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Constipation is defined as difficulties in bowel movements characterized by hard or firm stools and irregular or infrequent bowel movement. It is labeled chronic if the symptoms are present for more than two weeks.


The causes of constipation in infants and toddlers include:

  • Change from breast milk to formulas

  • Insufficient intake of fluid

  • Low fiber diet

  • Metabolic disorders

  • Cow's milk or any other ingredient in the child's food

  • Certain medications


Here are some symptoms of constipation seen in young children:

  • No bowel movement in three days

  • Stool is hard and looks like small pebbles or is large in diameter

  • Gas formation in the stomach

  • Pain and discomfort with passage of stool

  • Leakage of liquid stool into the child's underwear or diaper

You should call the doctor immediately if the following are noted:

  • Blood in the baby's stool

  • Stomach ache

  • Fever

  • Vomiting

  • Constipation despite 3 days of home care


The following methods may be used to reduce constipation:

  • For infants older than six months, a high-fiber diet can be introduced. Increase the child's intake of barley, oatmeal, vegetables especially peas, fruit, and other foods that are rich in fiber.

  • For infants between four to six months, drinking 2-4 ounces of water or diluted fresh fruit juices day may work.

  • Avoid honey, infant mineral oil, cow's milk, and syrup.

  • Remember also that a BRAT diet (Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast), which is good for diarrhea, has a worsening effect for constipation.

If nothing works, it is important to consult your doctor immediately.

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Food allergies affect approximately 4 million Americans with symptoms that can include difficulty breathing, an outbreak of hives, asthma, vomiting, and even death. Oftentimes food allergies are confused with an inability to tolerate certain foods. Food intolerance usually brings about an entirely different set of symptoms including a bloated feeling, gas, or other similar type of discomfort.

Food Allergies or Food Intolerance

An easy way to distinguish food allergies from food intolerances is to understand that an allergic reaction actually originates in a person's immune system. A severe allergic reaction can result in suffocation when the throat or the tongue swells so much that a person cannot breathe. Given the fact that approximately 150 people in the United States die each year from food allergies, this condition is no laughing matter.

Individuals with known food allergies usually inherit this condition from another member of the family. When food allergy patients are studied, it is common to see that conditions such as eczema, hay fever, and asthma affect other family members.

Foods That Cause Allergies

A few different kinds of foods seem to trigger the most allergic reactions. And it seems that adults and children each have a different set of foods that cause problems. The majority of food allergy cases in children involve peanuts, milk, eggs, soy and wheat. In adults, the foods most involved with allergies include shellfish (such as shrimp, crab and lobster), peanuts, walnuts, eggs, other fish and nuts that grow in trees.

Food allergies are so serious in some people that even smelling the food can trigger an allergic reaction. However, food allergies mostly become an issue after a person has eaten a food to which he or she is allergic. Symptoms can begin right at the point of entry with lips that begin to tingle or a tongue that begins to itch. Gastrointestinal trouble follows with cramping, or the need to vomit, or the development of diarrhea. As the troublesome food breaks down and enters the bloodstream, it travels towards the lungs and at that point conditions such as asthma, eczema, shortness of breath, or low blood pressure can all develop.

Dealing with Food Allergies

To protect themselves, people with known allergies to food simply have to avoid coming into contact with these foods. That sounds easy enough, however the reality is that it is not always possible to avoid the foods that cause problems. Processed foods can contain so many ingredients that sometimes the food culprit is buried deep in the fine print. Legislation aimed at improving food labeling as it pertains to food allergies has recently been enacted and hopefully these new labeling requirements will better protect those with food allergies.

Keeping children away from food allergens is difficult unless a parent is vigilant about what goes into the child's mouth. Parents of children with food allergies must inform everyone from school officials to neighbors about the child's food allergies and even then, accidents happen. Fortunately for children with food allergies, most will outgrow this condition.

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What should I be feeding my baby?

How to wean:

When you start introducing foods to baby, it is a good idea to introduce new foods ONE at a time. Try to leave a week between the introductions of new foods. This way you can determine straight away if there is an allergy to the new food. Introduce a wide variety of food over time and alternate foods that you know your baby can tolerate so that you are not relying too much on one type of food.

Here are some guidelines of foods to include:

1. Breast milk or formula
2. Rice Cereal is a good choice because it is least likely to cause an allergic reaction, if you can find one fortified with iron, that will be beneficial after 10 months. Rice cereal is easily digested, it contains important nutrients and can be altered in consistency to meet a baby's development needs. Mix the cereal with infant formula to produce a smooth cereal that is not too thick and is easy for a young baby to swallow and digest.
3. Vegetables and fruits. A wide variety of vegetables and fruit can be introduced over time. Watch your baby closely for reactions (symptoms like stuffy nose, tugging on ear, sore tummy, headache, diarrhea) when introducing citrus fruits e.g. oranges, mandarins as these foods can cause allergies. Avoid processed, canned or tinned vegetables they often have high quantities of salt and sugar and often also add dairy or wheat. It is best to prepare your own veggies (butternut, green beans, sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower) and fruits such as bananas and pawpaw, stewed apple. Grate apple and pear or other harder fruits, so they can be given raw and can limit choking hazards. Beetroot, carrots, spinach, turnips, collard greens are high in nitrates when prepared at home, so don't give too many to your baby until she is a little older, as it can deplete her iron. Limit these veggies to once or twice a week. Watch out for choking hazards with big pieces of fruit or veggies (including raisins, whole grapes, celery, string beans). Avoid introducing vegetables from the "night shades" to early such as marrows, aubergines, tomato, and peppers.
4. Lean meat and poultry: you can feed your baby a little bit of well cooked beef or chicken finely chopped or ground. There is no need to add seasoning or fat to this. You may introduce well-cooked egg yolks but avoid feeding your baby egg white at this stage.
5. Suitable grains include millet, rice, quinoa and buckwheat.

Over 1 year old:

Leave healthy snacks out for your baby to help itself to, and regularly invite eating opportunities: rice crackers, banana, fresh fruit, like pear, melon, pawpaw, avocado, chicken pieces. Have set "eating" times as a family to establish of routine of "food time". Eat together to set a good example. Avoid feeding empty nutrient foods. Give your baby nutrient dense foods first and primarily. Make sure if you can your child eats something solid prior to breastfeeding of formula feeding, otherwise they might will fill up on milk and may not wish to eat.

What to Avoid or limit feeding your weaning baby:

Avoid processed food, sugar or sugary foods, honey, chocolate, foods containing additives and the common allergy inducing foods especially wheat and dairy. In terms of meat and meat products: avoid feeding your baby hot dogs, sausage, bacon, salami, luncheon meats, cured meats and fried meats and shellfish. It is not recommended to give your baby juice or tea, limit its fluids to formula (or water if necessary). Below is a guide to help you.

The top 20 common allergy foods:

Delay introducing these foods for as long as possible (not before 1 year old). If you want to reintroduce any of these foods, introduce them one at a time, and leave a week to 10 days to see if an allergy presents. (Symptoms to look for are runny nose, eczema, ear ache, diarrhea, rashes, swollen lips, mouth, tongue, upset tummy or bowel movements).

1. Cow's Milk
2. Wheat gliadin
3. Gluten (gliadin): found in wheat, rye, and barley
4. Yeast
5. Egg whites
6. Cashew nuts
7. Egg yolk
8. Garlic
9. Soya beans
10. Brazil nuts
11. Almonds
12. Corn
13. Hazelnuts
14. Oats
15. Lentils
16. Kiwi Fruit
17. Chilli peppers
18. Sesame seeds
19. Sunflower seeds
20. Peanuts

Check labels and avoid foods that contain:

1. Sucrose, glucose, malt, dextrose, inverted sugar syrup, golden syrup, corn syrup, honey and hydrogenated or trans fats.
2. Additives: artificial colourings, sweeteners, preservatives and flavourings (such as tartrazine (E102), mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) and caffeine).

Weaning baby is one of the most important steps where nutrition and your child's health is concerned. If you need more information or advice please contact our qualified nutritionist.

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Every year more than 15.000 cases of salmonella in children under the age of 4 are reported in the US. Infants are most likely to get infected with salmonella, compared to all other age groups.

There are several factors that make the difference if a baby contracts salmonella or not:

Breastfeeding protects against most infectious diseases and thus breastfed babies are much less likely to get salmonella. Breastfeeding is so much easier than bottle feeding - and much less work. Think how much more hygienic it is than all those dirty bottles left behind.

Babies that are exposed to reptiles like turtles, snakes or lizards are more likely to contract salmonella. Please note, you should not have reptiles as pets in your home if you have children under the age of five. Go and visit a zoo if you are into reptiles.

If you put your infant into a shopping cart next to raw meat and poultry, he is more likely to get infected. So remember always to carry with you disinfectant wipes and clean the area where your child will sit. Put the unsafe items away from your child.

Babies that drink concentrated liquid infant formula are more likely to get infected. There might be several reasons for that. For once, the formula might not be sterile, or the company did not use clean and boiled water. Whatever the reason, just remember to stick with powdered formula or much better, breastfeed your baby.

A baby that attends a daycare center is more likely to get salmonella than if the child would stay at home. Point out to the caretakers that hygiene is very important to you. Check if they reinforce proper hand washing and proper diaper disposal.

Whatever the reasons, if your baby contracts salmonella, keep him dehydrated. The diarrhea he gets is not very dangerous. But it could get very dangerous if the bacterial infection gets into your baby's blood. That could then be potentially life-threatening. This can cause pneumonia, meningitis, septic arthritis or a bone infection. So whenever a very young child has severe diarrhea, get to an emergency room as soon as possible. The quicker you treat the much better chances you have for a quick recovery.

To sum up:

Breastfeeding is the number one thing you can do to protect your baby. Not only in connection with salmonella.

The next important tip is to avoid contact with any reptiles. (50% of all reptiles are carriers of salmonella bacterias.)

Always buy quality food, especially eggs. Serve the eggs completely cooked and never poached or sunny-side-up.

Always use disinfectant gel or wipes when you are out and about in the supermarket using a shopping cart. You just don't know what might have been in contact with the child's seat or in general with the cart.

Don't offer foods like raw cookie dough, chocolate mousse, ice cream that contains eggs,... to your infant.

One last thing, did you know that you cannot pass salmonella through breastfeeding to your child.

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Kids having hemorrhoid are a cause of great concern for their parents. This is mainly because the kids are not good at expressing themselves. On top of this, if they have uncontrollable itching around the anus or they see blood on their stool, they might simply freak out. Therefore, it becomes very important for the parents to be aware of the preventive and curative measures of hemorrhoids in children.

Hemorrhoids is very painful especially in case of kids. It may even have serious consequences in their physical and emotional conditions as well. So if you notice any of the symptoms like itching, anal pain, burning, blood on stool passed or blood anywhere around your kid's anus; you should immediately take steps. It is essential on your part to ensure that everything is done in order to make your kids avoid factors like Constipation, Crohn's disease, Portal Hypertension and Diarrhea that have been found to be the main cause of this disease.

Constipation is the prime factor of hemorrhoids and can be avoided by maintaining a healthy diet that comprises of fibrous fruits and vegetables. Apart from diets, make your kid drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. These help to soften stool naturally. Exercising also helps to increase metabolism, which in turn helps to prevent constipation. So if your kids lack physical activity, encourage him/her to participate in extracurricular activities in school. In case of severe constipation you may even need to take the help of stool softener. All of these will not only aid in hemorrhoid treatment but even reduce the pain.

Next you need to take care of the swelling for hemorrhoid treatment. Clean your kid's anus with a very soft cloth or tissue. You may even dampen the cloth or apply ice wrapped in a cloth for this purpose. To further reduce hemorrhoid pain, give your kid a sitz bath in luke warm water twice a day. This helps to numb the pain and also reduce blood flow to the affected region. This is particularly good for the reduction of the size of hemorrhoid. Remember that keeping the anus area as much clean as possible is essential to avoid itching and pain. Aloe Vera gel is also known to be a good softener that reduces the burning and hurtful pains that accompany hemorrhoids.

Some doctors may even suggest you to avoid having your kid sit or stand continuously for a longer duration of time as a solution to hemorrhoid treatment. This is because these increases the blood pressure in the blood vessels around the anal which may lead to further damaging of the hemorrhoid or prevent it from complete healing. Lastly do not forget to give your kid your tender loving care and make them understand that they are important. Childhood hemorrhoids when treated promptly usually clears up on its own.

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If you thumb through most books about breastfeeding, you are not likely to find a section on constipation. This is because true constipation in a fully breastfed baby is very rare. In fact, most experts agree that if a breastfed baby is constipated, there is something medically wrong.

Breast milk is a natural laxative; however a breastfed infant may become constipated due to the introduction of foods or formula. Formula in particular is constipating. If you have recently started giving your baby formula, this may be the reason for the constipation. The single best remedy is simply more breast milk.

Reasons for constipation in a breastfed baby:

1. Illness that requires medical care (call your doctor!)

2. Formula consumption

3. Starting solids


1. The American Academy of Family Physicians defines constipation as a delay or difficulty in defecation (pooping) for more than two weeks. In a newborn (less than 6 weeks old), the AAFP recommends that parents contact their physician if their infant has had fewer than five bowel movements per week over a two-week period

2. Hard, pebble-like stools

3. Excessive straining and crying in pain. Some straining, grunting, and fussing is normal. Babies are learning how their bodies work. Grunting, straining, and fussing that results in a soft bowel movement is not constipation and does not need to be treated.

Remedy/Treatment for babies younger than 6 months:

1. If you have been exclusively breastfeeding, call your doctor right away. This could be a sign of a more serious problem and your baby needs to be evaluated by your health care professional. Constipation along with weakness, a weak cry, and reduced eating could indicate botulism. While very rare, this is a life threatening disorder and requires prompt medical care.

2. If you were providing formula as a supplement, but mostly breastfeeding, stop giving the formula and exclusively breastfeed. Cow's milk protein is very irritating to a baby's tummy and intestines. Providing only breast milk will help sooth that irritation.

3. If you have been formula feeding, start breastfeeding (if your baby is less than 2 weeks old) or get the help of an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to re-lactate. Even if you have never breastfed before, you will most likely be able to produce milk. If breastfeeding is simply not an option for you, use donor breast milk. You can either contact a milk bank (this could be expensive) or you can ask a trusted friend or family member for some of her milk.

Some health care providers discourage using un-processed breast milk since you could be exposing your baby to drugs or illness through the donor milk. However, if you trust this person and their baby is healthy, you most likely have nothing to worry about. This could be a great use for the frozen breast milk of friends who aren't sure what to do with their surplus supply. While you can try an alternate formula, they are not derived from human milk, therefore it is likely the problem will not be solved or could even get worse.

Babies older than 6 months:

1. More breast milk! If you are in the process of weaning, go back up on the number of feedings per day until the problem resolves. Back down on how much food or formula you are giving. See a Registered Dietitian to discuss solid foods that are less constipating for your baby.

2. Time. Usually, constipation will go away without any help from special foods or medications. Although there are over the counter treatments for constipation, talk to your health care provider before using them. Repeated bouts of constipation can be a sign of a more serious problem.

3. If you are certain it is constipation and you have approval from your health care provider, the American Academy of Family Physicians states that "Parents may give infants 1 oz of sorbitol-containing juice (such as prune, pear, or apple) to treat constipation." This should only be given to babies over the age of 6 months.

4. Some health care providers recommend giving corn syrup for constipation. This is not necessary as the other treatment options mentioned will usually work better. However, if you do decide to give your baby corn syrup, put 1 teaspoon in 2 oz. of water. Do not put the syrup directly into formula or pumped breast milk. Corn syrup works by drawing water into the intestines and stimulating the intestine to move stool on through. It is easy to overdo the corn syrup and cause diarrhea and electrolyte imbalance. Both of these problems can be harmful to your baby.




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A healthy person's bowel movements are normally yellowish brown and comprise of 75% water and 25% solid matter, the latter of which would include waste materials, undigested particles of food and intestinal bacteria. But at times, poops of unusual colors might appear, such as white, dark brown, black, green or reddish because of various reasons. Green stools, whether in darker or lighter shades might be completely harmless. Still, it should be remembered that it could be a sign of underlying intestinal or digestive problems, most of all if these dark green stools are frequently passed. Therefore, it would be recommended to identify the risk factors, causes and overall treatment options for dark green stool.

The Risk Factors

Bowel movements that are green aren't necessarily something of concern as long as it only happens on occasion. If it happens recurrently, it would be recommended to look for medical attention. If it happens to be related to therapeutic medications or ingested food, there is no cause for worry. On the other hand, passing odd colored stool has to be treated if caused because of digestive disorders or food poisoning. Doctors need to be consulted if dark green stool is in any way associated with diarrhea, rectal pain, constipation, weight loss or fever.

The Causes

A lot of the time, mothers report breastfed babies passing unusual colored stools. As a matter of fact, dark green stools can be seen most often within babies and toddlers. Occasional odd-colored stool passing is fairly common in adults, as well, though. When it comes to the causes of dark green stool, there are various possibilities that could result in them, such as the following:

1. Diets - One common dark green stools cause would be the consumption of green vegetables like lettuce, spinach, broccoli and peas. Dark green stool passing might also be an indication that a diet is filled with iron, food coloring and sugar.

2. Digestion Problems - weird colors in the stool could be caused by abnormal processes of digestion. When it comes to food particle malabsorption within intestinal tracts, stools might get green coloration. Additionally, if bile salts get passed into the rectum with no undergoing intestinal changes, stools become dark green.

3. Too Much Bacteria - Defecate usually consists of colonies of bacteria. If there is too much bacteria present in the form of salmonella, the color could possibly turn green.

4. Medication - abnormally colored stool might result from particular medications. People that administer antibiotics and laxatives have higher chances of dark green stool passing.

5. Others - Other causes of abnormally colored stool would be intestinal problems, food poisoning, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and starvation stools.

The Overall Treatment Options

Before treating irregular colored stools, physicians have to analyze stool samples for abnormal changes. Several conducted diagnostic procedures for weird colored stools include stool culture, blood tests, colonoscopy and X-ray. The therapeutic options for odd-colored stool treatment will vary depending on the related symptoms, diagnostic results and underlying health conditions, if there are any. Doctors might prescribe eating habit and diet plan changes with various medications to make one's digestive health better. Drinking lots of water for body hydration would be another effective treatment from home for dark green stools.

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New parents aspire to provide their babies with the very best. When it comes to nourishment, the top first food for babies is breast milk.

More than 20 years of research has established that breast milk is completely suited to nurturing infants and safeguarding them from illness. Breast-fed babies have fewer rates of hospital admissions, ear infections, diarrhea, rashes, allergies, and other medical troubles compared to bottle-fed babies.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be breast-fed for 6 to 12 months. The only satisfactory option to breast milk is infant formula. Solid foods can be introduced at 4 to 6 months; however, a baby should drink breast milk or formula, not cow's milk, for a full year.

In 1993, 55.9 percent of American mothers breast-fed their babies in the hospital. Only 19 percent continued breast-feeding when their babies were 6 months old. Government and private health experts are working to lift those numbers.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration are conducting a study on infant feeding practices as part of its continuing objective to improve nutrition in the United States. The study is looking at the length of time mothers breast-feed and how they introduce formula or other foods.

Health experts say greater breast-feeding rates would save consumers money, spent on infant formula and in health-care. It possibly will save lives as well. In Third World countries, death rates are lower among breast-fed babies. Breast-fed babies are healthier and have fewer infections than formula-fed babies have.

Human Milk for Human Babies
The principal advantage of breast milk is nutritional. Human milk contains just the correct quantity of fatty acids, lactose, water, and amino acids for human digestion, brain development, and growth.

Cow's milk contains a different kind of protein than breast milk. This is excellent for calves, but human babies can have difficulty digesting it. Bottle-fed infants are inclined to be fatter than breast-fed infants are, but not necessarily healthier.

Breast-fed babies have fewer illnesses because a mother's antibodies to disease are transferred to the baby via human milk. About eighty percent of the cells in breast milk are macrophages, cells that kill bacteria, fungi and viruses. There are a number of illnesses that Breast-fed babies are protected from, in varying degrees, including pneumonia, botulism, bronchitis, staphylococcal infections, influenza, ear infections, and German measles. In addition, mothers create antibodies to whatever disease is present in their environment, making their milk custom-designed to battle the diseases their babies are exposed to as well.

A breast-fed baby's digestive tract contains large quantities of Lactobacillus bifidus, helpful bacteria that prevent the development of harmful organisms. Human milk direct from the breast is always sterile, never tainted by contaminated water or dirty bottles, which can lead to diarrhea in the infant.

Human milk contains at least 100 ingredients not present in formula. Babies are never allergic to their mother's milk, although they may have a response to something the mother eats. If the mother eliminates it from her diet, the problem resolves itself.

Nursing may have mental benefits for the baby as well, creating an early attachment connecting mother and child. At birth, infants see only 12 to 15 inches, the space between a nursing baby and its mother's face. Studies have found that infants as young as 1 week favor the smell of their own mother's milk. If nursing pads are soaked with breast milk and positioned in their cribs, they turn their faces in the direction of the one that smells familiar.

Numerous psychologists believe the nursing baby enjoys a feeling of safety from the warmth and company of the mother, particularly when there is skin-to-skin contact during feeding. Parents of bottle-fed infants might be tempted to prop bottles in the baby's mouth, providing no human contact during feeding, however a nursing mother must cuddle her baby closely many times throughout the day. Nursing becomes more than a method to feed a baby; it is a source of warmth and comfort.
Benefits to Mothers

Breast-feeding is great for new mothers as well as for their babies. It may be easier for a nursing mother to lose the pounds of pregnancy since nursing uses up additional calories. There are no bottles to sterilize and no formula to buy, measure and mix. Lactation also stimulates the uterus to contract back to its original size.

Because a nursing mother must sit down, put her feet up and relax every few hours to feed the baby she is forced to get much needed rest. There is no need to stumble to the refrigerator for a bottle and warm it while the baby cries. If she is lying down, a mother can doze while she nurses.

Nursing is also nature's contraceptive--although not a very reliable one. Ovulation is suppressed by frequent nursing, making it less likely for a nursing mother to menstruate, ovulate, or get pregnant; however, here are no guarantees, mothers who do not want more children right away should use contraception even while nursing. All barrier methods of birth control such as hormone injections and implants are safe during nursing. The labeling on birth control pills states if possible another form of contraception should be used until the baby is weaned.

When is Formula Necessary
There are very few medical reasons why a mother should not breast-feed.
Most common illnesses, such as colds, flu, skin infections, or diarrhea are not passed through breast milk. In fact, if a mother has an illness, her breast milk will contain antibodies to it that will help protect her baby from those same illnesses.

A few viruses can pass through breast milk, HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is one of them. Women who are HIV positive should not breast-feed.

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For most parents, the search for the best possible care in ensuring that their baby's needs as far as attention and material needs are satisfied will always be at the top of their agenda. One typical sign that causes alarm for most parents is the usual crying of babies, signaling a certain shortcoming that needs to be attended to since these infants are unable to express in the usual means of what they need and what is bothering them.

Excessive crying is only natural for babies. These are usually referred to as colic issues. Colic is usually referred to as the extreme end of normal crying behaviors of babies usually in the span of 3 weeks and 3 months of age. Some people would often mistake or misdiagnose colic for excessive crying of babies, but the main difference can be identified for babies who are diagnosed to be healthy yet continuously cry despite consoling efforts of adults. Colic is usually at its worst for a span of about 6 to 8 weeks but would slowly decrease on its own in the succeeding weeks. Physician would term this as colic exaggerated infant crying behavior, something that can be expected for a newly born infant that is trying to find its way into the new world and environment that he finds himself in.

The degree of intensity to which most off springs would cry excessively depends as well on inherited nervous systems from the genes of their parents. Sometimes these would be traced as hereditary which is only normal. There should not be any cause for alarm, and other abnormal behaviors related to health such as vomiting and diarrhea are in no way closely related to colic issues. In such cases where health related problems are becoming recurrent, it would be best to relay this issue towards the family physician for consultation. But to identify this as related to colic child behaviors may be incorrect. This is something that misleads most parents into believing that there is an abnormality as far as the upbringing of a child. Treating such issues is only normal, since being newly born infants; parents are naturally concerned about the sensitivity of their child to the new environment they may find themselves in.

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There is no question that breast milk beats infant formula as far as nutrition goes. All female mammals make milk, but the recipe, so to speak, is different from species to species. Human breast milk is the perfect food for baby humans, and cow's milk is the perfect food for baby cows.

In fact, human babies fed straight cow's milk tend to become quite ill. The proportion of nutrients is all wrong. To make cow's milk acceptable for human babies, it has to be processed to change the fat, protein, iron and salt content. The result is infant formula. Babies are able to digest formula well enough, but it is not the same as human milk.

Human milk contains just the right proportions of proteins, fats, sugars and salts that babies need. There are many other benefits as well like the following:

Protection against infection: Breast milk may help protect babies against some common infections that cause diarrhea and vomiting, as well as infections in the ear, nose, sinuses and lungs. It's not clear from the research how long a mother needs to breastfeed to pass on these health benefits, but, most likely, even breastfeeding for a short time offers at least some of these advantages. In fact, although longer is probably better, the very first weeks and months may be the most important at all.

Shield against food allergies: Exposure to allergens early in life is one of the main causes of allergies. Many infants develop allergies to the proteins in formula made from cow's milk or soya. But allergies to human milk are unheard of. Some researchers believe that babies who are exclusively breastfeed for six months or more may have lower rates of allergies to many other foods, as well.

The Baby is likely to be fit and not obese: Breastfed infants tend to be leaner than bottle-fed ones, particularly in the second half of the first year. Some experts believe that they have a lower risk of becoming obese later in life.

Lesser risk of Diabetes: According to some research studies, breastfed infants may have a lower risk of developing autoimmune diseases, which occur when the immune system attacks the body itself. Among these are juvenile-onset diabetes, multiple sclerosis and two serious diseases affecting the intestines, crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Don't get bothered by these medical terms, in simple words, your baby would be less likely to develop diabetes.

Smarter Baby: Several studies show that babies who were breastfed have higher IQs. But the scientific jury is still out as to whether or not the breast milk itself is the cause. Breast milk does contain substances that may be important for brain development; most formulas do not. The brain enhancing effects of break milk may be most important for premature infants who are at higher risk of later learning problems.

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While there is no evidence that bottle-fed infants have colic more often than their breast-fed counterparts, it may seem that your little one is fussier after his feeding times. The bottle feeding infant may have digestive issues or other problems with formula that breast-fed babies do not. Because if this it is highly important that you pay attention to your little one's feeding habits in order to establish whether or not he or she is having any difficulties in digesting formula. Some of the symptoms you may notice are:

  • Gassiness, or Bloating - if your baby is excessively gassy, or often seems bloated, here she may be having difficulty digesting the proteins and sugars in whatever formula is being offered. Talk with your pediatrician about making a change, or for further evaluation.

  • Excessive Spit-Up - excessive spit up can be assigned of acid reflux, or it can be something as simple as the need to burp your baby more often. However, if your baby regularly spits up after his feeding, digestive issues may be the problem.

  • Irregularity - diarrhea or constipation is of particular concern in infants because the toxicity of stools can quickly become a serious issue. Babies who suffer from diarrhea risk serious dehydration which is also dangerous and can be deadly. Seek the advice of your pediatrician if your baby is having any kind of irregular bowel symptoms.

  • Colic-Like Symptoms after Feeding - because colic often sounds as though a baby is in great pain, colic like symptoms after feeding may indicate painful gas, acid reflux, or other serious issues. If your baby is regularly very fussy just after being fed here she may be having an allergic reaction or some other issues that need to be addressed.

The bottle feeding infant is not necessarily more prone to these conditions than a breastfeeding infant. However, because of the wide variety of formulas available on the market, it is important to find one that will be easy for your baby to digest. Choosing hypoallergenic, vegetarian, or other formulas may help to alleviate the worst of the digestive symptoms that can be mistaken for colic.

If your baby is still fussy after making these adjustments, speak with your baby's doctor and get a formal diagnosis for colic after making sure other, more serious conditions have been ruled out. It is important to keep your baby's pediatrician fully aware of any changes you make to your baby's feeding routine or formula, so that he or she can make the best determination on how to help your little one thrive.

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The greatest gift to parents is their child. When a child is born, everyone tries to do his or her best for the child. One very simple thing that a mother can do to make her child happy and healthy is to breast-feed the baby. Breast-feeding has a number of benefits for both the child as well as the mother. It ensures a better health for both and helps in developing a beautiful bond between them. Lets us learn in detail why breastfeeding is so important.

Breastfeeding benefits for the child:

Breast milk is the complete meal for any child. It has all the required nutrients that are essential for proper growth of the child. All these nutrients like fat, protein, water and sugar are present in the right amount in mother's milk.

Breast milk is very easy to digest and is not contaminated. It reduces the risks of suffering from diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal infections. Formula milk does not suit all infants and it causes some side effect like constipation etc.

A breastfed child does not gain superfluous weight. They are leaner as compared to the formula fed children and will not face the problems of being obese and overweight later on in life.

Breastfeeding helps the child having a better immune system and helps them in responding better to vaccinations.

Breast milk is ideal for superior brain development of children. Studies have proved that breastfed children have higher IQ than other children.

The premature kids also have better chances of survival and growth if they are breastfed.

Breastfeeding is more hygienic. If the bottles of formula are not sterilized in the right manner, it can cause many health problems to the child.

Breastfeeding benefits for mothers:

Many women suffer from heavy bleeding after giving birth; breastfeeding helps in reducing this bleeding.

One problem that most of the new mothers face is being out of shape. Breastfeeding is the best way to burn extra calories that were gained during the pregnancy.

Another benefit is that whenever the child gets hungry, mother can provide him or her immediate satisfaction even if is the middle of the night!

Breastfeeding is often called nature's contraceptive. If a child is fed only on the mothers milk, the return of normal ovulation and menstrual cycle of the mother also gets delayed. One must not completely rely on this contraceptive though!

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancers.

Breastfeeding helps a mother in developing a strong bond with her child and gives a feeling of warmth and comfort. The mother feels closer to the child and the child feels more secure.

Breastfeeding requires no extra expenditure. You do not need to spend time, effort and money on purchasing formula, making it in right ratio and amount. It does not require you to sterilize the bottles, nipples etc.

Therefore, breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother and the child. Breast milk is very good for the child and even if the mother is able to feed the child for a short period, it does wonders for the health of the child.

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Health care of a baby is very important from the day it is born till it grows up to become a healthy child. Since babies are super sensitive and very delicate, adequate measures should be taken to maintain the health of a baby. With the advancement in medical science, there are products developed with the sole purpose of helping the mothers to take care of their babies to prevent the occurrence of diseases or other irritations. Medicinal products for babies are developed by specialized people realizing the need for good health for the growth of the baby.

Most of the medical products developed for baby care are made from natural extracts and with the safest and least harmful chemicals. Nature provides several things that are very good for health and that contain several nutrients which ensure good health and safety. The most common ailments among babies are diarrhea, skin rashes, cold and fever. Diarrhea can lead to dehydration of the baby which is very harmful and very dangerous. The immediate remedy for this is to give oral electrolytes that help in maintaining the fluid level in the body of the baby. If it continues, then the baby has to be taken to a doctor and immediate steps have to be taken to stop diarrhea and maintain the fluid level.

Stomach pain sometimes accompanies diarrhea and vomit. This can be due to indigestion or improper food diet. This has to be immediately treated with proper medicines and tonic. Self medication should b avoided and only prescribed medicines by the doctor should be given to babies. Generally the tablets given should be dissolved in water or tonic and then given to babies since babies cannot swallow tablets and it may get struck in the throat. Doctors generally prescribe medicines that contain very less chemicals.

Antibiotics are used very rarely for babies. Only if the baby suffers from severe fever or cold, antibiotics are suggested. But most of the doctors do not insist to use antibiotics as they may have some side effects and can sometimes be harmful for the stomach. Antibiotics are usually very strong and only in cases where heavy dose is required, these are being used. Do not use antibiotics unless your doctor prescribes it. Medicines generally taken by adults for fever, cold or other problems should be given for babies without the permission of the doctor.

The best ways to care for the health of your baby is to prevent the occurrence of any ailment or illness by maintains a good nutritive diet, safe environment and clean surroundings. Use natural oils, properly prepared food and give a healthy environment for your baby. In spite of all these if your baby suffers from something, then immediately consult the doctor and take the required actions immediately.

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Various symptoms are depicted by infants at the time of teething and though they are not good for their health, it helps you to identify them and fix them easily. You can not easily guess the duration of existence of these symptoms. Some infants may undergo prolonged suffering and pain during teething while some kids will express very little suffering and pain. At least 2-3 months before eruption of teeth, you can notice such symptoms which you can reduce by using some simple techniques.

Bruising and gum reddening can be observed usually at time of teething. Diarrhea, low grade fever and coughing could appear as unclear symptoms which are caused due to excess secretion of saliva during the process. These symptoms must not be neglected as they could indicate still more serious health issues and should be addressed immediately by consulting your doctor.

A frequently occurring symptom is drooling and infants from different age groups exhibit various amount of drool. It is commonly seen more among children of age groups 2-4 months. You can also observe dry rash on face of infants as a result of drooling and this causes uneasiness and discomfort to your kids though they are not very harmful. You can use moisturizer suitable to your infant's skin and wipe of the drool regularly to avoid appearance of rashes on your child's face. Chapping result due to enhanced production of saliva during the time of teething.

Due to oral pain suffered by the infants, they might repel from breast and bottle-feeding as they face continuous suffering during teething. Also, sucking motions needed for feeding is hindered by the oral pain and hence they must be fed more frequently than usual for supplying enough nutrition to them. If the infant continuously repels feeding, you must get help from pediatrician regarding it.

Biting is done by infants undergoing the teething process since exerting pressure on gums helps the kids to alleviate their oral pain. So, your child will start to chew or bite anything which they can reach to. The inflaming oral tissues cause paining sensation in gums and changes from one kid to another due to age. When a 1st tooth erupts, your child will experience very severe pain and as the teething process continues, he/she will get accustomed to the pain. Irritability and restlessness are side effects of this prolonged pain suffered by the infant. They become more fussy and bothered due to chronic pain and this can extend usually for hours and in some cases for weeks. The fussiness can differ based on amount of suffering experienced by the infant and if it extends during night it creates further irritation and agony leading to a displeasing cycle. By using simple homemade technique, you can reduce the suffering of your kids during teething process.

There are simple home made remedies to fix the symptoms which arise due to the teething process. Giving some object for you kids to chew at time of teething will decrease the oral pain with help of pressure exerted towards the gums. Chilled carrots or frozen toys can be given to your kids to bite and this will apply pressure on gums and decrease their oral pain. You can alternatively rub the fingers on their gums as a means of reliving their suffering. Chilled water and cool apple syrup can be given to them as it gives a soothing effect on gums and teeth. There are many simple homemade solutions, which can fix the pain experienced by your child during teething process.

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Having a baby is such a blessing. Our homes will suddenly be filled with joy and laughter once they already come into life. Our day becomes brighter and suddenly all the loneliness disappears as you see that new life smiles at you.

Taking care of our little ones is both enjoyable and stressful as well. Sure it is very fulfilling, especially to first time moms, the job of nurturing your baby 24/7. But you should also take note that this is a no joke job, and a mistake can make your baby's life at stake.

But for sure, we wouldn't want that to happen. So here are some of the basic necessities that you need to keep in mind to ensure that your baby's safety and health are never taken for granted.

Be sure that your place is insect-free. If your baby is a newborn, making sure that there's nothing even a single ant crawling around her crib that can bite and hurt her. Choosing for a plain colored, without any prints type of crib bedding set is a nice idea, so you'll easily notice if there are any unnecessary insects and other creepy-crawlies around her.

Keep your baby's things regularly cleaned and sanitized. This is very important, especially for her feeding bottles to be regularly sterilized after every use. With so many viruses and bacteria discovered nowadays, we wouldn't want to risk the lives of our babies. Keeping their things clean all the time would give them a higher percentage of avoiding those bacterial diseases and infections. Teethers, as well as their toys, should be regularly cleaned and sanitized, since these ones are frequently placed by our babies inside their mouth, which can cause them diarrhea later on if they have acquire plenty of dirt orally.

Buy them the most comfortable clothes and accessories. Above anything else, you should consider the comfort of your babies. Forget about the fashion and style, since our little ones really do not mind it after all; although having both fashion and comfort combined would really be nice. But first to consider really is that your baby should be comfortable enough and can move freely with what she's wearing. The fabric should be breathable enough so sweat will not dry up on their sensitive skins. Their diapers should be hypoallergenic, or you should at least have some creams, lotions, or powders ready at hand in case rushes will come out. In winter days, be sure that your babies will feel warmth enough during those times.

Get rid of all pointed objects and others which will be dangerous for our babies. When your baby starts to crawl and walk eventually, you should be cautious of everything that can hurt her later on. Put away those scissors and pens and be sure that they are out of reach of your little ones. If your side table does have some pointed sides, then you might want to put them in another location beyond your baby's reach. If you also have some figurines and vases around, then start redesigning your living room and find something else which will be child friendly and cannot cause her any accidents later. Also, any poisonous chemicals like gasoline, pesticides, and even colognes and alcohol should be stored properly to avoid accidental intakes which will surely be harmful to them.

Keep our babies clean, healthy and be sure they have their regular checkups. Prevention is always better than cure. So be sure that your infants will be able to get the complete shots of vaccines they need, according to their pediatricians to avoid early complications like retardation, brain defect, and the most worse of all, SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Be sure they are also taking enough supplements of vitamins, to ensure that they are receiving all the nutrients they need. Having a regular baby bath is also very important to keep them clean, healthy, and free from germs. Aside from that, be sure to brush their teeth and/or clean their tongue on a regular basis to avoid bacteria from filling up inside their mouth. Keeping their nails short and their ears and nose clean all the time is also very important.

Our babies are indeed a gift- a gift that is accompanied with a greater responsibility that we should be serious about. Our babies are the greatest treasure of all, and not like any other treasures, this one is definitely irreplaceable once they're gone, so raising and taking care of them from day 0 up to the time that they can finally make it on their own is very vital and a duty that should be cautiously and consistent done, both with love and respect for our babies and kids.

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Is a probiotic formula something you should think about in relieving baby colic? Maybe. Research shows that milk-based formula with supplemental probiotics worked wonderfully for lowering colic outbursts in little ones. But more about that later. First, you may be curious as to exactly what probiotic means.

Probiotics...what are they?

The body consists of numerous bacteria along with other microorganisms. As you may know, a number of bacteria can be harmful and trigger disease and infection. However, quite a few bacteria are advantageous and vital to help your body work effectively.

A probiotic is actually a supplement or types of foods that are just like those good bacteria which appear normally in your system. Various samples of food that contain probiotics are:

-some types of cheese
-some pickles
-fermented milk

Medical experts are intrigued by evidence that suggests when probiotics are consumed as supplements or in food, they seem to effectively treat conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), intestinal infections, infant eczema, infectious diarrhea, along with issues, as well as improve a person's all-around health. Probiotics seem to particularly help out with digestive issues.

You have probably heard advertisements for Dannon's Activia and how it can make you more "regular". Activia is a lowfat yogurt which contains a probiotic. You will find many people who recommend eating Activia mainly because of its health benefits.

Baby colic and probiotics

Medical experts aren't certain what triggers colic. Yet, some believe the culprit to be an immature digestive system that does not perform the right way. The baby may have more trouble processing complex enzymes. Consequently, their digestive system can become irritated, which may lead to serious pain and fussiness. Or, as with individuals that are somewhat lactose intolerant, milk protein found in the formulas could make the little one become gassy and bloated which also can cause severe discomfort. This discomfort may be what leads to the incredible bouts of crying and screaming associated with colic.

Probiotics, being that they are recognized to assist in issues with the digestive system, may help introduce good bacteria into a baby's system and calm that immature digestive tract. For example, a 2004 John Hopkins study discovered that a probiotic formula lowered the frequency of colic in infants who were given a milk-based formula containing probiotic bacteria.

So, it was not surprising when food-giant Nestle became the first to come out with their Good Start Natural Cultures formula which contains Bifidus BL??a probiotic much like that present in breast milk. (Keep in mind, should you be nursing your baby, your breast milk is a natural supply of probiotics and your infant should not need a supplemental probiotic. Like saying goes, breast is best.). However, if you do need to feed your baby a formula, you might want to check out Good Start Natural Cultures.

Probiotics side effects

Adverse reactions from probiotics are few, and if they do manifest, are mostly mild. Some individuals may suffer digestive difficulties like gas and bloating. However, in more uncommon circumstances, people with underlying health problems have developed conditions as a result of the probiotics stimulating their immune system in a negative way. So, make sure to seek advice from your physician should you be thinking of switching your infant to a probiotic formula simply to be secure and safe.

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Well, all those things I thought I was done with are starting to come back to me now. There is so much involved with taking care of a baby, that sometimes I don't remember how I managed it all. And although genetics does have a role in the health of your child's teeth, the main ingredient is proper oral care.

You can help take some of the strain of oral care off of you by teaching your children the importance of good oral care. And a lifetime of good dental care begins when your children are small. Actually, when they are too small to do it themselves, and even before they have teeth!

Newborn to 6 months

You can start your baby on the road to proper oral care by gently massaging their gums before they even have teeth (or after if they happen to be born with them!) You can purchase a special tooth brush or finger cover to do this with. Don't use anything other than a clean brush at this stage. Make sure you clean the brush off after each use. This will not only help to get your baby used to having something strange in his mouth, but it will feel good on those developing gums.

6 months to 1 year

When your child is around about six months of age, they will usually start to show signs of impending tooth eruption. Of course, this is just an average, some will already have teeth, some won't make their appearance until later. Some children may sprout teeth seemingly overnight and without any pain or discomfort (lucky parents!) Others will have a more difficult time with the process, and as a result, it can be a trying time for the parents as well. Once well-established routines are now all out of whack, and will continue to be interrupted as new teeth come in.

For those babies that do exhibit signs of teething, common signs include drooling, coughing, chin rash (likely as a result of drooling), biting and gnawing, cheek rubbing, ear pulling, diarrhea, low-grade fever, not sleeping well, and cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, etc. Some doctors disagree that diarrhea and low-grade fever are associated with teething, but I have certainly seen it in mine. The important thing to remember is that diarrhea and fever can also be symptoms of other illnesses, and should not be dismissed as a part of teething unless you and your doctor have ruled out other causes. In addition, diarrhea can cause an infant to become dehydrated, so if your infant exhibits this symptom with teething, remember to increase the babies fluids accordingly to help prevent things from becoming worse.

Once the tooth is fully showing, it is time to take care of it. For an infant, using a wet washcloth or specially designed brush or finger cover to clean the tooth is all you need. Do not use any tooth paste or gel in your baby's mouth, unless it is specially marketed for infants (child tooth paste does not qualify - it is not made for infants - so don't use it.) As with older kids, you will need to clean any food or debris from their tooth and mouth each morning and before they go to bed at night. You will continue to do this with all your babies teeth until they are ready for standard brushing.

If you don't already have a dentist, you will want to find one and see what their recommendations are for your baby's first visit. My children see a pediatric dentist now, although when the older two were infants we all saw the same general practice dentist. You will have to see what you are most comfortable with. Some prefer to wait until the child is two years old before the first visit, others will want to check on your baby's teeth around one year to make sure there aren't any developing gum issues or problems with their new teeth.

This may seem like a lot of work, especially for such small teeth and a sleep-deprived mom. But believe me, proper oral care at this stage will help to prevent dental problems in the future and you'll be glad you took the time to help your child develop good oral habits.

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Lactose intolerance in infants can make it difficult for your little one to be able to drink milk. When your baby is intolerant of lactose, his body isn't able to produce enough of the enzyme lactase, which helps him to digest lactose. Lactose is the main sugar in dairy products like cow's milk. Since he can't digest it fully, the part of the lactose that is not digested stays in the intestine, and can cause health issues. These tend to be more of a problem than a danger.

Premature babies sometimes aren't able to produce enough lactase at first. Their level usually increases during the end of pregnancy's last trimester.

The form of lactose intolerance in infants is not the true form. The actual form shows up when your child is in grade school, or when he becomes a teenager. He may show some symptoms at an earlier age, but babies don't usually suffer the same form of lactose intolerance as adults or teens do.

You may ask yourself, what is the cause of lactose intolerance, in infants or adults? We don't always know why some people develop this and some don't, but it isn't a rare condition. There are thirty to fifty million people who are lactose intolerant in the United States.

Genetics are a part of who develops this disorder. More people of Asian American descent and Hispanic American and Native American descent are lactose intolerant. Only about fifteen percent of people in Europe have the condition.

On vary rare occasions, lactose intolerance in infants does actually occur - the same type that adults experience. For this to happen, both parents would need to pass that specific gene to the baby. After his birth, the baby would have serious diarrhea and he would not be able to drink his mother's milk or any formula made from cow's milk. He would need to drink a lactose-free formula for infants.

If your baby is not normally lactose-intolerant but has had a serious case of diarrhea, his body may not make enough lactase, so he may seem to be lactose intolerant for a couple weeks. People who suffer from conditions that may affect their intestines, like Crohn's disease or celiac disease, may occasionally suffer from lactose intolerance, too.

If your little one is a victim of true lactose intolerance in infants, he may experience bloating, diarrhea, cramping or gas, anywhere from a half hour to two hours after drinking his mother's breast milk, or after eating products with milk in them. Babies should actually not drink any cow's milk until after their one-year-old birthday.

Some people who are lactose intolerant can eat small amounts of dairy foods without experiencing any symptoms. But others will suffer discomfort each time they eat food that has even small amounts of lactose.

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A healthy diet for a breastfeeding mother means a healthy diet for her newborn. Here is some advice for women who breastfeed and need to look after their newborns` health:

1. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and diary food.

2. Increase your daily calorie intake by 500 calories and drink a lot of water.

3. Avoid alcohol because it may reach to your newborn through milk. However, if you really must consume alcohol, do it after breastfeeding. Try to avoid caffeine or at least reduce the amounts of caffeine in your diet. For instance, one cup of coffee per day is not very dangerous for the baby but large amounts can make your newborn more nervous or cause sleep apnea.

4. Don`t smoke while you breastfeed, or around children.

5. Babies sometimes react different when the mothers eat beans, cauliflower, or broccoli and then breastfeed them. If the newborn shows negative reactions to certain foods, try to avoid those foods.

6. Newborns may also be allergic to the milk in the mother`s diet. Symptoms may show up in a few hours in the form of diarrhea, gases, eruptions, or agitation.

7. Certain medication is not allowed for women who breastfeed. You should inform your doctor if you breastfeed before he or she prescribes any medicine to you.

8. Some contraceptives may affect the milk production, but the effects depend on each person and the type of the contraceptive. You should always look for medical advice before taking...

(c) Project Weight Loss 2007. All rights reserved.

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Big changes are coming in your baby's eighth month of life. By now, he or she has made a lot of big changes. They are moving around, making noises, and exploring everything with their mouth. What's more, they can recognize you and really take in their surroundings, since their vision is working at its best. So, get ready to start chasing after that baby.

Since Junior is crawling around, you have to keep a good eye on him. When baby's crawl, they encounter new objects. This could mean they'll find things you don't want them to get into. And everything they find is going to be put straight into their mouth, which is not always what you want to happen. Small, sharp objects can be dangerous, so just keep an eye out.

Also, since your infant is mobile, corners and other rough objects may hurt them. This doesn't mean you have to pad every corner in your house; your child won't break if they bump into a table leg. However, be prepared to comfort your child if that happens. Be happy so they don't feel like they have to cry. And do baby-proof some things, like electrical sockets, for instance.

By now, your child is probably also teething. This process happens between six and twelve months of age. If you see your baby drooling a lot or crying for no reason, this may be a sign of teething. Plus, when excess saliva is present, it can cause a rash or diarrhea. When you start to see these signs, it's time to help your baby out. Cold, hard teething rings can help numb the pain; if your doctor okays it, you can also try acetaminophen.

Another fun thing to deal with is your baby's growing personality. He or she is probably starting to make certain gestures or sounds for specific wants or needs, like raising his arms when he wants picked up. However, he or she might also act up a bit when you are around. By this age, babies start to test their limits. Since they know you always take care of them, they'll start this process with you. So, if you feel like the babysitter does a better job of calming your kid down, that's perfectly normal. Children are less likely to act up around less familiar faces.

These phases of acting up and teething will pass. You may not enjoy it at the time, but you'll look back on the memories fondly.

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