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As many of you know by now, green tea increases your body ability to burn fat. More precisely, it increases the oxidation of lipid metabolism. Many of the studies that confirm this are perform on subjects who did not make any changes to their diet and physical activity. It should come as no surprise then that when exercise is included, the benefits are even better.

Akira Shimotoyodome and his fellow researchers presented findings that showed that exercise combined with green tea extract produced a much greater reduction of fat accumulation then exercising or using green tea extract alone. The report that supplementing with green tea increased the hepatic fatty acid oxidation in both exercised and non exercised group. However, in the exercised group, the green tea extract also stimulated skeletal muscle fatty acid oxidation.

From this, it is obvious that one of the outcomes of combining green tea extract with your exercise program is a synergistic effect for burning fat in your body. If there were ever a good argument for consuming green tea, this is it.

Another important aspect of green tea is it's relative safety. Even though green tea has been found to be very safe, some side effects do occur. Some of these side effects are constipation, diarrhea, nausea, restlessness and upset stomach. More severe side effects are rash, hives, swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue. It should go without saying that if any of these severe symptoms occur then you should seek medical attention.

In short, if you want to burn fat quickly, a combination of green tea along with exercise has been shown to be more effective than just using each option alone. It's synergistic effect will help shorten the time it takes for you to get the body you want and deserve.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hemorrhoids can be caused by different factors, such as age, heredity, obesity or liver disorders, but the most common cause is an unhealthy diet. Poor nutrition can cause constipation and hard stools, which increase the pressure on the rectal vein, leading to hemorrhoids.

The best diet for hemorrhoids sufferers is a high fiber diet which can regulate and soothe bowel movements, improve your overall health and reduce hemorrhoids.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, the first action you should take is start eating more foods that are rich in dietary fiber. If you do not change your diet, no matter what treatment you try, your hemorrhoids will eventually come back.

What should you eat?

Here is a list of foods you must include in your hemorrhoids diet:

1. Foods that contain whole grains -- whole wheat bread, brown rice, bran cereals, whole wheat pasta, oat groats, popcorn, teff flour;

2. Fresh vegetables;

3. Root vegetables like potatoes, radishes, turnips, carrots, celery root;

4. Fresh fruits -- do not peel off the skin before eating them, as it is the one that contains the greatest amount of fiber and vitamins;

5. Dried fruits.

Try to eat bran cereals every morning, but start with small amounts, until your organism gets used to them. If you eat too much from the start, you can develop a mild diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Slowly increase the amount of bran cereals and you will achieve regular and smooth bowel movements.

What should you avoid?

To get the best results, avoid eating heavy meals, fatty foods or products that are low in fiber like: meat, white bread, ice cream or cheese. Moreover, try drinking fresh juice instead of coffee and avoid alcohol.

To keep a proper hemorrhoids diet, how you eat is as important as what you eat. If you suffer from hemorrhoids you must eat regularly, and never in a rush. You have to thoroughly chew what you eat, to help your digestive system function better and avoid unnecessary pressure on your anal veins.

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I was enraged when I read about how some people believe that green lipped mussel side effects are potentially lethal.

That's nonsense - while the many benefits of green lipped mussel are well known, the side effects are no more than you might find with any other food. Let me explain, and on the way I'll also make you aware of those side effects that can actually occur through the ingestion of mussels.

Now the green lipped mussel, as you probably know, is a salt water shellfish, which is brown in color and quite large, growing to as much as twenty centimeters in width or more. It is characterized by a beautiful green tinge to the shell along its outer borders, which characteristic gives it its name.

Those side effects that can occur in the course of mussel supplements, or even eating the shellfish cooked, are generally minor, with the exception of the allergic reaction to shellfish.

If you have any sort of allergy to shellfish, then you are indeed in potential danger of experiencing green lipped mussel side effects - an allergic reaction, actually, because the supplement essentially contains the same substances that trigger your allergy.

At the very least, you must be certain to consult a doctor and to inform him of your allergy if he is not aware of it, and to ask him whether taking this type of supplement would be safe for you. In all probability, if you are prone to an allergic reaction, it would not be.

However, most of the other issues related to green lipped mussels are hardly serious. Sometimes your stomach can take a day or two to become accustomed to digesting green lipped mussels, and you might experience some minor diarrhea or nausea. This is especially true if you eat the mussels raw, though if you take them in supplement form, you still can sometimes suffer from mild stomach problems.

One way to avoid these stomach problems is to take the supplements while eating. This trick can reduce the occurrence of green lipped mussel side effects. Generally speaking, this fools the body into absorbing the supplements without the usual issues that can occur when you first start taking the green lipped mussel supplements. Though if you use a really good supplement such as Xtend-life, you rarely have too many problems

While it's true that cooked mussels can be a lot easier to digest than the raw form and even than some supplements, it's not recommended that you go in for the cooked product, because the supplements really retain all the natural constituents of this type of seafood that are the source of all health benefits that accrue from it.

So a good supplement can go a long way towards helping you attain longevity and perfect health. And, you'll admit, that's certainly food for thought!

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Pomegranate is an Exotic Antioxidant Super fruit, its spiritual reputation is a life-giving and heavenly fruit. But a pomegranate is more then that, it can be helpful in treating diabetes, dementia, cancer and menopausal problems, and it can even prevent sunburn. When it comes to organically produced pomegranate it becomes more vital to our overall health.

Research proved numerous health benefits of pomegranate including--

Nutrient Value

Pomegranate aril juice provides about 16% of an adult's daily vitamin C requirement per 100 ml serving, and is a great source of vitamin B5, potassium and antioxidant polyphenols.

Pomegranates are high-fiber in some charts of nutritional value. However that fiber is entirely contained in the seeds which also supply unsaturated oils.


Pomegranates contain three times as many antioxidants as red wine and green tea. In fact, they contain the most antioxidants of any natural food, and especially loaded with Vitamin C and Potassium. Antioxidants are vitamins and enzymes identified for lowering (LDL) or "bad" cholesterol from oxidizing and hardening the arteries.

Lower Risk of Heart Disease

The seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart and throat. Research shows that eating organic pomegranate seeds and drinking pomegranate juice can increase oxygen levels to the heart. Organic pomegranate seeds act a lot like aspirin, keeping blood platelets from sticking together and forming dangerous blood clots.

Erectile dysfunction

Studies expose that, over time, organic pomegranates might help combat erectile dysfunction. Researchers report that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice increase and balance the blood flow to the heart and subsequently to the rest of the body. A glass of organic Pomegranate Juice or take one capsule of Pomegranate extract daily as a natural remedy for erectile dysfunction.

Lower Risk of Cancer,

There are also possibilities that pomegranate compounds influence prevention of prostate cancer or slow its growth. In some research pomegranate extract delayed the development of tumors and improved survival.

In addition pomegranate seed oil, fermented juice, and pericarp extract to cause cancer cells to self-destruct. So far the juice and extracts are not toxic to the healthy breast cells. It could be used as a source for cancer prevention.

Lessen Symptoms of Diarrhea

The skin of the fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree are used as a traditional remedy against diarrhea, and intestinal parasites.

Reduce Cholesterol

Research confirmed because of its antioxidant properties consumption of pomegranate juice for two weeks was shown to reduce systolic blood pressure.

Fight Cell Damage

Pomegranate used to Toning skin, after blending with mustard oil firming-up sagging breasts. It improve complexions, its seeds oil is wildly used in cosmetic products to add moisture, rejuvenate dull or mature skin, assist with wrinkles, calm minor skin irritations, improve skin elasticity and protect the skin.

A relief reported from hot flashes and other menopausal problems during the period when they drink pomegranate juice or eat its seeds. It is also found that scores on memory tests improved.

It gives relief from eczema, psoriasis and sunburn, typically increases ability to stay in the sun long enough to be benefited by solar Vitamin D.

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How often do you go? Once a day, thrice a day, three times a week? It may be quite personal and for some, the topic may be quite a bit embarrassing. Well, no one wants to talk about such a personal matter but unfortunately, it does happen. And not just to a small number of people but to millions around the globe!

There is too much hype about the importance of passing one bowel movement per day. In fact, due to this notion, a lot of people experience what is now known as imaginary or misconceived constipation. People suffering from this condition are tricked into thinking that when they fail to have a daily bowel movement, they are already constipated. Unusually hard stools, a lot of strain in passing them and a gassy and bloated feeling, on the other hand, characterize real constipation.

To help you in dealing with occasional constipation, you may want to consider the following suggestions:

Be more physically active. A regular exercise routine may bring you more health benefits than you can ever imagine. Not only does it promote physical fitness, it also promotes a regular bowel movement by waking up your sleepy colon!

Drink up! When you are dehydrated, your stool also loses moisture thereby making it difficult to pass. Here are some tips that may help you prevent this from happening:

oMake sure you drink enough liquids. To be on the safe side, drink no less than 8 glasses of liquids per day. However, don't think that you can treat constipation by drinking far more than you need. Any excess liquids will simply be excreted through your urine.

oDrink more fluids when the weather is hot or when you are exercising. Your body tends to lose vital moisture during these periods so you need to replace what is lost.

oStay away from coffee and decaffeinated drinks since these may bring you more trouble. Coffee and decaffeinated drinks act as diuretics and can draw away fluids from your body. You will be better off if you load up on water, seltzer, juice or milk instead.

Please note that these rules may not be applicable if you have other medical concerns such as a kidney or liver problem or any other health complications that may require restricting your fluid intake.

Develop a taste for fiber-rich foods. What is it in fruits, vegetables and grains and beans that make these foods indispensable in promoting a glitch-free bowel movement? The answer? Fiber! Do you know that an extra serving or two of fiber-rich foods may be all that is needed to get things moving? Fiber ensures regularity by adding adequate mass to your stool and stimulates the colon to push things through smoothly. Need help on how to get an ample amount of fiber in your diet? No problem! Check these out!

oDo it slowly. The transition to a high-fiber diet can be best assimilated if done gradually. Introduce fiber-rich foods into your diet one at a time and wait for a few days before introducing another fiber-rich source. Follow this simple rule or your system will be thrown into a state of chaos!

oEat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Some good choices include apples, apricots, berries, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, oranges, peaches, pear, peas, prunes, potatoes and tomatoes.

oEat 6 to 11 servings of grain products daily. Loading up on breads, cereals and starchy vegetables such as green peas, potatoes and lima beans can bring you tons of benefits!

There is no doubt that these simple suggestions can jump start any sluggish colon and may help you in preventing the onset of constipation. Just follow these rules and you can be sure that there will be no more straining as you go!

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The food that you are eating prior to your treadmill workout may be the reason why you experience diarrhea or cramping. These uncomfortable stomach distresses may force you to stop your workout or even skip it for a period of time. Here is a list of good food to eat prior to workout, and a list of food that may be causing the problems.

To help you, try these foods before working out:

Dairy Products

If you can stay away from cow's milk which has sugar lactose. Rice, almond and soy milks are great choices to ensure that your stomach has an easy time digesting.

Low-Fiber Fruits and Vegetables

Although fruits and vegetables are great for your diet, they may be the cause to your stomach distress issues. Stay with zucchini, tomatoes, olives, grapes and grapefruit. They are low in fiber.

Refined Carbs

Plain bagels, white rice and regular pasta aren't as good as unprocessed and whole grain foods, but for a long workout on your treadmill, they are better for your stomach. The whole grain is already broken down and easier for your stomach to digest.

You may want to limit or eliminate these foods altogether prior to your workout.

High-Fiber Foods

There is no doubt that they are good for your health, but vegetables, fruits and whole-grain foods are culprits to stomach distress during long-distance running.

Caffeinated Beverages

A choice for most to kick start their morning, caffeinated beverages like soda and coffee cause dehydration and stomach issues.

High-Fat Foods

Cheese, hamburgers and fried foods digest slowly in your stomach. Because of this, you may feel sluggish and feel as though these foods sit in your stomach for a long time. Stay away from them to avoid stomach distress.

If you aren't eating the correct foods, your treadmill workout can be a waste. You are truly preventing your full potential. Stomach problems such as cramping and diarrhea can be avoided if you eat right prior to your workout. Choosing your diet carefully, will ensure that you are really getting the best out of your treadmill workout.

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Diarrhea is a common condition that affects your stomach and bowel movement. When you say that you are having loose bowel movement, it means that the feces you excrete are on the soft side almost to the point of being watery. Diarrhea, therefore, is characterized by three or more episodes of loose bowel movement within a single day. It is an alarming condition as it is already considered as one of the top causes of infant deaths all over the world. Diarrhea can cause dehydration and imbalances in your body's electrolyte that you tend to become disoriented and weak after experiencing it.

The counterpart of diarrhea is called constipation. Contrary to loose bowel movements that happen when you have diarrhea, you experience difficulty of releasing feces if you are constipated. Sometimes, you can even go for a couple of days without moving bowels. This is just as dangerous for you because your body does not get to release the toxins and wastes it has within it.

To treat constipation and prevent it from eventually causing you severe stomachaches and intestinal problems, doctors often recommend that you take diarrheatics. These are medicines that often come in syrup form and that would induce your body to release all the pent up bowels within. You may experience something close to having diarrhea but the good point is that sometimes, the loose bowel movement episode is just limited to one or two.

Usually, diarrheatics are prescribed to be taken at night before bedtime to give the body time to work its natural waste releasing method without being hampered by external factors and physical activities. The diarrheatic can act as a substance that sweeps out the toxins from your stomach and intestine and then makes them come out.

Your common notion of diarrheatics may be limited to medications. But there are also natural diarrheatics in the form of fruits, plants and beverages. Since being in medication for a long period of time would give your body the tendency to become too dependent on the medicines, it is also suggested that you consume these natural diarrehatics. Green tea and cranberry are among the most commonly used diarrheatics. Apple cider vinegar is also considered as a diarrheatic that is effective in treating constipation.

Of course, what is important in using diarrheatic medications is that you are prepared for its consequences that may be quite uncomfortable for you.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If your stool color is anything other than brown, you have abnormally colored poop. The reason that your stool should be brown is due to the bile in the liver, and any change in that, whether it be black or green, can indicate a problem with your liver or your colon. If you are experiencing these problems, read on to find out what you can do to alleviate it...

First, you have to decide whether you are having black or green bowel movements. They are caused by two separate reasons, and each one may indicate something else is wrong. If you have a stool that looks both black and dark green, go with the dark green analysis, as that is usually the case.

A Black Bowel Movement

Usually the most common reason for this type of bowel movement is because of an excessive amount of iron ingested in the body. If you are taking an iron supplement, this may be the cause.

Other, much more severe issues, are internal bleeding or a liver disease, and each one of those should be approached in conjunction with your doctor if the black stools persist after a thorough detoxification.

Green Bowel Movement

Usually green bowel movements are caused by something you have ingested as well. It is more than likely caused by eating green vegetables such as lettuce and spinach.

Additionally, artificial coloring, such as those found in fruit juices and ice cream can cause the dark green color you see. On a lesser scale, iron in the food can be a contributor.

One of the best ways to combat these is by detoxifying your body by using a colon cleanse. The benefits of a good cleanse have been well documented and should be approached as a viable solution to the stool color problem.

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For any kind of disease there is only one reason. That is the nutrition deficiency. There is no exception to this including the killer disease cancer. Unless we are healthy and consequently our DNA we only pass on the diseases to our children. Eat healthy and stay healthy. There is no rocket science to this. But many of us do not pay attention to this simple rule of good food good life. We are excited by the taste, indulgence etc., and we altogether forget the nutrition aspect. Everything has to be balanced. One of the important nutrition in this respect is folate. What is the relationship between folic acid supplement and cancer.

Folate is a water soluble vitamin B complex substance. It is a naturally occurring nutrition available in many fruits, vegetables and meat products. Citrus fruits like orange, pineapple, strawberry are rich in folate. Broccoli, spinach, green turnip etc., are having this nutrition. Pig liver is deposited with substantial amount of folate.

Folate is very important for cell formation and maintenance. What does that mean? It stops cell separation. Please remember this now to understand the folic acid supplement and cancer.

When we inhale oxygen which is essential for our survival free radicals are generated in our body. It is the nature and no one can stop this degeneration. Otherwise the world will vanish. When cells are degenerated they have to be properly handled in two ways. The cells have to be provided with the lost proton and also they have to be ejected out. These two jobs are done by antioxidant nutrition. There are lot of antioxidant nutrition and we should consume on a daily basis in our food. The trick is to slow the process of degeneration and we stay healthy and live healthy for a long time. If that does not happen then the entire immune system will go for a toss and consequently foundation for cancer is laid. How to slow down this process?

There are two ways which are mutually inclusive. One is to take appropriate dosage of folic acid which supports for cell formation and cell maintenance. It ensures the health of the cells. Once the cells are strong the formation of free radicals are minimised. Once they are minimised the job of antioxidant nutrition becomes easy. All these have a combined effect in preventing formation of cancer cells. Now you understand the importance of folic acid supplement and cancer.

Apart from this folate is important for any child bearing woman to ensure the baby is born without any neural defects. This nutrition deficiency leads to anemia and various illness like diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite etc. It is vital for production of red blood cells.

All the adults should have 400 mcg per folate daily. The pregnant woman should have 600 mcg per day. Getting this much of dosage from fruits and vegetables alone are not possible. Hence the need to go in for nutrition supplement. But one should be careful to choose the right one.

I have the best suggestion to you. Go for Total Balance. This is a fantastic natural nutrition supplement having more than 70 herbs and salts offer entire range of nutrition in appropriate dosage. This is the holistic approach to prevent and cure cancer. Cancer is curable if diagnosed early. These are confident words from me. Believe me. More than that cancer is preventable if we pay proper attention to nutritious food. Visit my website to know more about the relationship between folic acid supplement and cancer.

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The green mango is not an ordinary fruit with amusing taste, but is full of positive attributes. You must know the real value of the sweet and unripe mango and use the gift of nature in the best way.

The carotene and vitamin A in the unripe mango is essential for wellness of eyes and especially helps to prevent macular degeneration in the elderly people. The presence of beta-carotene helps in heart disease. There is substantial presence of vitamin B1 and B2 in the fruit. It also contains enough Niacin to help maintain the cholesterol levels of blood.

The green mango contains calcium and iron. If you are physically active or do regular exercising, you can very well take the fruit to refill the need of potassium, which supports jogging trips and other physical activities. The potassium and calcium in the fruit helps to resist acidity, muscle cramps, stress and is helpful in cardiac problems. The iron in the fruit helps in anemia, which is encouraging to pregnant women.

The unripe fruit is rich in fiber and is of great help in constipation. It has been found that the fruit is a preventive for colon cancer, anemia and tuberculosis. The vitamin C content in the green mango increases resistance power to fight diseases that are prevalent in changing weather conditions. The seed of the green mango is dried up, crushed to powder form and retained as a natural remedy for diarrhea.

In short, the unripe mango provides several benefits including the supply of carbohydrates. Since it is an alkaline food, it controls acidity to some extent. It contains antioxidant properties, which are anti-virus, anti-cardiovascular and anti cancer. The pulp of the fruit helps to keep the brightness of skin texture. Put a few thin slices of the fruit on the skin and wash it after some time. It helps clean skin pores effectively. The glutamine factor in the green mango helps to improve the memory power and concentration.

You can easily prepare a salad tray with the unripe mango slices, which you will love to taste. There is a specific acid element present in the green fruit, which helps in bile secretion. Mix a teaspoonful of honey and fresh black pepper powder with slices of green mango, it tastes fantastic and keeps the liver healthy as well. Keep in mind that too much intake of green mango may also affect your voice and related organs negatively. Enjoy the benefits of green mango in a limited intake.

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Dog digestive problems affect all dogs at some time during their life. Most of the time it's just an upset stomach but beware, it could be something more sinister.

The dog digestive system is a very complex mechanism that consumes food, mashes it up, and changes it into nutrients that can be absorbed and utilised by your dog's body. The digestive tract turns food into all the nutritional units your dog requires to grow and develop.

From time to time, however, something goes wrong with this complex system. What happens then?


Most dogs will vomit now and then, for many reasons. If a dog feels a bit sick, he can voluntarily purge his system by vomiting. Sometimes a dog will eat a meal, regurgitate it, and then eat it again. Doesn't sound very pleasant does it?

Some dogs are clever at finding the most disgusting garbage and eating it before you know what's happening. You can't keep your eyes on your dog all the time. They may vomit after a few hours to bring up the parts that they can't digest, then off they'll go to find the next tasty morsel.

To give your dog's digestive system a rest, hold back his food for a full day. Just make sure he has plenty of water. Then when he has stopped vomiting, feed him boiled chicken and rice, gradually adding his normal food.

A dog that is still vomiting after 24hrs, or is suffering from other conditions besides, needs to see a vet.


Bloat is a condition that often is fatal. The dog's stomach becomes enlarged with gas and distorts, restricting blood flow and preventing the stomach from emptying. This results in an even further buildup of gas.

The cause of bloat is unknown, but large dogs with deep, narrow chests have a tendency to suffer from it, rather than smaller dogs with barrel-shaped chests. Dogs who wolf down their food seem to be more at risk than those that are picky eaters.

A dog suffering from bloat has a swollen abdomen and vomits, drools, and has difficulty breathing. He may pace to and fro and seem really uncomfortable. The dog needs the attention of a vet urgently if he is to survive. Bloat is a very dangerous condition for your dog, if he suffers from bloat while on his own, chances are it will be fatal.

Small helpings, more often, instead of one big feed at meal times are best for a dog who has suffered from this condition in the past


Once again your dog's favorite meal, garbage, is a main cause of diarrhea. It will usually pass after 24hrs if you with hold his food and just supply fresh water. Look out for blood in the feces and any unusual behaviors.

Visit the vet if your dog's not back to normal after 24hrs. Dogs can dehydrate quickly if diarrhea persists. They may have an infection or a more serious disease so don't put off an appointment with the vet if you are concerned.

There are some things you can do to prevent diarrhea in your dog from happening. Don't change his diet suddenly and always feed your dog high quality pet food or a good, natural diet that has all the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients that your dog needs. Some breeds need a special diet, ask your vet if you're not sure, especially if it's a puppy you are dealing with.


Constipation is a very uncomfortable condition for your dog to suffer as you probably know from experience. As we said earlier dogs must be supplied with plenty of fresh water or they will become dehydrated. This is a common cause of constipation. Exercise is very important to help your dog's natural motions, and consider giving your dog more vegetables in his feed. Lack of fiber in food, side effects of medication or a blockage caused by a foreign body being ingested can all lead to constipation.


There are many foods that are highly toxic to dogs, some are every day foods like alcohol and chocolate, others can be something you wouldn't perhaps think about like antifreeze. If you suspect your dog has ingested a poison, take him to the vet straight away with a sample of what you suspect he has eaten if possible.

Don't feed your dog the following:

  • Alcohol

  • Antifreeze

  • Avocado

  • Chocolate

  • Coffee and Tea

  • Fat from Ham and Turkey

  • Grapes, Sultanas and Raisins

  • Macadamia nuts

  • Milk and Dairy products

  • Onions and Garlic

  • Green Potatoes

Most minor dog digestive problems can be treated with natural remedies that are safe and produce no side effects.

These can be used as a preventative method or an aid to your dog's recovery.

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Contrary to the usual definition of hemorrhoids as a sickness or a disease, they are actually vascular, or blood vessels, structures in the lower part of the digestive system, specifically the anus, that helps control the passage of stool. They become a sickness, or pathological, when they become inflamed, swollen and/or ruptured.

The types of hemorrhoids are actually determined by their position superior (above) or inferior (below) the dentate or pectinate line - a line that divides the upper 2/3s of the anus and the lower 1/3s of the rectal canal.

There are two typical types of hemorrhoids; internal hemorrhoids, which usually presents no pain, brought about by the usual absence of pain receptors - and external hemorrhoids, which is the exact opposite of the first one, plus bleeding when they become irritated.

What causes hemorrhoids?

There are lots of predisposing factors directly or indirectly affecting the occurrence of hemorrhoids in adults. Diet (low fiber), sedentary lifestyle (people who sit for extended period of time - which places prolonged pressure on the pelvic and rectal veins), body mass index (obese people tend to suffer more from it than people in the healthier half of the index), and exercise.

A number of contributing factors may lead to the development of hemorrhoids. This includes irregular bowel activity (constipation or diarrhea), increased and prolonged intra-abdominal pressure (continued straining), pregnancy, genetic predisposition, age, and the abnormal absence of valves within the rectal veins.

How can you prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids?

The most logical way to prevent hemorrhoids is to prevent the occurrence of its main cause - prolonged and abnormal pressure on the rectal veins.

-Prevent constipation - soften the stools by maintaining a balanced high-fiber diet (food high in fiber like green vegetables and fruits like apples, avocados, dried fruits)and consuming an adequate amount of fluids per day

-Avoid unnecessary strenuous activities that exerts extra pressure on the abdomen and rectum.It would be also advisable to empty the bowels as soon as the urge occurs, and avoid prolonged time in defecating, discard reading for an extended period of time while sitting on the toilet bowl.

What are the treatments for hemorrhoids?

Surgical treatment is usually done to those helpless or life-threatening cases. But they are done if the traditional or conservative procedures have failed, and of course, in the convenience of the patients.

-Cautery has been shown to be working for hemorrhoids in adults, but is usually only used if and when other methods fail. This can be done using infrared radiation, electrocautery, and/or laser surgery.

-Sclerotherapy includes the shot of a sclerosing agent into the affected veins. This causes the vein walls collapse and, thus, the hemorrhoids to wither.

-Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical excision of the hemorrhoid used primarily only in severe cases.

Traditional treatment characteristically comprises of increasing dietary fiber, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, oral fluids to maintain and increase hydration, Sitz baths - where you sit in a large basin of warm or cool water with or without soothing chemicals, and of course, total rest. Increasing fiber intake has been known to improve results, and may be attained by dietary changes or the consumption of supplemental fiber.

While many topical agents (creams) and suppositories are available for the management of hemorrhoids in adults, though there is diminutive evidence to support their use. Agents containing steroids should not be used for more than two weeks as they may cause diminishing of the superficial layers of the skin.

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Hemorrhoids or piles are medically defined as enlarged or varicose veins in the wall of the anus which are internal hemorrhoids, usually a result of prolonged constipation or, sometimes, even diarrhea. They most commonly occur at 3 main points equidistant around the circumference of the anus. Uncomplicated hemorrhoids are seldom painful; pain is usually caused by an anal fissure which is a break in the skin lining the anal canal. The main symptom is bleeding, and in first-degree hemorrhoids, which do not appear at the anus, bleeding at the end of defecation is the only symptom. Second-degree hemorrhoids protrude beyond the anus as an uncomfortable swelling but return spontaneously; third-degree hemorrhoids remain outside the anus and need to be returned by pressure.

First- and second-degree hemorrhoids may respond to bowel regulation using a high fiber diet and fecal softening products. If bleeding persists, an irritant fluid may be injected around the swollen veins to make them shrivel up. Under general anesthesia forceful dilation of the anus is also effective.

Third-degree hemorrhoids often require surgery (a hemorrhoidectomy), especially if they become strangulated and start producing severe pain and further enlargement.

External hemorrhoids are either a prolapsed (apart from its normal position) internal hemorrhoids or, more often, the residual skin tags remaining after the external hemorrhoids have healed. If a person has an external hemorrhoid, they may find it difficult to cleanse the area, and if the hemorrhoid is injured during the cleaning process, blood may appear.

When a person is suffering from hemorrhoids, they may experience sudden itchiness in the anal area, bloody stools, and some pain. Itchiness often occurs because some hemorrhoids protrude (external) from the anal canal and this protrusion may irritate surrounding tissues. The protrusion may become irritated as well.

There are some risk factors that may predispose a person to developing hemorrhoids. The first risk factor is irregular bowel movement. For example, if you eat something that makes your stomach unstable, the repeated visits to the bathroom may cause your anal/rectal tissue to swell. If you are constipated because of a poor diet, the excessive straining can also cause hemorrhoids because you have to strain and push to help remove your feces.

It is also possible for a woman to suddenly develop hemorrhoids after the third month of pregnancy. The increased risk for internal and external hemorrhoids is due to the fact that as a fetus grows in size, its immediate environment (the amniotic sac) also expands. This increases the pressure in the pelvic region. If pressure increases in the pelvic region or rectal region, hemorrhoids can suddenly manifest, even if a person has never experienced hemorrhoids before.

If a woman develops hemorrhoids while she is pregnant, and she undergoes normal delivery after nine months, the straining needed to eject the child through the birth canal may also worsen the condition.

Visit your doctor if you suspect that you have hemorrhoids. The presence of blood and mucus on your stool are enough to warrant a visit to the doctor. Don't delay; the earlier your doctor can take a look at your condition, the faster the relief.

There are many possible treatments for hemorrhoids. If your hemorrhoids are not severe at all, your doctor may prescribe a drug that helps repair and strengthen blood vessels. If you have numerous hemorrhoids that are affecting your quality of life, you can ask your doctor about removing the hemorrhoids through minor surgery.

Preventing hemorrhoids is still the best route, so if you had hemorrhoids in the past, and they resolved on their own, you can prevent them from coming back. Here are some guidelines to get you started:

1. Evaluate your diet and see if you are getting enough fiber every day. Eating whole foods, such as quinoa, garfava, teff, buckwheat and sorghum flours, beans, corn and brown rice, can help increase your overall fiber intake. Eating green vegetables also helps. The daily recommended intake of fiber for adults is 25 to 35 gms.

2. Monitor your daily activities. Are you getting enough exercise? If you are sitting around most of the time, you may be putting yourself at risk for more hemorrhoids in the future. Engage in at least 1-翻 hours of vigorous physical activity every week to keep your circulatory system healthy.

3. If you are overweight or obese, try losing weight. Research has shown that overweight individuals are more likely to develop hemorrhoids than people who have normal weight.

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There are numerous benefits of castor oil. Castor oil is cold pressed from the seeds of the Ricinus Communis. This flowering plant grows throughout tropical regions, such as the Mediterranean Basin, Eastern Africa or India. It has glossy, notched shaped, leaves of various colors, green, purple or reddish-brown, throughout its life. Its flowers do not have petals, but instead have spikes of yellowish-green or red colors. This plant bears a spiny fruit in colors of green, red and purple. This fruit contains shiny, large, oval shaped seeds, similar to the shape of a bean. These seeds are highly poisonous, if eaten. They are rich in triglycerides, especially ricinolein, and contain a toxic protein, ricin.

It is a pale yellow vegetable oil, with no odor or flavor. Although, some would say it really taste bad and has a strong unpleasant odor. This oil is a triglyceride with ricinoleic, oleic and linoleic acids. These acids offer various healthful benefits. Ricinoleic acid is the main component of castor oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties. Oleic and linoleic acids are both essential fatty acids. Oleic is an unsaturated, omega 9, fatty acid and linoleic is an, omega 6, fatty acid. These two essential fatty acids are necessary for good health. They are essential for body, biological, functions. The body cannot produce them, itself. They must be found elsewhere.

This oil has been used for thousands of years. Today, it's found in many everyday products: cosmetics, soaps, shampoo, textiles, medicines, massage oils, foods, pharmaceuticals and more.

MEDICINAL USES: Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Cerebral Palsy, Rheumatism, Arthritis and Constipation.

SKIN CARE/ HAIR CARE USES: Sunburns, ringworm, abrasions, inflammation, acne, dry feet, itchy feet, Athlete's foot fungus, dry skin, dry itchy skin, dry scaly skin, psoriasis, stretch marks, age spots, and more. It's used for dry itchy scalp and for treating hair loss!


This oil is a natural emollient. It penetrates the skin or scalp, quickly. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, softening and hydrating skin. It helps skin maintain a youthful looking appearance. Skin is soft, smooth and more pliant. Due to these skin care properties, this oil is beneficial used in face care or preventative wrinkle creams. It's found in many commercial and homemade skin care products. It's, also, found in commercial or homemade shampoo.

CAUTION! Castor oil should be used in moderation. It can have side effects. If ingested, it can cause: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain. Usually, the recommended dosage is no more than one-half to one teaspoon per day. Make sure to read all directions before consumption or consult your physician first.

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Inflammation is a good thing. It is the natural way your body responds to threats such as infections or wounds. We have all seen inflammation at work when we have pain and redness at an injury. We say it looks inflamed, and it literally is, because injury activates the inflammatory response.

When is inflammation a problem?

When inflammation lasts for long periods of time, we call it chronic, and it can cause problems. Some common causes of chronic inflammation include allergies, autoimmune disease, periodontal disease, arthritis and other diseases that activate the immune system over time. Even obesity is inflammatory, because fat cells give off chemicals called cytokines that trigger inflammation.

Why is it a problem?

Chronic inflammation causes damage to the endothelial lining of arteries, which can lead to atherosclerosis and heart disease. There is also evidence that it contributes to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and a growing number of other chronic diseases that are common in modern, western societies.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of inflammation vary with what is causing it. You may even have no symptoms at all, as in the case of obesity. Here are some examples of specific disease related symptoms:

  • Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis ( joint pain, stiffness, swelling)

  • Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis (abdominal pain and cramping, fever, diarrhea)

  • Psoriasis or eczema (redness)

  • Allergies (respiratory symptoms, hives)

More subtle, early indicators of problems could include headaches, muscles aches, fatigue, muscle stiffness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, gas, abdominal discomfort and even emotional problems including depression. These could be related to food sensitivities and intolerances. The most common food intolerances include dairy (lactose), wheat (gluten), yeast, soy, corn, eggs and even some artificial sweeteners.

How can you know if you have chronic inflammation if you don't have symptoms or a diagnosis?

You can find out if you have inflammation by having your C- reactive protein levels tested. The high sensitivity C-reactive protein, is the preferred indicator of chronic, low-grade inflammation.

What should I do if I have high levels of C-reactive protein?

If your C-reactive protein levels are high, you will first want to talk to your doctor to find out if there is an underlying infection, allergy, autoimmune disorder or other contributing disease. If not, your excess weight could be the cause and weight loss is your best line of defense. If you are a smoker, that could also be contributing to the problem.

How do foods influence inflammation?

Inflammation can also be influenced by the foods you eat. Research has shown that certain foods trigger inflammation and others suppress it.

Some of the foods that are pro-inflammatory include:

  • Animal fats (corn-fed beef, dark meat and skin of poultry, pork, duck

  • Hydrogenated fats (trans fat)

  • Fried foods (fried in saturated,hydrogenated or polyunsaturated fats)

  • Sweets (sugar, candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream, donuts, sweet drinks)

  • Refined grains (white bread, pasta, white rice)

  • Processed foods (chips, crackers, fries, cold cuts, hot dogs, canned meats)

  • Dairy products (especially full fat milk, cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, cream)

  • Some people may also need to avoid the nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers)

Here are some of the best anti-inflammatory foods:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, trout and tuna (with omega 3 fatty acids)

  • Grass fed beef also contain some omega 3 fats (unlike corn-fed beef, mostly saturated fats)

  • Nuts and seeds (walnuts, flaxseed, almonds)

  • Monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil, avocados), by replacing polyunsaturated fats

  • Turmeric (part of most curry dishes)

  • Ginger, used in Asian cuisine (also helps control nausea)

  • Whole grains (except wheat, barley and rye if you are gluten intolerant)

Foods that have high antioxidant levels also tend to reduce inflammation, possibly by reducing the damage that stimulates inflammation. Antioxidants are prolific in brightly and darkly colored fruits and vegetables.

Some of the best sources of antioxidants include:

  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, cherries,

  • Beans: Red beans, kidney beans, pinto and black beans

  • Herbs: oregano, basil, sage, marjoram, thyme, dill, garlic, dry mustard

  • Spices: cinnamon, cloves, cumin, turmeric, ginger

  • Nuts: pecans, walnuts, pistachios

  • Green tea is rich in both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds

  • Coffee, cocoa (or dark chocolate) and red wine (but caffeine and alcohol are inflammatory)

  • Exotic fruits: acai, gogi, pomegranate, papaya, pineapple

Eating more of these anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant foods can help calm chronic inflammation and by doing so, reduce your risk for chronic diseases. Find ways to make these foods a part of your everyday diet and you will not only be protecting your body from disease, but you may find that some of your aches and pains improve.

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Why does our society seem to seek every way to overcome sickness and disease other than looking in the best Instruction Manual that's been around for thousands of years? Why do we avoid the simplicity of the basics when it comes to our health? The "basics" I refer to are eating healthy foods, getting regular exercise and adequate sleep.

Of course, the best instruction manual I am referring to is the Bible and there must be hundreds of books out there educating us on the importance of adequate exercise and sleep. Yes, there are scads of books on what to eat, too, but if they tell you to eat something that seems to contradict what the Bible says is OK, you probably should do some serious research before incorporating it into a regular eating plan. 

There are actually some diet/eating plans being promoted that in the long run, may not be very healthy. What a shame if you lose weight, for example, and then have a heart attack because you were eating way too much meat or didn't get adequate nutrition.

Do I even need to mention some things you should obviously avoid if you want to experience optimum health? Folks, as much as I hate to list anything, this is what I see around me in abundance: fried foods, sugar in just about everything it seems, artificial sweeteners, meals heavy in meats with few vegetables and fruits, almost all cooked, (very little raw foods), and diet drinks.   

The foods listed in this report are by no means all the "healthy" foods mentioned in the Bible. They should, however, provide you with some guidance in your food choices.

1. Apples. Song of Solomon. Apples are considered to be the "all around health food." They are high in flavonoids, fiber and Vitamin C. Some of the apple's healing powers include:
A.      They lower both bad cholesterol and high blood pressure

B.      The juices in apples are highly effective virus fighters

C.      They help stabilize blood sugar, an important factor in controlling diabetes

D.      They suppress the appetite without robbing the body of necessary nutrients

E.       Depending on the need, they prevent constipation or help treat diarrhea

One caution: conventionally grown apples may be highly sprayed with pesticides and coated with wax. Purchase organically grown apples when possible.

2. Barley. Deuteronomy 8:8, Ezekiel 4:9. Barley's high fiber content can help keep us regular, relieve constipation and ward off a wide variety of digestive problems. It also may help block cancer. Barley is full of beta glucans, a type of fiber that can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing the levels of artery-clogging LDL.

3. Coriander (Cilantro). When the children of Israel wandered in the desert and received manna from the sky, they described it as looking like coriander seed. Since then coriander has been called "the healer from heaven." Coriander is recommended for indigestion, flatulence (excessive gas) and diarrhea. Externally, it's used to ease muscle and joint pain. Recently, scientists began looking at coriander as an anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis. Other research has demonstrated that it reduces blood sugar levels, an indication that it may prove to be a useful sugar management tool for diabetics.

4. Fish. Luke 24:42-43. Fish is low in cholesterol and contains healthy polyunsaturated fats. Fish is a rich source of protein, potassium, vitamins and minerals with only a moderate amount of sodium. Eating fish:
* Thins the blood

* Protects arteries from damage

* Inhibits blood clots (anti-thrombotic)

* Reduces blood triglycerides

* Lowers LDL blood cholesterol

* Lowers blood pressure

* Reduces risk of heart attack and stroke

* Eases symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis

* Reduces risk of lupus

* Relieves migraine headaches

* Fights inflammation

* Helps regulate the immune system

* Inhibits cancer in animals and possibly humans

* Soothes bronchial asthma

* Combats early kidney disease

The key to the healing powers of fish lies in the omega-3 fatty acids. These are particularly concentrated in cold-water fish such as anchovies, bluefish, herring, lake trout, mackerel, sable fish, whitefish, flue fin tuna, salmon and sardines. Note: in deciding between "healthy" and "unhealthy" fish, you can get specific instruction from Lev. 11:9. Eat only fish which have both fins and scales.

5. Garlic. One of the world's oldest healing foods. By the time of Moses, garlic was already being used as an anticoagulant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor agent, as well as a relief for flatulence, a diuretic, a sedative, a poultice and as a cure for internal parasites. Research suggests that garlic may help protect against heart disease and stroke by lowering blood pressure. It contains allylic sulfides, which may neutralize carcinogens. In fact, garlic has been linked to lower rates of stomach cancer, too. It is heart-friendly, with scores of studies showing its astonishing ability to fight hypertension, prevent blood clots and lower cholesterol.

6. Fruits, Berries, Grapes. Numbers 13:23, II Samuel 16:1-2. Grapes were the first thing Noah planted after the flood. Grapes were eaten fresh, dried and eaten as raisins just as we do today, and pressed into cakes. However, most of the crop of the vineyards was made into juice, wine and vinegar. A cup of raw grapes contains only 58 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, zero cholesterol and vitamins A, B and C. Grapes also contain important minerals such as boron, calcium, potassium and zinc. 

Grapes may be helpful in preventing osteoporosis, fighting tooth decay, heading off cancer and fighting off viruses. Other health-giving fruits include figs, melons, and pomegranates.

7. Legumes. 2 Samuel 17:28-29, Genesis 25:34. As reported in the book of Samuel, beans were among the highly nutritious foods sent to feed King David's hungry army and restore their strength for the hard times ahead. Beans have a lot of soluble fiber, which helps lower LDL and reduce blood pressure. The fiber also helps keep blood sugar levels stable, stave off hunger, and even reduce the insulin requirements of people suffering from diabetes.

Beans are a great source of protein as well as being packed full of vitamin C, iron and dietary fiber. Beans help lower blood pressure and reduce the "bad" cholesterol that today's research has shown to be the cause of so much devastating heart trouble --- a rarity centuries ago. Beans contain chemicals that inhibit the growth of cancer. They help prevent constipation, can stop hemorrhoids and other bowel-related problems from developing, and help cure them if they do.

8. Nuts, including almonds, pistachio nuts and walnuts. Song of Solomon 6:11, Gen. 43:11. Botanists today believe that Solomon's "garden of nuts" referred to in Scripture was a rich grove of walnut trees. At the time, walnuts were prized for the oil they produced, which was regarded as only slightly inferior to olive oil. The fact that walnuts were a delicious treat and highly nutritious was an added bonus. Nuts contain the right mixtures of natural ingredients whose benefits include cancer prevention, a lower risk of heart disease and help for diabetics. The oil found in walnuts is considered helpful because it is one of the "good guy" polyunsaturated fats and tends to lower blood cholesterol levels. Note: it's best to avoid roasted nuts since they have been found to carry carcinogens, which could lead to cancer growth, so buy your nuts raw.

9. Olives. The olive was one of the most valuable and versatile trees of biblical times. It is mentioned frequently throughout the Bible. Probably the most famous reference to olive oil and its healing powers is in the parable of the good Samaritan, in which the Samaritan cares for a beaten and robbed traveler, treating his wounds with oil and wine. Olive oil, mixed with wine, was even used to soften and soothe bruises and wounds. Known benefits of olive oil include:

* Lowers blood cholesterol            

* Reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol levels

* Retards cancer growth

* Reduces the wear and tear of aging on the tissues and organs of the body and brain

* Reduces gastric acidity

* Protects against ulcers and aids the passage of food through the intestines, helping to prevent constipation

* Reduces the risk of gallstones

* Aids normal bone growth

One CAUTION: olive oil has a slight laxative effect, so add it to your diet gradually. 
One TIP: the more pure the olive oil, the better, so spend a little extra and get Virgin Olive Oil.

10. Onions. Numbers 11:5. Like its cousin, garlic, the onion is noted as a cure-all. And the folk healers hold it in high regard as far back as 6000 years or more. At least 3000 years before the birth of Christ, onions were treasured both as food and for their therapeutic value --- particularly in the treatment of kidney and bladder problems. Some facts about onions:   

* Taken internally as a tonic to soothe intestinal gas pains

* Taken internally to alleviate the symptoms of hypertension, high blood sugar and elevated cholesterol

* Some people attribute their long life to a diet that includes high concentrations of onions and yogurt

* The juice of an onion and a syrup made from honey has been used to treat coughs, colds, and asthma attacks

* A tonic of onions soaked in gin has been prescribed for kidney stones and to eliminate excessive fluids

* Modern herbalists recommend onion syrup as an expectorant (it helps eliminate mucus from the respiratory tract)

* Onions can raise the good and lower the bad cholesterol

* Onions can slow blood clotting, regulate blood sugar, break up bronchial congestion and possibly prevent cancer

* Onions possess a strong antibiotic that kills a variety of bacteria

* Have been used externally as an antiseptic and a pain reliever

11. Wheat. Jeremiah 41:8, Ezekiel 4:9. Wheat was the "staff of life." Biblical people ate their grain boiled and parched, soaked and roasted, and even ate it green from the stalk. It was pounded, dried or crushed to be baked into casseroles, porridges, soups, parched grain salads and desserts. Ezekiel's bread was intended to be a survival food during the dark days of the Babylonion conquest because it contained wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet and spelt. Wheat bran is high in insoluble fiber. The fiber protects us against constipation. It helps prevent intestinal infections, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It also improves bowel function and guards us against colon cancer.

12. Wine. I Timothy 5:23. John 4:46. Making wine from grapes is one of the most ancient arts and the beverage of choice in the Bible. According to Genesis, one of the first things Noah did after the flood was plant a vineyard so he could make wine. Researchers are now rediscovering what the physicians of the Bible knew centuries ago. In moderation, wine has a profound impact on our health and healing. Just a single glass of wine a day may be enough to raise the good cholesterol by 7% and help the body put up a barrier to a variety of cancers.

Wine appears to help stop heart disease and cancer. A study at the University of Ottawa in Canada concluded that there is a clear link between wine consumption and lower rates of heart disease. Countries where more than 90% of alcohol is consumed in the form of wine have the lowest rate of heart disease deaths.

A British study of 100 men and women discovered that a single glass of wine or sherry everyday increased the HDL or good cholesterol. When the group abstained from drinking wine, the HDL level decreased.

Red wine also seems to increase the body's defenses against cancer. White wine may carry some of the same therapeutic benefits, but research so far seems to indicate that red wine is the most effective cancer blocker. Note: be sure to drink only in moderation. Ephesians 5:18.

As you can see, the Bible lists a lot of foods, foods that are actually available to us today, that we could be consuming to prevent illness, serious diseases and many trips to the doctor. Good health is not that difficult, but you do have to work at it a bit. It's a balance of what you eat, exercise, sleep, avoiding stress, taking vitamin supplements. And strange as it may seem, the Bible is actually a complete instruction Manual for all of this.

In conclusion, the 12 healing foods listed here are only a partial list of healing foods found in the Bible. However, this report provides abundant evidence that God has placed on this earth, many health-giving foods for our consumption. A person who makes a serious effort to daily eat some of these health-giving foods, while avoiding health-destroying foods, certainly can expect to reap the benefits of a healthier body.

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It is truly amazing how the green revolution has changed our lives. We separate our garbage, carpool to work, and even consider buying hybrid cars just to help save Mother Earth. Ironically, many of the everyday household cleaning products we still use are loaded with dangerous chemicals that are anything but environmentally friendly. The good news is that there are now a growing number of safer alternatives that can keep your home sparkling and your mind at ease. But before you run out to the store to find these new innovative products, it helps to know a little about what nasty chemicals may be lurking in the cleaners you have under your sink right now, so you can be sure to pick greener replacements that will also get the job done.
The Nose Knows the Truth About Common Cleaning Supplies
Consider some of the most widely used cleaning products like all-purpose glass and surface cleaners, bath and tile cleaners, mold and mildew removers, floor waxes, laundry detergents, and even oven cleaners. If you use any of these, then you're probably well aware of the strong and sometimes sickening chemical smells these products often have. Over the years, we've come to erroneously equate these smells with strength and effectiveness. Remember the old ad slogan for Ajax? "Stronger than Dirt" made up an entire campaign for this company that helped shape beliefs about other cleaners. In other words, if it doesn't have a strong chemical smell then it must not be doing the job.
The truth is that the chemicals that give these products their noxious smells are not only toxic to inhale but in some cases can even kill you. Take a common and widely used product like Windex for example. This is a product people have used for generations, but did you know that it contains ammonia? Ammonia is a dangerous chemical that can easily make you pass out if you breathe too much of it and potentially lethal when combined with something like bleach. This seems like a steep price to pay for clean mirrors and windows and yet most of us apply it or similar products liberally and frequently without a second thought.
Everyone knows how dangerous and even toxic a mold or mildew infestation can be, so it only seems natural that we would buy a simple spray to prevent it from happening. However, a spray like Tilex may be even worse for you to breathe in than the mildew it is eradicating. That's because it contains concentrated bleach, which means it can stain anything that isn't white, will burn your lungs if you don't cover your nose and mouth while you spray it, and can be quite harsh if it comes in contact with your skin.
Speaking of cleaners that stink up your entire home, oven cleaners are notorious for making your eyes water and your skin sting. Products like Easy Off contain ingredients like Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether, sodium hydroxide and other chemicals that cause kidney damage in humans, create chemical burns, and can even cause blindness in some cases.
Even your laundry detergent or dish soap can be problematic. Environmental activist Barry Commoner did a study that demonstrated the increase in phosphates found in one city's wastewater from 20,000 tons in 1940 to 150,000 tons in 1970. Phosphates, though made from naturally occurring minerals can damage the level of oxygen in the water, which in turn has disastrous effects on fish and plants alike. And the extra fragrances that are typically included in both detergents and dryer sheets often contain phthalates - chemicals used by industry to soften plastics. Studies suggest that these toxins can affect brain development in children, among other things.
A Better Way: The Green Clean Difference
Thankfully, natural cleaners have made great strides in the United States and abroad so you no longer have to go to specialty stores to find them. Most major grocery chains carry at least one brand of all natural cleaning products. But how do you know what to choose? Here are some general tips on what to look for:

Phosphate-Free & Bleach-Free Laundry Detergents. Phosphates are water-softening mineral additives once widely used in detergents to enhance their stain-removing capabilities. In addition to threatening aquatic and plant life, they can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea if ingested, and skin irritation due to their corrosive nature. Bleach is harmful to your lungs and mucous membranes and produces trihalomethanes - toxins linked to cancer - as well as absorbable organic halides, which are harmful to marine organisms. Look for dish and laundry detergents that are free of both phosphates and bleach.

Chlorine-Free Dishwasher Detergent. Just as too much chlorine in your pool can irritate your lungs and eyes, chlorine fumes in steam that leaks from dishwashers can irritate your eyes and make it harder for you to breathe. Chlorine also tends to contain organocholorines, which have been known to cause cancer and leave a chemical residue on your dishes that can transfer to your food.

Ammonia-Free Bathroom Cleaners. As mentioned earlier, ammonia can be harmful to your lungs as well as an irritant to eyes and skin, which frequently comes in contact with bathroom fixtures that have been cleaned with it. You're better off with an all-natural cleaner that uses vegetable enzymes or natural mineral polishers like borax or an old standby like Bon Ami polishing cleanser.

Plant-Based All-Purpose Cleaners. Look for plant-based cleaners as these are biodegradable which means they can be broken down by fungus, bacteria, or other naturally occurring organisms, and are safe to release into the environment. Look for cleaners with surfactants made from natural sources like coconut or olive oil, and use citrus essential oils rather than "fragrances" that smell like citrus that may combined with harmful chemicals like ethoxylates, butyl cellusolve (a skin-penetrating neuro-toxin) or ortho-phenylphenol (a harsh eye and skin irritant).

The key with any green cleaner is to carefully look at the ingredients and claims involved. If you're dealing with a cleaner that is made primarily from harmful chemicals instead of organic extracts, all natural oils, or things like baking soda and calcium carbonate, you should probably be shopping for a better option. Keep in mind that few cleaning products actually provide a list of ingredients on the bottle. Don't be fooled by claims like "Citrus Power" or "Oxy Active." It can have natural claims on the label without actually being a natural product, or as is often the case, it may contain a combination of natural ingredients and harsh chemicals. If you want to take your all natural, earth friendly cleaning a step further, consider making your own green cleaning supplies at home.

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Does your horse get nervous before a competition, trailering, or learning something new? I have a couple of horses who are strung kind of tight, and I've found that there are a number of natural horse feed supplements that really help calm them down.

Not all of these are legal for all competitive events, so if you do consider using any of these, be sure to check with your discipline's governing body to see what's legal and what isn't.

Horse Feed Supplement #1: Homeopathic Chamomile

Homeopathic chamomile is a wonderfully simple solution for many nervous horses. This vibrational remedy will not make a horse calmer than his normal temperament, but can restore a horse's mental balance so that he can think clearly. For instance, if your horse is normally calm but gets bouts of diarrhea before trailering, giving him a dose of Chamomile 30x before he try loading him might help him stay calm. You can purchase this homeopathic remedy at most health food stores.

Horse Feed Supplement #2: Adrenal Support Herbs

The combination of adrenal support herbs I have been feeding my horses is relatively new on the market and is a potent combination of four herbs that really seems to help horses remain calm. I've used this supplement on my mustang mare, who gets the heaves (or COPD) when she gets nervous. When she starts getting that distinctive rattle in her chest, I empty two capsules of these herbs into spring water, mix with a juice mixer, and then put it in a syringe. I syringe the mixture into her mouth, and then wait 30-45 minutes. Within that time, the rattle in her chest goes away and she is restored to her normal happy state.

Being a Metal horse personality, she loves routine and gets nervous whenever she thinks we are going to do something totally new (read more about horse personalities on the Horse Harmony website by Dr. Madalyn Ward). She then flips into the sympathetic nervous system, which for horses is the equivalent of "fight or flight," and heaves are the result. The adrenal support herbs have the effect of restoring her to the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the one associated with rest and relaxation. The beauty of these herbs is that they can be fed daily or only as needed. The effects are also fairly immediate, making it a crucial part of any first-aid kit.

Horse Feed Supplement #3: Probiotics of Acidophilus and Bifidus

Probiotics like acidophilus and bifidus are the beneficial bacteria that live in your horse's gut. The reason probiotics help to calm a nervous horse is because the beneficial bacteria produce B12. The B vitamins, especially B12, produce a natural calming effect on the body. If your horse has diarrhea when he gets nervous, bifidus is especially useful since it tends to soak up excess fluid in the bowel and restore normal stool consistency. Adding probiotics to your regular horse feed regimen will help in general, and giving oral probiotics before any event that might make your horse nervous will help in the moment.

Horse Feed Supplement #4: Equilite Relax and Relax Her Blend

Relax Blend and RelaxHer Blend, two horse feed supplements from Equilite are also excellent for calming the nervous horse. These supplements are made from a combination of natural herbs, and can be added to your horse feed regimen on a daily basis. Best of all, these supplements come in a Valerian-free formula, which makes them legal to feed to most show horses.

Horse Feed Supplement #5: Specially Processed Blue Green Algae

Blue-green algae, which has had its cell wall removed, is what I call "brain food." It is blue-green algae that has been processed in way that removes the cell wall, leaving only the "heart" of the algae. This form of algae contains vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals in particles that are small enough to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. The blood brain barrier, as the name implies, is a barrier in the brain that separates the cerebral spinal fluid from the circulating blood. This barrier prevents foreign invaders like bacteria from entering the brain, but also prevents most vitamins and minerals from entering the brain as well.

Many nervous horses suffer from under-nourished brains, and many a nervous thoroughbred or flighty horse has been calmed when this form of blue-green algae is added to their horse feed. It's definitely worth checking out, especially as it is also useful for building strong hoof walls and is legal for show horses.

Well, this is just a short list of horse feed supplements that can help the nervous horse become calm again. If you have any other supplements that you have found useful, please leave me a comment or drop me a line. I love learning about horse nutrition, and sharing what I know!

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Our lungs are amazing organs that play a number of important rolls in our lives. The most important and essential of these functions is breathing. With every breath our lungs transport oxygen to our body and expel carbon dioxide. How to clear lungs after quitting smoking is a major issue that many people haven't fully considered.

One of the functions of the lungs is to protect our body from damaging environmental causes and infections. Of course, the nose is the most important protection against the harmful substances that are inhaled, but the lungs are still a very important secondary defense against the potentially harmful effects of inhalants.

That is why it is imperative that we keep our lungs healthy. While there are many things we do to ensure that our lungs healthy and useful to do a simple thing a natural food supplement with herbs is made that the features are supported to take the lung, can.
Following is a listing of eight natural substances and herbs that can help you obtain lung health.

Silymarin extract (Milk Thistle) Extract
Research has shown that Silymarin or milk thistle has properties that protect liver cells against toxins. It has also shown anti-cancer effects in other studies.

Green Tea Extract
Green Tea Extract has a variety of benefits. The properties of green tea extract can be divided into four categories - antioxidant, anticarcinogen, anti-inflammatory, and anti-radiation. Each of these benefits aids in protection against lung cancer.

Burdock root
Burdock root has often been used for medicinal purposes. Some Chinese, and also Japanese dishes are built around this root. It contains dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, amino acids, and it is low in calories making it an excellent dietary supplement. Folk herbalists consider dried burdock to be a diuretic, diaphoretic, and a blood purifying agent.

Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is high in Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin A and B complex vitamins, all of which have antioxidant properties. For this reason, a number of ongoing studies investigating the effectiveness in the fight against cancer and cancer screening.

Mullein Leaf
Mullein Leaf has long been used for medicinal purposes. Of the nearly 250 species, there are several varieties that are used as a herbal remedies. This supplement is known to be good for sore throat, cough, and lung diseases. Extracts made from the plant's leaves are effective against ear infections. Native americans ground the seeds to use as a fish paralytic.

Picroliv Standardized Extract
Picroliv shows a significant ability to protect the liver from damage caused by chemicals and microorganisms.

Grape Seed Extract
Grape seed extract is one of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature. Grape seed extract contains a special class of water-soluble bioflavonoids called proanthocyanidins. These compounds combat free radicals, the particles of dissolved oxygen that damage cells.

Grapefruit Extract
There is evidence that the grapefruit seed extract has antioxidant properties. Grapefruit can interact with certain drugs increasing the potency of many compounds. It does this by inhibiting the CYP3A4 enzyme in the intestine. This is not always a good thing; use caution with other medications.

There are precautions and controversy about grapefruit seed extract. Grapefruit extract has been recommended by some nutritionists for the treatment of candidiasis, earache, throat infections, and diarrhea.

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Have you been thinking to yourself lately, "what does green poop mean?" Well, the good news is, even though you may suffer from odd colored stools, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should worry. As a matter of fact, it happens to be fairly normal and can be easily explained. There may be various reasons that acted as catalysts to turn your feces green in color. Here are several points you should take a look at.

The Main Causes and Reasons behind Green Stools

1. You may get green bowel movements if you eat copious amounts of green and leafy vegetables such as broccoli and lettuce.

2. You may even get green poop if you eat copious amounts of processed foods that have a green color such as drink flavoring, popsicles and sherbet.

3. Furthermore, you may suffer from green poop because of consuming too much iron. Since the human body will not absorb every iron constituent, you might excrete several amounts of the iron salt. In general, iron can be found within beans, breakfast cereals, spinach and red meat.

Other causes and reasons behind green poop might include medication side effects, food poisoning, ulcerative colitis, too much laxatives and antibiotics, celiac disease, irregular bowel syndrome, malabsorption, bacteria overgrowth, infectious diarrhea and Crohn's disease.

The Symptoms and Signs behind Green Poop

Green poop does not always mean a person's internal system is infected or that there are intestinal disorders in that person. As a matter of fact, the majority of color changes in poop can be attributed to medications and consumed foods. However, if you begin to suffer from fever, rectal pain, weight loss or diarrhea, you should consult your doctor at once.

To avoid such problems, it would be advisable to get your colon cleansed twice every year. This process is something that everybody has been putting to use in today's day and age since people can eliminate irregular bowel movements, additional fats and constipation through it. The body will even eliminate any unwanted toxins that might have layered into the skin, as well as inner sludge, to lead a healthier life with ease.

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