目前分類:watery diarrhea (364)

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We need food to survive. Different foods provide us with the different forms of vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function, with a well-rounded diet fulfilling the entire spectrum of nutrient needs. However, most people cannot tend gardens or farms to provide all of the food that they need for themselves. The majority of Americans rely on grocery stores and restaurants to get the food that we need. This also places trust in the food industry to provide us with produce that is free from food-borne illnesses.

Food can become contaminated during several different steps of the growing, handling, and preparation processes. If food is grown in soil or water that is contaminated with fecal matter, bacteria, or viruses, it can absorb these dangers as it grows. If it is handled in a way that allows it to come into contact with these hazards, it can carry the infections agents on its outer layer. Lastly, when food is prepared, it must stay clean and free from raw animal products like uncooked beef.

Because of the many ways in which food can become contaminated, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that food poisoning results in about 76 million illnesses each year. Thus, next time you have an upset stomach, chances are that it is food poisoning rather than a stomach flu.

Your food can absorb different viruses, parasites, and bacteria that can cause you to suffer from symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Viruses that can result in food poisoning include rotaviruses, noroviruses, and hepatitis A. Parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium can also cause you to suffer from things like diarrhea and vomiting. There are many different types of bacteria that can result in food-borne illnesses, such as:

-E. coli

While many types of food-borne illnesses leave your system after a few days to a few weeks, causing nothing more than an upset stomach and watery stool, some can last much longer and cause much more dangerous symptoms. For instance, botulism affects the nervous system, resulting in symptoms like blurred vision, weakness, and even inability to move the arms and legs.

Severe food poisoning can cause you to miss work and even visit the hospital to help you recover. This can result in lost wages as well as high medical bills.

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Milk allergy is the immune system's response to cow's milk. Cow's milk is one of the most frequent food allergens because of one or more of the proteins that it contains.

There are lots of proteins in cow's milk that cause allergic reactions. Whey and Casein are it's two components. The curd that forms when milk is left to sour is called Casein. The watery part that is left when the curd is removed is called whey.

Eighty percent of cow's milk is made up of Casein. It is also the most important allergen found in cheese. The harder the cheese the more casein it has.

The other 20% is made up of whey. It is composed of two main allergenic proteins, namely alpha lactalbumin and beta lactaglobulin.

Milk allergy usually starts in infancy. There are studies that show that two to three percent of infants have milk allergy but most outgrow it within the first few years. By the age of four, sixty percent of milk allergic infants out grow their milk allergy another eight percent outgrow it by the age of six, but there are those who never outgrow it.

Though a lot become milk allegry sufferes as infants, cow's milk allergy can be acquired later in life.


Milk allergy symptoms can be seen on the skin or felt in the digestive system or respiratory system.

Milk allergy causes skin reactions that can be an itchy red rash, hives, eczema, allergic "shiners" (black eyes), and swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue, face or throat.

Digestive system reactions of milk allergy sufferers might be nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, or abdominal cramps.

Respiratory system reactions of those with milk allergy are runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, wheezing, shortness of breath, or coughing, or even anaphylactic shock.

Some people can have a reddish ear love or a hazy look in their eyes. Another symptom that can be had from milk allergy is bedwetting, inattentiveness, and lethargy.

Avoidance is the key with allergies. That means not drinking milk. Someone that has milk allergy has to be very careful in what products to buy. They have to read the product labels and see what milk proteins that are contained within. Milk maybe the hidden allergen in a lot of processed meats like hotdogs, pepperoni, salami, sausage and bologna. There are also some non-dairy products that contain casein.

There are some other milk products that can be substituted for cow's milk. milk allergy sufferes find this useful when baking and cooking food. The type of milk substitute depends on the food that it will be used for.

Rice milk is good for drinking and cereal. It can be used for baking or as a thickening agent and is perfect for those with milk allergy.

Some recipes you can have broth, juice or water as a substitute for cow's milk.

In some cases a person with milk allegry can use goat's milk or soy milk. However, these types of milk are also allergenic and the person allergic to cow's milk will often be allergic to goat's milk as well.

Having milk allergy does not mean that you can bypass the calcium requirement in your nutrition. The recommended daily allowance of a person depends on the age. Good sources of calcium aside from milk are green vegetables, fish with soft edible bones, and seafood.

Calcium cannot be absorbed without vitamin D, which comes from eggs, liver and sunlight. That means to maintain a healthy lifestyle even with a milk allergy, one has to take vitamin supplements to complete their dietary balance.


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Fenugreek has been used for millennia both as a medicine and as a spice in Egypt, India, and the Middle East. Traditional medicinal uses include the treatment of wounds, bronchitis, digestive problems, arthritis, kidney problems, male reproductive conditions, boils, diabetes, cellulitis, tuberculosis, and GI problems. Investigations in animals have found the seeds to reduce serum cholesterol and glucose levels.

Active components in fenugreek include mucilages, proteins, steroid saponins, flavonoids, and volatile oils. Trigonelline, an alkaloid found in fenugreek, is degraded to nicotinic acid (niacin), which may partially explain its ability to lower serum cholesterol levels. Steroid saponins may also lower blood glucose and plasma glucagon levels and enhance food consumption and appetite. The seeds contain up to 50% mucilaginous fiber that, because of their ability to absorb and expand, are commonly used to treat diarrhea and constipation. The seeds also contain coumarin compounds. Fenugreek is available as capsules, paste, powder, ripe seeds, dried seeds, and as a spice.

Reported uses

Fenugreek is used to treat GI complaints and to relieve upper respiratory tract congestion and allergies. It's also used to lower cholesterol, blood glucose, insulin, and hemoglobin AlC levels, to improve glucose tolerance, and as an appetite stimulant.

Topically, a preparation of fenugreek is applied to treat skin inflammation, muscle pain, and gout, and to aid in the healing of wounds or skin ulcers.


External: A poultice is prepared by mixing 50 g of powdered fenugreek with 1 qt (1 L) of water, and applied topically to the affected area, as needed

Internal: An infusion is prepared by steeping 0.5 g of fenugreek in cold water for 3 hours, and then straining. Honey may be used to sweeten the infusion. The dosage is 6 g by mouth, or a cup of tea taken several times a day.


Adverse reactions to fenugreek include maple-syrup odor to urine, hepatotoxicity, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, increased bilirubin level, hypoglycemia, contact dermatitis (with external use), flushing, wheezing, watery eyes, numbness, rash, and angioedema (after inhalation, ingestion, or topical anesthesia).

When taken with adrenergic blockers, there is an additive vasodilating effect that may lead to hypotension. There is risk of increased prothrombin time (PT) and International Normalized Ratio (INR), and potential risk of abnormal bleeding, when fenugreek is taken with anticoagulants such as aspirin, NSAIDS, heparin, low-molecular-weight heparins, and warfarin. Fenugreek also has the potential to decrease blood glucose levels when administered to those taking hypoglycemics, including insulin. A decreased uricosuric effect is noted with probencid and sulfinpyrazone. Because of the fibrous content in fenugreek seeds and its binding potential, absorption of drugs may be altered. Advise patient to avoid using fenugreek within 2 hours of other drugs.

Pregnant patients should avoid use because of the herb's potential abortifacient properties; alcohol and water extracts of the herb may stimulate uterine activity. Those with liver disease, peptic ulcers, or severe hypotension should avoid use because of the formation of nicotinic acid. Breast-feeding patients, and those who have had a previous allergic reaction to fenugreek or nicotinic acid, should also avoid use.

Clinical considerations

If patient is taking an anticoagulant, monitor PTT, INR, and PT. Monitor the patient for abnormal bleeding.

Appearance of rash or contact dermatitis may indicate sensitivity to fenugreek.

Nausea, vomiting, jaundice, or elevated bilirubin level may indicate liver damage and hepatotoxicity from nicotinic acid. If patient develops these signs or symptoms, he should immediately stop using the herb.

If patient is pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breast-feeding, advise her not to use fenugreek.

Caution patient that a rash or abnormal skin change may indicate an allergy to fenugreek and that nausea, vomiting, and skin color changes may indicate liver damage. Tell patient to discontinue use if such signs and symptoms appear.

Remind patient not to take fenugreek at the same time as other drugs and to separate administration times by 2 hours.

Tell patient to remind pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.

Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a conventional treatment with proven efficacy may be available.

Research summary

Current studies continue to elucidate the mechanism of fenugreek's abilities to lower cholesterol and glucose levels. Recent studies also show the ability of the plant to decrease the quantity of calcium oxalate deposited in the kidneys.

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Nobody wants to think about fecal incontinence much less talk about it but if you suffer from this condition you know how big a life changer it can be. Even the most gregarious outgoing individual can become a social hermit if he or she develops fecal incontinence. The fear of a public accident can become overwhelming and keep the person home bound for the most part.

While this condition mostly occurs in older people, it can develop in anyone. The two biggest causes of this condition are constipation and diarrhea. That may sound contradictory but it's true. When a person has chronic constipation the hard stool blocks the anal canal building up pressure. Watery stool seeps around the blocking stool and is involuntarily discharged. The blockage can stretch and damage the muscles in the anus to the point that the individual can not control the movement.

Diarrhea would seem to be the more natural cause and almost everyone has experienced it due to colds, flu or a reaction to food. However, when diarrhea becomes chronic then it's time to visit the doctor to determine why.

So what can a person do if they suffer from fecal incontinence? The first thing of course is to get medical help. You may be prescribed a diet or medication to manage the condition. Secondly, carry a backpack with a change of clothes. This may seem like an excessive burden but it can be a huge lifesaver if you have an accident away from home.

Make sure you know the location of restrooms when you go out. Knowing where you can relieve yourself if need be reduces the anxiety of going out in public. And lastly, before you leave the house try to empty your bowels at home.

It's not a great position to be in but you can manage fecal incontinence effectively with a little planning.

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Yes, I am among the 20% of dogs that have allergies.

I asked my vet and she gave me a short overview on some possible causes and solutions. I have seen so many dogs wheeze, cough, lick, and scratch themselves raw. Most everyone wants to help them out of their misery but don't know where to start.

The following was very helpful for tracking down and eliminating many myths and misinformation I was laboring under. It is a long process of elimination for dog owners to identify just what is causing the symptoms for allergies. It could be so many sources depending on your dog, weather, environment, food, etc.

1. There are many things that both the dogs and the dog owners could have in common. For example, both dogs and dog owners could be prone to obesity if not regulating food intake and by not exercising.

2. In addition, dogs and humans may also acquire diseases that results from improper dietary regimen like diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

The most amazing thing that both dogs and humans share is the fact that they are both vulnerable to suffering from very similar allergies.

Sounds impossible? Not so.

3. Veterinary experts assert that dogs have allergies too. One of the primary signs of allergies is the itching of their skin.

4. Humans and canine respiratory tract systems can also be affected with allergies and are the very common.

Normally, dogs will show symptoms of respiratory tract allergies like sneezing, wheezing, and coughing. Their nose and their eyes may also manifest a discharge just like humans do whenever they have colds or flu.

There are also allergies that may have an effect on their digestive system; hence, it may result as watery stools, diarrhea, or vomiting. Diets help control allergies but are time consuming to test and often quite expensive.

Experts say that almost 20% of the dogs in the United States suffer from diverse types of allergies.

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Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. Acute diarrhea is usually related to a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection.
You can try healing diarrhea with traditional medicine from Indonesia. There are so much ingredients choices you can try.

  • Grate some red onions, then mix it with a little bit of coconut oil. Stick this ingredients onto your stomach till dried. Do this 1-3 times a day.

  • Take one turmeric (Curcuma domestica) and 10 g gambier (Uncaria gambir). Added with a bit of betel lime, then pound them till soft. After that, add ripe water and squeeze it. This distillation water, one cup of it, is drunk twice a day.

  • Pour boiling water on 1/2 cup of tea leaf (Camellia sinensis) till it becomes a cup. Drink this 3 times a day.

  • Boil 6-10 g dried leaf of maleleuca (Maleleuca leucadendron) with 2 cups of water till leave one cup. Filter it after being cool and then drink it.

  • Wash then slice 30 g root of pere (Momordica charantia). Then boil it up with 3 cup of waters. After leave one cup and being cool, filter then drink it. You can add some sugars.

  • Grate some umbi ganyong (Canna edulis), pour it with one cup of cool ripe water. Then squeeze and filter it. Drink this distillation water 3-4 times a day.

  • Make a juice 3 guavas (Psidium guava) --without its seed--, and added with apple --without its peel--. Pour 300 cc of waters and honey sufficiently. Drink it twice or 3 times a day.

  • Boil 3-4 pieces of senggani kepel (Medinella hasseltii) leaf. After being cool you can drink it. Drink this recipe once or twice a day.

  • Squeeze a handful of basil (Ocimum sanctum) leaf. Pour water onto it sufficiently. Filter then drink it. You can drink this recipe once or twice a day. One cup each you drink.

  • Eat 4-5 pieces of unripe rasamala (Altingia excelsa) leaf as a raw vegetables with rice. Do this twice or 3 times a day.

  • Squeeze a handful of tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and mundu (Garcinia dulcis) leaf. Pour water onto it sufficiently. Then add it with a bit of lump sugar and salt. Drink 2-3 spoons of it, twice or 3 times a day.

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Chemotherapy is the use of very strong anticancer drugs to kill colon cancer cells.
Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment and will address cancer that is in the entire
body which is why it is often used to prevent spread or to treat cancer that has
already spread. This is not the only reason why chemotherapy is used so if you
doctor suggests treatment with chemotherapy drugs do not assume that your
cancer has spread and metastesized.

Chemotherapy plays a few roles in the treatment of colon cancer.
used to kill colon cancer cells that might have not been removed during surgical
removal of the colon cancer.
reduces the size of the tumor before surgery is performed
used to treat colon cancer by controlling the growth of the tumor.
used to relieve some of the symptoms of the colon cancer.
reduce the likelihood of recurrence
Chemotherapy is often used after surgery is performed to eliminate cancer cells that
may have been left behind and not removed by surgery. The chemotherapy can be
administered through an IV (intravenously) or in pill form. Once the chemotherapy
drugs enter the bloodstream they can reach cancer cells in all parts of the body.
Some studies have shown that using a regimen of chemotherapy after surgery for
colon cancer can increase the surivival rates for some stages of colon and rectal

In patients with advanced colorectal cancer chemotherapy is often useful in relieving
the symptoms of the cancer.

Who is given Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer?
The general opinion in the medical community differs on whether chemotherapy for
Stage II colon cancer will be beneficial to the patient after surgery. It is usually only
advisable in very high risk patients.

Adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery is the standard of care for patients with Stage
III colorectal cancer. Also patients with Stage IV cancers of the colon or rectum can
benefit from the use of chemotherapy as it often will help to shrink the tumor,
increase life expectancy and improve the quality of life.

How is Chemotherapy Administered for Colorectal Cancer?

The use of adjuvant chemotherapy typically involves monthly administration of the
chemotherapy drugs for usually 6 to 8 months. Usually on or a combination of the
following drugs are administered:

5-FU (5-fluorouracil)
oxaliplatin (Eloxatin)
The standard adjuvant chemotherapy combination for colon cancer consists of 5-FU
and leucovorin.

Side Effects of Chemotherapy:
Chemotherapy can produce some side effects. The type of side effects experiences
depends upon the type of chemotherapy drugs used, how much of the drugs are
given and the period of time they are administered. The side effects also depend on
the individual.

The most common side effects for 5FU :

the feeling of being sick
sore mouth or mouth ulcers
drop in blood cell count
overall feeling of tiredness
The most common side effects of irinotecan :

increased perspiration
increase in the production of saliva
watery eyes
pain or cramps in the abdomen
overall feeling of being sick
drop in blood cell count
overall feeling of tiredness
hair thinning or loss
The most common side effects of oxaliplatin:

feeling of being sick
numbness or tingling of the extremeties
numbness in the lips

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A cold glass of milk, a slice of cheese or a crunchy piece of toast with butter melting on it. These may look enticing to some. For others, they are nothing short of instruments of torture.

According to research, cow's milk is one of the most leading food allergies. It can cause vomiting, nausea, giddiness and diarrhea in many young children. One of the reasons for this widespread allergy could be the fact that milk protein is usually the first protein that is ingested by infants, and those children who are allergic to milk will develop severe allergic reactions easily. Of course, more than 50% of such children outgrow their milk allergy in the course of time.

But, even as adults, many of us experience bloating, heaviness, gas, nausea and even vomiting when we take in milk or milk products. In fact, a good majority of adults are sensitive to milk and milk products. A person who is sensitive to milk is unable to digest milk proteins. This is what causes the symptoms to occur.

Typically, people who suffer adverse reactions from taking in dairy products believe that they are allergic to milk. This is not always true. Milk and milk products can cause two different kinds of reactions in people:

- Lactose intolerance
- Milk allergy

An inability to digest lactose causes lactose intolerance, which though uncomfortable is not life threatening. But milk allergy is caused by the proteins in milk.

Milk contains two important proteins - whey and casein. Whey, as you know, is the watery portion which makes up 87% of milk. Casein is the thick portion that sets into curd when milk is left to curdle and it accounts for 4% of the rest. Some people are allergic to whey, while others cannot take in casein.

Unlike lactose intolerance, casein allergy triggers severe symptoms. It can cause stomach cramps, skin problems and pain in the gut. Ultimately, it can even make the sufferer unable to absorb nourishment from any food, thus leading to dangerous weight loss. Casein allergy can trigger an anaphylactic reaction in the body. This is a severe and rapidly occurring reaction that can have dire consequences.

Casein is found in varying ratios in the milk of every kind of mammal. If you are allergic to casein, you cannot have any product that contains milk or milk components. Remember, even half to one percent of the allergen may be enough to trigger an allergic reaction in you if that level is above your tolerance limit. So, you need to be aware of the smallest percentage of the ingredient in the food you take in. A casein test is done to determine whether a product contains casein or not.

Unfortunately, casein being tenuous (almost like glue when set) is not only found in food products. It is even used in the manufacture of glue and cosmetic products. Even the label on a bottle of beer may contain this glue. If you are allergic to casein, inhaling or touching it may be enough to trigger a reaction.

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Chicken soup can cure anything! Or so it seems. Chicken soup as a cold remedy has been used not only from the times of your great grandmother; but, did you know in 60 A.D., an Army surgeon to Roman emperor Nero wrote of it in his journals. Chicken soup is great, but there are more ingredients that can help get rid of flu and cold symptoms.

And as a bonus, the same herbs that treat cold and flu can help prevent it.

We've all heard the cure: when feeling cold or flu symptoms, rest and drink plenty of fluids. But what are the best fluids? How about power-packing those fluids with ingredients that have been proven to fight cold and flu symptoms! Here they are:

  • cranberries

  • garlic

  • ginger

  • peppermint

  • tangerines


  • super food (nutrient dense while low in calories)

  • strengthens immune system

  • fights infection (sore throats and colds)

  • fights cancer

  • protects against inflammation

Cranberries, blueberries, and concord grapes were all native to America. Cranberries were used by North American Indians to treat wounds. Later American sailors carried cranberries on sea voyages to prevent scurvy.


Garlic was highly esteemed by ancient Egyptians. They fed it to their soldiers to strengthen them before battle. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties which help the immune system fight infection and boost the immune system. Garlic combines well with Echinacea and together help fight infections.


  • enhances natural resistance for cold and flu

  • reduces inflammation

  • supports prostate health

Ginger has been used since ancient times as a medicine in Asia, India, and Arab countries. Ginger is believed to help treat headaches, painful menstrual periods, and to fight cold and flu symptoms, motion sickness, nausea, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, and arthritis.

Side Effects Side effect associated with ginger are not common especially when taken in moderation. Some may experience mild heartburn, diarrhea and irritation of the mouth, belching.

Warning People with gallstones should consult a doctor before taking ginger or undergoing surgery or if you will be placed under anesthesia for any reason.


  • calms digestive spasm

  • fights bacteria

  • fights most general cold and flu symptoms

  • decongestant

  • soothes stomach

  • relieves headaches

  • relieves cramping

  • eases tissue inflammation

  • relieves insomnia, stress, and anxiety

  • reduces fever

  • relieves nausea

Peppermint is a natural expectorant which helps treat colds, flu, bronchitis, and headaches. It also reduces fevers by inducing sweating which cools the body.


One small tangerine has more usable vitamin C than some large oranges. Many people who have trouble tolerating oranges do well with tangerines. Eat or juice two a day to fight colds during inclement weather.

Ways to use these flu fighters

Juices -

  • cranberries, tangerines, apple juice, and ginger root

  • tangerine, orange, and ginger root

  • carrot, apple, and ginger root

Cooking -

  • pancakes or waffles with mint added to a fruit topping or syrup

  • garlic chicken with ginger

  • compote (cooked fruit) with cranberries, tangerines, pears, and ginger or peppermint

Tea -

  • peppermint tea

  • ginger tea

  • cranberry or cranapple tea

  • hot water with a slice of ginger root

  • hot water with a slice of tangerine

Other cold fighting remedies

Other favorites are almost all citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemons, lime). Try different things and see what works best for you. We are all unique and what works for someone else may not work, or work as well, for us. To your health!

When is the best time to fight cold and flu symptoms? Use these recipes anytime you are exposed to someone who is ill, when around a large number of people, when traveling, or just to boost your immune system.

More about the common cold

The common cold is caused by a virus (could be one of 200 different types). When the virus causes the respiratory tract walls to swell which produces excess mucus. Symptoms range from sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, headache, fever, and hacking cough. Most colds last 7-10 days. Colds spread from by hand-to-hand contact, coughing, and sneezing. The virus can live for several hours on common surfaces.


Health information in this article and on my website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical guide for self-treatment. It does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such or used in place of your doctor's medical advice.

More Information The Juiceman's Power of Juicing, Jay Kordich, 1993 The Folk Remedy Enclyclopedia, Frank W. Cawood, 2004 http://www.umm.edu

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Glucosamine and chondroitin are safe and effective supplemental drugs for arthritis. However, there are some uncommon and usually gentle side effects.

Glucosamine is an important element in cartilage repair and production. A decreased supply of glucosamine may cause a delay in cartilage repair, which will later result in cartilage damage. It is safe to take glucosamine supplements for long periods of time. Glucosamine is best taken with chondroitin; it is effective in relieving pain caused by arthritis.

Glucosamine side effects

  • Over-dosage of glucosamine may cause gastric upset such as soft watery stools and nausea. It also causes indigestion and heartburn. For that reason, glucosamine should be taken with foods.

  • Glucosamine is extracted from shellfish. If you are allergic to shellfish, you must first consult your doctor before taking any glucosamine supplements.

  • Glucosamine has no proven undesirable effects to pregnant women; however, it is still recommended to consult your physician first.

  • Resistance in insulin production might happen when taking glucosamine. It lessens the process of insulin metabolism. Glucosamine is classified as a carbohydrate, but the body cannot break down this carbohydrate into glucose, so it does not contribute to the increase of blood sugar in the body. On the other hand, there are issues that influence secretion of insulin and levels of blood glucose in the body. It is highly advised to check the blood sugar level when taking glucosamine supplement.

The side effects of glucosamine and chondroitin are considered mild, but to prevent them precaution is still suggested.

Chondroitin is taken from the windpipe of cattle or from shark cartilage. Protoglycans are the product of chondroitin sulfate and proteins in the body. Protoglycans are the substance surrounding the cartilage, ligaments and tissues. Thus, chondroitin protects the cartilage and helps in reduction of pain and inflammation.

Chondroitin side effects

  • Like glucosamine, chondroitin can also cause gastric upset when taken orally.

  • Some testimonies include irregular heartbeat and hair loss.

  • Chondroitin via optical drops can increase the possibility of having an intraocular hypertension, which is a critical condition. A short-term swelling on the cornea may also occur.

  • Chondroitin reacts with NSAIDs drugs and anticoagulant medications, so mixing of these medications may be risky. First consult your doctor before taking chondroitin with NSAIDs and anticoagulants.

  • Chondroitin glucosamine side effects also include upset stomach, diarrhea or constipation.

  • Chondroitin is not recommended for lactating and pregnant women, same as glucosamine.

  • Other side effects of chondroitin are swelling of the ankles and eyelids.

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Recognizing food poisoning symptoms can help you address the problem quickly and ensure that proper medical attention is given to a bout of food-related illness. Noticing symptoms early is especially important in the case of food poisoning because it allows you to more accurately pinpoint which foods or beverages may have caused the problem and better asses which steps should be taken next. Warning signs and side effects of poisoning can vary greatly in their severity and type; here are some of the common symptoms.

Most cases of food poisoning are caused by viruses which enter the digestive system through contaminated food or beverage and upset the patient's digestion. Viruses can be transmitted through water, fertilizer, interpersonal contact, and more. The warning signs of a food-based viral infection are often considered the "classic" food poisoning symptoms. Included in this list are vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, cramping, headaches, and mild fever. Both children and adults can suffer from this viral form of poisoning and while many cases will be alleviated within 24 hours, other can become more serious and a medical professional should be contacted immediately if symptoms persist or worsen.

A second type of symptoms come from bacteria-related illness, as opposed to viral infections. The most notable of these types of illnesses is a Salmonella infection. Cases of Salmonella outbreaks have made international news and cause multiple deaths around the globe. Stepping from undercooked meat, eggs, and dairy products, the most prevalent symptoms of bacterially-based cases of food poisoning watery diarrhea, dizziness, vomiting, muscle aches and pains, and even joint pain. While the symptoms can often be very similar to a viral infection, bacterial infection (especially Salmonella and E. coli) have the potential to turn very serious and even deadly, if not treated promptly. If you are exhibiting these symptoms, contact a doctor immediately.

A final type of food poisoning stems from toxins and toxic agents. This is the rarest type of poisoning and usually involves unprepared food such as wild mushrooms or freshly caught fish. The food poisoning symptoms in these cases can often take different forms and involve unusual side effects such as hallucinations, numbness, or paralysis. Because these types of illnesses are harder to treat and their source is often more easily identified, seek medical attention if you feel you have been exposed to toxins in your food or beverages.

Recognizing the symptoms of food poisoning in its different forms can help you make informed decisions about the best possible way to treat the condition. Use these guidelines to assess your illness and always contact a doctor if you are unsure about the severity or cause of the condition.

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Yeast intolerance symptoms are a hard thing to accurately determine as their traits can get mistaken with a wide array of other health conditions. One thing that shocks many individuals is that one out of every three in the United States suffers from a yeast allergy. One reason this ailment is so difficult to determine is because the traits can take a while to occur after eating items high in candida. Here are some of the more common yeast intolerance traits. If you think you may be yeast intolerant and are suffering from the below issues immediately see a physician. The sooner the dealt with the better.

Yeast Intolerance Symptoms

Throat Soreness

Vomiting Watery

Eyes Constipation


Oral Thrush


Mood Swings

Memory Problems

Sugar Craving

Gas Asthma

Bad breath



Vaginal Infection


Furry or Coated Tongue




Skin Infection

Pain in the Abdomen

Ulcers on the Mouth

Light Headed

Intolerance to Yeast Reasons

As you tell from the list of intolerance to yeast issues above it can be hard in matching these traits to an intolerance to yeast. Here are a few of the reasons of intolerance to yeast in people.

Ingesting items high in candida like bready foods, mushrooms, peanuts, and cheeses. By eating these items one is actually giving candida the nourishment it needs to thrive. Fermented food left undigested in one's bowel can also cause issues to happen.

Using oral contraceptive pills.

Use of progesterone.

Using certain medicines can cause intolerance to yeast. This occurs because particular antibiotics can kill off the good bacteria in our system that balance the amount of candida in our intestinal tract.

Steroid Use

Lack of Vitamin D

Certain health concerns like pregnancy, diabetes, and radiation therapy.


Intolerance to Yeast Treatments and Solutions

The very first step someone has to do in order to eliminate their systems of yeast excess is to go and see a licensed doctor. Because of the fact that most of the issues are normal individuals tend to neglect the severity which in turn leads to the issue becoming much worse. Depending on your individual needs a doctor will know which treatment will be in your best interest. Most times a candida diet alone will do but in more severe cases your physician may suggest anti fungal antibiotics. Try to see the pattern of your issues. If you notice certain issues happening after having particular items or ingesting particular antibiotics be sure to consult with your doctor. It may allow them to further narrow down the reason and get you cured quicker.

Best of luck and here's to a healthier tomorrow!

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Your kitty-cat develops diarrhea and you want to know if there are any home remedies for cat diarrhea that you can safely use without making that dreaded trip to the vet, who will only use expensive antibiotics that may even be harmful to your kitty.

There really are home remedies that work which can be used even in severe cases of diarrhea if your pet reacts well to minimal intervention. It is not needful to find out what caused kitty to have the runs. Sanitation is a necessity at all times, so be sure to carefully clean the mess and thoroughly was your hands.

It is common for cats to have binges of severe diarrhea.

Severe diarrhea is diagnosed if kitty has an unnatural stool which is more soft than usual, watery or flaccid without normal color or foul smelling or if your kitty strains to have a bowel movement and just passes gas.

There are effective natural remedies.

There are natural remedies that are very effective to patronize stools that are firm and healthy and help to keep the stomach in a stable condition, which promotes digestion and bowel movements, also promoting healthy grades of digestive gases in cats as well as dogs. Home remedies for cat diarrhea include glutamine, probiotics, as well as herbs such as plantains and slippery elm.

Diarrhea may be the result of an abrupt change in your pets diet, or if your pet has eaten something it could not digest. It may also be the result of motion sickness or stress from traveling. another cause may be parasites like the Coccidia and Giardia Protozoa that are quite common invaders of kittens as well as puppies. In most cases your pet is likely to respond to home treatment.

Unattended cats are prone to consume things such as stones, twigs and other salvaged items which does not digest. This may result in your kitten getting diarrhea. Do not get beside yourself if your kitty does not act too bad, usually the kitty-cat's diarrhea is a healthy response that will aid in healing, and is not a disease.

There are A few home remedies for cat diarrhea one might use in order to restore health to your kitty's intestines. Initially, you might think about giving your kitty a diet without taste, such as any type of baby food that is beef based. Fish or chicken are also good options.

Additionally, you can give kitty a lot of little meals each day instead of 1 or 2 large meals. An additional excellent choice is to give kitty some plain yogurt. Yogurt because this quickens good bacteria levels. Just do not give your cat any milk while giving treatment for diarrhea. Take into account while making use of home remedies for cat diarrhea that kitty-cat might become dehydrated while having diarrhea.

Diarrhea is in fact, kitty's body flushing itself of poisonous toxins.

Home remedies for cat diarrhea are very effective and can be administered safely in your own home.

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Diarrhea can be pretty common. It can also take a toll in your schooling or work especially if it gets worse. It can also lead to hospitalization if it gets severe or if you get complications like dehydration.

But first of all, you must know what this illness is so you can also differentiate it with loose bowel movement. Basically this disease involves loose and watery bowel movements or stools. You may notice that when you have this, you may take more frequent trips to the bathroom and you excrete more stool than in normal days.

This disease can occur with or without abdominal bloating, pressure or cramps. There are also times that you will experience nausea

Anyone from any age group can suffer from this condition. According to studies, an American kid who is 5 years of age has already had 7 to 15 instances of this disease by that age. Similarly, an adult experiences acute diarrhea at an average of four times every year.

Thus, you may have noticed that this disease is pretty common. In fact, it is ranked as next to common cold in terms of causes of absence in work or school. Nonetheless, you must not be complacent about it because it can lead to several complications which may, in turn, lead to severe illness.

So what are the causes of this disease? Well, there are a number of them.

Bacterial infection may be one cause. You may not be aware of it, but you accidentally consumed bacteria through contaminated food or water. Some of the common bacteria that cause this disease are Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli (E. coli). You may have also gotten it from food poisoning.

Viruses are also a common cause. Some of them would be rotavirus, norovirus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and viral hepatitis. Rotavirus is the most common virus which causes this disease in children.

Parasites that enter your body can cause this disease as well. These parasites get into your body also through the food and water you infest. Specific parasites that cause this disease are Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium.

If you are very picky and sensitive when it comes to food, you may be very prone to this disease. For instance, certain people are lactose or glucose intolerant. If you are guilty of these but you were not to be able to control your milk and sugar intake, chances are you might get this disease.

Medicine can also trigger this condition where certain antibiotics, cancer drugs, and even antacids may cause it.

Lastly, this disease can also be a mere manifestation of other illnesses. For instance, it can be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome. Similarly, intestinal diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and celiac disease are all capable of causing this disease.

Finally, if you already have this, you should treat it at once so as not to incur even more complications which can be worse. One example of a complication you may get is dehydration or loss of water and electrolytes. This can result in hospitalization for several days.

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Cystic Fibrosis is an illness or disease that primarily affects some of the major internal organs like the liver, pancreas, lungs, intestines, genitals, and the sinuses. It could be hereditary so there is a big possibility that you will also get the disease if your family has a history of this sickness. Cystic fibrosis causes the mucus glands in the body to secrete sticky and thick mucus. This is where the problem will start. It could block the airways and could prevent the other organs to function well resulting to different kinds of diseases and disorders.

One of the most common diseases caused by cystic fibrosis is diarrhea. It is characterized by very soft or watery stool, unfinished bowel movement, urge to move the bowels after eating, and stool incontinence. This is one of the most uncomfortable disorders that a person could have because there is always the need to go to the toilet to evacuate. Once the thick and sticky mucus is produced and got in the pancreas, it will block the canal where the enzymes and the insulin will pass in order to get to the digestive area. These are essential to maintain proper digestion and without these, the system will have difficulty and will result to digestive problems just like diarrhea.

You might also notice that your stool appears greasy or slimy. This is because of the abnormally thick and sticky mucus produced by the glands due to cystic fibrosis. If not treated immediately and appropriately, this could lead to a more serious condition. Diarrhea is a dangerous disorder and it could be fatal especially among children and babies because it could lead to dehydration which could also lead to death. There are also some cases of diarrhea where the patients suffer from mild to severe abdominal cramps or pains.

If you or someone you know is suffering from diarrhea due to cystic fibrosis, it would be better if you could get him to drink water or oral rehydration solutions that are specifically developed to replace all the lost electrolytes in the body. This is to prevent dehydration and to restore the body's lost energy and minerals such as sodium, carbohydrates, and potassium. If you noticed more symptoms have developed like high fever, frequent vomiting, or presence of blood in the stool, you should seek medical help immediately by calling your doctor or rushing the patient to the nearest hospital or medical institution.

The doctor or medical provider could prescribe a drug that can help stop or reduce diarrhea. There are some drugs that can absorb the water in the stool and could help the rectal muscles relax to reduce the urge to evacuate. For more complicated cases, antibiotics or other stronger types of drugs could be used. Your doctor will be able to determine the best type of medication for you just make sure that you will inform him about your current medical condition like your allergies, diseases, and other things that he should know about. You have to remember that even though diarrhea is considered to just one of the symptoms or a disorder associated with another disease like cystic fibrosis, it should not be ignored because doing so could cause more serious health problems.

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1. IBS with constipation
When the patient finds it hard to defecate as a result of his condition it is called irritable bowel syndrome with constipation. More often than not, such a patient will have a sense of relief after he or she has defecated. But they are also left feeling that the evacuation has not been complete and often return to the toilet to make sure! People with this category of IBS have a hard and difficult to extract stool, resulting in inflammation of the anus.

Patients suffering from this category of IBS may defecate only once every alternate day.

2. IBS and diarrhea
A patient who suffers from IBS with diarrhea generally feels a sense of urgency to defecate, and they are unable to withhold it for much time. The may defecate as much as three times a day, but the pain goes away after they do so. People who suffer from this category of IBS have a watery and loose stool.

3. IBS with alternating patterns of stool
Cases have been reported where a patient complains of constipation one week and diarrhea the very next week. Such people suffer from the alternate IBS category. It is understandably harder to treat than the other two categories and inconvenient.

The first category of IBS with constipation is more common that the other two, so let us discuss on how a patient with this can help ease the condition.

1. Get a lot of water intake
When you do this you prevent the stool from hardening. More water also means a cleansing of the impure elements present in the body.

2. Get Fiber supplements
We all know that fiber is good for you. Well, if you are not getting enough fiber in your diet, you can take supplements. Fiber softens the stool, thereby making bowel movement easier for you to manage. Do not go for the insoluble fiber variety. Not only is it hard for the stomach to work on such intake, but it can also trigger off the IBS patterns, the opposite of what you want. The best way to get a good fiber intake is through fruits and vegetables.

3. Stress management
Stress is the cause of many bodily disorders not just IBS. When you wish to defecate, if you are already suffering from IBS you are ready for pain which stresses you out and increases its possibility. try and relax and get your mind off the pain, and it will make things easier for you. Relaxing does just that to your muscles - help them relax. So your mind can play a big role in the function of your body.

4. Do not overeat.
If you are already facing a digestive disorder like IBS, it is asking for trouble if you tend to overeat. Have small and nutritious meals.

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You may find many people experiencing a symptom for irritable bowel syndrome feel depressed about it. Although IBS is considered a "syndrome" meaning that there are a number of signs and symptoms that characterize the condition, many people can suffer with some of the same signs and symptoms and not have IBS.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition, which reduces the quality of life. It can effect people physically and psychologically, and dictate many of ways someone has to conduct their life as the symptoms can be sudden.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the lower digestive tract that is characterized by a mixture of symptoms. The symptoms for irritable bowel syndrome may differ from person to person. However the main symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, and abnormal bowel habits such as diarrhea and constipation.

It has been observed that any one symptom typically predominates in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome.

Many patients' report of diarrhea being the chief complaint during an irritable bowel attack. Such patients feel a strong need to relieve themselves many times throughout the day and they pass loose, watery stools.

Patients suffering from constipation may have fewer than three bowel movements a week. Some patients of irritable bowel syndrome experience alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation. Some patients feel as if they are not able to void completely. They may also experience bloating and pass excessive amounts of gas.

The majority of patients never bother to seek help from a doctor and simply endure their symptoms. Some others feel reluctant to leave home during an attack because of pain or the urgency to have bowel movement.

In people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, the muscles of the bowel wall go into spasm. In a normal person, regular contractions of the muscles in the wall of the digestive track propel the contents forward. In IBS patients, the muscle spasms hinder this smooth movement resulting in diarrhea or constipation.

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While factors such as diet and stress can trigger the muscle spasms, it is thought that one of the main possible causes of IBS appears to be the way the brain and bowel communicate. Some researches have indicated that patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have a more heightened awareness of pain in their digestive systems than people without irritable bowel syndrome do. This hypersensitivity is considered to trigger the intestinal spasms, and is the basis of abdominal pain/discomfort.

In order to diagnose irritable bowel syndrome in a patient, a physician needs to rule out other possible diseases. A physician performs physical examination of the patient and goes through the medical history of the patient.

The physician will ask questions about the symptoms and then may suggest laboratory tests. These tests help in ruling out other diseases and may include complete blood count (CBC), thyroid function, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and urinalysis.

Depending on symptoms, physician may also recommend additional tests such as lactose tolerance test and a check for the presence of blood, bacteria, and parasites in feces. If the laboratory tests and physical exam do not suggest any other disease, the physician may diagnose irritable bowel syndrome in the patient.

IBS is not very well understood and very few drugs show consistent results. Many patients of IBS are often switched from drug to drug to control the abnormal bowel habits including antidepressants or medications that affect serotonin receptors.

However, for most patients, the best therapy is natural, based on dietary supplements that encourage healthy digestion. Also lifestyle changes can bring each symptom for irritable bowel syndrome under control.

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Found throughout the temperate waters and polar coastal oceans of the world, kelp belongs to the brown algae family and the order Luminariales. It is a fast growing algae creating kelp forests which are very important in the marine ecosystem.

Kelp has been researched extensively over the years and it is used widely in the making of nutritional supplements. The varieties of kelp that are harvested and used in supplements are laminaria, rockweed and bladderwrack. There is no doubt that seaweed's health benefits and it is a very inexpensive and natural way of adding these benefits to your diet and life style.

Sea kelp is very high in minerals and vitamins. This seaweed is rich in vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K and contains vital minerals like, iodine, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and phosphorus. With all these nutrients there is no wonder that kelp is considered so beneficial to good health.

Research has shown that because of its high content of iodine, it can help alleviate the problems with the thyroid gland, especially with hypothyroidism and goiter. Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland to function properly. Iodine is required by the thyroid gland to synthesize hormones that are essential for growth and development.

This seaweed also helps to effectively regulate the pituitary gland. Apart from the pituitary gland it can provide health benefits for the pancreas and prostate, and may even prevent the growth of tumors. Sea vegetables have also been associated with improved liver functions, lowering of cholesterol, lowering of blood pressure, helping relieving arthritis and rheumatism, along with curbing appetite and weight loss. Once again, I have to repeat my title, kelp really is a super food.

Even though it such a great food there may be some side effects for some people when it introduced into their diet. The most common side effects may include, nausea, diarrhea and allergic reactions like, itchiness or hives, watery and itchy eyes, and shortness of breath. Today, some people are saying that because of the increasing levels of pollutants in our oceans the kelp may do us harm.

Because kelp is a blood thinner, it can interact with drugs like aspirin and other medications used to control high blood pressure. Therefore, if you have a medical condition, it is very important to consult your physician before you introduce kelp into your diet.

I truly feel that the good really out weighs the bad in this scenario but precautions have to be taken to make sure you are getting highest quality of kelp available or are taking a supplement with kelp or seaweed in it.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, is a condition that pertains to any alteration of function in the gastrointestinal tract. It's characterized by bowel movements with abdominal pain, discomfort and bloating. It affects anyone at any age but it is more common in young adults and adolescents. It is one of the most common intestinal disorders.

There is no exact cause of IBS, but researchers proposed some theories about it. One theory stated that it occurs after having an intestinal infection. This is called post-infection. Other factors have been found that connected IBS with depression, anxiety and prolonged fever.

Symptoms may be mild or severe, depending on the severity of the illness and depending on the part that has an alteration of function. They may also be exacerbated by bacterial growth. The primary symptoms are abdominal pain, discomfort, abdominal distention, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation. Symptoms usually occur after meals and the intensity may lessen or go away after a bowel movement. Some people will have frequent watery stools which are very difficult to control. Others suffer difficulty in eliminating due to constipation. The symptoms may get worse and other people may even have fluctuating symptoms. Other symptoms include headache, body malaise or generalized weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Fluid and electrolyte imbalance is a common complication as a result of excessive diarrhea. This must be corrected as soon as possible to prevent systemic effects. Oral rehydration solution should be taken for diarrhea to prevent dehydration and imbalance of fluids and electrolytes.

High-fiber diet and increased fluid intake is also good at easing symptoms, especially if constipated. In addition, a change of lifestyle like having regular intake of meals, regular exercise, and smoking cessation can manage, prevent, or minimize the symptoms of IBS. It is also important to avoid drinking too much alcohol and too much caffeine because these may further irritate the GIT.

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Do you suffer from chronic hemorrhoids? If your answer is yes then just maybe you need to make a change in your lifestyle. A cure for long standing hemorrhoids can be as easy as make a few alterations to your daily routine. Behavior and practices that have become embedded in your everyday life need to be reassessed to prevent the hemorrhoids from coming back and to keep away from having surgery.

Today, fast and simple meals are commonplace to those who experience daily life that is often hectic. The result is that these unwholesome choices results in neglecting proper nutrition thus affecting the digestive process.

Diets rich in fiber help to strengthen rectal valves and veins both in and around the area of the anus. As well, fiber also helps to make the stool softer, making it easier to pass the stool.

Excellent sources of natural fiber can be found in grains, cereals, whole wheat pastas and various fruits and vegetables. You may also consider the use of fiber supplements. For women consuming at least 22 grams of fiber and for men at least 35 grams of fiber is the recommended daily intake. Most labels on foods products have the fiber content listed under 'Nutrition Facts' section.

Being aware of what your diet consists of is the key ingredient in making the correct food choice. Dry, hard stool that leads to constipation is the result of eating processed food low in fiber and high in carbohydrates.

Hemorrhoids are the result of excessive pressure in the rectum due to recurring constipation. On the other hand frequent diarrhea can also cause hemorrhoids. Fatty foods, excess alcohol and/or caffeine, and some medications have also been known to create stool that is watery.

Frequent diarrhea can damage the veins in the rectal area. To promote regular and healthy bowel movements you should drink a minimum of six glasses of water per day.

Regular exercise as well as a healthy diet is an important factor in preventing hemorrhoids. Sitting around all day either at work or watching TV is unnatural and therefore unhealthy resulting in creating the perfect environment for hemorrhoids. Exercise suitable for your health and your age, promotes natural movement in the digestive system, and also encourages a healthy weight, and alleviates anxiety.

In order to realize a long-term cure for hemorrhoids it is important to practice good toilet habits. When the urge presents itself it is time to move your bowels. To delay it, results in the stool becoming dry and hard and therefore possible constipation.

When you need to eliminate, do it as fast as possible to lessen the effect of straining. Moisture and feces left behind contribute to hemorrhoids so make sure you wipe cleanly and completely after each bowel movement. Also, bathing or showering daily will remove any dirt and perspiration.

Living a healthy lifestyle and caring for yourself is normally enough to cure long term hemorrhoids. It is very rare that surgery is required for the cure. If however, those hemorrhoids despite your best efforts refuse to go away, consult your doctor.

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