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Acetic acid is the most important organic acid. It is present in vinegar, which is a common household acid and is used mainly in cooking purposes. In industries, it is used in the manufacture of plastics, paints, solvents, paper, textile and fabrics.

This compound is known to be a simple carboxylic acid, and is also known as ethanoic acid. It naturally results from the fermentation of ethanol, an alcohol. Its chemical formula is CH3COOH. The last hydrogen attached to the oxygen is given off in aqueous solutions giving the compound an acidic nature. It is classified, however, as a weak acid because it does not completely dissociate or separate in its component ions in water. The acid occurs in biochemical systems and is seen as a metabolic product during the breakdown of glucose. Acetic acid occurs naturally in dilute amounts, but in industries it is synthesized in more concentrated forms. The pure form of it is called glacial acetic acid because of the resemblance to ice. The solid acid melts at 16.7 degrees Celsius.

Dilute concentrations of the acid are safe. For instance, vinegar contains about five percent (5%) by mass of acetic acid and this is generally harmless. At higher concentrations, say at least ten percent (10%) the acid becomes an irritant. It is a known lachrymator which means it induces secretion of tears when gets in contact with eyes and can also cause soreness and conjunctivitis. In severe exposures, corneal damage may occur and this leads to blindness. It is a skin irritant and causes discoloration, itching, burns and blisters, and thickening of the skin. It does not happen quite quickly and my take a few hours after the skin gets in contact with the acid for the signs of irritation to manifest. Upon inhalation the organic acid irritates the nasal, throat and bronchial lining. Mucus secretions along the lining produces fluid build up, thus, leading to edemas in the respiratory organs like the pharynx and the lungs. Breathing may be adversely affected, such that the exposed person may suffer from shortness of breath and dizziness. The acid fumes can cause inflammation on the bronchial lining (bronchitis). Ingestion of the highly concentrated acid erodes the teeth enamel, causes burns, abdominal pains, perforation of the gastrointestinal lining, vomiting and diarrhea. Upon gaining entry in the blood stream, dangerous levels of this acid lead to destruction of red blood cells known as hemolysis. This breakdown frees the red pigment called hemoglobin which becomes excreted in the urine (hemoglobinuria). Kidney failure and shock may result.

Concentrations above 25% is considered corrosive, while at concentrations higher than 90% it becomes a flammable acid and may react violently upon exposure to air at warm temperatures (above 39 degrees Celsius). Therefore handling the substance at high concentrations should be done with the proper precautionary measures. The following are the first aid measures upon exposure to the acid.

1. Upon inhalation, immediately move the person to a safe area where there is open, fresh air. Seek medical assistance right away, especially if the victim has lost consciousness.

2. When the skin gets in contact with concentrated acid, wash the affected region with running water to reduce burning sensation and further irritation. Call medical help and take off contaminated clothes.

3. In case of eye contact, flush the affected eye with clean running water for ten minutes (eyelids should be held open during this procedure). Do not hesitate to call for medical help.

4. When accidentally swallowed, allow the victim to drink plenty of water if he or she is conscious. Never allow him or her to take in water or any liquid orally when he or she is too weak or unconscious. Do not induce vomiting and do not give any fluid or substance other than water. Call a medical professional right away.

Wear the prescribed uniform when handling acetic acid in laboratories or industrial areas. Do not handle the substance without wearing the appropriate nitrile rubber gloves. Always ensure the proper ventilation in the area.

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Creatine, a popular nutritional supplement used among athletes and weight lifters, is used primarily to increase muscle mass and improve recovery time. The use of creatine is a controversial issue in sports from the high school level through the professional level and even the Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee and other sports regulating organizations have not banned creatine (Rouzier 526), but the effectiveness of this supplement is questioned. While some side effects are common in conjunction with creatine use, most can be prevented when the proper precautions are taken. When creatine is used for the appropriate reasons and the necessary precautions are taken it can be very beneficial to the user.

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound that is produced by the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Creatine can also be acquired through the ingestion of red meats and fish (Arnheim and Prentice 124). Supplemental creatine is a dietary supplement that is often found in powder or tablet form and is easily obtained at any nutrition store. This supplement is used mainly to increase muscle mass and enhance performance in short-duration, high-intensity exercises, such as short distance running (100-200m), weight lifting, tennis, and other various types of sports. (Rouzier 526)
The basic mechanics of creatine's role in energy metabolism are uncomplicated, however they are extremely vital to the understanding of why creatine is produced in our bodies as well as why athletes take additional creatine.

The two major types of creatine are free creatine and phosphocreatine. When considering supplemental creatine we are mainly interested in phosphocreatine, which is stored in skeletal muscle and used during anaerobic exercises (explosive, short-duration, burst activities) to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (Arnheim and Prentice 124). When muscles contract they use ATP as their source of energy. The ATP is broken down into adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and phosphate (Pi) when energy is needed (ATP à ADP + Pi).

Creatine helps turn ADP back into ATP enabling muscles to recover faster, giving them an enhanced source of energy (Rouzier 526). Due to this enhanced recovery time creatine is shown to be particularly effective in activities of repeated bursts of exercise, such as sprinting. Phosphocreatine helps increase the resynthesis of ATP, which maintains muscle contractions and therefore prolongs the amount of time before an athlete is fatigued. Due to the lengthened time before fatigue, the intensity of the athlete's workout can be increased.

Another of the basic mechanics of creatine supplementation is the retention of water. The amount of water stored in muscles is increased due to creatine usage, which in turn increase muscle volume (Rouzier 526). The uptake of water is dependent on sodium; if sodium concentrations increase then osmotic properties increase the retention of water (Williams and Kreider and Branch 184). Osmotic pressure gradients strive to maintain equilibrium between the body and its outside environment. If sodium concentrations inside the body are high, water will be retained in order to attempt to dilute the concentration of sodium and establish equilibrium. Water retention in muscles causes an increase in body mass, particularly muscle mass. Body mass is a desired effect for many athletes; especially football players who wish to increase their overall size.

Many athletes choose to take creatine supplements because of the increase in body or muscle mass. Athletes want to increase body or muscle mass for competitive reasons; "either to increase inertia and resist opposing forces such as those encountered in sports like sumo wrestling, or to increase muscle mass with associated gains in strength and power for sports such as competitive weight lifting" (Williams and Kreider and Branch 170).

However, one must understand that no muscle mass will be gained if the person supplementing creatine does not exercise, only body mass will be gained. While an increase in body mass is considered to be a benefit of creatine, it may also be look at as a side effect. If the proper training is not completed the person using creatine will only increase his or her size, which may decrease their athletic performance. Increased body mass with no gain in muscle may slow running speeds, which is critical in many sports. Nevertheless, most sports require a strict training programs where one would reap the benefits of creatine by increasing muscle mass.

Water retention not only benefits an athlete by increasing body or muscle mass, but also helps to decrease soreness and muscle cramping. Lactic acid increases during anaerobic exercising and causes muscle cramping during exercise and soreness after workouts. Creatine causes water retention in muscles, and the water that is retained in the muscles dilutes the lactic acid being produced by exercising (Williams and Kreider and Branch 36). Creatine acts as a lactic acid buffer, and accordingly extends peak performance effort and decreases exercise recovery time during intense activities (Arnheim and Prentice124). Reducing muscle acidity causes a decrease in soreness and cramping of muscles, which allows an athlete to perform at their maximum performance and increase the duration of repetitive short-duration, high-intensity exercises (Williams and Kreider and Branch 39-40).

Athletes use creatine supplementation for a number of different reasons to benefit their performance. Increasing muscle mass, decreasing recovery time, and reducing muscle acidity are the main reasons such a widespread number of athletes choose to supplement creatine. A decrease in recovery time is one of the greatest benefits of creatine use in regards to athletes. Decreased recovery time allows athletes to execute an activity to their maximum performance point, rest and recover quickly enough so that the next repetition will also be at their peak performance level. Creatine allows athletes to reach a higher training level, which enhances repetitive-interval capabilities, reduces training fatigue, and accelerates the enlargement of muscles due to increased cell size (Williams and Kreider and Branch 39-40).

While there are numerous benefits to using creatine, like any other drug use, there are also a number of side effects that occur with creatine usage. The most common side effects from creatine supplementation are muscle cramps, dehydration, and the in ability to tolerate heat, in which the reasons for these side effects are altogether interrelated. Water retention could possibly disturb the normal balance of electrolytes and induce muscle cramps (Williams and Kreider and Branch 209). Most athletes train in hot, humid environments; athletes using creatine are able to perform at their maximum skill level longer, exerting more energy. Using more energy and training in high heat makes the athlete need to sweat in order to cool his or her body down, however creatine causes water retention in muscle cells and reduces the athlete's ability to sweat. Whatever water is not retained in muscle cells due to creatine usage is excreted in the form of sweat, leaving the body dehydrated. The athlete, unable to cool his or her body off is more prone to heat related illnesses.

Gregory Bew, a cadet from the United States Military Academy participating in football, rugby, and Tae Kwon Do, reports having used creatine in attempt to allow himself to workout more often, gain muscle mass faster, and enhance recovery time. While the gaining the desired effects when using creatine, he also experienced muscle cramping. However he realized that he was required to run long distances for purposes of Army training. Bew attempted to consume more water, but found it too incontinent to drink that needed amount of water while trying to keep up schoolwork as well as sports. Without the extra water consumption, his body alone could not support higher demands for water. Bew discontinued usage of creatine due to his obligation to run long distances, (which is a long-term endurance exercise, not a short-duration exercise) and his inability to consume the required amounts of water (West).

Some athletes have reported experiencing gastrointestinal side effects, such as upset stomach, gas, diarrhea, and nausea, when using creatine. However, "no study has shown creatine supplementation to have caused significant GI distress when taken at the recommended doses. Reports of GI distress from creatine studies have been isolated and rare" (Williams and Kreider and Branch 208). Many such gastrointestinal side effects could simply be caused by the athletes diet, eating before exercising, exercising in high heat and for long amounts of time, etc.
The long-term side effects of creatine are unknown, however "some health care providers believe that it could lead to kidney damage" (Rouzier 526). "On the basic of available scientific research findings, creatine supplementation appears to pose no serious health risks when taken at dosages described in the literature" (Williams and Kreider and Branch 214). However, additional research needs to be performed in order to evaluate and conclude the medical safety of long-term creatine supplementation.

While concerns have been mentioned regarding whether creatine results in renal and liver damage, promotion of dehydration, causation of GI distress, and/or promotion of muscle cramping, there is no scientific evidence to validate these concerns in regards to long-term usage (Williams and Kreider and Branch 215). Although such side effects do exist, if the proper precautions are taken when supplementing creatine most of these side effects can be avoided.

To achieve the desired effects of creatine supplementation, it is necessary for the person to exercise. In order to gain muscle mass the muscles must be worked to change fat into muscle. Without exercise, only body mass will be gained through the retention of water. Users of creatine must also realize that creatine is utilized for short-burst, high-intensity exercises, and not endurance activities. Creatine supplements increase the content of phosphocreatine in muscles and are stored by the muscle cells and become energy stores. However, the body only benefits from this source of energy during short-burst exercises (Davis), making creatine unbeneficial to long duration activities (Gerber).

One of the most important precautions to taken while using creatine is to drink the necessary amount of water needed to meet the body's demands. Drinking the proper amount of water will decrease the common side effects significantly. The appropriate intake of water will eliminate dehydration, and reduce the likely hood of muscle cramping, as well as nausea. In addition to normal water consumption, at least 64oz. of extra water should be drunk per day while using creatine (Pettit 85). This however does not take into account exercising in environments of high heat and humidity, where further water intake should be consumed.

Finally, when beginning creatine supplementation a loading doses should be taken for five days. A dosage of 20 to 25 grams per day should be taken, and once the loading phase is complete, a maintenance dose of 2 to 5 grams of creatine should follow (Rouzier 526).

While supplementing creatine, if the proper training is fulfilled, the necessary amount of water consumed, and the recommended dosage taken the desired effects should result, and side effects should be minimal. "Creatine supplementation, in conjunction with proper training and the maintenance of healthful eating habits, increases the manufacture of energy-producing ATP, allowing the person to work harder during exercise (ie, for short periods of high-intensity muscle activity)" (Pettit 85).

Creatine has also been proven to be beneficial for other things than athletics. "Daily supplementation with creatine was shown to accelerate the recovery of leg muscle size and performance in the patient immobilized in a cast for two weeks" ("Speeds Rehab"). Creatine taken throughout the rehabilitation process speeds the healing development and helps the body return to normal appearance and function ("Speeds Rehab").

Creatine may also aid heart failure patients. The heart's myocardium stores of creatine and ATP are lower than healthy individuals. By supplementing creatine, heart failure patients may benefits by "preserving the energy stores in the myocardium, stabilizing the sarcolemma, preventing free-radical damage, and improving microcirculation in the heart" (Pettit 85).

It has also been revealed that creatine can prevent ultraviolet damage. Research findings show creatine appears to "have beneficial effects on skin tissue, especially in preventing UV damage and repairing damaged skin" ("UV Damage"). The cellular energy provided by creatine speeds skin repair and healing, lessens sunburn, and protects skin from UV damage. Such processes can improve skin quality, moisture retention and elasticity ("UV Damage").

While it has been shown that creatine can aid in rehabilitation, heart failure patients, and ultraviolet damage of the skin; creatine is still primarily used to benefit athletes. Creatine has many advantages to help athletic performance, as well as a number of side effects, however the majority of these side effects can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. While supplementing creatine always take the recommended dosage, remember more is not always better.

Keep in mind that the body has a higher demand for water while using creatine, thus take into consideration activities and environmental conditions before supplementing. If the necessary precautions are taken and creatine is used for the proper reasons and in the proper manner, creatine supplementation can be very advantageous for the consumer.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is dehydration and why is it so serious? Dehydration in any animal is serious but with cats it is even more concern because cats are not big drinkers. Cats in the wild depend on majority of their fluid intake from prey and just are not instinctively big drinkers. Domesticated cats tend to have the same instinct and behavior. Because of this, they are more prone to serious dehydration than other animals.

Why dehydration is deadly is because the cat often does not show there is a problem until it is very serious. Cats may lose ten percent or more of their internal fluids before the symptoms become obvious. There are cases were the fluid loss is more and unrecoverable because the vital organs have shut down.

There are many reasons why your cat can become dehydrated. Some due to stress such as heat exposure, moving or riding in a vehicle and another is the food we feed them. Dry food is usually twelve percent or less in moisture and canned cat food is around eighty percent so it is obvious that a cat fed only dry food requires a higher water intake. Other reasons are due to food poisoning causing excessive vomiting and diarrhea. Then there are the classical clinical reasons like kidney failure, diabetes, cancer, and hyperthyroidism to mention a few.

Dehydration is so serious that it is deadly and not paying attention to some of the general symptoms can lead to death of your cat. Here is a list of the more common symptoms a cat will show when severely dehydrated:

Exhaustion or lethargic more than normal

Eyes seem sunken into the sockets

Thick sticky saliva

Loss of appetite

Dry Mouth

Elevated heart rate


Loss of skin elasticity

Excessive vomiting and or diarrhea



Here are two simple tests you can do at home for dehydration. First, check for skin elasticity by grasping your cat by the fur on the back of its neck above the shoulders and gently pull it. If the skin snaps back instantly, then your cat is not dehydrated but if the skin takes several seconds or more to flatten down to the neck there is a problem. The second test is to press your fingernail into the cat's gums by lifting the upper lip. There is a white spot were the nail has depressed into the gum and count how many seconds before the gums return to normal color. A hydrated cat should take only a second or two to return the color.

If your cat has the signs and symptoms of dehydration, you should go to your veterinarian so they can give the cat water and electrolytes with an IV bag. Forcing water down its throat is not a good idea but we should always make sure that plenty of fresh water is available daily in a clean bowl.

Clinical diseases will cause dehydration so taking your cat to the veterinarian to find out what caused the problem is the proper thing to do. Early treatment on the diseases will extend your cat's lifespan. Also, pay attention to diet as mentioned earlier the dry cat food cat be the cause of the problem and long-term feeding of dry food causes stress to the kidneys and liver.

Older cats, kittens, and cats with clinical ailments are more prone to dehydration and you should watch their intake of water and output of urine daily.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the most challenging situations that can arise in pediatric populations is when mothers who abuse drugs become pregnant and then deliver babies with problems stemming from the mother's drug habits. Pediatricians are faced with treating these situations more frequently than most readers may imagine. Current studies have suggested that up to 15% of women drink alcohol and anywhere between 5% and 15% use illicit drugs during pregnancy. The most commonly used substances are tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, and methamphetamine. Sadly, because some mothers may use many drugs at the same time, or may not give an accurate and complete history when reporting their drug habits, it's often difficult to ascertain which substances are causing symptoms in a newborn. Nonetheless, pediatrics jobs involve dealing with the realities of drug abuse and providing realistic solutions.

The two most commonly used 'hard' drugs during pregnancy are cocaine and methamphetamine. These particular substances most frequently cause maternal effects like hypertension (high blood pressure), a lower amount of blood flow to the uterus, fetal hypoxemia (lack of oxygen in the blood), uterine contractions, and placental abruption (when the placenta separates from the lining of the uterus). Compared with healthy mothers, drug users have a two to four-fold increase in the rates of devastating consequences - stillbirth (where the baby dies before it is delivered), IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction - where the fetus fails to grow properly), preterm labor, and placental abruption. None of these outcomes is desired by any pediatrician, much less parents, yet, they are the reality of drug use during pregnancy, and pediatricians must evaluate and treat these situations.

Another class of medicines that may be abused during pregnancy and which negatively affect infants delivered to addicted mothers is the opioid family of drugs (narcotics). Opioids, when they are used in pregnancy, can lead to infants that display neurological symptoms such as irritability, hyperactivity, unceasing and extremely high-pitched crying, and seizures. Gastrointestinal symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, poor feeding habits or lack of desire to eat. Respiratory symptoms can include nasal congestion, sneezing, yawning, sweating, and hyperthermia. These symptoms are similar whether the mother has used narcotic pain medicines, heroin, or methadone, and they usually become noticeable in infants within the first 1-3 days of life. Infants showing symptoms of opioid withdrawal can first be treated by swaddling them and placing them in a dimly lit environment to minimize disturbances. If this does not lessen their symptoms, or if they have excessive diarrhea or vomiting, then appropriate does of phenobarbital can be administered to ease their suffering. These infants have a four to five-fold increase in the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), and even after their infancy are likely to suffer neurobehavioral problems.

Anyone who is tasked with caring for mothers and their infants would advise pregnant mothers against exposing themselves and their unborn children to the toxic effects of drugs, whether legal or illegal. Alcohol is included in this list - it's the only legal drug that is clearly toxic to the fetus - prenatal exposure to alcohol is the most common preventable cause of mental retardation. Pediatricians, nurses, and others who work with newly pregnant women are making increased efforts to assess and treat the causes of drug abuse in women. Women with drug addiction are especially urged to seek treatment upon discovery that they are pregnant to prevent further harm to their unborn babies.

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Think about this for a second. Every dog is going to go through a bout of vomiting at some point in their life. It is simply a natural reaction to remove a substance that is irritating the stomach lining or intestines. As you probably already know, dogs are not terribly discerning in what they eat and that can often get them in trouble.

If you are asking the question"What can I give my dog to stop vomiting?" the answer is nothing. Literally withhold her food for 24 hours and let her vomit the substance up. Make sure she has access to plenty of water so she doesn't dehydrate.

If your dog starts having dry heaves, give her a couple of dollops of plain yogurt and that should settle her stomach. After 24 hours start your dog on a bland diet. Actually baby food is a great solution, particularly rice as it is bland but packed with nutrients. Chicken broth is also a good starter as it will replace salt lost through vomiting.

Vomiting and regurgitation are common in puppies and small breeds for another reason. If they are on dry dog food, they may simply eat too much. When the dry food hits the stomach it will absorb fluids and expand, literally filling the dog up. When dogs eat too much, the fastest way to get rid of the excess is to throw it up. If this is a common occurrence with your puppy or small breed, simply reduce the portion that you serve for each meal.

So long as your dog remains alert and active during the vomiting bout there is probably nothing wrong and it will run its' course within 24 hours.

Aren't you glad?

There are instances however, that can be signs of serious problems.

Parasites such as round worms which are passed from the mother to the puppy can cause an intestinal irritation. Mature roundworms can reach seven inches in length and look like spaghetti. If your dog's sputum has these creatures in it, it is time to see the vet.

Giardia is another single cell parasite that exists in at least 11% of all dogs. This bacteria is easily transmitted by contact with other dogs or simply the soil they walk on. Typically Giardia symptoms include both vomiting and diarrhea and needs to be treated at the veterinarian's office.

Sudden violent vomiting, or attempt to vomit, can mean an obstruction in the stomach or intestine and requires immediate medical attention. Dogs will eat anything that smells right to them, coins, ping pong balls, rubber duckies you name it. When that item blocks the intestine it cuts off the blood supply and the intestine below the blockage will begin to die. These obstructions are very dangerous and require urgent care.

Vomiting can just be a part of natural life for a dog or a signal of something far more serious. I think you already know the importance of being able to make informed decisions about your pet's health. Your pet is counting on you to know what to do.

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The symptoms of ulcerative colitis may be mild, moderate or severe. Mild ulcerative colitis symptoms may be treated at home, while moderate symptoms typically require prescription medications to put the disease into remission. Severe symptoms of ulcerative colitis will require medications and possibly surgery to remove the affected portion/s of the colon.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis typically present before the age of 30 and may include diarrhea, with blood or mucus present in the stool. Rectal bleeding is sometimes one of the ulcerative colitis symptoms, but without the presence of diarrhea, rectal bleeding may indicate another condition. A gastrointestinal physician can perform tests to determine the cause of rectal bleeding.

Symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary depending on the amount of the colon (large intestine) that is inflamed and the intensity of the inflammation. There are different types of ulcerative colitis and they are classified according to the portion of the colon that is inflamed. For example, it is referred to by physicians as ulcerative proctitis when only the rectum is inflamed and the only symptom in this case may be rectal bleeding. In more severe cases the symptoms of ulcerative colitis that is confined to the rectum may include rectal pain and bleeding, sudden need to empty the bowels or a painful urge to move the bowels without result.

When other portions of the colon are affected, ulcerative colitis symptoms typically include bloody diarrhea and cramps, as well as the symptoms experienced by those who only have inflammation in the rectum. If the left side of the colon is inflamed, the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include weight loss and pain on the left side of the abdomen as well. If the inflammation affects the entire colon, it is referred to by physicians as pancolitis or universal ulcerative colitis; symptoms in this case are the same as in the other types of colitis but may include the additional symptoms of fatigue, fever and night sweats. In the most severe form of ulcerative colitis, symptoms may include dehydration, severe abdominal pain, continuous diarrhea, bleeding and even shock.

In children the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may include growth failure due to the lack of nutrients and fluids caused by persistent diarrhea. This lack of nutrients and fluids also causes problems for adults and may lead to dehydration and anemia if bleeding is present. Joint pain and skin rashes have also been experienced by people with other ulcerative colitis symptoms.

Ulcerative colitis is considered a chronic disease, meaning that the symptoms of ulcerative colitis may come and go and vary in intensity throughout a person's life. Diet may worsen ulcerative colitis symptoms, but no foods are specifically known to aggravate or cause the condition. In fact the cause is not known. Vitamin supplements and botanical remedies like aloe are sometimes recommended to reduce ulcerative colitis symptoms. A recent study using fish oil for omega 3 supplementation showed promise, but there is no plan to market the supplement that was used in the study. Treatment is important, even when the symptoms of ulcerative colitis are mild. For more information about treatment and diet, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com

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Leishmaniasis, also known as Kala Azar (black fever), is a parasitic disease which is endemic in several poor countries, and presents as epidemics. Leishmaniasis is of two types: cutaneous and systemic or visceral. Systemic leishmaniasis presents as vomiting, diarrhea, chronic fever, cough, night sweats, scaly and dark skin, thinning hair, abdominal pain and weight loss. Cutaneous leishmaniasis affects mainly the skin and mucous membranes and presents as rash, ulcers, ulceration and erosion of mouth tissue, breathlessness, stuffy nose and nose bleeds, and swallowing difficulty. Systemic infection can considerably affect the immune system of the body.

The Ayurvedic treatment of leishmaniasis is aimed at treating the symptoms and preventing the complications of the disease, like disfiguration of the face; excessive bleeding; and fatal infections due to immune system damage. Medicines like Triphala-Guggulu, Sukshma-Triphala, Gandhak-Rasayan, Ras-Sindur, Malla-Sindur, Sameer-Pannag-Ras and Ras-Manikya are used to treat the basic parasitic infection. Chandrakala-Ras, Kamdudha-Ras, Laxmi-Narayan-Ras and Maha-Sudarshan-Churna are used to treat fever. Vomiting and diarrhea are treated using medicines like Laghu-Sutshekhar, Shankh-Vati, Sutshekhar-Ras, Praval-Panchamrut and Kutaj-Ghan-Vati. Fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite can be treated using Laxmi-Vilas-Ras, Agnitundi-Vati, Arogya-Vardhini and Panchamrut-Parpati. Cough and breathlessness can be treated using medicines like Tribhuvan-Kirti, Sitopaladi-Churna, Shwas-Kuthar-Ras, Pippali (Piper longum), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum), Som (Ephedra vulgaris), Vasa (Adhatoda vasaka) and Kushtha (Saussurea lappa).

Ulcerations and erosions in the skin and mucous membranes are treated using medicines like Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Kanchnaar-Guggulu, Trayodashang-Guggulu, Maha-Manjishthadi-Qadha, Saarivadi-Churna, Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia), Yashtimadhuk, Haridra (Curcuma longa), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) and Mandukparni (Centella asiatica). Local applications are very important in accelerating the process of healing of ulcers and preventing erosion and disfigurement of the mouth. Medicines like Panch-Tikta-Ghrut, Yashtimadhuk-Ghrut, Shatadhout-Ghrut and a mixture of equal parts of honey and ghee can be applied on the ulcers and erosions. An ointment containing Manjishtha, Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Yashtimadhuk, Haridra and Mandukparni can also be used for this purpose and is very effective.

Medicines like Vasa, Laxa (Purified wax), Naagkeshar (Messua ferrea) and Sphatik-Bhasma can be used to prevent excessive bleeding. Medicines like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Naagbala (Grewia hirsuta), Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum), Bhrungraj (Eclipta alba), Abhrak-Bhasma, Trivang-Bhasma, Suvarna-Bhasma, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant and Suvarna-Parpati can be used to boost the immune system, help in early recovery and prevent serious, opportunistic infections.

Leishmaniasis is transmitted by the bite of sandfly in endemic areas. It is important to adopt appropriate protection and prevent exposure to sandfly bites. Public health measures to reduce the sandfly population and animal reservoirs are equally important.

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Removing ecoli in drinking water can be critical to human health. E. coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria that lives in the intestines of humans and animals. However as you will see, it is a mixed bag.

On the one hand, it actually helps you but on the other - it can be very destructive.

Health Effects.

Not all ecoli is dangerous. There are many strains of this bacterium that lives in the intestines of humans and animals and are mostly harmless. As a matter of fact, some strains provide us with necessary nutrients like vitamin K and B-complex vitamins.

However, there is one particular strain that is getting a lot of press - the E. coli O157:H7. This one is particularly dangerous to children and older people.

Since this contaminant is everywhere in our environment, anytime we eat something or drinking something, there is the potential that we ingest this bacteria. Ingestion can result in abdominal cramps, bloody diarrhea and kidney failure.

Removing E. Coli

The EPA lays down the guidelines for your municipal water supplier to follow. Your supplier is duty bound to notify you if your drinking water is not safe.

But if past experiences is anything to go by, water quality monitoring doesn't always operate the way is supposed to and an ecoli outbreak is possible.

You could take extra precautions and boil your water or you could subject all your drinking water to ultraviolet water filtration or distillation.

The advantage of the latter is time. Most people can't be bothered to boil water for drinking and cooking. By using a distiller or UV filter, you can have instant bacteria-free drinking water 24/7.

Also, distillers remove more than just e.coli and other pathogens from your tap water. They also remove a wide range of other drinking water contaminants as well.

What If I Own A Private Well

If you get water from a private well, make sure you get your water tested for this contaminant. Remember that as a private well owner, you are totally responsible for the safety of your water.

By calling the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791, they can put you in touch with a certified water tester with the expertise to advise on matters of well water contamination.

What to do Now

Take precautions today to safeguard your family from unsafe drinking water. By getting a water distillation device or ultraviolet water purifier, you'll be removing ecoli in drinking water as well as other hazardous pathogens.

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Dog vomiting is one of the most common occurrences encountered by veterinarians daily, and causes and treatment need to be understood for relief of the pet and guardian. Many healthy dogs and cats vomit occasionally without identifying a cause. If the pet appears normal and alert and has no previous health problems, episodes of acute vomiting may be managed at home, although veterinary consultation prior to home treatment is advised.

Your dog's vomiting that occurs occasionally where you see the abdominal muscles contracting, helps differentiate vomiting from regurgitation, which occurs effortlessly, without muscle contractions. Regurgitation occurs because a dilated esophagus does not effectively move food to the stomach and the animal will regurgitate food usually shortly after eating before it reaches the stomach. Regurgitated food comes up and looks as it did when it was eaten. In an otherwise healthy dog, this is generally not a cause for concern.

Nature has equipped the canine with a vomiting reflex action that enables the stomach to rid itself of irritating contents such as spoiled food. A dog's vomiting can be accompanied by diarrhea. Pepto-Bismol can be safely administered, but it's advisable to consult your veterinarian for the recommended dose.

Causes of dog vomiting

Causes of dog vomiting include pancreatitis, often caused by eating garbage or fatty table scraps, parasites, food allergies, stress, excitement, anxiety, motion sickness and poisons. Dog vomiting can be caused by household drugs such as aspirin and acetaminophen that can cause severe stomach ulcers in dogs depending upon the dose and duration of treatment. Plant and product poisoning (e.g. rat poison, antifreeze, pestisides) can induce vomiting and can kill or cause serious illness.

If you suspect ingestion of pesticides containing arsenic, carbamates, metaldehyde, or organophosphates; drugs containing aspirin, acetaminophen, vitamin D3 or warfarin; antifreeze; or products containing lead, phenol, or strychnine, contact your veterinarian or the National Poison Control Center at (900) 680-0000, (800) 548-2423, or (888) 426-4435 for instructions.

In some cases of poisoning, vomiting should be induced to get the toxin out of the system as quickly as possible.

Induce vomiting in strychnine cases only if there are no signs of difficulty in breathing. Use hydrogen peroxide (three percent solution) or syrup of ipecac to induce vomiting. Most products today carry treatment information if the contents are ingested or inhaled. If you suspect an ingested product poisoning and directions say "do not induce vomiting," pay attention.

Other serious causes of dog vomiting could involve viral infections such as distemper, diseases of the inner ear, Addison's disease, parvovirus, corona virus, or diseases such as diabetes, cancer, stomach ulcers, and diseases of the liver, pancreas, or kidney.

If the vomit contains blood or red blood that looks like coffee grounds meaning the blood is digested, call your veterinarian. Blood is most often seen with stomach ulcers, stomach cancer or uremia (kidney failure)

Vomiting is a symptom, not a disease in of itself.

Vomiting after meals can be caused by eating too much too fast. Vomiting producing white foamy or yellow bile a few minutes after waking in the morning, where the canine shows no other signs of distress, and appetite is not affected, is not an indication of disease.

Treatment for vomiting depends upon the cause.

Nonspecific treatment for vomiting includes fasting, and fluids to correct or prevent dehydration. Allow no food or water until your dog has gone at least six hours without vomiting. Then introduce small amounts of water at short intervals of approximately 10-15 minutes. If vomiting begins again, wait another 6 hours before introducing additional water or clear liquids such as chicken broth or Jell-O. Water should never be withheld from an animal with known or suspected kidney disease without replacing fluids intravenously.

After 12 hours you may try offering bland, easy-to-digest home prepared food in small amounts consisting of cooked white rice, boiled hamburger, chicken or turkey in a 50/50 mixture, and be sure there is no skin or grease. Also suggested: boiled sweet potato, 2-4 tablespoons of cottage cheese with the liquid removed by squeezing between layers of paper towel, scrambled egg (no butter or oil), and boiled egg. Divide normal portions into four or five smaller feedings. Gradually increase food amounts until your dog's hunger is satisfied.

If vomiting occurs, be aware that the stomach often needs complete rest for 24 hours or more, so gradually try again. However, continued vomiting over a 24 hour period, accompanied by depressed demeanor or unresponsiveness, is a serious concern, call the vet.

Unproductive vomiting is a potential emergency requiring an immediate trip to the emergency clinic. The dog could have torsion, a condition in which the stomach flips, cutting off the openings to both the esophagus and the intestine, and can cause death in an hour or less.

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A lot of the health problems or issues that your own Golden Retriever may experience are not serious and as long you have the knowledge and know how on ways to prevent or treat these ailments your dog can be safe. Let us examine the most common health issues and ailments and show you how these ailments can be prevented.

Distemper virus

It is an airborne disease that pose a high risk to your dog. When your puppy is between six to four months old, he must have all three vaccinations and a booster shot which should be administered annually. Doing this can prevent him from getting this virus. The most common symptoms are cough, diarrhea, vomiting and fever. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.


It is a very common ailment and any dog breed may get them. It can be very fatal in some instances as these can result to an abnormal blood circulation. In some severe cases, heartworms can grow as long as one foot and may reach the heart and lung arteries. Usually when the symptoms start to show, it is already too late to do anything. Therefore, prevention is key and one way to prevent this is administering deworming medications.


During extreme hot days specially in the summer months, your Golden Retriever may get a heatstroke. By administering good amounts of water, you can very well prevent this condition from happening to your dog. Never expose him to direct sunlight. Being out in a very hot day, you should give your dog enough time to rest when he is playing so that he will not overdo it. The most common symptoms are extreme dog drooling or panting, a glazed expression, dark gums, vomiting and rapid pulse. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.


Rabies is a very serious health issue that your own Golden Retriever can experience and it may lead to unfavorable effects on your own dog's nervous system. He normally can get rabies from bites coming from an animal infected with this kind of disease. Rabies shots help prevent this disease, and you should take your dog to the vet regularly, like once a year. Common symptoms of rabies may include aggression, seizures and even foaming at the mouth. If you think your Golden is showing symptoms of rabies call your vet immediately.


Fleas are the main causes of tapeworms and they affect your own dog's stomach. The common symptoms include diarrhea, loss in weight, and biting of his own rectal area. A rigid and thorough flea control will prevent your own Golden from having tapeworms. Take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms. Oral medicines are effective if the vet is able to catch them early.


Hookworms may result from your own Golden being exposed or in direct contact with infected feces. The worm can also simply enter through exposed skin. Keeping the surroundings clean and keeping your dog skin clean can prevent your dog from getting infected with hookworms. The most common symptoms that usually accompany hookworms include weight loss, weakness, a dry coat and some blood in his stool. You should take your Golden Retriever to the vet as soon as you see these symptoms.

There are other health ailments that your dog can get and we have just talked about a few of them. Set up a visit or an appointment to your vet as soon as your Golden shows any sign of these ailments or any health problem, as without immediate care, these common Golden Retriever diseases may be fatal to your dog.

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"For the want of a nail, the shoe was lost.

For the want of a shoe, the horse was lost.

For the want of a horse, the rider was lost.

For the want of a rider, the battle was lost.

For the want of a battle, the kingdom was lost.

And all for the want of a horse-shoe nail."

~ Old English Nursery Rhyme

How could Napoleon Bonaparte, one of the greatest military leaders of all time, go from leading a world dominating superpower to a straggling band of no more than 10,000 tattered soldiers in seven months? Believe it or not, chemistry may hold the answer to that baffling question. This old English rhyme may sum up Napoleon's defeat when said, "And all for the want of a button." The buttons that held together every garment from Napoleon's own greatcoat to the pants of his soldiers was made from tin, a shiny metallic element. However, in cold temperatures, like the ones that would have been present in the Russian winter of 1812, tin undergoes a chemical reaction that transforms it into a crumbly gray substance. Yes, it's still tin, but in a very different structural form. Does this mean that the soldiers would have been too busy trying to keep their shirts and pants closed? Was the bitter cold too much for the Grande Arm矇e to handle without their coats? Could Napoleon's defeat really be traced back to something as simple as a couple thousand tin buttons disintegrating in the cold? Maybe not, but it's still a possibility.

Napoleon's Buttons explores the intricate world of chemical structures, all while telling the story behind major chemical advances. Did you know that TNT came from a kitchen experiment that involved an exploding apron? Or how about the fact that today's golf balls were a by-product of the search for rubber tires? Did you realize that one of the highly addictive substances in cigarettes, Nicotine, is a potent natural insecticide? Did you know that the hallucinogen LSD is actually just one of twenty-five synthetic derivatives for a compound known as Lysergic Acid? The world of molecules in an interesting place. The addition of an extra OH here and a few more double-bonds there can change a harmless substance into a lethal poison.

癒Christos E Espiciarias! The search for spices fueled much of early exploration. Pepper, once a highly valued and expensive commodity, is still the most commonly used spice. It's "spiciness" comes from it's chemical makeup. The hot sensation you experience when pepper makes contact with your tongue isn't really a taste; it's a response from our nerve endings when they encounter Piperine. This chemical has a special shape that allows it to bond to the nerve endings in your mouth and induce the fiery pain that has made pepper famous.

Ascorbic acid, otherwise known as Vitamin C, is found in citrus fruits or in over-the-counter supplements. However, for sailors in the early 1500s, it was incredibly hard to come by. One of the most infamous killers on the high seas was known as Scurvy. This disease causes exhaustion, swelling of the limbs, softening of the gums, diarrhea, bad breath, rotten teeth, nose hemorrhages, kidney malfunctions...the list of symptoms goes on and on. Needless to say, Scurvy was a miserable experience for anyone unlucky enough to contract it, and most likely meant death while at sea. It wasn't until Captain Cook required his men to drink lime juice on their voyages that Ascorbic acid was finally recognized as an antiscorbutic, and gained widespread attention (and implementation) as a way to lower the high death toll at sea.

Sugar is something that makes life a lot more enjoyable. Whether it's glucose, glycerol, sucrose, lactose, or fructose, sugar makes our world go 'round. The search for sweetness actually introduced the concept of artificial compounds. The Vitamin C produced in a lab is synthetic, or chemically identical to the Vitamin C found in oranges. Artificial sweeteners, however, are substances that are unlike sugar's chemical structure at all - the only similarity is that they are sweet.

Cellulose is one of the most uninteresting, but most important, things you'll ever eat. It usually goes by the name of dietary fiber. Why is this so important? Because humans cannot digest it! Cellulose makes up the bulk of all plant matter. There's tremendous amounts of energy stored in it, but only plant-grazing animals can break it down for use.

Nitrated compounds have increased our ability to wage war, blast through tons of solid stone, and light the sky with fireworks. The process of nitration was first discovered by the ancient Chinese. Gunpowder was their invention, mainly used to launch rockets and fireworks. You are probably familiar with one very popular nitrate compound. Trinitrotoluene, sometimes called TNT.

In the early days of Europe, silk was a luxury. The only way to get silk was to cultivate a mulberry bush and grow tiny caterpillars fed on the leaves. These tiny silkworms spin cocoons of silk fibers that the ancient people of the orient would harvest, turn into fabric, and sell to Europeans at high prices. It's chemical makeup makes it incredibly hard to duplicate, however, in the 1870s a scientist named Chardonnet created artificial silk. (Remember, since it's artificial it's not identical in structure to silk, it just has some of the same desirable qualities as silk.) Later, another scientist at the Du Pont Fibersilk company invented Nylon, a replacement for silk that's still used today.

The first totally man-made polymer went by the name of Phenol, and was used for its antiseptic abilities in surgery. It was a huge success and effectively lowered the rate of death in hospitals. Later, however, phenol was used in a different application. For centuries the cue ball in billiards was cut from the heart of an ivory elephant tusk. However, ivory was expensive and "perfect" cue balls were hard to come by. Phenol was the answer. By combining it with other compounds it formed a substance called Bakelite - a versatile thermoset material that is used in everything from billiard balls to artwork.

Rubber has literally changed the entire world. From tires to golf balls to erasers to chewing gum; rubber has a huge impact on day-to-day life. When it was first discovered and experimented with, rubber was a horrible compound. It was either too brittle or too malleable; it was either freezing stiff or melting into a shapeless mound; and it always stunk! Through time it developed into something more. Charles Goodyear took the novelty "Eraser" and turned the substance called rubber into an automobile tire. What had once been a frustration to chemists turned into a goldmine!

Dye is essential to the clothing, printing, and paint companies of today. Dyes color our clothes, our furniture, our walls, our books, our appliances, even some people's hair! While pigment has been a human fascination since pre-historic times, dye wasn't perfected for thousands of years. Before synthetic and artificial dyes were invented, color came from nature. Brown, green, and red were common colors while blue and purple were harder to come by. (Hence purple was associated with royalty. They were the only ones who could afford expensive purple dyes for their clothes.) Today dyes are all factory-mixed from a variety of elements. It's a wonder to think that the modern dye industry was born in the kitchen of a British teen on summer vacation.

As you could guess, medicine is all chemistry. Sulfa drugs were the primitive beginnings, followed by penicillin, and then by modern antibiotics. In the 1900's the life expectancy for a U.S. Male was only about 46. By contrast, the average U.S. Male lived to be 72 within the next century. What made the difference? Chemicals! Medicine helped people to stay healthy, fight infection, and recover from disease like never before. It's little wonder that people started to live longer.

Chemistry has led to moral conflicts more than once. One of these is that of birth control. Often referred to as "The Pill," birth control wrecked havoc when it was first developed. (Although the scientist who invented it meant it to be used to enhance fertility, not hinder it.) From the medieval remedy of spitting into a frog's mouth to the oral contraceptives of today, birth control has always been a hot topic for some chemists.

Who would have thought that the Salem Witch trials could have roots in chemistry? It's true! The Witches of Salem were likely descended from the Herbalists of old Europe. Before witchcraft was known as an evil sin, it was simply thought of as the ability to control nature for your own gain. Some of this witchcraft still exists today. The popular Botox treatment comes from potent toxins in herbs known to these so-called witches - just applied in smaller doses.

It's little wonder that with the human desire to feel good, three different alkaloid molecules have had such a huge impact on our lives. Morphine (From the Opium poppy), Nicotine (Found in cigarettes), and Caffeine (In coffee, tea, energy drinks, and chocolate) have had a profound influence on our lives. While both Morphine and Nicotine are illegal, there is no restriction on Caffeine. This lack of legal restraint was led to energy drinks that are little more than cans of liquid Caffeine, and are marketed as such! It brings up an interesting discussion. What is it that we're trying to outlaw? The chemical or the effects of the chemical? If you answered "the effect" do you think we should outlaw energy drinks as well as Heroine and Marijuana?

The ancient lore surrounding olives gives us a sneak peek into just how valuable they were to the old world. A chemical spin on a good claim to the market would define it as, "an uneven distribution of highly desired molecules." Olive oil was like this. The olive tree was only cultivated in certain areas of the world; Greece and Italy, to be exact. Why? The Romans said that it was because Heracles planted the first olive tree in their land. Greece credited Athena with its cultivation. Wherever it's origin, you can still see the impact it has on the modern world. It's key in cooking and the ideas fostered from ancient Greece's affluence (made by the olive) still impact Western civilization.

Salt, with the chemical name Sodium Chloride, has one of the most interesting histories of any molecule. Early on in history people collected salt for preservation or to enhance flavor. Evaporating seawater, mining rock salt, or boiling brine were common ways to obtain salt. In the days of Rome, the fastest way to cripple and demoralize a city was to cut off their supply of salt. The ultimate irony surrounding salt is the fact that by the time modern technology had made it widely affordable, modern technology had also made it obsolete as a form of preserving food.

Refrigeration was definitely a huge leap into the future. Since 2,000 B.C. humans have been using ice to keep things cool. It wasn't until 1748 that the first primitive refrigerant was invented. Refrigeration was a tricky business, though. Many of the first refrigerants were explosive, flammable, bad-smelling, toxic, or a combination of all of these. Freon was invented as a solution. It was non-flammable, non-toxic, and orderless. The dark side turned out to be the fact that they destroyed the Ozone layer. While people may point fingers of blame, the fact that refrigeration has revolutionized the world cannot be discounted.

Malaria is an infamous killer. Transmitted by a female mosquito searching for a meal, Malaria has devastating symptoms. It would silently strike and kill the great and the small. (Alexander the Great supposedly died of Malaria.) The search for Quinine, a known antidote took several years. While it could be obtained from the bark of certain tropical trees, it was an expensive and labor-intensive process. The manufacture of Quinine has never fully been recognized. To fix the problem DDT, a powerful insecticide, was developed. (Although it was quickly put out of use when multiple negative side-effects were exposed.) Malaria has been reduced from it's "glory days" when it would kill multiple millions of people each year, but it is still a problem in many places of the world. Perhaps chemistry still holds the answer to eradicating this fatal disease once and for all.

If you don't believe that chemistry has shaped your life; look around! The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the car you drive, the house you live in...all of it is there because of chemistry. Chemicals make up the world around us. They are literally everywhere. While some molecules may not have made any significant impact on society, most have played a major role in how history has played out. If it were not for spices, cellulose, sugar, rubber, or medicine, where would we be today? Chemical compounds can be both a blessing and a curse to humanity - and often, we don't know which it will be at the time it's first synthesized. In future generations, what will be the chemicals that have shaped our lives? We are in good company if we hesitate to guess at which molecules will make our posterity say, "Now that changed the world." I doubt that few scientists would have guessed that the molecules they were working with would someday shape the modern world.

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Lymphocytic colitis is a type of bowel inflammation that affects the colon. In order to detect this disease, the doctor would need to perform a biopsy, which is a process where a piece of your tissue would be removed from the lining of your intestine.


You may experience chronic, watery, non-bloody diarrhea, and abdominal pain or cramps if you have lymphocytic colitis. However, there are times when the symptoms for the disease do not show.

The medical community is still unsure about what causes lymphocytic colitis. It is assumed that certain bacteria, toxins or viruses trigger the inflammation and damage to the colon. It is also theorized that the disease is caused by autoimmune response, where the body's immune system destroys healthy cells for reasons yet to be discovered.

No one is actually safe from lymphocytic colitis. Both men and women are often diagnosed with this condition, although statistics show that there are more women affected by this disease compared to men. The majority of the people affected are between 60 to 80 years of age, but there have been reported cases where the victims are adults who are less than 45 years old. There have also been reports of lymphocytic colitis in children.


The first step to treating lymphocytic colitis is to overhaul your lifestyle. Reduce the consumption of fat in the diet and eliminate the intake of caffeine, lactose and over-the-counter pain relievers.

If this still does not remedy the situation, medications can be taken to help control the symptoms. Anti-inflammatory medications and steroids are used to reduce the inflammation, but steroids are only recommended to reduce the occurrence of diarrhea. Intake of steroids should be regulated to avoid detrimental side effects.

Immunosuppressive agents can also reduce inflammation, but this medication is rarely necessary. In extreme cases, the doctor may suggest removal of the colon. However, this is not really necessary as long as lymphocytic colitis is treated early and does not evolve to become colon cancer.

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Just in time for the holiday travel season, here's more than you probably ever wanted to know about traveler's diarrhea.

Diarrhea is the abrupt accumulation of abnormally high fluid content in the stool. In its severest form diarrhea can make you "go" as many as twenty times a day. Essential fluids pour into the stool, or get pooled in places that don't do the body any good. The number one priority when you have a bout of diarrhea, then, is to replace the fluid you have lost. Even if you feel nauseated, even if you are vomiting, even if you feel bloated by gas, you must drink-or have your fluids replaced intravenously.

Since diarrhea also interferes with normal nutrition, the body absorbs water more easily if it is combined with minerals and a small amount of carbohydrate (sugar, starch, or glucose). The easiest way to of getting water into your bloodstream is to open a packet of Oral Rehydration Salts (pronounced O-R-S in most foreign languages) and dissolve them in clean water, drinking a glass or two whenever you relieve your bowels. If you can't read the instructions on the packet, be sure to find out whether the packet is designed for one glass of water or one liter of water (about four glasses).

If you can't find Oral Rehydration Salts, two heaped teaspoons of sugar or honey plus one teaspoon of salt in a liter (four glasses) of water is an acceptable substitute. Even better, add some orange, lemon, or lime juice directly from the fruit for additional potassium. You might even add half a teaspoon of salt to a bottle of soda, Other rehydration solutions are rice-water, clear soups, drinks made with Bovril, Marmite, or Vegemite, bouillon, herbal infusions, weak black tea, very weak black coffee, and chamomile or manzanilla tea, all of them taken lukewarm or cold. Hot drinks will increase the urge to defecate. The solution should not taste especially "salty," no more salty than tears.

It's important to replace not just the fluids you lose through diarrhea, but also any fluids you lose through sweat. If you become dehydrated, stomach discomfort is even worse, and there can also be dizziness and headache. Drinking water with salts makes you feel better from head to toe. Water plus salts is required for all the fluid you replace, not just the first drink. If you do not add salts, your body will not absorb the water.

Avoid milk when you have diarrhea. Temporary lactose intolerance can result.

Headache when you have diarrhea is a sign of dehydration. If you experience headache when you have diarrhea, drink fluid before you take aspirin.

Fluid replacement requirements are greater in tropical heat or at high altitude.

Bloody diarrhea after eating ground beef may be a sign of a kind of E. coli infection that attacks the kidneys. Seek medical care if you experience bloody diarrhea after eating ground beef.

Eat as soon as you are rehydrated. Several medical studies show that the course of diarrhea is shortened if eating is resumed as soon as possible. Fats and carbohydrates are more easily absorbed than proteins and fiber. Avoid hot foods, since they increase the urge to defecate.

Fiber reduces the number of times you have to go the bathroom by absorbing fluid in the intestine, but it makes rehydration more difficult.

Alcoholic drinks should never be used for rehydration. Beer, in particular, accelerates the loss of fluid because it stimulates urination.

What about Imodium and Lomotil? Never take any kind of "blocker" if you have blood in the stool.

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Although Epstein Barr Syndrome symptoms can be uncomfortable and distressing, they should not be ignored or suppressed with medication. Symptoms are an indication that your body is mounting an immune response to the virus.

In a recent article we discussed the typical Epstein Barr Syndrome symptoms of sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Today we will be looking at fatigue, nausea and loose stools.


Fatigue is probably the most common of the Epstein Barr Syndrome symptoms. It can range from mild to debilitating. Fatigue, lethargy and brain fog are your body's way of telling you to rest and allow your body to heal. You need every ounce of energy to go towards fighting the virus.

I see far too many patients who ignore their Epstein Barr Syndrome symptoms. They continue to rush around - attending school or college, going to work, playing sport or running a busy household. I understand that everyone has commitments and responsibilities but you need to be aware that if you don't rest your body you are likely to prolong the duration of your illness or suffer complications like secondary infections or chronic fatigue.

The best advice for fatigue is to rest and sleep as much as possible in the early stages of this illness. Supporting your body with a light, healthy diet, plenty of fluids and some energy-boosting nutrients will go a long way to getting you back on track quickly.

Nausea and vomiting

These Epstein Barr Syndrome symptoms are your body's way of discouraging eating and getting rid of microbes, toxins and excess foods in your gastrointestinal tract. Nausea can also indicate that your liver has been infected with the virus.

To decrease nausea and vomiting, consume a liquid-only diet for a few days until symptoms have passed. Focus on consuming light broths, soups, lemon water, herb teas, diluted vegetable juices and pure water. Avoid fatty foods, dairy, alcohol or heavy foods which can worsen these symptoms.

Some patients get great results by drinking ginger or peppermint teas or snacking on small, frequent servings of dry toast or crackers.

Loose stools

Loose stools or diarrhea allow your body to evacuate microbes and their toxins from your intestines. Again consuming a liquid-only diet is the recommended approach. This rests your digestion and allows precious energy to be diverted into healing your body.

Do not try and stop diarrhea with medication. Suppressing your body's natural elimination can hinder your recovery or encourage other problems like nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. If you experience severe diarrhea or vomiting which lasts more than 24 hours then you may need an electrolyte-replacement drink to replenish electrolytes like sodium and potassium which may have been lost.

It is important that you let your Epstein Barr Syndrome symptoms run their course naturally. Supporting your recovery with rest, staying hydrated, taking the correct diet, nutrients and herbs and managing your stress is the best approach.

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Liver failure in dogs is reached when the liver loses more than seventy-five percent of its function. The next short step is death. Liver failure is seen more often in dogs than in cats, but there are no predilections as to sex, breed or age of the dog affected.

The general causes of liver failure in dogs are drugs, toxins, infectious agents, heat stroke, cancer treatments, blood clots, and circulatory failure.

You will want to watch for these symptoms: fluid in the abdomen and the resulting abdominal enlargement, bleeding, coma, stupor, seizures, depression, diarrhea (may be bloody), jaundice and vomiting. If you witness more than a couple of these symptoms, or one of the more serious ones, take your dog to his veterinarian immediately.

Your veterinarian will perform diagnostic tests to determine if there has been liver failure. In dogs, these tests may include a CBC, ultrasound, x-rays, a clotting profile, ammonia level tests, serum bile acid tests and a urinalysis. If he is still unsure, or the situation is dire, he may perform laparoscopy, which will allow him to see inside the structures with a scope, or actual abdominal surgery to determine the best course of action.

Your dog will need treatment not only for liver failure, but also for any other disorders that may exacerbate the situation. He will probably be hospitalized and put on IV fluids, to rehydrate him. Some other treatments that your veterinarian may recommend include diuretics to help eliminate excess fluids, antiemetics to control vomiting, and nutritional support. Additionally, he may give your dog antibiotics, colloids, enemas and anti-ulcer treatments.

When your dog finally gets to come home, your job begins. You need to administer all of the medications that the veterinarian has prescribed, and you need to follow the diet he recommends. Your dog will need follow-up exams and evaluations to make sure he's progressing properly in his recovery.

Liver failure in dogs is a very serious condition, and the prognosis will depend on the actual amount of liver that was destroyed. For your dog to live a healthy life, you will need to be able to control the disease and any factors that complicate it.

Can liver failure be prevented? This could be difficult, but not impossible. Be sure to vaccinate your dog against leptospirosis and canine hepatitis, and avoid toxins and drugs that may increase the risk for liver failure. In dogs, this includes excessive antibiotics.

If you caught the disease early enough, you and your veterinarian should be able to work together to provide a healthy lifestyle for your dog, by medications and proper diet. Be sure to take your dog back to the vet if any symptoms reappear, or if he goes off his feed or reacts to any of his medications.

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Current health events have brought some very disturbing yet important news in regards to the quality of some the over the counter drugs that are basically being used for children. It has been found that some of these medicines were being found to have some unusual mold, and mildew like odor and these medicines are being withdrawn from the market in many countries all over the world.

The amount of medicines actually withdrawn is not really known yet however, current health events have also revealed that most of these products which include simple drugs like Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin, simply sleep and St. Joseph aspirin where already having some complains by users since 2008. The side effects being observed by the users included nausea, stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea. The effects went away without any specific need for treatment and there are no other side effects being reported from the use of these medicines.

The company manufacturing these drugs has traced the cause of the odor to some chemical being used in their Puerto Rico plant to treat the wooden pallets to transport and store the packing materials. This was revealed in 2009, when they recalled about 6 million packages of Tylenol Arthritis from the market.

These are very common drugs used all over the world and current health events consider that it is very important to create awareness among consumers in these kinds of things. The industry is trying its level best to cope with all the necessary rules and regulations to produce what is best for everyone, however, it is very natural for chemicals to affect drugs in different ways and the medical science is only trying to help people cope with the symptoms and relief from many diseases that affect the human beings.

It is therefore very important to keep yourself updated of the current health events taking place in your locality or even around the world in general to avoid any side effects of chemicals and medicines that you may be using.

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Human psychology has already accepted the co-existence of good and evil right from the moment Adam and Eve ate the apple of knowledge. There is happiness with sorrow, pleasure with pain, truth with lie, beauty with ugliness and so forth. You have seen the happy moments of your life as well as the moments of sorrow. Sometimes the memory and fear of the bad time keeps on haunting you and you are so much overwhelmed that you forget to smile. Are you depressed and full of anxiety all the time? Are you in a situation which can be called a disorder?

Do not underestimate your depression and anxiety, they are real life enemies and you should never underestimate your enemies. Let me tell you the symptoms of anxiety disorder so that you can compare and understand your condition. There are certain physical symptoms of anxiety disorder, e.g. rapid or irregular heartbeat, stomach problems like gnawing feeling, nausea, "butterflies in the stomach" diarrhea, irritated bowel syndrome, sweating, or feeling cold and clammy headaches, lightheadedness or dizziness, body tension or aches, fatigue or shortness of breath shaking, trembling or twitching difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, hot flashes or chills, chest pain, rubbery legs, tingling in fingers or toes. At the same time there are some emotional symptoms as well like a general sense of apprehension and dread, nervousness, jumpiness, irritation, fearfulness or terror, isolation from others, feeling incredibly self-conscious and insecure, and fear that you are dying or going crazy strong desire to escape.

If you have the following symptoms prevalent, you must take care of yourself and seek medical help. There are treatment available combining medications as well as therapies for anxiety disorder. Benzodiazepine is the most successful medication for anxiety disorder and Xanax, a type of Benzodiazepine is one of the most popular medicines for this purpose. Xanax is also effective in the treatment of activity depression and panic attacks. At the same time it is useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome and anxiety due to a neurosis. Xanax may help the symptoms of PMS and also used to relieve anxiety, nervousness, and tension associated with anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, essential tremor, fibromyalgia (low dosage), and ringing ears.

But, as I said earlier, we must accept that there are two sides of every aspect or a thing, one is good, and one is bad. Human being has not even spared Xanax, and used it as an intoxicating drug, rather abused it. As Xanax affects chemicals in the brain that may become unbalanced and cause anxiety, it slows down the brain functioning causing a drowsy feeling for the person. It is a Central Nervous System (CNS) 'calmer' and addiction happens when it is used for a long term, not more than eight months. It is this tolerance that compels the user of xanax to take more and more pills to feel the same effect. As the body of the user becomes more and more habituated, the 'calming effect' of Xanax in the body demands more of dosages of Xanax to get the desired level. The result, as you can very well understand, is addiction. Your daily dose of 2 pills of 25mg each increase to dosages of 4 pills or more a day. Gradually, a person thinks of taking 5,10,20,40 or even 80 pills on a given day to remain 'normal'. This is the condition when he is actually addicted to Xanax.

In this situation, Xanax should not be stopped abruptly, I must tell you, and you should not stop taking xanax abruptly at any time. That may cause severe withdrawal syndrome. In normal situation the doctor will gradually decrease the dosage and when a person is addicted to Xanax, psychotherapy along with medication is required. The best part is, unlike other anti-anxiety and antidepressants, withdrawing from xanax is much easy and never life threatening. The main line to remember is, never forget to consult a doctor before taking Xanax and follow doctor's advice till the time you are completely recovered from anxiety disorder. Trust me, you can live a better life, you deserve it!

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A career in nursing can be rewarding and exciting. Many people think that a nursing degree is not as respected as a medical school degree. It is important to realize that nurses are needed in growing numbers throughout the US. Nurses take care of patients and do a fairly large amount of the physical work involved. Nurses give shots, administer medication, and monitor and change IVs.

Nurses are educated in nursing school prior to getting a job. The early years of nursing school focus on beginner subjects such as how to wash hands properly and how to give a shop. As nurses progress through their education, they are placed into clinical settings to obtain real hands on experience. Once school is finished, nurses apply for jobs in their desired area. Because nurses are around a lot of medications, a drug test is usually required prior to acceptance of a job. Nurses can specialize in areas such as renal therapy, emergency room nursing, or surgical nursing. The specialties available are endless.

There are a lot of options available in the nursing field. Hospitals provide thousands of jobs to nurses. There is also the option of a doctor's office or nursing home. Nurses are needed for private home care. Nurses are also on staff at schools. The benefit of getting a nursing job at a school is three months off during the summer months.

There are many great things about the nursing field. Nurses are not stuck behind a desk for 8 hours a day staring at a computer. Nurses get to interact with many different people on a daily basis. Some nursing jobs involve working longer shift for three days a week and having a long weekend in between. The pay is not bad for a nurse and many places are always hiring new nurses. Most nurses wear scrubs to work which can be very comfortable and stylish.

There are also a few downsides to a career in nursing. Nurses are always around sick people, therefore they have a greater risk of becoming sick themselves. Sick people also tend to be cranky and nurses have to deal with angry patients with a smile. Some doctors may treat nurses with little respect. Nursing is considered by some people to be a woman's field. People may treat male nurses differently. Nurses have to deal with the reality that some of their patients will die no matter how much they nurture them. Nurses also may get attached to a patient in a hospital setting, only to never see them again after they are released. Nurses have to clean up after patients who have diarrhea or urinary accidents. They have to change bloody bandages. Some of the things they see are graphic and upsetting. Nursing is not for the weak at heart.

A career in nursing is rewarding, but it is not without its challenges. A nurse may not find her niche right away. With a little experience and experimentation, a nurse can find the most suitable job placement available to her.

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Diabetes insipidus is not a new term now. Many individuals suffer every year with this disorder. Diabetes insipidus is a disorder where a person experiences excessive thirst that results in excretion of large amount of diluted urine which is responsible for the reduction in the amount of the body fluid. It is commonly called as DI and there are various reasons that favour occurrence of DI in humans. The most prevalent type of diabetes insipidus is the neurogenic DI which is caused by the deficiency of the anti-diuretic hormone typically recognized as argentine vasopressin. Another type of DI is nephrogenic DI which is the result of non-responsiveness of the kidneys towards the vasopressin.

The symptoms of diabetes insipidus comprise excessive urination and feeling of frequent thirst. The symptom including excessive urination resembles that of the diabetes mellitus with a difference that no blood glucose is present in the urine. Blurring of the eye vision may also occur but is rare. Dehydration may also occur as a person is unable to conserve water resulting in loss of body water. The loss of water through frequent urination may persist throughout the day and may continue till night. The children suffering from DI may show loss of appetite, body weight, growth, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. Adult individuals with untreated DI may tend to remain healthy until the water loss is minimized but they are at greater risk of potassium ion depletion.

Diabetes insipidus may be diagnosed by testing the calcium level, bicarbonate level and the blood glucose level. The sodium ion is found to be comparatively high in the electrolyte test. The analysis of urine reveals dilute urine with low specific gravity and low electrolyte level. The fluid deprivation test reveals that whether the disorder is the result of excessive uptake of fluid or defect in the ADH production or due to unresponsiveness of the kidneys towards ADH. The fluid deprivation test also indicates the changes in body weight, urine output, and urine composition. The patients continue to urinate frequently in absence of any fluid intake. Desmopressin is given to the patients which is responsible for the reduction of the urine output and increases the osmolarity of the urine and the kidneys tend to function normally.

Electrolyte and volume homeostasis are the complex mechanisms of the human body that regulate the blood pressure and sodium and potassium ions in blood. Urine production is under the control of hypothalamus which secretes ADH from the supraoptic and the paravenrticular nuclei. After the synthesis of ADH, it is transported in the form of neurosecretory granules through the axons of hypothalamic neurons to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland where it is stored to be used further. The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus is responsible for the regulation of the thirst. Kidney is the main effector organ the fluid homeostasis. ADH is responsible for the absorption of the water into the bloodstream and concentrating the urine.

There are several forms of DI. One such type is the neurogenic diabetes insipidus which is commonly recognized as the central DI. It is caused when the production of the hormone vasopressin is lost in the brain. Other type is the nephrogenic DI which is the result of the failure of the response of the kidneys towards ADH. Third type of the diabetes insipidus is the gestational DI which is caused only during the period of pregnancy. It has been reported that all the pregnant ladies produce an enzyme vasopressinase in the placenta that breaks the ADH; this can attain many hazardous forms in the gestational DI. GDI in most cases is treated with desmopressin. Diabetes insipidus is also responsible for causing several dangerous diseases in the period of pregnancy like the pre-eclampsia, HELLP Syndrome and Acute fatty liver of pregnancy. These diseases are caused by the activation of the hepatic vasopressinase. Failure in the treatment of any of these diseases can lead to the death foetus. Another form of DI is the dipsogenic DI which occurs due to the defect or damage of the thirst mechanism that is controlled by the hypothalamus. This results in the abnormal intake of fluid and increase in the thirst which suppresses the ADH secretion resulting in increased production of urine. Desmopressin is ineffective for its treatement.

Central DI and gestational DI can be treated with the help of desmopressin but it is ineffective for the treatment of the nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. Indomethacin is used for the treatment of the nephrogenic DI. Several types of amilorides are available for the treatment of DI. Diabetes insipidus if treated carefully will be kept under control.

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Dog intussusception can be quite a painful experience for your dog, can be an irritating nuisance cause them not to eat or drink and make the generally feel unwell, and can be easily mixed up with many other more common conditions such as dog constipation or straining to pass feces.

As complicated as the name might suggest this condition is, in simple terms intussusception begins with a mild case of diarrhea or vomiting. This in its self is normally harmless to your dog long term and nothing more would be thought of this in any normal dog home, but as the contractions of the vomiting or diarrhea get worse it is possible that the muscles in the lower intestines contract so hard that they overlap each other or go inside each other.

This happens because within the lower intestines there is a series of smaller muscles that contract and detract so that the food is slowly passed along the intestines. But when your dog has the unfortunate condition of diarrhea or vomiting caused by another none related and usually common condition, it contracts rapidly as the body panics to try and get rid of the offending items or poisons.

After the overlapping process has happened it then causes more trouble because the following food that is being passed through the intestines becomes trapped in the alcove o the overlapped part. Then as you might expect the food pushes and pushes away at the sides making the alcove bigger and bigger containing all the stale and hardened food as well as causing blood flow problems and irritation.

This is not a very common occurrence in dogs but is none the less very irritating and painful for the dog in question and may cause constant retching to vomit and pass waste along with generally feeling unwell and uncomfortable enough to not eat or drink in most cases.

Surgery is usually the way your vet will fix dog intussusception by going into the effected area and pulling the two overlapping part apart and releasing and removing the contained waste to ensure a normal passage in the future.

This procedure should always be dealt with by a vet or professional in the dog health area, if you suspect this then ring your vet and ask for further advice and guidance which usually results in a check-up to identify the condition and deal with it appropriately.

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