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Zelnorm (tegaserod maleate), marketed by Novartis Pharmaceuticals, is a prescription medication used for short-term treatment of irritable bowel syndrome in women. The drug made it onto the market in July of 2004 when the United States Food and Drug Administration approved it for sale. The drug is intended for use for only several weeks or months. Zelnorm is primarily used in women and has not been tested thoroughly in men.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is also called spastic colon. It is a functional gastrointestinal disorder that affects more women than men. About one in five of every American suffers from IBS. Generally, patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome experience a range of intestinal problems including, but not limited to, bloating, pain, cramping, constipation, and diarrhea. Usually, a bowel movement will reduce or eliminate the symptoms for a period of time. However, relief is temporary and the patient must rely on changes in diet, stress reduction, and even medications, such as Zelnorm.

Zelnorm, as with any other drug, prescription or otherwise, does have side effects. The side effects range from mild to severe and do not affect every patient. Additionally, every patient that experiences a side effect may not experience them all. The more mild side effects include headaches, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, flatulence, and migraine. It is also suggested that patients that may be predisposed to diarrhea, kidney failure, liver disease, gallbladder disease, bowel obstructions, or abdominal adhesions not take Zelnorm because the drug may worsen these symptoms.

Zelnorm has become controversial in recent months because of the more serious side effects that it causes in many patients. These more serious side effects include rectal bleeding or bloody diarrhea, new or worsening abdominal pain, heart attack, stroke, angina pectoris, Intestinal Ischemia, Colonic Ischemia and Ischemic Colitis.

Serious Side Effects

The most serious, and potentially fatal, side effects are of course angina, heart attack, stroke, Intestinal Ischemia, Colonic Ischemia and Ischemic Colitis.

Angina is a very serious side effect of Zelnorm. Angina is a chest pain that occurs when the heart muscle does not get enough blood. Typically, the pain resembles pressure or squeezing in the chest area that also can spread to shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, and back. Often, angina is mistaken for indigestion. Usually, angina is the most common type of heart disease and as it progresses, the heart muscle is fed less and less blood and oxygen.

A heart attack is also a very serious side effect of Zelnorm. A heart attack occurs when blood and oxygen to the heart is blocked, usually by a clot. Without treatment, the heart muscle will die. Without immediate treatment, the consequences could be fatal.

Stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is a very serious side effect of Zelnorm. A stoke will occur when the blood supply to the brain, or any part of the brain, is blocked. When this blockage occurs, the patient suffers a sudden loss of neuronal function. A stroke causes brain cells to be seriously damaged or even die. If the patient does not receive medical treatment immediately, serious brain damage or death may occur.

Zelnorm may be an effective medication to treat irritable bowel syndrome however it is not without risk. For most people, the drug will alleviate the symptoms of IBS but may also cause more serious side effects such as angina, heart attack, stroke, Intestinal Ischemia, Colonic Ischemia or Ischemic Colitis.

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A Golden Retriever might be very susceptible to a lot of health problems which it will experience very often. The problems do not get very serious, though, provided you know how well it has to be handled and treated. We will now take a look at most of the common ailments that attack a Golden Retriever and how we can prevent it.

1. Distemper virus

This virus is airborne and has a lot of risk involved. The distemper virus can be prevented from getting into your Golden Retriever by using three different vaccinations. This is done usually when it is 6 to 16 weeks old and it is accompanied with annual regular booster shots. The symptoms include cough, fever, vomiting and diarrhea. You should be immediately visiting a doctor if you find your dog having these symptoms.

2. Heartworms

Most of the dog breeds are attacked by this ailment named Heartworms. It leads to heart failures on reaching lengths of 12 inches or more in the lung and heart arteries. There is a decrease in blood circulation and can be even fatal sometimes. The symptoms of this Heartworm ailment don't come early and hence it's better to prevent them before it actually affects your dog.

3. Heatstroke

A heatstroke can affect a Golden Retriever usually in summer or some hot day. Give the dog plenty of fluids, fluid being water, and do not leave the dog in direct sunlight. Suppose you are playing with your dog, give it ample rest so that it doesn't get easily tired. Panting, dark sums, excessive drooling, rapid pulse, glazed expression and vomiting are the symptoms for heatstroke. Take your dog to the vet if any of these symptoms are seen in your dog.

4. Rabies

Rabies is a very serious and dangerous ailment a Golden Retriever can get. It has a direct effect on the nervous system of the dog. Rabies usually comes with a bite from another dog infected with rabies. Rabies shots are given in clinics to prevent this disastrous disease. The vaccination should be taken at least once a year. Aggression, seizures and foaming are the main symptoms. Call the vet immediately if you spot any of these above symptoms.

5. Tapeworms

Tapeworms affect the stomach of a Golden Retriever and are normally caused by fleas. Diarrhea, loss of weight and biting of rectal area are the major symptoms of this ailment. A rigid flea control can prevent tapeworms from affecting your dog. Take it to the vet as soon as you see your dog suffering. The vet might kill the Tapeworms early through oral medicines.

6. Hookworms

Contact with any feces or simply burrowing under the exposed skin can cause Hookworms in your Golden Retriever. By keeping the surroundings and your dog area clean, you can prevent this from affecting your dog it is very essential to keep the dog's skin clean. Weight loss, dry coat and blood seen in stool are the symptoms of this ailment. Just like any other ailment, this once seen must be immediately looked after. Take it to the vet and make sure you prevent this ailment from affecting your dog.

These are only a few ailments that can affect a Golden Retriever. There can be other ailments as well that can cause serious health problems. You should not hesitate or think to take your dog to the vet. Anticipate when you see your dog suffering from any of those mentioned symptoms as a few can be really dangerous if it is not treated early.

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If your dog drinks excessively, it could be because he is suffering one of the following. Be acutely aware when they do this.


Pain, stress, heat exhaustion(dehydration), illness(vomiting and dehydration), kidney failure or disease.

Pain and Stress

These cause an increase in heart rate and respiration which in turn causes the body temperature to rise. The dog pants to cool down and has to drink a lot to keep its mouth wet so evaporation can take place. Also a full stomach has a feeling of contentment that physiologically eases the dogs discomfort. If you cannot see an obvious reason for this take your dog to the vet A.S.A.P.

Heat Exhaustion.

You can assist your dog to cool down by bringing it into your bath and standing it in cold water, sponge the dog down especially the head, groin and armpit areas.

The skin is thin and less hair helps the blood cool faster.

The toe pads are also a heat release area. If it does not cause more stress and discomforts try to lay the dog down into the water in a 'drop' position, not a flank (side) position.

Keep drinking water available but restrict it in intervals so the dog does not gorge it and then vomit it back again.

You have to think for your dog. The dog is under stress and does not know any better.

Keep offering water to drink, as the dog becomes more comfortable. Also use a cooling fan on the dog. If the condition of the dog is not improving wet it down all over and ring your vet for any further advice then take to the Vet ASAP.

Do not wrap up! As it will prevent heat evaporation!

If your dog does improve allow time for it to stabilize, before taking to your vet for a check up. Always make sure where ever your dog is, that it has adequate water supply and air flow at all times. Cars are deadly for dogs in summer, they are mobile ovens even with the windows down. A shady tree is a much safer idea.


Often a dog will drink when it has Vomiting, Diarrhea, or any general gastric illness. The dog does not know when to stop and that excessive amounts are detrimental to its recovery. Veterinary attention may be needed. If the dog is vomiting and drinking you must take the water away until the vomiting ceases. If the dog becomes worse seek veterinary attention immediately. Try gradually re-introducing small amounts of water again and fast the dog from all food for 24hrs.

Feed only small bland meals after that.


Acute (sudden) or Chronic (gradual) kidney failure or disease can cause a change in the dogs drinking habits depending on how toxic (sick) the dog is. Sometimes they do drink excessively but also they may not drink at all. Drinking in excess will also cause an increase in urinating.

The dog also shows signs of lethargy, vomiting, dehydration, poor appetite, a rough harsh coat, bad breath and anemia.

Veterinary attention is needed. Blood tests and Urine tests, will help show up the problem. Treatment involves replacing lost body fluids and electrolytes also antibiotics, drugs to stop vomiting, anabolic steroids for recovery, weight gain and repair of the kidney damage and vitamins.

Monitoring of blood and urine levels has to be done until the dog stabilizes.

Your vet will then explain about how to care for the kidney-damaged dog. Dietary changes, medicines will help ease the strain on your dogs' kidneys. These are avoiding meat, eggs, cheese and bones.

Prescription diets are the safest and easiest way to do this. They are available in cans from your vet. This will help prolong life, it will probably require more Veterinary treatment as the kidneys worsen. Ultimately euthanasia is the nicest option as kidney transplants are not readily available to dogs and owner finances.

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Shopping for pet food these days can be a real challenge. You could stand there in the aisles for hours reading and comparing the many different brands that are available. How do you know which one will provide the most nutrients? How do you know which ones are worth the money? Should you choose organic or non organic ingredients? These are great concerns when it comes to choosing dried dog food.

One of the best reasons for starting your puppy on a dry food diet is because of potty training. If you feed a puppy canned food, the chances are he will not be able to hold his bowels as he would with dry food. If you start with dry food, stick with it. Changes in diet, especially from dry to canned, can cause explosive diarrhea.

The health of a dog will depend on the diet you are feeding. If you have an older dog, choose the foods that are prepared for geriatric dogs. For a new pup, choose the food that is for puppies. Puppies need a different balance of nutrients to support their fast growing bones and muscles. A middle aged dog needs to be fed a regular dry chow served twice a day, morning and night.

You might have seen the natural dog foods that are free from grains. These may be the perfect choice for those dogs that might have digestive problems. If your dog has a lot of hacking and vomiting going on, you should visit the vet to rule out heartworms or other disease before changing the food your dog has been eating. If disease is ruled out, ask about allergies a dog might have to grains.

Prescription diets can also be managed with a dry version as well. If a dog is overweight, you can choose dry feed that will help in weight loss. You can also go in the other direction with high protein and nutrient rich dry diets for underfed dogs. You can choose from many different kinds of foods like this at your veterinarians office a lot of times.

Keep in mind that dogs are by nature carnivorous. Many of the dog feeds available are made with corn fillers that are added to a little meat protein. If you ever had a dog that would not eat that one particular brand of food, you should check the ingredients for corn and grain fillers. Dogs are not made to eat corn. They would rather have the chickens that eat the corn.

Taking the best care of your dog you can means making sure his diet is adequate. Stick with a dried dog food diet and make sure to keep all scheduled preventative vet appointments. Spend quality time together and make sure to report any health changes you see to your vet as soon as you notice them.

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Crohn's disease is an inoperable long term inflammatory bowel disorder; which can eventually result in serious health problems. Including this it leaves a negative impact on an individual's life and reduces the quality of life. Mainly it affects the small intestine; but mouth, abdomen and esophagus can also come into its grip.

Symptoms of Crohn's disease comprise anorexia, abdominal pain and cramping, unexplained fever, weight loss and reduced appetite. Nevertheless, in certain case, a sufferer may experience intestinal bleeding because of ulceration of the intestinal lining and thus resulting in bloody diarrhea.

As far as natural treatment of this disease is concerned, similar to other various diseases, it is also based on the extreme of the suffering and parts of the digestive system that are involved. However, there is no confirmed cure for the disease. Thus, it is important that before opting any treatment or alternative medicine, you are consulting it with a gastroenterologist. Even if you are looking for some natural cure for the disease, then even all the symptoms and signs of the disease will be examined thoroughly.

In natural cure for Crohn's disease eating, diet and nutritional habits of the patient are also given prominence. It is because of the fact that Crohn's is an ailment of the digestive tract, so it is must that the patient must be careful about what he/she eats.

If any kind of specific recommendations will be given in natural cure for Crohns, it will be decided only after knowing the affected part of the digestive tract and its severity. Whatever may be the case, careful selection of food is very important to minimize the symptoms and making the treatment effective.

Any natural cure for the disease does not make use of any pharmaceutical medications. Most of these natural treatments put emphasize on the biochemical balance of the body and then making dietary as well as essential lifestyle changes to improve the general health of an individual.

At present there are also complementary therapies other than natural cure for the disease. These therapies include vitamin supplements like vitamin D and B12, massage, herbs like aloe and ginseng. Also, these therapies comprise special diets or nutritional supplements like evening primrose and use of fish oil, which is considered effectual for reducing inflammation. Stimulation of the feet and ears is also done in these therapies to affect parts of the body.

In the end, one can also take the benefit of various herbs in natural cure for Crohns disease. These herbs are Evodiae, Fatty Root, Crataegi, Poria Cocos, Atracylodes and Agaricus. All these herbs idf used in proper combination provide support to the systemic nutrition of this disease and may even prevent unnecessary surgeries as well as medications with severe side effects.

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When it comes to curing the common headache most people reach for either an aspirin or a paracetamol tablet, but which should you choose?

Both aspirin and paracetamol (also referred to as acetaminophen) have been used to treat headaches since the end of the 19th century and while they are both essentially analgesics (pain killers) there are some very important differences between these two drugs.

Aspirin works by binding to and blocking an enzyme which is necessary for the production of a group of natural body hormones known as prostaglandins. These body biochemicals come into play whenever you suffer inflammation, such as that which occurs whenever body tissue is injured.

If you catch your finger in a drawer while you are closing it the damage to the tissue of your finger will begin the production of prostaglandins at the site of the injury and these prostaglandins will send signals along the nerves from the finger to the brain which you perceive as pain. At the same time it also provides the stimulus which will cause your finger to swell and, in this case, swelling is simply the body's reaction to the increased flow of blood into the area surrounding the injury. By interfering with the production of prostaglandins aspirin both reduces the pain felt and also the degree of swelling.

Unlike aspirin, paracetamol does not act as an anti-inflammatory and does not block the effects of the enzyme necessary for the production of prostaglandins, but it does inhibit this enzyme. In other words, it acts to block the pain but not to reduce the swelling.

There are several advantages to using paracetamol not the least of which is that it does not weaken the lining of the stomach or carry the risk of kidney damage, both of which are risks with the prolonged use of aspirin. In addition, it does not interfere with blood clotting as does aspirin and so is safer in the event of sustaining a cut or for people who are prone to nose bleeds. Paracetamol can also be taken safely by people suffering from certain diseases, such as Reye's syndrome, where the use of aspirin is considered to be unsafe.

As with most drugs there are of course risks with paracetamol and these are seen particularly when it is taken in improper or high dosages. For example, taking paracetamol on a regular daily basis can result in what are known as rebound headaches and, at high enough dosages, paracetamol can lead to liver damage and ultimately to death. These risks are of course low, but they can be increased substantially by, for example, taking paracetamol in conjunction with alcohol.

Some of the signs to watch for in the overuse of paracetamol are tarry, black or bloody stools, a skin rash and a sore throat. Very occasionally overuse will also result in lip ulcers or in white spots inside the mouth.

Whether you should reach for the aspirin or a paracetamol tablet to cure your headache is something of a matter of personal choice and for most people who suffer only occasional headaches it probably does not matter, unless other conditions would make you susceptible to the risk of side effects from one or other of these two drugs. If you find however that you are having to reach for either too frequently then you should consult your physician to discuss the best course of action for curing your headaches.

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Like other taboo topics, most people are not cognizant of just how usual irregularity is. Surely the majority of humans in this world have experienced what it's like to be constipated. The actuality is there are many reasons for constipation from stress to diet, and there are many constipation remedies to choose from when you've reached the point of needing help. What most people are incognizant of is the dangerous effects that constipation treatments can have on the body. See below for info on the most commonly used constipation remedies, the pros and cons and feasible dangers of each one.


Laxatives can come in the form of tablets, liquids and suppositories, but they all have one common goal, prompt a bowel movement. Nevertheless in most cases they don't just stimulate a bowel movement, they clean you out altogether! This means you can be spending quite some time on the toilet and be in for a great deal of pain during the process. Laxatives are generally stimulant based and can cause painful cramping as the intestines contract to move out waste. Stimulant laxatives can be harsh on both the stomach and intestines, and can cause a long winded fight on the toilet as they work to clean you out.

Stool Softeners:

Stool softeners are often a first line of defense versus mild constipation. These come in the brand name of Dulcolax, Phillips and many others, with all of them using docusate sodium as the main ingredient. The value to using docusate sodium and stool softeners is that they won't bring about cramping. Docusate sodium works by pulling water into the stool, helping it to pass more easily. Stool softeners are generally used as a first line defense against occasional or mild constipation, they should not be used long term for chronic constipation. If used often the body will become dependent on them meaning you will need to keep taking them to have regular bowel movements and over more time this will cause your intestines and stomach wall to weaken.

Supplements and Diet:

The most crucial thing you can put in your body from a dietary standpoint to encourage regularity, is fiber. Most people however do not get enough fiber in their diet and don't like foods that are high in fiber. Dieting and natural herbal supplements should be all anyone needs to safely battle constipation. There are a few healthy products out there that contain natural herbs and elements that are good for preventing and treating constipation. Magnesium is a great ingredient to look for in natural constipation remedies, as it is a great natural stool softener. It is easy to overdose on magnesium however, you'll know you did when you have diarrhea like stools. Dissolving powder and tablets are the easiest dosage forms to take and manage, always look for these as they are quickly absorbed into the body.

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A cat is considered to be a senior when they are 10 years old. The diseases that are common for these older cats are diabetes, chronic kidney failure, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, and cancers. Early detection is essential to the survival of an older cat from any of these diseases. Routine veterinary care is vital for detection and for prevention. Yearly checkups are advised as these can pick up on a problem before it becomes something major and therefore possibly expensive.

Many of the diseases that are fatal for cats are preventable if cats have received proper vaccinations when needed. For cat vaccines to be effective, they must be given in a series of injections. This is typically started at around age 6 to 8 weeks, again at around 12 weeks of age and then at 16 weeks of age. After the first series of kitten shots the adult cat needs a yearly dose of vaccinations that are appropriate for your cat. If you have an outdoor cat your cat will need to include the leukemia vaccine and the feline aids vaccine.

Feline diabetes mellitus, like in the human form, has type 1 and type 2. Warning signs for this disease are excessive thirst or excessive urination, loss of weight, vomiting, loss of appetite, weakness, poor skin, poor coat condition, breathing problems, and dehydration.

Hepatic lipidosis, otherwise known as the fatty liver disease, is seen in older cats that are overweight or obese. Fats build up in the liver until it can no longer function. If left untreated, this can be fatal. It is also the most common liver disease in cats. Cats can also get this disease if they develop anorexia. Warning signs for this disease are loss of appetite, listlessness, rapid weight loss, a yellowing of the eyes or skin, vomiting, and an abdomen that swells.

Kidney disease is common to older cats. As the kidneys filter the blood and regulate water in the cat's body while creating waste products, kidney disease will allow a toxic build-up in the cat's body which will quickly kill it. The warning signs are weight loss, excessive thirst and urination, vomiting and also a loss of appetite, which contributes to the weight loss.

Hyperthyroidism is also another disease that is common to older cats. This is caused by a hyperactive thyroid which produces too many thyroid hormones. Warning signs are again weight loss, increased thirst and increased urination, an increase in hyperactivity, appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. Your vet may wish to remove the thyroid or perhaps treat the problem with medication. The treatment will depend on your cat's age and level of general health. If left untreated it can cause death.

Feline hypertension or high blood pressure can be seen in cats of all ages and is often associated with other diseases such as kidney disease, heart diseases and hyperthyroidism. It is often called the silent killer in people and this can apply to cats as well. What might appear are the symptoms of the underlying disease that is causing the high blood pressure. Your vet can monitor blood pressure with specialized equipment. If your cat already has other diseases the vet is more than likely already monitoring them and will pick up on any feline hypertension. Warning signs are a rapid heart rate or a heart murmur, the cat will have dilated pupils and the pupils do not respond to light shined in them, and also sudden blindness.

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Food poisoning is certainly a potentially dangerous condition but for sure one of the most unpleasant experiences one can have. A person's body reacts to toxins produced by bacteria that contaminates food or water. The most common types of food poisoning result from the bacteria of salmonella, campylobacter, and staphylococcus.

Most cases of food poisoning can be avoided. Improper handling, storing, or cooking of food causes most of the problems. That is why it is important for people to always wash their hands thoroughly with soap before eating and especially before preparing a meal.

Always refrigerate foods like mayonnaise, egg salad, potato salads, rice puddings, and fried rice. Another common error is not to cook foods thoroughly and at high enough temperatures ( especially meats).

Food poisoning can also occur from eating plants (certain types of mushrooms) that contain toxic chemicals. If you suspect that your child has eaten a poisonous plant, seek medical attention immediately.

Fortunately, most cases of food poisoning are short-lived, and your appetite will return within one or two days. But if any member of your family has a medical condition that impairs the immune system, such as HIV, hepatitis) or displays any of these severe symptoms, head to the emergency room:

* Violent vomiting

* A temperature of more than 102 degrees F

* Vision problems

* Severe diarrhea that lasts more than one day or contains blood

* Trouble breathing or talking

* Headache and dizziness

* Dehydration

Here are some examples of food poisoning


If foods have been handled by people with skin infections and left at room temperature. Symptoms usually come on within 2-8 hours, and usually begin to calm within 12 hours. Symptoms may include

* Severe nausea and vomiting

* Abdominal cramps

* Diarrhea

* Headache and fever


This infection results usually from poultry that has been infected and not cooked properly. Also unpasteurized milk and contaminated drinking water. Symptoms usually come on in 2-5 days after exposure. Symptoms may include

* Diarrhea

* Nausea and vomiting

* Fever

* Abdominal pain and cramping


The are many types of salmonella bacteria. The most common contaminated foods include unpasteurized milk and undercooked poultry and eggs. Acute intestinal distress, with sudden onset of headache, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and even sometimes vomiting. This can be very severe for infants because of dehydration. Symptoms begin 16-48 hours after eating and can last up to 7 days.


Possibly home canned foods are the most common source of the spores that cause toxicity to the nervous systems, although commercially prepared foods can also be at fault. The spores are very resistant to heat. The toxins that are produce by the spores can be killed by cooking the food at 176 degrees F for 30 minutes. Symptoms usually start 18-36 hours after taking in the botulinum toxin. This can be a very severe and potentially fatal poisoning. Symptoms can include

* Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps, followed by neurological symptoms such as

* Vision changes

* Muscle weakness

* Difficulty breathing

* Constipation

Botulinum spores may be present in honey, so it is best not to give honey to children under one year of age. Infant botulism occurs most often in children who are less than six months old.

E. Coli

This infection usually occurs as a result of undercooked beef or unpasteurized milk or through fecal-oral contamination. It infects the digestive tract and can lead to bloody diarrhea and possibly kidney failure. Young children and the elderly are more likely to to be susceptible to the damaging effect. Symptoms usually include

* Severe abdominal cramps

* Watery diarrhea, followed by bloody diarrhea (usually 1-8 days)

* Fever is usually absent or may be low grade

Clostridium Perfingens

This can be found in feces, water, soil, air, and even water. Contaminated meat left at room temperature is the main source of infection. Symptoms begins 6-24 hours and usually resolve in 24 hours. Symptoms commonly include

* Watery diarrhea

* Abdominal cramps

Parasitic Infections

The most common example is Giardia. It is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, such as water contamination. Many times there will be no symptoms, and it they do they will take 1-3 weeks after exposure. If the do occur

* Watery, malodorous diarrhea

* Abdominal cramps and distention

* Flatulence and burping

* Nausea

* Low grade temperature

* Fatigue

Of course the Wild mushroom, Fish, Shellfish can be classified as Chemical Food Poisoning.

Obviously severe cases require conventional treatment that focuses on identifying the type of infectious organism and then prescribing and antimicrobial medicine ( antibiotics for bacterial infections). However, natural therapies are often effective for mild cases and can be used adjunctively for more severe cases.

There are some very effective antimicrobial supplements such as Colloidal Silver and Oregano oil. Probiotics or friendly bacteria needs to be replaced to normalize the intestinal tract. Also activated charcoal capsules taken internally can help to absorb toxins from food poisoning if taken in the first stages, say when you first realize you have food poisoning.

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Cats usually won't even think about eating greens. But curiosity kills the cat, as the old saying tells us. Cats are curious. Young kittens especially are likely to try nibbling on plants they can reach.

The seeds and pits of common fruits such as apples, apricots, plums, peaches and cherries contain cyanide, which causes dilation of the pupils and inflammation of the mucous membranes. If a cat were to ingest these it would suffer from difficulty breathing and could possibly go into shock and eventually die without medical intervention.

Avocado, which grows in California and Florida and is widely available now in supermarkets, contains a substance called persin which, although harmless to humans, will elicit gastrointestinal problems in cats and can lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

Chamomile is a harmless and useful herb that is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties in humans, but you may be surprised to learn that many of its components, like volatile oils, anthemic and tannic acid, chamazulene and bisabolol can cause gastrointestinal symptoms and allergic reactions in felines as well as allergic skin reactions from direct contact with any part of the plant.

Another plant that is often used as a topical skin treatment, but is toxic to cats is Aloe Vera. Aloe contains saponins that cause gastrointestinal problems accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Ingestion will change the color of the urine and can trigger tremors and signs of depression or lethargy.

Onion and garlic can cause severe health problems in cats because they contain a type of sulfur molecule that requires a specific enzyme in order to break it down. Humans have these enzymes, but a cat does not and ingestion can be fatal. It is therefore best to stay away from natural dewormers that contain onion powder or garlic.

Some house plants, such as Begonia, Charming Dieffenbachia, the Corn Plant or the Asparagus Fern may cause severe stomach upset and abdominal pain, excessive salivation and drooling, red and irritated mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, vomiting and difficulty swallowing.

Autumn Crocus, scientifically known as Colchicum Autumnale, is a common plant in many flower gardens. This small flower contains colchicine and other phyto-alkaloids that can be fatal for cats if they ingest parts of the plant accidentally. The dangerous elements from this flower cause damage to multiple inner organs, leading to shock which will be fatal if a cat does not get effective treatment in time. Symptoms include irritation of the oral mucous membranes, the occurrence of a blood-stained, runny stool and vomiting. Chronic cases may develop a suppression of bone marrow which would cause a serious failure of the immune system.

To avoid accidental ingestion of toxic plants it is best to remove these plants from your cat's environment. Cat grass is a good alternative and cats do eat from it from time to time to get rid of ingested hairballs. If you suspect your feline pet has eaten poisonous plant parts it is best to seek professional help immediately.

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What are Hemorrhoids?

The term hemorrhoids or most commonly known as piles, refers to a condition where the veins in the anus or in the lower rectum are bulging and inflamed. These hemorrhoids take place when there is increased pressure in the rectum which forces blood to dilate and swell the walls of the veins and sometimes can lead to a rupture. There are other factors, which also contribute to the development of hemorrhoids such as:

  • Pregnancy

  • Aging

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea

  • Heredity

  • Being overweight

Hemorrhoids are classified into two types and they vary based on their location. External hemorrhoids are found outside the anal canal while internal hemorrhoids are located inside. Hemorrhoids are becoming so common in both men and women that they are starting to occur in almost half of the general population.

Signs and Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Basically, signs and symptoms of piles vary according to the people and type of the hemorrhoids.

  • Internal hemorrhoids. The most common symptom of this type of hemorrhoids is the presence of bright, red blood covering the stool that appears on a toilet paper or in the toilet bowl. Moreover, internal hemorrhoids are painless and sometimes can lead to irritation caused by mucus secretion from the dilated rectal skin.

  • External hemorrhoids. Its major symptom is the noticeable lump or lumps around the anus. The symptoms of this type of hemorrhoids are different compared with those of internal hemorrhoids. The presence of blue or purple-colored lumps signifies that there is a blood clot formed underneath the skin within the hemorrhoid which is termed as thrombosed external hemorrhoids. Furthermore, this type of hemorrhoids can be extremely painful because of somatic nerves or pain sensors are found on these areas.

Home Treatments

Finding effective hemorrhoids home treatments is critical to reduce the risk of having further complications that this anal disease may bring. Here are common examples of home treatments for you to do at your own convenience at home.

  • Sitz bath. A sitz bath tub is filled with warm water and a hemorrhoid patient can sit over the tub for about 15-20 minutes for several times a day. This kind of treatment kills the pain while increasing the flow of blood to the affected area which leads to the shrinking of swollen veins.

  • Application of some medications can help in relieving pain and swelling of hemorrhoids. Some examples of most commonly used medications include:

    1. Acetaminophen

    2. Aspirin

    3. Ibuprofen

    4. Naproxen

These examples of pain medications listed above are effective since they contain anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Have a regular and proper exercise to keep your body weight down as well as to reduce pressure on veins.

  • Changing your diet to food that are rich in fiber helps promote normal bowel movements and keeping it consistent as well. In addition, plenty of water intakes are helpful to keep your stool soft and east to pass.

  • Avoid rubbing the affected area with a harsh toilet paper since it can create irritation. Instead, have the area washed and cleansed through rinsing it off thoroughly in the shower but refrain from using soap that has perfumes or dyes. Use soaps that are gentle and mild.

  • Don't postpone having bowel movements to hinder constipation. Go to the toilet when you feel the urge. Do not wait.

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One of the hardest things to learn for some men has to be the ways method that will ensure prolonging male ejaculation. For many men, the assumption that pharmaceuticals are the answer is really wrong. It's important to understand that harsh chemicals are not the answer, and if you believe the big corporate medical companies, sadness and disappointing are going to frequent you with relative ease.

Before we can start discussing and looking at three major ways that will keep you from being a sexual zero, it's important understand what doesn't work. It will definitely shock some to know that the most advertised things are not the most generously helpful. It's true there are a lot of different things that might patch the problem for a short time, but as for long-term sexual health, they fall by the wayside quickly.

The most popular solution being sold to men of all backgrounds is prescription medications. These heavily promoted items only help sexual dysfunction for a short time, and can produce some harmful side effects. Some of the side effects include color-vision problems, muscle aches, diarrhea, dizziness, flushing, headache, stuffy nose, upset stomach, heartburn, rash, hives, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, memory loss, numbness in arm, weakness, loss of hearing, and a sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes. If you didn't know that most prescription sexual tenacity pills do that, now you know. Most pills only give you prowess for a few hours, then it fades away, forcing the body to be dependent on the chemicals, meanwhile you have to deal with the many side effects, which can actually alter the mood and retard the positive effects that these pills might have. Long story short, they simply don't work long term, nor are they natural.

The second solution that many men are looking to try is creams, and numbing sprays. These do not work well for two main reasons. First, it numbs the area forcing you to lose all sensation of the sex act. Secondly, when utilizing them in unprotected sex, you will be delivering chemicals to your partner, which could render them numb or spark an allergic reaction. Needless to say, these things are temporary fixes and actually do not help in prolonging male ejaculation.

Now that you've seen what doesn't work, consider what actually does work in regards to prolonging male ejaculation. It's all natural, doesn't require spending time in a doctor's office and won't numb sexual activity. The greatest natural male enhancement solution relies heavily on your hands. No, not in the way you're thinking. You need to promote cell growth and natural stimulation of the penile tissue by using penile exercises. By increase the blood flow to the penis, and promoting cell generation, you will reduce sensitivity and prolong sexual activity fast and easily. The reason why this method trumps others is because it's all-natural, and in the process you're addressing mental control, hormone regulation, and physical control all at once. The exercises aren't invasive, nor take a long time to implement, but the results are permanent and long lasting. It's important to note that prolonging male ejaculation is best garnered with natural sources, and there's nothing more natural than utilizing your own body's response mechanism to expand your love life.

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Upset tummies are common problem in dogs.

The effects of over-processed foods, stress and environmental conditions can affect dogs just like it will humans.

Vomiting, diarrhea, grumbling stomach and bloat though common, can have a variety of causes, some of which are easy to solve with a change in diet, others with some serious medical treatment.

What I will try to do is cover some of the more common causes and what can be done to avoid or treat the cause.

Intestinal upsets and diarrhea can be caused by numerous things such as stress, allergy to a new food, viruses, bacteria, parasites, and change in diet or by your pet eating something that was not meant to be digested.

Bacteria caused diarrhea includes the Salmonella varieties, e-coli, and food poisoning, most of which last a short time and can be treated by over-the-counter medication recommended by your veterinarian.

Viral causes of diarrhea include distemper and parvovirus. These two usually attack puppies and young dogs and can be prevented by having your pet vaccinated.

Parasitic causes of diarrhea include worms (hookworm and whipworms) and Giardia (a form of protozoa) all can be treated with medication from your vet.

Food-related causes of diarrhea can be caused by a change in diet, an enzyme deficiency, allergy to a certain food ingredient or by eating something that is foreign to the body. Food related causes may take some searching, but usually can be isolated within a short period of time.

While diarrhea is caused by the irritation of the small or large intestine, vomiting is caused by an irritation of the stomach.

If a dog throws up after a meal or after eating something distasteful that is commonly known as regurgitation and is not considered serious.

Vomiting on the other hand is retching, a forceful stomach contraction that forces the food out of the stomach. Vomiting can be retching without food being forced out and you will see bile or saliva instead.

After vomiting a dog will appear restless and may even drool (salivate.) Any sign of vomiting with out producing a sign of food or other substance is serious. As it could mean the stomach has flipped (a sign of bloating) and demands immediate attention of your vet.

Vomiting as a general rule is not a sign of a serious illness. Some dogs eat too fast, some dog's vomit after eating grass and some dogs vomit a fluffy yellow mixture shortly after waking up in the morning, neither of which is a sign of concern.

This is known as "reflux gastritis" and can be corrected by feeding your dog small meals throughout the day or by feeding a meal shortly before going to bed for the night. There are also some drugs that are available to help this problem (see your Vet.)

However, chronic retching, blood in the vomit, and projectile vomiting are signs that a visit to the vet should be taken at once. These are signs that something maybe awry in the area of the kidneys, liver, or pancreas.

Intermittent vomiting and diarrhea can be an expected part of living with a pet, just as it is in our own lives, we all experience those problems a time or two ourselves. Granted cleaning up their accident leaves much to be desired, but vomiting is not life threatening unless it persists.

What are some of the things you can do to help your dog?

Your vet may suggest some Pepto Bismal or other over-the-counter treatment. It is best to withhold food for a while, but not water, however do not let your dog gulp down a large quantity of water at one time. A bland diet of chicken and rice will help soothe the stomach and can be fed once the stomach has settled down.

Make certain you pet does not exercise an hour before he/she eats and waits at least another hour or two afterward before heavy exercising.

Control water consumption before eating. Too much water can upset the stomach.

Feed high quality food and do not overfeed. Avoid rich people food.

When in doubt about any unusual pet behavior, please do not hesitate to call your vet or other pet health care provider.

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These four common cat symptoms could signal an emergency, or at least require a consultation with your vet. While your cat may experience some of these symptoms and not have a significant problem, it is best to be cautious.

The fact is, cats are fairly self-sufficient, and they may recover from a mild illness even before you know they're sick. It's easy then, to overlook or ignore something that we are sure our cat will recover from. It's equally possible, however, that one or more of these cat symptoms could indicate that your cat may have a serious illness or underlying condition as the cause. Pay close attention to your cat's behavior, and if you see any of the following possible symptoms, take action right away.

  1. Diarrhea -- Diarrhea can be a sign of a more serious problem than just plain indigestion. It also causes dehydration, so do not let this go on for long without contacting your vet.

  2. Vomiting -- Vomiting is quite familiar to cats and cat owners. Hairballs are probably the most common cause of vomiting, and are usually of little concern.. But cats get into all manner of things, so it's not too surprising they have a habit of giving some of those things back. They may also have allergic reactions to plants and other items that can cause digestive distress. It might just be a hairball, but be alert to the possibility of a more severe problem if your cat is persistently vomiting. Poisons, intestinal disturbances, or serious illness could be the reason. Excessive vomiting can lead to dehydration, which is a serious condition that may require intravenous fluids, and can result in death.

  3. Lethargy -- While cat's do need lots of sleep, they shouldn't appear sluggish. Most cats will not sleep continuously in one spot for an extended period. Lethargy is a sure sign of some kind of trouble. Since cats sleep so much, it may be hard to detect if they are sluggish. If your cat is normally bubbly and active, but suddenly begins sleeping in a corner for an entire day, something is probably wrong. I failed to catch this behavior change with one of my cats once for about a day since she was out in the open and seemed fine. By day two, however, she was too weak to jump, and she ended up needing rehydration and an antibiotic.

  4. Refusal to eat or drink -- Refusal to eat or drink for extended periods, or outside of your cat's normal routine is a red flag. Make sure you know your cat's eating and drinking habits well, and be observant if there are any changes. Sick animals often stop eating, so listen to what your cat is trying to tell you.

For the most part, cats are pretty sturdy creatures, and will recover from mild problems on their own. There will be those times, however, when cat illness symptoms indicate a more serious condition that must be treated. I'm not suggesting that you run to the veterinarian every week, only that you be on the alert for those occasions. If you suspect your cat is ill, contact your vet.

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But many of my clients bother about this weight round the year. Even though this time of the year it is definitely very hard to control the temptation for food. That is because of their high pressure medication.

All high blood pressure medications are prescription medicines and should be respected as the potentially dangerous drugs that they are.

Side effects of many high pressure medications can include: marked, weight gain, fluid retention, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, (due to vomiting and diarrhea most likely), skin rashes, extreme tiredness, weakness, leg cramps, constipation, bleeding gums, frequent urination (especially at night), low potassium, dry mouth, vertigo (dizziness), headache, excessive hair growth, insomnia, nightmares, cold hands and feed and sensitivity to sunlight.

Because of fluid retention, lethargy, lack of sleep (we compensate by gaining lost energy from food) and depression, it's no wonder that people reduce or stop exercising and quite frequently turn to food for comfort. What comes next? We gain weight of course.

while some people have gained few pounds. Many of my patients have said that they have gained more than 100 pounds over the years of medication. And this will get them into the category of obese if they are already not there. And obesity brings many risk factors for high pressure.

The other major side effects are gout, increased blood sugar (especially bad for diabetics), low pressure, slow heart beat, fast heart beat, birth defects and death in fetuses of pregnant women, erectile dysfunction, depression, and get this - risk of heart attack!

Moreover, leaving high blood pressure apart the patient now carries high probability of developing diabetes, osteoarthritis, metabolic syndrome and high cholesterol.

If the high blood pressure didn't make you depressed, weight gain and other associated obesity related diseases certainly would.

What happens quite frequently is that the patient will either stop taking or greatly reduce the amount of high blood pressure medication he or she is taking. One should never stop taking prescription medications before consulting a doctor.

If you are presently taking medicine for high blood pressure, try including a few natural methods to reduce your blood pressure in order to convince your doctor that you can lower or eliminate the medicine? Trust me when I say I understand how difficult it can be to convince a doctor that medicine is not the correct treatment for you.

Stop smoking, avoid over indulging in alcohol, maintain a healthy weight, reduce sodium in the diet and reduce stress. These methods can help you to reduce blood pressure without any medications.

It works and it is easy to start and easy to maintain consistently. My high blood pressure program is also highly recommended.

If you have a problem with your weight loss the you can try my weight loss breeze program. The easy and simple to do exercise comes out with results.

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Your dog's got the runs and it's becoming unbearable. Not only for the dog but also for you! It's miserable trying to get stains out of carpet when that happens, not to mention the smell it creates in the house. When you're at your wits-end with diarrhea, you just want answers. Let's see if we can look at a few possible, underlying, causes.

  • If the food you are feeding your dog has different types of protein in it, that alone can be the problem. Stick to one protein at a time, like chicken. If chicken isn't a favorite, stick to beef. Try not to get food with a number of different meats. If it's too strong of a "protein" food for your dog, the runs will be sure to follow.

  • Maybe you've decided to go with foods that are "grain-free". In theory, this could be a wise choice. Trying to go extra healthy is not a bad thing and with so many PEOPLE going wheat/gluten-free, it makes sense that they may look into feeding their dogs the same way. The only problem is, grain-free just means that they use different starches in the making of the food. Your pup could be having a reaction to whatever starch they've used to replace the normal wheat-based grain.

  • Perhaps you live near a swamp or pond? If so, your dog may have eaten a frog or other small animal/reptile without your knowing it. His diarrhea may not have anything to do with what you've fed him or with what he may have gotten into in the house. So many times I have had friends come to me with their stories of how their beloved four-legged friend ate a frog and had diarrhea for days. This is definitely something to think about. You more than likely won't have to take him to a Vet because it will run its course but just keep this in mind if you live around water.

  • With diarrhea comes dehydration if it goes on for a long period of time. Keep your dog as hydrated as possible. When giving him water, try to be sure it's really cool water so he'll be encouraged to drink. More than anything, if he's not keeping food in his system and it's coming out either by way of diarrhea or vomiting, he needs to keep his fluid intake up.

  • Another thing you may not have thought about is what, specifically, you are feeding him in regards to dog food. Not all dog foods are healthy. In fact, some are very dangerous. It would do you well to make sure you are feeding him healthy food.

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When a person gets affected by diarrhea, he or she passes off more than the normal amount of stool that too in abnormal frequency. During the summer season, the chances of diarrhea increase manifolds.

Chronic diarrhea can cause extreme dehydration in body. It results into scarcity of fluids in body that leads to disruption in normal functioning of the body. Chronic diarrhea must be treated on time especially if it has affected small kids and elderly people.

Diarrhea can take place due to several types of infection in body but its chronic form occurs only due to irregular or unusual disorder of bowel. Places which are unhygienic suffer from more cases of diarrhea sufferers. Moreover close contacts with pet or person with faecal matter can also result into diarrhea problem.

In this ailment, the bacterial infection took place in body due to consumption of polluted food and water. Even there are certain viruses that causes diarrhea. Moreover there are certain types of food products which many people are not able to digest properly which causes severe indigestion. Sensitivity towards certain medicines can also be the reason for diarrhea occurrence.

The various symptoms of diarrhea are swelling, blood in stool, unsettled stomach, contraction in muscles, dehydration, fever, pain in abdomen and lethargy.

An elderly person or a child affected with diarrhea should be given electrolytes or ORS solution to replenish the fluid loss in body. Even the homely solution prepared from sugar, salt and water can also be given to normalize the body.

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Most people who are trying to lose weight fall into a bad habit. What makes this habit particularly damaging is that almost no one has any idea they're doing it. This fundamental flaw in thinking is destructive and is usually at the heart of most weight loss failures. The bad habit I'm referring to is this; we want our circumstances to change while keeping everything the same.

In other words, we want our lives to be different but at the same time, we don't want to change anything. Some examples...

"I want to lose weight but I don't want to have to change how I eat."
"I want to be healthy but I don't want to have to change my lifestyle."
"I want to get the benefits of exercise but I don't want to have to actually exercise."
"I want my life to get better but I don't want to have to do anything that makes me uncomfortable."
"I want, I want, I want but I don't want to have to change anything."

Do you see the trap? We want our lives to be different, yet at the same time, we want them to be exactly the same. The impossible dream! This leads to a lifetime of looking for shortcuts, looking for tricks, looking for angles, and looking for quick fixes. There are a lot of companies that love this about us. We line up to buy so much junk, even things that will hurt us, all in the name of the easy, quick fix don't we?

In the context of weight loss, this means that we're all running around frantically trying to find the secret to being able to reap all the rewards of losing weight while not having to change anything we do. Here's what it looks like...

Let's say your favorite food is Ding Dongs. You love sugary, white carbohydrates and to you, Ding Dongs are #1. Let's also say that you want to lose a significant amount of weight so you can enjoy all the wonderful benefits of being healthy and fit. Since we want things to change but also stay the same, what you'll most likely do is ask yourself, "How can I lose the weight and have a great life while at the same time still eat Ding Dongs?" In other words, "How can I change my life while not having to change anything?"

So you start looking. The first thing you discover is that one of the diet food companies has come up with a sugar-free Ding Dong. Halleluiah! Now you can possibly eat Ding Dongs and still lose weight because you're not getting the sugar! The problem is that sugar-free Ding Dongs are loaded up with artificial sweeteners that will harm you more than the sugar. Then a diet company comes out with a low-fat, low-sugar, frozen Ding Dong dinner entree that you can conveniently pop in the microwave and have ready 15 seconds after coming home from work. Great! The only problem is that the frozen dinner entree has about 15,000 milligrams of sodium and contains a list of chemicals that closely resembles fireworks. And finally, an off-shore "nutrition" company has come up with a pill that will block absorption of the Ding Dongs in your small intestine. A side effect of the pill may be chronic explosive diarrhea but hey, at least you still get to eat your Ding Dongs!

So you're in diet heaven because you're eating sugar-free, guilt-free Ding Dongs all day, you get frozen Ding Dong dinners every night, and you pop your "supplements" which blocks absorption of the Ding Dongs in your gut. Congratulations! You've achieved that for which we all strive. You just might get all the benefits of being a healthy and fit person while not having to change a darn thing in your life. You support an entire industry built around tweaking your Ding Dongs instead of simply looking inside and growing past the point that you even want the Ding Dongs in the first place.

Too many dieters primary objective is to figure out how to remain a slave to their "tastes" and "comforts" while still trying to reap the benefits of "radically changing their life by losing a ton of weight." Again, it's the trap of trying to change while remaining the same.

Becoming something new requires letting go of the old ways. In order to change your life and permanently lose weight, you must be willing to stop trying to change the outside world to make it adapt to your tastes and weaknesses. The change that needs to take place is inside. The habits that created your weight problem must be let go so that new habits can be adopted that will create the opposite. You can only do this by being willing to change.

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Like most people, you're probably very concerned with your health. You may or may not be aware that your faucets are contaminated with very dangerous toxins that put you at risk for various diseases. All the obvious toxins are there, regardless of what your water company might tell you, including prescription drugs, waste from humans and animals, chloramine, chloride, fluoride, etc., which is some of the reasons why you need pure home water.

There are even germs in your tap that can cause stomach virus, bloody diarrhea, gastroenteritis, cholera, dehydrating diarrhea, and dysentery. Some of the common germs found in tap water that causes these diseases include E. coli, salmonella, protovirus, Nora virus, pseudomonas, campylobacter, hepatitis A, legionella, and vibrio cholerae.

All Tap Water is Contaminated.

Although not all tap water is contaminated with exactly the same chemicals and toxins, it's all contaminated with at least a few of the above-mentioned germs and bacteria. Depending on where you live, the diseases in your water and pipes may vary. People do not always get sick immediately after consuming tap water, at least not as far as common illnesses are concerned. One very dangerous disease that everyone knows about is cancer.

The chemical used to treat tap water by water companies in an attempt to make sure that it is disinfected before it is sent down the pipes is chloramine. This particular chemical is considered a carcinogen, meaning that it causes cancer. It also contains byproducts that are even more dangerous than the actual chemical itself. There is no way to remove chloramine from water except by using a water filtration system.

Different Types of Water Filtration Systems

There are plenty of systems available for purchasing. Some people simply prefer to purchase nothing more than a standard kitchen sink filter, which is fine if you're only using the water out of your kitchen sink. There are also shower filters that you can add in addition to your sink filter. A popular option to consider is a whole-house water filtration system, which works by cleansing all the water in your home at once.

Activated Carbon Filtration

An activated carbon filtration system is the best for removing the most dangerous chemicals from your tap water. It works by using activated carbon. A natural material obtained from bituminous coal, wood, coconut shell, lignite, etc. It is activated using steam and has various absorption properties. Each material used in an activated carbon filtration system works to reduce and absorb different chemicals in tap water, including those that cause bad taste, hard texture, and disease.

Your Water Company Will Never Tell You

Unfortunately, these companies must use chemicals to disinfect your water. In the end, it is up to you as the customer to do your part to make sure your water is safe and clean, and you have pure home water to drink.

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Poultry diseases are ailments that affect birds that are usually raised for human consumption e.g. chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, pheasants and quail. The diseases may be bacterial, viral, due to a deficiency, parasitic and neoplastic. Although, there are a number of common poultry diseases amongst these birds, let's take a look at particular diseases that affect different poultry.

Coccidiosis - This is one of the many universally-recognized poultry diseases in chickens and it comes about as a result of Eimirea. The infection takes place in the intestines after ingesting oocytes that are sporulated. This occurs due to poor living conditions such as spaces with excessive moisture, high temperature and unsanitary surroundings. When chickens are infected with poultry diseases such as coccidiosis, the result is bloody diarrhea, intestinal hemorrhaging and premature death of cells, tissue and organs. To detect this disease in chickens, take note of morbidity and the mortality rate of chickens as well as bloody/watery droppings in the coop. To treat this disease, vaccinations are required and this can be done by spraying the food with the vaccine, administering it as eye drops or distributing it in the water. If the infection returns due to moist litter, vitamins and minerals should be dispensed in the water.

Avian Influenza - This is one of the most well-known poultry diseases among birds, also commonly known as bird flu. It is caused by a virus, orthomyxovirus, and it's contracted by inhaling infected feces. It is one of the most contagious poultry diseases and is readily transmitted by waterfowl. Birds affected by this disease will show signs of sneezing, coughing, loss of appetite, diarrhea, depression, respiratory pain and emaciation. When it occurs in chickens, there is usually a drop in egg production and the quality of the shells is deficient. Antibiotics are available to treat the disease, although prevention is the best way to go because it is communicable to humans.

Ornithabacter (ORT) - This is a disease caused by bacteria and is prevalent in both turkeys and chickens. Though many poultry diseases occur in most pullets, some are more common in certain birds than others. This contagious disease affects the respiratory system with symptoms such as nasal congestion and coughing being signs of its onset. In some cases, poultry farmers may notice swelling on the head of the birds as well as noticing that the birds experience respiratory discomfort. One way to treat this disease is through vaccination and this can be administered to fowl at a very early age to create resistance to the disease.

Colibacillosis - Also known as E-Coli or Cellulities, this is also a very common poultry disease. A bacterial infectious disease, it is transmitted via water, food, ovarian transmissions and through fecal matter. If younger birds or the embryos are infected, high mortality rates will be noted, whereas with older birds a decrease in general activity may be observed. To prevent this poultry disease, water can be chlorinated while improved sanitation can prevent transmission. Moreover, vaccinations are available that will help protect embryos. Diseases such as E-coli can be treated using antibiotics such as Oxytetracycline (OTC), Quinolones (Flumequine) and Chlortetracycline (CTC).

As already mentioned, some diseases are common and display similar symptoms across bird species. But there are ways to prevent or curb these diseases before they can cause a pandemic. Not too long ago, bird flu posed a threat to humans. But through measures that in some cases included the quarantine of particular infected bird species, the disease was brought under control. As a poultry farmer, it is your obligation to know of the above diseases so that you may take the necessary steps when signs and symptoms occur.

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