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With all the dangers of cigarette smoking, many have asked "How does smoking affect the lungs?" There's no doubt that long term first and second hand smoke is extremely hazardous, and when it comes to the lungs, cancer is not the only health risk you have when you smoke cigarettes for years. Among the other risks are: Pneumonia, bronchitis, and emphysema.

Pneumonia is an inflammatory condition which occurs in the lungs. This condition can develop by bacterial, viral, and fungal infections reaching the alveoli in the lungs. When this happens, fluid fills alveoli and creates inflammation in the lungs. Some of the symptoms of pneumonia are: cough with mucus, fever, shaking, shallow breathing and shortness of breath, chest pains, increased heart rate, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. To top it off, Pneumonia can be fatal, and about 5% of severe conditions left untreated result in death.

The most common respiratory infection that occurs due to smoking is bronchitis. The chemicals in cigarettes irritate the lining of your bronchial tubes which can greatly increase your risk for infection. The Bronchi become swollen, making it much more difficult to breathe since air is not able to pass through the airways normally. There is also a very thin layer of mucus that lines the bronchial tubes, and when these become inflamed, they will leak fluids that will build up in the lungs as mucus and ultimately lead to this infection. In response to the mucus buildup, your body's natural reflex will be to cough continually until the mucus has been removed. Constant coughing will stress your lungs beyond their limit and cause severe chest pain. While this is not a fatal condition, it can be extremely painful nonetheless, and may eventually lead to chronic bronchitis.

Emphysema occurs when the alveolar walls in the lungs become damaged. The lung is composed of many alveoli (tiny sacs), which take in oxygen, process it, and distribute it to your bloodstream. When you smoke, the chemicals enter these sacs and over time will begin to cause them to petrify. The reason being is that, in your lungs, there are defensive cells called macrophages. These cells destroy particles that enter your lungs, but when they do, they release materials which can destroy proteins in your lungs such as collagen and elastin. These proteins are what help your lungs expand and contract, and the absence of them leads to petrification of the lungs.

These are just a few examples of how smoking affects the lungs. There are many more conditions you could possibly develop if you continue to smoke. Some are more severe, while others less. Either way, your best bet is to quit smoking now before these conditions can develop in your body.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Some dog health issues must be addressed by a qualified veterinarian. Having a good vet in your corner, one who you know and trust is priceless and it's very reassuring.

Flea Control and Worming:

Controlling fleas and worms is an important health issue that your Vet can assist you with. Fleas are an obvious problem, but there are also heartworms, tapeworms, roundworms... your vet will recommend a treatment to follow and you have to stick with it. You will probably need to administer monthly worming tablets (which they love!) and maybe other medication.

Annual Check Up:

It's a good idea to schedule an annual check up or "wellness test". Your Vet will conduct a series of tests which is a great proactive and preventive health measure. A good Vet will be able to spot any irregularities in the test results and will also check your dog for any sign of breed specific health problems. Educate yourself about dog diseases like Cushing's and Addison's. Sometimes these diseases sneak up on you and you don't realize it until it's too late and complicated to treat.


If your dog vomits once, take certain precautions within your household to avoid it from happening again. However, if your dog frequently throws up, has chronic diarrhea, has bloody stools (bloody stools look like coffee grains), if the dog's stomach is swollen, or if he has a fever or appears to be ill, you must call your veterinarian right away. Even if your dog doesn't have these symptoms, but has been vomiting frequently, it's very important to call the vet at once. Dogs can become quickly dehydrated and this can cause serious problems to their health. Frequent vomiting can indicate other serious health problems like gastroenteritis, gastric ulcers, tumors, or intestinal obstructions. Parasites can also cause a dog to vomit because they proliferate so rapidly that they can actually block the dog's gastrointestinal track.

Torn nail:

Dogs romp and stomp and have fun until they snag a nail. Then the howling and bleeding begin. See if you have a styptic pencil handy, or you can use corn starch if you don't, to stop the bleeding and put a bandage on the injury and go to your vet. But if there is a lot of blood, a visit to the emergency room is the safest bet.

Insect bites or stings:

Sometimes you don't even notice an insect bite on your dog, however, they can be very serious if the animal is hyper-sensitive or allergic. If left untreated, the dog's breathing could become affected.

Eye trauma:

This is always an emergency. When an animal gets poked or scratched in the eye or has an eye infection, it likely will get worse without treatment.

By the way, don't let your dog hang his head out the car window. They can get debris or bugs in their eyes. If your pup insists on having the breeze in his face, it's a great excuse to train him to wear a pair of specially designed pet goggles.


Clean the wound and protect the lesion with topical antibiotics and cover it with a bandage. But a lesion like that can cause your pet to lick or scratch excessively and lead to infection. Call your vet to get advice. Your pet could benefit from pain relief and might even need to wear an Elizabethan collar to protect the lesion... but don't worry, there are alternatives to the dreaded collar.


Your dog may step on a nail, brush against a tree or get caught while climbing under a fence and could get a splinter or tear his or her skin.

Snake bite:

This isn't a huge issue for a city dog, but if you travel or go camping with your pet, you have to think about it. When camping, check with park rangers to see if rattlesnakes (or other biting snakes) are in the area. Try to keep your pet as immobilized as possible to prevent the rapid spread of the venom, and take him or her to a vet.


In the unthinkable case of serious injury or illness, you will need a vet who you trust and can rely on to save your dog's life. It helps if the vet is familiar with your dog. Do good research when choosing a vet. Consider one who is open long hours and has the ability to perform emergency surgery should the need arise.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Suffering through diarrhea after eating something the stomach doesn't agree with is an all too common experience for some folks. But everyone, from all walks of life, is susceptible to developing the condition. Diarrhea is essentially described as having more than three loose, watery stools per day. It is the number one cause of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Plus, it has been listed as the precursor to over 1.5 million deaths for kids under five, and 1.1 million deaths for those 5 and above. Explosive diarrhea is an exacerbation of this condition wherein loose stools are forcefully expelled from the body acutely and may be accompanied by rectal bleeding. So far, there are four known explosive diarrhea causes, and they will be further discussed in the following sections.

a. Malabsorption. This refers to the body's lack of capacity to absorb and metabolize certain nutrients from the food that had been consumed. Lactose-intolerance is a popular example of this, and a person's inability to use up certain sugars can lead to foul-smelling explosive diarrhea. Malabsorption problems can be brought by a number of genetic abnormalities or physical deformities, and it can be quite serious, since it can lead to malnutrition. If such is the case, those affected must consult a physician, so that they can get regular medical treatment and follow a prescribed diet.

b. Medication. Sometimes, the drugs you take in can change your metabolism and bowel habits, giving way to diarrhea after eating or even at random occasions. After taking antibiotics, for example, you might experience successive bouts of diarrhea, since it is one of the reliable ways the body can get rid of the bacteria. Cancer medication has also been known to have a similar adverse effect. When this happens, it is essential that you inform your physician, so that adequate after care is applied. After all, as mentioned earlier, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance may ensue.

c. Infection. In line with the previous premise, explosive diarrhea can also occur before the intervention of medication. Certain viruses, parasites, and bacteria - like Salmonella, E. Coli, Clostridium difficile, Shigella, Giardia lamblia and Campulobacter - can irritate the bowel, which in turn, causes irregularities in defecation. This is likely one of the most common triggers, since they are typically contracted by drinking and eating contaminated rations, but, they are also the simplest to resolve. Physicians usually just recommend a medication regimen composed of antibiotic, antiparasitic and antiviral drugs to combat the source.

d. Bowel Disease. As the last of the known explosive diarrhea causes, one can directly assume that this is the most difficult to reverse. Ailments like colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome typically stay with you for a long time. But with patient symptom management, you don't have to fear the condition getting the best of you.

Diarrhea is not only an uncomfortable and embarrassing disorder. It is also quite deadly. So, if you are unfortunate enough to be experiencing it, it will be best that you get medical treatment right away, before the symptom develops to more aggressive forms.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In learning what to feed a dog with diarrhea, you may well be at the beginning of totally changing the health of your dog. Why? Because by finding out what the cause of the diarrhea is, and addressing that, everything is likely to improve.

Too often, treatment of ailments is by suppressing the symptoms, rather than in looking for the cause. It's easier to suppress. You don't have to think. And you do have to think and be open when looking for causes. It's like being a detective. A good one has no preconceived ideas. They simply look at the facts and deal with them dispassionately, one at a time. Diarrhea can come in two forms. The acute form is when the dog has ingested something harmful, such as with food poisoning, and the body reacts violently to expel it. It is of short duration and occurred the once.

The chronic form of diarrhea occurs frequently or may never completely go. The most common cause of this is the food you are feeding your dog. Commercial pet food is highly toxic and nutrient poor. That is the quality is so poor that your dog is unhealthy. Your dog's immune system just can't deal with any offender, any pathogen in an aggressive way so it has taken a hold.

Commercial pet food is highly toxic with chemicals that would never be allowed in human food. The only way your dog can keep getting rid of this toxic load is to purge them out - constant vomiting and/or diarrhea. The best food is the food you prepare. You know what goes into the food. You have control over the healthy ingredients. So by switching your dog's diet from a commercial brand to a quality homemade one, you are probably getting to the cause of the diarrhea.

You can also assist your dog in the purging of the toxins, by giving the homeopathic medicine Arsenicum album. This may increase the purging for a short time, but your dog will feel much happier. Wouldn't you after dumping a toxic load? Learning what to feed a dog with diarrhea has the potential of curing the diarrhea, and improving your dog's overall health.

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A multi-billion dollar trade in exotic animals exists, right here, in this country, with private ownership in the millions.

Estimates by organizations such as Born Free USA and Captive Wild Animal Protection Coalition, put the number of privately owned primates in the United States at more than 15,000.

There's a disturbing phenomenon of childless people using monkeys, as substitutes for the children they never had. They dress them up in children's clothing, train them to sit in a highchair, drink from a cup, and use silverware.

Many primate owners attend "Primate Picnics." In cities across the country, they get together to socialize, and show off their monkeys.

These events are "underground" and not much is known about them. Investigators from the Animal Protection Institute visited a Primate Picnic in Illinois and found these grotesque scenes:

Monkeys in strollers and wearing harnesses.

Monkeys with pierced ears wearing frilly dresses, matching underpants, hats and jewelry.

Monkeys with some, or all, of their teeth removed.

Many of them were clearly disturbed, displaying stereotypical behaviors like rocking and circling in their cages. This dysfunctional behavior is abnormal in the wild, yet common in wild animals kept as pets.

Ease of buying primates

Although it is illegal to import primates into the United States for the pet trade, they are as easy to buy as a pair of shoes. All kinds of monkeys, including capuchins, spider monkeys, baboons, and chimpanzees are sold by backyard breeders at auctions, in pet stores, and over the internet.

Buying primates shows they're desirable pets. This keeps demand, and supply, high.

The nature of the beast

People who buy primates don't seem able to understand, they cannot be domesticated or tamed. They are wild animals, not meant to be living with humans. They are dangerous, destructive and unpredictable.

As they mature, monkeys become extremely difficult to handle. By the age of 5 they are stronger than most human adults, and become destructive and resentful of discipline. They have large teeth and can cause serious injury, especially to children. Biting and scratching are natural behaviors, not eliminated by captive breeding, or living with humans.

It is their nature to establish dominance over others. They are highly defensive of their social group, which means they will attack strangers.

Depending on the species, primates have a life span of 20-50 years or more. Who will care for them, for that length of time?

When your monkey bites someone, you: risk having to pay expensive medical bills, may be subject to a lawsuit, and could have him confiscated and destroyed.

Caring for a primate

Primates need the companionship of others of their kind, and housing like that found in their natural habitat.

Captive primates are deprived of role models, to teach them natural behavior. They are forced to lead lonely and dysfunctional lives.

When rescued, it is often impossible to rehabilitate these animals so they can live with other primates.

The lifelong care they require puts a huge strain on the limited number of sanctuaries able to care for them. Most sanctuaries lack funds and are full, because of the number of animals surrendered.

Unlike dogs and cats, you cannot just drop your monkey off at a shelter when you are no longer interested in caring for him.

They can make you sick

Monkeys and apes carry viruses, as well as fungal, bacterial, and parasitic diseases that pose health risks to humans. They include: Herpes B, cytomegalovirus, shigella (which causes bloody diarrhea), salmonellosis, rabies, tuberculosis, monkeypox, hepatitis and SIV (primate version of HIV).

There is also concern about simian viruses getting into the human blood supply.

You can make them sick

Humans pose a serious health risk to monkeys and apes, through transmission of pox viruses, tuberculosis, hepatitis, and meningitis.

I didn't think it would turn out this way. I can't keep this monster anymore!

Many primates end up abused, neglected and abandoned, because their owners can no longer care for them.

Pet primates are often mutilated by having their teeth, thumbs and fingernails removed to make them less dangerous.

When owners find them too difficult to handle or tire of them, they keep them chained and confined in small, barren cages. Others fall victim to the exotic pet trade, or end up in medical research laboratories or roadside zoos.

The morality and ethics of keeping wild animals in captivity

Primate breeders sell infant primates to make money, and that is all they care about. When you buy a primate, you are kidnapping a baby from its mother, a cruel and inhumane act.

Primate mothers fiercely defend their babies, so they must be held down or drugged to get the babies away from them.

Some breeders will tell you the baby is an orphan, while others try and convince you they are protecting the species from extinction. Both lies. How does taking a baby from its mother, dressing it in clothes and jewelry, and forcing it to live with humans help their survival?

Buying a primate makes you responsible, for the sad and lonely existence these animals endure.

But I love monkeys...

If you loved monkeys, you wouldn't dream of owning one.

You would

Volunteer at a zoo or exotic animal sanctuary.

Get a degree in and work at a zoo or sanctuary.

Travel to see primates in the wild.

Donate money and supplies to sanctuaries.

Discourage everyone you know from keeping exotics as pets.

Help charities spread the word that primates are not pets.

Not visit or patronize roadside zoos, menageries or "sanctuaries" that breed or display exotic animals for profit.

Research laws regarding private possession of exotic animals in your area, and help pass/strengthen legislation banning this practice.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Symptoms of a salmonella infection often include diarrhea and abdominal pain and cramps. A salmonella infection is a form of food poisoning and these symptoms and others tend to develop within 12 to 72 hours after a person eats or drinks something contaminated with the salmonella bacteria. The illness can last 4 to 7 days. The term Salmonellosis is used to describe an infection caused by the Salmonella bacteria.

Salmonella Infection Symptoms And Causes

Salmonellosis produces the symptoms that are commonly referred to as food poisoning, which may include:

  • Abdominal cramps and pain

  • Diarrhea

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Fever

  • Chills

  • Muscle pain

Symptoms can range in intensity from simple digestive system upset to severe or life threatening dehydration if vomiting and diarrhea persist.

Infections occur after eating foods or drinking a beverage that contain bacteria of the genus Salmonella. The bacteria is found in foods from animal sources but any food can be contaminated if food preparation conditions and equipment are contaminated with the bacteria.

Common sources of infection includes: undercooked meats (especially turkey or chicken), raw or cracked eggs, or raw (unpasteurized) milk. Also, failing to refrigerate these leftover foods promptly may allow the bacteria to grow. Cooking at higher temperatures can kill the bacteria.

Reptiles are carriers of salmonella and having a pet such as a turtle, snakes, iguana or other lizard can put a person at higher risk.

Salmonella Infections Diagnosis And Treatment

Diagnosis will initially be based on the observation of the earlier mentioned symptoms. If symptoms are present, an evaluation by a physician is encouraged, especially if diarrhea or vomiting persist or increase. The evaluation may include a physical examination or blood and stool analysis to detect the presence of the salmonella bacteria. The local health department may need to be notified to help identify the source (i.e. restaurant, supermarket, etc.).

The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and most people make a full recovery without treatment. However, in some cases, diarrhea or vomiting can be so severe that hospitalization is necessary.

Treatment usually focused on preventing dehydration and electrolyte imbalance by encouraging fluid intake (Pedialyte for infants and children, adults may use a sports drink). Antidiarrheal medicine is typically not given because it may prolong the infection.

Following a BRAT diet, which stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast may reduce symptoms of diarrhea because these are binding foods that make stool firmer. Warm compresses may ease abdominal pain.

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Although the food supply in the United States remains one of the safest in the world, the CDC, Centers for Disease Control estimates that every year more than 300,000 Americans are hospitalized, and 5,000 die from foodborne illness. Preventing foodborne illness and death remains a major public health challenge.

A foodborne illness is any illness caused by the ingestion of food. Although the term food poisoning is frequently used, most foodborne illnesses are not in fact the result of toxins, chemicals or poisons created by the food itself, but are caused by one of several kinds of microorganisms present in the food. The commonest causes of food borne illnesses are bacteria, including Salmonella, E.coli, Listeria, and Shigella. Some bacteria secrete toxins as they grow; for example the Clostridium bacteria secretes botulin toxin, which can be fatal.

An estimated 55% of foodborne illnesses are caused by improper cooking and storage of foods, and 24% by poor hygiene, especially the failure to wash hands before handling food. Only 3% of cases are from an unsafe food source.

In a foodborne illness, symptoms may start within hours of eating the food, or they be delayed as much as three days. Symptoms vary with different microorganisms, and can include one or more of these: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, fever, headache or fatigue. Babies and small children, pregnant women and their fetuses, the elderly, people who are chronically ill, and others whose immune systems are compromised are at greatest risk.. In most cases there is a period of acute illness, then a recovery as the body rids itself of the toxic agent.

Escherichia coli, or E. coli for short, is a common bacterium found widely in soil, and normally in human and animal intestinal tracts. There are hundreds of different varieties of E. coli, most which are harmless, but some varieties can cause serious illness. Certain strains of E. coli can cause severe diarrhea and also infect the genital and urinary tracts.

In September 2006 a widespread outbreak of E. coli infection in raw spinach led to over 205 confirmed illnesses and three deaths across the country. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned consumers not to buy or eat raw spinach from any source. California's Department of Health Services and the US Food and Drug Administration worked cooperatively in the investigation. In their joint final report they successfully identified the environmental risk factors and the areas that were most likely involved in the outbreak, but they were unable to definitely determine how the contamination occurred.

The E. coli involved in the contaminated spinach is E. coli 0157:H7 http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=2039 This variety was first identified in 1982, when it was found to be the causal agent in an outbreak of diarrhea resulting from the eating of undercooked beef. E. coli 0157:H7 produces toxins that damage the lining of the intestines. The result is severe, bloody diarrhea. Vomiting, abdominal cramps, and fever may also be present. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that this E. coli strain is responsible for an average of 73,000 cases of infection and 61 deaths each year in the US.

In 2007, several recalls of ground beef products have occurred, in which the beef was contaminated with E. coli. A restaurant in Effingham, Illinois, was identified as the source of an E. coli outbreak that resulted in at least six confirmed cases of E. coli O157:H7 among customers in September 2007. An outbreak also occurred among students at an Indiana elementary school.

More than half of US foodborne illnesses are viral. Most foodborne viral infections have an incubation period of 1-3 days before the victim experiences symptoms. The symptoms are similar to those listed for bacterial infections. In healthy individuals, a foodborne viral illness is self-limiting; as the body rids itself of the infected food and the viral particles, the symptoms abate.

Some foodborne illnesses have more far-reaching effects, causing long-term health problems or even death. Foodborne illness is a major cause of reactive arthritis, a painful inflammation of the joints or other tissues. Its onset is 1-3 weeks after the initial event, and it may persist for up to a year.

Other infectious agents in food include mycotoxins, produced by such fungal agents as Aspergillum, found in tree nuts, peanuts, and corn and cottonseeds; Ergot, which infects grains, and Fusarium, which infects corn, are all fungal toxins. There is still much to be learned about foodborne illness. For about sixty percent of all outbreaks of foodborne illnesses the source of the infection cannot be identified.

In addition to individual illness and suffering, food contamination and the resulting illnesses impose significant economic and social strains. In the U.S., medical costs and lost productivity caused by food borne diseases cost more than $35 billion annually.

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Liver disease may not show any symptoms at first, as symptoms can be vague. This includes weakness and loss of energy.

Other symptoms include jaundice that is a disease of the gall bladder. Jaundice is one of the main symptoms of liver disease. Jaundice can turn the skin color to yellow. Another symptom is related to digestion and appetite. Poor appetite is a very common symptom. It leads to loss of weight and anemia. Along with this vomiting, nausea or diarrhea can also manifest.

Another important symptom is light colored stool. Due to the lack of bile production, the stool will appear light and can be gray colored or pale.

Distention and bloating can be considered as another symptoms to watch out for and can cause a pain during breathing.

Polyuria or excess urination and polydypsia or excess thirst are the other symptoms typical of the liver disease.

Liver cancer has symptoms that include weight loss and loss of appetite. Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, enlarged liver, change of color (yellowing) of the skin and the whites of the eyes are also noticed. Bile duct obstruction has symptoms like pale stools, dark urine, abdominal pain, jaundice, vomiting, nausea and fever.

Portal hypertension that is a high blood pressure in the portal veins has no symptoms. But complications due to this disease can result in bloody vomiting and black, loose stools from varices, ascites; and signs of brain disease called encephalopathy.

Alcoholic liver disease has symptoms like loss of appetite, nausea, swollen abdomen, jaundice, abdominal pain, ascites, weight gain, mental confusion, excessive thirst, dry mouth and fatigue. Additional symptoms include vomiting blood or black, paleness, light-headedness or fainting, fluctuating mood and altered level of consciousness.

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Fluoride is a common additive in toothpastes, to strengthen teeth and to prevent the formation of cavities. Fluoride is now added into city water supplies in many parts of the world, and a common additive in dental products, like mouth rinse solutions and toothpastes. As with most things, too much of a good thing is bad. Young children are especially in danger of excessive fluoride intake, and one unlikely culprit is their fun fruity-flavoured toothpaste!

It's flavours-galore at the supermarket racks. Orange, strawberry, peach, banana, tutti-frutti, milk... you name it... enterprising toothpaste manufacturers have probably something sweet and fun to suit every child's taste buds. Hmm... obscure label warnings, clueless parent, toxic chemical and fun fruity taste. Picture a young kid wielding a toothbrush, with the foaming sweet-tasting contents in his mouth. All these are key ingredients for disaster at home.

Tooth brushing is skill. We don't just thrust a toothbrush and toothpaste onto a three-year old, and expect him to be an instant whiz at it. He needs to master the brushing action, spit the foam from his mouth, gargle and rinse, all without swallowing the toothpaste. That's a tall order for a little person, and quite a bit of the toothpaste actually ends up in his tummy!

Ingested fluoride enter the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, forming hydrofluoric acid which irritate internal organs. In excessive quantities, the fluoride disrupts the body's enzyme systems, and pushes its natural salivation into overdrive. Vomiting and diarrhea are also common symptoms of fluoride poisoning. In severe cases, seizures, multiple organ failures, irregular heart rhythms, breathing difficulties and heart attacks may occur, with deadly results.

Admittedly, such occurrences are rare, but the easy accessible of fluoride is a real and worrying fact. Even ignoring the unlikely doomsday scenario painted above, it is proven that over-consumption of fluoride during childhood causes unsightly pitting, mottling and discoloration of the tooth enamel, and retards healthy tooth development in children. The thought sure is scary, isn't it? Imagine something that's purportedly good for your teeth being directly opposite when overdosed! And studies have shown that the effects can be long lasting, and carry on into adulthood.

How can we protect our kids from fluoride-overdose? Surely, the average consumer cannot be expected to keep abreast of developments in scientific and medical communities, or make sense of the advisory warnings by government regulatory bodies. Some dental product manufacturers list the amount of fluoride in parts per million (ppm), some in percentages (%), and others don't even bother sticking this information on their product labels.

Because fluoride is not considered a drug, toothpaste manufacturers do not need to specify the amount of fluoride contained in their products. Neither are they obliged to warn consumers how much fluoride is "too much". Many manufacturers adopt a maximum recommended fluoride concentration of 1500 ppm, but ultimately, consumers should exercise their own discretion when choosing and using fluoridated products.

Here are some simple steps that parents of kids below 7 years of age can do to limit their exposure to fluoride.

  1. Choose non- or low-fluoride toothpastes for children, especially if your city drinking water is already fluoridated.

  2. Use only a pea-sized amount of toothpaste for your child's daily brushing routine.

  3. Supervise your child to minimise swallowing of toothpastes.

  4. Teach your kids not to swallow the toothpastes, no matter how pleasant or sweet-smelling they taste in the mouth.

  5. Avoid fluoride supplements (pills, tablets or drops) for young kids unless prescribed by a doctor.

  6. Choose non- or low-fluoride mouthwashes and dental floss for children.

Poisons accumulate quickly in a child's smaller body. A safe dosage for adult consumption could prove deadly for a child. A 10-kg child who ingests 50 mg fluoride (about a third of a 100-ml tube of 1500 ppm toothpaste) will probably have ingested a toxic dose.

Where fluoride is concerned, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set 4 mg/L and 2 mg/L as the maximum safety limits for adults and children under 9 years of age. The World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that a chronic fluoride intake of 2.0-8.0 mg per day can lead to skeletal fluorosis, a debilitating and sometimes crippling bone disease.

As parents and guardians, we make choices every day on behalf of our children. It is a difficult job, because profit-driven manufacturers may not be upfront about their product facts. Beware of sensational advertising claims, do your own research, practise moderation in all things, and finally, trust your parenting instincts. Good luck!

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Yellow dog diarrhea is caused by several things your dog has ingested. Allergic reactions to food and medicines could be the culprit or something else entirely. There are commonly known causes of yellow diarrhea and there are ways to know them.

1. Bad Food Reaction

If you dog is prone to scavenging then it will end up ingesting several things. It could ate a particular food it is allergic to which can cause DYD. Another cause could be effects of changes in your dog's diet. Several types of weeds and grass could also cause yellow diarrhea. To help you verify that cause you must check your dog's stool.

2. Protozoan Infestation

Yellow and wet feces is also an indication that your dog is infested with the protozoan organism known as Giardia Canis. Your dog got this from water that is infected by Giardia Canis larvae and ingested them. The larvae is in cyst form and will dig into the intestinal walls of your dog. The DYD is the result of the Giardia Canis multiplying inside your dog. Have you dog checked by a veterinarian to know the extent of the Giardia Canis infestation.

3. Insufficiency of Exocrine Pancreatic

When your dog has yellow diarrhea with flatulence and severe loss of weight and appetite this could be caused by insufficient enzymes from the pancreas. This is a type of digestion disorder in dogs that must be treated immediately since prolonging the condition could lead to bacterial infection and starvation of your dog to death.

4. Increased Bilirubin

Increased amount of bilirubin could also result to DYD. Normal amounts will result to brown stool while an abnormal increase in levels will result to yellow stools. This could mean your dog has liver problems. Bring your dog to a pet clinic immediately to have it treated since a liver problem is far more serious. Veterinarians could also provide medications for both diarrhea and the liver problem effectively.

The color of your dog's stool will tell you of its current condition the same way with humans. Yellow dog diarrhea is an indication that what every is causing the diarrhea is also causing digestive problems in your dog. It could also tell you that your dog is suffering from more than just diarrhea. So take note of your dog's stool during this condition since the immediate diagnostic of your dogs' true illness could save their lives. Failure to do so could lead to the death of your best friend.

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In the recent months I have seen an increase in the Canine Parvo Virus here in Granada Hills, Ca. Granada Hills is a suburb of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley.

Parvo is a virus that attacks the gastrointestinal system in canines. There is not a Parvo vaccine that protects dogs 100% against the virus. It is common in dogs under three years of age to contract this virus whether they are vaccinated or not.

The virus is passed through feces of the animal. It does not matter if the infected feces is dry or wet. The feces can be several weeks old and still carry the virus. A microscopic amount of the feces can be carried on hands, shoes or any object and infect any un-suspecting canine.

Symptoms of Parvo virus include vomiting, listlessness and bloody diarrhea. Parvo is a very deadly disease. With treatment 80% of dogs that contract Parvo will live. Without treatment 70% of dogs that contract the disease will die. There is a strain of Parvo that attacks the brain and the heart muscle. If a canine contracts that strain of Parvo they will die no matter what the treatment. There are a few different tests on the market for Parvo but none test to see which strain of Parvo they have.

Most dogs that contract the Parvo Virus do not die of the Virus but die of dehydration. The Virus causes so much vomiting and diarrhea the animal dehydrates and dies.

Treatment for Parvo averages three to five days. Treatment includes intravenous fluids, Antibiotics, Anti-vomiting medication, Anti-diarrhea medication, Potassium Chloride supplements and Vitamin supplements. Many dogs will get worse before they get better during the treatment.

Every time the dog vomits, the dog dehydrates a little more. So you do not want to do any thing to aggravate the stomach and worsen the pet's condition. During the treatment all medication will be give by injection. The dog is to get no medication, food or water by mouth. Anything given by mouth could upset the stomach and encourage vomiting.

After the vomiting and diarrhea has stopped the veterinarian will try the patient on a small amount of water and see if he vomits. If he does not they will increase the amount. If he still does not vomit they will try the patient on a small amount of a bland food. If the patient does not vomit the food they will increase the amount. Once the patient is eating and drinking without vomiting or diarrhea and the energy level is normal the hospital will typically send the patient home.

In the few cases where the canine has contracted the strain of Parvo that attacks the brain and heart muscle. It is not uncommon for the canine to appear to be recovering and then die unexpectedly. The canine strain of Parvo is only contagious to dogs; it is not contagious to humans or other species. There is a human strain of Parvo but it is un-related to the canine strain.

Bleach kills the Parvo virus. If you suspect that your home, clothing or any other item has been in contact with the Parvo virus you should wash it thoroughly with bleach.

Prevention is the best defense against Parvo. Make sure your canines get all of their vaccinations. Parvo vaccinations are given at six weeks of age, nine weeks of age, 12 weeks of age, 15 weeks of age, and then once a year for the rest of their life. With dogs less than three years of age avoid dogs you are not familiar with.

I hope you found this information helpful.

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Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EE) is an inflammation of the esophagus as a result of the abnormal infiltration of eosinophils in an allergic reaction. Because many of the symptoms are the same as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) it is usually mistaken for reflux and misdiagnosed, sometimes for years. EE can be considered as food allergies and is usually classed as a blood disorder.

EE tends to occur more often in males, but is otherwise an equal opportunity disorder. With EE, you will see painful swallowing and digestion (if they can even get the food down), vomiting and abdominal pain making it very difficult to live with. Children with Eosinophilic Esophagitis will often experience weight loss that can lead to failure to thrive and hospitalization.

What are Eosinophils?

Eosinophils (pronounced: ee-oh-sin-oh-fillz) are actually a certain type of white blood cell, but just not as numerous as the regular white blood cells, and are a vital part of the immune response system. Eosinophils are designed to respond to parasites, or invaders that are too large to be absorbed by white blood cells. They attach themselves to the invader and penetrate the cell walls to kill and destroy the parasite.

When your body detects an invader (such as a parasite, or an allergic substance) that it decides is a harmful protein, it calls on the immune system which produces a substance called immunoglobulin E (IgE). These are the antibodies that are sent out to do battle with the intruder (which Eosinophils are a part) and when they contact the detected protein invader, they release reactive chemicals called histamines and leukotrienes and these chemicals are what produce the allergic symptoms such as shortness of breath, hives, swelling, rashes, itchy skin, nausea and diarrhea.

Eosinophils are not normally found in the esophagus, and the buildup and allergic responses are the result of the body deciding certain proteins (such as certain foods) are on the dangerous list when they shouldn't be. The eosinophils actually end up attacking the lining of the esophagus, causing damage which in the long term the inflammation could cause the esophagus to close up (stricture) and increase of fibrosis, which can interfere with swallowing.


Eosinophils congregating in the esophagus will cause problems all the way down the gastrointestinal pathway, which makes the normal function of eating and digestion difficult and painful. Here is a list of the symptoms:

  • Difficulty swallowing

  • Choking

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Cramping

  • Diarrhea

  • Weight loss

  • Abdominal pain

  • Chest pain

  • Failure to thrive

  • Reflux not relieved by standard anti-reflux therapy

These conditions are usually present for many years prior to an EE diagnosis, so keep in mind that occasional reflux, stomach ache or even vomiting may be other common ailments that cause these same symptoms.


An initial clinical diagnosis is usually made based on the history of symptoms and ruling out other possible causes. A number of tests are performed to try to determine the specific triggers or allergens causing the Eosinophilic reaction. These tests include:

  • Elimination diet and food challenges

  • Allergic skin prick testing

  • RAST testing (radioallergosorbent test), a blood allergy test for specific IgE antibodies

  • Patch testing where food substances are secured against the skin for a period of time

  • Endoscopy and biopsy of the esophagus

The only way to confirm the clinical diagnosis is by counting the actual concentrations of eosinophils in the tissue samples taken by biopsy during the endoscopy procedure.


Eosinophilic Esophagitis is usually treated first by avoiding the allergen causing the reaction. This is where all the allergy testing comes in to generate the "avoid at all costs" and "let's give it a try" food listing. Many EE kids are on an elemental diet taking an amino based formula as the major source of nutrients and possibly a few other foods that have tested successfully. Elimination diets and food trials are considered normal in the lives of kids (or adults) with Eosinophilic Esophagitis.

Some do quite well with an alteration in diet and removal of reactive foods, but for others, medication is needed. Antihistamines can help relieve the histamine produced allergic reactions, and reflux medication can help prevent acid damage to the esophagus. To help reduce inflammation that results from the eosinophil infiltration, corticosteroids are used. Recently EE patients have been treated with fluticasone without the spacer so that the drug is swallowed instead of inhaled.

If the esophagus becomes restricted, a procedure called dilation is used to open it back up so the patient can swallow food a little easier. Esophagial restriction is quite serious and could mean installing a G-tube to be able to get nutrition into the body.

What is the Impact of EE?

Having a diagnosed Eosinophilic disorder means that your life, and the life of your family will never be the same. It is a life altering diagnosis with implications that go beyond the pain and limited diet and extends into the social emotional arena in a society that is completely centered on food.

Helping those around you to understand what Eosinophilic Esophagitis is and how it affects you or your child opens the door to the support you need. Learn as much as you can, stay current on medical advances, work with your doctor and above all, keep a positive attitude. You can do this.

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Anxiety attacks often seem to appear without warning or provocation the first time a person experiences one. That is why an anxiety attack is so frightening. It leaves a person panicked, afraid, sick and dreading that something horrible, even life-threatening is taking place. Often times a panic attack will mimic signs of a very serious situation such as a heart attack, a seizure or a stroke.

Anxiety attacks are different with each person that suffers one. However, many will experience a few or many of the same symptoms to varying degrees. After one of these attacks. the feeling of panic and confusion over what took place is prevalent. Often it seems too scary to even try to explain it to somebody because the person does not understand it themselves.

Here are the top ten major symptoms of anxiety attacks to help you understand if what you may be experiencing is related.

1. One of the most common symptoms of an anxiety attack is a rapid heartbeat sometimes accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the chest or even chest pain. The sudden onset of this symptom can certainly lead a person to feel as if they are suffering a heart attack.

2. Shortness of breath or hyperventilation is another major symptom. Difficulty in breathing can result in a lack of oxygen which may cause a person to feel dizzy, even to the point of fainting.

3. Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may also occur during an attack and often times a person will lose control of their bladder or bowels if they pass out.

4. Sweating or flushing occurs to various parts of the body including the chest, neck and face. It may feel like the person is experiencing an abnormally high fever. Yet, it may also feel the opposite way in that a person has body chills and shivering.

5. Different parts of the body may succumb to shaking uncontrollably. This may be a slight shake in the hands, or it may be as severe as trembling of the arms, legs, or head.

6. A less commonly known symptom of an anxiety attack is a heightened skin sensitivity. A person may feel extra sensitive to cold, hot and/or being touched. The person can feel sensations on the skin such as passing through spider webs, something crawling on the skin or excessive itching on the scalp, hands, arms, legs or feet. There can also be a tingly or numb sensation on parts of the body.

7. During an anxiety attack, there can be a lot of confusion and fear. These feelings are not only symptoms of the attack, but can also act as a trigger to a future attack. It can foster a cycle of dread and anticipation causing attacks to surface seemingly out of nowhere. Many sufferers are able to sense when an attack is about to happen but are unable to thwart it.

8. Another major symptom is weakened arms or legs, which can also mimic the symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. They can feel heavy, immovable, tingly and numb. After an attack, this symptom is often the last to disappear, resulting in a person being immobile for a period of time.

9. Vision is often affected during an anxiety attack in the form of tunnel vision, double vision or blurred vision.

10. Last but not least, an attack can also be accompanied by a headache with varying pain intensities ranging from dull to migraine strength.

These are only the ten most common symptoms. While they can occur by themselves, more often they are experienced together by the anxiety attack sufferer. Anxiety attacks can be a frightening experience, and the only way to stop them is first to get informed about them, and then seek out a successful treatment for yourself. Quite often several treatments must be tried before a successful one is found, as each person's case is unique.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a food recall of the flavoring additive hydrolyzed vegetable protein (HVP). The HVP recall information came to the FDA via reports from a customer of Basic Food Flavors, Inc. (an HVP provider), indicating salmonella in the product. FDA investigators at Basic Food Flavors' plants verified the food poisoning claim.

HVP is frequently used in processed foods such as soups, sauces, snacks, dips and dressings.

HVP Recall Efforts

The FDA has said its efforts are preventative, as it identifies which companies use HVP and need to be notified about the food recall. Basic Food Flavors is recalling all HVP produced since Sept. 17, 2009 in hopes of halting further use and minimizing foods affected by HVP.

No illnesses or food poisoning claim associated with salmonella in HVP products has been reported thus far. Food recall investigation efforts are ongoing, according to the FDA.

Foods Affected by HVP Recall

The FDA has also prepared a cumulative list on its website showing the foods affected by the hydrolyzed vegetable protein recall. Consumers are urged to be aware of these foods, and to avoid their consumption.

Following is a partial list of foods, brands and stores affected by the HVP recall:

• Herbox (bouillon)
• Salad Dressings: Trader Joe's, Reser's
• Garden Harvest (seasoning)
• Frozen Foods: El Pasado, Jose Ole, Tornados, Posada
• Gravy Mixes: McCormick, Publix
• Sauces/Marinades: Durkee, French's, Weber
• Snacks: CVS, Great Nut Supply, Hawaiian, Herr's, President's Choice, Pringles, Quaker, Safeway
• Soups & Dips: Concord Foods, Culinary Circle, Follow Your Heart, McCormick, T. Marzetti, Homemade Gourmet

The most dangerous foods affected by HVP recall are those requiring little or no cooking. For this reason, McCormick Stuffing and some hotdogs are also foods affected by the HVP recall.

Salmonella Food Poisoning Claim

The HVP recall occurred because of salmonella. If you consumed any foods affected by the HVP recall and became ill, you may have a food poisoning claim if your symptoms included:

• Fever
• Diarrhea (and/or bloody diarrhea)
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Abdominal pain

The FDA has enlisted the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to monitor any food poisoning claim that may be associated with the HVP recall. If your doctor diagnosed you with food poisoning after you ate foods affected by the HVP recall, you should contact a Massachusetts personal injury attorney.

A food poisoning claim may become necessary if salmonella enters your bloodstream and causes serious illness or damage. Keep in mind that this food recall only concerns HVP from Basic Food Flavors, Inc.

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Swine flu symptoms are similar to symptoms of other flu viruses. These include fever, cough, headaches, chills, body aches, a sore throat and fatigue. Vomiting and diarrhea have also been reported with this virus. It is important to remember that other conditions can cause these same symptoms. To determine for sure if you have swine flu versus another strain of flu or other condition, you will need to go to your doctor for a lab test. It is important to remember that flu is not a rare illness. According to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control, 5 to 20 percent of the U.S. population suffers from a case of the flu each year.

Flu is similar to a cold virus in that it is typically spread from one person to another when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can pass through an infected person's lungs, throat or nose, sending particles into the air that can pass to anyone that person comes in close contact with. Being out in a crowd increases your chances of being infected.

The other main way the virus spreads is from touching surfaces that are contaminated with the virus and then touching your eyes, mouth or nose. An individual infected with the virus can start transmitting it up to a day before the symptoms start, and up to a week after the symptoms become noticeable, according to the Centers for Disease Control. It is believed the new swine flu spreads in the same way as other types of flu.

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If you suffer from Tinnitus, you know how frustrating it can be to try to ignore the ringing in your ears. This is a condition in which sufferers often describe a ringing or buzzing sound that can vary in degree of discomfort. Whether it is intermittent or continuous, it can begin to affect the quality of life for those who suffer.

It is important to understand that Tinnitus is not a disease, rather a result from several possible causes. It can be a result of an ear infection or wax in the ear, injury or exposure to loud sounds. It may also be the result of oral medications.

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms and want relief, you may want to consider Ginkgo Biloba. This is a natural supplement that has been in use for thousands of years. It is one of the top selling herbs in the US and is used for treatment of multiple diseases. Reports have pointed to positive results to reduce ear ringing. It works by increasing circulation to the middle ear. While generally well tolerated by users, the circulation issues need to be supervised by a doctor if patients are known to have a bleeding problem.

Testimonials have shown that Gingko can ease in symptoms. The great thing with this natural herb is that it is available without a prescription. By taking this supplement you can avoid more invasive procedures, such as surgery. The risks are low, with very limited side effects. It is possible that you may experience some stomach upset, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Headache, dizziness and fast heart rate are also a potential side effect, quickly relieved with discontinuation of use.

Biloba is also known for helping with a host of other health benefits. When taking this for your Tinnitus symptoms, maybe you will also experience other fringe benefits. Increases in memory have been noted, and this herb has been researched for helping with Alzheimer's disease.

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If your dog is experiencing pain due to an unexpected injury, a recent medical procedure, or arthritis, asking "can I give my dog aspirin for pain?" could very well save your dogs life.

If an injury has occurred or pain has resulted from a medical procedure, it's best to contact your veterinary doctor. They may want to see your dog immediately to prescribe something stronger than human aspirin.

The most common cause of dog pain is arthritis and joint pain.

If you are searching for answers to joint pain when asking "can I give aspirin to my dog for pain?" then you should know that aspirin isn't quite what you want. Yes, it can help in very small doses, but it can also cause more harm than good! You need a safer solution, something that won't cause severe side effects if given just a tad too much.

Aspirin has become a popular household item but this doesn't make it safe. Aspirin is an NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug). This is the same type of drug that is commonly prescribed for dogs with joint pain, but the prescriptions are more tolerable by dogs as it was developed specifically for dogs. However, all dog meds of the NSAID class can come with very severe side effects, possibly even killing your dog.

Aspirin and other synthetic joint pain medications cause an ongoing list of dangers. When asking "can I give my dog aspirin for pain?" you are looking to extinguish the pain that your dog is experiencing.

But did you know that medications like aspirin and other dog NSAIDs can cause ulcers (irritated holes in the stomach), a decrease in blood platelets (inability to clot blood), gastrointestinal issues (vomiting & diarrhea), kidney and liver damage?

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Diarrhea in puppies is quite common but should not be ignored. A puppy's tummy is more sensitive to a new diet, the stress of moving to a new home, infections or a virus and especially parasites.

Inactive larva can be transmitted to puppies while in gestation or when being nursed by the mother. Puppies also come in contact with parasites by eating things like bugs, mice or feces. Roundworms, tapeworms, giardia and cocidia are very common. Giardia and cocidia are not worms but microscopic organisms which infect the intestines and can be transmitted to humans. Contaminated water from lakes and streams and feces are the largest segment of exposure, along with fleas which spread tapeworms or mosquitoes that can spread heartworm.

There may be no signs of illness in adult dogs but puppies because of their weak immune systems will show signs such as diarrhea, vomiting, blood in the stools, loss of appetite, weakness, bloated or descended stomach and if they have worms the eggs may appear in their stool or fur. If the puppy is vomiting and has diarrhea dehydration can happen quickly so it is important to see your veterinarian immediately.

At two weeks of age your puppy should be dewormed and have a standard schedule for deworming with your vet. On the other hand if your puppy has giardia, fenbendazole or metranidazole will be given as these organisms are not worms, so worming medicine does not work. Sulfadimethoxine or Albon, trimethoprim-sulfadiazine and amprolium are usually used in treating cocidia.

To avoid contamination for your animals, yourself or children you should always keep food, water and bedding very clean. Make sure you are using heartworm medicines on a regular basis along with flea medications. Keep your pet's feces picked up and make sure you do not walk without shoes or let your children play where pets go to the bathroom. Keep your dog in the yard when you cannot supervise him so that they do not eat or are exposed to rodents or dead animals which can carry parasites and disease.

If your pet does not have diarrhea because of parasites you can withhold solid food for a minimum 24 hours so that their intestinal tract can rest. Just make sure your dog has plenty of water or broth so they do not become dehydrated. After 24 hours introduce food slowly only if they are showing signs of improvement. Boiled chicken and rice is excellent and can be added gradually to their dry food as their appetite increases.

Another good idea is to give your puppy probiotics which can replace and maintain beneficial bacteria to help with his digestion and the intestinal track, making them less vulnerable to organisms. You don't need a special or an expensive type of probiotics; dogs love the chewable tablets available in most stores that carry vitamins.

There are also other holistic remedies for diarrhea in puppies like plantain helping the digestive system and mucous membranes or lady's mantle for firm stools. These remedies are also excellent for use when the puppy has been dewormed as harsh medicines destroy the good bacteria.

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Canine parvovirus is one of the most feared diseases your dog can get, and with good cause: it can kill a dog within a couple of days after a dog shows symptoms. Here are some common misconceptions that could create a false sense of security and leave a beloved pooch exposed.

My dog is vaccinated. He's safe from parvo, right?

Not necessarily. The immunities a puppy receives from its mother can interfere with the parvo vaccination, so while it is important to keep up with boosters if you choose to use this route, and while vaccinations certainly do reduce the chances of your dog catching the virus, it is not failsafe, and prevention can go a long way in protecting your dog.

My dog is an adult. He can't get parvo anymore, right?

While parvo is less common in adult dogs, they can still get and die from parvo. Usually this occurs in dogs with weakened immune systems, but no dog is completely safe. It's not uncommon for adult dogs to contract parvo. It's best to prevent, and be prepared.

There is nothing that can fight parvo because it's a virus. We can only hydrate and hope for the best.

Another myth. While it's true that there are no traditional, man-made antibiotics to treat a virus, the environment is loaded to the gills with herbs that offer highly effective healing from viral, parasitic, and bacterial infections, including canine parvovirus.

Treating a dog with parvo is expensive and requires hospitalization, doesn't it? I can't afford it, so I'll need to put my dog to sleep.

Herbal supplements that effectively cause dogs to heal from parvo can be purchased for around $40.00, more for care packs with additional products to help your pet fight dangerous secondary infections, treat the new, more aggressive strain of parvo, or provide healing for parvo's copycat diseases, such as coccidia. Hydration is important too, since most dogs with parvo die of dehydration before organ failure from the virus itself occurs. Gentle use of an oral syringe is effective, or you can ask your vet to provide you with bags of fluid that you can inject under the dog's skin at home.

Since we bleached the area where my dog did his business, so we should be safe from reinfection.

Unfortunately, the virus is very contagious and very small amounts do serious damage. It is very important to disinfect your entire floor, your yard (it will kill the grass, but better that than your furry baby), the inside of your car, plus anywhere your feet or your dog's feet may have traveled (don't forget the countertop if your furry baby is large and tends to put his front paws up there while searching for goodies). Also, as you've been cleaning up after your dog, the virus has spread to your clothing, items you've touched...it's everywhere. So you'll need to disinfect as best you can, using half a cup of bleach to a gallon of water. This will lighten your carpet and clothes.

Also, in order to respond quickly if parvo strikes, you'll need to remain watchful for symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes bloody stool (although a new strain does not necessarily show blood in the stool but rather a gelatinous texture), listlessness, depression, loss of interest in food and then water, and a thin appearance. If you see any of these symptoms, particularly vomiting and diarrhea together, please get your dog to a vet immediately for diagnosis. Put the dog on an effective herbal health aid, and as with any disease, the sooner you address the issue, the greater your chances of succeeding. The new F strain has reportedly been known to kill the same day a dog shows symptoms. This is not an illness where you'd want to to wait and see.

Another thing you can do to help your dog is to keep a first aid kit just for him. It should include an antiviral, antibacterial, and antiparasitic health aid, a pain reliever designed just for dogs (many human medications are toxic to them), and other products designed to boost your furry friend's immune system and detoxify him after wormers or vaccinations. Self-closing bandages or bandages with dog-safe closures are good to keep on hand as well, and don't forget to keep this kit with you when you travel or spend time outdoors.

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I am a healthy 33 year old because of a great alkaline diet plan that I use. I was never this healthy before, but because of this great alkaline diet system I use, I am on the peak of my health. I used to have aches and pains in my muscles and joints, as well as chronic fatigue that would not go away with long bed rest.

I found out later that we feel sickness and pain because of acidity in our diet. This acidic foods we eat creates toxin in our body. These poisons clog up our organs, joints, and muscles. This in turn creates symptoms like acne, anxiety disorder / panic attacks, headaches, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, stuffiness or excessive head mucus, metallic taste in the mouth, and a lot more.

Those symptoms mentioned above are just preliminary symptoms. Once you are still in a state of imbalance you will feel worse symptoms like depression, psoriasis, cold sores, asthma, bronchitis, viral infections, hives, urinary tract infection, impotence, sinusitis, numbness and tingling, insomnia, loss of memory and loss off concentration, and a lot more.

In order to prevent sickness, you have to keep the balance in your body. You have to alkalize your inner terrain to prevent sickness and other aches and pains in the body. You can balance your body when you follow a good alkaline diet plan. A good alkaline diet plan must include an alkaline diet list. You have to list your daily food intake so that you can monitor the food that you take in. You can then strike out the dead foods and just keep the healthy food in your diet.

Dead foods or junk foods are food stuffs that are acidic and therefore a threat to the balance of your inner terrain. Only alkalizing food can balance out the acidity in your body. With the balance restored inside your body, you will be healthier and full of youthful energy.

You will feel explosive health and energy in just 3 days if you follow the alkaline diet plan. Coupled with exercise and healthy living, you can turn the hands of time. You can turn your health around even if you think you don't have any choice. Just remember that with the alkaline diet plan you do have a choice between good health and bad health.

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