目前分類:diarrhea (1056)

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According to WHO definition, diarrhea is defecating with the flabby till watery consistency more than 3x within 24 hours. But this definition is not applicable for new babies. They can defecate till 10 times a day and it is fine. There is also an exception for them that exclusively breastfed. It is called a diarrhea if its frequency more than 6x within 24 hours.

Classification of Diarrhea

Based on the length of occurrence, diarrhea is differentiated to 2 kinds:

1. Acute diarrhea that is diarrhea which has sudden onset and persists for several hours until 14 days (in babies and children), or 21 days (for adults). The main cause is infection. Other causes are toxin, drug, chemotherapy, and any other condition.

2. Chronic diarrhea, lasts more than 3 week ( in adult) or more than 2 week (in babies and children). Its cause varies. It can be caused by infection, for example from acute diarrhea which is not treated well, digestion trouble (malabsorption), and lactose intolerance.

The Cause and Mechanism of Diarrhea

Diarrhea is not an incoming disease by itself. Usually there is a trigger before it happens. Exposure to unpurified water may result in infection. Ingestion of improperly stored or prepared food may cause food poisoning.

In general, the following are some etiology of diarrhea, they are:

1. Infection by bacterium, virus or parasite.

2. Other infection by bacterium or virus accompanying other disease like: measles, ear infection, pharynx infection, malaria, etc.

3. Allergy to certain drug or food.

4. Artificial sweetener.

Based on metaanalyses throughout the world, every child experiences diarrhea at least once every year. From every five children come with diarrhea complaint, one of them is caused by rotavirus. And one out of sixty who is taken care in hospital is also caused by rotavirus.

The germs causing diarrhea bother the process of food absorption in small intestine. Then, the food is not digested and immediately moved into large intestine.

If there is food which is not digested and is not permeated stays in large intestine, the intestine will draw the water from intestine wall. Besides, in this situation the transit process in the colon becomes so brief so the water is not absorbed by large intestine. This is why the consistency of the stool is flabbier or even watery.

In fact large intestine do not only release the water redundantly but also electrolytes. This losing of water and electrolytes will later causes dehydration. Dehydration may endanger the life of diarrhea patient.

Besides because of rotavirus, diarrhea also can be happened as the effect of malnutrition, allergic reaction, lactose intolerance, and etc. Many babies have lactose intolerance because their bodies have no or only a few of the functioning lactase enzyme. This enzyme digests the lactose, the main simple sugar in cow milk.

It is different with the babies which is breastfed. The babies will not experience lactose intolerance because breast milk has its own lactase. Besides, breast milk hygiene is well guaranteed because it can be directly given, no need of glasses or bottles.

Diarrhea can be a side effect of medicine, for example antibiotic. Besides, artificial sweetener (like sorbitol ad mannitol) in chewing gum and free sugar product may also generate diarrhea.

Parents play important role in determining cause of child diarrhea. Baby which is breastfed exclusively generally seldom has diarrhea because there is no contamination from outside. But, formulated milk and baby food may be contaminated by bacteria and viruses.

Diarrhea Symptoms

Symptom of diarrhea is watery feces with the frequency 4 x or more in one day, sometimes accompanied with vomiting, fatigue, fever, anorexia, bloody and mucous stool.

Feel queasy and vomit can precede the diarrhea caused by viral infection. The typical symptom of viral diarrhea is watery and foamy stool, no blood or mucus, and acid smells. If the stool is bloody, it may be caused by bacterium or parasite. Other symptoms can be experienced are stomachache and stomach spastic, fever, pain in bone or muscle, and headache.

Diarrhea may lead to loss of water and electrolytes (for example sodium and potassium). Baby becomes irritable. Mild dehydration is signed by dry lips and skin. If a baby cries it is still having tears. Urination become seldom. If the dehydration is severe, the baby cries without tears, or even cannot cry anymore. Severe dehydration may cause arrhythmia (trouble of heart rhythm), and lead to shock and death.

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There are many anti-anxiety medications. Zoloft depression medication has been fairly widely used lately to treat anxiety. But the Zoloft and other medication has it's fair share of side effects that you need to be aware of. The most common side effects of Zoloft are: nausea which occurs in 30% of the patients, and this is followed up by insomnia which happens in 28% of patients. Other Zoloft side effects include diarrhea, dizziness, dry mouth, fatigue, indigestion, tremors and drowsiness. It also comes with it's fair share of sexual side effects such as ejaculation problems and loss of libido.

In some people Zoloft can cause increased sweating, burning or tingling sensations, headaches and even migraines, excessive weight loss or weight gain, constipation, hot flashes and nervousness.

In children Zoloft can cause fever, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, bloody noses and red/purple discolorations of the skin. In a number of Zoloft and other anti-anxiety medication users it will also cause anxiety, mood swings and even suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.

The last one is a very serious Zoloft side effect. Contrary to popular belief suicide is quite common. More than 1.1 million Americans try killing themselves every year. In fact one out of 14 Americans knows someone who died last year. Suicide is an even bigger threat for women who use Zoloft since women are 4x more likely to attempt killing themselves than men.

So if you know someone taking Zoloft medicine or even the generic version of Zoloft(especially if they mix it with alcohol), you need to brush up on suicide warning signs so that you can identify potential suicides before it's too late. If you yourself are the one taking Zoloft...you need to provide a suicide warning signs guide to someone you know and interact with on a daily basis, so that they can interfere, if they see you developing suicide warning signs, and can help save you from trying to kill yourself.

Note: If the person is going off Zoloft or any other anti-athey shouldn't be ignored...those going through Zoloft withdrawal, can be the highest risks for suicide attempts, since Zoloft withdrawal symptoms can cause much higher level of massive depression. It is important to remember that you need to quit/adjust doses carefully, instead of quitting the drug cold turkey. Lower the dose once every 1-2 weeks and be on the look out for suicide warning signs.

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To those individuals who are unfortunate enough to experience it, opiate withdrawal is arguably one of the most painful and miserable experiences one can endure. Opiate withdrawal symptoms occur when an individual consumes opiates for a consistently long period of time (allowing their bodies to build up a tolerance) and then discontinues use for at least 6 to 12 hours. Popular opiates that many people become addicted to include Heroin, Oxycontin, Morphine, and Methadone.

Depending on how badly addicted the person is and the concentration of opiates they regularly consume, the withdrawals can range from mild to unbearable and can even be lethal in some cases. The symptoms are commonly characterized as muscle aches, sweating, bone chills, sensitive and achy skin, restless leg syndrome (RLS), restless back syndrome, back and joint pain, depression, sneezing, vomiting, and diarrhea among others. One can only truly experience the level of pain and misery brought on by opiate withdrawal by experiencing it for themselves.

Many solutions have been introduced to opiate addicts over the years in an attempt to help them get clean. The hardest part for most addicts about getting clean is not the mental cravings as many people would assume. It's their body's physical dependence on the drug. It's the challenge of being able to get past the intense pain caused by the withdrawals for a long enough time to allow their body to return to normal (the body gets so used to the opium that it forgets how to produce the necessary dopamine to make the body feel good on its own). One popular opioid dependence treatment is Methadone. The problem with methadone, however, is that it's a full opioid agonist (just like heroin, morphine, and oxycontin) and it causes the individual to feel high just as they would on their drug of choice. Because of this, people just end up getting addicted to Methadone and when they try to quit, they have the same problem--they go into serious opiate withdrawal.

Fortunately, a new solution has been developed which has proven to be far more effective than Methadone or any number of the "home remedies" that are well known to opiate addicts. The solution is Suboxone. My brother struggled with heroin addiction for over four years and nothing ever worked for him. He had the desire to quit but he just couldn't get through the physical withdrawals. He tried everything including Methadone, the Thomas method, and other home remedies. I hated watching him suffer so much. His addiction eventually began to ruin his social, work, and family life, so I started to seek help for him. I finally came across Suboxone and set up an appointment for him.

Long story short, he ended up seeing the doctor and going through the Suboxone treatment successfully and he has not used opiates since. He finally has his life back and is happier than I've seen him in a long time. I'm sharing this information because I don't think anyone should have to go through what my brother went through and what I went through watching him suffer. So if you or anyone you care about is suffering from opioid dependence, I strongly urge you to get as much Suboxone Information as possible because it just might be able to save your life or the person's you care about) as it did my brother's.

Some General Suboxone Information:

Suboxone contains buprenorphine and naloxone. The buprenorphine is the main active ingredient which works to take away the opiate withdrawal symptoms, allowing the individual to feel normal while transitioning off of the opiates they were addicted to. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist rather than a full opioid agonist like Methadone which is why it's so effective at treating opiate addiction (the individual doesn't get "high", they just feel normal without the cravings or withdrawals). The naloxone works as an opioid antagonist and reduces the impact of the buprenorphine. This further ensures that the individual won't experience an "opiate high" which prevents the risk of becoming dependent on Suboxone after short or long-term use, unlike the full high that Methadone delivers (which is why it has proven to be an ineffective treatment option for opiate addiction).

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Monitoring your dog's health is an important part of being a dog owner. It's always a good feeling when your dog is in tip-top shape. Being able to notice when he isn't feeling like his usual self will enable you to get help right away. An example of when it might be necessary to seek the advice of a veterinarian would be if you notice red darken spots in your dog's feces. Blood in dog stool samples can mean a number of things; some being less critical than others.

Hematochezia and Melena:

The medical term for when red spots is present in a stool is 'melena' or 'hematochezia', depending on the color of the spots. Dark red spots usually comes from the upper intestinal tract, while brightly colored blood comes from the lower intestines. The dark and tarry red spots in stools, or melena, tends to cause more worry than when brighter blood is present.

Common causes of melena include complications from a recent surgery, tumors, cancer, blood that has been ingested, a clotting disorder, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Causes of hematochezia include parasites, Parvo, issues with diet (overeating or intolerance to specific foods), rectal injuries, or a condition resulting in reddish spots stools that accompany diarrhea and vomiting.

Signs and Symptoms to Look for:

If your dog has recently had surgery or is on any type of medication, then the sudden onset of red goo in his stools could be a result of either of these. As for tumors or cancer, your dog will have to be tested by a veterinarian to rule out these growths. The ingestion of a toxic substance, such as rat poison, will also cause dark, tarry red spots to show up in your dog's stools. Check the house for any signs of what your dog may have gotten into and eaten.

Roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms are common parasites that are associated with bloody stools in dogs. Deworming for these parasites is a quick remedy that will give your dog much relief. The presence of Parvo will also include lethargy, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and vomiting. A mucous-like substance often accompanies the red spots in stools when parasites, viruses, or when what is known as irritable bowel syndrome is present.

If you suspect your dog's diet to be the cause of the appearance of red spots, then switching foods might be necessary. Any visual injuries on the dog's rectal area are a sure sign that the red spotted stool is most likely to be coming from the injured area.

Additional Causes:Stress can also cause blood in dog stool samples. If you've recently introduced your current dog to a new canine companion, this addition to the family might be a source of stress for him. Keep an eye on his behavior towards the new dog as well, since this will help you determine if the new dog is the cause of the change in bowel movements. As with any of the signs and symptoms above, the best way to find out exactly what the issue is would be to take your dog to the vet.

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Walking Pneumonia, also known as Atypical Pneumonia is a variant of pneumonia not caused by one of the more traditional pathogens. It is also characterized by a clinical presentation that is inconsistent with typical pneumonia. It can be caused by a variety of microorganisms. The term Walking Pneumonia was originally coined in the 1930's. Any differentiations or distinction between Atypical and Typical pneumonia is often considered to be medically insufficient; for the treatment of pneumonia it is important to know the exact causal organism.

Primary atypical pneumonia is called so to indicate that it developed independently, not subsequent to another disease. Atypical pneumonia, on the other hand is atypical because it is caused by atypical organisms besides Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis. Atypical organisms that cause to include special bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Besides its causes, Walking Pneumonia is a form of pneumonia that is atypical in its presentation; it has only moderate amounts of sputum, only small increases in white cell counts and no alveolar exudates.

Walking Pneumonia often has atypical symptoms. There will be no response from common antibiotics such as Penicillin, coughing up of bloody mucus, shortness of breath, chest pains, high or mild headache, loss of appetite, low energy, fatigue, sweaty and clammy skin. Some less common symptoms to look for include diarrhea, eye pain, rashes or throat soars. Generally speaking, the patient looks healthier than any of the symptoms would suggest. To properly treat this disease, make sure to take Aspirin to control your fever or high temperature, drink plenty of fluids to loosen up secretions and bring up phlegm, and most importantly make sure to get plenty of rest. You can use antibiotics at home to treat your Walking Pneumonia, unless your condition is severe, which means you will most likely be admitted to a hospital and given stronger antibiotics such a Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Erythromycin and Tetracyclines. If you adhere to these steps, you should see improvement within about a week's time. Prevention can sometimes be better than the cure, so make sure to wash your hands often, get your yearly flu shot and keep an open channel with your physician; knowing if you need a Pneumonia vaccine can help you a lot.

Walking Pneumonia is a serious illness that must be treated accordingly. Seeing that it has a clinical presentation that is inconsistent with typical pneumonia and can be caused by a variety of microorganisms, it may be a bit harder to fight, although differences between Atypical and Typical pneumonia are often considered to be medically insufficient in their treatment.

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What causes bloating?

Mostly overeating, eating foods which do not agree with you thus producing excess gas, and constipation. Other causes include menstruation, food allergy/food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.

Suffering from belly bloat is a common but annoying disorder. You feel uncomfortable, lethargic, unmotivated, embarrassed because of your bulging belly and the rumble it makes, and are sometimes in pain.

Let us look at how to stop bloating and the basic lifestyle changes you can implement which are especially effective if you feel bloated after eating.

Stop overeating

Eat smaller, more frequent meals for better health and a bloat-free waistline.

Change your eating habits

Eating quickly increases pressure on your stomach and produces more gas. Sit down, chew your food well, and eat your meals in a leisurely manner, giving the food plenty of time to digest.

Drinking tea or coffee on the run is equally bad with excess air accompanying each sip and gulp. Savor your beverages by drinking them slowly.

Limit sugar substitutes

Sodas, sweets and chewing gum contain huge quantities of artificial sweeteners, especially sorbitol and xylitol which many people find difficult to digest, resulting in bloating, gas and diarrhea. Rather have real sugar than substitutes.

Cut out sodas

The bubbles in fizzy drinks cause bloating. Also refrain from drinking excessively hot or cold beverages.

Stop eating junk and processed food

Fried, oily food and high salt content cause bloating.

Abstain from carbohydrates at night

Bread and pasta cause you to retain water. Avoid eating them at night to be puff-free the next morning.

Early morning water and lemon juice

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon; it speeds up waste elimination and removes toxins.

Eat potassium rich foods

Bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, asparagus and fresh chopped parsley regulate the fluid balance in your body and stop bloating.

If you suffer from constipation, eating sufficient fruit, vegetables and high fiber, such as oatmeal, will improve your digestion and remedy your bloating problem.

Drink water

Water flushes out your system and aids digestion. Instead of alcohol, caffeine and colas, drink plain water and natural teas.

Limit excess air

Do not eat and talk at the same time, drink out of a straw, chew gum nor smoke because the surplus air accompanying these activities causes you to bloat.

Eat foods easily digested by your body

Bland foods, such as fish, chicken, soya based foods, yogurt and rice do not tax your digestive system.

Limit gas producing foods

Notice which raw vegetables cause you to bloat, then either boil them or do not eat them at all. The cellulose in cabbage, peas and beans is hard to digest and may cause you to puff up.

Other common gas producing foods are cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, lentils, prunes and garlic.


Bloating, together with water weight gain and mood swings, are associated with premenstrual tension. Ensure you get 1200 milligrams calcium and 200 to 400 milligrams magnesium daily. Both nutrients help relieve PMS symptoms, including bloating. If you wish, take Midol which contains a mild diuretic.

Natural remedies

Add turmeric, coriander, caraway and cumin when cooking.

Naturists claim teas made of ginger, savory from the mint family, lime from a linden tree, peppermint, rosemary, and caraway are effective for bloating relief.

They may be right because ginger tea helps with stomach upsets and peppermint oil in tea or warm water after a big meal aids digestion.


Walking for 15 to 20 minutes a day moves food through your digestive tract, thereby reducing bloating and combating constipation. Other benefits include less severe menstrual cramps, eliminating toxins by perspiring, and shedding body fat.

Apply pressure

Massaging your abdomen helps evacuate gas and reduces bloating. Start by pressing your fingers near your right hip, slide up towards the ribs, move across and down in a circular motion.

Supplements and home remedies

Taking a digestive enzyme with each meal provides relief, especially when bloating results from a problem with your digestive tract, such as diverticulosis. Obtain digestive enzymes with the active ingredients lipase, protease and amylase, from any health store. Restaurant owners should actually hand out digestive enzymes instead of after-dinner mints to all patrons who selected anything other than raw foods from their menus.

Probiotics are 'good bacteria' which help keep you regular and bloat-free. Your intestinal tract has loads of bacteria, some beneficial, some harmful, which play an important role in the functioning of your digestive and immune systems.

Probiotics encourage the growth and replenishment of healthy microflora. They crowd out the bad bacteria which cause disease, yeasts and parasites in your intestines, they help digest and absorb your food, eliminate wastes and toxins by restoring normal and regular bowel function, and maintain a healthy intestinal function.

Ideally 85% of your bacteria should be friendly with 15% unfriendly. Probiotic supplements can be found in capsule, powder or liquid form, or in foods such as kefir and yogurt.

If you do not consume enough fruit and vegetables, take nutritional supplements that contain dietary fibers especially during the holidays or when celebrating to better handle the foods that cause you to swell up.

Apple cider vinegar helps ease digestive symptoms and gets rid of bloating and gas pain.

Lactobacillus supplements also help maintain intestinal health.

Bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, is an element on the periodic table. 100% natural, taken before or directly after a meal reduces swelling caused by food allergies and neutralizes the odor of your flatulence.


If you take antibiotics, which destroy your friendly bacteria, take B complex vitamins too.

Some oral contraceptive pills cause your stomach to distend, in which case ask your physician to prescribe a different one.

Once you incorporate these lifestyle changes, they should cure you or at least relieve bloating.

If your condition persists, let us look at what else it might be and what you can do about it.

Food allergy

If you bloat after eating certain foods, keep a food journal where you write down everything you eat, together with any symptoms which appear. Rotate foods until you identify which foods trigger bloating and avoid them.

Although you may not test positive for food allergies, you may have a food intolerance. Common culprits include yeast, wheat, where the gluten causes excess gas to be produced, and milk.

Lactose intolerance

This means your body does not produce the enzyme lactase and your digestive system cannot digest the lactose in dairy foods. It then ferments and forms gases which overstretch your bowel.

How do you know if you are lactose intolerant? Drink a glass of milk. If you experience gas, bloating or diarrhea, avoid dairy products or drink lactose free milk.

Yogurt's active bacteria cultures produce lactase, so if you want to eat cheese without bloating afterwards, add a bowl of yogurt to your morning ritual.

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, may be the cause of your bloating.

Eat more fiber and give up coffee, cigarettes and spicy foods which irritate your colon.

Some people swear by going on a detoxification diet two or three times a year to give your body a chance to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins.


Diabetics often have problems with bloating and diarrhea, especially if they take large doses of metformin or glucophage.

Diabetics with nerve damage in their stomach may find food collects but does not empty properly, resulting in excessive belching. Medication eases this problem.


Although over-the-counter products offer quick relief by suppressing the symptoms, the benefits will be short-lived because they do not eliminate the cause.

Common effective medications such as Gas-X, Beano, Phazyme and Flatulex, when taken with each meal, help break up gas pockets in the stomach, thereby relieving bloating and gas pain.

The pain is not actually caused by your swollen stomach but by abdominal contractions not synchronizing properly. When your intestinal wall pulls in different directions it feels like stomach cramps.

Most bloating medication contain enzymes like alpha-galactosidase which help digest the sugars in carbohydrates, the main culprit of your indigestion problems.

Pink Pepto-Bismol type products have a salicylate ingredient which is like aspirin. It will alleviate some of your abdominal pain but if it disagrees with you, try Gas-X or Phazyme which contain simethicone.

Activated charcoal

Consider using this over-the-counter supplement. When taken with meals, it prevents or at least reduces the amount of gas produced.

It sometimes causes irregular looking stools and constipation so do not be alarmed, and in case it affects the absorption of prescription medicine, take it an hour or two after any scheduled medication.

Tips and warning

Bloating and gas pain should dissipate quite quickly. If not, if it becomes more than a slight annoyance, or if accompanied by bloody or tarry stools, fever, night sweats or weight loss, consult your doctor.

He might suggest a colonoscopy to help him diagnose your problem. Endure it because your colon plays a major role in your life and until it is sorted out, you will feel unwell. Once he determines the medical cause, he will treat and cure you of your suffering.

Bloating is also one of the primary symptoms of ovarian cancer, a 'silent' disease difficult to detect early.

Although the remote possibility exists of it being something serious, bloating is much more likely to be a minor inconvenience which you can get rid of fast by making simple lifestyle changes.

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A serious disease called "feline hyperthyroidism" has risen to epidemic proportions since the first cases were diagnosed in 1979. It is a worldwide phenomenon, though worse in the U.S. than other countries. Hyperthyroidism (hyper = too much, thyroid = a hormone-making gland), is seen mostly in older cats age 10 or more. Thyroid hormone regulates the body's basic metabolic rate. Too much of it is like drinking too much coffee-it speeds up every reaction in the body.

The problem is typically a benign thyroid tumor. Because the tumor cells are relatively normal, they continue to produce thyroid hormones, resulting in a high level in the blood. The thyroid regulates the body's metabolic rate, so this increase is sort of like drinking espresso around the clock. Symptoms include increased appetite, weight loss despite eating more, increased heart rate, anxiety or "hyper" behavior, howling at night, increased thirst and urination, vomiting, and diarrhea. Not all cats will have all symptoms, and about 20% of hyperthyroid cats will be sluggish and depressed instead of hyperactive. Untreated, hyperthyroidism can cause a serious heart problem called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy that will ultimately be fatal.

Causes. Many theories have been proposed to explain the dramatic rise in feline thyroid disease. Because it affects so many cats, the focus has been on widespread, environmental causes. Studies have found several suspects in cat food:

  • One theory implicates the large excess of iodine found in many cat foods. Humans can develop hyperthyroid disease from too ingesting much iodine; might cats do the same? Iodine is difficult and expensive to test for; instead, pet food makers routinely add extra, just to make sure that minimums are met. But how much is too much? So far, nobody knows; and nobody is really looking.

  • Several studies found an increased likelihood of developing thyroid disease in cats who eat a lot of canned food. Specifically, they found a higher incidence of hyperthyroidism in cats that ate fish or "giblet" canned foods. "Giblet" is another name for organ meats commonly listed on pet food labels as "by-products." Better-quality, natural cat foods do not contain by-products, although some include specific organ meats like liver. Just what it is in these foods that is problematic is unknown.

  • Recent research suggests that the culprit may be a chemical (bisphenol A and similar compounds) found in can linings of easy-open "pop-top" cans that can leach out into the food and cause toxicity (the smaller the can, the more chemical exposure the food has). However, there are at least 25 different types of can linings, and the particular type used by a manufacture may change over time. It is difficult to know which foods may be affected, and to what degree. The FDA, however, has stated that the amount of chemicals that may leach into the food is unlikely to cause disease.

  • A new study that recently captured media attention suggests that fire-retardant chemicals known as PBDEs may be a factor in feline hyperthyroidism-even though the study itself clearly states "no association was detected between hyperthyroid cats and PBDE levels." The authors note that PBDEs were introduced at about the same time hyperthyroidism was first described in cats. California was particularly aggressive in promoting these life-saving fabrics, which could explain why the veterinary school at U.C. Davis saw so many early cases of hyperthyroid disease in cats. Additionally, the rate of feline hyperthyroidism has roughly paralleled the use of PBDEs in other countries. This particular study looked at only 23 cats (less than half with hyperthyroid disease; and the case controls were not well-matched in age or gender.

The main route of exposure in cats was hypothesized to be the PBDEs contained in carpets, upholstery, and mattresses-and the dust mites that live in these fabrics. Electronic equipment, which attracts dust, is also a suspect. Since cats often sleep on carpets, sofas, chairs, mattresses, and nice warm TVs and stereos, their exposure could be high and prolonged. Subsequent grooming would then cause the cat to ingest a fairly large amount of dust. This may explain why hyperthyroidism is also more common in indoor cats.

Perhaps the most interesting wrinkle in this recent study is that PBDEs were also found in cat food. For two major types of PBDEs, high levels were found in canned food, especially fish- or seafood-based cat foods. However, high levels of other PBDEs were found in dry cat food.

The combination of PBDEs, can liner chemicals, and excess iodine may be too much for many cats to handle. However, plenty of outdoor cats who never eat canned food can also develop the disease-so other factors that haven't been discovered yet are likely to be involved. For instance, many holistic veterinarians also believe that, because this disease is fairly new but rapidly reaching epidemic proportions, that vaccines may also be a factor.

What can you do to minimize the risk for your cat? Well, it wouldn't be smart to push your cat outdoors-the dangers outside are far worse, and most of them will kill your cat long before the age where she's at risk for thyroid disease. Ripping out all your carpets and throwing away your furniture probably isn't all that practical, either!

Feeding canned food is very important to an older cat's overall health, but it may be wise to stick to poultry, beef and lamb flavors that don't contain liver, giblets, or by-products. If possible, get the larger cans that don't have a pop-top.

Treatments. There are three primary treatment options for hyperthyroidism:

  • Methimazole (Tapazole) is a medication that can be given in tablet form (the tiny tablet can be crushed and mixed into wet food) or as a topical gel that you rub on the inside of the cat's ears (ideal for non-pillable cats). It requires frequent blood tests for the first few weeks as the dosage is adjusted to fit the cat, and then every six months to make sure the dose remains appropriate. Occasionally, cats become allergic to the medication. While this is initially the least expensive option, maintenance can become costly over time.

  • Thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of the thyroid glands. Cats actually have two thyroids, one on either side of the throat. Often only one is involved and can be safely removed. However, there is a significant risk that the second gland will ultimately develop disease and need to be removed later. Removing the thyroids is no big deal to an experienced surgeon, but there is one major problem: four tiny parathyroid glands that are closely attached to the thyroids. Removing or damaging the parathyroids can result in severe, even life-threatening problems with calcium balance. Because of the way the thyroid glands develop in the fetus, there can be thyroid cells scattered here and there that can also become cancerous. A cat who has had both thyroids removed can therefore still become hyperthyroid again. These secondary tumors can form inside the chest where they cannot be surgically removed.

  • Radioactive Iodine is the most definitive treatment. The thyroid uses iodine to make its hormones, and accumulates large amounts of iodine. A single injection of radioactive iodine will be hoarded by thyroid cells and kill them, theoretically curing the disease permanently. Most cats tolerate this procedure well, and most do not need thyroid supplementation. The downside? The up-front cost is very expensive, and regulations require that the cat be kept in the hospital for 7-10 days. However, dealing decisively with the problem may save money in the long run because no further treatment is needed in most cats.


Since hyperthyroid cats are typically older, many also have underlying kidney disease that may or not be obvious. The increased blood flow caused by hyperthyroidism can actually help the kidneys and keep them functioning at a fairly normal rate. Lowering the thyroid levels (by any treatment) lowers blood pressure and blood flow. This can "unmask" kidney disease that was always there but not detectable.

Because surgery and iodine treatments are irreversible, a few weeks of treatment with methimazole is usually a prerequisite. A cat with both kidney disease and hyperthyroidism is a challenge to manage; you'll need to work closely with your veterinarian if this is the case.

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Food poisoning reports at resorts in Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey and Spain have increased over the past few years and, if you have suffered sickness after eating food at an all inclusive holiday hotel, you can make a claim for compensation when you return home.

Common questions about claiming compensation for food poisoning abroad include:

1. How much can I claim?
You can claim from 瞿600.00 to 瞿25,250, depending on the severity of your illness and how it has affected your day to day life.

2. Why is food poisoning so prevalent in all inclusive holiday hotels?
All inclusive holiday hotels cater for hundreds of guests every day and food handlers often cut corners when it comes to standards of food and hygiene causing illness to guests. When food becomes contaminated it causes illness when ingested and hotel kitchens and restaurants must be kept scrupulously clean in order to prevent this.

3. Should I contact the tour operator directly to claim compensation?
No, allow a regulated personal injury solicitor to contact the tour operator on your behalf as you could be entitled to much more compensation than they are offering. A solicitor who is experienced in dealing with holiday illness claims will know how much you can claim and can get you the full amount of compensation you deserve.

4. How serious do my symptoms need to be in order to claim compensation?
You can claim compensation for mild or severe symptoms of food poisoning and holiday illness. If the negligence of the tour operator has caused your illness you should be able to claim for loss of enjoyment of your holiday, pain and suffering and any related medical expenses.

5. How long does it take to claim holiday illness compensation?
You can contact a personal injury solicitor as soon as you return to the UK or even more quickly via the internet at your holiday resort. It may take up to 6 months or more to receive your compensation but every case is different and it usually depends how quickly the personal injury solicitor responds to the correspondence from your solicitor and whether or not they admit liability.

6. How long have I got to claim for holiday illness compensation?
Legally, three years, but it is advisable to make your claim as quickly as possible when details of your illness are still fresh in your mind.

7. What are the symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning?
Salmonella symptoms usually include vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever and headaches and serious symptoms may cause dehydration. It this occurs you may have to be treated via an intravenous drip and/or prescribed antibiotics.

8. Is it safe to eat pink meat from a barbecue?
Never eat chicken, pork or burgers if they are pink in the middle. Steak and lamb can be eaten if slightly pink in the middle but it must be cooked properly on the outside to prevent illness.

9. Should I inform the holiday representative if I am sick on holiday abroad?
Yes, make a written complaint to the holiday representative and keep a copy of anything you sign. Also speak to other guests who have suffered the same symptoms as you and keep a note of their contact details as you may be able to bring a joint claim against the tour operator when you arrive home.

10. Can food poisoning affect anyone?
Yes, but it is most likely to cause serious illness in young children, pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems and older holidaymakers. Never take any chances and get checked out immediately if you are suffering symptoms of sickness and diarrhea.

As soon as you return to the UK, if you have suffered holiday illness through no fault of your own, contact a no win, no fee personal injury solicitor to help you claim compensation.

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When you mention the term cat allergies, most people think of the sneezing and congestion of humans who are allergic to cats. However, 15-20% of our furry friends suffer from feline allergies.

Inhalants causing an allergic response may be pollen that cause the membranes of the nasal passages and the lungs to become irritated. Contact allergies are just what the sound like - and appear when the pet comes into contact with a material or substance he is sensitive to.

Some felines will have an allergic reaction to certain medications such as antibiotics. This can also include a reaction to anesthesia which can present a critical problem in a surgical situation. Food allergies are not a big problem for cats and when there is a reaction to a food it most often is to a grain or a dairy product rather than to preservatives in commercial pet food.

Flea allergies are the most common complaint of felines and their owners. The sensitivity to flea bites often increases as the cat ages. The immune response may be so severe that the pet's entire body seems to be covered with irritated skin. Eliminating the fleas is the first priority and prednisone is often used to control a bad reaction. The prednisone may be in pill form or a fast acting injection.

When a cat's immune system becomes overly sensitive to certain substances, an allergic reaction is the result. The substance may be one the cat has been exposed to for some time with no problem. For some reason, the feline system throws a switch and a formerly innocuous food or cleaning agent or pollen triggers an immune reaction. This is similar to adult onset allergies.

Symptoms are varied and can also be clues to other feline diseases. The most common symptoms are:

* Frequent sneezing or coughing
* Irritated, itchy skin
* Fur loss
* Runny eyes
* Severe itch at base of tail (symptom of flea allergy)
* Vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Unusual noises such as snoring when sleeping
* Chewing at paws, swollen or tender paws
* Irritated ears or frequent ear infections
Food allergies often cause cats to scratch their necks and head and will cause digestive problems like vomiting and diarrhea. If the allergy is to a meat or grain and has been identified by your vet it is not enough to simply avoid that food product as any products containing that food will trigger a reaction.

The list of substances that can cause feline allergic reactions is almost identical to a list that might lead to the same results in the cat's owner. That list would include:

* Pollen from grass, weeds, or trees
* Mold, dust and mildew pollens
* Food
* Fleas
* Flea control products
* Prescription medications
* Cleaning products (floor cleaners, in particular)
* Perfumes
* Cigarette smoke
* Fabric finishes
* Plastic materials

For a cat with a flea allergy, the bite of one single flea can trigger 2-3 weeks of itching and skin irritation. When flea allergy dermatitis is present in your cat, the only solution is total prevention of fleas. Topical flea medicines are best for cats with this problem. Frontline Plus, Advantage and Advantage Multi for cats and Revolution act to break the flea life cycle to keep your pet flea free.

Use unscented, dust free litter in your cat's box as he may be sensitive to the chemicals in the scent and to the dust. Wash the pet's bedding weekly and vacuum carpets, rugs, curtains and upholstered furniture to avoid dust that may be inhaled.

One recommendation is to bathe your cat once or twice a week. As any cat owner knows, most felines do not respond well to bathing. If baths are started when your pet is a young kitten, bathing will not be a problem. An alternative way to remove pollen and dust from the animal's coat is a quick cleaning with unscented baby wipes.

Your cat does not have to suffer from feline allergies. Removing the source of the allergen, protecting your pet from nasty fleas and parasites and following your vet's advice for treating the skin itch of allergies will add comfort to your cat's life.

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Budesonide for Veterinary Use

Budesonide preparations are being used to treat a variety of human ailments, including asthma and inflammatory bowel disease ("IBD"). But budesonide's therapeutic value isn't limited to humans - it's also being used for veterinary purposes.

Budesonide as a Treatment for Canine or Feline IBD

Although it can be challenging to diagnose accurately, IBD is fairly common in cats and dogs. A permanent cure for an animal suffering from canine or feline IBD is unlikely unless the condition has been triggered by a specific, treatable underlying cause (intestinal parasites, for example) and that cause is identified and eradicated. In most cases, IBD treatment in animals involves managing the symptoms instead of attempting to achieve a cure.

As mentioned above, budesonide is being used to treat people with IBD, in some cases with great success. Fortunately for dogs and cats that are suffering from the same affliction, the therapeutic use of budesonide has been extended into the world of veterinary medicine. Animals with IBD are now benefitting from the advantages of budesonide preparations, just like their human counterparts.

Budesonide won't cure the disease, but it does help control canine and feline IBD symptoms (loose stools, bloody stools, diarrhea, cramping, colic, loss of appetite, and/or vomiting). If a budesonide preparation is effective at alleviating the symptoms of the disease, your dog or cat may need to take the medication for the rest of its life because the underlying IBD is still at work.

The Nature and Availability of Veterinary Budesonide Preparations

Budesonide is a powerful corticosteroid that has been approved for human use under specific circumstances (for the treatment of Crohn's disease and other types of IBD, asthma and certain other health conditions). It has not, however, been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (the "FDA") for veterinary use. As a result, veterinary budesonide preparations are compounded by what are called "specialty pharmacies." They are not made by any traditional veterinary pharmaceutical company. They are, however, readily available (by prescription) from a variety of specialty pharmacies.

Potential Side Effects

Budesonide's powerful nature and the absence of FDA approval for veterinary use may lead you to wonder whether these preparations are associated with any significant side effects in cats or dogs.

As a general rule, cats and dogs tolerate orally-administered budesonide preparations fairly well. Corticosteroids are powerful medications, and specific side effects (some of which are quite severe) have been associated with the long-term use of some of these drugs. However, budesonide is a fairly new corticosteroid that generally has fewer and milder side effects than prednisolone, prednisone and other corticosteroids. The potential side effects of budesonide when given to dogs or cats include:

  • Frequent urination

  • Increased thirst and water intake

  • Increased appetite

  • Coat and skin issues

Contraindications and Potential Drug Interactions

Budesonide should be used with caution if the dog or cat has any of the following conditions:

  • Diabetes

  • Cataracts

  • Impaired liver function

  • An active infection

  • A gastrointestinal ulcer

Because of possible drug interactions, budesonide should never be given to an animal that is taking any of these medications:

  • Cimetidine

  • Erythromycin

  • Itraconazole

  • Ketoconazole

  • Fluconazole

  • Diltiazem

As you can see, the possible side effects of veterinary budesonide preparations are fairly mild and the contraindications are relatively few. These medications can help many cats and dogs lead a significantly better life despite their IDB.

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If you are an ardent fan of enjoying snacks and food from roadside stalls then you are very highly prone to falling to food poisoning as these places have very low hygienic levels and are home to many diseases. Food poisoning generally causes diarrhea and stomach ache which usually lasts for two to three days and in some rare cases a person has to be admitted to the hospital as well.

The symptoms of food poisoning include nausea, diarrhea, cramps in abdomen, vomiting, headache, severe dehydration and a feeling of dizziness. It is a condition which in no situation can be taken lightly. In this article we are going to discuss about some of the home remedies which can help in providing relief from the symptoms of food poisoning.


Apart from many other benefits ginger has on our health it is an extremely effective home remedy for treating all type of digestive system issues. If you suspect you have food poisoning take one tablespoon of honey and drops of ginger juice to it, this combination will help in bringing down the levels of pain and inflammation.


In Indian food cumin seeds are usually added to enhance taste and aroma. In case of upset stomach crush one tablespoon full of cumin seeds and add it your soup. It will provide quick relief by reducing inflammation and tenderness and speed up the recovery process.


They are generally very healthy for our digestive system. Bananas are one of the few remedies which are helpful in cases of both diarrhea and constipation. Potassium is abundantly present in bananas and eating a banana will provide energy and aid in recovery process but remember not to eat more than 2 bananas when you have diarrhea.


They have so many positive effects on our health like combating acid reflux or reduce heartburn. In case of food poisoning an apple can help by inhibiting the growth of bacteria which is responsible for stomach ache and diarrhea.


It is undoubtedly one of the best remedies for treating food poisoning. Lemon juice kills most of the bacteria which causes food poisoning problem. It can be taken by squeezing into a glass of water and adding sugar to it or you can also have it by adding it your cup of tea.


It is very important to keep water levels in your body at their normal level also drinking water regularly will help in flushing out most of the bacteria and toxins.

The best form of defence against food poisoning is to avoid eating at places which do not appear to be hygienic but if you somehow fall prey to it these above mentioned home remedies can help you recover and make your system stronger.

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Mild dehydration can occur after not drinking enough on a hot day. The more serious type can occur after a bout of body fluid loss. Anything from vomiting, to diarrhea, to blood loss, to excessive sweating. If any of these conditions lasts for a few days, then you can become dehydrated. Babies, small children, and the frail can all suffer more quickly, more easily.

Although most people will be treated with the administration of fluids via a drip for a serious condition, some symptoms can still linger. Even though you are no longer dehydrated, you haven't properly recovered.

To treat any condition successfully, it's always best to go back to the cause, rather than just to suppress the effects - your current symptoms.

Homeopathy works by doing just that. In fact, if you can't find the cause, or you can't match your symptoms to the homeopathic medicine, then you may not be able to help yourself.

The homeopathic medicine China officinalis has a great capacity to resolve ailments that occurred after some form of body fluid loss. It probably won't help the actual loss itself. For instance it won't stem the blood loss, or resolve the vomiting or diarrhea. Other medicines are needed for that. But it will help you recover from the after effects.

Typical symptoms of dehydration are headaches. Many people know that when they get a headache, they haven't drunk enough. Trouble is, by drinking now, the headache generally doesn't go.

If you suffer from headaches after a short, minor period of dehydration or after a serious loss of body fluid, then China is likely to help you. The more serious the cause, the higher the potency (strength) you will need (seek professional help for that) and the more frequent the doses.

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Has your dog been sprayed by a skunk? Do you have skunks in the area around your house that cause you to be concerned about the safety of your dog? Do you wonder about the effects of skunk spray on dogs? Here are some of the things that you need to be concerned about and some of the things that, although inconvenient, are not harmful.

What causes a skunk to spray your or your pets in the first place? A skunk sprays when he feels threatened. If you encounter a skunk, be silent and back away as quietly as possible.

What is skunk spray or skunk musk? A very basic answer is that skunk spray is made of thiols and thioacetates. Thiols are responsible for the horrible smell we all associate with skunks. Thioacetates are more dangerous and can cause red blood cells to burst, temporary blindness, nausea, diarrhea and more. If your dog is sprayed in the mouth or face area or displays any of these symptoms after being sprayed by a skunk, see your vet immediately. If your vet is not available, visit the pet emergency clinic.

Once your dog is home (and the smell of the skunk is gone), make sure to watch for lesions on the corneas and around the mouth.

If your dog has been sprayed by a skunk, make sure that he is safe and has not been sprayed in the mouth or face area. Once you are sure of your dog's safety, you can take steps to remove the smell of the skunk from the dog's fur. Do not use tomato juice as this is ineffective.

If your dog's sense of smell seems to be affected, this should not last long. It is simply that the smell of skunk is so overwhelming that the dog can not smell anything else.

Skunk spray on dogs can be dangerous, but generally it is a smelly inconvenience.

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Dog's illnesses and conditions seem to come up over and over again in dog forums and generally pop up all over the internet on a regular basis, and irritable bowel syndrome has to be one of the most common conditions there is.

Most dogs in their lifetime will get this, and it is the most common cause for diarrhea and vomiting. Some dogs are more prone to it than others and the effects it has on one dog to the next can be brought on by many different things, and way too many to list in this article so we will cover just the basics of it and the most common causes.

The symptoms of this illness can be many things but usually involves very runny feces with an almost jelly like texture with possible blood and they may strain to pass the feces. This is all not ass bad as it seems and in most cases is nothing to worry about at all.

A common cause is your dog not being able to cope with a new type of food or diet causing inflammation of the stomach which results in the body trying to get rid of this offending substance through uncontrollable diarrhea or the dog making them selves vomiting to rid of the irritation.

The cure for this is to starve your dog for a small amount of time until enough feces has passed and the dogs system can begin to retrieve the nutrients once more and then the diet should be started again by slowly introducing them from bland food to the normal diet again.

Of course there are many other reasons for vomiting and diarrhea and if you suspect it is more serious than first thought then you should contact a vet straight away for guidance. But with many vomiting and diarrhea conditions the dog's body will need to be flushed out through starvation in order to become normal and well again.

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Many times it's hard to tell the difference between stomach flu and the case of food poisoning as the symptoms are often hard to tell apart. These are two completely different ailments though with completely different roots. The aim of this article is to provide you with a little bit of information to help you tell the difference.

Lots of times when people get food poisoning they make the comment that they probably just caught the flu virus or something because they show symptoms of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain. It often happens the other way too where people get the flu and they think they have food poisoning.

What normally causes stomach flu is a viral infection in the digestive tract. In order to not get the flu, you need to avoid contact with the virus. This is often a lot easier said than done.

The cause of food poisoning is normally a toxin that is produced by a bacteria that grows on you food from not being properly handled or stored. It doesn't take very long for bacteria to develop on food, especially things like meat, dairy products, and sauces, which are not kept at temperatures below 40 degrees F. Keeping food like this in temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees F is asking for sickness.

There are some indicators that will help you to truly suspect whether it is food poisoning or not.

If people who have shared the same food develop the same type of symptoms, or if you develop these symptoms after eating food that hasn't been refrigerated, it is probably poisoning. The symptoms may develop in as little as 1 to 2 hours, and as much past 48 hours after you consume the bad food. The results of the standard type of food poisoning are as follows. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea which can last for a period of around 12 to 48 hours.

One type of food poisoning that is rare but often times fatal is called botulism. Most of the times this is caused by a bacteria that is formed when foods are improperly canned. The foods that most commonly develop this are foods that are low in acid content like beans and corn. What happens is a bacteria that doesn't get killed in the canning process develops and grows inside the jar which produces a toxin. When someone mistakenly eats the food they become ill. Some of the symptoms that occur from this are double vision or blurred vision, and often difficulty in breathing and swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms after eating food that was processed in this manner, then you need to contact your medical facility immediately.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning

You need to do the following things to prevent being poisoned by food:

  1. Make sure that you keep all of your hot foods hot and your cold food cold.

  2. Be sure that you don't eat any meat, dressings, or salads, or any other food for that matter that has been left out for more than two hours between the temperatures of 40 degrees F and 140degrees F. This is called the 20-40-140 rule.

  3. Make sure that the temperature in your refrigerator stays between 34 and 40 Degrees F. You can be assured of this by using a thermometer.

  4. Don't leave meat out on the counter to defrost, as it should be defrosted in either the refrigerator or in the microwave.

  5. Cleanliness is a virtue. Make sure that you keep all of your kitchen utensils clean, and wash your cutting boards and countertops very frequently. This is especially true after you have handled meat and especially

  6. Make sure that you cook your hamburger until it is cooked all the way through, and always cook your chicken until the juices inside of it run out clear.

  7. Never eat an egg that is raw, or any sauces that have raw eggs in them.

  8. If you have any cans or jars that have bulging lids or leaks in them, you need to throw them away.

  9. Before you do any home canning or freezing you need to make sure that you understand how to do it properly. If you have any questions on these types of procedures then a good place to contact is your local extension office.

Food safety is critically important in keeping yourself healthy, and those who you are cooking for. Nobody ever wants to get sick because of the food borne illness and it can be prevented by proper care. Follow this advice and you should keep you and your loved ones from getting sick.

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From diarrhea and stomach pain, to constipation or more, digestive issues are no fun. There's an entire field of medicine dedicated to such issues, known as gastroenterology, and these doctors specialize in figuring out, diagnosing and treating issues of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. There are various reasons that people should see this type of doctor. Explore them below.


Many people get constipated at some point or another in their lives. For some, the issue could revolve around a stress-related issue that result in the person not being able to use the bathroom as they usually would. Also, if you've been on some type of vacation where you've been able to eat a bunch of unhealthy foods, this too can result in painful constipation. Many folks take over-the-counter laxatives to relieve issues. However, if symptoms don't subside over a long period of time, then it may be good a good idea to see someone in the gastroenterology field. This type of physician can help diagnose and treat many issues related to the GI tract. As a result, you'll be able to feel better and get your body on the right track.

Abdominal pain

If you've been having pain in your stomach and it doesn't clear up on its own, then you may need to begin thinking outside of the box. It could have something to do with your GI tract and you may not even realize it. For instance, if you've been thinking you've simply been suffering from an upset stomach, but can't get any relief, then an expert in gastroenterology may be whom you need to see. That's because this type of doctor either knows exactly what to do to treat the problem or knows what tests to run in order to help solve the issue.


Having to go to the bathroom more than normal is no fun. And if it's more than urinating, then your frustration is usually even more frustrating. This is usually a sign of diarrhea. Diarrhea is something that often times isn't controlled and when the urge hits you, it takes priority over everything. Oftentimes, the cause can be anything from something you ate to food poisoning. Whatever the case, it should subside after so long. Yet, if you continually suffer with diarrhea, then it may be time to see someone in gastroenterology to help pinpoint the problem. It could be irritable bowel syndrome or something else. Whatever the issue, this particular doctor can handle it and get you on the path to feeling better.

Blood in stool

If going to the bathroom and having a bowel movement results in a bloody stool, then you need to take it seriously. This is not to say you should run to the doctor at each little thing, but it does mean to be cautious. For instance, if you've been constipated, this may result in you seeing a little blood when you wipe, but usually is no reason to be concerned. Yet, if you go to the bathroom and see blood in your feces in the bowl, then it's time to schedule an appointment with a good doctor in gastroenterology to help you find out what's wrong.

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Stomach pain is probably the most easily recognizable symptom of pregnancy. From the moment you first notice something is different, to the moment your baby is born, chances are, your stomach was causing you at least some measure of pain along the way. While it can be painful and uncomfortable, it's perfectly natural to experience pregnancy stomach pain. This pain can show itself in several ways, ranging from mild nausea to severe stomach cramping and diarrhea and just about everything in between.

Fortunately, because pregnancy stomach pain is so common, your doctor will probably have some good ideas on how to deal with your particular symptoms. Some might also be temporary or short-lived. The nausea and vomiting that accompanies morning sickness often goes away after the first trimester. And even if it doesn't, your doctor will probably know of some excellent remedies you can try to make it less difficult for you. You might try some cutting-edge prescription drugs, or you may find that a simple change in your diet does the trick.

Stomach cramping can make its appearance at any time during the pregnancy. It may very well be the thing that made you wonder if you were pregnant to begin with. You might have experienced some unusual cramping just days after conception, which can often be a tip-off that something has changed. If you find that your stomach is quite sensitive, you might have pregnancy stomach pain for the duration. You may find that cramping accompanies morning sickness. Very severe stomach cramping can be a red flag that something is not right, and you may be about to go into labor, even if it's not yet time.

Pregnancy stomach pain can also manifest itself because the stomach is being squeezed into a smaller space as the uterus expands with the fetus's growth. This pressure on you r stomach can cause pain, and is responsible for the more severe heartburn that many pregnant women face. Increased constipation is another common problem for pregnant women, and can also result in stomach cramping. The release of extra progesterone into your body can increase the likelihood of heartburn, and the need for the fetus to receive more nutrients results in digestive slowing, which can cause constipation.

Pregnant women may also find that they have a lot more gas, manifesting itself in flatulence and excess burping. Some of this can be remedied with some minor adjustments to behavior and diet.

While most of these problems are relatively common, don't hesitate to ask your doctor if you are worried, or if something really seems abnormal. Keep in mind that a pain that is v very severe and unfamiliar might very well be a warning of something serious, like a miscarriage, or premature labor. The key is to be aware of the changes in your body, and to do whatever you can to remain active and healthy. The stronger you are, the stronger your baby will be, and the easier the delivery will be.

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Like people, dogs are vulnerable and prone to unhealthy conditions like diarrhea. Dog diarrhea is one of the most common issues pertaining to health. It can affect your dog at any chances and because of its prevalence, oftentimes this type of illness is considered not at all serious. But to some, especially to those who take high regard to their pet's health, become somewhat worried. They eventually seek the help of a veterinarian and ask for some dog diarrhea medications that are apt for their pet's condition.

Dog diarrhea, even if considered widespread, does not easily affect your dog if proper care measures in pet keeping are observed. However, this case is caused by various things. One main reason is giving inappropriate amount or type of food to your beloved dogs. As a pet owner, you should be very keen and careful in choosing the kind of food to be fed to your pet. Just like people, dogs have sensitive appetites. Their appetites also need to be given the right kind and amount of food every time. Well, there are cases that it is not the pet owners who wrongly feed their pets. It is the pets themselves that take in foods or anything that arouses their curiosity (very many like children). So be sure to take a closer look at your pets especially when they are outside the house.

Another possible cause is the result of vaccinations given to them. This is mostly due to the reactions of the vaccinations. Although considered normal, don't just ignore when this happens.

Moreover, parasites and other types of viruses or worms can also trigger your dog's stomach. These parasites easily transmit to the body when your dogs interact with the environment. Just like food, you should take heed in setting out your dogs outside. Be extra careful always.

A dog's emotion can also make their stomach upset. They are really a lot like people. Due to excitement and nervousness especially when they are brought away from home, they have the possibility to experience diarrhea. But basically, this kind of diarrhea won't last long because it is just only a result of too much pressure on their emotions.

How to recognize if your dog is experiencing this? If you see that your dog vomits, which is not a normal act of a healthy dog, then it is positively suffering from diarrhea. Like people, they also bowel unconditionally. This is due to the unwanted pressure in their digestive system.

Is it okay even if you won't bring your dog to its vet? Well in most cases, it is. But if the situation gets worse even if ample dog diarrhea medication has already been given, then it is more advisable to bring your dog to his veterinarian for a thorough check up.

Taking care of dogs is just like taking care of kids. Sometimes because of their hyper sensitivity and hyper ability, they become more prone to infections and illnesses. Even if proper care is given, it is not 100% sure that your dog can't be inflicted at any chance with diseases like dog diarrhea. Nevertheless, there's no reason at all for us to fret about this. There are lots of dog diarrhea medications that are available at any pet health stores near your place or even online. You can even buy non-prescription meds for this illness. But bear in mind, if the symptoms still persist, it is better to seek the advice of your vets.

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Canine parvovirus, sometimes known simply as 'parvo' - is a serious contagious disease caused by a virus. This illness is spread when dogs come into contact with the feces of infected animals. Dog parks, highway rest stops and popular walking trails in cities are areas where dog feces are often found, and where an un-vaccinated dog may pick up the virus. Humans may also unknowingly bring the virus home on the bottom of their shoes or on their car tires, so dogs who never go outside the yard can still be infected with this disease. The virus can live in the soil or other contaminated surfaces for as long as six months.

Most animal shelters and kennels make every effort to avoid the spread of contagious diseases by cleaning the kennels with bleach, but any time that large numbers of animals are kept in close quarters, there is a possibility of infection, so keeping up on your dog's vaccinations is always a good idea.

Although puppies are more commonly affected by this illness than adult dogs, both my brother and I once owned adult dogs who became seriously ill from canine parvovirus. Both animals had been vaccinated while in our care, but they were acquired after the dogs had reached adulthood, so they may not have received proper vaccination as puppies. Both dogs recovered, but only after several weeks of intensive in-hospital care.

Since this virus attacks the lining of the dog or puppy's digestive system, the symptoms of the disease are diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, lack of appetite, and bloody, foul-smelling stools. In addition to severe abdominal discomfort, bloody diarrhea and vomiting, the dog may also have a high fever, and congestive heart failure is possible. Severe symptoms may follow several days of gradually decreasing appetite. Illness usually becomes apparent from three to 12 days after the dog was exposed to the virus.

Obviously, this is a very serious disease, and immediate medical care is required to reduce the risk of death. The veterinarian will make sure to keep the dog from becoming dangerously dehydrated, which can keep the dog or puppy alive long enough for its own immune system to fight the disease. Antibiotics are not effective against this virus, but they are usually given to an infected animal to help prevent the occurrence of secondary bacterial infections, which can cause shock or septicemia. Secondary infections can occur without antibiotics because parvovirus suppresses the dog's ability to make white blood cells. A blood test showing a low white blood cell count is one of the ways a veterinarian can make a diagnosis of canine parvovirus.

Because the illness causes severe dehydration, the dog will also be put on intravenous fluids, and the animal will probably need to stay under the doctor's care a week or more. Because the gastrointestinal tract has been affected, the veterinarian may withhold food and water from the dog until the virus has come under control.

Unfortunately, some dogs and puppies who survive a bout of parvovirus can be affected by symptoms six months or more after the original symptoms, particularly if the virus has infected the heart.

To prevent infection, puppies must be vaccinated under the proper schedule, and they should not be taken outside the yard or introduced to any other dogs until at least two weeks after the last puppy shots are administered. Some veterinarians and dog breeders suggest that you avoid dog parks entirely, even after your puppy has been vaccinated, because of the possibility of picking up this or other contagious canine illnesses. If you adopt an older dog from the local shelter, you should take him to your veterinarian for a checkup and ask that he be vaccinated, unless the shelter administered routine vaccinations while the dog was in their care.

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Dizziness and Vertigo is one of the most typical health issues that adults are dealing. In each person, occurrence of dizziness is up to 10 percent and it increases to 40 percent when we reach 40 years of age. The National Institutes of Health reported that 40 percent of Americans experienced these symptoms at least once during their lifetime. Risks are also higher in women and increases with age.

Dizziness is a broad term. It is usually used to express or describe the feeling of fainting or lose of balance. While it is used as a generic term to describe a condition, it is important for the patient to identify the symptoms or what kinds of dizziness is he or she experiencing. Identifying the symptoms properly will help medical professionals to determine what causes it and will help them on giving proper treatment.

There are four types of dizziness: Lose of Balance, Lightheadedness or Feeling of Fainting, Vertigo, and unknown reasons.

Lightheadedness is a very common condition. It is usually caused by motion sickness, like for example, while or after riding a bus or vehicles on a long ride; riding amusement rides especially in circular motion; or riding cruise or passenger ships in which the water motion or waves can cause sea sickness.

Some people experience this kind of dizziness after a quick get up from sitting or lying down.

Health care practitioners check for sudden drop in blood pressure, dehydration, decreased supply of oxygen and nutrient supply to the brain. Patients with lightheadedness also experience nausea or vomiting.

Lightheadedness is also a result of different conditions, illness and activities as well as anxiety and stress, allergies, use of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs, flu or colds (sickness), and medications.

Lightheadedness is usually not a serious condition and often goes away and improves easily by lying down.

Vertigo is a more serious condition than lightheadedness. It is dizziness with the feeling of spinning. It is like your surroundings are moving even though you're standing still or there's no actual movement. Patients with Vertigo experience nausea or vomiting and diarrhea, and have trouble walking and standing. It usually gets better when the patient lies down and prevented from moving.

Health care practitioners check vertigo patients for neurologic and inner ear problems.

Balance Problems (Disequilibrium)
Balance problem is a feeling of unsteadiness. You feel like falling over while walking or the floor is moving underneath your feet.

Lose of balance can be caused by different conditions. These are the following:

Ear problems - ear problems are the usual cause of balance problems. It can also cause various types of dizziness including lightheadedness and Vertigo.

Nerve or Sensory disorders - this problem occurs in the nerve in your legs. Nerve damage in your legs can cause balance problems and unsteadiness. Vision problems can also cause unsteadiness.

Brain condition - there are different neurologic condition and illness that can cause unsteadiness including brain tumor, Parkinson's disease, stroke, spinal cord disorders, cerebellar ataxia and normal pressure hydrocephalus.

Medications - some medications can cause unsteadiness due to their side effects. The following medications include sedatives, anti-seizure drugs, and tranquilizers.

Other Illness - other illness and conditions can cause lose of balance such as flu.

Illegal drugs and Alcohol - unsteadiness can occur when the patient is under the influence of alcohol and illegal drugs.

Unknown cause
There are some patients experiencing dizziness have unknown causes. There is a report stated that there is a rate of 1 unknown cause in ten cases of dizziness.

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