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When you're a puppy owner, the chances are good that you'll encounter puppy diarrhea sooner or later! It's a fairly common problem which can have several different causes, some minor, but some very serious.

Diarrhea in puppies can be one of the first, major symptoms of some very nasty, contagious and even, potentially fatal, illnesses. However, it can also be the result of a simple change in diet or too much excitement! Knowing how to tell the difference, and when to seek help without delay, could literally be a lifesaver for your puppy.

Puppy diarrhea can range from a soft, chocolate pudding consistency to a jet of water... and all the stages in between. The more liquid the stool, the more serious the diarrhea, which increases your puppy's risk of dehydration.

Soft, 'melted ice-cream to chocolate pudding' stool

This could be the result of a sudden change in diet. Such as when a puppy goes to his new home and is given a different brand of dog food. To avoid this, always make the change over a gradual one. Replace some of the familiar food with the new one, and slowly (over a period of a week or so) increase the new while decreasing the old.

Diarrhea like this in puppies can also be caused by exposure to stress, such as traveling, visiting the veterinarian or adjusting to a new home. Or maybe your pup's been snacking on left-over's from the trash can...it's a pretty safe bet that a midnight snack of cold pizza or banana peel is going to result in puppy diarrhea tomorrow.

With this kind of diarrhea, and in the absence of any other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy or loss of appetite, your best course of action is to withhold food for 24 hours to allow your pup's little tummy to settle down. Do make sure that you give him access to plenty of fresh water though. If his condition deteriorates or is not improved by the next day, call your vet immediately.

Young puppies can become seriously dehydrated in as little as 24 to 48 hours, so it's vital to keep the fluids coming. You can add some unflavored Paedialyte (available in the baby section of your local grocery store or pharmacy) to his drinking bowl if you'd like. If your puppy won't/can't drink, or is vomiting, you need to get in touch with your veterinarian for advice right away.

The water-jet variety

Puppy diarrhea that's watery, or contains mucous, could be a symptom of one of several very serious and potentially fatal dog illnesses. Although there are often accompanying symptoms, such as vomiting or lethargy, this kind of diarrhea shouldn't be ignored even if seen on it's own.

A bad case of worms (such as roundworms) or a parasitic infection, such as Coccidia or Giardia are all possibilities. As are serious, infectious diseases such as Corona Virus, Hepatitis and others. These conditions are very potentially very dangerous, and need immediate veterinary attention. Treatment usually involves the administration of fluids to combat dehydration, and antibiotics to treat the disease or secondary infections.

If the puppy diarrhea shows any indication of blood (often seen as red or brown streaks), it's a red flag. Emergency veterinary care is a must...even if it means driving 40 miles to the 24 hour emergency clinic! This is a classic symptom of the deadly disease, Parvovirus, which can literally kill a puppy within a day (or less). If you're in ANY DOUBT at all, call your veterinarian, or go to an 'after hours' clinic.

It's important to realize that puppy diarrhea, although not an unusual occurrence, has the potential to be the sign of a serious disease. If, after further investigation, you find that your puppy's upset tummy is just the natural consequence of eating stolen meatloaf, be grateful (and think about finding a more secure trash can lid!).

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Allergy is a term broadly used in describing a reaction of body tissues that is unusual to a substance that has no distinctive or noticeable effect on other humans. According to studies, about 17 out of every 100 Americans are allergic, or hypersensitive, to some substances which are known to cause unusual reactions.

These substances, more known as allergens, range from various irritants, such as pollens, mold spores, insect venoms, animal dander, and house dust. There are some who are allergic to substances in soap. Some react differently to the smell of a flower.

Below are the most common types of allergies.

- Food Allergies - ignited by certain food types
- Anaphylaxis - triggered by drugs, food, or insect stings
- Respiratory Allergies - triggered by allergens which are airborne
- Contact Allergies - triggered by skin-affecting allergens
- Insect Sting Allergies - triggered by insect venom

Here are mild as well as severe symptoms that are associated with these common types of allergy.

Since each person may have unique reactions from these allergies, your symptoms might vary or may have some or all of the listed reactions. Consult your doctor if the symptoms have become persistent or severe.

Food Allergies

Symptoms of an allergy caused by certain food types usually happen within some minutes after you ingested food allergens, although there are some that would only occur after several hours. The symptoms may only happen to areas around the lips, mouth, and digestive tract, or could also involve other body areas. Foods that commonly result to allergic reactions are eggs, nuts, milk, fish, soy, shellfish, and wheat.

Mild Symptoms:

- Tingling, itching, or swelling of your mouth, tongue, lips, or throat
- Tightness feeling in your throat
- Difficulty speaking or swallowing
- Nausea
- Indigestion and abdominal cramps
- Vomiting and diarrhea
- Skin rashes
- Coughing, congestion, wheezing, or sneezing
- Runny, stuffy, or itchy nose

Severe Symptoms:

- Breathing difficulties
- Sweating, dizziness, and faintness
- Rapid or sudden heart rate increase
- Sudden inability or hoarseness to speak
- Extreme and sudden facial itching and swelling
- Anaphylaxis


Anaphylaxis is a severe, sudden, and potentially fatal reaction that has symptoms affecting various body areas. Symptoms commonly manifest very quickly after some exposure to allergens and may include extreme itching all over your body, total swelling of the body, respiratory distress, swelling, and may cause shock that is life endangering. Anaphylaxis requires urgent medical attention. The reaction is most commonly a result of drug, insect sting, or food allergies.

Symptoms include:

- Skin flushing
- Itching or tingling around your body
- Mouth swelling as well as in the throat area
- Difficulty breathing and swallowing
- Tightening of your chest
- Agitation, confusion, or lightheadedness
- Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, or diarrhea
- Irregular heartbeat

In some severe cases shock might occur. The swelling of your body's bronchial tissues might cause you to choke before losing consciousness. An abrupt drop in your blood pressure as a result of dilated blood vessels might also cause you to lose consciousness.

In cases that cause anaphylactic shock, it is necessary that you get treatment immediately. Without prompt medical attention, anaphylactic shock might prove fatal.

Respiratory Allergies

Symptoms of respiratory allergies frequently occur after a few hours of exposure and usually trigged by allergens that are airborne like animal dander, plant pollens, mold spores, and dust mites.

Mild Symptoms:

- Wheezing or coughing
- Sneezing
- Itchy throat or nose
- Postnasal drip
- Smell sense is impaired
- Hoarseness in the throat
- Congestion
- Red, itchy, swollen, or watery eyes
- Clogged or runny nose with thin and clear mucus
- Conjunctivitis
- Fatigue

Severe Symptoms:

- Shortness and difficulty in breathing
- Chest tightness and pain

Contact Allergies
Symptoms that occur as a result of contact allergies usually happen within a few minutes after your allergen exposure, although there are symptoms that may occur after several hours. Common allergens are poison ivy and poison oak, rubber, nickel, latex, preservatives, dyes, fragrances, medications, and cosmetics like perfume and hair dye. Nickel, a metal frequently used in buttons, jewelry, hairpins, zippers, metal clips and snaps, is the frequent source of the allergy. Sun exposure might also give you reactions.

Mild Symptoms:

- A bumpy or itchy rash
- Fluid-filled bumps on your skin
- Swelling or redness of your skin
- Hives
- Eczema

Severe Symptoms:

- Anaphylaxis

Insect Sting Allergies

Symptoms caused by insect sting allergies usually happen after a few minutes after you got stung, although there may be symptoms happening after some hours. Insect venoms cause these allergic reactions, like those from wasps, bees, hornets, fire ants, and yellow jackets.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you noticed that older people seem to be obsessed with being regular? I know it may sound amusing, but the older people get, it seems the more concerns with constipation they have. In fact, constipation is one of the most common ailments in people over age 65, especially women, accounting for most of the 4 million Americans who are affected by it.

While it's true that a decreased metabolism past age 40 can contribute to constipation, unless you have a specific medical condition that creates constipation, it does NOT have to be a chronic condition of getting older. Allow me to explain about bowel function and constipation.

What Is Constipation?

Constipation is the inability to empty your bowel completely on a regular basis. Normally, the colon absorbs water from food and forms waste matter, or stool. It then moves it to the rectum where it stays until you have a bowel movement. Constipation occurs when the stool is too dry and/or the colon's muscles contract too slowly.

Types of Constipation

There are basically 3 categories of constipation. They are:

•Functional: Usually caused by incomplete nutritional, water, exercise requirements, or certain food or drugs. Most people will fall into this category, especially women.
•Idiopathic: Unknown, may not respond to traditional treatment. Usually nerve damage or blockages can be involved. Can require manual removal procedures periodically.
•Irritable bowel syndrome: Results from a spastic condition of the muscles of the bowel, moving too much resulting in diarrhea, and then too little resulting in constipation.

What Causes Constipation?

As you can see, functional constipation is the most common type. It also has the widest variety of causes which can happen at any age! The up side of functional constipation is that with some easy lifestyle and nutritional changes, this type of constipation can be remedied fairly easily. Here are some reasons why it occurs:

•Decreased fluids intake - the colon depends on adequate levels of water to create waste that moves properly through your colon. If water is inadequate, stool becomes hard and dry, and becomes impacted in the colon. Daily water intake: divide your weight in half. If you weigh 200 lb, drink 100 oz water daily.
•Too little fiber - always, I stress the importance of the right amount of fiber in your diet. The American Dietetic Association recommends 20-35 grams a day. Guess what most Americans consume? About 5-10 grams a day! Without enough fiber, your colon cannot form solid waste, resulting in either watery diarrhea or pellet-like stool, both of which create uncomfortable and unhealthy bowel emptying.
•Medications - many OTC and prescription drugs can cause constipation because they absorb water from the colon which can result in hard, dry stool. These include: pain pills (especially Vicodin, oxycodone, other narcotics), aluminum or calcium containing antacids, calcium channel type blood pressure pills, Parkinson drugs, antispasmodic drugs, iron pills, diuretics, antiseizure drugs. Ask your doctor if your medication could be contributing to your constipation.
•Lack of exercise - your colon is a muscle like all other muscles of your body and is affected by exercise or the lack of it. Without regular physical activity, colonic muscles can become weak and unable to contract properly. Colonic inertia, or lack of movement, occurs and constipation results. Twenty to thirty minutes a day of actual physical movement, i.e., walking, riding a bike, swimming, golfing, can go a long way to help you stay regular.
•Certain health conditions - thyroid disease, diabetes and metabolic resistance, spinal cord and other nervous system disorders, hypercalcemia (too much blood calcium), lupus, scleroderma. Tumors, intestinal obstructions, surgical scar tissue, diverticulosis, all can create constipation.

Symptoms of Constipation

Most of us know when we're constipated and just can't seem to go. We feel:

•Sluggish - from toxins in waste that keep getting released into the blood stream.
•Bloated - you can gain up to 10 lbs from constipation causing your belly to stick out.
•Crampy - impaction of waste can cause painful cramping when it cannot pass easily.

Aging and Constipation

As I mentioned above, as we get older our metabolisms slow down. This can occur as early as age 40. Hormone changes occur in both males and females that can affect metabolism. We start burning fewer calories and we can gain weight.

If we stop getting regular physical activity our muscles can become weak and lose their tone. Remember, the muscles of the colon are like other body muscles. The less active you are, the weaker they become. The key, then, is to boost your metabolism, and your muscle strength, by maintaining optimal nutritional levels, getting regular physical activity that you enjoy, and doing some strength building exercise with weights.

Avoid Constipation At Any Age

As I recommend to my patients, there are many things you can do to prevent/remedy constipation. Doing a few of these together helps ensure that you stay regular at any age!

•Limit saturated fats - animal fats act as a binder that can contribute to constipation.
•Strength training - 20 minutes, 3 x a week will keep your muscles from shrinking and becoming weaker. You can use free weights or weight machine equipment.
•Don't postpone the urge - many people ignore the initial "urge signal" to have a bowel movement and wait much longer than they should to go. This can lead to constipation.
•Short-term relief - I don't recommend using laxatives on a continuous basis as your body can become dependent on them. However, there are some excellent over-the-counter (OTC) herbal-based aids such as senna, or Dulcolax, or preparations containing cascara sagrada (such as Dieter's Tea, bought in health food stores in the tea section) that are very helpful in getting past a bout of constipation.
•Check magnesium levels - as we get older, we can become deficient in magnesium, which can contribute to constipation as well as muscle cramps. 400 mg a day is key.
•De-Stress - life events can cause us to carry a lot of tension in our muscles from stress. The more you can let go of tension, the less trouble you'll have with constipation.
•Detox - upon arising, squeeze 翻 fresh lemon into a cup of hot water (sweeten if you want) and drink down. This not only helps cleanse your bowel, but also helps remove toxins from your liver.
•Olive oil - 1 tablespoon a day can help you stay regular and help your heart!

Constipation can be an uncomfortable and frustrating condition at any age. However, it doesn't have to be a chronic part of your life just because you're past age 40! Remember, too, what's normal for one person may not be normal for you, so it may be counterproductive comparing your habits to someone else.

As long as you are eliminating about 4 times a week, you're within healthy bowel activity. Following the suggestions outlined here, however, should keep you moving happily along, no matter how many candles you put on your birthday cake!

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It is not uncommon for people aged over 20 to suffer from the condition commonly referred to as the irritable bowel syndrome. Though it is very commonly diagnosed people prefer not to discuss this issue with others.

Frequent stomach cramps, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation characterize Irritable Bowel Syndrome known as IBS in short. It leads to a great amount of discomfort and leaves the sufferer in distress though no permanent harm is done.

Though IBS is common among many patients and so are their problems, the symptoms of IBS are varied. This makes diagnosis a bit difficult.

Some of the people suffering from IBS, experience only a single symptom like constipation. This is characterized by straining or cramping with only minimal amount of stool released. Some people experience mucus, which moistens digestive tracts, released in their stool along with bowel.

Some others have more serious symptoms like diarrhea which causes release of watery stools which is both uncontrollable and frequent. Some others suffer from alternate attacks of diarrhea and constipation.

It is wrong to imagine that the syndrome has stopped when the symptoms cease. Some people in fact find irritable bowel syndrome more difficult to tolerate months after the symptoms cease.

Though IBS is reported all around the world regularly, the exact causes of this syndrome have not been determined. Many researchers have come to a common conclusion that it is related to colon and that large bowel may be reactive to stress and food consumed.

Many others believe that inefficiency of the immune system is the chief cause of IBS.

These IBS patients also commonly suffer from irregular movement or motility in the large colon. This is referred to medically as spasmodic movement. Some others experience intestinal movement temporarily ceasing.

Bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tracts have also been often linked to the causes of IBS. Researches have observed that people who have previously developed gastroenteritis have an increased chance of developing IBS too.

Irritable bowel syndrome is found to heighten when a person is susceptible to stress and anxiety. This in turn aggravates IBS. Also many IBS symptoms cause anxiety and depression.

Study of some other patients has led to the general opinion that celiac disease and IBS may be interrelated. Celiac disease is a person's inability to digest a substance present in rye, barley, wheat flour and other substances that help coagulating bread called gluten. The immune system of celiac disease patients is affected and it damages the small intestine when gluten is consumed. The presence or absence of celiac disease can be confirmed using blood tests.

However, among female sufferers of IBS, the symptoms were found to get worse in their menstrual period.

These commonly observed factors are the 'supposed causes' of movement of bowel internally. There is constant research in the medical and scientific circles for a definite and feasible cure for easing out of this syndrome.

People have found various things that can give temporary relief from IBS. These are mainly centered at avoiding certain trigger foods that can cause symptoms that lead to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Also there are many activities that are suggested which are known to lessen the effects and chances of appearance of these symptoms. Abstinence from alcoholic drinks, avoiding large means, reducing consumption of caffeine, tea, chocolates and colas and using wheat based food items are recommended.

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If you are reading this page you are probably wondering if you have Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism. Most people have just a few of the symptoms, but they are very representative and clear, such as, heart palpitations when they are not a result of normal physical activity, menstrual period that has been the same for years and now you are experiencing changes, losing a lot of weight without any particular reason. In those cases- I would say trust your intuition and if you think that something may be wrong, it's better to check and find out earlier than later.

As Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism are usually "booked" for women 45-55 years old, and this also is the period when most of them get into menopause, all the symptoms can be usually mistaken for menopause symptoms, or panic attack related symptoms, or just nervousness due to stress.

If you find that you have 3-5 of these symptoms present, you should inform your doctor and insist on further tests.

1. Excessive sweating
2. Heat intolerance
3. Increased bowel movements
4. Tremor (usually fine shaking)
5. Rapid heart rate
6. Weight loss
7. Decreased concentration
8. Pretibial myxedema (lumpy, reddish-colored thickening of the skin, usually on the shins)
9. Weakness
10. Shortness of breath
11. Double vision
12. Muscle wasting
13. Mental impairment, memory lapses, diminished attention span
14. Brittle nails
15. Diminished sex drive
16. Abnormal breast enlargement (men)
17. Goiter (enlarged thyroid gland)
18. Nervousness, agitation
19. Trembling hands
20. Irritability
21. Fatigue
22. Insomnia (inability to get enough sleep)
23. Diarrhea
24. Protruding eyeballs (Graves' disease only)
25. Decrease in menstrual periods (oligomenorrhea), Irregular and scant menstrual flow (Amenorrhea)
26. Eye irritation
27. Change in the sex drive
28. Hair loss
29. Increased sweating
30. Heat intolerance
31. Unexplained weight loss despite increased appetite
32. Itchy skin, hives
33. Heart palpitations
34. Memory loss
35. Restlessness
36. Tachycardia (rapid heart rate: 100-120 beats per minute, or higher)
37. Arrhythmia (irregular heart beat)
38. Elevated blood pressure
39. Erratic behavior
40. Chronic sinus infections
41. Eye pain, irritation, or the feeling of grit or sand in the eyes
42. Swelling or redness of eyes or eyelids/eyelid retraction
43. Sensitivity to light
44. Difficulty conceiving/infertility/recurrent miscarriage
45. Hypertension
46. Lumpy, reddish skin of the lower legs (pretibial myxedema)
47. Smooth, velvety skin
48. Increased appetite
49. Increased energy
50. Muscle weakness (especially in the large muscles of the arms and legs) and degeneration

Out of the above 50 symptoms there are 5 that usually stand out and many times the doctor can suggest a diagnose based on them, and of course require further thyroid blood tests to confirm the correctness of the diagnose. These 5 very specific symptoms are as follows:

1. Protruded, watery eyes, light-sensitive, sand feeling
2. Palpitations and shortness of breath, especially when resting
3. Significant weight loss, but increased appetite
4. Insomnia or trouble sleeping
5. Emotional sensitivity, irritability

If you have any of the above mentioned symptoms, please consult your family practitioner so the corresponding thyroid tests will be performed, usually your TSH, FT3 and FT4 will be enough to determine if you have a hyperthyroid condition or Grave's disease.

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Tokays are generally easy to maintain. However, sometimes your Tokays will suffer from health issues. Whether they had these health issues before you bought them (especially if they were caught in the wild) or may have risen because of stress or because of a poor husbandry, it is best that you know these different health problems that your gecko may suffer from to be able to address them appropriately.

Loss of Appetite

There are several reasons why your Tokay may refuse to eat. One of the most dangerous and causes rapid weight loss to your geckos is the presence of internal parasites. When this happens, it is best that you immediately seek the help of your veterinarian (herp vet). Emergency feedings are usually done to replace the lost nutrients (however, this may require the prescription of your vet to avoid unnecessary side effects). Stress and low temperature are also among the most common reasons of appetite loss in Tokays.


Vomiting is common in hatchlings or baby geckos. They usually regurgitate if they have eaten too much food. However, this should not happen too often. Baby Tokays usually learn their lesson fast and eat just enough food the next time. If you found undigested foods in the cage very often, this can be sign of a serious condition and you should consult your vet as soon as possible.


The characteristics of your Tokay's droppings greatly depend on the food stock and the amount of water you're providing them. However, you should watch for loose and watery droppings which may contain blood or undigested foods because these can be signs of a more serious problem. It is best that you take a few samples of your Tokay's droppings to your vet for further examination.

Infections of the Eyes

Tokays usually suffer from eye infections throughout their life span. Eye infections can be caused by foreign objects, a wound your Tokay sustained from another animals in the tank, or as a result of abnormal shedding. A swelling around the eyes or difficulty in opening the eyes can be observed in geckos with eye infections. Your vet may prescribe eye drops or in worst cases may perform a surgery to expel the puss or fluid that had accumulated around the eyes to avoid further escalation of the problem or to avoid blindness.

Infections on the Skin

If you're using soil as a substrate or when your substrate is damp, more likely your Tokays may suffer from skin infections. This are usually seen in the underbelly (but it should be noted that it can be found anywhere in your Tokay's body). A small black or brown spots can be seen in the affected areas (toes and underbelly). It is best that you place your Tokay in a separate tank with a tissue or any dry surface as a substrate to promote faster recovery and healing. Your vet may also advise the application of some ointments.

Respiratory Issues

The common sign of a respiratory infection is breathing difficulty (Tokays affected usually exhibit a gaping mouth). Extreme cold temperatures are one of the known reasons for this condition. Regularly check your heat source and make sure that it provides the right temperature for your Tokays.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You can learn a lot about your dog's health and nutrition by what I call "Poop Patrol". I'm serious. Don't wait until the vet asks for a fecal sample. Learn by observation about dog digestion, causes of diarrhea, constipation in dogs and more.

General Guidelines

In general, the cheaper the dog food, the bigger the feces. Not only is it full of fillers, there are additives in highly processed dog food to firm up the stool so your dog may strain a bit more too.

If the smell gags you, your dog needs a new food plan. If it turns moldy instead of decomposing, a diet change is in order. If you spot flecks of bright colors, encourage your children to put away the crayons. You should watch your dog poop often, especially when changing foods, adding foods or treats, or after the disappearance of any small toys.

Distance Observation

If the whole idea makes you feel uncomfortable or even a little nauseous, start with observation from a distance. With this method you can look for:

  • Straining - Constipation in dogs or a blockage

  • Runny poop - Soft is okay but runny or liquid needs attention. This can be a sign of dog digestion problems or food allergies. Fast the dog for a day or feed brown rice with a little meat.

  • Hangers - This describes either constipation or a foreign object like string that can be backed up into the intestines and need snipping off with scissors to avoid internal damage by pulling.

  • Stinky poop - If you can smell it from a distance, seriously consider a change of menu.

Close-up Inspection

While being a close-up fecal detective may not be on you list of fun things to do - do it anyway. After all, your dog can't tell you what's bothering him and the vet probably won't have enough information to give you a positive diagnosis.

Here are a few things to look and smell for:

  • Smelly poop - Yes I'm mentioning it again because I can't believe how much I've learned this way. If it stinks, imagine how your dog's tummy felt before it came out.

  • Mucus on dog stool - Is an attempt to rid the body of toxins so do daily checks to be sure it disappears.

  • Size - Yes size. If your dog has big poop, there's a LOT of filler in his or her food.

  • Rocky turds - These dense, usually small poops, indicate probable straining and show lack of good fiber. Get some fresh pulverized veggies or plain canned pumpkin in the food bowl.

  • Identifiable food - Like whole corn kernels, shows a total lack of dog digestion, so omit these things from your dog's diet.

  • Foreign objects - Bits of paper or plastic mean your dog is sneaking things that can really hurt him. I was serious about flecks of color. Every dog or cat I've had that was exposed to crayons, ate them at least once. Smell a Crayola sometime. They smell great.

  • Signs of life - If anything is moving, keep watching. It could be worms.

  • Grain of rice - Is what tapeworms look like in dog poop before they stretch out. If you observe this, get a stick or something to poke at it and make it move. It could be time for a natural dewormer.

To sum it up, I have learned a lot about dog health through feces. Little did I know when I changed my dogs' diet 18 months ago that I would also change the look and smell of my yard. When my five large dogs were on inexpensive dog kibble, the yard smelled awful. No one wanted to venture out back and I hated cleanup time. Ten poops a day add up quickly.

Lo and behold when my dogs began eating raw meat, raw vegetables and cooked whole grains, their feces stopped smelling, were half the size and disappeared by decomposing within seven days. Now I can sit out back, breathe in the fresh air and enjoy watching my healthy happy dogs.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Before we get to discuss the problems surrounding stomach flu and understand the causes of this disease, it is really critical to understand what it is. The cells surrounding the small intestine get infected with the virus and undergo damage. They start producing leaky fluid like substance which in turn results in watery stools. This is often given the term dehydration or diarrhea. Sometimes this becomes very severe that the infected person gets stuck to the toilet continuously for days.

As such, dehydration proves to be one of the most visible stomach flu symptoms on date.

Infection Causing Agents

Now that we have an idea on the flu symptoms, it is good to know about the infection causing agents when it comes to this infection.

Rotavirus is the major cause of stomach flu in children under the age of 5. If rotavirus infects the intestinal walls of kids, they suffer from symptoms that include fever, vomiting and dehydration which can prolong for a period of 2-5 days. In case of adults, the symptoms are definitely mild and the disease is rarely acute.

Norovirus is yet another virus that can cause this disease. This belongs to the group of calcivirus. To be really visible, it takes at least 3 days for the infection to really show up in the form of fever, fatigue, vomiting, headache or prolonged muscle aches within the system. This is very analogous to astrovirus which is again a flu causing agent in humans. The only difference between the above 2 viruses is the fact that the latter is utterly contagious and affects people with reduced immunity.

Adnovirus has also proven to be a stomach flu causing agent in case of infants under 2 years of age.

Possible Measures To get rid of Stomach Flu

Since we already have an idea of stomach flu symptoms and the viruses that cause this disease, it is really important that we understand that we cannot do anything much to get out of it till it runs its course. But we can always try to alleviate the distress caused by this health problem.

There can be times when a person may not be ill due to flu but still has the ability to pass on this virus to the next person. Getting infected and undergoing the distress depends on the unique nature of the individual's system.

Just follow the following tips and try alleviating the pain caused due to stomach flu with ease

- Make sure you take complete rest since you would loose much from your body due to the dehydration process that had set in
- Drink as much fluids as possible. The diarrhea would have drained the fluids in your system. So opt for electrolyte of glucose. This can boost your energy level and can also get back your fluid levels to normal.
- Ensure that you keep yourself clean. Wash your hands before and after meals. If you change diapers make sure you wash them soon after that. This would help in preventing the spread of this infection with ease.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have problems with their colon. This condition is being suffered by millions of people. IBS can come with extreme pain and discomfort. This explains why it is extremely important to treat and manage the condition. You can do this by following a tried and tested irritable bowel syndrome diet. This diet dictates what food you should eat and what foods you should avoid.

Take note that this diet is not for weight loss. The diet's main function is to aid in managing and treating the usual IBS symptoms. This just indicates that diarrhea and constipation can be treated by this diet. The main function of this diet is to help improve the quality of life of the individual. The discomfort and pain of the symptoms will be managed by the diet. The common symptoms of IBS include the following: diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal discomfort, excessive stomach gas, and abdominal cramping.

Choosing the irritable bowel syndrome diet can really be challenging. This is because IBS can either manifest with diarrhea or constipation. These two types can have different effects in the body. This indicates that one should use a specific approach for each. IBS with constipation includes the following symptoms: slower bowel movement, hard and dry stools, and straining during defecating. Diarrhea includes the following symptoms: loose and watery stools, faster bowel movement, and frequent urge to defecate. There are specific diets for each of these conditions. However, there are cases where the individual has both symptoms. When this occurs, it would really be hard to decide which diet to use.

IBS diet does not really apply to all patients. It is a given that such diet involves listing the foods required to be eaten and foods prohibited. However, patients with IBS respond to the same food differently. The best option is to let the patient undergo some sort of trial and error. If you follow this method, you will surely get to know the foods that are safe to eat, and foods that should be avoided. Patients with IBS must really change his diet.

Part of the diet is to get rid of certain drinks and foods. The following are found to worsen the condition and the symptoms; thus, they must be avoided: processed foods, chocolate, foods rich in sulfur, alcohol, fried foods, acidic foods, caffeinated foods and drinks, carbonated drinks, fatty foods, red meat, and dairy products. Eating too much should be avoided. You should try dividing your meals into 5-6 small ones. This will help promote healthier digestion. This can also control your eating habits.

Drinking plenty of water will really help if your IBS is linked to constipation. You should also increase your intake of fiber. With fiber and fiber, your stool will be soften. Take note that dry and hard stools are experienced by patients with constipation. But you should not take too much fiber. You must increase it gradually since fiber can trigger stomach gas. The following foods are rich sources of fiber: peas, cabbage, broccoli, lima beans, peaches, apples, cereals, and whole grain bread. You should also eat the following sources of soluble fiber: rice, yam, wheat bread, carrots, soy products, pasta, cereals, beets, papaya, bananas, mangoes, oatmeal, and potatoes.

There are also other remedies for IBS. But without the aid of IBS aid, the treatment will not be that effective. This explains why you really have to follow an Irritable bowel syndrome diet. It can really help the patient control the symptoms. With such diet, you'll have a more effective and faster treatment. But if you really want to make sure, you should live a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly.

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This is a small virus which is in fact highly contagious. People get this virus by the intake of contaminated materials with little portion of infected fluids or feces. Contamination of food and water may occur during processing and handling. This is also not a rare virus and is considered very common. In fact, it is usually the main cause of gastroenteritis in America. Watery diarrhea, vomiting or a combination of both is what people may experience if they are already infected with the virus. This virus has been around in a couple of years now. Although this is not a fatal virus, people must still know how to deal with this and how to not spread it accidentally. The sickness will actually manifest for 2 to 3 days. It is said that there is no direct or specific treatment for this kind of virus. But what you must do if ever you are already infected is you should stay constantly hydrated. Infected people are advised to take electrolytes to help hydrate them. This is very important because vomiting and watery diarrhea may worsen the dehydration.

How is this transmitted?

The infection manifests when people have ingested contaminated materials. And this will result to diarrhea and vomiting which can be a factor to contaminate the environment where they are at. When people vomit, they sometimes spread particles of the virus which is very dangerous for people around the infected person. Direct contact with the infected person may also be a factor of acquiring the virus. If you are taking care of a person who is infected, it is very important for you to wash your hands thoroughly to be safe and protected from this virus. If you are in an environment where there is even one infected person, you must never put your hands in your mouth or even near it to prevent transmission of the virus.


Usually, people get sick within the day he/she ingest the virus. People may feel very thirsty even though they may sometimes find it hard to drink. People who may have hard time in taking in fluids might go to the hospital and do intravenous fluids. Fever may occur to some people when being infected. Kids at a very young age and babies must be monitored carefully because they are very prone to dehydration. This is because they cannot communicate well yet and dehydration will manifest really quick. Although this virus is not really fatal, the complications may cause debilitating effects to your system and may cause kidney damages.

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Diarrhea is a common term that most people know, but for the sake of clarity here is a definition.

Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. Abdominal pain and cramping may be accompanying symptoms. Frequent diarrhea can become a serious condition from excessive loss of fluids and minerals.

Diarrhea has several causes which can include any of the following: bacterial or viral infection, food allergies, food poisoning, improper food digestion, excessive alcohol consumption, drinking contaminated water, ingestion of caffeine, food preservatives, or artificial sweeteners, parasite infection, emotional stress, and or reaction to medications.

Natural Diarrhea Treatments

  1. Activated charcoal capsules absorb toxins in the bowel and aid in firming stools.

  2. Probiotic supplements boost friendly bacteria in the digestive tract and help regulate bowel function.

  3. Carob powder helps stop diarrhea, so warm carob drinks are beneficial.

  4. Juicing and drinking "greens" helps restore nutrients lost with diarrhea. This also benefits intestinal flora and helps the body rebalance.

  5. Essential fatty acids found in such foods as flax oil and fish oil aid in stool formation.

  6. Potassium is depleted with bouts of diarrhea, so it is important to eat potassium rich foods, like bananas, or to take supplementation.

  7. Avoid dairy, animal fats, grains with gluten (like barley, rye and wheat), alcohol, caffeine and spicy foods.

Mild cases of diarrhea will generally run their course. Severe, chronic cases of diarrhea should be given additional investigation. Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are all serious bowel disorders with diarrhea symptoms.

Reference: Balch, Phyllis A. et al, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Third Edition, (2000).

If you have chronic episodes of diarrhea, download my free report "13 Life Changing Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions about Irritable Bowel Syndrome" Here.

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Some common food substances have proven remarkably useful against diarrhea.

Carob powder In a Canadian study of 230 infants with diarrhea only three were not cured by the addition of carob 'powder to their formula. The treatment apparently worked because carob contains high levels of fibre which, as recent research has shown, can clear up digestive problems including diarrhea.

Apple cider vinegar For a preventive measure start taking a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water half an hour before each meal a few days before your trip. Continue this regimen during your trip.

Yogurt This seems to be beneficial in maintaining or restoring the health of the intestinal tract. 'In many countries along the Mediterranean Sea and in the Balkans, yogurt has been used for years as a remedy for infantile diarrhea by both laymen and physicians,' wrote Dr Molly Niv, Walter Levy and Nathan M. Greenstein in Clinical Pediatrics.

The three doctors fed yogurt to half of a group of children hospitalized with severe diarrhea. Those in the yogurt group ate a little less than 4 fl. oz three times daily, while the rest of the children received an anti-diarrhea drug. More children in the yogurt group than in the drug group recovered within three days.

Ginger - Ginger tea can stop cramps and pain. Or take Ginger in capsules.

Take a teaspoon of paste made from equal parts powdered ginger, powdered cumin, and powdered cinnamon mixed with honey three times a day.

Bran The normal functioning of the intestinal tract depends upon the presence of adequate fibre - the kind that absorbs water and forms soft bulk. Fibre like bran. Bran relieves both constipation and diarrhea. It is not a laxative; It is a normalizer of bowel functions. Transit times - the amount of time it takes for food to pass through the body - are lengthened in individuals with chronic diarrhea who eat bran, but they are shortened in those with constipation. Bran thickens the loose, watery stools of diarrhea and softens the hard, dry stools of constipation. A few tablespoons (less for a child) followed by a glass of water should do the trick in a few days. If diarrhea persists, see your doctor.

Lemon juice Drinking the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon in a large glass of water three to five times a day will kill off the pathogens causing the diarrhea. For prevention in case there is a stomach virus going around, take 1-2 tablespoons of juice before meals.

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The numbers are astounding, tens of thousands of victims in Zimbabwe in 2008 alone with totals reaching approximately 100,000 and over 4000 fatalities. And it's not just Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa, Nigeria and the list goes on and on. Most recently the nation of Cameroon reported over 400 cases in the northern area of the country since September including 65 deaths. The epidemic in Africa has been going on for decades and shows no sign of slowing.

Recent history shows during the 19th century, cholera spread repeatedly from its original reservoir or source in the Ganges delta in India to the rest of the world, before receding to South Asia. Six pandemics were recorded that killed millions of people across Europe, Africa and the Americas. The seventh pandemic, which is still ongoing, started in 1961 in South Asia, reached Africa in 1971 and the Americas in 1991. The disease is now considered to be endemic in many countries and the pathogen causing cholera cannot currently be eliminated from the environment. (from the World Health Organization website).

In the United States cases are sporadic usually due to consumption of seafood.

Cholera is an acute bacterial intestinal disease characterized by sudden onset, profuse watery stools (given the appearance as rice water stools because of flecks of mucus in water) due to a very potent enterotoxin. The enterotoxin leads to an extreme loss of fluid and electrolytes in the production of diarrhea. It has been noted that an untreated patient can lose his bodyweight in fluids in hours resulting in shock and death.

It is caused by the bacterium, Vibrio cholerae. Serogroups O1 and O139 are the types associated with the epidemiological characteristics of cholera (outbreaks).

The bacteria are acquired through ingestion of contaminated water or food through a number of mechanisms. Water is usually contaminated by the feces of infected individuals. Drinking water can be contaminated at the source, during transport or during storage at home. Food can get contaminated by soiled hands, during preparation or while eating.

Beverages and ice prepared with contaminated water and fruits and vegetables washed with this water are other examples. Some outbreaks are linked to raw or undercooked seafood.

The incubation for cholera can be from a few hours to 5 days. As long as the stools are positive, the person is infective. Some patients may become carriers of the organism which can last for months.

Cholera is diagnosed by growing the bacteria in culture. Treatment consists of replacement of fluids lost, intravenous replacement in severe cases. Doxycycline or tetracycline antibiotic therapy can shorten the course of severe disease.

There is an oral vaccine available in some countries but it is not available in the U.S.

Cholera prevention is the same as in other causes of traveler's diarrhea.

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The following article is one of a series of articles which focus on Self Improvement, Motivation and Empowerment. It is based on research done over twenty years as a personal and business coach. This self improvement article was written in response to questions which have been asked on losing weight and long term weight loss as well as address common challenges that people have with this subject. I sincerely hope that you find the following
information of value.

The Dangers Of Using Laxatives For Weight Loss

One popular weight loss supplements available in the market today take the form of tea. Stores all over sell slimming tea, dieter's tea and others but all of them are actually the same. They may appear to be effective, but what is not seen may actually harm you.

One of the effects of drinking dieter's tea is frequent bowel movement. This gives people the feeling of body cleansing. These people may get toxins out of their body but it isn't exactly the only thing that slimming tea actually does to the body.

Slimming tea contains herbs which are natural laxatives. These include aloe, senna, rhubarb root, cascara, buckthorn and castor oil. These are products which are derived from plants and are used since the ancient times because of their potency in treating constipation and to inducing bowel movement.

Cascara, castor oil and senna are substances which are recognized as laxatives available over the counter and are also regulated as drugs. Scientific studies show that diarrhea induced by laxatives does not absorb significant amounts of calories taken in the body.

The reason for this is that laxatives do not act on the small intestines where most of the calories are absorbed. Instead, they work on the large intestines. If taken in large amounts for prolonged periods, it can affect fat absorption of the body. This may lead to greasy diarrhea and loss of weight. Abuse of laxatives is common practice among people who suffer from bulimia and anorexia nervosa.


When it comes to the subject of self improvement, I fully understand (through my own experiences) that it is a lot easier said than done. However, you are here, right now, because you have a desire to improve your self or you are at least interested in this subject. Perhaps you are reading this to help a friend or colleague - great. If this article helps you or you help a friend, paying it forward is what life all about so we all win.

======END SIDEBAR======

While weight loss can be guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, it may also cause permanent damage to the gastrointesitinal tract and the weakening and softening of the bones, a condition known as osteomalacia.

Drinkers of slimming teas may actually patronize the product because they are less axpensive and taste better than other laxatives sold in the market. Other people, such as those with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia nervosa drink dieter's tea because they work fast and produce watery stool and having loose consistency.

Women may even be more susceptible to the effects of slimming teas. Although they may are not known to interfere directly with the woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, they should watch out if drinking them causes them to rapidly shed off weight.

It is also not safe for pregnant women to be taking in laxatives of any kind. Wise and responsible herbalists also discourage the use of senna and other herbal products with laxative properties for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive.

One should be wary about these findings because the labeling of slimming teas in the market today can be absolutely misleading. For instance, they commonly refer to the laxative qualities as "natural bowel cleansing properties" and not specifically use the word "laxative".

Some even use the term "low-calorie" on their labelling. These products in fact, contain essentially no calories nor nutrients whatsoever; unless of course, if they are sweetened.

Adverse effects of misusing laxatives in the form of slimming tea generally occur when taken in more than or longer than recommended. These include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding,electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well as injury and worse, death.

It was also reported that excess use of stimulant laxatives cause severe constipation and pain for long periods (as much as for decades) due to the colon losing its function. It eventually led to surgery removing the colon altogether.

NOW is the time!

O.K. you have read the article. Now is the time for action. Without action, this article adds no value whatsoever to your self improvement. But remember, without action, you cannot blame this self improvement article or any article for that matter. So, take action NOW.

Even if only one piece of advice, one piece of information, one tip makes a difference, then the whole article has been worth it for all of us. NOW is the time!

Be the person you want to be, you deserve it!

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Breast implant surgery is generally considered a cosmetic procedure. But whatever the purpose it is a surgical procedure requiring the body to under a medical invasive procedure and there are a number of breast implant complications that can occur, even if the chances are low.

Pain is possibly the most common of the complications with breast enlargement or rather one can say a side effect. Pain will occur during the recovery period as the body heals and scar tissues build around the implant. Pain can also occur due to surgical errors like wrong size of implant, wrong placement of implant or due to other breast augmentation complications. If pain persists and is severe, contact your surgeon immediately.

There are many complications associated with breast enlargement. Breast Implants are basically silicone gel or saline filled and the covering is not immune to tear or leak over time. Consequently, ruptured implants are somewhat common complications of breast implants. The sign of a ruptured implant is the deflation or change in shape of the breast as the gel or saline solution inside starts seeping out into the body. Sometimes, implants can leak slowly overtime without the patient realizing anything is wrong until there is a marked difference in the shape of the breast.

Research shows that most implants that are prone to rupture will do so within the first few months. This generally occurs if the implants are over filled or under filled or roughly handled either ore or post surgery. Unfortunately with time also the implant walls wear out naturally and get ruptured. A ruptured implant generally requires a replacement surgery.

Capsular Contracture is one of the breast augmentation complications that can occur when the scar tissue that forms around the implant after surgery starts to squeeze the implant. This can occur if there is infection, inflammation etc post surgery. It can manifest through a feeling of tightness, change in contour and firmness, mild to severe pain and general sensitivity. This complication also requires immediate surgery and possible replacement.

Infections are also common in complications with breast enlargement. Infections can lead to capsular contracture or even Toxic Shock Syndrome, which can be life threatening. Symptoms include fever, rash like outbreak, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and even fainting spells. If antibiotics cannot control the infection, then it will require immediate surgery to remove implant and more severe treatment.

Complications with breast enlargement can occur due to either hematoma or seratoma, which is basically collection of blood or the watery part of the blood in and around a wound. This can lead to either infection or capsular contracture, and will need to be treated accordingly. Breast augmentation complications also include non-threatening side effects like cosmetic changes or ultra sensitivity. While medically non-threatening either symptom can be a hassle in practical life, affect sexual responses or breast feeding.

Moreover, complications with breast enlargement can be a major concern for breast feeding mothers. It's not proven but doctors are apprehensive that silicone or saline discharge from the implants be passed on to the child while breast feeding. Breast feeding can also lead to ruptured implant. Studies show that more than 60% of the women with breast implant are not able to breast feed due to one reason or the other.

Women who have undergone breast implant surgery are advised to undergo an MRI regularly to check the health of the implants. Sometimes, calcium deposits around the implant can show up as cancerous growth and cause anxiety. Unfortunately, without biopsy it will be hard to differentiate between the harmless calcium deposit and cancerous growth.

Scarring due to necrosis and extrusion are other complications of breast implants. Dead tissues forming around the implants can become permanent scars under the skin and if the implants are not properly places, they can actually become visible under the skin layer. This is known as extrusion. The breast implants can also put pressure on the tissues around it, causing damage to other organs and tissues around the chest area.

Almost all complications of breast implants require additional surgery. Even without complication with breast enlargement, additional surgery is likely if the patient is not happy with the results. Also, if for some reason the implants cannot be replaced due to any of these breast augmentation complications, the patient may end up with misshapen breasts.

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Many people have experienced the pain caused by diarrhea. If people eat something unhealthy, diarrhea can be induced. Serious diarrhea can even cause dehydration. Dehydration can endanger the health of human body. In order to prevent the harm of dehydration, people should try their best to alleviate diarrhea.

First, people should maintain a healthy and insipid diet. People should frequently eat the foods containing rich pectin. The adequate supplementation of pectin can help people alleviate diarrhea. The foods like bananas and yogurt contain a large amount of pectin. In addition, people should also supplement potassium, calcium, vitamin D and sodium. Potassium and sodium can store enough water for the human body to prevent dehydration. Calcium and vitamin D can work together to transform watery stool into solid shit.

Second, people should take rest adequately. It is known to all that diarrhea can consume a lot of energy of people. If people do not take rest in time, they can feel tired. Adequate rest can enhance the physical strength and protect immune system for people. It can also help people accelerate the recovery from diarrhea.

Third, people should positively prevent dehydration. Many people think that dehydration can help people resist diarrhea rapidly. In fact, dehydration can seriously threaten the health of human body. When people are attacked by diarrhea, both water and nutrients inside the human body can be released through watery stool. When the nutrients like vitamins and mineral substances are released, the metabolism of human body can be disturbed to worsen the disease. Therefore, people should drink moderate water and eat fresh vegetables during diarrhea to supplement essential nutrients and alleviate dehydration.

Fourth, people should form a good and healthy lifestyle. The regular lifestyle can help people improve physical constitution and enhance the functions of digestive tract. A perfect digestive system can effectively resist the formation of diarrhea. In addition, people should always keep optimistic to improve the internal organs fundamentally.

People should strictly follow these four skills mentioned above to deal with diarrhea effectively. In addition, they should stop eating the foods which can worsen the disease. These foods include soy bean products, coffee and oily foods. Caffeine contained in coffee can seriously stimulate stomach and worsen the symptoms of diarrhea.

If people have been attacked by diarrhea for more than four days and the symptoms like weariness and bellyache can not be alleviated, people should go to hospital for medical treatment.

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It is the natural instinct of all animals to breed, grow and survive. Bacteria are no different; in fact it is probably they, in the distant past when they first evolved, started the whole natural selection process. So are they initiating the diarrhea process to be released as quickly as possible in order to survive? It is known that Vibrio cholerae (causing cholera) are responsible for causing an ionic imbalance in the colon, resulting in excessive fluid being drawn from the body's cells and bloodstream to mix with the feces, causing profuse, watery diarrhea.

The loss of fluids from vomiting and diarrhea, and in some cases perspiration through fever, can cause dehydration, which is life threatening. The body must have a constant supply of liquid, without which we would die. Water is classed as a major nutrient, not because it supplies macro or micro nutrients, but because it supplies the conditions in which all cellular processes are undertaken, in an aqueous environment. Apart from the cellular processes, all internal organs and blood require this constant supply. Dehydration is not such a problem in developed countries. People can be supplied with potable water from a mains, chlorinated supply or bottled water. Pop, squash, tea, coffee can also be used in the re-hydration process. (Not alcohol as this causes dehydration).

In developing countries, where there is no chlorinated supply or perhaps just water supplied by wells. The water might be infected (from feces or decaying animal/vegetable matter in the supply. If a person is suffering from vomiting or diarrhea and they are provided with water, which is infected, it will exacerbate the situation.

Natural disasters such as earthquakes or floods also pose a major poisoning hazard. In this situation, water and sewage supplies mix and cause contamination.

On the 23rd July 2007, Tewkesbury, UK, suffered the worst flood it had ever encountered. The flood water raised the sewage supply to come into contact with the mains water supply. Sewage was also present in the flood water flowing through the town. Floods also cause wild animals to drown, which subsequently decompose and infect the water. The British government were providing up to 3 million litres of fresh bottled water a day to prevent poisoning.

On August 29th, 2005, 1836 people died in Louisiana due to hurricane Katrina. Many people died in the aftermath due to Food-borne diseases. The US government were also transporting fresh water to the area to prevent disease.

It is a little known statistic that 50 times more people will be affected by Foodborne diseases than the number of people that die as a direct result of the disaster if adequate supplies of clean water cannot be provided.

Where large groups of people congregate, without adequate sanitation, Foodborne diseases are a major problem. The movement of people through wars and immigration has caused and still causes mass infection.

Until the 20th Century, more soldiers died from infectious diseases, such as Foodborne diseases, than of their battle wounds. In the American Civil War (1861-1865) dysentery and typhoid killed twice as many soldiers that died in the fighting. During the second Boer War (1899-1902) 13,000 soldiers died from typhoid, 8,000 were killed by the war.

Between 1979 and 1989, Russia waged war on Afghanistan. 88% of the Russian soldiers during that time suffered from Foodborne diseases such as typhoid. It is thought that the lack of sanitation was a major factor for the diseases and it was the illnesses that eventually lost Russia the war.

Bacteria, friend or foe? From my evidence you can see they are both. Without bacteria we would die. With bacteria we are dying. Thankfully there are more good bacteria than pathogens. But pathogens do pose a serious health problem, whether through contaminated food or lack of adequate sanitation. It was not until first half of the twentieth century that public health strategies were introduced and sanitation was prioritised to ensure these diseases were reduced. It was about 1908, for example, that the USA introduced its first continuous municipal use of chlorinated water. It appears that bacteria were here before us and will be here after we are gone (if we do ever leave!)

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There are two main types of syndromes associated with the irritable bowel syndrome: diarrheic episodes and constipation periods. When the main syndrome is diarrhea, it is preceded by abdominal pain and discomfort, a feeling of bloating and gas. The frequency of watery stools is more frequent than a normal person's stool. Because people have different amounts of bowel movements from three per day to three per week, defining "frequent" loose stools should be compared with the person's normal frequency.

If the main symptom associated with the irritable bowel syndrome is constipation, it is also accompanied by abdominal pain and a bloating sensation. Because the fecal material travels too slow through the gastro intestinal system, the person's stools and the stools are hard to pass.

It is not necessary to have only one of the symptoms above. The sufferer may witness both diarrhea and constipation in the same week, but the abdominal pain is usually present. However, medics should be careful to examine the patient thoroughly because there are many gastro intestinal conditions whose main symptom is abdominal pain. For example, the medic can say that the person is suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome if the bowel movement relieves the pain.

Specialists still cannot tell exactly what causes the irritable bowel syndrome in adults and children. Patients can ease their effort in establishing a precise diagnosis by keeping a journal in which they note the foods they have eaten previously to the apparition of the symptoms and the symptoms themselves. This is useful as there are a series of aliments and beverages that are known to irritate the gastro intestinal system: caffeine, alcohol, carbonated juices. However, drinking these beverages does not cause the disease, but only accentuate the symptoms. Some people have special food sensitivities (such as lactose or fructose intolerant persons) and when they eat such foods, they can witness similar symptoms. This is where a daily foods and beverages journal can tell medics if the patient is indeed suffering from the irritable bowel syndrome or another condition with similar symptoms. If people who know are sensitive to certain aliments keep away from them, they can avoid these sorts of symptoms.

Not all people suffer from the IBS in equal measures. Those aged 20 to 40 are more predisposed to developing the condition and women tend to suffer from it more frequently than men do. This led some medics to believe that the irritable bowel syndrome symptoms could be related to monthly changes in hormonal levels, but this is not certain. Studies have shown that many people suffering from the IBS also suffer from high levels of stress and they recommend some sort of stress relieving treatments.

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Arthritis, Bursitis, Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, Colitis, Dermatitis, Pancreatitis, Appendicitis, Sinusitis - what do all of these conditions have in common? Because they end with the suffix "itis" they are all a sign of inflammation in your system. Sometimes inflammation is just a sign or overuse or wear and tear, but sometimes something in the immune system has gone awry provoking widespread and varied and sometimes very debilitating inflammatory issues. So let's take a look at the factors that influence inflammation and either throw off or keep the immune system on track.

  1. Food allergies - numero uno on my list if someone is showing signs of an inflammatory condition is to assess and remove food allergies from their diet. Almost everyone has food allergies - in testing over 500 patients all but 3 have had food allergies. Most people have no idea they do because the symptoms of some food allergies can be delayed and subtle, not every food allergy is as dramatic or life-threatening as a peanut allergy. Allergies that are mediated by IgG antibodies can cause such wide and varied symptoms as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, sinus congestion, joint pain, headaches, fatigue, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, and itchy mouth/nose/ears. Eating something you are allergic to strains your immune system and provokes excessive inflammation.

  2. The digestive tract - overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria or yeast in the digestive tract can create a damaged/inflamed digestive tract. This in turn means the immune system isn't working properly since 70-80% of your immune system is located around your digestive tract. This unhealthy environment and possible lack of good bacteria, referred to as probiotic bacteria, can create an imbalance in the immune system, provoking more inflammation. It also causes the gut to be more leaky, allowing poorly digestive food entry into the body where the immune system can encounter it, generating more food allergies and inflammation.

  3. Adrenal exhaustion or adrenal fatigue - adrenals are your stress glands. They help your body deal with stress along with many other functions including: regulate blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, help with hormone balance, give you energy, drive and motivation, they are also your body's source of corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatories. They are sometimes given as a drug to address inflammatory conditions in the form of prednisone or corticosteroid puffers or nasal sprays. Supporting your adrenal glands can repair the body's ability to manufacture it's own corticosteroids, reducing the need for external intake.

  4. Lack of vitamin C and vitamin B6 - both are natural anti-histamines. If they get depleted you will be more prone to allergies and the inflammation associated with it.

  5. Lack of Omega 3 fatty acids - Our diets tend to be heavy in Omega 6 fatty acids and proportionately light in Omega 3's. The most efficient way to get omega 3's is from fish oil, either through consuming fish 2-3 times per week or by supplementing with fish oil.

  6. Obesity - Aside from the fact that being overweight puts an extra strain on the joints, tendons and ligaments which can provoke inflammation of the joints, tendons or ligaments, obesity itself causes a chronic, systemic inflammation. This inflammation has been linked to the development of insulin resistance and type II diabetes.

Now you can suppress inflammation using anti-inflammatory medications such as NSAIDs or prednisone, but these are often accompanied by significant risks and side effects such as bleeding stomach ulcers, increased risk of heart attack or stroke and osteoporosis. They also don't address the underlying cause of the inflammation. Fixing the underlying cause helps relieve symptoms on a more permanent basis, without the side effects and allows your body to heal.

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Cholera is caused by bacteria called Vibrio cholerae, a gram-negative aerobic bacillus. It was discovered by Robert Koch in 1883 during an outbreak in Egypt. Cholera is derived from a Greek word that means "flow of bile." It is one of the most feared diarrheal diseases because of its severity.

Cholera, an acute diarrheal disease of the gastrointestinal tract, is caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The incubation period of cholera usually ranges from a few hours to five days after the bacteria is ingested. After ingesting the bacteria from infected drink or food, a small dose is enough to cause an infection.

After passing the acidic environment of the stomach, the bacteria then begin to multiply in the small intestine, where the environment is alkaline. It attaches itself to the microvilli of the epithelial cells lining the intestinal tract. It multiplies and produces an enterotoxin or cholera toxin. The enterotoxin causes increased release of water in the intestines, which produces severe diarrhea.

How Does a Person Get Cholera?

Cholera can be transmitted through fecal-oral route, which means one can get this illness from drinking water or eating food contaminated with Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria that causes cholera. Contamination usually originates from the feces or stool of an infected individual.

The bacterium may also thrive in brackish rivers and coastal waters. Shellfish that have been eaten raw or undercooked are also possible reservoirs for the cholera bacterium. However, the disease cannot be spread from direct contact with the infected person.

What are the Symptoms Associated with Cholera?

Most people do not exhibit symptoms. However, When symptoms occur, they start suddenly, around one to five days after acquiring the infection. The infected person may experience sudden, painless, watery diarrhea and vomiting. Fever is usually absent. The primary complaint of a person infected with cholera is profuse diarrhea and abdominal pain. These symptoms are caused by the release of toxins by V. cholera, causing large amounts of fluid to shift from the blood supply into the small and large intestines.

Diarrhea and vomiting range from mild to severe, and the infected person may lose more than one quart of water and salts in an hour. If not treated immediately, dehydration can become severe and the ill person may have intense thirst, muscle cramps, and weakness. The stool of a cholera patient looks gray and has flecks of mucus in it.

Other signs of dehydration include sunken eyes, little or no urine output, dry mouth, rapid pulse, unusual sleepiness or tiredness, and poor skin turgor. If dehydration is not treated immediately, it may lead to kidney failure, shock, and death. In most developing countries, the mortality rate among patients admitted without treatment is 60%. If treated promptly, the mortality rate is less than 1% and recovery is expected.

For those who survive, the symptoms usually subside in three to six days, and after two or more weeks most people will be free of the bacteria. Milder cases of cholera usually do not pose a threat to the patient and the person usually recovers on their own.

What are the Risk Factors Associated with Cholera?

People residing in places such as Latin America, Africa, or Asia are at risk for getting infected with cholera. Travelers going to these places are also at risk for exposure to the cholera bacterium. Eating raw and/or undercooked seafood can also pose a threat to people since the bacteria can thrive in brackish rivers and coastal waters.

There is also a risk for people who like eating food that was not prepared sanitarily. Densely populated, poor areas with little sanitation and unsatisfactory food hygiene are particularly affected by epidemics.

How to Prevent Cholera

To prevent cholera, make sure that your water supplies are clean, pure, and safe to consume. If not, boil the water first before drinking it. Bottled drinks, hot coffee and tea, and other sealed drinks are usually safe to drink. Avoid using doubtful ice cubes in drinks, unless you are sure that they are clean.

Avoid eating raw or undercooked fish and shellfish, and even fruits and vegetables, unless you peeled them yourself. Food must be properly prepared and you must avoid eating food that has stood at room temperature for several hours. Caution must also be observed when eating food from street vendors or stalls. Check to see if it is properly prepared, if possible.

If you plan to travel to places where cholera is endemic, you can get a cholera vaccine. However, it is only 50% effective and only lasts from three to six months.

Also keep in mind to that hand washing can deter the spread of bacteria and germs. Always wash your hands after using the toilet, before and after food preparation, and before eating your food.

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