目前分類:watery diarrhea (364)

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The function of the digestive system is to take the food and liquids that we put into our mouths and then either turn them into nutrients and energy needed by the cells of our body, turning what the body doesn't absorb into waste products to be expelled by our body as bowel movements. Digestive system disorders happen when there is a faulty function during the process of digestion which prevents some part of the digestive system from working as it should do. There are many common digestive system disorders.

Colon and Rectal cancer is a malignant cell in large intestine, which consists of the colon and the rectum. Colon and rectal cancers share so many common features that they are referred to as the same cancer which is how the name colorectal cancer came about. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death by cancer in the U.S.A. If you have symptoms of colorectal cancer you should consult your doctor right away. Common symptoms include: a change in normal bowel habits, blood on or in the stool that is either bright or dark, unusual abdominal or gas pains, very narrow stool, a feeling that the bowel has not emptied completely after passing stool, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.

Stomach cancer, or gastric cancer, affected approximately 21,700 Americans in their 60s and 70s in 2001. The risk factors for developing stomach cancer are increased by a diet that consists of eating large amounts of smoked foods, salted fish and meat, foods that are high in starch and low in fiber, pickled vegetables, and foods and beverages that contain nitrates and nitrites.

Diarrhea is watery stool, or an increased frequency in bowel movements, or both as compared to the normal amount of stool passed by the individual. Diarrhea can be short-term, which can be related to a bacterial or viral infection, or it can be long-term which is usually related to a functional disorder or intestinal disease.

Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection which occurs in small pouches that bulge out in the colon. There is a tendency for these patches to catch and trap food particles, which can lead to infection.

Gas in your digestive tract is often caused by swallowing air or during the breakdown process of certain foods by the bacteria that is present in the colon. Everyone has gas, but if you have a gas problem it can be uncomfortable and certainly embarrassing to pass the gas.

Heartburn is what most of us get from time to time. Chronic, problematic heartburn is a digestive disorder called gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is caused by gastric acid that backs up from the stomach and into the esophagus, where it can burn sensitive tissue, and can lead to cancer.

There are several different diseases that fall under the category of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), all of which require a doctor for treatment. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are two of these diseases. Ulcerative colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders and to Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease differs because it causes inflammation deeper within the intestinal wall and can occur in other parts of the digestive system including the small intestine, mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Crohn's disease symptoms can be different for each person. The most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Some people have bleeding in the rectum, which is the lower end of the GI tract, just before the anus, which can be serious and may not stop without medical help. Bleeding can lead to anemia, the loss of too many red blood cells. Anemia makes a person feel tired. People can also have weight loss, skin problems, and fevers. Children with Crohn's disease may develop and grow slower than most other children or they may not reach their expected full height.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, also called spastic colon, irritable colon, or nervous stomach) is a condition in which the colon muscle contracts more readily than in people without IBS. A number of factors can trigger IBS including certain foods, medicines, and emotional stress. Symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain and cramps, excess gas, bloating, and a change in bowel habits such as harder, looser, or more urgent stools than normal. Often people with IBS have alternating constipation and diarrhea. The primary causes for IBS include: eating a diet low in fiber, not drinking enough water or other fluids , not getting enough exercise, traveling or other changes in routine, eating large amounts of dairy products, being stressed, resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, overusing laxatives that, over time, weaken the bowel muscles, taking antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum, taking certain medicines (especially antidepressants, iron pills, and narcotic pain medicines), and pregnancy.

Lactose intolerance is a condition caused by the lack of an enzyme called lactase, which is needed by the body to digest lactose (a sugar found in milk products). Adults and children can be affected by this intolerance. Digestive diseases or injuries to the small intestine can cause this intolerance. Individuals can experience different symptoms but the common ones are: cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea. The symptoms will worsen when milk products are consumed.

Stomach ulcers, or gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers are open sores or lesions found in the mucous membranes of areas of the body. Lifestyle, stress and diet may have a role in ulcer formation; however they are not the main cause of them. Scientists now know that ulcers are caused by hydrochloric acid and pepsin that are contained in our stomach and duodenal parts of our digestive system and that these acids contribute to ulcer formation; many stomach ulcers are caused by the bacteria H. pylori, and can be cured with antibiotics.

Constipation is the difficult passage of stools or the infrequent (less than three times a week) or incomplete passage of stools. Constipation is usually caused by inadequate roughage, or fiber, in the diet, or a disruption of the regular routine or diet. Constipation causes a person to strain during a bowel movement. It sometimes causes anal problems such as fissures and hemorrhoids. The body needs two types of fiber: soluble fiber (dissolves and acts like a sponge) and insoluble (does not dissolve and acts like a wisk broom). We have recently recognized the need for a third kind of fiber, macrofiber; macrofiber is not only insoluble, it is indigestible, and it carries water through the digestive tract with your food. We used to get a lot of macrofiber 100 years ago; we called it chaff, and a little dirt from the garden, and bug parts....

Structural disorders are those in which the bowel looks abnormal and doesn't work properly. Sometimes, the structural abnormality needs to be removed surgically. The most common structural disorders are those affecting the anus, as well as Diverticulitis and cancer.

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that line the anal opening caused by excess pressure from straining during a bowel movement, persistent diarrhea, or pregnancy. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are normal structures cushioning the lower rectum and protecting it from damage by stool. When they fall down into the anus as a result of straining, they become irritated and start to bleed. Ultimately, internal hemorrhoids can fall down enough to sink or protrude out of the anus. External hemorrhoids are veins that lie just under the skin on the outside of the anus. Sometimes, after straining, the external hemorrhoidal veins burst and a blood clot forms under the skin. This very painful condition is called a pile.

Anal fissures are splits or cracks in the lining of the anal opening. The most common cause of an anal fissure is the passage of very hard or watery stools. The crack in the anal lining exposes the underlying muscles that control the passage of stool through the anus and out of the body. An anal fissure is one of the most painful problems because the exposed muscles become irritated from exposure to stool or air, and leads to intense burning pain, bleeding, or spasm after bowel movements.

Colitis is a condition that causes an inflammation of the bowel. There are several types, including infectious colitis (caused by bacteria), ischemic colitis (caused by not enough blood going to the colon), radiation colitis (after radiotherapy), ulcerative colitis (cause not known), and Crohn's disease (cause not known). Colitis causes diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and urgency (frequent and immediate need to empty the bowels).

Celiac disease is a condition of intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, and in some medicines. In people with celiac disease, the body's immune system reacts to gluten by attacking and damaging the lining of the small intestine. Eating foods containing gluten can produce severe abdominal pain. When the lining is damaged, the body cannot get the nutrients it needs. Over time, celiac disease can cause anemia, infertility, weak and brittle bones, and other health problems. Celiac disease tends to run in families.

Rapid gastric emptying, or dumping syndrome, occurs when undigested food empties too quickly into the small intestine. Early rapid gastric emptying begins either during or right after a meal. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue. Late rapid gastric emptying occurs 1 to 3 hours after eating. Symptoms include hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar; weakness; sweating; and dizziness. Experiencing both forms of gastric emptying is not uncommon.

Smoking can harm all parts of the digestive system, contributing to such common disorders as heartburn and peptic ulcers. Smoking increases the risk of Crohn's disease, and possibly gallstones, which form when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. Smoking also damages the liver.

Many diseases of the colon and rectum can be prevented or minimized by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and practicing good eating, exercise, and bowel habits:

Eat to live, rather than living to eat. Choose foods that will nourish your body, the fresher the better; keep prepackaged foods and snacks down to a minimum; there are healthy snacks!

When you eat, stop, sit, relax, slow down, and chew well. Try not to overeat; many small eatings are much better for our digestive system than three large ones, especially if you also snack.

To get the most out of the foods you eat, it is best to avoid drinking lots of liquids 20-30 minutes before and after your meals. Drinking too much liquid with meals dilutes the concentration of hydrochloric acid and enzymes needed for proper digestion.

Find your best time of day to have a bowel movement, usually a half hour to an hour after breakfast or after lunch.

Eat all of your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at a predictable time each day. The bowel functions best when food is introduced at the same regular intervals.

Eat a high fiber diet.

Drink plenty of fluids, ideally 64 ounces a day or 8 glasses of water. Keep caffeine to a minimum; it is a diuretic which draws fluid from your colon and leaving your stools hard.

Exercise daily. Bowel function is helped most when exercise is at a consistent daily time.

It is generally accepted that you should take only a minute or so to empty your bowel. Never strain or hold your breath. Hemorrhoids can result from straining.

Avoid relying on laxatives and use them only when needed - ask your doctor or continence adviser for help.

Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fresh high fiber foods should keep your bowel healthy. Believe it or not, try chicken soup; it is not just a Jewish myth. Half a cup or so of chicken broth sipped with meals is a great digestive aid.

Disclaimer: The above article is educational in nature, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea is not a thing we prefer to talk about, but it is a common problem in dogs. Diarrhea is something we do not like to clean up after and it is a condition that not only makes us, the caregivers unhappy, but our dogs, too.

What is diarrhea?
Diarrhea is the passage of a watery feces that can be acute or a "just sometimes" condition. In some dogs it may be a reaction to a food that the dog has eaten or it can be the start of a gastric internal problem. It can last for a few days and never return or it can be a persistent disturbance that recurs and is a sign of something internal that has gone awry.

Under normal conditions and depending on the size, routine and feeding schedule of the dog, a dog usually moves its bowels two or three times a day. The dog assumes the normal squatting position and within a few moments you are rewarded with a nicely formed stool to clean up. This is what happens when the body is functioning normally.

Unfortunately, a wide range of conditions can cause the fecal matter to move through the dog's body in a rapid fashion under which the dog has no conscious control this is called diarrhea.

When diarrhea affects the small intestine the effect is usually a large amount of watery feces. The large intestine reacts differently and causes the dog to go to the bathroom very frequently (up to 6 to 10 times a day) with a certain amount of strain and the effect is small amounts of loose stools with a goodly amount of mucus.

If the diarrhea is infrequent and the dog is eating, drinking and behaving normally, there usually is no need for concern, but if it lasts for at least 5 days or more, consult your vet. Especially if the dog is not eating or drinking, is acting uncomfortable as if in pain, is not active or if the stool is jet black or streaked with blood.

Infrequent diarrhea, though not serious can cause insufficient absorption of water, nutrients and chemicals called electrolytes into the body and the dog can become dehydrated. If you dog is suffering from bouts of diarrhea you should be watching its water and food intake and to have peace of mind, talk to your vet.

What are some of the causes of diarrhea?
The most common cause of chronic diarrhea in dogs is inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

The cause of this condition is really not known, however, it is believed that it can be a genetic condition, an abnormal immune system response to diet and/or microbial factors within the stomach. IBD can be chronic, intermittent or persistent, it can affect either the small or large intestine and can cause vomiting and weight loss.

Or it can be caused by the fact that dogs are known for their indiscriminate dietary habits. Dogs as a general rule are willing to eat almost anything from rotting food to an old shoe and this can cause an abrupt change in their diet and be the start of diarrhea.

New food added too quickly to a dog's regular diet can have an effect, along with feeding your dog-rich table scraps. An allergic reaction to a new food or and ingredient in a food can also be a culprit causing diarrhea,

Other factors that can cause diarrhea are:

  • Intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms, hookworms or giardia (a small parasite not easily detected)

  • Bacterial, viral or fungal infections such as salmonella, parvovirus and histoplasmosis (a fungus found in the soil)

  • Ingestion of toxins such as pesticides, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and certain antibiotics

  • Metabolic disorders such as kidney or liver disease and/or pancreatitis

  • Partial obstruction of the intestinal tract by something the dog ate or a tumor

  • A breakdown of the pancreas where it fails to produce enzymes for the breakdown of food

A normal bout of diarrhea will usually solve itself within 48 to 72 hours anything longer than that, you should call your vet at once. If during that period of 48 to 72 hours you notice your dog vomiting, acting as though it is in pain, has any evidence of bleeding or is acting in any abnormal way do not hesitate to call your vet. That phone call may save your dog's life.

What treatment is necessary?
Generally, none as the diarrhea will solve itself. However, a vet may suggest something like "kaopectate," feeding the dog easily digested foods like chicken broth and rice, but if it persists, a medical exam should be first and foremost on the list of things to do.

How do you prevent diarrhea?
To reduce the risk of canine diarrhea, keep garbage out of your dog's reach. Keep human medications out of reach, along with pesticides and other household cleaning items. Certain houseplants can also cause diarrhea if eaten such as kalanchoe, gladiola flowers, cala lillies, certain caladiums and others.

Diarrhea is something we as humans, do not enjoy and our dogs if they could talk would second that thought. So as a good dog caregiver, do your best to keep things out of your dog's reach (actually its mouth) and hopefully you will not have the experience of cleaning up the mess.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dogs being man's best friend can provide enjoyment and entertainment to its owner especially if they are healthy. Like his master, dogs can encounter health problems. One of the major causes why dog owners visit veterinarians is because their pets have diarrhea.

Actually, it is not considered as a disease but rather a symptom because it indicates that something is wrong with the dogs' health. As the owner, it is necessary to know what to do if your dog has diarrhea in order to apply certain medications as early as possible.

The intensity of diarrhea varies as its cause does. However, there are certain things that can be done at home provided with proper information. To help you what to do if your dog has diarrhea, you have to go over this whole article.

Diarrhea is characterized by watery stool that can sometimes include blood. Therefore, it is just expected that the dog will be dehydrated if the condition will continue to occur for 2 or more days. This time, it would be better to let your pet dog drink water in large amounts. Make sure that the water is clean because if not, there is a big possibility that it will just worsen the condition.

Foods given to the dog is one great contributor for the condition. For acute diarrhea in dogs, it is advisable not to give any food for about 24 hours. This will let the stomach be at rest. After neglecting food for the time allotted, you may gradually re-introduce his meal such as boiled or baked potatoes, cooked rice, canned or mashed pumpkins, boiled eggs, boiled turkey and chicken.

Just make sure that these must be given in small amounts and must not include flavorings, oil or butter. Also, giving little amounts of plain yogurt can help cure the condition because it has probiotic cultures that are good for digesting.

Medicines like Pepto Bismol and Loperamide Immodium are used by humans to help them relieve from diarrhea. These medications are also possible for use in dogs with the same condition, but using the specific amount prescribed by the vet. Pepto Bismol can make the watery stool become compact and hard.

If the condition of your dog still continues for three days, it is better to bring him to the veterinarian to seek proper care. Remedies at home can help a lot but sometimes if the diarrhea is already chronic, it is better to ask for professional help. You may have your dog's stool tested for possible cause of the symptoms.Learning what to do if your dog has diarrhea is important in order not to worsen your pets annoying condition.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Many people suffer from colon related health problems today. There are so many different types of colon (large intestine) problems it is hard to believe. Did you know that in 2005 in the United States of America, 72,007 men and 69,398 women were diagnosed with colorectal (colon) cancer? Shockingly, 26,781 men and 27,259 women died from colon cancer in that same year. Most people know someone close to them who has suffered from the disease or a similar illness. It has become an epidemic in our society.

It is very important to see a health care provider that can treat and diagnose these problems. But, first, how do you know if you have problems with your large intestine ? Here is a list of common disorders involving this critical internal organ.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a disorder that affects the GI tract; it is the most common colon health related problem that doctors see today. The cause is unknown and symptoms include bloating, gassiness, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and blood in the stool. These symptoms tend to worsen during times of stress, bad diet and some sexual activities.

Treatment of IBS includes diet change, lifestyle change and sometimes medication. Staying away from certain foods can help avoid bloating and gassiness such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.

Another common treatment is the addition of fiber into the diet. It helps reduce the chances that the digestive tract will spasm as it digests food. Adding fiber to the diet also helps with regular bowel movements and reduces the chance of constipation.

Stress also causes flare ups of IBS to occur. By regularly exercising and eating a well balanced diet, you can reduce some stress and other problems associated with the illness.

Smoking can also worsen symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and some food can make IBS worse.


It is important to understand that constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom. Constipation occurs when a stool is hardened because it doesn't contain enough water. This condition is hardened stools and can also mean difficulty passing said stool. Many people today suffer from this colon related health problem, but it can be treated.

A person with a blockage will experience less bowel movements; usually it will be from three movements a day to three movements a week. If the bowels are not moved for three straight days, there may be pain and difficulty when defecating.

There are many causes of constipation such as not eating enough fiber, some medications, being pregnant, IBS, ignoring the desire to make a bowel movement, and using laxatives too much.

There are many ways to prevent and alleviate this ailment, including eating more fiber (try flaxseeds, rice bran, oat bran, beans, peas, apples, pears, blueberries), regular exercise, drinking lots of fluids most importantly water, avoid using over the counter laxatives and going to the bathroom the same time each day.

There are also many types of colon cleansing products available that you can search for online or at your health food store. Having an enema will clear out the bowels and allow for feces to pass more easily. Enemas can be purchased over the counter and work by inserting a tube into the rectum and flowing water into the bowel. The water is then retained for a period of about ten minutes and then released.

Another colon cleansing choice is a colonic irrigation. A doctor or practitioner performs the colonic; the patient will lie on a table and have a tube inserted into the rectum allowing water to flow in and out of the bowel taking the waste out of the colon. Colonics are generally more comfortable than using an enema.


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of loose watery stools accompanied by bloating and gas. Diarrhea is also a symptom and not a disease although related complications can often cause severe illnesses. The most severe problem caused by diarrhea is dehydration, since stools are commonly watery; it causes the body to lose too much water. Diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting which also causes the body to lose water.

Diarrhea can be brought on by a number of things such as, viral infections, bacterial infections, and IBS.

This annoying malady usually goes away within two to three days without medical treatment. Many people can treat it at home by drinking plenty of water and eating normally. Some medications can be used to treat diarrhea such as loperamide and some antibiotics.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is basically inflammation of the colon. There are many different causes of colitis including poor blood flow, infections and autoimmune reactions. Viruses and bacteria are the cause of many different types of intestinal infections. Most come from food poisoning, E coli, shigella, and salmonella can cause colitis.

Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, a consistent urge to have a bowel movement, often constant pain, fever and chills.

Treatment for colitis includes antibiotics, intravenous fluids, and a combination of medications that are given to the patient and then monitored for a period of time.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease affects around 500,000 people in the United States today. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease or IBD; it causes inflammation and swelling in the digestive tract. It usually affects the small intestine and parts of the colon and is often mistaken for other colon disorders such as ulcerative colitis, IBD, and diverticulitis.

Symptoms of Crohn's illness include persistent diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps and fatigue. There is no cure, but there are many treatments available to help manage the disease and keep symptoms from returning for a long period of time. Treatments include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immune modifiers, biologic therapies, and antibiotics.

Some people suffering from the disorder may even have to have surgery at some point in their lives. Surgery can clear the intestinal blockage, treat symptoms medication couldn't, and repair the damage to the intestines.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal (Colon) cancer occurs when tumors form on the large intestine and or the rectum. Sometimes benign tumors called polyps form inside the intestine, while malignant tumors in the large intestine are called cancers. Benign polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy and they are not life threatening. If polyps are not removed, malignant cancers can form over time.

Colorectal cancer can be inherited or caused by a high fat diet, the presence of polyps in the intestine and chronic ulcerative colitis. As you may already know, it is fatal in some cases, but sometimes can be treated.

Surgery is the most common treatment for this intestinal cancer. During the operation, the tumor is removed. The patient is then watched and tested to make sure that the cancer hasn't spread to any other organs, but if it has, more surgery may be required and, or, chemotherapy will be administered.

Colon cancer is the most fatal of all colon health related problems. That is why it is so important to take care of yourself by eating a well balanced diet, exercising regularly, and reporting any abnormality to your doctor.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do you have a dustbin at home? Imagine throwing your leftover food such as chicken bones and banana skin in the dustbin. Then close and leave it there. On the next day, continue to throw in more leftover food. Do this for one week without emptying the dustbin.

What do you think will happen?

Do you smell something from the dustbin? Do you see tiny worms crawling around the dustbin? How about cockroaches? Now imagine what happens when you have constipation for a few days.

Your feces in your intestine are like the rubbish in your dustbin. You must poop every day. Just like clearing the rubbish every day.

If you keep your feces for an extra day...

Harmful bacteria in your intestine will have more time to multiply. Your immune system has to work harder to control those germs. And your liver has increased burden of detoxifying the toxins produced by these harmful bacteria. You will have a weaker body and you get tired easily.

What if the same feces stay in your body for 3 days, 5 days and even one week? Imagine the strain you put onto your body!

If you don't clear out your dustbin for one week, you will be busy wiping away those crawling worms around the dustbin. And I bet you can't stand those stinking smell! If you still keep the rubbish for a few more weeks, everyone living there will get sick.

Knowing your inside from the outside

By now, you know how terrifying it is to live with stinking rubbish. However, if you have constipation for a few days, you may not feel disgusting on the outside. Your feces are inside. So you don't see it and you can't smell it.

Fortunately, there are some ways to know what is happening inside your body when you cannot see it. Is it possible? Well, here are the symptoms that show your intestine's terrible condition.

When you fart, everyone around you faints. When your house has a two-week rubbish and you suddenly open the back door, people standing outside will get the bad smell. So they know your rubbish is 'overdue'.

When you open your mouth, everyone around you cover their nose with their hand. And those who are afraid to hurt you will stop breathing for as long as possible. There are many causes for bad breath. And one of them is long term constipation. Now your rubbish at the back kitchen is so smelly. When you open your front door, people standing outside can smell it too.

Your face is full of pimples or acne. Your large intestine stores your feces. But when you keep your feces for too long, more toxins are released. Your small intestine above your large intestine absorbs nutrients. It will then absorb some of the toxins back into the blood stream. And when these toxins arrive at your face, you will have lots of pimples or acne.

In another words, toxins from your feces are now expelled out through your face! All this is because you don't poop every day. Besides your face, if the toxins reach your uterus, you may get abnormal uterus growth or tumor. That's why women with constipation are prone to have uterus tumor.

You get angry easily. If you have a few dustbins full of stinking rubbish in your house, can you live in peace? Can you still lie on the couch and enjoy your favorite TV show? When you have constipation for a few days, you tend to get angry easily over tiny matter. Your body energy seems to be disrupted when you have poor bowel movement.

Good and Bad Feces

Now you understand the importance of pooping every day. Do you know what the ideal feces are? "Huh? I thought it is fine if I poop every day. The condition of my feces is important too?"

Yes of course! Remember, you can know your intestine condition by examining your feces. 'Good quality' feces are:

  • Not smelly

  • Light brown in color

  • Soft but not watery

  • Long and thick

Just like a banana with different color. And when you clean your anus with toilet paper, there should be very little or no stain at all. So, you only need one piece of toilet paper.

If you need five, ten or more pieces of toilet paper, that is not a good sign. And if your feces are the opposite as the one described above, that is not a good sign either.

The main reason for these conditions is unbalanced bacteria ecology in your intestine. Harmful bacteria significantly outnumber beneficial bacteria. In the long run, it may lead to all sorts of intestinal problem including colon cancer.

Prolong constipation also causes more accumulated feces in the intestine wall. And your large intestine may become contracted at certain point. This causes tiny and short feces.

In conclusion, the best thing you can do for a healthy, vibrant and energetic life... is to poop every day. And make sure your feces is a 'high quality' one.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Heat stroke can occur when our pet's temperature reaches above 105 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the body's immune system begins to go haywire and their organs and blood begin to malfunction. Death can quickly occur without lowering their temperature and correcting any other problems that can arise. Typically animals with heat stroke stems from two common scenarios. One, the animals were left in the car, even with cracked windows. Secondly, animals that are kept outside without adequate shade or water. Both of these situations are very common and extremely bad for your pet's health.

Some other risk factors include brachycephalic breeds; these are dogs that have short noses such as bulldogs, pugs, and boston terriers. Dogs that are very young, under the age of six months and dogs that are seniors (over 7 years) are also much more likely to have this happen. Finally, dogs that are overweight or have a history of heart disease are also at high risk. Ensuring that these dogs have plenty of water to maintain proper pet health function is essential to their survival. If you find your animal in a hot environment and they are not acting normal they may have a heat stroke. Heat stroke victims typically are panting vigorously and are bright red in their mouths, ears, and around the eyes due to the very high blood pressure. They can have extreme weakness or be lying down and unable to stand up. Some dogs will have watery vomiting and diarrhea that may or may not have blood in it. As things begin to get worse you may notice small areas of bleeding under the skin in the mouth, ears and the whites of the eyes. Of course they will also feel warm to the touch. If your pet is exhibiting any of these signs quickly take them to your veterinarian.

Once presented to your veterinarian they may want to do a few simple tests to determine how far the problem has gone. Initially the temperature is determined and vets will try to place a catheter so they can flush cold fluids into the body. Your vet may also want to do some blood work to check for electrolyte imbalances and organ dysfunction. Probably one of the most important tests is to check blood-clotting times. Once the catheter is in place and going the vet will use colder fluids to help bring down the temperature of the pets; but another problem can arise, hypothermia. Without constant monitoring the temperature can lower to the low nineties. Once the blood work results are back the vet can then determine a treatment plan for your pet and offer suggestions on ways of better monitoring your pet's health in the heat. Regardless, any animal with a temperature above 105 we typically hospitalize because they need careful monitoring.

There are a few things we can do at home to prevent and help in the treatment of heat stroke. This one is easy; first keep your pet out of parked cars and uncovered pens in the direct sunlight. Next, keep lots of fresh water available. In case your animal feels warm to the touch you can also dip their feet in rubbing alcohol. The rubbing alcohol really helps in bringing down the temperature. Quickly bring your pet into your local veterinary office and tell the front staff you have an emergency. With heat stroke, time really matters and the quicker the temperature is safely dropped the less harm that will be done.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea occurs when stools become loose and work without any consistency. It is an effective way to remove the undesirable substances from the body. The symptoms for diarrhea are vomiting, stomach pain, consistent thirst, fever, nausea or even dehydration. The results for the same may be dangerous in children as well as in people aged above 65 years. Due to vomiting there is loss in fluid of the body that needs to be replaced. Diarrhea, in most cases is a symptom of some other problem. It is caused by food poisoning that can be due to bacteria in food or water, food allergies or a virus. It can also be caused due to consumption of alcohol in excess, laxatives or caffeine.

Some special drugs are able to stop diarrhea effectively but the fact that they interfere in the natural process of cleansing the body is unwanted. However with the help of some natural remedies we can cure diarrhea without hampering the work of our immune system. Our body makes use of diarrhea remove the bacteria or viruses that we might have taken in while eating. Therefore to stop diarrhea very soon is not a good idea. However if it goes for several days then dehydration and loss of several important nutrients from the body might be dangerous.

Given below are some very useful home made and natural remedies for curing diarrhea-

1. If you believe to have taken bad food then take homeopathic Arsenicum.

2. If you have developed a burning pain in the mid section and are feeling weak then take curprum arsenicosum. You should take four charcoal tablets in a span of one hour.

3. If the diarrhea is mild than you should drink blackberry tea.

4. You can also make capsules of cayenne and take this at regular intervals.

5. As earlier you can make capsules of ginger and take it at regular intervals. You can also drink ginger tea as it can stop cramps and pain.

6. In case of diarrhea you should drink plenty of fluids and at the same time you should not drink alcohol and caffeine. Drinks made from ginger and carrots are useful as they make the stools less watery. Also make sure that you do not drink juice made of apple because it will only increase diarrhea.

7. What you can also do is boil brown rice with water for a minimum of forty-five minutes and drink the water in it.

Other good home remedies for diarrhea are:

o Eat bananas.
o Eat sticky white rice to stop diarrhea.
o Boil half a cup of water with lemon peel and drink the water.
o Eat 1-2 tablespoons of mashed apples to stop diarrhea.
o Drink warm sage tea in small sips.
o Mash 3 carrots and eat.
o Drink chamomile tea to relax the pain in the stomach when suffering from diarrhea.
o Eat plain toasted bread.
o Drink blackberry juice to stop diarrhea.
o Eat plain yogurt to cure your diarrhea and don't forget to drink a lot of water to prevent dehydration.

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Gastroenteritis - What is it? Gastroenteritis is an infection of the intestines (gut). It is usually caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites and other microbes. It can cause varying degree of symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea and vomiting to severe dehydration. Gastroenteritis usually last for a few days but in severe causes, it may last longer.

What are the symptoms of gastroenteritis? The commonest symptom is diarrhea. Very often, vomiting can also be a prominent feature. Intermittent cramp pain around the belly button is also common. Pains may subside for a while each time after some watery stool is passed. Fever and headaches are occasionally noted, especially in very young children, where their immune system is still young and fragile.

Diarrhea usually lasts longer than vomiting by several days or more (diarrhea often continues after the vomiting stops). Very often, loose or watery feces may persist for one to two weeks before a normal pattern returns.

What are the causes of gastroenteritis? Viruses are responsible for the majority of cases of gastroenteritis in children. The commonest virus that causes gastroenteritis being the Rotavirus. It usually causes transient diarrhea and vomiting in children under the age of 5. Viruses are easily transmitted from one person to another by close contact and by consuming food prepared by an infected person.

Gastroenteritis can also be caused by consuming infected food (food poisoning). Vomiting is more prominent than diarrhea in a person who has food poisoning. There are many types of bacteria that can cause food poisoning. Salmonella, Shigella, Staphylococcus and Campylobacter are some of the common ones.

Consumption of contaminated water is also a common cause of gastroenteritis, this is especially true in poorer countries, where outbreaks of severe diarrhea occur. E. coli, the bacterium commonly found in contaminated water, is often blamed.

How can gastroenteritis be prevented? Good personal hygiene is the most important step in the prevention of gastroenteritis. Always wash your hands:

- After using the toilet.

- Before touching food.

- After playing with animals or pets. (Seemingly healthy animals or pets may carry germs that are harmless to them and harmful to us)

- After gardening and handling dirty objects.

- After handling raw meat and before handling food ready to be eaten.

How is gastroenteritis treated in children? The single most important complication that we are worried about in children with gastroenteritis is dehydration. Luckily, symptoms commonly settle after a few days once the immune system starts to 'get on top' of things. The following are commonly advised for children with gastroenteritis: Give the child plenty of fluids to drink. The objective is to avoid dehydration (lack of body fluid). It is difficult to encourage fluid intake while the child is still vomiting, however, you should still give sips as some amount of fluid will still be absorbed. Preferably, water should be the main drink given. - Rehydration drinks. These are usually advised if the doctors are concerned about the child's hydration status. Rehydration drinks can easily be bought from pharmacies. They provide the perfect balance of water, electrolyte and sugar that the body needs at times of diarrhea and vomiting. In fact, they are better than just consuming water alone. The sugar and electrolyte in the rehydration drinks actually help water to get absorbed from the gut into the body. Other advice is: the child should eat and drink as normally as possible; medicine should not be given to stop diarrhea and paracetamol can be given to lower temperature and to ease headaches.

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Usually viral gastroenteritis is also known as flu. It is an infection of the intestine that is brought on by various viruses. If you are wondering whether stomach flu is contagious, the answer is yes. In the US, stomach flu is quite common and it is known to cause diarrhea and vomiting. However, most people get better without suffering from any complications. But complications do arise when people do not replenish the fluids lost due to purging and vomiting. Stomach flu can be serious in infants, seniors and those with compromised immune systems.

The major symptoms of stomach flu are vomiting having watery diarrhea. In addition, the person may also have fever, headaches, pain in the abdomen and chills. The symptoms will usually manifest themselves within four hours to forty-eight hours after being exposed to the virus, and can last for one to two days. If the infection is particularly severe, the symptoms will last up to ten days.

In stomach flu, the virus enters the body and heads for the small intestine. It then starts destroying the cells that line the walls of the intestine. As a result the fluids from the damaged cells leak into the small intestine leading to watery diarrhea. The most common viruses that cause flu are rotavirus, adenovirus, norovirus and astrovirus. Rotavirus is known to afflict infants aged between 3 months and 15 months. Adenovirus affects kids who under the age of two. Norovirus is prevalent during the months from October to April and the symptoms are similar to gastritis, which is caused due to contaminated food. Astrovirus can affect any age group and is usually seen during the winter months.

Depending on the type of virus that causes the stomach flu, the condition can be contagious. Some people can be contagious for three days after they recover, while others can be contagious for 2 weeks if they are infected with norovirus. An infant infected with rotavirus will be contagious for up to 2 days before the symptoms appear and then for another 10 days after the symptoms disappear.

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1) Dogs have shorter digestive tracts than we do so they naturally need a smaller amount of fiber in their diet. However, while saying this, it's important to remember that they do need some fiber to stay healthy.

2) High fiber dog foods give your dog firm stools. Firm stools are healthy for dogs and for us. Cleaning up after your dog has squirted is essential but messy.

3) Helps your dog's anal glands to express themselves naturally. All dogs have 2 small glands located just inside the anus and firm stools help them express these glands naturally. Otherwise you may find your dog sitting down and 'walking' while his anus is still on the ground. This is his attempt to express his anal glands when his stools aren't firm enough.

4) Helps reduce the likelihood of your dog getting anal gland disease. If your dog repeatedly suffers from his anal glands being blocked, he will be prone to infection.

5) High fiber can help your dog overcome its weight problem. Or, if he doesn't have a weight problem, he will be less likely to get one. Just like humans, high fibre dog food will make your pet feel 'fuller' after a meal. Fiber for dogs does not have many calories, if at all, so will not add to his weight.

6) Helps reduce your dog's constipation. Fiber is more bulky by its very nature. Because of this additional bulk, your dog's intestines will be stimulated to a much greater degree. This will help alleviate his constipation.

7) Helps reduce your dog's diarrhea.  High fiber also has the effect of absorbing the water in your dog's feces, thus reducing watery stools.

8) High fiber dog food can help prevent your dog getting diabetes, as it helps with your dog's blood sugar control. Some high fiber dog food can help to slow down the sugar intake in the intestines.

9) It's beneficial for your dog's colon health as, being bulky, it removes any lingering feces that may be partially blocking the passageway.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic yet intermittent condition characterized by a mixture of symptoms believed to be due to a disorder of intestinal motor function. The main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are abdominal pain, bloating, and discomfort. However, symptoms may differ from person to person. It should be noted that irritable bowel syndrome and bleeding are not believed to be linked. A person reporting bleeding usually indicates some other problem related to the gastrointestinal tract.

The symptoms of IBS differ from person to person. Some people report constipation, meaning hard, difficult-to-pass, or infrequent bowel movements. They can feel cramps when trying to have a bowel movement. Either they cannot eliminate any stool or are able to eliminate only a small amount.

Some people with IBS report diarrhea, which are loose, watery stools. These people frequently feel an urgent need to have a bowel movement. There are also many other people which alternate between constipation and diarrhea.

For a number of sufferers the symptoms subside for few months and then return, while others report a constant worsening of symptoms over time.
Irritable bowel syndrome is not associated with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Bleeding in GI tract can occur as the result of a number of different conditions, some of which may be severe or even life threatening.
However, most common reasons of bleeding in GI tract are related to conditions that can be cured or controlled. The cause of bleeding in the GI tract may not be serious, but locating the source of bleeding is very important.
The main organs of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract are the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus. Bleeding may occur from one or more of these organs.

Sometimes bleeding occurs without the person noticing it. This type of bleeding is known as occult or hidden bleeding. Bleeding from the esophagus may occur due to inflammation (esophagitis), enlarged veins (varices), tear (Mallory-Weiss syndrome), cancer or liver disease.

Ulcers, gastritis, and cancer are some of the main causes of bleeding from stomach. In small intestine, duodenal ulcer and cancer may lead to bleeding. In the large intestine and rectum some of the main causes of bleeding are hemorrhoids, infections, inflammation (ulcerative colitis), colorectal polyps, and colorectal cancer.
To diagnose the bleeding in the GI tract, the site of the bleeding must be located. To do this your doctor will normally go through your complete history and perform a physical examination. Your Doctor will probably ask questions about the symptoms such as changes in bowel habits, stool color (to black or red) and consistency, and the presence of pain or tenderness.

Although it can be a little embarrassing sharing these symptoms with your doctor, try to be a accurate in your descriptions as possible as the symptoms may tell the doctor which area of the GI tract is affected.

The doctor must test the stool for blood before offering a diagnosis because the intake foods such as red beets can give the stool the same appearance as bleeding from the digestive tract. A blood count helps to decide if the patient is anemic and also gives an idea of the extent of the bleeding.

Continue reading to discover natural methods to relieve IBS symptoms and sign up for our free newsletter.

The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome and bleeding symptoms involve different methods. Generally injecting chemicals directly into a bleeding site through an endoscope can control active bleeding from the upper GI tract. Heat treatment and laser therapy can also be used in some cases. Once bleeding stops, medicines are prescribed to prevent recurrence of bleeding. If you notice blood in your stools you should make a doctor's appointment immediately.

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Diarrhea is defined as frequent, loose, watery stools or an abnormal increase in the frequency and water content of the stool. All stools or bowel movements contain water. However, when the water content increases or becomes excessive and the frequency of the stools increase this is known as diarrhea.

It is important to know what a normal bowel frequency is for you. For some people three soft formed stools per day is not abnormal. But for others, three stools per day would be a significant increase in their normal bowel frequency and when that increase in frequency is accompanied by an increase in water content then this is identified as diarrhea.

Diarrhea occurs because there is not enough liquid absorbed by the colon. When we eat, the food we take in is mixed with large amounts of water as a part of the digestion process. So by the time the food mixture reaches the colon it is essentially a liquid substance. Then the water is absorbed by the colon leaving a soft, formed stool. It is when there is a problem with the absorption of the water or perhaps a problem with the colon itself when diarrhea occurs.

There are many causes of diarrhea and happily most occurrences of diarrhea resolve on its own. When diarrhea lingers more than a few days or you are developing other symptoms it is important to seek medical attention as dehydration can be a serious and even deadly complication of diarrhea. The primary cause of diarrhea is a viral or bacterial infection. Even though there are hundreds of healthy and beneficial bacteria that live within the colon, if harmful bacteria or viral agents get into the body, then some will travel to the gastrointestinal system and result in diarrhea.

Diarrhea is usually treated by addressing the symptoms and attempting to manage them. For example, sticking to a liquid diet may be helpful in the early stages of a diarrhea episode. Also, avoiding milk and milk products may also be helpful. Over the counter medications such as Imodium or Kaopectate can help to reduce or even stop the diarrhea. Keeping well hydrated while experiencing diarrhea is very important as dehydration is one of the most serious complications of diarrhea.

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Incontinence is defined as "inability of the body to control the discharge of waste products". Incontinence of feces comes in 3 ways, diarrhea, gas, and bloating. In many instances it is not known what is causing fecal incontinence. One group that commonly will experience fecal incontinence is new mothers. Childbirth can end up placing excess amounts of stress on the pelvic floor muscles and it can weaken them. This makes it so they are not able to hold in the stools the way that they should. Treating Incontinence Immediately after childbirth exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and can help to improve your condition.

There are many different conditions that can end up causing fecal incontinence. Here are the most common:

• Constipation - this is the most common type because it causes impacted stool and it usually ends up being too large for you to pass through the bowels. When this happens the rectum and the intestines will end up stretching and they will get weaker. When the watery stool that is up in the rectum slowly moves down around the harder mass, it can end up dripping out of the rectum.

• Diarrhea - like constipation, watery stool can end up also causing problems on the rectum and anus. With diarrhea you will have loose stool that is hard to keep in the rectum and it can easily dribble out.

• Nerve damage - in a number of cases nerve damage is what is causing incontinence. You may have damage thanks to childbirth or having a lot of problems with constipation.

• Muscle damage - when the anal sphincter are not able to work correctly, it is considered muscular damage to the rectum. Childbirth is the most common reason for having muscle damage of the anus, especially if you had a hard labor that required forceps or an episiotomy.

Unfortunately for women, fecal incontinence is much more common among them than it is among males. As our bodies age, it is also quite common to see problems with fecal incontinence as the muscles that help to control the bladder and bowels are getting weaker and are unable to cope with the urine and feces properly.

Fecal incontinence can lead to a number of problems from depression to serious skin rashes. It is important to learn how to treat fecal incontinence in order to avoid these serious conditions. Talking to your doctor is the best step to take as they will examine your rectum and diagnose which type of fecal incontinence you have and will help you take steps to work on correcting and living with your situation. It helps to learn more about incontinence and how it does impact the body so you can figure out the right type of treatment program that will work for you.

Most of the treatment options can be done at home and it helps to make it much easier for you to manage fecal incontinence. First, you need to purchase some adult diapers that will be able to catch the excess feces that does leak out. You can purchase disposable diapers or you can choose to purchase some reusable diapers. Second, start looking at the foods you eat. Some of the foods you eat may be to blame for a lot of the problems. These foods could be causing you to have diarrhea or they may lead to constipation. Your doctor may ask that you start using anti-diarrhea drugs in your diet to help reduce diarrhea. They may also suggest that you use laxatives if you have a lot of problems with constipation. Increasing your fiber intake is important as fiber helps to bulk up the stool but it does make the stool softer and much easier to pass. In severe cases it may be necessary to undergo surgery to repair damage to the rectum.

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Millions of people have it or have most likely experienced its symptoms at one point of their lives. Runny nose, watery and itchy eyes, sneezing and coughing are just some of the most common symptoms of an allergy attack.

Other more serious symptoms may include the sudden appearance of hives, dizzy spells, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Some even experience behavioral changes as a reaction to an allergy attack. Allergies should not be taken lightly. There are instances when an allergy attack triggers severe reactions, which can ultimately lead to death.

The symptoms of an allergy attack can sometimes be very hard to differentiate from those of other ailments. Its symptoms can be erroneously diagnosed as those from the common cold or a food intolerance, to name a few. For these reasons, most doctors advocate that allergies be properly diagnosed by an experienced allergist to avoid taking in the wrong medication. Don't even try to self-medicate since it is known to cause more harm than good.

You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain in going to the doctor, so why wouldn't you? Not only will you get the correct diagnosis for your ailment but you will also be prescribed with the appropriate medications to ease and eliminate the discomforting symptoms as well.

Mild Allergies and Antihistamines

Taking antihistamines can be an economical and effective means to relieve the symptoms of the allergy attack and end your woes.

For most mild allergies such as hay fever or an allergy to animal hair, the symptoms can be successfully controlled by taking non-prescription (over-the-counter) antihistamines. But as diligent consumers, it is best to secure your doctor's approval and/or recommendation before taking the medication (or any other medication) to avoid the possibility of any medical complications.

However, it is sad to note that most people misunderstand the actions of these medications and think of them as an instant solution or a quick fix from allergy attacks. They think that once the symptoms start showing, they can just pop a pill and the symptoms will be gone in a moment! Antihistamines, unfortunately, do not work that way.

Antihistamines are most effective when taken well before the onset of the allergy season. For example, a person suffering from hay fever may benefit greatly from the medication when taken at least a week or two before the allergy season begins.

In choosing the appropriate antihistamine for this kind of allergies, look for one with chlorpheniramine maleate as its main active ingredient. Chlorpheniramine maleate has the benefit of being certified as the oldest and safest allergy drugs ever to hit the market. It can effectively control classical hay fever symptoms such as runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing.

Antihistamine Regimen to Prevent Allergy Attacks

Doctors agree that allergy attacks can be prevented by adopting an antihistamine regimen before the onset of the allergy season. Prevent those discomforting allergy attacks by following the steps outlined below.

. Start off your routine by taking at least one-fourth of the recommended dosage as indicated in the package labels. Since antihistamines can cause drowsiness, it is advisable to start taking the medication in the evenings.

. Gradually increase the dosage as you begin to tolerate the effects of the medication. This will eventually come at approximately a week or two after you started your routine. By then, you can up the dosage by taking in two 12 milligram doses of antihistamine daily (one in the morning and another one during the evening). Studies show that significant relief from allergy symptoms can be achieved by taking this much dosage of antihistamine.

By following these recommendations, you can say goodbye to your allergy attacks forever!

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What is Cholera and its causes?

Cholera is a disease that involves severe painless, watery diarrhea caused by Vibrio cholerae bacteria which can transmitted via contaminated water (tainted water) and food (especially contaminated raw food). It usually occurs in low socioeconomic countries or outbreak after disaster such as after war, after natural disaster (flood, tsunami, famine, etc) or untreated sewage disposal contamination. Cholera can be endemic or pandemic or both. Cholera causes a severe dehydration or great loss of body fluid either from diarrhea or vomiting or both that may cause the patient collapse and even death within a few hours if attention or treatment is being ignored.

WHO has identified V. cholerae O1 bacteria is the main contributor to cholera disease. Gram-negative bacillus V. Cholerae multiplies in small intestine and produces A and B subunits of enterotoxin. Subunit A activates intracellular adenyl cyclase causing a great loss of water and electrolytes into gut lumen meanwhile subunit B binds to enterocytes. This boosts the fluid flow from blood into large then to small intestines. Cholera bacteria can be killed with chlorine and in our human acid saliva as well as in our stomach.

Signs & Symptoms

The major symptoms of Cholera are diarrhea (patient having more than 10 stools within 24 hours) and continuous vomiting. Other symptoms may occur as follow:

  • Dysentery - collection of intestinal diseases which characterized by inflammation of bowel wall and caused by various viral or parasites or bacterial infections in the intestines

  • Fever and muscle ache

  • Low immune system

  • Irritability of mind

  • Lassitude

  • Sleeplessness

  • Slow pulse at the wrist

  • Paleness of face

  • Stomach pressure

  • Cramp of the calves


Best way to prevent Cholera is to practice good sanitation especially during food preparation like washing hands before handling the food or eating the food, drink boil water that kill most of the germs and bacteria, cook the food instead of eating raw food and adding chlorine to unsafe water sources.


Replacement with water containing salts and sugar to replace loss fluids is the quick remedy to treat cholera disease. This remedy can be accompanied by orally taking tetracycline, a type of antibiotic to reduce diarrhea and the infectiousness which is pretty effective. However, patient is encourage not to take anti-diarrheal medicine but rather consume high carbohydrates, low fat and protein diet to rejuvenate energy in our body

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So you have just woken up and gone to the toilet to take care of business. When you turn around and flush, do you look at the poo that you have just produced?

Most people that I have asked this question to eventually say, "Yes!"

I'm sure that you have noticed by now that some days it's a bit mushier, some more solid, some even have chunks in it. What does all that mean?

Have you ever put any thought into the fact that your poo could actually be telling you something about the state of your body?

Poo deserves the respect that society has failed to give it. The size, shape, smell, and colour are all a window into the inner workings of your body.

It's time to put on your laughing caps because we are going on a journey to the dark side of poo! This is sure to get you thinking about what you put into your body and have you laughing at the same time.

Here are 8 Types of Poo You are Sure to Have Experienced at Some Time in Your Life and the Reasons that You Have Them.

Deja Poo

Ever looked into the toilet to see the food you just ate come out in the same form it went in?

This is often the case with insoluble fibres such as corn. Your body lacks certain enzymes that break down some components of plant cell walls. Consequently, you have the pleasure of seeing it again on the way out!

Monster Poo

You have worked hard to get this one out and you turn around to see this trophy and wonder how such an immense sized poo managed its way out of your body. You bask in the glory of the poo and as you flush, hope it will make it down the toilet.

The reason for this poo is likely due to what you ate and drank the night before. Imagine putting oats into water and letting them soak overnight and seeing how much bigger they are by the water that they absorbed. It's quite similar in your belly. If you eat a lot of fibre and water, it will tend to expand in your belly creating a bulging poo for the morning after.

Floaters Vs. Sinkers

It can be so embarrassing when you are at a friend's place or a public toilet and you turn around to see your poo floating. You flush the toilet and it doesn't go down. You think to yourself, "Oh No! Please go down!" You flush again and start to run out of water and flushes. Luckily this time it goes down. Don't you hate it when it doesn't and you leave it floating there for the next person to find?

Why does that happen? It's most likely due to gas and fat in your diet. You may have noticed at the same time that you are also farting a bit more than usual. Next time you go to eat the 3rd burger from McDonald's you may want to think again!

A little something you can try if this does happen to you... Put extra water in the toilet. This should give it a bit more force to flush the floater down.

Soft Serve

Not quite as liquidy as diarrhea, you turn around happy to see that there is actually some solid matter in the toilet, possibly looking like a soft serve ice cream.

If this is short lived, it is most likely due to a poor digestion of food. If the problem persists, it may be due to lactose or gluten intolerance. Please consult with a doctor for appropriate tests to be done to diagnose this.


This is short for day after drinking stool. If you have had a big night out and have woken up with a hangover, this is most likely the result of your drinking. It will often be semi-solid, have stomach pains as you pass it and will have the smell of the bar that you left at 4am.

This occurs because your body wants to eliminate the toxins quickly. The process of creating the poo is sped up and not all the liquid is absorbed, resulting in runny poos.

Pebble Poo

These are frustrating. You have just sat down and worked to get out your poo only to see little pebbles in the toilet when you have finished. It is so anti-climatic.

The very simple solution to this is to eat more fibre. The lack of fibre in your diet is allowing for a lack of production of a sticky substance that holds your poo together.

Log Jam

Otherwise known as constipation. You sit on the toilet with pains in your stomach and gas and a desire to poo, but nothing comes out! How unrewarding and unpleasant.

Up your intake of water and fibre. If this persists, you may need to get a colonic to flush out your system and unblock what you have been building up. Look for a well-trained practitioner in your local area. And check out my article on cleansing if you want more information about colonics.

Ring Of Fire

As you sit down to have your comfortable poo, you are unpleasantly surprised by a burning sensation that makes you think your bum is on fire.

The likely cause for this is chilli or other spicy foods. Think about it, it probably felt the same way going in as it did coming out!

See... Poo can be fun! My husband and I talk about our poos most days. (No, I'm not lying!) We definitely celebrate the majority of the days that we have those perfect poos that come out nice and easy, leave no smell and are clean to wipe. I love those ones!

We are also aware that if we go a couple days without them, we have to adjust something in our diet. It's just that simple.

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All of us have experienced diarrhea, but did you know that there are actually different types of diarrhea? Aside from that, almost ten percent of the cases of diarrhea in children are caused by a bacterium called E. coli.

Diarrhea is actually the passage of loose or watery stools. Acute diarrhea is the common cause of death in developing countries, which can last from five to ten days. On the other hand, chronic diarrhea, which lasts for more than ten days, is the second leading cause of death in developing countries. There are some cases wherein diarrhea is accompanied with fever and abdominal cramps. Diarrhea of this kind, may be caused by infection, allergy, or a sign of a serious disorder such as Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease.

The World Health Organization or WHO said that 3.5 million deaths each year are attributable to diarrhea and 80% of these deaths occur in children who are under the age of 5 years old. Generally, children are more susceptible to developing complications of diarrhea because small amounts of fluids lost can already lead to dehydration, unlike in adults.

Diarrhea has multiple symptoms that should not be taken for granted. These symptoms include abdominal cramps, abdominal pain, sudden urge to go to the toilet, nausea, vomiting, fever or elevated temperature, headache, loss of appetite, fatigue, bloating, loose and watery stools, and blood in stools.

People who had diarrhea for more than one week should immediately consult their doctor in order to avoid developing complications. Parents are advised to immediately seek medical attention if their child is below 3 years of age and has a diarrhea for two days.

Symptoms of dehydration should also be observed among patients with diarrhea. Such symptoms include very dry mouth, excessive thirst, has little or no urination, has sunken eyes, and skin does not flatten after being pinched.

Diarrhea can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition; therefore, it is necessary to treat diarrhea immediately before it can cause complications and also to immediately diagnose any underlying medical conditions that caused diarrhea.

It is necessary to have an active lifestyle in order to keep your body healthy. You need to do regular exercise to keep your blood circulation at its optimum function.

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Finding a good ascorbic acid powder buy is common these days as numerous reputable online stores are offering the high quality, pharmaceutical grade kind. However, if you are not careful, your ascorbic acid powder buy may turn as sour as the vitamin C supplement when dissolved in water, so make sure you transact with a trusted supplier.

What Does Ascorbic Acid Flush Aim to Achieve

Among those looking for a good ascorbic acid powder buy are people who want to undergo vitamin C flush. People who undergo this type of detoxification using ascorbic acid powder buy the idea that the process do not just refresh and rejuvenate the body but will also enhance the vitamin C reserve and absorption rate. The vitamin C requirement of the body to attain its ideal level diminishes after each flush. To calculate the amount of ascorbic acid your body needs, determine what is 75 percent of the quantity needed for you to flush. That is how much of this supplement you should be taking everyday.

You would want to comply with this recommended amount if you know that vitamin C plays a major role in preventing free radical damage. It also aids in the efficient absorption of several minerals like calcium and iron as well as stimulates collagen, the connective tissue in skin. Furthermore, it also sustains the adrenal glands, hence preventing adrenal fatigue. Individuals with high levels of this antioxidant in the blood also tend to have higher life expectancy rates, as demonstrated in a study. Using this supplement in detoxifying toxins and pollution through flushing in tandem with using it to strengthen the immune system is attested to successfully work in maintaining overall health and longevity. Additionally, people suffering from illnesses like allergies, flu and chemical exposure is seen to highly benefit such a health procedure.

How Is Ascorbic Acid Flush Done

Once you have made a good ascorbic acid powder buy, ingest 1000 milligrams of the powder dissolved in a half-filled glass of water every 20 to 30 minutes. Remember to monitor the total quantity of the supplement you have taken and drink sufficient amounts of water. Continue with the procedure until you experience diarrhea. If you have invigorated the body to undergo cleansing, finish off the cleansing. This procedure is ideally done in the morning when you have not taken anything yet for optimal results. About two to four hours after, cleansing will take place, but it may take longer for some people.

After detoxifying, go on consuming smaller quantities of vitamin C every four hours for a day or two aiming to maintain a thicker stool with consistency similar to that of tapioca. Should your stools be watery again, just reduce the dose. Additionally, you must include foods or supplements rich in minerals in your diet as replacement to the nutrients that were flushed out together with the toxins. An ascorbic acid flush is recommended to be done as often as once a month or every four months. You will need less of the supplement when your body is healthier. So make that good ascorbic acid powder buy and aim for that healthier, rejuvenated body with enhanced longevity.

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Happy cruising! Protect yourself from cruise ship illness during your wonderful cruise vacation. Healthy cruising tips by USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s Vessel Sanitation Program (VSP):

1) Wash your hands frequently!
- Wash your hands often to avoid exposing yourself and others to anything that may cause illnesses and spread germs:
- Especially before eating or smoking, and after using the toilet.

2) If you are sick, report your illness.

- Before your voyage, ask cruise line:
- if there are alternative cruising options i.e., voyage dates, credits, etc.
- or, consult a doctor to find out whether it is safe for you to sail.
- During your voyage, visit the ship's medical facility and follow the medical staff's recommendations.

3) Avoid eating and drinking anything that you think will make you sick.

- Look for inspection scores and general food service cleanliness to help you to decide where and what to eat.

There are three most well-known widespread diseases onboard cruise ship populations are Influenza, Legionnaires' disease and Noroviruses:

1. Influenza:

- Influenza infection among travelers is the most common cruise ship illness.
- It is the most popular vaccine-preventable travelers' disease:
- Cruise goers are encourage to have annual influenza vaccination, it is the primary method for preventing influenza and its complications.
- This cruise ship illness can cause disease in all age groups:
- Rates of infection are highest among infants, children, and adolescents.
- Serious illness and death are highest among persons over 65 years of age.
- Persons of any age who have medical conditions that place them at high risk for complications from influenza (e.g., chronic cardiopulmonary disease).
- The risk for exposure to influenza depends on the time of year and destination:
- In Europe, seasonal epidemics of influenza generally occur during the winter months.
- In tropical, influenza can occur throughout the year.
- However, passengers on board can be exposed to influenza anytime; there always will be travelers from areas of the world where influenza viruses are circulating.

2. Legionnaires' disease

- Legionnaires' disease has led to pneumonia outbreaks on cruise ships.
- Contamination of ships' whirlpool spas and potable water supply systems have most commonly been implicated sources of this passenger ship illness.
- Passengers typically develop symptoms upon completion of travel only, resulting in delayed detection and continuous transmission.
- Cruise travel typically involves stays in hotels as well as multiple environmental exposures during ports of call, it is usually difficult to link a cruise ship with infection.

3. Norovirus

- The norovirus was originally called the Norwalk Virus.
- Norovirus is often termed the "cruise ship virus":
- Even thought the vast majority occur on land.
- Norovirus is an extremely common and highly contagious virus which causes gastroenteritis:
- An inflammation of the stomach and the intestines.
- The incubation period for norovirus-associated gastroenteritis is usually between 24 and 48 hours, but cases can occur within 12 hours of exposure.

- Symptoms of norovirus include nausea, vomiting and watery diarrhea.
- Some people may also experience headache, mild fever and abdominal cramps:
- It is sometimes known as the "24-hour stomach bug."
- Vomiting is more common in children.
- Symptoms generally last between one and three days (24 to 60 hours):
- Medical attention is required especially among the young and elderly.
- Usually resolve without treatment or long-term consequences.
- Recovery is usually complete and there is no evidence of any serious long-term effect.

Visit http://www.smart-guide-to-world-cruise-ship.com/cruise-ship-illness.html to learn more about cruise ship illness norovirus and read good quality information about cruise ship illness and cruise ship health.

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While the traditional flu usually lasts for at least a week, this stomach irritation rarely out stays its welcome and leaves typically within one day.

Gastroenteritis is the technical name of this short-lived bug and it rarely causes any long-term negative side effects. In fact, although it can be quite uncomfortable, the only real danger that it poses is dehydration, especially in children or disabled or elderly individuals who may not drink the amount of water that they should. Also, individuals with a compromised immune system are at risk for developing an infection from the virus and it is not uncommon for these people to become hospitalized.

Causes and Symptoms

Sapoviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses, rotaviruses and noroviruses are all causes and they all find their way into your system through your mouth. While you may have been told that the tummy flu is caused by a parasite or bacteria, this is simply not true.

You should be aware that this virus is extremely contagious and while you may not feel symptoms for one or two days after you have been exposed, you can still spread it to others who come in close contact with you. That being said, the most common way of contracting the virus is though contaminated food or beverages. Vomiting and watery diarrhea are symptoms that nearly everyone experiences that may also be accompanied by fever, abdominal cramps and headache.

Prevention and Treatment

Taking preventative measures to protect yourself from the virus is the best way to avoid the trouble of dealing with it. Washing your hands often and keeping them away from your face will go a long way with prevention. You should also get in the habit of disinfecting any surfaces in your home that could become contaminated. If you encounter any food that you think is questionable, stay away from it and wash your vegetables and fruit thoroughly.

Treatment begins with staying hydrated. For children, an oral rehydration solution will help significantly to reduce the risk of dehydration. Individuals with severe symptoms should eat something salty such as pretzels and drink a sports beverage with electrolytes to retain water. Lastly, there are two vaccines available for the tummy flu that you may want to consider, primarily for infants and children.

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