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What I've noticed over the years is that I get a run of cases with the same disease in a short period of time. Last month I saw lots of clients with Multiple Sclerosis (or the misdiagnosis of same.) We learned about the low-fat Swank diet and all the drugs used to treat this particular disease process.

This month I had a run of Hepatitis C clients. They each had contracted the disease differently, but none-the-less, their lives have been permanently shifted from this terrible disease which is seemingly not curable. The common thread that assisted these clients was that each person had to make some lifestyle changes (a permanent lifestyle choice that was healthier than they were living.) Stressing the optimal amounts of raw fruits/vegetables is always a staple in my programs--especially the dark green ones in hepatitis cases, but we also centered on the liver.

So let's review hepatitis C and natural treatments for it.

Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver (Hepato is the root word for liver and anything ending in "itis" means inflammation.) Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the many viruses that can cause inflammation of the liver. Other causes are irritation to the liver from alcohol, bacterial infections, drugs, and cancer. At least 75% of people infected with hepatitis C develop chronic hepatitis C which can be progressive and fatal. Once you have it, you will need to find ways to keep it under control. This disease never completely goes away. However, my clients have had very good luck with alternative medicine treatments for hepatitis C, but they work at it and stick with a good program.

About 4 million people in the United States have antibodies to HCV, meaning they have been infected with the virus at some point. Half of these people don't even know they have it. All forms of viral hepatitis are contagious.

The most common way hepatitis C is passed is through direct contact with blood. Drug users often have this disease because they re-use and share needles. Needles, and before 1992 prior to the blood test which became available to test for the virus, transfusions, organ transplants, and hemodialysis have all been vehicles for transferring the virus, but I have known people to warn others not to even drink out of the same cup as they are drinking out of, so it could also be passed through saliva.

Childbirth, sexual intercourse and accidental needle sticks (most common in nurses and the human medical field) are also less common causes of transmission. Sharing toiletry items is another way of passing the virus (e.g. razors and nail clippers.)

Symptoms and Signs of Hepatitis: Eighty percent of people infected with Hepatitis C do not have symptoms. Symptoms may also be mild and come and go over the lifetime of the patient. Less frequently, the patient will come down with an acute case of hepatitis with full-blown symptoms.

Symptoms typically occur 5-12 weeks after being exposed to the virus and may last for weeks to months and include: liver pain (on the right side just under the rib cage area), nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, dark colored urine, gray or clay colored stools, irritability, confusion, and headaches (due to dehydration from chronic diarrhea.) Chronic hepatitis often leads to cirrhosis of the liver. Cirrhosis is where healthy liver tissue is taken over by scar tissue. When this happens, the liver loses its ability to detoxify the blood.

Additional symptoms at this time include fluid retention (especially below the rib cage in the belly area), jaundice (also called icterus which is a yellowing of the skin seen most obviously in the whites of the eyes), chronic fatigue, sleep disturbance, itchy skin, weight loss (wasting disease), vomiting now with blood in it (so it could look like coffee grounds) and finally hepatic encephalopathy characterized by hallucinations.

When the liver is sick, we see diseases like high cholesterol, high triglycerides, hemorrhoids, cancer, allergies, varicose veins and lots of anger and resentments.

I don't know which comes first in these types of cases; anger causing the liver-based diseases or liver-based diseases resulting in anger. The good thing is that we have LOTS of options on how to overcome these challenges and it doesn't really matter where you start as long as you start and keep at it.

My favorite treatments for hepatitis include:

1. Raw fruits/veggies (especially dark green foods, bitter vegetables, red fruits, and beets.)

2. Barfy Green Stuff (or some other green food--it really doesn't matter too much what you choose.

3. Drink plenty of filtered, chorine and fluoride free water to stay hydrated.

4. Exercise, but don't overdo it. Walking is wonderful--especially on a consistent schedule.

5. Homeopathics specifically to bind and excrete the Hepatitis virus (I use Professional Health Formulations Hepatitis Nosode Drops.)

6. Emotional release work (to help dislodge the Emotional Cysts in the liver.)

7. Herbs to support the liver as needed including but not limited to: Milk Thistle (Also Called Silymarin), Burdock Root, Safflower, Licorice, Green Tea, Dandelion, Artichoke, Cordyceps Mushroom, Turmeric, and Peppers. Note: It's important to take what your body needs but not more than it needs. The body has to process everything put into it. If there is extra, the liver has to work to get it out of the system.

8. Evaluation of current lifestyle habits and suggestions to decrease toxification.

9. Rebuilding of the cells with a Glandular/protomorphogen (I love Livaplex by Standard Process Labs(TM))

10. Abstinence from all alcohol products and any kind of drug that is processed through the liver (Tylenol, NSAIDS, some pain killers, and lots of other drugs are processed through the liver--ask your pharmacist and doctor about anything you put into your mouth!)

11. Work on relieving all anger and resentment issues in your life and dove-tail in forgiveness work. Anger and resentments are stored in the liver.

12. Managing liver-associated diseases: allergies, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, glaucoma and cancer.

13. Eliminating metaphors from your vocabulary having to do with anger, hatred, resentment, and being galled and stubborn.

Self-forgiveness seems to be one common obstacle to overcome in these particular cases. It is most important to understand that there was a reason why they contracted the disease, it taught them valuable lessons, but now it's time to come to a resolution and move onto a healthier way of being.

Life is a journey. The challenges we have are a Gift from God. What we do with those challenges are our gift to Him. If we focus on the similarities instead of how we feel ostracized and alienated, we find that all in all, we want the same things...to be loved, understood and valued. I believe that this is what life is all about.

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Green tea pills may address two of the five main causes of chronic illness and aging, in general. In addition to the health benefits of green tea, you might also want nutrients that address those three other causes.

We are learning more and more about how "poor" nutrition contributes to chronic diseases among the elderly. Even vitamin D, a well-known vitamin that most people feel they get enough of, has been the subject of a number of recent reports from doctors that treat children to those that treat the elderly.

Green tea pills, alone, are not the answer that most of us need, but supplements that combine the extract with the common vitamins and minerals that we need every day, as well as the cofactors needed for the body to process those vitamins may well be the answer. But, what are the health benefits of green tea, anyway?

Well, if the supplement includes the polysaccharides, as well as the catechins, a number of diseases may be prevented. They include:
o Heart disease
o Diabetes Type II
o Prostate, breast, colon, throat and stomach cancer

Other health benefits of green tea include the relief of headaches and diarrhea, improved cognitive function and cholesterol levels and a reduction of blood clots. But, suppose you are susceptible to motion sickness, nausea, indigestion or irritable bowel. Will green tea pills help with those problems? No, but taking ginger can help.

Suppose that you suffer from frequent colds, yeast infections, asthma or chronic fatigue, what's the best solution there? Olive leaf has proven benefit for stimulating the immune system and improving the function of many of the bodily systems. But, if you want to go back to those other three causes of aging, which are glycation, DNA degeneration and a methylation imbalance, then you need some other supplements.

Glycation inhibits the body's ability to use protein and causes the formation of toxin substances. L-carnosine is the only natural substance known to prevent glycation. The fuel needed to balance methylation includes the B-vitamins, an enzyme called betaine and SAM-e.

Fighting DNA degeneration may be one of the health benefits of green tea, because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Oxidation and inflammation are the two causes of chronic illness and age that green tea pills can address.

But, if you want to protect the cells of your body from DNA deterioration, you need a multi-nutritional supplement, unless you want to take a handful of vitamins, every day.

I prefer to take just one supplement. I want the health benefits of green tea, but I don't like to drink it and I know that the antioxidant content of the beverages varies.

I know that some supplement manufacturers are better than others, because they test each raw ingredient for potency and purity. They also test each completed batch.

I had tried single-ingredient green tea pills in the past, but I was spending a lot of money every month, in order to get SAM-e, ginger and all of the nutrients mentioned here.

When you combine more than 70 carefully blended ingredients the synergistic effect will have a maximum impact on your health and well being.

Now, I spend less and get more. What could be better?

To learn about the synergistic products that I personally take go to my website now.

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Green Tea Side Effects: They Exist But Don't Be Afraid!

Although green tea has many health benefits some serious side effects also exist.

These side effects only occur, if at all, when consumption is high, during a longer period of time. After all, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wouldn't categorize green tea as "Generally Recognized as Safe".

Most of the side effects are associated with the caffeine content in green tea.

Caffeine, the scapegoat.

Some of the negative side effects related to excessive caffeine consumption during a longer period of time are:

* Insomnia (unable to fall asleep)

* Restlessness

* Anxiety

* Irritability

* Upset stomach (gas)

* Nausea

* Headaches (from dehydration)

* Tremor (uncontrollable muscle contraction and relaxation)

* Loss of appetite

* Diarrhea

* Vomiting

* Heart palpitations (a rapidly or forcefully beating heart)

* Irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia)

* Increased blood sugar levels

* Dizziness

* Frequent urination.

Side effects: the rest...

Other green tea side effects are:

1. Allergic reactions

People can be allergic to green tea ingredients such as the tannins or caffeine, identified through unexplained skin rash, hives, itching, swelling of the mouth or throat, wheezing, or difficulty breathing or swallowing.

These exceptional allergic reactions are similar to, say, a peanut, bee sting, or shrimp allergy.

2. Health issues

Some health issues may occur when drinking green tea, such as:

* Iron deficiency anemia. Polyphenols (mainly tannins and catechins) found in this type of tea bind to non-heme iron. Although this anti-oxidative effect is desirable in the fight against cancer, this mechanism may impair the utilization of dietary iron. In other words, polyphenols lower the iron availability and absorption from foods; tea extract decreased non-heme iron absorption by 28%.

Two independent studies involving children from different ends of the world (Great Britain and Saudi Arabia) found they may optimize their iron status by avoiding tea with (or after) meals. The interaction between tea and iron can be mitigated, however, by the addition of high sources of vitamin C or consuming tea between meals.

Conversely, a 1998 study argued that the reduction in iron absorption may be of benefit to patients with genetic haemochromatosis.

* Thiamine deficiency. Another potential side effect is that green tea reduces the absorption of thiamine (vitamin B), which can lead to a condition known as Beriberi (nowadays known primarily to alcoholics, people on fad diets, or persons undergoing long-term starvation) where one version attacks the cardiovascular system and another version attacks the neurologic system.

* Liver disorders. In rare cases, green tea extract may lead to acute liver toxicity, recognized by abdominal pain, dark urine, or jaundice.

* Kidney problems. Overconsumption may affect the absorption of oxalates and contribute to the development of kidney stones. Contrary to these results, Curhan et al found drinking tea (a daily serving of 240 ml) decreases the risk of developing kidney stones by 8%; a study involving more than 81,000 women.

* Stomach problems. Dubey concluded in a 1984 study that "tea is a potent stimulant of gastric acid, and this can be reduced by adding milk and sugar."

* Teeth stains. Tea will stain your teeth if you do not brush your teeth within 24 hours and floss regularly.

* Beware of diet teas. There are two types of diet teas: the good and the bad. Beware of the second one containing mostly stimulant laxative herbs; when consumed in large quantities these laxative herbs may lead to (chronic) diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach bleeding/cramps, fainting, dehydration and (chronic) constipation.

* Pregnant or breastfeeding women. Caffeine, catechins and tannic acids are substances linked to pregnancy risks such as miscarriages, low birth weights and fetal neural tube defects. Some health organizations advise pregnant women to limit their caffeine consumption to 300 mg per day.

3. Interference with medications

If you are on medication or you have a medical history always consult your medical advisor whether or not to take green tea as it may interfere or interact with certain medications such as antibiotics, sedatives, beta blockers (adenosine), blood thinners (aspirin or warfarin), anti-psychotics (MAOIs, clozapine, or lithium), some cough, cold, and weight loss products.

Tips (to prevent any side effects)

Here are some tips to limit possible negative side effects.

* Use green tea in moderate amounts.

* Brew between 160-180 degrees Fahrenheit (just below boiling point) to prevent green tea changing into an acidic, astringent chemical composition otherwise contributing to acid reflux (heartburn) and an upset stomach).

* Avoid making your cup of green tea too strong; a strong cup contains more caffeine (and polyphenols) which can lead to the side effects mentioned earlier.

* Avoid drinking green tea for at least 2 hours after taking medications.

* Avoid or only consume moderate amounts of green tea during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

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GRAVIOLA is a name that has been widely discussed in almost all internet forums, blogs, web sites etc. related to medical treatment, especially in the field of Oncology. There are hundreds of thousands of testimonials and claims authenticating the fact that GRAVIOLA is a sure panacea for the cancer disease which is one of the most dreaded ills in the modern history of mankind. This South American tree and its fruit are believed to have been used very successfully in killing cancer cells across the entire globe. The botanical classification of the tree is as follows:

It belongs to the family of Annonaceae with the Genus of Annona under the Species of Muricata, known also under the Synonyms of Annona Macrocarpa,Guanabanus Muricatus and the Common names of Graviola, Soursop, Brazilian paw paw etc. and the parts believed to be used are its leaves, fruit, seeds, bark and roots. Some of the most active elements scientifically researched, testified and confirmed with regard to Graviola are a group of Annonaceous Acetogenins only to be found in the family of Annonaceae and to this great family does our graviola belongs.

A brief report on the herbal properties and actions of the Graviola will definitely help those who are concerned about the cancer disease and long awaiting a practical cure for the same.

The main actions of the medicine prepared from graviola are killing the cancer cells, the bacteria, parasites and viruses, slowing down the tumor growth, relieving depression, reducing spasms, blood pressure and fever, stimulating digestion and dilating blood vessels.

The standard dosage of the medicine is prescribed as infusion of 1 cup 3 times daily, tincture of 2-4 ml. 3 times daily and capsules of 2 g 3 times daily.

Graviola is a small tree upright and evergreen, growing 5-6 m high with large, glossy, dark green leaves. Its fruit with around 20 cm in diameter is generally edible and yellow green in colour with white flesh inside. The tree is native to most of the warmest tropical regions in South and North America including the Amazon. The fruit is sold in the local markets with the name as guan獺banain Spanish-speaking countries and graviola in Brazil.

Graviola has both tribal and herbal medicine uses.

The tree with its bark, leaves, roots, fruit and fruit seeds are used in natural medicine and each of these parts has certain special properties and uses such as killer of worms and parasites, fever coolant, enhancer of mother's milk after childbirth, astringent for diarrhea and dysentery, remover of head lice, sedative, antispasmodic, hypotensive etc. In herbal medicine also this tree is reported to have been widely used in certain parts of the globe. The graviola leaf tea is very famous in some regions of the Amazon where it is used for a lot of diseases such as rheumatism, asthma, arthritis etc.

The Chemical Properties of the Graviola

Since almost the year 1940 or so, the scientific world has been very seriously researching on the various uses of this Graviola, with the result that many active chemical compounds have been found in it, the most spectacular among them being Annonaceous Acetogenins produced in the stem, bark, fruit and fruit seeds of this tree. These chemical components have some very great properties namely the antitumorous characteristics which can be substantially utilized for the production of a very significant cancer cure. One very spectacular achievement in this direction was that the cure so produced could undoubtedly be relied upon, because of its special nature of keeping the healthy cells intact while performing its activation. This finding was indeed a serendipitous move in their research. Even at a very low dosage the medicine could work out miraculous achievement by creating selective toxicity to the cancer cells, that is the healthy cells in the adjoining areas of the body of the patient would not be affected at all, with the medication of this cure, a characteristic so widely acclaimed in the scientific and medical world at a time when a cure, if at all there was one, could hardly be completely relied upon simply because of the very nature of its non-selective quality. Graviola has come to the aid of the entire humanity in that case.

What accounts for this particular quality of graviola?

Acetogenin, the chemical component extracted from the graviola treeis a very successful enzyme inhibitor, decreasing the enzyme activity in the membranes of the cancerous cells, while remaining passive in the case of the healthy cells. Purdue University, Indiana, has progressed so much more in their research on the tree, the chemical component and its quality.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea can inflict almost anyone. It refers to increased water content as well as the high frequency of stools. The colour of the liquid stools can vary from light brown to green. Additionally, there may be flecks of blood, mucus, or semi digested food in the stools. Luckily, in most cases, diarrhea only occurs over a short period and responds rather well to a number of well tried treatments.

Most diarrhea results from viral infections that take place in the intestines and stomach (gastroenteritis). The infection inflames and irritates the intestines, thus making it less able to absorb food and liquids. Water is secreted and the contents of food and liquids pass through the body more quickly than usual.

Since there is no cure for viral diseases (and hence, similarly for diarrhea cases), health professionals focus on treating the effects of diarrhea, especially dehydration, rather than dealing with the ailment directly. If it is just a case of viral gastroenteritis, then it is not accompanied by blood or pus in the stool. Fever is also seldom experienced.

Acute diarrhea can also result from bacterial infections. Bacterial infections are usually transmitted via food, from animals or from human to human. Other causes are parasitic infections, food and toxin poisoning, chemical poisoning, and gastrointestinal allergy. Bacteria in food produce toxins that may be produced before it is eaten or even after digestion, in the intestine.

You may also find yourself experiencing more episodes of diarrhea when you travel to foreign countries. These are usually countries where hygiene standards are different. Very often, traveller's diarrhea, caused by a strain of E. coli occurs in the various foods that you eat. Nausea and bad stomach cramps can develop pretty quickly and usually lasts for 3 days.

When you suffer from chronic diarrhea, you are experiencing chronic intestinal infections, immunologic and metabolic abnormalities, environmental factors, and the impaired ability to absorb fat or carbohydrate (caused by bile and pancreatic disorders, genetic abnormalities, etc.).

Doctors would recommend that you limit the likelihood of dehydration from too much loss of body fluids and electrolytes. You lose fluids through the frequent bowel movements and vomiting, if any. If your diarrhea is prolonged, you also stand to lose electrolytes or minerals which are carried out with the water. Hence you would need to replace electrolytes which are essential to body metabolism. What is usually lost is sodium and potassium, together with chloride and bicarbonates in smaller quantities.

You will be asked to take plenty of liquids, preferably those containing carbohydrates, especially glucose, and electrolytes. These liquids are termed oral rehydration solutions. Glucose is crucial for triggering the small intestine to start absorbing the liquids and minerals.

To help reduce loss of water, you would be asked to take absorbents, such as attapulgite, which promote absorption of water. Your doctor may even recommend you anti-motility drugs, which relaxes the muscles of the intestines and slows the flow of water giving more time for absorption.

For natural remedies, there are many flowering plants that possess superb astringent properties because of presence of tannins. These are used traditionally to combat diarrhea and dysentery.

Diarrhea, a term derived from Greek, is also known as "flow through". Diarrhea dangers are real because of the risk of dehydration. Hence, it is important that you look for ways to replendish the loss of liquids as well as to stop the flow through of water in your body quickly. Additionally, any case of prolonged diarrhea should be investigated.

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The seeds of a Carob tree are wonderfully nutritious and beneficial to human health. Belonging to the pea family, and native to the Mediterranean area, the dried fruit is often used as a substitute for ingredients in foods such as dairy products, cocoa, snacks and bars, and cereal. It's loved by people whom are allergic to cocoa, because it has similar tastes and is easy to use in any cooking recipe.

Here are 11 awesome benefits of adding Carob to your diet.

1- Contains Gallic Acid which is used as an antibacterial, antiviral, anti-allergic antiseptic.
2- Very high in Vitamin E
3- High in Calcium and Phosphorus
4- Caffeine substitute if used as a coffee substitute
5- Lowers Cholesterol
6- Non-Dairy substitute
7- High in Protein
8- Treats Diarrhea
9- High in Potassium
10- High In Calcium
11- Aids the Liver

Healing the Liver

A lot of my studies have been on the liver, and just how important they are to our bodies and good health. Our livers are responsible for so much that we absolutely must become more aware of how to keep it healthy. Our livers break down all our foods, cleanses the toxins in our bodies, processes all of our sensory input, and is our heat-furnace. It's the only organ in the body that can regenerate.

Our livers are extremely abused in our society, and adding Carob to your diet can play an important role in helping to heal our livers. Having a healthy liver is vital to healing the rest of our bodies, I highly recommend any person seeking to heal themselves and have a healthier lifestyle, to first focus on healing their liver.

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Vitamin B has many benefits for the body and within the Vitamin B category there are nine different sub categories that each have a specific purpose in the body.  The nine categories are: B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B7 B9 B12 and B15.


This is the one that helps us to have more energy and regulate our blood sugar level.  The lack of this vitamin can cause cardiovascular problems such as your arms and legs falling asleep and tightness of the chest as well as neurological issues such as tiredness, loss of concentration, irritability and depression.  You can find vitamin B1 in: meat, fish, nuts, and whole grain cereals.


Aside from also increasing our energy levels, it also helps our eyes and skin.  A lack in vitamin B2 manifests itself as skin, mucous membrane and eyes lesions.  It is found in milk and other dairy products, almonds, green vegetables and mushrooms.


Vitamin B3 controls our cholesterol and helps process sugar.  It is difficult to find a deficiency in this vitamin.  It is found in meat, fish and peanuts.


Vitamin B5 helps metabolize proteins, sugars and fats.  A deficiency of this vitamin can cause lack of focus, apathy, allergies and low energy levels in general.  This vitamin is found in almost all foods but whole grains and eggs are the best sources.


This vitamin supports helping major neurotransmitters in the production of red cells.  It is found in almost all foods of both animal and vegetable origin, so it is very rare to find a deficiency in this vitamin.  It is found in meats, poultry, fish, avocados, bananas, nuts, soy, whole grains and in some vegetables.


This vitamin helps cell growth, metabolize fatty acids and to maintain blood sugar levels.  A lack of vitamin B7 can cause problems with skin, hair, nervousness, loss of appetite and vomiting.  You can find it in dairy products, salmon, oysters, yeast, cauliflower, chicken and egg yolks.


Vitamin B9 helps the nervous system and in the production of new cells.  A lack of this vitamin can cause anemia, weakness, weight loss, palpitations, diarrhea and depression.  It is found in liver and kidneys, all green vegetables especially spinach, avocado and fortified cereals.


Vitamin B12 is necessary in the production of red blood cells, brain cells and genetic material or DNA.  A lack of this vitamin primarily leads to anemia and can be found in meats, liver, eggs, milk and yeast.


The essence of vitamin B15 to improve oxygenation of tissues, increase resistance to fatigue and help accelerate the body's recovery process.  It also protects against pollution as it has detoxifying effects.  It is recommended for those suffering from respiratory problems like asthma or chronic bronchitis.  A deficiency in vitamin B15 causes glandular and nervous disorders, heart disease and decreased oxygenation of tissues.  It can be found in apricot seeds, rice, grains, sesame and horse liver.

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Bacillus Cereus are micro-organisms found in a variety of food items. They occur naturally and are a cause of food poisoning. The two major types of food poisoning that are caused by these bacteria are diarrhea and emetic. Toxins produced by these bacteria cause food poisoning. Of thousands of cases of microbial poisoning reported each year, this bacterium accounts for only 5% of the total number. Generally, the disease does not last for long and the patient recovers in a day or two. The food items which cause this type of Food poisoning caused due to Bacillus Cereus generally stems from food items like cooked rice or food that is stored at lower or higher temperatures after cooking.

More about bacteria
To know more about this disease, you should have a proper knowledge about the bacteria that causes it and its nature. Bacillus Cereus is a type of bacteria that is known for producing toxins and spores, both of which are extremely harmful for the human body. The growth of the bacterium is the best when the temperature is between 30-37 degrees. Some forms may even grow at 55 degrees and some at as low as 4 degrees. There is a particular pH-range for the growth of all the different types of micro-organisms and for Bacillus Cereus it is 4.3 to 9.3.

These particular bacteria grow the best in the presence of oxygen, although they can also grow without oxygen at all. The bacteria get killed but the spores can sometimes have a resistance against heat. If the bacteria are present in high fat or oily food, the heat resistance is then also increased. Often times when the foods have low water activity the resistance is then increased. The food poisoning by this microbe is of two types. The first which is a diarrhea illness that is caused in the presence of unstable acid called entero toxin.The other an emetic illness is however caused by another type of toxin that can easily be alive even in the high temperatures and also with extreme pH levels.

What is Diarrhea poisoning?
It is important to know the symptoms of the disease so that you may take the proper actions to fight against these harmful causes. When the person has diarrhea poisoning, the body will undergo several different changes. For example cramps, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea are some of the most common symptoms of this type of food poisoning. The bacteria multiply at a fast rate causing problems to the person who has consumed the food product. This bacteria also emits toxins as they multiply in the affected persons intestine.

An explanation of Emetic poisoning:
Some common symptoms of emetic poisoning are nausea and vomiting. Other people may also witness diarrhea after these two initial symptoms. In case of this food poisoning the symptoms can start occurring one to six hours after the consumption of the food item. If you or anyone in your family has these symptoms, make sure you visit the doctor or a lab and give a fecal specimen to confirm food poisoning of this type. Remember that to different people sometimes symptoms vary so make sure to learn about these different poisons.

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We all use to be guilty of it. Admit it. We have given our cat table scraps from our plate. You love your cat. Showing that you love him/her is usually by giving into what they want. When your cat is begging for a piece of turkey or any other goody on your plate you do what all animal lovers do you give in and let your cat have what they want.

The only problem with doing that is you may be giving your cat food that could be harmful to cats. First, it is best to train your cat not to be at the table when you or anyone else is eating. It is just good manners. You do not want to have company and have your cat begging at the table. The main reason for not feeding your cat table scraps is much more important, and here is why.

For example: you are having a turkey dinner. Is there gravy on your turkey and do you feed a piece of that turkey to your cat? You could be harming your cat.

Many types of gravy have onion-flavored broth and onions like garlic and other root vegetables are among the list of foods that cats should never eat. Potatoes that are raw as well as green tomatoes also can be harmful to your cat. So when peeling potatoes if any fall on the floor make sure your cat does not get a hold of it. Tomatoes that are green are harmful especially the stems and leaves. They contain toxins that are dangerous for cats. Unlike ripe tomatoes, those have no danger to your cat.

I think by now we know that chocolate is just plain bad for animals. It is deadly for dogs and cats. Keep it away from all pets.

We have all seen movies and read books where people put out a saucer of milk for cats. That is wrong and should not be done. I am not saying that milk is toxic or dangerous to cats. It just does not have a purpose for cats that have a healthy diet. It can have side effects for them that are extremely uncomfortable. In addition, many cats are lactose-intolerant and milk can make them have diarrhea and an upset stomach.

There are products on the market designed for cats that are better for them then milk. One such product is called Catsip. It is available in many supermarkets and has better nutritional value for your cat. Therefore, if you have a cat that just loves milk try this instead.

Last two foods that may cause harm to your cat are grapes and raisins. They seem to have an adverse effect on many cats, so the ASPCA has recommended that you keep these two foods away from your cat.

Therefore, when your cat comes begging give him/her a treat that was made for cats. There is any number of healthy treats available now that you can safely give that will make your cat happy and you will not have to worry about toxic side effects.

Remember our pets think we know what we are doing and depend on us to keep them safe. That is the least we can do since we are so fortunate to have these wonderful animals in our life.

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While a lot of people may already have an idea of the recipes that can be made with a jar or a sealed pack of vegetarian mincemeat, only a few people know of the health benefits of some of the actual ingredients used.


Veggie mincemeat often includes sliced or diced apples. Did you know that apple contains plenty of Fiber? Fiber is a natural "broom" that can help sweep away toxins from the body. Fiber can help in the digestive system, preventing or relieving problems like constipation and diarrhea. Fiber can also help reduce the cholesterol in the body, by binding or sweeping away bad bacteria and toxins from the intestines. In fact, apples have long been used for detoxification and for weight control.
Apples are also rich in Vitamin C, which has been well-known to boost the immune system, prevent cancer, gallstones, as well as hemorrhoids.

Orange Peel

Many citrus fruits, like Oranges, contain large amounts of the phytochemical Hesperidin, which is an antioxidant that can help in detoxification, as well as in the reduction of cholesterol in the body. Fruits in general are rich in vitamins that can help improve the immune system, shield the body from unwanted bacteria, and help cleanse the toxins from the stomach and intestines.

Every shredded or minced orange peel in a jar or a pack of mincemeat has something to contribute to the wellbeing of the body. Detoxification is crucial in helping the body excrete waste and harmful toxins, which can cause ailments and other serious health problems.


Often called nature's candy, raisins have plenty of health benefits as well. Raisins contain phytonutrients and olenolic acid that may help improve the condition of the teeth and gums. Raisins also contain nutrients that can help boost a person's eyesight, and contribute greatly to the body's detoxification.

Green Tomatoes

Chopped or diced green tomatoes in mincemeat provide a great deal of benefit to the body. Green tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, calcium, proteins and even beta carotene. Beta carotene has anti-oxidant properties that can help prevent certain diseases. It can also help boost the immune system of the body, and lessen the risk cancer.


Derived from the clove plant, this herb has been used as a culinary spice. Cloves have been used as a breath freshener, and have even been recognized for its antibiotic and antiseptic properties. Clove oil has also been used as an oral anesthetic. If consumed, clove can help improve digestive problems as well.

Depending on what vegetarian mincemeat ingredients you would like to eat, there are several recipes and ingredients filled with fruits and vegetables you can try. One thing is certain, however, that you'll get an assortment of health benefits from every bite.

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Individuals who suffer from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) or Crohn's Disease benefit from eating certain foods and watching out for others. IBD and Crohn's disease involves inflammation of the intestines. Ulcers form and become inflamed which can cause scarring and bleeding. The symptoms of these diseases include diarrhea, acute abdominal pain, cramping, fever and fatigue. It's very important to receive good nutrition in order to manage the symptoms of IBD and Crohn's Disease. It is also important to receive proper nutrition in order to avoid extreme weight loss.

If you have IBD or Crohn's Disease you ought to stay well-hydrated by drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Staying hydrated helps prevent constipation. You may also have been advised to take a daily multivitamin by your doctor or dietitian. A daily multivitamin and mineral supplement helps replace lost nutrients which can be lost due to your condition.

It's also very important that your diet be one that's high in fiber during times you are not experiencing a flare-up of IBD or Chron's Disease.

High fiber foods include whole grain breads, bagels, buns, and muffins. There are also whole grain cereals such as Bran Flakes, All Bran, bran buds, corn bran and Shredded Wheat, as well as 100% Bran and fiber 1. You can eat cooked cereal such as Oat Bran and whole-wheat pastas, and whole grains including popcorn, barley, corn and brown rice.

Fruits can also be high in fiber such as dried fruits, oranges, berries, apples with the skin, avocado, mango, kiwi, and also pear.

Vegetables which contain high amounts of fiber include spinach, dried peas, broccoli, Swiss chard, green peas and other leafy, green vegetables, and beans (such as kidney beans and lima beans, black-eyed beans, chickpeas and lentils).

Seeds and nuts such as almonds, whole flaxseed and soy nuts are also very good for you to eat .

When you're experiencing an IBD flare-up it's crucial to limit the amount of fiber in your diet and to adopt a low-fiber diet or even switch to a low residue diet in order to rest your intestinal tract and reduce symptoms you experience. Your doctor or dietitian can give you more information about these types of diets.

You'll also need to avoid lactose-containing foods such as dairy products if you are lactose intolerant.

Even with following a low-fiber diet, it is important to continue to receive adequate nutrients during flare-ups. Eat smaller meals and eat foods high in protein such as lean meats, fish and eggs. You may also be told to drink some recommended nutritional drinks such as Ensure in order to rest your bowel. Always follow your doctor or nutritionist's instructions.

To help minimize and control IBD flare-ups, limit the caffeine in beverages or foods, the alcohol that you consume and any sorbitol (sweetener) as these can make your symptoms worse.

Try also to limit or avoid gas-producing foods because these can intensify your symptoms. The major gas-producing foods include broccoli, dried peas, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and lentils as well as onions, chives, and peppers. Limit your ingestion of carbonated drinks as these can also make your symptoms worse.

Reducing your fat intake will also help due to the fact that foods with fat can cause diarrhea and gas. There has been some research which shows that taking fish oil and flax seed oil may be beneficial for treating IBD or Chron's Disease.

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is actually a chronic common intestinal disorder that affects the large bowel, causing some digestive discomfort to the digestive tract which results to abdominal pains, as well as an altered bowel habit.

Usually, people experience the first symptoms of this disorder between the ages 15 and 40, although it can develop at any age. Although there are some people who makes the connection between the brain and the bowel, IBS is in fact a physical disorder, and not psychological, affecting the large bowel, a part of the digestive system that is mainly responsible for the making and storing of stool, which is actually the stomach waste.

Having IBS can cause people to experience certain symptoms, such as abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhea or constipation, bloating, nausea and gas. With diarrhea, people are unable to control their bowel movement, making the passage of the waste particles in the intestine faster than normal, while it is more difficult to do so for people who experience constipation.

Although the exact causes of IBS are still not determined, it is said to be caused by muscle contractions in the bowel, which is more intense with people who have IBS. There are certain factors that help trigger the symptoms of the condition, such as stress and intolerance to certain types of foods, making it more troublesome after experiencing such triggers. Although there is no cure for IBS yet, there are ways wherein people can help treat the condition, one of which is by simply avoiding the particular foods that may trigger the symptoms.


If you are experiencing gas, then you should best avoid gassy foods such as beans, broccoli, onions, brussels, cauliflower, garlic, asparagus, sprouts, and cabbage, since these types of foods may influence or worsen your symptom. If you eat them while you have the symptom, this may cause you more painful gas.

If you have intolerance to certain types of foods, such as dairy product, then it is best that you avoid them in order to eliminate the chances of worsening your symptoms and condition. People who usually avoid this type of foods are those who are lactose intolerant, and they should avoid such type of foods since this type of foods can cause pain and flatulence.

Caffeine, as well as alcohol, could trigger a person's IBS symptoms since both stimulates the GI system, which will lead to strong contractions, thereby increasing the bowel movements. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided, especially by those people who are experiencing diarrhea since drinking them could help worsen the dehydration that they may feel while undergoing the symptom.

Carbonated drinks such as sparkling water, sodas, wine and beer can be a factor in forming undigested gas bubbles that can cause some abdominal pain and discomfort.

Fats, including artificial fats, should be avoided since they can cause the increase in peristaltic activity, leading to more frequent bowel movements resulting to indigestion, diarrhea and flatulence.

Fried foods should also be avoided since anything fried is never good for your bowel.

By avoiding these foods, as well as by eating in small quantities, you can help treat your IBS without worsening it.

Vanessa Arellano Doctor


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Tea drinking has been part of a culture worldwide. In England, tea drinking is done in the afternoon where traditional English people have a cup of tea with freshly baked scones. However, tea drinking in China is more than just a part of an afternoon snack. In China as well as in the nearby neighbouring Asian countries, tea drinking is valued for its many health benefits; more specifically, the Tea made from the leaves of Camellia Sinensis. This article will tell you everything you need to know about this tea extract.

What is this Tea Extract?
This Tea is the herbal derivative of green tea leaves from the genus Camellia. It is actually a flowering plant but it has been cultivated for its high medicinal value rather than for its aesthetic feature.

Where can I Get This Tea?
You can get this tea in five different ways. First, as a strong infusion - where the leaves are processed by soaking in a special alcohol solution; Second, as a soft extract - a more concentrated strong infusion; Third, as dry extracts - a dehydrated strong infusion; Fourth, partly purified extract - undergoes a purification process to get higher cathechins level; and Fifth, incorporated in a Green Tea Extract along with other essential herbs.

How this extracted Tea work?
This Tea extract maintains significant plasma levels of cetechin, which may exert antioxidant activity against lipoproteins. Furthermore, it is said to delay lipid perioxidation, exerts antimicrobial effects against oral and diarrheal- causing bacteria, and contributes antimutagenic potential against dietary carcinogens.

What are the benefits of taking This tea?
Taking these medicinal herbs extract helps treat and prevent atherosclerosis (thickening of the arterial wall), headache, stomach disorders, and elevate lipid levels.

Moreover, because of its antimutagenic property, green tea extract is said to prevent the development of certain types of cancer. This includes breast cancer and those that are caused by dietary carcinogens.

It also helps speed up the process of wound healing and prevent it from being infects due to its antimicrobial property. And for the same reason, dental carries as well as diarrhea, are often prevented.

And for people who wanted to lose weight, studies have shown that drinking four cups of green tea for fourteen days have resulted to decreased body fat percentage and weight loss. Aside from that, it also benefits the obese clients because it is said to reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

When should Green tea Extract be avoided?
Green Tea should be avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women and by women who may become pregnant because of its caffeine content. Furthermore, it should be used cautiously by people with cardiac disease, renal disease and hyperthyroidism.

What are the adverse reactions of Green Tea Extract?
Improper use of this herb is said to cause asthma, nervousness, insomnia, tachycardia, constipation, diarrhea, increased blood glucose levels, impaired iron metabolism and esophageal cancer with heavy consumption. You need to consult your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms (even the mild ones) are being experience while taking Green Tea Extract

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If you have ever experienced constipation, which most people have at some point in their life, you know that it can be painful, embarrassing and uncomfortable. What most people don't realize is that an unhealthy diet that lacks water and fiber can cause the slow, sluggish elimination that causes constipation. Therefore a healthy balanced diet can actually relieve and prevent constipation from occurring.

Choosing the right types of foods is imperative for normal elimination. Avoid foods that can cause constipation such as dairy products, salt, sugar, soda, meat, coffee, and alcohol. The foods that you should consume include foods that are rich in fiber and water. Foods rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.

Fiber softens and adds bulk to stool. It helps with the passage of stool from the intestines to the colon, while also cleaning the lining by brushing away compacted feces. Both soluble and insoluble fiber helps to alleviate and prevent constipation. This helps to determine which foods should be added into your diet. When increasing your dietary fiber it is best to gradually increase your intake until you are consuming 20-25 grams per day. Too much dietary fiber can have the opposite effect causing bloating and diarrhea.

Many fruits contain dietary fiber that can help relieve the symptoms of constipation. One to three servings of fruit should be eaten every day. In addition to their fiber content, fruits contain an abundant amount of vitamins and antioxidants. Fruits that can relieve constipation include prunes, figs, papaya, apples, pears, banana, apricots, peaches, and pineapple. Prunes and prune juice are one of the most common home remedies for constipation relief.

Much like fruits, vegetables provide additional nutritional benefits in addition to their fiber content. Leafy green vegetables provide the highest fiber content. Chard, kale, cabbage, and spinach are the leafy greens that provide a high fiber content to relieve constipation. Even more, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, green beans, peas, and squash also help to relieve the symptoms of constipation.

Legumes are rich in fiber and are a great source of protein, and minerals. Legumes are the preferred choice of protein for vegetarians however; their soluble fiber content makes them a preferred choice for treating constipation. Legumes are a class of vegetables that includes beans, peas and lentils. There are a variety of legumes to choose from such as canella, garbanzo, kidney, and pinto beans, peas, snow peas, alfalfa, clover and peanuts.

Whole grains are an essential part of anyone's diet. Whole grains are rich with fiber as well as vitamins, and minerals. Whole grains are heart healthy, by reducing the risk for heart disease, reduce constipation, and help with weight management. Whole grain food products speed up the colon, which increases bowel out put. Many products claim to be whole grain however, its best to check the ingredient list to verify these claims. Good sources of whole grain include whole grain bread, high fiber cereal, brown rice, barley, oatmeal, and millet.

Flax or more commonly known as flaxseed, is derived from the flax plant. Flax can be consumed as a seed or ground up. When ground flax seed can be incorporated into other foods and mixtures. Studies suggest flax seed can help fight against heart disease, diabetes and breast cancer, however it also can ease constipation, bloating and abdominal pain. Flax receives its healthy reputation from its key ingredients omega 3 fatty acids, lignans, and fiber. With the influx of research and newly found health benefits, flax has become increasingly easier to find and purchase. Always consume copious amounts of water after eating flax seed to receive its stool softening benefits.

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Looking for ingredients to improve the quality of your animal feeds? Perhaps zeolite may be the ingredient you have always been looking for. What is zeolite and how does it benefit the feeds that you produce?

Zeolite is not something that can be found in plants or animals. When volcanic ash settle in the mountains, they mix with salt water and form zeolite. This process may take thousands of years. Scientists then collect these deposits and made some amazing discoveries. Mostly, as producers of animal feeds, you may be interested in knowing the characteristics of Zeolite.

This crystal like deposit has got amazing absorption qualities, and has been known to be able to absorb huge amounts of moisture, gases, petrochemicals, heavy metals and even low level radioactive elements. This is achieved by having large enough surface areas for absorption to occur. The deposit has holes inside it, and is therefore able to absorb up to 50% of its own volume. When added to feeds as an additive, the feeds become something better. More specifically:

1) Anti caking/flow agent for animal feeds - Many animal feeds tend to harden and form cakes when expose to moisture. Due to the presence of zeolite, much of the moisture is absorbed and this prevents caking. When caking occurs, the animal feed becomes pretty much useless. Adding zeolite can help save thousands of dollars by preventing caking.

2) Increased feed pellet durability - Feed pellet may turn bad when un-used for a long period of time. Sometimes, it's hard to manage inventory as animal feeds decay with time. The addition of zeolite prolongs the life span of feeds.

3) Higher animal weight gain and growth. - How is this possible? Zeolite actually helps to increase the efficiency of food conversion rate. In other words, the minerals and nutrients are better absorbed by the animals, thus boost growth rate and weight gain. This is surely good news for animal farmers, as the animal feeds will lead to reduced cost.

4) Strong affinity for ammonium. - Ever walk into an animal feed storage warehouse? It just smells bad! Zeolite has this natural affinity for ammonium and helps prevent the feeds from smelling bad. When added to the feeds, it provides some form of odor control.

5) Improvement of animal health. - Due to zeolite's natural properties, it can help reduce the risk of contracting scours, acidosis, diarrhea, enteritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Also, due to zeolite's ammonia neutralising capabilities, it can help reduce toxic effects when there is ammonia buildup in the digestive tracts of animals.

Of course, you want to make sure that Zeolite is an approved ingredient before you go out and purchase some for your animal feeds.

You will be glad to learn that Zeolite is approved in the EU for usage in the swine and poultry industry as Myco-Toxin binder. (70/524/EEC)

It is also approved by the FDA to be added to animal feeds as an anti-caking agent. (CFR 582-2727)

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There are obvious reasons why the Green Lipped Mussel health supplements are so popular these days. They contain many vitamins such as the B complex group and a wide range of minerals. They are rich in essential amino acids, rich in protein and provide a great and well balanced nutritious dietary supplement.

The Mussel is best known for its ability to reduce inflammation more effectively than commercial drugs and without many of the side effects. The right Green Lipped Mussel dosage can also help treat illnesses such as Arthritis, Asthma, Skin problems, Multiple sclerosis and more. It also helps in relieving the pain associated with some of the above mentioned illnesses.

Green Lipped Mussel Health benefits

So why is the Green Lipped Mussel so effective in treating these illnesses? The substances contained within the Green Lipped Mussel contribute to their therapeutic role. The extracts from this mussel act as an agent that stops the production of leukotriene. The leukotriene stimulates microvascular permeability and increases the production of mucus in the lungs and throughout the airway. Inflammatory cells may be developed this way. This is what causes asthma.

As this mussel also contains chondroitin sulphate, it can increase the production of substances that contribute to the prevention of common arthritis and osteoarthritis. The Omega-3 fatty acids within the Green Lipped Mussel also contribute to the reducing of the inflammation related to these diseases. It helps reduce swelling and inflammation caused by arthritis and keeps this illness from progressing any further. It can also be successfully used to relieve pain associated with this illness.

Green Lipped Mussel - Are there any side effects?

As with most other products out there on the market, there are a few drawbacks associated with supplements based on the Green Lipped Mussel.

Persons with shellfish allergies or allergies related to marine animals should stay away from products based on this mussel. Your body may also need a period of adjustment with the new product. Some may even experience symptoms such as minor indigestion, mild diarrhea and even nausea that are associated with the smell of the product after consumption.

If you are experiencing any of these side effects then you should be able to get back to normal by adjusting the Green Lipped Mussel dosage downward. As each person's body reacts differently to medicine, there really is no set rule on how to deal with these side effects. The best thing you could do to determine what has to be done is to listen to your body and act accordingly.

Other side effects such as temporary increase in tenderness or pain around the damaged joints or temporary increase in swelling may also occur. However, this should not be something to worry about. These are only indicators that the supplement is having an effect on your body.

Side effects should normally last a short period of time. However, if your discomfort continues, stop using the product and consult a medical professional as soon as you can.

Green Lipped Mussel Dosage

The daily recommended Green Lipped Mussel dosage is 1500 mg per day in divided doses. People with marine animals related allergies should stay away from health supplements based on the Green Lipped Mussel. Pregnant women are also advised against taking it. It may have negative effects over the health of their babies and over their productive system as well.

Maintaining good health (if you already have it) is getting more and more difficult nowadays. With so many diseases out there we just don't know which medicine makes us better or causes more harm. There are illnesses being developed by constantly abusing our bodies or using them in wrong ways. This is also the case with arthritis. This disease is known for the pain it causes to those suffering from it. It is usually developed in the joints.

Fortunately there are natural remedies that can help treat arthritis. The Green Lipped Mussel is especially effective for this purpose. It reduces the swelling in the joints and therefore reduces the pain associated with the swelling. But this isn't the only use that this mussel has. It holds many vitamins and minerals and is therefore an important health source.

The Green Lipped Mussel can relieve affections such as inflammations, swelling due to arthritis or the pain that occurs due to swelling in the joints. This mussel is one of the best and most effective natural anti-inflammatory. You need to remember that you should first visit your physician and find out what is the recommended Green Lipped Musses dosage for you. This way you are making sure that you won't have any side effects associated the medicine.

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Omega-3 fatty acids are critical to the brain development of babies. Studies show that babies whose diets have an abundance of the long-chain omega-3 fats docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are more likely to have balanced attention spans and an overall edge in terms of their early childhood development. Since omega-3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body, babies can only obtain their omega-3 fats from mother's milk, assuming that she has high levels of omega-3 fats in her body. Mothers who choose not to breastfeed their children purchase omega-3 enhanced infant formulas instead. However, a report from the Cornucopia Institute says that the omega-3 fats in infant formula may actually be toxic to babies.

The report, which has been forwarded to the US Breastfeeding Committee, says that infant formula manufacturers never used organic sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Instead, the infant formulas manufactured by Martek Biosciences Corporation were supplemented with artificially made oils called ARASCO and DHASCO. These products claimed to contain ARA and DHA respectively, but these artificial oils caused serious side effects like non-stop diarrhea, which can be fatal to infants. In fact, nurses from a hospital's neo-natal ward nicknamed the product "the diarrhea formula" after observing infants suffer from massive diarrhea after consuming the formula.

The best sources of omega-3s are from animals and plants that naturally contain them, like deep sea fish, flaxseed, evening primrose, and echium. ARASCO and DHASCO, on the other hand, are extracts from fermented fungus and algae. The extraction process involves the use of a neurotoxin called hexane, which are legions away from natural omega-3 fatty acids in terms of chemical structure and nutrient content. In fact, these artificial oils have never been recommended for infants. Although the omega-3 enhanced infant formulas have not been pulled off the shelves just yet, the National Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy asked the FDA to place warning labels on these products to inform parents about their possible side effects.

Breastfeeding can be difficult and intimidating, especially for new mothers, but this is still the best way for babies to obtain the important nutrients they need for their health and development. If you plan on breastfeeding your child, make sure you stay well-nourished yourself. Eat lots of green vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, fish, nuts, and keep the junk food and processed foods to a minimum. Ideally, you should obtain all the nutrients you and your baby need with these healthy food choices. If you are not confident about the nutritional quality of your food, supplement your diet with a regular multivitamin that meets your recommended daily requirements. Make it a habit to consume an omega-3 fish oil capsule or its vegetarian equivalent as well.

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Diseases are something does not affect humans alone but can affect any living organism. And if you have a poultry farm of your own then the most serious diseases that you should be cautious of are poultry diseases. The poultry in your farm is easily susceptible to various microorganisms like viruses and bacteria that lead to sickness. If you read the internet or other sources about poultry you will find out that chicken in particular have quite a faster metabolism system than other house pets. This is why diseases hit chickens and other birds quite easily and when it does it hits them pretty hard and fast. These diseases spread very easily into the entire body of chickens within no time at all. This is why it is of utmost importance to all poultry farm owners that they have a vet who checks out his chickens on a regular basis to ensure no diseases affect them.

Poultry diseases affect chickens and birds in various ways. First of all the biggest threat that these diseases pose to farm owners is that they have the tendency of spreading very easily from one chicken to another and if these are not detected in a timely manner they can affect entire flocks. These diseases instantly affect the immune system of the birds. There are some very serious and common diseases that you should be aware of so that you can easily detect its symptoms as soon as they begin to appear and thus take timely action to refrain from any serious long term damage.

Among all diseases Colibacillosis is the one which is the most widespread of all poultry related diseases found in chickens according to the country's Poultry Information Center. This disease is bacterial in nature and is caused by strains of E. coli which is found in the intestine of chickens and immediately affects their respiratory system. The symptoms for these diseases all differ but this one can be detected by noticing runny noses, trouble breathing, watery eyes, diarrhea, and coughing in poultry. Another way of detecting these diseases is to keep checking your flock of chicken to make sure they are still energetic and do not have any ruffled feathers.

Among the viral category of diseases found in chicken and most other birds the Newcastle disease is quite widespread and affects both the respiratory and the gastro-intestinal systems of birds. To detect these diseases in a timely manner look out for symptoms like a reduction in the egg production rate, a green colored diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, trouble breathing, and paralysis of the leg and wings. As soon as you detect any of these symptoms in your chicken you should get them immediately checked by a vet to start treatment for diseases that might be affecting them. These diseases spread quite quickly and the only way you can protect your flock from it is by giving them vaccination.

Among other diseases another one that has to be closely monitored is the Avian Pox. This disease is caused by a pox virus and develops quite slowly in the chicken. To detect these diseases you should look out for symptoms like bumps on the featherless areas of your chicken which resemble warts. The area's most affected by poultry diseases is their legs, feet, or beaks. Other signs for these diseases are trouble breathing, exhaustion, and weight loss. Again you should have a vet regularly check your flock of chicken to ensure no such symptoms of these diseases is affecting your chicken to keep them in top shape all the time.

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Everyday people power up their computers in search for information in regards to green tea versus yerba mate in their health benefits. For some, the interest is to compare their possible weight loss benefits, while others want to compare their overall health benefits. As such, let's begin with green tea versus yerba mate in their overall possible health benefits.

Yerba mate actions and uses:

  • Free radical fighter (antioxidant)

  • May potentially help with maintaining healthy cholesterol levels

  • Appetite suppressant

  • Mind stimulator

  • Stimulates the production of cortisone

  • Tones the nervous system

  • Fighter of aging

  • Enhances the healing powers of other herbs

  • Diuretic

Yerba mate may be useful for:

  • Allergies

  • Constipation

  • Inflammatory bowel disorders

  • PMS fluid retention

  • Mental and physical fatigue

  • Shows promise as weight loss agent

Green tea actions and uses:

  • Free radical fighter(antioxidant)

  • Stimulates the immune system

  • Fighter of tooth decay (high in fluoride)

  • Cancer Prevention

  • Counter aging

  • Ward off heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure

  • May delay the onset of atherosclerosis

Green tea may be useful for:

  • Asthma

  • Diarrhea

  • Mental fatigue

  • Indigestion

  • Shows promise as a weight-loss aid

Now, let's move on to what these two may have in common. They both are antioxidants, they both contain caffeine, and they both have been touted as a weight-loss aid. As such, we will start with green tea versus yerba mate as a free radical fighter.


Both yerba mate and green tea harbor antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are disease-fighting substances that mop up the continuous onslaught of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that damage cells as they travel through the body and are thought to be instrumental in causing cancer, aging, and many degenerative diseases, including atherosclerosis and heart disease if left unchecked.

The main contributors that have helped green tea's claim to fame are a particular group of potent antioxidants called polyphenols, particularly one of the polyphenols called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). In fact, researchers found EGCG to be 200 times more powerful than the well renowned antioxidant vitamin E in neutralizing free radicals.

However, yerba mate is said to contain polyphenols similar to those of green tea, compounds that may prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol in the process of atherosclerosis.

Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre's Opinion on Green tea versus Yerba mate as an Antioxidant

Quite honestly, we take green tea for our free radical protection due to the following:

First, we simply were impressed with green tea's population studies. For example, according to the well renowned tome "The Natural Physician's Healing Therapies" written by Mark Stengler, N.D. who states:

"In general, it's been found that in populations of people who consume green tea on a regular basis, people have a much lower incidence of cancer than in populations where people drink other kinds of tea or none at all. In Japan, for example, researchers noted significantly lower cancer rates. In large part, they feel, that's attributable to the high consumption of green tea." (Page 246.)

Second, after extensive research through countless alternative health tomes written by Naturopaths and others alike, we were unable to find much written on yerba mate's antioxidant properties except for what we mentioned above. On the other hand, the exciting information about green tea's possible health benefits due to its antioxidant properties is endless. Put simply, there is not much published research on yerba mate, so the green tea versus yerba mate debate as far as their possible antioxidant benefits, green tea won by a landslide.

However, keep in mind, like many other herbs, that many of the medicinal claims made for green tea haven't been examined outside a laboratory setting, specifically in clinical trials that assess the tea's health effects in humans. Nevertheless, green tea's antioxidant properties may help to prevent various types of cancer, ward off heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure, and fight aging.

With that being said, let's move on to green tea versus yerba mate in their caffeine content.

Caffeine Content

An average cup (6 oz.) of green tea contains approximately 50 milligrams of caffeine. For those of you sensitive to caffeine, green tea is available in a decaffeinated tea form and supplemental form. In other words, the caffeine has been removed.

What about the yerba mate's caffeine content?

An average cup (6 oz.) of yerba mate contains approximately 50 milligrams of caffeine.

So, how much caffeine is in a cup of brewed coffee? On average, it is approximately 100 to 150 milligrams per cup.

Weight-Loss - Green tea or Yerba mate?

Perhaps one of the greatest interests among these two is to compare green tea versus yerba mate in their possible weight loss benefits. Let's begin with yerba mate.

First, despite claims to the contrary, yerba mate does contain caffeine and, as such, the primary weight-loss component of mate is caffeine. As such, used in combination with guarana and damiana, which are other caffeine-containing herbs, yerba mate was found in one study to delay gastric emptying and induced significant weight loss. However, no studies have shown that we are aware of, whether yerba mate by itself has any affect on weight loss. For those who want to delve deeper into this study, it can be found at PubMed.

Indeed, green tea has gained a lot of attention for its possible weight loss benefits. Swiss researchers have preliminary evidence that green tea accelerates the burning of fat calories in individuals who are overweight. A small but interesting study published in the in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 70, No. 6, 1040-1045, December 1999 found that "Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se. The green tea extract may play a role in the control of body composition via sympathetic activation of thermogenesis, fat oxidation, or both."

So, what's the bottom line on green tea versus yerba mate in their possible weight loss benefits?

Both green tea and yerba mate requires more well-designed and controlled clinical studies to validate their effectiveness and safety as a weight loss aid.

Nutritional-Supplement-Educational-Centre's Opinion on Green tea versus Yerba mate as a possible Weight-Loss Aid

It is our honest opinion that diet and exercise combined is the best way to lose weight. However, if you've already decided to go the supplement route and are deciding between these two, it is difficult to know, which, if any, will be helpful to you. Moreover, we highly recommend that you only use it under medical supervision.


There have been studies done in Uruguay and Paraguay that have linked esophageal cancer in heavy mate users. However, our research indicates that these findings appear to have no significance to Americans who drink a cup of mate occasionally.

Always consult a physician before taking any medicinal amounts of yerba mate or green tea and/or taking any dietary supplements.

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When it comes to green tea and pregnancy a lot of conflicting views exist.

Although some experts have stressed the benefits of drinking green tea when expecting a baby, most researchers recommend limiting consumption during pregnancy.

We'll start with the positive side effects during pregnancy.


* Women may suffer from gum disease during pregnancy. Green tea prevents inflammation and helps to maintain healthy teeth.

* It regulates cholesterol and prevents high blood pressure, consumption of green tea during pregnancy may be useful for pregnant women, because they have an increased risk of developing cholesterol and blood pressure problems.

* Rich in antioxidants, tea strengthens the immune system so that women are less susceptible to infections or a cold.

* Certain hormones released during pregnancy make the body resistant to insulin, which increases blood sugar (this is called gestational diabetes). In addition, it puts the child at risk for type 2-diabetes and obesity. This drink has been found effective in controlling blood sugar.

* Researchers at Oregon State University have shown that, in relation to the lung, when the mother uses (decaf or regular) green tea or its ingredients during pregnancy and lactation it provides significant cancer chemo protection to children where the ingredient EGCG was most effective. This protection would last to middle age at least.

* Often suffering from bloating, and ultimately constipation, pregnant women can benefit from green tea which is said to prevent constipation.

We've now arrived to discussing the risks.


Yes, there are risks for green tea and pregnancy. But I can tell ya that drinking one or two cups a day is unlikely to harm a child. Only when taken in large amounts it may have harmful effects on the fetus.

Why? I'll explain now.

Micronutrients, particularly folic acid (also known as vitamin B9 or folic acid) and folate (natural form) is very important during periods of rapid cell division and growth, but we also need to produce healthy red blood cells. Lack of folic acid can lead to anemia (loss of red blood cells), but also glossitis (inflammation or infection of the tongue), diarrhea, depression and confusion.

During pregnancy folic acid is even more important because it reduces the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus during the first month. These are birth defects in the brain and spinal cord, such as:

* Spina bifida: the paralysis of the nerves on the pretext of the spine (folic acid reduces the risk by 60-70% and less than optimal intake of folic acid is given about the idea that the first month).

* Anencephaly: babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth.

The problem of green tea during pregnancy is the most important antioxidants of green tea, or EGCG, inactivates folic acid.

Although not tested on humans, one of the first studies revealing how EGCG prevents cancer cells to grow suggests that it binds to the antioxidant enzyme DHFR, an enzyme involved in folate intake. When linking to it, EGCG inactivates this enzyme, which negatively affect the body's ability to use folic acid.

Another study conducted by researchers at the University of Bologna in Italy found that excessive levels of EGCG could affect the safe fertilization and the maturation of a child because EGCG depletes folid acid. However, this study was conducted in a closed environment (a laboratory) and tested only on pigs.

Tea contains small amounts of caffeine. Doctors recommend that pregnant women should limit caffeine consumption during pregnancy.

Although it may seem green tea and pregnancy only have a negative relationship, I want to emphasize that several studies on this subject reported that only large amounts of the beverage may harm the child.

How much tea a mother should drink or exactly how much folic acid is affected remains unclear.

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