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Ulcerative colitis is a disease characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction involving the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. It occurs in both sexes and in all age-groups. It is basically a disease of young adults, although close to 15% of the cases begin in children younger than 16 years. The peak onset in children is between ages 10 and 19. This disorder and Crohn's disease are together referred to as inflammatory bowel disease.

The cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown, although infectious, nutritional, immunologic, and psychogenic etiologies have been proposed but not substantiated. At present the feeling is that Ulcerative colitis is an organic disease caused by combination of physical and emotional factors. Psychologic influences, such as stress, significantly affect the exacerbation and chronicity of the illness. Several genetic and environmental factors influence the incidence of ulcerative colitis
• There is a familial tendency in about 5% to 15% of the cases,
• Individuals from higher socio-economic evels and more whites than nonwhites are affected
• The incidence is four times greater in Jewish populations than in the general population, and
• There is a higher occurrence of allergic disease in relatives of these patients

The mucous membranes of the bowel become hyperemic and edematous with the formation of patchy granulations over the intestinal surface ulcerations. In longstanding disease, the bowel becomes narrowed, smooth, and inflexible with thin or absent mucosa heavily infiltrated by scar tissue. The greatly reduced absorptive surface results in loose, watery and sometimes bloody stools.

Clinical manifestations
The most common feature of ulcerative colitis is persistent or recurring diarrhea. In acute, fulminating disease there is bloody diarrhea preceded by cramping abdominal pain and followed by abdominal distention. Diarrhea may be very severe with marked urgency and frequency (20 to 30 stools daily). It is usually associated with fever, weight loss, anorexia, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Pallor and anemia may result from bleeding and reduced dietary intake, and the numerous watery bowel movements often cause depletion of water and electrolytes.

The clinical course varies markedly in terms of severity, response to therapy, and prognosis. In general the disease follows one of two patterns: acute remitting type or chronic continuous course. Children afflicted with either type have usually been healthy before the onset of the disease. The acute remitting type is more common and follows a pattern of remissions and exacerbations. During the period of remission, the child is usually well, with few or no symptoms of disease. However, periods of exacerbation are severe and acute, although they usually respond well to medical treatment, The disease may terminate in a permanent remission or ultimately follow the course of chronic colitis.

In chronic continuos colitis, there are no definitive periods of severe disease with intermittent good health. Intestinal symptoms tend to be less severe, but chronic malnutrition and anemia are common, These children often respond poorly to medical therapy and are more likely to suffer from complications, especially carcinoma of the colon.

Therapeutic management
Medical treatment is based on a combination of therapies:
1. dietary managements to allow the colon a rest and improve the child's nutritional status,
2. medication to reduce the abdominal pain and rectal spasm
3. steroids to reduce bowel inflammation, and
4. antibacterial agents (sulfasalazine) to prevent infection.

The child is usually hospitalized both to ensure proper medical management and to reduce the familial environmental factors that may be contributing to the disease. Other medical therapies that may be warranted include intravenous fluids, to correct dehydration and associated electrolyte imbalances, and parenteral alimentation when malnutrition is severe and the colitis is further aggravated by oral diet. Emergency surgical intervention is required for complications such as perforation, massive hemorrhage, or toxic megacolon (fulminating distention of the colon with progressive inflammation).

In some instances a poor response to medical treatment necessitates elective surgery either to allow the bowel a period of rest, in which a temporary colostomy is performed, or to arrest the disease process by removing the entire section of ulcerated bowel, in which case a total colectomy or ileostomy is usually required. In which case a total colectomy or ileostomy is usually required. In some centers a prophylactic colectomy is considered in those children with chronic colitis of 10 years of more duration to eliminate the high risk of colonic cancer.

A possible alternative to a permanent colostomy or ileostomy is the continent (Koch) ileostomy. In this procedure an intraabdominal puch or reservoir is constructed form the terminal ileum. The feces are stored in the puch until the patient drains it with a catheter. A surgically implanted valve prevents leakage of feces. The stoma is less than a inch in diameter, is almost level with the skin and requires no appliance. These are obvious advantages, especially to an adolescent who is concerned with body image and self- identity.

Psychotherapy or family counseling may also prove helpful in reducing stresses that existed before the disease and those that have resulted from the colitis. A particularly difficult stress for these children to cope with is the consequence growth retardation and delayed sexual maturation from chronic colitis. Supportive therapy may also be of benefit to those children facing the adjustment of a permanent ileostomy.

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There are many different bowel disorders affecting adults and children, males and females alike.  They come in a variety of different forms and affect people differently.

Bowel problems affect our bowels which consist of the large and small intestines.  Bowel disorders all affect different parts of the intestines.

Some Common Bowel Disorders and Their Symptoms

- IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common disorder in the United States.  Characteristic symptoms include chronic abdominal pain which is not localized in one area, bloating, stomach discomfort, and altered bowel habits such as constipation or diarrhea.

- Ulcer - Ulcers are crater-like sores that can cause mild to severe pain.   Some common symptoms include a burning or gnawing pain that is localized in the upper abdominal area, pain that is either relieved or worsened after eating, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, tiredness, weight loss, vomiting, and sometimes blood in the stool.  Any bowel disorders that include blood in the stool should be addressed immediately by a doctor.

- Crohn's Disease - This is an example of an inflammatory bowel disease and can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract.  Some of the more common symptoms can include abdominal pain, weight loss, vomiting, and diarrhea.

- Colitis - This bowel disorder includes inflammation of the large intestines (colon). Some common symptoms include tenesmus (constant urge to have a bowel movement), abdominal pain that comes in waves, diarrhea, chills, fever, blood in stool, and other signs of infection.

- Gastroenteritis - These are very common bowel disorders.  Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the intestines and/or stomach lining and can often be caused by viral infection. Common symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramping, etc.

- Colon Cancer - Colon cancer is very common although these symptoms can be due to a variety of other bowel disorders so a doctor's diagnosis is necessary to be sure.  Some common symptoms include tenesmus, changes in bowel habits, reduction in stool's diameter, bright red blood, increased mucus in stools, black and tarry stool, etc.

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If you are experiencing digestive issues, you are likely to be concerned about it and wonder what's going on and what's causing it. One possibility is that you are suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, which is a term used to describe a group of different inflammatory conditions that affect the colon and small intestine. The two most common of these inflammatory conditions are Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease is thought to be an autoimmune disease, and it causes a host of problems, from diarrhea to vomiting and weight loss. Some people with Crohn's disease also experience skin rashes, arthritis, eye inflammation, fatigue and more. Ulcerative colitis causes similar issues, but is mainly characterized by bloody diarrhea, because it causes ulcers and lesions in the colon that can bleed.

Though the different conditions under the inflammatory bowel disease umbrella are separate and distinct, with separate and distinct causes, they do share some of the same symptoms and someone suffering from IBD of either sort is likely to experience them. These symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and rectal bleeding. There are other associated complaints with these diseases, as well, that aren't specific to your digestive tract, such as arthritis.

Inflammatory bowel disease is diagnosed with a colonoscopy and a biopsy of any lesions that are found. Once you have been diagnosed, there are many treatments available to you. Inflammatory bowel disease sufferers often opt for natural treatments to control their condition and repair their bodies, because these natural remedies do not come with the long term negative side effects that prescription medications for inflammatory bowel disease can bring. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, it is important to get checked out as soon as possible so you can begin treatment to find relief and prevent further damage from occurring.

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Endometriosis affects so many women around the world and many of them are not even aware they have the condition. They experience abnormal conditions within their body and when they consult a doctor about them, they are often dismissed as basic female conditions that are "normal". Some woman can carry the condition for years without realising they have it. When women try and have a baby and are unsuccessful over many months, they consult a Gynaecologist. It is only at this stage, that many women actually discover they have the condition.

There are plenty of signs that you could have Endometriosis, before the condition becomes out of hand and out of control.

1. Period Pain

This is the first really obvious sign that there is something out of balance within the body. It is okay to have occasional bouts of period pain but when it becomes a matter of routine that you endure on the first days of every month's period, this is not normal. When we have our period, we should notice that it is there but we should definitely not be experiencing pain to the point where we need to take pain killers or ibuprofen.

2. What comes out

The second sign of Endometriosis is recognising what your period looks like. It should be a runny consistency and of a normal red blood colour. Woman with Endometriosis will often experience dark, stale looking blood and lumps within their period. It can often be stringy or even sticky. This is can be a sign of Endometriosis.

3. PMS

Severe feeling of premenstrual symptoms usually associated with pain during this time. The abdominal area becomes quite swollen, to the point where a dress size is often gained in water retention. Emotional instability is also common during this time along with sore breasts, frequency of needing to go the toilet and diarrhea symptoms. The diarrhea symptoms are usually experienced quite strongly and frequently by Endometriosis sufferers. They are usually experienced 2 days before the period is due and can add to pain as cramping is also associated with it.

4. The Bladder

Due to the pressure experienced by water retention within the body and the Endometriosis creating pain and pressure, the bladder is often a sign of imbalance. The pressure of how we urinate is often more of a trickle and has to often be pushed along to come out. We are prone to bladder infections, especially after intercourse. The frequency of needing to urinate is often higher in Endometriosis sufferers, so one can expect to need to go to the toilet every 2hrs. Frequency is often increased before, during and after the monthly period.

5. Digestion

The digestive system is usually under strain as Endometriosis is largely due to an underactive liver function. Endometriosis sufferers are often sensitive to fatty foods and are likely to struggle more with fatty diets. Allergies and sensitivities to food are also common due to poor liver function and therefore a lowered immunity. Endometriosis sufferers will often experience a "noisy tummy". Rumbling, gasiness and other digestive functions.

6. Low immune system and allergies

Endometriosis sufferers are prone to allergies, food sensitivities and skin sensitivities. They are likely to have at least one ailment which is often considered unrelated by doctors. Skin rashes, hay fever, eye allergies or sensitivity and wheat or gluten intolerance are quite often seen in Endometriosis sufferers. We are also prone to catching a cold or stomach bugs.

7. Feeling tired and listless

Endometriosis sufferers are often tired and can feel quite listless. This is closely linked to the liver function and can easily be fixed with proper diet. Endometriosis sufferers can often not cope with being overworked or being in highly stressful environments. They are likely to struggle with ongoing pressures, especially time pressures.

8. Emotional Fluctuations

Due to high levels of Estrogen and Progesterone within Endometriosis sufferers, we can often experience extreme emotions. We can be really happy one minute and really sad the next. This can be attributed to Endometriosis or hormonal imbalance within the body.

9. Soreness in the shoulders

This is obviously not a key sign of Endometriosis but if the above symptoms have already been identified, this one will add as another symptom. During time of menstruation, especially after menstruation, it is common to experience a tension in the shoulders and neck. This is aggravated by the emotional fluctuations within the body but is also due to a lowered magnesium and zinc level in the body. It is a meridian which is out of balance related to the Endometriosis.

10. Tummy sensitivity

Heartburn, indigestion and soreness in the stomach are also common with Endometriosis sufferers. This is because the liver and stomach are closely related. It is common for Endometriosis sufferers to feel nausea, especially around that time of the month. Unfortunately, strong pain killers and other medication doesn't help heal this element and doctors often assume it is unrelated. Diet and controlling Endometriosis will fix the tummy soreness and tenderness.

Endometriosis is a debilitating condition and affects so many of our organs. It is often hard to express to doctors and family what we are really experiencing. Many of these symptoms may also appear unrelated to Endometriosis and the danger is to try and focus on each symptom and each organ, rather than realising they are all part of the same line. All organs are ultimately related to each other and work together to allow the body to function normally. A holistic approach is therefore required to heal the body as a whole, focusing on all the organs responsible for the condition of Endometriosis.

Please note, these are common symptoms of Endometriosis but may also be signs of other conditions. Treating the body holistically will alleviate many other conditions they do have these symptoms. It is however advisable to establish the exact condition you have before applying specific healing treatments.

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What is Fructose Malabsorption?

Fructose malabsorbtion (FM) was formerly known as "dietary fructose intolerance".

Important Notice: Fructose malabsorption (formerly called dietary fructose intolerance) is not to be confused with hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI). They are very different conditions. Hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI), or fructose poisoning is a potentially fatal condition of the liver. It is a hereditary condition caused by a deficiency of liver enzymes that metabolize fructose. Consuming fructose can lead to all kinds of complications including jaundice, kidney failure and even death in those who are HFI.

Fructose malabsorbtion (FM), formerly known as "dietary fructose intolerance," is a digestive disorder of the small intestine. Fructose malabsorption is a digestive disorder in which deficient fructose carriers in the small intestine's enterocytes impair absorption of fructose. This leads to an excessive concentration of fructose in the intestines causing abdominal bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation. When an individual has FM there intestines cannot absorb even small amounts of fructose. When fructose is not absorbed properly in the small intestine, the unabsorbed fructose is osmotically reduced and normal colonic bacteria to short chain fatty acids and gases hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane in the large intestine metabolize the absorption of water. This causes osmotic diarrhea, flatulence and bloating. The osmotic load itself might also have a laxative effect similar to that utilized by the commonly used disaccharide laxative lactulose. Osmotic diarrhea occurs when too much water is drawn into the bowels.

Unabsorbed fructose becomes a food for the bacteria living in intestines. The unpleasant symptoms of Fructose malabsorption often appear very similar to IBS or lactose intolerance. This condition is very common in patients experiencing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Some experts believe that fifty percent of those with Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have fructose malabsorption. The symptoms present in fructose malabsorption are nausea, abdominal distention, vomiting, vitamin deficiencies, abdominal bloating, flatulence (sometimes excessive), diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, mental fog and stomach cramping and pain. It is fairly unknown among the medical community or even in mainstream literature. Fructose malabsorption is hard to find in health and medical books. Most doctors have no knowledge of its existence. It is estimated that thirty to forty percent of the population of Central Europe are fructmals. Individuals with fructose malabsorption are known as fructmals. Fructose is found widely in the diet as a free hexose, as the disaccharide, sucrose and in a polymerized form (fructans). Free fructose has limited absorption in the small intestine, with up to one half of the population unable to completely absorb a load of 25 g. Fructose is present in many of the foods we eat, usually in combination with glucose.

Primary symptoms

Stomach pains and cramping, colic and spasms (mild to severe) (Due to fermentation in small and large intestine.)
Nausea Flatulence (sometimes excessive and offensive)
(Due to fermentation.)
Diarrhea (Due to osmotic effects. It is not unlike taking laxatives.)
Abdominal distention, bloating

Secondary symptoms

Irritable bowel syndrome Mental fog Nutrition and Vitamin Deficiencies (folic acid, iron, zinc, tryptophan and folate deficiencies) Vomiting Anxiety (Due to small bowel hurry) Early signs of mental depression (due to low levels of tryptophan causing serotonin deficiency) Poor skin, nail and hair conditions Headache Reflux (chronic heartburn)

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Montezuma's revenge - Aztec Two Step - whatever nicknames it may be called, if you've experienced it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Traveler's diarrhea (TD) is the most common medical issue that people complain of while traveling in less developed countries.

High-risk destinations (attack rates of up to 60% during the first 2 weeks) include Mexico, the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and the developing countries of Africa, South and Central America, the Middle East, and Asia. Lesser risks countries include Australia, countries in Europe, Japan, South Africa and countries in North America.

Traveler's diarrhea is not a specific disease, but describes the symptoms caused by certain microorganisms that are transmitted via contaminated food and water. Bacteria are by far the most common cause of TD with about 85% of cases being bacterial. Parasites and viruses are causes of TD 10% and 5 % respectively.

Bacterial causes of TD include; Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, various stains of E. coli and Vibrio (the cause of cholera).

Parasitic causes include Giardia and Entamoeba histolytica (amoebiasis). Viruses like rotavirus and norovirus have been implicated.

TD is commonly seen with the following symptoms; an abrupt onset of loose, watery or semi-formed stools associated with abdominal cramps and rectal urgency. Other symptoms like nausea, bloating, and fever, may also be present. Vomiting may occur in up to 15% of those affected. Travelers' diarrhea is generally self-limited and lasts 3-4 days even without treatment.

How can you prevent TD on your next trip overseas? Here are some common sense tips:

o Don't buy food from street vendors.
o Avoid raw foods. In particular, salads, uncooked vegetables, and unpasteurized milk and milk products such as cheese, and to eat only food that has been cooked and is still hot or fruit that can be peeled by the traveler personally (bananas and oranges).
o Also avoid undercooked or raw meats, fish or shellfish.
o Do not use tap water to wash fruits and vegetables or to make ice cubes. Avoid fruit juices made reconstituted with tap water.
o When in areas where water is not chlorinated; bottled water is a safe alternative as long as the bottle is unopened and sealed.
o Use bottled water to brush your teeth.
o Keep your mouth closed while showering.
o Make sure eating utensils and dishes are clean and dry before you use them.
o Boiling water is the best way to make water safe to drink. High boil for at least one minute.
o The use of iodine or chlorine tablets is effective against most pathogens. They however are ineffective against some parasites like Cryptosporidium.
o The use of water filters is effective against most pathogens.
o The use of prophylactic antibiotics may be useful particularly short term travelers. Quinolones and Rifaximin are commonly prescribed antibiotics for this reason.
o Pepto-Bismol may reduce your chances of getting TD.
o In Europe and Canada there is an approved vaccine for cholera that can be administered prior to travel.
o Hand washing and hand sanitizer gels reduce the incidence of diarrhea (as well as respiratory illness).

Most cases of TD do not require treatment and will resolve spontaneously. However in cases where there is bloody diarrhea and or high fever, antibiotic treatment should be given. If you do get TD, drink plenty of fluids. Certain infections like cholera can be life-threatening due to fluid loss. IV fluid replacement may be required in some cases.

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Of all the parasites a dog can catch, worms take home first prize for Most Disgusting. Nobody wants to imagine little worms crawling around in their dog's digestive system, but it's a fairly common ailment that's easily passed from dog to dog. So if he does happen to contract them, tell your furry fella not to feel ashamed of his worms! They're easily prevented and controlled with medication that your vet routinely prescribes to hundreds of pooches just like him.

Roundworms are the most common type of worm, especially in unvaccinated puppies who may just be getting into that exploratory stage, which of course involves exploring other dogs' feces. Regardless of your dog's age, you'll know he's contracted roundworms if his stools look like spaghetti. Other signs include vomiting and diarrhea. If your dog displays any of these symptoms, bring him in to the vet's office for a worm diagnosis and treatment. In the future, roundworms can be avoided with a worm preventative that your vet will recommend.

Hookworms find their way to your dog's digestive tract through the pads of his feet and the skin of his belly. He can easily pick them up by way of infected soil. Once infected with hookworms, your dog will pass dark or bloody stools, an indication that the hookworms are sucking blood from his intestinal tract. If left untreated, hookworms cause anemia in your poor pooch, so bring him into the vet ASAP for a deworming and preventative against future hookworm episodes.

Tapeworms are passed through fecalmatter and flea larvae, and easily spread from dogs to humans through direct contact. They're easily visible in your dog's waste, so while it may seem a vile practice, take an extra long look at your dog's poop every now and then to check for tapeworms. While they are harmless to your dog, tapeworms are hazardous to humans. If your dog has them, they should be treated promptly.

Heartworms can KILL your dog! They're transmitted through mosquitoes and are lethal if left untreated. These parasites make their way to your dog's heart, where the live and grow until heart functions are totally blocked, leading to heart failure and death. Symptoms of heartworms in your dog are coughing, labored breathing, weight loss and fainting. If you suspect heartworm, prevent your dog from exercising and get him to a vet immediately. Your dog's doctor will determine what stage the disease has progressed to, and recommend treatment accordingly. If caught early, your dog may only require medicine injections and aspirin. If the disease is in advanced stages, he may require treatment for heart failure. It's wise to protect your dog against heartworm with a routine vaccination, and as an added precaution, guard him against mosquitoes with an insect repellent recommended by your vet.

Check your dog regularly for any weird symptoms that could indicate a case of worms. Be sure to bring him in for vet checkups on a regular basis. Find out what precautionary steps you can take to prevent worms and other parasites. In this way, you'll ensure him a happy and worm-free existence!

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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Traditional home remedies for diarrhea exist for many generations and for different cultures. You can bet that since diarrhea is a very common experience, previous generations would have found remedies for relief. These home remedies for diarrhea are worth investigating so that there is really no need to turn to drugs for treatment. In most cases, these natural methods can help to ease symptoms with fewer risk. You may have remembered having used these traditional home remedies when young. If you have forgotten about what they are, why not ask your parents or grandparents about them? To help you get started, I have dug up a few well known traditional secrets and shared them in this article.

Diarrhea is a way for your body to remove a substance that is bad for it in a quick manner. You may find that other than diarrhea, you may also experience vomiting and fever. While it is helpful to efficiently purge the body of the foreign substance, it can cause dehydration. Dehydration is very dangerous, especially for children and older people. Should you also find blood or mucus in the stool, there could be a more serious reason for your digestive complaints.

Although drugs are generally effective, they can impede on the intent of your body to cleanse itself. Hence, home remedies for diarrhea which assists the body in its natural cleansing process can help reduce the symptoms of digestive problems safely.

1. Wild oregano oil acts as an antibacterial, anti parasitic, and antiviral agent. Thus, it can address the root cause and help to treat the bacteria, virus, or parasite causing the diarrhea.

2. Wheatgrass powder is supposedly effective for treating diarrhea from irritable bowel syndrome. Mix a double or triple dose in a glass of water. Follow this glass with a glass of plain water.

3. Brown rice and toasted whole grain bread are traditional home remedies for diarrhea that my grandmother used and with good reason. These foods provide you with some energy and nutrients to overcome feelings of weakness, while giving bulk for the stool.

4. Homeopathic Arsenicum enables you to eliminate toxins after eating spoilt food, but will control the diarrhea. Another of the popular home remedies for diarrhea is cuprum arsenicosum. You would need to take four charcoal tablets every hour, so as to keep toxins from being absorbed by the body.

5. Drinking blackberry tea will alleviate mild diarrhea. Ginger tea or ginger in capsules helps relieve cramping. A tea brewed with croton weed leaves will also act as a home remedy for diarrhea.

6. Avoid drinking non caffeinated and non alcoholic fluids whilst feeling sick. Skip apple juice however but choose ginger ale and carrot juice instead.

7. This is an excellent home recipe for diarrhea due to several helpful ingredients: a cup of plain yogurt, a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder, and a pinch of salt. Simply add the spices after warming the yogurt slightly and drink.

8. Ayurvedic home remedies for diarrhea are also known to help. One recipe is a gruel made from ½ cup of rice, 4 cups of water, ½ tablespoon of ginger paste, salt to taste, and ½ cup pomegranate juice. Mix and cook all ingredients except the juice. After cooking, add the juice and consume while warm. This mixture provides hydration and reduces inflammation in the digestive tract.

With so many ideas, you only need to reach as far as your kitchen cupboard. By making home remedies for diarrhea, you can find relief without causing harm to your body. It is important to remember to hydrate and flush your body with lots of water, regardless of which home remedy that you are on. Electrolytes or minerals are carried out with the water, in cases of prolonged diarrhea. You should take plenty of liquids, preferably those containing carbohydrates, especially glucose, and electrolytes such as oral rehydration liquids. Should you continue to experience diarrhea despite taking home remedies for diarrhea for more than a day or two, then you should see a doctor right away.

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Just like human babies, puppies also need their fair share of vaccinations to protect them from the common, yet fatal, diseases in dogs. These 5-in-1 puppy shots are also called DHLP-P vaccinations, with the purpose of immunizing dogs against the five most dangerous dog diseases namely Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza and Parvo.


Canine Distemper is an extremely contagious disease in dogs which can be potentially deadly. The identified cause is the paramyxovirus which can be transmitted by coming into contact with the thick green or yellow discharge from the nose or eyes of an infected dog. The most common symptoms include dry cough, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and increase in temperature. The neurological symptoms are shivering, twitching or constant chewing (as if the dog has a gum in its mouth). Later on, the dog will have convulsions and seizures that might result to respiratory and heart failure leading to death.


Canine Hepatitis is another deadly disease in dogs which can be transmitted through the stool, urine or saliva of an infected dog. The abdominal organs of the dogs and the liver are the primary targets of the virus. Initial signs include discharges from the nose, eyes or mouth, and sometimes red eyes in infected dogs. The animal may stop eating, become sluggish and a lot of them become comatose.


Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be spread through the urine of an infected dog. What makes it serious is the fact that it can be spread to humans. The most common symptoms are increased urination, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sores in the tongue, gums and mouth and whites of the eyes may change color. It is usually fatal because of the damage it causes to the kidneys, liver and digestive tract. Very few dogs may survive but recover at a very slow rate.


All kinds of kennel cough including parainfluenza are highly transmittable and airborne. Sharing of dishes and nose to nose contact can be reasons for the spread of the disease. Symptoms include deep sounding cough that can go on for weeks making the dog exhausted.


Parvo is a contagious disease in dogs which has resulted to many dog deaths, with puppies being more susceptible to the disease. The virus may cause cardiac or diarrheal problems to infected dogs. The most common symptoms are increase in temperature, loss of appetite, lethargy, bloody diarrhea and vomiting.

If you don't want your pet dog to suffer any of these canine diseases, the only way you can prevent it is by being diligent in taking your puppy to the vet for regular vaccination shots. By doing so, you can sleep soundly knowing that your beloved pet is protected.

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If you are living like several people around you then you consume junk food very much and food that can be harmful to your digestive system. Many people above the age of 40 are developing a condition known as diverticulitis which was rare before the 1900's. Generally when you face this condition you go to a doctor who prescribes medicine. In this article I will tell about the commonly prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis and some of their side effects.

If you are above 40 years of age, you are likely to have some diverticula ( pouches formed on the wall of colon ) which may eventually cause diverticulitis. You can prevent this from happening by just changing your diet to high fiber diet. This will help you to get control over the diverticula.

On the other hand if you are experiencing some pain in the abdominal area, bloating etc. it indicates that you have a mild case of diverticulitis. Some of the prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis are

1) Ciprofloxacin (Cipro): This antibiotic is commonly used for different treatments like infection of skin, lungs, bones and joints, urinary infections and infectious diarrheas. Some of the side effects observed when taking this antibiotic are nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, rash, headache and rare allergic reactions. One thing to note is that this antibiotic can cause alteration in the bacteria in colon which may result in their overgrowth. This can lead to an inflammation of colon.

2) Metronidazole ( Flagyl): It is used for treating diseases which can occur in the abdomen, liver and pelvis. Generally it is well tolerated when used appropriately. However, some side effects may result. Nausea, headache, loss of appetite are minor side effects. Extreme side effects can be damage of nerves which can result in numbness.

3) Cephalexin (Keflex): Cephalexin is similar to pencillin. It is also prescribed to cure middle ear infections, tonsils, throat, larynx and bronchi infections. Some common side effects can be vomiting, nausea, dizziness, skin rash, fever, abdominal pain and nausea.

4) Doxycycline (Vibramycin): It is also used for treating respiratory tract infections, typhus, chancroid, rocky mountain spotted fever, syphilis and also acne. It is also well tolerated among the masses. Some common side effects that can happen are nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Sunburn can also occur during the course which can be tackled by reducing exposure to sunlight.

These are four prescribed antibiotics for diverticulitis along with their side effects. Though these side effects are not seen in many but some of you might see them while getting treated. It is better to avoid these problems by taking care of your health from the beginning. You can start a healthy lifestyle today by giving up the junk foods and taking whole food which far beneficial to you.

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Dumping syndrome is an effective result of the gastric bypass system which alerts the body of inappropriate eating. Dumping syndrome is described as a shock-like state when small, easily absorbed food particles rapidly dump into the digestive system. This results in a very unpleasant feeling with symptoms such as a cold clammy sweat, pallor, butterflies in the stomach and a pounding pulse. These symptoms may be followed by cramps and diarrhea. This state can last for 30-60 minutes and is quite uncomfortable.

That was the clinical description of dumping.

This is what I experience when I dump: shortly after eating a food I don't tolerate (sugar, milk, sugary milk products or starchy carbs) I begin to feel a bit disoriented, maybe dizzy and then an overall sense of confusion or panic takes over my mind and body. This is a mild state of delirium. Then I begin sweating. Profuse sweating that can completely soak my hair, my clothes; it drips and glistens on my skin. During this state of sweaty panic I feel like I'm out of my mind! A few times during extremely dramatic dumping episodes I literally thought I was dying, the state of distress was that severe.

At this point during a dumping episode I have learned it is best to lie down on my side and let it nature take its course. The body is efficiently, albeit painfully, correcting a chemical imbalance in the cell system. It takes great presence of mind to calm myself and lay down, but even in a state of near-delirium I now know this is the only action to be taken. I know the event is passing when the sense of panic is replaced by exhaustion and cold chills instead of sweating. Occasionally I have suffered diarrhea at this point. If I have the luxury I'll try to take a nap or go to bed after dumping. If it is in the evening I'll sleep through the night, and wake feeling like I've been run over by a truck.

The mild delirium associated with dumping is the result of an interruption of nerve impulses affecting cerebral metabolism. The interruptions are caused by metabolic disturbances such as fluid or electrolyte imbalance. When the incorrect foods are consumed and dumped into the digestive system the electrolytes get out of balance. Dehydration will also cause an electrolyte imbalance. This mild delirium is characterized by a reduced ability to maintain attention to surroundings or disorganized thinking. The daily routine can become confusing. In extreme cases a person who is dumping may experience rambling, irrelevant or incoherent speech.

After the dump passes the interrogation begins: what caused that dump? I have dumped on yogurt, sugar cookies, lobster bisque and blackberry sorbet. I have dumped after one margarita. A particularly impressive dump followed a love-fest with a piece of pecan pie. Salty potato chips that should have never crossed my lips knocked me flat quicker than a prize-winning boxer could have. I have dumped a few times for which I never determined a cause. In most cases eating the inappropriate food for my gastric bypass system is the culprit. Through trial and error I can predict most things that make me dump and I avoid them contemptuously.

The most efficient way to avoid dumping is to maintain the strict regimen practiced during bariatric infancy: follow the four rules. Eat protein first making sure it comprises one-half of every meal. Avoid snacking. Avoid all sources of simple sugar; and yes, this includes cookies, cakes, candy, sodas, ice cream and sorbet. Sip water throughout the day. When you practice this eating behavior your blood sugar will not fluctuate and you will not dump. Most patients, who crave a taste of something sweet, have learned they can tolerate a bite of fruit at the end of the meal. Proceed with caution and discover what works for you.

The first reaction when dumping begins is to try and make it stop. There is a feeling of helplessness - like trying to stop an earthquake. I have tried eating myself out of it. I have tried flushing it away by drinking water. I have tried physical motion - pacing - to get myself out of it. I have not successfully stopped a dumping episode. I don't know anyone who can successfully halt a dumping episode. Sipping a sports drink like Gatorade will relieve my symptoms, although my surgical weight loss specialists do not recommended this practice. If you find something to bring relief during a dump, and it causes no further harm, then do it.

It is important to note that the dumping experience is different for every person. Some will always have extreme dumps and others more mild episodes. Individuals will notice dumping episodes will vary by incident. No two people dump the same and no two dumps are alike.

Dumping is a bittersweet fact of life after weight loss surgery. Because we must fuel our bodies by eating we will experience dumping. Adherence to the four rules will prevent dumping in most cases. However, every now and again we will be blindsided by a dump caused by a food never suspected. Keeping a list of poorly tolerated foods will help you avoid them. The acutely dramatic event of dumping is a convincing motivator to follow the rules and avoid the foods that have trigged a dumping episode.

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Many people know that if a dog has Parvo then you need to keep them hydrated, and there are two main choices - you can take your dog to the vet's, where they will use IV fluids, or you can hydrate your sick dog yourself, at home.

If you choose the latter option, then vets may provide you Sub Q fluids (at great cost, considering it's basically a bag of salty water), which we don't recommend in most cases, or you can use a home remedy.

The most popular home hydration therapy is Pedialyte, but we also don't recommend that because in our experience of helping treat dogs for Parvo (we've worked with over 3,600 at the time of writing), Pedialyte can cause additional vomiting, which is one of the last things you need when your dog has Parvo.

We also don't recommend Gatorade, for similar reasons.

So, what do we recommend as a home hydration therapy?

In our considered opinion, the Parvo Emergency Tea is the best and safest home remedy to prevent dehydration - but make sure you use one that does not include Pedialyte, as mentioned above, or garlic, (which can also cause vomiting).

Now, the Parvo tea is very good, and it can even help quell any vomiting, but the crucial thing is to get going with it at once - the clue is in the name, Parvo EMERGENCY Tea.

The word "emergency" has more than a strong implication of taking IMMEDIATE action.

Consider this: if you took your sick dog to the vet's, would you expect them to leave him sitting there, throwing up and maybe with bloody diarrhea squirting out of its rear, for 12 hours before they even did anything?

We hope you wouldn't!

But that's exactly what some of our customers have done - and in most cases, their inaction has cost their dogs their lives.

Parvo strikes really quickly - some dogs die in as few as five hours after the first physical symptoms (e.g. vomit, diarrhea) - so you cannot afford to waste any time.

So, whatever you decide to do in terms of treatment, please, please take action STRAIGHT AWAY - every hour you delay makes it that bit more likely that your sick doggie won't make it.

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The decision of getting an abortion done is always a tough one to make. This is why women should look out for some counseling services in this regard. Basically, there are two types of abortion methods. One is medical abortion and the other is surgical abortion. Medical abortion is a great way of getting aborted without actually undergoing any surgery. Medication abortion can definitely help you in staying safe after the procedure of abortion is executed. In this article, we are going to talk in detail about the pros and cons of oral or vaginal abortion pill. We will also tell you more about how safe these two methods are.

Even though consuming an abortion pill is considered to be quite safe but still it can have certain complications and side effects on your body over the period of time. Some of these side effects include: nausea, heavy bleeding, diarrhea, stomach cramps and vomiting. This is the main reason why you should always seek some guidance from your doctor before consuming this medication.

Not many people know that RU 486 is consumed orally followed by Misoprostol later on. Misoprostol can be given either vaginally or orally. Some of the side effects of consuming this medication vaginally are: diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. So, we can easily say that you should consume such medication pills only after the recommendation of your doctor.

Sometimes heavy bleeding can start from your vagina and therefore you need to be very careful in this regard. You should always look out for some options while consuming this medication. Consuming this pill within 72 hours of the intercourse is the best thing for you to do. However, if you still have any issues about getting aborted then you can consider talking to your professional doctor. You should also consider choosing an abortion clinic. Abortion clinics can really help you in a number of ways. They offer you plenty of after care services which will help you stay fit and healthy all the time.

So, these are some of the fine things that you need to remember in regard to abortion pills. You should always know more about their side effects if you wish to stay safe all the time. Stay calm while the abortion procedure is carried out. Once you are done with it, you should look out for some counseling services that will help you in generating some fine results on the go.

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Right around springtime, when the flowers start to bloom and the bees start to buzz, people with allergies start to sneeze, their eyes start to itch and water. If you are one of these people you know exactly what I'm talking about. Allergies cause a reaction within the body creating symptoms of coughing, burning, itchy eyes, headache, hives, runny nose, skin rashes, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Everyone experiences a different intensity and combination of symptoms. Allergies are very common among humans.

Allergies are an exaggerated reaction by the body's immune system to allergens. Allergens are nonparasitic antigens, which are generally harmless. However, for people who suffer with allergies, allergens cause the immune system to be hypersensitive. When the immune system recognizes an allergen, the body creates and releases histamines to fight off the allergen. The body's creation of histamines is what causes all the symptoms that people experience with allergies. Itching, swelling, mucus production, muscle spasms, hives, rashes, coughing, diarrhea, headache, running nose, stomach cramps, and vomiting are some of the symptoms that can be experienced with allergic reactions.

Allergens come in all shapes, sizes and environments. Allergies can have both genetic and environmental factors. Inherited allergies are usually passed from the mother with a greater risk if both parents have allergies. Common allergens include dust, pollen, mold and pet dander. Allergic reactions can also occur form insect bites, jewelry, cosmetics, spices, foods, and drug interactions. Allergens are usually inhaled through the eyes, nose or mouth when you come into contact with them in the air.

Allergens breathed through the nose cause a runny nose, itchy nose and throat, coughing, mucus production and wheezing. Inhalation into the lungs can cause an asthmatic response, constricting the airways and producing increased mucus in the lungs. Allergens that come into contact with the eyes cause itching, watering, swelling, and red eyes. Food allergies can cause nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling and hives. Skin contact with allergens can cause contact dermatitis, rashes, swelling, inflammation, blisters, skin peeling and eczema. Responses to insect bites or medications such as aspirin or penicillin can produce a systematic response called anaphylaxis. Even more rare allergies include reactions to temperature, sunlight, and friction.

Anyone who has ever experienced allergies knows that they appear out of nowhere and are quick to cause symptoms. Allergies are more of a hassle than anything. Treatment for allergies includes medications to counteract and prevent the symptoms. Pills, drops, injections, sprays, creams, and inhalers are all types of medications that treat allergy symptoms. Extreme allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis require immediate medical attention.

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  • Diarrhea is the passing of watery or loose stools.

  • It is the body's way of eliminating toxic wastes.

  • Diarrhea is also an indication that the digestive system is unable to absorb nutrients, salt and water from food which are subsequently lost from the body through the watery bowels.

  • Acute diarrhea accompanied by fever and blood or mucus in the stool may indicate bacterial or parasital infection.

  • Most diarrhea lasts up to 3 or 4 days, even if left untreated. Consult a physician if diarrhea persists for more than 4 days.

  • Diarrhea depletes the body of electrolytes, which are important minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium. A lack of these minerals can cause fatigue, tiredness and dehydration.

  • Breast fed babies are less vulnerable to diarrhea.

  • A body-detoxifying program can bring about a cleansing effect that could result in watery loose stools. This is the action of the removal of fecal matter from the intestinal walls and it should not last more than 2 days.

  • Excess protein in an athlete can lead to dehydration, loss of appetite and diarrhea. Protein in excess requires more energy to digest and metabolize it.

    Reference : "Protein Supplements and Body Building Programs" Cathy K, et al. Journal of the American Medical Association (1978) 240:481


  • People with lactose intolerance (the inability to digest lactose) who have consumed dairy products will allow the lactose to ferment in the large intestine where it can cause bloating, flatus, diarrhea and pain.

  • Consuming large quantities of artificial sweeteners such as hexitols, mannitol and sorbitol can cause diarrhea.

  • Food poisoning leading up to diarrhea is caused by bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and campylobacter.

  • Diarrhea is often a symptom of many health conditions such as diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperthyroidism, celiac disease (gluten sensitivity,) vitamin overdose, caffeine overdose and alcohol overdose.

  • Emotional stress and anxiety can have an unpleasant effect on the digestive system and can spark off diarrhea. Once the stress or anxiety is gone, diarrhea stops.

  • Some women experience diarrhea immediately before or during menstruation.

  • Antibiotics can upset the healthy balance between the good and bad bacteria in the intestine, resulting in diarrhea. Such antibiotics include doxycycline, digoxin, ampicillin, clindamycin, tetracycline and dirithromycin.

  • Diarrhea can be a side-effect from drugs like immunosuppressants and those used for lowering cholesterol; for treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, cancer, osteoporosis, urinary tract infections, HIV and manic phase of bipolar disorder.

Brainerd diarrhea
  • Brainerd diarrhea is a condition characterized by 10 to 20 diarrheic episodes per day of explosive, watery non-bloody stools and often, fecal incontinence, lasting for 4 weeks or more. Other symptoms include gas, mild abdominal cramping and fatigue. It is named after a town called Brainerd in Minnesota, USA where the first outbreak took place in 1983. Neither bacterial, viral nor parasitic pathogens were found to be the cause of this strange disease. A chemical toxin was thought to be involved.

The relief plan


    Replace lost fluids by taking lots of water, juices, broth and decaffeinated teas. Avoid either very cold or very hot fluids.


    Avoid milk, dairy products, raw vegetables, acidic fruits, bran, whole-grain cereals, sugary foods, spices, fried food, fatty food, caffeine and alcohol. All of which are tough on the digestive system.


    Works by absorbing and binding harmful or irritating substances found in the stomach and intestines, thereby preventing them from getting absorbed into the body system. Charcoal digested makes the stool black, naturally. Powder form is said to be better than tablets. Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of charcoal powder with water and drink with a straw. Must not be taken at the same time with the syrup of ipecac, a common remedy for poisoning used to induce vomiting.

  • NONI

    A natural tropical fruit found to contain over 150 nutraceuticals which include 20 amino acids, 9 of which are essential because they are not produced in the body, vitamin A, all the B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, ursolic acid, linoleic acid, proxeronine (bromelain), scopoletin, pectin, phytosterols, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

    As an adaptogen, noni qualifies to be the Yin/Yang regulator, helping to enhance resistance to stress and disease, normalize metabolic functions and improve the body's ability to adapt to differing external or internal disturbances.

    Noni has also been blessed with anthraquinone compounds such as alizarin, acubin and L-asperuloside that fight against bacterial strains like E.coli, salmonella, shigella, staphylococcus aureus and baciillis subtilis.

    Author of 76 Ways to Use Noni Fruit Juice suggests the tummy treatment as an alternative to get noni's healing compounds into infants and children. This simple treatment uses a cotton ball soaked with warm noni to cover the bellybutton.

    More about noni : http://www.tipsofallsorts.com/noni.html.

    Reference : "Morinda citrifolia (Noni): A literature review and recent advances in Noni research" Wang Mian-Ying, et al. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (Dec, 2002) 23(12):1127-1141


    Take 1 tablespoon (mix with apple sauce and honey) on an empty stomach with acidophilus. Carob soothes irritated intestines.


    Diarrhea caused by antibiotics can be handled by acidophilus (friendly intestinal bacteria) which will help restore a healthy flora in the digestive tract.


    An alkaloid compound present in the roots and bark of many medicinal plants such as goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis), bayberry (Berberis vulgaris), goldthread (Coptis chinensis) and Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium). It is responsible for the yellow color in the roots. Bererine has anti-microbial action against bacteria (e.g. E. coli and cholera), protozoa (e.g. giardia, amoebas and chlamydia), yeasts, certain viruses and worms. It also has anti-inflammatory and astringent effects, especially on mucous membranes. Berberine may reduce healthy bacteria in the gut, which can be corrected with the supplementation of acidophilus once diarrhea has stopped.

  • RASPBERRY LEAF (Rubus idaeus)

    Used for diarrhea, motion sickness and menstrual cramps.
    Recommended dosage : 2 capsules twice or 3 times daily with food; as a tea, up to six cups a day for acute problems.

  • BLACKBERRY (Rubus macropetalus)

    Blackberry juice is used to treat diarrhea, acid indigestion, colitis and gallstones. The tannin content in blackberry has an astringent effect, tightening the mucous membrane tissue along the intestinal tract which discourages the formation of watery stools. Drink 1 cup tea up to 6 times a day. Avoid blackberry remedies when suffering from Crohn's disease or any chronic gastrointestinal disorders.


    A suspension formula made from an absorbent clay. It works by absorbing and binding to substances irritating or harmful to the gut. The concentrated tablets are free of additives.

Complete article link : http://www.tipsofallsorts.com/diarrhea.html

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Cockroaches have been around for 400 million years. There are 57 known species in the United States but the most common type - Blatella germanica - lives in kitchens and bathrooms.

You'll seldom find roaches in the day; most species are nocturnal. But you can be sure your home is infested if you find feces that look like grains of pepper or oval, brown egg cases.

The latter is carried by the female under her body until the eggs are ready to hatch. Each egg case contains about 40 eggs. One or two egg cases are laid by the female in its entire life.

The nymph or young roach becomes an adult in two to three months. Roaches normally live for nine to 10 months but some species can live as long as three years depending on the environment and food supply.

"Cockroaches thrive on warmth and dampness and show a distinct dislike for lighted rooms. These insects can feed on anything, including paper, leather fabrics, and foodstuff," according to the editors of Health Alert, a publication of the Health Action Information Network (HAIN).

"They cannot withstand long periods of starvation and usually die within two to four weeks under such circumstances," HAIN added.

Like flies, roaches can transmit serious diseases like typhoid fever and cholera. The germs responsible for these diseases are picked up by roaches from filth and carried to food.

Roaches also transmit dysentery, the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine caused by bacterial or viral infection. The symptoms of dysentery are abdominal pain, cramps, diarrhea, and bloody stool or mucus or pus in the stools. If the patient doesn't get help immediately, he or she may die from dehydration or other complications.

"The cockroach is a very significant threat to public health, as it is a mechanical carrier of germs and diseases. It may also pass on parasitic worms, the viruses of poliomyelitis, and other microorganisms such as those carrying hepatitis A and leprosy," warned the editors of Health Alert.

Did you know that even dead roaches can cause trouble? Find out how in the second part of this series. To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system. For details, visit http://www.bodestore.com/immunitril.html.

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They are inexpensive, they are easy to make, they are safe and effective. Teas of various kinds make the perfect home remedy for all kinds of digestive distress. Just match the right tea to the symptoms.

For heartburn, any tea that dilutes stomach acid will bring relief, and calming teas are best. Chamomile, catnip, lemon balm, and aniseseed brews all reduce the intensity of the reflex that makes the stomach churn out acid. Just don't brew them too long. Bitter herbal brewed beverages, and bitter food and drink of any sort, activate a reflex that increases acidity and aggravates heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

It's not often that a medical journal will recommend an herb as the first line of treatment for a medical condition, but that's the case with peppermint for irritable bowel syndrome. When taken in an enteric-coated capsules in a 180-200 mg dose three times a day, peppermint oil relieves the bloating, constipation, diarrhea and gas of mild IBS in adults and the same symptoms with mild recurrent abdominal pain (diagnosed by a doctor) in children.

Essential oils Explained
Peppermint tea works almost as well as peppermint capsules, but you have to be careful how you brew it. The active ingredient in peppermint is the essential oil (never, by the way, take straight essential oil of peppermint, it's just too much). The essential oil is very volatile.

This means it boils off from teas, and you must (1) make your peppermint remedy in a container (preferably a teapot, although just placing a saucer on top of the cup will also work) and (2) use water that's just beginning to bubble, not at a full boil.

Finally, for flatulence, even for explosive flatulence that can cause so much embarrassment at work and in social situations, consider fennel seed tea. You make this tea by crushing fennel seeds and making your brew by in very hot water for 5 to 10 minutes. Like peppermint, fennel is more effective when it is brewed in a teapot. Just how fennel seeds work is a mystery to modern medicine, but many people find them to be an almost instant cure for gas.

Read More About Herbal tea and More Interesting Alternative Health Topics

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Dog vomiting is quite a natural canine behavior. All dogs do it, and some do it frequently, and for a number of reasons.

So before you grab your car keys to rush the dog off to the vet, stop awhile! In most cases, there is no need for concern. Vomiting is just a natural way in which dogs remove unwanted matter from the body.

Of course, I'm not suggesting that you ignore it completely, because sometimes vomiting does suggest a more serious problem. But you'll need to observe the dog for other symptoms, for example, diarrhea, loss of appetite and general listlessness.

If you notice these symptoms it's time to visit the vet, although most likely it is still nothing to be overly concerned about.

Here are some common reasons why a dog may throw up;

Eating too fast - Many dogs tend to woof their food down, a throw back to the days when they could be attacked while eating. Feeding 3 to 4 smaller meals rather than one large meal may sort out the problem and will also protect against bloat, a potentialy deadly condition.

Consuming Grass - Nobody really knows why dogs eat grass, but many of them seem to love it. Some experts believe they eat grass to induce vomiting, while others say that eating too much grass makes them vomit. Either way, eating grass often makes a dog throw up.

Eating the wrong things - Dogs that are fed on junk food and table scraps, and dogs that make a habit of raiding the trash can, are always likely to throw up. A healthy diet and preventing access to the trash will sort this out straight away.

When should I be concerned?

Although vomiting is usually nothing to worry about, it should also not be ignored. The first thing you should be alert to is the frequency. Once in a while is not a problem, once or twice a day, merits a veterinary check up.

Also be alert for the symptoms I mentioned earlier, lethargy, lack of appetite, and diarrhea, as well as other signs, like blood, or unusual coloration in the vomit. In these instances, get the dog to the vet right away.

Vomiting may also be due to a more serious cause, for example your dog may have eaten a household poison, like a pesticide, or even a poisonous plant. If you think this may be the case then immediate veterinary treatment is called for.

How To Prevent Your Dog From Throwing Up

If you have a dog that throws up on a regular basis, there are a number of commonsense measures that you can put in place to reduce it.

Start by feeding your dog a healthy diet. Cut out all table scraps and junk foods and ensure that your dog cannot get into the trashcan. Feed your dog more frequent, smaller meals and add a fibre suppliment, so the dog is less inclined to eat grass.

These steps should be enough to reduce dog vomiting, but if not, it is advisable to speak to your vet.

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When it comes to taking great care of your pets, many people will spare no expense. These fur babies are like children, and as such they deserve the best of everything. So what do you do when your "baby" has special dietary needs? It can be a challenge to find the right hypoallergenic cat food to keep your kitty healthy. Though many people don't think about things like allergies or dietary sensitivities when at the pet shop choosing which fluffy bundle of joy to bring home, the health of your pet can be expensive and difficult to handle if you are not truly prepared for the responsibility of pet ownership.

There are many modern pet food companies that have made researching and developing the perfect foods for pets with sensitive digestive systems. The balance of nutritional quality and ingredients that are the least likely to cause upset makes choosing a high quality hypoallergenic cat food a great choice for problem pets. It may not be as easy as picking up any old brand at the grocery story, but the additional effort it can take to keep your cat's system functioning flawlessly will be well worth it. Allergy symptoms can be highly unpleasant, ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to itchiness and open sores.

With so many different foods on the market offering a variety of claims toward healthiness, how can you be sure the food you choose offers up the right balance of nutrition of your pet's individual needs. Unfortunately, if you don't know exactly what bothers your cat, it can be a game of trial and error. Though there are many ingredients that are well known problems and any hypoallergenic product will more often than not be the perfect solution.

If your pet is exhibiting signs of digestive discomfort, the first step may be to choose a food made from wholesome hypoallergenic ingredients. You will want to watch how your pet reacts to the slow introduction of the new food. If problems continue it may become necessary to take your pet in for a check up. You never want to risk the health of your pet by treating health problems without the advice of a trained professional. Your veterinarian may even be able to point you in the direction of a great food choice.

The best Hypoallergenic cat foods can be found at stores that specialize in pet needs. These stores often carry a wide variety of options to meet just about any food sensitive animals needs. Other types of high quality food can be purchased through the veterinarian or from online pet resources. Once you know what works for your pet, be sure to stick with it. Unexpected changes in diet can bring back your pet's problems all over again. Find that happy and healthy balance of great taste, simple ingredients and a price you can live with over the long haul. Your pet will be with you for many years and this relationship can be a very rewarding one for both of you.

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If you're a dog owner, it's highly likely that at some point you have fed your dog scraps from the dinner table. While this act of giving your furry friend some food may seem like a loving, harmless gesture, there is actually a wide variety of negative health effects certain foods can have on dogs. Some foods may cause only minor discomfort, while others can lead to digestive problems, severe illness, or even death.

Perhaps one of the most widely known hazardous foods for dogs is chocolate. Chocolate, which contains a compound called Theobromine, is a cardiac stimulant and diuretic. Taken in large enough doses, chocolate can cause dogs to have diarrhea and can cause vomiting.

Another well-known food for dogs to avoid is grapes. While the specific toxin in grapes that is harmful to dogs is not known, grapes, raisins and currants can cause damage to your dog's kidneys.

Other harmful foods and beverages include, but are not limited to:

  • Onions and garlic. Both contain a toxic ingredient called Thiosulphate and can lead to anemia

  • Avocados. Essentially every component of avocados, from the seeds to the leaves, can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Coffee and tea. Like chocolate, they can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and is harmful to the heart and nervous systems.

  • Milk and other dairy products. These can also casuse diarrhea.

  • Mushrooms. They contain multiple toxins that can lead to shock and even death.

  • Raw eggs. An enzyme called avidin is found in raw eggs, and decreases the absorption of a B vitamin, which ultimately causes skin and coat problems.

  • Raw meat. Salmonella and E.coli can be present in raw meat both of which can cause diarrhea and vomiting

  • Yeast dough. Just as dough rises for baking, it can expand in the digestive system, leading to pain and a potential rupture of the intestines or stomach.

  • Macadamia nuts. These can affect the digestive and nervous systems

It is important to remember that the dietary needs are of dogs are dramatically different than ours. And keeping an eye out for these and other dangerous foods is one way to ensure that our dogs live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

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