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Everyone seems to agree, green tea is a great diet aid; it speeds up your metabolism and suppresses your appetite. However, some people experience problems associated with the caffeine in the green tea. These problems can be relatively minor to extremely serious. Excess caffeine has been linked to diarrhea, constipation, heart palpitation, indigestion and other potentially serious side effects.

The good news, now you can get all of the benefits of green tea without the extra caffeine, you can get green tea diet pills. These pills contain all the benefits of green tea in an easy to swallow pill form. Now you can lose weight without getting the shakes.

Green tea contains nearly 40 milligrams of caffeine per eight ounce cup. This is less caffeine than coffee has, but it can still cause problems for some people. Now the diet companies have found a way to extract all of the health benefits from green tea and have left the negative side effects behind. Green tea diet pills are a decaffeinated extract from the green tea leaves.

It has been proven that antioxidants provide many health benefits that help a multitude of illnesses. These include certain types of cancer, heart disease, hardening of the arteries, even skin rashes and acne. The extract from the tea leaves used in the green tea diet pills is actually stronger and more effective than the dosage that you can get just by drinking tea. In fact, you would have to drink several cups of green tea to obtain the same levels of the extract that you can get by taking one pill. And you get the good things without the excessive caffeine.

It has been found that antioxidants found in green tea are one hundred times more powerful than the antioxidants found in vitamin C. Green tea is actually better for your heart than vitamin E.

Green tea diet pills are a great way to get the benefits of green tea without having to brew up several cups of tea every day. It is less time consuming, less messy and does not have the negative side effects.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Garlic, ginger and green onion is indispensable for daily diets. Someone likes to eat some garlic when eating noodles. Garlic can kill bacteria but even so, some people better not to eat it.

People who have liver problems:
Many people think garlic can kill bacteria and viruses, thus can be used to prevent hepatitis. Even some people who have hepatitis eat garlic every day so as to cure it. But it is unhealthy because garlic plays no role in killing hepatitis virus. On the contrary, it stimulates the intestines and stomach, inhibits the secretion of digestive juice, and influences the digestion.

Besides, volatile components in it can decrease red blood cells and hemoglobin. Thus, anemia may occur, not well for treatment of hepatitis.

People who have abacterial diarrhea:
Partly mucous membranes in intestines have inflammation and thus, blood vessels of intestine walls expand, are congested and swell. A large amount of electrolytes such as proteins, potassium, sodium, calcium and chlorine and liquid penetrate into gut cavity. When too much liquid stimulates the intestines, peristalsis is accelerated. And thus, bellyache or diarrhea occurs.

At that time, if you eat some garlic, the allicin can stimulates the intestines and aggravates edema. Thus, if you have abacterial diarrhea, you'd better not eat garlic.

People who have eye problems:
According to traditional Chinese medical science, long- term eating of garlic can harm the liver and eyes. Thus, people with eye problems try not to eat it, especially those who have weak physique. Otherwise, their eyesight would drop, ears ring and memory drops. What's more, they may feel light-headed. When someone who suffers from nearsightedness or other eye diseases takes Chinese medicine, he should pay more attention to the diet. Otherwise, the effect of medicine can be influenced. Remember eating garlic in summer or autumn harms eyes most.

People who suffer from heavy diseases:
Generally speaking, spicy foods such as garlic, ginger, fennel and pepper are healthy but for people who are suffering from heavy diseases and taking medicine, those foods would cause side- effects.

Garlic is considered healthy for blood vessels, and can improve people's immunity system, prevent cancers and arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and stroke. Besides, it can kill various bacteria. And thus, it is welcomed almost everywhere. In German, there is a kind of ice cream made of garlic; in South Korea, people use it to treat colds; and in Cambodia, almost every dish is added in with garlic. But the above four groups try not to eat it as it can aggravate diseases.

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There is one popular weight loss supplement on the market these days that comes in the form of a tea. A slimming tea, a Dieter's tea... you name it.

Many people are drinking this diet tea and say it does help them lose undesired pounds. It does seem to be effective, but no one talks about what this tea actually does and the potential harm it can have on your health.

One of the effects of drinking a diet tea is frequent bowel movement. Slimming tea contains herbs that act as natural laxatives. Some of these herbs can be; Aloe. Senna, Rhubarb, Cascara, Buckthorn and Castor oil. These are herbal ingredients that are well known for their ability to treat constipation. People using these teas may feel as if they are cleansing their body of toxins by have frequent bowel movements

Facts are that these laxatives are classified as drugs and regulated by the law.

The reason for this is that these herbs when used excessively might cause the body not to absorb nutrients from the foods eaten.

Theses laxatives work in the large intestines area and fasten the time taken for the food to go through thus casing many nutrients to go to waste instead of having the chance to get absorbed into the body.

The bottom line - the body is going to suffer from malnutrition and related health problems.

Regarding the effects laxatives may have on weight loss - Research shows that diarrhea caused by laxatives does not effect the amount of calories the body intakes, it would just make the food less nutritious.

Taking laxatives for long periods of time might even make your intestines "lazy" - unable to perform without laxatives, thus creating constipation.

People suffering from Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa tend to use laxatives frequently as part of their condition.

Overdosing on laxatives will lead to greasy diarrhea and less fat absorbed by the body.

This could help lose weight, yet cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract and the bones as well.

These facts are well known to the medical world, yet might be overlooked as drinkers of these slimming teas may recommend it to others as a cheap and easy way to try losing weight, just because of the frequent and watery stool it causes.

Research shows that most users of diet teas are women. Yet these teas are known to interfere with the menstrual cycle and fertility.

Consulting with a responsible nutritionist or dietician you will find that the use of herbal laxative teas is discouraged even though it could help in losing a couple of pounds fast.

The worse effects of diet teas happen obviously when the tea is being used for a long period of time. In some cases the drinker might experience nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding and in some cases even death.

Excess use of laxatives is certain to cause severe constipation and pain due to the colon losing his ability to function properly.

To sum up, using laxatives for a couple of days to lose 1-2 pounds is not recommended but possible. Using laxatives as a weight loss supplements - is a bad and dangerous idea.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Jasmine flower tea is usually made of green tea and is flavored with aromatic jasmine flowers. The full bodied floral scent and its combination with the flowers make them very attractive to tea enthusiasts. The savory taste makes it very satisfying to the person's palate. Jasmine teas are usually available in Chinese markets because it was the Chinese people who started the aromatic teas. When you visit some restaurants, you will find these jasmine teas being served hot.

Jasmine flowering tea has different varieties. The most common varieties are green tea and oolong tea. Oolong teas originated in China. They are flavorful and fragrant, and with a complex flavor. This tea is an herbal tea because it has the capacity to settle the stomach. They are perfect drinks after eating because it helps in the fast digestion of the food. This tea is a semi-fermented tea which crosses between green and black teas. The black tea's flavor has the ability to overcome the jasmine, but it tends to be tannic. It can be consumed plain, but others have the alternative of adding sugar to enjoy a sweeter tea.

There are many health benefits that jasmine teas offer. These are:

• Jasmine is good for digestion. Most people encounter digestion problems that may lead to constipation and diarrhea. With the help of this amazing tea, one can say goodbye to these digestion issues.
• Jasmine tea is an excellent defense against certain cancer illnesses.
• Most green teas consist of polyphenols that are rich with antioxidants, and antiviral properties. This means it delays the process of aging, keeping a person look younger and vibrant.
• Jasmine flower tea reduces the risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol.
• It is an effective prevention for respiratory problems like heart attacks, arterial sclerosis and strokes.
• It helps maintain good intestine by blocking the growth of bad bacteria. It then produces good bacteria that are good for the body.
• Jasmine reduces the risk of blood clotting and aneurism.
• It boosts the immune system, making the body free from any ailments or diseases. It fights bacteria and viruses that could cause certain diseases.
• It prevents different types of allergies
• It protects the teeth from tooth decay and cavities. It provides proper oral care that our teeth needed.
• Jasmine tea is a wonderful anxiety and stress relief.
• Lastly, jasmine tea is an effective treatment for food poisoning like cholera, piccolo and dysentery.

Jasmine flower tea is an amazing tea that offers many health benefits to people. It is also an effective anti-depressant that helps people to calm and relax. This tea is useful for pregnant women to relieve them from nausea during their pregnancy. They can also utilize it to fight post-natal depression. It also relieves muscle and back pains, so they could be use for body massages to relax the body.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Because of various reasons, the physical constitution of the human body has been weakened. In order to improve the constitution and maintain the health, people always make use of various ways to preserve health. Generally speaking, people are using four ways to keep their bodies healthy. These four ways mainly include supplementing nutrients, maintaining a vegetarian diet, taking some exercises and accepting physical therapies.

Supplementing nutrients is rather popular among the public. Some people think that the supplementation of essential nutrients can enhance the human immunity and improve the physical constitution for the human body. Some people even supplement several kinds of nutrients at the same time. It is sure that the adequate supplementation of nutrients can strengthen the immunity. However, the blind supplementation can seriously threaten the human health. For example, some people who eat ginseng can get diarrhea. Therefore, it is necessary for people to check the levels of nutrients inside their bodies before they conduct the nutritional supplementation blindly.

Maintain a vegetarian diet can decrease the burdens of digestive organs, prevent constipation and beautify the skin to some degrees. The general vegetarian food includes fruits, vegetables, beans, eggs and milk and so on. These foods can provide protein and trace elements for the human body. However, they can not provide rich essential nutrients contained abundantly in meat and fish, such as vitamin D and vitamin B12. Therefore, in order to maintain the diet healthy and balanced, people should realize the balance between vegetarian food and meat food.

Taking some exercises can effectively keep the human body in a good state and then the immunity can be enhanced. But people should choose the suitable exercises and take exercises moderately so as to prevent the possible dangers. The aged should choose the exercises like jogging. People should adhere to the habit for a long time so as to strengthen the effect.

Receiving physical therapies can improve the blood circulation, accelerate the recovery of body tissues and remove the hidden elements which can cause diseases. However, the frequent therapies can stimulate the acupuncture points and decrease the sensitivity. Therefore, people can accept the therapies only when they feel extremely tired and uncomfortable. Different physical therapies have different features. As a result, different people should choose different therapies according to their own situations. For example, the patients with weak functions of heart and skin problems should not choose the method of scrapping.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For a long time now, I have been hearing about the health benefits of Green Tea, and when I see my skinny asian colleagues roaming around in my office sipping tall cups of green tea or herb tea, which supposedly helps them maintain their weight, I am all the more intrigued to find the truth behind the hype of this tea, and why it is labelled to be "Healthy", and whether there is any real substance to this claim. So I finally decided to get all the information about this herbal concoction, and here I present to you the facts, with the associated myths, to help you make your own choice!

Ordinary tea, as most people know it, comes from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant. There are three main types of tea: green tea, oolong tea, and black tea, categorized according to their oxidation levels (called the fermentation process). Green tea is steamed, baked, or pan heated to prevent oxidation and thus the leaves remain green. Unlike green tea, oolong tea is partially fermented, and black tea is fully fermented. So why does green tea get all the attention in the health world? It's mainly because of the antioxidant epigallocatechin-3 gallate ( EGCG ), the main component considered good for one's health which is preserved in green tea but lost in the other varieties when fermented. Antioxidants are thought to prevent free radicals in the body.

A little scientific knowledge is called for here, I think. What is a Free Radical? Well, in scientific sense, a free radical is any molecular species capable of independent existence, that contains one or more unpaired electrons not contributing to intermolecular bonding, and is, in that sense, "free". In the human body, oxidized free radicals are believed to cause tissue damage at the cellular level, causing damage to our DNA, mitochondria and cell membrane, and have often been referred to as one of the causes attributed to aging, cancer, heart disease, and other human ailments harmful to one's health, which are aggravated by things such as excessive alcohol intake, smoking, and various chemical exposures. To prevent free radicals from damaging the body, the latter uses a defense system of antioxidants.

The Truth

Antioxidants are molecules which can safely interact with free radicals and terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged, and green tea has EGCG as an anti-oxidant which is found to be 100 times more effective than vitamin C, 25 times more effective than Vitamin E and twice as powerful as its peers!

Limited studies have shown gargling with green tea may prevent cavities, and it may slow the course of arthritis by reducing inflammation and retarding cartilage breakdown. Early research on a product called FertilityBlend, which contains green tea extracts, shows it may help women to conceive. Regular consumption of green tea is purported to possibly reduce the risk of heart attack and clogged arteries. This drink may also help asthma sufferers. Because it contains theophylline (a muscle relaxant), it can help the muscles surrounding bronchial tubes to relax easily. It is also seen to aid in lowering blood pressure by preventing blood clots.

Myth: Green Tea is a Miracle Fat Burner

Green Tea definitely helps boost your metabolism, but the story ends there. There are two reasons why it CANNOT cause your body to burn large amounts of fat. First, the actual increase in your metabolism from Green Tea is very small, even if you take multiple doses of Green Tea each day. And second, your body probably gets used to this. It can be a prudent choice as it is free of sugar and calories that other beverages may be loaded with. So drink it for its other health benefits, not because someone told you that it'll help you lose weight fast!

Myth: Green Tea Prevents Cancer

There is some supporting evidence to this statement, but most of the supporting research has been done on animals, and not humans. It's not hard to believe, considering the antioxidant properties of tea, but that it prevents prostate and other cancers is still disputable, and has not yet won the FDA approval. NCI - National Cancer Institute recently did some research with 42 patients drinking about 4 cups of green tea, daily for four months. However, only one patient experienced a short-lived improvement, and nearly 70 percent of the group experienced unpleasant side effects such as nausea and diarrhea. The study concluded drinking green tea has limited antitumor benefit for prostate cancer patients.

My Conclusion: That there are several health benefits packed in these tiny green leaves is irrefutable. Some have already been publicized, but there are plenty that are still to find fame. The ongoing research suggests that in the coming years, we will surely see this player make its impact in the health industry. Meanwhile, besides the fact that it isn't a real tasty drink, I see no harmful effects in drinking green tea, and I am going to continue drinking it. Hope this article helps you in making a right choice too!

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An Overview on Obesity and Weight Loss Methods

One of the leading health problems that people encounter today is obesity. In fact, it ranks fifth in the World Health Organization's list of diseases that affect global mortality rate. You see, obesity leads to a number of complications such as heart disease, diabetes, and liver disease. The complications of obesity are very life threatening, more so than the actual disease. For this reason, it is important for you to always eat right and exercise so you can watch your weight.

However, this is easier said than done. Everyone knows that losing weight can be very hard and it takes a lot of patience and discipline to achieve desirable results. This is even more true for those who are considered to be morbidly obese because one of the reasons why they came to be like this is because they aren't physically active to begin with. Another thing is that they aren't used to watching what they eat and doing so may lead them to feel frustrated and food deprived.

Of course, there are a number of ways one can lose all that excess fat without having to put in so much hard work such as bariatric surgery. The problem here however is that it can also be life changing. Take lap band surgery for example, imagine just what you will be able to eat when your stomach is just the size of a golf ball? Aside from that, serious complication can arise during the surgery itself.

If you aren't ready to take that much risk, your best option is to lose weight naturally. There are also different methods available should you choose to go down this route. You can work with a nutritionist and a dietician so a proper treatment plan can be drawn up for you. You can also try complimenting your treatment plan with natural weight loss supplements.

Green Coffee Bean Extract Weight Loss Supplements

One weight loss supplement that is making waves these days is green coffee bean extract. As we all know, coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants that are essential to helping the body get rid of the buildup of free radicals that are responsible of a long list of diseases. When coffee beans are roasted however, a lot of this essential compound is destroyed thus minimizing the positive effects of coffee.

Through years of research and trial and errors, scientists have finally found a way to extract pure antioxidants from unroasted coffee beans and transform them into tablet or capsule supplements. Green coffee bean extract supplements can easily bought in brick and mortar as well as online stores. The good thing about natural supplements is that since they don't contain synthetically manufactured ingredients, they are generally considered safe and free from any side effects.

How Green Coffee Bean Extract Aids in Weight Loss

The million dollar question here is, "Does green coffee bean extract really work?" Before we answer your question, let's discuss how one actually gains weight. Of course, eating a lot contribute greatly but you may have noticed that there are people who probably eat more than you do but still manage to control their weight. The reason for that is because their bodies have high metabolism and this is where you are probably lacking.

Metabolism is the rate at which your body is able to break down the food that you eat. The higher your metabolism, the faster calories are burned. This can be stimulated through exercise but sometimes, you need to give your body a little bit of help especially if you aren't too active. The antioxidants that can be found in green coffee bean extract can not only help in stimulating your metabolism, it also controls the amount of glucose that is released in your body. This will ensure that all of the glucose that is released is converted into energy and not turned into fat.

However, you can't just pop a capsule and expect to see results. Like all weight loss supplements, green coffee bean extract supplements also need to be accompanied with exercise. This is to ensure that your excess energy will be used up. Failure to do this will only cause you to either gain more weight because your body will store it as fat. However, you also need to keep in mind that weight loss supplements may not be for everyone so it is best to consult with your physician before you decide to take green coffee bean extract.

Other Things You Can Expect from Green Coffee Bean Extract

Aside from its ability to aid in weight loss, green coffee bean extract can also help in lowering blood sugar levels. Since it controls the amount of glucose that is released which is immediately converted into energy, very little goes into the bloodstream thus making this supplement also beneficial for those suffering from diabetes. It also helps improve the condition of those with high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases as chlorogenic acid, in its purest form, have been proven to have antihypertensive qualities.

Safety Concerns Behind the Use of Green Coffee Bean Extract

Since green coffee bean extract supplements are produced from all natural ingredient, they are generally considered to be safe. However, you need to keep in mind that it still contains caffeine which can be highly addictive when taken in large quantities. It also contributes to the development of health problems such as insomnia, high levels of anxiety, and migraines. Aside from this, coffee is considered to be a diuretic which is why those who consume it in large quantities are at risk of developing osteoporosis because of the amount of calcium that is flushed out of the body. Also, it can contribute to the worsening other gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, and diarrhea.

However, these should not discourage you from trying out green coffee bean extract supplements because these problems can be prevented as long as it is taken in small doses. Make sure to speak with your doctor before your start taking it so you can be given advice on the dosage and also to ensure that it won't cause any harm to your body.

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Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that usually involves the small intestine. Men and women are affected equally.

A Crohn's disease diet plan is essential for sufferers as inflammation in the intestine impedes the absorption and retention of essential nutrients and prescription medication may further interfere with the bone renewal process.

The erosion of bone health from Crohn's disease may occur for any of the following reasons:

  • Sufferers may reduce the amount they eat in order to avoid the pain associated with digestion- and avoid dairy and high fiber vegetables that are essential for healthy bones

  • Absorption of nutrients (and calcium in particular) may be poor through the inflamed digestive tract

  • Diarrhea may cause a loss of nutrients

  • Some steroids and antibiotics impede the bone renewal process

No special Crohn's disease diet plan has proven effective for preventing or treating the disease. Some symptoms are made worse by milk, alcohol, hot spices, or fiber-but this may not be true for everyone. To control diarrhea, it often helps to:

  • Eat small, frequent meals.

  • Avoid dairy products that contain lactose.

  • Drink liquids at room temperature and between meals rather than with meals

  • Avoid caffeine.

  • Avoid concentrated sweets such as candy, cakes, and pies.

  • Avoid gas-producing foods such as:
    • beans

    • peas

    • broccoli

    • onions

    • cauliflower

    • cabbage

High-fiber foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains may worsen abdominal pain and diarrhea although their digestion is made easier through cooking. As an alkaline diet of fruits and vegetables is essential for healthy bones, it is important to find a way of including these foods in a Crohn's disease diet plan. Soluble fiber will be easier to digest from sources such as:

  • bananas

  • rice

  • applesauce

  • tapioca

  • oatmeal

...but these are not a sufficient replacement for the nutrients available in dark, leafy green vegetables and in a variety of fruits.


The antibiotics and corticosteroids used to treat Crohn's disease can interfere with the bone renewal process and may begin to destroy bone health after only 3 months. Studies show that after one year of corticosteroid therapy, patients lose an average of 14 percent of their bone mineral content.

Vitamin and mineral supplements can help to reinforce a Crohn's disease diet plan...if taken consistently and appropriately. Calcium is best absorbed with meals and in amounts less than 600mg at a time. Sufficient vitamin D is essential to facilitate calcium absorption and is absorbed best when accompanied with foods that contain some fat. Magnesium, vitamin K2 and strontium should also be included in a bone building program for the best results.

To learn about minerals and vitamins that support a Crohn's disease diet plan...visit Osteoporosis Treatment Guidelines at http://www.osteoporosis-vitamins.com/osteoporosis-treatment-guidelines.html

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Teas with antioxidants are gradually becoming very popular across wide sections of the populace in many parts of the globe. Antioxidants in tea and other herbal drinks are the veritable "secret ingredients" that make these popular drinks so highly valued the world over. These compounds and substances are the agents that enable these beverages to impart their positive health benefits to their drinkers.

Antioxidants are compounds that may help fight and counter the damages caused by free radicals in the body. What are free radicals? Well, these are the harmful by-products and side effects generated by the normal everyday bodily processes that involve oxygen. Since the body requires oxygen at all times to fully function, the body is similarly exposed to the dangerous free radicals produced by the interaction of oxygen with different extraneous variables like bad diet, impure environment, tobacco, and adverse physiological & psychological factors.

When these free radicals are unleashed in the body, they have the potential to wreak havoc on the different organs, tissues and parts of the body by causing conditions that may impair and impede their proper functioning.

To counteract the disastrous effect of these oxidants or free radicals, individuals need to introduce antioxidants to their bodies. These can usually be found in the foods and drinks that people consume through their meals. Since these antioxidants are largely found in plants and crops, diets that are quite heavy on vegetables and greens are more likely to impart these substances to eaters than those that eat a lot of meats and starches.

Teas and herbal tisanes are great sources of antioxidants as they are derived from herbs and plants that are rich in these healthy compounds and substances. Here are a few teas with antioxidants:

Green tea and white tea

Teas have always been included in lists of so-called superfoods or health foods due to their high complement of antioxidants. All true teas come from a single plant - the camellia sinensis plant - which grows in many parts of Asia like China, Japan, India, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. From this plant come several tea varieties. These teas are green tea, white tea, black tea and oolong tea.

Of these, it is believed that white tea and green tea have the greatest concentration of antioxidants due to their having undergone the least amount of oxidation. Less oxidation means that they retain most of the naturally-occurring healthy chemical compounds in them.

EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate is the most dominant form of antioxidant polyphenol found in green tea and white tea. Many studies and researches have been conducted on the possible therapeutic applications of the EGCG antioxidant. Consequently, there have been a lot of promising findings on the potentials of the EGCG antioxidant as a nutritional supplement for fighting a host of ailments and diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis, diabetes, HIV infection, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease.

The Chinese and Japanese people have also largely linked green tea to longevity and rejuvenation. White tea, while less known than green tea, have always been popular in certain areas in China and are now getting recognition in wider areas of the globe.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus tea is a tart and tangy herbal infusion made from the bright red hibiscus flowers that grow in many tropical countries the world over. This tea is typically drunk either hot or cold.

This herbal drink is believed to contain a host of flavonoids, polyphenolic compounds, mucilage, and anthocyanins that impart a wide variety of health benefits to its drinkers. A recent Taiwanese study conducted in the Chung Shan Medical University has found that these antioxidant compounds were associated with lowering the oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL), also known as bad cholesterol, which is related to increased risk for heart and cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, a 2008 USDA study showed that consuming hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure in a group of pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive adults. Data gathered therein support the idea that drinking hibiscus tea in an amount readily incorporated into the diet may play a role in controlling blood pressure, although more research is required.

Hibiscus tea was also observed to possess astringent, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that may help with strengthening the resistance to harmful foreign bodies that cause many ailments and diseases.

This herbal tisane also contains a good amount of vitamin C and other health food nutrients. These compounds along with the aforementioned antioxidant substances were found to impart the hibiscus tea benefits that help stimulate vasodilation, improve the flow of blood and promote urine excretion in individuals who drink this.

Bilberry tea

Bilberry tea is derived from the perennial shrub that's a relative of blueberry, cranberry and huckleberry. Growing to a height of about 16 inches, the bilberry has sharp edged leaves, green branches and black wrinkled berries. The bilberry fruit has the taste and appearance of its cousin, the blueberry.

Bilberry contains antioxidant compounds known as anthocyanosides. These are actually plant pigments that give the fruit its dark blue hue. Anthocyanosides scavenge the free radicals strewn across the body, thus helping prevent or reverse cell damage. Vitamin C is also present in bilberry fruit, itself another antioxidant.

The anthocyanosides are said to be useful for people with vision problems such as night blindness. Anthocyanidins apparently boost the production of rhodopsin, a pigment that improves night vision and helps the eye adapt to light changes. Bilberry has also been suggested as a treatment for retinopathy (damage to the retina) as well as cataracts, but studies are still lacking in these areas.

Antioxidants in bilberry tea have also been shown to help prevent a number of long term illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and an eye disorder called macular degeneration. These compounds help build strong blood vessels and improve circulation to all areas of the body. They also prevent blood platelets from clumping together (helping to reduce the risk of blood clots), and they have antioxidant properties (preventing or reducing damage to cells from free radicals). Bilberry fruit is also rich in tannins, a substance that acts as an astringent. The tannins have anti-inflammatory properties and may help control diarrhea.

Turmeric tea

Turmeric tea comes from the spice most popularly used on the Indian subcontinent. It is a yellow-colored spice with a mellow, mildly spicy, and somewhat earthy flavoring.

Turmeric's primary active component is a molecule called curcumin. While it is responsible for giving the spice its bright yellow color, it is also a potent antioxidant that acts as a scavenger of free radicals. It is also believed to help inhibit the peroxidation of lipids, as well as to disrupt the progress of aberrant inflammation. It is also thought to help diffuse the deposition of plaque in various circulatory passageways and in vital organs of the body.

Consequently, turmeric tea may help fight a host of serious ailments such as cancers, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's Disease, ulcerative colitis, arthritis, diarrhea and many more.

Turmeric tea also has anti-fungal and general antiobiotic properties that make it a valuable fighter in warding off diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and microbes.

Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea is a fruity and pleasant-tasting drink that comes from the leaves and stems of the plant Aspalathus linearis which is indigenous to South Africa. Rooibos tea is also known as 'red bush' tea and typically grows on high altitudes.

Of late, rooibos tea has been gaining a lot of attention for a variety of medicinal and clinical purposes. These have largely been attributed to its considerable antioxidant content.

Rooibos tea contains many different antioxidant compounds. The main flavonoids in rooibos tea are aspalathin, rutin, orientin, quercetin, luteolin, and nothofagin. There are also bioactive phenolic compounds such as dihydrochalcones, flavonols, flavanones, flavones, and flavanols. There is also the chrysoeriol flavonoid (luteolin 3'-methyl ether) which is believed to posses its anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-microbial, and anti-viral properties. It is also a source of Superoxide Dismutase or SOD, which is another potent blocker of oxidative damage.

Aside from its abundance of antioxidants, rooibos tea is also popular among health-conscious individuals for its lack of caffeine and its low tannin levels.

Consequently, rooibos tea is believed to be a helpful partner in preventing and fighting against various cancers, cardiovascular ailments, as well as digestive and neural disorders. It has also been widely used to help alleviate infantile colic, allergies, asthma and dermatological problems.

It may thus be a wise decision to regularly drink teas with antioxidants. There are a lot of health benefits that can be derived by taking these teas. And if people want to gain a much healthier body, it would be best to start drinking them now.

So the next time you feel like having a drink of soda or coffee, you might want to go for teas with antioxidants like the ones mentioned above. With these brews, you are virtually assured of getting a refreshing drink, as well as a healthier body.

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Pregnancy is a nine month journey... It is a time in your life to feel happy, excited, serene and joyful. However it is also quite normal to experience anxieties about the birth and worrying about whether you are nourishing yourself properly, exercising, keeping, calm, positive, loving thoughts and emotions within your being.
Pregnancy lasts 39 weeks or nine months from conception and is looked at in three stages.

Health & Nutrition During Pregnancy

To ensure that your baby develops in a healthy environment, you should keep your body as fit and well nourished as you possibly can. Do not think in terms of devising a special diet for pregnancy, it is more to do with eating a good variety of the right foods which are those that are rich in the essential nutrients.

Weight Gain

The amount of weight put on by women in pregnancy varies between 9 - 16 kilograms, with the most rapid gain usually between weeks 24 and 32.
Don't "eat for two". Some 46 percent of women gain too much weight during pregnancy.

Diet During Pregnancy

You ARE What You Eat therefore Your Baby Is What You Eat!

What You Eat affects your baby's future. What you eat in the following nine months can impact your baby's health, as well as your own, for decades to come.

A good diet is vital to health during pregnancy, and to the normal development of the baby. The time to pay attention to diet, and if necessary change it for the better, is several months prior to conception and not when pregnancy is confirmed.

During the critical early weeks the normal, healthy development of the embryo depends on the mother's state of nutritional health and also her toxic state.

Mineral and vitamin imbalances which would probably go unnoticed in a child or adult can have a disastrous effect on the developing baby.

This is because the cells in the embryo are growing at such a rapid rate, causing an exaggerated response to any harmful influences.

A natural, organic, whole food diet is the only one which will adequately serve during pregnancy.

A high quality diet is needed to maintain your own health and the best possible conditions for the baby to develop.

As our environment becomes more polluted and the soils more depleted of nutrients, going 100% organic, if possible, is the best thing you can do for oneself, and for a developing fetus, and last but not least; the environment.

Pesticides, herbicides, and other forms of pollution interfere with the metabolic pathways of many nutrients and thus indirectly interfere with the development of the immune, endocrine, and neurological systems.

Eating as many of our foods in their live, raw form preserves 70 to 80% more vitamins and minerals, 50% more bioactive protein, and up to 96% more bioavailable vitamin B12.

Grains, nuts and seeds are the most potent health-building foods of all. Eaten raw or sprouted if possible (some grains need to be cooked), they contain all the essential nutrients for human growth, sustenance, and ongoing optimal health.

A well balanced diet is based on whole cereals and grains (brown bread, rice, pasta, buckwheat, rye, oats), nuts and seeds, pulses and beans, fresh fruit and vegetables, pure unrefined oils such as cold pressed olive oil, with some fish and eggs if required.

Fruit and vegetables are all excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and trace elements provided they are eaten in the right way.

They should be fresh, either raw or quickly cooked, steamed or stir-fried, and preferably consumed immediately after they are harvested.

Salt is needed to maintain the extra volume of blood, to supply enough placental blood, and to guard against dehydration and shock from blood loss at birth, (except in cases of kidney and heart problems) Suggested form of salt is Himalayan Pink Salt.


• Form the basic building blocks of all our body tissues, cells, hormones, and antibodies.
• Food must fuel the growth of the uterus, which can grow to 30 times its original size over the nine months gestation period Add the development of breasts, placenta, development of breast milk, the baby's body.

Proteins are divided into complete and incomplete:

Complete proteins contain significant amounts of all the essential amino acids, you find them in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk and soya bean products.

Vegetable proteins are incomplete and contain only some of the essential amino acids. Some vegetarian sources of complete protein are: buckwheat, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, and almonds.

Plant proteins are easier for our bodies to digest and produce less toxic waste than animal proteins. The fiber in plants also has a very beneficial effect on the bowel; it ensures healthy bowel movements and the correct bacterial population in the gut, and prevents the buildup of putrefactive bacteria produced by excess animal proteins.

Eating meat and meat products also carries the risk from chemical and hormonal residues found in intensively reared animals. Also soya beans or soy products are mostly genetically engineered, hence it is wise to stay clear of them.

Pregnant women need about 60 to 75 grams of protein a day.

The best and cleanest sources of protein are green vegetables, spirulina, seeds (hemp, flax, sesame, poppy, sunflower, chia, quinoa, amaranth ).

Real strength and building material comes from:

• green - leafy vegetables, seeds and superfoods. They contain all the amino acids we require.

Essential Fatty Acids are vital to :

• the development of the baby's nervous and immune systems. They build the cell walls in all our tissues, and so that trace elements and fat-soluble vitamins (A,E,D, and K) can be absorbed.
• EFA's are needed to make adrenal and sex hormones, and to maintain a healthy population of bacteria in the gut.
• They are also essential to the normal development of the fetus's brain: 70 per cent of all EFAs go to the brain.

The Best Fatty Foods include:

Avocados, Borage Seed Oil, Raw Cacao Beans (Chocolate Nuts), Coconut oil/ butter, Flax seed and its oil, Grape seeds, Hemp seed and its oil (cold pressed), RAW Nuts of all types (cashews must be soft to be truly "raw"), Nut Butters (almond butter is excellent), Olives and their oil (stone pressed or cold pressed), Peanuts (must be certified aflatoxin free), Poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds and their oil (cold pressed), Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, tahini (sesame butter), or even better if you can get hold of it at a health food store unhulled tahini (an alkaline fat, high in calcium), Young Coconuts (young Thai coconuts are available in the US at Asian markets), Coconut milk, coconuts (mature).


Superfoods are foods with extraordinary properties. Usually they contain all essential amino acids, high levels of minerals, and a wide array of unique, even rare, nutrients. I have included the superfoods in the nutritional tips below.

Some prominent superfoods to include:

1) Himalayan Pink Salt - offers 84 minerals exactly identical to the elements in your body.

2) Spirulina (a spiral algae consumed for thousands of years by indigenous people in Mexico and Africa)
-It has the highest concentration of protein on Earth. 60%
-It is also very high in Iron, and many other vitamins and minerals.
-It is one of the highest sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) on the planet. Only mother's milk is higher.
-It is recommended to take more Spirulina during breastfeeding because of the GLA.
-Spirulina is very high in human-active B12.

3) Blue-Green Algae (Klamath lake algae wonderful brain food). It is high in protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals and enhances the immune system.

I value it in pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and lactation for its enhancing effect on brain function.

4) Bee Pollen (wild pollen, not orchard pollen, should be used and should come from ethically harvested sources where bees are treated respectfully. Bee Pollen is nature's most complete food) All amino acids, immune system, brain, eyes.

5) Flax, Sunflower, Chia, Sesame and pumpkin seeds are the best to use. Flaxseeds are excellent and the highest vegetarian source of omega-3-essential fatty acids, important for the immune system, nervous system, and brain development. I recommend one to two tablespoons daily of the uncooked and unheated oil or three to six tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseeds. (Use a coffee grinder). You may also grind the other above mentioned seeds and add them to salads, and fruit salads.

6) Wild young coconuts (not be confused with white Thai coconuts found in markets, wild coconuts are one of the greatest foods on earth. The coconut water and soft inner flesh are strength enhancing, electrolyte-rich, mineral-rich, youthening and invigorating. Great in smoothies.


Here Are Some Nutrition Tips that will help you both:

1) Get Enough Folic Acid. 400 micrograms (mcg) daily. Folic Acid reduces chance of birth defects such as spina bifida. Especially in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy.

2) Best Food Sources of Folic Acid are: RAW Green leafy vegetables, including spinach, kale, beet greens, beet root, chard, asparagus, and broccoli. Starchy vegetables containing folic acid are corn, lima beans, green peas, sweet peas, sweet potatoes, artichokes, okra, and parsnips. Oats are high in folic acid as well as whole wheat brown bread. Many fruits have folic acid such as oranges, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, and many berries including loganberries, boysenberries, and strawberries. Also fresh sprouts such as lentil, mung bean sprouts are excellent sources. REMINDER: Folic acid is available from fresh, unprocessed food, which is why it is so common a deficient in our culture's processed, cooked food diet.

3) Eat Your Fish. Getting enough DHA (found in abundance in seafood and flaxseed) is one of the most important things you can do for you and your developing baby's health. DHA is the omega-3 fatty acid that can boost baby's brain development before birth, leading to better vision, memory, motor skills and language comprehension in early childhood. Eat at least 12 ounces a week of low-mercury fish, or take a DHA supplement such as Krill Oil.

• Avoid large, predatory fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish. (As big fish eat smaller fish, the larger, longer-living ones accumulate more mercury).

• Seaweed and Cilantro remove heavy metals and radioactive isotopes from the tissues.

4) Avoid Alcohol - The main risk of consuming alcohol during pregnancy is the development of "fetal alcohol syndrome" (FAS). mother.. NO AMOUNT IS SAFE. AVOID TOTALLY.

5) Avoid Caffeine: In high amounts causes birth defects and still births, miscarriages and premature delivery.

6) Avoid Drugs - As far as possible all orthodox drugs should be avoided during pregnancy, especially in the first three months. Consider natural alternatives and visiting a medical herbalist or nutritionist prior to conception.


Although the chance of contracting one of these rare infections is limited, you will reduce this likelihood even further if you follow the basic guidelines given here.

Listeriosis - caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes, this is a very rare infection. Its symptoms are similar to flu and gastroenteritis and it can cause still birth.

Toxoplasmosis - usually symptomless (apart from mild flu symptoms), this can cause serious problems for the baby. Caused by direct contact with the organism Toxoplasma Gondi, it is found in cat faeces, raw meat, and unpasteurized goats' milk. Soil on fruit and vegetables may be contaminated.

Salmonella - Contamination with Salmonella bacterium can cause bacterial food poisoning. This doesn't usually harm the baby directly, but any illness involving a high temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration could cause a miscarriage or preterm labour.


Herbal remedies are for the most part quite safe to be taken during pregnancy; some are useful alternatives to drugs both in chronic illness and acute minor problems such as may arise during pregnancy. It is still preferable to take NO MEDICATION whatsoever in the first three months, unless there is a specific problem that needs treatment.

There are many Herbs which should never be taken in pregnancy - their emmonagogue or oxytocic properties may, in large amounts, cause uterine contractions and thereby risk miscarriage: I will only mention a few as there at least twenty on the list.

Nutmeg Myristica Fragrans
Thuja Thuja occidentalis
Calendula Calendula officinalis
Sage Salvia officinalis
Thyme Thymus vulgaris
Marjoram Origanum vulgare
Lovage Levisticum officinale
Rosemary Rosmarinus Officinalis
Rhubarb Rheum sp.

Herbs that are safe to eat to take in culinary doses but not as a medicine during pregnancy include:

celery seed, cinnamon, fennel, fenugreek, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage and saffron.

If you enjoyed reading this article and would like to read the full version of this e-book called 'A Natural Approach To Pregnancy', visit my website http://www.easyconsciousliving.com or e-mail me at: barbara@easyconsciousliving.com


"The Doctor Of The Future Will Give No Medicines, But Will Interest His Patients In The Care Of The Human Frame, In Diet, And In The Causes Of Diseases."
--Thomas Edison.

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The family members of tea mainly include green tea, black tea, white tea, flower tea, oolong tea, and so on. The nutritional value of tea is extremely high. In our daily life, tea can effectively help us improve body health and resist radiation. Generally speaking, six reasons can persuade us to drink tea.

First, the theine contained in tea leaves can help us stimulate the central nervous system, eliminate fatigue and improve the work efficiency. When we are drinking tea, our taste bud can be stimulated and our body can be refreshed. What's more, the theine can also alleviate bronchospasm, accelerate blood circulation, cure bronchial asthma, relieve cough, reduce sputum and prevent miocardial infarction for us.

Second, the catechins contained in tea can decrease the absorption of fat in our body and burn the extra fat to maintain a healthy body for us. At the same time, the chemical compounds like folic acid and vitamin C can adjust the metabolism of fat, decompose fat and decrease cholesterol to help us lose weight.

Third, the flavonoids can effectively restrain the growth of cancer cells and prevent various kinds of cancer for us. What's more, we can also prevent cardiovascular disease, stabilize blood pressure and improve immune system by drinking tea. According to the research, people who often drink tea can be rarely attacked by cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

Fourth, tannic acid can be responsible for killing bacteria and alleviating intestinal diseases including enteritis, diarrhea and cholera. Therefore, we can use strong tea to clean the wounds so as to kill bacteria and eliminate inflammation. In addition, we can also use tea leaves to deal with ulcer and oral inflammation.

Fifth, the theine and theophylline can work together to improve urination and alleviate edema for us. For example, black tea is very effective in eliminating toxins and accelerating urination for human body.

Sixth, the fluorine contained in tea can be integrated with calcium in teeth to produce fluorapatite which can not be dissolved in acid. Like a protective layer, fluorapatite can effectively protect our teeth to prevent the formation of decayed teeth.

So, tea is really beneficial to our body. Various benefits can persuade us to drink tea. In our daily life, we can choose tea to take the place of carbonated beverage. In addition, we should not drink much tea in the evening, or our normal sleep can be affected.

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Two weeks ago, seeing the cutest furry babies in a pet store display, I made the ultimate of impulsive decisions, I adopted two kittens. I hurriedly paid their adoption fee, which was to include their first round of shots and spay/neuter fees. Home we went when the little girl, Lucille Abigail Twinkletoes (Lulu for short), promptly had diarrhea. The smelly, messy, awful kind that gets all over and we still had 30 minutes of driving to do - yuck!

The other kitty, supposedly a boy, we were going to name LeRoy (more on that later) was unscathed by the ride home. Sure enough, when it came time for the litter box, he had diarrhea too.

Like every modern-day mom, I went online. I read good and bad advice because I didn't want to go to the emergency vet that night. Needless to say, one night of diarrhea was enough for me - I made a vet appointment. And here's what I learned that might help you out if you are going through the same experience of bad kitty diarrhea:

1. Feed your young pets. In my kittens case, I took 2 tablespoons of ground turkey, mixed in a tablespoon of pumpkin and cooked rice. They gobbled it up! I was also told that acidophilus - found in yogurt - was good for them. I have an issue feeding dairy to cats, it's a no-no for me, so I added a gel cap of powdered acidophilus to their turkey. They gobbled up more.

2. Make sure they are drinking water and water only to drink. Cows milk is not for kittens, it's for cows. As it was nighttime and the pet shops were closed, I could not get kitten milk replacement formula. So they drank water. Dehydration comes on quick in itty-bitty creatures so I watched and encouraged their drinking.

3. Food - this proved to be a problem. While I am in the pet business and I know that all pet foods are designed to be healthy and nutritious, they are not all equal. I chose a brand based on the pet shop recommendation (and my experience at trade shows). This brand, Solid Gold, I was informed by my vet, can cause loose stools. I decided to try a different brand, my vet suggested Science Diet Kitten Formula - what my other cat was eating. My vet's advice was to give all my felines the kitten formula, even to my (older) cat, instead of giving adult cat food to kittens - which I think they were being given at the pet shop.

4. Get a check for worms. Worms and parasites are common in kittens - especially those from a shelter with an unknown mother and history. Better to be safe than sorry.

5. Be wary of sneezing. Should sneezing be present, it can be a sign of a virus that could cause the diarrhea. Noticing signs like this will help the vet give good advice and is important. My kittens had no sneezing. Their fecal check was negative for worms. In my case the diarrhea must have been caused by their diet.

6. Keep kittens out of your other cat's litter boxes. If you have other cats in the house, it is important, especially in the first few days of introducing new kittens to your home, to have them use their own litter boxes.

7. Scoop kitten poop promptly. In my case it's hard to keep everyone out of all the litter boxes I have so I just tried to keep them meticulously clean. Not everyone like to be forced to go where it smells.

8. Antibiotics can cause diarrhea - just an FYI.

9. Keep an eye on kittens "movements" and keep in contact with your vet.

My new kittens, Lulu and Pearl (I found out 'Leroy' was actually a girl) are getting better. Not quite normal, but better. Diarrhea is a pain for everyone. But, with patience, good advice and good food, it gets better. It's not uncommon for diarrhea to last a month, but it doesn't have to. Let me know if you have any questions. After this experience, I feel like I got the scoop on the poop!

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Red kidney beans and soya beans need to be boiled for ten minutes to destroy a harmful protein called haemagglutin, which can cause severe gastroenteritis. Tinned beans are already cooked, it safe to eat straight from can, you don't even need to heat them. But, if you're using dried beans soak them overnight first, drain off the water they soaked in, add cold water then bring them to a rolling boil for ten minutes. If you're slow-cooking a chili con carne or bean stew, it's best to boil the beans first.

If you buy fresh rhubarb, throw away the leaves. They contain toxic levels of oxalic acid, which can block the body's absorption of calcium. There's also some in the stalks (and in spinach), but not enough to do any harm unless you have a tendency to form kidney stones. Rhubarb occasionally has a laxative effect.

Throw out any potatoes that have gone green - don't just cut off the green part. They contain toxin called solanine that cause stomach upsets and diarrhea and has been know to kill. It's already present, in smaller amounts, when potatoes start to sprout, so use them up quickly or bin them if you see signs of sprouting.

When you're preparing a meal, always use one knife and chopping board for raw meat or seafood and another for all other foods, washing them (not just wiping down) after each use. It's only way you can be sure you're not spreading live bacteria from raw food on to anything that isn't going to be cooked. If you had raw meat on a plate in the fridge, wash it up as soon as you take the meat off - don't put the cooked meat or any other food on the unwashed plate.

Food poisoning from fruit and vegetable, though rare, is increasing as out of season produces is flown in from farther away. Just occasionally it can pass on parasites : worms and other organisms that live in your body an can make you run down or ill. Healthy though salads are, they really have to be well washed - unlike cooked vegetables, they won't go through any cleansing heat treatment.

In fact, it's a good idea to wash produce even if you're going to cook it, since heat doesn't kill all germs. This is also gives you a chance to pick out any insects, grit or anything else that might be hiding in the leaves. Fruits and vegetables may have been sprayed with yet more pesticide after harvesting then waxed. Scrub fruit and vegetable in warm soapy water or the special washes available in health food shops, using a stiff brush kept for this purpose only.

Make certain you've got all the wax off, if there's any, then rinse everything well. It's advisable to peel root vegetables, though this isn't the complete answer since some of the pesticide residues may have permeated all the way though. Most of the vitamins are just beneath the skin, too. The best answer really is to buy organic root vegetables that have been raised in clean soil without the use of chemicals. Even these need at least a rinse, to remove any grime they're picked up since they left the farm.

Important Points:-
o Wash your hands before you cook, after touching raw meat or seafood, then before you eat.
o Don't let any other food touch a knife, or chopping board, or container you've used for raw meat.
o Wash or peel all fresh produce.

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What does a fruit cleanse do for you? It gives your body a change of pace from the heavy foods that are normally eaten. This allows your digestive system to get rid of toxins and wastes. With this type of dietary plan you are able to detoxify and restore harmony and balance to your entire body.

What Fruit Really Contains

Fruits are naturally good for you and they can be easily digested. They supply energy, antioxidants, essential vitamins and are low in calories. Papayas, mangoes, berries and citrus fruits are packed with Vitamin C, phytonutrients and high levels of antioxidants. All of these are needed by the body and can give you optimum levels of health and vitality.

Why a Fruit Cleanse is Healthy

When you participate in a fruit cleanse regimen you are clearing your internal system of chemicals and food additives. The cleansing process is gentle but thorough and the fruit that you eat is able to supply all of the cells in your body with the kinds of naturally good nutrition that they can use. An influx of antioxidants and phytonutrients can give damaged cells the strength they need to make necessary repairs. Fruit also improves your overall immunity and helps you fight off infections and illness.

Raw Fruit is Best

Because the fruit that you are using is raw and natural a fruit cleanse regimen provides you with a healthier diet. Cooked fruit loses many of the vital nutrients and this lessens the positive impact that it can have on the body. Processed juices are certainly delicious but these have high sugar concentrations and contain little pulp and fiber. When you eat whole fruit you are enjoying the simple, healthy nutrition of nature that can not be duplicated by any other means. Your body is able to digest fruit and extract everything it needs without absorbing any added sugars or chemicals.

Add Variety for a Filling Change

While participating on a fruit based cleansing regimen you should always try to vary the selection so that it does not become boring. You need to drink plenty of water so that your body stays well hydrated. Water will also help the digestive process of the fruits. You want to eat raw fruit but dried, or dehydrated fruits, can also be used for a change of pace.

Dehydrated fruit is an excellent choice for this diet because the fruit is not cooked and it still contains all of the fiber and nutrients. Because much of the natural moisture is removed the taste is rich, filling and very sweet. This type of treat can keep you on track and help you stick with the diet plan.

There are some enzymes that are found in fruit that handle most of the processing during the digestive phase. Instead of flooding your system with high levels of refined sugars the natural sweeteners in fruit are also being released at a much slower level. Both of these steps allow your pancreas to have a bit of a break. Your body can use almost every component that fruit contains. Even the fibers and pulp are helpful because they gently clean the wastes and residues from the intestinal tract and the colon.

Benefits of a Fruit Cleanse

Most people that try a fruit cleansing diet for even a few days are surprised at how much better they feel. Thoughts seem to be clearer and more focused and they enjoy a sensation of happiness and well being. Fruit is pure and natural and it does not create surges in blood sugar levels like so many other foods can do. Raw fruit will never result in addictive cravings that are seen when people use salt, caffeine or processed foods. Even the skin is rejuvenated by the addition of natural fruit to the diet. Many skin conditions are improved or eliminated once the fruit cleanse has gotten rid of the toxins from your body.

A healthy regimen like this is going to restore the energy and strength that has been missing from your life. In addition it will make you feel more refreshed and relaxed. Occasionally there may be a few fasting symptoms that you will experience as you progress with your fruit cleanse diet. Some people that have overloaded their bodies with unhealthy foods and additives in the past might notice headaches, mild nausea, diarrhea or even dizziness when they first begin. These symptoms are generally of very short duration and will disappear as soon as your body gets rids of the internal toxins that it is being forced to dump while you are following the fruit cleanse plan.

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Ask yourself,

1. Is the dog still interested in eating, will they eat their favorite treat, even a small one?

2. Do they have diarrhea?

3. Is there any blood in their vomit or diarrhea?

4. Do they have a temperature, always have a thermometer for your dog and know that a dog's temperature should be 101. A dog can be very sick and NOT have a fever, but it is a warning sign.

5. Is the dog dehydrated? Grasp the skin between the shoulder blades; it should bounce back upon releasing the skin almost immediately. Skin that takes more than 2 seconds to bounce back or stands up in the position grasped is a sign of dehydration and in need of immediate veterinary attention.

6. Does the dog have good blood circulation and oxygenation? Check the color of your pet's gums. Lift your pet's upper or lower lip and observe the color of the inner lip and gums. A healthy animal should have a pink color to the gums. Brick red or brown, pale light pink, white, yellow or blue colors of the mucous membranes are colors indicative of an emergency (shock, loss of blood, or anemia). Some breeds have dark pigmentation in their inner lips and gums making observations difficult and misleading, know the color of your dogs gums when healthy. For these dogs check for color by gently pulling down on the skin just below the eye with your thumb and observe the color in the inner eyelid.

7. Will the dog play? Grab their favorite toy and see if they will play.

8. Will the dog stand? Move them to their feet and see what their reactions are.

9. Call your veterinarian and tell them the answers to these questions. If you vet is closed and any of these questions are of concern, go immediately to an emergency room.

Toxic items

First all dog owners should know where their emergency vet is located. The last thing you want is to be looking for the place when your dog is ill, late at night, so be prepared and do a dry run during the day. It may save a life.

Second you need to be aware how to make a dog throw up if he or she does ingest something they should not. This can be anything from a sock to the following foods. Please call your vet or emergency vet clinic for advice on if inducing vomiting is a good idea based on the item and time.

Vomiting will not help in some situations and could harm him or her even more, please:

??Do not induce if the dog has already started vomiting.
??Do not induce if the dog has lost consciousness, has trouble breathing, or she has become too weak to stand.
??Do not induce if the dog has swallowed bleach, drain cleaner or a petroleum distillate product. These products will burn the esophagus and mouth parts again on the way up.
??Do not induce if the dog swallowed the material more than two hours ago because the item or substance has likely passed into the small intestine, at which point your dog can't vomit it back up.

You can induce if...
??your vet has advised you to do it during your phone call;
??your dog has ingested antifreeze (ethylene glycol) no more than two hours ago

That said, follow these steps to induce vomiting.

1. Into a small bowl, glass or mug, pour some three percent hydrogen peroxide, the same you have for a childs cut.
2. Pour about 3 cc's for every 20 pounds of your dog's weight into a small cup.
3. Open her mouth slightly tilting her head back, pour a steady stream of the hydrogen peroxide toward the back of her mouth, which will force her to swallow it.
4. Wait ten minutes. If she hasn't yet started to vomit, repeat steps 2 and 3.
5. Call your vet immediately if she doesn't vomit after the second dose.

So what is toxic to your dog besides the obvious, antifreeze? Well here is a list of those that will cause harm.

??Grapes, Raisins
??Candy, gum containing xylitol
??Castor Bean
??Cocoa powder, cooking chocolate, semi sweet chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate in order of most toxic
??Onions and garlic
??Macadamia nuts
??Pear pits, the kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pits (contain cyanogenic glycosides in cyanide poisoning)
??Potato peelings and green looking potatoes
??Rhubarb leaves
??Moldy/ spoiled foods
??Yeast dough
??Coffee grounds, beans and tea (caffeine)
??Hops (used in home brewing)
??Tomato leaves and stems (green parts)
??Raw salmon
??Apple (stem and leaves)
??Yew (American, English, Western)
??Wild Cherry
??Japanese Plum
??Ficus(Cuban Laurel)
??Balsam Pear
??Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle-Leaf)
??Philodendron (Devil's Ivy)
??English Ivy
??Matrimony Vine
??Virginia Creeper
??Asparagus Fern
??Colocasia (Elephant's Ear)
??Deiffenbachia (Dumb Cane)
??Philodendron (Saddle Leaf, Split Leaf)
??Mum (Pot and Spider)
??Umbrella Plant
??Aloe Vera

For more information on us and our dogs please visit, http://www.labradoodle-breeder.com, Rainmaker Ranch Labradoodles

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If you are dealing with weight problems or you have been feeling sluggish have really been bothering you lately, then you should try a home remedy colon cleanse so that you can reap the benefits of having a clean and healthy colon. If your body is going to be healthy, then you must have healthy colon, because one can't be healthier if the other is not. Because your colon is the biggest organ and its job is to take all of the waste out of your body, you need to have it working right.

It's the same as changing your car's oil, if you don't keep your colon cleansed your body will not be as healthy as it should be and will act up, just like a car will if you don't change the oil. If you don't clean your colon, you might have up to 10 pounds of waste that is sitting in your colon. That means all that waste that your colon didn't remove is stuck to your colon's walls and is seeping into your blood every single day. By using a home remedy colon cleanse in the comfort of your own home, you will get rid of all that waste and restore your health.

If you haven't attempted to use some sort of colon cleanse, then you might have waste in your colon that dates back all the way to your childhood. A lot of adults find particles of crayon when they get their first colon cleanse, which they at when they were little. If you want to be healthier and improve your immune system, you need to use a home remedy colon cleanse soon.

Have you had to ever deal with constipation, bloating, diarrhea, or having no energy at all? These are symptoms of an unhealthy colon, and if you have them, you need to try to the number 1 colon cleanse as soon as you possibly can.

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This is often the first line of drug therapy for many people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes... metformin, also sold under the trade name Glucophage, was the wonder drug of the early 1990's for type 2 diabetics. The patents for most forms of metformin have expired so that even in the US diabetics can usually buy the drug for about $4 a month, but it remains one of the most useful medications available for increasing sensitivity to insulin and keeping blood sugar levels in control. Here are some points you need to know about this drug:

1. Metformin is a unique drug. Along with diet and exercise, it can help prevent the progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes.

2. Metformin may help with weight loss. Actos (pioglitazone) and Avandia (rosiglitazone) also increase insulin sensitivity, but at the cost of activating a gene that encourages the development of new fat cells. Metformin helps type 2 diabetics lower blood sugar levels by making cells more sensitive to insulin, and when less insulin is needed to transport sugar, less insulin is available to transport fat.

3. Many type 2 diabetics complain that metformin smells like raw fish or mothballs. There is a very simple solution... remove your dose of metformin from the bottle about five minutes before taking it, and the odor will have dissipated.

4. Long-term use of metformin can cause vitamin B12 deficiency but the solution is simple. Just take a complete vitamin B supplement... 100% of the recommended daily intake, not more, several days a week. This provides B vitamins in the balance you need without creating problems of excessive supplementation.

5. Long-term use of metformin can also cause magnesium deficiency. You can take a minimal dosage of a magnesium supplement, no more than 100 mg of magnesium three times a day, or just eat more green leafy vegetables. Don't overdo magnesium supplementation, since magnesium, like metformin, can cause diarrhea.

6. Metformin is emerging as the treatment of choice for teenagers with type 2 diabetes. A combination of metformin and regular vigorous exercise, results in loss of excessive body fat without stunting normal growth or hormonal development.

7. Metformin partially offsets insulin resistance caused by MSG (monosodium glutamate), a savory flavoring added to all kinds of bouillon cubes, broths, canned soups, frozen dinners, and prepared foods. It's usually less expensive and almost always more healthful to simply cook your meals from scratch.

8. Some diabetics cannot take metformin. If you have any kind of blood clotting disorder, or if you have peripheral arterial disease (PAD), your doctor will probably not prescribe metformin for fear of raising the risk of clots.

9. Even though metformin and Glucophage are the same chemical, some diabetics get better results from Glucophage. The time-release version of metformin, Glucophage-XR, costs US$100 to $200 a month more than metformin, but may be helpful to diabetics who are able to exercise portion control at meals. If you tend to overeat, the extended release medication won't really give you any additional blood sugar control.

10. If you are taking less than 850mg of metformin three times a day and your doctor wants to add an additional medication other than insulin, ask about increasing the dosage of metformin. If you are paying for your medications out of your pocket, and metformin can help you achieve good blood sugar control, using metformin instead of other medications can save you thousands of dollars every year.

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Sewage backup can be extremely dangerous to your health. If you are experiencing sewage backing up into your toilets, bath tubs, and showers, it is time to call your plumber. Sewage contains germs such as E. coli, Cryptosporidium, Hepatitis A, and Shigella, so it must be cleaned up and the plumbing system repaired immediately.

While you are waiting for the plumbers to arrive, begin to clean up the area with a solution of one cup bleach to every five gallons of water. Keep children, the elderly, and pets away from the area, and wear long pants, eyewear, gloves and boots. Wash your hands afterwards with soap and clean warm water. You can help keep sewage from backing up into your home by limiting the amount of water going down the drain.

It may be a clog between the shower and toilet, or the waste line may be plugged. Whatever the cause, protecting you and your family from harmful waste needs to be your first concern.

Symptoms from being exposed to sewage may include diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, chills, and vomiting. Seek medical attention right away if you experience any of these symptoms.

You must also clean all items and surfaces that were touched by the sewage, including children's toys, by using use one cup of unscented household bleach to every five gallons of water. Throw away items that cannot be washed and cleaned (such as mattresses, stuffed animals, baby toys, and wood cutting boards) and food that may have come in contact with sewage water.

If the sewage backup is in the shower area, try using a snake. A one quarter inch snake that is 25 feet is you best bet. It will move more easily through the line. You may find that the shower trap gets backed up, while the toilet in the same bathroom does not. This is due to the fact that the toilet trap is typically about six inches above the floor level, whereas the typical shower drain is installed level with the floor.

If you are unable to clear this backup yourself, you must call in professional plumbers. They will be able to clean up the leaked sewage thoroughly, as well as find out exactly where the clog is located. Unless you know what you are doing when you try to do your own plumbing repairs, it is generally wise to let the professionals handle it to begin with.

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Dog obedience training is essential if you want to train your dog to keep his mouth away from what doesn't belong to him. It's even more important if you want to protect him from the things that can hurt him the most. A top dog trainer recognizes the many dangers that face your dog, including toxic plants, and recommends dog training tips and dog training techniques for the safety of your best friend.

You've probably noticed, while training your dog, that he uses his nose and mouth to explore his world. Many things, harmless and otherwise, end up in his mouth.

Chewing behaviors can be detrimental to your home's d矇cor and landscape, but can be even worse for your dog's health. This is especially true when the object of your dog's chewing is a poisonous plant.

These plants, however innocent they may seem, are common dog poisoning culprits:

Ham 'n Eggs, Lantana, or Yellow Sage; whatever you call it, its pretty yellow, orange, red, blue, and white blooms cause ulcerations, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and sensitivity to sunlight.

Dumbcane, or Dieffenbachia, is not a smart snack idea. It's big, variegated leaves are composed of sharp cells that cause burning sensations, excessive drooling, edema, erythema, and irritation and swelling of oral tissues.

Philodendron is great for household oxygen levels, but this common vine isn't good for your dog's health if consumed. It causes vomiting, swallowing difficulty, excessive drooling, and irritation of oral tissues.

Caladium's heart shaped green, white, and pink variegated leaves, when ingested, can result in vomiting, difficulty with swallowing, excessive drooling, and irritation of oral tissues.

Elephant Ear leaves are bigger than your dog's head, and if he eats one, the symptoms might be bigger than he can handle. Symptoms include vomiting, swallowing difficulties, drooling excessively, and oral irritation.

Ivy's a good creeper, and it proves that by creeping through your dog with symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, excessive salivation, and abdominal cramping.

Rosary Pea, or Prayer Bean, bears red berries that have historically been used to create rosaries. You might want to pray, after calling the vet, if your dog ingests any of these, because he will be subjected to shock, fever, elevated heart rate, bloody stools, bloody vomiting, tremors, and possible death.

Mistletoe is best left hanging high overhead, from doorways at Christmastime. This plant's shiny green leaves and white berries hold the potential to cause suppressed blood pressure, diarrhea, vomiting, erratic behavior, bradycardia, dyspnea, cardiovascular collapse, and gastric disorders.

Castor Bean might be the source of castor oil, a common remedy, but its blue, prickly beans house seeds which contain ricin, which can cause bloody diarrhea, fever, central nervous system decline, loss of coordination, breathing difficulty, trembling and weakness, appetite loss, convulsions, kidney failure, vomiting, excessive thirst, and irritation of oral tissues.

Peace Lily is not peaceful once consumed. Its large white lilies and sizeable green, drooping leaves contain calcium oxalate crystals, which trigger swallowing difficulties, excessive drooling, and oral irritation.

Schefflera, or the Umbrella Tree, bears big leafy bunches of shiny green foliage atop woody stems, and can cause swallowing difficulty, vomiting, excessive drooling, and irritation of the oral cavity if ingested.

Chrysanthemums, or Mums, are well known for their colorful fall blooms. They're also known for their ability to cause loss of coordination, depression, diarrhea, vomiting, and gastric disturbance in dogs.

The list of plants that can harm your dog goes on and on, to include Jack in the Pulpit, Yew, Narcissus, Lily of the Valley, Autumn Crocus, Daffodil, Tulip, Iris, Cyclamen, Delphinium, Hyacinth, Kalanchoe, Oleander, Rhododendron, Amaryllis, Aster, Poinsettia, Azalea, Marijuana, Fox Glove, and Sago Palm.

Be sure that your dog cannot reach your houseplants, and make sure that he's supervised while amid your outdoor plants. You can stop digging and chewing behaviors from ever becoming a problem with dog obedience training techniques like clicker training and crate training. Training a dog with positive and proven dog training tips will keep him safe, even when he's faced with the difficult decision to taste or not to taste.

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One major cause of indoor pollution is the unnecessary use of home decorating and air cleaning products. Volatile organic compounds also known as (VOCs) disperse from a lot of these products, causing the level of pollutants in indoor air to be more than 100 times higher than outdoors. You can reduce the level of pollutants in your house by taking into consideration the following suggestions.

You can open up the windows of your home on the next sunny day and let out all the pollutants that have converged there. Because scented cleaning products and synthetic room fresheners contain such a high percentage of VOCs, they should be avoided. They not only poison the air, they can also provoke skin, eye and respiratory reactions and harm the natural environment. Put a vase of flowers in an area where a refreshing and natural scent is desired.

A report conducted some ten years ago by New Scientist revealed surprising data about aerosol sprays and air fresheners. In homes where these products were utilized on a regular basis, mothers suffered 25 percent more headaches and were 19 percent more prone to experience depression; and infants below six months of age had 30 percent more ear infections and 22 percent higher cases of diarrhea.

Users should know about the practice of "green washing" before they go to purchase "green" cleaning alternatives. Just because the word "natural" may appear on a label does not necessarily make it so, and the consumer must be aware of this. The word is not only vague; it is also unregulated and can be applied to anything and everything without qualification. Focus should be directed solely on eco-friendly components listed on the product label as indicated by David Steinman the co-author of The Safe Shopper's Bible. Some of these include: grain alcohol, coconut or other plant oils in detergents and plant-oil disinfectants such as eucalyptus, rosemary or sage.

Homemade cleaners can also be very effective. By combining water, baking soda, plain soap, vinegar, washing soda (sodium carbonate), lemon juice, and borax, you can make a safe and effective home cleaner. Keep away from hazardous cleaning products, which according to Philip Dickey of the Washington Toxics Coalition, include: corrosive drain cleaners, oven cleaners, acidic toilet-bowl cleaners, and anything with chlorine or ammonia (which can be fatal if combined).

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