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When babies are born, they are properly hydrated and remain so if their mother continues to breastfeed them day and night, even if the climate becomes dry. Offering water to breastfed babies does more harm than good. Yet, some mothers persist in feeding their babies with water and formula during the first six months of recommended breastfeeding. This occurs in many countries which bring harmful effects to the health of the baby. Experts recommend that mothers breastfeed their infants during the first six months for their child's proper development, growth and survival.

Babies are provided the necessary nutrients and energy during breastfeeding. It also reduces infant mortality caused by diarrhea, pneumonia and other sickness brought about by contaminants in the baby's formula. Babies recover faster from diseases when breastfed regularly and it helps families space their children.

To bring good health to newborn infants, they need regular intake of fluids. The average daily water requirement of babies range from 80-100 ml/kg in the first week of birth to 140-160 ml/kg between three to six months. A breastfed baby receives these amounts if it is given exclusively and unrestricted for two reasons:

The water in a mother's breastmilk contains the necessary amount of water to provide their baby's safety. Even if an infant gets a little water in the first milk (colostrum), no additional water is needed because they are provided with extra water by nature upon birth. More water is provided in the mother's milk on the third or fourth day of breastfeeding.

Water is very important for babies to flush out solutes. These are substances such as sodium, nitrogen, potassium and chloride. Since breastmilk is 88 percent water, it is low in solutes. The kidneys of infants, although immature up to three months, are able to expel these solutes in their urine to maintain a healthy and balanced body.

Why is water harmful to infants before the age of six months? It can cause significant impact in the baby's survival, growth, and development. Even a small amount of liquid can cause a baby to lose appetite for breastmilk. It can reduce breastmilk intake by as much as 11 percent. Sugar water fed to babies cause greater weight loss and decreases their immune system to fight common diseases . It also brings about diarrhea causing organisms especially if the water used is not treated well.

What do children after six months need? Infants six to eleven months do not need water if they continue to receive breastmilk. Other sources of water may come from fruits, vegetables, or small amounts of boiled water fed after each meal. Mothers should ensure that water or other fluids do not replace breastmilk, otherwise some nutrients from vitamin rich foods will be diluted. Soups, broths and other watery foods fed to babies fall below the required nutritional value to help maintain good health.

To guarantee a child's well being after the breastfeeding period, water fed to them must be safe and clean. Although the quality of water in America is generally safe, it is still contaminated with almost 2,100 various toxins. Drugs, pesticides, herbicides, sex hormones, and other industrial wastes are found in the water supply of American homes. The chemicals seep into old and corroded pipe installations before they enter the households. So even if the water supply had been treated by municipal water treatment facilities, the water that people drink is still unsafe. Bottled water is also considered unsafe because chemicals in the plastic used in packaging contain phthalate, a carcinogen that is very hazardous when used in the long run.

Water is vital to our health and especially to our babies. If we can provide them with breastmilk for their first six months, please continue to do so for as long as you can. But if you really need to use other milk products mixed with water, make sure the water used is safe and clean. The quality of water in the U.S. today is not what it used to be a decade ago. Know more about these in John's website and find out how you can protect your baby from chemicals in your drinking water.

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Baby formula was originally intended to be a milk substitute for women who couldn't breastfeed. Today, it is peddled as the next best thing to mother's milk, suggesting that it is just as healthful as breast milk, Health care providers often promote bottle feeding by giving free samples of formula to new mothers.

Yet, no man made concoction can duplicate the properties of breast milk, no matter how many supplements are added to it. Breastfeeding offers many benefits that formula cannot deliver.

Breastfed babies get fewer ear infections and other infections, due to antibiotics in breast milk. They get less diarrhea, constipation, colic, and other stomach upsets. They have a reduced risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Breastfed babies tend to have straighter teeth and don't get "baby bottle syndrome" (buck teeth from bottle). Breastfeeding satisfies the baby's emotional needs and increases bonding between mother and baby. And breastfed babies smell better, from top to bottom, but especially the bottom.

Some benefits to breastfed babies are lifelong. In later childhood, there is a decreased risk of tooth decay, diabetes, and some childhood cancers. As adults, they will have fewer allergies. In fact, it has been estimated that 65% of bottle fed babies will develop a lifelong allergy. Adults who were breastfed tend to have lower cholesterol levels; are less likely to be obese; are less likely to have high blood pressure, and are less likely to have heart disease. They will have a reduced risk of: rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis, compared to adults who were bottle fed. The antibodies in breast milk seem to last a lifetime, as adults who were breastfed are less likely to have ear infection, or other infections;

Breastfeeding also benefits the mother greatly. It helps delay the return of fertility and to space subsequent pregnancies. It reduces the risk of postnatal depression, and helps to develop an emotional relationship and bonding with her child. Breastfeeding helps the uterus contract after birth to control postpartum bleeding. Nursing mothers get more rest than bottle feeding moms, as there is no screaming baby in the middle of the night waiting on the formula to heat up; you can nurse while sleeping. Both mom and baby sleep better. Dad sleeps better to, since he never has to get out of bed to help with feeding. Breastfeeding mothers have less chance of breast cancer, as well as some other forms of cancer throughout life. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of osteoporosis in later years. Above all, breastfeeding gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are giving your baby the best start in life.

Disclaimer: This article is for entertainment purposes only, and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.

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Goodness how time flies. It does not seem possible that the holidays are nearly here once again. With the holidays arrives family, friends, food, decorations and of course gifts! What actually got me thinking about the impending holidays was the thought of dragging my tree upstairs, putting it up and the reality that we have a new "puppy toddler" in our home.

Consider, My babies are well into their teens and our third youngster, Rodeo - a VERY spoiled Border Collie, will be four years old on Christmas Day and the cat is just about ten. So for a great many years, we have not had to think about "kiddie/dog proofing" the household.

However, a few weeks ago, we adopted a new family member from a rescue shelter. Her name is Maddie and she is a Border Collie Mix and is about one year old. She's the most angelic little girl but like any rescue pup, she has some "issues". We are working with her to give her the much needed training she has been denied but many days the puppy in her just gets the better of her. Lol

Honestly, I can just visualize her attacking the Christmas tree as if she's a lineman who has a direct shot at the quarterback for the winning play! Believe me when I say there isn't anything this dog can't chew up or destroy if she sets her mind to it. To her credit, she is responding beautifully to her training and learning quickly to what is and isn't permitted. She's a genuinely great dog who has already stolen my heart.

After the Christmas tree nightmare in my head, I started thinking of the loads of other potential dangers that I need to be looking at as I set my home up this year and I want to share them with you.

For starters, it's not going to be beneficial to leave packages around the bottom of the tree for them to access. For one thing, the wrappings and bows can be a choking hazard but you must also look at what might be inside the gifts. Your dog could possibly eat it, drink it, destroy it or Lord only knows what else! So either find a stand to set the gifts on or simply keep them up in the closet till time to unwrap them.

As well as the Christmas tree, you had better also think about the plants that are frequently used for decorating in our homes during the holidays. I know each year we receive at least one Poinsettia as a gift and those can really upset your dog's stomach. The same goes for holly leaves, berries and mistletoe but mistletoe can actually cause their heart to collapse. Therefore plants should be left up on the counter tops or tables where your dog cannot reach them.

Don't forget about small things like batteries for toys, tape, string, staples and what I refer to as all of the "smelly good stuff". What am I talking about? You know how they sell plug-ins, scented beads, scented candles, scented everything, just keep it up and out of reach.

The other category of small things is decorative. Items such as tinsel, ornaments, hooks for ornaments, candy from the tree, bulbs from the lights, electrical cords and ornamental strings of beads. Altogether these can be extreme choking and or sharp cutting hazards. They can also cause a bowel obstruction in your dog which would necessitate surgery to remove.

If you are like we are, you pretty much bring your dog(s) with you if you travel for any prolonged period of time. I mean they are part of the family. Even so, Christmas time can just be nuts with so many new people and loud toys that they can really make your dog uncomfortable and exceedingly anxious.

In some circumstances it may be advisable to look at either leaving them at home or placing them in a separate room where it would be calm and less hectic. You would not want to put your dog in the position where they felt threatened and unintentionally nipped somebody out of fear. It's just a unfavorable situation all of the way around.

In closing, it's particularly crucial to try to stick to your dog's routine as much as possible. Try to make sure they have their food and water as you would usually serve it. Avoid giving them any scraps or unusual foods off of the table. These are prime targets for stomach upset and diarrhea. If you generally put them to bed or out to potty at certain times, keep that routine going. If it's hectic set a timer on your watch or cell phone to remind yourself. This will help prevent any accidents. It will also keep them less agitated to have a familiar routine.

Last but certainly not least, Make certain that your dog has a good quality collar on that has CURRENT identification information. I would make the suggestion that you consider investing in an embroidered collar with their name and a phone number. I personally use my cell phone number on my dog's collars. That way if they would get loose and I'm out looking for them, if someone calls, they will be calling my cell phone. Don't forget to add their tags from the vet and any registration tags and that way you know there is complete contact information.

Most important, just make certain you both savor and enjoy the holidays. Remember to spend quality time with your dog during the holidays and don't forget their gifts!

The holidays are all about family, friends, fun and food - but occasionally it's easy to forget about holiday safety for your dog. We all want our dogs to be part of the celebration, but there are some important guidelines to follow. Keep your dog safe this holiday season - no one wants their holiday celebration to wind up at the veterinary emergency clinic!

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If you are breastfeeding, you may be wondering how long you should continue. The World Health Organization (WHO) and most medical associations recommend exclusive breastfeeding until six months, and as long as the mother and child wish to continue after that. The WHO recommends at least until age two.

Many people think that after a certain age the benefits of breastfeeding are only psychological, but the health benefits continue for as long as breastfeeding continues.The WHO recommendation is because of diarrhea, a dangerous illness very common between the age of one and two. Toddlers who have weaned from the breast are more likely to be dehydrated and spend time in the hospital when they get diarrhea, and they spend more time there than the toddlers with diarrhea who are still nursing.

What is Weaning?

The process of weaning begins as soon as the baby gets any food other than breastmilk. Babies don't need water, cereal, tea or formula until they are about half a year old, unless there is a medical concern. If weight gain is low, the baby should be seen by a doctor to rule out medical issues. Many times, a call to La Leche League or a lactation consultant can help resolve the problem. Weaning is a process that can last many months, or years.

Some mothers wean from the breast before returning to work, but it is possible to pump at work and save the milk for the caretaker to give the next day. Babies don't need to wean because they have teeth, or can talk, or are in day care--the weaning decision is between the mother and baby. Weaning doesn't occur in a straight line, either. There may be stages where baby nurses more often during the day or night than previously.

Do Children Stop Breastfeeding On Their Own?

All children will wean on their own. According to anthropologist Katherine Dettwyler, the natural age for humans to nurse is between two and five years. Often the mother is ready to wean before the child. She should avoid making the decision during a stressful time, and keep in mind that if she is overtired, anxious or worried the child will pick up on it and ask to nurse more frequently. Sometimes after a day or two of relaxed nursing the mother will see things in a new light.

Babies under a year are unlikely to stop on their own unless they are used to frequent bottles or the mother breastfeeds according to a strict schedule. Sometimes a "nursing strike" is mistaken for a desire to stop breastfeeding. If the baby is in pain or has a cold, he or she may nurse a minimal amount for a few days.

How to Stop Breastfeeding

Whenever a mother decides to stop breastfeeding, she should do so gradually. Weaning abruptly can lead to severe engorgement and possibly infection. It's best to cut back one feeding at a time, replacing it with a bottle if the baby is very young, and wait until the breasts are soft again before cutting out another breastfeeding.

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While we all understand how important it is to effectively manage our stress, we often fail to realize how important it is to help our dogs do the same. What parts of our life will increase the stress of our companion pets? Here are a few examples:

  • Divorce

  • Behavior Problems in Children

  • Death

  • Moves

  • Children Moving Out

  • Loss of Home

While these are all naturally occurring in our lives, their collective impact can be very negative for both us as well as our dogs.

Signs of Stress in Dogs

There are several signs your dog may be suffering from heightened stress. While many of these signs are also connected to other problems, these are things you may see with your dog when there is stress in the home environment. Here are a few of these symptoms to watch for:

  • Self Chewing - while most companion pets will chew a little as a form of cleaning, excessive chewing is indicative of high stress.

  • Destructive Behavior - While some dogs are naturally inclined to some destructive behavior, this would be in excess of what's normal for your companion pet.

  • Separation anxiety

  • Refusing food, treats or to open mouth

  • Diarrhea or constipation

  • Avoiding eye contact, keeping tail between legs or acting unusually shy

Remember, these are indicators but are also common in some dogs normally. If you see an increase in these behaviors, that's when to start evaluating whether or not there are new additional stress factors in the environment that may need to be dealt with.

Physiological Effects

Every biological organism will have physiological reactions to stress. These can include:

  • Ulcers

  • Stress related diarrhea

  • Stomach Upset

  • Skin irritation

Helping Fido through Stressful Times

While we may just have to muscle through stress, we can often help our pets so they remain happy and healthy. Here are some tips on how:

Spend quality "happy" time with your dog. - Dogs are often loved because they empathize when their master is having a hard time. While this may help the master a little, if this is habitual it has a severe negative impact in the psychological wellbeing of the animal. Just like you might fake happiness with a toddler, do the same thing with your dog to help reduce their stress.

Consider boarding your dog. If you are in the process of moving, renovating your home, or cleaning up after a natural disaster, consider boarding your dog during the process. While pets are great at adapting to new environments, they don't deal well with the change process. Removing them from a chaotic environment will help reduce their stress.

Being around other animals will help decrease stress. Take your dog to a dog park or enroll her in a doggie daycare to get the necessary socialization and reduce the stress felt.

We all want what's best for out families, including out pets. Don't forget to consider the stress your dog feels when things aren't normal at home and help give them the attention needed to successfully cope will it too.

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Once your babies eat rice cereal without difficulty for a couple of weeks, you can introduce baby-food vegetables. Offer one type of vegetable for a few days at a time so you can give each baby a chance to get used to the taste of a new food. This method also allows you to detect the off ending agent if one of them develops an intolerance or allergic reaction to a food item. Possible signs of food intolerance include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive irritability, or development of a rash. Once your babies have tried a variety of vegetables, you can add fruits.

Offer one new food item for a few days before adding another. You can also slowly increase solid-food feedings from one to three times a day over a period of several months. When your babies can sit well alone and can pick up objects between their thumb and forefinger, you can introduce some finger foods.

Babies typically reach this milestone anywhere between nine and ten months of age. Finger foods help strengthen your children's feeding abilities as well as their fine motor skills (finger dexterity and strength).

My favorite finger foods for babies this age include softly cooked, chopped-up vegetables such as carrots, pumpkin, and potatoes. Be sure to cook vegetables enough so that they easily mash with little pressure. Ripe, diced bananas are also popular at this age. Other favorites include well-cooked pasta pieces, baby cereal bars, and soft breads such as homemade cornbread, biscuits, or bran muffins.

You can add foods such as soft tofu squares, grated mild cheese, and minced chicken for protein. By around one year of age, many babies can obtain the majority of their nutrition through eating. You can off er chopped up versions of your family meals at this age, provided that the food is soft or easily chewable. Formula-fed babies can start whole milk at one year as long as they are capably eating a variety of foods. You can also start moving away from bottles and make the transition to sippy cups at this age.

Take Your Time As you feed your twins, remember that solid foods will not replace the important nutrition in breast milk and formula until they reach around twelve months. So do not feel rushed in advancing your babies on solids. Continue to feed your babies breast milk or formula until they are at least one year old in order to ensure they are getting adequate nutrition while they learn to eat. Take your time introducing solids, and let your babies dictate their pace. Take lots of pictures, and enjoy every moment!

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One of the most painful times experienced by babies is when they are already starting to grow their teeth. Even a single sprout of a tooth can bring unbearable pain for babies. What's more, this is the time when they drool a lot, bite, and experience diarrhea bouts - all because of teething. If your baby experiences any of these symptoms, follow the tips below to keep your baby comfortable and fuss-free.

Drooling. If your child suddenly starts drooling, one of the reasons for this is that he or she is already starting to teeth. And because of this, the more your baby is prone to drooling rashes. Although drooling is normal every time your baby teethes, this can be uncomfortable for your baby as it develops into rashes around the mouth area. At times, it would show as red, blotchy patches of skin, and at other times, it manifests as dry, scaly skin. This happens when the drooling rash is at its worst stage.

Getting a drool rash is normal and should not cause any other physical manifestation that can hurt your baby's sensitive skin. No treatments are necessary, but if you want you don't want any discomfort for the baby, there is nothing much to do except gently wiping the drool with a clean, soft cloth when your baby produces excess saliva. In worst cases, the only cream that you can apply to the rash is petroleum jelly.

Biting. When a tooth is about to come out, the area where it will sprout out becomes swollen and itchy. Thus, your baby always feels the need to rub the swollen gums against something - which makes it look like the baby is "biting". But the real reason for such an action is to relieve him or her of that itchy feeling. It can also be painful, thus, your baby acts irritably or at times, inconsolable.

To relieve your baby of the pain, you may opt to give him or her cold water or Popsicle to help numb your baby's gums. You may also give your baby a "teether" or any soft, rubbery material that he or she can chew on. Just ensure that the teether won't split if the baby chews on it too hard.

Another teething treat for babies is the teether biscuits. Not only do these biscuits relieve pain, they are delicious as well. Just learn to regulate the amount of biscuits you give your baby, otherwise, it could lead to another teething problem, that is, tooth decay.

Diarrhea. Teething is usually accompanied by diarrhea bouts that is why you need to ensure that your baby is well-hydrated always. Feed him or her mashed bananas or apples that are sure ways to make cure diarrhea.

Teething is indeed a painful experience for your baby and ensuring he or she is relaxed and happy will at least help lessen the discomfort that teething brings.

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If an infant is experiencing lower intestinal pains and possibly a bloated belly causing continual crying then they could well have Intestinal colic. Colic is qualified in varying levels of seriousness and since this is caused by abdominal gas confined within the guts, or spasms of new intestines, most babies experience severe irritation.

Extreme crying behavior is known as colic and can occur from when the baby is 6 weeks to 8 weeks of age. Experts say that the amount of the baby's crying can be at varying levels and can be generally diagnosed as colic when a baby but cries extremely and excessively for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, or for more than 3 weeks. Research shows that colic usually results from a combination of a baby's temperament, environment and tender nervous system. Experts say that colic is normal and not normally related to serious health conditions like digestion troubles.

It will lead to this only if the baby develops an intolerance to the milk protein found in cow's milk, fructose, or if there is a transmission of byproducts of the mother's medicinal drug while she is breastfeeding. Intestinal colic can be characterized in newborn infants if they show usually irritable attitude or cries for no obvious reason. Intestinal colic in babies can be defined as gaseous discomfort,abdominal bloating and hard swollen tummy, when baby pulled up knees to chest, clenches the fists, flailing of arms and legs,having arched back and infants having sleepless nights fretfulness and fussiness. Discomfort suffered by a baby caused by collection of abdominal wind is an usual symptom of colic, Yet, there are other less regular but more severe signs like vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or blood in mucus or stool. If you notice these signs, he or she might be suffering from a more serious digestive problem that needs fast medical attention.

Colic is a nasty disease that can cause a vast array of frustrations and negative feelings for your parents, and for you. If your infant has colic, there are several ways that you can address it. Invariably check with your pediatrician before giving any medications, remedies, or supplements to your baby. Specialists say that several measures can be done at hospital or even at home, as it is normal to babies. Household colic treatments can consist of: using a soother, or a light side to side movement of the baby. Massaging the infant's stomach or back, ensuring a quiet and non-stimulating environment when intestinal colic period begins, changing the infant's diet and feeding techniques particularly in breastfeeding and playing relaxing music also help.

Be sure to contact your doctor for medical advice and, in case of any interventions needed, to obtain the correct prescription. Simethicone drops such as Maalox and Mylanta can be used to relieve abdominal gas or an alternative formula that is soy based or hypoallergenic instead of milk-based could prove helpful also.

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Make sure your baby is ready for solid food before you give it to her. Don't rush her into eating solid food. Some babies are ready for it at four months. Some babies aren't ready until they are older. Your baby's weight or age alone does not determine her readiness for solid food.

Here are some signs to look for that will tell you if your baby is ready to try solid food:

o She holds her head steady and sits with support.

o She reaches for and shows interest in food.

o She opens her mouth when she sees food.

o She no longer thrusts her tongue out during feeding, so she's able to keep food in her mouth and swallow it.

o She turns her head away when she is full.

Most babies are ready for baby cereal when they are between four and six months of age. Ask your doctor about the best time to start your baby on solid food. Rice, oatmeal or barley cereals are OK if they are finely ground. Use them one at a time.

Mix some infant cereal with breast milk in a bowl. You can also use formula instead of breast milk. Don't use cow's milk or any other kind of milk or other liquid. Hold your baby in a sitting position or put her in a child seat on the floor (Be sure she is strapped in.) so she doesn't choke. Always use a spoon to feed solid foods to your baby.

See if your baby will take half of a very small spoonful. If she turns her head away or cries, she is not ready. Try again in a week or two.

When she is ready, she will take small, messy bites. She may roll the food around in her mouth or feel it repeatedly with her tongue. Making a mess is part of learning, so just have fun with her. At this age, your breast milk or infant formula provides all the nutrition your baby needs.

Give your baby only one new food at a time. You can then see if any one of the foods causes allergic reactions. Right now, only infant cereals are a good choice. If one of these types of cereals is a problem for her, she will vomit or get a rash. She may also have diarrhea. If this happens, call your doctor or go to your clinic.

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Stomach flu, also known as gastroenteritis, is an infection of the stomach and intestines; affecting the digestive system. Usually the cause will be from contaminated foods or fluids admitting parasites, types of bacteria or viruses. Also contact or consumption of toxins that may be present in plants or seafoods. The use of potent laxatives for constipation or intake of poisonous heavy metal or food.

A child will suffer from upset stomach and cramps. he or she will become disinterested in eating and feel weak. A child may also experience diarrhea and vomiting; sometimes there will be a fever and dehydration. This infection could last about five days.

Giving your child fluids, on a regular basis, will keep him or her from dehydrating and it will stop other symptoms from getting worse. When experiencing the stomach flu, the loss of water and salt in the body is at high risk. Thus, leading to dehydration which can be life threatening to the child.

Water, alone, isn't enough due to the loss of salts in the body as well. Parents can purchase specific drinks, such as pedilite, designed to replenish the body of lost fluid and salts. These drinks can be found at your local grocery store. There are a number of different flavors to choose from and all are easy to ingest. Do not add sugar or water to these drinks, they are designed to rehydrate the body with the correct combination of salts, sugars and water. If you add things to the mixture this will delay in the body recovering properly.

If vomiting is involved with the child, you can administer these solutions a teaspoon at a time every two minutes. Increase the quantity as the child is able to hold it down. One can also incorporate these solutions into ice chips for the child who is vomiting frequently. This, too, will supply their body with constant fluids.

This procedure should be followed until the child is over the diarrhea. However, if the condition lasts over twenty four hours you should seek the advice of your pediatrician. Keep in mind, fluids like soft drinks, sports drinks, chicken broth or apple juice; though good for your family, are not the correct combination of salts, sugars and waters and can cause the condition to worsen.

Symptoms to look for if a child is lacking in proper amounts of fluids are as follows: sunken eyes, complaints of dry mouth, always thirsty, less frequent urination, and unusual changes in sleep patterns. By all means avoid giving your child fried, spicy or sugary foods during this time of sickness.

Bedrest is very important, the more the better. Complete bed rest is recommended for the duration of the diarrhea and vomiting or for twenty four hours, which ever lasts the longest. I f fever is involved with the sickness of the child, take care to check it frequently. Keep a standing record of his or her temperature every four hours. Again contact your doctor if the fever is excessively high and doesn't stop climbing.

Take precautions when preparing your child's food, always wash your hands. Call your doctor if vomiting and diarrhea lasts over twenty four hours and be prepared to visit the emergency room if blood is visible in the vomit or there is green color substance.

The doctor may take stool and blood tests and most likely prescribe an antibiotic to help your child. Sometimes there will be an anti nausea medicine prescribed to assist in the vomiting and fluid loss. In severe cases of fluid loss, the child may be admitted into the hospital and an IV will be placed into the child'[s veins. He or she will be monitored regularly and the doctor will be informed continually; the doctor will also visit the child to check the progress he or she is making and if they are responding to treatment. If the illness continues for days, the doctor will be kept informed not only of the temperature, blood oxygen levels and daily weight of the child; but also make any changes in treatment the doctor may prescribe.

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Discomfort can start well before teeth even come through. Just before they erupt you should be able to feel the teeth by running your finger along your baby's gums. The first set of teeth, usually begin to erupt at about six months, although they can appear earlier or later. The first teeth to erupt are usually the front four teeth, usually bottom first.

You should be able to spot the baby teething. Some of the more common teething symptoms include; irritability, fussiness, high grade temperature, excessive drooling, rash on face, chewing on everything, diarrhea and diaper rash.

There are many teething remedies. The most effective is to take your baby's mind off the discomfort. You can massage your baby's gums, using a wet finger or soothing gels. Teething rings are also effective - especially when first placed in a fridge and cooled. You can even use cold vegetables. There are many natural and homeopathic teething remedies you could try.

If you are thinking of using a homeopathic remedy for teething you should consult your pediatrician. Natural Homeopathic teething remedies include a stick of licorice and chamomile. You can also find teething tablets at your local grocery or department store and work to decreases irritability.

What teething remedy you use depends on you and your baby. All babies are different so you might have to try several methods to find the one that works best. If all else fails, talk to your doctor.

Just watch for the baby teething signs and remember all parents go through it and there are many remedies that will help soothe your baby. Hang in there, you and your baby will get though it and your baby won't even remember it.

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Essential Daily Vitamins and Minerals for Autistic Children.

I am writing this article for parents of autistic children who are struggling day to day seeking to find ways to help their children. As a proud parent of an autistic child, I have spent thousands of dollars in supplements, various natural and conventional doctors and testing. As an avid researcher, I have placed forth in this article the foundation of my research to safely and naturally help you to help your children.

I accredit a great deal of my research breakthroughs to Pfeifer Treatment Center, Dr. Garry F. Gordon, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, Dr. William Shaw, and Dr. Bernard Rimland. When starting on a natural path to help your children. Dr. Jethro Kloss one of the best documenters of alternative medicine explained it best. It takes 6 months of cure for each year of affliction when using alternative medicine. Homeopathy and Vitamin therapy may present some immediate improvements that you notice within the first month. It takes time. I have found that most parents give up on a natural therapy because it doesn't work as fast as drugs. Drugs suppress the issue and natural modalities can offer a way to pinpoint the source of concern in the body that recovers the healing process.

I write this out of my years of heartache and hundreds of hours of research. I have made great breakthroughs with several natural modalities, most of which I will present in this article.

My major disagreement with mainstream doctors and medicine is that autism is being treated more as a psychological issue. I believe anyone treating autism as a psychological disorder is going in the wrong direction. Autism is best treated as a biological disorder. Using principles of naturopathic medicine can lend more answers to this growing diagnosis.

Most practitioners and parents have noticed more success in helping autistic children by treating the digestive disorders, eliminating allergies, environmental toxins, and nutritional diet adjustments.

This area does not incorporate drugs into therapy. The only exception made for incorporating drugs is to be used for a brief time as a rescue from the child harming themselves if they are extremely volatile in nature, while in conjunction to implementing natural therapy to taper off of drugs.

Autism is indicated with altered central nervous system function and brain function. It starts with immune dysfunction, allergies, and digestive dysfunction that can onset early in a child's age. Natural modalities focus in on clearing up the gastrointestinal tract which is often a mess in autistic children.

Autistic children excrete great amounts of sulfate in their urine approximately ten times more than normal children. It is a great disservice to give autistic children processed foods such as sandwich meats, hot dogs, canned products that are high in sulfate additives. Why? Because when an autistic child excretes sulfates it also simultaneously pulls out of the body Cysteine. Cysteine is vital in producing glutathione which is essential for health brain function. Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders are often associated with low glutathione levels. This also causes autistic children to build up and not filter many toxins out of the body.

Most autistic children have the inability to digest protein properly. This is indicated by a pancreatic enzyme deficiency. This lends a factor into having digestive and gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea and constipation are often rotating problems due to their ability to store toxins in the body. There is also "Leaky Gut Syndrome" where there may be tiny perforations in the gut lining which cause toxins from the gut to leak into the blood stream. This is noted by evidence of lactulose in a stool test, which can easily be given to a child to determine if they have leaky gut. Testing can also show presence of protein fragments from the incomplete digestion of gluten (wheat) and casein (dairy). A comprehensive stool analysis can be done in the comfort of your own home and shipped to a reputable laboratory for analysis. A source for testing is Great Plains Laboratory.

Some of these protein fragments bind to opioid receptors in the brain. This result in highly hyperactive behavior, aggressive behavior, and inability to focus, retain memory or attention. These protein fragments from leaky gut leaking into the blood stream and blocking the opiod receptors in the brain is what drives the abnormal behaviors we observe.

Another neurotoxin that can be secreted into the blood stream from leaky gut syndrome is Claustridium. Researchers at the University of Michigan describe an interesting case where a dog accidentally ate feces from an autistic child and as a result went into a coma for 7 days. "Researchers found a high presence of claustridial toxins in the fecal matter of the autistic child."

Natural Treatment Protocol

I am still heavily researching DMSA chelation. DMSA chelation is done to eliminate mercury and other heavy metals. Even though parents have reported improvements in behavior, I do not feel comfortable reporting any research on it as yet. I had more success with homeopathic chelation for heavy metal toxicity. I will describe this protocol in detail in an upcoming article.

The best thing that can be done primarily is eliminate as many common allergenic foods as possible. This includes corn, wheat, soy and nuts. There are parents that have found success eliminating dairy and white as well as wheat flour based products.

My child has been on a gluten free diet for four years. I have eliminated all dairy with the exception of parmesan cheese. There have been some great Gluten free recipes creating tasty snacks with parmesan. I have found her behavior to be calmer and focused on this diet. Most parents notice when they accidentally slip up and give a child something out of the diet context, they observe certain abnormal behaviors return soon after ingesting gluten or casein. It took me about 45 days before I noticed improvement. This can vary based upon the degree of your child's condition.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids are a big must have. Autistic children are almost always deficient. Omega-3 is critical for normal neurologic development. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet has recomended that 1,000 mg per day is a reasonable starting dose, there are some parents with older children age 11 and up who can safely go as high as 3,000 mg.

NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) most children with autism are cysteine deficient. Many practitioners endorse this as the foundation of treatment. NAC is a forerunner of glutathione, an essential player in detoxing the important hepatic pathways. Dosage is recommended to start low at. 25 mg/day and every three months increase by 25 mg until you reach up to 200 mg daily.

Probiotics must be implemented. Some natural doctors wait until severe GI abnormalities are cleared to use them. However, Probiotics are safe for adults and children of all ages. I would not recommend waiting. The best kinds are found in the refrigerated section of many health food stores. It is important to replenish the gut with healthy flora to strengthen the immune system. Probiotic supplements are the easiest and safest way to accomplish this.

Vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene are all important antioxidants. Children with autism are usually deficient. Pfiefer Treatment Center recommended for my daughter a Vitamin A in the form of lemon flavored Cod Liver Oil. I ordered it from http://www.kirkmanlabs.com. You must keep it refrigerated. I gave her one tablespoon full in a Dixie cup mixed with a touch of natural orange syrup (you can buy flavored syrups from your pharmacist) and in the beginning I would administer it with an oral syringe. Now my daughter just takes the Dixie cup on her own. Vitamin C I in a Raspberry Flavored drink powder packet called "Emergen C". In the beginning I would just mix 翻 tsp of the crystals with the natural orange flavored syrup in an oral syringe. Currently, my daughter drinks it with water. The best Vitamin E I have found is made by Carlson Labs or Solgar. For younger children you can break one the capsule and mix the 400 IU with natural syrup if your child does not swallow capsules.

P-5-P also known as Pyridoxal 5' Phosphate is the coenzyme form of Vitamin B6 that is more easily absorbed by the body. I am still conducting research on various forms of Vitamin B. There is an area of vitamin B research that is indicative of which form of B is best for your child based upon their condition. For now I can safely recommend pyridoxal 5 phosphate. I will produce further research on the effective modality of taking vitamin B complex in an upcoming article. Pyridoxal 5 phosphate is vital to neurotransmitter brain balance.

Zinc picolinate is needed to promote both serotonin and melatonin in the brain. Zinc-deficient children are often irritable, depressed and difficult to calm. Autistic patients are usually deficient in zinc, magnesium, and calcium. Calcium and Magnesium are best taken in powder form at bed time with zinc picolinate. I have previously written an article on Associated Content which explains the importance of taking calcium along with the best way to do it. Pycnogenol, derived from French pine trees, and L-theanine, created from green tea, has been effective in improving cognitive function and helping to produce a calm but focused attention. The best form of L- theanine I have found is a chewable orange flavored tablet created by Dr. Michael Murray of Focus Factors.

Co-enzyme Q10, and DMAE (dimethyl aminoethanol) are also recommended for healthy brain receptor function. Some natural practitioners implement into this L-carnitine and/or L-carnosine. I am still researching the efficacy o f L-carnitine and L-carnosine. I am also out to lunch on Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum). There are tests that show autistic children with having liver dysfunction. Milk Thistle is the recommended mode for cleansing and detoxifying the liver. However, I have not fully evaluated this treatment process.

Selenium can be taken in a dose of 25 mcg/day. This mineral acts as a detoxifying agent detoxification by binding to mercury by forming selenium-mercury complexes that can be safely excreted in the urine. It is also an essential part of production of glutathione peroxidase, an important antioxidant enzyme.

Putting It All Together

I have just named off several recommendations. You are probably wondering how you will get your child to take all of these things in a day. Most parents treating their children under natural protocols administer up to 30-68 various different items per day. If your child can swallow capsules you divide the dosages and choose two-three times per day.

You take can give the Omega 3's, NAC, Probiotics,Vitamins A, C, E, and CoQ10 with Breakfast

P5P, Pycnogenol, L-Theanine, Selenium, Co-Q10 with Lunch

Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc with Dinner/ bedtime.

I have broken this down considering that the recommendations made above taken with breakfast are the optimal time to be ingested and absorbed in the body.

If you child does not swallow capsules

You can mix it in a smoothie, shake, or sorbet. Most parents buy a mortar and pestle to crush the capsules ( or pin hole gel caps and squeeze out liquid or powder). They mix it in a suspended flavored syrup from your local pharmacy. Flavored syrups used in beverages ( strawberry, vanilla etc.) also work as well.

There are natural compounding pharmacies that can formulate this into 1-2 capsules for your child. However, I recommend taking them as separate components for the first month, in case you need to adjust dosages so you can perfect what your child needs before compounding the formula.

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Every mother has felt that sense of dread after taking her baby's temperature and realizing "uh oh, there's a fever". Let's talk about fevers in infants and children and what you should do.

First, make sure you have a thermometer in the house. This can be a plain digital thermometer or a fancier temporal thermometer. A digital thermometer can be used rectal or axillary (under the arm). They are accurate and easy to use. Do not use a tympanic (in the ear) thermometer on a baby under 1-yr old. They have proven to be inaccurate and accuracy counts in a small baby. Temporal (scanning the forehead) thermometers have been found to be fairly accurate, easy to use, but are more expensive. Learn what your baby's normal temperature is by checking it several times when they are well. You need to feel comfortable with taking a temperature and know what your baby's normal range is. Normal range for an infant is 97.5 - 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you think your baby feels warm, check his temperature and if it is over 100 degrees, undress the baby, or just remove some layers and take it again in 10 minutes. Newborns have very immature temperature regulators and can have an increased temperature just from over dressing. The rule of thumb is one more layer on the baby than you are comfortable in. If your baby is 3 months or under and still has a temperature over 100 degrees (or 100.4 rectally), it is time to call the doctor.

Do not give a baby under 3 months old Tylenol. A fever at this age can signify a serious infection and the baby should be evaluated by a doctor. Newborns do not have the immune system established to fight a serious infection. You do not want to mask the fever with Tylenol. If it is after office hours, go to your nearest emergency room.

If your baby is over 3 months old, a fever still warrants a call to the doctor. But there is a better chance she may recommend some Tylenol and then an appointment with the doctor. Remember Tylenol dosages are based on weight, so best to ask your health professional for a correct dosage on your baby.

Always take a baby of any age with a fever of 102 or more (that you cannot reduce) to the doctor or hospital. They are at risk for febrile seizures and the fever needs to be gotten under control. If the child is over a year, you can also use Ibuprofen for fever reducing. A good technique often used by health care providers is to alternate doses between Ibuprofen and Tylenol, but again confirm this with your doctor over the phone before you do. You can also use lukewarm baths (this is not cold, it is just below body temperature) or sponging with warm water. The evaporation of the water helps to reduce the fever.

Fevers are a normal course of any infection. But, what kind of infection it is can sometimes be tricky. It cannot be stressed enough to consult your doctor. Ask them what their policies for fevers are. But, when ever in doubt, contact them. An ordinary looking cold can cause a fever and if it remains under 102 (for a child over 6 months) and there are no other alarming symptoms (breathing problems, vomiting, diarrhea), it can usually be managed at home with just supportive care. If any of these other symptoms are present, a trip to the doctor or nearest Emergency Room is in order.

First and foremost, DON'T PANIC. Fevers are the body's normal reaction to any infection, even mild ones. It is the body's defenses gearing up and fighting the infection. Fevers can be our friend. Just remember these basic guidelines for babies and you will be good to go.

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If your gassy newborn often cries after feedings, or seems to have unusual symptoms that accompany the crying, you should schedule a visit to your baby's pediatrician right away. Colicky symptoms can be an indication of a more serious condition in some circumstances, and it is best to rule out the possibility before you attempt to treat the crying as a sign of colic. In particular, milk allergies will often be accompanied by crying which can be mistaken for colic by the new parent.

Babies with milk allergies may show additional signs such as a rash, bloody stools, or wheezing during or after feedings. This can occur with cow's milk formula, but it may also occur in breastfed babies whose mothers regularly consume dairy products. By contrast, a gassy newborn with lactose intolerance will probably only show signs of gassiness, along with potential vomiting and diarrhea. Getting an accurate diagnosis is essential in order to be sure your baby receives the treatment that he or she needs.

If your baby's pediatrician rules out milk allergies or lactose intolerance, then there are still steps you can take to help minimize the gassiness. Your baby may be having a reaction to something in your diet, if you breastfeed, or his digestive system may not be ready for the full-sized proteins in many types of baby formula. In both instances, there are adjustments you can make, either to your diet or to your baby's formula choices which will reduce the gassiness and help to reduce colic as well.

If you are concerned that your baby may have a milk allergy, you may wish to eliminate dairy from your diet while you are waiting for the doctor to make a final diagnosis. If your baby is bottle fed, switching to soy formula may seem to be a good idea, however, some babies with milk allergies also have a reaction to soy protein formulas, so be sure to discuss any changes with your baby's doctor beforehand. Determining whether or not your baby has a milk allergy is only possible after tests have been conducted to confirm the allergic response, so be certain to discuss the issue with your baby's doctor as soon as possible.

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You should give primary importance to the health of your baby from the time of pregnancy till the baby grows up. Health care is very important when it comes to babies since they are very delicate and sensitive to chemicals and other micro organisms. Good healthy nutrient diet and safe products are very essential for a good health of your baby. A healthy baby can sleep well and good sleeping ensures growth. So make sure you provide the best you can to your baby. Things to be kept in mind while considering the health of your baby are use of organic products, use of products that contain less chemicals and mild ingredients, feeding the best nutritive food and ensuring a good skin care.

A new born baby should be taken care of very carefully and cautiously. The first one month is very important and utmost care should be taken when the umbilical cord is yet to fall. It should be kept dry and clean. Apply oils or creams prescribed by your doctor to keep it out of infection. If you notice any problem in the umbilical cord or any bad odor, you should immediately consult your doctor. The most important thing in baby care is breast feeding. It is very good for the health of the baby. It makes the baby healthy and it can provide all the required nutrients. When your baby stops drinking your milk, consult your doctor and follow what they say in a very strict manner.

Some changes that indicate that your baby is not healthy are continuous cry, improper sleeping, eating insufficiently, dull face, not playful, not active, behaving abnormally and several small things like this. If you notice any of these signs, check what the problem and do the necessary measures. If a baby cries continuously, it can be due to several reasons. A baby cries when it is hungry, when the diaper is wet, when the diaper is itchy, uncomfortable clothing, pain, uneasiness or stomach pain. Try to figure out the reason and do the right thing to stop your baby from crying. Continuous crying can make your baby weak. If the baby is crying due to uneasiness, change the clothes and change the diaper frequently. Use of cloth diaper can ensure comfort.

Some serious problems that require immediate attention are severe diarrhea, blood in urine, discoloration of excretion, high temperature, unusual cry, trouble in breathing and shivering. These can be very serious problems and immediate medical attention is very necessary. Diarrhea is very serious problem since the fluid present can come out very quickly therefore give oral electrolytes and then consult the doctor. Use medicines prescribed by your doctor and do not give medicines on your own. Ensure healthy diet and safe environment.

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Breast milk will always be best for babies. Nothing is healthier than natural breast milk endowed with love and nurture from the mother. Yet with the global financial crisis alarming the world at large, mothers are forced to enter the workforce, leave their babies at home and feed them infant formula instead. Finding the right infant formula is a tough task for mothers who want the best for their baby.

Before, breast milk substitutes ranged from cow's milk based formula to elemental formula to soy formula. This limited number of choice for mothers has made choosing the baby formula easy. However, with the rise of different milk brands offering a variety of benefits for your babies, it takes a wise mom to look closely into what the baby formula can give her child.

How do you choose the right breast milk substitute? Nutrition is the primary basis of any food you provide your children. It might be difficult to find something that really substitutes for the benefits breastfeeding can give. With human milk, your child will not have any problems with regards digestion and infection since it has natural anti-bodies that reduce risks of diarrhea, respiratory problems and ear infections. Further, breast milk strengthens the relationship between the child and the mother. These three reasons cab be foundations of your search for breast milk substitute.

Parents choose an infant formula based on personal preference or advise from friends and old people. Moreover, advertisements persuade parents to opt for powdered milk that has ingredients which brings about smart healthy kids. However, in the long run, your basis of choice depends on the need of your child. Your child's unique dietary requirements should be given focus. Nutrition is the primary consideration for choosing your baby's milk. Make sure that your baby gets enough amount of carbohydrate, water, protein, vitamins, minerals and fat. There are cow milk based formulas that has added vegetable oils, minerals and iron.

In some instances, your child may be experiencing digestion difficulties. In this kind of situation, choose soy-based formula from soy protein that has sucrose, and added vegetable oils. These soy based baby formula is best for babies who are not tolerant to lactose or those who are found allergic to whole protein found in many cow milk. In this case, your baby might be experiencing lactose deficiency in the small intestine. Most premature babies lack lactose enzymes responsible for digesting glucose, sucrose and other forms of carbohydrates. Your baby may also be experiencing low birth weight which means after birth, his or her body weight is inappropriately lower than the desired weight for new born. There are a lot of special formulas that cater not only to low birth weight but to low sodium infant predicaments.

Water is an essential component of every breast milk substitute. There are formulas in liquid, liquid concentrate and powder. A liquid infant formula does not need water and can be directly fed to infants while liquid and powder concentrates entail certain amount of water. It is necessary for parents to understand and follow the instructions on the label before adding water to liquid and powder concentrated milk. Without understanding what has been laid for instruction, adding inappropriate amount of water may lead to water intoxication which can lead to irritability, low sodium, and even coma. On the other hand, lack of water and too concentrated mixture can further cause dehydration, diarrhea and even kidney failure.

Your role as a mother is crucial in the development of a child. Nurture your child with love and feed them with something that brings good nutrition. Opt for a formula that satisfies your child's needs. In the hands of a wise and loving mother lay the foundations of a good man.

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Telling the difference between fussiness and actual colic symptoms can be difficult for the new parent. And it's no wonder - crying is the only means of communication that babies have for several months. For the new parent, these cries tend to sound much the same, whether baby is tired, hungry, dirty, or is experiencing discomfort, such as is the case with colic symptoms.

Learning to distinguish between the different types of crying takes time, as each baby is unique. If you are concerned that your baby has colic symptoms, evaluate the following:

  1. How long ago was your baby fed? Most newborns should be fed on a regular schedule anywhere from eight to twelve times a day when breastfed, and somewhat less when bottle fed. If your baby is fussy and it has been a few hours since his last feeding, he may simply be hungry. If you are worried about overfeeding, try a pacifier, or other comfort method first.

  2. Is your baby comfortable? Some newborns are comforted by swaddling them close in blankets, while others struggle to be free and unencumbered. Your baby may be fussy due to a number of environmental factors, including the temperature, lighting, or noise levels. See if a change of scenery helps to soothe.

  3. Do you notice any other symptoms? A baby with a fever who is fussy may be fighting off an infection. A baby with diarrhea who cries inconsolably may be having digestive troubles. Don't focus on the crying itself, but instead take environmental factors as a whole when evaluating colic symptoms.

If you cannot ascertain the cause of your baby's crying, and he or she remains fussy for long periods of time, you should speak with the pediatrician about a possible colic diagnosis. Remember, colic symptoms are not a reflection of your abilities as a parent. Some babies go through this stage during their development and others do not - both new and experienced parents alike may have colicky babies.

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Babies may spit up if they take in too much air when they feed and regurgitate milk along with the gas. Bottle-fed babies who bring up a lot of milk after every feeding may be intolerant of the formula, and you may need to change to another formula after consultation your baby's doctor.

Vomiting, when the contents of the stomach are brought up forcefully, is usually triggered by toxins caused by an infection such as gastroenteritis. But it can also be a symptom of ear and throat infections as well as more serious illnesses including pneumonia, and meningitis.

Vomiting isn't usually serious and passes within a few hours, though it may be followed by diarrhea. Dehydration-loss of body fluids-is the biggest worry and in the most severe cases can cause death. If your baby is vomiting persistently, it is essential to see a doctor to find the cause. Medical conditions that may be responsible include pyloric stenosis, hiatus hernia, and celiac disease.

Another possible cause of vomiting in older babies is accidental poisoning from medicines, household chemicals, or plants. If you suspect your baby has swallowed something toxic, you should seek urgent medical attention. Call the Poison Control Center for immediate advice, especially if the nearest hospital is more than 15 minutes away.

What you can do

• Vomiting is unpleasant and frightening for a baby, so he'll need lots of tender loving care. Vomiting can be exhausting, so let him lie down and rest afterward.

• If you are breast-feeding, continue to feed him if he wants to eat, but don't give him formula milk. Cow's milk is likely to make him vomit again. If you are bottle-feeding, offer your baby clear fluids for 24 hours (see oral rehydration). Contact the doctor if the child can't keep it down.

• Offer cooled, boiled water, a little at a time-try a few teaspoonfuls every 10 to 1 5 minutes. Keep offering it to prevent your baby from becoming dehydrated. Get help if there are signs of dehydration.

• You can also give him an oral rehydration remedy available from the drugstore. This comes in two forms: (1) a powder that dissolves in water and (2) a premixed liquid. Each form replaces the correct balance of salts and sugars lost by vomiting and helps prevent dehydration. Offer either form frequently in small amounts from a teaspoon. For older babies, freeze the solution in popsicle molds that can be sucked.

• Don't give him solid food or formula until the vomiting has subsided for 24 hours, and then only bland, pureed food.

A natural remedy

Ginger is an effective remedy. Give one teaspoon of fresh root ginger in one cup of boiled water. Strain, cool and add pasteurized honey or small amount of sugar.

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In the developing world, children are dying every minute of the day due to lack of breastfeeding. A recent report from the government of Uganda suggests that at 'least 4000 infants and young children die everyday in Uganda due to lack of breastfeeding'. Can this be true, and if so, why?

The figure above can be disputed. The Ugandan government lacks the sophisticated data analysis of Western government, but it cannot be denied that each year thousands of babies and infants die each year in this country due to lack of breastfeeding. The World Health Organization - an organization with the best data gathering expertise the Western world can offer - estimates that 1.5 million children die each year because they are not breastfed. The WHO states: "It has been estimated that improved breastfeeding practices could save some 1.5 million children a year. Yet few of the 129 million babies born each year receive optimal breastfeeding and some are not breastfed at all. Early cessation of breastfeeding in favour of commercial breastmilk substitutes, needless supplementation, and poorly timed complementary practices are still too common."

But why does the use of formula milk lead to so many infant deaths? There are two main reasons. The first being that only breast milk can provide the nutrients and antibodies that a baby requires to grow and fight off infection. For babies born into poorer and less sanitized conditions than we have in the West, this is vital. Formula milk is non-biological: it contains none of the benefits that mother's breast milk can provide. Formula milk is stagnant. What is meant by this is that mother's breast milk changes constituency throughout the early months - and years - of a growing child; not just day to day, month to month, but during the actual feed itself. The second, and by far the greatest reason why babies die from baby formula in poorer countries, is due to the lack of clean water. Mothers in many developing countries don't have access to clean drinking water and so are forced to feed formula milk to their children that is made with contaminated water. Over a million children die each year because of diarrhea that is directly attributable to being feed formula milk.

If mothers in developing countries know the risk they run when feeding their children formula milk, why do they continue to do so? The answer is that they don't know the health risks. The health minister of Uganda, Dr Richard Nduhura, blamed the increasingly poor breastfeeding culture in the country on aggressive advertising for bottle feeding, where marketing gimmicks and slogans are used to discredit breastfeeding. "Those advertisers claim breastfeeding is best but bottle feeding is almost as good as breastfeeding," Nduhura said. In developing countries, this is simply not true.

Aggressive marketing is clearly to blame for the widespread desertion of breastfeeding. Manufacturers of formula milk - like cigarette manufacturers - have seen sales of their product decline in Western society, but they still continue to increase profits. This increase in profits is due to dumping their product on the developing world.

African countries - and others - have further complications due to widespread HIV infectivity. Many mothers have to make the hard decision to either breastfeed their baby if they know themselves to be infected with HIV, or to use formula milk. Mothers with HIV who breastfeed, have a 5 to 20 per cent chance of passing on the infection to the child. However, bottle feeding is actually more likely to harm their child in countries that contain large numbers of HIV infected mothers.

What can be done? Many developing countries are finally waking up to the problem of mothers not breastfeeding and are now trying to reverse the trend. We, in the West, can also make a difference. We can begin by breastfeeding and by not purchasing formula milk. We can also stop buying other products made by formula milk manufacturers. We can also write or email the manufacturers directly. We can also join breastfeeding circles and organizations and voice our concerns through these bodies. Public pressure can make a difference.

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Still wondering how to cure a yeast infection? There's more than one way to skin this cat, but before we launch into the different remedies available, let's take a look at what causes these infections in the first place. A fungus known as Candida causes yeast infections. Normally found in several areas of the body, there isn't a problem until your pH level is thrown out of whack. This provides an ideal environment for the fungus to multiply and grow in overabundance. Then what you have on your hands is a yeast infection, with all the accompanying symptoms of itching, swelling, soreness, and burning.

What causes your pH level to change, though? Some common causes include the following:

o Use of birth control pills

o Weakened immune system

o Use of prescription medications

o Unprotected sex

o Menstruation

o Stress

o Poor nutrition

Getting back how to cure a yeast infection, there are several popular over-the-counter remedies available. Monistat and Canestan stand out above the rest in this market. They each offer 1, 3, and 7 day treatments and come in two forms: creams and vaginal suppositories. Some women have reported that the 7 day treatment is the most effective.

While these medications can be effective and many women report having no side effects, a certain percentage of other women do encounter side effects. These side effects can vary and some women report experiencing only mild side effects. Included in these are dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and irregular heartbeat - if you consider those mild. And then there are other women who incur side effects that have made their situation even worse than what it was before taking the medication.

Trying to figure out how to cure a yeast infection can involve a lot of trial and error. Even though some store bought medications can do a good job at relieving yeast infection symptoms, they involve risks of potentially harmful side effects. The also don't get to the root cause of the problem, which is the eradication of the yeast spores. Thankfully, there are natural treatments available that do kill the yeast spores safely and also prevent the onset of future infections.

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