目前分類:watery diarrhea (364)

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Diarrhea is a condition in which a person experiences a frequent watery stool against the normal stool or you can say that a person undergoes a loose stool frequently. Diarrhea itself is a disease under different condition or it is being related with the various digestive problems and it is one of their symptoms.

When it lasts for 2-3 days, then it is not considered to be in a serious condition but if it lasts for more than 2 weeks and also it is painful then in that case you must consult to a physician.

Symptoms of Diarrhea: Few main symptoms of diarrhea are fever, sometimes stool with blood, nausea, loose or watery stools and sometimes diarrhea is also associated with abdominal pain.

Types of diarrhea: Basically there are two types of diarrhea.

1. Acute diarrhea: This type of diarrhea doesn't require any intensive medication. It lasts for less than 3-4 weeks and it is cured normally.

2. Chronic diarrhea: Usually this type of diarrhea is caused due to some infection and it continues for more than month and even it can continue up to a year. Few main causes of chronic diarrhea are bowel cancer, alcohol consumption for long time, poor digestion of food etc.

Causes of Diarrhea

1. Due to the after affect of some medicines

2. Use of laxatives like magnesium, cascara etc. and the other chemicals in day to day life

3. Excess intake of alcohol

4. Bacterial and viral infection

5. Reaction against the intake of some food

Natural Cures and Home Remedies for Diarrhea

1. Water is very essential for our body so make a habit to drink plenty of water and fluids. You can go for drink like carrot juice as this drink improves the consistency of stool. Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

2. Prefer to eat the preparation made of rice and light food without oil and spices.

3. For mild diarrhea you can also take blackberry tea.

4. Increase the intake of yoghurt but totally avoid milk as well as dairy product.

5. You can take ginger capsules to reduce this problem and even the ginger tea can stop the cramps and pain.

6. For many digestive ailments charcoal is excellent.

7. Increase the intake of soluble fiber which is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

8. Take a glass of water and squeeze two lemons in it and add half tea spoon of baking powder and drink it as soon as it foams.

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Zantac is an antihistamine that is used to treat seasonal allergies. Also known as Ranitidine, it was originally used as an over-the-counter acid reflux medication. However studies have shown, that it's also a great way of treating airborne allergies from pollen, to mold to hay fever.

How it works

Since it's an antihistamine, it doesn't treat the root cause of the allergies. Rather it treats the common allergy symptoms which include runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, headache, sneezing and stuffy head. When the body encounters something that it's allergic to it attacks it which causes these symptoms. An antihistamine blocks the histamine the body produces, making the symptoms much more bearable.

Minor side effects

There are several common side effects that Zantac is known for. These include headaches, insomnia, vomiting, muscle pain, constipation and diarrhea. These can range from mild to severe. Beware of the severe ones.

Major side effects

In addition there are some major side effects that need to be taken into consideration. Among these are hallucinations, hair loss, confusion, irregular heartbeat, visual changes and brain bruising. While these are uncommon, you should stop taking Zantac if you experience any of these.

Is it right for you?

It's important to consult your doctor before taking any medication. If you suffer from liver or kidney disease or have Porphyria you should not take Zantac at all.

While it's not for everyone, Zantac is an effective treatment for all airborne seasonal allergies. Check with your doctor, who knows? Maybe it's right for you.

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The origin of buttermilk is rather different from the present day buttermilk. Previously buttermilk actually meant the left over liquid after churning butter from the milk, which is how it derived its name. Now what we call buttermilk is usually the residual liquid after curd is churned and the butter removed. Usually it was considered the poor man's curd. But research and development of science has helped to understand the underlying advantages of this watery liquid. Now it has become an integral part of the Indian diet as well as many more diets the world over. It has superseded the qualities of both milk and curd in many ways. A quick glance at the host of benefits it offers -

• Probiotic food: The lactobacillus (lactic acid bacteria) present in buttermilk makes it an intestine friendly food. These bacteria survive the digestive passage and become active once they reach the intestines and hence the name probiotic. These useful bacteria help in combating pathogenic (disease causing) organisms ingested via food or water. They improve the disease fighting capacity of the host, thus boosting the immune system.

This easily digestible drink is light on the tummy and relieves symptoms of stomach upset, acidity, diarrhea or indigestion. As it helps in rebuilding the flora of gastrointestinal tract it is believed to be helpful in chronic conditions like irritable bowel syndrome. It definitely is an intestinal elixir.

• Nutritional benefits: This healthy and nutritious drink made by beating curd can be made more delicious by adding spices like cumin seeds, salt and chillies. Though watery in nature, the nutritional benefits can never be underscored.

1. Low-fat and low calorie: Removal of fat makes it a favorite with many dieters. Those aiming for weight loss can include it in their diet regimen as it is devoid of fat, but supplies all the essential nutrients.

2. Vitamins: It is a good source of B-vitamins. The lactobacillus along with the gut flora (intestinal bacteria) helps synthesize many B-vitamins like riboflavin and vitamin B12.

3. Minerals: Being a dairy product it is a rich source of calcium and is also rich in potassium.

• Ideal summer drink: In hot climate especially in tropics and in summers one feels satiated with a glass of chilled buttermilk. Not just that, it rejuvenates and relieves signs of dehydration and sunstroke. This tangy drink along with a few pods of fenugreek seems to be an effective home remedy in reducing excessive body heat and hot flushes.

• Being a low fat drink, it is beneficial to diabetics, hypertensives or those suffering from other cardiac problems.

So, next time opt for buttermilk instead of other processed drinks.

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Giardia is a protozoal parasite found in lakes, streams, ditches and other outdoor water sources. The parasite is shed by wild animals high up in the watershed, and as the water travels down, it becomes even more contaminated by other animals living near it. Any dog or cat drinking from a pond, river, or other natural water source is likely to ingest the cysts of this persistent parasite. Once inside, the cysts hatch, grow, and reproduce. Giardia causes profuse, uncontrollable, often watery diarrhea, sometimes with blood and mucus associated with it.

The drugs most commonly used to treat Giardia are metronidazole, an antibiotic, and fenbendazole a dewormer. Each of them is about 70% effective; that is, they only work about 70% of the time. Because some parasites may be left alive, recurrent infections are possible even after treatment.

However, there is a natural protocol for getting rid of Giardia, that has been used many times successfully (and safely) in cats and dogs. We even cleared a cattery that had many infected kittens. It utilizes digestive enzymes on an empty stomach. With no food in the system, the digestive enzymes go to work on anything else that might be in the intestines--including parasites. It's been reported to work for Coccidia, and could also theoretically get rid of Toxoplasma, Cryptosporidia, Neosporum, Tritrichomonas foetus, and similar protozoal parasites.

First, you'll need a bottle of digestive enzymes (plant or fungi based) and one or more syringes; you can usually talk your vet into giving you a few 3 or 6 cc syringes (without needles). Do not get enzymes in combination with anything else such as probiotics or other supplements. It must be pure digestive enzymes alone. Make sure the product you select contains at least protease, amylase, and lipase (some also contain cellulase and other enzymes). These digest protein, starch, and fat, respectively. One product I have used is called Prozyme, which is available at many pet stores and online.

Note that the enzymes MUST be given on an empty stomach. If you leave food out for your pet 24/7, this protocol will NOT work. Food must be fed in meals, at least 30 (preferably 60) minutes after each dose of enzymes. If there is any food in the animal's digestive system, the enzymes will digest the food instead, and the parasites will flourish undisturbed. enzymes cannot be hidden in a pill pocket or a piece of cheese--there can be no food in the tummy!

Take 1 capsule of enzymes for each animal to be treated, and mix with a tiny amount of water to make a slurry. Use the syringe to give the slurry by mouth. In most cases it's easiest to insert the syringe in the corner of the mouth between or behind teeth and squirt. The mixture does not taste that bad, but cats in particular are just not gracious about taking meds. Be careful, but be firm.

Round 1: Give a dose of digestive enzymes 1/2 to 1 hour before morning and evening meal, and a dose at bedtime. Take the syringe apart and rinse clean after each dose (otherwise the residue builds up and the plunger will stick). Repeat daily for 8 days.

Rest: Take a break for 1 week. This allows time for resistant cysts to "hatch."

Round 2: Repeat digestive enzyme treatment for 7 days.

And that's it! In my experience in 15 years as a veterinarian, this protocol has been a much safer and more effective treatment than drugs.

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The lifestyle that we have may often be the cause of the occurrence of some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. IBS diarrhea is the most common. The foods that we eat and our unhealthy drinking habits often make us experience these symptoms. That is why many individuals often find it very important to have a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. In fact, this is the best prevention from having these digestive problems and stomach disorders.

Prevention is better than cure. That is why we must do extra measures to prevent ourselves from getting diarrhea. Chocolates, and drinks with caffeine or alcohol should be avoided. Carbonated drinks such as soda and soft drinks may also trigger diarrhea.

Fiber is good for the body. As natural sweepers, it can cleanse the stomach from toxins and stored fats. Eating foods high in fibers can prevent people from having constipation. It can also prevent colon cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes. However, too much intake of fibrous foods can lead to diarrhea. So, one way of having a healthy diet to take everything in moderation. Too much is something is bad enough. When you are having diarrhea already, it is best to eat foods that are rich in soluble fiber such as oat bran, flesh of fruits, lima beans, and barley.

Drinking plenty of water and liquids should not be neglected. It is normal to lose great amounts of liquid in the body during constant defecation of loose or watery stools. Not drinking enough water may lead to dehydration. A good way to do it is to drink a glass of water one hour before and after eating. Aside from preventing yourself from being dehydrated, it can also aid the food from being digested faster and run through all your body systems a bit faster. It is even good to drink fresh juices from fruits and vegetables. If you are drinking bottled or canned juices, be careful. Make sure that these do not contain artificial sweeteners because these can trigger and worsen the situation.

You must also have yourself tested for lactose intolerance. People who are lactose intolerant should avoid dairy foods and dairy products. During diarrhea, it is natural for you to lose a certain amount of enzyme lactase. As a result, dairy products can not be digested properly. Letting this happen will worsen diarrhea and might sometimes lead to other symptoms such as bloating, nausea, and intestinal gas.

Exercising your body regularly can prevent the symptoms of diarrhea and IBS. In some cases, IBS symptoms and indigestion is cause by stress. Relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation are some of the known prevention of diarrhea. Although it is not medically proven yet, but its soothing effects to the mental state of an individual can relieve him from stress and anxiety which may trigger diarrhea. Exercise can also help in the proper circulation of blood so that the different organs in the body may function well.

When you are experiencing diarrhea or other symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, you should not treat yourself alone. Your wrong judgment and actions might worsen the situation and may cause you more problems. It is always best to consult and seek medical advice from the doctor for effective remedies.

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Pseudomembranous colitis is a form of inflammatory disease characterized by the pathologic presence of pseudomembranes consisting of mucin, fibrin, necrotic cells, and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Bacterial IBS is the most common cause of this disease , particularly beyond the first year of life. Allergic IBS is the most common form of colitis during the first year of life. Collagenous colitis and lymphocytic colitis are two other types of bowel inflammation that affect the colon.

A diagnosis of collagenous IBS or lymphocytic IBSis made after tissue samples taken during a colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy are examined with a microscope. Collagenous IBS and lymphocytic IBS are also called microscopic IBS. Ulcerative colitis is not caused by emotional distress or sensitivity to certain foods or food products, but these factors may trigger symptoms in some people.

For extreme cases of collagenous and lymphocytic that have not responded to medication, surgery to remove all or part of the colon may be necessary.

Ulcerative colitis can occur in people of any age, but it usually starts between the ages of 15 and 30, and less frequently between 50 and 70 years of age. IBS is an inflammation of the colon. IBS may also cause problems such as arthritis, inflammation of the eye, liver disease, and osteoporosis. This disease causes inflammation and sores, called ulcers, in the lining of the rectum and colon.

Ischemic is a form of vasculitis that results from inflammation and ischemia of colonic mucosa, which causes rectal bleeding and abdominal pain. Treatment for collagenous and lymphocytic varies depending on the symptoms and severity of the case. People with ulcerative colitis have abnormalities of the immune system, but doctors do not know whether these abnormalities are a cause or a result of the disease. Pseudomembranous usually presents with profuse watery or mucoid diarrhea, tenesmus, fever, abdominal cramps, and tenderness usually within one week of antibiotic therapy.

After age 50 a regular colonoscopy is recommended for early detection of colon cancer unless the patient has increased risk of cancer and then more frequent examinations may be prescribed by the patients doctor.

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Milk allergies occur because the immune system mistakenly sees milk protein as something that is dangerous for the body and tries to fight it off. It starts as an allergic reaction causing a child to be fussy and irritable along with an upset stomach and other symptoms.

Breastfeeding lowers the risk of the child developing a milk allergy. In many cases however, the allergy is said to be genetic. Normally, by the time a child reaches the age of three to five years old, the allergy goes away all on its own.

People who have milk allergies should really pay good attention to what they are eating because a lot of foods nowadays are made up of milk and other milk products. A milk allergy is different from lactose intolerance and without extra caution, a milk allergy may turn into a severe illness due to direct contact with foods that cause it.

Milk Allergy And The Immune System
A person who has a milk allergy reacts to the proteins in the milk. The substance known as Curd which forms the chunks that can be observed in sour milk contains 80% of the milk's proteins while Whey which is the watery part holds 20% of the milk's content.

If a person who has allergic reactions to milk eats food that contain milk products, the immune system will fight the milk proteins because it mistakenly sees them as invaders thus harmful to the body. The immune system protects the body from these milk proteins by creating antibodies known as immunoglobulin that trigger the release of chemicals into the body such as histamine.

The release of these chemicals affect the different parts of the body such as the gastrointestinal tract, the skin, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system which then causes the allergy symptoms like nausea, headache, wheezing, itchy hives and stomachache.

The Common Symptoms
Just like any other food allergy reactions, the symptoms occur within ten minutes to a couple of hours after eating the food that caused the allergy. The symptoms may sometimes last for less than a day affecting any of these three body systems: the skin, the gastrointestinal tract and the respiratory tract.

Milk allergy manifests in the skin in a form of red rashes, redness and swelling in the areas of the mouth or eczema. The gastrointestinal tract on the other hand is affected in the form of belly cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The respiratory tract has symptoms ranging from itchy and watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing to asthma attacks coupled with wheezing and coughing.
A severe reaction known as anaphylaxis may also occur to some patients. It causes the swelling of the mouth as well as the throat and airways that lead to the lungs leading to the inability of the patient to breathe. There is also a dangerous drop in the blood pressure which cause the dizziness and passing out and sometimes immediately lead to shock.

Going To The Doctor
Once your doctor suspects that you might be having a milk allergy, you will be referred to a specialist that is equipped to better treat your allergic reactions. The allergy specialist will then ask you some questions that may cover information about how often these reactions occur and the time that it usually takes before the allergy manifests itself in your system. He or she will also ask you if there are members of your family who has the same case of allergic reactions that you have.

An allergy specialist performs a skin test on you and this test will involve a placing of liquid extracts of milk protein on the patient's forearm or back. The skin will be pricked a bit and the allergist waits if there would appear reddish spot forms thus indicating the allergic reaction.

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If your dog is having symptoms of diarrhea, it is because he may have ingested one of the thousands of contaminants in Americas drinking water.  Scientists have discovered that there are over 2,100 contaminants in the water supply of various U.S. cities.

One of the symptoms of dogs having diarrhea, is when they excrete more often than usual.  Their feces are watery instead of being solid. There will be mucus in their stools.  This is a clear sign that your dog has a severe problem with their digestive system. 

One of the main causes of these dog symptoms of diarrhea come from the deteriorating condition of Americas water supply.  Carol Browner, chief of the U.S. EPA states, "The way we guarantee safe drinking water is broken and needs to be fixed."  Not only are humans affected by this problem but animals as well.

Other symptoms include vomiting.  Dogs usually do not vomit and when they spit out the food that they have eaten, it is evident that your dog is sick.  These dog symptoms of diarrhea may also show loss of appetite and activity.  Fever may also be present.

 It is vital that you observe what your dog eats so you can avoid stomach related diseases.  Do not forget to feed them clean and safe water since most diarrhea related symptoms are caused by parasites.

If you do not want to bring your dog to the vet, there are home remedies as well.  The first thing that you should do is avoid giving them human food because most of it contains oily substances that are not healthy for dogs.

There are natural treatments for dogs such as probiotics, herbs and glutamine.  Plantains and elms are known to cure diarrhea in dogs.  You should take note that when dog symptoms diarrhea occur, stop giving them the usual diet that they are given.

To help your pet recover fast, start giving them water.  No, not the water from your tap because it contains chlorine and toxins that can worsen your dogs condition. Feed them with safe and clean filtered water and add probiotic powder to their food when their symptoms start to fade.  I do not recommend bottled water since it contains as much toxins as tap water.

In a 1999, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), conducted a study and found out that, "An estimated 25% or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle, sometimes further treated, sometimes not."  I suggest getting a good brand of water filter which will protect the whole household against harmful contaminants in your water.

Just like humans, fluid intake is crucial to your dogs health.  If they do not have enough fluids while dog symptoms diarrhea are occurring, they will dehydrate.  It is critical that you refresh their water supply every time they drink all of it from their bowl.  Dont forget to clean it everyday.  Throw stale water if they don't touch it for a day. 

After the probiotic solution, observe if the your dog symptoms diarrhea has ceased.  If it recurs, feed them with small amounts of low-fat food three times a day at least for one week.  Foods that are bland are better.  Boiled rice, tofu, boiled burger, cottage cheese and fresh pumpkins are good sources of fiber to aid your dog recuperate fast.

Now that you know what dog symptoms of diarrhea are, what are you going to do about it?  Protect your family and your pets from toxins and parasites that get in your water.  Unless you want to shower with bottled water, I suggest you get a good kind of water filtration system for your home because it costs less gallon for gallon.

Not just any water filter. Choose a filter system that removes all the bad stuff but retains the good minerals that are needed by your body.  There is one I know which does this process.  Find out about it at Johns website below.

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Allergy symptoms vary from person to person (and animal to animal), but tend to fall into a few categories. One group of people will tend to express their allergies through their skin. Various eruptions will appear on any part of your body. These are unique to you, in both the area affected and the type of eruption.

Another group of people will express their allergy symptoms through watery discharge of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms might include those typical of hay fever - streaming eyes, sore eyes, red eyes, itchy eyes, streaming nose, itchy palate, itchy throat, itchy nose, sneezing, etc.

And yet another group of people may express their allergy symptoms through their stomach, with indigestion, gas and diarrhea.

Whatever the area affected, it is showing you your weakness. But at the core of the problem is your immune system. It's struggling really hard and not making much headway. It's badly compromised.

This is at the heart of every single disease under the sun. The expression of the disease (ie your symptoms) indicate your area of weakness, but the fact that you have the allergy or disease in the first place is because your immune system is compromised.

If you have a good, healthy immune system, your body will heal everything. You won't even be aware that there is a problem.

So how do you restore your immune system to its former glory? Generally this is a life transformation. There is no easy fix, no magic bullet. But if you start now, it can only improve.

Things that stop your immune system working are:

  • eating unhealthy food (fast, junk, processed, dairy, too much meat, preservatives, colours and so on)

  • taking medicine on a regular basis

  • having vaccines

  • not getting exposed to enough sun

  • not taking regular exercise

  • drinking too much alcohol

But by far the most important aspect is how you think. If you think negatively, get frightened easily, get angry often or suppress your feelings regularly, your immune system will be badly affected.

Those people who are at peace with themselves don't have compromised immune systems. And they don't get sick very often.

So instead of thinking someone else, other than you, can fix your allergy symptoms, try thinking that you are responsible for your health. It could be the start of a profound journey for you. 

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Forty percent of Americans believe that they have an allergic reaction to certain foods. Of all allergies, nut allergies mainly result in deaths. At a point you probably experienced symptoms when you ate some food with almonds in it. Does that mean you are having an allergic reaction? How would you know if you are allergic to almonds? If you are having an reaction, what can you do?

Allergic reactions may be mild. This can be in the form of rash and/or watery eyes and congestion. The reaction may also be moderate such as rash and hives, itchiness and/or difficulty breathing. A severe reaction however, consists of abdominal pains, vomiting and strenuous breathing. A severe reaction to almonds may occur such as the unexpected incapability to breathe.

The symptoms of food intolerance are often confused with an allergic reaction. About two hours after consuming the food, a true allergic reaction will occur, which involves a reaction by the skin and bowels. Food intolerance, on the other hand, is a gastronomic reaction and not an immune system response. Symptoms of food intolerance include diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, heartburn and headaches. A hint as little as 1/44,000th of a nut can generate an allergic effect, while intolerances involve some amount of intake to cause a response.

Foods that normally cause reactions are protein based. The body sometimes misinterpret proteins as being intruders. The immune system reacts by discharging antibodies and histamines to drive out the allergen out of the body. A grouping of locations is likely for outbreaks and do not essentially relate to the area of intake or function.

All food allergies can be hereditary, including reaction to almonds. It is mainly expected to come about during youth. Some allergies will fade away in adulthood. At any time, new allergies can emerge. Repeated experience makes allergic responses more probable. Some items crop up in many foods, which make them more liable to set off allergic reactions. Likely allergens include corn, wheat, dairy, eggs and soy.

Eliminating almonds is of vital importance. Because not all goods have items listings; and because some mask it underneath an alternate name or just simply not list it at all, trying to totally eliminate almonds can become quite complicated. Almonds applied to the skin can trigger a reaction also. It can also turn up in cosmetic products such as conditioner, shampoo and lotion. Take note of alternate titles such as Amygdalus dulcis or Prunus dulcis. There is a link in Resources that list home remedies that may be of help. Do not be discouraged because in some cases, after reducing exposure to almonds, the reaction does go away.

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To err is human and we all commit many errors in our day to day life, the result of which is bodily and mental discomforts that we may encounter. Every person is the author of his health, as rightly said. Similarly every person can be a care-taker of his own body and health with mild homeopathic medicines. Yes, homeopathy can always be thought as the primary mode of therapy for smaller problems at home. Certainly one needs to know about homeopathic philosophy and principles before one starts prescribing even for family members and others.

But with practice and in-depth reading of homeopathic material medica, one can safely use homeopathic medicines, especially while traveling, at night when the doctor's help cannot be sought, etc. This is obviously true in case of minor problems. For major ones, it is better to visit doctor as soon as possible.

Here are some of the problems for which you can help yourself-

(1)Minor cuts and bruises-

繚 Calendula- For minor cuts and bruises this medicine prepared from Marigold is truly the powerful healing agent. Give a single dose internally and you can also go for local application in case of cut. If you are using tincture, make sure you dilute it with water before using locally.

繚 Arnica- For cuts and bruises where the internal blow is prominent with soreness of the part; Arnica Montana is the remedy that tops the list. Arnica is a very powerful remedy also to stop excess bleeding and to prevent hematoma in case of mild to moderate head injury as well. In any case of head injury, Arnica is the baseline remedy that must be given in high potency as far as possible, to avoid future complications.

繚 Ruta- for sprains, this is the remedy to be thought after Arnica. Wrist and ankle sprains top the list, along with sore bruised pain.

繚 Rhus tox- This is one of the most frequently indicated remedy for sudden sprains due to reaching for high objects or lifting heavy weights. One also needs to differentiate between Bellis perennis while treating sprains due to lifting heavy weights. Pelvic soreness due to lifting heavy weights goes more in favor of Bellis perennis.

(2)Minor eye problems-

繚 Euphrasia- Mild or moderate conjunctivitis that feels better in open air calls for Euphrasia.Bland coryza (cold) and acrid lachrymation (burning eye discharge) are the key symptoms.

繚 Symphytum- Blow to the eyeballs leading to black eye is the key symptom of Symphytum. You will notice positive change within a single dose too fast.

繚 Ruta- Eyestrain with headache and painful hot eyes due to reading fine print or sewing, etc calls for Ruta. Bruised sensation and weariness of eyes are to be noted. Differentiate between Argentum nitricum though. Ruta is aggravated from cold, while Argentum aggravated by warmth, so you have the point to differentiate.

(3)Spasmodic dysmenorrhea-

繚 Mag phos- This is the chief remedy as far as mere pain in abdomen is concerned. For immediate relief, you can even try Mag phos 12X, tablets, dissolved in warm water. You may enhance the potency if sure of the similimum. 'The girl bends forwards to press the abdomen to feel better' is Mag phos.

繚 Viburnum opulus- This is one of the rarely thought but frequently indicated remedy for sudden onset of spasmodic dysmenorrhea. Very scanty offensive menses with crampy pains running down the thighs indicated Vib op.

繚 Belladona- Suddenly increasing and lessening pain goes in favor of Belladona. Hot, offensive, bright red and profuse bleeding is characteristic.

(Remember that these remedies are indicated for acuteness of symptoms. To fight the tendency to dysmenorrhea and hormonal imbalances, one has to seek expert homeopathic advice and constitutional treatment)


繚 Sabadilla- When the symptoms are acute and sneezing is profound, Sabadilla is the choice of remedy. Watery and profuse nasal discharge is characteristic.

繚 Dulcamara- Windy weathers and rains leading to coryza may call for Dulcamara. Dryness of nasal mucus membrane despite having colds is characteristic. Wants to cover the nose to keep it warm!

繚 Belladona- When the symptoms are acute after the localization, Belladona may be indicated. The person goes in rains or cold weathers and catches up cold with dryness itchy throat the next day; Belladona is the remedy many times. Headache and feverishness associated with colds and suddenness of symptoms are to be noted.

繚 Hepar sulph- Usually indicated after 2 to 3 days of starting cold and cough. Rawness of throat is the chief symptom that gets aggravated by least cold. Just a single dose acts as anti-infectant in most cases.


繚 Spongia- Dry irritating cough with breathlessness calls for Spongia. Night aggravation must be considered and give just a single dose.

繚 Ipecac- If there is sputum production with irritating cough with clean tongue but nauseating feeling, Ipecac may be of help.

繚 Antim tart- In children where there is chest congestion with excessive sweating and sour food aggravation, Antim tar is of help. Especially when the child gets cough after eating sour citrus fruit, Antim tar is the remedy in many cases. If the chest is wheezy and cold aggravates, Antim ars may be thought.

繚 Drosera- Excessively irritating cough that ends in vomiting may need Drosera. It is a very potent remedy indicated even in whooping cough. Give just a single dose in 30C potency and see the marvelous results when indicated.


繚 Nux vomica- Distended abdomen after meals with ineffectual urging for stools calls for Nux vomica. Patient wants to go for stools recurrently without satisfactory feeling after defecation calls for Nux. There might be associated hyperacidity without the actual vomiting.

繚 Bryonia- Dry hard stools absolutely without an urge to stools calls for Bryonia. Assiciated with excessive thirst.

繚 Magnesium mur- Constipation in infants and children. Knotty scanty stools in children during dentition calls for Mag mur.

繚 Plumbum- Should be considered in chronically constipated. Hard, lumpy, black stools with spasm of anus. Constricted feeling at anus calls for Plumbum.


繚 Nux vom- It may be surprising for beginners in homeopathy that Nux vomica is one of the chief remedies for both constipation and diarrhea. The principle symptom is the unsatisfactory urging to stools. And upon this very symptom, this remedy can be used for both the problems.

繚 Aloe soc- Watery stools after beer consumption and they are so forcibly passed that at times passed without notice.

繚 Pulsatilla- Rich fatty food leading to diarrhea with rumbling in abdomen calls for Pulsatilla. Fruits aggravate during diarrhea or they may be the cause. Stools of varied colors.

繚 Chamomilla- Esecially indicated in children when the child has excessively offensive, greenish, watery stools with crampy pain in abdomen. Extreme irritability must be looked for before prescribing.

繚 Croton tig- Summer diarrheas with nausea and forcible yellow stools calls for Croton tig. Better on taking hot water is the principle indication.

繚 Podophyllum- Profuse watery stools with prostration may need Podophyllum. During dentition too it is indicated when no two stools are alike.

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Diarrhea is a very common condition in guinea pigs. But it isn't usually serious and can be remedied quickly with the right kind of treatment.


Guinea pig diarrhea is liquid and sometimes runny, and always soft. It is very distinguishable from regular feces which are rounded and hard. Diarrhea is often accompanied by a number of other symptoms. You might notice that the cavy isn't eating as much as usual, is showing signs of pain in the stomach area and is having trouble getting through daily activities.

If you find that the diarrhea is very frequent or that it smells really bad, you should rush your pet to a vet immediately. This might be a severe case and you should treat it urgently; in such a time, you might also find the pig feeling very weak or inactive.


Diarrhea is usually caused by indigestion due to eating the wrong food, and isn't too hard to treat. However, it can also be caused by a host of other factors which, although not as common, pose a real threat. One of these causes is parasites: bacteria or fungus can sometimes be ingested with food and cause diarrhea.

Ironically, diarrhea can be also caused by medication. If your pig is currently being treated for any condition with drugs, those may very well be the cause as well. One other common cause is not eating enough hay. Hay is extremely important in maintaining the digestive health of your guinea pig and a shortage of it will almost certainly lead to diarrhea.


The first thing to do is stop feeding your pig fruits and vegetables. Until the diarrhea is gone, the pig should mostly eat timothy hay (with maybe some food pellets) and drink lots of water. You should personally make sure that food and water are being ingested, or hand-feed if necessary. It is essential to keep the pig fed and well hydrated at this time.

If you haven't already, you should be filling your cavy's cage with an abundance of fresh hay; this is vital is containing the diarrhea. Some of the hay might have gotten spoilt and might have caused the problem in the first place, so if you can, you should replace all the hay with a fresh batch.

You should be able to see a drastic improvement within a day. If you don't, take it as a serious condition and see the vet immediately.

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If you're age 50 or over, it's likely your doctor has recommended that you have a screening colonoscopy, an internal look at the colon to check for conditions that may lead to cancer. When I recommend my patients for colonoscopy, they don't exactly jump for joy, and many of them are fearful of the process. They're afraid it's going to be painful, embarrassing, or that it will have complications.

However, after I explain to them exactly what the procedure is, how quickly it is over with, and how beneficial it is to their health, most of my patients are ready to get their colonoscopy without concern. Allow me to share with you what I tell my own patients about colonoscopy so that, you too, will feel more at ease about this relatively simple procedure.

What Is The Purpose of A Colonoscopy?

It helps my patients to understand why they should have a screening colonoscopy if I explain to them what it is and what it does. Simply put, a colonoscopy screens for possible colon cancer and other diseases of the bowel or colon.

A colonoscopy is, as the word itself states, a "scope" of the colon. After specific preparation the day before, which consists of consuming a special drink, the colon is completely emptied (see Preparation below). The day of the procedure, a light sedation is given and a small diameter scope is entered into the rectum through the anus that slowly advances forward until it reaches the cecum, a structure which tells the doctor the end of the colon has been reached.

Once at the cecum, the doctor slowly pulls the scope backwards and carefully examines the walls of the colon as it moves, making note of any abnormalities along the way. These areas may be biopsied at the time of the exam.

Sometimes polyps, a fleshy overgrowth of tissue, are found on colonoscopy. They are usually removed during the procedure and sent off to pathology. Most polyps found during colonoscopy are benign, or noncancerous. The scoping is continued until it is back at the anus. The entire procedure is very short from start to finish. After a brief recovery period, you are able to return home and eat normally. Because of the sedation, however, you will need someone to come with you to drive you home.

Who Should Be Screened?

Generally, if you are age 50 or over, you should have your first screening colonoscopy to determine the health of your colon. If you have any history of colon cancer in your immediate family, you are at higher risk for developing colon cancer and screening is imperative.

Also, if you have any symptoms such as pain, bleeding, diarrhea, chronic constipation, passing a lot of mucus or other tissue in your stools, a colonoscopy may be necessary to determine other diseases like Crohn's, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac sprue, or diverticular disease.

Is A Colonoscopy Painful?

No, generally not. In fact, most patients who have a colonoscopy are unaware that the procedure was even done. Light sedation, or sometimes even general anesthesia, is given. You fall asleep and are surprised when you're awakened to find that the procedure is already over!

What's The Preparation for Colonoscopy Like?

Well, as I tell my patients, the preparation for a colonoscopy is probably the least pleasant part of the procedure, as it necessitates emptying your bowel frequently over a period of hours and you will only be able to consume clear fluids, some juices, and gelatin during this time. No foods are eaten. You must stay near a bathroom to do the preparation, so I advise my patients to stay home.

Generally, you will drink a preparation called MiraLAX, a polyethylene glycol solution that is mixed with Gatorade G2 along with 2 bisacodyl (a laxative) tablets over a period of about 6 hours the day before the colonoscopy is to be done. However, if you have liver, kidney or heart disease, your doctor likely will recommend a different preparation solution. You will start having bowel movements throughout this time, becoming more and more watery, until your entire bowel is empty. Part of the solution will be taken the morning of the exam about 4 hours before, so be sure to allow for drive time.

Any discomfort from the colonoscopy preparation is more likely to come from irritated anal tissues. This is easily remedied, however, by applying A and D ointment to the area and using moistened wipes after bowel emptying. Some people may experience a little nausea after drinking the solution but this will resolve itself shortly.

Although colonoscopy is likely not on anyone's list of fun things to do, it is a necessary and very beneficial screening tool to catch colon cancer in an early stage, when the success rate for treating it is much, much higher.

In fact, I would rate having a colonoscopy as being less scary and having less discomfort than most dental work, which most of us do all the time without a second thought! Getting screened for colonoscopy only needs to occur maybe once every 5-10 years if you have no special health risks, which necessitate more frequent screening. With the prep and the exam itself, colonoscopy takes about 1-1/2 days out of your life that can help save many more days of your life!

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According to WebMD, one in five people suffer from some type of allergy. An allergy is defined as a disorder of the immune system that makes a person hypersensitive to normally innocuous substances. The substance (allergen) that causes allergies could be pollen, cat dander, or a specific food. Inhaling, ingesting, or coming into contact with these allergens can cause a variety of symptoms, from itchy eyes and rashes to death. Most of us know someone who is allergic to something. But did you know that allergies also affect our furry friends?

About 20 percent of the dogs in America have some type of allergy, according to the ASPCA. Of course, these allergies are often much harder to diagnose than they are in humans, since our canine friends can't tell us that something is making them sick. In other words, we must pay close attention to how they look and act. No, you don't have to be a pet detective. You simply have to keep an eye out for the same symptoms that are associated with allergies in humans.

What are they?

Itchy, watery, and/or runny eyes



Itchy ears

Incessant scratching

Red or inflamed skin

Heavy, stertorous snoring or breathing

Paw licking, biting, or chewing


Obviously, some of these symptoms are more noticeable than others. If your dog throws up shortly after you switch dog food brands that may mean he is allergic to one of the ingredients in the new food. This is often easy to address, i.e., simply go back to the old brand. But other common dog allergies can be difficult to pinpoint. If you pet is sneezing, coughing, or even wheezing, it could be caused by any one of a dozen allergens. More often than not, something is affecting his respiratory tract, but it is hard to know exactly what that something is. The only way to know for sure is to have him tested for pet allergies by a veterinarian.

As every pet owner knows, veterinary visits can be expensive, especially for people living on fixed incomes. The doctor has to do a complete physical examination, including blood and/or skin tests, which can really add up.

Food Allergens

Is there an affordable option? It really does depend on the allergy. If you pet vomits or has diarrhea shortly after eating, there's a pretty good chance he has a food allergy and that something you are feeding him is making him sick. In order to locate the allergen, you must put your pooch on an elimination diet. That means no more treats and no more feeding him from the table! You must keep track of everything he eats and then start removing foods until you locate the culprit. Of course, this does not mean that you will feed him any less than you did before. It simply means less variety.

Environmental Allergens

As you might expect, it is much harder to locate the offending substance if it cannot be tracked. Therefore, prevention is the best treatment for dogs that suffer from environmental allergies. Whether you canine friend is allergic to dust or pollen, it is possible to keep him bright-eyed and bushy-tailed (or waggy-tailed) with a little extra work. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Cleaning is the place to start. This includes both your house and your dog. Pet owners who have pooches with allergies should vacuum their homes or apartments at least twice a week. It is also extremely important to clean the place where he sleeps or spends most of his time. If he has a dog bed that is dirty and old, replace it, even if he's partial to it. He might not know it's making him sick!

Regular, even weekly bathing may help relieve the itching and skin irritation that is cause by environmental allergens like pollen. There are prescription and over-the-counter shampoos that are designed specifically for dogs with sensitive skin who may also suffer from allergies. Ask your veterinarian which products are best for your dogs. It is important to note that some shampoos do contain harsh chemicals that may actually make the skin irritation worse. Therefore, it is always best to talk to your dog's doctor before you use any new product on him.

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Normal bowel movements vary from person to person. Their frequency & consistency is decided by your day to day activities and your eating habits. In order to read the abnormality in your bowel movements you have to notice the changes in bowel color, shape of stools, frequency, consistency, odor, etc. Normal stool is middle brown in color and smooth.

How many Bowel Movements per day are normal for human body

People usually have a myth that only 1 bowel movement per day is normal. Fact is that there are no fix numbers. This only depends on your body and your lifestyle. Generally people have 3 to 4 movements every day. Below that some times people have the issues like constipation etc. Going above that indicates diarrhea. Another indication of diarrhea is having a watery stool.

How do we judge the Normal Bowel Movements per day?

· If you eat your meals thrice a day, you must have 3 bowel movements a day and likewise with two meals it becomes 2.

· This also depends on emotional condition along with the diet factor.

· The best is to feel the urge on fixed hours. People do feel the urge in the morning time and during late nights.

· While pushing the stool you must not need to push yourself or strain your self. If must flow off naturally.

· One normal bowel movement should not take more than 5 minutes.

· Your stool should have diameter equal to half of your wrists' width.

· Next, the stool should neither be too hard to pass nor too long & stringy.

· Soft and watery stools are not normal.

· Normal stool is medium brown colored. It must not be maroon, yellow or grey though it may contain certain colors of the food items that you consumed recently.

· It must not have a foul smell if the waste product is the result of food items taken within 24 hours.

So even if you have 4 bowel movements per day it is not unhealthy until it is normal in color and you have no problems passing it.

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I am sure we all want to protect our pets from disease and one common disease, called Canine Distemper is a worldwide problem and young puppies, in particular are the most susceptible and the most likely to die from the disease.

It is possible for humans to have a sub-clinical CDV infection although anyone who has had an anti measles vaccination, will be immunized as the two diseases are related.

Dog Distemper Transmission

The disease can be spread by coming into contact with the bodily secretions and nasal fluid from an infected animal but most commonly ingestion via airborne particles from infected animals i.e. breathing in the particles.

How can it be prevented?

All dogs and all breeds are at risk from Canine Distemper with older dogs who have not been vaccinated and particularly puppies being most at risk because their immune systems are still immature. There is no cure for CDV, prevention is the only viable solution and since development of the vaccine in the early 1960's there has been a substantial reduction in the number of fatalities, attributed to this disease. At one time Canine Distemper was the highest reported cause of death in domestic dogs.

Vaccination is the way to protect your dog and until your pet has been vaccinated, be careful where you take him. Since airborne ingestion is the most common form of infection, be especially aware in parks, dog areas, kennels, and grooming premises. Try to avoid exposing your dog to any animals that you are unfamiliar with, including wild animals as it is often the wild animal population that is attributed for the sporadic outbreaks of the disease. The Canine Distemper virus (paramyxovirus) also occurs in Ferrets, Foxes, Mink, and other carnivores.

Puppies, being particularly at risk can receive vaccination from 6 weeks and should be re-vaccinated every 3-4 weeks until 16 months old. Newborn pups prior to vaccination need to be kept away from other dogs and areas of possible contamination. Adult dogs should continue be vaccinated every year.

Speak with your vet about local issues and problems that can affect your pet.

Look out for Distemper in Dogs

Following ingestion, infections are replicated in the lymph nodes although dogs can appear to be quite normal for several days following the actual contamination and initial Distemper symptoms may include

o Loss of appetite
o Runny nose
o Watery eyes
o Diarrhea
o Cough
o Labored breathing
o Sore throat.
o Vomiting

The Treatment

There is no cure for actual Canine Distemper Disease but supportive treatments include controlling the spread and the severity of secondary ailments like vomiting, diarrhea, and fluid discharge.

Providing a warm and draft free environment with good nursing care will make the dog as secure and comfortable as possible.

Monitor for dehydration

The vet will probably use antibiotics and drugs to control any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pneumonia, twitching and spasm.


Following recovery, an infected animal can still be a carrier and needs to be quarantined for a minimum period of 2 weeks to reduce the possibility of contaminating and infecting other animals.


Prevention and vaccination is the best option of all.

If during the course of treatment or convalescence the dog appears to respond well, you must avoid the temptation of allowing the animal outside, even on what might seem a mild day, as the colder air and ground can exacerbate its respiratory problems with possible dire consequences. This information was compiled for your interest because it is an extremely serious illness, and if you suspect Distemper in your dog you should consult with your Vet Practice immediately for help and treatment.

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Although geckos are basically amazingly clean reptiles, which is actually an important factor that keeps them healthy, it is best if you recognize some common illnesses that might infect your gecko for some reason.

Here is the list of infections that may occur to your gecko:

#1 - Gastroenteritis or diarrhea is an infection of the gastro-intestinal tract due to unhygienic environment. It is indicated by watery stool with or without blood. You can also find undigested insect debris. Your gecko may experience weight loss and a skinny tail due to dehydration. If not quickly treated it could possibly die.

#2 - Coccidiasis is also a gastrointestinal disorder caused by protozoan parasites. It affects the lining of the intestine. This is a contagious disease that could spread to other geckos. The symptoms are similar to the above and when not promptly treated your gecko get dehydrated, stop eating, it will move very slow and get anorexic

#3 - Metabolic Bone Disorder or MBD which is caused by calcium and Vitamin D3 deficiency. This is due to wrong feeding of foods that lacks those mineral and vitamin. Those elements are essential in the formation of bones and eggshells. The sign and symptoms include spongy bones, spine and limb deformity, tremor and loss of appetite. Recovery is considered very slow and very difficult.

#4 - Anorexia or loss of appetite can be caused by a lot of factors that may include stress, unhygienic condition, nutritional deficiency and some other illness. Your leopard gecko will look very skinny especially the tail which is usually very thick. It becomes weak and moves very slow. In severe cases, your gecko will stop eating and finally die.

#5 - Dysecdysis is a shedding problem due to several factors such us malnutrition, improper care and lack of humidity. Incomplete shed skin may show like dry patches on the head, surround the eyes, limbs and tail. In such condition could develop eye problem, walking complication due to a remarkable tighten skin bands around the limbs. Untreated condition will trigger serious infection.

#6 - Dystocia or egg-binding is a condition where a female gecko is not able to push out her eggs. This may be caused by a too big eggs, nutritional factors, sick and weak female or other factors. A female with dystocia will usually stop eating and get weak and exhausted.

#7 - Pneumonia is a severe bacterial infection in the lung. The cause could be too cool of an environment with high humidity. The sign is the appearance of mucus bubbles in their nostrils with some degree of breathing difficulty. This condition can be restored by increasing the temperature to a warmer condition

#8 - Cryptosporidiosis or 'crypto' is a highly infectious and fatal disease. The failure to identify this disease in its early stage may lead to the death of your gecko. Even though a clear diagnosis is hard to be made, some symptoms can be recognized which include spots of food regurgitation and watery stool in your gecko cage. Your gecko is showing an extremely thin body and tail. It is very hard to cure this disease and usually ends up with killing the gecko.

#9 - Stomatitis, sand impactions and prolapse could happen occasionally when your gecko for some reason ingest sand or other kind of substrate.

The key to prevent the above unpleasant conditions is keep your clean gecko environment clean, which includes you and your entire family who should possess a mind of cleanliness to be applied for you and your gecko

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What are anal fissures and fistulas?
An anal fissure is a tear in the lining of the anus or the skin around it. An anal fistula is an abnormal track or channel from the anus that opens onto the skin surrounding the anus.

What causes anal fissures and fistulas and who is at risk?
Frequently, no cause is found for the development of an anal fissure. The most commonly associated condition is constipation.

Anal fistulas are associated with a number of conditions that result in inflammation of the digestive tract. These include ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease (see separate Factsheet). More commonly, however, fistulas are caused by infection and abscess (collection of pus) in one of the glands near to the anus. Multiple anal fissures may also be associated with these conditions.

What are the common symptoms and complications of anal fissures and fistulas? Sudden and severe pain in or around the anus is the characteristic symptom of an anal fissure. The pain often occurs during or shortly after the passage of a hard stool, but may also occur spontaneously.

After that, the pain occurs now and then and is severe, sharp and often shooting in nature; it is often made worse by a bowel movement. As a result, sufferers often avoid opening their bowels, which makes the constipation worse and prevents the fissure from healing. The condition is frequently associated with something called a 'sentinel pile'. This pile, or haemorrhoid, is a small vein that has dropped down from inside the anus to lie outside. It may bleed from time to time and a streak of bright red blood on the toilet paper may be seen.

Anal fistula is most commonly associated with an abscess near the anus, which gives rise to pain in or around the anus that may be dull and throbbing. The abscess releases pus, which may be blood-stained and soil the underclothes. The formation of a fistula results in the often continuous seepage of pus or sometimes a more thin and watery fluid, again often streaked with blood, from the anus. If the underlying abscess is large enough it may cause a fever and a feeling of being generally unwell.

If a fistula has been caused by an inflammatory bowel disease, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, other symptoms of the disease may be present. These may include diarrhea, abdominal pains, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea and vomiting.

What is the treatment for anal fissures and fistulas?

Self-care action plan
Avoiding constipation by eating a diet rich in fibre (including plenty of fruit and vegetables) helps to prevent anal fissures from occurring. Such a diet also helps the healing process.

If diet alone is insufficient to control constipation, a number of medicines can be used, many of which are available as over-the-counter preparations from a pharmacist with no need for a prescription. These include lactulose, taken as a liquid, and tablets such as senna. Creams or ointments that contain pain-killing local anaesthetic agents are very useful at relieving the pain of anal fissures. Relief of the pain reduces the spasm in the muscles of the anus, which often prevents the fissure from healing.

If all the above measures fail, a variety of operations is available for the treatment of anal fissures. These include stretching of the anus, which is carried out under general anaesthetic (during which you will be asleep) and although normally performed as a day case, may require you to stay in hospital overnight. This procedure results in temporary weakening of the muscles around the anus, relieving the spasm and allowing healing to occur. Alternatively, a 'sphincterotomy' may be performed. This, again, is carried out under a general anaesthetic and involves cutting some of the muscle fibres around the anus. A chronic (long-term) fissure that does not respond to the above treatments often has to be cut out and then sewn up with stitches.

If an abscess is the cause of an anal fistula, it can only be treated surgically. The operation involves cutting into the abscess and draining the pus. If a fistula is present it will also need to be tackled surgically. This operation involves cutting into the fistula and 'laying it open' to allow healing to occur. This will involve a stay in hospital.

More rarely, when the fistula is caused by an associated inflammatory disease of the bowel, the particular disease often also requires specific treatment. This may involve taking steroid tablets to reduce the inflammation but if severe, surgery may also be required.

If you do have an operation for an anal fissure or fistula, you will be given instructions as to what to do when you get home. This is likely to include information about the importance of having a daily bath, how to avoid constipation, and when you should return to the doctor for a follow-up.

Complementary therapy
Relaxation therapy, the Alexander technique, yoga and tai-chi may help to relieve the stress and the underlying increase in muscle tension associated with the pain of an anal fissure, and may help to promote healing. These techniques may also promote a sense of well-being, which may be useful in such chronic painful conditions.

What is the outcome of anal fissures and fistulas?
Anal fissure is usually harmless and heals on its own, although it can be a very painful condition. Complete recovery is usual, and often occurs spontaneously; only rarely is surgery required.

Anal fistula, although rarely a serious condition, often requires surgical treatment, but again complete recovery is usual.

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Some dog breeds are more susceptible to allergies than others. This may be because of small nasal passages, allergic reactions to flea bites, irritable stomachs that make digesting food difficult, or they may be allergic to their own hair and dander.

The most common signs of allergies include raw skin where the dog has scratched, patches of hair missing, red skin, hives, coughing, sneezing, excessive chewing and licking of paws, watery eyes, vomiting, and diarrhea.

If the symptoms go away after a day or two, keep monitoring to see if they return. If they do, then you should take your dog to see a vet. Sometimes changing the type of dog food or buying a flea collar or spray is enough to help eliminate your dog's allergy problems.

When a dog is suffering from allergies his or her mood will probably change. I often think of how I would feel with an itchy nose, rash on my tummy and streaming eyes. Not too happy with the world! They may become irritable, lethargic, clingy, or angry. My very skin-sensitive little Archie becomes nervous and depressed. He constantly chews his paws (even if that's not the area worrying him), lies on his bed, looks extremely glum and gets snappy with Loka. These days, if he chews a little too often, I check immediately to see if his grass allergy is about to flare up.

Your buddy is suffering. The best way to solve his or her problem is trying to isolate the cause of the allergy. Did it begin a day or so after that trip to a new park? Are there particular creepers or vines there he or she may be allergic too? Many dogs are very allergic to different types of ground creepers. Did you go for a run on the beach and he or she get bitten by sand mites? Have you checked his or her ears for ear mites? Have you fed your dog anything different? Changed foods? Have a think about anything different you've done in the last few days to a week.

You may need to keep a simple journal of unusual activities, when symptoms appear, and what they look like, as some may come and go. Then you have some information you can show your vet, to help isolate the cause.

Some breeds may have breathing issues as they age. This has a lot to do with the structure of their heads. Short-faced dogs often have breathing difficulties when stressed, extreme hot or cold weather, or if they're pushed too hard when exercising. They may also snore or drool.

While these aren't allergies as such, they can make your buddy more susceptible to hay fever allergies and nasal issues from grasses and seeds etc. I have two young Staffys, one who breathes quite well (Archie) and the other whose snoring wakes people at the other side of the house (Loka)! Seriously. She's only two years old and is very fit and healthy. However, her breathing issues will probably become a problem as she gets older, and my aim is to ensure we are ready for them early.

The best you can do to start with, is keep their sleeping area clean, vacuum often, and wash their dog coats/vests/blankets with an anti-allergy or sensitive skin washing powder or liquid very regularly. My son is prone to mild eczema, so I just use the same powder I do for him. I've actually changed everyone in the house to an anti-allergy powder, for simplicity's sake. Make sure clothes, blankets and towels are rinsed really well. Hanging on the line in the sunshine is much better for killing dust mites etc than a clothes dryer.

If you notice that your dog has fleas or has been bitten by fleas, you should bathe him or her using a shampoo that will kill fleas and their eggs. If you have a dog with sensitive skin, some of these shampoos can make problems worse.

Carpet spray may help, and you may have to use a flea "bomb" in all rooms of the house. At worst, an exterminator who has a good track record of using non-toxic products and is happy to discuss with you what is used, why, and impacts on you, your dogs and children.

Once the fleas are gone, you should spray your dog every time the dog goes outside. This can prevent new attacks from occurring. If your dog has open bites, wounds or rashes from scratching, do wait for them to heal before using a spray or shampoo on your dog.

Vomiting can happen if your dog is allergic to the food he or she is eating. Food allergies also cause skin issues, just like they do with humans. Visit your vet to see if the problem isn't internal. He or she may recommend a new food, which should stop the vomiting and diarrhea.

When our little black Staffy Loka came to us from a dog rescue center recently, she had a huge bare patch on her tail, no hair around either of her eyes, and little bits of hair missing around her body. Her coat was very dull. She scratched a lot, but didn't have fleas. She had also been vomiting up the dried food she had been given by her previous family. She was allergic to all the grains in the dry food, and had a creeper skin allergy.

I've almost solved her problems in just over a month. It involved a simple but targeted combination of the right nutrition and clean bedding. She had steroid cream, but as she seemed to be doing well without it, I monitored her and persisted with the right food and simple exercise. Her coat is already gorgeously shiny now, her hair is growing back around her eyes, no body skin patches, and her tail hair has grown back. And she's gained half a kilo (a pound) We're all very happy!

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The normal functioning of colon

The food we eat, which are partially digested in the stomach, will move into the small intestines where nutrients are absorbed. The residues of undigested food then move from the small intestines into the large intestine or colon.

The main function of the colon is to absorb water and salt from these matters. There is very little nutritional absorption within the colon. The longer these matters are left inside the colon, the more water it absorbs.

This results in the matter which we call stools or feces to become hardened as it becomes dry and compacted. When we have a bowel movement, contractions within the colon pushes the stools en mass into the rectum for expulsion through the anus.


Autointoxication is the condition whereby the body literally poisons itself by its inability to eradicate bacteria and decaying matter within the colon. If these decaying matter are allowed to remain in the colon, the higher the levels of harmful bacteria that reside within our system. These bacteria will gradually release toxins and they get reabsorbed into our body.

One of the main causes of autointoxication is putrefaction of undigested food within the intestinal tract. This decaying process causes a toxic buildup of gases causing foul odor and other substances.

If bowel movements are regular, you will hardly notice foul odor from gases emitted from our body. On the other hand, the presence of putrefaction odor indicates that wastes are being stored in the body for too long leading to autointoxication.

What are the causes of an unhealthy colon?

Regular consumption of food containing saturated fats, excess protein intake, processed foods, drugs and other medications all combine to create an unhealthy colon. Dietary fiber helps to increase the weight and size of your stool.

Bulky stool are easier to pass out of the intestinal tract thereby decreasing the chance of constipation. Fiber may also help to solidify the stool should you have loose, watery stools because it absorbs water and adds bulk to stool.

Unhealthy colon symptoms

1. Constipation

Constipation is the name given to a condition where there is difficulty in the passing of stool. Usually, these stools are very dry, hard and compacted.

2. Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the colon. Signs and symptoms include chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain and discomfort.

Other medical problems related to an unhealthy colon

Benign and malignant growths usually present symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloody stools and rectal bleeding.

Intestinal parasites can physically obstruct the intestines as they can be pretty large and in huge numbers. Heavy worm infestations can block the intestinal tract, making the passing of stools difficult.

So, it is in our best interest that we should take steps to ensure our colon is functioning at its optimum.

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