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Bringing your newborn home from the hospital for the first time is exciting. You're the proud mother of that cute baby girl or baby boy so happy and excited yet there's a little fear as to what to do. This is your first baby so everything is new to you. You're feeling anxious because you're really not sure what to do or how to take care of your baby by yourself. Every new mother goes through these emotions.

Hopefully you and your doctor has been talking about at least the basics on what to do and you've been reading some books on how to take care of your newborn baby. Having done this before hand and taking some notes will really boost your confidence because you will at least have an idea of the things that you should be aware of. You are now a mother and your baby is depending on you for everything.

Well the two most important things that you should put your focus on for the first couple weeks besides knowing the basics of changing diapers, sponge baths, and other grooming needs are feeding your baby and sleeping issues. They both sound like normal everyday tasks, but breast feeding a new born baby for a new mother can be a challenge in the beginning. Sleeping issues for a newborn, the more you learn about them the scarier it gets, well in the beginning at least, till you get used to it.

Breast feeding your newborn is highly recommended as the best whenever possible. Your breast milk is perfectly formulated for your baby and really is better than any thing on the market. If you feed your baby ready to feed formula make sure you don't dilute it with water. This may cut down on the calories your baby needs for proper development. Concentrated formula is another thing. It should be mixed with water in a 1 to 1 ratio. Usually the feeding time for your baby is 2 to 3 hour intervals.

A baby with adequate nourishment will wet her diaper during the 2 to 3 hour interval. The color of the urine should be clear. Her stool should be yellow in color and soft. A breast fed baby will pass stools about 6 times a day where as bottle-fed babies may pass only every three days. You also have to be aware of symptoms of diarrhea, frequent vomiting, constipation or rashes which would usually means the formula should be changed or at least looked into. These are some reasons why breast feeding is superior to baby formula.

Normally new born babies need sleep of 10 to 23 hours a day. Anything less is not good for your baby's development and should be looked into. To help your baby get the essential amount of sleep time make sure that she is feed. Make sure she has a clean diaper and is burped. Wrap your baby securely to keep her warn and to prevent excessive movements which can disturb her sleep.

Sleeping position for a new born baby has been researched and studies have found a link between sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and babies who sleep on their stomachs (in the prone position). They say that side sleeping has an even higher risk of SIDS than back sleeping. So the experts now agree that placing your baby in a supine position, on her back, is the safest position.

At first glance putting your baby to bed sounds easy but really there are a bunch of things to think about like too soft bedding, too small, soft stuffed animals, loose clothing and even pillows. You might also worry about your baby shifting positions during her sleep. A baby monitor or baby webcam can give you peace of mind while away from your baby's room like in the kitchen or hanging out the wash. It won't prevent SIDS but it allows you to keep an eye on your baby as she sleeps. There are monitors that check to see if your baby is breathing and will alert you if no breathing is noticed. You can even listen to your baby as she sleeps if you choose.

Feeding and sleeping are the first two things to focus on until it gets to be routine for your baby and you. It' will probably take about a couple weeks to get used to these things and then you can start focusing on the next steps. If you have any questions be sure to check with your doctor. Congratulations.

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We've all heard the slogan, "milk, it does a body good" - but what kind of milk? While some milk is fine for some, many others, especially children are allergic or intolerant from their first drink. An estimated 30 million Americans have some kind of lactose (the milk sugar in all dairy products) intolerance, and more than 100,000 babies are thought to suffer from milk allergies.

There is a difference between lactose intolerance and milk allergies. Children with lactose intolerance are deficient in lactase, an enzyme produced internally to break down lactose. This can result in stomache aches, gas and diarrhea. However children allergic to milk have reactions to some or all of the proteins: casein, whey, and lactalbumin. The adverse effects can cause gastric problems as well as skin issues such as rash, and eczema, and nasal distress such as runny nose and congestion. These reactions can come as soon as babies are breastfed (by mothers ingesting dairy products) or given milk based formulas. Babies are more likely to be born with a milk allergy vs. a lactose intolerance.

The good news is that most children outgrow a milk allergy by the age of 4, according to Paul Ehrlich, M.D., pediatrician, allergist and clinical assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine. Plus he says, "the more attentive you are to keeping milk out of your children's diet, the sooner the allergy with go away." Although this is not always easy as cow's milk and other dairy products are in many processed and packaged foods under the ingredient names: whey, casein, lactalbumin, caramel color, and nougat, among others. Thus it is important to read labels to avoid reactions. Organizations such as the Food Allergy Network, as well as nutritionists can help you identify and steer clear of hidden dangers.

Today many people are asking which milk is the best choice for their families and children. Some households have more than one kind of milk and milk alternative to satisfy different ages, dietary restrictions, and tastes. In addition to considering the various cow's milk alternatives, many parents of children who can drink cow's milk are buying organic brands to minimize the exposure of the hormone bovine somatotropin (bST) or recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbGH), which some pediatricians and nutritionists such as Robert Pastore, Ph.D suspect as an agent of premature development in children.

So what milk or milk alternative should you buy? Here are some options. And no matter which brand or alternative you try, choose those with fortified calcium, magnesium and vitamin B-12, which makes cow's milk such a nutritional giant. Here are some cow's milk alternatives:

Almond Milk

Not high in protein (only two grams per 8 ounces, as compared with 8 grams in cow's milk) this naturally sweet beverage does have some beneficial fats and calcium. Because of the smooth and creamy texture it also works well for cooking and baking. Almond milk is not an alternative for those with nut allergies.

Goat Milk

Coat's milk has only slightly less lactose than cow's milk, making it an inappropriate alternative to those with intolerance. However it does have different proteins from cow's milk, so may be a good choice for some with allergies. Goat's milk is slightly sweet and salty with a fat level and consistency similar to whole cow's milk.

Rice Milk

This is the least allergenic milk alternative, as it is suitable for children with milk intolerance and allergies. However it is lower in protein and much thinner in consistency than cow's milk. Young children not getting enough protein from food sources, should not substitute rice milk.

Oat Milk

Oat milk is high in fiber however low in protein. Oat milk has a slightly sweet taste and light consistency. It is highly tolerated by most kids who have soy, rice and milk allergies. However it is not acceptable for children with celiac disease or other wheat and gluten intolerances and allergies.

Soy Milk

This is high in protein and the most popular cow's milk alternative. If you're a vegetarian, or if your baby has trouble digesting cow's milk protein, the doctor may suggest a soy-based formula. Although between 5 and 30 percent of children with a cow's milk allergy are also allergic to soy - thus it is not an option for everyone. Recent research and questions have arisen over soy's phytoestrgen levels and possible link to interference with children's hormonal and sexual development. Some pediatrician's caution not to give more than 2 serving a day to children.

When in doubt about milk, formula, allergies or intolerances, talk to your pediatrician or consult a nutritionist to help guide you to the safest choices for your family's needs.

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What is Diaper Rash or Nappy Rash?

Diaper rash is a generic term applied to skin irritation that develops in the diaper-covered area that is caused by various disorders and irritants. It causes the baby's skin to become sore, red, scaly, and tender. In bad cases, the rash can cause pimples, blisters and sores on the baby's buttocks, thighs or genital area. If the rash gets infected, it may become bright red and the skin may get swollen. Small red patches or spots may also spread beyond the main part of the rash, even out of the diaper-covered area.

Common synonyms are including diaper dermatitis (skin inflammation), napkin dermatitis and ammonia dermatitis. Amongst all published causes of diaper rash, contact irritation seems to be the most significant factor. Diaper rash could develop as early as in the first week of a new born baby. As surveyed, the highest risk is recorded between the range of 9 and 12 months old. There are almost 40% of children in this age range will be attacked by diaper rash.

In general, there are few causes that contributed to diaper rash:

1) Irritant or Contact Dermatitis could show various severities vary from mild redness (similar to sunburn) to skin erosion. To differentiate contact dermatitis from other causes, it seldom involves the skin fold areas which are not in immediate contact with urine. It can be caused by rubbing of diapers against the skin and tight fitting of diapers onto the baby's body.

2) Bacterial infection is resulted from a disruption of skin integrity and overwhelmed skin defence mechanisms within the diaper-covered region. Visually, bacterial infections could be a small blisters (1-2mm) and pustules that covering the baby's buttock, lower abdomen, anus, umbilical cord, thighs as well as other parts of the body. When the baby's urine mixes with bacteria from feces, it breaks down and forms ammonia which can be very harsh.

3) Yeast or Fungal infection is characterized by bright red zone with slightly raised small dots extending beyond the main rashes. It is usually tender, painful and appears in the folds of the baby's genitals, legs and creases. Conversely to contact dermatitis, they are commonly found in the skin folds creases, around the baby's anal and can spread to the front and back of body.

4) Allergic reactions due to allergens like fragrances and materials of the diaper (dyes, super absorbent gels) and laundry chemicals e.g. detergent, bleach and softener. These regions often have well-defined zones of redness with superficial vesicles and erosions on the legs and in the groin area.

5) Metabolic and Nutritional Deficiency could happen during the introduction of new food or solid food to the baby. New foods can change the composition of the baby's feces and increase the bowel movement at the same time. This could lead to a diaper rash, and the rashes get worsen with happening of diarrhea. If baby is breast-fed, their delicate skin could even be reacting to those foods mothers are eating.

6) Immunodeficiency and Malignancies is likely to be one of the causes of diaper rash nowadays. Sometimes, diaper rash can develop on a baby who is taking antibiotics, or the baby is breast-fed by the mother who is on antibiotics. Antibiotics reduce the number of healthy bacteria that combating with yeast, as well as the harmful bacteria that meant to be destroyed.

Despite other intrinsic factors, there are few handy tips which can be used to prevent diaper rash:

1) Change your baby's diaper diligently as soon as it is wet and soiled. Newborn babies urinate and pass loose stools very often and there is always trace amount of moisture left on the baby's skin. You should always keep the baby's skin as dry, clean and cool as possible, in order to get rid of feces and urine in irritating the baby's skin.

2) Put your baby on an open cloth diaper during nap time. As baby often urinates right after falling asleep, the diaper should be checked shortly after the baby falls asleep and replace instantly if it is wet. You may even let your baby to sleep with a bare butt (with plastic sheet placed on top of bed sheet) for a speedy recovery.

3) Soak the baby's bottom with running water occasionally in between of diaper changes; or by squirting with a water bottle. If possible, only use warm water with (or without) mild soap.

4) Allow the baby's skin to dry completely before covering up with a clean diaper. Avoid using plastic pant or diaper with plastic edge. Diapers with anti-leak plastic prevents air circulation, thus conduces a warm and moist environment where fungi can thrive.

5) Pat the wet bottom gently with a soft cloth or towel, rather than scrubbing that can lead to irritation on sensitive skin.

6) Put on the diaper loosely to prevent chafing, or use a bigger-sized diaper will be leaving more rooms for better air circulation. Make sure the diaper or nappy fits firmly, instead of tightly.

7) Avoid using scented wipes and soaps, which may contain alcohol, perfume or fragrance that make skin irritation worse. If you are using disposable diapers, you must buy ones that are fragrance-free.

8) Use cream which contains zinc oxide ointment or petroleum jelly to protect your baby's skin from moisture. Never use creams that contain boric acid, camphor, phenol, methyl salicylate or benzoin tincture.

9) Do not use talcum powder or cornstarch in healing diaper rash. Talcum powder can be inhaled into the baby's lung, whereas cornstarch could worsen a yeast-infected diaper rash.

10) Boil washable diapers for approximately 10-15 minutes after thorough cleaning to kill germs and remove chemicals like soap that could potentially irritate the baby's skin.

11) Food allergies may cause diaper rash. When you introduce new solid foods, try to do so one at a time so that a particular allergy can be identified easily.

With some diligence and perseverance in following those best practises, diaper rash should be healed within 3 to 4 days without seeking an out-patient consultation.

Please consult your family pediatrician if the rash turns to be complicated with yellow patches or open sores. The pediatrician may either prescribe a topical or oral antibiotic for your baby, or antifungal drug for yeast infection. You should also consult the medical experts if your baby develops a fever, diarrhea or any kind of discomfort after several days of home treatment.

By Ding


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Teething is a trying process that all babies must go through, but there are things to watch out for to make it as comfortable as possible. Being familiar with the following symptoms will help you to spot when your baby is teething, so that you can take the appropriate action.

1.Coughing- When your baby begins teething he or she will have extra saliva, which can cause your baby to cough or gag here and there. This is normal, but if baby has a fever and seems to be uneasy it would be wise to call the doctor of your baby to make sure that all is indeed well.

2. Chin Rash- With your baby drooling he or she will have the skin around the mouth and chin irritated due to the constant contact with saliva. You can prevent the development of a chin rash by periodically wiping your baby's chin and mouth throughout the day, using a soft cloth or tissue.

3. Drooling- This will occur between three to four months of age and often this is the first sign that teething is near. How much drool will depend on your baby.

4. Gnawing and Biting- Watch out! A teething baby will gum and gnaw down anything that happens to come near her mouth to help relieve the pressure occurring underneath the gums, and babies have no concept of causing their parents pain with a sharp bite!

5. Not Sleeping Too Well- Your baby will wake up constantly in the night due to teething pain if it gets bad enough. Often parents agree that the night waking occurs more during the first set of teeth.

6. Signs of a Cold- This will sometimes occur during the time baby is teething, which some parents believe it is due to the constant contact between baby's hands and mouth. It is always wise to call baby's doctor to be on the safe side of things.

7. Irritability- When you baby's first teeth come in the gums in the mouth will become very sensitive and sore. You may find that your baby will be more fussy and irritable due to the teeth coming in, and as previously mentioned sleep will be disrupted - usually for the whole household.

8. Ear Pulling- The pain in your baby's gums may travel to his or her ears, which is why you will notice your baby pulling the ears. You should also keep in mind that this can be a sign of an ear infection as well.

9. Diarrhea- you may noticed that your baby is having looser stools in your baby's diaper this is usually due to the increase in saliva. It would be wise to contact your doctor if your baby has more than two watery bowel movements a day.

Teething can be a trying time for all concerned, but remember that it doesn't last forever.

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The benefits of breastfeeding babies drastically out numbers formula feeding babies. Many moms often decide to breastfeed after finding out the substantial health benefits. Not only does breastfeeding benefit the health of the baby during infancy, it provides lasting positive effects throughout his/her entire life. Breastfeeding is also an important form of bonding mother and child. Some of the benefits of breastfeeding will be discussed in this article.

The breast milk gives children the very best forms of antibodies and nutrients that they can receive. This is important for aiding the child with the ability to fight off infections and diseases, such as respiratory diseases, pneumonia, and infections of the kidneys. The breastfed baby has increased protection from heart disease, allergies, asthma, ear infections, meningitis, Crohn's disease, and gastroenteritis.

Breastfed babies have a reduced risk of several health related problems. Some of the things that they have less of a risk for developing include childhood diabetes, colic, anemia from iron deficiency, vitamin E deficiency, tooth decay, and childhood obesity. They also have less reports of diarrhea and vomiting.

Breastfeeding babies also helps in the area of development of the infant's physical appearance and mental capabilities. The nursing process helps with the development of the baby's facial structure as well as helping to develop straight teeth. Studies have also shown that breast milk improves the child's IQ by between 10-12 points.

Another important benefit of breastfeeding is the amount of money it saves. The cost of formula and bottles is skyrocketing. Parents can use the extra savings to purchase more things that the baby needs. Not only does breastfeeding save money for the mom and dad, it also saves money for the whole country. The reduced risks for instances of health related problems because of breastfeeding saves money on medicaid and other government funded health programs.

The benefits listed in this article are only a few of the positive ways that breastfeeding is helpful to the development of infants. Many new mothers are deciding to breastfeed their babies because the benefits far outweigh any perceived inconveniences. Breastfeeding gives children nutrients that will help them their entire lives.

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Breast milk is the best food for the baby as it contains all the nutrients that the baby needs in the first six months. In addition, colostrum, the early milk produced after birth is rich in antibodies. These antibodies help the baby fight against pathogen of infections like diarrhea and respiratory infections, hence the baby will be less prone to allergies, colic and constipation.

Through breast milk, the child will acquire an immunity which the mother have developed against certain illness. Most importantly, breast feeding will enhances the bond between a mother and her baby. Mothers will feel a strong sense of closeness and bonding towards their baby. Baby will develops a sense of comfort, love and secure.

Breast milk is natural and so convenient such that there is no need for bottle cleaning, sterilization or temperature check. It is free of germs and at no cost versus baby formula milk. Washing nipples with water once daily is sufficient. Whenever the baby suckles, it induces contraction of the womb and speeds up the return of the womb to normal size as before pregnancy, reduces the risk of complication like severe breeding. During this process, calories are burned and fat stored around the hips and thighs during pregnancy may be lost if a sensible diet is followed. The risk of breast cancer is reduced as well. This practice delays the return of menstruation, hence helping contraceptive planning for the first six months after delivery. The mothers will also develop confidence as she fulfills the baby emotional and physical needs.

Tips for a head start for the preparation;

1. The mother has to prepare herself physically, mentally and emotionally.
2. To maintain a well balanced diet during and after pregnancy. Increase the intake of meats, vegetables and fruits.
3. When breast experience soreness or daily discomfort, seek help from doctor or midwife if necessary.
4. Prepare wardrobe with loose blouse or T-shirt and get a good support bra before giving birth.
5. Read lots of updated material, attend seminar or talks with your spouse as early as possible.
6. Have a positive and "can do" attitude, be confident that you can succeed.

Be prepared and you will be on path to a smooth and successful Motherhood! Good luck and enjoy the process!

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Many working families choose a commercial or individual day care center to care for their child during the workday. We've listed important aspects of a daycare center's environment to evaluate when making your choice:

Staff to Child Ratio. This is the number of children each staff member is responsible for. Most states regulate the minimum number of staff to child ratio. This will vary based on your state and the ages of the children. An average guideline follows, but check with your state department for what to expect in your area.

  • An infant room will have one to four or six staff to child ratio

  • A young toddler room will have a one to six or eight staff to child ratio

  • For 2s and 3s room, an eight to ten staff to child ratio is average

  • Children 4 and 5 years old average a one to ten staff to child ratio

Diaper Changing. There should be a dedicated area for diaper changing, equipped with sanitary diaper pad covering, disposable gloves, wipes and diapers and a dedicated waste receptacle for waste that is emptied on a regular schedule.

Sick Policy. Most daycare centers will require that a child sent home with a fever or after a bout of nausea or diarrhea be kept home for 24 hours. While it inconvenient for working parents, it is the safest practice to prevent contagious illnesses from spreading within a classroom. Some centers may have a separate infirmary and onsite nurse or share the operating costs with other centers in the area.

Discipline, Biting and Dismissal Policies. Find out how the center handles discipline and what the process is for misbehavior that affects other children, such as biting or hitting. As if there is an escalation process, what the coaching and dismissal policies are. You will want to know both sides in the event your child is the aggressor or the victim.

Feeding. Some centers serve prepared food and some have families bring lunches and provide morning and afternoon snacks. Find out if the daycare providers will heat up food in your child's lunches, if there is a refrigerator available, if they provide milk and filtered water for drinking and what kinds of snacks are served.

Supervised Lunch and Snacktime. The center you choose should support your nutrition preferences and provide healthy options served in a clean, supervised environment. Staff should use the opportunity to teach manners and model good eating habits. Ask about the center's policy on sharing food at the lunch table if your child has allergies.

Toilet Training. Some centers will help potty train your child, others require that the child be fully potty trained by a specific age. Your center should reinforce good bathroom habits, including wiping, flushing and thoroughly washing hands. Some centers also add brushing teeth to the regular routine.

Napping. Most young children benefit from regularly scheduled nap times during the day. Most centers will have young toddlers take a nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. Older toddlers and preschool age children may have one name in the afternoon after lunch. Ask whether you are responsible for bringing bedding or if it is provided. In the latter case, your child should have his own dedicated linens that are laundered each week.

Parent Visits. Parent visits should be welcomed throughout the day, whether announced or unannounced. There should be observation windows available for you to observe your child's day or you should be welcomed into your child's classroom.

Schedule. Hours of operation often play a key role in whether a center is acceptable simply by default of being available when you need them to be. Some centers have two tuition schedules, one for standard daycare (i.e. 9am - 4pm) and extended daycare (i.e. 7am - 6pm). Ask what the late policy is, whether you will have to pay on pick-up, if that payment must be in cash, etc.

Safety and Peace of Mind. Does the center have controlled access, with locked doors after the usual drop-off times? There should be a sign-in/sign-out process to account for each child. When you register, you should be asked to supply emergency contact information for yourself and partner, two people who can be contacted and take your child if either of you are not available. Some centers will also ask for an out-of-state emergency contact in the event of a regional emergency, like an earthquake.

Emergency Plan. If your area is prone to natural disasters like flooding or earthquakes, ask about your center's emergency plan - how they will notify parents, where their evacuation location is, if there is a lockdown procedure.

Daily Status Reports. A daily status report will give you detailed information about your child's day, including feeding times, diaper changing information and activities during the day. This is especially important for infants and young toddlers.

Classrooms. Children love rooms that are bright, cheerful and full of visual stimulation created by creative artwork, children's projects and family pictures.

Classroom curriculum. Each classroom should be equipped with age appropriate activities, equipment and toys to stimulate your child's development in fine/gross motor activities, sensory and cognitive skills, language development, number concepts, music and art.

Bonuses and Special Touches

Emailed Progress Reports and Photos. Many daycare centers are now emailing daily progress reports with information about activities and care routines like eating, napping and diapering to parents. Some centers also take photos of your child during the day and post them to an intranet you can access securely with a username and password.

Extra Curricular Activities. On-site enrichment classes are usually an additional charge to the monthly tuition and can take place during regular school time or after school so parents can partake in the experiences with the child. Activities can include dance, gymnastics, martial arts, Spanish, basketball and computers.

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The peculiarities of kidney function in early infancy are as follows
1. Glomerular filtration rate is low and does not reach adult values until the child is between 1 and 2 years of age.
2. There is a large variation in the tubular length between nephrons, although glomerular size is less variable
3. The juxtaglomerular nephrons show more advanced development than cortical nephrons
4. The concentrating ability of the newborn kidney does not reach adult levels until about the third month of life.
5. Adequate amounts of antidiuretic hormone are secreted by the newborn pituitary gland, other factors appear to interfere with water reabsorption
6. The Henle's loop, essential to concentration ability, is incompletely developed in the newborn.
7. Urea synthesis and excretory burden is minimized.
8. The lower concentration of Urea, the principal end product of nitrogen metabolism, reduces concentrating capacity, since it also contributes to the concentration mechanism
9. Newborn infants are unable to excrete a water load at rates of older persons.
10. Hydrogen ion excretion is reduced
11. Acid secretion is lower for the first year of life
12. Plasma bicarbonate level is low.
13. As a result of these inadequacies of the kidney and less efficient blood buffers, the newborn is more liable to develop severe acidosis
14. Sodium excretion is reduced in the immediate newborn period, and the kidneys are less able to adapt to deficiencies and excesses of sodium
15. A isotonic saline infusion may produce edema because the ability to eliminate excess sodium is impaired. Conversely, inadequate reabsorption of sodium from tubules may compound sodium losses in disorders such as vmitting or diarrhea
16. Infants have a diminished capacity to reabsorb glucose and, during the first few days, to produce ammonium ions.

Quantitative age-depending characteristics of the kidneys and collecting system in children

1-3 days of Life
• Urine volume is 30-50 UV per 24 hour (ml)
• Frequency of Urination is 4-6 times/day
• Average volume of 1 urination is 5-10 ml
• Specific gravity of Urine is 1006-1012
• Glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 34-40 ml/min/1.73m2.

4-28 days of Life
• Urine volume is 200-300 UV per 24 hour (ml)
• Frequency of Urination is 20-25 times/day
• Average volume of 1 urination is 12-20 ml
• Specific gravity of Urine is 1002-1006
• Glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 40-50 ml/min/1.73m2

1-12 months of Life
• Urine volume is 600 UV per 24 hour (ml)
• Frequency of Urination is 10-25 times/day
• Average volume of 1 urination is 50-60 ml
• Specific gravity of Urine is 1004-1008
• Glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 60-70 ml/min/1.73m2

1-3 years of Life
• Urine volume is 700 UV per 24 hour (ml)
• Frequency of Urination is 8-10 times/day
• Average volume of 1 urination is 80-90 ml
• Specific gravity of Urine is 1009-1012
• Glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 70-100 ml/min/1.73m2

3-6 years of Life
• Urine volume is 800-1000 UV per 24 hour (ml)
• Frequency of Urination is 6-8 times/day
• Average volume of 1 urination is 90-100 ml
• Specific gravity of Urine is 1010-1016
• Glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 100-120 ml/min/1.73m2

6-10 years of Life
• Urine volume is 1100-1500 UV per 24 hour (ml)
• Frequency of Urination is 5-6 times/day
• Average volume of 1 urination is 100-150 ml
• Specific gravity of Urine is 1012-1020
• Glomerular filtration rate, according to creatinine clearance (endogenous) is 120-140 ml/min/1.73m2

Localization of kidneys according to vertebra column

• The left side of the upper apex is on the level of the lower edge of XI thoracic vertebra
• The tight side of the upper apex is on the level of XII thoracic vertebra
• The left side of the lower apex is below the iliac crest.

3-5 months
• The left side of the upper apex is on the level of XII thoracic vertebra
• The right side of the upper apex is on the level of the lower edge of XII thoracic vertebra

1 year
• The left side of the upper apex is located on the level of the lower edge of XII thoracic vertebra
• The right side of the upper apex is located on the level of the lower edge of XII thoracic vertebra

2 years and older
• The left side of the upper apex is located like in Adult
• The right side of the upper apex is located like in Adult
• The left side of the lower apex is located above the iliac crest.

Any conspicuous deviation form any of these normal indexes indicate one thing- an abnormality!

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If your baby is fussing and squirming during feeding, is drooling excessively or has a bad diaper rash, the chances are your baby may be teething. The first step for finding a remedy for your baby's teething is recognizing the signs of teething.

Your bay's teething discomfort can start well before teeth even come through. Every baby is born with a set of 20 teeth hidden beneath the gums. Just before they erupt you should be able to feel the indentations of the teeth by running your finger along your baby's gums. The first set of teeth, called the milk teeth (also called baby teeth or deciduous teeth), usually begin to erupt at about six months, although they can appear earlier (and very rarely, a child is born with a tooth already in place). Sometimes teeth are a bit slower to emerge - anything up to a year may be normal.

The first teeth to erupt are usually the front four teeth (the incisors), typically the bottom teeth followed by the top. The baby's back teeth, called the first molars, usually appear when the child is between thirteen and nineteen months old. The first molars sit just behind the canine teeth. At around sixteen to twenty-two months of age, the canine teeth emerge. Finally, the second molars, at the back of the mouth erupt.

Although we often refer to teething as 'cutting a tooth', the emergence of babies' teeth doesn't actually cut through the flesh. Instead, chemical signals between the cells in the gums cause some cells to selectively die and separate, allowing the teeth to push through.

By keeping a close eye on your baby you should be able to spot the signs of teething. Some of the more common teething symptoms include; general irritability, fussiness when feeding, excessive drooling (sometimes accompanied by a rash), chewing on everything that comes to hand, diarrhea and diaper rash - sometimes very red and spotty.

Teething remedies are varied. The most effective is to take your baby's mind off the discomfort. Giving your baby lots of cuddles and playing often works. You can also massage your baby's gums, using a wet finger or soothing gels and other products from the chemist: experts caution against the excessive use of teething gels as they contain benzocaine - there is a risk of allergic reaction. Teething rings are also very effective - especially when first placed in a fridge and cooled. You can use natural, old-fashioned rings, such as bagels, bread or even vegetables. There are many natural and homeopathic teething remedies you could try.

Natural Homeopathic teething remedies include a stick of licorice and chamomilla. Any parent contemplating using a homeopathic remedy for teething should do so only in conjunction with expert medical advice. Homeopathic teething remedies include: Apis mellifica (meaning whole bee) - used to ease swollen gums before and after the eruption of teeth; Kreosotum can ease a child's stress when she has irritating saliva and severe discomfort during teething. Kreosotum is very beneficial if a baby's teeth succumb to decay soon after erupting from the gums; Pulsatilla is especially good for teething babies who are nervous, clingy, or tearful. There are more homeopathic teething remedies you can try.

What teething remedy is best depends on you and your baby. Some babies can be distracted from the discomfort of teething, whereas some can suffer much discomfort. If one teething remedy doesn't work, then try another. If your child's discomfort is excessive you should talk to your doctor about further information and advice on baby teething.

Teething is not a serious problem. Teething, and its associated problems and side-effects are something we all go through. We all pass through this right of passage without ever remembering the discomfort of teething; it's only as a parent that you remember.

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As a new parent, looking at your baby's vaccination schedule may confuse you with all the different letters and medical terms. In order to understand the need to have your baby vaccinated, you first need to know which vaccinations are which as well as the disease that the vaccination is for.

When you check your vaccination schedule, at about two months of age your baby will start to receive the Rota vaccine. Rota stands for the rotavirus, a disease that causes severe diarrhea among young children. The primary source of this virus is fecal-oral transmission. Most children are infected by ingesting food or water that is contaminated with the virus. The disease can lead to vomiting and watery diarrhea for approximately two days, as well as fever and abdominal pain. In healthy adults with normal immune systems, the virus will usually be beaten by the body's natural defenses. In small children, however, their immune systems are not highly developed and these youngsters can end up hospitalized with intravenous injections to treat dehydration.

The Rota vaccination is given orally and involves a series of three doses. The first dose should be administered at the age of six to twelve weeks (it should be administered no later than twelve weeks). The second dose should be taken at the age of four months. The final dose can be given at six months of age but should not be given after 32 weeks of age.

Another vaccination that is given when your baby is two months old is the Hib vaccine. Hib stands for Haemophilus influenzae type B which is a severe bacterial infection that primarily infects infants and children under five years of age and is transmitted through coughing and sneezing. The symptoms of this infection include meningitis, pneumonia, sepsis, epiglotittis (a severe throat infection), skin infections, and arthritis. The most serious symptom of this disease is meningitis, which can lead to death in about one out of twenty children. It can also cause permanent brain damage in 10%-30% of all survivors.

The vaccination for Hib consists of a series of two doses if PRP-OMP was used in the dose. If this brand was not used, then the child will require three doses. The first dose is given to the child at the age of two months, the second at the age of four months. If the third dose is necessary, it is given to the child at the age of six months.

The PCV vaccine is also first given to a child when he is two months in age. This vaccine prevents your baby from being infected with bacteria known as pneumococcal disease. The major symptoms of this disease are pneumococcal pneumonia and meningitis, both of which can lead to death. This bacterium is the leading cause of death in the United States by a vaccine-preventable disease.

The vaccination usually consists of four doses. The first dose is given at two months of age, another at four months, the third at six months, and the final dose may be given anywhere from twelve to fifteen months of age. For children over two years of age that were not vaccinated, a PPV vaccine can be given instead.

Vaccinations are a vital part of your baby's well being. The possible consequences of not having your baby inoculated are too great to consider.

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Any infection in a young child is disturbing for a parent to see; yeast infections are no exception. When you can tell that your baby or toddler is distressed, uncomfortable and possibly in pain, it's natural to feel compelled to make things better right away. After all, your child can't verbalize yet what he or she feels; it's up to parents to instinctively know how to handle baby toddler chronic yeast infections.

How do you know that your child has a yeast infection?

Yeast infections in babies and toddlers are commonly found in two areas; there's infection in the mouth called thrush, and there's infection in the diaper area. These places are inviting for baby toddler chronic yeast infections because yeast thrives in warm and damp environments. Common symptoms of thrush include white patches on a baby's mouth area, including the gums and tongue. Yeast infections in the diaper can be seen via flat and red rashes especially if the infection has been aggravated by friction. Babies with thrush and diaper yeast infections can be quite irritable, especially during feeding and changing time respectively.

How do babies and toddlers get yeast infections?

If your child is on antibiotics, or is currently fighting off an immunized virus, he or she is more susceptible to yeast infections. This is because antibiotics can replete the body of helpful bacteria. Plus, babies in general have yet to develop strong immune systems to begin with, thus their bodies are hospitable for baby toddler chronic yeast infections.

Parents and caretakers with yeast infections can also pass on baby toddler chronic yeast infections. For instance thrush has been known to pass via breastfeeding or even during birth. It can also be acquired through improper cleaning of feeding bottles and pacifiers.

What can you do? For yeast infections in the diaper area, pharmacists do sell over-the-counter anti-fungal creams that are sensitive enough for an infant's skin. Just make sure you apply it first to a small test area before you use it to all as there may be allergic reactions. Apply the cream in the infected area after every diaper clean-up and change, and the yeast infection should disappear in a couple of days. Always keep creams handy to arrest further development of baby toddler chronic yeast infections.

For oral infections, antifungal medicinal drops are also readily available such as nystatin liquid. It can be applied in the mouth area via soft cotton balls or taken orally. Remember that it's imperative that you consult your pediatrician first before giving your baby something that's to be taken orally.

Anti-fungal medication can have side-effects like diarrhea and vomiting and you'd want to take precautions especially if you're dealing with baby toddler chronic yeast infections.

And don't forget: effective feeding and diaper-changing habits can go a long way in preventing and healing baby toddler chronic yeast infections.

Sterilize your bottles and utensils and clean baby's mouth thoroughly after feeding. Use quality diapers; some brands are more absorbent and more comfortable than others. If you're still using cloth diapers rather than the disposable ones, pick cotton and similar airy material. Be diligent in spotting and changing soiled nappies; delays create hospitable environments for further rash. And make sure you clean the diaper area thoroughly after every change. Use soap and water; baby powder after dry helps too. Make sure that diapers are snug but not too tight so as not to irritate the rashes.

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Have you ever read what the rules sign at your pool says?

Here is an example of one for those who were too busy looking after their kids. I too am a mother and sometimes wish I had four eyes and at least four arms so I could take care of my boys.

Max number of bathers: 29

No running or horseplay

No glass in pool or pool area

No urinating, discharge of fecal mater, expectorating or blowing nose in pool

Swim diapers must be worn by diapers that are incontinent, lack toilet training or are otherwise lacking voluntary control of excretory functions

Shower before entering the pool

Not thong bathing suits in pool

No drinking pool water

So... What I as a mother to two am concerned is that they don't drink pool water in the first place? Although the water in public pools is chlorinated it takes time to kill the bacteria. Some germs like Crypto can live in pools for days. Even the best maintained pools can spread illnesses so drinking contaminated water is my biggest concern.

Since I'm talking about little children here it is clear that you can't just seal their mouths so they don't swallow any poo floating around.

This is where swim diapers enter the show. A swim diaper will not hold the pee but it will contain any poo so you can take your kid out of the water without leaving a brown line behind him.

I don't understand how anyone can let their non potty trained kid in the shared water hoping there won't be accidents. Let alone taking a kid with diarrhea to a pool.

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Health & Beauty

We all know that exercise is vitally important to getting in shape and maintaining good health. The common question is, "How to I get started?" Gentle, low impact exercises like walking and stretching are best. If you haven't tried Yoga it may be just the fit. It is gentle yet challenging, and literally means "balance." Yoga is not about competing but accepting yourself where you are and finding calmness and self acceptance; the very root of balance and health. Weather you buy a home DVD or join a live class, give yoga a try for your health!

Home Decorating

This is a beautiful time of year! Why not bring some of that beauty inside by way of fresh flowers? For a simple, classy look, buy either all the same type of flower or the same tone of flower and arrange tightly together in a vase without any of the added greenery or fillers. To help the arrangement last; change the water daily. Eventually the arrangement will start to fad, to get even more show out of these flowers pull the 'good' ones out, cut the stems short and float in a bowl of water. Enjoy bringing the beauty of nature inside!


Annoying perspiration stains - rinse and soak stain with hydrogen peroxide and wash as recommended.

Sweaters that are labeled "hand wash only" - Place wool, cashmere or fine cotton sweater inside a pillowcase and wash on 'delicate' in cold water. Then dry flat on a towel or sweater rack. Don't put in the dryer.

Clothing 'dimples' from hangers - Wire hangers are the worst offenders but plastic and wooden can cause this also. To fix quickly, take your iron, fill with water and set to the steam setting. A blast of steam will fix the warp in moments.

Snags - DON'T cut it!!! Cutting it will likely create a hole. Use a sewing needle and push the snag through to the inside of the garment. Then tie it in a knot to finish it off.

A load of whites are now pink or grey - remove the guilty item and re-wash the load immediately with chlorine bleach. Do not dry or you will set the new color and have to live with seeing your husband in pink underwear.

Home Keeping

Let's talk about the BATHROOM. This is one of the most useful rooms in the house but also one of the most potentially dangerous. You can unwind after a long, stressful day in a tub full of suds, shave your legs and lotion up but have you ever taken the time to look under the sink and behind the mirror? Old prescriptions & over the counter drugs need to be thrown out or flushed. Cosmetics that are over 1 year old need to be toss and replaced. If you don't have a first aid kit, get one!

Here is a quick list of what to include in your home's first-aid kit:

List of first-aid supplies to have on hand:

Antibiotic ointment or spray


Assorted Band-Aids

Burn ointment or spray

Calamine lotion

Elastic bandage

Epsom salts

Eyewash and cup

Heating pad

Hydrocortisone cream



Sterile cotton balls or pads



List of over-the-counter medicines to have on hand:


Anti-diarrhea medicine


Aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol)

Laxative or stool softener

Nasal spray

Oral decongestant

Be Prepared

Have you ever found yourself at work and your skirt or pants decided to stick to your legs like a shy toddler? To avoid this you can spray some Static Guard on your lower garments before leaving for work. However, if you are anything like me, that isn't something that you think about until after you're at work and it's too late! To solve this problem in the future, pack some dryer sheets in a zip-lock bag and store in your office desk. Then when the situation arises, you can wipe down the inside of your skirt/pants and knock out the static!

Closet Maintenance

Most people toss their shoes onto the floor of the closet to become a sea of shoes, dust and other misplaced items. It would be better to keep this space clear, one, so you can easily vacuum and two, so items don't get ruined. Consider investing in plastic shoe boxes, a shoe rack or even shelves to store and organize this fun accessory. If space is an issue, there are wonderful plastic containers with wheels and lids that slide under your bed that would be perfect for protecting and storing shoes - dust free! Just slide them out to vacuum and slide them back in to store.


If you have the space in your home, invest in a large, whiteboard calendar and hang in a common area where the entire family can have access to putting and seeing everyone's schedule. Having a family calendar is very helpful in getting and staying on the same page, especially in families with more than one child. Give everyone their own color marker to keep it even more organized. If kids are old enough, help them start being responsible by letting them record their own events and functions.


Typically, one spouse is more prone to organization. If this is you, there are a few things you can do to help your spouse grow with out being pushy or nagging.

Communicate - be kind in your words, understanding that this isn't their strength. Let them know exactly and specifically what you are hoping for and how they can help. Whether it's the family filing system or the daily routine with the kids, communicating clearly and without guilt, can help the less-than-organized be on the same page!

Be a good example and inspiration - you can't make someone be organized but you can encourage it with your actions. If you keep your areas organized they may be attracted to learning from your example.

Don't constantly pick up after them - if you always clean up their messes why would they ever help out? Also, be sensitive to the fact that they may not know how to help out. Maybe they were never taught and now you have the opportunity to give a simple lesson in folding clothes or running the dishwasher. Do this with the attitude of love and you won't seem condescending.

Stay positive- nothing can kill your spouse's desire to help and learn faster than a negative attitude.

Cooking & Kitchen

One of the best tips I know when cooking or baking is to have everything ready before you start the actually cooking/baking. That means, get all ingredients out, measure, chop, dice, mince, rinse and dry everything before you actually turn on the stove and get the oil hot. This will actually SAVE you time in the cooking, help you be able to watch the pot NOT boil over and make the whole meal taste better because the garlic didn't burn while you diced the onion. So, grab a glass of wine or your drink of choice and enjoy PREP time!!


Sometimes we hit bumps in the road with our spouse, family or friends. I want to encourage you with this quote by Zig Ziglar. "You cannot tailor make the situations in life, but you can tailor make the attitudes to fit those situations as they arise." Keep looking up and know that you are not alone in this journey.

To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground.

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Boston terriers are strong yet very intelligent, well-mannered and friendly dogs. While some believe that boston terriers can be trusted with children, others claim that these dogs do not do well especially with children aged four and under. That is why some of the shelters, rescue and volunteer groups do not allow boston terrier adoption to families with children aged four and below. The best time to adopt, or buy a new boston terrier is when the kids are old enough to understand what it takes to have a dog as a pet.

When the right time has come for your family to own a dog, kids must learn that:

  • dogs are like humans. They must be cared for in order to keep them healthy and happy.

  • dogs get frightened when they are chased and get hurt when they are hit or when their ears are being pulled. These behaviors may trigger your dog to snap back, growl or to bite in order to defend himself.

  • some dogs become suspicious by staring, quick movements and high-pitched sounds. Avoiding these behaviors can reduce possible trouble between the kids and your boston terriers.

  • teasing may cause the dog to bark, snarl or bite. This may also cause a dog to hate the kids and may later result to fear or aggression.

  • the crate is your dog's home, his haven, his very own comfort zone. It is important that the kids are taught not to bother the dog when he is in his place and while he is eating.

  • some human foods like chocolate and foods with onions and garlic are not safe for dogs. Ingesting too much of these foods may cause vomiting, diarrhea or stomach upsets.

  • they can help in taking care of Fido. While it is not advisable to allow younger kids to give food or water or to take a dog for a walk, they can help by petting the dog, brushing the dog for a few minutes or giving treats with the help of parents. Older kids can take a small dog for a walk in the yard or throw a ball or Frisbee for him to retrieve.

A dog can be your kid's most loyal friend and courageous protector. If only they are trained to coexist without qualms and quandaries.

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Hopefully you have already started to feed your baby some solids as they get past four months. Generally you start off with rice cereals and get them used to the idea of taste and texture of a rice cereal in their mouth. This can take a little bit of time and also records patients remember so far all they had taken is breast milk or formula milk so it does take them a little bit of time to get used to the idea of taking solids. This is also a good time for parents because hopefully your babies night-time sleeping will start to stretch out a little bit longer and you and your baby will have less interruptions simply because they're little tummy is a little bit fuller because of taking solids.

As they move into five months of age and older you will start to introduce some other cereal options and hopefully some veggies. If you have been following many guidelines you will be feeding your baby solids at their last bottle or glass breast-feed in the evening this hopefully will assemble the little bits at a sleep longer. You now need to start adding in a late lunch or late morning time feed into your schedule. This helps they space out the meals adequately. Always introduce any new foods from now on at lunchtime this is for a couple of reasons because one child may not like it and you can still have other options. If they for some reason have an allergy to a particular food you will be able to monitor your baby during the daytime. You will see simple things like diarrhea, gas, rash around their mouth, crankiness, and diarrhea. But hopefully he will have none of these issues.

Remember you need to puree the vegetables as you start to get used to your baby. Some will completely reject them and have no interest in them whatsoever so it's important for you as a parent to try and entice them into tasting you can try to mix them with cereal because your baby will recognize the texture of this and will start to adjust to the combination of foods over time you reduce the amount of cereal until you get to the 100% pureed vegetable meal.

You will find many ideas out there from parents who start their baby on pureed vegetables it's always advised never to feed them what you are eating in case they have some type of food allergies so never give them sweets, soda or anything like this because if you find they like the taste of sweet food it might be difficult to get them to eat cereal and veggies.

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Yes, summer does that to your baby - transform him/her from a little bundle of joy to an irritable and shrieking tiny-horror troubled by dehydration, rashes, sunburns and itches all over. It leaves you wondering how you can make the first summers of the baby's life cool and fun. Here is how:

Keep your baby out of harsh sunlight

Summer is no reason to keep your baby locked up at home; every baby needs its share of fresh air and sunlight. However, a baby's soft sensitive skin is particularly vulnerable to lasting sun damage. So make it a rule to stay indoors between 10 am and 5 pm when the heat is unbearable. Instead, go for a stroll in the relatively cool early morning or evening. While outside, remain in the shade as much as possible and avoid too much direct sunlight.

Proper clothing keeps the baby cool

Synthetic fabrics make the baby hot and uncomfortable. Besides, it blocks air passage causing prickly heat or rashes. Cotton clothes are the ideal choice as they keep the body cool and allow air to flow freely. The baby's head and face can be easily protected with a wide-brimmed hat - preferably, one without a constricting elastic band.

A dollop of sunscreen - is it safe for babies?

Sunscreen in summer is crucial because sunburns sustained in the first 15 years of life are responsible for skin cancer later. Though there are no confirmed reports that sunscreen itself is unsafe for babies, you might choose not to apply it on infants less than 6 months old. On older ones, an SPF 50 sunscreen recommended for babies protect skin against UV rays from sun. A generous quantity of this sunscreen should be rubbed into skin 30 minutes prior to stepping out into sunshine; for added defense, dab sunscreen on parts of skin covered by clothing. While driving in a car or even on a cloudy day, let every inch of your baby be sunscreen protected!

Sunglasses make your baby look and feel cool!

Opinion is divided but some suggest that good quality sunglasses can protect babies' eyes from sun. Plastic fancy/toy goggles are damaging to the eyes and do not offer adequate protection. Always, buy good quality sunglasses - whether for your baby or for yourself!

Keep the baby hydrated at all times

A baby's surface area is high compared to body mass, so they get dehydrated quickly. Babies below 6 months of age should be breast-fed whenever they like. Others must be encouraged to take extra drinks of water at regular intervals. If signs of dehydration - no urination for 4 - 6 hrs, crying without tears, sunken eyes etc - are noted, give enough water and apply a wet sponge to the forehead at once, to revive the baby. If symptoms persist rush to a hospital: your baby could be suffering from heat stroke.

Keep your guard up against food poisoning

There is at least one group that loves the heat and humidity of summer - microbes. They flourish in foodstuff causing food borne illnesses. To avoid contamination, wash your hands clean before handling food; all surfaces coming in contact with food, like dinner service, cutting boards etc should be meticulously clean. While traveling, carry moist towelettes or tissue for cleansing. It is safer to discard food left out of refrigerator for over 1 hr. The water your baby drinks can be as much a source of microbes as the food: see that every drop of water ingested is safe.

A pristine baby pool delights and cools

Splashing in the backyard pool affords the baby instant relief from heat. And for the parents, it is a delightful scene to watch. Make the experience hassle-free by ensuring that water is treated to kill microbes: otherwise, it can lead to pink eye, sore throat, cold etc, or diarrhea, if water is accidentally swallowed. From time to time check diapers and in the event of a leakage change the water. Remember not to change diapers by the pool; take the baby to the bathroom instead. In summer steer clear of public swimming pools, spas etc. All this guarantees that your baby is playing in water that is as fresh as it looks.

Drive those insects away

Swarms of insects launch full-fledged attacks, and those nasty red rashes on pudgy hands and feet make us wonder if babies are explicit targets. To shield your baby against bites deploy insect-repellents, preferably with natural ingredients, like oil of lemon, eucalyptus, citronella etc; use a product safe for babies and follow directions. While applying, avoid their hands (obviously enough, they put their hands in their mouths all the time!) and the area around mouth and eyes. Wash off as soon as possible. Apply more to clothing than to skin. However, insect repellents may not be safe for infants under 2 months. In case you are repelled by repellents, as some parents are, invest in long trousers, long sleeves and a mosquito net; lighting citronella candles in the evening can drive mosquitoes out of your house. As a matter of principle, avoid infested areas, and start clearing that wilderness in your backyard!

Erase those rashes and itches

Even babies sweat profusely in hot weather. Accumulated sweat clogs skin pores (especially under the elastic band of nappies) causing rashes and itches. Cloth nappies fashioned out of good quality cotton dries sweat faster. Frequent bathing, moisturizers and medication help banish those rashes and itches. Home remedies like applying yogurt or a cooling pack of Fuller's earth and rose water can alleviate rashes. Greasy moisturizers and commercial talcum powders should be rejected as they make the condition worse. If you are in the habit of giving the baby oil massages wash the oil off thoroughly.

Sometimes, bringing up a baby seems like a whole lot of responsibility, doesn't it? Except, before their arrival life was not nearly as rewarding. And we wouldn't dream of taking chances where they are concerned, would we?

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When does diaper rash arise? Usually during the warmer months, a baby's skin becomes more moist and sweaty and the rash breaks out. Diaper rash can be avoided in nearly all cases by simply avoiding certain products or fabrics that are skin irritants.

A way to inhibit  further  diaper rash breakouts is by going to your local pharmacy and buying a zinc oxide skin cream which will help reduce  most of the rash. These skin creams act as a surface on your baby's skin and helps prevent  too much dampness  from forming on his or her skin.

Try not to rub  the barrier cream into the skin. It will be much more useful  if you just apply a thin layer to the affected area of skin. Different factors at play can be the culprit of skin irritations. A baby's diaper that's extremely taut  could decrease  the amount of air movement  and cause your baby to perspire more. Additional causes of diaper rash and skin inflammation are acute instances of diarrhea, yet these situations  are much more rare.

Some cheaper diaper brands are known to cause baby skin irritation. If your baby's rash does not go away after a week or so, change brands of diapers and see what happens. Different brands of diaper manufacturers use different additives in the diapers that might not be sitting agreeably with your baby's skin, and this includes the baby wipes you use as well.

Through letting your baby's backside to naturally air-dry after a diaper change, you can help avoid the triggering of irritation. The next time you pop in the shop to get diapers, go for a loose-fit diaper or one size bigger nappies. Diapers that are too tight-fit prevent air circulation and produce humidity buildup faster. They also generate more skin friction as well.

In the past we didn't have the luxury of using disposable synthetic diapers so babies had to be dressed in reusable cotton diapers instead, and this resulted in much fewer cases of skin rash. Cotton is an airy, light fabric that allows the baby's skin to breathe and to keep cool. It is also free of added compounds that may be a skin irritant.

If the rash turns out to be very red and scaly and lasts for a week or more, it's time to visit the doctor as it might be a fungal infection at hand. Don't be concerned though as most yeast  infections are simply treatable with anti-fungal creams.

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Fever is the number one reason that children are taken to hospital emergency rooms. This is not surprising. Fevers are frequent in childhood, and they are often frightening to both parent and child. What follows is a set of questions and answers written to address that fear and to help parents know what to do when their child is hot.


A: A fever is a body temperature that is higher than normal ( 98.6 F or 37 C) as measured by a thermometer in Fahrenheit or Centrigrade degrees. Although they can help children to fight infections, fevers can also be uncomfortable and worrisome-depending on how high they climb and how old the child happens to be.


A: Children with fever will feel hot and show certain changes in their behavior depending on their age. Newborns will be either fussier or sleepier than usual-or both; they will refuse the breast or bottle; and they are apt to have fewer, drier diapers than normal. Older babies and toddlers will be cranky, "clingy", and less energetic than usual. They will have no appetite but will seem especially thirsty. Finally, toddlers will either be quite listless and sleepy or very irritable and have difficulty falling asleep. Older children, over age 2, will be whiny and tired, will ask for drinks, and sometimes will complain of having chills or "hurting all over." If you note any of these changes in your child, no matter how old he is, it is smart to take his temperature.


A: There are so many different kinds of thermometer readily available for purchase at drug stores that it can be confusing to know which is best and for what age child. It might be smart to check with your pediatrician about her favorites especially since she knows your family well. Having said that, there are some tricks to choosing thermometers and to taking temperatures, as noted below:

o Best for Babies: A Rectal Temp
o Rinse your thermometer with cool water and then put petroleum jelly on the tip;
o With the baby on his tummy, put the thermometer into his rectum about one inch;
o Keep one hand on his back and the other holding the thermometer in place until it beeps.
o Expect your baby to cry but know that you are not hurting him; it is uncomfortable for him but not painful.

o Best for Preschoolers: An Axillary Temp
o Place the thermometer tip in your child's armpit and hold his arm next to his body until the beep.
o Axillary temps are usually about a degree cooler than rectal.

o Best for Big Kids: An Oral Temp
o Keep your child from drinking anything hot or cold for 20 minutes;
o Rinse the oral thermometer in cold water;
o Place its tip under your child's tongue until the beep.

If you take your child's temperature and then decide to call the doctor, make sure to explain what kind of thermometer you used. This will eliminate some of the confusion that sometimes arises about the reliability or meaning of a temperature reading. Also, please note that ear, pacifier and band-aid strip thermometers are not considered reliable for home use. Temporal artery thermometers are being developed, are expensive, and are still considered controversial.


A: Fevers do not need to be treated, but children do. If your child is uncomfortable with his fever-feeling achy or having chills-then there are several tips to help him feel better.

o Give him medicine.
o Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) are highly recommended. Avoid aspirin, cold or cough medicine.
o Because Advil, Motrin and Tylenol come in many forms (like liquids or chewables) and many strengths, check with the pharmacist about the best choice and dose for your child. Generic medicines are fine and cheaper than "brands."
o Rectal suppositories are very helpful if your child is vomiting. Your pharmacist will have these behind his counter.
o Ibuprofen should not be used in children younger than 6 months or in dehydrated children.

o Give him a bath after giving him medicine as above.
o This is suggested for children with very high fevers and/or previous seizures with fever.
o The bath should be its usual warmth or slightly cooler, not frigid. Your child is not a polar bear!
o Do not add alcohol to the bath: alcohol can cause coma.
o Water evaporating from the skin cools your child. Gently wet (and rewet) his back and head with a washcloth to bring down his fever as he plays.

o Keep him cool.
o Dress him in a t-shirt or summer pajamas.
o Take the extra blankets off his bed.
o Make sure his room is cool.

o Give him extra drinks
o Fever increases your child's need for liquid.
o He is getting enough to drink if he urinates normally (wets his diapers well) and has lots of tears.

Many parents respond to their child's complaint that he feels cold by bundling him up, forgetting that his primary problem is fever. But he is already too hot! If your child has a fever, it is better to pretend that it is a hot summer day: water play, cool clothes and cool drinks will help bring down his fever.


A: There are excellent pediatric guidelines about fever and when to worry as noted below. Call your pediatrician if:

o Your child's fever is over 100.4ºF (38ºC) and he is less than 3 months old;
o Your child's fever is over 102ºF (39ºC) and he is less than 2 years old;
o Your child's fever is over 104ºF (40ºC) and he is over 2 years old.

If you are worried about your child-even if his fever is lower than that listed above--please err on the side of calling for advice. Trust your instinct.


A: In addition to calling the pediatrician because your child has a fever in the "worrisome" range described above, it is necessary to call if your child has:

o Even a low- grade fever if he has a chronic disease like sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, neutropenia, or if he is on steroids;
o Severe pain anywhere, a stiff neck, persistent vomiting or diarrhea, or a new purplish rash;
o Difficulty breathing or blue nail beds or lips;
o A seizure (rhythmic motion of his extremities that you cannot stop);
o Unusual sleepiness or fussiness even after his fever goes down;
o An illness without fever for a few days and then a new fever;
o "Just something wrong" that worries you, especially if he is a newborn.


A: Of course what the doctor will do depends to some extent on what your child has in addition to his fever. If your child has a worrisome fever for his age, the doctor will talk to you both and examine your child. She will consider ordering tests (like blood work or a urine culture). She may hospitalize him if your child is either very young or appears very sick.

The doctor will give your child antibiotics if she has diagnosed a bacterial infection like strep throat or pneumonia. She will not give him antibiotics for viral infections like colds or the flu. The fact that a child has a fever does not mean that he should be treated with antibiotics!


A: Most children with fever do not feel well, and many of them are contagious. Your child should not go back to daycare or school until:

o He has had no fever for 24 hours after stopping acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
o He is acting like himself again.

If you are unsure about when your child may return to school, check with your pediatrician. She will give you excellent advice based on experience with your child.

Fevers and childhood go together like peanut butter and jelly-- except that no one likes fevers. Because everyone eventually gets them, it is best to be prepared. Have an appropriate thermometer and medicine on hand so that, if your child gets his first fever in the middle of the night, you will be ready to offer the comfort and care he needs.

The purpose of this article is to educate. While every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, its content should not be construed as definitive medical advice and is not a substitute for the professional judgment of your child's health care provider in diagnosing and treating illness. Because each child's health care needs are unique and because medical knowledge is always evolving, please consult a qualified health care professional to obtain the most current recommendations appropriate to your child's medical care. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable for any outcome or damages resulting from reliance upon the content of this publication.

MOTRIN® is a registered trademark of Johnson & Johnson. TYLENOL® is a registered trademark of The Tylenol Company. ADVIL® is a registered trademark of Wyeth. No association, affiliation or endorsement of this article or its contents by the referenced companies is intended or implied.

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Babies usually triple their birth weight the first year. That's why nutritious and safely handled food, served in an age-appropriate way, is so important. Being aware of safe food handling practices and potential feeding dangers are the best ways to protect your family from food illnesses and accidents, while also giving your child a healthy start on development and growth. Here are a few important tips and reminders.

1. Wash Hands. It's important to wash your hands before preparing food or beverages, especially when feeding babies. According to a Penn State University study of mothers with infants less than 4 months old many moms said they routinely forget to wash their hands after changing baby's diaper, and using the bathroom. Not washing hands could result in infant diarrhea from the bacteria transferred while engaging in these activities.

2. Handle Bottles Carefully. Although some babies will drink a bottle straight from the refrigerator, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises most babies prefer milk warmed to room temperature. Warm the bottle by holding it under a running hot-water faucet or putting it in a bowl of hot water for a few minutes. Shake well and test milk temperature to make sure it's not too hot before feeding. Microwaves can heat unevenly. Children's mouths and throats can be severely burned by bottles heated in the microwave. Always discard leftover milk in bottle to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria.

3. Cow's Milk. Avoid serving regular cow's milk until infants are 1-year-old. Before then, infants may experience an allergic reaction, stomachache and low blood iron. When you begin serving regular cow's milk, serve whole milk. Do not switch to lower fat milk until the baby's doctor recommends this change usually around age 2.

4. Mixing Cereal and Formula in the Bottle. Do not serve cereal mixed with formula from a bottle. Many think this practice helps babies sleep better through the night, however there is no evidence of this. Plus, there is a possibility of a baby choking.

5. Hold Baby When Bottle-Feeding. Babies who are put to bed with a bottle are more likely to have cavities. This practice also increases the potential of choking.

6. Limit Juice. Serve only 100 percent juice and in small quantities so it doesn't interfere with the infant eating other nutritious foods. AAP recommends giving juice diluted with water only to infants who are approximately 6 months or older and who can drink from a cup. AAP recommends offering no more than a TOTAL of 4 to 6 ounces of juice a day to infants. (Source: American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition)

7. Avoid Honey And Corn Syrup. Do not serve infants honey or corn syrup during the first year of life. These foods may contain botulism spores that could cause illness or death in infants.

8. Food Introductions. When introducing new foods, try only one at a time, and start with single-ingredient foods. Avoid serving mixed ingredient foods until each food has been given separately. Begin by serving about 1 to 2 tablespoons and then increase the amount as baby wants more. Wait at least 3 days before trying another new food so you can tell if there are any adverse reactions.

Iron-fortified rice cereal is usually the first food offered, as this is easily digested. It's frequently recommended to continue fortified baby cereal through the first year of life.
Remember your baby will still be receiving the majority of nutrition from breast milk or formula during the first year.

9. Serve Solids Safely. Transfer an amount you feel baby will eat from the baby food jar to a dish. Throw away any food left uneaten in the dish. Avoid feeding directly from the baby food jar. Bacteria from a baby's mouth can grow and multiply in the food before it is served again. Use refrigerated jarred baby foods within 1 to 2 days after opening.

Once opened, do not leave baby food solids or liquids (breast milk or formula) at room temperature for more than 2 hours. Bacteria can grow to harmful levels when food is left out longer than this.

10. Choking Hazards. Avoid serving foods that may choke an infant, such as nuts and seeds, raw carrots and celery, whole kernel corn, raisins, large chunks of meat or cheese, popcorn, chips, pretzels, grapes, whole berries, cherries, unpeeled fruits and vegetables, hard candies, pickles, hot dogs, marshmallows (regular or miniature), and peanut butter. In general, avoid foods that are round and firm, sticky and chewy or cut in large chunks.

As infants grow into toddlers, they can begin eating the foods above, if cut into small pieces. Most pediatricians advise foods should be no larger than 1/4 inch for toddlers and 1/2 inch for preschoolers.

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Human milk with all of its greatness has always attracted scholars to explore. Exclusive breastfeeding in six months and continued to two years will provide great benefits not only for the child, and also for Mom and Dad. Most recently, a study reported in a medical journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology suggested that if a mother breastfeeds her baby until the age of 1 year; there will be a great added value for her health and her child's. The research found that the extension of the duration of breast-feeding can reduce the risk of mother to experience high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular disease after menopause. Isn't it a miracle?

Here are some great benefits you will get from breastfeeding:

Great Children

What do I mean by the word great children? Children who were breastfed will be healthy, intelligent and have stable emotion. Immune substance in breast milk is the best; it helps our kids to conquer germs that infect their bodies. Breast milk also provides the best DHA (Decosahexanoic Acid), an important constituent of human brain and nerve.

Breast milk is healthy because:

1. It is very rich in antibodies (immune substances) that functions to fight against disease and infection. Immunoglobulin A (Ig.A) in the colostrums of breast milk are quite high. It is not absorbed but can cripple a bacterial pathogen i.e. E. coli and various viruses in the digestive tract.

2. Breast milk is very easily digested by babies.

3. Breastfeeding may reduce the risk of diarrhea, respiratory infections, lower urinary tract infections, and also reduce the risk of sudden infant death.

To find out more about benefits of breastfeeding, please read on this one

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