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Gluten Intolerance Symptoms (A Background View)

Gluten intolerance symptoms, correctly recognized and understood, may save you from illnesses which destroy the quality of your life, because then you will know what to do to obtain relief.

Gluten comprises of the proteins glutenin and gliadin, and they are present in rye, barley and wheat. Make no mistake about this. Gluten is a protein. This means that gluten will also appear in products which contain these grains.

Gluten intolerance, which is a broad term which covers different kinds of intolerance to gluten, is that condition where your body has difficulty digesting foods containing gluten. That is why you will notice persons using the terms gluten allergy, gluten intolerance and celiac disease interchangeably. But there are differences involved.

Gluten allergy symptoms will resemble other allergy responses and will include sneezing, watery eyes, sniffing etc.

Gluten intolerance symptoms however, are entirely different. Gluten sensitivity symptoms will manifest after a prolonged use of gluten and appear like nutritional deficiency.

Celiac disease also triggers immune system reactions similar to gluten intolerance. In fact, you may test negative for celiac disease and still be gluten intolerant. This is called Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NGGS). Of the totalnumber of persons who exhibit gluten intolerance,a small percent will eventually display symptoms of celiac disease.

To make matters worse, gluten intolerance is very much under diagnosed and many doctors do not even consider looking for it since the symptoms can be associated with many other conditions. It make take years before your doctor may stumble on the fact that is gluten which is the problem.

The immune response to gluten damages the inner wall of the small intestine by flattening the finger-like villi which actually absorb nutrients from food. When these villi are destroyed the ability to absorb any food is impaired and you will suffer signs of malnutrition. There will be problems for the entire body, and this is what makes gluten intolerance or celiac disease so damaging to the quality of life.

When the damage to the small intestines are visible in a biopsy it is called Celiac disease or celiac sprue or gluten sensitive enteropathy.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor to undergo tests to determine whether you have celiac disease or are gluten intolerant.

What Are Gluten Intolerance Symptoms?

Don't let all this confuse you for we are now going to look specifically at what are gluten intolerance signs. The improper digestion of nutrients, due to the impaired intestine walls will produce symptoms such as:



•Abdominal pain

•Diarrhea or


•Itchy rashes

•Pain in the joints

•Nausea (sometimes with vomiting)

•Frequent infections like colds, flu, sinus infections, eye infections such as conjunctivitis, vaginal infections and urinary tract infections. All because the immune system function is impaired when there is damage to the tissue in the small intestine which also houses much of the body's immune system.

•Excessive fatigue

•Weight loss


There will also be nutritional deficiencies. For instance you will experience:

1.Anemia without any apparent reason

2.B12 deficiency

3.Low blood calcium levels

4.Vitiamin D deficiency

5. Magnesium deficiency

The great danger is that the conditions listed may each be treated in isolation and therefore the big and true picture may not be seen.

Gluten sensitivity may be present in babies and older children and may be overlooked or you may think that the children will eventually outgrow them. This is dangerous as there are severe consequences to the mal absorption especially in children.

Gluten intolerance signs in babies include:

a)Muscle wasting

b)Poor feeding

c)Distended or bloated abdomen

d)Unusually slow weight gain

In older children you may notice:



c.Lack of proper feeding

d.Constant constipation of diarrhea

As was stated earlier for adults, the misdiagnosis of gluten intolerance will exacerbate the problem when the solution is so fantastically simple. The complete elimination of all gluten products forms your diet.

This may be easier said than done but there is a growing gluten-free industry which makes this step less harrowing.

Apart form the well-known gluten products such as bagels, biscuits, bread,breaded fish, meats and poultry, cereal, cake, etc, you will be surprised to know that gluten can also be found in the following products:

• Potato chips

• Beverage mixes

• Canned baked beans

• Cold cuts

• Ice cream

• Fruit fillings

• Beer

• Packaged cereals, even corn cereals

• Commercially prepared broth

• Commercially prepared chocolate milk

• Commercially prepared soup

• Pudding

• Gravy

• Gum

• Hot dogs

• Custard

• Root beer

• Bologna

• Syrups

• Salad dressing

To avoid damage to your health and no further attacks of these symptoms, you must now pay close attention to everything you eat.

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Chemotherapy effects vary from patient to patient. The extent, type and length of any side effects often depend on the type of drugs used, the dosage and the overall well-being of the patient. Because cells like those found in your hair roots, nails, mouth or gastro-intestinal system are cells that reproduce very rapidly, they are the ones most vulnerable to chemotherapy treatments.

Of course, no two people experience chemotherapy or its subsequent consequences the same way. This is partly because everyone is different, but also because each chemotherapy treatment is individual. One patient may receive more of a particular drug that induces nausea, while another is administered a drug that causes dramatic hair loss. The side effects may also change as treatment progresses. 

Keep reading for a breakdown of some of the most common chemotherapy effects - but remember that just because they're common doesn't mean they will always occur.

Upset Stomach and Vomiting

An upset stomach, feelings of nausea or vomiting are some of the most common drawbacks associated with chemotherapy treatments. Many of the drugs used in various treatments sessions actually stimulate the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the brain - an area that controls the vomiting reflex.

Usually, if an upset stomach or vomiting occurs, it happens within a few hours or that same day. Thankfully, it also only lasts for a brief stretch of time.

Diarrhea or Loose Stools

Having loose or watery stools more than three times a day is diarrhea and a common result of chemotherapy. The drugs attack the frequently reproducing cells that line your intestines - therefore inhibiting their ability to do their job. Diarrhea is often intermittent, but if it continues for more than a few days, you should consult with your doctor immediately.

Mouth Sores

Because cells on the inside of the mouth are some of the fastest to regenerate in the body, they are the ones most susceptible to damage from chemotherapy. As a result, sores can develop, leading to possible infection and other problems. The esophagus is also vulnerable. A good defense is persistent oral hygiene.

Milk of magnesia can help to both soothe and dry out mouth soft sores. Doctors also recommend gargling with salt water and eating softer foods at or below room temperature. Avoid hot and spicy foods.

Losing Hair

Not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss, and some drugs only produce minimal thinning of the hair. Some people lose just the hair from their heads while others lose it all over their bodies. Again, it depends on the drug, the dose and the individual.

Though hair loss is often cited as the most obvious of the chemotherapy effects, it's also one of the most temporary. Typically, the hair will begin to grow back right after treatments end - often coming in thicker and curlier.

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Psyllium husks, commonly known as isabgol, ispaghula and psyllium, is derived from the seeds of Plantago ovata plant (Psyllium) which is cultivated in the Northwestern region of India. These consist of the epidermis & the collapsed adjacent layers removed from the dried ripe seeds of Plantago Ovata.

Psyllium husk contains extensive amount of soluble as well as insoluble natural fibers which is responsible for its laxative action. Light brown to white in color, depending upon the purity, the fibrous husks that are processed from psyllium seeds find usage in Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics, Food and varied allied industries.

In traditional herbal systems of India and China, Psyllium husk was used to treat bladder problems, coronary heart diseases, diverticular diseases, hemorrhoids, high blood pressure and urinary disorder. It was also used to treat skin irritations, poison ivy reactions as well as insects bits & stings.

These are hygroscopic, mucilaginous and widely used for colon cleansing, better blood circulation and treating diarrhea, constipation & irritable bowel syndrome. According to studies, Psyllium husk is also useful in lowering cholesterol and to control diabetes. In addition to this, these act as a cooling, demulcent, mild purgative and natural lubricant which is beneficial in treatment of inflammatory affection.

Psyllium husks can be consumed in their natural state or in dried, chopped & powdered form for easier consumption by mixing these with water or another fluid. Apart from treating various ailments, these can also be used for gluten-free baking. Psyllium seed husks bind moisture and help make the bread less crumbly.

Various uses of Psyllium husk are listed below:

Recent study reveals that, it consists 70% soluble and 30% insoluble fibers & can be effectively used to reduce cholesterol level, constipation, IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) and diabetes. When consumed with water, juice and other liquids, these form a gel like gelatinous mass that moves down the digestive organ soaking up toxins, harmful residues and then flushing these out of the body through stools.

Uses in colon cancer: The insoluble fiber content in Psyllium husk either dilutes cancer-causing bile acids or moves feces out of the colon more quickly. This reduces contact-time of feces in digestive system, further reducing chances of producing cancer-causing agents called carcinogens.

Use in cholesterol control: These contain cellulose fiber which reduces the absorption of cholesterol into the blood stream, thus reducing the risk of high cholesterol.

Use in constipation: These increase the passage to the bowel content through formation of bond water. Hydrophilic in nature, these contain gel-forming fibers that are composed of micro-polysaccharides & cellulose. The gel like starch softens the feces and makes it easier to eliminate.

Uses in diarrhoea: These helps in slowing down the movement of intestines in order to reduce bowel movements. These absorb excess liquid in the intestines and help adding bulk to stool which stops watery outlet during diarrhoea and dysentery.

Use in diabetes: The high fiber content reduces the release of dietary sugar from the digestive tract into the blood stream, thus helping in the normalization of blood sugar level.

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Diarrhea means loose or watery stools. A normal person where passes stools once or twice a day, but an individual suffering from Diarrhea passes stools more than 4 times a day. Normally, these motions pass away in a day or two in acute cases, but if the diarrhea gets prolonged more than 3 days, it needs a visit to a doctor. And especially in the cases of children, avoidance on your part can be dangerous for their life.

The panic starts with the question where you think Is diarrhea a problem?

This is a common problem for the people who depend on outside foods. People tend to live on diet of junk foods and irregularity in your routine, and for many it causes problems in your bodily functions. The main thing that is faced by many people due to Diarrhea is dehydration, which means you are probably lacking fluids in your body and fluids help in keeping your energy level high. And treatment for this problem should be taken immediately. Dehydration in a way is very harmful especially for children.

The various problems faced due to this are;

Fatigue- due to this a person feels lazy and light headed. You may be subjected to drowsiness as a cause.
Weakness- this is one important cause of diarrhea, as it leads to sunken abdomen and body ache prevails, and your blood pressure is subjected to become low.
Irritation- due to the ache, fever and the many symptoms that prevail, it makes the person frustrated.

All such causes are enough to make you feel unwell and opt for a doctor.

But what causes diarrhea?

The infections like bacterial or virus that prevails in the outside or junk food you stomach which leads to diarrhea. There are infections like parasites which are present in food or water if they are not clean. There can be factors like food poisoning which makes the bowel movement difficult and gives rise to diarrhea.

Overall if you consider, watery stools are not a problem until they do not persist more than 2 days. You are a healthy person, then by consumption of lots of glucose and fluids can work for you. Bit if the period exceeds, than the individual requires medical attention to stop the diarrhea. In fact, watery stools are known to be a problematic situation for people who are already weak. The best option is to know the symptoms beforehand, and take suitable medicine when you observe them.

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The pancreas is a small gland found in the abdomen just a little below the breast and very close to the stomach. It produces enzymes and hormones which helps break down foods we eat. One of the most known hormones it produces is insulin.

The pancreas produces enzymes that continue the process of breaking down foods, which begins in the stomach. The pancreas also produces hormones, most recognizes is insulin, which controls the balance of glucose between the blood and the rest of the body. Thanks to the pancreas, the body can use the sugars and store the fats, which are essential for health.

The stomach empties already partially digested food and liquid into the duodenum and it is here that it mixes with the secretions from the pancreas. All of this sounds rather technical, but what I want to stress here is that this is the very reason we have been told to chew, chew our foods really good and not to eat right before going to bed. It really makes this little organ work even harder

The pancreas is an amazingly efficient, self-regulating organ, far cleverer than any computer ever invented. Day in, day out throughout a lifetime, a healthy pancreas produces exactly the right chemicals at the right times in the right quantities for digesting the food we eat. Isn't this the most amazing thing. We just eat our foods, and my intention for you is that it is healthy foods, and this little powerhouse takes care of digesting them just right for us. So every time you put that junk food and greasy unhealthy food in your mouth just think how this little organ is going to be working so hard to make the best of it for you.

This is how the pancreas does it work; the pancreas begins its biggest job by secreting from its exocrine tissue the clear, watery, alkaline juice containing enzymes that help break down food into molecules small enough to be absorbed by the intestine.

Most of the time, the pancreas is a wonderfully self-functioning organ. Like any of our organs, it can malfunction. If it fails to produce sufficient digestive enzymes and food is poorly absorbed, weight loss and/or diarrhea can result. The greatest risk is of diabetes if too little insulin is produced the result in diabetes. This raises the level of glucose in the blood, and increases the risk of a number of problems throughout the body. Once again I want to empress healthy eating is the biggest clue to a healthy body.

Pancreatitis is the disease of the pancreas, which is the inflammation of the pancreas. This is caused by the blockage of a gallstone in one of the ducts of the pancreas. Again all of this can be avoided with diet and generally taking care of our bodies. Smoking and drinking can aggravate the pancreas and bring on this disease and this disease is more prevalent in men than women. It can also lead to cancer, which is more common in people with diabetes. So the best cure is to be aware of what we eat, how we eat and when we eat. Be responsible in the care of our bodies.

Thought of the Day: "Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future." -John F. Kennedy-

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Food allergies or sensitivities are a group of signs and symptoms that denote adverse immunologic reactions to food. Nowadays thanks to coloring agents, preservatives, pesticides, and newer food storage techniques food allergies and sensitivities have become a very common phenomenon. The manifestation of food allergies or sensitivities are specific and highly individualized depending on age, sex, the quantum of exposure to a specific allergen.

If a person is allergic to some food, the manifestation of allergic reaction starts once the food enters the mouth. The mouth starts itching and once the food enters the stomach, abdominal dysfunctions starts and the person starts experiencing vomiting, stomachache, cramps and diarrhea. Severe gastroenteritis where there is vomiting and diarrhea cause a drop in blood pressure. On skin the manifestations are to dermatitis or hives with severe itching, red welts with heat and irritation and occasional swelling. The respiratory manifestations might vary from a slight difficulty in breathing to severe wheeze. The manifestation differs from persons to person.

Homeopathic remedies for Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Homeopathy has an excellent remedy for treating food allergies and sensitivities. As the treatment for these problems require a very individual approach, homeopathy treats food allergies by the use of simple remedies.

However, food sensitivity demands treatment that is specific to a particular problem, a specific allergen and a specific manifestations.

Some of the remedies for food allergies and sensitivities are:

Arsenicum Album: This is the remedy to think of first in any case of food related gastric upsets.This remedy is indicated when the patient is down, severely dehydrated with frequent passing of "White, rice watery liquid stools", where there is thirst for small quantities of cold water and there is physical and mental restlessness with anxiety.

Aloes Socrotina: Pain around the navel region. Sense of fullness and distension of the abdomen and a feeling that there is a constant need to evacuate the bowels. Burning sensation with the loss of power of the sphincter's of the rectum with the passage of lumpy, mucus stained undigested stool.

Calcarea Carbonica: The indications that ask for the use of this remedy are fatigue, anxiety sometimes with claustrophobia or fear of heights, lack of stamina, chillness, etc. The other common symptoms are developing digestive problem and heart burn after eating milk or wheat products, dizziness, swollen lymph nodes and tonsils, back pain, shortness of breath from exertion and strong craving for sour liquids.

Carbo Vegetabilis: It is an effective remedy for people who show indications of weakness, faintness, chillness, and indigestion due to reactions to food allergens. Such patients may also experience difficulty in breathing, strong desire for fresh air, frequent need to burp, bloating and flatulence.

Gelsemium: Patients who develop symptoms of chillness, weakness, trembling, muscle pain, droopiness in eyes due to allergy reactions ask for this remedy. They may also suffer in the back of the head and muscles of the neck and feel ill and weak.

When you are allergic to some food, your body responds to this food. Sometimes your immune system may react to even good food. Food allergies are not an ailment which needs to be cured but it is a manifestation of basic imbalance of the body.

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The many symptoms associated with allergies are as numerous as the types of allergic reactions themselves, but some are actually common. In order to receive proper treatment, one must identify the allergic reaction.

Some airborne allergens, such as mold spores or pollen, tend to produce the symptoms below:

Conjunctivitis is a fairly common condition that accompanies several different allergies. It manifests itself as swelling and redness of the conjunctiva (membrane around the eyelid). This usually leads watery, itchy eyes. And of course, scratching only worsens the condition.

Allergic rhinitis, an inflammation of the nasal passages, is another familiar symptom to allergy sufferers. It is characterized by swelling of the mucous membranes, often accompanied by a nasal discharge. In short, a runny nose. But more than just leaking thick fluid, the swelling can lead to tenderness and pain. Congestion and difficulty breathing can also occur.

It's similar to having a cold; only the symptom persists for much longer than a few days. The underlying cause is also fundamentally different. A cold is produced by a virus. Here, the symptom is an immune system reaction to an allergen; often dust mite waste, animal dander or pollen.

Excess sneezing is both a separate symptom and often a result of allergic rhinitis. It, in turn, tends to produce and reinforce other symptoms. Histamines are released by a sneeze. They lead to the production of watery eyes and further runny nose. If the sneezing persists, an ache in the lungs and facial pain can result. In extreme cases, back pain can result from the mechanical action of the sneeze.

One or more result of all these can be sleeplessness and subsequent fatigue. Congestion, runny nose and general discomfort can make it hard to relax enough to fall asleep. Lack of rest leads to fatigue.

Wheeziness is a result of mild asthma, itself an allergic reaction. That is a consequence of the bronchial sacs becoming filled with fluid, similar to the way nasal membranes can. The inflammation makes tissues less efficient at absorbing and transporting oxygen, which results in shortness of breath. Thus, an allergy sufferer can see a cascade of interlocking symptoms.

Other symptoms are more common with food allergies.

A skin rash, itching, hives (red welts) or eczema is often experienced by those sensitive to peanuts, shellfish and other foods. The lips or tongue may swell. Abdominal pain or diarrhea are typical. Even dizziness or fainting is far from unknown.

All allergic symptoms are essentially an immune system overreaction to an allergen, usually in the environment. Though, there are genetic factors that predispose a person to allergies. Merely having one or more of the symptoms described above doesn't necessarily indicate the presence of an allergy. But, when they persist for more than two weeks, it's appropriate to seek a professional diagnosis.

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If you are one those people who has been told you have allergies, this article will help you fully understand your medical condition and seek the right help. An allergy is the body's abnormal reaction to ordinary, everyday substances. When your body develops sensitivity to allergens you get what is called an allergic reaction and some of these substances include food, medicine, dust and pollen.

Allergy Symptoms

When your body is giving an exaggerated response of its defense mechanism, it can manifest in various symptoms as listed below. You have to understand that it's your body's immune system malfunctioning. A word of advice, never ignore what your body is telling even if it is tedious to visit a doctor - do it. This is your body's way of informing you that something is wrong.

  • Skin rash, which a terrible itching all over the body

  • Hives, leading to swollen and itchy palms

  • Sneezing for no apparent reason

  • Leaking nose

  • Itchy watery eyes

  • Blocked nasal passage

  • Problem with breathing

  • Diarrhea

  • Arthritic-like Discomforts


Allergens cause the allergy in the body, when the immune system does not function as it should and the body reacts in one or more of the above ways.


The first thing to do is to visit a qualified doctor to seek treatment. There are tests that can be conducted to identify what substance your body is allergic to. Then treatments in the form of pills or nasal sprays are often used to treat the allergy and there are many effective treatments for allergy conditions available on the market. You could follow some of the simple procedures outlined below to help with your condition.

  • If you are a smoker you need to stop or else the allergy will stay with you

  • Use a mask when you do dusting or mowing the lawn

  • Avoid interaction with the family pet

  • Install an air purification system

  • Remove carpeting this always holds dust mites that cause the allergy

  • Use fungicide to keep mold and mildew growth under control

  • Change furnace filters frequently

  • Use washable pillows and keep bed linen fresh as possible

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Allergy problems, sometimes called hay fever, affect millions of people all over the world. Keeping an eye out for the symptoms is easy because the eye is usually one of the first things affected. Most common symptoms are sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes caused by your body's attempt to ward off the harmful invasion by manufacturing antibodies. The seriousness of the symptoms can vary depending on the person and how long the problem is allowed to persist.

You contract an allergy problem when your body over reacts to substances that don't cause problems for most people because these are things that we can't avoid unless we shut ourselves away from life. We can stay inside but many allergens hide within the floors and walls and those that come from the outside will somehow find its way inside.
It's almost impossible to avoid all of them.

Become aware of the symptoms so treatment can begin immediately whether by you or by a professional. Allergens such as grass and pollen are usually manifested by discomfort in the head area. Your nose and eyes are typically the first to beg for help. Allergies can affect different people by various degrees ranging from mild to moderate to severe.

Mild allergy symptoms are itchy, watery eyes, congestion, postnasal drip and even a rash. Rashes are sometimes caused by the person rubbing and scratching the infected area. Mild reactions normally don't spread to other parts of the body and are easy contained.

Moderate reactions can include some of the mild symptoms but get more severe and spread to other parts of the body. Itching becomes more intense and you could experience difficulty breathing.

Severe symptoms can consist of swelling not only in the affected area but other parts of the body as well. You can also experience stomach pain, cramps and diarrhea. If these symptoms are allowed to continue you may suffer vomiting, mental confusion or dizziness.

Allergies can lead to asthma and dermatitis if left untreated. Be aware of dark circles under the eyes. This is caused by increased blood flow near the sinuses. Eyes can become red-rimmed and crust over in the eyelid area making them hard to open.

As we get older, most tend to be susceptible to allergies because our immune systems weaken. Our membranes dry with age and nasal passages weaken. Aging systems fall prey to cumulative effects of allergens constantly attacking the body such as smoke and other air pollutants.

Pay attention to any allergic reaction noticed after drinking alcohol. If you suffer from chronic fatigue it could be indicative of an allergy. Remember, irritating substances can be ingested by inhaling, swallowing or by skin contact. If you have five friends, one of you is probably suffering from an allergy.

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Are you tired of those days of the months where you can not zip up your jeans without having to lay down on the bed, breathing in, or jumping up and down to get into one leg? Then you get irritable to top it off? You are not alone. Ninety percent of all women suffer from different degrees of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Marilyn Glenville, PhD, wrote in her book Natural Solutions to PMS that there exists up to 150 possible symptoms that can make you feel terrible and that there are ways to treat some of the most common premenstrual problems.

  • Mood Swings
    The idea here is to gain control of your blood sugar by eating small meals regularly. Failure to heed this advice allows your blood-sugar level to decrease and adrenalin levels to increase. The hormone, adrenalin, screws up your normal hormone balance resulting in mood swings. Eliminating caffeine and sugar from your diet will also help prevent irritability. After three menstrual cycles, you will notice a real difference. Keep a stash of health snacks such as nuts, oatcakes, and fresh fruit to minimize your craving for foods that will make you feel worse. Definitely, cut out potato chips and chocolate from your diet.

    To combat a mood swing, take a multivitamin containing large amounts of B vitamins. This helps to reduce stress and give you more energy.

  • Bloating
    You need to stay hydrated. Not taking in enough fluids makes your body retain any existing fluid you have. This results in swelling, which makes it difficult to fit into your clothes. Minimize or eliminate your salt intake in the weeks prior to your menstruation to help reduce PMS bloating. Eat lots of watery foods, and cut down on your caffeine intake because it can dehydrate you thus worsening your problem.

    To deal with bloating, drink herbal teas containing natural diuretics like dandelion, watercress, and celery to minimize your body's water retention.

  • Fatigue
    Maintain your blood sugar. This is tantamount to ensuring there is enough gasoline in your car to keep it going. Eat snacks often so that you do not "crash" in the late afternoon. If you consistently feel fatigue, check with your health care provider to eliminate the possibility of anemia or thyroid disorders.

    To help eliminate fatigue, consider taking coenzyme Q10 (coQ10). Coenzyme Q10 helps to release energy by burning fat. It is a great vitaminomimetic (vitamin-like substance) in case PMS causes you to feel excessively sleepy or tired late in the day.

  • Headaches and breakouts
    The liver is responsible for detoxifying all hormones your body makes when you are in the premenstrual mode. When the liver does not function as it should, symptoms manifest themselves in the form of skin breakouts or PMS-related migraines and/or headaches. Do not overwork your liver by drinking alcoholic beverages since alcohol will take priority in the liver's metabolic functions over the hormones.

    To minimize headaches and skin breakouts, consider taking milk thistle which enhances liver function. Zinc supplements are optimal for the skin and general menstrual hormonal imbalances.

  • Breast tenderness
    Water retention is primarily the cause of breast tenderness. In addition, there is a molecule found in coffee and chocolate called methyl-xanthines that can make the breasts feel very tender and uncomfortable to the touch. Get rid of these from your diet and concentrate on being properly hydrated.

    To help get rid of breast tenderness, vitamin E has been shown to be beneficial for premenstrual breast pain and swelling.

  • Cramps
    Get regular exercise to relieve cramps. The endorphins released are naturally occurring opiates. You do not have to engage in strenuous exercise, but consider doing something mild like yoga or cycling to help increase blood flow to the pelvic area and relieve cramps in the abdomino-pelvic region. Exercise also helps with any vomiting, diarrhea, and/or constipation that are many times associated with menstrual cramps.

For supplemental solutions to cramps, try magnesium to help relax the blood vessels and muscles. Magnesium helps to open up blood vessels and promote blood flow to the pelvic region. A lack of magnesium in the diet can cause blood vessels to become spastic allowing PMS symptoms to get worse.

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As much as you love and care for your bunny there will inevitably be times when she gets ill. Knowing what signs to look out for, and when to take immediate action can be the difference between a full recovery and disaster.

While some rabbit illnesses have obvious symptoms like cuts or a runny nose, many others won't be so obvious. It is important that you know what subtle signs to look out for.

Rabbits can't tell you they are in pain but here are some sure signs that something is wrong and he may be. All of these require immediate vet attention:

Runny Poops or No Poops

Diarrhea is where your bunny's poops are watery and profuse. They are most often caused by some sort of disruption in your rabbit's digestive system.

If your rabbit doesn't produce a stool for 24 hours this could mean she has a blockage in her gastrointestinal (GI) system and needs immediate attention.

Hiding/crouching in her cage doing nothing

Your bunny may hide in a corner, move more slowly, seem edgy or appear unusually hunched when sitting and her eyes may be dull. If your normally outgoing bun does this it could be a number of serious issues.

Check her abdomen (a swollen abdomen may be gas or bloat and needs immediate attention), breathing (check it is not labored or rapid), pulse and heart rate.

Falling/flopping over when trying to walk.

Your bun may have been poisoned or may have damaged her leg and/or spine. Poisoning may be accompanied with foaming at the mouth and/or seizures.

NB: Poisoning can take effect several hours after your bun has eaten the toxic substance so never delay in getting her to a vet as soon as you suspect she may have ingested something she shouldn't have. She may look OK now but go rapidly downhill later.

Not eating and/or drinking for a length of time.

If it's only been a few hours just watch her closely. But if it's over a day then seek help. Rabbits are small creatures that dehydrate very easily so not drinking is serious. They also need to keep a constant flow of food moving through their digestive system so not eating for a length of time is serious as well.

Blood in Urine

Urine color does vary depending on what plants your bun has been eating but blood in her urine is an obvious red and a sign of something that could be potentially life threatening.

Please remember that this isn't an exhaustive list. The most important thing I can stress here is this - you know your bunny better than anyone does. You will know when something isn't quite right with her. Perhaps she always runs to greet you in the morning but today she just sits in a corner of her cage. Don't dismiss it! Yes it may be nothing but bunnies have delicate internal workings and many an owner has had an inkling something was wrong but didn't take action, with disastrous consequences.

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Many people suffer from health conditions such as constipation and diarrhea. Although these are quite common illnesses, not many people are aware that the prevention and treatment of these conditions are quite easy just by simply ensuring that you have a healthy colon. Some people see colon cleansing as an undesirable topic yet it is a very important part of maintaining colon health. There are a number of considerable health benefits to keeping your colon clean.

1. For starters, it helps reduce the occurrence of constipation. Constipation occurs when the muscular movements of the colon progress slowly or when there is insufficient water in your system. These cause stools to become hard and dry and thus wastes are prevented from quickly moving along the colon. Colon cleanse measures such as adding fiber to the diet or increasing water intake helps prevent constipation as waste is eliminated much more efficiently and stools are lubricated by the water that our body takes in.

2. Regular colon cleansing also prevents diarrhea. Diarrhea is characterized by overly moist, even watery stools. If diarrhea progresses, it can lead to dehydration which can be very dangerous especially for children and the elderly. Colon cleanse helps maintain the right consistency your waste.

3. Colon cleanses help in weight loss. Excessive weight can lead to a host of other serious illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. When you go through a colon cleansing treatment, toxins and waste matter that have built up inside the body will be flushed out. It is said that this contributes to weight loss as colon cleanses can eliminate anywhere between four to ten pounds of waste matter.

4. Perhaps the most significant benefit of colon cleansing to your health is the prevention of colon cancer. If waste material is not eliminated efficiently this can lead to harmful bacteria and parasites breeding inside the body. These organisms are not supposed to live inside the body and will wreak havoc on the colon and potentially lead to cancer.

Toxins are dangerous materials that can build up inside our bodies. These are usually made up of preservatives and other harmful chemicals that will contribute to the deterioration of the colon.

5. Colon cleanse promotes regular and efficient bowel movement. This way harmful material is prevented from building up and causing our bodies harm. Colon cleansing also prevents mucus from accumulating in the inner lining of the colon. This is important as mucus prevents the absorption of nutrients that are essential to our health. Mucus also hinders the body from getting rid of fecal matter because it blocks the colon.

6. Other benefits that can be derived are:

a) Improved appearance. Clears up the skin and prevents the occurrence of acne.

b) Prevention of digestive problems. Reduces flatulence, stomach pains, gastritis, heartburn, bloating and acidity because your digestive system functions more efficiently.

c) Promotes vitality. Toxins cause our body to function slowly and once these are eliminated, our energy levels are heightened.

d) Better concentration.

e) Freedom from illnesses such as fatigue, headaches, muscle pains, hemorrhoids.

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In today's medically savvy society, parents often seek "natural" remedies for health ailments, or to help their children feel better. They also reach for supplements in an attempt to improve health and seek "super foods" to promote wellness.

"Super foods," known as functional foods, describe foods or nutrients that promote health beyond providing nutrition. Probiotics are considered to be a functional food, and in the recent years they have received increased attention from the scientific and general communities.

The World Health Organization defines probiotics as live organisms, usually bacteria, that are used to change or re-establish the intestinal or gut flora and improve our health. In the early 20th century, a Russian scientist and Nobel laureate Eli Metchnikoff, PhD proposed that ingestion of certain bacteria, like those that come from fermented milk, had a beneficial impact on health. Today we have scientific evidence that certain bacteria, probiotics, play a beneficial role in certain diseases in adults and children. For example, there is compelling evidence that probiotics are effective in the treatment of viral and antibiotic induced diarrhea.


Every year thousands of children become ill with gastroenteritis, or "the stomach flu." They experience a rapid onset of watery diarrhea with vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, and fever. Research indicates that in the United States diarrhea is associated with 150,000 to 170,000 hospitalizations annually. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, scientists estimate that 1 out of 23-27 children will be hospitalized with diarrhea by age 5.

Recent scientific findings indicate that probiotics are extremely effective in preventing acute diarrhea in children. They are also effective when administered during the early stages of viral diarrhea.


Antibiotic treatments often lead to the disruption of intestinal flora and cause diarrhea. Studies show that the administration of probiotics to children taking antibiotics reduces the risk of diarrhea.

So far, the research on probiotic use in the treatment of irritable bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), or eczema shows no benefit of probiotic use to prevent or alleviate symptoms.


Most probiotics have been used in foods like yogurt and kefir and have a long-standing history of safety. Therefore, they are considered safe for use by healthy people. Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with chronic diseases or undergoing chemotherapy, should not take probiotics, as there have been reports of probiotic-associated sepsis and endocarditis.

One thing to remember is that probiotics are not regulated by the FDA, thus over-the-counter products may vary widely in quality. Infant formula containing B. lactis is the only exception. The FDA considers it safe to use in infants.

The bottom line is that probiotics may be beneficial for certain diseases, but may prove harmful for certain individuals. Therefore, before considering a probiotic supplement, talk to your health care provider.

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There are certain guinea pig ailments you need to be aware of for the health of your pet.


Cavies (guinea pigs) are susceptible to respiratory infections including pneumonia brought on by bacteria. Signs are difficulty breathing, wheezing, tiredness, and discharge from the nose or eyes.

Rabbits carry the pneumonia causing bacteria as part of their normal bacteria and it will spread to the cavy making him sick if they are in close proximity so need to be separated. When the animal of one species gets germs from another species the illness is far worse then it is for the host species. Like when humans get bird flu or swine flu. If you suspect pneumonia bring him to the vet for treatment with antibiotics.

A Sluggish Cavy

If your cavy is sluggish or has stiff or swollen joints with a resulting reluctance to moving around he could have a vitamin C deficiency. There gums can bleed easily without cause. Humans and cavies, unlike most mammals, are unable to produce their own vitamin C so must rely on outside sources for it like foods high in vitamin C content. If we don't get enough scurvy will develop in which case we just eat some oranges or take some vitamin C. It is supposed to be in any pellets you feed your cavy but you should also feed him foods high in vitamin C. Scurvy can be lethal to a cavy but it is easily reversible and should you suspect it you need to take him to your vet for treatment.

Vitamin C can deteriorate if exposed to the elements like being left in the direct sunlight or prolonged heat. If you feed your cavy pellets containing vitamin C you store them in a dark and cool place to prevent deterioration.


If your cavy is excessively scratching or he's very sensitive to your touch and even aggressive about it cause it hurts him this could be signs of lice. You can comb through the hair. Lice can be spotted by looking for small flat brown bugs that attach to the hair. The eggs are also attached to the hair. Running lice on the other hand can be seen moving through the hair. It's difficult for your pet to get this unless he is in contact with another cavy that has lice. And don't worry they aren't transferrable to humans so you can handle your pet. Treatment us usually bathing him with a medicated shampoo which you get from the vet.

Intestinal Infections

This can bring on a fast death without warning or be a lengthy process with tiredness, weight loss and maybe diarrhea. Antibiotics are usually used. The infection can be brought on by bacteria being introduced to the intestinal tract by way of contaminated water or greens and vegetables.


Mange is a parasite that will cause hair loss in large clumps on his back along with skin irritation. With hair loss of course you bring it to the vet.


Guinea pigs can have allergies and sneezing could indicate an allergy to something. What's usually recommended is to change his bedding to a complete brand new set. Or if that doesn't work you can experiment with moving the cage to a different location. Hay or straw dust can also cause sneezing. Cavies do sneeze occasionally which is normal and kind of cute actually. Straw dust can also get in their eyes causing excessive blinking or watery eyes and even a corneal ulcer. Find out from your vet how to wash out their eyes.

As you can see above most guinea pig ailments can be successfully treated.

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A common and more serious hamster illness is the Wet Tail. This disease is a bacterial disease which will make your dwarf hamster very sick. Although it is more common in Syrian hamsters but it can affect the dwarf hamster also. This sickness is highly infectious and may cause death within a few days. Wet tail is usually caused by weaning, stress, dirty cages, overcrowding, environmental changes, and malnutrition.

A wet tail is exactly what the name implies. The hamster actually has a wet tail from excessive diarrhea, (a sticky jelly-like fluid). Other symptoms are loss of appetite, ears laying down, dirty appearance, bad temper and may become lethargic. In severe cases the rectal becomes prolapsed. You must see your veterinarian, for any hope of survival for your dwarf hamster or death will follow within a few days.

After taking your sick hamster to the vet you must do the following when your vet confirms the diagnosis keep your dwarf hamster away from the rest of any other hamsters you have. In fact separate each individual hamster from each other in different cages and keeping them far apart. Then disinfect everything in your hamster's cage including the water bottle, food bowls, toys, wheel and any other items that the hamster has been in contact with. Make sure you use an anti-bacterial soap on your hands too. Put clean bedding down every day until your dwarf hamster is well. In the event that the sick hamster does not make it then get rid of anything that cannot be disinfected.

Just like humans the dwarf hamster can get a cold. You can spread a cold or the flu to your hamster, so if you are ill do not play with or pick up the hamster. Another reason your fury friend may get a cold is from a drafty room, so make sure you place the cage in the correct environment for your pet. The symptoms of a cold or flu are: a runny nose, watery eyes, sneezing, and a fever. During this period keep the little one warm and follow up with a vet visit so that the illness can be treated properly before a more serious problem arises or even death.

Diarrhea and constipation are some other dwarf hamster illnesses. These illnesses need to be seen by a veterinarian also, if you can not get them under control within a few days. These too can be deadly. Diarrhea is commonly from eating too many fruits and vegetables, a dietary change or stress. Remove all fruits and vegetables and give dry grains. Constipation you will see very few droppings from lack of water or poor diet. Add some fresh fruits and vegetables to the hamster's diet. As with any other illnesses see your veterinarian if the problem worsens or does not improve. Always with dwarf hamster illnesses consult a veterinarian, he or she will help you in getting your sick hamster well again.

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It seems that almost everyone we meet suffers from an allergy of some kind or knows of someone who does...perhaps it is because of the amount of chemicals we use in this modern era...perhaps it is that modern conveniences such as air conditioning or fans can more efficiently distribute the harmful allergens throughout our society.

It is possible for almost anything to cause an allergic reaction but there are some allergies that are more common than others. These are explained in more detail below.

1. Asthma

Asthma is a serious respiratory disease. This allergic inflammation of the lungs is characterized by wheezing, coughing and tightness around the chest, making it difficult to breathe. It can be brought about through environmental allergens, dust mites, pollen, animal dander, smoke and other pollutants.

2. Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever)

Like asthma, allergic rhinitis or hay fever is caused by airborne allergens such as dust or pollen. It is characterized by watery, itchy eyes and a runny nose. It also causes bouts of sneezing and coughing. This is caused by the person breathing in floating pollen which then sticks to the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. They can also land on the sensitive covering of the eyes.

3. Perennial Rhinitis (dust mite allergy)

Perennial rhinitis is a condition which affects the sufferer all of the time. It is usually caused by the microscopic droppings of the house dust mite which is breathed in, affecting the air spaces in the nose, thus producing excess mucous. It can also be caused by animal fur.

4. Eczema and Dermatitis

With skin allergies such as eczema and dermatitis, the skin becomes red and itchy and can sometimes become 'weepy'. Any part of the body can be affected. The cause of this type of allergy varies from dust to pollen to chemicals. It can also be triggered by heat, cold, humidity and bright sunlight.

5. Urticaria and Hives

Urticaria presents itself as raised lumps or as white patches with reddened skin surrounding them. They are extremely itchy and can come and go from all areas of the body. In most cases, urticaria will subside after a few hours but it can last for several days, causing extreme distress to the sufferer. This type of allergy is typically from a chemical substance such as cleaning products, hair dyes, and other chemical matter.

6. Food Allergies

A large number of people are allergic to certain foods, bringing on bouts of stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, wheezing, stuffy nose, and a rash. The foods responsible are mainly berries, shellfish, eggs, nuts, milk, corn, beans or wheat. For people who suffer food allergies, it is necessary to avoid not only these specific foods, but any other product made with these ingredients.

7. Poison or Venom Allergies (such as wasp or bee stings)

The allergic reaction to venom of insects usually presents itself in the form of hives or urticaria, tightness in the throat and chest, and itchy eyes. The person who suffers this type of allergy experiences more pain from a sting than someone without an allergy. Other creatures that can cause an allergy include ants, mosquitoes, jellyfish and scorpions.

8. Allergies to Drugs or Medications

Penicillin and Aspirin are the most common drugs to which some people have an allergic reaction and this generally causes a rash or hives.

In most cases, an allergic reaction is uncomfortable and can indeed be quite stressful. It is usually not fatal and will generally respond favourably to a treatment of antihistamines, corticosteroids or inhalants.

However, in some cases, the reaction is so severe, it can lead to a potentially life-threatening condition called anaphylactic shock. This is a condition in which a person is exposed to something to which he is extremely hypersensitive. This results in a release of histamine into the body tissues, sending the individual into anaphylactic shock.

Its onset is immediate and the symptoms include severe difficulty in breathing, swelling, a drop in blood pressure, and heart failure. The result will be fatal if the person is not treated urgently by the injection of adrenaline.

If the person has severe reactions, it is essential that they wear a medic alert bracelet so that those treating him are aware of the situation and can respond accordingly.

Most allergies can be controlled by avoiding the allergen if known. However, in some cases, it is unknown and this can be difficult. This can be overcome by always carrying antihistamines with you in case you have an allergic reaction to something.

If you manage your allergies sensibly, your discomfort should be minimized and you should be able to live a full and active lifestyle.

Copyright 2006 Anne Wolski

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Sometimes it may be difficult to tell. Here are some differences and similarities.

Both the cold and the flu have the following symptoms:

A cough

Sore throat

Stuffy or runny nose

The cold usually has the following symptoms that differ from the swine flu:


Watery eyes

Head ache - usually mild

Body aches - mild

The swine flu usually has

A high fever

Headache - can be mild or moderate in nature

Extreme tiredness

Mild to moderate body aches

In children - diarrhea or vomiting

Generally the swine flu is more severe than the common cold. The cold generally will go away with rest and fluids. A person with swine flu may be to be hospitalized if it turns into pneumonia.


The number one method of preventing the swine flu (or any contagious illness) is to practice excellent hand hygiene. In other words - WASH YOUR HANDS and do it often!

Do you know how to properly wash your hands? Well you probably think that you do - but let us see.

When should you wash your hands?

Before eating or touching any food

After going to the bathroom

After touching any doorknob (or open any door) in public

Before touching any part of your face

After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose

Any how do you wash your hands?

1. In a public bathroom - if you have to touch the lever to get paper towels, do it now. But do not touch the towels.
2. Turn on the water - should make it very warm (but not hot)
3. Wet both of your hands
4. Put soap on your hands.
5. Rub them vigorously for at least 20 seconds. (If you cannot judge 20 seconds accurately then sing "Happy Birthday" twice or say your ABCs slowly.)
6. Rinse your hands thoroughly.
7. Turn off the water with your paper towels and get additional towels.
8. Dry hands with towels.
9. Open bathroom door with towels and throw them in the garbage.

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One of the hindrances in housetraining a dog is due to his health conditions which cause him to lose his attention and eagerness to learn. Diarrhea is just one of these conditions that commonly attacks dogs. It is considered as symptoms instead as the disease itself, because there are still underlying causes of why diarrhea in dogs occur. Frequently, diarrhea subsides after few days. But if the case lasts for more than three days, you should be alarmed about your dog and immediately consult an animal doctor.

In order for you to understand more of the diarrhea that pesters your dog, the causes are enlisted below. We hope that this will help you to make some pereventive measures to save from him from the suffering this disease brings:

Bacterial: Infections include clostridium (not the same one that causes tetanus), E. coli, salmonella and Campylobacter. Affected dogs often experience diarrhea in increased amounts and frequency, with mucus or blood sometimes present in stools, states Keven P. Gulikers, D.V.M., Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Animal Diagnostic Clinic in Dallas, Texas.

Viral: Viral infections including parvo and coronaviruses. "These two very serious infections often result in profuse, extremely watery diarrhea and relentless vomiting, both of which lead to severe dehydration, "Gulikers warns. "They can debilitate and kill dogs, especially younger puppies with inadequate vaccinations."

Cancer: "Diarrhea caused by cancer usually is associated with poor absorption of nutrients, leading to marked weight loss," Gulikers says. "Occasionally, vomiting may be linked with the diarrhea, and the stool can be dark black in color, indicating digested blood."

Inflammatory bowel disease: This immune disorder of the gastrointestinal tract can cause black diarrhea (suggestive of digested blood), with dog experiencing vomiting, weight loss and a poor appetite, Gulikers says.

Metabolic: liver dysfunction, kidney failure, and pancreatic inflammation

Parasites: "Contact with an infested area can occur very easily. Some parasites require a water source to survive," Gulikers explains. Another parasite is the Gardia which is responsible for Giardiasis in dogs. Gardia is a unicellular protozoa that lives in the intestines of humans and animals like dogs and other wildlife creatures.

Foreign objects: If a dog has swallowed materials not meant for his tummy, this will cause upset. It can be toxins like pesticide or something that comes from the garbage like plastic or wood. His system will eradicate that foreign object through induced defecating.

Unacceptable foods: One reason can be eating a human food where he dog's digestive system cannot tolerate. They usually get diarrhea when owners give them leftovers that contain more salt or fat.

Stress: Have you observed your new dog when he first stepped in your house? It is normal for him to feel stress when moving to a new environment. And it is common for a dog to catch diarrhea when he is stressed.

Medications: There are medicines for dogs in which the adverse effects include diarrhea. An example is the prednisone. When administering drugs to your pet, take note of label first to avoid matters become worse.

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Using clonidine for opiate withdrawal is something that people often inquire about. The reason is that opiate withdrawal is described by most people that go through it as unbearable, and extremely unpleasant. As a matter of fact, this is so true, that a very large percentage of people that try to break their habit without the aid of something to curb the withdrawal symptoms end up failing.

Clonidine belongs to the family of drugs that is known as alpha-adrenergic agonists, and is generally available in one of three forms:

  1. Pill

  2. Patch

  3. Injection

The drug itself wasn't created for, or intended to be used for opiate withdrawal. Instead, originally clonidine was used to treat high blood pressure. Luckily, along the way, someone figured out that you could indeed use clonidine for opiate withdrawal, as well as in some cases alcohol withdrawal as well.

Because clonidine helps with some of the most common symptoms of opiate withdrawal such as watery eyes and nose, diarrhea, and irritability, the use of clonodine for opiate withdrawal has increased over the years. However, whether or not you will be prescribed the medicine to aid you in your efforts to not take your opiate of choice often times depends largely on whether or not your doctor thinks that the risks are greater than the benefits.

Are their risks associated with using clonidine for opiate withdrawal? Unfortunately, there are. The drug itself carries the risk of addiction to the person that uses it, and can often become a habit for some of the people that take it. If you understand the risks, and are willing to use the drug only the way it is prescribed, there are ways to use clonidine for opiate withdrawal successfully and mitigate the risks along the way.

Almost all doctors that see the benefits of and prescribe clonidine for opiate withdrawal, are sure that the person using it knows from the beginning that they will have to taper the use of the drug to ensure that they don't suffer from addiction or withdrawal of it.

Basically, in the beginning the user would take a full dose, or whatever dose is deemed necessary to help with whatever symptoms that they are experiencing. As time goes on, and as the symptoms start to lessen, and become more manageable, the user takes less of the drug. Eventually, it gets to the point where such a small amount of clonidine is used that the risk of withdrawal is almost non-existent.

Personally, I feel as though there are better alternatives out there than using clonidine for something like opiate addiction. So, anyone considering it should most definitely weigh all of their options evenly, and take their doctor or counselors feedback into consideration when deciding if it is right for them or not. With so many other successful treatment methods in most cases, clonidine won't even be something that is considered, but if it is something that you think could be beneficial, it is a viable option, and one that you can discuss with your health care professional.

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The new member of the colon cleansing community is oxygen. Oxy-Powder claims to use the power of oxygen to effectively cleanse the colon while remaining safe enough to use for extended periods of time. The product also claims to relieve the bloating, bowel irritation and constipation often associated with a sluggish colon. Are these claims really true or is this just another product that wants to sell, sell, sell and then vanish from the Internet?


Ozonated Magnesium Oxides, Organic Germanium-132, Natural Citric Acid, Organic Gum Acacia and Kosher Certified Vegetarian Capsules.


The official website for Oxy-Powder does include a list of ingredients, but there is no way of knowing whether this list is complete. There are also no amounts listed for each of the ingredients. This leaves the consumer wondering how much of each ingredient is included, which is something a screen shot of the nutritional label on the bottle would provide. Oxy-Powder is quit to explain why oxygen is not included as one of the ingredients. According to the official website, Oxy-Powder creates oxygen when the ingredients hit the acids in the stomach.

The facts, or FAQs, section of the website provides information about the Oxy-Powder colon cleansing system and how the body may react to the cleanse. The first fact explores the safety of the product and states, "You may experience watery, gaseous stools, noisy bowel sounds, or minor temporary cramping (due to gas) while taking Oxy-Powder." The facts go on to state that this colon cleansing supplement is safe for extended periods of use.

Further facts explore common colon cleansing topics like weight loss, health conditions and frequency of bowel movements.

Clinical Studies

There is a complete section provided with information regarding the safety and efficacy of the ingredients used in this colon cleanser. More than one of the "clinical" studies referred specifically to Oxy-Powder have been completed by the same research company in Mumbai, India. These studies may be paid for by the creators of the product, Global Healing Center.

Global Healing Center is the creation of Dr. Edward Group. The doctor is a chiropractic doctor who holds certificates in naturopathy, alternative medicine and ministry.

The product retails for $44.95 per bottle and contains 120 capsules. The supplement is taken as four to six capsules every night before bed for seven days and then as a maintenance dose of four to six capsules two to three times a week.

The Good

  • One bottle of this colon cleanser can last more than one month.

  • The instructions for the cleanse are simple to follow and include instructions for following a healthy, organic diet.

  • No online affiliates are allowed to sell the product.

  • The price of the internal cleanse is comparable to other products.

The Bad

  • Extended use of cleansing products is not supported by many members of the medical community.

  • An RMA, return merchandise authorization, number is required to return a product.

  • Only certain products sold by Global Healing Center are approved for return.

Good or Bad - Final Thoughts

The Oxy-Powder product seems to be a good choice among colon cleansers. The support of extended usage is a little off when compared to the majority of other product recommendations on the market. There is also the trouble of gas and bloating which can be associated with use.

The lack of a complete ingredient list is troubling. Citric Acid has been known to cause cramping, gas, bloating and diarrhea when taken in high doses. Could this be the reason the product "appears" to cleanse? The fact that the instructions state to add lemon juice to the purified water before bed if the six capsules are not causing three to five bowel movements a day seems to support a strong dependency on Vitamin C.

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