目前分類:green diarrhea (537)

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Normally rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the walls of the stomach and small intestines continue for hours after eating, mixing the food mass with digestive juices, enzymes, and bile and bringing the already digested food into contact with the absorbing surface of the intestinal walls. Without such contractions, foods cannot be well digested or absorbed.

A potassium deficiency causes the contractions of the intestinal muscles to slow down markedly or these muscles to become partially or completely paralyzed. Such a deficiency occurs following surgery, diarrhea, and other forms of stress; the taking of cortisone or diuretics; and the consumption of highly refined foods or too much salt. This condition, which allows gas pains to become excruciating, is usually associated with constipation. For instance, a study of 655 colicky infants--probably enduring the combined stresses of having no pantothenic acid and nervous, overanxious mothers--revealed that the lower the blood potassium dropped, the worse the colic became. When 1 gram of potassium chloride was given them by injection, the colic quickly disappeared. Pantothenic acid, added to formula or drinking water, would probably have been equally effective.

Relatively normal individuals can obtain ample potassium by eating fruits and vegetables, especially cooked green leafy ones, and by avoiding refined foods. Potassium chloride can also be mixed with table salt. Severely ill adults often require much larger amounts of potassium. Although physicians frequently give 10 grams or more of potassium chloride daily, it is rarely used to relieve digestive disturbances. The movements of the stomach and intestine also slow down or become intermittent when the diet has been deficient in protein, vitamin Bl, pantothenic acid, or other B vitamins; again undigested food stagnates for hours or days and so much gas forms that acute suffering may result. Giving the missing nutrients usually increases the motility of the intestine within a day or two. "Relaxing" drugs interfere with the movements of the intestines and increase gas pain.

Food is not Vengeful

When digestive disturbances occur, some innocuous food is almost invariably blamed, yet the digestive system processes all food impartially. The problem, which lies with the eater and not with the eaten, has many causes. So-called "sour" or "acid stomach" is usually the result of eating too fast or when exhausted or emotionally upset. Foods often have symbolic meanings which cause individuals to become unconsciously tense and fearful. Adults also swallow air during meals, particularly when anxious or high-strung, in the same way that infants gulp air while nursing. This air expands as it heats to body temperature and may be belched with sufficient force to carry the strong stomach acid into the esophagus, irritating delicate membranes and resulting in the discomfort spoken of as heartburn. The problem is that no one tucks such an adult over a kindly shoulder and pats his back. Taking anti-acid tablets and alkalizers--which are said to cost Americans 90 million dollars per year--or baking soda neutralizes the valuable stomach acid, interferes with digestion, decreases mineral absorption, causes vitamins to be destroyed, and can even harm the kidneys; thus temporary relief may cause permanent damage.

The obvious remedy is to eat slowly only small, frequent meals; prevent air-swallowing by sipping cold liquids through a straw temporarily; avoid eating when exhausted or emotionally upset; search out the symbolic meanings of foods; get additional rest; and improve your nutrition. If the problem persists, ask your doctor for a thorough physical examination.

Bloating and Gas Pain

The most common digestive disturbance is gas in the intestines. This gas includes both swallowed air, which if not expelled orally continues to expand and can cause considerable discomfort before reaching the rectum; and gas liberated by putrefactive bacteria living on undigested food. Often both occur simultaneously. Swallowed air, passed rectally, however, has no odor whereas gases from undigested food have a foul odor. A stool passed by a healthy individual is odorless.

The person who eats too much overwhelms his digestive enzymes. If the amount of food eaten at one time can be efficiently digested and absorbed, none remains to support the growth of undesirable bacteria, and no gas is formed. Unfortunately, when the digestion is so below par that much food remains undigested, improving the nutrition also improves the diet of the putrefactive bacteria; hence these bacteria may multiply especially rapidly, causing much gas to be formed. Excellent food is then foregone and recovery is defeated. Efficient digestion and freedom from gas depend on the production of hydrochloric acid, bile, and digestive secretions and enzymes; on the type of intestinal bacteria; and the motility of the stomach and intestines. These problems can usually be corrected by an adequate diet taken in small frequent meals with temporary supplements of enzymes, bile, and hydrochloric acid.

Some well nourished adults on excellent diets nevertheless suffer severely from digestive disturbances, yet repeated medical examinations reveal nothing wrong. On questioning, I have found that these persons feel unloved or are lonely and have' had severe colic as babies. In such cases, the unconscious mind allows one to feel loved by reliving infant colic, when attention was showered on the child. Indigestion is but the price paid to regain this wonderful feeling.

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Onions belong to the lily family, which also includes garlic, leeks, chives, scallions, and shallots. Early American settlers used wild onions to treat colds, cough, asthma, and to repel insects. Onions are effective against many bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella, and E. coli. There are many different types of onions, including red, yellow, white, and green. Each different type of onion has its own unique flavor, from very strong to mildly sweet. The high level of sulfur-containing compounds gives onions their unique odor. The strongest smelling onions provide the most health benefits. The best choice is yellow onions, followed by red onions, and then white onions. They are a significant source of vitamins B6 and C, dietary fiber, chromium, folate, manganese, potassium, copper, and phosphorus.

There are many good health benefits involved with onions. A regular diet including onions can lower cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. This can help to prevent atherosclerosis and diabetic heart disease. It can also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Onions are able to increase good-type HDL cholesterol and reduce total cholesterol levels to make a person healthier. Onions are good for diabetics because they contain allyl propyl disulfide, which lowers blood sugar levels by increasing the amount of free insulin available. They also contain thiosulfinates that reduce the symptoms of diabetes. Colorful onions, such as red or yellow, contain the most thiosulfinates. It is best to eat onions raw or lightly cooked because heat diminishes thiosulfinates. Onions contain sulfides which might lower blood lipids and blood pressure.

Onions contain flavonoids, such as quercetin, that can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by stopping the growth of tumors and protecting colon cells from the damaging effects of certain cancer-causing substances. The flavonoids improve the integrity of blood vessels and decreases inflammation. They also provide protection against cardiovascular disease. Quercetin protects the body against stomach ulcers and colon, esophageal, and breast cancers. Quercetin extract enhances physical performance and endurance.

Other interesting facts about onions are that onion extracts are good at relieving coughs and colds, asthma, and bronchitis. They decrease bronchial spasms and allergy-induced bronchial constriction in asthma patients. They are very rich in chromium, which is a mineral that helps cells respond to insulin. They are effective against osteoporosis. In osteoporosis, they destroy osteoclasts so that they don't break down bone.

Onions are safe to eat for most people but eating too much of this food may cause stomach distress and gastrointestinal irritation that might cause nausea or diarrhea. Cutting onions under cold running water is good at reducing watery eyes and eye irritation. Cut onions should either be stored in a sealed container or wrapped tightly in plastic wrap and immediately refrigerated. Uncut onions should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place.

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Black tea is a kind of fermented tea, originating from green tea after it is mixed, kneaded, fermented, dried and otherwise processed. The water of green tea is freshly green while that of black tea is orange red. Differences are not only skin-deep. What is more important is that black tea doesn"t undergo the processes of steaming green or frying green, but is fermented. In the fermentation process, EGCG which is a powerful anti-oxidant, has been converted into other compounds. So some researchers assumed black tea benefits are less than green tea. Is it true?

Does black tea have less benefits than green tea?

No evidences can prove that. Black tea contains its "private weapon" - theaflavins and thearubigens, which are also believed to provide health benefits. It's difficult to prove which is better.

What are the benefits of black tea?

Recent research results of black tea are published in the leading medical journals, including Journal of the American Heart Association, Chicago College of Dentistry. The results declared black tea had benefits of preventing cancer, heart disease, cavities, arthritis and viruses. It also boosts immune system.

How does black tea benefit your health?

Prevent cancer. Black tea contains a compound called theaflavin-3-monogallate (TF-2). It is one of anti-cancer compounds family called polyphonols. TF-2 fights against colon cancer cells. It leads cancer cells to "commit suicide" in droves. Read more in Black Tea Benefit - Prevent Cancer.

Prevent Heart Disease. As green tea, black tea also contains antioxidants to neutralize harmful effects of natural chemical processes. A research result published in Journal of American Heart Association in 2001 found effect of black tea. It found black tea might strength ability of endothelial cells lining blood vessels. It help regulate flow of blood. Read more in Black Tea Benefit - Protect Against Heart Disease.

Prevent tooth decay. Black tea contains fluorin element. Fluoride Ion combines with calcium in the tooth and become Ne apatite. It adheres to the teeth to defend acid. Read more in Black Tea Benefit - Fights Cavities.

Prevent Viruses. Research results showed black tea can neutralize germs, including which cause diarrhea, herpes, pneumonia, cystitis and skin infections. Milton Schiffenbauer from Pace University also proved that drinking black tea wiped out viruses in our mouth.

Why black tea is so popular? I guess black tea benefits are important facts, not just taste.:)

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Swelling of the abdominal area due to gas or excessive liquid is known as bloating. The tightened abdomen can cause discomfort and can make it really difficult to either sit down or walk around. Crohn's disease and gastrointestinal tract affliction can also cause bloating. It can also cause sharp pain in the stomach. Some common symptoms of bloating are; fatigue, darkened stool, chest pain, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, indigestion, vomiting, breathing problem and difficulty in burping and swallowing.

Bloating Home Remedies

There are several home remedies for bloating which can be very effective if followed properly. Some of the common home remedies for bloating are:

1. One of the most effective home remedies for bloating is the consumption of ginger tea. Consuming ginger tea soothes bloating by leaving a warming effect on the digestive system. This warming effect results into digestive enzyme production which enhances and improves food digestion.

2. Consuming a mixture of grounded cinnamon, honey and water on regular basis is also very helpful in relieving the discomfort caused by bloating.

3. Bay leaves are also very helpful in causing relief from bloating. Just boil a cup of water and then add bay leaf to this water. Wait for five minutes and drink the entire cup in one setting. Remember not to lie down for at least one hour after consuming this mixture. Staying in upright position will help the gas to come out quicker.

4. Chamomile tea is considered to be one of the efficient home remedies for bloating. All you need to do is consume chamomile tea twice daily. One in the morning and one just before going to bed.

5. Peppermint tea is also one of the effective home remedies for bloating. It relaxes your body muscles and allows your body to release digestive gas. Just boil a cup of water with some dried peppermint leaves (one teaspoon) in it. Let it boil for ten minutes and then strain this tea. Drink this tea for four to five times daily. This tea is more effective if you consume it before meals.

6. Turmeric is also very effective in treating bloating. It is rich in nutrients and vitamins such as protein, folic acid, iron, vitamin C and calcium. These vitamins and nutrients help to improve the functioning of the digestive system.

7. Fennel tea is known to have digestive properties and is very effective in giving relief from bloating.

8. Drink plenty of water and eat fruits and green leafy vegetables. Buttermilk is also very helpful in fighting bloating.

9. Avoid eating troublesome foods such as celery, beans, milk products, apricots and Brussels sprout. Do not drink carbonated beverages.

10. Avoid tobacco products and smoking.

11. Carom seeds are known to have thymol which acts as an antibacterial and is very effective in curing problems of digestive system. Therefore consuming carom seeds mixed in water with some black salt can be very helpful in treating bloating.

12. Cardamom is also one of the effective home remedies for bloating. It stabilizes the acids of your stomach and is very helpful in treating bloating.

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Chilli is famous in Chinese traditional medicine for its properties: it can help improving poor digestion and increasing appetite. It also has, however, its disadvantages: possible diarrhea or stomach pain.

There is a famous Chinese saying: if a pregnant woman has a strong desire for chilli, she will most likely have a daughter. Also, pregnant women should not have too much chilli, otherwise the child will have very bad temper.

In China, different regions have different kinds of chilli. Of course, the most famous one is Sichuan's chilli, which is well-known worldwide.

When I went to Sichuan for collecting data for my university graduation work, even me, who could have just chilli and bread for a meal, found it difficult to take. Every single dish in Sichuan had chilli in it, even egg fried rice was not an exception.

Apparently, it is because of the damp weather in Sichuan that people love to have chilli and have a good sweat to get rid of the dampness in their bodies. You may think that someone having so much chilli would have really bad skin. Quite the opposite, all the Sichuan girls I have met had the most smooth fine skin I have ever come across.

The spicy chilli in Sichuan regional food is different from the chilli we would normally find. Their chilli is not only just the red or green chili we normally use, but, and most importantly, it is comes from 'Sichuan peppercorn'. Authentic Sichuan food is always characterized by the taste of its chilli.

This is how Sichuan chilli tastes: at first, it is difficult to tell that it is actually spicy, but after chewing and before swallowing, a mixed 'chilli (cold)' and 'hot spicy' feeling starts spreading out through mouth and throat. It is difficult to describe, you have to try it, you will know what I mean.

When people come to talk about chilli in Chinese food, they often forget about the chilli in Northeastern cuisine, since its chilli is not as famous as in Sichuan or Hunan. We do have, however, many dishes with chilli, and chilli oil can be seen in almost every restaurant.

I always like to have some chilli oil at home. It is useful for cooking dishes, preparing salad, or eating with dumplings or noodles.

Here's how to make chilli oil from scratch.


  • Soy oil or vegetable oil.

  • Crushed red chilli or whole red chilli (the latter one is more spicy).


  • Pour 1 cup of oil in a heated wok (depends on how much you want to prepare).

  • When the oil is hot, put the chilli in the wok. (I used 1/4 cup of crushed chilli).

  • Let the chilli get a little bit burnt (you can see the change of the colour or can smell it).

  • Turn off the fire, let it cool down, and transfer a bowl or a bottle for later use.

  • If you don't like the chilli pieces in the oil, you can use a sifter when transferring the oil.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One might suffer from green stools but there is actually nothing to worry in such a case. In fact, it is quite normal and the logic can also be explained at ease. In fact, there might be numerous reasons which acted as a catalyst to turn your stools into green color. For this you need to check out the points.

The top causes of Green Bowel Movement and reasons of having Green Stool:

* You might experience green bowel movements if you consume large quantities of green leafy vegetables like lettuce and broccoli.

* You might even experience this poop if you consume large quantities of processed foods which come colored in green such as Popsicles, sherbet and drink flavoring.

* Further, you might even suffer from it due to over consumption of iron. As the body won't absorb all the iron constituents it would excrete a certain amount as iron salts. Iron is basically found in breakfast cereals, beans, red meat, spinach etc.

Other Reasons

* Side Effects of Medication
* Ulcerative Colitis
* Food Poisoning
* Excessive use of Antibiotics and Laxatives
* Celiac disease
* Malabsorption
* Irregular bowel syndrome
* Due to overgrowth of bacteria
* Crohn's disease and infectious diarrhea.

Signs and Symptoms:

Green Bowel Movement does not necessarily mean that your internal system has been infected or you are suffering from any intestinal disorders. In fact, in most of the cases stool changes its color due to medications and the foods that you intake. But in case you start suffering from rectal pain, fever, diarrhea and weight loss then it means you need to consult a doctor without any second thoughts.

In order to avoid these problems it is recommended that one should opt for colon cleansing at least twice a year. This process is the latest buzz everywhere. Actually, this is for real as with the support of this method you can get rid of extra fats, constipation and irregular bowel movements at ease. Actually, if you undergo this process then your body gets rid of the unwanted toxins which have been layering your skin. With the support of this process you can get rid of the inner sludge and lead a healthy life at ease. In order to carry out this process you can check out the recipes of colon cleanse diet introduced by Oprah and Dr Oz.

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There are a number of things you can do while on a diet program that can cause you to not get results. However, there is one thing that many people do that ends up affecting the 2 of the most important aspects of you improving your body (your motivation level and your metabolism). To find out what this terrible thing is and what you can do to avoid it, continue reading to learn more.

You see, as I said above, there are a number of things you can do during a diet that can cause some serious setbacks on your quest to getting the body of your dreams. Some of those things are going on fad diets, taking diet pills, starving yourself, or ignoring any one of the core principles of healthy living (which are drinking more water, getting more sleep, eating ALL types of important nutrients, and exercising at least 3 days a week). With that said, those are common problems that can be fixed very quickly.

But, during a diet, many people do something else that ends up causing issues with their metabolism and ends up causing them to lose a ton of motivation to stick with their goals. My friend, this serious problem is having INSANE cheat days or cheat meals!

Now yes, it is highly recommended that you have cheat foods or cheat days during a diet program. In fact, there are diet programs based specifically around having cheat days. The reasons why is because having a SMART cheat day can actually increase your metabolic rate and it will also keep you from feeling deprived.

The problem comes in when people have outrageous cheat days where they eat extremely terrible foods and/or they eat WAY too many calories. The problem with doing this is that for one, you can end up screwing up your metabolism. You'll also cause SERIOUS issues with your digestive system (bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and more). And last but certainly not least, you can end up losing a TON of motivation and start feeling guilty like never before!

So, what can you do to fix this? Well, what I recommend first off is that you find a diet program that is based around having STRATEGIC cheat days. Diets like this are HIGHLY effective because they do an amazing job with increasing your bodies fat burning hormones... and you'll more than likely stick to a diet like this since you aren't depriving yourself as much. Secondly, I recommend the obvious: TAKE IT EASY! I know you may be craving everything under the sun after dieting so clean for sometime, however, you have to take those negative consequences into consideration.

Also, another tip that I highly recommend you consider is to have "smart" cheat foods. What I mean by that is to eat foods that you shouldn't really eat often, but they are actually still pretty good for you. For example, one of my favorite "cheat snacks" are dark chocolate covered almonds! Think about it: You have dark chocolate (which is loaded with antioxidants and can help burn fat). You have almonds (which have healthy fat plus many other benefits). Put those 2 together and you have a VERY DELICIOUS (and pretty healthy) cheat snack! You could even have alternatives of your favorite cheat foods as well.

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Is IBS a Disease like Crohn's or Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not a disease like Crohn's or inflammatory bowel disease.

Symptoms vary widely from person to person, but they may include some of the following:

• Abdominal pain, sometimes localized to lower left quadrant
• Bloating
• Diarrhea
• Constipation
• Alternating diarrhea/constipation
• Change in stool consistency or appearance
• Mucous in stool
• Feeling of incomplete evacuation after bowel movements
• Sunset onset of uncontrollable urges to have bowel movements
• Excess gas
• Pain when sitting down
• Excess gurgling/rumbling/growling in stomach and abdomen
• Nausea and vomiting
• Burping
• Loss of appetite
• Unpleasant taste in mouth
• Heartburn
• Backache
• Lethargy
• Anxiety and/or depression
• Insomnia
• Heart palpitations
• Irritable bladder or incontinence
• Gynecological problems

As you can see, it is a long list. Many of the symptoms can be caused by other illnesses or conditions. Please do not self-diagnose. See your doctor - or several, if necessary - until you have a specific diagnosis.

If you experience any of the following, get to the hospital or see a doctor immediately. They are NOT symptoms of IBS:

• High temperature
• Blood in stool or fresh bleeding with bowel movements
• Constant, unrelenting pain

Most experts agree that IBS does not cause permanent damage or lead to more serious conditions such as cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.

What Causes IBS?

After talking to several doctors, nurses, and a dietician, I received no answer to this question. There is nothing definitive on the Internet, either. However, criteria have been established that help physicians diagnose irritable bowel syndrome. Called the Rome III Criteria, you can get more information at RomeCriteria.org.

The average patient sees three doctors over three years before finally receiving a proper diagnosis.

The criteria for irritable bowel syndrome are outlined below.

• Recurrent abdominal pain or discomfort at least three days per month in the last six months, associated with two or more of the following:

- Improvement with defecation

- Onset associated with a change in frequency of stool

- Onset associated with a change in form (appearance) of stool

It is important to obtain a specific diagnosis before you assume that you have IBS. Other diseases may cause similar symptoms, and they must be ruled out before making any assumptions. There is no diagnostic test available (yet) that can prove you have irritable bowel syndrome. However, extensive examinations can rule out other, more serious conditions such as celiac disease, bowel cancer, and Crohn's.

Other Conditions that May Affect People with IBS

According to recent research, those with IBS may also suffer from one or more of the conditions on the following list:

• Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)
• Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
• Myofascial pain syndrome (MPS)
• Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
• Restless leg syndrome (RLS)
• Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)
• Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
• Periodic limb movement (PLMS)
• Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome (MCSS)
• Tension headaches
• Irritable bladder
• Primary dysmenorrhea
• Migraine headaches
• Vulvodynia

There may also be an overlap of conditions such as:

• Globus
• Functional chest pain
• Functional heartburn
• Functional dysphagia
• Functional dyspepsia
• Aerophagia
• Functional vomiting
• Rumination syndrome
• Functional abdominal bloating
• Functional constipation
• Functional diarrhea
• Functional abdominal pain
• Gall bladder dysfunction
• Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
• Functional fecal incontinence
• Functional anorectal pain
• Functional defecation disorders

Functional disorders do not produce abnormal test results and nothing unusual is seen on endoscopy or x-ray. These disorders are generally diagnosed by deciding what they are NOT, and then categorizing them by symptoms.


The material provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to replace proper medical diagnosis, treatment, or advice. Always consult your physician and other appropriate health-care providers before taking any medications, natural remedies, or supplements; or before changing your diet. Discuss all plans, symptoms, and medical conditions with your doctor.

Any use of the ideas contained herein is at your own discretion, risk, and responsibility. The author assumes no liability for any of the information presented. There are no representations or warranties, either express or implied.

You should not begin or discontinue medical treatment based on information contained in this, or any other, article.

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An inflammatory disease of the bowel, ulcerative colitis is characterized by the formation of open sores and ulcers in the mucus lining of the colon. Treatment for this disease usually includes, drug therapy and surgery but natural remedies are also available

Often confused with irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis along with Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease which is characterized by mild to severe inflammation of the bowel. A disease of the large intestine, ulcerative colitis causes severe inflammation in the colon and rectal region which is accompanied by open sores and ulcers. The major symptoms of the disease include diarrhea, bloody stool and abdominal cramps. It may also be accompanied by bloating, flatulence, weight loss and extra intestinal manifestations like joint pains and arthritis.

The inflammation kills the cells lining the colon leading to bleeding and pus production and the gradual formation of sores and ulcers in the mucosal lining of the colon. This inflammation of the lining also causes the colon to pass stool frequently leading to diarrhea. Ulcerative colitis is often difficult to diagnose as its symptoms are a lot similar to other intestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and another inflammatory bowel disease called Crohn's disease. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, nutritional imbalance, food intolerances are some of their common symptoms with ulcerative colitis. Due to these similarities in symptoms, it often becomes very difficult to diagnose the correct disease.

However, from drug therapy to surgery several treatment procedures are available for curing the disease. Ulcerative colitis is a very serious disease and if left untreated can even lead to cancer. The treatment course is usually decided upon depending on the severity of the disease. Its goal being induction and maintenance of remission, drug therapy involves the use of Aminosalicylates, Corticosteroids and Immunosuppressant drugs. While Aminosalicylates and corticosteroids reduce inflammation, the immunosuppressant drugs reduce inflammation by suppressing the immune system and are used in patients who do not respond to the other two drugs.

But in some situations surgery becomes necessary. In case of massive spread of the disease with excessive bleeding, ruptured colon or suspected carcinoma, surgical removal of the colon known as colectomy is the common procedure.

For patients looking for alternative cure to ulcerative colitis, several natural remedies and herbal treatments are available. With negligible side effects, 'probiotics' a friendly gut resident bacteria help in killing harmful bacteria, reducing inflammation and improving the mucus lining of the gut. Though fatty food should be strictly avoided in bowel related problems, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acid such as fatty fish help in healing the inflammation. Capsules of Boswell and Aloe Vera gel also have an important role in reducing inflammation. Alternatively, as bowel problems often result from stress and lifestyle changes, mind-body treatments like meditation, relaxation techniques and hypnotherapy also produce very good results. A far more serious disease compared to irritable bowel syndrome or crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis needs immediate and proper medical attention.

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The human body needs live foods to maintain healthy body. Live food means uncooked fruits and vegetables. When we eat fresh fruits and vegetables, our bodies extract as liquid what they need from the fiber. This extracted liquid is juice which contains the same nutrient as the juice you make in your kitchen with the juicer. The good thing in drinking juice is you are eliminating a digestive process (extracting the liquid from the fiber) therefore the nutrients are release instantly in the body through the bloodstream.

By adding at least 2 glasses of fruit and vegetable juice in your diet you will surely feel great and look terrific.

Difference of Vegetable and Fruit Juice: Vegetables are the building blocks of life, responsible for strong, healthy muscles, tissues, glands, and organs. By consuming vegetables in juice form, you are assured that you get nearly 100 percent of the available nutrients, particularly minerals. Fruits are the revitalizer and cleansers of the body.

How juicer works?The juicer separates the juice from the fiber so that what you drink is pulp-free and your body receives the maximum amount of nutrients in minutes.

What is the difference between the fresh bottled juice in the market and the juice you make using your own juicer? The juice from the juicer is different from bottled, canned, or concentrated juices sold in the supermarket.

  • First, it is absolutely fresh-which is important because nutrients lose a lot of value soon after juicing.

  • Second, juice from the juicer is not pasteurized, which means "cooked or heated" and so is bursting with the living cells which is important to good health.

  • Finally, fresh juice is absolutely pure, free of additives and preservatives.

Fresh Juice Health Benefits:

  • It flushes out body toxins, leaving you feeling refreshed, energized, and relaxed.

  • It will make your skin glow, your hair shine and your breath fresh.

  • Individuals who drink three or four glasses of different juice combinations a day report that they have more energy and fewer colds and other infections.

  • You will experience that your joint will become flexible again.

  • Your teeth and gums will be less prone to bleeding and cavities.

  • If you are already suffering from chronic disease you will feel that drinking more glasses of fresh juice especially green vegetable juice which contain chlorophyll will make you feel better and might even cure you. Chlorophyll which is found only in plant appears to combat tumor growth. There are numerous health problems that are helped or sometimes prevented simply through a healthful diet of juice and raw vegetables.

  • Juicing maximizes the amount of healing compounds that can be consumed each day. You can squeeze all the nutrients in 5 oranges into one 8oz glass.

  • Juicing process breaks open tough plant-cell walls, which triples that amount of nutrient absorbed into the bloodstream to neutralize acid, stimulate the release of stored fat and improve the body's ability to flush fat-trapping chemicals.

  • Juicing restores your liver's ability to produce detoxifying enzymes.

  • Juicing has been proven effective in helping to increased energy, clear skin, improve digestion, improve memory and balance hormone.

Fruits and Vegetables for particular needs:Juicing therapists and manuals suggest various combinations of fruits and vegetables to treat specific problems.

  • Apple juicecleans the kidneys and liver. It can also ease arthritis and rheumatism.

  • Beets are famous for their ability to cleanse the blood and strengthen the gall bladder and liver. Beets is said to be an effective remedy for Leukemia. Beet juice is very concentrated, so a little goes a long way; try 20% of the total amount.

  • Broccoli contains strong anti-cancer properties.

  • Cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for stomach repair; it is an effective ulcer treatment. Cabbage is rich in sulfur and selenium, which are both beneficial for joint stiffness. The juicing remedy uses half a head of green cabbage, a stalk of celery, and a seeded apple.

  • Celery is a nerve tonic. It is beneficial for people suffering from depression and anxiety.

  • Cranberries haveanti-bacterial, inflammatory and tumor properties. It helps to clean the kidneys, because it helps lower uric acid levels (often associated with gout and joint pain).

  • Cucumber juiceis high in silica which is a mineral which strengthens connective tissue, and is good for tendons, muscles, cartilage, bones, and ligaments. It is reported that silica is also good for skin elasticity, fingernails, complexion, and hair loss.

  • Ginger:To prevent nausea from pregnancy or motion sickness. Prepare 1/2 - in slice of fresh ginger, 1lemon, 1 apple, 2 cups flat ginger ale. Put ginger, lemon, and apple through juicer; stir the mixture into the ginger ale, and sip as needed.

  • Wheatgrass juiceis high in chlorophyll which can help boost immune system, cleans the liver and kidneys and it is also said to be good for both skin and hair.

  • Calcium shake:A good drink for those who don't like milk or have difficulty drinking it. Prepare 1 cup broccoli florets, 2-3 kale leaves, 3-4 carrots (remove the top), and 翻 apple. Juice ingredients together and chill.

  • Folate tonic:A good booster of this B vitamin for women on birth control pills or during pregnancy. To prepare: 1 orange, 2-3 carrots, 1 cup chopped kale, handful of parsley. Remove carrot tops; put ingredients through juicer: Chill and serve.

  • Potassium Booster:To restore potassium stores after diarrhea or when taking diuretics. To prepare: 1 orange, 翻 cantaloupe, 2 or 3 carrots, and banana. Put first three ingredients through juicer; puree banana in a blender and mix with juice.

  • For Iron: To build iron reserves; a good drink during pregnancy. To prepare: 1 bunch parsley, 1 red pepper, 1 cup broccoli florets, and 3 raw carrots. Put ingredients through juicer; flavor with lemon or orange juice if desired.

  • Vitamin C juice.A good drink when you feel a cold is coming on or if you already have cold it may speed your recovery. To prepare: 1 kiwi, 1 mango (peeled), 翻 cantaloupe, and 翻 cup strawberries or a combination of parsley, lemon, watercress, red pepper, kale. Put ingredients through juicer and serve chilled.

  • Zinc juice drink.Ginger root, parsley, potato, garlic, and carrot is said to prevent infections. Put ingredients through juicer and serve chilled.


  • If you do use fruit in your juice, especially apple, don't eat anything solid for 60-90 minutes afterwards, to prevent indigestion. Let the juice do its work by itself, so that it is the only thing in your digestive tract.

  • It is important to know that the juice should be consumed on the spot because the nutrient content lessens as time pass.

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Green tea is popular in Asian countries like China, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong amongst others. After a copious dinner, usually people will have a cup. It has long been enjoyed in the Asian nations for a number of reasons, including both health and taste. In recent years, many of the benefits of choosing to drink green tea have become apparent to the western world and the medical community. It has numerous health benefits. It is a fat burner, can lower cholesterol levels, helps digestion and is also a powerful antioxidant which can aid in the growth of healthy cells and also prevents cancer.

Did you know also that green tea extract can treat acne and can be beneficial for the skin? That's true. Green tea has been found to have positive effects in the arena of skin care. Two specific areas include acne and eczema. For acne, this tea makes a great, cheap alternative to expensive toners or astringents. Often, it can be combined with ingredients to make a concoction that can be applied with a cotton ball to clean skin.

Simply drinking this tea has also worked for some to decrease the presence of acne, although you do have to be careful of increasing the intake of caffeine in your diet, as this has been linked to an increase in breakouts. It can also be mixed with other ingredients, such as olive oil, to create a treatment for eczema.

Green tea cleans your body from toxins and viruses which can cause acne and skin infection. It has an ability to negate viruses. Studies have shown that it is able to effectively counteract viruses that cause the body to experience diarrhea, pneumonia, inflammation of the bladder, and infections of the skin. It is believed that there are certain ingredients in tea that stimulate the immune system within the body. This stimulation strengthens and increases the role of the immune system in combating viruses and perhaps bacteria that invade the body.

So if you are trying to cure your acne, consider using green tea and include it in your acne diet. Having a healthy diet will help the acne healing process and coupled with a cup or two of green tea everyday will definitely increase the effectiveness of your acne treatment.

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Sleep is as important as the nutrition we need for our good health. There are many reasons for not getting enough sleep. The basic reason is the weak neurotransmission. If the signal does not function properly there will be many diseases. One of them will be inadequate sleep. Does folic acid help sleep? The answer is affirmative.

We are made up of trillions of cells. Folate is an important nutrition for production and maintenance of cells. It is proved that this substance is essential for pregnant women to guarantee that the child is born without any neural defect. Deficiency of folate will lead to improper growth of spine and brain. This shows the importance of this nutrition for brain where a complicated system of neurotransmission is placed. They receive signal and send signal so that we naturally satisfy the natures call including sleep. In addition there are other benefits of folate. They will further confirm how folic acid help sleep.

Folic acid helps production of red blood cells in our body. Deficiency of folate leads to anemia. Consequently heart palpitation will be the result. Anxiety is bound to happen. All these eventually affect our sleep.

If we keep our stomach clean we will have proper sleep. Inadequate folic acid gives raise to many digestion problems like diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss etc. They in turn will weaken us. A weak person cannot have sound sleep.

This nutrition is available in green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, green turnip etc. Also it is present in citrus fruits like pineapple, orange, strawberry etc. Pig liver is rich in folate. An adult should have 400 mcg of folate every day. Pregnant woman should get at least 600 mcg per day.

I will strongly recommend for a holistic approach to nutrition intake. This will provide overall benefits instead of inquiring how folic acid help sleep. A balanced nutrition scheme will provide synergy. In that process we will maintain good health which is the foundation for a good sleep.

Daily I am taking a fantastic nutrition supplement in addition to my normal diet that in any case has all the leafy vegetables and moderate amount of meat. This supplement has more than 70 natural herbs and salts including folic acid. This comes with an enteric coated format so that the nutrition reaches the pancreas. Visit my website and I am sure you will have the answer for getting a sound sleep.

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There are some diseases that parrot owners should stay aware of so that they can catch early signs of any trouble in their birds. Pacheco Disease (PVD), Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD), Feather Plucking, Avian Salmonella, Escherichia coli - E. coli, Avian Tuberculosis, Avian Chlamydia, Avian Polyomavirus and Proventricular Dilation Disease (PDD) are among types of parrot disease that are common.

Good hygiene and healthy nutrition are the basic requirements for a healthy parrot but being aware of the more common types of parrot disease will be useful in being a proactive pet owner. A prompt visit to the vet is recommended as well.

Pacheco's disease (PDV) is visible through symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhea, ruffled feathers, sinusitis, anorexia, conjunctivitis, and tremors in the neck, wing and legs. The bird's fecal material may become discolored with urates becoming green suggesting possible liver damage.

Birds generally die from massive liver necrosis characterized by an enlarged liver, spleen and kidneys. However, some birds die suddenly with no specific or observable symptoms.

Infected birds can start shedding the virus in the feces and nasal discharge as early as 3-7 days after infection. This viral disease is classified as highly contagious.

Pacheco's disease is often fatal and affects parrots of all ages. New World parrots are seen as more susceptible to PDV than Old World psittacines. Asymptomatic birds can be carriers of Pacheco's virus. Birds that have survived an outbreak of PDV can be possible carriers.

PDV appears to be reactivated when the parrot is under stress during times such as breeding, loss of a mate, or other environmental changes.

Avian Chlamydia, also known as Psittacosis, Parrot Fever or chlamydiosis is when parrots are infected by intracellular parasites. These are sometimes called energy parasites because they use ATP (a crucial energy containing metabolite) produced by the host cell.

Dull plumage, drop in body temperature, lethargy, conjunctivitis and yellow to greenish droppings or grayish watery droppings are among the symptoms. Sometimes there is no outward evidence of an infection.

This is an air-borne bacterial disease. The bacteria can be shed by an infected bird through its bodily secretions, fecal material and feather dust. The organism may remain relatively stable outside the host body and can dry into a dusty substance and contaminate the air.

Incubation periods in caged birds vary from days to months although most often this is 3 to 10 days. The incubation period is hard to gauge because chronically infected birds sometimes develop persistent and asymptomatic infections.

Parrots in overcrowded settings are particularly susceptible to the disease. A significant detail about Avian Chlamydia is that it is a zoonotic disease which can be transmitted from animals to humans.

Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (PBFD) is the disease in which we see loss of feathers, development of abnormal feathers, new pinched feathers, shedding of developing feathers and loss of powder down.

Overgrown or abnormal beak, symmetrical lesions on the beak and occasionally nails are other likely signs. Immunosuppression, dramatic weight loss, and depression are also seen as the disease progresses.

PBFD is caused by a virus that also sometimes affects the liver, brain, and immune system. Secondary infections stemming from this sometimes lead to complications and death.

Transmission is through direct contact and the infected environment has to be thoroughly cleaned as the viral particles can persist in the environment even after the infected bird is removed.

PBFD is supposed to be specific to psittacines and some species that are particularly vulnerable to it are Cockatoos, Macaws African Grey Parrots, Ringneck parakeets, Eclectus Parrots and Lovebirds.

PBFD can be fatal for young birds and even adult birds that survive can become carriers. Others feel that those survivors develop an immunity which can be genetically transferred to their offspring.

Feather Plucking can be a traumatic problem for the parrot and the pet owner as it seems to indicate more deep-rooted problems. The broad reasons for feather plucking are improper diet or inadequate nutrition, emotional stress and bacterial or fungal infection.

Owners should ensure that the bird is not kept in too small a cage and if the bird is molting special nutritional attention should be paid. Also keep an eye open for fleas, lice or ticks. While these are rare they can be the cause of skin irritation also.

A well-balanced diet, a mentally stimulating environment, adequate physical space and good hygiene are among things that can help with this problem.

Escherichia coli (E. coli) are manifested as ruffled feathers, diarrhea, listlessness and shivering. Baby birds, with less developed immune systems, are more susceptible to disease.

Chronic infections in adult birds can lead to abscesses, failure to hatch eggs and cause changes in eating habits. The extent to which a bird is affected will depend on the age and immune system of the bird and on the potency of the bacteria.

Clean feeding bowls and water and antibiotics can help most birds recover fully from the infection of common parrot disease.

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The normal stool color is brown. The stool gets its color from the bile in the liver. Several people encounter changes in their stool color like dark green stool and black bowel movements. This is not normal. This can happen due to various reasons. You must get to the correct reason for your changed color and must consult a physician if the problem pertains for a longer period of time.

Black Bowel Movements

· One of the reasons of black bowel movement is the excessive intake of iron tablets. If iron supplements without any other diet supplements can do so.

· The other reason may be internal bleeding.

· Black color of stool may be due to pancreatic disease but it is a rare cause.

People have also been found passing dark green stool. Given are a few causes of this:

· It may be due to the excessive ingestion of various items that includes:

· Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, etc.

· Black licorice

. Artificial colors that are added to fruit juices, milk products, ice creams, sweets, etc.

. Iron rich foods such as red meat, beans, etc. the body may not absorb all the iron and starts excreting iron salts.

· In infants it is due to breast feeding.

· Clear liquid diets during illness taken by the children may also lead to dark green stool.

· Laxatives also cause color change.

· It may be due to the change in colonic transit time.

· People can also have green colored stool if they have diarrhea.

· One of the reasons is the decreased bowel transit time.

· Impaired bile re absorption is also one reason for dark green stool.

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Degenerative joint disease and inflammatory joint disease are each forms of arthritis. Degenerative joint disease usually has it's beginnings when the dog is still a puppy. A puppy needs a good diet to promote bone and skeletal health, as well as overall health. Puppies, mainly large breed, have many rapid growth spurts. The weight needs to be monitored during those growth spurts. If a puppy gains too much weight too fast, added stress is added to those joints. That added stress can become evident later in life. It can show hip dysplasia or knee dysplasia. It can also become evident with loose knee caps or osteochondritis. Osteochondritis is the development of flaps in the joints, which occurs when bone development is disturbed. Since cartilage has no nerves, the damage can progress with no symptoms until the joints are severely compromised. At that point, the synovial fluid will be thinned and no longer able to lubricate the joints. If the synovial fluid can not lubricate the joints, there is no protection for bone surfaces.

Degenerative joint disease can sometimes be halted or prevented if x-ray indicate a malformation early enough to be treated. If not, relief can be obtained by pain killers, low impact exercise, rest and diet. You must be very careful about over the counter pain medications for your pet. Some over-the-counter meds can upset the stomach and the bowels, causing diarrhea, diarrhea with bloody stool, diarrhea with mucous, severe abdominal pain and vomiting.

Inflammatory joint disease is caused by infection or bacteria. This can due to a tic bite. Inflammatory joint disease also has another category and must be treated differently. The second category is caused by an underlying immune disease.

Signs of degenerative joint disease would be reluctant to walk, the dog holds a limb up and does not bear weight on it while standing, or the dog has difficulty rising from a resting position. The signs of an inflamed joint are swelling or heat around a joint. There may be tenderness when the joint is palpated. There is a problem when the dog stops panting and holds it's breath when examined. The dog may suddenly turn it's head and snap when an inflamed joint is touched.

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Available year round with its peak season in August and September, the eggplant is known worldwide, and by a wide variety of names:

  • aubergine

  • eggplant

  • brinjal

  • melanzana

  • garden egg

  • egg apple

  • patlican

The eggplant (Solanum melongena) belongs to the nightshade family of plants. This diverse family of plant includes members like the poisonous Jimson weed and Deadly Nightshade, as well as more familiar and non-poisonous plants like tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers. The members of this family of plants all contain a toxic alkaloid called solanine, which can cause diarrhea, headache, vomiting, and even heart failure in those who are overly sensitive to it. Fortunately for most us, this amounts to a very small percentage of people.

In it's history, because of its relation to these potently toxic plants, Europeans called the eggplant the "Mad Apple", due to their belief that eating one would drive you insane. Even after it proved itself as a safe and useful food product, the poor eggplant still had a difficult time of removing this negative moniker. Even though the eggplant was among the numerous plants introduced to America by the Spaniards several hundred years ago, it wasn't until sometime during the mid 1900's that eggplants were commonly recognized as an item that could be used for something other than ornamental purposes.

Common Varieties

In North America, the Globe variety reigns supreme. But around the world where eggplant is far more popular, such as the Orient, eggplants of numerous varieties, shapes, flavors and colors can be found. Some of the more common varieties available at your grocer and Asian and Middle Eastern food stores are:

o Globe

o Shape: oval or pear shaped

o Appearance: glossy deep-purple to black skin, cream to green flesh

o Flavor: mild with a slight bitterness and a soft texture

o Lao Green Stripe

o Shape: golf ball shape, pointy calyx "hat"

o Appearance: striped

o Flavor assertive flavor

o Other: also called "Thai Green Stripe", seedy texture

o Thai Long Green

o Shape: long, slender shape

o Appearance: lime green skin, white flesh

o Flavor: sweet and nutty, reminiscent of green beans

o Other: Thai; velvety flesh and skin; seedless; short shelf life

o Pintong Long

o Shape: long and slender

o Appearance: deep purple to lavender skin, green to purple-black calyxes, white flesh

o Flavor: sweet with a nutty flavor

o Other: buttery texture; Taiwanese

o Rosa Bianca

o Shape: round

o Appearance: white skin with lavender streaks, white flesh

o Flavor: sweet flavor

o Other: Italian eggplant; creamy yet firm texture, retains its shape when cooked

o Rosita

o Shape: long, oval shape

o Appearance: bright lavender color, white flesh

o Flavor: mild, sweet flavor

o Other: smooth, tender flesh and skin; Puerto Rican

o Listada de Gandia

o Shape: long oval shape, green thorny calyxes that curl

o Appearance: stunning white and purple stripes

o Flavor: mild white flesh; slightly bitter skin

o Other: meaty, creamy texture, holds shape when cooked

o White Egg

o Shape: shaped like chicken or duck egg

o Appearance: white

o Flavor: sweet, mild, somewhat watery-tasting

o Other: firm flesh; tough skin; holds shape when cooked

Health Benefits

Botanically it is a fruit, but most often it is referred to as a vegetable, and for those who enjoy it, there is a long list of medicinal benefits. High in bioflavonoids and the antioxidant monoterpene, the eggplant is effective at assisting with a number of health items, including:

  • Reducing swelling

  • Clearing of stagnant blood

  • Reducing hemorrhages

  • Comforting bleeding hemorrhoids

  • Treating dysentery

  • Reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease

  • Reducing steroidal hormones which are linked to tumor growth

  • Prevention of cell oxidation, which can lead to cancer

A couple of other interesting uses include applying raw eggplant directly on a scorpion sting, and if you experience frostbite, prepare a tea of eggplant, bring it to room temperature, and apply a compress to affected areas.

Selecting Eggplants

Look for a symmetrical eggplant with smooth, uniformly colored skin. Tan patches, scars, or bruises indicate decay. Also avoid eggplants with wrinkled or flabby-looking skin. Oversized purple eggplants, usually over 6 inches in diameter, may be tough and bitter. When you press gently on an eggplant, the finger mark will disappear quickly if the eggplant is fresh. Eggplant should feel heavy; one that feels light for its size may not have a good flavor. The stem and cap should be bright green and healthy, not browned and wilted.


Both cold and warm temperatures can damage eggplant. It is best to store eggplant uncut and unwashed in a plastic bag in the cooler section of the refrigerator. Do not force the eggplant into the crisper if it is too big, as this will bruise the vegetable. Eggplant may be blanched or steamed then frozen for up to 6 months.


As a rule of thumb, 1 average-sized eggplant will serve 3 people, and one pound of eggplant is equal to roughly 3 to 4 cups of chopped eggplant.

Wash the eggplant just before peeling or using it. Using a stainless steel knife to avoid discoloration, remove the cap and stem. Once cut, eggplant flesh will naturally begin to darken with exposure to air, so place cut slices or pieces in a salt or acidulated water bath to keep the flesh white. Be sure not to use an aluminium pot when cooking eggplant because it too will discolor the eggplant and provide it with an off-flavor.

Eggplant should not be eaten raw due to its higher solanine content as well as its extremely fibrous meat, both of which break down during cooking. Eggplant may be cooked with or without its skin, but some may find the skin bitter. Because large eggplants and most of the white varieties have a thick, tough skin, and because bitterness is concentrated just under the skin, they should be peeled with a vegetable peeler prior to cooking. While not really necessary, some cooks will also salt the cut eggplant and let it sit in a colander for a short period to leach out water and bitterness before cooking.

The flesh behaves much like a sponge and will soak up the juices and oils it is cooked in. In some cases this is a good thing, such as when you are marinating the eggplant. However, in other cases this isn't so desirable, such as when frying. In applications where absorption is not desired, coating sliced eggplant in some sort of breading is a common way to avoid soaking up too much oil during cooking. The real key to success using this method is to let the breaded eggplant sit in the refrigerator for half an hour before frying. Other methods for reducing the absorbency of eggplant include:

  • Par-boiling slices for 1 to 2 minutes. Be sure to thoroughly drain and gently pat the slices dry with paper towels before further cooking.

  • Microwaving will also help to remove excess water. Microwave slices on high for 4 to 6 minutes, remove, cover and let stand for a minute or two. Use paper towels and press lightly to soak up the water.

Eggplant can be steamed, fried, baked, sautéed, boiled, microwaved, stir-fried, pureed, or stuffed, and the thousands of different recipes available on the Internet and in cookbooks are testament to this.

If you are baking the eggplant whole, lightly puncture the skin in several places with a paring knife to prevent pressure from building up inside the eggplant, which can result in eggplant ending up all over the inside of your oven. Unlike many vegetables, eggplant doesn't really suffer from extended cooking periods - an undercooked eggplant will have a more chewy texture, whereas eggplant that has been overcooked simply becomes softer.

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Dogs and cats are the most common pets all over the world. The faithfulness of dogs has been observed ever since mankind started to write about the history. "Dog is a man's best friend", is a very old quote. Kittens and puppies are more popular amongst the kid pet keepers. Many parents give them as gifts to their kids to teach responsibility. The association and attachment to the pets and their families/pet keepers gets stronger day by day. This association soon shifts the pet keepers' attention towards the good health of his/her pet. Considering the increased rate of the side effects of most of the medications used today, people usually want a natural/herbal treatment for illnesses in their pets. The most commonly found health issues in cats and dogs are digestive complaints. Being more aware and conforming to the latest standards of living green, the most wanted health solutions are 100% natural products to aid in healthy digestion of food.

Cats and dogs have different eating styles. Cats are specific to their food choices, but dogs will eat almost anything. A lot of digestive problems in cats and dogs are similar. No matter how close an eye is kept on their eating habits, they may still chew or eat something not intended for digestion. Most of these problems are temporary. With aging, the digestive problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, dehydration, constipation, gurgling and rumbling in the stomach, and loss of appetite also start showing up to a considerable frequency.

Common symptoms of digestive disorders are weight loss, watery stools, excessive gas or burping, strange color of the stool (e.g. grey stool shows a liver problem, mucus in the stool shows the imbalance in colon, and orange, yellow, or black stool indicate disruption in the digestive system). All of these symptoms are indicative of severe imbalance in the food intake and digestion. The more severe digestive conditions which require serious medical attention are blood in stool, vomiting, excessive panting, or very low rate of water retention in the body. If any of these conditions apply in your pet, immediate veterinarian attention should be sought.

In order to solve these problems, your pet's diet must be strictly monitored. The natural products rich in probiotics, digestive enzymes and glutamine heal most of the intestinal lining issues. These symptoms also stop recurrence. The suggested product is Pet-A-Sure. It not only improves the digestive ailments, but also supports the immune system, fights against the parasites and bacteria, and restores health instantly. It is made up of all plants extracts that are 100% natural and contain no side effects at all.

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Have you ever felt stomach pain so bad that you found yourself keeled over on the floor? Or maybe you were afraid to go out for the day for fear that you would need a bathroom right away? People who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS suffer from these and other pain issues daily and are desperate to find treatment and prevention options.

What is IBS?

IBS is a disorder of the intestinal tract that involves abdominal pain, cramping and changes in bowel movement. There are no medical tests that are conclusive in diagnosing IBS in a patient. Instead, an IBS diagnosis is a result of either having doctors exclude what they do not have, or by identifying it through common symptoms. At present, there is no cure for IBS. While IBS can be painful and disruptive, the good news is that it doesn't cause permanent damage to the colon and IBS can usually be managed effectively by simple diet and lifestyle changes.

April is IBS awareness month so it is a good time to become familiar with some facts about the syndrome as well as symptoms and treatment. Most people are unaware of how common IBS is in this country. About 1 in 5 Americans get IBS, most IBS sufferers are under age 50 and two-thirds are female. Approximately 20 to 40% of all visits to gastroenterologists are due to IBS symptoms.

There is still no definitive reason why certain people get IBS. Some theories say sufferers have a sensitive colon and large intestine that reacts more strongly to food and stress. It has also been said that symptoms occur because of the way the gut, brain and nervous system interact.

Typical IBS Symptoms

The IBS symptoms, which can occur after eating or feeling emotionally stressed, can be abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and bloating. Anyone dealing with these symptoms wants relief pronto! A visit to the doctor will most likely yield a prescription for an anti-spasmodic, antidepressant or an anti-diarrhea medication depending on the symptoms. But learning how to prevent symptoms of IBS and control IBS with diet and lifestyle changes will help most sufferers in the long run.

Prevention of IBS Symptoms Through Diet
The Food and Nutrition Approach

Food and diet play a major role in preventing IBS symptoms. If you are eating the right foods and avoiding those that cause problems, you will likely feel much better. Below are a few simple tips and suggestions that can get you started in developing an IBS symptom-free regiment. It is important to develop an individualized approach that works best for you.

Start by figuring out exactly what you are eating daily with a food diary:
• Enter everything you eat each day
• Note how you feel after each meal. This will allow you to become aware of patterns in your diet that are giving your pain
• Eliminate problematic foods/drinks for three weeks and then add them back in one at a time and note your pain level

Other ways to prevent IBS symptoms:
• Eat smaller meals more often instead of fewer larger ones
• Be aware of key offenders to keep out of your diet including-
• Caffeine
• Alcohol
• Artificial sweeteners, including high fructose corn syrup
• Gas-producing vegetables
• High-fat foods

Add in to your diet-
• Water, at separate times from meals
• Soluble fiber (leafy green veggies; bran) incorporated slowly
• Fruits and vegetables
• Whole-wheat foods, unless you are gluten sensitive
• Whole grains (oatmeal, barley, etc.)
• Preservative free, baked-daily bread

Prevent and Treat IBS Symptoms with Alternative Medicine and Other Approaches

Acupuncture is an option for improving IBS symptoms. It has been found to give relief from pain and offers a significant amount of stress reduction. Various studies differ on the degree of effectiveness, but most agree that acupuncture can be helpful in alleviating and preventing IBS symptoms in conjunction with other treatments.

Another alternative way to go is hypnotherapy, or Gut-Directed-Hypnotherapy to be more exact. This was developed for IBS patients and although it cannot cure IBS, it can apparently help alleviate stress by giving the sufferer more control over relieving symptoms.

Yoga is another good option for managing IBS. Yoga has been shown to reduce and even prevent digestive issues. It allows for your body and mind to work on both physical and mental areas at the same time.

Establish a Daily Routine
Other ways to reduce stress and maintain a healthy digestive tract is to increase regular exercise and improve sleep habits. Getting into a healthy routine with food, exercise and sleep will help relieve the workload your body needs to perform, so it can still function well when you eat unhealthy food, are lethargic and have changing sleep patterns.

Manage IBS with a Health Coach
Many people have a difficult time establishing a successful healthy routine around their busy lives. Not knowing how to improve and keep a better routine, can lead to frustration and hopelessness, feelings of being alone and unsupported. A Health Coach helps IBS sufferers by developing an effective program that is customized and by offering advice, guidance and support to help the individual learn effective new ways to continually manage IBS on a day-to-day basis.

Is IBS and Depression Connected?
Last, there is a clinical trial going on at Massachusetts General Hospital that is looking at the effects of a specific probiotic bacteria, GanedenBC30, on patients with IBS and major depressive disorder. It's the first research of its kind to look at common factors between gut and psychiatric disorders and the use of probiotics to help with depression.

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Egg binding is a condition in which the iguana is unable to expel eggs from the reproductive tract.  It only occurs in females who have reached sexual maturity.  This condition is extremely serious and can prove to be fatal in mere days.  So, what exactly causes it?


There are many, many different causes of egg binding in iguanas.  It can occur if the female's system produced large or malformed eggs.  Some are born with an anatomical defect that prevents them from passing eggs.  If you don't provide them with a proper nesting site, some females will procrastinate until the eggs are too large to pass.  Other common causes include obesity, lack of calcium, malnutrition, and kidney disease.


Pregnant iguanas can have swollen abdomens.  However, this is also a common symptom of egg binding.  You will also notice that your iguana is much less active and appears to be depressed.  Although they will keep straining to lay eggs, they won't be able to.


Although a physical exam will likely be performed, it is very difficult for veterinarians to determine if iguanas are egg-bound or just pregnant by this method alone.  It's necessary to at least perform an x-ray to make a definitive diagnosis.  An x-ray or ultrasound will help determine if there are any eggs present and their location. 


The veterinarian will have multiple options when treating egg binding in iguanas.  If he is experienced enough, he may elect to lubricate the cloaca and gently try to coax the egg out.  This is risky because it's usually fatal if the eggs breaks open inside the female.  Surgery is a more common option.  During surgery to remove the eggs, the entire reproductive tract may be removed to prevent the problem from happening again.

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As you probably know, hay is the foundation of the healthy rabbit's diet. Hay is the best approximation of the rabbit's natural diet of grass and leafy plants, and should comprise about 80% of what your rabbit eats. But not all hay is alike- depending on the specific variety of grass it was cut from, how mature that grass was, what conditions it grew in, how many times it was cut in a growing season, and the manner in which it was cured and stored will all influence the qualities of the finished product. Here is some background information on what goes into the hay you feed your rabbit, and how to choose the best hay possible.

Most important is the plant the hay was derived from. Hay can be cut from either grass, or legumes. Legumes are the family of plants that includes beans, peanuts, soy, and similarly high-energy bearing plant foods. For our purposes, the legume we are interested in is alfalfa (also known as lucerne), one of the most common feed stocks in use today. The word "alfalfa" is thought to derive from the Arabic "al-fisfisa", meaning "fresh fodder". As you can see, alfalfa has been popular among domesticated animals for a long time. Rabbits are no exception. In fact, most rabbit pellet foods are based on alfalfa meal. Its rich, high protein content is to rabbits as a slice of pizza with extra cheese is to us. By the same logic, it is by no means an ideal staple food for most rabbits. With a protein content ranging averaging between 13% - 22%, if overfed it may cause the same kind of problems in rabbits you might expect in a human who ate nothing but cheese pizza- namely, diarrhea or constipation. This doesn't mean that alfalfa is bad for your rabbit, simply that it should be offered in limited quantities and supplemented with a variety of other foods. Because of its appealing (to a rabbit) qualities, it's a great feed for underweight or extremely fussy eaters, as well as young or pregnant rabbits that need lots of energy. Try mixing in some alfalfa with your rabbit's grass hay to stimulate his interest and get him digging in fast!

Timothy hay is a grass hay that is more suitable as a staple feed for rabbits. Introduced to the Americas by European colonists, the name is believed to have been given to the grass by Benjamin Franklin, in honor of Timothy Hansen, who first cultivated the grass for sale in America. It is valued as a feedstock for many animals, from gerbils to horses, due to a number of characteristics. It has a low protein content- usually around 9%, depending on maturity at harvest- which prevents digestive ailments and obesity. It also has a very low calcium content, around 0.3%, which is desirable as calcium intake has been tentatively linked to a variety of urinary tract problems in animals such as rabbits. It also has a very low moisture content, which allows it to store for long periods of time without spoiling. If alfalfa is your rabbit's extra cheese pizza, then Timothy hay is its broccoli and brussel sprouts. While extremely nutritious, even in high quantities, it isn't as appealing to them as alfalfa. If your rabbit declines to eat Timothy hay, you can mix in a little alfalfa or even hide a treat or two amongst it.

There are other grass hays that will do a good job of nourishing your rabbit, apart from Timothy hay. Orchard grass is one example. Bearing a fiber content from 30-35%, it is similar to Timothy hay in terms of nutrition. Orchard grass is distinguished by a sweet odor and flavor that some rabbits find more palatable than Timothy hay. Orchard grass hay, as well as grass hays from similar plants such a brome grass, bermuda grass, and meadow grass, are totally appropriate for use as a free-choice staple feed for rabbits.

The plant from which the hay is produced is only one portion of the overall equation, however. A typical hay field is harvest at least twice per year, depending on climate and other factors. Sometime in spring, the tall grass is cut and made into hay. Some weeks later, the grass will have regrown, and it is cut again. This process may be repeated a third, or sometimes even fourth time in a single year. The act of cutting the grass provokes changes in its growth, which means that second-cutting hay has different properties than first-cut hay. Namely, second or third cuttings tend to produce grass that is leafier, greener, and softer. In nutritional terms, leafy, green, and soft all mean high protein, high energy, low fiber hay. Many rabbit keepers prefer second- or third-cutting hay for its greater palatability and nutrient value. This is not necessarily an ideal approach, however. Think of such rich, leafy hay as being more like alfalfa, with a greater calorie count and less fiber meaning that your rabbit will need to eat less of such food to maintain its ideal body weight. Also, keep in mind that feeding rich hay can provoke digestive ailments such as diarrhea and constipation.

Even more so than which cutting it comes from, the nutritional content of hay is determined largely by its maturity at the time of cutting. The grass starts with a high proportion of leaf to stem, and of protein and nutrients to indigestible fiber. As the plant matures, it becomes browner, more stemmy, less leafy, and generally less nutritious but more fibrous. There's no reason a rabbit can't get a full complement of nutrients from such mature hay, if it is willing to eat sufficient quantities of it. Most, however, will turn up their noses at these offerings, and some have been reported to starve themselves to death rather than eat hay that doesn't match their standards.

As an end-use consumer, you're not likely to have a full picture of where the hay you buy falls into within these various categories. Unless you are on personal terms with the farmer who grew and processed your hay, you probably won't know when it was harvested, at what stage of growth, or possibly even where it was grown. Even if all these factors are known, the idiosyncrasies of daily weather and soil conditions and other ecological factors make it impossible to establish hard-and-fast rules for buying hay. You're much better off giving it your best guess, and then watching your rabbit's condition closely. If it suffers from diarrhea, or puts on an unhealthy amount of weight, switch to a browner, more fibrous choice of hay. If it seems skinny or malnourished, or refuses to eat, give more rich, leafy hay. Always try to introduce changes slowly, so as not to present a shock to the rabbit's delicate digestive balance. With these guidelines in mind, you should have no problem keeping your rabbit nourished and healthy.

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