 hour rest period has elapsed. Upon consultation with your vet, you may also mix your dog's water with an electrolyte solution such as Pedialyte® - generally one gives ½ water and ½ electrolyte solution. After 10-12 hours, you may resume allowing your dog normal access to water and you can begin feeding him a small portion of 3 parts plain boiled white rice with 1 part plain white meat boiled chicken breast. Feed him this bland diet in small quantities 4 times a day until his vomiting resolves. Of course, if at any point, your dog seems to get worse, you should take him to the vet.

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Feline diabetes can have many complications. Skin problems, liver and kidney damage, weakness in your kitty's legs, and an increased risk of infections are possible. It's important to monitor your furry friend's blood sugar levels carefully every day to prevent these problems.

Your kitty develops this disease when his pancreas either doesn't produce enough insulin, or when his body doesn't use insulin efficiently. The lack of insulin causes his body to start breaking down his own fat and protein for energy, instead of the starches and carbohydrates in his food. This causes him to lose weight, even though he's eating more. His body tries to flush out the extra sugar in his blood by making him drink more, and this leads to increased urination.

Feline diabetes, if not treated, will certainly shorten your friend's lifespan. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially fatal condition that's caused when your kitty's body uses his fat for energy. The result is that acids called ketones are produced. When they circulate in the blood, ketones cause loss of appetite, nausea, and lethargy.

DKA is often a result of undiagnosed diabetes. This is an emergency, and your furry friend needs immediate veterinary care with IV fluids to stabilize him. Diabetic neuropathy in cats may be an early sign of this disease in your kitty. It can also show up in later stages. Weakness in his back legs is a result of nerve damage caused by high blood glucose levels. Your kitty will walk or stand with his hocks (the "elbows" of his back legs) touching the ground.

If your buddy had this disease for a long time before it was controlled, he may lose some function in his back legs, due to the nerve damage. But sometimes the weakness in his legs is called by muscle wasting from disuse. In this case, exercise is helpful, and it can reduce his dependence on insulin.

Hepatic lipidosis is a liver disease that is a serious complication. Overweight kitties seem to develop this problem more often. When your buddy stops eating for whatever reason, his body starts using his fat for energy. If too much fat is broken down, it builds up in his liver, causing it to swell. Symptoms of hepatic lipidosis include refusing to eat, vomiting, weight loss, lethargy, and jaundice. Your kitty may have a yellowish look to the whites of his eyes, his gums, and the insides of his ears.

Trying to get him to eat is essential. Your vet may have to put in a feeding tube if he won't eat anything. While this condition is usually fatal if it's not treated, most kitties do recover after tube feeding.

Vomiting and diarrhea and other stomach upsets are common with diabetic kitties. Pancreatitis, which is a painful inflammation of the pancreas, can lead to maldigestion syndrome. In this condition, the pancreas doesn't produce enough digestive enzymes. Your kitty can't digest the food he eats, and he can starve, even though he's eating.

Your buddy is more prone to infections, too. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common, and UTIs that keep coming back can be a sign that your buddy's blood sugar levels are too high.

Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can be very dangerous. It's usually caused by an overdose of insulin. This can happen if he's skipped a meal or threw up after you gave him insulin. Hypoglycemia can also be caused by extra exercise, too.

Low blood sugar may cause your furball to become weak and listless, start drooling, and lose his coordination. He may have convulsions or go into a coma, which can be fatal. Feed him right away, and if he can't swallow, rub some corn syrup on his gums. Don't put your fingers in his mouth if he's having seizures!

To avoid complications, it's important to establish a routine with your furry friend. He needs to eat the same amount of food every day at the same time. Try to avoid making big changes in the amount of exercise he gets. Be sure he get the same dose of insulin at the same time each day too.

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Human psychology has already accepted the co-existence of good and evil right from the moment Adam and Eve ate the apple of knowledge. There is happiness with sorrow, pleasure with pain, truth with lie, beauty with ugliness and so forth. You have seen the happy moments of your life as well as the moments of sorrow. Sometimes the memory and fear of the bad time keeps on haunting you and you are so much overwhelmed that you forget to smile. Are you depressed and full of anxiety all the time? Are you in a situation which can be called a disorder?

Do not underestimate your depression and anxiety, they are real life enemies and you should never underestimate your enemies. Let me tell you the symptoms of anxiety disorder so that you can compare and understand your condition. There are certain physical symptoms of anxiety disorder, e.g. rapid or irregular heartbeat, stomach problems like gnawing feeling, nausea, "butterflies in the stomach" diarrhea, irritated bowel syndrome, sweating, or feeling cold and clammy headaches, lightheadedness or dizziness, body tension or aches, fatigue or shortness of breath shaking, trembling or twitching difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, hot flashes or chills, chest pain, rubbery legs, tingling in fingers or toes. At the same time there are some emotional symptoms as well like a general sense of apprehension and dread, nervousness, jumpiness, irritation, fearfulness or terror, isolation from others, feeling incredibly self-conscious and insecure, and fear that you are dying or going crazy strong desire to escape.

If you have the following symptoms prevalent, you must take care of yourself and seek medical help. There are treatment available combining medications as well as therapies for anxiety disorder. Benzodiazepine is the most successful medication for anxiety disorder and Xanax, a type of Benzodiazepine is one of the most popular medicines for this purpose. Xanax is also effective in the treatment of activity depression and panic attacks. At the same time it is useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome and anxiety due to a neurosis. Xanax may help the symptoms of PMS and also used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and tension associated with anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, essential tremor, fibromyalgia (low dosage), and ringing ears.

But, as I said earlier, we must accept that there are two sides of every aspect or a thing, one is good, and one is bad. Human being has not even spared Xanax, and used it as an intoxicating drug, rather abused it. As Xanax affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety, it slows down the brain functioning causing a drowsy feeling for the person. It is a Central Nervous System (CNS) 'calmer' and addiction happens when it is used for a long term, not more than eight months. It is this tolerance that compels the user of xanax to take more and more pills to feel the same effect. As the body of the user becomes more and more habituated, the 'calming effect' of Xanax in the body demands more of dosages of Xanax to get the desired level. The result, as you can very well understand, is addiction. Your daily dose of 2 pills of 25mg each increase to dosages of 4 pills or more a day. Gradually, a person thinks of taking 5,10,20,40 or even 80 pills on a given day to remain 'normal'. This is the condition when he is actually addicted to Xanax.

In this situation, Xanax should not be stopped abruptly, I must tell you, and you should not stop taking xanax abruptly at any time. That may cause severe withdrawal syndrome. In normal situation the doctor will gradually decrease the dosage and when a person is addicted to Xanax, psychotherapy along with medication is required. The best part is, unlike other anti-anxiety and antidepressants, withdrawing from xanax is much easy and never life threatening. The main line to remember is, never forget to consult a doctor before taking Xanax and follow doctor's advice till the time you are completely recovered from anxiety disorder. Trust me, you can live a better life, you deserve it!

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