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You rush to the bathroom several times a day wondering where this bout of smooth bowel moves has come from. Diarrhea is not a natural colon cleansing process. It could mean, the colon actually needs to be cleansed.

There is nothing happy about doing the doodie dance. When #2 is ready right now, there better be a bathroom within steps and no one waiting in line. Feeling as if you have to have a bowel movement, right now, is a sign that something is not right in the colon. To better understand why diarrhea could be a sign that a colon cleanse is needed, let's take a look at how the colon works.

Digestion to Doodie

After the stomach as ground last night's dinner into a watery mush, the food is passed into the intestinal system. The small intestine moves the food closer to the large intestine and eventually the colon. Along the way, nutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats are pulled from the food. By the time dinner reaches the large intestine, the only thing left is salt and water and that is where Mr. Colon starts his work.

What Happens in the Colon Should NOT Stay in the Colon

When the colon pulls the water and salt from what is left of the food, doodie is left over. This water is used, partly, to lubricate the poo enough to move through the colon and out of the body through the rectum. If the walls of the colon are coated with old waste and thick, pasty leftovers, the water will not be enough to move the waste through the sticky walls. What happens then is the doodie dance.

Diarrhea, Colon Cleansing and Your Health

There are many other reasons why diarrhea could occur. Some include eating bad foods and stomach related illnesses. It is important to seek out medical attention if diarrhea is persistent or lasts more than a few days. Colon cleansing is a healthy choice, but underlying problems will not be cured with a colon cleanse in every case. Sometimes, medical treatment may be needed to solve a bigger problem causing the diarrhea.

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Complications - Premature Labor

Premature or preterm labor is when a woman goes into labor before the 37 th week of pregnancy, or three weeks before her due date. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, the earlier pre-term labor is spotted and treated, the better chance of stopping it. When symptoms go untreated, the cervix may open and cause an early birth of the baby.

Premature babies need intensive care in the hospital to help with breathing, feeding, and regulation of body temperature. Any woman can have pre-term labor, but some women have a higher risk. Problems with the uterus or placenta and a history of pre-term birth with another pregnancy increase the risk of preterm labor. Dehydration also boosts the chances of pre-term labor.

So make sure your spouse drinks plenty of water especially in warm weather and after exercise to keep from becoming dehydrated. Call your doctor right away if your spouse displays any of these signs of premature labor:

* Contractions - She may or may not feel pain, but her abdomen or stomach will get very hard (feel like it is tightening) and then relax, on and off.

* Menstrual-like cramping - she may or may not be uncomfortable with these cramps that feel like menstrual cramps.

* Gas-type pains - Sharp pains in her stomach, diarrhea or nausea may be a sign of trouble.

* Low pelvic pressure - She may feel like the baby is putting a lot of pressure down very low inside.

* Low backache - She may have a very strong ache in her lower back or could just feel a dull ache in that area.

* Blood from her vagina - Light spotting or a significant amount of blood should be reported to the doctor right away. Blood can be red or brown in color.

Increased discharge from her vagina - Much more discharge than what she is used to during her pregnancy can be a sign of preterm labor. A sudden gush of a lot of water, or a small trickle that is continuous should also be reported to the doctor. Discharge can be watery, pinkish, or brownish in color.

Complications - Some Pregnancy Problems without Symptoms

Some Pregnancy Problems without Symptoms Some health problems your spouse may have during pregnancy do not have warning signs. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, one of these is Group B Streptococcus (GBS) infection. GBS is a common infection that rarely makes adults sick. The bacterium lives in the gastrointestinal system, along with many other harmless bacteria.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, between 10 to 30 percent of pregnant women carry GBS in their vagina and rectums. But, if GBS is passed to the baby during delivery, it can cause serious health problems in the newborn baby, such as pneumonia, blood infection, or infection of the tissues around the brain.

Because there are no symptoms of GBS, she will be tested at 35 to 37 weeks of pregnancy. The simple test involves swabbing the vagina and rectum for a sample of cells that are sent to a lab to look for GBS. If she is infected, she will be treated with intravenous (IV) antibiotics during labor and delivery to make sure the baby is protected.

Another problem is anemia, or having below-normal levels of iron in the blood. Iron is needed for hemoglobin (a protein in blood that helps take oxygen to body tissues for energy and growth) for your spouse and your baby. Iron also helps build bones and teeth. Most women do not have any symptoms of anemia. For those who do, extreme fatigue is often the only sign. Your doctor will check for signs of anemia using routine blood tests during different stages of the pregnancy. If your spouse has anemia, she will be given iron supplements.

Also an ectopic pregnancy is left untreated, the embryo will continue to grow till it ruptures the fallopian tube. This could result in complications, and may even be fatal for the expecting mother.

According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, you can help her prevent anemia by getting her to eat lots of iron-rich foods like lean red meat, potatoes with skins, raisins, broccoli, leafy green vegetables, whole-grain breads and iron-fortified cereals.

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With a disorder as innocuous and as deadly as food poisoning, it is important that symptoms are detected and treatment measures are taken with immediate effect. Fortunately for us, most of these symptoms of food poisoning are visible to the naked eye, so it is not difficult to catch them and take preventive measures. The problem though is that most of us turn a blind eye to the early symptoms of this type of poisoning.

Normally, the onset of symptoms vary from person to person. In some cases, the symptoms could appear as early as half an hour, and in some others, it could take days or even months to show up.

Here are the top 4 symptoms:

1. Nausea and vomiting - About 70% of cases diagnosed with food poisoning show these symptoms, indicating their close correlation to the disease. Nausea and vomiting along with abdominal pain are caused due to noroviruses. Typically, people staying in densely populated areas are at severe risk of letting this virus through.

2. Diarrhea - Diarrhea is caused due to the Rotovirus. Normally diarrhea is accompanied with fever. About 90% of infants showing other food ingestion based illness, report this symptom.

3. In more serious cases of this type of poisoning, individuals suffer from Hepatitis A. Individuals suffering from this disorder show yellow eyes and jaundice like symptoms.

4. Sometimes even parasites could produce symptoms. Normally when food based poisoning happens due to parasites, the symptoms are never severe compared to the symptoms of food poisoning due to viruses. Typically, parasitic food poisoning have watery diarrhea as symptoms, but others include illnesses like Beavers Illness, and headache.

These symptoms of this poisoning show up when individuals come in touch with contaminated food or contaminated water. Prevention is possible here, and for that, individuals need to observe basic hygiene practices; not only with themselves, but also in the way they treat the food items.

Treating food poisoning is not tough. A leading health care institute revealed that about 60% of this type of poisoning were healed within three days. But they also said that in 75% of the resolved cases, the symptoms ceased without any medical intervention. Certainly, the body has inbuilt immunity to fight against food poisoning, but shouldn't we do enough to make sure the immune system is not taxed?

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With spring quickly approaching, allergies are about to come back in full swing. Allergies are not only?a concern with people, but with your dog as well.? Unknown to many, dogs are affected by a wide range of environmental allergens. Normally when our dogs are sneezing, wheezing, scratching or coughing, we just think it is normal dog behavior that will pass. However these are common symptoms of allergic reactions in your dog. Just like people, dogs can acquire symptoms due to environmental allergens. In order to distinguish these signs in your furry friend, you will need to know what to look for.

The most common symptoms of allergies are itching, chewing and biting. These are most often observed on the tail, stomach and inside of the hind legs of your dog. Licking and chewing of the paws is also noted. Inhaled allergies can also show in sneezing, watery eyes, and wheezing. There are?several ways to help your dog during peak?allergy season.?Just like people treat allergies, vacuuming and dusting frequently can help decrease the number of allergens in the household.? Another important measure to take is to give your dog a relaxing bath with a soothing shampoo treatment.? Aloe vera and oatmeal are great additives in a shampoo to help soothe your dog's uncomfortable?coat and additionally help decrease their allergens, as they can be carried in the coat. If the pollen count is unusually high, your veterinarian may also prescribe antihistamines such as Benadryl to control your dog's symptoms.

Another important danger to your dog's allergies is the threat of food allergies. The main signs of a food allergy?is vomiting, and/or diarrhea. You will need the assistance of a vet to figure out the exact source of your dog's food allergy. This canbe done by trying different diets to see which works best for your furry friend.? With these few educational tips, you will be able to better help your dog during allergy season. Remember to look for the symptoms right away, as these are not normal dog behavior. Don't forget about your furry best friend during these tough allergy months too. We all know how tough it can be to suffer from allergies, so it is important to remember the animals as well. Make sure to consult with your local veterinarian before trying any of these methods listed as well, they may have different recommendations.

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Dog diarrhea can be quite dangerous because it could leave your dog dehydrated and weak. Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of things; however ingesting the wrong kinds of foods is one of the top culprits. This is why you should follow the rule: human food for humans, dog food for dogs.

There are two degrees of diarrhea, acute and chronic. It is acceptable to treat acute diarrhea at home, however, treatment of chronic diarrhea should be treated by a vet.

Acute diarrhea: Causes: Acute diarrhea is usually caused by bacteria from food a dog eats or licks, but can also be caused by stress, roundworms, and viruses.

Symptoms: Diarrhea that lasts less than two weeks is considered acute diarrhea and can be treated by an owner at home. Other than watery stools, you want to look for mucus and blood in your dog's feces. During a bout of acute diarrhea your dog might act lethargic as well as become dehydrated; if your dog is weak enough he might not even be able to perform daily activities up to par.

Treatment: There are some home remedies to treat acute diarrhea, however, if you choose to treat at home keep a close eye on your dog's progress and stay in contact with your vet. Here are some suggestions for treatment of acute dog diarrhea:

• A dog with diarrhea will need a diet change to something that is easily digested such as boiled chicken and rice, nothing with oil and no fatty foods.

• Consider giving a probiotic supplement to help restore gastrointestinal health. A probiotic is specifically helpful with treating dog diarrhea.

• It's of utmost importance to keep your dog hydrated by making sure that water is always available to him; also ensure that his water and food bowls are cleaned regularly.

While you are treating your dog take observations of how much your dog weighs, and if their condition seems to improve or worsen, this will assist in determining what treatments are working and if a trip to the vet is necessary.

Chronic diarrhea:

Causes: Chronic diarrhea will usually mean that your dog has a food allergy, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, or a parasite, there are however less common cases that only a vet will be able to diagnose by performing various tests.

Symptoms: Diarrhea that lasts more than two weeks is considered chronic. You might also notice symptoms such as rough hair or coat, weight loss, lack of energy, and of course dehydration. Dehydration can be a major problem and you should watch your dog closely for signs of this.

Treatment: If your dog is experiencing chronic diarrhea he should be taken to the vet for an evaluation; chronic diarrhea is a sign that there is a more serious health issue at hand. Unfortunately some home treatments to remedy chronic diarrhea have the potential to do more harm than good, so it is important to take your pet to the vet before attempting to treat your dog on your own. A probiotic can be used on top of whatever recommendations your vet makes for the same reasons as were given above in regards to acute diarrhea.

Remember, two weeks or less of diarrhea is considered acute, if it goes on any longer than that you should seek professional help. As always, follow your gut and your vet's recommendations, if you or he feels a trip to the vet is necessary before the two week mark, by all means do it.

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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a malady that affects millions of Americans every year, causing countless amounts of suffering, pain, and torment through chronic symptoms that never seem to go away. What's worse about this condition is that there is no cure, only courses of treatment that alleviate but do not eliminate the symptoms that cause so much discomfort. While it is true that IBS is not as serious as other gastro-intestinal diseases, it is still serious enough to warrant an article such as this. To better inform you about its effects, I will explain irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea and ways you can help to limit this condition - and have a better life in the process.

What is IBS?      

As mentioned above, IBS is a condition that targets and affects the gastro-intestinal system - or, the network of organs that help you digest and process food. These organs include the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, the large intestine, and the colon. Problems with this system can result in lowered nutrition, decreased health, and serious complications that can drastically lower the quality of life you experience. No one is really sure as to what the causes of IBS are. One possible explanation is that IBS is just a collection of symptoms caused by bacterial infection, or a viral pathogen. Parasitic infection may also be a cause.  Other reasons given include poor immune systems (usually because of infections), poor nutrition, and other, more serious disorders like Crohn's disease or inflammatory bowel disease. No matter what the causes, however, it is clear that IBS results in chronic pain, abdominal inflammation, constipation, and, of course, diarrhea.

What about Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Diarrhea?

Few symptoms of IBS are as annoying and discomforting as irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea, not only because of the inconvenience it affords, but the social stigma that can be associated with it. Diarrhea in general is typically the way the body deals with extreme imbalances in the gastro-intestinal system. In this way, repeated and frequent watery stools and discharge is a method by which the body responds to the disorders or afflictions that mess with how the GI system operates. Normally food is digested and processed without much difficulty; with diarrhea, the imbalance results in frequent trips to the bathroom that results in the aforementioned watery stool. Diarrhea is dangerous because it can dehydrate someone rapidly. Needless to say, irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea can be bothersome as well as problematic.

How Do You Treat This?

The most effective way to treat irritable bowel syndrome diarrhea is to increase one's intake of fluids. You should drink plenty of water - at least four glasses a day - if you have IBS, because this syndrome dehydrates your body and causes stress that you don't need. You'll get most of your water intake daily from what you eat, but if you have IBS then you'll need to consume a little more. Do not drink more than 12 liters a day, though; that could send you into shock. Just try and drink a bottle of water every two to three hours and you'll be fine. If your diarrhea doesn't get any better, over-the-counter medications such as Imodium can go a long way in helping you out.

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The symptoms of a Yeast Infection (Candida) are vast and diverse. It might show up on the skin for one person but for another it might display itself by the actions of the bowel or by changes in mental behavior. Another person might have more than one symptoms at the same time while there are some who might show no obvious indication. Men, for example, do not always exhibit some of the symptoms as women do. In fact, some persons do not realize that they have the infection until serious problems develop.

Some yeast infection symptoms typical to men (though some relevant ones might be seen in women) are:
1. Problems with digestion
2. Itching in the region of the penis
3. Soreness or rash, especially at the penis head
4. Constipation
5. Burning sensation when urinating
6. Penile discharge, usually white and clumpy
7. Extreme tiredness sometimes accompanied by joint or muscle pain
8. Bad breath
9. Diarrhea
10. Bloating
11. Swollen penis glands
12. Sexual dysfunction
13. Gas
14. Mood swings and irritability
15. Increased heart rate
16. Discomfort after sex
17. Problems with prostate
18. Cravings for foods that contain sugar or starch e.g. beer, bread, sweets, pasta, cookies
20. Athletes foot
21. Itchy, dry skin

Some yeast infection symptoms typical to women are:
1. Vaginal itching and burning
2. Odorless, thick, whitish, clumpy (or watery) discharge that looks like cottage cheese
3. Pain while urinating
4. Pain while having sexual intercourse
5. Dry, flaky skin in the region of the vagina
6. Discharge that smells like bread or yeast
7. Itching in the region of the of anus
8. Vomiting or nausea
9. Small bumps and swelling of the vulva

Some symptoms of yeast infection typical to children or infants are:
1. White, creamy patch inside the mouth, on the tongue and at the back of the throat (thrush)
2. Diarrhea
3. Bloating
4. Gas
5. Learning problems
6. Recurrent diaper rash
7. Persistent ear infections
8. Short attention span
9. Athletes foot
10. Headaches
11. Hives
12. Chronic cough
13. Depression
14. Eczema
15. Tiredness
16. Long lasting colic
17. Hyperactivity
18. Cravings for sweets
19. Congestion

If someone is experiencing one or more symptoms and it is suspected that yeast infection is present, then you might want to consider a natural cure for the candida infection. A natural cure will not cause harm even if yeast is not present. In fact, it would improve on health and help to prevent an infection.

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Milk allergies are a reality for millions of people. One major problem is that milk products and derivatives of milk are in so many of the food products we consume. It is very difficult to completely avoid milk products and byproducts as we go about or day to day life as food consumers. It is a very real problem for parents of children. Once they are out their sight treats like a caramel apple or milk chocolate can bring on an allergic reaction.

Symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of maladies. Vomiting, diarrhea, hives are three of the most common. Bloating, gas, watery eyes, skin rashes that can also include acne are among others. An asthmatic who also suffers from milk allergy can have complications with their asthma condition as a result or his or her allergy to milk. Another reaction is ear infections and hyperactivity, particularly in children. Minor milk allergy symptoms can go undiagnosed for years.

As a result of ongoing research more information is being made available for those who suffer from milk allergies. Also more and better alternatives to milk are being made available. Milk allergy sufferers are denied this valuable source of calcium in their diet and more palatable alternatives are important in replacing milk and milk products for the allergy sufferers.

Soy products that were once ghastly are now quite delicious and soy milk itself is now do to improvements quite delicious and resemble milk quite well. Tofu is a great alternative to cheese. With products like these, milk allergy symptoms can easily be avoided. Take a short trip to your supermarket and you'll find plenty of alternative dairy products. No longer will you have to avoid the common foods that you like the most, easy alternatives can be used.

One ingredient in milk is lactose, or milk sugar. Lactose intolerance is a type of milk allergy where the person experiencing the allergy is intolerant to the lactose in the milk itself An enzyme called lactase is responsible for breaking down lactose in the digestive process. It is estimated that up to seventy percent of the worlds population is lacking in this enzyme and some have none at all. This has caused problems in the past when international care packages of food relief were taken to countries on the African continent to fend off starvation and the milk products in the food was consumed by lactose intolerant people there.

Avoidance is the most common treatment for milk allergies. But as I stated previously that can be difficult. Anything containing the word casein should be avoided. Careful screening of preprocessed food labels is a must. Beyond that there has been some buzz about energy based allergy treatments. Many people have claimed to have been completely cured of all symptoms of milk allergy after undergoing an energy based allergy treatment. Energy based allergy treatments are quick and are not long and ongoing. They are an entire topic in themselves so I can only brief you on the topic here.

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If your dog has all of a sudden been vomiting severely, he may have gastroenteritis. The onset of the disease is usually marked by diarrhea and vomiting. When the disease is not treated, much of the fluids your dog ingests will be lost. This causes dehydration, electrolyte disturbance and acid-base imbalance. Because of the frequent vomiting, shock is always a danger since some cases of gastroenteritis are fatal.

Diet seems to play a number one role when it comes to gastroenteritis. Dogs aren't particular about what they eat. If they eat spoiled food or any foreign objects, they could develop the disease. Sometimes, changes in diet can cause the onset; bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, as well as parasites, are also known to cause gastroenteritis. If your dog is taking any medication, it could be the irritant. In addition, gastroenteritis could also be the symptom of some other underlying disease. Diabetes, liver, and kidney disease are all known to trigger the disease. Any disorders concerning the abdomen such as peritonitis, pancreatitis, and pyometra can also be a cause. For some, the gastrointestinal tract is blocked.

The moment your dog experiences vomiting and diarrhea that lasts for more than two days, you should consult a veterinarian. Look out for bloody, watery fecal matter as blood can sometimes be found in the vomit as well. Your dog will be depressed and listless, because he will have no energy. It can be quite hard to diagnose gastroenteritis for pet-owners because it is normal for dogs to vomit or have diarrhea. However, if there are no predispositions, and the onset is sudden, it is not normal.

Regularly, dogs that do not have a severe case of gastroenteritis do not have to go through all the tests. The vet might prescribe some medication for the symptoms. However, if blood is found on the stool and vomit, then your dog needs further examination. The vet will request diagnostic tests such as a stool exam, routine urine exam, (CBC) complete blood count, blood biochemistry profiling and an ultrasound of the abdomen. This way, he can diagnose the dog properly.

The main priority of the treatment for gastroenteritis is to restore the fluid lost. This affects the electrolyte and acid-base balance. Dehydration can occur, so it is a primary concern. In severe cases, intravenous fluids may need to be administered for gastroenteritis caused by an infection, the vet will prescribe antibiotics. Some drugs are prescribed to restore the natural coating of the gastrointestinal tract.

The gastrointestinal tract will need a rest, so you will have to limit the oral intake of your dog. Do not feed him or let him drink for several hours. Then, you can start to introduce some water into his system and after a few more hours, you can give him a bland diet - nothing too heavy. When he is thoroughly cleansed, you can go back to a healthy, balanced meal. If the symptoms present themselves again, take your dog to a veterinarian at once.

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If you have suffered from constipation, you know how miserable it can be. You feel sluggish, tired, and depressed, not to mention the discomfort in your abdomen. Of course, laxatives abound on the market, but they offer a temporary solution at best. In addition, they can create a dependency. Enemas are unpleasant. Surely there is a better way to get your colon clean and keep it that way.

Adding insoluble fiber to the diet can help, but it basically only works to scrape out the material through the center of your clogged colon. It is not really a colon cleanser, because it does not clear out the old impacted fecal matter. It cannot really get your colon clean. It only helps to keep things moving.

Many people have as much as 15 or 20 pounds of old fecal matter impacted on the walls of the colon. Fortunately, there is a way to melt away this matter from the small and large intestines as well as the colon. A good quality oxygen based colon cleanser is one that consists of oxides and peroxides of magnesium that have been pressurized with oxygen. These chemical will release oxygen when they combine with the hydrochloric acid in your stomach.

This type of colon cleanser actually turns that impacted hard matter (that has been lodged in your digestive tract for a long time into a liquid or gas) so that it can be eliminated from the body. The chemicals oxidize the material safely and effectively. Naturally this means that the bowel movements will be watery and gaseous for a while. This is not actually diarrhea, but a result of the oxidation.

When you do a colon cleanse with an oxygen based product, it is wise to stay near a bathroom for a day or so. It is also helpful to drink a lot of water. Of course, drinking water is good for treating constipation anyway, but much water alone won't clean out the colon. However, it will help flush out the watery, gaseous stools resulting from the cleanse.

The amount of water recommended is half your body weight in ounces. For instance, if you weigh 160 pounds, you will want to drink 80 ounces of water each day. This is the equivalent of ten cups or two and a half quarts. Conventional wisdom recommends two quarts of water a day for everyone, but most people don't even drink this much consistently. Larger people will benefit from drinking even larger amounts of water.

The colon cleanse might make you feel like you have diarrhea, but true clinical diarrhea results from a bacterial agent like e. coli or other water or food contaminants. It can also be the result of a disease of the intestines, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Celiac disease, a condition in which you don't tolerate eating wheat and other gluten grains, can also cause diarrhea.

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The term hemorrhoid is considered a misnomer in that it is actually part of the normal anatomy of human beings but is usually used to pertain to a pathological condition, wherein either the veins or artery of the anorectal area develop into varicosities. There are actually three hemorrhoids or cushions in the anal canal which contribute to anal pressure, maintaining continence, and serve a protective function during the passing of stools. However, in line with the common usage, hemorrhoids will be referred to from this point onward as the abnormal condition. The causes of hemorrhoids can be attributed to a variety of lifestyle and genetic factors.

The following will detail the top three causes of hemorrhoids and how they contribute to the development of the abnormality:

1) Chronic constipation or diarrhea. Any abnormality in the bowel movement can serve as a predisposing factor to the development of hemorrhoids. Constipation is the irregular bowel movement of hard to pass stools while diarrhea is defined as three or more bowel movement of loose and watery stools in a day. Chronic constipation can lead to the development of hemorrhoids because of the increased intra-abdominal pressure from straining which causes a subsequent increase in the pressure of the veins leading to varicosities. Diarrhea, on the other hand, can be one of the less common causes of hemorrhoids. It leads to the development of the condition because of the constant irritation of the anorectal area, which causes inflammation.

2) Obesity. This is defined as the condition of being twenty percent overweight. Obesity causes the development of hemorrhoids because of the increased pressure in the veins of the anorectal area. The excess weight bears down on the veins, especially in dependent parts (areas of the body affected by the pull of gravity), causing distention.

3) Pregnancy. Development of hemorrhoids can occur during the peripartum period or during the delivery of the baby. This is considered as one of the common causes of hemorrhoids in women. During the peripartum period, the increase in circulating fluid or the enlarging uterus can cause pressure in the veins below it. During the delivery period, the prolonged straining can lead to the development of hemorrhoids.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Bowel movements can speak volumes about your overall health. Read about the following types and compare them to your own movements to see what they indicate about your own health.

1. The movements appear to be separate, hard lumps. They have the appearance of small nuts or animal droppings. Such abnormally had bowel movements suggest constipation, and result from a slow bowel transit time. This also indicates that your risk of developing piles and other bowel diseases.

2. Sausage shaped, but lumpy. Much the same as type 1, this will indicate constipation and other bowel problems. The solution to both of these could be to increase the amount of fibre in your diet

3. Sausage shaped, very smooth and soft. This is ideal, and indicates good health. Ideally you should be having this type of movement about once or twice per day.

4. Soft, easily passed sticky blobs that may stick to the toilet. This type of movement is highly indicative of a poor diet. If you have this type, you should consider eating more fruit and vegetables and cutting out the fatty foods.

5. Fluffy, jagged pieces that tend to float. Any type that is overly loose indicates diarrhea. You should seek advice from your doctor.

6. Watery with no solid pieces. Similar to above, you likely have diarrhea and should seek medical advice. This is usually caused by an underlying illness of infection as opposed to simply dietary habits. So next time you visit the lavatory, have a look and see what you can learn about your overall health.

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Distemper is usually a disease of young cats, which, having once had it and having recovered, are protected from future attacks. It is however, sometimes seen in older cats, especially so when the disease occurs when the disease is constantly present in an animal community but only occurs in a small number of cases or affecting a large number of animals at the same time.

The first symptoms of distemper are those of fever, with the combination of symptoms such as an inflammation of one of the organs, or an injury which is somewhat serious, it shows that it is ill more decidedly than any other animal. It appears sicker with troubles of the same severity than do other animals.

In the beginning the cat loses its appetite, and seeks a dark corner, where it wants to remain out of sight. These may be more or less severe according to the gravity of the attack. Shortly after the beginning of the fever you will find a watery discharge from the eyes, which may become crusty later: a discharge from the nostrils of thick mucus at first, and crusty later which may even be tinged with blood.

The disease may be followed later by diseases of the respiratory system or of the digestive system, which in their local appearance are Gastritis, Constipation and Diarrhea, including those of the stomach, the intestines, but which are more severe than they are in their sporadic form, because they are grafted onto the body of an animal already suffering from fever and weakened by it.

Let it be understood, however, that in cases which have been going on for some little time, while the present condition of the animal is perfectly evident, it is not possible to make a diagnosis between these two following conditions;

1. A cat which has been infected first with distemper, has developed fever, and has the complication of a severe bronchi-pneumonia or of a severe diarrhea, or is excessively debilitated and weak; or

2. A cat which has been affected with a severe bronchitis and bronchi-pneumonia , or a severe diarrhea which is continued for some little time, and has produced by the local irritation and inflammation a fever which is secondary, and the cat has been weakened and is greatly debilitated.

These two cases are absolutely identical, and the treatment for it is practically the same. Suppose, however, that not one cat alone, but several, are found in the same house or stable in the same condition, or in variable degrees pointing toward the same disease, or other cats have been presenting the same symptoms, then you can assume it to be distemper.

The cat with distemper must be isolated at once, and put into a quiet room where it is well protected from drafts of air, while still supplied with fresh air. Consult with your veterinarian distemper can be very contagious. The strength of the cat must be kept up, but do not force food unless it is absolutely necessary.

This information is intended as an informational guide only. This is not to be substituted for professional veterinary care. Always ask your Veterinary for advice and have them explain why they have chosen that treatment and what the side affects are.

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A pregnant friend of mine was found to have a gallbladder full of gallstones. Scheduled for immediate surgery, she promptly did a liver cleanse and avoided surgery. Three years later, after doing the liver cleanse and pregnant again scheduled for surgery, a sonogram revealed that she was still free of gallstones. It was this story that prompted me to write this article about the subject - enlightening both the writer and the reader.

I will discuss gallstones in the following order:

  • Definition

  • Types

  • Symptoms

  • Cause

  • Natural Cures


Gallstones and other gallbladder disorders affect the gallbladder, a small sac-like organ located beneath the liver that stores bile made in the liver. The bile, originally produced in the liver, emulsifies fats in partly digested food. During storage in the gallbladder, bile becomes more concentrated which increases its potency and intensifies its effect on fats.

People can go for years with digestive symptoms and never realize that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That's because they are so inter-woven with other digestive symptoms such as indigestion, gas, bloating and constipation.


The most common problem associated with the gallbladder is gallstones, round-shaped stones composed of cholesterol, bile, pigments, and lecithin. Gallstones form when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. These gallstones can exist for years without symptoms, but eventually can cause blockages or damage. This can cause extreme digestive symptoms and pain.

Under health conditions the liquid, called bile, is used to help the body digest fats. Bile contains water, cholesterol, fats, bile salts, and bilirubin. Bile salts break up fat, and bilirubin gives bile and stool a brownish color. Bile is made in the liver, and then stored in the gallbladder until the body needs to digest fat. At that time, the gallbladder contracts and pushes the bile into a tube, called a duct, which carries it to the small intestine, where it helps with digestion. If the liquid bile contains too much cholesterol, bile salts, or bilirubin, it can harden into stones.

Problems associated with gallstones include acute cholecystitis, an irritation and infection in the gallbladder that is caused by a gallstone becoming trapped. Symptoms of acute cholecystitis are the abdomen becoming extremely painful, even to the touch, and fever. Recurrent attacks of this are called chronic cholecystitis, which manifests the same symptoms.

While extremely rare, gallbladder cancer is another possible disorder, occurring in only 3 cases per 100,000 people each year. Gallbladder cancer usually causes jaundice (yellowing of skin) and pain in the upper-right abdominal area, but is sometimes present with no symptoms at all.


Only about 20% of people who have gallstones experience symptoms; the rest are unaware of the problem. A common symptom of gallstones is pain in the right side of the abdomen and/or pain in or near the right shoulder or shoulder blade. Pain may also occur in the center of the upper abdomen, over the breastbone. In all cases, pain, wherever it manifests, is usually constant and progresses slowly. It rises to a plateau and then gradually decreases, usually within several hours after a meal and especially after meals containing large amounts of fat. Other symptoms can include nausea, a sense of fullness, belching, heartburn, flatulence, and vomiting.

When symptoms do occur, it's usually because the gallstone has moved and become lodged within a duct that carries bile. The typical symptom is abdominal pain, perhaps accompanied by nausea, indigestion, or fever. Stones can also clog the common bile duct, which carries bile into the small intestine, and the hepatic ducts, which take bile out of the liver.

  • Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side

  • Pain between shoulder blades

  • Stools light or chalky colored

  • Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Bloating

  • Gas

  • Burping or belching

  • Feeling of fullness or food not digesting

  • Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to watery)

  • Constipation

  • Headache over eyes, especially right

  • Bitter fluid comes up after eating

  • Frequent use of laxatives


Toxins overloading into your system from chemicals, additives, processed and junk foods, as well as excessive saturated animal fat in the diet, contribute to gallbladder problems. If the liver becomes overloaded with excess saturated fats, the gallbladder gets stressed and inflamed. This excess of saturated fats becomes cholesterol deposits and when enough have formed, they crystallize with the bile to form gallstones.

Women get gallstones 4 times as frequently as men, especially women over 40 years old who are fair-skinned, and overweight. 20% of adults over 65 years of age get gallstones that create problems and pain. Over 500,000 surgeries are performed each year to remove gallbladders due to gallbladder disorders, the most common being gallstones.

Constipation, food allergies (especially to milk products and eggs), digestive disorders (especially caused by a deficiency of hydrochloric acid), intestinal diseases, an excessively low-fiber diet, dental disturbances, parasites, rapid weight loss, and stress can all cause or contribute to gall stones and other gallbladder disorders. For lasting relief of symptoms, all of these factors must be addressed if they are present.

Natural Cures

Note: In order to make an accurate diagnosis of gallbladder disorders, ultrasound may be required. If surgery is required, typically laser surgery is used, which does not need to cut into the abdomen, and allows healing to occur much more quickly. However, most gallbladder surgeries can be easily avoided through nutritional and natural intervention, such as the Liver Cleanse, with emphasis on identification, avoidance, and treatment of food allergies.

Diet: Identify and avoid all foods to which you are allergic or sensitive, especially eggs, milk and gluten, wheat and dairy products. Also reduce your saturated and overall fat intake, keeping it below 20% of the total foods you eat, and eliminate all processed and hydrogenated fats. But do not cut fat completely, as this can actually increase your chances of developing gallstones. Monounsaturated fats (olive oil, coconut oil) are the best fats to include in your diet.

Be sure to eat less, since overeating places stress on the gallbladder. At the same time, be sure to eat breakfast, don't skip meals, and eat a balanced and healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes and other vegetarian sources of protein. Increase your intake of dietary fiber to improve bowel movements, and avoid refined carbohydrates, which can cause gallstone formation. Overall, eat less animal foods, remove processed foods and move toward a whole foods vegetarian-oriented diet. If you are overweight, lose the weight, but slowly and sensibly.

Good foods to include in your diet are black cherries, pears, beets (raw and cooked), fresh steamed and water saut矇ed greens such as beet tops collards, kale, plenty of steamed broccoli and cauliflower, snack on seasonal fruits, eat plain organic yogurt, as well as more raw foods in general.

Liver Cleanse: A liver cleanse is a common natural cure. It is quite easy. The method used by my pregnant friend to rid her of gallstones, was easy and effective.

Herbs: Combine the tinctures of wild yam, fringetree bark, milk thistle, and balmony in equal parts and take one teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. An infusion of chamomile or lemon balm can also be taken regularly throughout the day.

Hydrotherapy: Hydrotherapy is the application of water, ice, steam and hot and cold temperatures to maintain and restore health. Treatments include full body immersion, steam baths, saunas, sitz baths, colonic irrigation and the application of hot and/or cold compresses. Hydrotherapy is effective for treating a wide range of conditions and can easily be used in the home as part of a self-care program. We suggest several at-home hydrotherapy treatments. Please seek the advice of your alternative health care practitioner before undergoing these procedures to make sure they are appropriate for you. *Purified water is essential for any hydrotherapy treatment. Remedies for Treating Chlorinated Bath Water offers clear instructions and recommendations.

Juice Therapy: The following juice combinations can help improve gallbladder health: carrot, beet, cucumber, radish, and fresh dandelion roots, with a clove of garlic; or grape, pear, grapefruit, and lemon.

Lifestyle: Choose non-toxic cleaning supplies and personal body care products.

Nutritional Supplementation: The following supplements can help relieve gallbladder symptoms: digestive enzymes with each meal, vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, choline, inositol, lipotrophic factors, alfalfa tablets, acidophilus, lecithin, and the amino acid, L-taurine. Peppermint oil sipped in water throughout the meal can also be helpful.

Topical Treatment: Castor oil packs placed over the gallbladder can speed relief of symptoms.

Alternative Professional Care

If your symptoms persist despite the above measures, seek the help of a qualified health professional. The following professional care therapies have all been shown to be useful for treating gallstones and gallbladder disorders: Acupuncture, Detoxification Therapy, Environmental Medicine, Magnetic Field Therapy, Naturopathic Medicine, Neural Therapy, and Osteopathy.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Cats get the flu just like people. The medical term is "upper respiratory infection" or URI. It is caused by two feline viruses and will run its course in 7 to 10 days, but it must be treated. The symptoms are sneezing, runny nose and eyes, stuffiness, loss of appetite and lethargy. Home remedies for cat flu will cure your cat in 5 to 7 days.

Keep your cat eating and drinking. If she isn't eating, offer her a stronger smelling canned food such as tuna or sardines. She is probably dehydrated, so you need to get some unflavored Pedialyte for children at your local grocery store. Give it to her straight. If she won't drink water or Pedialyte, add chicken baby food to give it flavor. Do not get baby food with onions in it. Gerber chicken is the best. Last resort is giving it to her with a 3 cc syringe.

Echinacea boosts the immune system. It is available at the health food store. Purchase Sweet Echinacea for Kids alcohol free and give her 翻 of the kid's dose twice daily for 5 to 7 days. Vitamin C is antiviral and a wonderful antioxidant. Do not give your cat straight Vitamin C (Ascorbate Acid) as it will irritate her stomach. Purchase Sodium Ascorbate Crystals at your health food store and give her 250 mg once daily for 5 to 7 days. If your cat gets diarrhea, cut back on the dose.

Allium Cepa 30c is a homeopathic for watery nasal discharge causing sneezing. Give your cat 1 pellet twice daily for 5 to 7 days. It is available at your local health food store. Euphrasia officianalis 30c is also homeopathic and helps relieve symptoms of the cat flu. Give 1 pellet twice daily for 5 to 7 days. Some cats have worse nasal congestion and it makes it difficult for them to breathe out of their nose. Pediatric Otrivin has worked really well on my cats. Put one drop in each nostril three times daily for 5 days.

Colloidal Silver kills over 650 different diseases and is an alternative antibiotic. It is available at your health food store. I recommend Wellness by Source Naturals 30PPM. Give your cat 1/3 of the recommended dosage 3 times daily for 5 days and then twice daily for 5 days. You can keep her on a maintenance dose once daily after she gets better. It can also be used in her ears and eyes.

A humidifier is great for easing congestion and will help your cat breathe easier. If you don't have one, put her in the bathroom and turn the shower on hot. WARNING: Do not put her in the shower. It is advised that you stay in the bathroom with her for 15 to 20 minutes. Keep your cat in a warm area without drafts. The cat flu is highly contagious, so if you have multiple cats, keep your sick kitty in a different area.

Your cat should start to feel better in a few days after you use these home remedies for cat flu. I have used them for several years on my own cats and had great results.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One symptom of bowel dysfunction is diarrhea. Diarrhea is when food passes through and out of the bowel very quickly.

When does diarrhea occur? Diarrhea is usually a reaction to food poisoning. You have eaten food which is full of bugs; the body's defense mechanism is engaged and the food is expelled from the body as fast as possible.

Diarrhea may also occur when you are tense or scared. Ancient man was born with a flight or fight response. What this means is that when ancient man faced dangers that could kill him, the body produced adrenaline which either helped man run away or have the courage to face the danger. Humans today still have this defense response. These days it is stress, pace of life and the like that causes us to produce adrenaline rather than facing Woolly Mammoths. The effect of adrenaline on the body is to speed up bodily functions including the gut; remember exam time or your driving test? You may also notice that your breathing is quicker, that you can't relax as easily as you used to or that you're more rushed to fit everything in. If your bowel is reacting to stress then you need more than a change in diet. You would need to relax more. This could mean taking up yoga, meditation, hypnosis or a more physical activity such as running.

If your stool is frequent and loose then it might be an idea to take a break from food and just drink fluids [not tea or coffee] for a day. It is thought that over cooking white or brown rice until it is a pulp is also easy on the digestion. Rice is a very mild food on the bowel, which is why you will find that on any exclusion diet, rice is still allowed. Linseed is also useful in reducing diarrhea as it acts as sponge by absorbing excess fluid in the bowel.

Turning to medicines should be a last resort. Medicines have their place in the treatment of illnesses but an eastern philosophy is useful to adopt here which is cure the cause not the symptom. If you are suffering diarrhea, then your body is telling you that it is using diarrhea to heal itself. Taking medicines now, like Imodium, may block the healing process. In addition it is possible that by taking a drug that prevents diarrhea you end up with constipation.

If you suffer alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea then seek a cure for the constipation first as the diarrhea maybe a by product of constipation. The lining of a constipated bowel maybe contaminated with toxins such that the body uses watery stools to flush the toxins away.

If your bowel symptoms persist, you must see your medical doctor. Do not self diagnose as your pain may be a sign something more dangerous.

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Shih Tzu allergies are as common as other diseases that effect both dogs and humans. In fact, both Shih Tzu and Shih Tzu owners may suffer from some common diseases such as diabetes, cardiac problems, obesity and many others. And Shih Tzu allergies may occur more or less in the same way as with human. Although diseases like diabetes, cardiac problems or obesity may stem from unhealthy dietary and physical activity management, allergies may occur from many different types of allergens.

As asserted by veterinarians, Shih Tzu allergies may show the most common symptom of itching sensation all over the skin area. Shih Tzu allergies may occur in the respiratory system as well. When the allergies occur in the respiratory system most commonly the symptoms like coughing, sneezing and wheezing become apparent. In fact, there is a great similarity between the symptoms occurring in both humans and Shih Tzu dogs. Nose and eyes discharge frequently just like with a cold or the flu. Allergies may affect the digestive system also. If so, Shih Tzu may exhibit symptoms like vomiting, watery stools or diarrhea.

There are different forms of Shih Tzu allergies. In other words, Shih Tzu may suffer from various forms of allergies. For example, Shih Tzu may have allergies from flea's saliva. In order to conclude whether a particular Shih Tzu is susceptible to flea saliva, it is essential to take the dog in for a skin allergy examination. If it is discovered that the Shih Tzu is allergic to the flea saliva it is best to implement a flea control program, however the owner should take care about using the safest products possible.

Some individuals are allergic to certain types of foods. The same is true for few Shih Tzu dogs. There are certain food products such as beef, soy products, fish, eggs, chemical preservatives, milk, wheat and artificial sweeteners that may cause allergic reactions in Shih Tzu dogs. Additionally, food allergies may also occur due to the consumption of non-verified foods. Providing only commercially manufactured dog foods to the Shih Tzu can minimize the possibility of developing food allergies.

Atopic dermatitis is another significant type of Shih Tzu allergies. This occurs mainly because of the hypersensitivity towards the immune system caused by different environmental substances such as molds or dust mites. The common symptoms of atopic dermatitis are excessively licking and chewing of the paws, abdomen and rear feet. This allergic reaction affects the armpit region, in-between the toes of the paws, and in the groin.

Shih Tzus may become allergic due to a bacterial infection. This can seriously affect the health of a Shih Tzu. Typically, the Shih Tzu has certain types of bacteria over their skin, while most of them are harmless to them. These bacteria belong to Staphylococcus family. However, there are certain other types that cause allergies to them. The most common symptoms of bacterial allergy are hair loss and the formation of marks resembling ringworm in the affected skin area. Statistically, it is estimated that over twenty percent of the dog population in the United States are affected by allergic reactions.

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Roaches or cockroaches are very common pest that can be found in the home particularly under the kitchen sink. These little insects are sometimes even feared by some individuals because of their scary features and possible germs that they may be carrying around on their bodies.

There are more than a thousand known kinds of cockroaches however, only a few of them are classified as pests. Of these cockroaches the ones found inside our homes are one of the dirtiest pests. Cockroaches live in humid and warm environment particularly in places where left over foods are there. This is why roaches loved to stay around the kitchen. Other places where cockroaches can be found are in the basement, bathroom, attic, garage, hospitals and sewers.

Cockroaches are dangerous because they can contaminate the food that they feed on. The left over food that is not properly covered and was left unattended gives the roaches an opportunity to infest the food and leave behind the microbes that can cause severe health conditions to the humans who may eat the infested food. One of the most common illnesses that are associated with food infested by cockroaches is Typhoid fever and gastrointestinal problems. The young children and the elderly are the most susceptible for acquiring these kinds of infections. The most immediate symptoms of these diseases include diarrhea, vomiting, fever and stomach cramps. If left untreated the victim can suffer dehydration and eventually may cause death.

Aside from causing infection through the different kinds of microbes that they carry on their bodies, the feces of the cockroaches are also associated with other health problems on humans. The feces of roaches contain a chemical known as tropomyosin that can cause allergic reactions in humans. People with asthma can have an acute attack when exposed to these substances. The common allergic reactions that may be experienced include watery eyes, sneezing and skin rashes.

These health problems that cockroaches can bring to your family can be avoided if you will clean up all the possible hiding places of the cockroaches. It is important that you don't leave any food on your table and kitchen uncovered or much better keep them in your refrigerator if you want to eat it later. Proper food preparation is also important especially when you have left the fruits and vegetables on your kitchen overnight. Wash your fruits and vegetable well as some roaches may have crawled on them during the night.

If you can't seem to get rid of the roaches in your home, then you may need to hire the services of pest control companies so they can do the job for you. Getting rid of the adult cockroaches is not enough, you must also get rid of the eggs that they have left behind so that you can be sure that there will be no more cockroaches left behind.

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After the apple, banana is the most consumed fruit in the world. Banana can be eaten any where without need for a napkin or a knife. But fruits that exist. Banana contain about 21% carbohydrates. It contains a small amount of protein 1% and very fat less then 0.5%. Banana stand out for their vitamin B6 content. About three medium sized bananas provide the recommended daily allowance of this vitamin for an adult male.

Banana also contain significant amount of Vitamins C,B1,B2 and E as well as Folates. It is also rich in mineral among which are potassium magnesium, and iron. There are very rich in potassium, they also contain significant amount of vegetable fiber which contributes to its ability to lower cholesterol level. Banana medicinal values are as follows.

(1) Banana is very rich in potassium and low in sodium, this quality makes it ideal food in the case of coronary diseases. A diet rich in potassium and low in sodium prevent arterial hypertension stroke and even cancer. The potassuium content makes it very good in the treatment of the heart or arterial hypertension. They also help avoid hypertension and maintain a healthy heart.

(2) Prevent Heart Attack: This is because of the B group vitamins content which help in producing energy within the heart muscle, as well as magnesium which prevent heart attract.

(3) Treatment of intestinal disorders:- Bananas alone or with apples are effective in relieving diarrhea in children as well as in adults. It may be eaten abundantly or even exclusively for some days in the case of ulcer. It neutralizes the excess acidity of gastric juices produced in the stomach thereby reducing the effect of the ulcer.

(4) Treatment of arthritis and gout:- Banana alkalizes the blood, which helps neutralize and eliminate the excess uric acid that cause arthritis and gout.

(5) Banana being a low sodium diet is an idea food in cases of cirrhosis, edema which is retention of watery fluid in the tissues and even kidney failure.

(6) Banana is good for stress control:- the potassium content in banana help to normalize the heart beat and regulate body water balance which in turns controls stress.

(7) Good for pregnancy and lactation:- it contain some protein about 1% which is good for this group, they are also rich in folate which prevents fetal nervous system malformation.

Note: - Banana should be preferably taken raw, must bear in mind that all bananas collected unripe and artificially ripened in chambers have fewer sugars and vitamins than those ripened on the tree. The digestion of the banana beings in the mouth, proper digestion is facilitated by chewing the banana well, mixing it with saliva, this is because; the starch content is difficult to digest.


Cabbage leaves contains a great variety of nutrients, they contain fairly good proportion of protein about 3.38%. Fat or lipids are present in minimal, almost nonexistent amount. This lack of fat makes cabbage a very appropriate food for those suffering from coronary diseases and obesity. Cabbages contain between 3% and 5% carbohydrates. Also, cabbages are particularly rich in provitamin A and vitamin C. Among it minerals are potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Its richness in potassium and low sodium makes it of great value in cases of hypertension or edema. Cabbages in general are a good source of calcium. Studies have shown that the body absorbs the calcium in cabbage much than that in Milk.

They are also very rich in vegetable fiber. Cabbage offers the following medicinal applications.

1. Cabbages possess great anti-carcinogenic properties. Cabbages contains substance capable or preventing the formation of malignant tumors and can even stop their growth. It contains anti-carcinogenic properties such as sulfoxides and indoles, which prevent and cure cancer. It is a strong anti-cacinogen.

2. Treatment of gastro-duodenal ulcer:- This type of ulcer will respond almost miraculously to the drinking of cabbage juice, 200-250ml four or five times daily for two weeks. Subsequent experiment have shown that smaller amount of cabbage juice from two tablespoon to one-half glasses are equally effective.

3. Half glass of cabbage juice take over empty stomach in the morning for five (5) days consecutively can expels intestinal parasites.

4. Treatment of stomach disorders:- A few spoonfuls of cabbage juice taken on an empty stomach five on an empty stomach five or ten minutes before meal are sufficient or relieve all kinds of stomach pain and trouble.

5. Treatment of heart disease and hypertension: Cabbages in general are very rich in potassium and low in sodium, it also contains anti-oxidant vitamin A,C and E which contributes to the regeneration of the arterial walls.

6. Cabbages can be used in treat constipation, it contains fiber which is essential for stimulating proper bowel functions.

7. Obesity control:- Cabbage provide very few calories, it also relieve the appetite, because of this, Cabbage is deal for the obese. It should be included in all weight loss diets.

8. Diabetes:- Because cabbages contains few carbohydrates and is rich in vitamins and mineral, it is very well tolerated by the diabetic.

Note: The fresh leaves of cabbages finely shredded makes an excellent salad. The fresh juice of cabbages can be prepared in the blender or extracted by an extractor. Cabbage can as well be cooked but carefully to protect its medicine properties. The best way to cook cabbages is steaming.

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Diarrhea is not just another stomach ache. There are many complications that are involved in this condition and the sooner we find the cure for diarrhea, the better off we will be.

Diarrhea is the term used when a person has loose bowel movements. The stools passed during this time are usually soft and watery which is unusual as an average person should pass firm stools.

This condition can be accompanied by painful cramps in the abdomen, uncomfortable bloating and swelling of the abdomen, uncontrollable urge to defecate, chills, and even fever. A large part of the population does not seek treatment for this condition as this usually passes even without medication. However, we should be wary of the pending consequences of untreated condition.

Since we lose a lot of water because of this problem, it is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. This is the condition where the body does not have sufficient supply of fluid for it to function properly. Not only is fluid lost but also the natural minerals and chemicals produced by our body.

This is a serious condition that has a serious impact on the person affected. If you feel overly thirsting, have dry skin, feeling dizzy and fatigued and urinates less, you might be in danger of dehydration caused by this condition.

Loose bowel movements can be caused by the invasion of bacteria, parasites and viruses on our digestive system. If this is the case, it is best to seek medical advice to get rid of these parasites before it endangers your body further. This can also be caused by lactose intolerance, medicines or an effect of an underlying disease such as Crohn's disease.

People of various ages can have this condition. While adults can tolerate it more, babies cannot and they need immediate treatment so that their body will not suffer from the loss of fluid and important salt-chemicals.

The cure for diarrhea is extensive. There are many products out there processed to specifically help replace the lost salts and fluid of the body. Some brand names are Pedialyte, ceralyte and infalyte.

Tablets or capsules can also be purchased even without the prescription of the physician. These are sold in drugstores to help relieve the symptoms of this condition.

It would also be helpful if the person affected eats fruits and vegetables high in fiber. The fiber can bind the waste in the intestines and can replace the vitamins and minerals lost.

There are also natural herbal remedies that are just as effective as over-the-counter medications.


This herb is safe for children to use and should be given in tea form at the initial sign of the symptoms of this condition.


This is especially helpful in reducing the formation of loose stools.

Psyllium seed

This is helpful in reducing the liquid from the stool


This is great in coating the lining of the intestines to provide immediate relief from the symptoms.

One natural product that has been proven to be safe and effective is a product called DigestAssist.

This product provides comfort to our digestive system. It sustains the natural level of acidity in our stomach to prevent indigestion and to prevent bacteria and other parasitic creatures to flourish in our stomach.

This product only contains herbal ingredients such as fennel, ginger, peppermint, and stomach bush that can treat digestive ailments. The use of these remedies dates back to old times and the use of these have been carried until recent years because of their efficacy.

The cure for diarrhea can also be found with naturally manufactured remedies. These are even preferred by many because it does not contain any harsh chemicals. Try these remedies and prevent any complications that might develop because of this condition.

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