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Junk food junkies are everywhere. This is detailed look into the day of a typical junk food addict. There are solutions for healthy eating afterward. Be advised. This content is shocking.

You start your day with one cake, and two lemon filled stale Krispy Cream donuts you brought from Kroger over the weekend and only one can diet coke instead of three. You cannot really enjoy the sweet stuff with out the salt so you convince your 297 pound junk food junkie buddy, Betty, to go to the vending machine for a bag of Funions. You tell her to a bag too, your treat. You secretly feel sorry for Betty. You only weighed 135 pounds this morning wet and naked because you drink diet Coke and you have not had any kids yet.

Checkers for lunch because their burgers are only a dollar and they are almost as thick as the patties you make at home. During your lunch break you remember a sale they had at CVS so you go there to pick up three family sized bags of Peanut M&Ms. This will hold you for three or four days if you hide them in the back of the file cabinet drawer closest to the floor so your greedy disrespectful co-workers will not find and eat them without your permission. Plus, M&M's seem to make your day go by faster because it makes doing your work more fun and if it is fun you are more productive. You always eat them trying to eat the candy coated shell away from the chocolate covered nut and then sucking the chocolate off without splitting the nut. It is kind of like listening to good music when you have to clean up the house after sloppy people. Anyway, by the end of the day you have eaten all three bag of the M&M's but you do not feel that bad about it because you shared almost half of them with junk food Betty and they were on sale.

Afternoon Snack:
In return for your kindness and her guilt for eating the rest of your Cheesecake Factory apple strudel cheesecake behind your back, Betty gives you a handful of Red Hots and half of a king sized Snickers bar but you need the salt so you go for another bag of Funions. They are not as fun as the M&M's and they make your breath stink but they are delicious, light and crunchy. They should be okay calorie wise too because they are really, really light and crunchy and they kind of melt in your mouth a little. You down two more diet Cokes. Five minutes later you feel drugged up with a sleepy like stupor and you are still extremely thirsty so you chase a shot of Lemon Lime 5 Hour Energy Drink with another diet coke because that five hour stuff tastes like pooh said nicely. You try to suck the phlegm from your tongue and the back of your throat and your stomach seems to be manufacturing mud monkeys for explosive release hopefully later than sooner. You hate using public toilets. You start to sweat and your stomach rumbles but it hurts too. It does not seem like it will be polite pass odorless gas. You walk kind of fast to the bathroom passing Betty along the way. You feel much better because it was only explosive diarrhea. You celebrate with a Canada Dry Ginger Ale and some pretzels.

Drive Home:
After a long day at work you have a forty minute drive home. You stop off at Quick Trip because you have a little over a half a tank of gas left and they have a great selection of sinfully delicious fat boosters to choose from. So instead of swiping your card at the pump you go inside to camouflage your junk food purchase with your gas purchase. God forbid your husband notices you are spending a fortune again on oodles of doodles, sweets for the cheeks, and just about a gallon sized cup of Mr. Pibb complete with a free refill when you return. So can you make it to the car without opening the two dollar bag full of air and Cape Cod Kettle Cooked Chips filled up less than half way? Of course not! You Pibb rinse chip number 10 and cheat your car out of a full tank to a total of $9.48 of unleaded. To stop yourself from running off the road you choke down another 5 Hour Energy Drink with your keg of Mr. Pibb.

Now that you are finally home it is time to cook. Because you're malnourished, you grab the box of Frosted Flakes and dig in for a fistful crunch sensation without the milk. As you reach into the pantry for the chili beans you grab the Ritz too because they go real good with cubes of pepper jack cheese. To add a bit of sophistication and a touch of sweetness to your binge attack you pour some Bailey's Irish Cream into a glass of rocks. Your tacos are sensational but even better with a finale of cherry pie topped with vanilla bean ice cream and Hershey's Chocolate syrup drizzled on top.

Television Time:
Now it is finally time to wind down with Fox News, another glass of Bailey's, a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and a paper cupcake holder of Pepperidge Farm Milanos to even the score between your sweet and salty taste buds.

You cannot figure out why you gained four pounds today. You have been drinking one can of caffeine free diet Coke for breakfast instead of three original Cokes for the last three weeks! What the heck!

The Consequences:

Your promising future holds a fatty liver, adult-onset diabetes, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, high cholesterol, gall bladder problems, cancer, kidney stones, yeast infections, urinary tract infections, colon polyps, hemorrhoids, swollen feet and legs, two super duper triceps muscles insulated with tons of fat complete with friction sensitive baby powdered thunder thighs and a budding double chin worthy of your next driver license photo opportunity.

This is what you can eat to improve your health and improve your future quality of life.

Oatmeal with almond milk, maple syrup and raisins, Apple and 16-24 ounces of water

Romaine and Spinach Leaf salad, with tomatoes, avocado, dried cranberries, broccoli, onions, and red bell peppers with a raspberry balsamic vinaigrette. More water.

Snack Choices:
A baggy of cashews and raisins mixed, tangerine sections, red grapes, watermelon, Tortilla chips and homemade mango salsa, or a cup of Greek yogurt topped with fresh fruit with water.

Garlic Pepper Broiled Salmon, baked sweet potato, sugar snaps with portabello mushrooms and onions. Homemade iced green tea with fresh lemon and local honey with more water.

The snack choices make great desserts.

Why Bother?

Please try harder, your life depends on it! Try because you want to be around to see your kids children graduate from college. Try because you would rather wipe your own bottom clean when you are eighty-five years old. Try because you do not want to die from a preventable health condition. Try because you want to happily enjoy your life to the fullest. I am concluding these words of advice with one last crunch of a Kroger brand 100% White Corn Restaurant Style Tortilla Chip. Crunch!

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Food Poisoning Remedies That Work!

Poisoning by food is something all of us don't anticipate since food may always look, smell and even taste perfectly fine the moment we eat it. All the symptoms of poisoning will only come out after a few hours of ingesting a contaminated food. Food poisoning symptoms usually include vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, gastric distress and fatigue.

There are many possible causes of poisoning and they are usually classified depending on how quickly the symptoms are observed after eating the contaminated food.

As soon as you experience these food poisoning signs, it's advisable that you do something about it immediately.

Below are some food poisoning remedies you may find helpful.

Short episodes of diarrhea and vomiting that usually last for 24 hours or less can be dealt with at home. As long as you keep yourself hydrated, you'll do just fine.

繚 Avoid eating solid food when feeling nauseous or when vomiting. Instead, drink more fluids to keep yourself hydrated.

繚 Spicy and fatty foods should be avoided at all cost. Instead, go for green vegetables and fruits.

繚 Clear liquids are best in keeping you hydrated. Drink water every now and then since diarrhea can make you dehydrated.

繚 Avoid drinking alcoholic, sugary or caffeinated drinks since they can upset your stomach. Over the counter rehydration products are always available and even though they can be expensive, at least they can save you from dehydration.

繚 Commercially available sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade can do the job, as long as they are diluted in water. Drinking it in its concentrated form won't do you any good since they contain too much sugar.

繚 After drinking enough fluids and when nausea and vomiting have already stopped, eating food should be done slowly. Plain foods should be eaten in small amounts. Rice, wheat, potatoes, breads, cereals, chicken and lean meats are the best way to start your food intake.

繚 Get enough bed rest to preserve your energy. This is very important since all the vomiting and constant trips to the bathroom can drain you of energy.

繚 Most cases of food poisoning require the intake of over-the-counter medicines to stop vomiting and diarrhea. Use them as directed and avoid giving them to children.

Even if you've done every food poisoning remedies you know and still don't feel better, visit the doctor immediately for consultation and medication.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the most common reasons pet owners seek the help of a veterinarian is because their pet has diarrhea. Whether it is a regular occurrence for a pet with an over sensitive digestive system or a one off event, it always signifies that something is not right and requires action to firm those stools up again. This article explains in simple terms some of the more common causes of diarrhea in dogs and cats, and how best to deal with the problem.

OK, so you have noticed your pet has diarrhea. The first question to ask yourself is to describe the nature of the feces. The consistency, color and even smell of the feces gives the veterinarian vital clues as to the cause. Here are some questions to ask yourself, so that you are well prepared to answer any questions your veterinarian might ask if you end up seeking his/her advice.

1. How long has your pet had diarrhea for? Has your pet suffered from episodes of diarrhea in the past? If yes, there may be a dietary intolerance to deal with and therefore specific foods to avoid.

2. Is your dog/cat bright and well or depressed and lethargic? If the latter is true, more urgent diagnostics and treatment may be necessary.

3. How is your pets appetite? If your pet is still eating it is a good sign that the cause of the diarrhea is a simple one that is easy to fix.

4. Is the diarrhea watery or just slightly loose? If it is very watery then it suggests fluid is being actively secreted into the intestines, and there is more of a danger from your pet suffering from dehydration due to fluid loss.

5. Has there been any vomiting at all? If your pet has been vomiting too then the disease is affecting the front end of the digestive tract (esophagus, stomach and small intestine) in addition to the back end (small intestine and large intestine). This could be due to something your pet has eaten, or due to toxins in the bloodstream that make the animal feel nauseous.

6. Is there any blood in the diarrhea? Blood can take on two forms; bleeding into the small intestine results in black feces as the blood is partly digested by the time it reaches the anus. Bleeding into the large intestine or rectum leads to reddish feces, with more fresh looking blood. The nature of the blood and the color of the stool tells us the location of the problem. Puppies and kittens commonly have streaks of blood in their feces; this is often no major cause of concern. Copious blood in the feces however is a huge worry and needs immediate veterinary investigation to check for nasties such as anticoagulant toxicity, severe infections and tumors.

7. Which of these two descriptions best fits the diarrhea:

A) your pet is producing huge amounts of explosive diarrhea a couple of times a day at most, or

B) your pet is straining to defecate and passing small amounts of mucus covered diarrhea 4 or more times during the day. If the answer is A, the small intestine is the source of the problem whereas if the answer is B, the large intestine is where the disease is. This is also important in how the diarrhea is treated. 8. Could your pet have swallowed an object that is lodged somewhere? This is far more common in dogs, particularly those that play with sticks and toys, or those that are given bones to chew. However it does happen to cats occasionally, with things such as elastic, string or cotton. If your pet has swallowed something that is stuck it will usually be vomiting first and foremost, and off its food. An object stuck in the intestine somewhere will often cause diarrhea though, which can lead to rapid dehydration. This scenario requires urgent veterinary attention, for xrays and possible surgery.

Common causes of diarrhea in dogs and cats

1. Intestinal parasites. Make sure your dog/cat is wormed with a licensed veterinary product every 3 months to prevent an infestation building up and causing diarrhea and weight loss.

2. Bacterial infections. Arguably the most common cause of diarrhea in pets. Many animals are by nature scavengers and will gobble up things they find lying around outside, some of which might be harbouring nasty bacteria that cause vomiting and/or diarrhea. Certain bacteria are worse than others; the 3 ones to worry about are E. coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter as these can be passed to humans. However, bacterial infections are usually easily treated by a course of antibiotics. Veterinarians usually prescribe a non specific broad spectrum antibiotic to start with, and if the stools do not firm up then a swab is taken to determine the species of bacteria involved and which antibiotics it is sensitive to.

3. Viral infections. Though quite rare nowadays in the USA and UK due to widespread vaccination, viral infections are often more deadly than their bacterial counterparts. One of the better known and most deadly ones in dogs is Parvovirus, which causes an explosive foul smelling bloody diarrhea, usually with vomiting, and severe dehydration. Since antiviral drugs are seldom used in veterinary practice, treatment usually focuses on keeping the dog hydrated via an intravenous drip, and treating any secondary bacterial infections with antibiotics.

4. Dietary intolerance. Also widely known as food allergy, this is a hypersensitivity reaction to certain ingredients in a pets diet. Certain breeds are more prone to it than others, and it can occur in pets that have been fed the same diet for years but suddenly develop an allergy to one of its ingredients. The symptoms can either be diarrhea, though the animal usually remains bright with a good appetite throughout, or itchiness, in particular licking at the paws. Diagnosis is either via a blood test sent to a specialised laboratory to measure antibodies to different ingredients, or by conducting a strict dietary trial and feeding nothing but chicken and rice for 6 weeks, with no treats at all. Long term resolution is identifying the ingredient responsible and eliminating it from the diet.

5. Inflammatory bowel disease. This is an inflammation of the wall of the intestines, usually due to a defective immune system. It is characterised by a long history of intermittent or constant diarrhea that is non responsive to antibiotics or a dietary trial. Diagnosis is best achieved by taking biopsies of the intestines and having the tissue samples examined by a pathologist. The disease cannot be cured and is often managed with low dose steroids and/or a prescription diet.

6. Liver disease. This tends to occur more in older animals and is easily diagnosed via simple blood tests. There are medications to lessen the symptoms, and a low protein, high fibre diet is advised.

7. Hormonal imbalances. Disease of the adrenal or thyroid glands can cause diarrhea. These can be diagnosed via blood tests and treated appropriately.

8. Cancer. This is unlikely to occur in young animals. There are a number of different types of cancer that can cause diarrhea, all of which have different prognoses. Early identification and surgical removal of some types may be curative, but if they have already spread via the lymphatic system the outcome is poor.

What you should do

If your pet has recently developed diarrhea (and/or vomiting) and seems depressed, lethargic or flat, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If your pet is off his/her food completely, or is unable to hold down water, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If your pets diarrhea (or vomit) contains a large amount of blood or is very dark looking, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If you suspect your pet has a high temperature or is dehydrated, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If none of the above apply, first of all starve your pet for 24 hours. Make sure plenty of water is available during this period (not too cold), but no food at all. Once your pet has been starved for 24 hours, offer him/her a small amount of chicken and rice. If it is eaten, continue feeding small amounts of chicken and rice 3 times a day for the next 5 days. This bland diet will be gentle on the digestive system as your pet recovers. The majority of cases of sudden onset diarrhea will respond to this protocol.

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Bitter gourd also known as bitter gourd, balsam pear, wild cucumber is widely believed to have medical benefits. It comes with a scientific name Momordica Charantia. Momordica came from the Latin word which means to bites. This was referred to the leaves that appear to be somewhat bitten in appearance. To justify such claim many countries had developed, synthesized and turn it into a more convenient and easy to swallow forms: capsules. But what could be under such bitter tasting food that makes it salubrious?

Bitter gourd is a creeping vine that actually belonged to squash family and is usually spotted in tropical areas. Mostly it is found in the Caribbean, Asia and Africa where the weather is warm. Its vine can reach up to 5 meters long and usually requires trellis to creep along. It has dark green leaves separated by 3 to 7 lobes. Individually, each plant owns two flowers of which one is female and the other is male.

Meanwhile, the fruit has a distinction of having a wrinkled texture with a hollow portion in the inside. But often times, the appearance varies depending on the variety of the vegetable. Some have smoother textures while others are jagged. The flesh is white in color when the fruit is still young but will eventually turn to orange or yellow when it matures. When it does, the bottom end of the fruit will curl backwards and a reddish aris with seeds enclosed in it will appear. Mostly, it is best eaten when still unripe. Nevertheless, the taste is still bitter.Such flavor is due to the present compound called momordicin. The type 1 of which is present in the leaves while momordicin II is found on the fruit. Although, this type of vegetation is majorly mistaken as vegetable it is in a reality a fruit.

Bitter Melon Precautions - Understanding the Safe Consumption of Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya

Because this herb has a toxic named lectin, this has to be used with caution especially to pregnant women. This plant is known to cause abortion. This is also not allowed for lactating women because the chemical may also pass through breast milk and therefore is harmful to the infant as well. Moreover, this is not recommended for those who have low blood glucose level. Fatal effect may occur. More importantly, those who are already diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus should not take any other drugs especially when your doctor does not recommend it. Drug-drug interactions are not always the best scenario to handle. Severe hypoglycemia may possibly take place. Moreover, this herb should be taken in moderation because excessive drinking of the juice can cause gastric disturbances that either may be manifested trough diarrhea or abdominal pain.

With such immense content, such plant should be regarded with caution when one is utilizing it. It may be true that it brings many benefits and can alleviate major known diseases but still it has other compounds that might not be pleasant to one's health. Nevertheless, it is nice to know that an ongoing research is made to further examine what is within this vegetable that could contribute to the people' health at large.

The bitter melon fruit (Momordica charantia), also known as ampalaya, is known for its many medicinal purposes. It can also be turned into delicious cuisines. Aside from cooking ampalaya and including it in their cuisines, some powder it or extract juice from its leaves. Meanwhile, there are some who turn it into a juice or shake and drink its extract to fully get its medicinal properties. The bitter melon fruit has become a readily available alternative to some diseases. Eating this fruit coupled with a good lifestyle will indeed prolong your life and make you healthier than ever.

However, there are cases where over intake of the fruit has become toxic to a living organism. In one study, toxic effects have been seen on rats and rabbits that were used in examining the effectiveness of ampalaya as a drug. There have also been some references that reported the poisonous aspects of Momordica charantia. Taking large doses of ampalaya fruit may cause severe vomiting and purging. Some also reported that ampalaya has been the cause of the death of a child. By taking in ampalaya juice, the child suffered severe vomiting and purging which lead to death. Hence, moderation is the key in order to prevent these cases from happening. You should also be aware that the regular intake of ampalaya is 1 cup per day. You should also be aware of your everyday intake. Excessive eating and drinking of its juice could be fatal to you.

Ampalaya can easily be part of your everyday diet, so you should not be afraid of eating the bitter melon. Bitter melon fruit or ampalaya has a lot of medicinal properties that can be natural cure for diabetes and other diseases. Eating it in excess may lead to some inconveniences for you; hence, you should take everything in moderation. You should train yourself in eating this healthy plant to help you increase your immune system and eventually prolong your life. There are a lot of health benefits of ampalaya and intake of this plant should be coupled with a healthy lifestyle to gain the wonders of bitter melon fruit.

Suggested Daily Intake

It was recommended that one has to take 50 to 100 ml of the bitter melon juice dividing into two to three intakes. This is equal to almost a small sized, young bitter gourd.

Still, there is the option of choosing whatever form this plant may come, since nowadays it has been turned into capsules, tea and juice. The preference of how it is taken is dependent on one's liking. If you prefer capsule, this has to be taken 1 gram twice a day. Nevertheless, taking it in its original form like turning it into a viand or food is still the most recommended. No nutrients are compromised in this method since it did not undertake any chemical or mechanical processes.

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In the Western world, green tea is perhaps best known as weight loss aid. Drinking the beverage alone cannot make those pounds go away but it has been shown to increase metabolic rate which in turn burns more calories. But even more important are its health benefits. The scientific studies have shown that it contains powerful antioxidants which are believed to help prevent/treat a large number of health problems and diseases including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, dental cavity, inflammatory bowel disease, liver disease and even some types of cancer. On the other hand, it also contains substances which can cause side effects or interact with medications, supplements and other herbal remedies.

The majority of potential side effects are caused by caffeine but the levels of caffeine in it are much lower than in coffee and other teas derived from Camellia sinensis. For that reason the majority of people do not experience any adverse effects from drinking this variety of tea.

Green tea can cause side effects in people who are sensitive to caffeine. They may experience insomnia, increased heart rate, irritability, nausea, upset stomach, nausea, loss of appetite, increased urination and diarrhea/constipation. People who are allergic to caffeine or tannin may develop skin rash and hives. Caffeine poisoning is rare but precaution is necessary if taking extracts which are highly concentrated.

You are highly recommended to avoid drinking the beverage if being pregnant or breast-feeding. Small amounts are usually harmless but drinking it in large amounts has been associated with several pregnancy complications including spontaneous abortion. Breast-feeding women should avoid it as well because caffeine enters the mother's milk and can cause sleep problems in the baby. Children should not be given the beverage either.

People who have a medical condition should always consult with their doctor before starting to use any herbal remedies. Individuals with stomach conditions such as peptic ulcers, kidney disease, heart problems and psychological disorders (anxiety) are highly advised against using green tea. You should also consult with your doctor before starting to drink it if taking any medications due to potential drug interactions.

Some studies imply that green tea may lower blood sugar levels but the evidence of its benefits for diabetics are inconclusive. Do not start using it without your doctor's approval if suffering from diabetes.

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Herbal laxative tea is very well known for a detoxification process or colon cleanse. It is different than other teas because this one is made from herbs not tea leaves. One of the herbs used here is Senna, it is also used in the well known Ballerina tea which is used as a weight loss tea.

The herb senna is actually a stimulant laxative used in many products. It causes you to have quick bowel movements or diarrhea. Herbal laxative tea adds anise, fennel, ginger and licorice root for assisting the senna in working better.

Each additive has a value to it. Ginger can help lessen cramps that may happen if you drink too much tea, fennel and anise help balance the action of the stomach and ease the cramps and licorice root reinforces a healthy liver.

Present day people seem to be turning to alternative cures for problems they may be having with their health. In China people have been using herbal laxative tea for regularity and complete balance for the body.

As a weight loss product herbal laxative tea has become quite popular. It is best if used as a colon cleanse though. When used for shedding weight many people use way too much or make a very strong tea. This can have a serious effect on your health. Your body will not have a chance to absorb any vitamins that you eat because everything will come right back out in the bathroom. Also the cramps and diarrhea can become severe which will not help in losing weight, it will just make you feel sick.

Drinking herbal laxative tea the right way can help you lose weight. It will keep your stomach regular and you can lose weight the natural way. If you consume too much and you are not detoxing your bodily functions can stop working. If this happens too often the regular functions of your body will not return.

If you use herbal laxative tea as it was intended to be used it can have tremendous health benefits. You will be able to keep your blood sugar levels low, get your bad cholesterol down to an acceptable level and keep your liver functioning properly. But if not used as intended for weight loss only drinking too much can hurt your body.

Herbal laxative tea is definitely a great tea when used for the occasional colon cleanse but other herbal teas are better for weight loss.

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While some foods are considered occasional treats, water, grass hay and pellets must be available to your guinea pig all the time, without exceptions. Also, it is highly recommended to provide your guinea pig with vegetables, fruits and vitamin C (avoid artificial supplements, supply vitamin C through food).

Since guinea pigs have a sensitive digestive system which is easily upset, always introduce new foods slowly and patiently. Begin with a very small piece, and if they like it, keep increasing the amount a little for the next serving.

1. Water

Guinea Pigs require constant supply of clean, daily fresh, room-temperature plain water for optimal performance. Avoid distilled water since it does not provide minerals that are essential to important body functions. Avoid water high in minerals, especially calcium. Avoid putting medications, vitamins or any other supplements in water because your pet might not want to drink it. Untreated tap water is usually not recommended because of possible chlorine and heavy metal contamination, but this depends on the quality of your home water distribution which can be tested. Unflavored bottled drinking water or fresh spring water could be a good choice. Provide water in a cage-mounted drip bottle to prevent contamination and/or spilling, which is usual for dish servings. Clean the drip bottle nozzle frequently (hay and pellet gunk can breed harmful bacteria and clog the water flow if not cleaned regularly).

2. Hay

Guinea pigs are grazing animals. It is highly recommended to provide your pet with unlimited amounts of grass hay, primarily for three reasons:

  • Their teeth are continually growing so they need to be constantly grazing and grinding (hay) to prevent teeth from over growing

  • Eating the long hay strands keeps their digestive system moving and in good health

  • Hay does not contribute significantly to obesity as it is a modest source of protein and nutrients

NOTE: Pellets are not a substitute for hay. Lack of hay can lead to misalignment of the teeth that may require surgical correction, and gastrointestinal stasis - shutting down of the digestive tract which often leads to guinea pig death.

3. Pellets

  • You need to provide your guinea pig with about 1/4 - 1/8 cup of plain, dye free guinea pig pellets. You can serve it in a small, relatively heavy ceramic bowl to prevent tipping. It is recommended to buy pellets formulated with vitamin C, and you need to store pellets in a dry, cool, dark place to preserve the potency of the vitamin C. Always look on for an expiration date to insure product freshness and avoid pellets that use animal byproducts and those whose primary ingredient is corn. Do not feed other small animal pellets (like rabbit pellets) because the vitamin content is not the same, and can be harmful to your pet.

4. Vegetables

  • Feed your guinea pig primarily green leafy vegetables

  • Some vegetables can be provided few times a day, some few times a week

  • It is recommended to remove uneaten vegetables to prevent spoiling/rottening

  • Do not feed wilted or spoiled food

  • Don't feed your guinea pig everyday the same vegetables: Variety is the key to maintaining guinea pigs health

  • Be cautious about vegetables from the freezer - if food is too cold, a guinea pig can get diarrhoea

4.1 Vegetables that are recommended for everyday consumption:

  • Carrots: Both the root and the green tops are recommended

  • Cucumber: Little nutritional value, but high water content - especially appreciated in summer

  • Bell Peppers: Green/Red/Yellow/Orange (red yellow and orange are high in calcium, so limit those. Remove seeds)

  • Leafy greens: Green leaf lettuce, Cilantro, Red leaf lettuce, Escarole, Swiss chard, Curly endive, Romaine (only small amounts recommended - it has a poor calcium/phosphorus ratio that can cause kidney stone problems), Spinach (small amounts recommended to avoid potential kidney stone problems)

  • NOT recommended: iceberg (high in nitrates and low in nutrients, can cause diarrhea if given in excess)

  • NOT recommended: any vegetable in the cabbage family (can cause bloat), or beet greens (too high in oxalates)

4.2 Vegetables that are recommended for occasional consumption (few times weekly):

  • Broccoli leaves and peeled broccoli stem: Related to the cabbage family, so small doses recommended

  • Cauliflower: Related to the cabbage family, so small doses recommended

  • Kale: Related to the cabbage family, so small doses recommended

  • Chinese Cabbage/pak-choi: Related to the cabbage family, so small doses recommended

  • Corn silks and husks: When in season

  • Parsley: Very high in calcium, so caution is recommended if guinea pig is prone to developing bladder stones

  • Forages like chickweed, dandelions, and young clover

  • Celery: Cut into small pieces as it is very stringy, to avoid choking

  • Fresh Grass: Clean, pesticide-free, not soiled by dogs/cats/etc, NOT cut by a lawn mower

  • Tomato: Remove the poisonous tomato top (green part). Remove seeds if using a slice from a larger tomato

  • Beetroot: Recommended in raw form rather than pickled. High in antioxidants and other nutrients. Feeding too often may result in red urine

5. Fruits

NOTE: Many fruits are full of natural sugar, have fruit acid and possible low Ca:P ratio, which could lead to bladder problems. To avoid your guinea pig getting a sore mouth, cut all fruit into small pieces and just give as an occasional treat.

Following fruits are recommended for occasional consumption:

  • Apple: Thin wedge, include peel, REMOVE SEEDS which contain arsenic

  • Pear: Thin wedge, include peel, no seeds

  • Apricot: Dried, a couple small pieces

  • Banana: Relatively low in vitamin C but rich in other nutrients

  • Blueberries

  • Cantaloupe

  • Seedless Grapes or Raisins: NOT BOTH, and very sparingly

  • Orange

  • Strawberries: Another popular summer fruit, also very high in vitamin C

  • Watermelon

  • Cranberries: very high in vitamin C; too much can cause STOMACH UPSET

  • Grapefruit: Pink, red, and white varieties are all good sources of vitamin C, but they can be too sour for some pigs. They are high in WATER content so are refreshing in warm weather.

  • Kiwi: Extremely high in vitamin C and considered very good for cavies

  • Mango: High water content makes it very refreshing

  • Raspberries

If you wish to learn about foods to avoid, vitamin C and other useful information and tips about feeding a guinea pig enriched with pictures, please visit Guinea Pig Manual Feeding Page.

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Zi Xiu Tang versus Lemonade Diet

People interested in learning about Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen for detox and weight loss love to compare it to other popular diet and rapid fat loss programs. I have no problem sharing information as I find or experience it. Here's my comparison of Zi Xu Tang and "the Master Cleanse," aka "the Lemonade Diet."

It goes by many names, but the one thing remains the same, what it's made of: water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and grade B maple syrup. The Master Cleanse Diet is uber popular. My friend's sister has been using it for years. I've done it a few times myself.

9 Reasons I Prefer Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen over The Master Cleanse

As I said, I've been using The Master Cleanse for years. Now, I've just begun using Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen since February 2010 and have already begun noticing the pros and cons between these two detoxes.

1) I can eat! No dietary restrictions! I don't have to ignore any cravings I have while on Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen. I can eat what I want, how I want, where I want and when I want. Even better, the longer I take it, the more my cravings for junk food and sugar change. Instead of craving artificial sweets, I desire naturally sweet, hydrating fruits such as watermelon or grapes.

2) I crave water more than usual. Hydration is an important aspect of any wellness plan. However, whenever I'm not forced to drink water, I only desire a nice, full glass when it's unbearably hot or I'm exercising. Now, it's hard to avoid wanting water. Humans are naturally supposed to consume about half their weight in ounces, or at least 8 cups, of water per day. I seriously might kill a gallon on a regular day when I'm following Zi Xiu Tang instructions.

3) Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen isn't as expensive as the Master Cleanse. Okay, you pay less than 2 dollars per day for Zi Xiu Tang. For the Master Cleanse, Day one alone will cost money. Have you seen the price of lemons lately? Easily 25 to 50 cents per freaking lemon and you need at least 8 per day for a cleanse. Now add the price of Grade B Maple Syrup, cayenne pepper, clean, filtered water, and the sea salt and tea... and while it's still not ridiculously expensive, can you really use these items if you quit on the spot? Additionally, the cost per day for the Master Cleanse is well over $2.

4) Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen is simple to follow - great for an urban detox! The Master Cleanse requires a saltwater flush, and regular drinking every 2-3 hours to curb and avoid hunger. Additionally, if you even smell any other food besides your spicy lemonade mix, you might as well give up because sometimes it feels impossible to avoid cheating. Zi Xiu Tang requires a simple morning dosage: 2 pills with breakfast. Or without. Your decision. Either way, I usually find taking my pills in the morning is a lot easier than drinking the same darn thing every few hours - or lugging it around with me wherever I go!

5) Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen doesn't isolate me from my friends (and good cheesecake). If you're taking Zi Xiu Tang Beauty Face and Figure capsules, you don't have to turn down your friends when they offer to take you out to eat. Almost every time I start the Master Cleanse, free food falls from the sky. The Cheesecake Factory was actually offered to me 2 days into my last Master Cleanse, and if you think I turned it down for my health... you're abso-frickin'-lutely NUTS! At least now, when I do go to the Cheesecake factory, Zi Xiu Tang's assistance will help me enjoy whatever it is I desire, but have more to take home, thanks to this herbal weight loss supplement's natural appetite suppressant properties.

6) Zi Xiu Tang bee pollen doesn't use ancient torture methods. Have you ever had to drink a quart of sea salt water at room temperature on an empty stomach? It's not even pleasant to do if you're constipated beyond measure, so having to gulp down this sodium-clad delight is akin to Medieval torture when you're on the Master Cleanse. Even better, in less than an hour you'll have the world's worst buttpee. You don't know what butt pee is? Well, all I'll say is diarrhea has nothing on it. NOTHING.

People tell me, "Oh Lauryn it tastes like chicken broth, and I feel so fresh and clean after it does it's magic!" and I gag. It's akin to someone telling me Buckley's medicine tastes like candy coated raindrops: Yes, it's true but only if you like your raindrops coated in meth acid, bleach and fish oil.

Don't believe me? Try it. No, go ahead, I double dare you!

7) Lemonade used to be my favorite drink - until I completed a Master Cleanse. Chik-Fil-A Lemonade is one of the sweetest pleasures known to man. I love lemonade period, in all forms. Simply Lemonade, Simply Lemonade with raspberry, strawberry lemonade, mango lemonade, peach lemonade... I mean I love the stuff. Forget Snapple, lemonade is not just made from the best stuff on Earth, it IS the best stuff on Earth.

Thus, basically drinking sweet, natural lemonade all day long seemed like a great way to lose weight when I first undertook the Master Cleanse. But once I successfully completed a Master Cleanse, the sight of lemons made me insane and insanely nauseous. I regressed and settled for Kool-Aid and all things anti-lemon for a good amount of time before I could sip lemonade again.

Master Cleanse or Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen?

I do like the Master Cleanse. I know people question the safety of drinking liquid all day but it is a solid 1200 calorie diet, which can be ideal for detox and weight loss when done properly (and with the permission of a physician). However, when I don't want to test my will power, or develop will power buns of steel (which is usually 99% of the time), I find Zi Xiu Tang is much easier to deal with. On the Master Cleanse I cry for every food I see in sight; on Zi Xiu Tang, I eat what I want and I don't feel as if I'm robbing my body of the nutrients it needs to truly function at optimum levels because I'm able to take a multivitamin and a fish oil pill - plus other supplements - as needed without fear.

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As women reach menopause, breast cancer, uterine cancer and ovarian cancer are threatening us. Moreover, in order to mask menopause symptoms, menopause women have to take synthetic or bio-identical estrogen, which is a strong carcinogen.

Everyday, due to genetic and environmental factors, some cells out of the trillions in your body may turn cancerous spontaneously. As Rome was not built in one day, cancer is not developed in one day too. At the time of diagnosis, most cancers have been in the body for 10 years.

During those 10 years, cancer growth obeys no rule. Cancers develop at different rates over different periods in different people. Something in the body promotes cancer growth, such as estrogen, which stimulates cancer cells to multiply out of control. Fortunately, something can inhibit cancer development.

Green tea is a secret weapon that fights cancers, because it contains high concentration of EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), one of the strongest antioxidants which shows impressive activity against many kinds of cancer.

EGCG is one class of a larger group of protective phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are natural chemicals widely distributed in plants. They have powerful anticancer activity and also protect against coronary heart disease. No wonder eating more fruits and vegetables, in whatever form, is clearly a great way to take advantage of the healing properties of food.

Studies found that the well-known anticancer activity of green tea is a result of its inhibiting one of the most frequently over expressed enzymes in human cancers, called urokinase. Extracts of green tea have been shown to prevent cancer in animals, and recently similar claims have been made about black tea.

All true tea comes from the same plant species (Camellia sinensis), such as black tea, pu-erh tea, oolong- tea, so they should contain EGCG. However, herbal teas are not true tea, so they do not contain EGCG.

You need to drink about four cups of green tea daily to get the optimal dose of EGCG. EGCG deteriorates quickly, so drink tea as fresh as possible and discard tea which has been kept overnight. Although green tea contains less caffeine than coffee, it is still a stimulant. Brewed tea contains about half as much caffeine as instant coffee. Avoid drinking tea in the evening.

Pour boiling water over tea leaves and let steep for 5 minutes. Drink tea the Chinese way with no milk or sugar. I feel tea made with a microwave does not taste as good as tea made with boiling water.

Tea is a time-honored beverage which has been consumed over thousands of years. Although coffee increases heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, headache, irritability, diarrhea and frequent urination, so far, no negative effects have been reported on tea.

Menopause women, who are taking synthetic or bio-identical estrogen to mask menopause symptoms, are susceptible to cancers. Green tea is a great antidote to the cancer-causing effect by synthetic or bio-identical estrogen.

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Do you drink ice water... or have drinks straight out of the fridge?

There's a saying in Chinese medicine that goes: "Above all else, protect your digestion." By "digestion", they mean processing of both FOOD and FLUID.
Think about this...

If you aren't processing foods properly, you aren't turning food into BLOOD and ENERGY ("Qi," as the Chinese call it) for your organs to function properly - so your organs are literally "fatigued" and can't perform their jobs well.

Your heart can't function. Your lungs can't function. Your kidneys, bladder, liver, gall bladder, stomach and intestines are all "fatigued" and can't do their job.

And, your immune system doesn't have the energy to protect you from cancer, colds, flu, radiation, etc.

And that's just the problems with not processing foods. If you're not processing fluids properly...
...fluid collects in your tissues (Chinese medicine calls this condition "Dampness".)

This fluid ultimately congeals, and becomes a condition called "Phlegm" (this includes, but is not the same as, having phlegm or mucus.)

This "Phlegm" leads to obesity, depression, urinary infections, dementia, seizures, cysts and tumors, sinus headaches, allergies, all breathing problems like sinusitis, asthma, COPD, and a host of other problems.

Furthermore... the processing of food and fluids includes elimination... so you will have problems with constipation, diarrhea and urination.


If you look through my website you'll see that
all the diseases listed there have improper eating as one of the main causes of that condition.

In some cases, the problems come directly from the food itself. But, in most cases, the problem comes from how the food negatively affects your digestion, with the weakened digestion then leading to the disease condition.


So, how do cold drinks damage your ability to process food and fluids?
Here's a simple analogy...

When you put water on the stove, it moves faster... there's more activity.
When you put water in the freezer, it slows down (freezes)... there's less activity.

Cold decreases activity. Heat increases activity.

Chinese medicine describes the act of digestion as a warm process. Energy (and life itself) is warm. When we are dead, we're stone cold dead...

It has been shown through thousands of years of observation in China that, if we drink chilled or cold liquids, we decrease our digestive activity.

We hurt this warm process of digestion (cold negates heat).

FIRST OF ALL, this causes food and liquid to be digested poorly. Similar to when your car can't completely combust fuel, food isn't digested properly and you're left with a "sludge" (which, in Chinese Medicine, is called "Stagnant food" and/or "Phlegm".)

That "sludge" is often the root cause of problems such as a weak immune system, weight gain, fatigue, cysts, allergies, sinusitis and certain types of headaches.

SECONDLY, warming up the cold fluids consumes energy (heat), leaving you with a net loss of energy.

THIRD, your weakened digestion now can't produce good quality energy from the food you eat, leaving you with less energy for your organs to function properly...

...do you get the picture? You can (and will) end up with nearly every disease imaginable.

What to do about this?

You might be lucky enough to have strong digestion and not feel too affected by cold drinks. Consider yourself blessed. But, if you're already in a somewhat weakened state...

...drinking COLD drinks might be one of the "straw's" that breaks the camels back. Here's my advice:

If you have ice water with your meals, stop.

If you drink your drinks cold from the refrigerator, stop.
Drink no more than a teacup of room temperature or warm water (or green tea) with your meals.
If you eat at restaurants, tell the waiter "No ice, please!"

One the biggest offenders is the ice water you get out at the restaurant. Just before eating a big meal, you put out your "digestive fire" (read that as DAMAGE your digestion) with that freezing cold water. Big mistake!

Iced drinks really aren't good for anybody. Nature didn't intend for us to frequently drink cold or frozen liquids. Refrigerators and freezers are extremely recent in terms of the history of human diet.

Not to mention, there's just not a lot of refrigerators out there in nature!

*** Think about the implications of cold foods here, too. Obviously, they're equally damaging. ***

It may take some getting used to, but drinking room temperature or warmer water is a good first step toward being healthier.
If you'd like to discover more ancient wisdom from Oriental medicine, visit http://www.natural-health-remedies.net/ where I discuss the little-known but effective treatments that work in my own natural health clinic.

Keep it warm!

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It's hard to think of a more intimidating disease than cancer. Each year, 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of this deadly disease. Despite slowly declining mortality rates, well over half a million people in the US succumb to cancer each year; the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 574,743 cancer-related deaths in 2011. Not only is cancer often life-threatening, it also an all-too-common occurrence; the American Cancer Society estimates that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will develop cancer in their lifetimes.

One of the most common treatments against cancer is chemotherapy, a process in which certain drugs are given intravenously to the patient. The purpose of such drugs is to seek and destroy cancer cells within the body. Unfortunately, chemotherapy medications are unable to distinguish between normal cells and cancer cells, and consequentially destroy large numbers of both. This "scorched-earth" approach can lead to an endless barrage of side effects, which are detailed in the following list:

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea & Vomiting

  • Pain

  • Hair Loss

  • Anemia

  • Infection

  • Blood Clotting

  • Problems involving the mouth, gums and throat

  • Digestive problems, such as diarrhea and constipation

  • Nerve and Muscle issues

  • Problems with Skin and Nails

  • Radiation Recall

  • Kidney and Bladder issues

  • Flu-like symptoms

  • Fluid retention

  • Negative impact on sexual organs

As made abundantly clear by the above symptoms, chemotherapy treatment is hardly a risk-free proposition. Given the large number of distressing side-effects, researchers have spent years looking for alternative treatment methods. A large portion of these efforts have focused on the cancer-fighting properties of certain foods - including a little-known tropical fruit called the soursop.

An Overlooked Cancer Treatment?

Upon first glace, the soursop fruit may not seem especially alluring. Originally hailing from Central and South America, this exotic import features a prickly green exterior covering a heart or oval-shaped body. Such a bizarre appearance certainly doesn't' win the soursop fruit any beauty points.

Though it may not be aesthetically pleasing, the powerful health benefits of the soursop seem to prove the old adage of never judging a book by its cover - or in this case, an obscure tropical fruit by its strange appearance. Soursop has long been valued in various cultures for its medicinal properties, earning a reputation as a potent treatment for high blood pressure, stress and depression. People have also used soursop to help clear infections caused by bacteria and fungi.

These characteristics alone could cement soursop's place as a worthwhile grocery store pickup. However, research has suggested that soursop's true calling card is its immense cancer-fighting abilities. One such groundbreaking study appeared in the February 1996 issue of the Journal of Natural Products. This reportreached an almost unfathomable conclusion: a certain compound extracted from soursop, referred to as "compound 1," was 10,000 times more effective at impeding cancer cell growth than standard chemotherapy medications.

A second study, published the following year in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, reinforced these potentially revolutionary findings. This report noted that extracted soursop compounds were 250 times more effective in killing breast cancer cells than some chemotherapy drugs. As an added bonus, soursop doesn't appear to have the onerous side effects of chemotherapy. According to the Catholic University of Korea, soursop compounds leave healthy cells alone while attacking cancerous tumors. Finally, a Perdue University research team concluded that soursop leaves contain compounds that can help treat lung, prostate, and pancreatic cancers.

Though there is plenty of optimism about soursop's potential, researchers caution that more testing is needed to establish this fruit as a bona fide cancer treatment. As with other foods, soursop carries along its own share of risks. Soursop can disagree with the stomachs of some people, leading to vomiting. People with heart conditions or high blood pressure should avoid soursop, since this fruit has a depressing effect on the cardiovascular system. Pregnant women and antidepressant users are also discouraged from eating soursop. Finally, some research has claimed that some chemicals found in soursop are also present in Parkinson's patients, though a relationship between soursop and this nervous system disorder has yet to be proven.

Despite advances in medical technology, the scourge of cancer still plagues the world's developed nations, striking down millions every year. Though more research must be undertaken, the game-changing weapon against cancer might just reside in a little fruit from the tropics.

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Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus) is a perennial thistle native to Southern Europe around the Mediterranean. This vegetable has been used since ancient times by the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, and many others. Although today artichokes are mainly consumed for food, they have many medicinal uses. Commonly a healthy herbal tea is made from their dried leaves. However, you can also make the tea by boiling the whole artichoke in a pot of water - this is the method I prefer.


Wash the whole artichoke and cut out the end of the stem. Simply slice the artichoke in half (or leave it whole) and boil it in water until the water turns to light green or greenish brown color. I usually let it boil for 10 minutes. The artichoke tea can be served immediately or refrigerated for up to a week. In less than 15 minutes you will have a healthy drink that the whole family can enjoy.

Health Benefits

Here are a few of health benefits of drinking artichoke tea.

  • Liver Health

    Artichoke contains an ingredient called cynarin, which is liver protectant. It can also help the liver by stimulating the production and excretion of bile, improving the flow of the bile duct. Furthermore, artichoke is often used as a diuretic for detoxification of the liver and other organs. Regular use can greatly improve liver and gall bladder functions.

  • Digestive Health

    As mentioned above, artichoke stimulates the flow of bile - this helps improve fat digestion and metabolism. Artichoke also contains bioactive agents that promote beneficial gut bacteria. Drinking artichoke tea can relieve digestive symptom including heartburn, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and bloating.

  • Lower Cholesterol

    Studies have shown artichoke lowers levels of HDL cholesterol while raising levels of beneficial LDL cholesterol. This may due to large amounts of antioxidants, like flavonoids, that can be found in the leaves of the artichoke head.

  • Lowering Blood Sugar
    Substances found in artichokes such as cynarin and inulin reduces the level of glucose in the blood. In addition, artichoke has a very low glycemic index and large amounts of dietary fiber.

It's clear that artichoke tea is a wonderful drink. Next time instead of drinking chemical and sugar laced soft drinks or juices, why not try some artichoke tea. It is a great tasting and refreshing drink which can be served hot or cold, but more importantly, artichoke tea will also improve your health and your family's health in many ways.

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According to research, one of the main triggers of migraines is the kind of foods we eat on a daily basis. Knowing the food items you are not to eat or include in your meals as a migraine sufferer and also the ones that you are to eat in order to help put your migraine headaches in check is indeed advisable knowing how painful, disturbing and unbearable migraine headaches can be. If adjusting your daily diet will go a long way in relieving you of these pains, then it is a reasonable idea.

Below are the migraine dietary guidelines that will really help relieve your migraine and probably eliminate it--

1. Avoid foods and additives that contain sulfites, as they are great triggers of migraines.

2. Also avoid food additives or preservatives especially the ones that contain nitrates as they are known to cause dilation of the blood vessels around the brain and that can trigger your migraines.

3. Avoid foods that contain a substance known as tyramine. Tyramine is also formed when protenious foods age. Examples of foods that contains this substance are aged cheese, blue cheeses,brie, cheddar, feta, gorgonzola, mozzarella, parmesan, swiss, cured or processed meats, certain beans (fava, broad, garbanzo, lima and pinto beans), onions, olives, pickles, avocados, raisins, canned soups, and nuts.

4. Avoid foods that contain monosodium glutamate or mechanically separated beef (MSB), and also avoid foods that contain caffeine such as coffee and chocolate.

5. Alcoholic beverages: These are core triggers of various types of migraine including cluster migraine. The rate of your blood flow increases when you take alcohol or alcoholic drinks, maybe it's as a result of the metabolic activities that goes on in your body whenever you drink it. Examples of various drinks that contain harmful alcohol which can lead to migraine are Red wine such as beer, whiskey, and champagne.

6. Eating cold foods could trigger migraines in some migraine sufferers. If that is your case, avoid it.

7. Avoid smoking cigarettes as they are also great triggers of migraine headache.

8. Always include green vegetables and nuts or migraine supplements in your diets as these can also help to reduce your migraine headache.

9. Consume magnesium rich foods or take its supplements, as magnesium is believed to decrease the symptoms of migraine. All the same do not overdose with magnesium as too much of it can lead to diarrhea, muscle weakness, and high blood pressure.

If your migraine headaches are triggered after consuming any of the food items mentioned above and you began to experience migraine symptoms such as pains in the chest, front or one side of the head, dizziness or abdominal discomfort. Then you need to put your daily diet into consideration and see if your migraines have been influenced. Adhering to these guidelines will not only reduce your migraines but also improve your overall well-being. This article entails a general ground; you still need to consult your doctor or health consultant to give you more advice according to your body metabolism.

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Infectious or Avian Coryza is a respiratory infection caused mainly by the bacterium Haemophilus paragallinarum but sometimes, to a lesser extent, others. This disease affects fowl worldwide, though it most often appears in the southwest United States and in the State of California. Chickens and wild birds both can get this disease which will frequently look like other diseases (such as the more serious Newcastle disease). Avian Coryza will frequently manifest itself in combination with other more chronic respiratory diseases.

Birds will become visibly sick 1-10days after exposure. This is a highly contagious poultry disease which is spread through: bird to bird contact, respiratory secretions, feed and water which is contaminated with feces, and contact with dead birds. Be aware that chickens recently added to your flock may be asymptomatic carriers of Avian Coryza.

Symptoms of Avian Coryza include:

1). Birds with distressed noisy breathing.

2). Clear nasal discharge which progresses to white and yellow, which becomes foul smelling.

3). Sick birds will often frequently shake their heads and bizarrely stretch their heads out.

4). Their may also be some discharge seen around the eyes.

5). Head swelling may also be seen.

6). The hens will also stop laying.

Though highly contagious, Avian Coryza is rarely fatal. However, very virulent strains of this disease do occur and they have a much higher mortality rate. Of course the symptoms for these strains would be much worse and would include:

1). Green diarrhea.

2). Darkened head and comb.

3). Swollen wattles.

4). Swollen feet.

5). Paralysis.

6). Listlessness.

Infectious Coryza may have some severe cases which may require antibiotic treatment. Avoiding dirty, contaminated living conditions as well as providing plenty of fresh water for your birds are the best treatment. Please remember that chickens which do not even appear sick may still be carriers so think twice before you start introducing outside birds into your flock... http://tinyurl.com/q2pmnl

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Juicing is an excellent way of getting the required servings of vegetables and fruits into your diet. There is a variety of fresh produce you can use and an endless number of combinations of juice so that everyone can find something that they like. If you don't like to eat your veggies, juicing them is a good way to get the nutrients you need. Juicing helps your body absorb the vitamins easily and faster than when your body naturally breaks down your food through chewing and digestion. With juicing every cell in your body is being nourished for optimum health. When I juice I literally feel tingly, like my body is awakened with energy and it tastes great.

The health benefits from eating raw fresh fruits and vegetables are incredible and juicing helps you gain those benefits. Digestive problems are a concern for many people. Juicing helps clean our digestive system and gives it time for rest and healing. Juicing helps reduce the toxin buildup in our bodies which has a negative impact on our health. Obtaining the nutrients from juicing increases heart and brain function and increases our immune system preventing illness. Green leafy vegetables contain chlorophyll which aids in healing wounds, cleanses our liver, helps prevent damage to our cells, increases our red blood cells and is very high in nutrients. The vitamins that we derive from fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants to help prevent artery plaque or increasing our bad cholesterol. The health benefits are so many because we are feeding our bodies what it needs to function and support its actions. Here are just a few of the health problems that are helped by consuming vegetables:

  • Carrots-skin, liver arthritis, bladder, asthma, cancer, heart, eyes, colon health

  • Cabbage-heart, bladder, skin, ulcers, lung, fatigue, constipation

  • Kale-arthritis, liver, circulation, skin, anemia, ulcers, heart, cataracts, stroke

  • Cucumber-skin (acne, psoriasis, eczema), joints, hydration, kidney

  • Celery-liver, insomnia, kidney, lung, constipation, diuretic

  • Lettuces-liver, insomnia, anemia, constipation

  • Radish-lung, sinus, skin, thyroid

  • Turnip greens-joints, skin, circulation, lungs, liver, eyes

  • Peppers red & green-circulation, skin, eyes, joints, heart

  • Garlic-immune, skin, heart, antibiotic, cholesterol, kills bacteria & fungus

  • Ginger-immune & digestive systems, colds/mucous

  • Parsley-urinary, anemia, liver, skin, joints, circulation

  • Mustard greens-bone health, muscle relaxant, asthma, menopause

  • Spinach-liver, eyes, skin, kidneys, circulation, digestion, thyroid, heart

  • Beet-circulation, skin, bladder, fatigue, kidneys, eyes

  • Swiss chard-heart, bones, antioxidant, muscles, anemia

  • Fennel-skin, blood, nausea

  • Zucchini-bladder, hydration, kidneys, colon cleanser

  • Wheatgrass-antioxidant, joints, fatigue, ulcers, hypoglycemia, liver, bone,

  • Tomato-heart, cholesterol, prostate, cancer,antioxidant, cardiovascular

I don't juice a lot of fruit because of its high sugar content. I use it mostly to add sweetness and more vitamins to my vegetable juices. Listed are a few of the fruits I use and the problems that they can help:

  • Apple-diabetes, cholesterol, antioxidants, tumors, viruses, bone health, heart, lungs

  • Blueberries-heart, memory, constipation, blood sugar, antioxidants

  • Grapes-antioxidants, arterial health, heart, blood flow, eyes, kidney stones

  • Cantelope-eyes, cholesterol, blood pressure, immune system

  • Citrus heart, skin, scurvy, blood pressure, lungs, immune system, colon

  • Mango-digestion, antioxidants, thyroid, memory

  • Peaches-digestion, constipation, cancer, strokes

  • Pineapple-bone health, colds, digestion, diarrhea

  • Strawberries-heart, memory, calming effect, cancer

  • Watermelon-cholesterol, blood pressure, prostate, stroke, kidneys

  • Blackberries-joint health, arthritis, heart, blood pressure, immune

  • Kiwi-anemia, dental health, heart, ulcer, immune

  • Pears-sore throat, cholesterol, colon, fatigue, inflammation

  • Raspberry-joints, skin, antioxidant

Those are just a few of the fruits and vegetables that you can juice, but these are my favorites. You can receive these health benefits whether you eat the produce whole or juice it, but to fit in all our daily requirements I find juicing helpful. Always wash your produce thoroughly. I peel my carrots and anything with a waxy skin that they put on to preserve the produce, but leave the skin on most everything else. I cut the peel off citrus fruits as they can be bitter. Buy the fruits and vegetables in their whole form. Buy leafy greens with their stems still on. Avoid buying prepackaged greens and processed (cut or shredded) carrots, celery, etc. I remember that one time I bought some shredded carrots because they were on sale. When I juiced those carrots I literally got no juice. They were nothing but dried up pieces of an orange vegetable. So always buy the freshest whole produce available and organic if possible. Some vegetables have a bitter taste or they might be something that you don't like as well, so add in a small amount of fruit. An apple is my favorite fruit to add to my vegetable juices. Experiment with what tastes good to you and what your body tolerates. Here are some combination suggestions:

  • carrot, celery, beet, spinach, apple- this is my favorite and have daily

  • spinach, parsley, carrot, celery

  • carrot, ginger, apple, celery

  • carrot, celery, garlic, parsley

  • apple, grape, lemon

  • carrot, apple, beet

  • beet, grape, apple, lemon

  • tomato, spinach, red/green pepper, parsley

  • carrot, beet, lemon, parsley, celery

  • carrot, beet, cuc, celery, pineapple, ginger, parsley

  • apple, ginger, celery, parsley, lemon

  • apple, beet, carrot, berries

  • carrot, celery, cabbage

  • lettuce, peppers, celery, cuc

  • tomato, carrot, cuc, spinach, celery, cabbage, pepper

  • spinach, cuc, carrot

  • celery, beet, cilantro, spinach

  • carrot, spinach, lemon

  • carrot, apple, cuc

  • spinach, cuc, apple

  • cuc, spinach, celery, parsley, lemon

  • kale, collard, cuc, celery, carrot, tomato, apple, berries, lemon

Find your favorite combinations. Use what is in season and looks fresh. If your doctor has put you on dietary restrictions because of allergies or medication you are taking, then do not use those certain foods. Always consult your doctor if you are unsure. Green juices are low in calories and sugar. Adding carrots and beets increases the sugar content. A fruit juice has the most sugar content ( lemons and limes are okay) and should be consumed sparingly, so just eat the whole fruit.

Homemade juices are using raw fruits and vegetables so they have more living enzymes. This helps the body digest our food easier for the nutrients that our cells use for energy. Store bought juices, even though they say "natural" are processed and contain preservatives and just aren't as good for you as homemade. Fresh juice should be consumed as soon as it is made. If it is not possible to drink it right away or you want to take some with you for later then store it in an air tight container, preferably glass. Do not keep the juice for over 24 hours because the nutritional value, enzymes and taste have diminished.

There are three kinds of juicers:

  1. Masticating- this machines crushes or chews the food and retains more of the plant fiber.

  2. Triturating- the juice is compressed out of the food.

  3. Centrifugal-grinds the fruits and vegetables to extract the juice.

I have the Jack LaLanne Power Juicer Deluxe. I've had it for about six years. I love it and have no problems with it at all. As with any juicer, it is very important that you clean it thoroughly after each use to prevent bacteria and mold from developing. It does take a few minutes to clean it but I feel that the juice is so worth it. If you don't know which one to buy (if you don't already have one) ask your friends and family which one they like. They vary in price, but you don't always have to buy the more expensive ones to get a good quality. I purchased mine online for around $100. Always read reviews to see if the one you are interested in is worth it. Read your juicers instructions to see how best to use and for more suggestions.

I hope that I have given you some inspiration and direction to start juicing. Juicing is very healthy only when it is combined with a regular healthy diet. The juice has very little protein and no fat, both of which is needed in our diet. If you are using juice for fasting or detox I suggest that you do it for only a few days at the most. Juicing will give you a big boost of energy, it does for me. Please share your stories on how juicing has improved your health and your favorite juice recipes.

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Nutritional deficiencies aren't unique to third world countries. Right here in the United States most Americans are missing large quantities of important nutrients in their daily diets. The result is an overwhelming range of symptoms from fatigue to mood swings to obesity. But you can cure tiredness, stabilize your emotional roller coaster, and get on the right track toward living a physically fit life, just by adding these six nutrients to your daily diet.

Nutritional Deficiency 1: Zinc

Zinc is a very important nutrient in your body, yet as many as half of American's lack enough in their diets. Some of the problems you might see if you aren't getting and storing zinc in your body are: loss of appetite, lethargy, low immune system, higher cholesterol, loss of hair, acne, poor wound healing, body odor and excessive fatigue.

Foods high in zinc: beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clams salmon, milk and cheese, yeast, peanuts, beans, wholegrain cereals, brown rice, whole wheat bread, potato, yogurt and pumpkin seeds.

Nutritional Deficiency 2: Magnesium

Often packaged with Zinc in vitamins, magnesium is also a very common nutritional deficiency. The average American diet contains barely over half the recommended daily allowance of magnesium. People suffering from low magnesium can have high blood pressure, diabetes, fibromyalgia, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, twitches, headaches and heart problems.

Foods high in magnesium: nearly all kinds of beans, barely, oat bran, brown rice, almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, pine nuts, fish such as halibut and tuna, artichokes, banana, figs, peas, pumpkin seeds, okra, lentils, parsnips, broccoli, sweet potatoes and summer squash.

Nutritional Deficiency 3: Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to auto immune diseases, cancer, diarrhea, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness, osteoporosis, an inability to fully utilize calcium, and weight gain. Taking all the calcium in the world may not help you if you're vitamin D deficient.

Foods high in vitamin D: fish oil, cod liver oil, herring, catfish, mollusks, salmon, halibut, certain trout, soymilk, milk, mushrooms, certain dry cereals (look at high bran cereals), yogurt, orange juice fortified with vitamin D, eggs and cheese.

Nutritional Deficiency 4: Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 Fatty Acids have been making the news quite frequently lately, as Americans are waking up to the importance of this vital nutrient. Without Omega 3 Fatty Acids you can experience diarrhea, dry skin and hair, fatigue, depression, acne and eczema on the minor end of the scale. More majorly you can see poor wound healing, infertility, poor immune systems, gall stones, liver degeneration and in women, premenstrual syndrome.

Foods high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids: Flax seed oil, flaxseeds, walnuts, wild caught salmon, cooked soybeans, halibut, shrimp, tofu, snapper, scallops and winter squash.

Nutritional Deficiency 5: Vitamin E

Vitamin E deficiency is slightly less common than the previous deficiencies, but not to be ignored. Without sufficient vitamin E you can expose yourself to neurological disturbances such as poor reflexes and loss of vibration sense as well as shortened red blood cell life, digestive problems, gallbladder problems, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's disease, fatigue and lethargy. Plus, vitamin E is an important nutrient to aid in the healing and elasticity of the skin. Those who lack vitamin E may be more likely to scar after acne, surgery or other wound.

Foods high in vitamin E: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, almonds, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, peanut butter, oils such as vegetable, almond oil, and sunflower oil, hazelnuts or filberts and olives.

Deficiency 6: Antioxidants

Antioxidants aren't actually a nutritional deficiency, because your body can produce them. When your body doesn't produce enough, you become deficient and nutritional changes can supplement where your body is lacking. Antioxidants have been the center of conversation in healthy circles for a few years now, which increase the amount of oxygen in the blood. But there is more that antioxidants can do for you, including reducing the free radicals in the body and by doing so, addressing one of the primary causes of fatigue. Antioxidants can be found in certain foods as well as nutritional supplements. It's the job of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals that can harm our cells. Poor diet, smoking and pollution can all reduce the amount of antioxidants your body can produce.

Foods that contain antioxidants: blueberries, pomegranates, black and green teas, citrus fruits, carrots and tomatoes oregano, grapefruit seed extract and nutritional supplements such as Protandim.

Adding these six simple items to your diet will make a huge dent to cure tiredness. You also may have noticed that a lot of recommended foots were on more than one list. That should make it easier to add some of those foods to your diet.

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Pet birds and parrots are very social beings that need allot of love and attention. They like to be included at meal time, and we can have allot of fun sharing food with our feathered friends. But we need to beware of some very poisonous foods and toxic fumes that can be deadly to our precious bird friends.

One fruit that you would not suspect of being harmful is the avocado. But it can be deadly to pet parrots and other birds. The skin and pit of the popular fruit is known to cause cardiac distress and heart failure in pet birds. There is some debate about the degree of toxicity of avocados, but it is much better to be safe than sorry. I would definitely keep avocados, guacamole and anything else made with this fruit away from my pet birds. I read about someone's pet cockatiel that died the next day after eating guacamole with their family.

The next poison food on the list is chocolate which is deadly. Chocolate poisoning affects your pet parrots digestive system causing vomiting and diarrhea. As the poison moves its way through the birds system it attacks the central nervous system causing seizures and eventually death.

Apple seeds along with other members of the rose family including cherries, peaches apricots and pears have trace amounts of cyanide (a deadly poison) within their seeds. The fruit of the apple is fine to share with your bird, but make sure to core and wash the apple skin thoroughly because it may contain toxic pesticides.

Onions is another poison food for our parrot friends. A limited amount of onions and garlic as flavorings are acceptable. But in large amounts onions cause vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive issues. Prolonged exposure to onions can lead to a blood condition called haemolytic anemia which is followed by respiratory failure and eventually death.

Alcohol is a very bad poison and nothing to mess around with concerning your pet parrot. Most pet bird owners are responsible and would never offer their parrot any alcoholic drinks. But there have been some instances where wild birds have gotten into unattended cocktails. Alcohol depresses the organ system of birds and can be fatal. Make sure to secure your pet bird into his cage and preferably away from the party in another room to keep him safe from toxic brews.

Mushrooms are a type of fungus and have been known to cause digestive upset in our precious companion birds. Some varieties of mushroom caps and mushroom stems cause liver failure.

Tomato leaves are another poison food to keep away from our pet parrots. Tomatoes are of the nightshade family like potatoes. They have a tasty fruit which is fine for your bird, but the stems, vines and leaves are highly toxic to your precious friends. Make sure that the tomato is cleaned properly, sliced with all of the green parts removed to keep your pet bird safe from any poison.

Salt is a health risk for pet parrots as it is for people. Even though a small amount of sodium is OK for all living creatures, too much salt for birds can cause excessive thirst, dehydration, kidney dysfunction, and death. Be very careful not to give your pet parrot friend an excessive amount of foods containing salt. It is better to stay away from salt altogether.

Caffeine is a toxic brew for your little feathered friend. These would include caffeinated beverages such as soda, coffee, and tea. Allowing your bird to indulge in these types of beverages is asking for a very sick pet bird. Caffeine causes cardiac malfunction in birds, and is associated with increased heartbeat, arrhythmia, hyperactivity, and cardiac arrest.. Share a drink of pure vegetable juice, fruit juice or filtered water (filtered with a simple water filter like Brita that can be bought in a store near you) with your bird. Keep caffeinated beverages away from your pet parrot.

Dried Beans which are uncooked contain a poison called hemaglutin that is very toxic to birds. If you are going to share beans with your pet parrot make sure to thoroughly cook them. Cooked beans are a favorite treat for many birds. My pet cockatiels love cooked soy beans.

Teflon is very deadly to your pet birds. Get rid of your teflon and any plastic coated cookware that you have in your home. It's not worth the risk of losing your parrot friend. Overheated teflon omits an odorless gas that you cannot see or smell. Your bird can die within minutes upon inhalation of the deadly fumes. Absolutely no teflon should be in the home of a bird owner.

Be Safe. Use cast iron cookware and glass cookware.

There are many more things that can harm our pet birds who have very fragile and tiny lungs. Smoke and burnt food are other poisons to watch out for. Use common sense when thinking about what could be harmful to your precious parrot.. Do some research on that questionable item. Call your avian veterinarian if you are not sure.

It's better to be safe than sorry concerning your precious feathered friend.

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The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an accumulation of excess body fat, to an extent that may impair health. Obesity is one of the most common health conditions, affecting as much as 64% of adult Americans. This percentage is increasing every year.

Are you obese?

Obesity is measured by the body mass index (BMI). BMI is the proportion of one's weight to his height. Overweight individuals have a weight not proportional to their height. People who are more than 100 lbs overweight have an extreme form of the disease called morbid obesity. If left untreated, obesity can cause serious health complications, such as heart ailments, high blood pressure, and diabetes, among others.

Taking action

Because of this, Americans have taken several measures to help them shed the excess pounds. According to reports, Americans collectively spend as much as $56 billion every year on weight loss products like diet pills, programs, and even surgery. Sadly, however, as much as $6 billion of this is spent on fraudulent and ineffective weight loss methods.

Losing weight

Weight loss can either be intentional or unintentional. Unintentional weight loss usually occurs after suffering from a serious disease or after undergoing surgery. But while it does yield fast results, it needs constant monitoring to make sure there are no complications.

Intentional weight loss, on the other hand, is a conscious effort to shed pounds. Diet and exercise are the most common methods used. More Americans are also turning to various products, such as Chinese green tea, for weight loss.

Why tea?

Studies have shown that people have been drinking tea for over 500,000 years ever since it originated in India and China. One of the most popular products today is Chinese green tea, a weight loss product that offers several other health benefits.

What makes Chinese green tea great for weight loss is its composition. Chinese green tea is made from unfermented leaves, which are believed to contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols.
Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals - compounds found in the body that can cause cell death and alter the DNA. Free radicals are naturally found in the body, but environmental toxins like UV rays and radiation, also increase production. Many scientists believe that free radicals contribute to the body's aging process, and to a number of complications like cancer and heart disease. Polyphenols found in Chinese green tea are believed to protect against free radicals.

Benefits of Chinese green tea

Chinese green tea has been used as a stimulant, diuretic (to promote the excretion of urine), astringent (to control bleeding and help heal wounds), and to improve heart health. Chinese green tea weight loss is just one of the many benefits it offers.

Chinese green tea and weight loss

Studies suggest that green tea extracts help boost metabolism and burn fat quicker. Many doctors advise obese patients to include more green tea in their diet. For effective Chinese green tea weight loss, drink at least eight cups a day. As an alternative, you can take Chinese green tea weight loss supplements. Most of them come in 500mg doses and should be taken twice a day.

Is it effective?

Although many studies are claiming that Chinese green tea is great for weight loss, there are also studies claiming otherwise. These studies suggest that drinking Chinese green tea does not help at all, and may even be harmful. So with all the "experts" offering contradicting views, which should you believe? Here are some tips.


Before loading up on boxes of green tea, do your research and look up side effects. Consult your doctor to see whether green tea can be good for you. Studies have shown that people suffering from heart problems, kidney disorders, stomach ulcers, and even psychological disorders (particularly anxiety) should not drink green tea. Common side effects include:

o irritability

o insomnia

o heart palpitation

o dizziness

Too much green tea can also cause caffeine overdose, which can lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and loss of appetite. You have to also be aware of caffeine poisoning.
Before including green tea in your diet, it is best to consult with a doctor first. In the end, the best weight loss methods are still proper diet and regular exercise.

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The Human Swine H1N1 Type A influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) epidemic worldwide and confirmed across the globe. Seems it is not easy to avoid it. Once if you got flu symptoms, how can you know you got affected Swine flu or not?

Symptoms of swine and seasonal flu include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Both symptoms are almost the same. Dr. Ng Hee Liang (M.B., B.S. Singapore) mention that, even the symptoms is similar, you can still identify if affected within 2-3 days.

If you got common flu or seasonal flu, it can be recovered within first 2-3 days. Take Prescription medicine is a common way to cure. You don't need to worry about if there is no more symptoms in 4-5 days.

However, the chance of affect Swine Flu is high if your symptoms get worse over 4 days or last long time (even take prescription medicine). In some cases, after feeling a little better, it show signs of a more serious problem. Some of these signs are a sick-to-your-stomach feeling, vomiting, high fever, shaking, chills, chest pain, or coughing with thick, yellow-green mucus. Some Patients do seem to be reporting diarrhea and vomiting more often with swine flu than is the case for "normal" flu.

In another way, Dr. Bermal of Manila (Philippines) explains that flu viruses commonly circulate in the human and animal environment. Seasonal flu is caused by flu viruses that change to spread in humans; whereas swine flu is caused by those that affect pigs. She notes that the mixing of human and animal flu viruses can lead to the development of new viruses in which the human population has little or no immunity against.

Finally, unless you have access to a virology laboratory, you probably can't distinguish the two viruses in exact way. In practice the two forms are probably indistinguishable.

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There are many different diseases and conditions that can cause canine diarrhea. It isn't a disease unto itself, but simply a symptom of an underlying problem. If left untreated, diarrhea can lead to dehydration and eventually death. Let's take a look at some of the things that can cause it.


Food is one of the main ways that your dog can develop diarrhea. It can occur because of a sudden change in diet or just eating too much table food. The good news is that diarrhea caused by food can usually be resolved within a day. You simply have to allow your dog's digestive system to settle down for a day by withholding food but giving plenty of water.


An infection by roundworms or hookworms can also lead to a bout of canine diarrhea. Roundworms are intestinal parasites that usually infect puppies. In addition to diarrhea, your dog will also have vomiting, poor growth, dull hair, and a pot-belly. If not treated, roundworms can cause an intestinal obstruction, pneumonia, or even death.

Hookworms affect dogs of any age. When fully mature, these parasites attach to the lining of your dog's intestinal tract and feed on blood. They can also infect puppies before they are even born. These parasites cause a range of other symptoms such as weakness, bloody diarrhea, and severe anemia due to their feeding on the blood supply.


One of the next causes of canine diarrhea is parvovirus, a virus that usually affects younger dogs. The virus damages the intestinal lining so your dog's body can't absorb liquids and nutrients. This disease is often fatal. It causes severe dehydration, bloody stool, and bad breath. Adult dogs are rarely affected thanks to vaccination.


Distemper can also lead to diarrhea in dogs. This is an extremely serious disease that is highly contagious. The virus attacks the upper respiratory tract, intestinal tract, and brain. When the intestinal tract is affect, your dog will experience vomiting, dark diarrhea, coughing, and green discharge from the nose. The brain is affected in the final stages which leads to seizures. In the rare case where the dog survives, he will be prone to various nervous system disorders such as seizures.


Giardia is also an intestinal parasite that can cause diarrhea. Dogs can be infected with this parasite through contaminated water, food, or soil. Giardia can also be transmitted via direct contact. Many dogs that are infected won't show any symptoms. However, the main symptom if diarrhea which can range from mild to severe.

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