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If you suspect your baby is lactose intolerant you should visit your pediatrician for advice on how to properly take care of your baby. Lactose is present in all dairy products; it's the sugar in cow's milk for one. Being lactose intolerant simply means the body is not able to produce enough lactose which is used by the body to digest lactose consumed in dairy products. Lactose that is not digested remains in the intestines and causes gastrointestinal problems. Some babies may outgrow it as their digestive systems and other systems mature.

Babies born prematurely are more likely to be intolerant as their digestive systems are not fully developed, or even as developed as a full-term baby. However, any child can be lactose sensitive. Signs of intolerance include diarrhea more often than normal and crying that appears to be from stomach pain. Some infants may also vomit. Breastfed infants are just as likely to be lactose sensitive as bottle fed babies. Symptoms usually begin within one hour after consuming milk. The severity of lactose intolerance varies from baby to baby.

Because young infants have no other way to show pain, they usually cry, scream, grimace and become restless when they have discomfort. Once other reasons for the crying are dismissed, you might consider when baby fed last, and consider the possibility of baby being lactose intolerant. Babies may also be restless during sleep, wake up during sleep, or have trouble falling asleep.

Finding alternatives to products containing lactose is important for keeping baby symptom free. If breastfeeding it may be necessary to cut dairy products from your diet; bottle fed babies should be given a lactose free formula. Babies who are eating should not be given dairy products. After baby is older, you can consider introducing dairy products again to see if baby has outgrown the lactose intolerance.

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Children normally encounter diarrhea as they grow up. The condition usually occurs as a result of bacterial infections, stomach virus or even food poisoning. Most cases of this condition do not necessary need anti-diarrheal medications because they normally go away after a few days. However, it is very important to determine your condition if it is acute, mild diarrhea and the more serious chronic diarrhea.

Acute diarrhea is usually accompanied by fever, stomach pain, and vomiting. The condition is common in kids and babies. According to health care experts, acute viral gastroenteritis lasts for about one to two weeks. Parents should supply plenty of water to prevent the child from being dehydrated. In fact, there is no exact medicine available to cure this type of condition, but gastroenteritis will go away in the long run. It is important to have enough bed rest and make sure to have proper fluid intake.

In some cases, food poisoning causes the condition. It takes place when the person ingested foods or liquids that are contaminated by bacteria, parasite or other viruses. The most common symptoms of this condition may include nausea, fever and diarrhea. Same with the other types of diarrhea, it is very important to take plenty of water or soup to prevent dehydration.

How To Treat Diarrhea in Children

Generally, children between ages of seven months and three years encounter the condition. It is known as toddler's diarrhea. It characterized by loose, watery stools that last for more than a few months or even years. There are different causes that trigger this condition, but toddler's diarrhea is often the result of consuming too much fruit juices that contain fructose content. These juices are apple and pear ones. On the other hand, orange and grape juices can be used to work against the condition. In addition, maximizing the amount of fiber and fat in your baby's diet can also help to ease his condition and speed up his recovery.

Another type of diarrhea is known as inflammatory bowel disease. This illness is usually accompanied by stomach cramps, blood, and weight loss. According to health care experts, there is no exact medicine for inflammatory bowel disease, but you do not have to worry because the condition is actually treatable. In addition, if your child's condition does not seem to get any better after a few days, you should bring him to the nearest hospital.

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One of the many ways parents can limit toxins being ingested in their children is to use home remedies as toddler cold medicine. Professionals advise that parents minimize use of over-the-counter medicines for their children unless they are truly needed.

Here are a some natural remedies to use when your children have a soar throat and cough due to a common cold or flu.

For Common Cold and Congestion

(Check with your nutritionist on dosage for a child younger then toddler age)

Avoid mucus producing foods

(Dairy products, red meat, oats and gluten containing grains. Bananas and Soya products)

Ginger Lemon Tea: To soothe mucus membranes

2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice in one cup of hot water. Add 1 teaspoon of juiced ginger.

Let steep for 1-2 minutes then strain to remove ginger. Take as needed.

Fresh ginger: To help decongest sinus cavities

1/2 teaspoon juiced ginger, given in a spoon with Manuka raw honey. 2 times daily

Propolis syrup or lozenges: Anti-viral.

Follow directions on the box

Echinacea syrup or tincture: Boosts immunity.

0.5ml 3 times a day until symptoms are better for a maximum of 10 days

Honey garlic vinegar mixture: anti-viral, anti-bacterial

1 teaspoon Manuka raw honey with a bit of crushed garlic and apple cider vinegar. 2 times daily

Eucalyptus oil: To soothe mucus membranes.

Put 2-3 drops on your child's pillow at bedtime, on his t-shirt during the day or in a humidifier.

Salt water nasal spray: to clear out the sinus passages

Can be purchased from the pharmacy; administer as needed

Topical Vitamin E: for older children, to soften and heal the nose's mucous membranes and blood vessels Squeeze the contents of a vitamin E capsule into the nostrils at bedtime

For Cough

Avoid mucus producing foods

(Dairy products, red meat, oats and gluten containing grains, bananas, soya products)

Honey garlic vinegar mixture (as above)

Eucalyptus oil (as above)

Zinc lozenges: to boost immunity; 1/4 tablet for toddler.

For an older child follow instructions on the packaging or ask your pharmacist

Vitamin C: to boost immunity

Start with 500mg 2 times a day (reduce if child gets diarrhea)

Magnesium: to ease tightness in the chest

Or obtain by consuming more magnesium-rich foods such as almonds or

From supervised supplementation if necessary (consult your nutritionist)

If you do use over counter medicines please try and also use the above suggestions. This will help limit the amount of over counter medicine you will have to give to your child per day until their cold symptoms subside. For example: Save the over the counter medicine for night time to get a good night sleep.

A Baby Lymphatic Massage

The Benefits

A Lymphatic massage stimulates the lymphatic system, which runs through the entire body and is a natural draining system that filters out unwelcome molecules and attacks microbes. During illness a lymphatic massage assists in boosting a child's immunity and speed up his recovery.

How to Administer

1. Use a natural oil such as almond oil, or vitamin E oil (especially good for children with Eczema)

2. Start at the feet and work up. Use short, firm strokes. It is important to work upwards towards the heart, as this is what drains the lymph nodes.

3. Do twice a day, 20 minutes, working all the way up to the throat. Just before bedtime is highly recommended. If your child has a soar throat he may complain at this time that it hurts him, like a scratchy feeling. Use a more gentle stroke at this time, but try and complete the procedure for maximum benefit.

Giving your baby a lymphatic massage is a simple task with high reward. Many parents continue to administer this massage even after their child is well because of it's comforting, relaxing effects for parent and child. It is also a great replacement for a bath before before bedtime to help prepare your child for sleep mode.

These home remedies are just as effective, if not more, then the average over the counter cold medicine. In conjunction with a lymphatic massage, make no mistake this combination has a very powerful effect.

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As a parent, we want the best for our children particularly the food intake by our children. Obviously, the child's basic need is proper nutrition. At the start of pregnancy, you eat a lot of nutritious foods such as drink a lot of milk and eat fresh fruits and vegetable in order for the baby absorb proper nutrition. When the baby comes out, either breast milk or infant formula is required. At the age between 4 and 6 months, the baby will be ready for what we called "solid foods". These can be available in the market or you can make your own using a blender.

As I remember, when my baby is almost 4 months, I almost asked my entire neighborhood if my daughter is ready for solid foods. At first, I give her cereal rice mixed with either breast milk or formula. Then I added other foods at the rate of one per week. Little by little, I added other cereals, then vegetables, fruits, and finally meats. In this way, I can easily detect if my baby has food allergies which can be present with diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, hives or a rash. Don't add ingredient foods until you make sure that the child is not allergic to any individual ingredients.

Also, I make it sure that the food has no additives or seasoning like salt, sugar or preservatives. The baby won't miss what she never had. In addition, I don't want to contribute to the development of a sweet tooth.

Make sure to move the food from the jar to a bowl. Saliva is introduced from the baby's mouth to the jar if she fed directly from the jar. Then if it is served later, the germs in the saliva will have grown into something that could make the child sick. It is better to be safe as far as child's health is concerned.

Make sure that you serve a balanced meals and snacks, using a variety of foods from the basic food groups. A child learns to eat what you prepared. You may serve a whole grain cracker and fruits for snacks, rather than cookies or sweetened drinks. What if the baby doesn't like a new food? It is just a reaction to a new experience; try again after a couple of weeks. Don't ever force a child to eat something. It is a battle you may win as a parent.

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New parents are generally very confused and beset about feeding their baby and care for looking for advice from paediatricians, family, friends, books and articles.

When it comes to feeding your baby, the one of the most researched fact is that the breast milk and/or formula are self-sufficient and are the best forms of nourishment for your baby during the first 6 months of baby's life.

Both breast milk and formula are easily digested by baby's immature digestive system and are nutritionally adequate, containing all the nourishment your baby requires for prompt growth during her first 6 months of life. There is absolutely no need of any other form of nutrition.

Concerning feeding your baby with breast milk, check out these tips below about the problems in feeding your newborn and how to deal with them.

1. Problem: A common problem that majority of the moms comes across while breastfeeding is difficulty in positioning the baby and getting the baby to "latch on" to the breast correctly.

Solution: This problem generally arises when mother's breasts are fully engorged with milk. Engorgement makes the breast hard and flattens the nipples so the baby has nothing to latch on. The methods that help reduce engorgement will soften the breast allowing the nipple to protrude. An easy way to solve to reduce engorgement is to nurse the baby as frequently as possible. You may also consider expressing the milk using electric or hand pumps. The expressed milk can be refrigerated and fed to the baby later on. Wearing nipple shields half an hour before feeding the baby may also make the nipples protrude. If this problem still persists, you may squeeze the end of breast lightly and offer the nipple to baby.

2. Problem: Another common problem is insufficient milk production by moms.

Solution: To increase milk production, you can apply a warm compress to your breasts before feedings. Doing so will make the let down reflex better. You may also massage your breasts during feedings. Another way to increase milk production is by feeding your baby frequently, at least every 2-3 hours. Doing so would stimulate more milk production. You may also consider pumping your breasts for five minutes when you are not feeding your baby to stimulate milk production. Furthermore, drink plenty of fluids, eat a well-balanced diet, and take time to relax throughout the day and night. Lastly, avoid smoking as nicotine also decreases the milk supply.

3. Problem: Fussiness of babies while feeding.

Solution: This is the frequent problem faced by most of the mothers. Your baby may be crying because of many reasons, e.g., a burp ready to come up, you might have no more milk left in your breast or your baby may be full. Thus, stop the feeding and make your baby burp. Thereafter, offer the second breast to your baby if she appears to be hungry. If your baby is bottle-fed, follow the same process, i.e., interrupt feeding and make your baby burp at least twice or thrice while feeding.

4. Problem: Lactose Intolerance (inability to digest lactose) to baby. Some babies are unable to digest the sugar lactose, which is in cow's milk formulas. They are said to be lactose intolerant. Symptoms of lactose intolerance may include excessive gas, abdominal swelling and pain, and diarrhea.

Solution: If you are breastfeeding, alternate it with lactose free formula as breast milk contains appreciable amount of lactose. Secondly, avoid taking dairy products, as they are likely to enhance lactose levels of breast milk you produce. Thirdly, try to finish one breast before offering the second to your baby. By doing so, your baby will get more of hind milk, which is richer in fat and help cure diarrhea seen in lactose intolerant babies. Finally, a potential solution to this problem may also be switching over to soy-based infant formula, or other special lactose-free formula, several of which are commercially available.

5. Problem: Noisy sucking sounds while the baby drinks milk by bottle.

Solution: If your baby is producing a lot of noisy sucking sounds, she may be taking in too much air. You may try holding your baby at 45-degree angle; doing so would considerably prevent your baby to swallow air. Furthermore, remember to tilt the bottle so that the nipple and neck of the bottle are always filled with formula.

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Sooner or later, your new baby will develop a fever. It would be a rare child who does not come down with some kind of illness that elevates their temperature. Babies can get fevers for a variety of reasons, and understanding the whys, can help you determine if you should call your doctor.

On a warm day, and over-dressed baby, particularly an active or squirmy one, can become flushed and hot. When their temperature is taken it is up. The first thing to do is remove some of the clothing, and place the child in a cool spot to rest or play quietly. Take their temperature again in 20-30 minutes, if there are no signs that their distress is increasing. Chances are, it will be headed back towards normal. Sometimes just a very active play session in hot weather, can make a toddler's temperature go up, and the cure is the same: remove some clothes, and cool down by taking a break.

Most fevers are the result of a child's body fighting off an infection of some sort. As white blood cells become active and mount a defense, their temperature will rise, and they may develop other symptoms, including coughing, excessive crying, restlessness, listlessness, lack of appetite, unwillingness to drink, diarrhea and vomiting. But occasionally, fever is the only symptom, and many times, it does not seem to interfere with their activities or behavior.

Generally speaking, a child with a fever, who has other symptoms of distress like vomiting, diarrhea, and excessive crying, may have an illness that requires medical attention. Take their temperature, and call your pediatrician with the results. Be prepared to give them a list of the symptoms. They may ask that you administer a fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen, or if they are over six months of age, ibuprofen. It is best not to administer these on your own, if the child becomes ill suddenly, as the doctor may want to assess their condition without some of the symptoms being masked.

In addition to the medication, you can sponge your baby off in the tub, with lukewarm water, running it over their whole body and head. If the doctor has asked that you call them back after a specified time lapse, be sure that you take note of any changes in their condition.

A rule of thumb for calling the doctor, is for infants under three months, the temperature should be above 100F, and if they are over three months, a temperature of over 101F. Often times, the more obvious illnesses like flu, with a temperature and vomiting, are easier to diagnose than a temperature with no other symptoms.

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The natural process in which a baby develops teeth is 'baby teething'. The age of teeth appearance varies with all children. For some, the age can be as early as 3 months, while for others it can be more than a year- often following the genetic patterns. Generally, baby teething is a painful process, more so because the symptoms are so different and the parents have no idea how to deal with it.

Pointer given below will help you to identify teething issues.

- If baby teething begins early around 3-4 months, symptom of drooling is prominent. Level of drooling varies and excessive drooling brings about chin rashes. This is highly irritating for the baby. Solution is to carry or tie a piece of cloth around the baby to soak all the drooling. Otherwise, the extra saliva formed cause the baby to cough, even though the baby does not have cold, flu and fever. You know having cold at such a young age can be disastrous. Prevent such situation with precautions.

- Pain of baby teething makes the baby bite and gnaw upon anything handy. Rubbing the mouth and trying to bite helps to relieve pain and pressure on gums. This accompanies the symptom of pulling ear and frequent cheek rubbing caused by the emergence of molar teeth. A little further development of teeth pressurize the gums, therefore, baby behaves irritably and constantly fuss. Sleeping pattern becomes erratic too. No amount of cajoling seems to help though not all babies react in the same manner. Give them time to become accustomed with the changes.

- Loose bowel movement is the widely accepted and contradicted view of parents and doctors. Swallowing large amount of saliva loosens the bowel movement. Notify the doctor of such diarrhea symptom.

Solutions like cold foods, cold water, teething rings, teething toys, yoghurt and others are ascribed by parents and doctors to reduce baby teething problems.

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Cats are the most popular pets in the United States. According to the latest version of the U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook (2002 Edition) there were almost 70 Million pet cats in the United States. Why are cats so popular? There are as many answers to this question as there are cat owners, but the low health risks cats pose to their owners is certainly near the top of this list. Even though the potential health risks cats pose to people are small, it is important that cat owners are aware of these risks and understand how to reduce them.

The majority of all risks stemming from cat ownership are associated with the cat litter box and/or cat feces. There are two categories of risks. The first category contains health risks posed by bacteria and parasites to both cat owners and their cats. The second category contains injuries resulting from an automatic litter box or self cleaning litter box.

Primarily the health problems experienced by cat owners or their cats come from the first category and the most significant of these risks is called Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a tiny parasite called Toxoplasma gondii which can be found in raw or undercooked meat, unwashed fruits and vegetables, dirty cat litter boxes and outdoor soil where cat feces can be found. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) more than 60 million people in the United States may be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite(1). Fortunately, very few people ever experience any symptoms because a healthy person's immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness. However, pregnant women and individuals who have compromised immune systems, such as individuals infected with the HIV virus, are at risk and should take precautions to avoid being infected by the parasite. For people in this group a Toxoplasma infection could cause serious health problems to the individual or to a pregnant woman’s unborn child.

Again, most of the 60 million plus American’s infected with Toxoplasmosis parasite will never experience any symptoms. Most of those who do experience symptoms will simply think they have the Flu as the most common symptoms include swollen glands, fever, headache, muscle pain, or a stiff neck. For those in the high risk group, Toxoplasmosis can cause damage to the brain, eyes and internal organs. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, children born with Toxoplasma gondii can suffer from hearing loss, mental retardation, and blindness with some children developing brain or eye problems years after birth(2). The CDC estimates that 400-4000 fetuses are infected with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite each year and as many as 80 infants die from Toxoplasmosis annually(2).

So how does an individual contract Toxoplasmosis? A Toxoplasmosis infection is caused by ingesting the Toxoplasma gondi parasite. Most cat owners are infected with the parasite by accidentally ingesting infected cat feces. This happens when a person touches their mouth after handling a cat litter box, working in a garden or sand box or touching anything that has come in contact with cat feces(3).

People in the high risk group may wonder whether or not they should give up their cat to avoid infection. According to the CDC, it is not necessary for cat lovers to give up their cats, but it is important for them to protect themselves from infections. The USFDA makes the following recommendations for avoiding infections(2):

1) If possible, have someone else change the litter box. If you have to clean it, wear disposable gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water afterwards.

2) Change the litter box daily. The parasite doesn't become infectious until one to five days after the feces are deposited in the litter box.

3) Wear gloves when gardening in a garden or handling sand from a sandbox because cats may have excreted feces in them. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water afterwards.

4) Cover outdoor sandboxes to prevent cats from using them as litter boxes.

5) Feed your cat commercial dry or canned food. Never feed your cat raw meat because it can be a source of the Toxoplasmosis gondii parasite.

6) Keep indoor cats indoors. Be especially cautious if you bring outdoor cats indoors.

7) Avoid stray cats, especially kittens.

8) Don't get a new cat while you're pregnant.

Safer Child, Inc. makes the following additional recommendations(4):

1) Have your veterinarian test your cat for the Toxoplasmosis parasite. If you cat is infected, you may want to consider having someone else keep your cat during your pregnancy.

2) Keep sandboxes covered to prevent cats from using the sandbox as a litter box.

3) Be aware of neighborhood sandboxes as the parasite can be brought home on shoes, clothing and toys.

Similar to Toxoplasmosis, Escherichia coli (commonly called E. coli) can infect humans through contact with feline fecal material, although the primary means of infection is through ingestion or raw or undercooked meats. E. Coli is a bacterium commonly found in the intestinal tract of humans and animals. Almost all strains of the bacteria are harmless. However a few strains can produce powerful toxins and cause severe illness, especially in children under 5 years of age(5). Symptoms usually include diarrhea and abdominal cramps. In children under 5, 2%-7% of E. coli cases can cause kidney failure. Fortunately, E. coli is easy to prevent. Using the preventative measures, outlined above for Toxoplasmosis will greatly reduce the risks of you or your children contracting an E. coli infection.

In addition to these human risks, there are a few health risks cat litter boxes actually pose to cats that cat owners should be aware of. Just as a dirty litter box poses health risks to humans, cats are equally at risk if forced to use a dirty litter box. Since cats stay clean by licking themselves, allowing a cat’s litter box to get too dirty can cause infections when a cat cleans it’s paws after using the dirty litter box. The most common infection is a urinary tract infection, and although this type of infection is rarely fatal it can be very uncomfortable for your cat and will most likely require treatment by your veterinarian.

Finally, a lesser-known health risk to cats is actually caused by cat litter itself. What many cat owners do not realize is that some types of cat litter can be harmful or even fatal to their cat. Both clumping and non-clumping litters pose health problems to cats. Clumping cat litters are probably the most popular type of cat litter because of their convenience, hygienic qualities and the fact that clumping litters are required for use in self-cleaning litter boxes. Unfortunately, some clumping litters can be harmful to cats. Clay based clumping litters can contain the mineral sodium bentonite, which can be harmful or fatal to your cat. It is best to avoid using clay based cat litters, especially with kittens. Wheat or corn based clumping litters such as Swheat Scoop, World’s Best Cat Litter and Littermaid cat litter work very well and are non-toxic(6).

By their very nature, non-clumping litters do not absorb and isolate a cat’s urine or feces like clumping litters do. As a result, it is much harder to keep your cat’s litter box clean when using non-clumping litter. When using non-clumping litter it is important to frequently clean and disinfect the litter box itself to reduce the chance of bacterial buildups that can cause urinary or other infections in your cat.

The second category of health risks covers injuries caused by an automatic litter box or self cleaning litter box. Occurrences of this type of injury are rare, but they can happen. An automatic or self cleaning litter box does just what it’s name implies. Usually between 10-15 minutes after a cat uses the litter box, the litter box automatically cleans itself by “sweeping” or “raking” the cat waste into a sealed compartment or bag. For cat owners, injuries can occur if a small child or toddler plays with the automatic litter box during the cleaning cycle. All major brands of automatic litter boxes contain sensors to prevent the cleaning mechanism from activating when a cat or other foreign object is inside the box. However, children can still be injured if they put their hand inside the cleaning mechanism in such a manner as to avoid the sensors.

Although these types of injuries are very rare it is best to take precautions. Placing the litter box in a location where your cat can get to it but small children can’t is an easy method. This is good advice for any litter box as this is the best way to keep children from contracting one of the illnesses described earlier in this article. If you can’t keep the automatic litter box out of a child’s reach then it is best to put the litter box inside a litter box cover. There are many types of covers and all of them will help prevent a child from reaching the litter box and the cleaning mechanism. A final option is to unplug the litter box or put it into a “manual operation” mode. Both of these options will require the cat owner to start the cleaning cycle whenever necessary. Although this reduces some of the convenience of an automatic litter box it certainly removes the danger to children.

Automatic or self cleaning litter boxes are completely safe for almost all cats. However, most manufacturers recommend that the litter box be used in “manual operation” mode for cats under 5 lbs. Cats under 5 lbs many not be large enough to activate the sensors and the cleaning mechanism could cause injury. Since most adult cats weigh over 5 lbs, it is only necessary to use the “manual operation” mode until kittens grow to 5 lbs.

This article is not intended to dissuade anyone from owning a cat. 70 Million cat owners can’t be wrong; cats make great pets! So, if you already own a cat or are thinking of becoming a cat owner it simply makes good sense to be aware of the health risks associated with cat ownership. Understanding the risks can definitely increase the enjoyment of cat ownership.

(1)Toxoplasmosis Fact Sheet; http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/toxoplasmosis/factsht_toxoplasmosis.htm

(2) While You're Pregnant – USFDA

(3) Toxoplasmosis – An important Message for Cat Owners; [http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/toxoplasmosis/toxoplasmosis_brochure_8.2004.pdf]

(4) Safer Child, Inc.;

(5) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Fact Sheet;

(6) Stanford Cat Network’s – Guide to Caring for Your Adopted Cat or Kitten;

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The term lactose intolerant refers to the body not being able to produce enough amounts of lactose. This enzyme serves the purpose of digesting lactose which is present in all dairy products. It is the sugar present in cow's milk, for example. When lactose does not get digested, it remains in the intestines leading to gastrointestinal problems.

Those babies which have had premature births have a higher tendency of not being able to produce enough lactose. This becomes evident when they suffer from diarrhea too often, and cry due to pain in the stomach. In some cases, babies may also vomit, or experience eczema. These signs usually start taking place around thirty to sixty minutes after the baby has consumed milk. This milk could either be cow's or breast milk.

A few basic symptoms of lactose intolerance include pain and cramps in the abdominal area, bloating, and having gas for up to two hours after the baby has had milk. The intolerance does not only show up when the baby has had milk, but even if he or she eats solid food. This is for those babies who have reached the stage of eating solid food, and if they eat anything made out of dairy products such as cheese, they may experience similar symptoms.

There are differences observed between babies who are intolerant of lactose, as some may be fine even after consuming food or milk that contains lactose, while the rest would be highly uneasy after consuming a little amount.

The pain that is experienced by babies may make them show signs such as crying and screaming, grimacing, shifting positions and twisting themselves showing that they are uncomfortable. Most mothers may think that their babies are crying because they are hungry. But this may continue even after they have been fed.

Not going to sleep and disturbances while they are sleeping are also common. After crying the whole day while they are awake, they may seem to be unhappy at night too, causing discomfort for the mother. While sleeping, they may wake up all of a sudden and cry loudly, just as if they are experiencing pain.

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One rarely discussed topic is poop unless a baby is concerned. New parents worry about their infants' bowel movements.

Baby diarrhea can be caused by several reasons ranging from a change in diet to an intestinal infection. Any of the following things can instigate diarrhea in babies. Infection that is caused by virus, bacteria, parasite, allergy on food or sensitivity to medicines, drinking fruit juices, or poisoning can trigger the condition.

In some cases, babies can pick up the viruses or bacteria through their contact with dirty food or drinking water. In addition, they may get bacteria by touching or holding unhygienic surfaces and placing the hands in their mouth.

Washing their hands more often is very vital to stop diarrhea, especially before and after eating, and after going to the bathroom. It is also very important to have a clean and safe bathroom and kitchen surface.

What are the effects of baby diarrhea?

Diarrhea can have an effect on the baby's normal balance of water and salt. When there is too much water and electrolytes lost in diarrhea, babies can be dehydrated. Dehydration can come about very quickly in babies -- within a day or two after the diarrhea sets up and it can be very risky, especially in newborns.

Signs of dehydration in your infant include the following:

• urinating less frequently than usual (fewer wet diapers)

• irritability

• sunken soft spots on the top of the baby's head

• no tears when crying

• indications of thirst

• parched mouth

• rare sleepiness or lethargy

• skin doesn't spring back when smoothly pinched and released

If any of the signs of dehydration is evident, call your pediatrician.

How can baby diarrhea be treated?

Doctors usually do not advise over-the-counter anti-diarrhea tablets for children. Nonetheless, the doctor may recommend an antibiotic for a bacterial infection or an anti-parasitic drug for a parasite illness.

Make certain that you work closely with your doctor. If lack of fluids or dehydration becomes rigorous, intravenous fluids may be essential for healing.

You should give your baby an oral rehydration solution (ORS) as this solution is very helpful in treating your baby's diarrhea.

If your child eats solid foods, your doctor might tell you to switch to bland, starchy foods such as strained bananas, applesauce, and rice cereal until the diarrhea ends. in addition, do not forget to consult your baby's physician to get the best treatment for your child.

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In recent year we have seen an increase in the susceptibility of allergies. Baby food allergies are of particular concern as the source may be difficult to detect.

Baby food allergies are as common as adult food allergies.

If your baby appears distressed for no apparent reason or has unexplained areas of itchiness to the skin, then perhaps he or she has a baby food allergy.

What is an Allergy?

An allergy can be defined as an intolerance to a particular substance when touched, inhaled, injected or ingested.

When our body is exposed to a substance that causes an allergic reaction the response may be nasal or respiratory congestion, itchy or runny nose, watery eyes, diarrhea, or itchy rashes anywhere on the body.

Baby Food Allergies - Can My Allergies be Passed on to my Baby?

If you tend to have an allergic reaction then your baby may have a tendency to be allergic also.

However you and your baby may not share the same food allergies or be allergic to the same substances.

You may have asthma, while your child may develop hay fever.

Baby Food Allergies - How to detect them

It can sometimes be difficult detecting the cause of baby food allergies. If you think your infant has a baby food allergy, eliminating the following products from their diet may help.

o Milk and dairy products

o Eggs

o Nuts

o Shellfish

o Citrus Fruits

Once you have eliminated each of these food groups from your baby's diet, you can begin to reintroduce them gradually one by one.

Wait a few days before the introduction of an additional food group and do not mix food groups.

If your baby has a baby food allergy you be able to detect it by monitoring his or her reaction to the introduction of these individual food groups.

Baby Food Allergies - Can they be prevented?

Breastfeeding your baby for the first six months of his or her life helps to reduce the incidence of allergies earlier on in life.

Try to avoid giving your baby pre-prepared foods that contain additives, or tinned or packaged foods.

Baby Food Allergies - When are they Most Likely to Occur?

Baby food allergies can occur at any time. Many babies are allergic to, or have an intolerance to cows milk and your baby may develop an allergy to other milk or wheat products, shellfish, nuts or citrus fruits.

If your baby has an allergic reaction after eating a particular food, you should see the signs within an hour.

Baby Food Allergy - Signs to Look For

The symptoms of a baby food allergy could include swelling or itchiness of the lips or tongue, wheezing or a skin rash.

Some babies may develop an intolerance to particular food groups.

If your baby has a food intolerance, symptoms might include diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, colic or wind.

Treating Baby Food Allergies

As long as you can find the cause, then the best way to treat a baby food allergy is to refrain from giving your baby that particular food.

If your baby is experiencing related symptoms then the allergy could be pollen related rather than a baby food allergy. Non food substances that could also cause an allergic reaction include pet hairs, tobacco smoke, feather pillows, perfume or dust mites.

Baby Food Allergies - Healthy Alternatives

If your results indicated that your infant is experiencing baby food allergies, here are some non allergic foods that you can try introducing into their diet.

o Mangoes, apples, grapes

o Barley, oats, rye

o Cauliflower, carrots, sweet potatoes

o Chicken, salmon

If in any doubt you should seek professional help to determine whether it is a baby food allergy or something more serious.

Baby food allergies are quote common and with a little work are fairly easy to detect. Once you have detected the source of your baby's food allergy, the simplest way to eliminate the symptoms is to remove the cause.

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Bed step stools are really useful where the beds are high. Such stools are made use of by people who find it difficult to climb onto the bed due to an aching back or torso. It is also ideal for those who do not have the right height and therefore will have to use the step stool. It serves the purpose of not only getting into the bed but also to get out of it. Children too find it handy for the same use.

Most patients who have had an operation in the recent past find the bed step stool to be a boon. They assist the sick people to slide onto the bed with little effort and thus help avoid most of the discomfort from aches and pains which they otherwise experience. Older people who sleep in high beds have made the bed step stool an integral part of their bed.

There are certain things to be considered while selecting such stools for personal use. The main aspect is that it has to be ensured that the stool is sturdy and will not hamper the easy movement into and out of the bed. At the same time it should also help in avoiding slipping or stumbling out of the stool which could lead to injury and add to the already existing complications. Another important thing to be noted is that stools with rubber bushes fixed at the bottom should be used. This is a good safety measure to avoid the stool slipping on the floor. The surface of the stool should also not be slippery as this can make the feet slip on the stool.

The bed step stools should be well designed to be user friendly so as to avoid tripping or slipping and the steps should be of a convenient height to help one climb comfortably into bed. It should also be capable of supporting a good measure of weight. They come in many beautiful designs ranging from the classic to the traditional or the modern style. It would make sense to choose one that would be most suitable especially from the safety aspect.

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Yeast infection in infants is a tricky condition and parents should definitely pay attention towards treating it in infants as soon as they find it out. Parents can easily recognize yeast infections through its symptoms like oral thrush (white patches in the mouth), painful, bumpy, red diaper rashes among others. First of all, it is very important to avoid the causes of such infection in infants. To do so, one must know what are the causes of yeast infection in children?

Causes of Yeast Infections in Infants

  • Infection through infected mother at the time of delivery.

  • Antibiotics Intake

  • Not keeping the vaginal area of female infants clean.

  • Overused unchanged diaper.

  • Inappropriate bathing of child with harsh soaps.

Internal Yeast Infections in Infants

Sometimes parents use OTC drugs to treat yeast infections in their infants. This generally treats the symptoms. However, sometimes internal yeast infection remains there and causes frequent recurrence of infections. Internal infections can result into whitish stools, diarrhea, etc. In fact, yeast is always present along with beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. Both of them keep each other in balance. Problem begins when yeast overgrows and results into infection. Treating the symptoms will grant temporary relief and it is essential to treat the underlying imbalance between the intestinal yeast and bacteria in order to prevent recurring infection. Anti fungal drugs - pills, creams, suppositories, topical sprays, and oral liquid solutions can cure infections in adults but treating yeast infection in infants need much more than that.

How to Treat Yeast Infections in Infants

  • Always keep the baby clean. Change wet and dirty diapers immediately as moist environment leads to growth of yeast.

  • Do not use baby wipes on a yeast diaper rash- they feed the yeast. Instead rinse the diaper area with 1 tbsp white vinegar added to a cup of water.

  • For treating yeast diaper rash, get an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream that contains clotrimazole or miconazole or get some anti fungal drug prescribed by a paediatrician.

  • If you see thrush in your baby's mouth, go for oral medication. The anti fungal Nystatin liquid is generally prescribed to treat thrush. However, before administering any medicine, consult your doctor.

  • Do not give too much sugar and refined carbohydrate if your baby has started taking solid food because they feed yeast.

  • Give the baby meats, vegetables, unsweetened fruits and plain, unsweetened yogurt.

  • If yours is a breast feeding baby, treatment should be given to both- mother and child- even if mother has no symptoms.

  • Continue treating yeast infection in your infant by taking all the above precautions for 2 weeks even after symptoms are gone so that there is no chance of getting infection again.

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Taking Your Llewellin Setter Puppy Home

There is as much information published on how to nurture and raise your Llewellin puppy, as there is information of caring for a human baby. Frankly, some of the published information appears to be theoretical and much of it does not match our own experience. We thought we would therefore pass on our actual experience in a few areas in no particular order.

Road Trip or Air-ship?

We must say that even if it involves giving up a weekend and driving a few hundred miles, there is no substitute for giving the pup the attention it deserves at this time of departure from its siblings and entry into its new life style.

If possible, plan to have two persons in the car and hold the pup some of the time at least, on the lap, using a towel under him. He may throw up and that is to be expected on first car rides. Have a puppy crate along as well so you have a place to put him if you have to leave the vehicle or as an option. Here is another article with more information on car sickness.

Air-shipping your Llewellin pup may be your only option. If so, make it as easy on the little guy as you can. Ship him "Counter to Counter" and not airfreight. This costs $100 more but it's the way to go. Some airlines will not take live animals (i.e. US Airways). Of those airlines that will ship puppies, some are better than others. Some are very marginal. Our best experiences by far have been with Continental and Delta. Both get our 5 star rating.

Get the dog breeder to give you a small sample of the puppy food he has been getting. You can mix this food 50/50 with your food of choice for a few days to avoid upset. Or of course feed the same feed he has been eating. Plan to stay with puppy food for the first year of the pup's life.

The Pup's First Days at Home

Once you get the puppy home, especially if he is to live in the house, a number of issues arise. The first one usually being house breaking. As an experienced Llewellin Setter breeder, here is how we handle this:

  • Do not start out by allowing pup run of the house. This will compound the problem to no end. He will sneak into rooms and corners unseen to do his thing. Confine him to an assigned area--maybe the kitchen, the laundry room, an enclosed porch or whatever.

  • Use baby toddler gates to keep pup where you want him.

  • Get pup a wire crate to sleep and hang out in. This is his special space. We prefer not to use a plastic shipping crate, as they are too confining. He needs to be able to see around him.

  • You can start by using newspaper as a place to "go." Best, however, is to establish a routine of putting pup outside as soon as he wakes from snoozing or right after eating. Most pups will get the idea quickly but expect some "accidents" for a while, of course

Keeping Your Llewellin Setter Puppy Healthy

The change of water and environment and possibly the pup's food may result in some diarrhea. This affliction can also be the result of an infection he picked up before you got him. If there is blood or mucus present in the stool he could have coccidia. This infection is fairly common in litters of pups and good breeders are mindful of it and know how to treat for it. Nevertheless, it can reappear and is not a big deal if taken care of promptly. The treatment for coccidia is a medication called Albon; given per your vet's instructions the problem will clear up in a day or two.

Simple diarrhea in your Llewellin pup can be treated effectively with this home remedy: Buy a can of pumpkin, (just plain pumpkin, not pie-filling that contains spices) at your grocer. Mix a few spoonfuls of the pumpkin with plain yogurt at about a 50/50 ratio and feed to the pup a couple of times a day. This usually takes care of diarrhea and loose stools from food changes and minor upsets very quickly. Persistent diarrhea in your pup is reason to consult your vet without delay.

Feeding Your Llewellin Setter Pup

You can feed your pup free-choice if no other animals are around by just keeping the food dish full of dry food. Otherwise, feeding your pup twice a day will be fine. Use a high-quality puppy food and do not add anything. Never add milk, scraps, etc.,--nothing to your pup's food. Dry puppy food is best. It helps with the pup teething, keeps tarter down, and you can serve it again if not eaten immediately.

The Safety and Discipline of Your New Llewellin Pup

Put a collar on your pup right away and get him used to it (we sell very fine, Amish-made leather puppy collars at Hunting Dog Gear). Get a name tag for his collar, also, as he may wander off. Get your pup an implanted microchip at your vet. We like the "Avid" brand.

What to do About Pup's Biting Problem

As the pup grows he will enter into the dog-equivalent of the teenage period and you can expect a few issues; chewing and biting being foremost. Do not accept your puppy biting at all. Stomp on it right away. Do not be afraid to discipline your dog. If you observe the mother with the pups she will not hesitate to growl, bark and bite them if appropriate. You need to do the equivalent of this also as now you are the pack leader.

When the pup bites you grab him by the scruff of the neck and say loudly and clearly, "NO"! If pup persists in biting, grab his ear and dig your thumb into the flap repeating, "NO!" If this makes him cry out, that's fine. At least you know you are giving him feed-back he can understand. Don't try to reason with pup. Don't give him a lecture. Punish him. That's how the animal world works.
Be the Pack Leader

We can highly recommend the writings and videos of Cesar Millan. Especially, "Be the Pack Leader". You may have seen Cesar on the National Geographic channel with his Dog Whisperer series. This is terrific information and it works. At the end of the day, your success with training your bird dog puppy lies to a large extent with your ability to become the "Pack Leader" up front.

What to do About Pup's Chewing Problem

As for the pup chewing, he needs to do this; he will do this no matter what. So give him something he's allowed to chew on. There's no shortage of puppy-products in the stores, but we favor the" Nylabone". It is a good product with no danger to the pup.

Let Your Bird Dog Puppy be a Puppy!

You don't have to be concerned about the bird part of it very much. Your Llewellin puppy already knows all that stuff from the day it is born. That's what you paid the breeder for. Over 100 years of selective breeding to do one thing comes right along with the genes!

Let your puppy be a puppy... sounds logical, I know. But, when given a smart, quick learner, there is a temptation to move too fast. How do I know? Well, we get the e-mails, photos, and so on showing the 5-month old pups retrieving and journals on the 6-month old pup who put up 100 Pheasants and so on. It is very tempting to have a braggin' dog that's only a year old and so on. Some of these dogs turn out fine and some crash along the way. They stop retrieving and become sour or won't handle or won't back or you name it. The gun dog pup folds to the pressure because they are not mature until 2 years old. Take it easy. Take the steps one at a time, don't rush things. Let the dog communicate to you when he's ready for the next step--they have a way of doing that. Never go forward on sketchy groundwork. Spend lots of time on the basic yard work. Heel, Whoa and Come must be firmly established before you go onto birds. Better look for the dog to be finished at 2 years than pressure him at 9 months.

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Has your pediatrician recommended lactose free SMA? It's difficult enough to find out that you have a food allergy but when your infant or older child does, it's even harder. Luckily, there are options available to ensure that you little one is getting the nourishment they need.

The mother's obstetrician will discuss with her the feeding options for her infant. Breastfeeding and the use of alternative formulas will be reviewed and what will be best for the baby. Doctors encourage new moms to breastfeed as breast milk gives the newborn the highest amounts of nourishment possible. Sometimes, breastfeeding is not the chosen option so alternatives must be used.

An alternative - If for some reason that you are unable to breastfeed or provide breast milk to your baby, there special formulated foods that you can give to your child instead. The brand SMA has been providing infant formulas for over 90 years, so you know that they know what they are talking about. From the beginning, their goal was to provide an alternative that was close as possible to breast milk. Today, they offer more than just that.

Guidelines - The brand SMA offers a number of products from formulas for preterm infants to a lactose free SMA formula. This is a very unique formula that can be given to babies from birth on up. This formula is to be part of a dietary management under the supervision of the baby's doctor. Not only is it a complete form of nutrition but it is easy for your baby's digestive system and tummy to handle.

It should be noted that SMA strongly advises that their lactose free SMA formula is not suitable for children who are allergic to cow's milk proteins, suffer from galactosaemia or must be on a galactose free diet. The formula is designed for those children who cannot tolerate lactose or sucrose. The formula also helps the wee ones when they experience tummy aches, gas or diarrhea.

Symptoms - How will you know if your baby is lactose intolerant? Usually only a temporary ailment, your child will have loose stools, gas, have trouble gaining or they have an unexplained weight loss. They may also experience abdominal pain; these symptoms may last several days to several weeks. If you have any concerns about your baby, you should consult with their doctor.

Some babies are given another SMA formula but are unable to properly digest it; if they are switched to the lactose free formula there shouldn't be any issues as the taste is the same. For the newborns and up until they begin solid foods, the lactose free SMA will provide the necessary amount of nutrition they require. Once the infant starts eating solid foods, then this formula can still be given as a replacement to their required daily milk or dairy intake.

Discovering that you baby has an intolerance to milk can be a disappointment; don't let this become an issue because it can be temporary and there are alternatives available. The availability of lactose free SMA offers that alternative for your baby until their system can digest solid foods or the intolerance goes away.

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Pediatric patients, especially infants and young children, are mostly quiet when they are sick. Their signs and symptoms are barely discernible because they don't usually complain. Most of the time, their acting different from normal is what a lot of parents use as a gauge in telling that their child is not okay, making it even more difficult for parents to tell if their child truly needs to see a medical professional.

Here are some general pointers to help you out.

1. Check his breathing rate and pattern. Be aware for symptoms of labored respiration like flaring of the nostrils, retractions of the chest or neck, accelerated respiration, and wheezing. Doing so is particularly essential if your child is asthmatic or having respiratory problems. Take him to a doctor immediately.

2. If the kid has known allergy symptoms and you suspect that he had been exposed to it, call the doctor. Meanwhile, be informed that there are many signs of allergy and it will differ from person to person. It may manifest as skin rashes, itchiness, shortness of breath, diarrhea, vomiting, slight fever, and also shock.

3. Get his temperature. Get him to a doctor immediately if your child's fever is constantly high, does not respond to antipyretics (e.g. Acetaminophen) and tepid sponge bath, and most especially if a background of benign febrile seizure runs in the family.

4. If your kid is vomiting or has diarrhea, get in touch with the medical professional. He could teach you how to observe your child for dehydration status and will inform you whether or not your kid's problem warrants hospital admission.

5. Always seek medical consult if the child complains of severe headache associated with fever and stiff neck. This is a classic presentation of meningitis.

6. Take the baby to the medical doctor if he sustains a cut anywhere in the body, especially if you can not stop the bleeding, or if the cut is deep enough to require stitches.

7. If you suspect that your baby has ingested anything toxic, call a poison-control hotline right away.

8. Assess your kid's consciousness by talking to him. If he is lethargic or unresponsive, call 911 immediately.

9. See a doctor if your child falls or bumps his head strong enough to make him unconscious. If however, your kid did not lose consciousness during the incident, but was observed to be confused, disoriented, drowsy, or vomiting, still bring him to a medical professional. These are warning signs of much more critical problems that ought to be further investigated.

10. If in doubt, don't hesitate to contact your physician or 911 for emergency cases, or go to the nearest hospital. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Knowing when to bring our child to a physician is a skill we must all know by heart. We must not disregard every moment suspecting signs and symptoms our young children may be having. Instead, we should be mindful and keen in watching them every moment of the day and seek out medical assistance once necessary.

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When your baby has a cold, it can often mean long hours of comforting and holding a fussy baby. Caring for a baby with a cold can be anywhere from a few days to a week or more of dealing with a runny nose, coughing, sneezing and sleepless nights. Every parent wants to be able to speed up the process of getting better and see their baby back to their happy, cheerful self. In this article, we will cover some of the basics for caring for your baby's cold to help getting her feeling better.

1. Fever- Be sure to keep a close eye on your baby's temperature for signs of a fever. Keep a good baby thermometer on hand that helps make it simple and easy for monitoring your child's temperature. Check with your pediatrician about the appropriate dosage to bring down a fever with Infant Tylenol or Motrin. Also, depending on the age of your baby, you may want to call your doctor if your baby's temperature reaches between 101 and 103, to determine the best course of action for ruling out other illnesses or infection. Keep track of medication dosages and how often you are giving your baby medication. This is important to avoid overdosing as well as it may be something you'll need to know if you need to talk to your doctor.

2. Doctor's Office Phone Number- Keep your pediatrician's or the on-call nurse's phone number handy so you can easily find it when your baby is sick. Having a sick baby can be stressful, so the last thing you want to do is spend time searching for a phone number.

3. Keep Baby Hydrated- If your baby is vomiting, has diarrhea or a fever, it will be very important to make sure your baby is drinking plenty of breast milk, formula or water. Diarrhea in babies can dehydrate a baby, so be sure to keep an eye on how many wet diapers your baby has when she is sick. If your baby seems to have an upset stomach and is eating solids, you will want to keep her diet limited to the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast).

4. Dealing with congestion- If your baby has a cough or runny nose, you can use a humidifier in her room at night to help calm her cough and to sleep better at night. You might also want to suction her nose several times a day or check with your pediatrician about using a decongestant.

5. Your Patience and Love- Often what a sick baby wants most is to snuggle up with mom and dad. Most babies will want to be held more than when they are sick. Part of caring for your baby when she has a cold is just helping make baby comfortable until she starts to feel better.

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Feeding baby solid food is an exciting new experience for you and your infant. Most babies begin eating solid food when they are between 4 and 6 months. How can you be sure your baby is ready to start trying mashed bananas? How do you introduce solids, and how often will babies eat them?

Your baby will continue consuming breast milk or formula until she is 1. You can start feeding baby solid food, along with breast milk or formula, when she:

* Can hold her head in an upright, steady position.

* Loses the extrusion reflex, a reaction that pushes food out of her mouth with her tongue. She must be able to swallow solid food.

* Sits well supported. Even if a highchair is too big for her, she should be capable of sitting upright in order to be able to swallow well.

* Masters chewing motions. Her tongue and mouth develop together with the digestive system. She should be able to get food to the back of her mouth and then swallow it. She may drool less as she becomes efficient at swallowing.

* Gains a significant amount of weight. Babies who have doubled their birth, or weigh around 15 pounds, and are a minimum of 4 months old are ready for solids.

* Has a growing appetite. She's hungry even after a day of 8 to 10 formula or breast milk feedings.

* Is curious about your food. You might find her checking out your pasta or reaching for scoop of mashed potatoes.

When you start feeding baby solid food, you should start with rice cereal, known to be less allergenic than other things. Feed your baby formula or breast milk first, and then give her a couple teaspoons of cereal mixed with breast milk, formula or water. The cereal will nearly be like a liquid. Put a small portion of cereal on a rubber-tipped spoon, and place it on the tip of her lips.

If you baby has no interest in eating from the spoon, do not force it on her or resort to putting the food in a bottle. Force feeding only makes for aggravation, and food in a bottle may delay the process of understanding that food should be eaten from a spoon while sitting up.

Feeding baby solid food once every day is enough. Although she probably won't eat much at first, your baby will eat more as she practices chewing and swallowing. After she grows accustomed to her new diet, give her a few tablespoons of cereal per day, and gradually thicken it.

Additional solids should be introduced once at a time, and you should wait a few days to see if your baby experiences an allergic reaction to food. Reactions may include increased gas, diarrhea, rash or a bloated tummy.

Transition foods in the following order: cereals, mashed fruits and vegetables and then, finely chopped table foods. Mashed and chopped foods can be purchased at the grocery store or prepared at home. Either types of food, store-bought or homemade, will give your baby the experience she needs to learn to eat solids. Avoid any foods that might be a choking hazard for a small infant.

If your baby turns her nose up to a particular food, reintroduce the same food a week later. Babies change their minds, just as adults do.

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Never say "yes" to bottle feeding or any form of artificial baby milks as long as you have the natural milk gifted free of cost in you. Studies suggest that breast-feeding may be the most important thing a mother can do for her child.

Breast-feeding is a very important stage in the life of both a baby and the mother. It is not only about baby latching on the breast or feeding a baby, it is the moment of the initial bonding between a mother and her child.

Maternal milk contains all the necessary and important substances to give the nutritional and psychological needs of the baby. It is complete and does not require any extra nutritional requirement.

A mother's milk which is the best food for babies contains -
i) Proteins - which are nutritious and easier to digest. It is stronger in anti-infective function compared to cow's milk.
ii) Fats - Fats are easily absorbed and digested in the intestines.
iii) Mineral Salts - protects the baby from dehydration. Though mineral salt content is not plenty, it still is an advantage, as a newborn baby's kidneys at this stage cannot eliminate mineral salts with the urine; the milk gives the required amount. They also keep the amount of water the organism needs.
iv) Vitamins - on condition that the mother's diet is well balanced, provide all the necessary vitamins enough to keep the child healthy and fit.
v) Calcium - though lower in presence to a cow's milk, this is better absorbed and stimulates the baby's growth.
vi) Iron - is necessary for the formation of blood. vii) Sodium - present in a moderate quantity, it keeps the baby away from developing arterial hypertensions.
vii) Water.

It is a mother whom a child needs most and through breast-feeding a baby also finds security. It is also the best way to care for and lets the baby know how much she loves caring him or her. It is pleasure to be in close bondage. A baby who senses a mother is always ahead and perfect even in the years to come.

Breast-feeding has been opined by the United Nation's World Health Organization as- Breast-feeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. It also farther recommends breast-feeding for at least up to six months.

Breast-feeding ensures that the baby receives the required nutritional substances essential for correct growth and defends against infectious disease. It ensures the proper development of the immune system which is till incomplete and weak as by this process a mother passes antibodies, White Blood Cells and other substances such as lysozime and lactoferrin which have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.

Assuming all these, if protecting your child from illnesses like gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting and many more diseases is what you want, than, prime importance should be given to breast-feed your child. This will ensure his or her to have a healthy future and lacking nothing behind.

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When Hyperhidrosis came into the scene, people, particularly parents, became more aware about this excessive sweating condition. If this can happen to adults, of course it won't exempt children. That's the fact that often lead parents into panic should they ever find a simple trace of sweat on their children. More often do kids get sweaty due to their energy at play and this should never lead to any irrational move on the parents' side.

Just as growing up is a tough thing to encounter on its own; experiencing excessive head sweating in children is just an added misery on the process. This usually happens as early as the teen's stage and then sometimes starts during puberty. Sweaty hands, feet, and other parts of the body often accompany excessive head sweating. More like a tag team to be exact.

Turning to safe treatments or medications to fight excessive head sweating in children shouldn't stop there once it takes effect. Experts should also be consulted, as hyperhidrosis in children might just be a symptom of an illness that is bigger than the excessive sweating itself.

Where can excessive sweating in children and in other parts lead to? For one, it can be a road down to Diabetes. Aside from that, other common symptoms leading to diabetes are drinking a lot or feeling thirsty quickly, urinating a lot, and losing some weight. Observing children for these symptoms should be done carefully. If none of these occur, then probably excessive sweating in children as a symptom wouldn't lead to diabetes.

Congestive heart failure is one ailment that has a symptom of excessive sweating in children while they eat. It is not a condition that needs further observation but rather needs to be responded to right away. Having a fast respiratory rate, frequent coughing, and also difficulty in gaining weight, leads to a heart problem. These are the usual symptoms that can be observed aside from excessive sweating.

Excessive head sweating in children can also lead to hyperthyroidism. It is a condition where the thyroid glands perform at an above normal rate. When hyperhidrosis and hyperthyroidism teams up in the body's system, it results to a lot of complications like intolerance to heat, weakness, hyperactivity, irritability, depression, and of course, excessive sweating will never be out of the scene. To add up, young victims of hyperthyroidism may also encounter symptoms like palpitations and atrial fibrillation, shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Even if children do not encounter these stated symptoms, it doesn't mean that they are safe from other illnesses. Consulting experts like doctors or pediatricians is still the best option to take when excessive sweating occurs on youngsters. If still insistent of consulting experts due to financial conditions, there are online resources that provide alternative medications that can be found at home. Most are in the likes of products that can be found in the kitchen. To name a few, it is suggested to take two teaspoons of vinegar and two teaspoons of honey at the start of the day. Turning to herbal medicines like "sage" can also be done but is advised to only be taken for a small period of time; not exceeding 2 to 4 weeks of use.

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