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When you tell a friend or family member you're going on an overnight hike, one of the first pieces of friendly advice you might hear is, "Be sure to take lots of first aid equipment." Of course, you need to be ready for emergencies, but an ultralight hiker can do that with just a few ounces of gear. Remind your friends, and yourself, that you're more likely to be injured driving to the trailhead.

One of the lightest first aid kits available is the little yellow one called a "Pack 1" that weighs only 1.1 ounces and includes 23 items. This is a good start. It includes a first aid guide with a surprising amount of information, a needle, 10 small bandages, 3 larger bandages, a knuckle bandage, 2 adhesive strips (4"), a gauze pad, an alcohol pad, an antiseptic pad, a small piece of moleskin, and a moist travel towel.

The plastic it comes in weighs .4 ounces, so you can throw that away and put the contents of the kit and some of your own additional items in a zip lock that weighs almost nothing. A couple of extra sterile gauze pads, such as the common 2" x 3" size are a good addition. Butterfly bandages are a must. Pick a couple of sizes. Add a few cotton swabs, and remember that the style with hollow tubes are the lightest. A partial role of the small, surgical tape is light and can bandage large wounds. Extra moleskin, or a similar product, is necessary for many hikers. Wide athletic tape can be applied before you start hiking to keep blisters from forming. If you switch from the needle in most first aid kits to a few small safety pins, you'll have some additional repair items without adding any weight. Since the points of the safety pins are tucked away, you avoid the possibility of the needle poking a hole in you or your equipment. Triple antibiotic ointment packets are good to add. They can help a wound heal, and they can greatly reduce the discomfort of jock itch.

It's difficult to say what an ultralight first aid kit should weigh because some of your first aid items are also normal pieces of gear. Some of these can include: aspirin, ibuprofen, antacids, anti-diarrhea tablets, sunscreen, lip protection, biodegradable soap, knife, toothpaste (a mild antiseptic), matches, Benadryl or Benadryl tablets, water purification gear, and insect repellent. Your extra cord, tooth floss, and duct tape can be first aid items or used for repairs. Your cleanest clothing or large Ziploc can be used to stop bleeding. Even your hat can be thought of as a piece of first aid gear that keeps you from getting sunburned. Your signal mirror and whistle are emergency items that can help you avoid the need for your first aid kit. Your paper and pen can be used to leave emergency notes on your physical condition and changed plans such as a new exit route.

You can improvise a lot of first aid equipment. To make a cold pack, use water and a bandanna or towel. If you need heat, you have your cooking gear.

Your best first aid equipment, planning and knowledge, are better than ultralight. They're weightless. Effectively planning how to stay warm and dry avoids the common wilderness emergency of hypothermia. Knowing emergency exit routes can be helpful. Knowing how to apply a tourniquet or slow blood flow by applying pressure to the correct points is invaluable. Keep in mind that handling your stove and hot water are times you need to be alert, especially when you're tired. On unsteady ground, plan how you might fall to your hands and knees to avoid an ankle sprain. Simply making sure your hands are washed with water and a little biodegradable soap, especially after defecation, will help you avoid some of the most common physical ailments that backpackers encounter. Training hikes will help you avoid many aches and pains.

Carry a first aid kit that fits your style, skill level, and the conditions you'll encounter. With just a little planning, you can reduce the weight of your first aid kit and make it more effective.

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If you don't know the many benefits of having green lipped mussel capsules, you're really missing out. This substance is the most famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, though it contains a wealth of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals as well. Here are a few other things to consider regarding this amazing supplement.

What This Supplement Can Do For You:

If you suffer from arthritis, swollen joints, gout, or other such anti-inflammatory conditions, green lipped mussel capsules are quite useful for combating the pain. This is because they're unusually high in a chemical called glycosaminoglycan, which is commonly used in treating such symptoms. In addition to this, this extract has also been used for a variety of other uses, such as increasing fertility, strengthening the immune system, improving skin, or simply getting your required dose of omega 3 fatty acids. Rich in vitamins, proteins, lipids, and other crucial substances, this supplement is also incredibly healthy in other ways as well.

The Benefits of Capsules Comparing with Other Forms:

Many health conscious individuals debate over the best way to ingest this extract. Some insist that raw and fresh is the best way, as no nutrients are lost. While this is true, not everyone can access raw and fresh mussels, especially when you consider that the only place you can find them is the remote, pristine New Zealand. In addition to this, not everyone likes the taste or texture of raw mussel.

This is where green lipped mussel capsules come in handy. Tasteless and easy to swallow, the capsule makes it easy to get the benefits you need. It's as simple as taking it with your daily vitamin.

Side Effects of This Extract:

There is no one health food that is made for everyone. If you have a known shellfish allergy, or you are pregnant or lactating, you cannot take this supplement. If you have liver problems, you are best to consult your doctor before taking this extract. Other mild side effects include gas, nausea, and diarrhea.

However, in most cases, people are able to enjoy this extract with no negative side effects at all.

When it comes to supplements, there are few ways that green lipped mussel capsules can't benefit you. Once you discover for yourself just how wholesome and beneficial they are, you'll find that it's easy to include a simple capsule with your everyday diet. Learn more today about how this amazing supplement can change your life for the better.

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When people look at supplements, which are available in the market, they presume that they will not be required to adhere to any kind of dosage for everyday use. In most cases, people are wrong to believe in this manner. Physicians generally provide people with the dosage of any medication, which is prescribed. This may not be available with supplements that people pick up from a supermarket. Therefore, it is important for people to understand the kind of dosage they should have in order to avail the best benefits of any supplements they purchase.

Too little is bad.

When people purchase some of the more expensive varieties of green lipped mussel supplements they usually tend to make the supplements last for a long time by consuming lesser than what the body requires. In doing so people will definitely make the supplements last for quite some time. However, they will also lose out on the benefits which the supplements are supposed to offer. Ultimately, they would have spent money on a product which would only have benefited the manufacturer and the seller. People would not have derived any benefits from using the supplements they have purchased.

Too much is also not advised.

As with any medication trying to gain the maximum benefits within a short time is also likely to prove detrimental to the body. People must understand that if they use green lipped mussel supplements in quantities that are higher than required they are likely to face difficulties, which could leave them with abdominal pain, dehydration, diarrhea and nausea. Therefore, it is recommended that people seek advice from experts before going ahead and deciding to use green lipped mussel supplements to improve their health. It is extremely important to use products like these in the right dosage and not try to exceed the same at any time.

Seeking expert advice.

People that do not have the knowledge about such products should look to have a discussion with the experts if required. Talking to an expert about green lipped mussel supplements will definitely cost people some money. However, the advice received could prove far beneficial to people than the money spent. Experts in the business will be able to guide people in a proper direction and give them information about how they should be using supplements like these. Provided people follow the instructions that they receive they will be in a position to get the best out of the products which they had purchased. They will also be in a position to benefit from the qualities of green lipped mussel supplements and lead a healthy life without having to worry about ailments.

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Bananas could cause constipation or diarrhea, although this really depends on the individual. For several people, bananas will bind them up. For other people, bananas could prove to have a completely opposite effect, causing diarrhea instead. It really depends on each person that eats the banana, as well as the banana's overall condition, in several cases.

Baby Constipation

The primary culprits in baby constipation happen to be apple sauce, breads, cereals, pasta, white potatoes and - you guessed it - bananas!

Victims of IBS

Bananas could benefit people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and are constantly constipated. Bananas have insoluble fiber that can help in relieving constipation. Ironically, bananas could also be useful to victims of IBS that are plagued with diarrhea. By consuming some bananas everyday, diarrhea can stop. They also help with any gastrointestinal distress.

Unripe Bananas

A banana's ripeness can determine if it will make a person constipated. Green and unripe bananas can make people constipated since they are filled with heavy starches that could exacerbate constipation. Conversely, ripe bananas with their high fiber content have the ability to get bowels through intestinal tracts. Because of this, bananas would be ideal for constipation relief.

Enzymes and Potassium

The potassium found within ripe bananas can help stop diarrhea since its content replaces the body's required electrolytes. Enzymes known as fructooligosaccharide are also in bananas, hindering their fermentation after they make it into an intestinal track. This can help prevent constipation for several people and can help with natural digestion.

Theories of the Orient

Chinese medical practitioners have theories about heat and cold that might help in explaining why bananas have the ability to cure and cause constipation. Cold means having a little bit of energy that makes it hard for the digestive system to digest food efficiently and then get rid of it. This will give you insufficient energy for bowel movements. Heat means that the intestines are drying up, producing dry stools that also lead to constipation. Since bananas are cold due to their contribution to the body's cold condition, they counteract any heat conditions. If your constipation is in heat and involves dry stool and intestines, bananas might relieve the condition. If your constipation is cold, bananas are only going to aggravate the situation. When the system happens to be cold, the fluids are not processed properly. This is why diarrhea is seen as an extremely cold condition.

Experts Thoughts

Experts think that bananas might cause thicker stools. They also stick to the belief that bananas are contributors to constipation. Either way, bananas should only be consumed in moderation, preferably in yellow colors with black spots to indicate their ripeness.

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While there is some controversy among medical experts as to what the exact differences are between "premenstrual syndrome" or "PMS" and "premenstrual discomfort", most agree that if the symptoms significantly interfere with work, daily activities, or relationships, then this meets the criteria for "premenstrual syndrome" or "PMS".

The numerous symptoms that can occur with PMS can vary from one woman to another in severity as well as the type of symptoms. While some women may only experience one or two symptoms that are mild to moderate, others may experience several of the symptoms that are from moderate to severe.

While scientists and researchers have not been able to come up with a definitive cause of PMS, there are over one hundred and fifty symptoms that have been associated with this condition.

Common Physiological Symptoms that are Associated with PMS

One of the most common symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome is the bloating that occurs causing a gain in weight. This bloating typically occurs within the abdominal area and can be caused by water retention or the gas and constipation that are often associated with the symptoms of PMS.

Pain is also common among women who suffer from PMS and may include lower back pain, headaches, cramps, and aching muscles or joints. Fatigue is also another common complaint among women who are experiencing PMS as well as a general lack of energy. Swelling and tenderness of the breasts can also occur with PMS and is caused by the increase in the level of estrogen which causes the breast ducts to become enlarged.

Some women may also experience a leaking of fluid from either one or both breasts when they are pressed. This leaking is called "nipple discharge" that may be clear, white, cloudy, yellow, brown or green, and is typically normal; however, if nipple discharge occurs spontaneously without pressure or stimulation, this should be evaluated by a health care professional.

Many women also experience a change in bowel movements and may have either diarrhea or constipation. Changes in appetite along with craving certain foods - particularly foods that are salty or sweet - are also another common symptom that many women experience with PMS. Many women also have a problem with acne that sometimes can occur due to the fluctuation in hormone levels.

Common Psychological Symptoms Associated with PMS

Many women experience behavioral changes or mood swings with premenstrual syndrome that can be from mild to moderate. The most common behavioral changes that can occur are the symptoms of irritability or short temperedness, aggression, and the withdrawal from friends and family. Some women may also have emotional changes that cause them to become depressed, have anxiety, mood swings, anger, and a decrease in their level of concentration or alertness.

If these symptoms become severe, this could be an indication of "premenstrual dysphoric disorder" or "PMDD" which is a more severe form of premenstrual syndrome that should be evaluated by a medical professional as this condition may require prescription medications in order to control the symptoms.

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Immune boosting benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has long been praised for it's medicinal health benefits. Aloe contains numerous minerals that are vital to the growth and health of the body's system. It's no wonder that this beautiful prickly plant scores high as an influenza and swine flu buster.

Studies show that Aloe Vera is a wonderful tonic for immune system health and helps with the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Aloe is also antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory. This is the key to it's being able to stimulate the immune system. Consuming Aloe Vera in high concentrated dosages, can stimulate the production of white blood cells that help to fight influenza viruses and other illnesses. Therefore, it can be useful for the treatment and prevention of influenza due to the content of acemannan found in Aloe.

The great thing about Aloe is that it is commonly available. Whether you choose the plant form (which is superior) or buy it in bottle form as juice or gel is up to you. One word of caution. Not all bottled Aloe Vera is beneficial. Make sure its preservative free, organic and contains a full range of valuable aloe polysaccharides. Go for the bottled Aloe that comes in a dark bottle. Vital minerals are light sensitive and will diminish in clear or opaque bottles. Remember to keep your Aloe refrigerated. Since it's the good stuff, it will go bad if you don't.

For good health 2 ounces can be taken per serving. If you are sensitive to the diuretic properties of Aloe, consume the inner fillet (clear part) of the plant or bottled form. The green skin, although is nutritious, can cause diarrhea in some individuals. If you still have diarrhea with the inner fillet part, simply decrease the dosage to an amount you are comfortable with. I drink Aloe juice every day by adding it to my smoothies, or home made fresh lemonade, or other beverages. I use Lily of the Dessert Organic Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet when I don't have a plant on hand.

Aloe Vera is safe for adults of all ages, pregnant or nursing mothers and children. If you're taking oral corticosteroids medications, like prednisone, beclomethasone, or methylprednisolone do not take it while using Aloe. You could develop a potassium deficiency and other toxic symptoms that those medication may trigger.

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Yeah, it can be quite a scare, but blood in dog stool is quite common and it should have to mean a trip to the emergency clinic. But, when should you really worry? Well, it all depends on the general state of the dog.

Has he been eating well?
Does he have an appetite?
Do you notice a decrease in energy?
Has she been vomiting?
How much blood was in the stool?
Do you cause him pain when you push on his belly?
Is her belly swollen?
Has he ingested something like antifreeze, plants or any other substance?
Has she had diarrhea for more than a day?
Does his anal glands look swollen?

If any of the above is happening and the dog is NOT acting normal, then a prompt trip to the vet is totally necessary to make sure it's not something more serious than having eaten a small bone in the park. But if the dog is active, and eating well and acting as his old self, then you could keep an eye on him for the next few days to see if it happens again. If it doesn't happen again, you don't have to rush to the clinic, but make sure to have your vet give him a checkup as soon as possible.

Sometimes dogs will swallow a piece of bone, or a toy or something that scratches the walls of their large intestines, causing him to pass blood in the stool. The blood might appear in the stool for a couple of days, but then it should go away. If it doesn't, an x-ray might help you see if something is stuck in there. Surgery might be necessary to remove the object.

Parasites can also be the cause of blood in the stool as they irritate the intestine walls. Parasites can be treated with the right medication.

He could have developed an allergy to the food he's been eating, or there might have been a sudden change of diet.

It could be an infection of the anal sacs. These sacs are located on either side of the anus and they contain a substance with which dogs mark their territory. They get emptied every time your dog poops, however, sometimes they can get infected if they don't get emptied completely.

Blood can also be cause by an inflammation of the colon or rectum, or a benign or malignant tumor in the abdomen or anal area.

Worst case scenario, it could be Parvovirus or Coronavirus, especially if the dog's been vomiting as well. These diseases can be very serious, even fatal.

The medical terms for blood in dog stool are hematochezia or melena. In hematochezia, the blood will look fresh and bright red, which means that the blood in the dog's stool comes most probably from the lower intestines, the colon or the rectum. Hematochezia in dogs can be a sign of a minor problem, but it can also point to a more severe disorder.

In melena, the dog's stool looks black, which means the blood is digested and comes from the upper intestinal tract. Melena is more serious than a periodic case of hematochezia. If in the past day or so, you gave Peptobismol to the dog, maybe you have nothing to worry about, since Pepto can be the cause of black dog stool.

In any case, blood in the dog's stool should not be taken lightly and you should always take him or her to the vet as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can feed them white rice with a little garlic or garlic powder mixed in, boiled potatoes, green beans, or a little boiled chicken. Avoid commercial foods until you are sure of what's going on.

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No one likes to talk about it but swollen hemorrhoids are a condition that can cause quite a bit of discomfort. The older you get, the more likely you are to have hemorrhoids. In fact, it is very common among middle aged men and women. Hemorrhoids are also called piles.

They occur when the veins located in the lower section of the rectum or near the anus become inflamed. People with this condition may notice blood in their stools or on the toilet paper following a bowel movement. It is often caused by excessive strain to the rectum due to pregnancy, constipation, or diarrhea.

Visit a Physician
Do not begin a natural treatment for swollen hemorrhoids without first having a physician check out your symptoms. This is very important because bleeding in the rectal area can be an indication of more serious medical issues such as anal or colorectal cancer. Depending on your medical history and physical exam results, you may need more in depth tests such as a colonoscopy to rule out anything more serious that piles.

Once you get the green light from your doctor and receive the confirmation that your discomfort is indeed caused by hemorrhoids, you can then decide on a nature cure for piles.

Keep Stools Soft
According to FamilyDoctor.org, one of the most effective ways to ease the discomfort caused by piles and to prevent a recurrence is to avoid constipation. You can do this by drinking plenty of water on a daily basis. Try to drink at least eight glasses each day. Eat fiber rich foods. This includes legumes, fresh fruits, and pasta.

If you have to make a bowel movement, go right away. Don't wait. Do not take laxatives because they can cause diarrhea.

Reduce Inflammation With Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut is an herb which may offer relief for swollen hemorrhoids. Also known as Aesculus hippocastanum, horse chestnut helps widen the walls of the veins. This leads to improved circulation. It can also reduce swelling and make the blood vessels stronger.

You can take horse chestnut as a supplement which comes in capsules or you can drink it as a tea. It can also be used externally as a compress.

Witch Hazel
Witch hazel can also be a good topical treatment for swollen hemorrhoids. It has an astringent like quality and can reduce bleeding as well as ease pain, swelling, and itching. This treatment is available in the form of an ointment, medicated pads, or distilled liquid.

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Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), the world's most popular culinary herb is also known as "rock celery" and belongs to the Umbelliferae family of plants. Parsley is one of the world's seven most potent disease-fighting spices which also include Ginger, Oregano, Cinnamon, Turmeric, Sage, and Red chili peppers. Parsley grows in most climates and is readily available throughout the year. It is a biennial plant which means that it produces seeds during its second year of production and will reseed itself if you let it.

While parsley is a wonderfully nutritious and healing food, it is often under-appreciated. Most people do not realize that this vegetable has more uses than just being a decorative garnish that accompanies restaurant meals.

Parsley is native to the Mediterranean region of Southern Europe and has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years. It was originally used as a medicinal plant (see below) prior to being consumed as a food. Ancient Greeks held parsley to be sacred, using it to not only adorn victors of athletic contests, but also for decorating the tombs of the deceased. While it is uncertain when and where parsley began to be consumed as a seasoning, historians think it may be sometime during the Middle Ages in Europe. Some historians credit Charlemagne with its popularization as he had it grown on his estates.

Parsley's Many Therapeutic Health Benefits Include Its Use For:
o Anemia: Builds up the blood because it is high in iron. The high vitamin C content assists the absorption of iron.

o Antioxidant: Increases the anti-oxidant capacity of the blood.

o Bactericidal (kills bacteria)

o Bad breath

o Baldness: Believe it or not, men even scrubbed parsley onto their scalps to cure baldness--which doesn't work.

o Blood purifier

o Blood vessel rejuvenation: Maintains elasticity of blood vessels, and helps to repair bruises.

o Diarrhea is greatly helped by drinking parsley tea.

o Digestion: Parsley is an excellent digestion restorative remedy. It improves the digestion of proteins and fats therefore promoting intestinal absorption, liver assimilation and storage. Because of its high enzyme content, parsley benefits digestive activity and elimination.

o Dissolves cholesterol within the veins.

o Diureticparsley tea helps resolve swollen ankles.

o Ear health: Treats deafness and ear infections.

o Edema: Acts as a diuretic and blood vessel strengthener.

o Fatigue: Parsley is high in iron so helps repair and provides components for better blood cells.

o Gallstones: Helps dissolve them.

o Glandular support of the liver, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.

o Gout

o Hormonal support: In women, parsley improves estrogen and nourishes and restores the blood of the uterus. Conditions like delayed menstruation, PMS, and the menopause (dry skin, irritability, depression and hair loss) can often improve.

o Hormone balancing is achieved through the volatile fatty acids contained in parsley.

o Immune booster: The high vitamin C, beta carotene, B12, chlorophyll and essential fatty acid content render parsley an extraordinary immunity enhancing food. Parsley is an immune-enhancing multi-vitamin and mineral complex in green plant form and one of the most important herbs for providing vitamins to the body.

o Inhibits tumor formation, particularly in the lungs.

o Insect bites: Rub on to relieve the swelling and itch.

o Jaundice

o Kidneys: Parsley is effective for nearly all kidney and urinary complaints except severe kidney inflammation. It improves kidney activity and can help eliminate wastes from the blood and tissues of the kidneys. It prevents salt from being reabsorbed into the body tissues; thus parsley literally forces debris out of the kidneys, liver and bladder. It helps improve edema and general water retention, fatigue and scanty or painful urination.

o Liver congestion: It enriches the liver and nourishes the blood. Parsley helps reduce liver congestion, clearing toxins and aiding rejuvenation.

o Menstrual irregularity: Parsley helps to make the cycles regular by the presence of apiol which is a constituent of the female sex hormone estrogen.

o Menstrual pain

o Night blindness: Bad eyesight is a sign of Vitamin A deficiency.

o Rheumatism

o Spleen strengthening: The parsley root in particular strengthens the spleen, and can, therefore, treat malabsorption.

o Stamina loss and low resistance to infection, point to a sluggish liver. This can manifest itself in blood deficiencies, fatigue, a pale complexion and poor nails, dizzy spells, anemia and mineral depletion.

o Stomach problems

o Strengthens loose teeth: In the Middle Ages parsley was used for many conditions including 'fastening teeth' (Scurvy, which is caused by a Vitamin C deficiency, makes the gums spongy and the teeth loose.)

o Uterine tonic

o Weight loss benefits from being a diuretic

Nutritional Benefits of Parsley:Parsley is a nutrient powerhouse containing high levels of beta carotene, vitamin B12, folate, chlorophyll, calcium, more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and just about all other known nutrients. Parsley is a moistening, nourishing, restoring, 'warming' food, pungent with a slightly bitter, salty flavor. It enhances and stimulates the energy of organs, improving their ability to assimilate and utilize nutrients.

Beta carotene is used for protein assimilation. This nutrient benefits the liver and protects the lungs and colon. Beta-carotene is converted by the body to vitamin A, a nutrient so important to a strong immune system that its nickname is the "anti-infective vitamin."

Chlorophyll: Parsley is abundant in chlorophyll, thus purifying and inhibiting the spread of bacteria, fungi and other organisms. Chlorophyll from parsley is slightly anti-bacterial and anti-fungal which acts to enhance immune response and to relieve mucus congestion, sinusitis and other 'damp' conditions. Chlorophyll, high in oxygen, also suppresses viruses and helps the lungs to discharge residues from environmental pollution.

Essential Fatty Acids: Parsley is a source of alpha-linolenic acid, an important essential fatty acid that is too frequently deficient in today's diets.

Fluorine is an important nutritional component abundantly found in parsley. Fluorine has an entirely different molecular structure from chemically-produced fluoride. Tooth decay results from a shortage of fluorine, not fluoride. It is the combination of calcium and fluorine which creates a very hard protective surface on teeth and bones. Fluorine also protects the body from infectious invasion, germs and viruses.

Folic Acid, one of the most important B vitamins, but one of its most critical roles in relation to cardiovascular health is to convert homocysteine into benign molecules. Homocysteine is a potentially dangerous molecule that, at high levels, can directly damage blood vessels and increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke in people with atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease. Folic acid is also a critical nutrient for proper cell division and is therefore vitally important for cancer-prevention in two areas of the body that contain rapidly dividing cells--the colon, and in women, the cervix.

Iron: The iron content of parsley is exceptional with 5.5mg per100g (4oz). A half-cup of fresh parsley or one tablespoon dried has about 10 percent of your iron daily requirements. Plus, parsley has the vitamin C your body needs to absorb that iron.

Protein: Parsley is made up of 20% protein. (About the same as mushrooms.)

Vitamin B12: Parsley contains traces of B12 producing compounds. Such compounds are needed for the formation of red blood cells and normal cell growth, important for fertility, pregnancy, immunity and the prevention of degenerative illness. The action of vitamin B12, however, is inhibited by birth control pills, antibiotics, intoxicants, stress, sluggish liver, and excess bacteria or parasites in the colon or digestive tracts. Parsley helps to counteract these inhibitors.

Vitamin K: Getting at least 100 micrograms of Vitamin K a day can drastically cut your risk of hip fracture. Vitamin K is necessary for bones to get the minerals they need to form properly. Parsley is loaded with vitamin K (180 mcg per 1/2 cup). Cooking parsley nearly doubles its Vitamin K.

Vitamin C: Parsley contains more vitamin C than any other standard culinary vegetable, with 166mg per 100g (4oz). This is three times as much as oranges. Flavonoids, which make up the Vitamin C molecule, maintain blood cell membranes, and act as an antioxidant helper.

Volatile oil components - including myristicin, limonene, eugenol, and alpha-thujene. Parsley's volatile oils, particularly myristicin, have been shown to inhibit tumor formation in animal studies, and particularly, tumor formation in the lungs. It acts as an antioxidant that can help neutralize particular types of carcinogens (like the benzopyrenes that are part of cigarette smoke, charcoal grill smoke, and the smoke produced by trash incinerators).

Parsley also contains calcium (245mg per 100g), phosphorus, potassium (1000mg per 4 oz), manganese (2.7mg per 100g), inositol, and sulphur.
Many of my client's test they would benefit greatly from eating parsley for all kinds of health problems.

How to Use Parsley:

Top off your sandwiches with it, include it in your salad greens, put it in Tabbouli or better yet, toss it into simmering soups, stews and sauces. We eat it raw in salads and those days when I can't eat it raw, I often add a couple of parsley capsules to my nutritional supplements.

Parsley juice, as an herbal drink, is quite powerful and is usually taken in quantities of about 2 fl oz (50ml) three times a day and is best mixed with other juices. I noticed that it's most effective to juice parsley in between other vegetables as the juice is heavy and thick and doesn't move through some juicers very readily.

Types of Parsley:The two most popular types of parsley are curly parsley and Italian flat leaf parsley. They are both related to celery. The Italian variety has a more fragrant and less bitter taste than the curly variety. There is also another type of parsley known as turnip-rooted parsley (or Hamburg) that is cultivated for its roots, which resemble salsify and burdock. Chinese parsley, is actually cilantro.

How to Pick and Care for Parsley:Whenever possible, choose fresh, dark green, organically grown parsley that looks fresh and crisp over the dried form of the herb since it is superior in flavor. Avoid bunches that have wilted or yellowed leaves indicating over-mature or damaged produce.

Parsley can be stored loosely wrapped in a damp cloth or plastic bag and refrigerated for up to a week. Wash just before using. If the parsley wilts, either sprinkle it lightly with some water or wash it without completely drying it before putting it back in the refrigerator.

The best way to clean it is just like you would spinach. Place it in a bowl of cold water and plunge it up and down like you would a toilet plunger. This will allow any sand or dirt to dislodge. Remove the leaves from the water, empty the bowl, refill it with clean water and repeat this process until no dirt remains in the water.

If you have excess flat-leaved parsley, you can easily dry it by laying it out in a single layer on a clean kitchen cloth. I pre-chop mine (both varieties) and place it on a cookie sheet on top of the refrigerator where it is warm. Stir it occasionally to allow consistent drying. Once dried, it should be kept in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark and dry place.

Some feel the curly leaved variety is best preserved by freezing, as opposed to drying. Although it will retain most of its flavor, it has a tendency to lose its crispness, so it is best used in recipes without first thawing.

Bon App矇tit!

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Many of you have come across weight loss supplements being promoted as "magic" pills or the next "big" thing that works but most of them is just marketing hype in order to get their hands on your money. Don't fall for this trap! Instead, save your money and do a little homework on any supplements that you may encounter on the shelves. That's not to say that all supplements are useless. There are actually quite a few that work and will give you an extra boost to help with your overall weight loss progress.

There are tons of supplements with fat burning compounds to help you with losing weight but with my extensive researching, I can definitely count on a few that work and are worth trying out. After going through rows of weight loss supplements on the shelves, only one caught my attention and that is the green tea extract also known as EGCG.

Green tea extract is one of many fat burning compounds that actually aide with weight loss and has additional health benefits on your body. Also, it is a fat burning compound known for its high levels of anti-oxidants and anti-cancer properties.

Here is an extensive list of health benefits when supplementing with ECGC:

- Prevention or reduced risk of developing cancers

- Reduction of cholesterol levels

- Helps lower blood pressure

- Helps lower blood sugar levels

- Aids in digestion

- Relieves diarrhea

- Improving blood and bone structures

- Prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis

- Prevention of dangerous blood clots

- Aiding and preventing Type-II diabetes

And much more. What really makes green tea extract shine is that it can be used as part of a diet due to its nature of aiding with weight loss. It also appears to have thermogenic properties which promote fat loss and plays a role in controlling one's weight. Backed by plethora of scientific studies and real world results, it's no wonder that EGCG has taken a surge in popularity and you can find it on the ingredient list of most weight loss supplements.

It comes in a pill or liquid form. Make sure to look for the one that contains a minimum of 50-60% EGCG and 90% Polyphenols. It is suggested to take 250-400 mg of green tea extract daily.

There you have it folks. I have done all the boring homework for you. You have to start somewhere in order to lose weight, why not start here?

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Hemorrhoids Alternative Treatment:

More and more people are exploring for alternative home treatment for hemorrhoids

People nowadays have grown averse to modern medicines and the kind of surgeries that doctors wish to experiment upon them without any real cure. What medicines does is simply suppress the symptoms, especially the pain associated with thrombosed external hemorrhoids, so that people by and large can get on with their daily routine as long as the effect of the medicine lasts.

Medicines can at best provide some relief from the discomfort and can even stop the bleeding for sometime, but that does not really mean that the patients are able to get rid of the menace of hemorrhoids altogether. This is because by simply treating the symptoms you cannot stop the real cause that keeps triggering those piles now and again.

To best address the real cause behind the frequent reappearance of hemorrhoids, is to nip in the bud the very cause. To do that one needs to approach the problem from a holistic point of view. That means the overall health of the person, his or her lifestyle and routine, food habits and many more. For this natural hemorrhoid treatment is the best bet for a safe and fast cure.

Before setting out in our quest for a natural panacea for hemroid cures, we need to understand what exactly are hemorrhoids and what are the main factors responsible for causing them.

Factors that Cause Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids occur when the surrounding tissues and varicose like veins running alongside the walls of the lower rectum and the anus get distended from increased pressure within, caused by frequent stress and strain that they are subjected to.

The straining could be because of forced bowel movement to excrete hardened and stubborn stools that find difficulty in wriggling its way out through the anal canal, as it happens during acute constipation.

This results in the veins to swell and expand that makes them acutely painful to bear. The other factors may include during pregnancy and thereafter childbirth. This is when there is increased volume of blood and hormonal changes, that cause the veins to expand and burst wherever the inner walls of the blood vessels fail to withstand the built up pressure from within. Also the foetus sits upon the veins and tissues that adds to the compression in the anal region.

The other factors is also when a person, because of his occupation have to lift heavy loads and each time he does it, he has to hold his breath very tight to tighten his abdominal muscles for the extra thrust for the lift. This again cause the veins to bulge because of extra rush of blood, to compensate for the deficiency in the oxygen level that the muscles crave for.

Hemorrhoids can also occur when a person has to sit for long hours at a stretch because of his or her sedentary nature of work, with very few breaks in between to walk around.

The other possible reasons could be because of too much of diarrhea, anal infection or cirrhosis of the liver.

Home Treatment of Hemorrhoids with Natural Ingredients

So if we can reverse some of the above factors that trigger hemorrhoids we can possibly take control of those problem that are responsible for the hemorrhoids to occur quite frequently.

This means we have to keep the stools soft for easy movement through the rectum. For this we have to drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses in a day and also include high fiber in our diet. High fiber is found in whole grains, legumes, leafy green vegetable, raw fruits. Fiber helps to retain water and keep the stool moistened.

It's best to avoid sitting too long at one position. Keep shifting your bottom to stop compressing the underlying tissues and veins. Take frequent breaks to move around, to increase blood circulation and improve blood flow in the anal region. Where its next to impossible to get off from your desk, try to sit on something soft and cushy such as a pillow or may be on a dough like cushion having a hole in the middle.

Do not spend too long in the loo.

Do not try too hard to defecate and when doing so do not hold your breath. It's important to remember. Try to defecate in a squat or semi squat position, to allow gravity to pull down the stools through the rectum.

Keep yourself physically active. Do plenty of exercise including walking long strides that improves blood circulation.

Avoid citrus juice, aerated soft drinks, soda beverages, wines and alcohol that increases the acid ph level.

Never try to lift heavy objects and if it's absolutely necessary do so by inhaling lot of air and exhaling slowly through the nostril while you squeeze your abdominal muscles as you lift a heavy object slowly but steadily, without any jerky movement.

Apply ice cubes in the affected area after ten minutes or so, as this will provide some relief from pain.

Warm baths help to improve circulation of the blood.

Sitz bath helps to relieve pain and improve blood flow in the anal region.

Psyllium seeds taken along with a glass of water supplements you with fiber

Horse Chestnuts (Aesculus Hippocastanum) have natural anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It helps to tone the veins.

Witch Hazel (Hammamelis viriniana) liquid too has natural astringent that reduces swelling and inflammation. Apply on the protruding portion of the anus, dipped in cotton.

Butcher's Broom (Ruscus Aculeatus) is used to treat varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera too helps to reduce bleeding and pain when applied directly in the affected portion.

Cranberry Juice is good for internal hemorrhoids treatment. It improves easy bowel movement and prevents constipation.

Gingko Biloba supplements helps to improve blood circulation to portions affected by piles. This speeds up the healing process.

Herbal Hemorrhoid Remedy at Home

There are several herbs that are highly effective in not only providing relief from the acute pain and bleeding associated with hemorrhoids but also help to get rid of the real cause behind those awful piles. However not the same herbal treatment can be applicable to all the persons. This is because each person have their own body and health system quite different from others. Each person has to be approached properly for proper assessment before prescribing the kind of herbal remedy that is best suited for the person for a fast and safe cure naturally.

Herbals are not just confined to the native flora available but also to those of Chinese and Indian too, that has for centuries have successfully treated millions of people. In fact not all herbal practitioners are aware of such treatments themselves. However that does not restricts the common person from having access to such vital information.

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Las Vegas is known for many attractions, including restaurants such as the Eiffel Tower restaurant, Fleur De Lys, TAO restaurant, and many others. Visitors and residents can choose from fine dining, exotic cuisine, all-you-can-eat buffets, etc. The vast majority of the time, these establishments take great care in making sure their food is prepared properly and safely. But once in a while, a mistake can happen - which could result in food poisoning for a patron.

Here's a quick synopsis of the common types of food poisoning that Las Vegas restaurants try to avoid, but are unable to at times:

e.Coli - This bacterium is most prevalent in foods that have not been cooked at the proper temperature for the right length of time. Symptoms, which include abdominal cramps and diarrhea (which may be bloody), often manifest themselves two to eight days after consumption.

Listeriosis - The listeria bacterium can get into all kinds of food via contaminated soil or water. The symptoms generally include fever, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle aches; but can worsen if the bacteria spread to the nervous system.

Salmonella - This bacterium can get passed onto foods from food handlers who fail to properly wash their hands after going to the bathroom. People will begin to see symptoms 12 to 72 hours after contamination, and could experience fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

Norovirus - This pesky virus can exist on food preparation surfaces and can affect different types of food. Common symptoms are diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and stomach cramps, and they arise about 24 to 48 hours after infection.

If you experience the symptoms of food poisoning shortly after eating at a Las Vegas restaurant, seek medical attention.

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In order to understand pancreatic cancer symptoms, first you must understand what the pancreas is and what function it performs. Located in front of the spine, in the abdomen and at a level just above the belly button, the pancreas is an organ that performs two jobs; it makes the enzymes that help to break down proteins and makes the hormone insulin, which regulates the levels of sugar in the blood. The enzymes that the pancreas makes chops proteins into parts small enough to help in digestion so that those proteins are more easily absorbed and used for energy by the body.

Due to the location of the pancreas, pancreatic cancer symptoms usually go undetected until it has advanced to the point of being difficult to treat. Unfortunately, with most of the cases, the symptoms do not develop until the cancer begins to spread and grow. The pancreas is made up of three areas; the head, the body and the tail; the most common form of pancreatic cancer is located in the head and is called adenocarcinoma. When it comes to pancreatic cancer, location does matter because the associated symptoms vary with each type. Adenocarcinoma, which is located in the head of the pancreas, produces symptoms earlier than symptoms of cancer in the body or tail of the pancreas.

Symptoms in the head of the pancreas include jaundice or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, weight loss, itching, vomiting, dark urine, nausea, light color stools, lymph nodes in the neck that are enlarged, back pain and abdominal pain. Pancreatic cancer symptoms in the tail or body of the pancreas produce symptoms such as weight loss, stomach pain and back pain. Due to the pancreas close proximity to the digestive system, the symptoms, which predominate, are in the gastrointestinal areas. The most noted symptom is abdominal pain, which occurs in over 80 percent of people who are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer; the pain increases as the tumor grows.

Other symptoms that some people have reported include bloating or a sense of being full early after a meal or a feeling of uncomfortable swelling in the stomach; nausea and diarrhea also accompany this bloated feeling. When the stools turn a pale color, it is usually due to the duct that drains bile into the intestines becoming blocked by the cancer. As the cancer grows, the pancreatic cancer symptoms become more evident and begin to affect the body as a whole. These symptoms include weight loss due to a loss of appetite, malaise, depression, blood clots and high blood sugar, which sometimes can cause the development of diabetes.

A rare form of pancreatic cancer is pancreatic endocrine tumors, which is tumors of the Islet cells, is also called neuroendocrine tumors and arise from the hormone producing cells in the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer symptoms associated with pancreatic endocrine tumors include weight loss, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, sweating and low blood sugar. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you see your doctor right away.

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With the concern for health and living better increasing daily, finding a wholesale super green supplement you can afford and trust is important. A super green supplement is made up of multiple green plants and provides a very natural way to boost your immune system and your overall health.

However, taking multiple supplements can be costly and it is difficult to decipher which ones are good and which ones you need. For this reason wholesale supplements can be a great deal if you know what you're getting and what to look for.

A super green supplement is made up of all-natural nutrients that many people today don't have enough of in their diets. These plant-based nutrients, also known as phytonutrients, are essential to good health. Amongst the important nutrients in super green supplements are vitamin B12, trace minerals, cartenoids, good fatty acids, linoleic acid, chlorophyll, beta carotene, amino acids and more. Some of the ingredients you will find in super green supplements include: barley grass, chlorella, sprouts, wheat grass, spirulina, fruits and vegetables.

Some things to look for when purchasing super green supplements:

No fillers No artificial ingredients No preservatives Organic ingredients

Be wary of any super green supplement that touts itself as a guaranteed cure-all. Bodies are complex and while supplements, especially super green supplements, help a variety of conditions, they can not heal every malady there is and nothing in life is guaranteed. Many other factors must be considered in disease and outrageous claims should be regarded warily.

Many of today's most common diseases arise from a poor immune system, which are directly a result of our bodies being in an unhealthy acidic state. This acidity leads to problems such as:

Diabetes Depression Fatigue Asthma Diarrhea Psoriasis Acid Reflux Bacterial infections Migraines Insomnia

Changing the body's pH is possible by taking a super green supplement. The body will become more alkaline, which is its desired state. An alkaline body is best equipped to fight off disease, will appear healthier and will not suffer from fatigue and nagging illnesses.

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Sipping a nice cup of herbal tea is a long-standing tradition in cultures all around the world, and not just because of the great taste. Green tea, for example, has been consumed in Asia for thousands of years, much to the enjoyment and health benefits of the population. Hundreds of studies have been conducted to determine just how and why green tea (and other herbal tea) seems to make such a difference in health and vitality.

Herbal tea is used medicinally for all types of purposes. An upset stomach may be calmed by a cup of strong peppermint tea. Sleeplessness can often be overcome with a dose of chamomile tea. It is even thought that various herbal teas, green tea among them, have the ability to prevent cancer in the human body. Just the act of brewing and drinking a cup of herbal tea can be calming, as the aromas delight the drinker and the warm liquid soothes the throat.

Some of the most interesting medicinal uses for herbal tea include:

o Burdock to clean the blood, regulate blood sugar, and for anti-inflammatory uses

o Cardamom to improve digestion, reduce gas, and calm stomach cramps

o Cinnamon to calm upset stomachs, relieve menstrual cramps, and regulate blood sugar

o Dandelion as an expectorant or diuretic

o Fennel to soothe coughs, stimulate appetite, and relieve stomach cramps

o Ginger to ease stomach and menstrual cramps, relieve nausea, improve circulation, and alleviate cold and flu symptoms

o Kava Kava to relax muscles, reduce anxiety, promote urinary tract health, and promote sleep

o Lemon balm to reduce anxiety and relieve stomach upset

o Licorice to sooth coughs and sore throats, improve digestion, and ease menstrual cramps

o Nettle to relieve diarrhea and constipation, sooth coughs, and support the liver and kidneys

o Rosehips to relieve headaches and prevent bladder infections

o Rosemary to relieve cold symptoms, ease headaches, improve circulation, and lessen joint pain

o Sage to improve digestion, relieve coughs and lung congestion, and to soothe the nerves

o Skullcap to relieve PMS symptoms and reduce anxiety

o St. John's Wort to lessen anxiety, improve mood, and promote relaxation

o Valerian root to promote relaxation and sleep, relieve stomach cramps, and calm the nerves

o Yarrow to stimulate appetite, improve digestion, and relieve cold symptoms

Green tea is probably the most well-known and studied of the "herbal teas." With a wide range of scientific studies to back up the experience of thousands of years, sources ranging from The Journal of the National Cancer Institute to the Mayo Clinic have found exceptional benefits to green tea and its components. In addition to potentially preventing cancer, green tea has also been credited with lowering the risk for heart disease, lessening symptoms of arthritis, preventing tooth decay, and playing a role in healthy weight loss.

Most green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis bush, but herbal tea will include other botanical elements, including leafs, roots, stems, and even the flowers of various plants. It is possible to make "tea" that doesn't use Camellia sinensis at all, although this would more accurately be referred to as an "herbal infusion" or "tisane" than as an herbal tea.

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The grapefruit diet is a fad diet, the likes of which seem to come from nowhere every now and then. A grapefruit diet involves consuming large amounts of grapefruit, it is that simple. The theory behind the grapefruit diet is simple enough. The fruit, it is claimed, contains an enzyme that actually helps you burn fat. One thing though with grapefruit diet as with other kinds of fad diets is the lack of substantial proof behind the theory. Grapefruit diet could be said to be one of the offshoots of the modern generations' obsession with losing weight and appearing attractive.

Grapefruit as such is a healthy fruit. The fruit is known to contain literally no fat at all. It however contains large amounts of vitamin C, antioxidants in the form of beta-carotene, a little bit of sodium, and some fiber to go along with all these nutrients. However, nutritionists advise against this kind of fad diet, because a diet based on only fruit is considered nutritionally unsound. Grapefruit diet may help people reduce total calorie intake, but on the flip side it may not be able to supply you with an ideal number of nutrients. Needless to say, a balanced diet consisting of all the essential nutrients is needed for sustaining good health. Research has also shown that eating large amounts of grapefruit often causes diarrhea.

Critics point out that the grapefruit diet is like any other mythic fad diets, which come and go every now and then. Since it is important that you eat a balanced diet, it is better that you don't eat much of anything, including grapefruits. You can, for instance, take a healthy helping of grapefruit, but along with other essential nutrients which are not found in the fruit. Balance is the key here. Just in case you want to try out the grapefruit diet, to be on the safer side, consult with your personal physician or dietician and ask him for suggestions about what is the safe amount of grapefruit that you can consume and what are the other things that you need to consume along with it for leading a healthy life.

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Hemorrhoids concern is hard enough to deal with for adults, what more if this condition begin to affect and intrude in the daily routine of children? Now that is a kind of problem that no parent would like their children to have, however sometimes no matter how hard we try to keep our kids at top condition, problems like hemorrhoids cannot just be avoided. In this case, learning how to treat hemorrhoids in children is the next best move any parent can have, the delicacy of the young's position in treating the situation of swollen rectal blood vessels.

How to treat hemorrhoids in children? This is a question that all mothers and even fathers would definitely want an answer to. But before we get into that, it would perhaps be good to explain first what causes hemorrhoids, so that we can easily address their solution. Well, hemorrhoids are somewhat similar to varicose only that this condition of swollen blood vessel occurs in the general area of the anus around the rectal canal to be more precise.

This sickness is the common result of the pressure on the veins of the anus during defecation. It is not clearly defined by any medical practitioner, what really causes these swellings to occur only that there are factors that usually the reason for their appearance. The factors that lead to hemorrhoids may vary from constipation, diarrhea, smoking, frequent drunkenness, pregnancy and giving birth among others. In the case of children it is obvious that the last four reasons enumerated earlier on could not be applied in the case of children.

In the case of kids it is usually a matter of the first two reasoning happening often due also to the food intake and kind of diet children have. We all know that very young children often have very poor diet, and as such may contribute to the development of hemorrhoids or piles.

Now to the go to the issue on how to treat hemorrhoids in children, here are a few tips to take note of:

a) Allow children to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day. In the case of children given their active days it is advisable that they increase their intake of water for better body process and easier time taking a poop.

b) Add fiber rick food in their diet. Children often eat more of meat products as they do vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately bought fruits and vegetables are rich in not only vitamins, but also fiber which is important to make defecating easy for them.

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Hot spices such as chili peppers contain different health benefits such as excellent antioxidants and rich in vitamins. These are essential as well to add in the flavor in the foods you eat without consuming too much calories. In fact, hot spices are excellent add-ons to your foods in order to increase your level of metabolism. However, if you belong to the population of people suffering from hemorrhoids, you will definitely hesitate to consume spicy foods because of fear of aggravating the pain, discomfort and itchiness of your hemorrhoids. According to some researches, spices are not the sole root cause of bleeding hemorrhoids. These may cause you to suffer from stomach upset that can intensify hemorrhoid problems.

What are Bleeding Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen veins in your rectum and anus regions which can tear because of constipation and diarrhea. It can result to bleeding hemorrhoids. You will know this whenever you wipe after a bowel movement. The toilet paper has bright red blood stain or if your stool has blood on it. Both external and internal hemorrhoids can be itchy, painful and irritating.

A study published in a medical journal called "Diseases of the Colon and Rectum" that determined red hot chili powder will not have any effect on the aggravation or formation of hemorrhoids. However, based on the personal observations of some people, consumption of coffee, alcohol and spicy foods will make hemorrhoids worse.

Understanding Bleeding Hemorrhoids and Spicy Foods

The foods that will make you constipate are cheese, meats and other fatty foods. If the specific spicy food your eat fits on this definition like chicken wings with hot sauce and butter plus blue cheese dressing - you have higher chances of suffering from constipation. It will then be attributed to bleeding hemorrhoids. In this situation, it is not the spices or the hot peppers that cause your bleeding hemorrhoids but the high fatty foods. Take note that the spicy foods that are rich in fiber like burrito with black beans, brown rice and vegetables with hot and chili peppers could prevent constipation. It will not be also a contributory factor to bleeding hemorrhoids.

Coping with Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Deal with bleeding hemorrhoids through making right foods choices.

•Go for berries, like blueberry, blackberry and raspberry that prevent swelling of your hemorrhoidal veins.

•Use olive oil, fish oil or flax seed oil in preparing your meals such as dressing your salads.

•Add garlic, ginger and onion in your meals because they are excellent to repair tissues.

•Eat green vegetables that are rich in iron like spinach, broccoli and spinach.

•Consume excellent source of fiber such as carrots, cabbage, peas, cauliflowers and corn.

•Eat fruits rich in vitamins such as bananas, apples, pears, prunes, kiwi and oranges.

The most important thing that you need to remember in managing your hemorrhoids is to always hydrate. Squeeze some lemonade or orange juice. Make water available inside your home or wherever you go by bringing with you a sippy tumbler.

One of the proven solutions in bleeding hemorrhoids is changing your lifestyle. You will definitely get relieved from discomfort and pain. Remember, whatever your health condition is it reflects what you eat, what you do and how you live your life.

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Have you ever experienced your leopard gecko suffering from a certain illness and you don't know what to do? This is a basic problem for owners who are not familiar with the most common illnesses of leopard geckos. One of the most important thing is to recognize the symptoms and know the best course of action to do. Here are some of the most common leopard gecko illnesses and the possible or solutions whenever these happen.

1. Osteodystrophy and hypocalcemia. These are usually caused by calcium deficiency because of poor diets. These result to loss of bone density, prompting underdevelopment and brittle bones that break easily. The symptoms for these include weakness of the body, shivering, as well as enlarged legs and limbs. These can be treated with calcium injections or oral calcium a well as the correction of the nutritional needs.

2. Constipation. This happens when a gecko swallows substrates such as sand, gravel or bark chips, eventually blocking the excretory system. Giving small amounts of mineral oil may be done when they swallowed small pieces of substrates. Other severe cases may require surgery to remove the substance. Be cautious in serving food to your pets. Liquid or watery substance may make the substrates wet and would stick to the food they eat.

3. Mouth and respiratory infections. These are results of excessively high humidity level, unsanitary enclosures or an imbalanced diet. Symptoms for mouth infections are swollen mouth, bleeding gums, odor or drooling. Respiratory infections are obvious when your pet panting a lot or when there is mucus discharge in the mouth or nose. Giving your pet antibiotics and maintaining a healthy diet and shelter are the best cure.

4. Intestinal parasites. This is caused by severe intestinal parasites found in the intestines, resulting to diarrhea, lost of appetite, weight loss and jutting feces in the anus. An immediate examination of your gecko's fresh waste is necessary. This may be treated with medication as well as keeping a clean enclosure to prevent this type of disease.

5. Xanthomatosis. This is a disease caused by too much fat intake and may result to organ damage because of the formation of cholesterol in the abdomen and internal organs. This is generally a result of obesity especially if your gecko eats too much fatty preys such as wax worms, butter worms and mealworms. You may observe this when your pet loses appetite and weight (generally manifested on thinning tail) but possesses a large abdomen. This may be prevented by giving them food high in protein and vitamins.

These illnesses often experienced by leopard geckos can be prevented by keeping a healthy and nutritional diet, providing a clean and sanitary shelter, and keeping a keen eye on your pet's behavior. Diagnosing the symptoms and immediately identifying the illness will generally save your leopard gecko's life. Since pets are dependent on their owners, it is the latter's responsibility to take care of them.

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Apples offer more than just a good taste. It is a great source of pectin, a type of soluble fiber found in the cell walls and tissues of plants. While all fruits and vegetables may contain pectin, the amount and concentration is particularly high in apples. Besides consuming fresh raw apples, apple pectin can also be consumed in supplement form as tablets. Studies have shown that regular consumption of apple pectin can do wonders to our health as it has numerous beneficial effects both on our digestive and cardiovascular system. Let me share to you some of them.

1. It helps get rid of toxins in the digestive tract. Pectin forms a gel during digestion which coats the intestines. This coating action helps sweep the toxins out of the digestive tract and eliminate it through bowel movements.

2. It aids in weight loss. Apart from toxins, pectin can also help sweep away unwanted fat from our body. It also helps improve bowel movements which is an important factor in any weight loss program.

3. It helps balance acid levels. Apple pectin is believed to have beneficial effects on the digestive tract as it helps balance acidity in the large intestines. It also helps relieve symptoms of ulcer, acid reflux, hyperacidity and other acid-related conditions.

4. It helps reduce the risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors for heart disease. These include hypertension, obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol. Apple pectin helps promote good cardiovascular health and prevent metabolic syndrome by reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body.

5. It helps reduce the frequency and duration of diarrhea. Apple pectin helps treat diarrhea by increasing the volume and viscosity of the waste. It also helps absorb water and slow down digestion, hence decreasing the frequency and severity of the symptoms.

6. It helps prevent gallstones from forming. It also helps break down and flush gallstones if there are already gallstones in the body.

7. It helps prevent certain cancers. Apple pectin is considered as a strong antioxidant so it helps reduce the risk of cancers such as colon cancer and other gastrointestinal related cancers.

To reap these health benefits, you would need to eat at least two fresh apples a day. However, if you don't eat apples or if you have no time and resources to buy apples everyday, you can opt to take apple pectin supplements instead. It offers the same benefits as fresh apples without the extra hassle.

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