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A pregnant female will experience a huge number of changes in her body for the time of pregnancy. These changes will take place right at conception and keep on until the toddler has been delivered. A number of these signs may be secondary, while others may be clearer, and in some occasions, difficult to deal with. However, these variations all go away, once the kid has been born.

Being a pregnant female is a greatly special time in a woman's life. The changes that occur in her body are both physical and conceptual, and it is helpful for both her and the persons encircling her, to be aware of these modifications. That is why, the pregnancy period could be made more comfortable for the female, and signals that are out of the ordinary could be checked up at once.

A pregnant female may not realize she is pregnant if she does not realize the initial signs. It is because the initial signals of pregnancy are often similar to the premenstrual symptoms, so for those who are not looking forward to conceiving, it is very likely that they will not know they are pregnant, until very much later. The most ordinary symptoms are, if a female misses her menstruation. If this happens, it is advised that the female wait at least 3 days to see if her period is just a little late.

Another sign of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. This normally happens 12 days after conception has happened, when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine walls. A popular telltale symptom of pregnancy is the throwing up and feelings of nausea that several pregnant women feel. The vomiting usually happens early in the morning, hence the term morning. However, it can happen at any time of the day. Physical of changes will include increased swelling and tenderness of the breasts.

During her term, a pregnant woman will experience a number of different of variations, which could now and again be overwhelming. But, it is prominent in remember that these changes, are temporal and are often brought on by hormonal changes in the human. Recognizing them, however, can give the woman a nice piece of mind. For instance, it is perfectly ordinary for a woman to experience itching around her stomach, as the stomach starts to stretch. The feet will experience swelling, and it is not uncommon for a woman's shoe size to change during pregnancy.

Several women will notice mood swings during their pregnancy, and may have wishes for special kinds of foods. Most women develop a nesting instinct and may also develop a feeling of forgetfulness, regarding other affairs. Others may experience feelings of laziness. A lot of females will also experience irregularity in their period of their pregnancy, as well as an increased need to pass urine, since the uterus will start to press on the bladder as it expands. With regards to physical appearance, many females will find that their skin has a glow to it- this is because her body is experiencing increased blood flow due to the presence of the kid. Other women may create freckles, moles or rashes. All these changes are often a part of being a healthy pregnant mommy to be.

Looking to find the best information on Pregnancy Parenting Childcare.

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Expectant mothers often fret over whether they should breastfeed or rely on bottled formula for their baby's nutrition. Although whether or not to breastfeed is a parent's decision, it can not be denied that breastfeeding has many advantages that bottle feeding does not offer. It is recommended that breastfeeding be the choice of nutrition for infants 0 to 12 month old.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Dietetic Association (ADA), and the World Health Organization (WHO) all unanimously recommend breastfeeding and breast milk instead of bottle feeding. Although there may be conditions that make bottle feeding more attractive, sticking to natural means is recommended when possible.

For one, breast milk is the perfect form of nutrition for newborns. This is because breast milk is naturally meant to meet the needs of human offspring. It is hard to find real challenges to the wisdom of nature.

Commercial baby formula, while comprehensive and backed by the latest science has to offer, will lack some of the benefits breast milk offers.

The advantages of Breastfeeding:

1. Breast milk, aside from being a complete infant nutrition, also contains antibodies that help children develop immunity against illnesses such as infections, diarrhea, respiratory problems, and meningitis. Bottle-fed children usually exhibit lower immunity against these illnesses. Moreover, breast-fed children are less prone to developing allergies. This is one of the strongest reasons against bottle feeding.

Studies have shown that breast-fed infants are hospitalized less and are less sickly than their bottle-fed counterparts. Breast-fed babies show lower incidences of ear infections, constipation, diarrhea, sudden infant death syndrome.

Breast milk is still being studied closely by scientists. Breast milk seems to contain substances that are yet unidentified, and hard to produce. This leads the scientists to conclude that breast milk is indeed much more complex than first thought. Although the FDA requires formula makers to include all the known breast mil nutrients in their milk foods, formula makers still have a long way - although ever improving - to go to effectively imitate breast milk.

2. Breast milk is free and requires no preparation; it could even save you money. It doesn't require pre-heating and is always available on tap. Breast-fed infants don't get sick as often as their bottle-fed counterparts. This results in great savings. Bottled milk costs a lot. You could find yourself saving a few thousand dollars a year in formula and medical expenses. This alone could be a great reason to choose breastfeeding instead of bottle feeding.

3. Smarter Babies. Studies have shown that breast-fed babies have 5 to 10 more IQ points than those that are bottle-fed exclusively for the first six months of their life. Not only are these children smarter, they are healthier to boot. This is due to the completeness of the composition of breast milk resulting in earlier and better development of babies' brains.

4. Less Prone to Obesity. Breast-fed children are observed to be less prone to overeating and obesity. The special formulation of breast milk allows for the proper regulation of appetite and metabolism.

5. Skin-to-skin contact. Children that are breast-fed have better emotional adjustment than those that are not. This is due to the healing wonders of touch. Babies are also better attached to their mothers as a result. The intimacy of the activity also does wonder for the emotional health of both the mother and the child.

6. Breast milk is easier to digest and is less likely to cause constipation or diarrhea. The formula of breast milk is also easier to digest, which usually means babies feed more. Breastfeeding mothers will have to be prepared to breast-feed every 3 hours or so.

Although breast-feeding is still best for babies, baby formulas have been successful in at least narrowing the gap. However, breast-feeding is still the way to go for newborn infants up to one or two years, and should be the only choice unless the mother is suffering from any condition that prevents her from doing so. Some mothers claim they do not produce enough milk and this may be the case. However, consult with your doctor to see if anything can be done to allow breast-feeding in the immediate future.

Ultimately, choosing whether to breast-feed or bottle-feed is strictly the decision of the mother. It is recommended, however, that when possible mother's breast-feed their children instead.

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You'll find that as you become a mom many things you normally wouldn't have taken an interest in suddenly become all you are concerned with. In particular I'm referring to your little one's bowel movements. It is very important that one knows what should happen at each stage of your child's development and that goes for when he's soiled his nappy.

At birth the first ever bowel movement your baby will have is called meconium and it has a black or greenish appearance and is often likened to being like a sticky, tarry substance. It's this colour and texture simply because of him digesting amniotic liquid, bile and the shedded skin cells. This as a result of being collected in the digestive system or intestines while inside the womb. This meconium is passed during the first 12 hrs of birth and if this is not done within 24 hrs could be indicative of more serious problems. Additionally, the baby passing meconium in utero can cause a complication sometimes referred to as meconium aspiration syndrome.

Once out of the hospital and at home you'll notice that the color and consistency of the stool changes drastically. There also is a difference between the stool of a breastfed baby and one on formula milk. Breastfed babies' stools appear to be mustard in colour and can be grainy or seedy. It's also quite runny and funnily enough has a sweetish smelling twinge to it, but don't worry you still know its pooh. Formula fed babies on the other hand have a dark or tanned colour and soft or firmer texture than a breastfed babies. Its been said that a formula feds baby stool should not be firmer than peanut butter consistency as his intestinal system is not so developed just yet.

If you didn't know before I'm sure you've learned by now that babies pooh quite a bit especially those being breastfed. You'll find they go after every feeding or during every feeding and at other times a few days may pass before there's a bowel movement. All this is quite normal. Owing to the consistency of the bowel movement inexperienced moms may think their baby is suffering from the 'runs' or diarrhea. The same goes for formula fed babies, as you'll find that they too have very regular bowel movements.

What I'm about to say may be very amusing to you the readers but all of it is true. The next time you feed your baby and he's about to have a bowel movement, you'll notice that the poor thing grunts, turns red or even cries when passing motion. Aside from they're crying and turning red, when they grunt they look like absolute darlings. This being said, its not abnormal and all babies do this at some stage or other. We have to bear in mind that it takes abit of time for them to get used to their bodily functions, till then they will continue to do this.

In other instances there may be times when their stool appears green in color, what this means really is especially with bottle fed babies, they are given a high concentration of iron fortified formula milk. Babies with jaundice tend to have green stools as well but this goes away after being placed under the bilirubin lights. Sensitivity to what is consumed by the mom is another reason for stools appearing green colored. One has to bear in mind that whatever you consume so does your baby and it takes awhile for him to grow accustomed to dietary changes. There are times that in response to this sensitivity to your diet they have skin rashes, green mucousy stools, spitting up abit and sometimes blood in the stool. If it happens more often than you're comfortable with seek the advice of your doctor as soon as possible. Black stools, like the greenish coloured are usually the result of iron supplementation or iron fortified formulas. This is a usual occurrence but if for some reason it appears too mucousy or has blood again seek the advice of your pediatrician.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Newborn babies don't do much. They cry and sleep. They gaze around some. They eat and spit-up. They pee and poop. Really, that's about it. So it's easy to see why new parents focus on their infant's bowel habits. Of course, relatives are also responsible. Everyone has an Aunt Betty (or maybe it's your Mother-in-law) whose goal in life it is to voice concern about everything. "He poops too much. She doesn't go enough. It's too hard. It's too soft. Why's he always grunting like that?" Often new parents aren't concerned until someone convinces them of a so-called problem.

The trouble with baby poop is the wide-degree of variation. Some infants stool shortly after every feeding, while others go once a week. There's also a wide-range of thickness--from thin liquid to clay patties. And then there's color: yellows, greens, browns, reds, and blacks. Let's take a quick look at each of these factors and discuss what's normal and what's not.

Stool frequency depends on how much stool your baby makes and how quickly the intestine moves it down the pike. The amount of stool is dependent upon two variables--how well your baby's intestine absorbs food and how many bacteria live in the gut. Since a baby's ability to absorb food changes over time, the amount of residue left over also changes. Typically there is more residue to stool out in the first few weeks of life. Then, as your baby's intestine matures, absorption improves and the amount of residue decreases. Thus, babies who used to poop several times a day may slow production down to once every couple days.

On the other hand, bacteria may have the opposite result. As a baby matures, more and more bacteria populate the gut. They are important to the digestion process and are one of the reason baby stool changes in character over the first few months of life. But as their numbers increase, the body eliminates more and more of them in the stool. Stool bulk increases as the number of bacteria increases, and increased stool bulk leads to more frequent bowel movements.

Another factor affecting stool frequency is transit time. Some guts work faster than others. So what's normal? Well, some newborns will have a stool every time they eat, while others will go every few days. If your infant's stools are more than three or four days apart, it may still be alright, but you should give your child's doctor a call and let him know.

Stool consistency is another important consideration. If your baby's stools are always slimy like mucus or thin like water or thick like clay, talk to your doctor. The ideal consistency of newborn stool is like mustard, but some variation on this may be okay.

Also pay attention to color. Bright red usually means blood. Bring this to your doctor's attention right away. Possible causes include milk allergy, a crack in the skin around the anus, or (rarely) a more serious internal problem of the intestinal tract. Black tar-like stool is normal during the first few days of life. But if it remains this way long or becomes this way again, talk to your doctor. It could be a sign of bleeding in the gut.

Other colors depend on diet and the make-up of intestinal bacteria. Normal colors can range from pale yellow to dark green and light tan to dark brown.

Putting this all together, normal baby poop should be the consistency of mustard. It may be yellow, green, tan, or brown and it may come several times a day or once every several days. Reasons to call your doctor include black tar-like stool, presence of blood, watery diarrhea, constant mucus, and thick or formed stool. Also let your doctor know if your baby routinely goes several days without passing stool.

A word about fussiness is in order. Many parents assume a fussy baby who has a bowel movement every few days is constipated. This may not be the case. Keep in mind that upset babies, whether they are upset from hunger or the pain of an ear infection or heart burn, will stiffen their bellies, draw up their legs, and pass gas as they bear down. You should not assume this behavior is from constipation, even if their bowels move irregularly. Instead, make an appointment with your child's doctor for a thorough examination.

Okay, let's say your infant is constipated. She has thick formed stool that is difficult to pass and she goes infrequently. Your doctor agrees your infant is constipated. What will he have you do? Here are some options:

RECTAL STIMULATION: Put a glob of lubricant on a rectal thermometer or Q-Tip. Insert the tip a quarter to half inch into the rectum, give a little twist, and pull back out. Often, this will stimulate a bowel movement within a minute or two.

GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES: These are available at most pharmacies. Use half a suppository to start, inserting it into the rectum. This works by increasing the water content in the stool through a process known as osmosis (think back to high school science class).

JUICE: Processed apple or prune juice from a grocery store (not fresh from a fruit stand) will also increase the water content of stool through osmosis. This works because undigested sugars make it all the way down to the large intestine and draw water into the bowel. Baby juice probably won't work because it's so dilute. Start with an ounce or two of full-strength processed juice. If it works, you may need to continue giving an ounce or two of juice once or twice a day to keep your baby regular.

ORAL MEDICATION: There are several of oral medications that work the same way as juice. Milk of Magnesia is available over the counter, while Lactulose and Miralax require a prescription. Oral medications are rarely necessary for young infants.

It's important to consult your doctor before trying any of these methods. There are diseases, some of them serious, that mimic constipation--so don't treat it without your doctor's help.

Finally, a word is in order concerning some things you shouldn't use to treat constipation. Kayro syrup and honey have the remote possibility of transmitting botulism to infants, so don't use these products in children less than a year old. Likewise, unprocessed juice may contain harmful bacteria, such as E. Coli. Also, enemas are not recommended for infants--save those for the older kids and use them only under the guidance of your child's doctor.

Baby poop is funny because it can be so different from one child to the next. And for some crazy reason, well-meaning relatives always seem to gravitate toward a newborn's bowel habits. But don't let Aunt Betty (or your Mother-in-law) get to you. Armed with the knowledge of what's normal and what's not, if she keeps pushing, feel free to teach her a thing or two.

Copyright 2006 Mike Patrick Jr, MD

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First let me start by saying that over the years I have learned that Type 1 Diabetes is an unpredictable disease that I knew nothing about 5 years ago. That was before my 3 year old son was diagnosed. Since then I have had numerous experiences with doctors with different opinions on how to treat my child. I guess that is why a doctor is always "practicing medicine".

My point is there comes a time when parents of Type 1 Diabetics can learn from each others experiences especially when it comes to preparing for the day when your diabetic child catches the stomach flu or other illnesses that cause high blood sugars and ketones. As everyone knows the stomach flu in normal children causes a severe onset of vomiting and diarrhea that can last several days and comes on with no notice. Since my son was diagnosed over four years ago my family and I have learned (at least 4 times) how to properly manage the stomach flu without the need for hospitalization. Just like any other emergencies you must be prepared by making sure you have all the right items on hand in case your hit with those famous words "my tummy hurts". This usually occurs at night when you are half asleep so having the following items on hand is important.

Keto sticks,Extra Insulin,Extra Syringes or insulin pump supplies, Pedialyte,Sugar and non-sugar decaf soda (only use if needed as it will cause dehydration), Glucagon, Alarm Clock, Hard candy (only if your child is old enough to eat without choking)

Now I will explain a little on why you need all that junk for the stomach flu. First things first. When the stomach flu hits vomiting occurs regularly depleting the body of a large amount of fluids. This must be replaced to avoid dehydration. In a child with Type 1 diabetes you have to be prepared to battle ketones that are brought on by the illness. Ketones are caused by high blood sugar and the absence of insulin in the body. In order to get rid of the ketones you must keep giving your child insulin even though their blood sugar will most likely be low. Don't get frustrated if you child is having a hard time keeping down liquids. If they are able to take a few sips of sugared soda or pedialyte every 20 minutes or so and keep it down for short periods this is enough to keep them hydrated and maintain a fairly good blood sugar. In my experience you will have to set an alarm every 20 minutes or so through the night to keep this up. Be sure to check blood sugars often. If the low blood sugars continue have your child suck on a piece of hard sugared candy to help maintain their blood sugar. This should only be done if you child is old enough to eat hard candy. All this will make you tired but it should keep your child out of the hospital and keep you sane.

Remember a cure is just around the corner.

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One of the most contradictory milestones in a baby's life is teething. First time parents face it with both trepidation and joy.

Though teething could be tough on both the baby and the parent, below are some of the tips that would help you tame your child's teething blues:-

If your baby doesn't wish to eat, stop panicking. Sore gums often make sucking on a bottle or nipple a painful process. Additionally, excessive drooling related to teething appears to affect appetite too. Many first time parents believe that babies love cold food during their teething phase - a bottle of chilled baby food or cold juice helps lessen the teething pain. Administering drops of Tylenol before every feeding helps decrease the pain to such an extent that it would allow the baby to nurse.

Baby Teethers of various types and sizes are available in the market. Meanwhile, using washcloth for teething babies has proven to be highly successful. You could even try some crushed ice in washcloths and then allow the baby to teethe on it. Another good option is frozen bananas or bagels.

Try rubbing your baby's sore gums as often as you can. This would act like a massage. Few pediatricians believe that this is the ideal process for baby gum analgesics as rubbing gums often provides actual relief.

Is teething associated with diarrhea and fever? Many experts are in disagreement over this. However, many other pediatricians are of the belief that saliva produced during drools cause the stools to loosen and the gums to get inflamed leading to low fever. Some others believe that teething does not lead to these symptoms at all, though teething stress may result in other illnesses.

In case your teething child has high fever, call your pediatrician and seek immediate medical attention.

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Causes of Infant Thrush

In layman's terms, Oral Thrush in Infants is caused when the immune system and the healthy bacteria in a baby's mouth fail to control the amount of yeast in a baby's body. Overgrowth of yeast occurs in the mouth of the baby which is then commonly referred to as Thrush.  Infant Thrush may also be transferred from mother to child during birth should the mother suffer from vaginal thrush. In this day age that we find ourselves in, antibiotics are easily prescribed by doctors but it is also a contributing factor in the growth of Candida Albicans the biological name for the yeast overgrowth.

Symptoms of Infant Thrush

Thrush in itself is looking like cottage cheese on the inside of a baby's mouth but cannot be wiped away. The corners of the baby's mouth may be cracked and if it is scratched off it might start to bleed or look inflammatory. Your Child might be reluctant to feed or it will try to feed but then stop only to repeat the process again. This is simply because the mouth of your baby is sore. Now picture this scenario, your baby are only 8 weeks old, there are regular diaper changes and feedings that takes place. Add to this scenario the possibility of your child having Thrush and it suddenly seems not such a good prospect anymore.

Conventional Medicine 

Well, what can be so difficult? Let's go to the doctor and get medicine to attend to this problem once and for all, it cannot be that difficult? Right? Maybe not! If Thrush is not treated in the proper way and manner it will most probably always return. The approach to cure Thrush must be in a holistic manner. Mother and child needs to be treated in order to achieve proper results otherwise Thrush will just return at a later stage. Now, the possible side effects of conventional medicine do not sound very nice.

Nystatin - Diarrhea, bloating, nausea.

Diflucan - Nausea, stomach pain, low fever, loss of appetite.

Collidial Silver - Kidney damage, stomach distress, headaches, fatigue.

Tea Tree Oil - Ingestion, depression and can cause ulcers of the mouth and throat.

Above mentioned products are but just a few that is available and only a few of the side effects are listed. Do you really want to add to the discomfort of your baby in administering this medicine if those are the possible side effects?

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Here are some facts regarding the H1N1 flu virus. Swine influenza is a flu virus usually found in pigs. The virus occasionally changes (mutates) and becomes infectious in humans. The reason for concern is that we have little or no immunity against it. Because of this the virus has the potential to spread quickly around the world and may be more difficult to treat than the usual seasonal human flu virus.

If your child is 6 months to 3 years old, he or she should be vaccinated. Since babies under 6 months have a poor vaccine response, it is recommended that the parents and caretakers receive the vaccine as the best defense is having them flu-free.

At first it was stated that it would take 2 shots for the vaccine to be effective. The latest information is that only one will be needed. The first batch will be available sometime in mid October. The vaccine is expected to be very effective and safe. Vaccines today are highly purified so as to eliminate any potential contaminants. Today scientists use only selected viral proteins, not the entire virus as they did in the 1970's.

Another concern of parents is if the vaccine causes autism. If there a concern about the mercury-based preservative thimersol you can request one of the thimersol-free versions: the nasal vaccine or single-dose preloaded syringe. The nasal version cannot be given to children under 24 months and children under 5 with asthma. If you are allergic to eggs you should avoid the vaccine as it is egg-based.

Until the vaccine is available and becomes effective after you receive it, you can protect yourself by washing your hands frequently with soap and water for at least twenty seconds and avoid touching the eyes and nose. Alcohol hand gels are also effective. Cover your mouth when you cough and your nose when you sneeze to avoid spreading germs. And finally if you or your child is sick, stay home until the fever has gone away for 24 hours without the use of medicine.

The symptoms to look for in a baby or young child for the H1N1 virus are Flu Symptoms: a high fever over 101 degrees following a cold, a worsening cough. A Rash that accompanies the fever. A blue color to the skin which means lack of oxygen. Stops drinking, explosive diarrhea or vomiting resulting in dehydration. Breathing problems. Body aches. Will not wake up. All these symptoms require immediate emergency care.

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Of all the things parents worry about, nutrition is perhaps one of the biggest. Proper nutrition and feeding of your baby is one of the very most important things to consider when thinking about her well being. Physical and intellectual growth is dependent on the right vitamins and nutrients.

Having stressed the importance of proper nutrition...you can relax a little. Feeding your baby really isn't difficult if you have the basics down.

Breast Milk or Formula?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends breast feeding as the healthiest food for babies. Studies have shown that babies who breastfeed are admitted to the hospital less, suffer fewer ear infections and cases of diarrhea and rashes, and have fewer allergies than infants who drink formula. Pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for the first year.

Not every mother is able to breastfeed, however. Women with HIV should not breastfeed, as the disease can be transmitted through the milk. Other women suffer from mastitis (infection of the breast) or soreness, and find it too uncomfortable to nurse. Returning to work can be difficult and mothers may need to use a breast pump during the day while they're away from their baby. Sometimes baby formula is necessary.

Baby formula has all the essential nutrients and vitamins needed to promote healthy growth and the American Academy of Family Physicians assures mothers that there's no need to worry when feeding their babies infant formula, or supplementing breast milk with formula. Make sure to follow the mixing directions carefully, and choose a high-quality formula. If your baby seems to be spitting up excessively, you may want to change brands. Work closely with your pediatrician to find the right formula for your infant.

Introducing Solid Food

It's very important not to introduce solid food before your baby is ready. Solid foods can wreak havoc on an immature digestive system and both of you could be in for a long night of constipation or tummy trouble if you are too eager. There has also been some research that suggests that babies who are introduced to solid food too early can develop food allergies.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that babies be introduced to solid foods at six months, though some pediatricians recommend rice or oatmeal cereal as young as four months.

Start slowly, with only a tablespoon or so of the new food you are introducing. Introduce one food at a time so that if your baby does have an allergy, you'll be able to identify which food is the cause. It's best to wait four days between each new food.

If your baby pushes the food right back out of his mouth, he's probably not ready for solids yet. Give him a week or so, then try again.

Start with bland, easy-to-digest foods first, moving on to other foods slowly and only as your baby is ready. Here's a general guide:

Six months:

Rice or Oatmeal cereal (these are the most easily digested grains). They should be mixed with breast milk or infant formula.

  1. Pureed:

  2. Apples

  3. Bananas

  4. Pears

  5. Avocado

  6. Sweet Potatoes

  7. Squash

  8. Green Beans

8 - 10 months

Depending on your baby's co-ordination, you'll want to introduce finger foods. In addition to the breast milk or infant formula, you can also introduce the following:

  1. Soft breads and muffins

  2. Pasta

  3. Cheese

  4. Yogurt

  5. Raw, ripe fruit

  6. Soft, cooked veggies

  7. Eggs

  8. Beans

  9. Crackers

  10. Melon

  11. Cottage cheese

  12. Lean beef, pork or chicken

Make sure to avoid foods that pose choking hazards such as popcorn, nuts and firm non-ripe fruits. Always supervise your baby while she's eating. And never give raw honey to a child under one year old.

Work closely with your doctor

It's important to work as a team with your baby's pediatrician when choosing what she should eat and when. Don't ever hesitate to ask for advice, and follow recommendations.

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Last 50 years have brought about the most substantial progress in improving the composition of mother's milk substitutes ever made in history. In this 21st century, infant formula manufacturers have continued to carry out efforts to develop better breast milk than ever before. Efforts to identify and replicate helpful trace elements, and to conduct important research regarding the addition of immune active ingredients and enzymes that will make formula products even better, are currently under way. But for the main time, here are some already existent formulas which have good nutritive values.

Cow Milk Based Formulas

• Standard formula used when breast feeding is not adopted or is stopped before one year of age.
• Designed to mimic breast milk composition. Breast milk is approximately 60% whey and 40% casein, Cow's milk is 8% casein and 20% whey.
• Formulas contain at least 50% more protein/dL than breast milk (1.5g/100cc).
• Formulas provide appropriate intake of essential nutrients: iron and linoleic acid.
• Carnitine and taurine are added to most standard formulas
• Nucleotides are added to Enfamil and Similac.

Cow-Milk Based Composition
• 20 calories/ounce standard dilution
• Protein is ideally whey-predominantly (similar to breast milk).
• Carbohydrate is lactose (except in Lacto-free Formula).
• Fat is a mixture of vegetable Oil (LCT)
• Approximately 32 ounces of standard formula per day will meet 100% of RDA for vitamins and minerals for term infants.
• If Infants are only fed ready to feed dormula, fluoride supplement of 0.25mg/day is necessary to meet the RDA based on American Academy of Pediatric guidelines.

Available Brands of Cow Milk Based Formulas
• Enfamil with Iron (or low-iron) (Mead Johnsom)
• Similac with Iron (or low-iron) (Ross)
• Gerber
• Good start (Carnation formula with 100% whey as protein).
• Similac PM 60/40 (has decreased calcium, phosphorus and potassium content: Often used in renal patients). (Ross).
• Lactose-free (Mead Johnson) Cow-Milk protein, but lactose-free.

Soy-Based Formulas
Indication for use
• Vegetarians
• IgE mediated reaction to cow's milk protein
• Lactose Intolerance or Galactosemia
• Refeeding after chronic diarrhea (lactose-free)

• Increased proteins content than cow milk based formulas, since using plant source for protein (2.2g/dL).
• Increased vitamin and mineral content to compensate for mineral antagonists, such as phytates.
• Additional methionine added to formula to ensure a "complete" protein.
• Taurine and cystein added.
• Sweeter taste than cow-milk based and lower cost.

• 20 calories/ounce standard dilution
• Protein: soy protein with added methionine
• Carbohydrate:Sucrose, corn syrup solids, tapioca starch
• Fat: Blend of vegetable oils

Available Brands of Soy Formulas
• Prosobee
• Isomil
• Isoyalac

Casein Hydrolysate Formulas
Indication for use
• Milk protein or soy protein allergy
• Complicated gastrointestinal disorders
• Colic
• Feeding intolerance to cow milk or soy formulas

• Poor taste and expensive
• Not recommended for long term use in preterm infants due to inadequate vitamin and mineral content and protein source may be difficult to metabolize
• Alimentum is only available in ready to feed.
• Pregestimil is only available as a powder for the sonsumer, but is available in some hospitals as 20 X 24 calorie/oz ready to feed.
• Nutramigen is available in liquid concentrate and powder to the consumer, but is available as ready to feed in the hospital setting.

Available Brands
• Nutramigen
• Pregestimil
• Alimentum

• Protein: Casein hydrolysate (small peptide considered to be hypoallergenic)
• Carbohydrate: Modified tapioca starch and glucose Oligosaccharides.
• Fat: approximately 50% of fat is MCT oil in Alimantum and pregestimil, and 100% of fat is corn oil in Nutramigen.

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Newborn babies cry, sleep, look around, eat, pee, spit and poop. That's about it. Because of this, it is easy to see why brand new parents tend to concentrate on the bowel movements of their little one.

The problem with toddler poop would be its wide array of variation. Several infants poop after each feeding, while others don't poop until a week is over. There is also a wide array when it comes to stool thickness and there are different colors. So how do you know what is normal when it comes to toddler poop?

Infant stool frequency will depend on the amount of stool that your baby can generate and how fast his intestines can move it down. Since an infant's ability to absorb food tends to change as time goes by, the amount of left-over residue may also change. Usually, more residues exist in one's stool within the first several weeks of living. Then, the intestines mature and absorption gets better while residue decreases. Therefore, babies who once pooped several times in one day might slow down the stool production after some time.

Conversely, bacteria might have an opposite result. As babies mature, more bacteria gather in the gut, which are essential in the process of digestion and also happen to be a reason why toddler poop changes over several months of living. However, as the amounts increase, the body gets rid of more of them within the stool. The bulk of stool increases with the amount of bacteria and leads to bowel movements that are more frequent.

Stool consistency would be another essential thing to take into consideration. If toddler poop is constantly slimy, consult your doctor. The perfect consistency of toddler poop should be similar to mustard.

Also, pay close attention to its color. Bright red poop would mean that there is blood, so consult a doctor immediately, if this is the case. Possible causes might be milk allergies, anus skin cracks, or intestinal tract problems. Black poop similar to tar would be normal during the first several days of living. However, if it stays like this for a long time, consult your doctor since it could be a sign of gut bleeding. Other poop colors would depend on the baby's diet and intestinal bacteria make-up.

Overall, regular toddler poop needs to have a mustard consistency and might be yellow, tan, brown, or green. It might come several times in one day or just once every few days. The reasons you should consult your doctor for would include black poop similar to tar, blood presence, constant mucus, watery diarrhea, and formed or thick poop.

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Diarrhea and vomiting in children is often due to gastroenteritis (commonly known as stomach flu), a very contagious viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract). Other causes may include food poisoning and reactions to food or drink (e.g. Lactose intolerance). Some children may also develop gastrointestinal symptoms, such as abdominal pains, loose stools and bloatedness due to emotional stress, as in irritable bowel syndrome.

Younger children often have what is sometimes known as "toddler's diarrhea" - watery stools in which bits of food can be seen. This is due to food not being digested properly, and this usually clears up as the child gets older.

Vomiting, without diarrhea, is also a common symptom of some other underlying problem which may be unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract. Examples would include middle ear infections (otitis media) and urinary tract infections.

What you can do:

• The main risk of persistent vomiting and diarrhea, is dehydration. Ensuring adequate fluid intake and careful monitoring of your child's hydration status is essential.

• Make sure that your child has plenty to drink. If vomiting is a problem, give frequent sips of fluids. Oral rehydration salts or sweetened fluids are better absorbed by the gut compared to plain water.

• Stick to soft foods such as porridge and soups. Gradually return to normal diet if your child's symptoms normalize.

• If fever is present, paracetamol may be given according to the prescribed dosages.

• Medication to ease abdominal pain and diarrhea may be used on advise by your doctor or pediatrician. Be careful with use of anti-vomiting and anti-diarrhea medication in children less than 2 years of age.

You should see your doctor if:

• Your child refuses to drink or shows signs of dehydration (sunken eyes, dry mouth and tongue, has not passed urine for more than 6 hours, or appears abnormally drowsy).

• There is blood in your child's vomitus or stools

• Your child's symptoms do not seem to improve after 24 hours

• Your child complains of severe pain or appears very ill

Prevention of spread:

Gastroenteritis is notoriously contagious. Be scrupulous about hygiene to prevent it from being spread within the family and the wider community. Children commonly catch the infection from school, when interacting with other children with gastroenteritis.

• Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after handling your child who is ill.
• Wash your hands before and after handling food and using the toilet.
• Use separate towels for your child to prevent cross infection.
• Avoid sharing food and utensils.
• Ensure that your child washes his or her hands regularly, especially before and after meals.
• Remind your child to avoid touching his or her eyes, nose and mouth.

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Have you ever heard about baby indigestion? Do you even know what that is? Well think about heartburn and indigestion and how it can make you feel. The deep pressure and in your chest and abdomen is enough to make you feel like you are having a heart attack. Now imagine that feeling on a 2 weeks old baby. YIKEES!!! I can tell you that whatever that you feel is magnified by 100% in your child. Added to the intense pain that the child is feeling is the fact that they have no way of telling you how they feel. They cannot say "mommy my tummy hurts".

What causes baby indigestion?

Well, in adults there are several causes, but, for babies, I think we can safely rule out alcohol consumption, smoking and eating spicy foods! It's also fairly uncommon for babies to have stomach ulcers or gallstones. This means that we can focus on food allergies and sensitivities as the 2 main causes of baby indigestion. So now that we have a general idea of the potential causes of baby indigestion; how can we tell if our baby has indigestion?

Symptoms of baby indigestion can include:

• Fits of fussing and/or crying that may end after gas is relieved
• Irritability
• Constipation
• Sleeplessness
• Curds of undigested food in stool (okay, let's just call it poop, that's what it is!)
• Very foul-smelling poop and even diarrhea in extreme cases

Now it is very important that we understand one thing; and that is indigestion is not a cause or disease unto itself. It's just a symptom. So what we need to do is find the actual cause of baby indigestion. Therefore be aware that the real causes of baby indigestion are:

• Spoiled food
• Food allergies
• Food sensitivities

Spoiled Food and Baby Indigestion

Spoiled food is not good for adults as it can lead to all sorts of stomach problems and this is no different for our children. Therefore if you are formula feeding your child - ensure that the best before date hasn't expired. Additionally you need to take extra caution when sterilizing all bottles and equipment that touch baby's formula. Make sure water you are giving baby or using to mix powdered formula is safe and has been boiled.

Another thing that we should avoid doing at all costs is re-heating bottles. Mothers if you are guilty of this practice please, please, STOP IMMEDIATELY. If baby has not consumed all of it, dispose of it. Also if you are pumping breast-milk, make sure that you use ONLY sterilized containers to store it. Refrigerate and use up the milk within a couple of days or store in a freezer to make it last longer. Just following these simple tips could significantly reduce baby indigestion.

Phew!!! Now that took care of spoiled food. Okay, what about food allergies and how do babies have allergies when they get fed only one thing?? 簿 ? I mean does this even make sense? Read on.

First of all it can be confusing trying to differentiate between an allergy and food sensitivity. So how can you tell the difference and how does it relate to baby indigestion?

Food allergies and sensitivity and baby indigestion - Formula

First of all we need to understand that allergies can cause strong reactions like hives and severe rashes, vomiting, swelling of soft tissue like ears and lips, or be life-threatening with anaphylactic shock reactions. Sensitivities; however, are milder and cause indigestion, discomfort, constipation and less severe skin rashes. You know those foods that just don't 'agree' with you.

It is very common for babies to be allergic to or sensitive to cow's protein. Take comfort in the fact that most will grow out of this by one year of age, but that first year can be tricky. For those formula feeding moms, you will need to switch to a soy-based formula or one's formulated especially for babies with cow protein sensitivity.

Oh there is one word of caution; and that is, it is common for babies with cow protein sensitivity to also have soy protein sensitivity. However, rest assured that there are formulas out there that have neither soy nor cow's milk in them.

Food allergies and sensitivity and baby indigestion - Breast feeding

If you are breast-feeding, cut all dairy out of your diet. This is because the foods that you eat are passed onto your child through your milk. Therefore your breast milk can contain traces of cow's milk protein from dairy you are eating. So, I mean cut out ALL dairy if you wish to reduce baby indigestion. Start reading food labels!!

Trust me, I know this sucks, I've done it myself in the past. You'll get some headaches and feel like crap for a few days as your body detoxifies and works the dairy through your system. Basically, you'll go through a bit of a withdrawal. Cheese as a drug...who knew?

The Fix - substitute cow's milk with goat's milk as this can usually be tolerated quite well. After breast-feeding my kids for 6 months, I switched them both to goat milk and guess what?? They still love it. It's available in most major grocery stores and can be frozen if you need to stock-pile!

So how can you give your baby relief from Baby Indigestion?

You can use gripe water for more 'instant' relief of baby indigestion. You can get this at any drug store, and many health food stores have an alternative with all natural ingredients. I have also tried some of the tablets that are on the market - most manufacturers call indigestion Colic so look for products that say Colic Relief or something like that. The label "Colic" is a bit of a misnomer because colic in infants may have nothing to do with indigestion but that debate is for another newsletter!

Additionally you can give your baby tummy massages and baby enemas to alleviate indigestion. Remember though that none of these "instant relief" techniques are aimed at the cause of the indigestion; they just treat the symptoms.

A more long term solution to the problem is to look for the food sensitivities and allergies that may be causing the indigestion in the first place.

How can this be done?

By analyzing a stool sample from your baby, your doctor will be able to determine if there is undigested cow protein present and that your baby is sensitive to dairy.

As always, I recommend talking to a medical or naturopathic doctor about your baby's symptoms if you are concerned.

If you found this article helpful, please share it and post your comments below!

Helping you turn frustration to fun,

Leah Mullis
From the Diaper Pail Communications Inc.

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Everyone knows how delightful a new baby can be! New life brings new love, fresh promise for the future, and overwhelming joy. However, that little sweetheart, can also bring other sorts of baggage, such as sleep deprivation for Mom and Dad, disruption of all routines, endless laundry, and the most dreaded of all--colic!

Colic is severe abdominal pain. The infant suffering with colic will usually have abdominal pain, gas, cramping, flatulence, bloating, and irritability accompanied by some very recognizable symptoms that distinguish themselves from normal infant crying. Colic can produce piercing and constant crying lasting for hours, and the infant will exhibit a red face that can become pale or blue around the mouth if the attack is long or severe. In addition, the infant's belly will be hard and distended with legs drawn up and arms clenched tightly. Many times the infant will have coldness in the hands and feet.

The American Academy of Pediatrics estimates that of the four million babies born in the United States each year, about 25% will develop colic. Colic most often affects infants from about two weeks until three months of age, and while doctors and scientists have been trying to find the cause of colic for over 50 years, each study brings another theory, but nothing concrete. We do know, however, that colic can be traumatic for everyone. Mom and Dad, already sleep deprived, now have the added stress of watching their baby in misery.

King Bio Children's Colic Relief(TM) can provide safe, natural relief to the infant within 30 seconds to 10 minutes. If relief is not immediately noticed, the product may be used as frequently as every 10 minutes until the symptoms subside. Remember that with King Bio homeopathic formulas, the dosages range from one spray in the mouth for newborns to three sprays for adults so there is no need to try to calm the baby down long enough to get the medicine in! One spray in that open, squalling mouth usually provides quick, safe relief for most infants suffering from colic.

All King Bio homeopathic formulas have a pure water base. There is no alcohol, sugar, or yeast to be concerned about. For added therapeutic effect, you may use any King Bio natural medicine topically on the affected area. Simply spray King Bio Colic Relief(TM) on your infant's tummy and massage gently in a clock-wise direction to assist in gas expulsion.

In certain circumstances, the infant may need additional King Bio Natural Medicines for relief. It may benefit the parents to consider King Bio for indigestion, motion sickness, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, or food and chemical allergy. Recommended formulas from King Bio include Constitutional Enhancer(TM), Tummy Aches, all our Detox Formulas, Growth and Development(TM), and VaccinoPlexä.

Having a new baby in the house can be a very physically and emotionally taxing time for parents. Make sure to take care of yourselves and use common sense during this stage of your baby's development. The following suggestions can help:

-Rest and sleep when your baby rests and sleeps.

-Breast-feeding mothers should eat small amounts frequently. Have a snack every two to four hours.

-Avoid certain foods that may aggravate colic, such as spicy food.

-Listen to your body. Don't ignore hunger pains. Make sure to drink plenty of water.

-Negotiate a deal with your partner so that you each get a decent amount of sleep each night. Your baby may awaken throughout the night, so take turns.

-Get some practical support if your are exhausted. Get assistance to shop, clean, cook, or take the baby for a walk.

-Ask your partner or a good friend to give you a face, foot, or back massage.

-Do gentle exercise, which will help create energy

-Remind yourselves that this is a short phase in your child's development!

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Teething can begin as early as 3 months, and it can be a trying time for both the baby and parents. Fortunately, there are teething remedies for toddlers that can provide relief and bring a smile to a child's face. A majority of babies will start cutting teeth halfway through their first year. At that time, solid food is being introduced into their diet.

Even before the first tooth emerges, the gums will be red and tender, creating irritation and pain for the baby. Although a doctor will tell you that teething does not cause fevers, the baby's temperature does seem to go up when teething occurs. The child can also have diarrhea during this time. You may want to take precautions against diaper rash as this will add to the child's discomfort. Other symptoms of teething include crabbiness, insomnia, and drooling.

Some things you can do to help alleviate the problem is to give them a cold teething ring that has been placed in the refrigerator. The cold temperature can help soothe a swollen gum. Soft cold mashed foods such as bananas and jelly might help.

There are over-the -counter topical ointments that can numb the gums and bring some relief. You can give baby Tylenol or Calpol to reduce the pain. The sucking action can also alleviate pain, so giving a chilled pacifier can calm an irritable child.

More natural remedies include applying clove oil on the gums, massaging the affected area, and using music and rocking to comfort the child. Even giving him diluted tea like chamomile can aid in providing some relief. It's hard on parents to see their child suffer but it's all part of the developmental process. By doing some of these teething remedies for toddlers, both child and parents can weather through it.

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Infant constipation means hard and infrequent stools. It does not mean grunting or straining. How often your infant should have a bowel movement depends on if your child is breast fed or bottle fed. Before you determine the best remedy, you should first determine if your infant is really constipated.

The colon works to maintain the body's fluid balance. The colon achieves this by removing water from the stool and eliminating waste. Waste is eliminated in the form of stool. Stools are formed as water along with nutrients and salts are absorbed by the colon. If stool remains in the colon too long, too much water is absorbed, leaving it dry and hard.

Breast fed infants are never technically constipated because the milk is easily absorbed by the baby and used. What is left is stool which is loose, curd-like, seedy and mucus. Breast fed stool do not have a foul smell. Exclusively breast fed infants can go several days between movements.

When you notice your infant groaning, straining and making funny faces as he makes a bowel movement, your infant is not constipated. This is because the baby has not learned to control their abdominal and anal muscles to relax and expand when making a bowl movement. Once you introduce solids or formula, constipation may be become an issue.

Constipation in formula fed infants is very common. Infant formula is not as well digested as breast milk and more residues are left in the colon. Because formula takes longer to digest, the residue builds up, too much water is absorb and the stool becomes hard and pebble-like. It may be difficult and uncomfortable for your infant to pass. In this case straining and groaning may occur. Formula fed infants should have a bowel movement every 1-2 days.

If your infant is constipated here are some helpful remedies:

* Gently massage your infant's tummy. Stop if the baby seems to be in pain.

* Rotate the legs in a 'bicycle" movement. This causes the stomach muscles to move and stimulate the colon.

* Fruit Juice: Offer your infant a few ounces of fruit juice (apple, prune) until the bowels are moving.

* Try a gentle rectal exam. Insert a lubricated thermometer or Q-tip about a quarter inch into the rectum and wiggle it around. This really works so be prepared for what comes out.

* Karo syrup: Add about two teaspoons to formula. Corn syrup draws more fluid into the intestine, which makes stool less hard. Be sure not to give too much because diarrhea can occur

* Liquid Glycerin Suppositories for Infants: suppositories work by increasing water in the stool.

* For infants on solids offer prunes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots and peas. They make stools softer.

When to contact the doctor:

* If your infant cries while straining

* Constipation remains a persistent problem

* The number of wet diapers decreases each day

* Blood in stool or bleeding from anus

* Abdominal pain

* Reduced Appetite

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Ouch! Teething hurts! It's a very painful and stressful time for baby. There are a few things you can do to ease the pain.

Teething usually occurs between 6 months and 24 months of age. Often the bottom two front teeth will appear first and then the four top front teeth. Baby will often begin drooling or try to chew on any firm object within reach.

Baby's gums may be tender and swollen and cheeks near the affected gums will sometimes become red. While most babies go through the teething experience without excessive pain, that's not the case with all of them. For some it may be very uncomfortable and baby may become extremely irritable.

You can help by rubbing baby's gums with a clean wet finger or use a cold table spoon to gently massage the gums. This will help ease the pain and soothe baby.

Chilled teething rings are a popular option. When using a teething ring you can increase its effectiveness by storing it in the refrigerator. Baby will find the coolness on the gums is very soothing. You want the ring chilled, but not frozen. A frozen teething ring could cause frostbite to baby's tender lips and gums.

Some parents allow baby to chew on a clean cold wash rag. Another idea is to wrap cracked ice in a washcloth and allow children to chew on this. Careful! Watch your babies to make sure they don't accidentally choke on any ice that may slip out of the washcloth.

When a baby reaches six months of age she loves to feed herself. Create a custom made cool treat by filling an ice cube tray with baby's favorite juice and put wooden sticks in each section. The frozen treat will numb baby's gums for a few moments and may even generate a few giggles.

After the first two bottom teeth appear, baby can chew on a cold carrot or apple. This helps ease the pain, as well as gives baby a little added nutrition. Of course, never give baby something he can choke on.

Keep over the counter teething gel handy. Ask your doctor if he or she recommends a pain reliever medication. Don't mistake certain symptoms with teething when those symptoms could actually represent an illness or infection. Diaper rash, high fever, diarrhea, sleepless nights and vomiting are not a side effect of teething. If your baby displays any of those things get to your doctor quickly.

Chances are you won't be able to make your baby completely comfortable during teething, but if you follow these suggestions you will be doing everything you can.

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Life is full of demands, hassles, frustrations, demands and deadlines. For some people, stress is common that it has become a part of their life. Stress is not always negative. In some instances, it can inspire you to do your best or perform under pressure. It may affect, however, your mind and body when you are consistently struggling with stress. Protect yourself by recognizing the signs and symptoms of chronic stress and prevent its dangerous effects in your health. The four common types of stress are:

  • Eustress. A type of stress that is exciting and fun. It keeps us full of life. An example is organizing a wedding or planning and packing for an out of town vacation.

  • Acute Stress. A type of stress that is usually short-term. It can be positive (eustress) or negative (daily life stressors). We may encounter this type of stress anytime like road accident, giving birth, etc.

  • Episodic Acute Stress. These are acute stress that is rampant or part of everyday life like traffic jam going to and from the workplace or babysitting your toddler.

  • Chronic Stress. A type of stress that is consistent and never-ending like rocky marriage or demanding job. This is usually inescapable.

Fight or Flight Mechanism and the Nervous System

Stress can have a grave influence on your physical and psychological health because of the high level of chemicals in the "fight or flight" response. Stress is the usual body response to situations that you feel threatening or upsetting your life in some way. When you perceived danger - whether imaginary or real, your physical defense will reach to its high level in an automatic and rapid response known as the "fight or flight" mechanism or stress response.

The ANS or group autonomic nervous system is a network of nerves reaching the spinal cord affecting the organs of the body. Its two main branches are sympathetic and parasympathetic which have opposing effects. The sympathetic ANS helps deal with stressful situations by instigating the fight or flight response. The parasympathetic ANS takes over as soon as the danger has passed. It decreases heart beat and relaxes blood vessel.

For people with good health, these two branches of autonomic nervous system have balance meaning action is followed by relaxation. Sadly, some people's sympathetic ANS remains on guard, making it difficult for them to relax and allow the parasympathetic ANS to take over. If this situation becomes persistent, stress related diseases and illnesses will follow.

Mind and body are linked and the interaction in between causes physical changes. The brain can notice stressor, a physical response is produced which leads to a more emotional reaction and physical and mental damage. Problems like muscle tension and headaches are sometimes cause by reactions that go with stress. Your body is designed to overcome chronic stress and pressure. You must make an action of correcting the negative symptoms of stress. Peace of mind can save you from stress troubles but if you are worried, an expert care is not bad at all. Do not ignore the symptoms of stress.

Some illness and diseases may be caused by stress - directly or indirectly. Here are some symptoms to watch out for. You may be experiencing one or more of them:

  • Physical. Frequent fever, insomnia, fatigue, muscle aches, lack of sex desire, diarrhea or constipation, high blood pressure, pounding heart, shortness of breath, chest pain, grinding teeth, clenched jaw, headaches.

  • Psychosocial.feelings of being trapped,hopelessness, helplessness, slow racing or thinking, helplessness, apathy, hyper sensitivity, mood swings, anger, defensiveness, sadness, irritability, anxiety.

  • Behavioral. Withdrawal, or isolation, increased smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, procrastination, prone to arguments, impatience, under eating or overeating.

Signs of Chronic Stress

  • Changes in appetite, gas pain, diarrhea

  • Crying for no known reason

  • Muscular Tension

  • Nervousness or sad, angry or irritable

  • Chest pain or breathing problem

  • Having problems and/or relationship at work

  • Lack of sleep or over sleeping

  • Physical and mental fatigue

  • Recurring fever

  • Tooth grinding

  • Skin rashes or hives

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Faint or feeling dizzy

  • Headaches, indigestion, upset stomach

  • Lack of motivation or interest, general apathy

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Would you believe me if I told you that there was a secret ingredient that you could add to your baby's food that would provide a massive nutritional boost? An incredibly healthy ingredient with such a subtle flavour that your baby wouldn't even notice it?

It sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

Yet that secret ingredient DOES exist - and YOU can increase the nutritive value of many of your baby's meals by the simple addition of wheat germ.

Note: Before including wheat germ (which contains gluten), or any wheat products into your baby's diet, remember to check with your doctor.

What is wheat germ?

Nutritionally speaking, wheat germ is one of the most valuable products available. It is the smallest part of the whole grain, which is made up of 4 parts

  • the husk (outer layer)

  • the bran (a nutritious, high fibre part of the grain)

  • the endosperm (the largest part of the grain, used in processed grain foods)

  • the germ (the smallest part of the grain, packed with nutrients)

Why is wheat germ good for my baby?

The list of nutrients contained in wheat germ is impressive - in fact, wheat germ provides more nutrients per oz than any other grain or vegetable. By adding it to your baby's food, you are providing him with

  • folic acid

  • phosphorus (needed for healthy teeth and bones)

  • fibre

  • vitamin A

  • vitamins B1 and B3

  • vitamin B5 (otherwise known as pantothenic acid, which helps the body assimilate energy from food)

  • vitamin E (which strengthens the immune system)

  • protein (the protein content of wheat germ is actually higher than most meats)

  • iron

  • potassium

  • riboflavin

  • calcium

  • magnesium

  • zinc

Buying and storing wheat germ

You can buy wheat germ at health food stores and it is more commonly becoming available in leading supermarkets. It is sold in both fresh and toasted forms - fresh is best, if available.

You may notice on the packaging that you are advised to keep wheat germ in the refrigerator (fresh should be refrigerated immediately and toasted should be refrigerated once opened). This is important, as wheat germ contains fat and will spoil if stored incorrectly. To maintain freshness, always keep opened wheat germ in an airtight container.

Adding wheat germ to baby's food

Wheat germ has a very subtle, faintly sweet taste, meaning you can easily add it to both savoury and sweet baby food dishes. If your baby is a fussy eater and you are concerned that he is not receiving adequate nutrition from his solid food, then the addition of wheat germ ensures that he receives an extra dose of valuable nutrients with everything he eats. It can be included in virtually any dish...

  • sprinkle some on baby's cereal, or fruit purees

  • use it to top cooked veggies

  • stir it into your baby's stews and casseroles or soups

  • stir some into your baby's yogurt

  • mix it with breadcrumbs when breading chicken, tofu etc for your baby

  • use it as a "dusting" to coat slippery finger foods for your baby

  • when baking for baby, use small amounts of wheat germ in place of equivalent amounts of flour

Do remember that wheat germ helps constipation, which means that giving your baby too much may have quite the opposite effect! Sprinkle a little over his meals and do not use wheat germ if your baby has diarrhea.

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Swimming weather is approaching and to most of us this brings smiles to our faces as we think of the fun of splashing in a cold pool, the smell of suntan lotion and the laughter of happy children leaping off diving boards. For public health officials the opening of public pools brings with it the fear of recreational water illness (RWI).

Many of these RWI are spread through microbial contamination due to fecal matter in the water, particularly E. Coli. It is tough enough to control adults and toilet trained children who disregard posted rules regarding showering or avoiding swimming when ill with diarrhea, but what about young children who are not able to control themselves? A few years back in Wisconsin swimmers in 3 different public pools became sick when a single child who was infected with a parasite had accidents in each of the pools. More and more public health officials are requiring that children less than 3 years old wear specially designed swim diapers/nappies.

Regular disposable diapers are designed to absorb liquids and keep them away from the baby's skin. When submerged in a swimming pool these diapers quickly become waterlogged, heavy and are rendered useless. The core of standard disposable diapers can also become a danger to pools filtration systems if they come apart. A swim nappy is designed to not absorb liquids but they will hold in solids. They can never come apart and endanger a pool filtration system.

As in standard diapers parents must make a decision when purchasing swim diapers, they can choose between reusable and disposable. Reusable swim nappies are like a regular bathing suit; they are washable and worn again and again. They contain solids and do not absorb liquids. Disposable swim diapers are like normal disposable nappies, they are thrown away after they are soiled.

There are pros and cons for each type or swim diaper/nappie. Some pros of reusable swim nappies are that are more economical if your child will be doing quite a bit of swimming. If you are traveling a reusable swim diaper will take up far less room. As is the case in standard diapers, there is less environmental impact with a reusable. Reusable swim nappies have less chance of irritating a baby's skin as there are no chemicals.

The cons of reusable swim diapers is that they must be replaced frequently as the child grows as they must have a tight fit to work properly. They require washing after each soiling, which is very time consuming. There is an environmental impact to this process as well. A swim nappy that must be pulled up or down can be a messy affair when it is full, you can try and find ones that open.

Disposable swim nappies are extremely convenient. They are easy to pull onto the baby and they are made so that the side can be torn so they are easy to remove. They never have to be washed they simply can be thrown away. You can find disposable swim diapers in many locations, so they are easy to locate when traveling.

There are negatives to disposable swim nappies, such as the expense. They have an environmental impact, particularly to landfills. The downside to the disposable swim nappies being easily torn is that the baby can sometimes accidentally remove them.

Toddlers may have some that must be taken into account as well. A young child that has grown tired of wearing diapers may not wish to wear a disposable swim diaper and be more comfortable in the more swimsuit like reusable. The bright colors and cartoon characters which are often printed on the disposable nappies may appeal to them however.

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