目前分類:green diarrhea (537)

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Cancer, one of the deadliest diseases in the world, is one of the most frightening too. Since the number of cancer patients all over the world is constantly increasing, scientists in the medical field are sparing no expenses in looking for a cure, specifically looking at the connection between the Green Lipped Mussel and Breast Cancer.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers right now and the number of sufferers continues to go up. Since there are few choices on cancer treatment, every little help that these people can get are valued. That is why scientists are studying the link between green lipped mussel and breast cancer.

Recently, there have been positive studies linking the beneficial relationship between green lipped mussel and breast cancer. At first, you may think this is somewhat impossible, but it is true. This kind of mussel is said to boost cancer survival rate. This is because it contains high amounts of antioxidants that can reduce the free radicals in the human body that can cause damage to our genetic structure or in other words, can cause cancer. This kind of mussel is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that hinder the appearance of cancer cells.

The mussel contains lypo-oxygenase enzymes, which are great in inhibiting breast cancer. In addition, the good thing about the mussel is that it is not painful for the patients who take it. It also does not create harsh side effects unlike other medications and treatments.

The mussel extract is very effective in preventing cancer but it is also not bad at treating the cancer as well. It is a great antioxidant, which can help the body remove bad toxins that can later become damaging to your health.

The best way to acquire all the great benefits from the mussel is to take it as fresh as possible. There are also good manufactured supplements of this mussel that you can find in the market.

Arthritis sufferers have used the green lipped mussel supplement for some time now and the mussel sure does deliver. This natural product is very good for people who prefer not to take pharmaceuticals, which can lead to all sorts of unwanted side effects.

The link between the green lipped mussel and breast cancer has still yet to be proven but if you are planning to try this supplement, make sure you ask a professional's advice first to avoid any adverse side effects. The known side effects of these products are abdominal pains, diarrhea and gout that can last up to three days.

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Soluble fiber represents one half the team known commonly as fiber. Together with insoluble dietary fiber, it has many important functions. We'll cover some of the benefits of soluble dietary fiber in this article, how it works in our body, the importance of good bowel bacteria in relation to it, and some surprising sources of insoluble fiber.

Fiber has been studied well enough in relation to disease prevention that the FDA has approved health claims about its' benefits for heart disease prevention. Foods or products that naturally have 0.6g of soluble fiber per amount referenced qualify for this claim. This highlights how crucial soluble fiber is in relation to insoluble.

Other benefits of soluble fiber are that it may help lower blood cholesterol levels, assist those with non-insulin dependent diabetes, as well as people with inflammatory bowel disorders (such as colitis), or diarrhea, and constipation. Whilst it may seem contradictory that one thing can help with the opposite problems of constipation and diarrhea, soluble fiber does this by acting as a regulatory mechanism. It forms a gel in the body, including the colon, and when a person has diarrhea the gel adds bulk and slows the transit time. When a person has constipation, the more liquid nature of the gel makes the hardened stools softer, provided enough fluid is drunk.

Soluble fiber has an interesting characteristic in that it is fermented in the colon. This occurs through the activities of the beneficial bacteria that naturally exist there. Problems can potentially arise if the population of beneficial bacteria is depleted. These bacteria produce gas and short chain fatty acids from soluble fiber, and it is the short chain fatty acids that provide some of these considerable benefits. Fortunately, soluble fiber helps increase the population of good bacteria in the bowel.

The short chain fatty acids are the reason soluble fiber is helpful in stabilizing blood glucose levels. They also reduce levels of the 'bad' cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, both implicated in heart disease. And they provide additional benefits by lowering the rate of cholesterol synthesis by the liver.

Most people do not consume enough dietary fiber - either soluble or insoluble. And whilst legumes, grains, fruit and vegetables are well known sources of fiber, scientists are turning up some surprising sources. Recent research revealed that a cup or coffee is a source of soluble fiber, despite previously being believed to have none. It contains 0.47 to 0.75 grams of soluble fiber per 100ml, so there are richer sources. However, the results are very interesting, especially when you consider that most people drink a cup with at least 200ml, or more likely in the range of 250ml, per drink. At 250 ml, that puts a cup of coffee in the range of 1.16 to 1.88 grams of soluble fiber. Depending on how much coffee you drink in a day, that does add up.

Instant coffee came out a winner as well, as it's a greater source than filter or brewed coffee.

Soluble fiber is important for the maintenance of health, as well as being a credible, natural treatment for those troubled by some forms of diabetes, cholesterol, and bowel problems. Unfortunately, most healthy people don't take enough fiber in their diet, which potentially increases their risk for illness later on. And whilst soluble fiber has many benefits, insoluble fiber is still a critical part of our diet as well. Fortunately, there are many known sources of fiber, and coffee can now be added to that list!

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Thus, the food you are ingesting may be aggravating your already sensitive gut. Although you may be aware of and avoid one or two food products that set off your IBS, you'd be surprised at how many other food can add fuel to the fire.

Discovering what foods you are sensitive too requires the creation of a food diary. Recording each morsel of food you eat and the symptoms you experience after each meal will help you determine what foods trigger an IBS attack. You should create your diary with the help of a professional such as a nutritionist or your health care provider, so that you have effective guidance and results.

Although food sensitivities may vary for each IBS sufferer, the following is a list of foods that are known to trigger IBS symptoms, particularly diarrhea:
- Sugar - natural (I.E. honey) refined (I.E. chocolate) artificial (I.E. sweeteners)

- Carbonated beverages

- Alcohol

- Dairy

- Fried and fatty foods

- Dark meat and poultry skin

- Red meat

- Shortening

- Egg yolks

Foods that are linked to symptoms of gas include:

- Bananas

- Raisins

- Broccoli

- Cabbage family - cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts

- Leeks

- Onion

- Beans

- Garlic

- Nuts

Despite all of the different food products that can lead to symptoms, it has been found that most food sensitivities felt by IBS sufferers are related to:
- Fructose (sugar found in dried fruit and fruit juice)

- Sorbitol (sugar replacement)

- Lactose (milk sugar)

- Wheat bran

Unlike lactose intolerance, which is actually quite a common condition among IBS sufferers, the other food sensitivities listed above cannot be discovered through allergy testing. Thus, a food diary can help detect such sensitivities, so that they can be eliminated from the diet in an effort to improve symptoms.

Furthermore, it is essential your diet contains sufficient fiber. There are two types of fiber: Soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber is harder on the system and moves faster though the digestive tract. Therefore, it is better to ingest soluble fiber instead of insoluble fiber, as soluble fiber is slower moving through the digestive system and can reduce symptoms.

Soluble fiber helps to prevent spasms in the intestinal tract and keeps the colon slightly distended. Fiber also helps you absorb water which can prevent constipation. However, keep in mind that eating a high-fiber diet can increase gas, bloating and diarrhea. Therefore, you should try to keep your diet regulated with fiber. You can find soluble fiber in barley, lima beans, barley, currants, brown rice, oatmeal, oat bran, figs, pasta, prunes, soy, rice, etc.

When it all comes down to it, many people with IBS find that by keeping their diet high in carbohydrates (I.E. vegetables, fruits, rice, pasta, cereal and whole-grain bread, etc.) and low in fat, they have an overall improvement of symptoms. In addition, it was also found that instead of eating three large meals per day, eating several small meals daily helped to reduce symptoms.

Drinking more water can also aid in proper digestion, but you should avoid drinking water with meals as this may cause food to move faster through your system resulting in diarrhea.

Remember, the best way to determine your food sensitivities is to create a food diary. You can get a handle over your IBS symptoms by eliminating "trigger" foods from your diet, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and finding ways to reduce stress.

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The lure of using over the counter weight loss pills for fast weight loss is extremely alluring to many people. The main concern is whether this drug is really safe and effective in losing excess weight. The appeal is tough to pass up when faced amid the fight to lose weight. Hence, to make a practical conclusion is to base the decision on proofs. Here are the realities about over the counter weight loss pills:

Conjugated linoleic (CLA), claims to reduce fat and builds muscle tissue, however it is not likely to decrease entire body weight. It causes diarrhea, indigestion and other gastrointestinal troubles.
Chromium claims to decrease body fat and increase muscles. However, studies showed insufficient evidence to rate effectiveness for Weight loss and long-term effects are unknown.

Country mallow known as heartleaf, Indian Chikana or Silky White Mallow assert to suppress appetite and increase the quantity of calories burned. But research showed that there is no concrete evidence to support this claim.

Bitter orange also known as Seville orange, studies show that "there no evidence that it is safer to use than ephedra." There is no concrete evidence that bitter orange is effective in promoting weight loss. There some reports of deaths that's linked to bitter orange

Ephedra is derived from the plant Ephedra sinica, this drug claims to suppress appetite. Ephedra-containing dietary additives are prohibited in the United States due to its harmful side effects, But still, several variants are still offered on the internet.

Green tea extracts, claims to increase calorie and fat metabolism. When it comes to the optimal over the counter slimming pills, there is limited proof to support this claim.. It contains a great quantity of stimulant or caffeine. Common side effects are vomiting, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea

Guar gum also called Guaran, controls the absorption of dietary fat and increase the sense of fullness, that causes to lowered calorie consumption. It is reasonably safe although unlikely to result in weight loss. Diarrhea, flatulence, and other gastrointestinal problems are the common cause of this drug.FDA recalled this due to reports of esophageal blockage due to insufficient water intake thats leads to death of some users.

Alli, a nonprescription diet drug by GlaxoSmithKline, also known as tetrahydrolipstatin, is given the green light by Food and Drug Administration. This drug avert the absorption of fats from the human diet, thereby decreasing caloric consumption. This diet drug is taken with meals up to three times a day. This is intended for use only with a decreased calorie, low-fat diet, and regular exercise. This diet drugs is known for its gastrointestinal side effects. Alli is available without prescription in the US, Australia and European Union.

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Chances are, it's happened to you - after some time in the bathroom, you glance down, and find something frightening staring back at you! We joke and laugh about bathroom incidents such as these, and most of the time they're entirely laughable matters. Sometimes, though, the causes can be more serious, and of course any lasting changes to one's waste should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

Foods, and the associated digestive processes, are the most common factors of the color of one's poop. Orange stool is usually associated with foods high in vitamin A or beta-carotene. If you find yourself taking antacids, check their contents. Those that contain aluminum hydroxide could be the reason for orange poop. Any orange or yellow artificial colorings could be a factor, as they are frequently quite concentrated and difficult for the body to process completely. Carrots squash, and sweet potatoes are obvious culprits. Even foods that are green but contain high concentrations of vitamin A could be the cause: spinach, turnip or collard greens, kale, cilantro, even fresh thyme.

Sometimes it's not necessarily something you ate, but a temporary or chronic health issue that's the cause. Orange poop could be caused by insufficient exposure to bile salt. If one's stool passes through the digestive tract too quickly, there is not enough time for the exposure of bile and bacteria, and it comes out orange. Common causes of this include diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and short bowel syndrome. Diarrhea can be be due to changes in diet, stress, food poisoning and bacterial infections, viruses, among many other factors. Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by discomfort, bloating, changes in bowel habits, and chronic abdominal pain. Short bowel syndrome is a disorder that usually follows after a significant portion of the small intestine has been removed surgically. As the physical length has been shortened, stool has a quicker delivery time, and thus may have insufficient exposure to bile salts, coming out orange.

Another serious cause of orange poop could be a diseased or obstructed liver. Normally, bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Some liver ailments reduce bile production, resulting in orange stool. In some cases, bile glands can become blocked partially or severely, affecting the digestive process.

Orange poop is not a cause for immediate alarm, though nevertheless, should be monitored and reported to a healthcare professional if it becomes a common issue. Talk to your doctor, eat healthy, and live happily!

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There are different ways and techniques in losing weight. One of the most effective yet most controversial ways is using laxatives to lose weight. Laxatives are food compounds and substances specifically made to induce or loosen bowel movements and stool. It may come in suppository or oral form. Laxatives before were mainly used for treating constipation, but now laxatives are also used as a dieting method.

According to takers and users, laxatives are very effective in weight loss dieting. However, like any other dieting methods, using laxatives has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laxatives are known for their fast weight loss effect. It is said that they can wash out extra fats on the body through manipulating bowel movements and curing constipation. There are also natural alternatives for laxatives which make them very convenient and affordable compared to other diet pills available in the market.

Common symptoms include irregular bowel movements and diarrhea. Since you will be withdrawing a lot of water throughout the process, there's a danger of dehydration. Chronic diarrhea, a state where an individual lose control of his or her rectum, and nausea have been observed in some diet cases involving the use of laxatives. Some studies say that laxatives only withdraw the water weight from the body and not the unnecessary fats that cause excessive weight. Water weight can be restored in 24 hours, so generally it is believed that laxatives do not help in losing weight at all. Severe abdominal pain, bloating and electrolyte disturbances are also observed as side effects of using laxatives.

Hoping to lose weight is not bad; in fact, society today is offering different techniques and methods in losing weight. Each has its own advantage and disadvantages. Using laxatives may be useful. One diet technique may be effective on one individual and useless on another. Using this kind of method to lose weight may be controversial, and takers should use this at their own risk. If you want to use this method to lose weight, you are advised to consult professional advice first.

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It is advisable to have 2-3 bowel movements daily. Mostly pooping varies from person to person. Different people have different eating habits and lifestyle, which reflects in their poop. In order to maintain a healthy bowel movement, you should maintain a good lifestyle. Mostly people suffer from irregular pooping because of excess intake of junk food, depression, stress, lack of sleep, alcohol etc. There are various colors of poops seen and every color signifies something.

Tips For Self Diagnosis Of Excessive Pooping.

* Green stool: There are various causes, which are responsible for the formation of green poop. Salmonella and Giardia are caused due to diarrhea, which causes green stools. Sometimes due to intestinal disorders, gastroenteritis and certain foods causes green stools. Consuming natural laxatives can easily treat it. One should include lots of high fibrous foods such as fruits and vegetables in his or her diet to flush out toxins.

* Dark stool: These types of stools are formed due to several reasons. It can be blood in stool, which is caused by internal bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding, rectal bleeding or stomach bleeding.

* Black stool: This type of stool is formed due to peptic ulcer, diverticular disease, colon cancer etc. Certain foods such as iron supplements, beets, licorice and pepto bismol also stimulates darkening of stool.

In order to encourage proper bowel movement we should combine a healthy diet, workouts and rest. Cardio workouts such as running and walking should be performed daily for boosting metabolism in your body.

Your diet should contain nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables. You should completely avoid red meats and other processed products. One should sleep at least 8 hours daily. Colon cleansing is the most effective way for maintaining your bowel movement. You can easily perform enema or juice fasting from the comfort and privacy of your home, which will not only clean up your colon and prevent constipation but also inspire weight loss in your body. This cleansing process also protects your body from various deadly disorders such as colon cancer and gastrointestinal bleeding.

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Many doctors who specialize in digestive disorders will tell you that 25 to 50 percent of all digestive problems can be prevented or made less severe by a good diet, exercise, natural medicines, and lifestyle changes. Here is a list of foods that have good nutritional value and help your digestive system to work better.

1. Yogurt - Yogurt contains lactobacteria, intestines-friendly bacterial cultures that keeps your colon healthy, and even lower the risk of colon cancer. Also, yogurt is a good source of calcium - a mineral that boosts colon health and decreases the risk of colon cancer.

2. Rice - Unrefined or brown rice is packed with fiber, easy on your gut and is a natural remedy for diarrhea, nausea, or sour stomach. Rice is even safe for your pets to use as cure for diarrhea. Drinking the water the rice was boiled is also good for curing diarrhea.

3. Tofu - Tofu is high in protein and vitamins and is thought to have a number of anticarcinogenic (prevent cancer) nutrients. Tofu really doesn't have a flavor of its own so it can be mixed in a variety of dishes and is easily digested.

4. Bitter greens - Bitter greens are bitter tasting green vegetables. Most people are probably most familiar with radicchio, arugula and collard greens. When we taste the bitter taste, it causes our digestive juices to increase and our body's ability to break down food is increased.

5. Sunflower seeds - Sunflower seeds have protein, as well as phosphorus, potassium, and omega-6 fatty acids. To get the maximum benefit purchase them from natural food stores where they are more likely to be fresh.

6. Pineapple -. Pineapple contains an ingredient called brome lain, which helps to break down proteins and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its nutrients include calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. In addition it is low in fat and cholesterol.

7. Miso - Miso, usually found in Asian markets, includes powerful digestive agents such as lactic acid bacteria, fermentation molds, and enzymes, its action in the bowels also helps break down foods quickly and easily. Miso soup is frequently on the menu at Japanese restaurants and you can find prepared mixes at some grocery stores.

8. Flaxseed oil - Flaxseeds and flaxseed oil strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure and stabilize cholesterol. Flaxseed oil helps lubricate the intestines and increases the ease of bowel movements. You can sprinkle it on your cereal; take it in oil form or capsule.

9. Olive Oil - You usually hear about olive oil in terms of its healthy fats that support heart health. Olive also assists in digestion..Because olive oil is a monounsaturated fat it is easy to digest and it helps the body absorb the nutrients in food and digest other fats more easily.

10. Papaya - Papaya extract is sold at health-food stores as a digestive enzyme in the form of chewable tablets. If you often have a bloated or queasy feeling after eating a large meal eating some papaya or chewing a papaya enzyme tablet will relieve that feeling..

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My eight-year-old son has had persistent diarrhoea for the past 16 months and soils himself day and night. He has been prescribed lactulose and Senokot solutions and his consultant recently upped the dosage considerably. After a few days, he began to pass extremely large soft motions (he never got to the lavatory in time). He is a fussy eater but what he does eat is relatively OK - cereal, fruit, bread -although he will only eat one vegetable. He also has plenty of fruit juice, milk and sometimes water. It has been suggested that his diarrhoea was triggered by the death of a grandparent. Do you think it was right to increase his medication?


From what you say, it sounds as if the wrong medicines have been given to your son - unless there is something else going on that you are not aware of. Both Lactulose and Senokot are laxatives, meaning that they are drugs used to treat constipation and not Diarrhoea. I am not surprised that the poor child is soiling his clothes. Under such conditions, increasing the doses of these medicines is absolutely the wrong thing to do. My advice is that you should stop these medicines immediately.

Chronic diarrhoea will cause malabsorption of nutrients. The food matter does not stay long enough in the intestines to be properly digested. In a child, constant diarrhoea can be a major problem because it prevents the absorption of proteins, vitamins and minerals, which the child needs to grow. The action of the laxatives is likely to exacerbate this. For instance, calcium, magnesium and other minerals are absorbed in the colon, which is where the laxatives and purgatives are most active.

Laxatives contain mainly fibres (eg, senna, spinach, psyllium husks) or seeds (figs) which are indigestible and prevent the binding of stools. Purgatives, which are based on castor oil, chillis, magnesium salts, etc, are bowel irritants and cause excess fluid discharge from the gut walls, also causing the stools to be unnaturally soft and runny. Additionally, food poisoning, bacterial dysentery and intolerance to foods cause a similar reaction. The body tries to expel the pathogens (agents which cause disease) by discharging large quantities of fluid and mucus. This results in diarrhoea.

It is possible that stress due to the death of a loved relative could have triggered the initial condition, but you may never know. In chronic diarrhoea, my approach is to eliminate the physical causes, slow the bowel movement, help in stool binding and improve absorption of nutrients.

Here are my suggestions:

* Give your child a non-fibre diet to slow down the movement of the intestines and help stool formation. Restrict food to: potatoes, carrots, turnips, swede mashed with olive oil or a little butter, mushy peas, pasta with olive oil, minced red meat, chicken or turkey with garlic, ginger and salt, well cooked rice, oatmeal porridge, hard or soft boiled eggs, cottage cheese, live natural yoghurt kiwi fruit, peeled apples and plums, honey. Avoid green vegetables, roughage of any kind, spices and anything else that irritates the bowels.

* After two months, when the exclusion diet above has settled the bowels and the stools are better formed, gradually add other fruit such as bananas, pears and nectarines. and raw vegetables such as broccoli, courgettes, cabbage, asparagus and cauliflower. Always remove stalks as these contain the most roughage.

* Give him Multivitamins: eight drops daily for two months.

* Make sure he drinks plenty of still water - at least six glasses daily.

* Introduce exercise such as swimming, walking and ball games. The more exercise, the better the absorption of food because the body needs the nutrients.

* Pomegranate juice is good for binding stools. If you can find the juice, give him a quarter of a cupful twice daily for 15 days. Or buy a fresh pomegranate and boil a quarter of the peel in four cups of water for 15 minutes. Let it cool for an hour. One cup should be drunk twice daily for ten days.

* Massage his abdomen gently, clockwise, with a little sweet almond or sesame oil for two minutes at bedtime, for two weeks.

* If the diarrhoea persists for more than a month despite taking the above measures, you must take your child to see a different physician to investigate the causes. Talk to your GP about finding someone who is sympathetic to complementary medicine.

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A diet of f fresh fruits and vegetables can boost a person's energy levels and their disposition. Unlike processed foods, fruits and vegetables, especially if they're organic, contain no fillers or preservatives and are full of nutrients.

High in Fiber

Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, which is protective against diseases like cardiovascular illneses and breast and colon cancers. More, fiber helps with gastrointestinal woes including ulcers and gallstones. Fiber is the part of plants that the human body doesn't break down, so it passes through the system more or less intact. Fiber can be soluble or insoluble. Many vegetables contain both types.

Insoluble fibers like cellulose are important in protecting against colon cancer and also delay the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, which is important for people suffering from diabetes. Insoluble fiber acts like a sponge and adds bulk to the stool while it absorbs toxins. Insoluble fibers are usually found on the skin of fruits.

Soluble fibers help lower blood cholesterol and also slow the rate of glucose getting into the bloodstream. These types of fibers are found in vegetables and fruits.

Both types of fiber promote the health of the gastrointestinal system. When the gastrointestinal system isn't working well, either because of diarrhea, constipation, gas or bloating, a person can't feel right, either mentally or physically. A healthy and well functioning gastrointestinal track leads to people feeling energetic and mentally sharp. Vegetables that are high in fiber include Brussels sprouts, peas, carrots, broccoli, green beans, beets, iceberg lettuce, corn and celery. Fruits that are high in fiber include fresh strawberries, dried dates, oranges, apples, pineapples, bananas, prunes, cantaloupes and grapes.

Low In Fat

Most fruits and vegetables are low in fat and have no cholesterol, which is a product of the liver. Too much fat and cholesterol in the diet form a waxy substance that circulates around the bloodstream till some kind of damage to an artery causes it to stick to its walls. This causes the artery to narrow and sometimes to harden, which is a condition called atherosclerosis. This leads to high blood pressure.


Many vegetables are surprisingly high in calcium, which strengthens bones and teeth and lowers blood pressure as well as the risk of colon cancer. But when it comes to raising energy levels nothing works like magnesium and potassium, two minerals that combat fatigue. Low levels of magnesium cause depression, irritability and confusion. People with chronic fatigue syndrome claimed to have felt better after receiving weekly shots of magnesium for about six weeks, which caused physicians to believe that chronic fatigue syndrome might be at least partially caused by a magnesium deficiency. Green, leafy vegetables like kale are full of magnesium.

Potassium can also help prevent heart disease and stroke and can lower blood pressure. People who are low in potassium retain more sodium, which can contribute to high blood pressure and actually lose calcium. Because fruits and vegetables are high in potassium, some researches claim that an extra serving of fruits and vegetables can lower a person's risk of stroke by about 40 percent.

It's clear that a diet full of fruits and vegetables can help a person feel full of energy and vibrant.

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Bird flu is a disease caused by a specific type of avian (bird) influenza virus, the so-called H5N1 virus. This virus was first discovered in birds in China in 1997, and since then has infected 125 people in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia, killing 64 of them. It is spread by infected migratory birds (including wild ducks and geese) to domestic poultry (primarily chickens, ducks, and turkeys), and then to humans.

Some infected people have developed abnormal clotting profiles resulting in excessive bleeding—which was a frequent clinical symptom in the deadly so-called Spanish influenza of 1918-19, which killed more than 100 million people worldwide. Indeed, bird flu shares a number of disturbing characteristics with the 1918-19 influenza virus. These two viruses have, in fact, recently been shown to be similar genetically. And in a recent laboratory experiment with mice, the 1918-19 virus was found to produce 39,000 times more viruses four days after infection than the regular seasonal human flu strain. The 1918-19 virus killed 100 percent of the mice that were infected with it, compared to none of the mice infected with the regular flu strain. With a current “case fatality rate,” or death rate of approximately 50 percent in humans, bird flu is obviously also a very deadly disease.

There are only a few reports in the medical literature describing the clinical features of bird flu in humans. The clinical spectrum of H5N1 infection ranges from asymptomatic infection—where the person doesn’t even know he or she is infected—to fatal pneumonia and multiple organ failure. Some infected individuals develop liver or kidney dysfunction, and there were two children who died from the virus that came to medical attention because of diarrhea and seizures related to encephalitis (infection of the brain). However, the most common presentation is one of fever, cough, and trouble breathing. Approximately 70 percent of patients also have diarrhea, and a few patients have had only gastrointestinal symptoms (such as stomach ache, vomiting, and diarrhea) and no breathing problems.

Deaths have generally been in normally healthy people. The first report in the medical literature of deaths from bird flu was on 12 patients living in Hong Kong. Their median age was nine years, with a range of one to 60 years. All presented with fever, and eight had symptoms or signs of upper-respiratory infections (five had clinical and X-ray evidence of pneumonia when first diagnosed). Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, including stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, were present in eight patients. There were a total of five deaths (one died with Reye’s syndrome, which is associated with taking aspirin in children).

In a study of 10 patients in Vietnam with laboratory-confirmed avian influenza (H5N1), the mean age of the patients was 13.7 years. For eight of the patients, there was a clear history of either direct handling of poultry (chickens or ducks) or exposure to sick poultry in the week before the onset of illness. All presented in January 2004 with cough, shortness of breath, and fever, and seven had diarrhea; none had myalgia (muscle aches)—which is often found in the regular seasonal flu. Notably, oseltamivir (Tamiflu) was administered to five patients, four of whom died (treatment was probably started too late for the medication to be effective—it must be given within 48 hours after onset of symptoms to be effective). In total, eight of the patients died, for an 80 percent case fatality rate or death rate.

As is apparent from the descriptions above, the presenting symptoms of individuals with bird flu are very similar to the symptoms of the normal seasonal flu. Infections caused by either the bird-flu virus (H5N1) or the seasonal influenza virus can be completely asymptomatic—that is, cause no symptoms at all. Fever, cough, malaise (feeling ill), and gastrointestinal symptoms are common to both infections. Excessive bleeding occurs only with bird flu, but currently this symptom doesn’t appear to be common. Difficulty breathing is more common with severe cases of bird flu, not seasonal flu. Runny nose and sneezing are found only with colds (or allergies).

The cough in either type of infection is what is referred to in medicine as “nonproductive”—meaning there is no sputum brought up when coughing, or if any sputum is brought up, it is white in color. This type of cough is characteristic of upper respiratory viral infections. As either type of infection progresses or worsens, tissues may be damaged, disrupting the normal structure and function of the infected cells. This in turn may allow bacteria to grow and also cause damage. When this happens following a viral infection, it is referred to as a “secondary” bacterial infection. When this occurs, the color of the sputum characteristically turns yellow or green. If this happens, antibiotics are indicated to treat the bacterial infection. (Antibiotics are not indicated in the treatment of viral infections, because they don’t work.)

It is safe to assume that during a bird-flu pandemic, most individuals who become infected with the bird-flu virus will either be asymptomatic—having no symptoms—or their illness will not be severe enough to require hospitalization. The small percentage who do become seriously ill will have to be hospitalized, and treated with either of the two antiviral agents available, oseltamivir (Tamiflu) or zanamivir (Relenza). A smaller subset of that group will develop life-threatening complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which requires treatment with a mechanical ventilator, a respirator.

Some individuals may develop other serious complications such as liver failure, kidney failure, neurological problems—such as seizures, paralysis, psychiatric problems such as delirium or psychosis, or bleeding problems. However, it is reasonable to predict that most people infected with the virus will not die and will not have significant residual symptoms, although a small percentage will.

Bradford Frank, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.

The Frank Group

P.O. Box 138

Lakewood, NY 14750


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The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, said, "Death begins in the colon." Ayurvedic medicine from India, the most ancient and complete system of natural healthcare, states that all chronic health conditions arise from the intestines, and a tenet in Traditional Chinese Medicine says that the heart is the 'supreme emperor' and the intestines are the 'prime minister.' This gives you an idea of the importance of a well- balanced gastrointestinal tract.

Dysbiosis refers to any imbalance of the micro-organisms inhabiting the lining of your intestines. A healthy GI tract should ideally have at least 85% friendly lactobacteria (like the kind one gets from yogurt) and no more than 15% unfriendly or toxic coliform bacteria, yeast and fungus. But typically in our Western society the balance is the opposite!

The good bacteria should keep the harmful organisms suppressed and in low numbers. But sugary diets and the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, birth control pills, steroidal drugs and even the chlorine in tap water, disturbs the good bacteria and encourages the bad organisms, especially yeast (fungus) to overgrow. This is how vaginal yeast infections occur following courses of antibiotics.

The same thing happens much more commonly in our intestines and is referred to as 'candidiasis' or candida yeast infection. As the yeast multiply they send rootlets into the intestinal wall, release toxins, and create 'leaky gut syndrome'. This condition permits organisms and toxins to enter the blood stream and deeper tissues where widespread damage can occur.

Because dysbiosis usually goes undiagnosed for a long time and so many organs and tissues can be affected, a wide array of conditions and symptoms can result. The list of symptoms are as diverse as nervous and mental disorders or food and chemical sensitivities. Below is a list of symptoms and conditions that can be caused by dysbiosis:

Gastrointestinal: heartburn, gas and bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease,colitis, diarrhea, constipation.

Genitourinary: bladder, urinary tract and kidney infections, yeast vaginitis, menstrual irregularities, infertility, endometriosis, PMS.

Nervous system: memory loss, inability to concentrate (brain fog), irritability, depression, lethargy, chronic fatigue, loss of libido, numbness and tingling, twitches, headaches, hyperactivity, learning problems, autism.

General: mitral valve prolapse, allergy symptoms, asthma, sinusitis, earaches and ear infections, psoriasis, cold hands and feet, joint pain/stiffness, increased body hair, food cravings, food and chemical sensitivities/intolerances, overeating.

There have even been cases of patients thought to be suffering from lupus, schizophrenia, myasthenia gravis, anorexia nervosa and multiple sclerosis who recovered following treatment for dysbiosis.

The cleanse is intended to clear dysbiosis and restore the normal healthy balance of organisms in your intestines. It is sometimes necessary to take acidophilus and other 'probiotics' to re-inoculate the intestines, but it is far more important to skillfully kill off the offending organisms. The muscle-testing allows us to select the right supplements for each individual for this purpose, pinpointing their needs and ensuring accuracy.

Proper diet can prevent and in some cases cure many health problems. In the case of dysbiosis, it is absolutely essential. This specific diet removes the foods that encourage yeast and fungus growth and mucous production. It requires some commitment since it is not an easy one. It also requires some sacrifice.

You may even say, "What's left to eat?" or "I'd rather just suffer than give up so much!" But take heart. This diet is temporary. Although some people will need to avoid foods forever that give them bad reactions, most people will be able to eat the forbidden foods again, once they have completed the program. Occasionally people experience a 'die-off reaction' during the cleanse as the offending organisms release their toxins.

The symptoms may include headache, rash, flu symptoms or fatigue. They are usually mild if they occur and only last a day or two and happen only in a minority of cases. Check in with me if you need to. Occasionally you can develop full-blown sinusitis and allergies during the cleanse. This is due to your immune system taking a slight dip initially and simultaneously catching a wave of pollens or flu bugs passing through the area. This is very uncommon but I feel the warning is healthy.

The average length of time for the cleanse is 3 weeks, but it may take longer. I will need to see you for a follow up appointment at 2 weeks, and then again before you are released from the cleanse diet. There are many common foods you will need to avoid during the cleanse. After the program, you will be able to reintroduce them one-by-one into your diet and see how each one affects you. The guidelines are on the next page.


Take your supplements religiously and strictly avoid the following foods until I check you to ensure the candida is safely cleared from your system:

AVOID: Sugar and all sweeteners: cookies, candy, chocolate, pastries, ice cream, soda, etc.; honey, molasses, real or artificial maple syrup, agave nectar, corn syrup, rice syrup, fructose, dextrose, maltose, xylitol, etc., fruit (except for green Granny Smith apples), fruit juice, dried fruit, etc.

Many foods have corn syrup, and drinks such as soy and rice milk usually have rice syrup or cane juice, a few (the 'unsweetened' ones) don't. Note: When reading food labels, ignore the section that indicates "grams of sugar". Only be concerned with the list of food ingredients when looking for sugar and sweeteners.

Milk products: milk, yoghurt and cheeses, especially aged cheeses like cheddar, Swiss, parmesan, blue, etc. Occasionally we allow butter and soft cheeses like cottage, farmers, feta, mozzarella and jack.

Bread products: bread, buns, bagels, crackers, etc.; Any baked goods containing yeast, and any sourdough or sprouted grain products.

Fermented products: beer, wine, liquor, vinegar (salad dressings, ketchup, pickles, olives, relish,etc.), tamari, soy sauce, miso, tempeh, natto, sauerkraut, sourkraut, kambucha.

Miscellaneous: coffee, black tea, Worcestershire or A-1 sauce, mushrooms, packaged foods with lots of unfamiliar ingredients, monosodium glutamate (MSG-ask the owners of your Chinese restaurant if they use it), processed and smoked meats, french fries (they are often dipped in sugar), artificial colorings, flavorings and sweeteners (aspartame, Splenda, etc.), margarine. Avoid nuts and corn if you have multiple food sensitivities.

Any foods you tested allergic too:_____________________________________

ALLOWED: You may freely eat vegetables, chicken, fish, beef, seafood, eggs, beans and lentils, tortillas, and healthy oils (olive, flax, coconut, etc). Keep moderate on starchy foods. You may have rice (preferably brown

rice), whole wheat pasta, potatoes (preferably sweet potatoes, yams and red skinned), oatmeal and hot cereals (unsweetened) and alternative grains like quinoa, amaranth and millet. For salad dressing you may use olive oil and a squeeze of lemon.

For soy sauce you may use Bragg's Liquid Amino's from the health food store because it's non-fermented. For tomato sauce, make sure it has no sugar. For sweetener you may use Stevia. Generally

found in liquid droppers in the health food store; it is an herbal extract 300X sweeter than sugar (but does not feed yeast), so you only need a drop or two in tea for example.


Breakfast: Eggs, oatmeal or whole-grain hot cereal with green apple cubes, cinnamon and stevia, rice cakes, almond butter, meats, veggies...

Lunch and Dinner: Brown rice, whole wheat pasta, chicken, fish, potatoes, beans, veggies, salad, avocado, rice noodles...

Snacks: green apples, almond butter, celery, carrots, rice cakes, hard-boiled eggs,

IMPORTANT!: After 3 to 4 weeks on the cleanse you come in for re-testing. If you test negative for yeast and your symptoms are gone it means their population is now below the threshold level.

But you MUST come in for the re-evaluation or it could all end up being for naught. If you had food sensitivities, they may be gone or it may take some time to change your body's response to those foods.

Live Well Holistic Health Center | 16 East Lancaster Ave. | Plaza 16 Building | Suite 104 | Ardmore, PA | (610) 896-1554 The Best in Gentle Chiropractic, Natural Medicine Mainline PA, Alternative Curs, and Montgomery County, Delaware County and beyond, just outside of Philadelphia, PA

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Treating Diabetes by Juicing can be as simple as extracting the fresh juice from raw fruit and vegetables. People with diabetes mellitus cannot properly process glucose, a sugar the body uses for energy. As a result, glucose stays in the blood, causing blood glucose levels to rise.


Daily Juicing of vegetables and fruits can be used in any combination of the following: ginger, garlic, celery, pumpkin, cabbage, asparagus, parsley, spinach, leeks, spinach, beets and carrots. Juicing fresh green vegetables such as brussel sprouts and string beans is a wonderful health benefit as both are good sources of natural insulin. Nutrients such as silicon works to support
the pancreas and are found in alfalfa, olives, asparagus, lettuce, mustard greens, radishes, cabbage and cucumbers. Use fruit combinations sparingly due to their high sugar content. Sweet juices such as carrot, beet, grape, apple or pear juice should be half diluted with water or mixed with other juices such as celery.

Make only as much juice as needed for immediate use. In storage including refrigeration, raw juices oxidize rapidly and lose their medicinal value in as little as 10 minutes.

Bitter Melon juice has been used to treat diabetes mellitus (according to the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians). The plant contains at least three known compounds that can lower the body's blood sugar level. Recommended serving per day is 2 ounces of fresh bitter melon juice.

Mangosteen juice used as a supplement under medical supervision may decrease blood sugar levels and benefit those with type 2 diabetes. Recommended dose per day is 1 ounce or 30ml of Mangosteen juice to be taken before a meal.


Grapefruit juice interacts badly with certain prescription drugs. Please check with your physician.
Diabetics who are taking the following medication should not use bitter melon juice: chlorpropamine, glyburide, phenformin, or insulin. This can increase the effects of these drugs and lead to severe hypoglycemia. Diabetics should consult their medical professional before taking this juice.


If you have complications in pregnancy such as gestational diabetes or blood pressure problems please check the use of mangosteen juice with your physician.
Always take fruit juices with food.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting fruit juice for children under 6 years of age to four to six ounces a day.

Bitter melon is an abortifacient, so women who are pregnant or nursing should not take it. Do not give this melon to small children and infants due to its hypoglycemic effects. Bitter melon is also an emmenagogue, which means that it encourages or increases menstrual flow in women.


Due to high sugar content, diabetes may be aggravated by excessive intake of sweet juices such as carrots and most fruits.
Excessive intake of tomato and citrus juices could upset the body's natural acid (pH) balance as they are highly acidic.


According to the American Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine: If too much bitter melon juice is taken; it can cause mild abdominal pain or diarrhea.

Multiple servings of Mangosteen juice tend to raise blood sugar initially even with as little as 15ml. This has been observed more often in people of Asian descent who are not obese.


Two preliminary trials found that aloe vera juice (containing 80% aloe gel) helps lower blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes.

August 29, 2006 -- Drinking pomegranate juice may help people with diabetes reduce their risk of heart disease. In the small study, published in the journal Atherosclerosis, researchers examined the effects: of drinking a concentrated form of pomegranate juice. Michael Aviram, researcher of the Techion Faculty of Medicine in Haifa, Israel, says:

"Patients with type 2 diabetes (who were not dependent on insulin therapy) were tested. Blood sugar levels were not affected which suggests that the antioxidants found in pomegranate juice may be especially beneficial in reducing heart-related risks associated with diabetes."

The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians in Seattle has a referral database of naturopathic physicians: who practice juice treatments throughout the United States.
Daily juicing of primarily organic vegetables and fruits is a beneficial part of any long term program to treat diabetes. Juicing provides a highly effective and efficient way for the body to be able to absorb essential nutrients into the blood and cells. Drinking juice is one of the best and quickest ways for the body to utilize these nutrients within minutes instead of hours.

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The most important thing to remember about feeding is that they cannot digest excess protein. So the food you choose has to be low on proteins and high on carbohydrates. A proper diet for your goldfish will be varied and will follow proper procedures and will be in right quantities.

All species require different diets and it is imperative for you to know the correct diet of the specie you are feeding. Goldfish do not thrive well on carnivorous diet and become dull colored and sluggish if fed a carnivorous diet. You can make the goldfish diet healthier by supplementing it with shelled and deskinned peas and blanched green leafy vegetables. Again, be careful about the quantity.

Feeding the fish only one type of food can cause constipation, diarrhea and even diseases since over time the fish's resistance is lowered owing to poor nutrition. You should give your goldfish a variety in food. For instance, add lettuce and brine shrimp to the flakes. With variety your goldfish will become more active and colorful.

Did you know that can actually eat till they burst? Yes! The intestines of goldfish may actually burst, killing the fish due to overfeeding. Goldfish do not stop eating on their own, therefore you have to caliberate their diet. As a general rule, feed your fish only twice a day and only as much as they can consume in 3-4 minutes.

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A green smoothie is simply a fruit smoothie with green vegetables mixed with it. Ideally, a green smoothie contains about 40% greens to about 60% fruits. Adding more greens can cause your detox symptoms to be more severe, so it is not usually recommended. Some of the best greens to use are kale, collards, romaine lettuce, parsley, and spinach, though other green, leafy vegetables may be used. Depending on how big your serving is, drinking green smoothies can provide up to eight servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Since green smoothies provide so many vitamins and nutrients, there are many benefits to drinking them. People who drink them report weight loss, clearer skin, and increased energy levels, among other things. Perhaps the greatest benefit that they provide is the ability to rid our bodies of toxins. When used for detox, there are several different plans that can be followed for different periods of time. The most effective plan consists of consuming only green smoothies, organic fruits and vegetables, and drinking water.

Detoxing with high-nutrient green smoothies is very natural and effective. Because these smoothies contain high levels of protein, enzymes, and fiber, they are extremely healthy. Of course, since they remove the toxins from your body, side effects should be expected. Some of the side effects of detoxing include fatigue, aching, flu symptoms (sore throat, body aches), changes in bowel movements (diarrhea, constipation), acne breakouts or rashes, and an increase in cravings. These side effects do not last long and should be looked at in a positive way. When you notice any of these side effects while drinking green smoothies, you know that they are doing their job. It may take up to a week for the side effects to go away, but when they do, you will notice an increase in energy, healthier skin and hair, a more regular digestive system, and many other great things.

When detoxing with high-nutrient green smoothies, you should choose fruits that you enjoy eating, since they will be the primary flavor of the smoothie. Although greens are added, you do not really taste them, which is a plus for people who do not enjoy the flavor of them. You should use fruits and greens that are organic because they will be free from pesticides and also provide more nutrients. Also, using a high-speed blender is a great idea because it breaks the cell walls of the fruits and vegetables, making absorption of the nutrients much easier.

All that you will need to create your own green smoothie is fruit, greens, water, and a blender. Some of the most popular fruits are apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, peaches, mangoes and pears. Some people opt to add some avocado to increase the thickness of their smoothies, but bananas will have a similar effect. Dates and other nuts can also be used in small amounts to enhance the flavor. Below is a basic recipe that makes two quarts of green smoothie:

1 cup of kale
1 whole mango
1 cup water

Simply put the ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.

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Most people aren't familiar with psyllium, though most have probably had some before in the form of Metamucil or other over-the-counter digestive aids. Psyllium contains a large amount of a soluble fiber known as mucilage. Mucilage absorbs water which adds bulk to the fiber in the digestive system. It also is soothing to membranes in the system, reducing inflammation. It is a healthy, cheap and easy solution for constipation, diarrhea, diverticulitis, hemorrhoids, inflammatory bowel disease, weight control and, because of the soluble fiber content, it can help lower cholesterol. If you like drinking it, Metamucil and other preparations are fine. I prefer a couple of capsules with a big glass of water.

For Constipation Psyllium adds bulk and moisture to the stool along with having a soothing effect on the walls of the colon. Commission E, the German equivalent of our FDA, highly recommends psyllium for treatment of constipation. A few capsules with water can often take care of constipation quickly without the use of harsh laxatives. Be sure to drink plenty of water for the best effect.

For Diarrhea Because psyllium absorbs water in the digestive system and adds bulk to stool, it is also useful for treating common diarrhea. Still use the herb with plenty of water since the main risk of diarrhea is dehydration. If you have infectious diarrhea, caused by viruses or bacteria psyllium can still be helpful but you may also need additional medical treatment.

For Diverticulitis A high fiber diet is the best way to treat or prevent this painful condition. Psyllium provides the fiber in an easy to use and soothing form. The fiber helps food to move more quickly through the colon and helps to eliminate the irritation of the diverticula. Again, drink plenty of water when using this treatment.

For Hemorrhoids Commission E of Germany also recommends psyllium for treating hemorrhoids. This is partly due to the soothing mucilage contained in the herb, and also due to the prevention of constipation which can exacerbate the problem. Dr. Jame Duke, in his book The Green Pharmacy, cites a study in which 84% of participants saw improvement in their hemorrhoids using psyllium. Note: topical application of Witch Hazel extract is another cheap and easy solution for hemorrhoids, so use both.

IBD, IBS and Other Bowel Irritations As you have probably guessed by now, the soothing mucilage in psyllium alleviates the irritations that cause these conditions, and also improves digestive function preventing constipation and diarrhea.

Weight Control Dr. Duke places psyllium as his number one choice for weight control. Taken before meals, the bulk of the fiber in the herb produces a feeling of fullness, so you eat less. (Our top weight loss recommendation is psyllium taken with a hot cup of yerba mate tea 20 minutes before meals). It also speeds digestion, and the plant contains several polyphenols that may speed up weight loss. It is the same principle cited in the popular product, Lipozene, that you see hawked on nightly infomercials. Lipozene uses conjac root, a common type of flour used mostly in Japan. The soluble fiber content of the root has the same effect as psyllium. The problem is that this is not a cheap solution. They charge astronomical prices for this product. They have to pay for all that hype somehow. Psyllium costs less than a dime per capsule.

Warnings and Concerns As I said earlier, most people have been exposed to psyllium in some form or another through over-the-counter digestive aids, and there are few problems. If you have a ragweed allergy or asthma, test yourself with just one capsule before continuing with psyllium, and always drink plenty of water. Avoid psyllium if you have had problems with a bowel abstruction.

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Caring for your pet hamster also involves knowing how to detect hamster illnesses. If you see the following signs in your pet, you should consider going to a vet, especially if you're unsure of what to do:

• Bloody discharge of the urine
• Crouching in the corner
• Discharge from the eyes or nose
• Diarrhea symptoms
• Heavy breathing
• Humped back
• Inactivity
• Loss of hair
• Loss of appetite
• Ruffled coat
• Signs of wetness around the tail
• Sneezing
• Wheezing

Sometimes, it's not easy to detect these symptoms because hamsters are small, making it easy to conceal these signs. That's why you have to be very observant when it comes to their behavior and appearance so that you can determine if something is wrong.

When you see your hamster crouching in the corner, losing appetite, showing diarrhea symptoms and his coat is ruffled; he might be suffering from Wet Tail. This condition is usually caused by stress or diet changes. This is one of the most common hamster illnesses and is usually experienced after your pet changes his environment, like bringing him home from the pet shop. Take your pet to the vet right away because it could be fatal if you don't deal with it immediately.

Hamsters can also catch colds. They may either get it from temperature changes, from taking a bath or from you. Its better for you keep your distance from your pet when you have a cold to avoid making them sick. Signs of a cold in your hamster are a wet nose, sneezing, heavy breathing and crouching over.

Hamsters can also have overgrown teeth. This will prevent your hamster from eating because it could be painful for his mouth. If this continues, your pet could die. You can bring him to the vet to have his teeth trimmed. To avoid these problems, you should always provide hard wooden chew pieces that your pet can gnaw on to regulate his teeth growth.

Your hamster can also suffer from diarrhea due to incorrect feeding. Avoid over-feeding your hamster with fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure that you give him clean food and water at all times. If you see the symptoms of this illness such as green, soft and unusually large amount of feces, stop giving him moist foods immediately. Instead give your pet regular hamster food such as mixed seeds. Disinfect your hamster's cage once he gets better.

Other common hamster illnesses are skin diseases such as ringworm, mites, skin infections and allergies. The common symptoms of these diseases include hair loss, redness of the skin, frequent scratching and skin lesions. It's a good idea to see the vet quickly if you are not sure which skin disease they have so they can get the proper treatment. Change your hamster's bedding regularly to help avoid these problems.

There are other various hamster illnesses that you may encounter so be very observant of your pet so you know if something is wrong.

Also, it helps to always keep your pet's surroundings clean and only give him clean food and water. Keep in mind that prevention is always better than cure.

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Human stool is a method of how our body gets rid of unwanted waste by itself. Normal poop is medium brown in color and it may vary depending on what we eat or due to a condition or disorder. It exits the body without causing strain or discomfort and has normal consistency with adequate water and fiber content. Sometimes the color of the stool is green which can happen due to many reasons. Eating green leafy vegetables rich in iron or food with artificial green color can result in green colored poop. The chlorophyll present in such vegetables contributes to the color change of the stool. Though this change in color of the stool is no reason to panic, if you feel any change in your bowel movement, it is advisable that you should speak to a doctor.

When the stool is passing through the small intestine, it is green in color due to the bile present in it. Bile is a bright-green colored digestive juice secreted by liver and is stored in the gallbladder and in the walls of the intestine. As the food reaches the small intestines from the stomach, bile present in the intestinal walls is secreted and mixed thoroughly with the digested food. Bile helps in softening the stool and gives it the green color. As the stool makes its way to the large intestine, its color changes to yellow and then finally to brown. If the stool passes faster than normal through the intestines, its color remains green. This condition is known as decreased bowel transit time. Diarrhea, especially giardia and salmonella, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, malabsorption, traveler's diarrhea, bacterial overgrowth and food poisoning can lead to reduced bowel transit time, resulting in green poop.

If a person consumes laxatives or antibiotics even then the color of the stool results in being green. This is because such medications upset the natural bowel movement of the body making stool to pass quickly through the large intestine and thus resulting in greenish color. Generally, green poop is not a problem unless it is not accompanied by other symptoms such as abdominal pain, decrease in appetite or reflux. Under such conditions, immediate medical assistance must be sought. Drinking more water and consuming adequate food can also help in having normal brown colored stool. Healthy eating habits and regular exercise lead to normal digestion and bowel movements, thus keeping the body healthy and fit.

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Did you know there are about 50 trillion microbes inside your intestines? Keeping the beneficial ones healthy can prevent many health and weight problems, even save your life.

Bacteria make up most of the flora in the intestines. A healthy digestive system has ample Lactobacillus acidophilus and other intestinal microorganisms which are necessary for proper assimilation of nutrients. When you eat, you are not only feeding yourself, but the bacteria in your intestines.

Eating certain foods can cause pathogenic bacteria to proliferate. These foreign invaders cause many digestive problems including candidiasis, fungi, parasites, and thrush. Unhealthy bacteria can migrate to other parts of the body and seriously damage your health. These are complex issues.

The focus of this article is to help you understand how this relates to difficulty in losing weight. Poor digestion is always indicated with weight issues. Digestion includes assimilation and elimination. Bloating, belly fat, intestinal gas, constipation and diarrhea can all be caused by lack of healthy bacteria and/or proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Candidiasis and parasite infections can mimic symptoms of IBS and IBD. There are specific foods and safe, effective natural remedies. For best herbal remedies, please consult with an experienced health professional to find the right remedy for your constitution and condition. A one-size-fits-all approach will not bring you results. You can do more harm by randomly purchasing the popular supplements of the day.

Causes of Foreign Bacteria

Repeated doses of broad spectrum antibiotics are one of the biggest contributors to candida proliferation and the degeneration of digestive strength. These drugs kill off favorable microorganisms in the digestive tract. This creates a fertile environment for the growth of yeasts and fungi. Most livestock are given daily doses of antibiotics in their feed. You are ingesting antibiotics every time you eat commercial meat, dairy, eggs and poultry.

Foods that cause dampness and mucus harm your intestinal flora. These include all cow's milk products; excessive juice, smoothies, and raw food; sugary, greasy foods; and overheated, over-processed fats and oils. Yeasted foods, including bread and alcohol, and combining too many ingredients in your dishes promote pathogenic fermentation in the digestive system. This provides the perfect environment for yeast to thrive causing belly fat and lower body heaviness.

Living in a house with mold and mildew causes the same conditions within your body. If there's mold, there's bacteria and it's wreaking havoc on your health. A damp home is a breeding environment for pests. Please take steps to remedy these issues. Run a dehumidifier during the humid months. Consult with a mold expert and fix the source of dampness in your home.

Many people blame damp, humid weather on their health problems. While it's true these conditions can exacerbate certain health issues, it's essential that you create an internal bodily environment that it is not damp. You can adapt to any weather condition when you understand how to use food therapeutically.

Many harmful organisms, including Giardiasis, a very common parasite, can infect city water systems. Giardia is not killed by chlorination. Bottled water is not always as pure as you think. Please consider installing a high quality water filtration system in your home.

These are some of the most common causes of unhealthy bacteria that compromise your health and ability to lose weight. Until you restore the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract, it will be difficult to shed those extra pounds.

Creating a Healthy Gut

High chlorophyll foods and products stop bacterial growth, including yeasts and fungi in the digestive tract. Chlorella, Blue-Green Algae, Wheat Grass and Barley Grass are a few with Chlorella being the mildest. Steamed, dark green leafy vegetables are high in chlorophyll and should be eaten daily. These include kale, collard greens, mustard greens, radish tops, turnip greens and others. Add a splash of fresh lemon to help assimilate the nutrients.

Homemade pickles are beneficial for restoring intestinal flora by promoting the growth of healthy Lactobacillus acidophilus. Supermarket pickles are quickly processed and will not give you the same results. Pickles can be easily made with a variety of vegetables.

Over consumption of refined foods, sugar and meat are creating drastic increases in digestive problems. The American diet is low in fiber. This has an adverse effect upon beneficial microbes present in large intestine.

Fiber is the least understood food you eat. You cannot live a long, healthy life without fiber from whole foods. Fiber is the skeleton of the plant, the part that provides structural support. It also forms part of the seeds, leaves and stems. Fiber is more abundant on the outside surfaces of whole grains, seeds, beans, vegetables, and fruits. This is why it is important to eliminate processed and refined foods.

Many people use bran as a dietary supplement. Doing so regularly can irritate the colon wall and block the absorption of nutrients from other foods. Eating plenty of whole, unprocessed grains, beans, vegetables and fruits provides an ideal balance of fiber and other nutrients.

Fiber affects the function of the entire digestive tract. It inhibits the formation of toxins and the growth of harmful bacteria in the colon.

To prevent digestive problems it's essential to include whole, unprocessed grains which are rich in fiber. You can make three meals from one pot of high fiber brown rice.

Eating whole, unprocessed grains daily strengthens the muscles of the colon and bowels become normal. The intestinal flora, or good bacteria, becomes healthier, preventing gas, bloating, and heaviness.

Include marjoram, oregano, and white pepper regularly to help rid your body of pathogenic bacteria.

Digestive enzymes can reduce intestinal gas, bloating, cramping, regurgitation, nausea and diarrhea, and improve food assimilation. Some contain a full spectrum of enzymes designed to break down carbohydrates, protein, and fats; treat gluten and dairy intolerance, and other forms of food sensitivity. There are many enzymes on the market and many of them are ineffective. Consult a professional for best recommendation for you.

To treat parasites, candidiasis, and fungi, please work with a professionally trained and experienced Holistic practitioner. The allopathic approach is usually antibiotics and other drugs.

Emotional Harmony Contributes to Digestive Harmony

Negative emotional states precede every health issue and excess weight is a health condition. Emotions do not simply come out of the blue; they are related to specific health imbalances created to a great extent by the foods you eat.

Your body, mind and emotions are not separate. Each aspect is always communicating to the others keeping them aligned with health and happiness; or sickness, weight issues and unhappiness. One way or the other, body, mind and emotions are always adjusting to each other.

Digestive issues generally relate to difficulty digesting and assimilating certain experiences in your life. Stagnating beliefs cause stagnation in the body. Resistance to eliminating or letting go of things that are no longer serving your greater good keeps your weight stuck. Allowing the past to rule the present creates a heavy, sluggish body.

Nearly everyone I counsel for weight issues are emotional eaters. Please learn healthy, empowering ways to release chronically held tension and repressed emotions that cause weight and health problems, and unhappiness. Unresolved negative emotions limit your freedom to enjoy fulfilling, happy, and healthy living. If you are having difficulty with this, seek help from a qualified Holistic Practitioner, Counselor, or other health professional. Don't let your emotions undermine your weight loss efforts.

Modern Methods are Not Working

Most people take a superficial, fragmented approach to weight loss with little or no results. Science and many alternative modalities say it's all about reducing calories and increasing exercise. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been using this approach for decades and their weight keeps climbing.

The best approach to balanced weight is one that resolves the underlying health issues. Pathogenic bacteria is one of those issues and can sabotage your efforts for permanent weight loss. Put into practice the suggestions for creating a healthy gut and you will get results.

Losing weight and restoring your health do not have to be a long, slow, difficult journey. Delve deeper into a true Holistic approach by working at the level of cause. You'll be happily surprised at how much easier it is to lose weight without deprivation; counting calories and fat grams; attempting to control your appetite; and other modern methods that take a backwards approach.

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A vegan diet plan, in the past was only for the animal rights activists that were very adamant about eating that which is from animals. Now people are waking up to the fact that vegan eating or even "veganish" practices are very good to the human body. Veganish is a term used to describe a vegan effort but not fully vegan in food choices, which in itself also has very good benefits to those who wish to partake of anything vegan in nature. In this article we will take look into the lifestyle and uncover some common myths about veganism. Namely that you cannot get adequate protein as a vegan.

Vegans don't eat anything that is from an animal. That includes any products that are taken from animals even without them being killed eggs or milk. So if you are one of those going vegan to lose weight be ready for quite a bit of sacrifice away from the norm, FAR from the norm.

It would fair to note that all vegans are vegetarians, but not all vegetarians are vegans. Many celebrities are also making the switch from the norm, to a more natural and plant based diet and meal structure. Brad Pitt, Alicia Silverstone, Olympian Gold Medalist Carl Lewis, Martina Navratilova, and Actress Liv Tyler.

Many Vegan practitioners and experts can very well attest to the fact that this eating lifestyle has many benefits. Aside from all the benefits, there are many things that are common side effects of the standard American diet that is naturally eliminated when one adopts a vegan way of life. With the wrong carbs and high sugar content, the typical American diet can cause frequent inflammation, congestion, digestive problems, acne, bloating, diarrhea, and reduced energy levels. Naturally and without meat, typically a vegan diet plan addresses and eliminates all these things AND will take healthy weight off of your frame and out of your system.

To lose weight everyone knows that you need protein. Many people who look at a vegan diet plan initially have a concern that because you aren't eating meat that you will have a big problem getting the protein you need. This is very untrue. As you open up your eating and mind to a vegan or even veganish way of eating you will find many natural foods from plants have protein. Veggies like cucumber, celery, squash, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus all have protein as well as variable fiber reserves. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, other nut butters, hemp seeds, and flax seeds all have protein as well as Omega 3's. Omega 3's are essential fatty acids that are found in nuts, and are also known as good fats.

Legumes are very versatile and are being used many ways nowadays within the vegan and vegetarian spectrum. Refried beans, peas, lentils, kidney beans, edamame, tofu, soy bacon and soy burgers. Soy also makes a milk that is a nice replacement for cow based milk with little taste differences, only differences in the texture.

Even some grains are infamous for having good levels of protein. Hemp breads, and Oats have protein and are always good choices. Quinoa, amaranth, and sprouted grain bread also contain protein just to name a couple more.

A veganish diet plan might include some real cheese, or real milk, while still cancelling all meat, and replacing them with a plant based vegetable protein product. Some good vegan products to incorporate in meals is Boca. This can be used as any meat that you might use. As a burger, or as ground meat, or what the Mexican culture would call "picadillo". This form of the meat is very common in our culture, and was made very commercialized and rampant in our society by way of products like Hamburger Helper. These vegetable based meat replacement products typically have moderate levels of protein per serving.

It can be a challenge to get protein as a vegan, seeing as though many vegan foods have protein all in low to moderate amounts. You will be eating lot of legumes and nuts. Kale is a leafy green and is actually one of the more protein packed leafy greens. Even many things in the vegan foods list have little to moderate protein, a well balanced and wholesome combination of many things will ensure that you get the protein you need to lose weight or whatever your goals. Once you start putting things together and getting into it, and becoming more accustomed to knowing what exactly comprises a vegan meal plan things will be easier and you undoubtedly become healthier, thinner, and more energetic as a result.

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