目前分類:diarrhea (1056)

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The term gastroenteritis refers to the irritation and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal tract includes the stomach and the small and large intestines. Generally, gastroenteritis is caused by bacteria, food poisoning, parasites and other viruses. It is also referred to as gastric or stomach flu although it is not really linked to influenza virus.

In children, gastroenteritis is usually caused by viruses which include adenovirus, rotavirus, calicivirus, parvovirus, astrovirus, and norovirus. Gastroenteritis with viral cause is usually due to poor hand washing or having a close contact with an infected person. On the other hand, gastroenteritis can also have a bacterial cause. Bacterial causes of gastroenteritis include E. coli, Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Shigella. Parasites or protozoan can also cause gastroenteritis. Examples of which include Giardia and Cryptosporidium.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis include low grade fever, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, diarrhea, stomach bloating, abdominal cramps, and headache. If the condition is serious, it may involve blood in the stool or in the vomit. Swelling in the abdomen and high fever can also occur. Diarrhea can also lead to dehydration and loss of electrolytes. Dehydration may have symptoms such as excessive thirst, lack of tears, very dry mouth, and little or no urination.

In general, vomiting and diarrhea are indicative of gastroenteritis. There are no specific laboratory tests needed in order to make a diagnosis for gastroenteritis. Usually, the doctor will get a detailed history from the patient and that includes medical treatments, diet and manner of food preparation, and recent travel destinations.

Gastroenteritis is not a lifelong disease. It does not also require pharmacologic therapy because the body is able to fight off the infection. The treatment goal for gastroenteritis is often directed towards rehydration and replacement of lost electrolytes. Usually, oral rehydration therapy is the treatment of choice for gastroenteritis, although there are some cases wherein lost electrolytes are administered intravenously.

In order to prevent gastroenteritis, proper hand washing is encouraged. Food preparation should also be clean.

Aside from maintaining proper hygiene, it is also necessary to maintain an active lifestyle in order to achieve optimum health.

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Dog diarrhea is one of the more common of conditions in the dog world and in the human world alike; the reason for this is because there are so many causes of diarrhea. It can be a dreadful condition for your dog to have and causes a lot of unwanted aggravation for the canine involved as well as increasing the risk of having unwanted accidents on carpets and furniture around the house.

There can be many causes for diarrhea but the most common is due to intolerances to a particular food, this is normally because of a change in diet or the dog having a particular food that they have not had before. Diarrhea can also be caused by other conditions like objects stuck in the digestive system or several other conditions derived or caused by problems in the digestive system of the dog.

The symptoms of this can be many things but diarrhea is normally coupled with your dog vomiting or retching this is because the digestive system of the dog begins at the mouth and ends at the anus as you might think, if the problem causing the diarrhea is in the stomach or upper intestines then the effects may be vomiting as well as or without diarrhea. This coincidently also acts as a way of finding the condition to help the vet. And if the problem is in the lower intestines then the symptoms will most probably be diarrhea only, but there may be other causes and this is not a confirmation to the vet that the problem is in the lower part of the digestive system.

From this situation there are many different ways that may work to improve and cure the health problems and diarrhea that your dog may be feeling. The first that is usually performed by the veterinarian in question is changing the dog's diet so that no food is given to the dog for at least twenty four hours so the body has enough time to clear all the offending substances within so the dog's body can return to normal. After this the dog should then be put on a very bland diet of and put gradually onto a more flavoured diet to avoid the same problem again.

All the information in this article is only a guideline as you may have guessed and if your dog is having serious diarrhea the vet should be contacted for a proper check-up and diagnosis of he condition in hand.

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You suspect you have piles or hemorrhoids. Piles are present blood vessels in and around the anus and lower rectum that stretch under pressure, similar to varicose veins in the legs. Piles are either inside the anus (internal) or under the skin around the anus (external).You wonder whether you should consult a doctor or treat them by yourself using a natural method. Let's consider various important factors.

When to call a doctor

Common symptoms of piles may be a sign of other serious health problems. Colon or rectal cancer and other conditions have many of the same symptoms as piles.

1) You have rectal bleeding at any moment. That does not necessary occur at the moment to pass stools.

2) You have noticed dark red blood on your stools.( It is not bright red blood as usually happens with piles presence)

3) Feces become more narrow than usual.

4) Stools change color, from brown to maroon or black.

5) Any unusual material seeps.

6) You have diarrhea with abdominal bloating.

7) You have a fever along with bloody feces.

8) You have a bulge that grows around the anus that is not tender.

If you present one of these signs, you should call right now your doctor. But don't panic! Your doctor has several diagnostic tools at his disposal to accurately evaluate the source of your symptoms and determine what treatment is best advised.

When to treat piles at home - Using Natural methods

If you do not suffer from any symptom I have just described before; in the majority of cases, heavy medical treatment or surgery is not necessary. The most effective strategy against piles is to go right to the source of the problem. You may need to do nothing more than include extra fiber and fluids to your diet to prevent constipation, avoid straining, and avoid sitting for long periods of time on the toilet.

Piles are not cancer and never turn to cancer. They are embarrassing and sometimes painful but never serious. If you have already tried various methods with an unsatisfactory outcome, don't worry, there is a very simple and effective natural way to get rid of them very quickly. Get the natural solution now! This natural method has a consistent 96.4% proven success rate at eliminating hemorrhoids safely, powerfully and easily.

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Liver detoxification should be a part of any body cleanse regimen because of the important tasks that the organ performs. The liver is responsible for the detoxification of many biochemical compounds excreted by the body in stools and urine and for processing different types of proteins used in the body.

However, toxins that can damage and even destroy the cells of the liver are byproducts of this process. A liver flush helps to wash away the accumulation of these poisons. In this article, we'll examine various methods of liver detoxification to see if they're right for you.

In a healthy body and a clean environment, the liver can look after itself by cleansing away toxins and regenerating damaged cells. Unfortunately, many individuals must use medications, such as acetaminophen, which are toxic to this organ.

Environmental pollutants, cigarette smoke, large quantities of alcohol and high fat food all put stress on the liver. Many advocates of the liver flush and alternative detoxification cleansing programs believe that these can prevent cancer by preventing toxins from building up. Some even believe that cancer can be reversed. However, there is no documented medical evidence to support that theory.

A liver flush involves eating or drinking a combination of juices and oils, often with selected herbs, enzymes, and other components. However, the flush formulas vary widely from practitioner to practitioner. Most liver cleanse regimens are done over the course of two or more days and result in several bowel movements.

Practitioners often recommend doing them once or twice a year. The herbal combination provides antioxidants and increases blood flow to the liver to help wash away the build-up of stagnant material.

Well known western herbs like Milk Thistle, Burdock and Dandelion, plus the lesser known Chinese herbs, Fructus Lycii chinensis, Gardenia jasminoidis, Polygonum multiflorum (Fo Ti) and Artemisia capillaris are often used. Practitioners also recommend drinking lots of apple or vegetable juice two to three days before beginning a flush. The malic acid found in the apple juice dissolves and softens gallstones and increases the program's effectiveness.

While some practitioners believe deeply in the health value of a liver cleansing, there is no recognized medical evidence to confirm its effectiveness. A flush can also produce uncomfortable side effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Oily or fatty components of liver flushes may cause the gallbladder to contract, which could lead to problems in people with gallstones, since they could get stuck in the bile duct. You should consult your doctor before beginning any cleansing and detoxification program.

A liver flush can be a helpful tool in your healthcare regimen. A healthy liver can clean away toxins but sometimes it needs help. Liver detoxification can help clean and restore itself and it can be done without undergoing any painful side effects. A few days is all it takes to keep this essential organ functioning properly.

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One the most common medications used to treat the symptoms of MS is Interferon therapy. Beta Interferon therapy is considered a disease modifying agent, this means that the medication is designed to alter the way the disease continues to behave in the patient's body rather than actually offer any type of relief from the current symptoms.  However due the nature of the medication and its ability to suppress the immune system there have been reports of side effects that can range from mild to very serious and a patient should take the time to be aware of all of them before making the choice to use this type of therapy.

One of the most common side effects of Interferon therapy is a flu like illness. These symptoms range from chills and headaches to muscle and joint pains. They can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. While most patients can gradually become tolerant of these unpleasant side effects over time and can take drugs like ibuprofen to help lessen the impact of the symptoms they are none the less very unpleasant.

Psychiatric side effects of Interferon therapy for MS have received a lot of coverage and while many are not sure if they are a result of the drug or the disease it is being use to treat, it must be noted. Most multiple sclerosis patients are at risk for depression and studies show that these risks are elevated in many patients who are undergoing Interferon therapy and should be closely monitored. Other mental issues that have been noted with this type of therapy are irritability, confusion, emotional instability and insomnia. If the patient exhibits any of these side effects immediate medical help should be consulted.

Among the list of the more severe side effects of Interferon therapy for MS is the possibility of developing thyroid dysfunction and or liver disease. Due to these increased risks patients should be continuously monitored for these issues. Women who are either pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant should not undertake Interferon as a recent study has shown a significant rise in the rate of stillbirths and low birth weight babies to those on therapy. Before undergoing any form of medication and therapy do your research and make an informed decision as to what is best for you and your body.

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Pylorostenosis is a disease of infants of the first month of life due to narrowing of the pyloric canal's aperture because of muscular hypertrophy of the pylorus.

Clinical manifestation
• Latent period
• Regurgitations up to abundant vomit without bile,
• Dehydration
• Malnutrition
• Stomach peristalsis in a form of sand-glass
• Constipation

Gastroesophageal reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER, chalasia cardiochalasia) denotes relaxation or incompetence of the lower esophagus. In newborns, this is considered a normal phenomenon because of immature neuromuscular control of the gastroesophageal sphincter. However, in a small percentage of infants reflux continues, producing symptoms that warrant investigation. The exact cause is not known, although it is thought to result from delayed maturation of lower esophageal neuromuscular function or impaired local hormonal control mechanisms.

Clinical manifestations
• Vomiting
• Weight loss
• Respiratory problems
• Bleeding

Vomiting is the most frequent symptom and in infants is quite forceful. It is frequently so severe that there is a loss of calories sufficient to cause weight loss and failure to thrive.

Reflux of stomach contents to the pharynx predisposes to aspiration and the development of respiratory symptoms, especially pneumonia, Repeated irritation of the esophageal lining with gastric acid can lead to esophagitis and consequently bleeding. Blood loss in turn causes anemia and it is seen as hematemesis or melena (blood in stools). Heartburn is also a frequent symptom in older children who can describe it but may go unrecognized in infants.

Malabsorption syndromes
The term "malabsorption syndrome" is applied to a long list of disorders associated with some degree of impaired digestion and/or absorption. Most are classified according to the locations of the supposed anatomic and biochemical defect.

Digestive defects mainly include those conditions in which the enzymes necessary for digestion are diminished or absent, such as cystic fibrosis, in which pancreatic enzymes are absent biliary or liver disease, in which bile production is affected, or lactose deficiency, in which there is congenital or secondary lactose intolerance.

Absorptive defects include those conditions in which the intestinal mucosal transport system is impaired. It may be because of secondary to inflammatory disease of the bowel, that results in impaired absorption because bowel motility is accelerated, such as ulcerative colitis.

Obstructive disorders, such as Hirschsprung's disease, can also cause secondary malabsorption from enterocolitis, chronic inflammation of the distended small and large bowel, megacolon or large colon. In addition, there is failure of the internal rectal asphincter to relax, which adds to the clinical manifestations because it prevents evacuation of solids, liquids and gas.

Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestations vary according to the age.

In the newborn the chief signs and symptoms are failure to pass meconium within 24 to 48 hours after birth, reluctance to ingest fluids, bile-stained vomitus, abdominal distention.

If the disorder is allowed to progress, other signs of intestinal obstruction, sich as respiratory distress and shock, develop. During infancy, the child does not thrive and has constipation, abdominal distention, episodes of diarrhea and vomiting. The occurrence of explosive, watery diarrhea, fever, and severe prostration is ominous because it ofter signifies the presence of enterocolitis, which greatly increases the risk of fatality. Enterocolitis may also be present without diarrhea and is first evidenced with unexplained fever and poor feeding.

During childhood, the symptoms include, constipation, passage of ribbon like, foul-smelling stools, abdominal distention, visible peristalsis. Fecal masses are easily palpable. The child is usually poorly nourished, anemic, and hypoproteinemic from malabsorption of nutrients.

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Diarrhea is frequent watery or loose bowel movements that deviate from the normal pattern. The average adult has about four bouts of diarrhea a year. It is a more serious problem in young children and older adults. Diarrhea is a very common cause of hospitalization for children. It accounts for 9% of the hospitalizing in the United for States for Children under five years old.

Diarrhea is classified as acute or chronic. Acute diarrhea is diarrhea that last less than 2 weeks and chronic last longer than 2 weeks. Most causes of diarrhea last 2-3 days. This chapter will look at acute diarrhea as chronic diarrhea could take up a whole book.

What causes diarrhea

Acute diarrhea is most commonly caused viruses in the gastrointestinal tract, but can also be caused by antibiotic use, bacterial or parasitic infections, food allergies or food poisoning. A few points to keep in mind about the causes of acute diarrhea include:

o Viral infections present with diarrhea that lasts 2-3 days with no blood in the stool.
o Eating foods that bother the stomach and intestines can cause diarrhea. Sometimes keeping a food diary/bowel movement diarrhea can help you determine which foods cause diarrhea
o Parasites such as Guardia can present with loss of appetite, abdominal bloating and cramping and foul smelling stool.
o Some medications that cause diarrhea include: laxatives, medications for heart burn, antibiotics, magnesium containing products and alcohol.
o Bacterial infections that commonly cause diarrhea include: Clostridium difficile (often occurs after taking antibiotics), Camphylobacter and E. Coli (common cause of food poisoning). These infections presents with fever, blood in the stool and white blood cells noticed in the stool by the doctor.
o Food poisoning can result in nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
o Dietary factors that lead to chronic diarrhea (but should be considered in acute diarrhea) include: lactose intolerance, Lactose intolerance is associated with gas, bloating, explosive diarrhea,
o Breastfeeding can cause loose stools
o Traver's diarrhea is common in those who go to Asia, Africa, central or south America and the Middle East. It present with diarrhea, abdominal cramping.
o Partial bowel obstruction can cause diarrhea
o Constipation results in a hard stool that liquid stool can work its way around resulting in diarrhea.

Who needs to see a doctor
o Dehydration (Unable to keep fluids down, dark urine or reduced urine output, increased heart rate, low blood pressure, dizzy when standing and dry mouth)
o Diarrhea with lethargy or confusion
o Blood, mucus or pus in the stools
o Abdominal pain
o High fever - greater than 102 degrees Fahrenheit or prolonged fever
o Weight loss
o Those who are very young or very old
o Those with diabetes, heart or kidney disease
o Those with AIDS, cancer or organ transplants
o Pregnancy

Most cases of diarrhea are self-limiting and the use of medications to stop diarrhea is generally not recommended.

Becoming knowledgeable about symptoms and disease is an important part of having a successful health care experience. Individuals must have a basic understanding of his or her disease. The better you understand your diseases the better you can partner in your medical care.

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In December 2009, the U.S Food and Drug Administration conducted a routine test on several Dog Food products and especially with Dog Treats and find out the positive result of Salmonella and the following inspection also found out that there are deficiencies in packaging and manufacturing. Though there has been no report of illness associated with it, FDA suggest about not using these product until the latest products are distributed in the market.

Salmonella is that product that is effective to both human and animals. People who handle dry pet treats can be exposed to this salmonella if they do not wash their hands thoroughly after contacting with these products or any other substances that are constantly exposed to these products. It will be better if you dispose them in the safe place securing them in a covered trash.

Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea and fever are some of the symptoms that the people infected with salmonella could experience. This can also results in serious ailments including infections in arteries, endocarditis, arthritis, irritation in eyes, urinary tracts and also muscle pain. So the people who are exhibiting the signs of these symptoms immediately have to visit their health care giver.

Dogs that are infected with salmonella might be lethargic and might have bloody diarrhea, vomiting and fever. Many of the pet may also experience decreased appetite, abdominal pain and fever. The pet that are infected but healthy can carry these infections to other animal and humans. So if any of your pets have consumed the products containing salmonella and exhibiting those symptoms mentioned above, immediately contact the veterinarian for the health check up.

So while selecting the dog treat for your dog, consider checking the content of salmonella. If the dog food contains this item, then never urge to buy the product. Merrick dog Treats is that one food product that is always free of salmonella and it is the best product that you surely want to pick for your pet and for their health.

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Colon cancer symptoms may not be present in many cases. However, if symptoms are seen they can include a variety of changes in the stool or bowel habits (i.e. diarrhea, constipation). Colon cancer also known as Colorectal Cancer, is a malignant (cancerous) tumor growth found in a portion of the large intestine, which is a common cancer site.

Colon Cancer Symptoms And Causes

In many cases of colon cancer no symptoms will be apparent in the early stages of the disease. Later symptoms may develop such as:

  • Bloody or black, tarry stools

  • Abdominal pain or cramps

  • Diarrhea or constipation or narrow stool

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Anemia

Most cases begin as benign (non-cancerous) polyps, which slowly become cancerous. The cause of colon (or colorectal) cancer is not well understood but risk factors include being over the age of 60, eating a diet low in fiber and high in fat and red meat, being of African American or eastern European descent, a prior diagnosis of cancer elsewhere in the body or colorectal polyps, the presence of an inflammatory bowel disease (i.e. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), a family history of colon cancer, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States. However, a complete cure is often possible with an early diagnosis.

Colon Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

Observation of the aforementioned symptoms may lead to a diagnosis but many times the condition is detected through a routine physical exam. Early detection kits may be available for those at high risk, which can detect blood in the stool (available at most pharmacies).

If symptoms have appeared, a physical examination, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or barium x-rays of the large intestine may be performed to make a definitive diagnosis. Blood tests may be taken to check for anemia and a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) may be ordered to detect small amounts of blood in the stool, which could indicate colon cancer.

Treatment will depend on how much the cancer has progressed and if it has spread to other areas of the body. Surgery to remove the cancer cells is often performed. Surgery may result in a need for a colostomy, which is a diversion of the bowel through an opening in the abdominal wall. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be prescribed as well to destroy cancerous tissues.

Prognosis improves with early detection and treatment.

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Think your little brother smells bad if he skips taking a shower for a day? Consider this: at least he bathes more than once a year, doesn't have lice or fleas, and doesn't wipe his bum with a communal sponge.

Today may possibly be the most hygienic period in human history. Here are a few unclean habits our ancestors had and the dirtiest time periods in the history of human existence.

Roman times. In Rome, public toilets were common. But they weren't like today's modern toilets, with stalls for privacy. Most Roman toilets were long planks with holes cut out, opening into a storage tank. People sat next to one another to urinate and defecate, and historical records indicate they were social locations where people would go to mingle while doing their business. Instead of toilet paper, the public baths were outfitted with communal sponges that everybody used to clean up. In addition, urine was a cleanser, and public urns were set up in cities where people were encouraged to relieve themselves so the urine could be collected for the commercial cleaners.

The Renaissance. During the Renaissance and Regency eras, it was popular for both men and ladies of the upper classes to have pale skin. To achieve this, many people used white makeup made from lead and mercury. While often the manufacturers claimed it was good for the skin, the makeup could cause sores and skin disease. In addition, during some parts of these eras elaborate wigs and upswept hairstyles were in fashion, the bigger the better. Hairdressers often powdered hair and wigs. To achieve an upswept look, some hairdressers arranged the hair over a cushion placed to give it height. Then they would add feathers and other decorations with wax; sometimes they would simply cut the feathers out at the end of the day instead of washing them out. Some ladies with these complicated hairstyles would wear them for days or weeks without washing.

The Medieval era. During Medieval times, bathing was looked upon with mistrust. It was seen as sensual and done mostly by people who were given to sexual debauchery; many believed that bathing allowed the devil to enter one's body. When it came to health, many medical authorities of the time claimed that letting water touch you, especially during colder months, could cause serious illness. Most castles had rushes on the floor instead of rugs; people would throw scraps of leftover meat and bones into the rushes after meals and sometimes urinate in them as well. The rushes in medieval castles got dirty very quickly and had to be changed regularly.

Paleolithic times. Thousands of years ago, before people settled in cities and began to feed themselves through agriculture, cleanliness was not a priority and baths and showers were non existent. It's likely that primitive peoples had no way of washing their hair dreadlocks were probably common and with no soaps or scents, people were probably used to the smells of unwashed bodies. In addition, leftover carcasses and bones from meals were often disposed of in the same caves where people lived so people's homes must have been fragrant.

The Victorian era. Victorian London was full of cesspits-large tanks where sewage from each house was collected and cleaned out regularly. The tanks were often located beneath people's houses or behind them in open pools. The pits weren't well insulated and often leaked into basements and ground floors, and the contents of the cesspits were sometimes carried through people's houses when they were cleaned out. People who didn't have cesspits used chamber pots to go to the bathroom, and they regularly emptied the pots by throwing the contents out the window. It was considered a fairly normal occurrence to have the contents of a chamber pot land on one's head while out walking or shopping.

Colonial times. During the beginning of the American colonial period, settlements were small and precarious and they struggled for survival. Colonists were often unprepared for the harsh conditions of the new continent and the hostile welcome from the natives. In such tough environments, cleanliness was not a priority.

Colonial Jamestown, an important early American settlement, was built in an island surrounded by swamplands. The settlers originally planned to trade with natives for fresh water and food, but the natives were hostile and not always willing to trade. So the colonists were forced to drink brackish water from the swamp, which made many of the people extremely sick. Dysentery is a messy disease involving explosive diarrhea and vomiting and it's likely that Jamestown was not a particularly clean place when most of its inhabitants came down with it. Around the same time, Jamestown entered a period of famine so most people were dying of either dysentery or hunger. With all the diarrhea, vomiting and dying going around in Jamestown, chances are the town and its inhabitants didn't smell very good.

The Ancient Egyptians. The Ancient Egyptians shaved their heads so they wouldn't get lice-then wore wigs to make it look like they still had hair. But just because they had shaved heads didn't mean they were clean. They put wax cones filled with perfume on top of their wigs, and as the wax melted during the day, they were always surrounded by sweet smells. Of course, their heads were also covered in wax by the end of the day.

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Any home health cabinet or closet should contact certain Over-the-Counter (OTC) medications that are readily available. OTC medicines do not require a physician prescription. There are hundreds of these to choose from and your pharmacist can help you decide which one would be best for the symptoms that you have. Keep some OTC products at home in case you need them. Others should be purchased only after your symptoms develop. Those that you should have readily at home are:

  • Anti-Diarrheal Preparations

  • Antihistamines

  • Decongestants

  • Cough Syrups (expectorants and suppressants)

  • Ibuprofen

  • Aspirin

  • Acetaminophen

  • Syrup of Ipecac

Before you take any anti-Diarrhea medicine, wait six hours. Many times, your body needs to clean itself out from an infection or poison. Give it time before you take any medication for Diarrhea, and only use medicines if you have cramping or discomfort. There are two types of anti-diarrheal medicines - those to thicken the fecal matter and those to slow your intestinal spasms. The ones that 'thicken' absorb both the good and bad bacteria - the good is needed in digestion, so long-term use of these is ill-advised. Good ingredients in 'thickening' products are kaolin, attapulgite or pectin. The minute you become constipated, stop these OTC meds. Most anti-spasm meds for Diarrhea contain loperamide. When you have Diarrhea, drink plenty of fluids and drinks with electrolytes. A good home-made electrolyte solution contains: 1 quart of water, 翻 teaspoon of baking soda, 翻 teaspoon of salt, and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Aspirin and acetaminophen both relieve pain and fever, as well as minor itching, swelling and inflammation. However, be careful with aspirin, as it can become a poison and overdose in children. Do not use aspirin for children younger than 15 years of age.

Aspirin can irritate the stomach lining and sometimes cause stomach bleeding. Acetaminophen does not seem to have the same ill effects in children as aspirin, but it does nothing for swelling or inflammation. Ibuprofen is another fever and pain reliever, which is an anti-inflammatory commonly used for menstrual cramps. Discard aspirin after one year and acetaminophen after two. Antihistamines were originally developed to treat allergy symptoms. One of the drawbacks is that they can make you sleepy. Try to find the ones that don't make you drowsy. Decongestants make breathing through your nose easier. Using these before during a cold can prevent ear infections. Syrup of Ipecac is useful to induce vomiting if poisonous substances are ingested. However, do not induce vomiting if dishwasher detergent, gasoline, kerosene, drain cleaner, oven cleaner, oil-based paint, furniture polish or a cleaning solution have been ingested. Check the label for instructions on what to do with these products or call 911. You should induce vomiting with laundry soap, dishwashing liquid, plant food, aspirin, medications, ink, fingernail polish remover or rat poison.

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Viral gastroenteritis, also known as "the stomach flu", is a very common infection of the stomach and intestines. It is the second most common illness encountered in American families and causes approximately 50,000 hospitalizations per year. Viruses that are transferred from infected food to person and passed from person to person via contaminated silverware, food and water cause it. These viruses can be very contagious and "outbreaks" may occur if appropriate hand washing and sterilization does not occur in public facilities. Outbreaks of viral gastroenteritis are common in schools, hospitals, long-term care facilities, jails, dormitories, and cruise ships.

The viruses which cause gastroenteritis are rotavirus, norovirus, adenovirus, saporvirus and astrovirus. Rotavirus is the most common virus implicated in this illness. It causes endemic gastroenteritis in infants and children. Norovirus (Norwalk virus) causes ninety percent of outbreaks of gastroenteritis in the U.S. Although "the stomach flu" implies the influenza virus is associated with this infection, it is not.

Viral gastroenteritis is characterized by intense muscle aches, cramps and chills which precede nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and/or diarrhea. Vomiting and diarrhea usually temporarily relieve the nausea and pain. The vomit and diarrhea are usually non-bloody and the stool may lighten in color. People often feel fatigued and dehydrated because of the energy involved with clearing the infection from the body and losing fluid via vomiting and diarrhea. The symptoms begin 1-2 days after becoming infected with the virus and last 1-10 days, depending on which virus is involved.

The treatment of viral gastroenteritis includes rest, analgesics and re-hydration. Tylenol may be used to treat fever and muscle cramps. The replenishment of fluids with water, electrolyte drinks or oral rehydration solutions (sugar and electrolytes) is essential to prevent dehydration. When replacing fluids, it is important to replace volume and electrolytes such as sodium, chloride, hydrogen and potassium. Water as hydration helps replace volume, but if too much is given without replacement of electrolytes, the relative concentration of these important ions decreases and metabolic/electrolyte imbalances occur in the body. Re-hydration should occur with electrolyte drinks to protect against hyponatremia. Most quality sports drinks will fill this requirement.

One should drink enough fluid to keep their mouth moist and their urine light yellow to clear. As the diarrhea and/or vomiting subsides, one may slowly introduce soft foods into the diet. Soft foods are jello, saltine crackers, pudding, rice, bread and soups without meats. It is important to watch for abdominal cramping, retching or liquid stools while trying to resume a normal diet, these symptoms could indicate the intestines are still inflamed from the infection and need more time to heal.

Adequate hydration is especially important in people who are young (infants), elderly, frail and immunocompromised - their bodies are already stressed and gastroenteritis can take a huge toll on the body. These people are usually either dependent on others for fluid and food or have difficulty maintaining healthy nutrition. Vomiting and diarrhea may further deplete their bodies of already limited water and energy stores.

If dehydration occurs, the body's normal fluid balance is disturbed and potentially serious electrolyte (sodium, potassium, hydrogen, bicarbonate, and chloride) abnormalities can occur. When electrolyte abnormalities are severe and prolonged, the function of the nervous, cardiovascular, pulmonary and renal systems is compromised. Dehydration is characterized by fatigue, dry mouth, decreased urination, loose skin and lightheadedness (especially when changing from the laying to standing positions).

Although one may be tempted to use anti-diarrheal (Imodium) and anti-vomiting (Phenergan) medications, these types of medications are not recommended during this illness. Vomiting and diarrhea are the body's way of getting rid of the virus, and even though these symptoms are distressing and uncomfortable, it is important to allow the body's natural defense mechanism to function. The exception to this rule occurs when someone cannot hold down fluids and is dehydrated; the use of an anti-diarrheal medication can help the body restore its fluid balance.

Viral gastroenteritis can be prevented by thorough hand washing after eating and using the bathroom and wiping surfaces that have come in contact with infected food with disinfectant cleaners. Eating a balanced diet and taking supplements which boost the immune system can also prevent one from getting viral gastroenteritis.

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Food allergies are due to IgE antibodies made for specific foods that an individual has for some reason developed because their body has misinterpreted the food(s) as a foreign invading protein. The presence of IgE antibody to the specific food a person is allergic to results in an immediate immune reaction of the body to the food when it is eaten. The IgE antibody binds its specific food protein and initiates reactions in the body that include the release of chemicals such as histamine that may result in symptoms of itching, swelling, wheezing or difficulty breathing, rash or hives, and if severe, shock resulting in death if not reversed. Vomiting and diarrhea may occur but are less common.

Testing for the presence of allergy to a food or foods can be done by blood test or skin testing or both. One of the most common blood tests is the RAST test that looks for the presence of the specific IgE antibodies to common food allergens and other foods based on a history suggesting that a particular food is suspect. Skin testing is done by injecting or applying extracts of the common and any suspect food(s) to pricked or scratched skin and looking for diagnostic "hive" like reactions at the site of the suspect food. The most common food allergens are peanut, cow's milk, wheat, corn, soy, shellfish, eggs, tree nuts, chocolate, pork, tomato, and citrus.

The terms food intolerance and sensitivity are commonly used interchangeably. They refer to a group of food reactions that occur that are not IgE antibody caused. In more general terms they refer to any adverse or unpleasant reaction that occurs after a food is eaten.

Food reactions that are not allergic in cause may have a variety of causes. A particular food may not be tolerated because it is not digested adequately due to an enzyme deficiency. Lactase, the enzyme that digests milk sugar or lactose, is present on the surface of the intestine lining cells. Lactase deficiency can be inherited or acquired. It commonly occurs whenever the intestine lining is damaged. Because the lactase enzymes are on the outer most surface of the intestine they are more vulnerable to injury. For example, after intestinal flu or in untreated Celiac disease, lactose intolerance is common. Other sugar enzymes can be deficient or the intestine can be simply overwhelmed by too large a sugar load at one time. A classic example is "the Big Gulp" syndrome when someone drinks a giant cola beverage then experiences the "gut ache" from the tremendous amount of fructose. Large amounts cannot be handled by the intestine and that results in bloating, urgency and terrible diarrhea.

Deficiency of digestive enzymes released into the intestine can result in poor digestion of foods. For example, when the pancreas gland is damaged (pancreatitis) chronically, usually from chronic alcohol abuse, or is congenitally underdeveloped or malfunctioning (e.g. cystic fibrosis). The pancreatic enzyme deficiency that occurs results in malabsorption, especially for fats, that cause symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss. Abnormal bacteria types and levels in the gut, also known as dysbiosis, and abnormal excess levels of "bad" bacteria or presence of bacteria in upper small intestine where little or no bacteria normally occur (bacterial overgrowth) can interfere with digestion, absorption or cause fermentation of food resulting in symptoms of abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Some foods and food additives have a direct toxic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Additives such as MSG and sulfites can cause symptoms, including flushing and diarrhea or the "Chinese restaurant" or "salad bar" syndromes.

All foods contain proteins known as lectins. Some of these proteins are highly resistant to digestion and are toxic to the human intestine especially if they are not pre-treated by soaking, cooking well, or removing toxic portions. For example, inadequately soaked and cooked kidney beans will cause a food poisoning like illness. There are several foods that have lectins that are poorly tolerated by many humans and are lethal to insects and pests. One researcher, Loren Cordain PhD., author of the Paleo Diet, has published extensive research on how the human intestine is not "evolved" to tolerate many of the foods we now eat but did not eat in the ancient "hunter-gatherer" times resulting in many of the illness seen in modern societies and the rising epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Several of the "modern" foods that were not part of the ancient diet but constitute much our diet now have well recognized toxic or poorly tolerated proteins known as lectins. Examples include wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), casein (cow's milk protein), peanut agglutinin (PNA), soyabean agglutinin (SBA) and tomato lectin (TL) that have been shown in animal studies to be toxic to the human gut. There are a few published studies and little active research on the role of dietary lectins in health and disease.

When the reaction is an immune toxicity reaction to a food protein intestinal damage commonly results, frequently referred to as "leaky gut" because of the symptoms of malabsorption or the entry of toxic food proteins and/or bacterial products into the blood stream resulting in a variety of adverse health effects. This reaction may result in autoimmunity, the body attacking itself within the gut or distant organs or tissues. The reaction may be aided by abnormal bacteria types and/or levels in the gut (dysbiosis). The symptoms commonly develop over time and flare in just hours to up to three days after eating the offending food and continue as the food is eaten.

Because the protein in the food is usually the cause and such proteins may be hidden in other foods, especially processed foods, and the toxicity is more of a delayed and cumulative immune reaction, it is very difficult for the person suffering from this to identify the specific food as the cause. For example gluten (the protein in wheat) and casein (the protein in cow's milk) are in many foods and toxic to many individuals. Over time people sensitive to such food proteins typically become more ill and may develop enough intestinal injury that blood tests for other types of antibodies, IgG and/or IgA, to the food or specific food proteins, may be detectable in the blood, stool or saliva.

Delayed immune response to proteins in the food (wheat, cow's milk) resulting in bowel injury, gastrointestinal and non-gastrointestinal symptoms and increased autoimmune conditions is most well recognized in Celiac disease. It is an autoimmune disease resulting from ingestion of gluten in wheat or products made from wheat flour (or gluten like proteins in barley and rye). It used to be considered a disease of children and rare, especially in the United States. However, blood test screening studies have documented that it is present in approximately 1 in 133 to 1 in100 people worldwide though most of those affected are undiagnosed and untreated. It is diagnosed by positive screening blood tests and confirmed by a characteristic abnormal small intestine on biopsy followed by relief of symptoms and return of the intestine to normal after a gluten-free diet. Untreated it is associated with higher rates of cancer especially lymphoma, osteoporosis, anemia, and other complications of malabsorption resulting in shortened life expectancy. It is treated with a life-long gluten free-diet. Lesser degrees of gluten intolerance or sensitivity may not be severe enough to cause abnormal or diagnostic blood tests and intestinal biopsies but result in symptoms that improve or resolve with a gluten-free diet and may be detected by elevated stool or saliva antibody tests.

Though injury to the intestine tissue may be seen visually as abnormal appearing tissue during endoscopic procedures such findings are non-specific for the cause. The tissue frequently appears normal and therefore many times is not sampled by biopsy, though under the microscope injury may be seen, though not specific for cause or food. If the physician is either not suspecting food intolerance or doesn't routinely biopsy normal appearing intestinal tissue looking for signs of food intolerance, the injury may not be discovered.

The immune based food intolerances are commonly associated with many symptoms that can be both gastrointestinal and outside the gut and may include bloating, gas, diarrhea (and sometimes constipation), abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue, headaches, joint and muscle pains, skin rashes, weight loss or gain, anemia or nutritional deficiencies, irritability, depression, mental fogginess, and nerve pain (neuropathy). These symptoms may be misdiagnosed or mislabeled as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, reflux, ulcer, and fibromyalgia, etc. without another thought by patient or physician that food intolerance may be the cause and specific food elimination may be the cure. The common food allergens also are the most common causes of food intolerance reactions.

Generally, most physician are aware of common food allergy symptoms and how and when to test. However, several studies have confirmed most people's experience that the majority of primary care physicians are unaware of the common symptoms of Celiac disease, that blood tests exist for screening antibodies and the high risk genes, and that it is common and may be diagnosed in adults. This is why the diagnosis is delayed on average over 11 years in most adults, after many of them have irreversible complications such as osteoporosis, cancer, or another autoimmune disease. The awareness and acceptance of non-Celiac gluten sensitivity and other food protein intolerances in the medical community is even worse.

Therefore, food intolerance or sensitivity is commonly missed and untreated. Many patients are forced to self-diagnose by discovery of the link of their symptoms to specific foods serendipitously, often as a result of an elimination diet, recommendation of an alternative practitioner or friend/relative, or search for help on the internet or multiple physicians for help. Hopefully, by reading this article you now better understand food allergies and intolerances, why they are often missed and that they are a common cause of many symptoms, not just intestinal, that usually improve if not resolve once the offending food or foods are eliminated from your diet.

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Food borne illness are one of the leading causes of emergency room visits in the United States, and account for millions of dollars in expenses and thousands of days of lost work time every year. What are some of the most common bugs?

Campylobacter is a bacterial pathogen that causes fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. It is the most commonly identified bacterial cause of diarrheal illness in the world. These bacteria live in the intestines of healthy birds, and most raw poultry meat has Campylobacter on it. Eating undercooked chicken or other food that has been contaminated with juices dripping from raw chicken is the most frequent source of this infection.

E. Coli is a bacterial pathogen that has a reservoir in cattle and other similar animals. Human illness typically follows consumption of food or water that has been contaminated with microscopic amounts of cow feces. The illness it causes is often a severe and bloody diarrhea and painful abdominal cramps, without much fever. In 3 percent to 5 percent of cases, a complication called hemolytic ureic syndrome (HUS) can occur several weeks after the initial symptoms. This severe complication includes temporary anemia, profuse bleeding and kidney failure.

Norwalk virus is an extremely common cause of food borne illness, though it is rarely diagnosed, because the laboratory test is not widely available. It causes an acute gastrointestinal illness, usually with more vomiting than diarrhea, that resolves within two days. Unlike many food borne pathogens that have animal reservoirs, it is believed that Norwalk-like viruses spread primarily from one infected person to another. Infected kitchen workers can contaminate a salad or sandwich as they prepare it, if they have the virus on their hands. Infected fishermen have contaminated oysters as they harvested them.

Salmonella is another bacterium that is widespread in the intestines of birds, reptiles and mammals. It can spread to humans via a variety of different foods of animal origin. The illness it causes, salmonellas, typically includes fever, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In persons with poor underlying health or weakened immune systems, it can invade the bloodstream and cause life-threatening infections.

As you can see, food borne illness is nothing to fool around with. If you suspect you have one, get medical help immediately!

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Pitbulls are amazingly loving, devoted companions and some of the strongest dogs in the world. However, the very breeding that has made them such good pets has also left them predisposed to some unique health challenges. Learning what these challenges are and how to overcome them is key to being a responsible owner for these dogs.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip dysplasia is a disorder affecting the way the hip joint fits together. As a ball and socket joint, the hip is somewhat more fragile naturally than other types of joint. The "ball", the top of the thigh bone, must fit snugly within the socket in the hip, but must not have too much protrusion or roughness which can prevent it from moving freely. In hip dysplasia, the joint's ball is typically loose and has protrusions which make movement painful. The joint attempts to repair itself, but damage simply becomes too severe. There is no way to treat hip dysplasia; the best you can do is to ameliorate the discomfort.

Luxating Patella

In this Pitbull health condition, the dog's kneecap, or patella, becomes dislocated or is able to move too freely. It is a fairly common condition, but it is also one that has an easy fix. Almost all incidents are able to be resolved with surgery or physical therapy. The treatment will depend on how long the patella was untreated and how severe the issue was to begin with.

Thyroid Complications

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are common in larger breeds of dogs, including the Pitbull. Health can be maintained even with one of these conditions, but it will require maintenance. In hypothyroidism, the thyroid doesn't produce sufficient quantities of regulating hormones, leading to lethargy, chills, dry skin, and hair loss. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid produces too much hormone, causing them to lose weight, consume more food, and eliminate faster. In addition, they may experience vomiting or diarrhea. Diagnosing either of these conditions is a simple matter of measuring the thyroid's output. Correcting the condition requires your dog to take thyroid medication.

Pitbull Mange

Caused by an uncontrolled infestation of mites within the dog, Pitbull mange is one of the most common health challenges your pet is likely to face. There are two types of Pitbull mange: demodectic mange and sarcoptic mange. Both are characterized by skin irritation across the body, but only sarcoptic mange is contagious to other dogs (neither can spread to humans.) Demodectic is the more common type of Pitbull mange and is typically treated simply by giving the infected ivermectin until symptoms disappear and the infestation is controlled. Sarcoptic mange requires a lot more intensive treatment and veterinary intervention.

Knowing the causes and symptoms of these common disorders will help you spot Pitbull health challenges quickly. A fast reaction can be key to helping your dog have a healthy and full recovery.

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What is creatine and why is it such a big deal nowadays? Simply put, creatine is an amino acid that is naturally produced in our liver. It is believed to promote muscle growth and strength, which is why it has become one of the most popular bodybuilding supplements these days. In fact, a 12-week trial conducted by a Pennsylvania State University research team ended with creatine users gaining twice as much muscle and becoming stronger in both the bench press and the squat.

Suffice it to say that creatine works. Weightlifters, fitness instructors, and marketers all agree on this. However, there are some concerns from various sectors that some creatine side effects may be harmful in the long run. Are these concerns valid? Is there truth to all the stories about the negative effects of creatine on your body? Well, it is always good to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of any substance before deciding whether to take it or not, especially where your health is concerned. So, let's take a closer look at creatine and see what it can actually do for you.

Negative Side Effects

One of the negative creatine side effects that cause much concern is the possibility of it causing some serious health problems. This concern arose from the fact that there have been anecdotal reports of kidney damage, muscle cramps, dehydration, diarrhea, and heart problems. After almost two decades of research, it has been found that although there ARE such incidences, they occur very rarely. Furthermore, these complaints are also often associated with taking in too much of certain vitamins. The safest route, therefore, is to take everything in moderation and to take creatine only after consulting with your doctor and ensuring that you are completely healthy to begin with.

One side effect of creatine that has indeed been proven by users and researchers alike is that it causes an increase in water weight. Water retention generally makes you look a bit bloated, as if you've just consumed a very large dinner. While some people might appreciate the fact that their muscles look considerably larger, others lament the fact that their muscles feel a bit softer to the touch. Therefore, if you are aiming for rock-hard muscles, then it is best to stay away from creatine.

Another negative side effect is that when you have been using creatine supplements for some time and then you decide to stop, you will experience a sharp decrease in your energy levels. Furthermore, your muscles may look a little deflated due to the loss of your excess water weight. It may be wiser to reduce your intake gradually instead of stopping all at once in order to avoid these two creatine side effects.

In sum, there really isn't any proof of creatine having any serious negative side effects. This is probably one of the most researched substances in the world, and all the research conducted on it has come up with no record of harmful side effects. With a little education on proper use, therefore, it is indeed possible for you to make creatine work to your advantage.

Positive Side Effects

Now that we've established that creatine doesn't really have any serious negative side effects, let's move on to the good stuff. What are the positive creatine side effects? How can creatine supplements help you achieve your muscle building and fitness goals? Generally speaking, creatine is an energy booster. It increases your body's natural ability to produce energy very quickly.

Considering that creatine boosts your energy levels, an indirect positive side effect, therefore, is that it increases your ability to train harder and more often. This makes it easier for you to produce faster and more significant results in muscle building. In fact, research has shown that creatine works best with explosive activities and high-intensity training. This means that those who indulge in weight training and sports such as football, baseball, and sprinting gain the most benefits from creatine supplements.

Some people also claim that creatine helps improve endurance and performance in aerobic-type exercises, but there isn't enough evidence to prove these claims. What HAS been proven by many users and researchers is that using creatine will make you gain weight and look bigger. For this reason, creatine is highly recommended to skinny guys who go to the gym primarily to bulk up. And while the initial gain you experience may be due to excess water weight as mentioned in the negative side effects part of this article, you can easily replace that with muscle weight as your strength grows and you are able to increase your workload at the gym.

So, can creatine truly help you achieve your muscle building and fitness goals? Yes, it can. But, here's the catch: Creatine only works if YOU make it work! This means you'll have to take advantage of the energy boost it gives and do your thing at the gym. Otherwise, all you'll really get from creatine is additional water weight. And just because there's no proven negative side effects, it doesn't mean you have to start using this supplement. If you're already well on your way towards achieving your fitness goals without it, then there's really no reason to use it.

Kids under 18 years of age are also advised against using creatine primarily because there have been very few studies done on children using the supplement as an exercise enhancer. There is also a possible risk of creatine causing permanent damage in children's muscles. Remember that those under 18 are still within the natural growing phase, which is why it isn't advisable for them to use muscle growth supplements of any kind.

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There are several diseases which are found in most of the dogs and they are mainly caused due to the huge number of the parasites or viral bacteria in their bodies. There are several symptoms of dog disease through which one can easily know that the pet is suffering from any kind of problem. Most of the symptoms of the illness of dogs are detected very late when it is difficult even for the doctors to cure the disease. Diseases caused due to the bacteria and parasites can cause damage to the interior organs of the dog and it can also even lead to the death of your dog. There are several commonly noticed symptoms in the animals through which one can easily predict that the animal is facing any sort of problem for example dry nose, regular vomiting, increasing thirst, weight loss, loss of pigment etc.

There are various kinds of dog disease for example

1. Rabies: - Rabies is a dreadful disease which can be caused to anyone including human and animals. Rabies can easily spread through the contact of the affected animal. The infection period of the disease is considered in between 2- 12 weeks and this infection can remain in the animal body for two years. The main symptoms of the disease are the paranoia, insomnia, agitation, anxiety and confusion. The remedial measure for the disease is taking of the vaccination of anti rabies for both the animals as well as the human. It is best to cure the disease as soon as the symptom of dog disease is seen.

2. Canine parvo virus: - the other main disease which is quite common in dogs is caused by the parvo virus affection. It is the most common virus affection seen in most of the dogs. It can spread through the direct or the indirect contact of the feces of the infected dogs. This disease is mostly harmful for the puppies and can even lead to the death of your favorite puppy. So it is advisable that as soon as you find your dog suffering from this disease you must consult the doctor. The dog shows the symptoms of its illness within three to ten days. The main symptoms of this dog disease are vomiting, dehydration, bloody diarrhea and high fewer. This disease can cause several other infections to the dogs. This disease can be easily found in the animal by the hemaggutination test or by the help of the electron microscopy. The curing rate of the animal depends on the detection of the virus in the body of the animal; if it is detected earlier the dog can survive quickly. Thus it is important to look for the symptom of dog disease and cure it accordingly.

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The Processed Food Industry (from fast food restaurants to the huge factories that create and package processed foods) is really only concerned about one thing... their corporate profits.

It's a numbers game... and the sad fact is that growing and distributing fresh, healthy food is far more expensive per unit than manufacturing packaged food products that are ready-to-eat or "instant" or very easy to prepare... and that can sit on a shelf (in the store or in your pantry) for long periods of time without spoiling ("shelf-life").

To create these modern nutritional marvels requires a great deal of tampering with the original food (if there ever was one), and numerous "added ingredients" as well as a bunch of food preservatives. And let's not forget artificial colors, flavors and pesticides.

Let me let you in on a little secret... The bottom line to staying healthy & fit is to stick to a healthy diet... and nothing is healthier than eating organically grown fruit and vegetables.

Often referred to as "Raw Food," organically grown and pesticide-free produce has been proven to be the safest and healthiest food for the human body. It is naturally filled with nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

So here's a list of Food Additives that you really need to avoid!

1. Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil

Every so often a new "buzz word" is discovered by the news media whenever they talk about health or fitness issues. Until recently, the most often heard health topic in the news concerned Cholesterol levels.

Granted, Cholesterol is still an important issue and concern for many people (especially Boomers); but the newest kid (buzz word) on the block seems to be Trans Fat.

Does that mean anything to you? It should if you're one of the millions who have fallen for the margarine trap. Or if you enjoy having a "packaged" muffin or pastry with your coffee in the morning, you need to know the hard cold facts about the dangers of eating foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.

It's made by using a process in which vegetable oil is "infused" with hydrogen. When that occurs, the level of polyunsaturated oils (a healthy fat) is drastically reduced and "Trans Fats" are created.

Do a quick search on Google and you'll discover that Trans Fats are closely associated with heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, atherosclerosis and all the other problems related to elevated cholesterol.

2. BHA and BHT

The preservatives BHA and BHT are man-made ingredients that prevent oils used in processed foods from becoming rancid. Both are considered to be "Carcinogens" by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (US DHHS).

They're both recognized for causing sleep disorders and are associated with numerous diseases and health problems including skin rashes, hair loss, liver and kidney damage, pancreatic cancer, fetal abnormalities and growth retardation.

In the last 40 years, the rate of Cancer deaths in the US has increased by over 50%! This is not a coincidence! Think about the fact that BHA and BHT have both been found to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and even the US DHHS says they're unsafe for human consumption, yet the FDA continues to maintain that they're safe to be used in the foods we eat.

Read the label before you buy... if it contains BHT or BHA, put it back.

3. Azodi-carbonamide (ADA or Bromide)

In food processing, ADA is an additive used in manufacturing of Bread products; it's used for bleaching flour and as a preservative, keeping bread soft and preventing it from becoming stale.

Use of Azodi-carbonamide as a food additive is illegal in parts of Europe and in Australia. The UK has identified Bromide as a possible cause of asthma and the use of ADA in food processing in Singapore can result in up to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of $450,000!


Because the main use of ADA is in the manufacturing of foam plastics, like Styrofoam! The thermal decomposition of ADA releases nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and ammonia gases which are trapped in the polymer as bubbles in a foam product.

Common examples are Styrofoam cups, gaskets for car doors and windows, padded floor mats, padded inserts for shoes, etc... And yet it is still found in several bread products sold in the USA.

Ever wonder why Wonderbread was so soft and could stay that way for weeks (if not months) on the shelf? Well, now you know.

4. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

Commonly used as the "flavor enhancer" in Chinese food, MSG has become one of the few additives that are now being recognized for its unpleasant side effects. It's not uncommon to see signs in windows in Thai and Chinese restaurants that say "No MSG!"

But MSG is not just in Asian cuisine; it's also a common ingredient in "flavor packets" and "marinades" in supermarkets. MSG is what is called an excitotoxin; a toxin that binds to certain receptors in your brain.

It basically "turns off" the neural receptors that tell you when you're full, making you want to consume more food. It also over-stimulates your brain, resulting in an intense "rush" as your dopamine levels suddenly rise. The side effects of MSG include throbbing headaches (migraine trigger), rashes, dizziness as well as respiratory, digestive, circulatory and coronary concerns.

5. Olestra (Olean)

Hailed as a calorie-free fat substitute, Olean is a widely used chemical ingredient in numerous snacks, crackers and potato chips. Obviously what first comes to mind is that this is a good thing, being a "calorie-free" fat. But there's a price to pay.

This additive is known to inhibit the body's ability to absorb and assimilate several vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. Side effects? How about severe bloating and gas as well as diarrhea and uncontrollable anal leakage?

Basically, not a pretty picture... a chemical ingredient that will add extra fat to your waistline, and then, to top it off, possibly surprise you with some unexpected explosive anal leakage? Uh, no thanks... Read that label.

6. Artificial Sweeteners

It should be a crime... People mistakenly think that they are doing their body a favor by using "Diet" versions of their favorite drink or foods... all in the effort to lose weight; but the truth is, artificial sweeteners are far worse than natural sweeteners.

They're man-made chemicals that have some really insidious side effects... like cancer and neurological (brain) disorders because of the high toxicity of their eventual chemical breakdown within the body.

And to top it off, when combined with other food additives, they can have a far more potent effect on nerve cells. Don't believe it? Read some of the many scientific research papers on the internet on the side effects of Saccharine and Aspartame.

If it says Diet (artificially sweetened) on the label... Stay away!

7. Refined White Sugar

Highly processed sugar is so common, it's found in just about everything... but especially in processed foods. Start reading those labels and you'll be amazed by the high amounts of sugar in soft drinks, baked goods (bread, cookies & pastries), pasta, tomato sauce and all kinds of canned foods and soups.

Unless you've been living on a desert island for the last 50 years, you've undoubtedly heard that white sugar consumption (and the corresponding spike in insulin levels) will cause weight gain, bloating, fatigue, arthritis, migraine headaches, lowered immune function, obesity, tooth decay, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease.

8. Artificial Coloring

Artificial colors are chemicals added to foods and drinks for no other reason than to make them more appealing to the consumer. Many are derived from coal-tar and can contain up to 10 parts per million of lead and arsenic and yet are still being recognized as safe by the FDA. Others come from a wide range of less than appetizing sources.

Carmine, the most common ingredient in red food coloring is a clothing dye that dates back to the ancient Aztecs and is made from the crushed shells of a South American beetle. Carmine and other artificial colors have been known to cause severe allergic reactions as well as ADHD in children and may contribute to visual & learning disorders as a result of nerve damage.

9. Pesticides

These days, there's really no way to get around this one... short of growing your own produce, or buying all your food from an Organic farm. Sadly the vast majority of food products (like 99.99%) has been in contact with and includes the residue of pesticides.

Over two billion pounds of pesticides are added annually to the amount that is used every year; and as the global demand for food escalates, there's no end in sight. Many of those pesticides (used outside the USA) are known carcinogens.

In countries with no legislation to protect its citizens from the use of such pesticides, there've been near epidemic numbers of cases where these toxins have severely diminishing the body's ability to resist infection, as well as contribute to a higher percentage of miscarriages and birth defects.

10. Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite

We saved this for last because of the ongoing debate about Sodium Nitrate (andNitrites ~ what Sodium Nitrate becomes in the process of curing meat)...
Thus, instead of completely avoiding Sodium Nitrate, we recommend you really limit to a minimum the amount of food you eat with Nitrites in it.

For several centuries, salt (Sodium Nitrate) has been used as a curing agent & preservative for fish & meat. Today it's found in Deli-meats and in highly concentrated amounts in bacon, salami, pepperoni and other processed meats.

Nitrates and cancer

Several decades ago, researchers suggested Nitrates were linked to cancer in lab rats. This received a lot of media attention; but what received far less attention was when it turned out they were wrong.

The National Academy of Sciences, the American Cancer Society and the National Research Council all agree that there's no direct cancer risk from consuming limited amounts of sodium nitrate... in fact, despite its bad reputation, Nitrites can actually prevent a very deadly disease!

Nitrates and Botulism

One special property of Nitrate is that it prevents the growth of Clostridium Botulinum... one of the most toxic substances known. Clostridium Botulinum produces Botulism, a paralytic illness that can quickly lead to respiratory failure and death.

Botulism bacteria are peculiar because unlike most microbes, they actually require an oxygen-free environment to live. Once exposed to air, it dies; so it tends to appear in canned foods, vacuum-packed foods, food stored in oil and improperly cured meats.

Interestingly, it turns out that Sodium Nitrate is especially effective at preventing the growth of Botulism.

Sodium Nitrate and a Healthy Diet

Considering that Sodium Nitrate occurs naturally in organic foods like spinach, carrots and celery, all the fuss about nitrites seems like typical media-driven hysteria. Moreover, when you consider the increased likelihood of contracting Botulism from eating Nitrate-free meat, it's actually the nitrate-free foods that present the higher health risk.

Despite how delicious they might taste, a steady diet of processed Deli-meats will undoubtedly result in some less than desirable effects on one's health. And not just from the Sodium Nitrate; but in concert and conjunction with all the other preservatives, additives and chemicals found in any processed food.

Studies show that frequent eating of processed meats can result in some rather unpleasant side effects that include headaches, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Long term diets that included large daily amounts of Deli meats have been known to cause cancer, heart disease, embolism and strokes.

The Bottom Line...

If you have to buy or use a processed or manufactured food product, just be sure to read the Label! Better yet, stick to Organic Raw Foods purchased from a Whole Food or Organic Food Market and learn to cook without using a bunch of man-made chemicals and artificial ingredients.

The importance of proper nutrition cannot be emphasized enough. Your health is directly related to what you eat!

Most modern supermarket food is nearly worthless... filled with an abundance of empty calories and high fat & sugar content. The sad fact of the matter is there are are hardly any vitamins or minerals in processed foods.

Only Organic, fresh, raw foods possess high amounts of nutritional energy... and you don't have to worry about reading the ingredient list on a bunch of raw vegetables!

Unfortunately we can't always get or eat totally organic foods all the time... so it then becomes vitally important to supplement our diets with food supplements (vitamins, minerals, enzymes and anti-oxidants) in order to keep our digestion & metabolism running smoothly and to keep our bodies as healthy as possible. Just remember...
"You are what you eat" and "The longer the shelf-life... the shorter your life!"

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The present day situation brings numerous health problems, some related to pollution and some to a hectic life style. Would we not like to have a remedy to most, if not all, day-to-day health issues, many resulting later on in major health problems? Turmeric could be such a solution.

Turmeric is a type of herb and belongs to the ginger family. It is widely cultivated in India. Known commonly as Haldi in the Hindi language, it is a widely cultivated tropical plant having reddish yellow flowers. It is used as a condiment, a medicine and a dye. It is an integral part of food in India. It has so many medicinal properties that it can easily be considered the best herb. Turmeric alone can cure many diseases. Keep turmeric in your home and the doctor stays away. Its importance in daily life has been known in India since ages gone by. The Chinese also using for the treatment of ailments. In Unani (the ancient Persian system of medicine) Hakeems (medicine practitioner) consider it to be the safest herb. It is only recently that modern science is becoming aware of it.

1-2 spoons of turmeric powder mixed in a glass of hot milk after injury greatly helps in relieving pain and swelling. It works well on internal injury to the muscles and even to the bones. It is good for tendons and ligaments. It is applied as an ointment for injuries by combining turmeric, pieces of onion and hot mustard oil with a bandage over it. It is a great healer of wounds as it has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. It is an important ingredient of burn ointment. It has haemostatic ability and helps in stopping bleeding from an injury as well as being very helpful to those suffering from arthritis and stiffness in the body. Turmeric is also a very good medicine after surgery, which works by decreasing pain and increasing the rate of healing. It is beneficial for all blood disorders since it purifies, stimulates and builds blood. Such are its benefits in cases related to blood that it is specially recommended after childbirth. Turmeric used during the menstruation cycle helps in removing stagnant blood. Turmeric protects the liver from toxins and cholesterol.

Turmeric is considered so pious that it is an integral part of Hindu marriages and other rituals. Turmeric paste mixed with almond oil and honey is applied on the skin to purify and nourish it. The skin glows and all the blemishes and impurities are removed, particularly on the face. It inhibits all skin related diseases and is beneficial for eczema due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Turmeric has one very important benefit in today's lifestyle. Alcohol intake is on the increase nowadays, which results in excessive fat in the body. The liver, which is supposed to detoxify poisonous substances and take care of the extra fat, itself gets affected and consequently fails to perform its function of removing the excessive fats. Turmeric taken with water of curds or the remaining water from coagulated milk can be used for treating liver disease. It is also good for Anemia. Turmeric is taken along with ghee (clarified butter) for treatments of coughs and colds, asthma cases and blocked nose. It is a great reliever of one of the major modern age problem - piles. A paste of turmeric, onion and mustard oil applied locally in the rectal area is helpful. It can be taken internally to stop bleeding. Turmeric taken with yogurt treats diarrhea.

Turmeric lowers the chances of heart attack by inhibiting the platelets from sticking together. Turmeric and ghee taken with warm water is a good home remedy for asthma attacks. It is equally beneficial if boiled with milk for decongestion. Turmeric taken with fresh garlic is a home remedy for general respiratory infections.

These uses are only from a medicinal point of view. It has another use as spice. It is a vital ingredient in every kitchen in India. It gives taste and color to food.

To sum up, turmeric is a one-stop home remedy for most modern illnesses. It can cure wounds, purify blood, help the liver to recover, inhibit heart attacks, help in eye care, improve skin conditions. the list is endless. The best thing is you do not have to search for it. It is usually available right in your home - ready for use. Turmeric has traditionally been in use as a multi-purpose home remedy in India.

It is important to note that this information is in no way intended to be an alternative to traditional medicine. It is always advisable to consult the doctor.

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What is Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C:

Hepatitis A - An inflammatory viral disease of the liver with a short incubation period. Hepatitis A may be transmitted by eating contaminated food, by fecal-oral contact, and/or through household contact. Hepatitis A may be mild to severe; symptoms include fever, nausea, and jaundice.

Hepatitis B - Formerly called serum hepatitis, it is caused by the hepatitis B virus. About 12% of cases progress to chronic hepatitis. It is spread through shared needles, through sexual contact with infected individuals, through exposure to infected body fluids, and from mother to child. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, jaundice, and elevated liver enzymes.

Hepatitis C - is a life-threatening, disease of the liver, which is transmitted by exposure to blood. A particularly dangerous form of viral hepatitis, it is caused by an RNA virus. Hepatitis C can lead to serious, permanent liver damage, and in many cases, death. More than 82 percent of those who are infected will progress to chronic liver disease. It is suspected that there are, at present, more than 4.5 million people in the United States that are infected with hepatitis C, and more than 200 million around the world.

What causes Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C:

Hepatitis A - is caused by a virus. The virus that causes hepatitis A is called the hepatitis A virus. Hepatitis A is spread by close personal contact with someone else who has the infection. You can also get hepatitis A by: Eating food that has been prepared by someone with hepatitis A, or by drinking water that has been contaminated by hepatitis A.

Hepatitis B - is easily spread by direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. For example, hepatitis B can be transmitted from an infected mother to her baby at birth, through unprotected sex with an infected person, by sharing needles for injecting street drugs, and by occupational contact with blood in a health-care setting. Hepatitis B is not spread through food or water or by casual contact. People can have hepatitis B and spread the disease without knowing it. Sometimes, people who are infected with hepatitis B virus never recover fully from the infection. They carry the virus and can infect others for the rest of their lives.

Hepatitis C - is one of the viruses that causes hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver. It is spread predominantly by contact with infected blood and much less from other body fluids. Risk factors for having Hepatitis C include those who have used shared needles, and those that have received a blood transfusion prior to 1991, and those who have been tattooed.

Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Symptoms:

Hepatitis A - A lot of people with Hepatitis A show no symptoms at all, or they go unnoticed because the symptoms are so mild. Older people are more likely to have symptoms than children. People who do not have symptoms can still spread the Hepatitis A virus. Symptoms of hepatitis A usually develop between 2 and 7 weeks after infection. The most common symptoms to appear are the following: Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea, Fever, Rash, Fatigue, Jaundice, Dark Urine.

Hepatitis B - Like Hepatitis A, some people show no symptoms when they are infected with hepatitis B, or the symptoms may be very mild and flu-like. Any symptoms that can appear may include: Jaundice, Fever and tiredness, Diarrhea, Stomach pains, nausea and vomiting.

Hepatitis C - Again like with Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B, folks with Hepatitis C may show no symptoms either, but when they do, they will probably include any of the following: Mild fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Later symptoms may include dark coffee-colored rather than dark yellow urine, clay-colored stools, abdominal pain, and jaundice.

Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Treatment:

Hepatitis A - There is no specific treatment for Hepatitis A. Rest is recommended during the worse phase of the disease when the symptoms are most severe. People with acute hepatitis should avoid alcohol and any substances that are toxic to the liver, including acetominophen. Fatty foods may cause vomiting because secretions from the liver are needed to digest fats. Fatty foods are best avoided during the acute phase.

Hepatitis B - Acute hepatitis B usually goes away by itself and does not require medical treatment. If very severe, symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea may require treatment to restore fluids and electrolytes. There are no medications that can prevent acute hepatitis B from becoming chronic.

Hepatitis C - Initial treatment of Hepatitis C will depend on whether the infection is in an early stage or whether it has progressed. Treatment of short-term (acute) hepatitis: Acute Hepatitis C may not be treated because symptoms are usually mild or absent, and hepatitis C is therefore often not diagnosed. By the time Hepatitis C is detected in most people, it has already progressed to long-term infection. However, when acute hepatitis C is identified and treated with medications, the development of progressive or chronic infection may be prevented.

Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C - Prevention:

Hepatitis A - Transmission of the virus can be reduced by avoiding unclean food and water, thorough hand washing after using the restroom, and thorough cleansing if there is any contact with an affected person's blood, feces, or any other bodily fluid. Daycare facilities and other institutions involving close contact with people may be more susceptible to rapid transmission of Hepatitis A. Thorough hand washing and good hygenic practices before and after each diaper change, before serving food, and after using the restroom can help prevent institutional outbreaks.

Hepatitis B - Screening of all donated blood has reduced the likelihood of contracting hepatitis B from a blood transfusion. As an initial screen, blood donors are now required to fill out a questionnaire about their sexual and drug use activities. The blood of those who are in high-risk groups is not used. Also, serologic tests are used to screen collected blood for the hepatitis B virus. Mandatory reporting of the disease allows state health care workers to track people who have been exposed and to immunize contacts that have not yet developed the disease. Formerly, hepatitis B vaccine was made from human blood products, so it was not received well by the public. Sexual contact with a person who has acute or chronic hepatitis B should be avoided.

Hepatitis C - Is spread primarily by direct contact with human blood. Transmission through blood transfusions that are not screened for HCV infection, through the reuse of inadequately sterilized needles, syringes or other medical equipment, or through needle-sharing among drug-users, is well documented. Sexual and perinatal transmission may also occur, although less frequently. Other modes of transmission such as social, cultural, and behavioural practices such as body piercing and tattooing, can occur if inadequately sterilized equipment is used. High risk groups include injecting drug users, recipients of unscreened blood, haemophiliacs, dialysis patients and persons with multiple sex partners.

There is a website that provides cures, facts and great information on Hepatitis A - Hepatitis B - Hepatitis C and numerous other medical conditions, the website is called: All About Health, and can be found at this url:


By Robert W. Benjamin

Copyright © 2007

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