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You may not realize it but tea is the most consumed beverage in the world except for water. Since it is such a popular drink, it is a good thing that it contains a lot of nourishing properties.

Virtually everybody has heard that old adage "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". People should realize that the ounces of vitamins, food supplements, dietary products, and exercise equipment they buy as a preventative health measure doesn't offset the pounds of fast food, carbonated beverages, cigarettes, and alcohol they consume that are destroying their health. Many people don't realize that one of the easiest, least expensive and effective measures to shift the winning balance to the side of prevention is right under their noses. If you drink tea you are already a winner but here are a few facts regarding black tea and its miraculous effects.

There are so many different teas on the market it might surprise you to find out that they all come from only one type of plant called camellia sinensis. The different teas get their unique color and flavor depending on the amount of processing the leaves go through.

Black tea, the most common type used in the United States, goes through the most amount of processing. The leaves are picked, cleaned, sorted and then allowed to oxidize giving it its rich dark color. Black tea contains: Favonoids (antioxidants) which improve artery function helping to prevent heart disease and strokes; Tannins which effects gastric and intestinal activity thus helping to control diarrhea (To help with diarrhea let the tea steep for a full 15 minutes);
Theophylline, helping to improve cholesterol levels; Fluoride to help prevent tooth decay; Polyphenols, shown by research to increase the number of white blood cells.

Black tea also contains vitamins c, a, b, k and traces of minerals including potassium and calcium. Loose tea gives more benefits than tea bags since loose tea goes through less processing.

Black tea only contains about half as much caffeine as coffee and that level can be reduced by reducing the brewing time. The caffeine starts to release during brewing after about a minute. Small amounts of caffeine have beneficial effects such as increased energy, improved circulation, and help in the release of waste products. Studies show that after drinking the caffeine from tea that your energy rises slowly, plateaus and then gradually decreases.

As you can see black tea is beneficial, so drink up and enjoy without feeling guilty for not drinking herbal tea or green tea. Black tea may be enough to deliver that extra ounce of prevention leading to better health.

For other health tips and alternative means of keeping healthy visit Health Fitness Explorer, Lakhovsky's Coil and Pain Relief Info.

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Tannic acid is a phenolic acid that has divided opinions across health circles. It has a number of significant health benefits but it also has a number of potentially harmful effects. In this article I will be looking at both sides of the argument and providing a full overview of tannic acid.


It is not known who discovered this phenolic acid although it is believed to have been discovered around 1830.


Tannic acid is a powerful antibacterial (a substance that prevents the growth of bacteria), antimutagenic (a substance that prevents genetic mutations), antioxidant (a substance that protects your body's cells from free radicals - dangerous compounds that are released as a by-product of oxygen based reactions within your body's cells), antitoxic (a substance that prevents the build up of harmful toxins within your body) and astringent (a substance that makes your body's tissues contract). It can also prevent diarrhea.

In addition to the above, early studies suggest that this phenolic acid may have a useful role to play in the prevention of various disease including Alzheimer's disease (a mental disorder which causes the loss of memory, thought and speech), cancer (a disease which leads to rapid, uncontrollable cellular growth) and diabetes (a disease which causes your blood glucose to reach dangerously high levels). However, further evidence is required before these health benefits can be confirmed.


The exact amount of tannic acid in foods is not known but it can be sourced from a wide range of fruits, vegetables, teas and wines. Some of the best food sources include apricots, asparagus, blackberries, broccoli, cabbage, chocolate, grapefruits, grapes, green tea, lemons, limes, melons, oranges, peas, pineapples, spinach and wine.


Eating natural tannic acid through food is believed to be safe. However, consuming high levels of tannic acid medicines or supplements can be harmful and has a number of nasty side effects. These overdose symptoms include causing cancer, damaging the kidneys, damaging the liver, damaging the protective lining of the stomach, interfering with digestion and interfering with the absorption of certain nutrients (particularly iron).


Although tannic acid can cause serious damage when high levels of medicines or supplements are ingested, the amounts found in natural foods has no negative side effects. The foods that contain this phenolic acid are also rich in many other health boosting vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. So if you want to take advantage of tannic acid and avoid the risks associated with its consumptions, fill up on fruits, vegetables, tea and treat yourself to the occasional glass of wine.

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Lymphoma in dogs is a cancer of lymphoid cells. As these cells circulate throughout the body via the lymphatic system, lymphoma can develop on any part of the body. Tumors can occur in the lymph nodes, gastrointestinal tract, chest, skin, spleen, liver and bone marrow.

The condition can be found in dogs of various breeds and ages. It is however most common in certain breeds such as Airedale Terrier, Basset Hound, Boxer, German Shepherd and Rottweiler. Lymphoma tends to occur in middle aged or older dogs.

Treatment for Lymphoma in Dogs

Chemotherapy is the main treatment for lymphoma in dogs.

Prednisone therapy is the other dog lymphoma treatment. Prednisone is a corticosteroid that can kill tumor cells. However, it is not as effective as chemotherapy for treating lymphoma in dogs. Prednisone is primarily used to manage symptoms of the disease.

When to Use Prednisone as Treatment for Lymphoma in Dogs

The decision to use prednisone for treating lymphoma in dogs depends on a number of factors. The main one is cost as it tends to be less expensive than chemotherapy.

Some pet owners are not in favor of chemotherapy due to its toxicity. They may opt for prednisone therapy as it can help to relieve symptoms and make their dogs more comfortable in the short term.

Side Effects of Prednisone

Like most drugs, there are some side effects to using prednisone for treating lymphoma in dogs. Interestingly, some of these side effects are similar to those experienced by humans who also use the drug.

The side effects of prednisone include:

- Increased thirst and hunger: Dogs will eat more than usual and urinate more frequently due to increased water intake.

- Diabetes: Prednisone can cause insulin resistance. This results in high glucose levels in the blood that can eventually cause diabetes.

- Loss of hair and changes in coat: Hair loss is a frequent side effect of using prednisone on dogs. In some cases, not only does the dog's coat become thinner, the healthy sheen also disappears. Some dogs will also develop hard to heal skin infections.

- Gastrointestinal problems: These include diarrhea, stomach ulcers and even vomiting.

- Cushing's disease: This condition can be quite serious. Canine Cushing's disease results in an overproduction of cortisone. This hormonal imbalance has a number of symptoms, such as an impaired immune system, weight gain or loss and increased thirst.

- Changes in behavior: Prednisone use also results in dogs becoming restless and even aggressive.

Dogs treated with prednisone alone usually live for 2-3 months only. When prednisone is given in combination with other chemotherapy drugs, the expected lifespan is about a year.

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Ginger root is an herb that has been used in a variety of ways as a healing agent for over 2000 years. It is thought to have medicinal properties that can be helpful to those suffering from a myriad of ailments, including arthritis, nausea, motion sickness, headaches, and perhaps even types of heart disease. In the United States the use of herbs as medicine is still considered as alternative, but in places such as China, the Caribbean, India, parts of Africa and Europe ginger is widely accepted as a healing herb.

The history of ginger is quite fascinating. The Sanskrit name for ginger is srngaveram, which translates to "horn root". This is believed to be because of the appearance of the ginger root, which does bear a resemblance to an animal's horn. At some point in history ginger disappeared, but it is thought that Marco Polo brought it back with him after his extensive travels and it then became a delicacy in Europe. Most of the supply of ginger comes from Jamaica, India, Africa, and China. Ginger grows in the wild in Jamaica and other islands of the Caribbean because the tropical climate offers the best growing conditions. Ginger in the wild produces flowers when the herb is at its most ripe stage. Queen Elizabeth I loved the taste of ginger and encouraged her cooks to experiment with it. The gingerbread man is said to have been the direct outcome of this experimentation.

Ginger has been used most commonly to treat gastrointestinal maladies such as nausea, abdominal bloating, diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, heartburn, intestinal gas resulting in excess flatulence, and colitis. Many believe that ginger can help with these ailments because it contains properties thought to strengthen the muscle tone in the intestinal tract.

Herbalists use ginger extract to decrease inflammation, which is a leading cause of many ailments including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, bronchitis, dermatitis, and ulcerative colitis. Studies are not at all conclusive, but many people prefer to use a natural remedy instead of taking ibuprofen or other traditional medication.

Use of ginger to treat motion sickness appears to be at least somewhat effective but more studies need to be conducted and analyzed. As far as heart disease is concerned, it is unclear whether or not ginger can be used successfully to lower cholesterol. It is simply to early to make an intelligent comment on this type of medicinal use of the herb.

Ginger appears as a knotted root with an underground stem known as a rhizome. It consists of volatile oils (somewhere between 1 and 4%), as well as pungent compounds known as gingerol and shogaol. It is these compounds that are thought to be responsible for the healing properties of ginger for nausea and vomiting.

You can find ginger in the produce department as a fresh or dried root. Ginger is also available as a powdered extract, in capsule form, or as an oil. You can use ginger to prepare a tea or use it as a cooking spice to prepare breads, cookies, or as an ingredient in vegetable dishes.

It is always wise to do your own research and talk to your physician before supplanting ginger, or any other spice or herb, with prescribed medications. Many health food stores have herbalists on staff that can also answer any additional questions you may have. As with all things in your life, moderation is the best choice. But when choosing spices that may also be medicinal, try using ginger as a healthy, natural alternative.

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For those who have not suffered from them yet, you might wonder and ask, "What do hemorrhoids feel like?" It is never unusual why people are keen to know about hemorrhoids as slowly and slowly, almost everybody develops them.

This dreadful dilation of our anal veins happen from constant straining on the toilet, from constipation or diarrhea. Although constipation is the common culprit, frequent diarrhea too can cause it. By sitting there too long, blood pools in the anal veins, causing it to enlarge and eventually swell.

So, what do hemorrhoids feel like?

Some would say it is a pillow-like cushion just beneath the skin of or the anus itself.

Others refer to it as a painful lump that bothers us from pain and embarrassment. Researchers may even claim that everybody has it but not everybody is bothered by it.

It may be a soft lump in the anus; however, if it is left unmanaged, then that soft, cushion lump would eventually turn to a bothersome nightmare.

Habits such as eating too much fatty foods like ice cream, burgers and fries, and being lazy and not doing enough exercise are the major contributing factors.

Pain can be managed by taking some measures, but the humiliation you get from blood stains cannot just be forgotten.

Bleeding is a common complication of an untreated hemorrhoid. As the swollen veins are constantly irritated by hard stools and harsh handling, it is like adding more insult to injury.

Answering the question, "what do hemorrhoids feel like" is just tantamount to "how does it feel to have hemorrhoids."

In general, it feels awful because of its complications. Hence, preventing it is ideal.

Clean that colon by eating a lot of green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits every meal, everyday. Put aside those fatty foods and keep a fit body inside and out by healthy habits and of course, regular exercise.

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Pineapples despite the common misconception have nothing to do with a pineapple tree if the word tree is taken strictly. They are not hard to grow though, and while the bush doesn't make the garden shine up in the first year, the flowers it has and the fruit in the second year makes it worth it.

Pineapples grow on bushes, about 3-4 feet in height and diameter, and the fruit is a compound of a bunch of flowers. Growing this plant is particularly easy if you know the ins and outs, but there are a few mistakes to avoid.

1. Choosing unripe fruit to grow at first is a rather bad move. Always go for golden or yellow bark because that is what differentiates the ripe fruit from the one that is not ready for it yet. Unripe pineapples are also poisonous and cause mouth and throat burning, and severe diarrhea. Do not under any circumstances eat this fruit green.

2. Too moist soil will make the leaves and the fruit rot. For the best possible results go for sandy and relatively dry soil, and dry the fruit and leaves too, before fitting it into the ground. Water is needed for proper growth but too much promotes fungi and fungal attacks. Fungi are deadly to the small plant, avoid letting it fall victim to them.

3. Over-watering kills the plant. Do not do it. After you cut the crown leaves with about two inches of fruit and dry them for a week you need to fit it into dry soil. Only water when the surrounding sand feels dry to the touch. Pineapple bushes drink way more water through their leaves than they do through roots, a sprinkler may come handy for the task of giving water to the growing bush.

4. Eating the fruit when it's not completely ripe yet. It causes all kinds of problems, you might have already come across them. Mouth burning is just one of the symptoms, severe diarrhea is another, more serious one. Wait until the fruit is yellow or dark yellow. Some are golden when they're ready for human consumption.

The pineapple 'tree' is biannual, it grows its leaves in the first year, which is not at all spectacular, but in the second year you can cash in on compliments, because the flowers look wonderful. They are easy to grow and do well indoors, you just have to avoid a few common mistakes.

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What's yellow, sweet and totally nutritious? Mangoes. Grown naturally in the tropical islands of Southeast Asia, they've now found their way to virtually all countries in the world. Mangoes have been dubbed as the "King of Fruits" and with good reason, too.

If you're trying to gain weight, mangoes are your go-to fruits. This is because the tropical mango has high levels of calories and carbohydrates needed by those who want to fatten up in a healthful way. But that's not all mangoes are good for. Their various health benefits include cancer prevention and protection against heart disease. This is because of the powerful antioxidant and anticancer properties of the phenolic compound found in the fruit and the Vitamin A, E and selenium present in it. It is also high in iron and as such is recommended for pregnant women and those with anemia. It also effectively de-clogs skin pores. It is further effective in alleviating acidity and poor digestion even as its anti inflammatory properties help ease asthma symptoms. It is even said that the Vitamin E in mango boosts one's sex life by improving hormonal system function.

Those suffering from bacterial infections, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, eye disorders, hair loss, heat stroke, leucorrhea, liver disorders, menstrual disorders, morning sickness,, piles, prickly heat, scurvy, sinusitis, spleen enlargement and vaginitis area also helped by a regular diet of this luscious tropical fruit. A medium sized mango contains 107 calories, 0.84 g of protein, 28 g of carbohydrate, 0.45 g of total Fat, 3 g of fiber, 6425 IU of Vitamin A, 45.7mg of Vitamin, 18 mg of magnesium, 300 mg potassium and 20 g of calcium. It contains no cholesterol and no saturated fat.

One of the best ways to enjoy mangoes is to make them into refreshing drinks called mango smoothies. They do not only pack the nutrients in, smoothies are also combined with yogurt or other fruits for added nutritional value and more goodness. Here are some sample mango smoothie recipes and how to make them:

For this most basic mango recipe, you only need a cup of chopped mango, a cup of vanilla yogurt, a cup of crushed ice, and a tablespoon of sugar (optional since the mango is already ripe in itself). Simply combine all the ingredients in a blender or smoothie maker, run for thirty seconds or until smooth. Pour into tall glasses and serve immediately.

For another mango smoothie recipe that you can try at home, prepare half a cup of frozen mangoes, half a cup of frozen strawberries, about a third of a cup chilled orange juice (fresh if possible) and half a cup of chilled milk. Put the ingredients in a blender or smoothie maker. Plug it and blend them together to the desired thickness and consistency. Once done, immediately serve them in tall glasses and enjoy. You can substitute chilled milk with soy or some other milk of your choice. You can also pair mangoes with strawberries and/ or avocados to create other great-tasting smoothies. You can also add protein powders to this mixture, especially if you want to gain weight.

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One of the hardest things to do in life is to live once you've been told you are going to die. It's as if life speeds up after you receive knowledge that your days are ticking away on a finite clock that you have no control over. One important thing that I learned while experiencing the devastating affects of Pancreatic Cancer with my mother as she fought this distressing disease is that it is crucial to focus on the time that you have rather than on the time you don't have. To me this article is a condensed version of the Diary of Cancer Patient's Daughter as I explain what living with Pancreatic Cancer is like from diagnosis to death as I framed the picture of my mother's experience in my mind.

I hope and pray that you receive something out of these words birthed out of pain that will bring you peace and help you or your loved one with a Cancer diagnosis live a little longer and happier in spite of the sad reality you are facing. There are 7 D's in this Cancer Diary that can help you manage the physical and mental aspects of this awful disease. Remember that what you don't do in the Cancer Crisis is just as important as what you do.

Entry # 1: The Diagnosis:

My mother Joyce was 66 years old when she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer during the summer of 2008. Though all Cancer is bad, Pancreatic Cancer is considered one of the worst because it is the most difficult to diagnose. The reason is that the symptoms mirror digestive problems as the disease hides in the depths of the digestive system. My mother had chronic pain in her stomach and though she went to the emergency room several times receiving numerous tests and ultra sounds the doctors kept telling her nothing was wrong with her and sent her home every time. Initially they thought it was a problem with her gal bladder which is a common misdiagnoses in the case of Pancreatic Cancer.

Her Father Boyce whom she was named after died of Pancreatic Cancer 20 years earlier, but the chance that she could have that very same thing never occurred to her or anyone else in our family. If Cancer runs in your family, especially Pancreatic Cancer, I would advise you to have regular screenings for this disease as early diagnosis is a key to survival. One of the most deadly things about Pancreatic Cancer is that because it is so hard to diagnose most patients don't receive their diagnosis until they are already in Stage 4 of the Cancer when there is practically no hope.

The symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer include: abdominal pain and pressure, jaundice, nausea, loss of appetite, depression, weight loss and weakness. My mother had all symptoms except for jaundice. Just because a person is missing a common symptom doesn't mean they don't have Pancreatic Cancer. The most common procedures used to diagnosis this brutal disease are: Ultrasonography, CT Scanning, Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancretography, Endoscopic Ultrasound, MRI, and Cholangiogram Percutaneous Transhepatic. I'm pretty sure my mother had all of these tests done and it can be very draining to endure such experiences, however it is vital in obtaining a diagnosis. The results of her diagnosis showed that there was a tumor on her pancreas blocking the flow of bile from her liver, as well as, the flow of enzymes from her pancreas. In her case the tumor was wrapped around a blood vessel and surgery to remove the tumor was not really an option. Very few surgeons in the country would have been able to successfully perform the surgery and her chances of survival would have been slim to none. Even if she had of had the surgery her quality of life following it was questionable. This surgery is commonly known as the Whipple Operation and removes a large part of the pancreas, the duodenum and a portion of the bile duct

What do you do in this situation? You make the choice to live the best life in the time that you have which is undetermined and different for everyone. Suck every drop of joy out of life you can as quickly as possible. If we could turn back the clock and do it all over again the one thing we would do differently is have annual screenings for the disease conducted because had we done that my mother might still be alive today. What you do in time can determine the time you have on this earth.

Many people allow the hands of time to cover their eyes to what they don't want to see. Open your eyes today and if you have not been diagnosed with this disease begin to use preventative measures such as a healthy diet, exercise, and regular checkups with your doctor.

Entry # 2: Denial:

We were in such disbelief after receiving the diagnosis we failed to take immediate action locked in the paralysis of our new found reality. One thing Cancer does not give you is time. That big devil called denial must be dealt with. I can still hear my mother saying, "I can't have this...not me!" You must come to grips with what you have in order to get a grip on the situation. Sometimes I think of Cancer being more of an accident of health rather than a mistake of nature. All you can do with a mistake is wish that it never happened but accidents can be prevented. Maybe this is a little optimistic since Cancer tends to creep in like an unexpected thief to steal your most prized possessions. Even so, optimism is always stronger than pessimism and it merely means that our powerful spirits encased in a fragile frame of flesh chooses to live.

Even people with diseases such as drug addiction and alcoholism must come out of denial before they recover. I know Cancer survivors and they are the same people that came out of denial and dealt with the disease. You will never take action in regards to something you don't believe.

Entry # 3: Drugs:

We live in a pill popping nation where there is a drug for every situation. One of the main problems with drugs is that they mask symptoms but fail to provide a cure. Drugs do their best to cover up the Cancer until the victim is covered with earth in a coffin. I keep hearing rumors that there is a cure for Cancer but the medical and funeral industries are making too much money off of the disease to release the cure. I don't know if that is true but it sure makes sense.

Though drugs were diagnosed to help my mother one of the first things we did which is extremely important for Pancreatic Cancer patients was to have a stint put in. Stints were inserted into the tubes leading from her liver and pancreas to help them function and this helped her to live a better life. In some cases, depending on the size of the tumor, it is very difficult to insert stints but there are several alternative methods and procedures to accomplish the same effect. If you have a good doctor he will inform you of all options. If you have a doctor that doesn't tell you all the options; get another doctor.

My experience with a mother with Pancreatic Cancer perfected a hatred in me for Morphine which is the pain medication my mother was put on. Since the pain caused by the Cancer is so intense our options were limited and we wanted my mother to be able to live out her days as pain free as possible as I think anyone would. The Morphine altered her mind, changed her personality, and caused aggression and paranoia. The effects of the Morphine put the family in pain while relieving my mother's pain.

At times it was as if she was out of her mind and it nearly drove us out of ours. She no longer trusted the people that loved her and many times would forget what she was saying in the middle of a sentence. The family told her many things over and over again and she wouldn't do them and always forgot what we told her. To me Morphine kills a person before they die. It kills their ability to convey the essence of who they truly are. There are alternatives for pain relief drugs but I don't know how much better they are since we only dealt with Morphine.

It amazes me how Patrick Swayze filmed a television series with Pancreatic Cancer refusing to take pain medications so he could concentrate on and accomplish his work. I remember hearing him speak about preparing hours in advance of his shoots to be mentally and physically prepared to accomplish every task in pain. I think drugs such as Morphine make a person die faster because it arrests their mind. In the movie the Matrix if you've ever seen it, Neo is doing the jump program with Morpheus and falls. When he comes out of it he is bleeding and makes a statement to the fact that he thought it wasn't real and Morpheus tells him that the mind makes it real and that the body cannot live without the mind. If you are mentally incapacitated, how can you make a conscious decision to fight for your life?

A glimmer of hope came to us while dealing with the madness of the Morphine which is an alternative pain treatment that Cancer patients can receive that deals with injecting alcohol around certain nerves to block the feelings of pain. My mother had this procedure done but said that it didn't work. To this day I don't know if the treatment really didn't work or if by the time she had it she was

already addicted to the Morphine and the pain she felt were the pangs of withdraw.

Unfortunately Morphine was only one wave in the ocean of drugs we had to deal with. There were digestive enzymes that had to be taken prior to eating, beta blockers, heart medication, anxiety medication, insulin for the diabetes caused by the shut down of the pancreas, medication for indigestion, vitamins, blood thinners for blood clots and so many medications we had to make an Excel spreadsheet just to keep track of them.

One of the effects of the disease that had to be dealt with was extreme swelling of the abdomen and feet to the point where diuretics were prescribed, fluid draw procedures had to be performed by using a needle to draw the fluid from the abdomen and as for the feet; only house shoes could be worn. I found out that the swelling was caused by the Cancer mainly due to the body's reaction to the tumor and to the lack of protein in the blood disabling the bloods ability to hold fluid.

The things that a person goes through with Cancer are almost endless. Every part of the body is affected; especially the mind, the will, and the emotions. Based upon the experience I encountered with my mother a couple of other crises we had to press through was the C Diph infection causing chronic diarrhea causing contact isolation that is almost like quarantine to be implemented. My mother could barely eat and we had to put on hospital gowns and gloves to be in the room with her or even come in contact with her.

An episode we faced with internal bleeding caused by the rupturing of blood vessels was very traumatic and hospitalized my mother after she passed out from weakness with her eyes rolling back in her head due to the extreme blood loss. Blood was in her bowels and blood transfusions had to be issued in order to get her blood count back up to normal which is usually 14 and hers was almost half that. Had we not sought medical attention for her at that time she could have died. So that you can recognize this, the symptoms are usually extreme weakness and black loose bowels. I experienced the same thing when I was four years old and diagnosed with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis.

We tried chemotherapy which is extremely hard on the body, killing the good cells along with the bad. Chemotherapy is like infusing your body with a poison in order to get rid of another poison. For some people it works but sadly to say in the cases of Pancreatic Cancer it is rarely effective. I am not a doctor and therefore give no medical recommendations as to how to treat Cancer of the Pancreas but in my own personal opinion and experience through observation I would say if possible, find a better way.

There are alternative treatments, natural remedies, and experimental treatments. A Cancer patient can seek studies that are being conducted for the type of Cancer they have and in many cases when they become a part of the study they can receive free or very low cost experimental treatments. One day one of these experimental treatments might be the answer. My mother used an experimental chemotherapy that was available but it was too hard on her heart. One of her smaller tumors did disappear but that wasn't enough to save her.

Chemotherapy can carry such side effects as nausea, vomiting, and decreased white blood cell counts. Historically, Chemotherapy has not been effective in the treatment of Pancreatic Cancer, but there are more up to date treatments that use an FDA approved agent called gemcitabine which has helped to shrink some tumors for Carcinoma of the pancreas.

At one point we went to see a naturalpathic doctor specializing in alternative Cancer treatments that knew of a treatment that had proved to be effective for Pancreatic Cancer. The name of the treatment is Intravenous - Lipoic Acid/Low-Dose Naltrexone Protocol. There are various articles and information on this treatment for you to research and intelligently consider.

Our problem with the treatment was that one of the drugs prescribed for it that could only be filled at a compound pharmacy blocks the affects of opiates and since my mother was on Morphine for pain a known opiate she plunged into a chronic pain episode that caused her to lose coherency from the pain and go to the emergency room where the only thing they could do to relieve her pain was to give her a drug strong enough to sedate her and completely knock her out. It was a tremendous setback in her treatment. The opiate blocking drug was supposed to be a very low dosage that should not have negatively affected her so if this particular treatment is chosen I would do extensive research and make ample preparations before trying it.

When you are personally dealing with Cancer or know someone close to you that is, you will find out quickly that everyone has a product to sell you that they claim has cured someone from Cancer. Maybe they have and maybe they haven't. Again, I remember watching an interview with Barbara Walters and Patrick Swayze when he said something to the effect of, "If you had a miracle cure for Cancer you would be rich and everyone would know you so just shut up." We tried several products and ordered everything we thought could make a difference or be a cure. I'm going to share with you two things that you can buy on your own that we didn't get a chance to try because we found out about them too late. I don't know it they work, but its worth a try as anything is when you or someone you love is dying.

You can search YouTube and find videos on the banking soda Cancer treatment and you can search the Internet to find articles that specifically discuss the use of asparagus to treat Cancer. There is so much more I could say about different treatments and drugs but instead of going on and on about this subject I will instead give you a few helpful hints.

Helpful Hint #1: If you are strong enough to do it, aerobic exercise helps Chemotherapy patients by ridding the toxins in their system from Chemotherapy through sweat. I read an article once about a lady with Cancer that felt too sick to do aerobics when her coworkers kept inviting her to class because they didn't know she had Cancer. She started the classes eventually and felt sick at first and then started feeling better. She sweated the toxins out and one year later was teaching the class Cancer Free.

Helpful Hint #2: When a Cancer patient's veins are to the point where it is extremely difficult to draw blood or administer IV medication a Central Line which is a port for IV and medication inserted into the jugular vein by ultrasound can be good. I witnessed the pain of my mother as she was poked multiple times with attempts to draw blood and insert IV's. Save yourself this pain with a Central Line.

Helpful Hint #3: Keep a positive attitude and laugh as often as possible. The Bible says that laughter doeth the heart good like a medicine. Sometimes simple laughter will do more for a Cancer patient than any drug. Laughter heals and it makes a person's time on this earth more enjoyable. Talk about funny memories from the past with family and friends and laugh, laugh, laugh! You deserve it! Mental support is important. Encourage, speak positive things, and most of all be there for the person that you know that has Cancer. Cancer and all the things a person goes through with it are scary. I coached my mom and encouraged her and told her she could make it when she didn't think she could. Encouragement in love can add time to a Cancer patient's life. Ask lots of questions and gain as much knowledge as possible. If a drug or treatment you or a Cancer patient you know is on doesn't seem right; talk to the doctor about it because there is always an alternative.

Entry # 4: Disappointment:

Normally in life there are disappointments. When you already have a disappointing disease, disappointment can be magnified. What do you do when the Chemo doesn't work? How do you react when the miracle cure you found out about doesn't cure? How do you deal with setbacks that surface along the way? What you do is keep going, keep trying, and don't give up. It is important to express disappointment and acknowledge it as long as it doesn't take you captive. Just having the disease is disappointing, not to mention all of the obstacles encountered while dealing with the disease. Disappointment is not only experienced by the Cancer victim but by the family and friends that love that person so much.

I was working on my MBA when my mother was diagnosed with Cancer. Since she was already in Stage 4 of Cancer when she was diagnosed we found out shortly after the diagnosis that the Cancer had spread to her lungs and other areas of her body. I can remember the day I found out about that. I started crying at work and couldn't stop and had to leave the office. I know what it feels like to try and hold tears in and there is nothing you can do to keep them held in your eyes. I know what it is to cry until your stomach jerks in and out and snot comes out of your nose and you feel like throwing up. My mother was my best friend and because of that I am well acquainted with disappointment.

I always wondered how the people with these miracle stories that publish these books about overcoming Cancer did it. Their methods worked for them with no doubt but my mother was in such a bad state she couldn't even do most of the things these books said to do and that was so disappointing. I wished I could speak with these people personally just to ask them...HOW? How did you do it?

One of the greatest challenges faced was that my mother was a Minister and Pastor and she had a lot of people praying for her as she even believed for her own healing. Father Yah (God) is a healer but He doesn't always heal and there is always a question of why for those that are not healed. Dottie Olsteen the wife of the late Pastor John Olsteen of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas now pastured by Joel Olsteen at one time had terminal Liver Cancer. Dottie gathered together the healing scriptures from the Bible and began to speak them over herself three times a day like a medicine prescription and was totally and completely healed.

Why her and not my mother? I don't know. Maybe Yah (the name for almighty God the Creator in Hebrew) was ready for my mom to come home with Him. All I can tell you is that disappoint can and will come in many forms. The best cure for disappointment is to overcome with an attitude of thankfulness, accepting that you don't know the reason for all things but you do know that there is a reason and a purpose for all things. Stay positive while keeping your mind and spirit open to whatever might happen. Disappointment comes when something other than what you expect or anticipate happens. With Cancer you have to be prepared for the success or failure of anything and everything. Be encouraged; you are stronger than disappointment. Don't let it catch you off guard but be prepared for it. Know that for every disappointment there is a triumph on the other side.

Entry # 5: Diet:

Anyone with Cancer should reconstruct their diet to contain the foods that fight against and can even cure Cancer. Eat and drink substances that are non-acidic, alkaline, and highly concentrated with antioxidants. Research to find Cancer healing foods.

One of the most important things to do is to drink a lot of water. Water is the source of life and the human body is mostly composed of water. There is an author that wrote a book called, "You Aren't Sick You're Just Thirsty" talking about the importance of water and its affects on the body.

Diet is a rough subject with Pancreatic Cancer because you can know all the right things to eat and not be able to consume them. The affects of the disease on the digestive system makes it very hard to eat and drink. The patient may lose their appetite and even if they do have an appetite, once they eat it can make them feel sick. Pancreatic Cancer sabotages the digestive system.

One thing that helped us was some information we found on dill pickles that assists in the digestion of food. In many instances when someone with Pancreatic Cancer or other digestive problems eats a dill pickle with each meal it helps to counteract the digestive problems so they can eat in comfort and keep the food down for nutrition to the body.

There are also drugs available to enhance the appetite, but if dill pickles can also be eaten with every meal that should help greatly as well. Since Pancreatic Cancer patients have difficulties in eating and tend to lose a lot of weight, dietary supplements such as protein shakes are suggested which are ingested easier with the use of a straw. Peanut butter can be added to the shakes to increase the calorie content and nutritional value of the shake. Another suggestion is to eat very small meals all throughout the day. The Cancer patient may not feel like eating but in order to live they must FORCE themselves to eat. Lack of food and liquid can kill quicker.

Vitamin D fights Cancer and freshly juiced vegetable juices containing the juice from green leafy vegetables can be extremely helpful especially when drank right after juicing when vitamin content and living substance is at a high level. The external diet is also important which consists of Epson salt baths that help to heal and release toxins from the body.

We all know the saying, "You are what you eat." Eat what is alive and it will help you stay alive. The first 3 letters of the word diet is the word die. Don't let what you are eating kill you. Since Cancer patients many times have to give up foods they love in order to live, it is great if the family can conform to their diet in support of their dietary efforts. Some foods make Cancer grow like simple sugars. Cut the sugar out of your diet and use a natural alternative like Stevia to sweeten foods. Stevia is a naturally sweet leaf that is available in powder and liquid form to sweeten foods and use in recipes. I am a big Bible reader so I love that Stevia is a leaf because the Bible says that the leaves shall be used for the healing of the nations. Other well-known artificial sweeteners can actually be poisonous to the body so be careful with them and avoid them if possible.

Entry #6: Death:

Even when you know someone is going to die, nothing really prepares you for the affects, effects, and real life reactions to that death. Everyone's experience is different, and I will share my personal experience with you hoping it will help you in some way. I can remember my mom looking at me one night and saying to me, "I'm dying!" I didn't know what to say back because even though I knew she had Cancer and death seemed inevitable, I refused to accept the fact the she was actually going to die.

We took her to the hospital on a Thursday and the very next day they wanted to send her to hospice. Hospice is a great and awful place all at the same time. Great due to the care and support and painless exit for the patient from this world they provide. Awful because you know that it is the last place you will be with the one you love. Hospice facilities are very comfortable and they give you a chance to say goodbye even if you don't want to. No one does. Please know that you aren't the only one going through this; neither are you the only one that has ever gone through this.

Counselors are provided, as well as, chaplains for spiritual support and prayer. You will receive a booklet explaining the death process which helps you know when death is near. During this process, give the Cancer patient a lot of love, comfort and support, and make sure you yourself get ample food and rest. Speak to your loved one while they are responsive and even after they are in a drug induced comma because they can still hear you. Be sure not to be selfish and release them to pass on so they won't linger on in suffering. That is all I will say about the hospice experience as you will learn more as you are actually in it. This is the time to meet with the funeral home and make preparations for the funeral and burial. You won't want to do this, but it is necessary and will help smooth out the process. Overall, hospice is a place to say your final goodbyes.

Entry # 7: Debt:

My dad only had enough life insurance to cover my mom's funeral, and this is not recommended. The moment a Cancer diagnosis is in place get as much checkup free insurance as you can get. For some reason the bill collectors don't understand the word death, and you can be stuck with bills that increase your sorrow after your loved one is gone. You will need a living will for your patient to be able to make medical decisions for them and you also need a power of attorney to deal with their accounts way before a death experience is upon you. You may have to handle business matters that they can't deal with while they are still alive and after they have passed on.Also make sure a will is in place so you don't have to deal with probate. Some accounts are easily closed after death simply by submitting a copy of the death certificate to the creditor and it is important to see if insurance is in place to pay off accounts upon death such as mortgages.

I have shared my heart, soul, and intimate personal experience with you in this article to the best of my ability. It should not take a crisis such as Cancer for us to become mortgage and debt free but if something such as Cancer arises I know that being mortgage and debt free can be one less worry. Work to reduce or delete your debts as much as possible. My dad would have more freedom and options today had his house been paid off when my mother passed. In addition to medical bills there were some prescriptions that cost $800 for a 10-day supply after our prescription benefits ran out. Death and sickness know nothing of the extra financial burdens that can increase and extend sorrow.

You will feel the pain of your loss for awhile and it will be absolutely unbelievable for a very long time, but you will get through it. Remember the good times, look at pictures of life, and hear the voice of your loved one live on in your mind and spirit forever. I wish you abundant peace. If you would like to find out how to get a copy of the book I've written in hopes of helping people deal with the loss of a loved one, please call or email me.

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Green stools are something we all face every once in a while as part of the waste removal process and do not necessarily meant that something is wrong. Although there are several reasons as to why one's poop may be dark green-colored, most of them do not pose an immediate health problem. The most common reason for green poop is obviously eating green or leafy foods. Foods that have artificial flavors and coloring are also popular causes in addition to iron supplements and iron-rich foods, which can alter the color of one's stool.

Green stools can also be caused by physical changes happening in the body, not just a result of the foods you ate. For example, when food it ingested, it goes through the first part of the small intestine where a green bile is secreted. As it reaches a passes through the large intestine, it changes to a dark brown color before reaching the colon for removal. If the poop is still green after this process, this would indicate that it did not spend enough time in the large intestine and exited to fast. This is typically associated with diarrhea or other digestive problems.

Treatment and Prevention of Green Stools and Irregular Bowel Movements

The first step in treating this condition is to isolate the actual cause of the green poop. Determine if ingested foods are to blame or if the culprit is within the body itself. Some common causes of dark green stools include the consumption of large quantities of leafy vegetables, too much sugar in the body, food poisoning, bacterial overgrowth, and excessive use of laxatives. One of the easiest and effective ways of maintaining healthy bowel activity is through proper colon cleansing.

Colon cleansing is very popular these days, due in part to endorsements from celebrities like Oprah and Dr. Oz among others. The big attraction to these natural colon cleansers is they come in supplement form and can be taken quickly and easily from anywhere.

While there are many colon cleansing products available, I only use one. The reason for this because it is a 100% natural pro-biotic colon cleanser made up powerful herbs and roots that collectively flush unwanted toxins, parasites, and impacted waste material from your body. It is not uncommon for people to drop 20 pounds as a result of a proper colon cleansing, which should be performed at least once or twice in a year.

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Food laxatives are usually used to treat constipation. In order to maintain your bowel movement, you should necessarily include these foods in your diet. Constipation occurs due to unhealthy colon. It is always advisable to clean up your colon for eliminating harmful toxins. Excess intake of junk food, erratic lifestyle, alcohol consumption and depression generally affects your bowel movement. Even traveling and medications can cause constipation. One feels suffocated and condensed with this type of irregular bowel syndrome. Your day-to-day life gets disrupted and consequently your entire health suffers.

Colon cleansing is the most effective way for treating this disorder. One should under go this treatment at least once in a year for a complete rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul. Food laxatives can be included in this diet plan for softening the stool as well as shedding those stubborn fats from your abdominal area.

You can also carry out cardio workouts to soften the stool compiled. Food laxatives are mostly used to treat irregular bowel movement while its excess intake may cause diarrhea. You should always take moderate amount of food laxatives to get the best results.

List Of Foods That Act Like Laxatives And Soften The Stool Compiled!

- Green colored veggies are considered to be the best food laxatives. They contain high fibers, which can easily clean up your digestive tract as well as your large intestine to stimulate bowel movement. You can also include salads in your diet to soften the stool compiled.

- Whole fruits such as apples, oranges and strawberries can also act as laxatives. It is always advisable to drink lots of fruit juices for eliminating toxic substances from your body. In order to encourage bowel movement, you can also have food laxatives like soy-based products.

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Anxiety is psychological disorder that causes someone experiences excessive worry without logical reason. Anxiety caused by many factors, could because of environment is not conducive, neurological disorders on the brain and genetics. Treatment of the disorder differs between one to another depending on the cause. People who suffer from anxiety often characterized by symptoms such as irritability, anxiety disorder, nausea, lethargy, tense, sweaty, difficult to concentrate, tingling and some other abnormal symptoms. Anxiety disorders that occur because of the nerves in the brain can be overcome by taking vitamins and supplements. Some of the vitamins for anxiety symptoms that are most often recommended by the experts are vitamin B, C, D, and E. Vitamin has the function for improving the body's metabolism and assists the work of several enzymes for the production of certain chemical compounds. Here are the types of vitamins that can help reduce anxiety:

Listed below are types of vitamins:

- B1

This vitamin is also known as thiamine. By consume this vitamin can increase energy metabolism and nerve. This vitamin is very useful to maintain healthy nerves and muscles and improve memory. Lack of vitamin B1 for a long time can cause the disease beriberi. It's characterized by neurological abnormalities of the brain and hearth. People who lack vitamin B1 can be seen from symptoms such as impaired memory, difficulty sleeping, weakness, irritability and other symptoms of malnutrition.

- B2

Deficiency of vitamin B2 could also cause neurological disorders such as depression and anxiety. This vitamin can be found in various types of green vegetable, beans, mushrooms, avocado, fish and other nutritious foods.

- B3

This vitamin is also known as niacin can reduce tension and anxiety. This vitamin deficiency can cause neurological disorders characterized by symptoms such as irritability, easily confused, diarrhea. Vitamin B3 can be found in the daily diet such as eggs, poultry meat, mushrooms, and other green vegetables.

- B6

This vitamin is often known as pyridoxine may help the formation of neurotransmitters and improve the immune system. Deficiencies of these vitamins can be seen from the symptoms caused such confusion, dermatitis, and nerve damage. There are many vitamins in the daily diet such as meat, fish, bananas and green vegetables. -

- B 12

This vitamin is often known as cobalamin, beneficial in maintaining and protecting the nerves and helps the metabolism of bone cells. This vitamin deficiency causes a neurological disorder characterized a number of symptoms such as confusion, memory loss, depressed, hearing loss.

- C

Vitamin C is very useful for improving endurance and function as anti oxidants

- D and E

Both of these vitamins can also relieve your anxiety naturally. Vitamin D is useful in helping the absorption of calcium.

In addition to these vitamins for anxiety, you will also need to take supplements containing calcium, zinc and magnesium. Vitamins and minerals needed by the body every day but in small amounts. Food substance that contains lots of vitamins and minerals can be found in various types of green vegetables. Poultry meat, eggs and meat contains vitamin B which has played a part in maintaining healthy nerve and helps other metabolism.

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Cranesbill is a short plant of up to 0.5 metres, with very aromatic, deeply dissected, green-red leaves, small pinkish flowers and oblong pointed fruits which resemble a stork's bill. Other species which are used in traditional medicine and as gardening plants include G. maculatum (American cranesbill), G. dissectum (English cranesbill) and G. sanguineum (bloody cranesbill). Geranium nepalerise and G. wailichianum are used for dyes and tanning.

Latin: Geranium robertianum

Common Names: Herb Robert, erba roberta, herbs a Robert (French), geranium robertin, Ruprechtskraut (German), czcuta rossa (Italian).


Originating in Europe and Asia, Cranesbill was naturalised in North and South America (G. robertianum); central and eastern and North America (G. maculatuni).

Parts Used

Whole dried herb (Geranii robertiani herba).


Anti-inflammatory, anti-diarrhoeal.

Properties and Uses

Cranesbill has been traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections and mild diarrhoea. It has also been used externally as a styptic, to cure slow-healing wounds, eczema and mucosal inflammations. Cranesbill has also been used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, heavy menstrual bleeding, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Fresh rhizomes from G.robertianum are used by homoeopathic practitioners.

Dosage and Preparation

Cranesbill tea can be prepared using two teaspoons of the dried herb, or one teaspoon of the dry root. When used in homeopathy, it is usually at a potency of D1. Cranesbill is also available in capsules, powder, liquid extracts, creams and salves.

Active Ingredients

An essential oil can be extracted from Cranesbill leaves, but it has an unpleasant smell since it contains geraniol, germacren D, limonene, linalool and terpineol. The main phenolics of Cranesbill leaves include ferulic acid, caffeic acid, rutin, kaempferol and quercetin. Cranesbill has a high concentration of gallo- and ellagitannins (up to 30%).
Geraniin is the main compound in Cranesbill.

Pharmacological Effects

Cranesbill's tannins are astringent and have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects because of their ability to non-selectively disrupt and cause proteins to lose their tertiary structure and secondary structure. These tannins have anti-diarrhoeal effects, can form a protective layer over skin and mucosa and thereby have a vasoconstricting effect on small vessels, which will produce fluid loss from the skin.


Severe diarrhoea (especially in children) can be dangerous due to the risk of dehydration and must be treated by a health care professional.


Traditional medicine.

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One of the things that people complain mostly is about problems related to the intestine, associated with the reduction of carbohydrates and can include problems like diarrhea and constipation. These can occur at any time to anybody and the people who are following a low carbohydrate diet have a higher chance of getting it.

Dieters always have diarrhea in the first few days of starting, because, while doing so, the body expels carbohydrates from our body and marks the starting of ketosis. Actually, having diarrhea in the first few days of training are good and are the indicator that shows that you are indeed on your way to be a machine that burns fat.

A side effect of the low carbohydrate diet is constipation which is because sources fro fiber like fruits, legumes and grains are all not allowed while in an Atkins diet.

You must not be afraid of the low carbohydrate diet because of this. There are solutions that are very simple which can prevent these symptoms and give you allowance for staying in the diet plan.

First, you must ensure that there are enough low carbohydrate vegetables in your food. During the first few days that is the induction phase, unto 20g of carbohydrates can be eaten per day, almost 3 salad vegetable cups. Many people prefer to use their limited allowances for carbohydrates in cheese and also artificially sweetened soda. Eating vegetables that are acceptable is a very important part in maintaining the health of the intestine. Also, about 8 8ounce glasses of water must be drunk daily and the body must be exercised. These steps can aid in reducing problems with the intestine.

If there is only constipation specifically, there are many ways in which it can be relieved. When you move from sugary treats and diets, your body takes a small amount of time to adjust to the low carbohydrate food that you will start to eat. Also, the intake of fiber like fruits and vegetables must be increased. Even sugar free Metamucil can be used as a supplement for fiber.

Also, you must eat a lot of oil and fats. If there is very little fat, you can end up having constipation. A tablespoon of oil in your salad cup or something like that can augment the health of the intestine. Also, try to include as many vegetables as possible in your salad. Pale iceberg lettuce is something that does not have fiber in it. Instead of using them, try using dark green lettuces for serving dark green colored veggies.

If these have no effect, remove salt totally from your eating habit for a few days. Pickles, mustard, ham, diet soda, bottled salad dressing and bacon are all to be avoided. It will decrease the retention of fluid and also aids in the movement of the bowels.

Diarrhea will not be something that is to be concerned about after a few first weeks. But, in some cases, it does indeed last longer. You must first analyze your diet and if you eat low carbohydrate bars of protein and sugar free products, stop them immediately. Sweeteners like sorbitol, glycerin and malitol that create gas and diarrhea problems are present in them. Also, homemade desserts that are of low carbohydrates also may cause problems. While baking, a sweetener, maltodextrin is used. It is made of corn and has the potential to cause problems to a few people.

Diarrhea may also be caused because of raw vegetables if they are new additions to your diet. Your body will indeed adjust itself so that the side effects do not last long. But you must also chew your food very well before swallowing and also, instead of eating raw vegetables, lightly steamed ones can be used.

The initial part of the Atkins diet always has some intestinal problems like these and they are not permanent. They go away as soon as the body gets adjusted to the new diet. If the problem actually persists, then some other method must be tried for getting relief.

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of the large bowel better known in medical circles as colon. Irritable bowel syndrome is not a disease. It can be defined as functional disorder, meaning that certain organs do not function correctly. IBS is a health condition when the bowel overreacts even to a mild stimulus, such as eating or the presence of gas. The nerves and muscles in the bowel appear to be extra sensitive in people with IBS. Muscles may contract too much when you eat. Some of the major symptoms of IBS are acute abdominal pain, flatulence, irregular bowel movements, white color mucus in the stool, persistent urge to move bowels, diarrhea and/or constipation, occasionally heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

Women with IBS often have more pronounced symptoms during their menstrual periods. IBS generally occurs in persons between their 20s and 30s, and is said to affect more women than men and the intensity of the problem also varies from patient to patient. But IBS does not damage the colon or other parts of the digestive system nor does it lead to other health problems.

IBS is due to an abnormal, exaggerated response of the muscles of the intestinal walls. It is not clear why some people develop the disorder. Doctors believe there could be a number of factors that may cause IBS - like dietary, psychological, hormonal and genetic factors. There are no prescribed medical tests to determine irritable bowl syndrome. Doctors generally diagnose IBS on the basis of the patient's symptoms and after ruling out various other disorders - such as colon cancer and other abdominal diseases. Diagnostic tests that may be done to rule out other abdominal disorders include blood tests, stool analysis, x-ray and endoscopy. Treatment for IBS is subject to the intensity of the problem and the degree of symptoms. Some patients may find consuming particular foods as the cause of their IBS and to such patients, some sort of diet control will help to control the symptoms.

Adopting a high-fiber diet including fruit and green vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals will soften the stools and relieve constipation. Avoiding tea and coffee and spicy food and drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day is found to relieve symptoms. Having proper foods and supplements, substituting milk products with soya or rice products, avoiding fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in insoluble fiber and eating frequently smaller quantities of food, can all help to lessen the symptoms of IBS.

Many doctors believe that physical stress and mental strain can often aggravate IBS symptoms. They consider stress management should form part of treatment. This can entail counseling, stress reduction and relaxation therapies, some simple exercises and adequate sleep. For some, mere dietary and lifestyle changes may not be enough to get rid of symptoms and medical treatment may become necessary. Generally anti-spasmodic drugs are prescribed by doctors to lessen the involuntary muscular contractions. This will also help to stop diarrhoea and relieve pain. The doctor may advise you to take mild laxatives if you are suffering from constipation or have difficulties in moving bowels.

The use of antispasmodic drugs may help patients, especially those with cramps or diarrhea. Antispasmodics are of two groups- neurotropics and musculotropics. Neurotropics, act at the nerve fibre but can also affect other nerves and cause side effects. Musculotropics act directly at the smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract, relieving spasm without affecting normal gut motility.

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The allure of a green tea diet attracts many to give it a try with the hopes of sizing down without lifting a finger. Popular culture programs us to constantly strive for svelte figures and washboard abs, so we seek opportunities far and wide to lose weight and look our best. This awesome diet will bring about better results if the following recommendations and guidelines are contemplated before indulging.

Note that changing your daily nutritional habits will cause changes in your digestive system. You should realize beforehand that the possible side effects may include stomach cramps, diarrhea, or loose stools. Take the necessary precautions to lower any future potential discomfort by heeding warning labels and dosage recommendations.

People with high blood pressure and hypertension would be wise to seek the advice of a medical professional before investing time in this wonderful diet. The caffeine in green tea could raise heart rates to alarming levels, so its best to put your personal well-being first by checking with your doctor to see if it is okay to begin, and worry about a diet's effectiveness later.

Thyroid problems arising from hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Green tea has a chemical (fluoride) which adversely affects the body's thyroid gland. People with thyroid conditions should discuss this with their primary health care provider to make sure the safest course of use is taken.

Achieve at least one sweat session per day, three times per week. No act by itself will cause you to melt off the excess pounds, you will achieve quicker results if you combine with daily exercise. Even a spirited walk after lunch will help you raise your metabolism. This, along with your green tea, will together boost you to a higher rate of fat loss.

Hazards of green tea consumption when pregnant, breastfeeding, or nursing infants. Teas are not given to very young children, and should not be administered to minors, so why raise the unneeded risk when caring for your kids. There will be plenty of time for consuming when your baby is older. For now, understand it is best to sacrifice and abstain from partaking of any tea - for the sake of your child's health.

Do not drink more than six cups of green tea per day. Moderation is usually the presiding rule when undergoing some form of nutritional program, and this is no exception. If at all possible, drink your six cups throughout the day, at reasonable intervals. Resist gulping down the daily quota in one fell swoop, your digestive system will be shocked at the sudden influx and eliminate the excess tea as fast as it can. You'll probably make frequent visits to the bathroom, so to avoid this, sip a cup here and there. A gradual introduction is best and will avoid those perplexed looks from fellow office mates.

As discussed, this diet is a helpful tool in the battle against expanding waistlines. Use sensible and common sense guidelines to make the most of participating in a green tea diet.

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Food allergies are a bigger deal than most people think. Did you know that food allergies affect about 60% of the population? Listen to this:

"The incidence of food allergy is greater than the incidence of any other type of illness affecting mankind."

Wow, that's pretty powerful! The quote above is from James Breneman, former chairman of the Food Allergy Committee of the American College of Allergists.

Now here's the kicker: we make ourselves allergic to food.

No kidding. Let me explain.

How We Develop Food Allergy Symptoms

We can become allergic to just about any kind of food. To keep it simple, I'll explain what happens with just one kind of food: proteins. When we eat protein, the act of chewing starts to break the protein down into component nutrients, a process which is continued in the stomach and then the small intestine.

According to researcher Karl Abrams, our normal healthy digestive process allows about 2% of these proteins to slip through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Once in these proteins enter the bloodstream, our bodies no longer recognize them as "food." Now they have become "foreign invaders" and the body jumps into an immune response. It produces antibodies to fight off these foreign invaders, and food allergy symptoms are often the result!

When our bodies don't recognize food particles in the bloodstream, we become allergic to them. The next time we eat this kind of food, our body immediately goes into a food allergy reaction.

Food allergy symptoms can include digestive upset, such as diarrhea, gas, and bloating; skin conditions like hives; and swelling of various body parts, such as the throat or hands and feet. In fact, if it goes on for a long period of time, the liver becomes affected, since this organ is responsible for filtering the blood of excess toxins. When the liver is affected, then we can develop long-term chronic conditions like psoriasis.

What's worse is that most people don't have healthy digestion. So while a healthy digestive system let's 2% of the proteins we eat to enter the bloodstream, a body under stress lets even more proteins cross the intestinal wall, which produces even worse food allergy symptoms.

Natural Ways to Prevent Food Allergy Symptoms

Now that you know how we develop food allergy symptom, the next thing is to discover how to prevent them. Luckily, there are three nutritional supplements that can relieve and prevent these symptoms:

  • AFA blue-green algae

  • probiotics like acidophilus and bifidus

  • food enzymes

#1: AFA Blue-Green Algae

Blue-green algae has two important nutrients to help prevent food allergies: beta-carotene and chlorophyll. Studies show that these substances in AFA blue-green algae help "dramatically stimulate specialized cells around the intestinal walls to secrete lubricating material and thus help prevent this type of allergic reaction" (Karl Abrams). In other words, the beta carotene and chlorophyll in blue-green algae strengthen the intestinal wall, so proteins and other food particles can't slip into the bloodstream. No particles in the bloodstream equals no food allergies. Abrams notes that the omega-3 fatty acids in the algae help as well.

#2: Probiotics like Acidophilus and Bifidus

Probiotics are the "friendly bacteria" that live in our intestines and do the bulk of the work of digesting our food once it has passed through the stomach. Acidophilus and bifidus are among the most important of these friendly bacteria, and provide a barrier between the intestines and the bloodstream, as well as helping us fully digest our food.

Stress, drinking chlorinated water, taking medication, or drinking alcohol can all decrease the population of probiotics in our gut, leading to what is called "leaky gut syndrome," the phenomenon discussed earlier in which food particles slip into the bloodstream. Taking acidophilus and bifidus orally on a daily basis keeps our probiotic population at healthy levels, which creates good digestion and prevents food allergy symptoms. In my experience, eating live yogurt is not enough to prevent food allergies. One needs to take highly-concentrated acidophilus and bifidus in capsule form that are stored in refrigerators (keeps the bacteria healthy and active).

#3: Food Enzymes

Did you know that there are enzymes and co-enzymes that digest every kind of food we eat? What's more, organic raw foods contain all the enzymes needed to digest themselves. For instance, Eskimos eat enough raw fish in their diet that they don't suffer from poor digestion or heart disease. Their food has enough enzymes to literally digest itself, keeping the Eskimos healthy. In fact, the word Eskimo even means "he who eats raw food." So, enzymes are very important because they are key to healthy and complete digestion.

Here's the really good news about enzymes: if your digestion isn't perfect, eating enzymes with and between meals can support digestion and help with food allergy symptoms. When taken with food, enzymes help ensure proper digestion and prevent food particles from entering the bloodstream. When taken separate from food, the enzymes are able to pass through the intestinal barrier (just like the food particles) to digest the food particles in the bloodstream. This prevents the immune system from thinking that food is an invader, thus preventing the immune response that causes food allergy symptoms.

Adding these three simple nutritional supplements to your daily regimen--AFA blue-green algae, probiotics like acidophilus and bifidus, and enzymes--can do a lot to support your body's digestive process, and relieve food allergy symptoms.

Simple, effective, and convenient... now that's what works for most people when it comes to nutritional supplements!

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Dietary fiber is an essential nutrient of our daily diet that is required for proper digestion of food, proper functioning of digestive system and make you feel full for longer. In recent times, the question what are the best fiber rich foods is becoming very important.

We consume lots of refined food products like white bread, pasta and rice. Refined ingredients get clogged in the colon and hence cause grief, flatulence and restricted bowel movement. So, high fiber foods are essential to keep colon healthy. On an average a women requires 25g of fiber and men require 38g of fiber daily. Deficiency of fiber leads to constipation, hemorrhoids, and elevates level of sugar and cholesterol in blood. On the other hand excess of fiber leads to bowel obstruction, diarrhea and dehydration. So if you increase the intake of fiber then you should increase the intake of water as well.

Here we list some of the top fiber rich foods:

  • Bran: Bran is high in fiber and a good source of iron and magnesium. Bran is found in whole grain breads, oats, brown rice, corn and barley. Consuming a quarter cup of whole grains gives u 2 to 6 grams of fiber. You can include oats in your breakfast along with fresh fruits, rotis or brown rice in your meals, etc.

  • Vegetables: Vegetables like spinach, sweet potato, cabbage, turnips, potato, beans, pumpkin, lady finger, etc. are a rich source of fiber. You get two to eight grams of fiber by consuming these vegetables. Eat lots of raw vegetables and vegetable salad to get the fiber.

  • Seeds and Nuts: Nuts and seeds are always a good option to be consumed as snacks between the meals. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, groundnuts and seeds such as flax seeds, roasted sesame seeds are a good source of fiber. 28 grams of seeds and nuts provides you from one to eight grams of fiber.

  • Fruits: Berries like strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries are a rich source of fiber. One cup of berries can provide four to eight grams of dietary fiber. You can have fruits as such or as Greek yogurt fruit salad or as snacks. Other fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, banana, figs, melons, peaches, prunes, etc. are also good source of dietary fiber.

  • Beans: White, navy, kidney, navy beans are another good source of fiber. Indian kitchen is legume friendly and the legume that is best source of fiber is Bengal gram or chana. Green peas are also a good source of dietary fiber. One cup of these beans or legumes can provide 14 to 18 grams of fiber. The legumes are a rich source of proteins and vitamins as well.

Include these top sources of fiber in your daily diet and keep your digestive system healthy.

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