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It's green. It's leafy. It's nutritious. Who knew it could be deadly? And spinach is not the only good food that poses risks of getting the bacteria E.coli. Prior to recent events, E.coli contamination had been found mostly in undercooked ground beef but in the past decade we have been hearing more about humans getting sick and even dying from E coli from consuming fruits and vegetables. According to the Center for Disease Control, E. Coli O157:H7 can be highly contagious with an estimated 75,000 cases and 61 deaths per year in the United States alone.

E.coli is scientifically known as Escherichia coli O157:H7. The numbers after the name specifies the type of E.coli bacterium. There are many different types of E.coli that live in healthy human and animal intestines. However, the E.coli O157:H7 strain is toxic to individuals.

E.coli O157:H7 is found in unpasteurized milk or juice, undercooked or raw meat (esp. beef), sewage-contaminated water (it can be contracted by swimming in or drinking it), and any unwashed, uncooked vegetable or fruit in which manure was used as the fertilizer (such as alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, spinach).

People infected with the bacteria will have diarrhea (often bloody) and abdominal cramps. In healthy adults that contract it, it will go away in 5 to 10 days. Antibiotic treatment may or may not be required. In young children (esp. those younger than 5 years) and the elderly, symptoms can be deadly. They get not only the diarrhea but can also get kidney failure which can lead to long-term health problems such as blindness, high blood pressure, and seizure. This kidney failure can also lead to death.

Preventing the spread of E.coli involves being diligent in cooking and cleaning. All meat (esp. beef) must be cooked thoroughly. Meat that is "done" has an internal temperature of 160 degrees in its thickest part. The reason why E.coli is found in beef is because cows-even healthy ones-can carry the bacteria in their intestines. When they are slaughtered and ground, E.coli can contaminate processing equipment and meat. Remember that contaminated E.coli meat looks and smells perfectly normal.

Fruits and vegetables need to be washed with soap and water. Although with some contaminated foods (like spinach), only completely cooking it will kill the bacteria. Be aware of how you handle your food at the grocery store. Raw meat sometimes leaks blood so keep unpackaged items like your fruits and vegetables in the plastic bags provided at the store. It's also a good idea to bag them up before they take their trip down the checkout belt. Don't forget this belt held a lot of other people's leaky meat, too!

Don't put cooked meat on unwashed surfaces or plates that held raw meat. After handling or containing the raw meat, it's important to wash hands, utensils, surfaces, plates, and containers with hot soapy water.

If you or a child have diarrhea, wash your hands after using the bathroom or changing diapers. Cleaning the bathroom and toilet with a disinfectant after the infected person has used it is a good idea, too.

Only drink chlorinated, disinfected water. Don't ingest swimming pool or lake water. If you or a child has diarrhea stop the chance of spreading it by not swimming at the pool or lake or sharing baths.

Only drink pasteurized milk and juices. The pasteurization process heats the liquids enough to kill the E.coli. There have been cases where raw milk caused E.coli infections. This comes about because cows can have E.coli on their udders and transfer it to the milking equipment and into the milk.

The FDA is following and enforcing measurements to keep food safe for the public. They don't like to see companies using manure on raw consumables. Hopefully, this will bring about change in farming practices in the USA before another E coli story hits the news.

Although the government has guidelines for the safe farming and processing of foods, it is up to the consumer to be smart in food preparation, hygiene, and environmental awareness. Be sure to consume only pasteurized milk and juices, thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables, especially those that grow on the ground, do not consume undercooked meat and practice safe cooking habits.

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Many infants suffer needlessly from dairy allergies simply because their parents may not realize that there is a problem. It can be frustrating for parents and potentially life-threatening for infants.

Dairy allergies in infants are most commonly caused by cow's milk. Although, some infants are even allergic to soy milk. Whether a parent breastfeeds or bottle feeds, knowing what to look out for can save time, money and unnecessary suffering.

How to Tell if Your Infant Suffers from Dairy Allergies

An infant who suffers from dairy allergies can be in a lot of pain. This is why it's particularly important to diagnose and treat the problem as soon as possible. Following are some common symptoms to look for if you suspect your baby suffers from dairy allergies:

Skin Abnormalities: These can include hives (akin to diaper rash) and eczema.

Respiratory Problems: Asthma and/or breathing difficulty are common.

Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, bloating and sometimes a bloody stool are outward signs. If your child cries a lot, he or she may be experiencing stomach pains as well.

Many parents may mistake the constant crying as colic or another form of distress. This is what makes diagnosing dairy allergies so difficult in infants. After all, they can't tell you what's going on with their little bodies.

How to Rule Out Normal Infant Problems and Rule in Dairy Allergies

Your baby, even though he or she can't speak, is the best conveyor of information. Pay attention to recurring symptoms like the ones listed above, particularly if they occur regularly after feedings.

Because pain can't be seen, it is crucial to notice if your child exhibits cries that you just "feel" indicate that they are in pain. Most parents become attuned to their children cries. There is the "I'm wet and want to be changed cry;" the "I don't want to go to sleep cry," and the "I'm in pain cry."

Don't for a minute second-guess your gut. If you feel that something is wrong, call your doctor and relay the symptoms, your concerns and why you think they're valid.

How to Treat Dairy Allergies in Infants

Once the problem is diagnosed, it's relatively seamless to correct it. There is one sure-fire "cure" for infant dairy allergies :milk avoidance.

If you breast-feed, you will have to eliminate all dairy products from your diet. If you bottle-feed, you will have to start using dairy-free products.

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Take a look at some of these famous signs that have become a part of our American culture:

The Coca-Cola Logo

The Golden Arches

The Holywood Sign

The No Parking Sign

The One Way Sign

The Stop Sign

The Visa Logo

The Wet Paint Sign


Bacterial Skin Infection Signs

Okay, so we're talking about a different kind of sign than these famous and notorious signs, but these signs can save your life . . . if you catch them before they cause harm to you.

Bacterial skin infections are the 28th most common diagnosis in hospitalized diabetic patients today. Why? Because ddiabetes restricts blood flow to the skin and that leads to poor skin health and skin infections. To make the matter worse, diabetics are prone to slow healing and when that is added to the possibility of an infection, special care is needed.

Diabetics are no strangers to watching their health, keeping aware of their feet, visiting their doctor, taking blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating healthy, but sometimes a medical condition (like a bacterial skin infection) will happen, despite worthwhile intentions.

Diabetics should be aware of the symptoms of bacterial skin infections. If you don't know what the signs are, read the following list. What are the signs of a bacterial skin infection in diabetics? They are:

1. Fever over 101 degrees

2. Sweating or chills

3. Skin rashes

4. Pain, tenderness, redness, or swelling

5. Wounds or cuts that won't heal

6. Red, warm, or draining sores

7. Sore throat, scratchy throat, or pain when swallowing

8. Sinus drainage, nasal congestion, headaches, or tenderness along upper cheekbones

9. Persistent and dry cough that lasts for more than two days

10. White patches in your mouth or on your tongue

11. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

12. Flu-like symptoms or generally feeling terrible

13. Trouble urinating, pain or burning, constant urge, or frequent urination

14. Bloody, cloudy, or bad-smelling urine

If you experience more than two of these signs, or suspect you do, please consult your doctor.

What are the common diseases that occur as a result of bacterial skin infections? Here's a list of diseases to look out for:


Carbuncle: A collection of pus, larger than a boil, that oozes onto the skin.

Cellulitis: An infection of deep skin with poorly separated borders.

Erysipelas: An infection of superficial skin with sharply separated borders

Erythrasma: A skin infection of the top layers of skin.

Folliculitis: An infection of the hair follicles that causes scarring or hair loss.

Furuncle: An abscess (collection of pus) originating from a hair follicle.

Impetigo: A skin infection that produces blisters or sores on the face and hands.

Paronychia: A skin infection around a fingernails or toenails.

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Symptoms of Gastritis cover a large range. Know them to be able to identify Gastritis. Gastritis is not a disease, it is a condition that can be caused due to many reasons.

What is gastritis? Gastritis refers to the irritation or inflammation suffered in the stomach lining. It can be an acute or a chronic condition. Sometimes it is a part of other diseases or conditions.

The symptoms of gastritis can be very misleading. Sometimes a very minor inflammation can cause severe symptoms and at the same time severe inflammation may cause minor symptoms. The severity of the condition can only be judged after an endoscopic examination of the stomach has been performed by the doctor. An endoscope is a like an optical fiber with a minuscule camera at its end, which is introduced into the patient's stomach to view the conditions inside.

This is especially so in the case of elderly patients. They may come into hospital with internal bleeding of the stomach without ever having suffered from any symptoms of gastritis before this particular incident.

Gastritis is a very common condition and it has been observed that almost 10% of the patients brought into emergency for abdominal pain are suffering from it.

One of the first symptoms that alert a person is discomfort or pain in the upper abdominal region.

The pain that one suffers due to gastritis is very typical. It may be felt in the pit of the stomach. People have described the feeling as cutting pain from front to back. The pain has been described as soreness, gnawing, aching or even burning sensation. It may feel as if it is cutting, stabbing or gnawing at you.

The other symptoms of gastritis include belching, nausea accompanied with vomiting, blood in the vomit, bloating, and an uncomfortable feeling of fullness and burning in the stomach.

The vomit could be clear, yellow or green. If the case is severe we may expect a bloody vomit and in moderate cases streaks of blood.

If the gastritis is particularly bad, there may be bleeding in the stomach too. This is marked by symptoms like sudden sweating, pallor or racing heart beat. Other symptoms could be feeling of faintness, short breath, and severe pain in chest or stomach. The characteristic symptom is vomiting blood. The patient may also suffer from bloody stools or sticky foul smelling stools.

The other symptoms that the patient might suffer from are black stools, a significant loss of appetite, stomach cramps, persistent fever, and lethargy, fetid taste in mouth, indigestion, diarrhea, and belching.

These symptoms of gastritis may or may not be present in a person suffering from gastritis. Sometimes the patient will realize this condition only when it has reached a severe state, where bleeding has begun. This is a marked aspect of patients on the wrong side of sixty. This condition may sometimes be caused due to excessive drinking or even because of aspirin consumption. It can be a part of other medical conditions too.

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Veins in the anal region become swollen when they go through friction and inflammation in this manner can cause hemorrhoids, commonly spelt hemroids. Hemroids is a common enough condition and is suffered in silence by many people due to lack of understanding or embarrassment. However it is very simple to heal with the right hemroid treatment.

They are mainly caused by things like pregnancy and excessive eating on hot and spicy food, and recurrent diarrhea and straining.

Symptoms of hemroids are itching and burning sensation around the rectum, swollen veins in the region and irritated and inflamed anal tissue. These symptoms need to be treated as soon as possible to reduce the chances of it worsening in to defecating bloody stools, excessive moisture around the area due to a protruding external hemroid.

When a swollen vein pushes out of the anus, the situation is called external hemroid. This then causes the friction to increase, making matters deteriorate in to a painful situation. Do no ignore the symptoms and hope that it will go away because that will only make it worse. The pain can be unbearable after a while. Sometimes external hemroids near the anus get clotted frequently and cause something called the thrombosed hemroids.

The inflammation is often asked to be treated by applying topical creams to the area. The ointments sooth the irritation and the burning sensation around the affected area. There are also various natural substances that may be ingested or applied topically by patients to get some relief from the symptoms. While treatment for hemroids is going on, patients should avoid spicy food and high levels of caffeine.

You should increase your fiber intake to help with smooth bowel movement. The affected area should never be rubbed or scratched because that can be negative towards the condition.

For those patients who cannot find relief at all with normal prescriptions or those who have extreme conditions, laser treatment or rubber band ligation may be an option. An alternative to painful surgery is to use a proven natural hemroid treatment that offers instant pain relief and heals the hemroids.

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Our circulatory system is made up primarily of arteries and veins. Normally, our blood vessels work splendidly in transporting blood to our organs. However, there are some instances where some of these blood vessels swell. This what happens when a person suffers from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are essentially just blood vessels that have expanded beyond their normal sizes.

These swollen vessels often appear in the anal canal. If the hemorrhoid is not visible, it's called an internal hemorrhoid. If the hemorrhoid has formed near the anus, or it has grown beyond its place inside rectum, then it is an external hemorrhoid.

Some people suffer from both types of hemorrhoids; it's possible to have internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids at the same time. This condition is by no means unusual, and people form hemorrhoids at least once in their lifetime. Hemorrhoids are usually caused by internal pressure centered on the pelvic region.

Exerting pressure on the rectal/anal area can also cause hemorrhoids. Why does internal pressure contribute to the formation of hemorrhoids? Well, think about it this way: the tissues surrounding the anus are rich in blood vessels. The additional blood vessels help the body remove solid waste during bowel movement.

However, exerting too much pressure can cause these blood vessels to swell so much that hemorrhoids begin to form. Normally, the tissues and blood vessels go back to their normal size after a person visits the bathroom.

However, if the internal pressure is continually applied over a long time, the tissues and blood vessels in the rectal region will have a hard time going back to their original appearance/size.

If you are always straining when you need to move waste, you are probably at risk for hemorrhoids. Having diarrhea can also cause tissue in your rectal region to swell, because repeated visits to the bathroom can tire the tissues that help control the movement of solid waste. On the other hand, constipation puts a person at risk for hemorrhoids because constipated individuals often have to "push hard" every time they visit the bathroom.

Hemorrhoids can resolve with no intervention. Severe cases of hemorrhoids may require surgery, although this is usually not the case. The most common symptom of hemorrhoids is bloody stool. If you see fresh blood after visiting the bathroom, there's a chance that the fresh blood is from a hemorrhoid. Pay your doctor a visit just to be sure.

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When your dog has diarrhea everyone in the house is unhappy. When you look into their sad eyes, you get a sense of meaning to the phrase "I'm sicker than a dog!"

Diarrhea is the number three reason people take their dogs to the vet. Before running off to the vet, look around at what you might be doing to cause your dog to have diarrhea. The good news is that most episodes of routine diarrhea can be prevented, or at least minimized.

The usual suspects are:

o Food- either too old, left out too long, or exposed to high temperatures. Such exposure can happen while being transported to the pet store. Bugs and flies may have climbed into open bags, laid eggs and left droppings during packaging or in your home after they being opened.

o Chlorinated water- your dog's intestinal tract requires a variety of bacteria to break down and process the food. Chlorinated water can kill these bacteria, causing diarrhea.

o Cleaning agents. Don't forget, dogs living indoors are walking barefoot. If not sufficiently diluted, many cleaning agents can burn their pads, their eyes, and their lungs. They will often lick their pads to stop the burning, which can lead to diarrhea.

o Pesticides/Insecticides- Similar to cleaning agents in that when dogs lick their pads, they will ingest some of the chemicals. They might also eat a bug that has been exposed to insecticides.

Dogs are notorious for eating bacteria laden morsels out of garbage cans, or found while out on a walk. Dogs off leash are more likely to drink from a stagnant puddle. A few slurps is all it takes! Puddles can be toxic cocktails containing anything from bug larvae, discarded food morsels, infected spittle, leaked automobile fluids like transmission oil, or antifreeze.

Stress is another cause of dog diarrhea. Stress comes in many forms. Small dogs are particularly sensitive to non-harmonious living environments. They prefer peace and quite to yelling, screaming, or fighting; many get crazy if you run the vacuum cleaner, blender, or just leave the room.

Travel, or the anticipation of travel (with or without them) causes stress. Traveling with your dog often means different air quality, humidity, water, sounds, even food. Rescue dogs also feel the emotional stress of all involved in the rescue mission. Now that's travel stress! Any one of these can cause your dog to have diarrhea.

Female dogs in heat will drive male dogs that have mating experience into a frenzy that can cause loose and bloody stools. The female doesn't even need to be in your house. It could be a neighbors dog out on a walk.

How to handle routine dog diarrhea?

A lot of people think it's a good idea to let their dogs outside to eat grass when they have diarrhea. Well, that's partially true. Dogs eat grass even when their GI tract is not upset. If you look carefully you will notice they pull at the grass. They do this to get at the dirt around the roots, which is teaming with soil-based organisms (SBOs). SBOs are essential digestive aids that also help maintain optimum intestinal balance.

Healthy grass and soil contains organic sulfur (MSM), as well (SBOs). However, if you live in an area where lawns are watered with municipal water (chlorinated) or are treated with inorganic fertilizers, or sprayed with pesticides and insecticides it is not a good idea to let your dogs eat the grass.

The actual cause of diarrhea is an intestinal imbalance between what is commonly referred to as "good and bad" bacteria. A balance of both is essential to break the food down so that the nutrients can be absorbed through the intestinal wall, as well as to push along what's left to be eliminated. The good bacteria get spent in the digestive process and need to be replaced daily to maintain optimum GI balance. Once the "bad bacteria" get the upper hand, they breed quickly.

As I mentioned earlier, in most cases it is not a good idea to let your dogs eat grass. Supplements that contain SBOs are available today that are specifically formulated for dogs. If you were to give SBOs to your dogs on a daily basis, all but the most treatment resistant cases of diarrhea could actually be prevented. A side benefit is that they would be more alert, easier to train and have improved physical performance.

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When the large intestine or colon becomes inflamed, it is known as ulcerative colitis. The colon is part of the excretory system where the waste material is stored before expulsion through the rectum and anus. The inner lining of the colon gets inflamed and ulcerated in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. This often leads to symptoms which can include rectal bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Cohn's disease is a similar condition with inflammation of the intestines. Both these diseases together are referred to as IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, and they affect anywhere from half to two million people in the US alone. They are found equally in men and women, and they manifest during the adolescence period or early adulthood. Sometimes, IBD also begins during childhood. It is not very clear as to what really causes ulcerative colitis. There is no evidence to suggest that the disease is contagious or is caused by an infection.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Diarrhea and rectal bleeding are the most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis. However, there are a number of other symptoms as well, depending on the extent to which the rectum and the colon are inflamed and the intensity of inflammation. Symptoms are typically mild when only the rectum and a small adjoining portion of the colon are inflamed.

Based on the extent and the location of inflammation, ulcerative colitis is classified into different types. When the inflammation is confined to the rectum alone, it is known as ulcerative proctitis. Intermittent mild bleeding of the rectum might be the only symptom for people suffering from ulcerative proctitis. When the rectal inflammation is more severe, patients may experience rectal pain and sometimes a sudden urgency to defecate.

When the sigmoid colon which is a short colon segment connected to the rectum is inflamed along with the rectum, the condition is known as Proctosigmoiditis. The symptoms of this condition are very similar to that of ulcerative proctitis. In some cases, patients might also experience cramps and bloody diarrhea.

When the rectum and the left colon which consists of the sigmoid colon and the descending colon are inflamed, it is known as left-sided colitis. Weight loss, abdominal cramps, left-sided abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea are the main symptoms of left-sided colitis.

When the right, transverse, and left colon along with the rectum are inflamed, the condition is called Pan colitis or universal colitis. The symptoms include those of left-sided colitis, as well as fever, night sweats and fatigue. Generally, pan colitis is more difficult to treat than colitis that is more restricted to one region.

A severe but rare form of pan colitis is Fulminate colitis where patients become very ill and suffer from dehydration, prolonged diarrhea with bleeding, severe abdominal pain and sometimes even shock.

Ulcerative colitis most often stays within the same region, but in some rare cases can also spread to other regions of the colon.

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Of course puppy worms is a bit of a misnomer. There are no worms that only infect puppies - the same worms infect adult dogs and sometimes humans. However, puppies are more likely to be infected with worms than adult dogs for a number of reasons.

So here are 5 facts you should know about puppy worms:

1). Although puppies can suffer from a variety of worms, roundworms (ascarids) are the most common type of worm that are involved.

2) These roundworms can infect the puppy while it is still in the mothers womb and new born pups can acquire these worms through suckling their mother's milk.

3) The eggs of these roundworms can also survive in the environment for ages and this represents a third possible route of infection for puppies. And as we know, puppies are naturally curious and spend the best part of their early lives with their noses and mouths very close to the ground, investigating and chewing anything and everything.

4) Puppy worms are parasites - they feed off the animal that they parasitize. This can lead to a range of symptoms ranging from poor growth and a dull haircoat, to vomiting and diarrhea. Sometimes the worm load is so heavy that they may vomit up the adult worms or pass the worms in their stools - but this is not always the case and a puppy may have a heavy worm load without you actually seeing any worms.

5) A very severe roundworm infestation can physically block the gastro-intestinal tract (intestines) of the puppy. If not corrected, this state of affairs can lead to the death of the puppy as it cannot keep any food or water down.This causes a cascade of physiological changes within the body which ultimately leads to the death of the puppy.

So most puppies have worms simply because they are exposed to so many sources of worms at an early age when their immune systems are immature. Later in life they are less exposed to the sources and their immune systems are fully functional, making it less likely that they will suffer from a heavy roundworm burden - unless their immune system is compromised.

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Every day, veterinarians treat puppies and dogs that have gotten into human medications; most, which can be or are toxic to our canine companions.

The degree of danger often depends on the type and amount of medication consumed as well as the size, age and general health of the dog. Smaller breeds, especially Toys, puppies and senior dogs are at higher risk of serious or fatal incidents. Dogs with pre-existing health problems such as liver, kidney or heart disease are also extremely vulnerable.

Check with your veterinarian before administering any human medications. Most likely they will approve of a buffered or baby aspirin as a general pain reliever. Follow their instructions!

It vital, for the safety of your puppy or dog, to make sure all medications are out of their reach. If you have a climber or counter surfer, put your medications in a medicine cabinet, drawer or secured cabinet.

Never store medications in plastic bags. Make sure purses, briefcases, backpacks and suitcases containing medication are where your pet cannot get into them.

A puppy or dog can easily break a medication container with their teeth! Plastic is like a magnet to them!

Inform house guests of your medication rules. Make sure to follow-up on their compliance!

Do not store pet and human medications together.

When counting out medications, get your pet out of the room. Should you drop one, they will find it quicker than you!

Keep medications in a secure container.

Do not leave medications on night tables.

Supervise children and the elderly when administering their medications. It is too easy for an accident to happen should they drop their pill, or even simply give it to the dog!

If you drop a pill, stop, and find it immediately! Don't wait, you may forget...and it won't take but a second for a puppy or dog to scoff it down!

Drooling, vomiting, seizures, disorientation, tremors, pale gums and lethargy are often common signs a dog has gotten into something they should not have eaten.

Should you even suspect your pet has taken the medication, don't take any chances; get them to the nearest veterinarian immediately.

Medications and signs to watch for:

ACE Inhibitors - High Blood Pressure (i.e. Altace, Zestril...) Especially dangerous for dogs with kidney and heart disease. Get them to the nearest veterinarian immediately! Watch for low blood pressure (pale gums), dizziness, lethargic, or weak.

Anti-Cancer Medication - (i.e. Fluorouracil) Serious! Watch for vomiting, cardiac arrest, seizures, coma and death.

Anti-Depressants (i.e. Effexor, Prozac, Cymbalta, Lexapro...) Watch for elevated heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, sedation, tremors and seizures.

Anti-Diabetic (i.e. Avandia Oral, Actos Oral, Avandamet Oral... ) Watch for disorientation, low blood sugar and seizures.

Benzodizepines - Sleep Aids (i.e. Xanax, Ambien, Lunesta, Klonopin...) Watch for agitation, severe lethargy, disorientation, uncoordinated, appearing drunk, and slowed breathing.

Beta Blockers - High Blood Pressure and Irregular Heart Rhythms (i.e. Sectral, Coreg, Tenermin, Toral, Levatol, Inderal, Zebeta...) Serious! Watch for low blood pressure (pale gums) and slowed heart rate

Cholesterol Lowing Medications (i.e. Lipitor, Zocur, Crestor...) Watch for vomiting and diarrhea.

Cox-2 Inhibitors - Arthritis Medication - (i.e. Celebrex, Vioxx, Rubrin, Previcox, Dermaxx, Metacam, Rimadyl...) Watch for lethargy, vomiting, drooling, difficulty breathing, restlessness, pale gums, thirsty, loss of appetite, depression, diarrhea and weakness.

Muscle Relaxants (i.e. Baclofen, Soma, Flexeril, Zanaflex, Skelaxin...) Will impair their central nervous system. Watch for depression, disorientation, weakness, vocalization, seizures, coma and death.

Narcotics - Pain Medication (i.e. Codeine, Morphine, Oxycodone, Oxymorphine, Levorphanol, Methadone, Hydrocodone, Vicodin, benzodiazepeines, barbiturates...) Serious! Do not waste a minute...get your pet to the nearest veterinarian! Watch for depression, disorientation, drooling, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, vocalization, seizures, coma and death.

NSAID Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medicines (i.e. Tylenol, Ibupropen, Ascriptin, Naproxen...) Watch for pale gums, restlessness, breathing difficulties, excessive thirst, loss of appetite, depression, vomiting, and diarrhea. Get your pet to a veterinarian immediately.

Cold and Sinus Medications (i.e. most Over-The-Counter medications) Serious! Get your pet to the nearest veterinarian. Watch for elevated blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, seizure and death.

Thyroid Medication (i.e. Armour desiccated Thyroid, Synthroid...) Many dogs are prescribed human thyroid medications. Should your dog get an extreme dose, watch for aggression, panting, muscle tremors, drooling, and rapid heart rate.

Tuberculosis Medication (i.e. Isonziazid...) Serious! Get your pet to a veterinarian immediately. Watch for seizures, coma and death.

Bottom line: By taking precautions and concentrating when taking or giving medications, you should not have any problems. But, accidents do happen. Be prepared. Know what to watch for and do not hesitate getting your pet to the nearest veterinarian immediately! A matter of minutes could be the difference between life and death!

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In spite of pretty much all the high-quality factors of this specific health supplement, always be certain to read on the subject of Spirulina negative effects. A person really should be conscious of all of probable potential issues. Examine the next guide to be aware of it.

For about 30 years Spirulina is broadly used as a diet supplementation around the world. It's in reality a blue algae which often will grow in alkaline environments. Spirulina is a very good resource of many diverse nutritional ingredients, more than 100 of them. It is full of vegetable healthy proteins,nutritional vitamins, minerals and so on.

It really is particularly important for those who happen to be on vegan diet program and not have many elements. Spirulina is without a doubt also good for adolescents and expecting mothers, simply because the two of these groups need to have excess nourishing substances. Realizing that this really is pure nutritional supplement, only some instances of Spirulina adverse effects had been recorded.

Spirulina overdose is actually almost impossible, despite the fact that quite a few men and women tend to be hypersensitive to Spirulina alone. In this sort of cases, individuals could have aggravating skin breakouts. Acquiring only fifty grams Spirulina a day shouldn't create just about any side-effects. As a result of the simple fact it has just about seventy % of necessary protein, a number of individuals have reported nausea.

That occurs due to the fact body is attempting to digest excess materials in a way it results in some additional heating. Sense of wonderful enjoyment or sleep loss might complement with a fever. The people that already have problems relevant to gastric issues or abdominal gas difficulties can get stomach ache, bowel problems or diarrhea, unwanted gas, hiccups and many others. Many sufferers felt really tired, fragile or just simply sick and tired, although some others have had troubles because of faintness and disorientation as well as feeling sick.

Over weight persons who are using Spirulina can encounter higher water supplies in their particular system (edema), that can seem like these people have acquired some pounds. That takes place due to the fact water continues to be in the body system in larger volumes compared to standard. The people that usually do not have more than enough red blood cells could experience minor nose bleeding, which often is normal in ladies. Bring just about all of these Spirulina secondary effects into concern right before coming to a decision simply how much or in what style you'll start off making use of it.

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Food poisoning is a serious food borne gastrointestinal disease. Harmful bacteria like Salmonella, Shigella and Clostridium get contaminated with cooked or uncooked food resulting in food poisoning. Cooked food must not be kept uncovered for a long time. Perishable food items like fish and milk get contaminated easily and should not be consumed quickly. Food must not be taken in unhygienic conditions as there is a fair chance of contamination. It is followed by severe abdominal pains, diarrhea and vomiting. The disease should be treated immediately as serious conditions may lead to fatality. Every year millions die from food poisoning across the globe. Clean and freshly cooked food should be consumed. Uncovered food or food from roadside vendors must be strictly avoided.


1. Severe abdominal pain and cramps
2. Vomiting and diarrhea
3. Blood passing through stools
4. Fever
5. Dehydration due to vomiting


Consumption of contaminated and stale food is the major cause of food poisoning.

Home Remedies

The symptoms can be controlled to a great extent by simple home remedies. Serious patients must be immediately hospitalized.

1. Ginger is very effective in treating food poisoning. A mixture of ginger paste and buttermilk should be given to the patients 3-4 times a day.

2. Mix equal amounts of ginger and lemon extracts and add little pepper powder. Taking this mixture 3-4 times a day reduces the symptoms.

3. Ginger tea is also very beneficial for patients suffering from this problem.

4. Grate a whole papaya and boil in water for few minutes. Strain this mixture and give the extract to the patient 2-3 times a day.

5. To a half cup of curd, add 2-3 tablespoons of basil leaf juice. Add a pinch of black salt and pepper to it. This should be taken 3-4 times a day to get relief from vomiting and abdominal pain.

6. Equal amounts of cumin and fenugreek seeds (about 5 grams each) are powdered and added to a glass of water. Drinking this mixture provides relief from abdominal and vomiting in food poison.

7. Taking raw garlic is very effective in treating this problem. Garlic acts as a detoxifier and kills bacteria in the digestive tract.

8. Drinking a glass of water adding few drops of mint juice at regular intervals helps in reducing the symptoms.

9. Drinking herbal tea made from herbs like mint, chamomile, raspberry and blackberry are beneficial in reducing symptoms of food poisoning.

10. Electrolytes, tender coconut water and fluids must be given to the patient at regular intervals to prevent dehydration.

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Cranberries have long been credited for the numerous therapeutic effects it carries that are known to benefit human health. This tart cousin of the blueberry family has been highly valued for its remarkable ability in the prevention and treatment of urinary tract infection or UTI. It also offers health benefits in;

  • the promotion of oral and gastrointestinal health

  • improvement of the good HDL cholesterol in the body

  • lowering the level of LDL cholesterol

  • kidney stone prevention

  • providing a generous aid for recovering stroke patient

  • and in the prevention of cancer

The discovery of its pro health benefits became the center for many discussions. Today, the therapeutic effect of cranberries is once again taking center stage on health current events as it adds yet again another health benefit to its long list.

You better eat more of your cranberries after your every meal, especially when you're sick, because in a study conducted in Worcester Polytechnic Institute, it was discovered that cranberries also contain a significant amount of antibiotic property. In fact, its natural antibiotic property is so raw and intense it was able to successfully alter the deadly E.coli bacteria.

E.coli is a deadly class of bacteria that is known to cause several common illnesses such as tooth decay and infection. It is also known to cause the following life threatening conditions which include:

  • Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. A condition that destroys the red blood cells of the body. Most prevalent in children under five years old.

  • Central Nervous System Impairment (e.g., seizure, coma,)

  • Bloody Diarrhea. This often results to bloody vomiting and nausea, severe cramping in the abdominal area, watery diarrhea, and inflammation.

The efficiency of cranberries in fighting and ridding off bacteria lies in its tannin component where its antibiotic property resides. Its discovery became so promising, many researchers are hopeful that the cranberry can be used by many sick patients world wide as an effective natural antibiotic. health current events accepted this breaking news with bigger hopes. With viruses becoming more and more resilient everyday, they are hoping that the discovery of cranberry in fighting deadly microbes could offer the biggest key in medical treatment.

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Many people think that there are a lot of nutrients in the peels of fruits and vegetables, so they tend to eat the peels of any fruits and vegetables. However, they rarely realize that the peels of some kinds of fruits and vegetables contain some harmful substances, which will easily lead to diseases or food poisoning. As a result, we should avoid eating the peels of these fruits and vegetables.

First, potato peel
Potato peel contains "glycoalkaloids", which, when accumulate to a certain amount in the body, will lead to food poisoning. Because this is a kind of chronic poisoning, so the symptoms are not very obvious. As a result, it is often neglected by people.

Second, sweet potato peel
Sweet potato peel contains a large number of alkaline, so eating too much of it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. If there are some brown and dark brown spots on the sweet potato peel, it indicates that the sweet potato has been infected by "alternaria brassicicola", which can produce "sweet potato ketone" and "sweet potato ketol". When these two substances enter into the human body, they will damage the liver and cause poisoning. Mild poisoning may cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. But if it is serious, it might lead to high fever, headache, asthma, seizures, coma and even death.

Third, persimmon peel
When the persimmon is unripe, the tannic acid is mainly contained in the pulp of persimmon; while when the persimmon is ripe, the tannin acid is concentrated in the peel of persimmon. After the tannic acid enters into human body, under the effect of stomach acid, it will have chemical reaction with the protein in the foods, and produce the sediment--persimmon stone, which may lead to many kinds of diseases.

Fourth, ginkgo peel
The peel of ginkgo contains some toxic substances, such as "ginkgolic acid", "hydrogenated ginkgolic acid", "ginkgo alcohol", and so on. When these substances enter into human body, they will damage the central nervous system and cause poisoning. In addition, it is also inappropriate to eat too much cooked ginkgo pulp at one time.

Fifth, water chestnut peel
Water chestnut usually grows in the paddy field, so its peel can accumulate a lot of harmful and toxic wastes and chemical substances. What's more, the water chestnut peel also contains a large number of parasites. If you eat the water chestnut peel which has not been cleaned, it may cause disease and bring great harms to your body.

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Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite.

Malaria symptoms include fever and flu-like illness, including shaking chills, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur. Malaria may cause anemia and jaundice (yellow coloring of the skin and eyes) because of the loss of red blood cells. Infection with one type of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, if not promptly treated, may cause kidney failure, seizures, mental confusion, coma, and death.

Each year 350 to 500 million cases of malaria occur world-wide, and over one million people die, most of them young children.

The Anopheles Malaria Mosquito.

Where malaria disease is found depends mainly on climatic factors such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall. The main areas where malaria disease is found are; Africa, Madagascar, India and South America. Malaria is transmitted in tropical and subtropical areas, where the host mosquito, of the genus Anopheles, is able to survive and multiply. There are approximately 430 Anopheles mosquito species, only 30 to 40 of which transmit the malaria parasite.

Only in areas where the malaria parasites can complete its growth cycle in the mosquitoes can humans be infected. There are four species of malaria parasite that can infect humans they are; Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale, and P. malariae. The time required for development of the parasite in the mosquito (the extrinsic incubation period) ranges from 10 to 21 days, depending on the parasite species and the temperature.

Malaria Control In the United States.

In the United States during the 19th century, and early 20th century, malaria was wide spread in the Southeastern Sates. In 1947 a National Malaria Eradication Program was undertaken by 13 States. The program consisted primarily of DDT application to the interior surfaces of rural homes or entire premises. By the end of 1949 over 4,650,000 houses had been sprayed. This eradication program worked, by 1952, the US was declared free of malaria. Anyone in the US who is now diagnosed with malaria has usually caught the disease while abroad.

Malaria in Africa -- the country of Eritrea.

It seems that the country of Eritrea is having some success in reducing malaria deaths by eradicating the Anopheles mosquito species. Since 2003 the government has been distributing pesticide treated mosquito nets and making sure that these nets are retreated every three months. Mosquito friendly habitats have been eradicated - changed so that the mosquito can no longer reproduce. The setting up of local medical clinics where people can be treated for malaria quickly has also been a great help. The malaria mortality rate has been reduced by 85 percent.

Remember that where-ever in the world the malaria mosquito species can survive and multiply it is possible to have an outbreak of malaria.
Pharmaceutical Drugs.

Pharmaceutical drugs are the usual method to treat cases of malaria. Following are some of the anti-malarial drugs used in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria.

* Amodiaquine,
* Clindamycin,
* Halofantrine,
* Lumefantrine plus Artemether (Coartem),
* Mefloquine plus Artesunate,
* Sulfadoxine Pyrimethamine plus Artesunate,
* Sulfadoxine pyrimethamine,
* Quinine,
* Tetracycline,

All pharmaceutical drugs, when taken, have the possibility of causing adverse side effects. Here are the possible unwanted side effects of Tetracycline.

The side effects associated with Tetracycline are; blurred vision, diarrhea, dizziness, genital or anal sores, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, anemia, blood disorders, sore tongue, inflammation of the small and large intestines, noises in ears, fluid retention, hives, painful and difficult to swallow food, feeling dizzy, skin rash and increased sensitivity to bright lights.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in 2006, banned the use of all but one brand of Quinine (Qualaquin) because of adverse side effects. Some of the usual side effects of taking Quinine are; diarrhea, chest pain, a pounding heart, blistered skin, cessation of urination, loss of hearing, blurred vision, yellow skin, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, mental confusion and purple spots under the skin.

More serious quinine side effects are; cardiac arrhythmias, thrombocytopenia (a decrease in blood platelets that can cause hemorrhage or clotting problems), severe hypersensitivity reactions and death. From 1969 to 2006 there were 93 reports, made to the FDA, of people dying from taking quinine.

Following are some pharmaceutical drugs used to prevent malaria.

* Atovaquone proguanil,
* Chloroquine,
* Doxycycline,
* Mefloquine,
* Primaquine,

Here is a list of the possible adverse side effects of the drug Chloroquine.

Diarrhea, blurred vision, sore throat, loss of hearing, hives, swollen tongue, swollen lips, noises in the ears, itching, breathing difficulties, seizures, averse to sunlight, bruising, bleeding with no obvious reason, loss of hair, unusual emotional behaviour, loss of appetite, headache, nausea, vomiting and cramps in stomach.

The above three examples show that whatever pharmaceutical drug you take for malaria you should be aware that you may suffer from some adverse side effects.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) state on their website: "In general, most drugs used to prevent and treat malaria have been shown to be well tolerated for at least one year or more". - In other words most of the drugs taken by most of the people will not cause side effects for up to one year. After one year you can expect to suffer some unwanted side effects. - Which probably explains why people who live in areas where malaria disease is rife do not usually take the preventative malaria medicines, as side effects always develop over time. Those few who do take the preventative drugs often need hospitalisation.

Most people, who live in high infestation areas, depend upon being cured by the standard malaria medicines after they contract malaria.

Drug Resistance.

The use of anti-malarial drugs over time has another negative effect - drug resistance. Two of the four parasite species that have developed some resistance to some of the above drugs are Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. So if you are infected with either of these two species the drugs you are taking may not be effective in curing your malaria unless they have been tested in a laboratory and found to be effective in treating these two species.

Yeast Extract.

There is a yeast extract, a by-product of the beer brewing process, that if eaten on a daily basis is reported, by those who eat it, to reduce the number of mosquitoes bites. The theory is that the yeast extract changes your body odour so that you are less attractive to the mosquitoes. Definitely worth trying and you get the bonus of getting extra B vitamins.

The yeast extract I am referring to is Marmite. There are other yeast extracts such as Vegemite from Australia and Cenovis made in Switzerland, plus many copycats. The people I know start to eat Marmite two weeks before their journey when going to Africa. I do not know if the other yeast extracts will have the same effect.

A Simple Safe Malaria Treatment.

While prospecting for gold in the jungles of Guyana, South America in 1997, Jim Humble accidentally discovered a simple cure for malaria. Two members of the prospecting group went down with malaria disease and there was no malaria medicine available. Help was six days away. The only thing they had was a substance called stabilized oxygen that Jim used to sterilise water. Jim reckoned that as stabilized oxygen kills pathogens in water it seemed logical to assume that it might kill the malaria parasite.

The two men lay in their hammocks shivering from the chills while at the same time they were running high fevers. Their symptoms of malaria included headaches, aching muscles and joints, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.

They felt so bad that when Jim asked them if they were willing to try his - health drink from America - they agreed. Jim gave each man a healthy dose of stabilized oxygen in some water. In one hour the shivering had stopped and the men looked better. Four hours later all the malaria symptoms had gone and they got out from their hammocks and ate a meal.

Throughout his travels in the jungle he treated other people with the stabilized oxygen with some success. Overall the success rate was seven out of ten people were helped.

Thus started Jim's journey to try and discover why the stabilized oxygen only worked for some of the time and if he could increase the success rate.

For six years from 2001 to 2006 Jim carried out thousands of tests both on himself and other volunteers. In all 75,000 people from five different countries agreed to try Jim's malaria treatment. Slowly with much trial and error the success rate improved until the year 2006 when Jim considered that his malaria treatment was fully tested and ready to be used by all malaria sufferers.

Jim has written an eBook called "The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century" it is in two parts. The first part can be downloaded for free and there is a small charge for part two. If you have malaria part one of the eBook, chapters eight and nine, will give you all the information you need to treat yourself using Jim's treatment protocol.

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Getting enough zinc can wonders in numerous health conditions. Zinc activates white blood cells to fight infections. It helps protect the body against viruses. Men need zinc for sperm production and to keep the prostate gland healthy. Zinc helps the pancreas make insulin and keep normal sugar levels.

Zinc is essential for good memory. Zinc supplements even help teenagers get better grades in school.

How important is zinc? Zinc is present in every cell in the body. It is a component of over 200 enzymes. There are high amounts of zinc in red blood cells, white blood cells, your bones, kidneys, liver, pancreas, and retina. Men have high concentrations of zinc in the prostate gland. Every cell in the body needs zinc to divide and replace itself when the body makes new tissues.

Here are two lists. One is a list of conditions that can occur when the body does not get enough zinc. The second is a list of conditions that improve due to the benefits of zinc supplements.

Not getting enough zinc can lead to chronic fatigue, dermatitis, diarrhea, hypothyroidism, female infertility, impaired platelet aggregation, insulin resistance, and loss of taste or smell. It can cause reduced resistance to infection, night blindness, poor appetite, poor memory, attention deficit disorder, and reduced learning ability, and it can cause slower growth in children, slow healing of wounds, and infertility in men. Add to this list Acrodermatitis enteropathica, Alopecia, atrophy of the testes, bone loss and osteoporosis, decreased sperm count, decreased sperm motility, delayed puberty, nerve cell problems in Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome, and ringing in the ears.

Among the benefits of zinc supplement is improved immune function. Other benefits of zinc supplements are adding calcium to bones and teeth, lowering blood sugars, helping interferon work in treating hepatitis C, clearing up bacterial prostatitis, and recharging the male sex drive. They can help recovery in brain injury, improve brain function, restore night vision, increase sperm count, and stimulate the libido.

Extra zinc can help bring out weight gain in anorexia nervosa and help children with sickle cell disease. It can even cure bad breath.

Who needs the benefits of zinc supplements? You might be surprised. The United Nations University found that 20% of people worldwide are deficient in zinc. Zinc in supplements is needed to prevent childhood infections and diarrhea and to support normal growth and development.

Think you're safe if you eat a good diet? Think again. Scores of modern medications deplete the body's stores of zinc. Any women who takes the Pill or hormone replacement therapy or medication to prevent osteoporosis is at risk for nutritional deficiency and may need zinc supplements. Heart patients, diabetics, and epileptics also need zinc supplements.

Even some supplements increase the body's need for zinc. Calcium supplements, magnesium supplements, and whey all can interfere with the absorption of zinc. Never take zinc at the same time you take these supplements, and always be sure you are getting enough of the benefits of zinc supplements if you take any supplements for bone health or muscle health.

What about side effects of zinc supplements?

If you take too much zinc, your body will have difficulty absorbing copper. It's OK to take up to 20 mg every 2 hours for as long as 2 weeks to fight a cold, but for everyday nutrition limit your intake to 15 mg a day. Zinc supplements can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, but only if you take about a gram-over 60 times the recommended dose.

How can you tell if you are taking too much zinc?

Here is a simple test. Overdoses of zinc numb your taste buds to bitter flavor and metallic aftertastes. Zinc has a metallic taste. If you can't taste zinc, you don't need to take it! The benefits of zinc supplements are yours with just a small, regular dose.

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With summer in full swing, the time you spend outdoors has increased tremendously. Summer is the season for outdoor barbecues, lawn parties, fresh fruits and vegetables, lawn and garden maintenance, swimming and pool parties. Summer also brings with it a rise in temperatures and incidences of dehydration. While dehydration can hit at any time, the scorching summer temperatures also bring about an increased risk of losing excess water.

Dehydration Explained

Dehydration is defined an excessive loss of bodily fluid through sweating, vomiting, urination or diarrhea. Our body is made up of approximately two-thirds water. It is a major component of every cell, tissue and organ in the body. It also plays an integral part in almost every body function. Water helps to regulate our body temperature; it transports oxygen and nutrients in the blood; it aids in the elimination of body waste; and it serves as lubrication to our joints. The amount of water required each day depends on a variety of factors, including your general health, your activity level, and the climate where you live. Recommended intake varies from 8 to 12 eight ounce glasses of water a day. When you are dehydrated your body lacks adequate water to carry out its normal functions.

Dehydration Signs and Symptoms

Summer is an important time to remember to stay hydrated and recognize the signs of dehydration. The body can lose vast amounts of water, especially on days that temperatures soar close to or above 100 degrees. Dehydration occurs when the amount of fluids eliminated by the body exceeds the amount consumed by the body. The first sign indicating that you are dehydrated is thirst. The second best indicator is the color of your urine. If it is pale yellow in color, you are properly hydrated. However, if your urine is dark yellow or concentrated in color, it is a sign that you may be dehydrated. Some additional signs of dehydration include dry mouth, fatigue, headache, light-headedness, loss of appetite, and nausea or vomiting.

Dehydration Prevention and Treatment

The best defense against dehydration is avoidance. To prevent dehydration consume fluids before you get thirsty because by the time you are, your body is telling you that it is already dehydrated. If you are spending an excessive amount of time outdoors, consume approximately five to ten ounces of fluids every 10-15 minutes. It is also best to avoid drinks that contain caffeine or alcohol. Beverages containing caffeine or alcohol have a diuretic effect and stimulate the production of urine thereby promoting dehydration. If you are at risk of dehydration because you are sick, drink extra water or a rehydration solution particularly if you are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea.

If you suspect you are mildly dehydrated, stop any activity and rest. If you are outdoors, get out of direct sunlight and seek shade, a cool spot or air conditioning. Replenish any lost fluids immediately with water or sports drinks that replace lost minerals and electrolytes. If more serious symptoms appear, it is best to seek medical attention.

Armed with knowledge and plenty of fluids, dehydration can be prevented. So whether you are sick, exercising or enjoying the outdoors on a hot summer day, be safe and drink plenty of water. It does a body good.

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Big fat juicy ones, long slim slimey ones, itsy, bitsy, tiny, winy worms. When we hear this song we often think of earthworms or dew worms, but these worms will never live inside of you. But, the inevitable but. We don't want to hear it! There are those creepy critters that can and do live inside of humans. There are many types from microscopic Giardia to large worms like the Tape Worm. Canadians are often prone to think that only people living in tropical countries get worms. Not so, as I found out.

My family and I have had a few of our own. I've seen other therapists, who eat an impeccable vegetarian diet, get worms. My son at 5 months who had barely started eating solid food ended up with a whole diaper full of "live" Whip Worms, after I had given him a few days of Garlic tincture.
Where do you get these critters? Well, you can get them off unwashed or improperly washed vegetables and fruits. From improperly cooked meat, from hand to mouth transfer, sexually, through the skin, from water etc. If you are backpacking or camping remember to boil your water or use a filter.
Some parasites, like Giardia, can cause severe symptoms within the day of infection. There are others, which are less disease-causing. I picked up one from unfiltered and unboiled water from a campsite within Canada.

My symptoms were not nearly as severe as the Giardia victims.
Symptoms range from severe watery, bloody diarrhea to mild diarrhea or no diarrhea at all. There are many symptoms of parasites that go unnoticed. Some of them are; itchy nose, itchy skin on body, hang nails, nervousness, irritability, nervous fits, picking the nose, biting finger nails, itchy anus, very low energy, bronchitis etc What I have seen and found with people is that those with worms often do not have diarrhea at all and those with the microscopic Ameba forms like Giardia will get the diarrhea. The reason for this is the way the parasite actually acts in the system. Giardia for instance will actually burrow into the mucosa membrane of the intestinal wall, which is what causes the pain, blood and diarrhea. The body's natural response is to shed the irritant, which is one of the reasons the diarrhea happens.

There are worms that also burrow into the walls of the intestines too. For instance, when my son had the Whip Worm he couldn't sit down without being in extreme pain. But the Garlic did them in.

I've mentioned Garlic a few times, but what else will work? Look into your kitchen spice cupboard for a few more. Besides Garlic, there is Sage, Cloves, Tumeric Hyssop tea, Ginger, Flax Seeds, Fennel, Pumpkin Seeds, both Thyme and Oregano could also help though their effect is mostly anti-fungal. There are some other herbs that are not used for cooking such as Wormwood, Black Walnut, Grapefruit seed extract and many more that are employed for their ability to be toxic to the parasite but not to you. I also find that people often need a combination of herbs to really clear their system. I find I often employ these combinations and get excellent results.

How does one go about finding whether or not they have a parasite or parasites? From my experience, having worked in a microbiology lab, regular lab testing is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You have to concentrate the stool down, then look for eggs of worms or look for the dormant or active forms of the Ameba. This takes hours and in my opinion is a waste of taxpayers money. If you ever get a "negative" result, don't assume you don't have parasites.

There is a better way, as Hulda RegehrClark discovered, parasites can be detected according to their electrical energy. This can be measured by computerized equipment or manually through Muscle Response Testing.
How do you go about getting rid of them? The way I see it; if someone has severe symptoms they must take a good dose of one or more of the herbs listed in order to feel better faster. They could do the cleansing aspect after. If you have chronic symptoms, which is what I often see, then you could start with the cleansing and the parasite herbs together. Keep in mind that many of the herbs can be made into a tea, though I tend to use the tinctures (liquid alcohol or glycerite forms) or capsules. The teas are often bitter and you need to drink a lot of it if you have a "large" problem. For convenience I use the tinctures and the capsules. (Remember to use a reputable herb company. Not all herbs are equal, quality control for some companies is very poor. It makes a huge difference and as I have discovered the cheaper is not always the best choice!)

Cleansing involves one or more of the following; colonics, enemas, liver/kidney combinations to cleanse these organs, a fiber supplement, bentonite clay, some form of the liver/gallbladder flush, and some good over all alteratives or cleansing herbs to get the toxins out of the body. Remember, a person who has a toxic waste dump in their body, will always attract parasites.

Something else to consider is that those who have a toxic waste site in their mind, and have trouble with setting boundaries with people, will also have trouble with physical parasites. You can use some of these herbs in very small doses to help those with "boundary parasites", people who you just can't seem to stand up to.

If your problem is simple, sometimes just ground cloves may work, but if more severe, seek out a professional holistic practitioner. If you have had chronic problems that seem to stay with you and nothing is helping, seek out the help of a practitioner. Invest in your health, it is the greatest asset you have!


The Parasite Menace by Skye Weintraub, N.D.

Guess What Came to Dinner by Ann Louise Gittleman

The Cure for All Diseases and The Cure for All Cancers by Hulda Regehr Clark

Monica Hirai, Certified Herbalist, Holistic Practitioner, Owner of Hirai Health Services, helps humans of all ages to obtain maximum health through herbs, homeopathic remedies & diet.

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Metacam for dogs is easily available as an important drug for the dogs. It is mainly used to reduce pain and inflammation in dogs. Arthritis is a common disease that occurs in most dogs, this drug is basically used for the cure of this disease. It can also be used to reduce pain and heal the wounds after surgeries and injuries. Arthritis is a condition which may occur even in human beings - - when animals and particularly dogs start aging, their joints become stiff and as a result of this, they are unable to move freely. This condition, known as arthritis, is commonly observed in dogs and cats. Metacam helps to reduce this by restoring some comfort and energy to them.

Expected Side-Effects

Although, this drug is safe to use and has been used by pet-owners throughout the years in many different parts of the world, but there are many side-effects which are observed to be associated with it, occasionally.

These are the following side-effects:

Damage occurring to the kidneys
Reduction in blood clotting
Damaging the liver

The initial signs of side-effects can occur in form of vomiting or diarrhea (accompanied with blood) or even loss of appetite. If you observe these signs in your dog after the use of the drug, you better take your dog to a vet and immediately quit the medication. In most cases, everything settles quickly but at times due to neglecting the symptoms, it can prove to be fatal. If used carefully, under the supervision of a vet, this drug can be proved to be a magic drug for your weak and old dog.

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Mononucleosis facts and statistics show that in the majority of people, mono is a fairly mild, self-limiting infection. However depending on the age of the patient, their health history and their immune status, this virus has the potential to be very serious with life-threatening complications.

Let's have a look at the facts on mono and when you should call the doctor.

Potentially serious symptoms are rare but have led to fatalities. Signs and symptoms to look out for include;

  • Compromised breathing due to swollen airways or throat

  • Difficulty in swallowing saliva / drooling

  • Inability to drink

  • A severe sore throat

  • Pus or discharge on the tonsils

  • A high fever over 40 degrees C (104 degrees F)

  • Seizures or convulsions

  • Severe headaches, particularly in children

  • Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea (more than 24 hours)

  • Numbness of extremities

  • Signs of a ruptured spleen like abdominal pain, lightheadedness, palpitations, easy bleeding and breathing difficulties

These mono symptoms can be potentially fatal and warrant a trip to your doctor or nearest hospital. Mononucleosis facts show that most people get over the illness in a couple of weeks. If your illness is not improving within this time then a doctor's visit is recommended in order to rule out other medical conditions that may be complicating your recovery.

Mono in children and babies is often so mild that it is not even diagnosed. However it can also be a very serious illness in infants so for a child under the age of one, a doctor's trip is advised.

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