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There are ten signs of teething that all parents should be aware of so they can understand why their baby is fussy or uncomfortable during this milestone:

The signs of teething usually begin a few months or weeks before their first tooth even appears, so you will need to look for these  symptoms to ensure that the symptoms you notice are truly teething-related symptoms and nothing something else that needs to be checked by your pediatrician.

1. Irritability: If your baby is fussy and crying and putting their hand in their mouth it could be a result of the new tooth coming to the surface of the gum.

2. Drooling: Drooling is a common symptom of teething due to the increase in saliva.

 3. Coughing: When your baby starts teething they drool and have increased saliva which can cause your baby to cough or gag. Watch your baby to make sure it is just teething and not a cold.

4. Rash on their chin: If your child drools often due to teething, the saliva can cause and irritation or rash on your baby's chin. Make sure to gently wipe your baby's mouth and chin during the day to help prevent rashes.

5. Fever: A fever is another symptom that sometimes accompanies teething but it is usually very low-grade.

6. Biting & gnawing: A teething baby will put just about anything in their mouth to help massage their sore gums. You can purchase teething aids which are designed specifically for babies going through the teething process and they are safe and effective.

7. Cold like symptoms (runny nose, etc.): If your child displays cold like symptoms which include coughing,  runny nose and acts like they don't feel, take them to doctor to verify that it is in fact just teething rather than a cold.

8. Diarrhea: You may notice that your child has diarrhea while teething. Doctors believe that the most likely cause of diarrhea during teething is the extra saliva swallowed, which then loosens the stool. Contact your child's pediatrician if any diarrhea that lasts for more than three bowel movements.

9. Pulling at their ear: The ear pulling signal can confuse parents because not only can it mean that your babies molars are starting to come in but it can also mean your baby has an ear infection. One way to determine if it is an ear infection is if they have a fever.

10. Lack of sleep: Children that are uncomfortable while teething will often wake up frequently in the night.

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Is your baby's crying keeping both of you awake at night? Would you like to find out how you can soothe your colicky baby so both of you can get a goodnight's rest? If you want to take steps towards quieting and calming your baby, try this battle plan to soothe the symptoms:

1. Check to see if your baby is hungry

First of all you should check to see if your baby is hungry. To do this with young babies simply place you finger under their chin and if it tries to suck or move toward it then it means that your baby is hungry.

2. Walk with your baby

Walk with your baby or sit in a rocking chair. The continuous movement will soothe your baby. However, be sure to place your baby's head close to your chest so that it can hear your heartbeat.

3. Burping while feeding

Try burping your baby more frequently during feeding.

4. Know that a colic attack is coming and be prepared for it

When dealing with a colicky baby it is best to plan ahead. For example, if your baby usually has colic attacks in the afternoon/evening then you should do most of your household chores in the morning. Make sure that if your baby has been awake for most of the morning that he/she gets a nap in the afternoon and you take one with them. A nap can actually reduce the frequency of the colic attacks and how long they last.

5. Play music

Play music like classical or slow music as some babies respond better to sound and will find it soothing.

6. Stop the Crying as soon as possible

Using a pacifier may help stop your baby crying however, if this does not work a small bottle of sugar water helps calm and relax the baby.

Stopping your baby's crying spells as quickly and calmly as possible can significantly shorten the episodes of colic.

7. Massage

Place your baby across your lap while he/she lies on his/her belly and rub his/her back. This will help get rid of air in your baby's stomach and prevent gas.

8. Neck nestling - Dad's are fantastic at this!

This is when the baby snuggles his/her head into the space that is located between the jaw and chest of the parent. Your jawbone drapes gently over the baby's head and your voice box presses against its' head. Small babies hear not only with their ears but also the vibrations that go through their skull. If you sing something monotonous like a lullaby it will help your baby to drift off to sleep. This technique works best with dad's because they have a lower pitch and higher vibration from their voice.

9. A special favourite - especially good for dad's as well!

This is a good technique for dad's to do. What you have to do is drape your bare skinned but diapered baby over your bare chest. Make sure that your baby's ear is over your heartbeat. The rhythm of your heart combined with the rhythm of your chest moving as you are breathing and a bit of rhythmic patting on your baby's back will usually soothe both of you.

10. Use motion

Some babies prefer to be still when calmed down whereas, others like the use of motion to be soothed. Motion swings set at approximately 60 beats per minute is an excellent device to be used for those types of babies. The constant motion is great for relaxing the baby. However, you should bear in mind that for some babies this may not work as the swing only provides a back and forth motion.

A vibrating bouncer is another excellent tool to use to calm down your colicky baby. The vibration and rhythmic sound coming from this device will soothe your baby.

Caring for a colicky baby can be extremely stressful and frustrating at times but, remember it's not your fault. Also, bear in mind that you need to take care of yourself as well. You can't be very soothing to your baby if you are all tense and stressed. You need to try to relax and remember that your baby will outgrow this phase. In addition, keep in mind that if you need to take a break from your baby's crying then do so, there is nothing wrong with that. Family and relatives are often understanding and happy to take care of your baby when you need some time out for yourself, even if your baby is crying. If there is no one around it's OK to put your baby in the crib, let him/her cry and take a break before trying to make another attempt.

Do not fear or worry too much if your child has colic as your baby will outgrow it. However, do consult your doctor if your baby screams constantly or if your baby's colic attacks are accompanied with excessive vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. These symptoms may indicate a more serious problem.

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The most common complaint I hear is that people always feel tired. In fact, most people seem to think feeling tired all the time is just a normal part of modern life. Fortunately, this isn't so.

There are many causes of chronic tiredness. Sometimes it's obvious, like not getting enough sleep, but other times it can be due to an underlying health issue. Chronic tiredness can be a frustrating condition. There usually isn't a simple solution to it and any medical tests are likely to come back 'normal'.

In this article I'm going to explore iron-deficient anemia, how it can cause chronic tiredness and who is most at risk.

Other symptoms of iron-deficient anemia include:

  • You feel particularly tired after exercising

  • You may have a malabsorption problem (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease) which can cause internal bleeding and anemia

  • You are more prone to catching colds, infections and the flu

  • You may often feel cold and look pale or generally unwell
  • Anemia occurs when your blood doesn't have enough hemoglobin. Hemoglobin helps red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all parts of your body.
    Iron deficient anemia is the most common type of anemia. It happens when you don't have enough iron in your body. You need iron to make hemoglobin.

    It's possible to be iron deficient without having anemia. Iron deficiency develops gradually and occurs when the dietary iron intake does not meet the daily need for iron. Initially the storage form of iron becomes depleted, while the blood hemoglobin level (a marker of iron status) remains normal. People who are iron deficient have no iron stores to mobilize if the body requires more iron.

    How does iron deficiency progress to iron deficient anemia? Iron deficiency anemia is an advanced stage of iron depletion. It occurs when storage sites of iron are deficient and blood levels of iron cannot meet daily needs. Blood hemoglobin levels are now below normal.

    Who is most at risk for iron deficiency and iron-deficient anemia?
  • Women of childbearing age. This is due to 2 main reasons. Firstly, they loose blood each month with menstruation. Secondly, they are the group most likely to diet and unfortunately protein and meat are commonly reduced in the erroneous belief that they are fattening.

  • Pregnant women - the growing baby uses the mother's iron stores.

  • Infants and toddlers - especially if they are fussy eaters

  • Athletes - due to the increased needs for oxygen.

  • People who lose abnormal amounts of blood (heavy menstruation, people with gastro-intestinal bleeding)

  • People with kidney disease - people with kidney failure, especially those being treated with dialysis, are at high risk for developing iron deficiency anemia because their kidneys cannot create enough erythropoietin, a hormone needed to make red blood cells. Both iron and erythropoietin can be lost during kidney dialysis.

  • People who have a low intake of dietary iron (fussy eaters, vegetarians)

  • People with malabsorption and digestive problems who can't absorb the iron that they eat. Most iron is absorbed in the small intestines. Gastrointestinal disorders that result in inflammation of the small intestine may result in diarrhea, poor absorption of dietary iron and iron depletion.

  • People who have deficiencies of vitamin A. This nutrient helps mobilize iron from its storage sites, so a deficiency of vitamin A limits the body's ability to use stored iron. This results in an "apparent" iron deficiency because hemoglobin levels are low even though the body can maintain normal amounts of stored iron.

    Please note: The information in this article is not intended to take the place of a personal relationship with a qualified health practitioner nor is it intended as medical advice.

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    Baby in a highchair, mom in front with a small spoon and a jar of baby food. It looks like something right out of a parenting magazine, and it's a scene that is played out several times a day in the majority of homes with small babies. Unfortunately, it's also a powerful marketing image that can cost a family a great deal of money in the long run.

    The Convenience Factor

    Most parents would say the main reason for using commercial jarred baby food is the convenience aspect. After all, with the busy lifestyle many of us have today, no one has time to specially prepare a meal for each member of the family. It doesn't have to be a special event to create your own baby food, however. Baby can usually eat what the rest of the family is eating with very little special preparation.

    Good Nutrition

    Everyone worries about proper nutrition for growing babies. Iron, calcium, and vitamin D - all of these things are legitimate concerns in children's nutrition. However, fortified and processed foods aren't necessarily better than whole foods. Homemade baby food, created from fresh ingredients, offers your child superior nutrition as well as encourages a taste for simple, unprocessed foods - a taste that will possibly prevent obesity-related problems later in life. It's not necessary to offer commercial baby foods in order to have a healthy child.


    Why pay more for an inferior product? Beginning baby food often runs between forty and seventy cents for two ounces. It's entirely possible to purchase half a pound of produce for the same amount, and baby will reap the benefits of eating fresh, nutritious food. Buying produce in bulk can result in even more savings, and even frozen produce is preferable to what you find in the jars.

    Getting Started

    It's important to know when baby is actually ready for solids. Introducing solids too early can lead to an increased likelihood of food intolerances and food allergies. Most medical associations agree that starting solids around six months of age is ideal, and many people find delaying solids for allergy-prone babies is even better. Signs of readiness for solids include:

    • Increased nursing for more than a few days, which is unrelated to illness or teething, or, if baby is fed artificial baby milk, consuming more than 32 ounces daily.

    • Ability to sit up unsupported.

    • Absence of the tongue-thrust reflex. This life-saving reflex causes babies to push foreign objects (in this case, solid foods) out of their mouths to avoid choking.

    • Ability to pick foods up and place in mouth independently (or development of the pincer grasp).

    What About Allergies?

    Experts recommend introducing new foods between three days and a week apart. This helps parents and caregivers identify signs of a food allergy or intolerance. Common signs of food allergy/intolerance are:

    • Increased bloating and gassiness, painful discomfort.

    • Sandpaper-like raised rash on face, often where the offending food made contact with skin.

    • Runny nose and watery eyes.

    • Diarrhea or mucous in the stools. Blood in the stool can also be an indicator of a food allergy, usually dairy or soy.

    • Red rash around anus, or an unusual diaper rash.

    • Vomiting or increased spit up with discomfort.

    Ideally, it is best to introduce foods that are less likely to produce an allergic reaction in baby. Avoiding foods such as egg whites, certain nuts such as peanuts, cow's milk, corn, wheat, and some berries such as strawberries is recommended, as they are more likely to cause reactions. Instead, start with foods that are easier on baby's system. Some good ideas include:

    • Apples

    • Bananas

    • Peaches

    • Pears

    • Carrots

    • Squash

    • Sweet potatoes

    • Asparagus

    • Oats

    • Barley

    • Brown rice

    Tools of the Trade

    Fancy equipment isn't necessary to make healthy food for your baby. Things that might be helpful include a blender, a food mill, a steamer basket and ice cube trays if you want to freeze small portions. Most people have blenders already in their kitchens, and a food mill (or baby grinder) isn't necessary if you have a good blender or food processor. Steamer baskets can be found in most grocery stores for only a few dollars, and fit easily into saucepans. Many beginner foods require nothing more than a small pan and a fork.


    Many doctors recommend starting your baby on rice cereal first. Many parents find, however, that fruits go over better for beginning eaters. It is a myth that babies will prefer sweet things if they are given fruits first - nature's first food, breast milk, is naturally sweet, and that is what baby is accustomed to. Banana is a wonderful first food, as its creamy consistency is similar to mother's milk. After introducing banana, try another fruit or vegetable. Continue adding fruits and vegetables until baby has a wide variety of tastes. Then consider adding whole grains in the form of cereal. Many whole grains have naturally occurring iron, so there is no need to supplement baby's iron unless there is a medical indication for doing so. Brown rice, oats, and barley are all good choices. Next, introduce a meat or poultry such as beef or chicken.

    If you are a vegetarian, introduce another protein source such as tofu or lentils. As time goes on, introduce a combination of tastes, such as cereal mixed with applesauce or peas and carrots. This is also a great time to introduce finger foods, especially if baby has teeth. As baby learns to self-feed, you can move away from making purees and offer small baby-sized portions of the family meal.

    Getting Started

    Bananas make an ideal food for a baby starting solids. To serve, let bananas ripen well (the more ripe, the better - brown spots are desirable), cut into small chunks and mash with a fork. Pears are an excellent source of fiber and can be cooked like apples: peel and cut into chunks. Place in small saucepan and just cover with water. Cook until tender. These can then be mashed with a fork, run through a food mill, processed in a blender or food processor. They can also be offered as finger food if they are cut into small enough chunks. Carrots, another popular first food, should be scraped with a vegetable peeler, sliced and steamed or boiled until soft. Process in blender or food mill. Carrots can be a choking hazard for children, so do use caution if offering as a finger food.

    Sweet potatoes are extremely easy to make, and one potato can last a long time if frozen after cooking. Place sweet potato in a microwave for about eight minutes, remove and let cool. Open up and serve right out of the peel - the potato is very soft and needs no further processing. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of B6.

    Winter squash such as acorn or butternut makes an excellent first food. Cut squash in half and clean. Place in one half inch of water in a baking pan and bake at three hundred and fifty degrees for half an hour. Use a spoon to scoop out squash and feed directly to baby.

    Avocadoes are an extremely nutrient dense food and offers important vitamins and minerals such as iron and potassium. Cut avocado in half around the pit, grab each half and give it a twist. Scoop out meat and mash or dice.

    Making cereal for baby is very easy. Take a cup of the whole grain if your choice such as brown rice, oats, or barley and process in the blender until the desired consistency is reached, usually about two minutes for very young babies. Store in an airtight container. To cook, mix with liquid of your choice and heat over medium heat on stove until thick.


    Enjoy this fun stage in baby's development, and rest assured that baby is getting superior nutrition and developing good eating habits which will last a lifetime!

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    For some babies, teething is a simple affair, with few noticeable side effects. For others, it takes months of pain and anguish to get those first teeth to pop in. Here is some information to help you get through the teething stage, without spending too much time biting your nails.

    When will it happen?

    Well, that largely depends on when it happened for you and your husband. The timing of the appearance of that first tooth is largely hereditary. The average age is about seven months, though the first tooth can appear as early as three months, or as late as after the first birthday. However, teething symptoms can begin two or three months before the appearance of the tooth, so your child can seem to be teething for months on end. For many children, the painful symptoms are much more pronounced in the first two or three teeth, but then subside somewhat on subsequent teeth.

    How do I alleviate the pain?

    There are many remedies to help with teething, without resulting to over the counter pain medicines. Homeopathic teething tablets, which dissolve on the child's tongue, were a godsend when my children were teething. I also took those little baby washcloths, wet them down, twisted them into a sort of stick shape and froze them. They are easy to chew on this way, and are colder than a traditional teething ring put in the refrigerator, though these work great for some babies. When things get extreme, a little acetaminophen or ibuprofen before bedtime can help your child sleep better.

    Are there other symptoms?

    In some babies, there can be other symptoms that accompany the pain of teething. The most common is a stomach ache and diarrhea. This is thought to be caused by the extra saliva that a baby produces during teething. Many babies also run a low grade fever. Another, less common symptom is what we referred to as "teething poop". Whenever my daughter was going through a bout of teething, her bowel movements would burn the skin on her bottom, as though it was very acidic. So, in addition to being in pain from the teething, she had a sore bottom, too. We alleviated this pain with oatmeal baths, and with being more diligent about changing her diaper immediately after a bowel movement.

    Teething is a normal part of babyhood, and, even if it is painful, it is temporary. Keep on top of the symptoms, and soon you'll be seeing a big toothy grin on your baby!

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    Breast feeding is recognised as a great start to your baby's life. Most pediatric specialists recommend at least 3 months and up to 12 months if possible. This is to the benefit of both the baby and you as a new mother. Breastfeeding is great for your baby for several well established reasons.

    Your breast milk is filled with all the vital vitamins, minerals, carbohydrate, protein and fats your baby needs to develop healthily and progress towards toddler hood.

    Research has established that babies who are either breast fed or receive expressed breast milk in a bottle have a lower mortality rate and fewer episodes of being unwell compared to bottle fed babies.

    Your breast milk contains lots of protective nutrients and antibodies that help with protection against frequently observed illnesses such as ear infection, diarrhea and chest problems.

    Recently reported studies have demonstrated your breast milk has vital fatty acids which are important in the development of your babies brain and they seem to boost skills and abilities.

    Of course breast feeding has many benefits for you as a new mother and these include

    When your baby first suckles, the act stimulates your body to produce a vital hormone that helps your womb contract back towards its normal size.

    Breast feeding helps you to bond with your baby and gives many new mothers an intense gratification to be able to feed and nurture their new son or daughter.

    It has been suggested that breast feeding women may be less prone to developing post natal depression although this has not been demonstrated as yet.

    Your risk of developing cancers of the breast, womb or ovary seems to be reduced if you have breast fed your children.

    Many new mothers can have difficulty when first starting breast feeding, as it is not always easy. In this situation there should be support available from midwives, other mums or relatives. Even with this help some women are not able to breast feed which can cause great distress, even though it is in no way their fault.

    Breast feeding your new baby is the goal of many new mothers and id good for both them and their babies.

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    During the summer or warmer seasons of the year, you will most likely notice that your newborn baby develops a rash around his diaper lines. You should not be overly concerned here as it is quite a common occurrence amongst infants as well as toddlers, and it's brought about by the heat, sweat and humidity.

    Normally a diaper rash will come as quickly as it goes, and there are several things you can do to reduce it's severity as well as frequency.

    The first thing to do is make sure that your baby's diapers aren't too snug around his waist and thighs. When the diaper wraps around too tightly, it causes your child to sweat a lot more and with little air going through the diaper, there's no chance of drying up that excess moisture. This causes the skin to become irritated and a breakout follows. At certain times, the rash can also trigger diarrhea, but these cases are rare indeed.

    To help prevent the breakouts, you could try applying a cream like petroleum jelly that will coat your baby's skin with a protective layer to help reduce the formation of moisture. Try not to rub the cream in but instead apply a thin layer over the surface of the skin and just let it sit. Another preventative measure is to not put on a fresh pair of diapers immediately after changing your baby, and let the air naturally dry up any remaining moisture on your baby's skin. Next, you could try using larger diapers that aren't so snugly fitted around your child, or you could try the old-fashioned cotton diapers which are much more breathable than the synthetic sort.

    Sometimes your baby might develop what is actually a yeast infection (or diaper dermatitis), and this is not just a normal rash but a fungal based one. The bacteria thrives within the continual moisture and warm temperatures within the diaper and causes an infection of your infant's delicate skin. So how do you tell if it's a yeast infection?

    Most obvious signs would be the breaking down of the skin tissues around the swollen areas. If severe enough, you will notice that there will be lumps forming on the skin that are filled with fluid. This kind of yeast infection mostly occurs around the hip, genital and thigh areas of a child, but the good news is that it can be treated without much fuss via a topical prescription cream.

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    Allergies are very common and can cause serious reactions. The digestive and immune systems of a baby need to be sufficiently developed before solid foods are introduced. Introducing solid foods too early or introducing foods which are likely to cause problems too soon will stress the baby's immature systems. When introducing solid foods you need to be aware of the possibility of allergic reactions. This article presents the symptoms of allergic reactions and how to minimise these in babies.

    In recent years there has been an increasing awareness of the number of diseases and complaints that can be caused, or contributed to, by the presence of allergies. Allergies are very common. Conservative estimates are that twenty percent of the population is allergic to something. However when we consider minor allergies such as hay fever, minor eczema and food intolerances, the true incidences of allergies and or intolerances may well be a lot higher. It is thought that the changes in the Western diet over the last 100-200 years - in particular the refining of food, the use of food additives and the increased consumption of animal produce and the presence of environmental pollution, have contributed substantially to the prevalence of all forms of allergic disease.

    What is an allergy?

    The word means an 'altered reaction' and an allergic individual usually suffers from physical symptoms (such as, headaches and migraines, vomiting, rashes, asthma) when he or she comes in contact with substances to which they are sensitive. The substance which provokes the reaction is called an allergen and can be house dust, dog or cat fur, a food/s, a chemical/s or a bacterium - to name just a few. In this article we are looking at food allergies.

    When solid foods are introduced, a baby may have an 'allergic reaction' to wheat for example, and develop diarrhoea, abdominal colic, crankiness, a runny nose, or even a mild ear infection, asthma or eczema. The cause of these symptoms is often not recognised and may even be treated as a transient infection if the problem is a runny nose or ear pain. The offending food will be continued to be offered and the infant usually recovers from the acute symptoms, though there might be persistent, relatively minor symptoms. At some later stage (days, months, years later) either following periods of infection or stress or just due to a gradual failure to remain healthy, symptoms develop.

    If the food is withdrawn, the symptoms usually clear within three to five days, though sometimes, especially in children this can take as long as three weeks. There may also be marked withdrawal symptoms which eventually clear.

    When introducing new food to babies and toddlers you need to be aware of the symptoms of allergies. This is particularly the case when parents or other members of the family have food allergies.

    What does a food allergy look like in a baby or toddler?

    The symptoms associated with food allergies are legion and can mimic a whole range of different clinical conditions. It depends on the baby or toddler. Some of the symptoms babies and toddlers develop include:

    • an itchy mouth and throat,

    • rashes, eczema and hives,

    • cramping and colic,

    • nausea and vomiting,

    • diarrhea or constipation,

    • wheezing, sneezing, runny nose,

    • unusual crying,

    • shortness of breath,

    • hyperactivity, and

    • sleep disturbances.

    In extreme cases, a child may develop a life-threatening condition called anaphylactic shock. Severe symptoms or reactions to any allergen require immediate medical attention.

    What are the common causes of food allergies?

    Foods that are the most likely to cause an allergy include:

    • wheat, rye, oats, barley, maize (corn),

    • cow's milk and other dairy products,

    • hen eggs, and chicken meat,

    • cane and beet sugar,

    • fish and shellfish,

    • peanuts,

    • colourings and preservatives,

    • yeast,

    • pork,

    • chocolate, and

    • citrus fruit.

    What can you do?

    Here are two things you can do as a parent to reduce your baby's susceptibility to food allergies and reduce the severity of food allergies:

    • Wait until your baby is at least 6 months old to introduce solids.

    • Apply the 4-day wait rule when introducing new foods to your baby.

    Waiting until your baby is 6 months old

    Babies are not born with adult digestive systems and they cannot handle foods and will not digest them properly until their digestive systems have matured, at 4 to 6 months of age. Prior to that, your baby should only have breast milk or formula. Waiting until your baby is 6 months old to feed them solids will give them the best chance of actually being able to digest the food and a smooth digestion reduces risk of allergies.

    The 4-day wait rule

    When you begin to feed your baby solids, you need to be sure that the food isn't causing a reaction. Sometimes, it can take three or four days for a reaction to show up.

    Introduce one food at a time and then wait for four days before introducing another food.

    It is worthwhile keeping a food diary, noting which foods are introduced and when. This information may be very valuable later if your baby develops some kind of reaction which could be attributed to an infection or upset, or wind or whatever, though it may in fact be a food reaction. If you also note when particular problems start, you can quite often identify the offending food, exclude it from the baby's diet, and have a healthy, happy baby.

    If there is a family history of food intolerance then it is recommended that you avoid the introduction of cow's milk or wheat until the baby is twelve months or even older. (If you introduce these foods at all - but that is another issue.)

    Allergies are very common and can cause serious reactions. The digestive and immune systems of a baby need to be sufficiently developed before solid foods are introduced. Introducing solid foods too early or introducing foods which are likely to cause problems too soon will stress the baby's immature systems. When introducing solid foods you need to aware of the possibility of allergic reactions and should you be concerned about a reaction stop giving this food and allow the baby more time to mature. While the above details are intended to be generally helpful and educational they should not be construed as a replacement for individual advice from a health professional. You should seek professional assistance if your child's allergy is sudden, extreme, long-lasting or fails to improve.


    Bland, J. 1996, Contemporary Nutrition. J & B Associates.

    Davies, S. and A. Stewart, 1997, Nutritional Medicine. Pan.

    Elliot, N. 2004, Green Peace. Practical Parenting.

    Holden, S., Hudson, K., Tilman, J. & D. Wolf, 2003, The Ultimate Guide to Health from Nature. Asrolog Publication.

    Pressman, A. and S. Buff, 2000, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals. (2nd Ed.) Alpha Books.

    Soothill, R. 1996, The Choice Guide to Vitamins and Minerals. A Choice Book Publication.

    Sullivan, K. 2002, Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach to a Health Diet and Safe Supplementation. Harper Collins.

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    It has been known for many years that breastfeeding is a healthy part of baby care and can offer many health benefits to your baby. There are simply things in mothers milk that baby would be unable to get anywhere else, thus putting him or her at a disadvantage. Since most new mothers want to give their baby the healthiest start possible, more and more mothers are choosing breastfeeding as the best way to start the baby out on the right track to a healthy life.

    With many advantages, including some commonly known and many new discoveries, breast milk is the most popular way to feed a newborn baby. From higher IQs to lowered risk of illness, there is much to consider in the way of benefit for baby in mothers milk. There are new studies to suggest that premature babies that are breastfed might actually have higher IQs as they get older, compared to preemies that were not breastfed. It is something for a new mother to consider.

    The benefits to baby's immune system are many, and commonly known. From the antibodies in breast milk to other proteins that can jump-start the baby's immune system, the baby can benefit greatly from mothers milk. There are many studies today trying to identify the specific way in which breast milk can benefit the new baby, but what is known is that is does help. There is also the possibility that it can reduce the mothers risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and osteoporosis. New research even offers proof that breastfeeding can help both mother and baby decrease their risk of developing diabetes.

    In addition to the many other benefits, it is also suggested that breastfed babies are less likely to have food allergies and problems related to allergies such as diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems, and more. In other words, there are so many benefits to both mother and child, it is no wonder so many mothers opt for breastfeeding. Whatever you decide, having a healthy baby should always be your top priority. With so much evidence to suggest that a breastfed baby is a healthier baby, you should at least consider it as an option. No matter what, enlisting the help of a pediatrician as you make important decisions about your baby's health is always a good idea. There is nothing like getting an expert opinion on the benefits of mothers milk.

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    Constipation and diarrhea in babies can cause a lot of fussiness and irritability and be a major distress for the parents.

    It is more likely to occur in babies who have been introduced to solids, but at times affects the newborns as well. Tots who thrive on breast milk are less likely to get it, than those on formula as breast milk is much easier to digest because of its perfect balance of proteins and fats.

    Major causes of constipation are:
    Switch from breast milk to formula, traversing between different brands of formula, introduction to solids, lack of fiber or liquids in the toddler's diet or an indication of some other illness.

    You can detect constipation, if your baby's bowel movements are hard and cause a lot of pain and discomfort, he might even groan when he's having them. Constipated stools are dry, hard and may have blood streaks.

    Try and cure constipation by home remedies like massaging the baby's belly, increasing the liquid intake, moving his legs like he's riding a bicycle and switching the formula milk brand. However if constipation still persists see your doctor.

    Your baby might be suffering from diarrhea if he passes unusually watery stools, at a higher frequency and volume. Diarrhea, especially if accompanied by vomiting and dehydration can be potentially very alarming. If he keeps passing these watery stools for more than 24 hours then he should be rushed to the hospital.

    Diarrhea can be caused by pathogen infestation (i.e. bacteria, virus and parasites), poisoning, food allergy and intolerance or because of a course of antibiotics.

    The first step that needs to be taken if your child is suffering from diarrhea is to keep dehydration from setting in. You can give him an electrolyte solution and feed him more frequently, for shorter intervals of time. Since diarrhea is most commonly due to an infection, it is important that he is treated with professional medical care at the earliest.

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    Almost all households have plants indoors. Plants can be very beneficial to our health, but they can be extremely harmful to our children. A lot of plants are toxic. Find out which ones.

    Having plants in the house can be beneficial to our health. They act as natural filter for toxins, carbon dioxide and purify our air. Keep in mind if you have children some of these plants are poisonous. After reading about the various poisonous plants you can decide if having them inside the house and out of reach is okay.

    An Aloe Vera plant can be poisonous if the latex is ingested. The latex in it can cause purging of the large intestine. Aloe plants can be beneficial in treating burns and other minor dermatitis. If the aloe plant is going to be used make sure you cut away the skin and inner layer that produces yellow juice. Only use the gel.

    Amaryllis is a bulb plant that many people use because of its wonderful winter bloom. The irritant in this plant can cause diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. The irritant is located in the bulb and a large quantity is needed to cause a reaction. Another plant whose bulb is poisonous is the Cyclamen. The bulbs are found underground and taste very bitter so it is unlikely that your child will eat them.

    All parts of the Flamingo Lily are poisonous. This is a blooming plant. Although it is poisonous when ingested, ingestion does not typically occur because chewing on any part of this plant will cause painful irritation of the mouth and throat. You will know if a child has chewed on this plant if they have difficulty swallowing and they have blisters around the mouth. Another plant that may cause similar symptoms is the plant called Angel Wings. Dieffenbachia or Dumb Cane can also cause irritations of the mouth but they also can cause speech impediments that can last for several days. Similar symptoms are caused by consuming this plant, Swiss-cheese Plant or Split-leaf Philodendron.

    The beautiful Kaffir Lily is poisonous. A large amount has to be consumed to see any symptoms which include diarrhea, paralysis, vomiting and collapse. It is only the roots that are poisonous. So your child would have to chow through a lot of Kaffir Lily roots to show any of these symptoms. Chewing on the bark of a Croton will cause mouth irritations. The bark, roots and leaves are poisonous.

    Angel's Trumpet has been known to affect cattle who have consumed it. It is a nicknamed "loco weed" because of that effect. Sometimes it is also called the Thorn Apple. All parts of this plant are poisonous. It will causes spastic movement, drowsiness, even a coma, hallucinations and elevated temperature.

    A favorite Christmastime plant can be toxic. It is the Poinsettia. The Latex, leaves and stems are considered poisonous. It used to be classified as extremely toxic but has since been downgraded. Reactions in humans include nausea and vomiting.

    English ivies are grown indoors and outdoors. The leaves are poisonous. If ingested symptoms could include breathing difficulty, convulsions, vomiting, paralysis and a coma. The berries that it produces are very bitter so it is unlikely that children will consume them. Similar symptoms can develop if the leaves and buds of a Hydrangea are consumed.

    The Devil's Backbone, sometimes called Mother-of-Thousands, is a plant to be very careful with. The adult plant has plantlets that grow along the leaf edges and can easily come off. Children can knock these off and have ready access to them. The poison has been known to be fatal to mice.

    Rhododendrons and Azaleas have a low toxicity but it would be best to keep your children away from them. A Jerusalem-Cherry is a nursery plant that is brought home by consumers. The fruit and the leaves are poisonous. The name can be enticing enough for children to attempt consuming the leaves. It will cause abdominal pains and vomiting.

    So keep all this information in mind when choosing plants. Some of these plants have low toxicity and may be used in the home with a close eye on your children.

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    This article is a continuation of my other 2 articles (also of the same titles). Now, you may be asking, I understand that information about weaning from breastfeeding is important, but why is this very long?"

    Yes, weaning/breastfeeding information is important. But mothers, especially the new ones, only have other people to rely on for such information. Knowing what you can and cannot give your baby during the solid food stage is VERY IMPORTANT so as to give the food that will not cause any allergic or medical reaction in your child. (Please see the first part of this article to understand why.)

    Listed below are the last 3 foods that no baby should ever have a taste of ... well, at least until well after they turned 1-year-old:

    - Wheat and whole-grain products. There are conflicting statements with regards to this type of food. But should you decide to give your baby any food with wheat content, then you should be gradual in giving this as it can lead him to gluten intolerance. According to Wikipedia, celiac (or coeliac) disease is simply put, a disorder of the small intestine which affects the absorption of food that may start from middle infancy up. The symptoms may include chronic (or won't-go-away) diarrhea, a bloated abdomen, fatigue and failure to thrive (failure to gain weight and or stunted growth in some children). It is also a cause of genetics. If a member of your family (extended or immediate) has this disease, then chances are, your baby is more likely to have it. Do not put him at risk. Whole-grain on the other hand, is hard for both babies and toddlers to digest. Their digestive systems are still developing at this point so this may make the child's stomach hurt due to diarrhea.

    - Fried and smoked food. Like whole-grain, fried or smoked foods may be a little too much on a baby's stomach. These may be hard to digest, and might make it difficult for them to defecate.

    - Sugar and artificial sweeteners. Avoid sugar, particularly the white variety as this may cause early dental cavities to your little one's teeth. In addition, it may cause obesity and possible diabetes as sugar in cakes, cookies and other snacks are highly addictive, especially for kids. Artificial sweeteners are a bit new. There is not much information about their substances, so since these are unfamiliar, it is better not to use them. (Honestly, I have never heard of a mother who uses artificial sweeteners for her child's meal.)

    And again (as I have said time and time again), for any baby diet change, it is best to consult your pediatrician. I'm pretty sure you would want what's best for your baby. So avoid these foods for at least your baby's first year. If you plan on giving him any of these in the future, do it little by little, and observe if there are any negative reactions from your baby which would warrant your stopping that feeding.

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    I am writing this article as a way of promoting our fly killer machines. It provides information on diseases that can be caused by house flies.

    Houseflies frequent dung heaps and other fecal sources. They also visit decaying matter including dead animals. When landing on food that is prepared for human consumption, contaminated material is often transferred to the food.

    There are a wide range of diseases that can be transmitted by flies. Here are some of them:

    Typhoid Fever (Salmonella typhi)

    Symptoms: High temperature (up to 104 deg F or 40 deg C), loss of appetite, headache, stomach pain and usually some weakness. Sometimes a pink skin rash appears.

    Treatment: A doctor will usually prescribe an antibiotic and the symptoms will cease in a few days. If no treatment is given, the subject may become seriously ill and even die from secondary problems (up to 20% typhoid fever sufferers die without treatment).

    Cholera (cause by Vibria cholerae, a bacterium)

    Symptoms: unexpected episodes of watery diarrhoea that contains flecks of white mucous material, stomach pains, dry or sticky mouth, sunken eyes, concentrated coloured urine, in a child a markedly sunken fontanelles (the soft spot at the top of the head), dry skin, nausea and vomiting (usually).

    Treatment: Cases can vary from mild to serious. If untreated, serious cases can lead to imminent death. Drink plenty of fresh water, mixed with small quantities of salt and sugar. This will restore the body's fluid. Treatment must be given immediately.

    Escherichia coli

    Symptoms: This depends on the strain of Escherichia coli. Most strains are harmless and result in no detectable symptoms. Other strains, such as O157:H7 can sometimes cause bloody diarrhea. In a very small number of cases Escherichia coli O157:H7 can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome that can lead to kidney failure in young children. For most of us, and for most of the time, Escherichia coli causes no problems.

    Treatment: No treatment is necessary, unless uremic syndrome occurs, in which case a blood transfusion and kidney dialysis may be required.

    Shigellosis (cause by Shigella, a bacterium)

    Symptoms: Diarrhoea (often bloody), fever, and stomach pains. Most cases are mild and may not even be noticed. In a small number of cases, the very young and very old may be vulnerable to high temperature fever, possibly (and rarely) leading to a seizure in a toddler.

    These are just some of the illnesses that can be spread by houseflies. Be on your guard. To be safe you may wish to install a fly killer machine (details follow).

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    Many parents think that at the tender age of 3 or 4 Months, when the baby starts drooling, it means they are going to see white pearls coming out. Not so soon. Drooling is another milestone your little ones are going to accomplish way before they get their first tooth. So do not hang on to your cameras just yet because for most babies there would still be several months before they get that first tooth. As your little one starts drooling it is normal for them to start placing anything and everything in their little mouths. This process is called mouthing. This is an exploration stage and while it can be really frustrating as a Mom, it really is a very normal growth pattern for the little ones. Most children start really mouthing things around age 5-6 months. This is when teething for most babies start. So there is so much more to teething than just drooling. Once your babies start putting everything in their mouth, rubs their gums, is fussy and cranky then you have some reasons to believe that your child may be teething.

    Most pediatricians believe that teething myths are well just "myths." They do not believe children become fussy or irritable or that they may have any other symptoms. As a dentist, I know there is no direct correlation between teething and some of these symptoms. However, experts do show some connection between the two. I happen to believe that some children do experience these symptoms and here is the reason why they do.

    Gum and Ear rubbing: The pain from gums and teeth can travel to the ear area, so it is not that uncommon for them to keep rubbing their gums and pulling their ear. Adults get referred ear pain all the time, so it is not that hard to believe that children can get them too. Sometimes children due to the extra saliva getting stuck in their nose-throat passage can end up with an ear infection. So if ear pulling is accompanied with high fever then check with the doctor for possible ear infection.

    Putting everything in their mouth: this is just your baby's way of trying to comfort the itchy gums. Also it could be that they are just experiencing something new in their mouth and are trying to explore it a bit more.

    Irritability: mainly because as the sharp teeth get closer to the surface of the gum, they create soreness and discomfort and cause your baby to be fussy. Pain and discomfort is the main source of irritability.

    Decreased appetite for solid food: It just may be too painful to eat solids. The extra saliva usually causes infants to feel like they are chocking when they eat solids. It is hard for them to manipulate the food and the saliva all at the same time.

    Low grade fever: really there is no link between teething and fever. It is generally agreed though, that some low grade fever is not that uncommon. Any fever over 101 degree should be checked with the Doctor.

    Waking up at night: when babies are relaxed and not busy, they notice the discomfort more.

    Sometimes it can also accompany skin rash and or diarrhea: Again, most experts do not see an association between teething and diarrhea or rash. However, an Australian study has shown an association between looser bowl movement and teething. It is possible that the extra saliva swallowed during the drooling period can cause looser bowls in infants. The rash can be due to excess saliva as well. This can be prevented if you gently and periodically wipe your baby's mouth.

    Does Teething really cause Fever?

    Low grade fever may or may not accompany teething, however most experts will tell you that teething does not cause fever. The stress on your baby due to teething allows some opportunistic infections to surface and cause fever. If your child has high fever, be assured that it is not caused by teething and make sure proper treatment and care is provided for. Teething has been used as an umbrella to cover many issues that happen to the baby between 6 to 24 months.

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    Starting a daycare has its ups and downs. One of my biggest challenges was dealing with parents on a day to day basis. Some can be just down right rude and totally off based.

    For example, one of the girls I cared in my daycare had 2 parents that where both attorneys. The child, who was really a sweet girl, had a couple of concerning habits. The main one being that she was very picky with her food and developed the habit of only eating green beans. Period. Green Beans.... She would eat 4 to 5 servings of beans a day. The first couple of weeks it didn't seem to be a big deal but a month into it I was getting concerned. It doesn't take a doctor to figure out how unhealthy it is for a 20 month old to only beans day after day.

    I had never had a really good relationship with the parents to begin with but all in all they were OK as customers and followed most of the rules. Being concerned for the child's health I tried to talk with them about this and they became extremely defensive right from the start. They made it very clear that this was none of my business and that it was not up for discussion. It immediately changed the whole tone of the relationship and the parents became very quiet and when they did talk, they were very short and hostile. This awkward situation lasted for a little more than month or so and all along I worried about both girl's health and the weird relationship that had developed. I really don't like it when people don't like me, so this was very hard for me and I really questioned whether I had screwed up. However their belittling tone began to wear on me.

    And that's not even the half of it! The child's bowel movements started to become this strange concoction of green diarrhea that I had to change 4 or 5 times a day. Besides just the foulness of it I was really worried about her becoming dehydrated. I brought the issue back up with the parents and they were again very clear that I was not qualified to question the girl's diet and that I should just be a good "baby sitter" and be quiet. At this point I was just plain mad and felt, well just disrespected. But this was in the beginning of my little daycare and I only had 4 kids with 1 of them as a part timer. So, I just kept my mouth shut having felt that I did my best.

    About 2 weeks after the second odd encounter the girl got sick with the flu and had green vomit and diarrhea coming out of "both ends". It was absolutely disgusted (and concerned) and I called the parents to have them immediately pick her up - which they adamantly denied! They told me how disappointed they were with me that I was unwilling to care for her just because she was a little sick. It was "during the day and it was my job" to take care of their sick child, so they thought!

    I firmly reminded them of the contract they signed and what they had agreed to regarding sick kids. They had to pick up the child if they showed any symptoms. This is both for the child's benefit as well as the other kids enrolled. They blew it off and reminded me of how important they are as busy (personal injury) attorney's (suing someone because they burnt their lip on hot coffee). More than anything I was shocked by their lack of compassion for both their own child and the other kids I took care of that we're in real danger of getting of catching the virus.

    As a side note, a few of the other parents noticed how sick she was and were very upset that their child was exposed all day to the girl. It was a bad reflection on me as I was responsible for keeping all of the children safe. In addition the other parents were well aware of the rules on having to pick up their child no matter how inconvenient for them, as for the benefit for the whole daycare.

    When the parents finally arrived, 15 minutes late, I told them it was over and I would no longer care for their kid. They where furious and threaten to take me to court as they wanted 2 weeks to find another daycare. I was firm, though really scared, and told them goodbye and shut the door.

    Nothing happened with the lawsuit and I never heard from them again though I do see them walking around town once in a while and my involuntary daycare nervous twitch acts up. Looking back, that was a rough 2 months. My reputation with the other parents was revived when I told them that I fired them as my sincere concern for everyone's safety was that important in my daycare.

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    Teething process usually starts when the baby is approximately six months old, some may experience it faster or slower than that. The first symptom that can be observed is the swelling of gum.

    There is a sequence in how tooth starts to erupt, first the lower incisor, then the upper incisor, the molar and lastly canines. Although not all baby have the same symptom, the general symptoms are described below.

    First, some babies may experience earache. If you observed your child been constantly touching his or her ears, there might be a high chance that the pain from the gum has transfer to the ear. Then, the baby drools more constantly.

    Excessive saliva wets the area around the mouth. Be sure to wipe away the saliva gently as further aggressive actions might injure the already-sensitive area. Next, if some objects is place in front of the baby, he or she might grab it straight away and placed it in his or her mouth.

    The chewing action is easily observed as babies in teething stage needs some object that can help them to ease the pressure and pain caused by swelling of gum. In some babies, they might experience rashes in the stomach area. Bum cream is required to cure the rash.

    However, if the baby is also having diarrhea at the same time, it is advice to take the baby to a doctor. Other signs include higher body temperature, irritable, fussy and not able to sleep soundly.

    To ease the discomfort, a teeth ring is usually given. Parents are advice to have some extra and keep in it the fridge to cool the teeth ring.

    However, do not place it in the freezer as the frozen object can cause frost bit. In the market these days, teething gums with inflammation function can be given to the baby as well; anesthetic is found in these gums to help pain relief. If, nothing can help, it is better to see a GP for some medicine.

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    Don't be surprised if your child quickly learns to resist using the toilet for pooping. Using the toilet for bowel movements can be difficult for a toddler to understand, as well as scary and undesirable. Try to make potty training as easy for your child as possible, even if he or she has a difficult time overcoming resistance to using a toilet for pooping.

    First, find out why your child is resisting using the potty for bowel movements. He or she may actually be causing harm to the body by holding it in, but perhaps if the process is painful he or she may find a diaper more comfortable.

    Toddlers who are constipated or suffer from diarrhea may find it difficult or embarrassing to use an adult toilet or to use the toilet with an adult present. Talk to your family doctor for advice. Simply changing your child's diet may make it more comfortable for him or her to go. Mineral oils can be especially useful here and you will find that it is easy to disguise in your child's drinks or sandwiches. You may also find it useful to have your child take medicine to help the problem. When bowel movements are easier, your child is less likely to resist.

    Teaching your child to use the toilet for bowel movements may be difficult in itself. First, try emptying dirty diapers into the toilet. Have your child flush the toilet by his- or herself. Also use dolls and books to learn the process and have your child accompany you and their older relatives to the restroom. Take baby steps that build up to learning to use the toilet for bowel movements.

    First, encourage your child to poop in the bathroom, even with a diaper still on. Next, have him or her learn to sit down in the bathroom, on the edge of a bathtub, on a potty chair, on the toilet with the lid down, or even on the floor, still wearing the diaper. The final step is to remove the diaper and have him or her use the toilet for bowl movements, just as adults do. Reward your child as he or she is successful with each step.

    It is not uncommon for children to hold their stool, but this can have consequences. Often, a child will hold in the stool because he or she is afraid of using the toilet or simply does not want to stop what he or she is doing to waste time using the bathroom. This can cause discomfort in the abdomen, pain when using the toilet, decreased appetite, and other problems. If your child experiences this, talk to you paediatrician to be sure he or she is not significantly compromising his or her health.

    Remember that your child simply may not be ready to use the potty. Resistance to bowel movements on the toilet is very common, but if it continues for a long period of time or results in other problems, you and your child may just need a break. Potty training is a difficult step in a child's life, but it will happen eventually with a little hard work and understanding, so be sure to give your child support throughout this stage of life.

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    As almost every parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle, and friend of new parents knows, babies can get fussy. Crying and upset, especially in the evening, are a normal part of the baby's development during the first months of life. Unexplained "crying fits" that persist for more than 3 hours per day, for more than 3 days per week, and for at least 3 weeks, are a considered a separate clinical condition called colic.

    During colicky episodes, baby may draw his or her legs up to the abdomen and become red in the face. The tummy may be bloated and the baby may have gas. Colic looks painful, but colicky babies are usually healthy babies. Their parents and caregivers, however, become worn out.

    The causes of colic are not well known. It is not caused by hunger, pain, or too much gas. It may be due to air swallowed when baby sucks fingers or toes or the bottle, or it could be due to overfeeding either cow's milk or breast milk. Colic is sometimes linked to an allergy to cow's milk. Some recent research suggests colic may be due to reflux esophagitis, acid backing up from the stomach to the throat.

    Are there any meals that heal colic in infants? The simplest approach to treating colic is to offer your baby more frequent feedings. Feed baby when he or she cries rather than on a fixed schedule. Babies' bodies do not have the same mechanisms to regulate energy as adults, so a baby's cry may be caused by low blood sugar.

    The most dramatically effective nutritional approach-when it works, and it often does-to treating colic nutritionally involves what you don't offer your infant, not what you do. Doctors at Miami Children's Hospital have found that colic is closely associated with feeding juices that have a high fructose-to-glucose ratio, such as apple juice and pear nectar.

    Fructose is not as easily absorbed from food as glucose, and it may accumulate in the intestine. Apple juice is also high in sorbitol, an indigestible natural sweetener that can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Using hydrogen breath testing, the Miami researchers concluded that babies cannot absorb carbohydrates from apple or pear juice. They found that eliminating the juices eliminated diarrhea and colic in virtually all cases.

    What if you haven't been feeding Baby apple juice or pear nectar? Cow's milk can cause colicky symptoms, but colicky reactions to cow's milk are signs of an allergy. Generally, even children who are allergic to cow's milk can tolerate half a cup to a cup of milk before they develop symptoms. If cow's milk is the problem, baby will probably develop diarrhea and/or a rash in addition to symptoms of colic.

    Sugar water, low-lactose milk, and soymilk help relieve colic in some babies but not in others. The smell of soymilk may be a problem for some infants. Most babies prefer the smell of cow's milk or whey. A recent study in the Netherlands found that a whey-based formula reduced crying by an average of an hour a day. Since whey-based formulas such as Nestl矇-Carnation Excellent start smell better and cost less, they are a useful treatment for colic. It is only necessary to give formula for one feeding a day. Other feedings can be breast milk or cow's milk. Results usually take about a week. Babies who tend to spit up may do better on amino acid based formulas such as Neocate.

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