目前分類:green diarrhea (537)

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Diarrhea, indigestion and food poisoning are common conditions that make you regret eating. When this digestive diseases strikes, comfort becomes our best friend. There are several causes for diarrhea; contaminated foods are often situated with the disease, and our naked sight has no capacity to spot unwanted bacteria in our food. Unsafe drinking water is another major cause of diarrhea.

Although the water looks clear and clean, it doesn't mean that it is safe for drinking. Odors on our drinking water are one determining factor for safety, but laboratory test is the most accurate method to know if our drinking water is safe for drinking. Diarrhea wreaks havoc in almost any parts of the world. Especially in regions that have unsafe water supply. Medical experts have revealed that stress also causes diarrhea; indigestion or dyspepsia, though different from diarrhea but share several symptoms, like vomiting and stomach cramps are also common causes of stress. Poor eating habit such as improper chewing of food, excessive amount of fatty acids consumed, and emotional upsets causes indigestion.

Food poising or food borne illness is caused by eating contaminated food that contains harmful viruses, bacteria and parasites. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, nausea and diarrhea. All of these gastrointestinal problems have only one consequence, and that would be dehydration. If not treated correctly, complication of cardiac arrest might arise and eventually death. After diarrhea, indigestion, and food poisoning has been successfully treated, individuals who suffered these are advised to go on a soft diet to give time to the stomach to recover. Ultra creamy mashed potatoes are one of the better recipes for the soft diet.

Soft diet ingredients
Two cans of chicken broth, at least three and one half cups
Five large potatoes cut into halves
One-half cup light cream
Two tablespoon of butter or margarine
One teaspoon of black pepper

How to cook
Place chicken broth and potatoes in the saucepan; heat until it boils. Then Cover the saucepan and cook for about 10 minutes or until the potatoes are tender. After that, drain the saucepan. Mash the potatoes and mix with one-fourth cup of chicken broth, cream, butter and pepper. One soft diet meal coming right up!

Gastrointestinal diseases are hard to avoid. The appealing appearance and the alluring aroma of food block our judgment whether the food is safe or not. With proper care and soft diet, we are almost sure that gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea, indigestion, and food poisoning would be a thing of the past.

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Many people get alarmed when they seen green bowel movements, especially if they happen for no apparent reason. Luckily, the chances are there are no problems and the green bowel movement is perfectly harmless. On the other hand, there could be an indication that there is a much more serious problem underlying the green feces. But the big question remains: how do you know what is harmful and what is harmless?

You should first examine your most recent changes to see if you have undergone any of these recently. If you have, there is a chance that whatever was changed is causing the green feces and there is no cause for alarm. Some of these changes are:

  1. Increased water intake: There is a common correlation, especially in children, between the amount of water that is ingested, especially when combined with a sudden reduction of solid food intake, and green stools. Typically, it occurs in children who are getting over an illness. The increased electrolytes to keep them hydrated makes their poop turn green and is no cause for alarm.

  2. Postnasal drip: Believe it or not, swallowing postnasal drip, on rare occasions can cause green stools. If you have been sick recently, postnasal drip can cause green stools.

If any of these have recently happened, do not fear! The stools will return to a normal color when the cause subsides. However, there may be other things that are wrong that have been proven to cause green stools, and require that action be taken:

  1. Salmonella: This is one of the more benign effects of Salmonella poisoning. There are many other symptoms that will trigger your alert to Salmonella, so unless you exhibit those other symptoms, this most likely is not the cause.

  2. Giardia: Once again, this is a more tame symptom of Giardia, and unless you have the other symptoms, you most likely do not have Giardia

  3. Acute Intestinal Disorder: This is probably the most common reason for the greenish stools, and luckily the easiest to treat. It is sometimes (but not always) accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, and can happen for a variety of reasons.

If you do find that you are most likely seeing what could be the result of a slight intestinal disorder, the cure is very simple and easy. A good intestinal cleanse, or colon cleanse, is one of the easiest ways to rid your body of the toxins and feces that are most likely causing this disorder. According to recent research, a typical healthy adult colon contains between five and twenty five pounds of toxic fecal matter inside of the colon, which is a prime target for cultivating an intestinal disorder.

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Green and black and oolong tea come from the plant (Camellia Sinensis). It's been used in Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years. The green variety has the most health benefits because of the way the tea leaves are processed. The other types of tea use fermented leaves, but the green leaves are steamed. The polyphenols, which are powerful anitoxidants aren't compromised, making them effective in preventing and fighting disease.

Green tea is helpful for rheumatoid arthritis in that it helps with swelling as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It has also been known to inhibit the breakdown of cartilage in the joints. It also contains antioxidants A and C. Green tea's antioxidant activity has been shown to be anywhere from 25 to 100 times more powerful than vitamins C and E.

Natural medicine practitioners also recommend green tea for treating cancers (breast,stomach, skin, esophageal and others). It is also used to help lose weight, improve mental alertness and to protect the skin from sun damage. Here is a list of some of the conditions green tea has been know to help with:

- Cancer

- rheumatoid arthritis

- digestive help

- high cholesterol

- heart disease

- infection

- impaired immune function

- tooth decay

There is much to recommend this tea, and little to say against it. Since it does contain caffeine, you may experience some of the symptoms of caffeine. These include insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea, diarrhea and other symptoms.

It is available as a beverage, in capsules as an extract and is used in some skin care products.
How much green tea should you drink? Studies conducted by universities concluded that drinking four or more cups of the tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in those that have it.

This article is for information purposes only and not intended to give medical advice or diagnosis. It is recommended to seek a physicians advice for medical issues and before making and changes in diet, medications or exercise.

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The right support group can not only help you cope with IBS, it can also provide you with plenty of information about the condition, as well as open your mind to alternative treatments you may not have considered. For instance, many IBS sufferers find that herbal remedies help them manage their symptoms.

The roots, stems, leaves, flowers and berries of plants have been used for centuries for medicinal purposes in order to treat, relieve and prevent a number of illnesses. Of course, different herbs are used to treat different ailments. As far as herbal remedies for IBS is concerned, the following are the herbs that are most effective in alleviating symptoms.


Peppermint is an effective IBS treatment because mint calms the muscles in the stomach, intestines and uterus and increases gastric juice production. Mint also acts as an effective pain killer as it helps to block pain signals to the brain and numbs the digestive tract. In addition, mint is anti-bacterial and helps relieve indigestion, gastrointestinal cramps, gas, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Peppermint can be taken in the form of tea. Peppermint is also available in enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules.

Peppermint should be taken before meals to prevent symptoms.


Fennel is highly effective at relieving and preventing bloating, gas, indigestion and stomachaches. Fennel encourages gastric juice production and has anti-spasmodic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antibacterial properties.

Fennel is light green-brown seeds and can be taken in the form of tea. You can also chew fennel seeds. Fennel can be taken daily, and making it apart of you daily diet will help prevent gas and bloating from occurring.


Ginger relieves many gastrointestinal problems including indigestion and severe cramps and nausea. It aids in digestion, improves intestinal muscle quality, and has some anti-inflammatory properties.

Ginger is available in fresh and dried gingerroot, both of which are highly effective for treating IBS symptoms. Ginger is usually taken in the form of tea.


Chamomile is effective at alleviating gastrointestinal spasms and tension. It can also be useful at relieving indigestion and gas. Chamomile is also known for its sedative properties and has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-peptic properties.

Chamomile is a flower and it is usually taken in the form of tea. Chamomile is best taken at night before bed due to its natural sedative properties.

Note: Chamomile is a type of daisy, therefore, if you are allergic to daisies (ragweed included) you shouldn't use chamomile.


Caraway is anti-microbal and has anti-spasmodic effects. It encourages gastric juice production, sooths the muscles in the digestive tract and helps relieve gas.

Caraway is a dried seed and is usually taken in the form of tea, or can be chewed hole.


Anise is anti-spasmodic and an anti-fungal that helps to settle the stomach and aids and regulates digestion which helps to relieve and prevent chronic diarrhea and constipation. It also helps to stimulate the production of gastric juices, and relieves nausea, gas, bloating, and cramps.

Anise comes in the form of small, black, seeds. It is often taken in the form of tea, but seeds can be chewed.


Oregano is an anti-spasmodic that stimulates gastric juice production and reduces and alleviates bloating, gas, stomach cramps and diarrhea. It is an effective muscle relaxant.

Oregano is plant leaves that are either fresh or dried and brewed in a tea. Oregano is also available in enteric coated oregano oil capsules.

All of the above herbs mentioned are considered safe and can be taken daily without the risk of short-term or long-term side effects. That being said, you should talk to an herb specialist about the herbs you are interested in before taking them, as well as your heath care provider.

Most herbs can be found at food and holistic stores.

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How would you know if your child is showing milk allergy symptoms? Milk is especially important to young children because of the calcium, nutrients and vitamins it provides. What do you do if a child develops an allergy? What if your child is born with a milk allergy or shows allergy symptoms? Here are some tips on diagnosing these symptoms and what you should do if your child has a milk allergy.

Milk is important in everybody's diet especially children. If a child does not receive enough milk there can be serious health problems as a result. The symptoms of an allergic reaction will appear differently in different children, but they will begin to appear as the body reacts to the milk, especially the protein from the milk. When a person is allergic, the body will try to fight off the protein as if it were a foreign substance and try to eliminate it. There is a possibility of adults having milk allergies but the majority of the allergies effect children. Some of the children will grow out of these allergies buy adulthood.

There are 3 basic types of milk allergy symptoms that happen at different times. The first happens immediately upon ingestion and is characterized by hives. The second occurs hours after the milk is consumed and the symptoms are diarrhea or vomiting. The third one takes a few days to appear and the symptoms will be diarrhea.

A list of the most common milk allergy symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, hives, ear infections, bloating, eczema and other skin problems, asthma, dark eyes and even hyperactivity. Often once you know the symptoms and need to solve the problem just stopping the intake of cows milk will not solve the issue. You need to watch your diet completely, checking the foods you eat, what you are buying at the grocery store to ensure that you are ingesting foods made with milk otherwise you'll continue to have symptoms.

Removing milk and dairy products from you diet will cause you to be lacking certain vitamins and calcium. You can take vitamin and calcium supplements to replenish what you have lost. There are also a lot of other food that are loaded with calcium. Eating leafy green vegetables and almonds are another great way to gain more calcium. You can also try rice milk, almond milk or soy mil

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Did you know that there are more than 400 different kinds of bacteria that live in our gastrointestinal tract? Shocking? Not really. Well, not all bacteria are bad. As a matter of fact, both good and bad bacteria are found in our bodies. When good bacteria are not present in our bodies, or when the bad bacteria outnumber the good ones, our defense system deteriorates and the risk of developing diseases and chronic illnesses are significantly increased. This is why it is very important to maintain good levels of these good bacteria in the body to prevent these bad bacteria from taking over our system. One way of maintaining good bacteria levels in our body is by taking acidophilus supplements. Taking acidophilus supplements can help replenish good bacteria into our system and promote overall wellness. Let me share to you some of the health benefits of probiotic acidophilus supplements. Here are some of them.

1. It can help alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It can bring relief to various IBS symptoms such as abdominal bloating, cramping and diarrhea.

2. It can help control diarrhea. If your diarrhea is due to antibiotic use, acidophilus supplements can help correct the bacterial imbalance caused by the drug. Some strains of traveler's diarrhea can also be weakened as acidophilus supplements can help boost the body's immune system and reduce the inflammation of the intestine.

3. It can help reduce flatulence. Acidophilus can help keep gas producers in the large intestine from producing. This relieves flatulence while reducing gas and bloating.

4. It can help treat and prevent yeast infections. Candida is a type of yeast that normally lives in our system. Overgrowth of this yeast in our system can cause various infections such as vaginal yeast infections or candidiasis. Since acidophilus and other probiotics promote a healthy intestinal environment, they can also help stop Candida from multiplying. This is why most ob gynecologists advice women to take yogurt, acidophilus supplements or other types of probiotic regularly to prevent vaginal infections.

5. It helps treat and prevent bad breath. As the bacteria in our mouth work to break down food, they can multiply and produce bad smelling byproducts. Usually, having a good oral hygiene can take care of that, but if you need extra help, taking acidophilus supplements can help clear out foul odors that regular brushing and mouthwash can't remove. It also encourages good digestions and reduce the number of odor causing bacteria.

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Losing weight fast is highly in demand today. These are sought after by many because of the idea of not taking too much effort on diet and exercise yet weight loss is still fast.

Who would not want it anyway? The rate of the overweight and obese people is starting to increase significantly which are very common among teens and adults. However, one must understand the real deal of losing weight in a fast way because it depends on how have you evaluated yourself why have you gained such weight. The health risks associated with losing weight in a fast manner must also be considered.

Losing weight in all areas is claimed to be slightly difficult. No one has actually boasted that he lost weight with no efforts at all. The entire weight loss program, be it in fast or slow manner needs great deal of sacrifice. It is also at some point a battle against heart diseases, high cholesterol levels, stroke, increased blood pressure (hypertension), breathing problems and some cancer issues. As such, when the need to lose weight fast increases, it doesn't only involve the vanity side of it, but also the avoidance of health problems.

On the other note, when the need of losing weight increased, the desire to lose it fast is not the only one on the rise, because there are products made available today to help people lose weight. These are supplements that promised desired fitness goal. However, even they promised good result, recommendations from your health care provider must be sought first.

  • Goji berry - its name is derived from the maker named Dr. Goji Berry. The content of the berry is packed with antioxidants that can eventually promote quick and safe weight loss.

  • Green tea pills - This is widely known for many years now because of its antioxidant content, it flushes out waste from the body and has positive effects in losing weight.

  • Acai berry - This also popular in the market because Acai berry has shown tremendous results for weight loss by increasing body's metabolism, fat oxidization, energy gain, and most of all, it also provides powerful antioxidant support just like the 2 supplements mentioned above.

  • Alli??FDA pill - This is of course a diet pill approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These are mainly used for weight loss without any diet or exercise.

As always being highlighted, losing weight is hard especially when one wants to be losing weight fast. However, finding the best and perfect diet and exercise for you can guarantee good result in weight loss. As such, it is important to be particular in the preparation period. When you have made an inventory of yourself about your eating habits and lifestyle, you can then decide rightly, and eventually, you can lose weight easy and fast just as what you have always been asked for.

The very effective formula: Fast weight Loss = Dedication + The Right Plan

Old beliefs always said that you can lose weight directly by taking diet pills, but the new belief contradicts on it and imposes that even to lose weight fast, it always requires sincere dedication and a lifestyle change to make your desired goal happen. You may have started the short-cut in losing weight but you figured out in the long run that you have not lost nothing. This is really very true because if short cut is existing, why do people spend so much time in the gym and sacrificed of not eating what they always craved for? Of course, the sacrifice for losing weight will not kill you; it's a matter of how you take things and getting used to it.

Right plan means right choice of food to be put into the mouth. When you love pizza, spaghetti, chicken and other fatty foods, it's time to consume entirely different kinds of food. You have to eat more of lean meats such as in fish and poultry products; eating plenty of vegetables and only healthy "carbs" are consumed like the whole wheat, grains and rice (brown); and finally, don't forget loads of water at least 3 liters daily. These are the main ingredients for a very healthy way of living but can give you a fast and natural result.

Right plan also means you are to engage in a fitness regimen. The mind and body must be prepared physically and emotionally. Working out for 45 minutes for four days a week with the combination of cardio sessions and weights are helpful. You would have to switch the regular watching of television and surfing the net to a healthy and productive ways such as cleaning the house because it can also help burn fats and lose weight. Also, when you are much more comfortable working out at your own home, you can do so. You can have brisk walking or jogging first thing in the morning 1 hour before breakfast.

Your weight loss goal should not stop in losing the weight, but you also have to learn to keep it off consistently, which clearly defines an ultimate successful weight loss. However, in as much as you want to see the result too fast without properly guided on nutrition, there are following dangers of losing weight too fast.

Water Weight

When we always try to lose weight quickly and do everything to hit the target, the tendency here is that what you lost is actually a water weight. So, is this good for health? Definitely No. losing water from the body can cause dehydration and the important electrolyte that is essential for the heart called potassium is lost, which then may cause heart attack.

Remember, water is vital to life. Drinking a glass of water before meal can prevent you from overeating and also hydrates your body. Exercising can caused you to lose water through perspiration, as such, water is necessary to fill up the lost water in the body.


Another effect of losing weight too fast is the unpleasant diarrhea and followed by constipation. When diarrhea is prolonged, severe dehydration can also happen which is damaging and dangerous to the body especially when you are using detoxification agents to lose weight.

Instead of trying to flush all the waste from your body through detoxification agents to drop pounds, try the natural way by eating healthy and well balanced diet that are rich in fiber.


Another way of losing weight fast incorrectly is through starving the body from foods. When not enough nutrients are delivered in the body, severe malnutrition occurs over a period of weeks or months. Those crash diets and fasting are dangerous because they involve restriction of proteins, carbs, fats and other essential vitamins and mineral needed by the body.

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Internal hygiene is as important as taking a shower or brushing your teeth. Even though internal hygiene isn't something we hear about enough, it's wise to follow the rules of internal hygiene in order to be our best.

Being clean is more than just having the surface of your body clean-internal and external health rely on good hygiene to remain healthy. Not having good internal hygiene can result in sickness, sluggish immune systems, poor hair, skin and nails, inefficient bowel and digestive systems and more. Very rarely are the symptoms of an unclean body addressed. With medications and pills for every symptom, it is uncommon for doctors and health professionals to encourage patients to work on their habits which are the root of the symptoms they are suffering from. Annoyances that are considered to be "normal" are body odor, lethargy, fatigue, mood problems and disease. Body odor is a common result of poor internal hygiene. Not drinking enough water, eating food that isn't healthy and consuming soft drinks, refined sugar, refined flour, wheat, artificial flavors, artificial colors and prepackaged foods that contain high levels of preservatives overloads the liver and leads to a sluggish digestive system.

A bowel weighed down with matter it cannot process will result in a range of unpleasant symptoms such as gas, incomplete bowel movements, diarrhea, and a feeling of general heaviness in the gut. A colon cleanse that deep cleans the colon is the best way to get rid of decaying fecal matter that is left behind from undigested food particles that sit in our system for years. Herbal teas for detoxifying, a daily juicing regimen and clean habits are all steps you can take towards having a clean body inside and out.

Body odor can be reduced with mint teas such as peppermint or kitchen herbs such as basil and thyme. Since peppermint tea is easily accessible and safe. anyone can use it as a means to be cleaner and fresher smelling. Peppermint tea cleans the breath and well as the body and makes a popular drink hot or iced. Making internal hygiene a fun experience is the best way to embrace the lifestyle. Fresh fruits and salads, green smoothies and supplements all work towards the goal.

Above all, consistency is key. Organic fresh fruits and vegetables will never fail to clean and prevent. It's their job. Internal hygiene can be as easy as eating food that look and feels great, too.

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Yorkshire terriers can be very finicky eaters. If your Yorkie is a picky eater you will want to make sure that she is getting the proper nutrition. Here are some things to watch out for when feeding your Yorkshire terrier:

· If you have had your Yorkie since she was a puppy you are already familiar with her eating habits. On the other hand, if you get an adult dog as a pet, you may not know the eating history of your pet.

· Ask your veterinarian about what should be feeding your Yorkie. Your vet will be able to look at your dog's history and determine which foods are best.

· Avoid feeding her canned food exclusively. Soft food will weaken your dog's teeth and lead to tooth loss. Dogs that lose too many teeth have a greater chance of becoming malnourished. If you are using canned food, be sure to mix it with dry food so that your Yorkshire terrier will be able to chew and maintain good dental health.

· Be very careful about giving your dog human food from the table. There are many foods that can make your Yorkie sick, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and allergic reactions. It's nice to give your pets a treat now and then, but resist the urge to share your food with your pet.

· Maintain a strict schedule for feeding your dog. Dogs are like children in that they crave structure and consistency. Decide if you will feed your Yorkie once or twice a day, what time you will give her the food, and then stick to this schedule. Allow a set amount of time for her to eat and then remove the food dish. Fifteen minutes should be long enough for her to eat as much as she wants. Do not leave food out throughout the day. If you have more than one dog, be sure to feed them separately.

These are some tips on feeding your Yorkshire terrier. Training your Yorkie will help to ensure a pleasant experience for both you and your pet.

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According to the Dept. of Health and Human Services, there are an estimated 20 million Americans that suffer from gallstones. Gallstones develop in the gallbladder. This small pear shaped organ that is below your liver breaks down fats and dissolves excess cholesterol. Some of the symptoms of gallstones can include: severe pain in the upper abdomen, severe pain under the right shoulder or in the right shoulder blade, nausea, vomiting, and indigestion after eating certain types of fatty foods. Diets high in fat can cause gallstones due to increased cholesterol in the bile and reduced gallbladder emptying. You can avoid gallstones by avoiding certain foods such as all animal fats in meat, dairy products with high fat, hydrogenated oils, sodas, and foods rich in sugar. Gallstones can be detected by your doctor through an ultrasound. Most people are likely to have hundreds of gall stones. They are soft and don't show up on an x-ray unless they calcify. However, they cause problems such as gall bladder attack by blocking the bile ducts even when they are not calcified. The most common treatment for gallbladder gallstones is a surgery procedure called cholecystectomy. Here is a natural remedy for the effective removal of gallstones. This gallstones home remedy is safe and can also be used with a liver cleanse.


Step 1

9am- 2pm

You may want to set aside a couple of days off work, or begin this on a Friday. This way you have the weekend to recover and are in the comfort of your own home. (warning: diarrhea will occur during this cleanse)

Eat a high fiber, non-fat breakfast and lunch on the day of your cleanse. I had an apple with a cup of oatmeal for breakfast, and a green salad with plenty of veggies for lunch (broccoli works great)

What is happening in your digestive system at this time? Bile is being produced in your liver. Bile is a fluid that helps the body eliminate waste.

Do not eat after 3pm!!


Step 2


You might want to cancel any outside activities from this time on.

Dissolve 1 tbsp of Epsom salt in 1 cup of water. Drink this entirely within 2-5 minutes.


Drink another mixture of 1 tbsp of Epsom salt and 1 cup of water. You may experience diarrhea symptoms after this since the Epsom salt works as a laxative.


Step 3


Squeeze the juice from 1 grapefruit into a pint size jar. Pour 1/2 cup of olive oil into the jar. Close the lid to the jar tightly and shake vigorously for 5 min. The olive oil will have completely dissolved and will be easy to drink. You may use a straw to drink the mixture or drink right out of the jar. Once you have drank the entire mixture you will need to lie down immediately on your back with your head raised slightly. (place 2 pillows if necessary under your head and go straight to sleep)


Step 4

6am- the following morning

Drink another mixture of 1 tbsp of Epsom salt and 1 cup of water. You may be experiencing trips to the bathroom from this time until noon. Watch for the gallstones during this time. They can be easily identified as pea sized (they may appear bigger or smaller) stones that float to the top because of the cholesterol content in each. There are countless pictures of gallstones online that give you an idea of what to look for.

Repeat this flush once every 2 weeks until symptoms improve. Do not try this more than 2 times in a row. Let your body rest for about a month or so until you give it another try. I have personally benefited from this remedy and have since prevented gallstones by maintaining a low-fat diet combined with exercise.

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Plants containing flavonoids (from the Latin, flavus, yellow) were originally valued as dye plants. Today we appreciate them because we know they are anti-inflammatory, antihepatotoxic, anti-tumor, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, antiallergic, antiulcer, analgesic, and strengthening to the entire circulatory system, from capillaries to heart.

Flavonoids have an estrogenic effect, scientifically established as 1/50,000th the activity of estradiol. Bioflavonoids in foods are essential to our ability to absorb ascorbic acid. No wonder plants exceptionally rich in flavonoids are such important allies for post-menopausal women.

Regular use of bioflavonoid-rich herbs helps:

  • restore vaginal lubrication

  • decrease or end hot flashes

  • improve pelvic tone

  • improve liver activity

  • strengthen the bladder

  • lower risk of stroke & heart attack

  • reduce water build-up in tissues

  • reduce muscle cramping

  • ease sore joints

  • improve resistance to infection

The richest source of bioflavonoids is the inner skin of citrus fruits. "Peel Power" is a lovely way to start the day.

Buckwheat greens, Buckweizen, Sarrasin (Fagopyrum esculentum) are an exceptional source of bioflavonoids. Grow them at home, like alfalfa sprouts, or buy them dried and made into tablets. (Kasha, the grain of buckwheat, does not contain bioflavonoids.) The wild equivalent is the leaves of yellow dock (Rumex crispus) or any knotweed (Polygonum).

Elder, Holunder, Sureau (Sambucus nigra and other species) are rich in bioflavonoids. I use the berries in jelly and wine, and the flowers for tinctures and wines.

Hawthorn, Weissdorn, Aubépine (Crataegus oxycantha and other species) offers berries, flowers, and leaves full of bioflavonoids. I use the berries to makes jellies, wines, and a heart-strengthening tincture. The flowers and leaves, dried, make a wonderful tea.

Horsetail, Ackerschachtelhalm, Prêle des champs (Equisetum arvense) is best picked in the spring. I use it fresh in soups (not salads) and dried as a tea.

Knotweeds, Vogelknöterich, Renouée des oiseaux, Ho Shou Wu (Polygonaceae) are well known for their abundance of bioflavonoids. In addition to buckwheat and yellow dock leaves, try the greens of any other knotweed local to your area.

Roses, Hagrose, Rosier (Rosa canina and other species) are sisters to hawthorn and similarly abundant in bioflavonoids. I use fresh rose hips in jellies and wines and dry them for winter teas and soups. We eat the blossoms in salads and use glycerin to draw out the healing qualities of flowers and leaf buds.

Shepherd's purse, Hirtentäschel, Capselle (Capsella bursa-pastoris) leaves are wonderful in salads. When it flowers, I use the whole fresh plant to make vinegar and vodka tinctures, capturing bioflavonoids for later use. (A dose is 25-50 drops three times daily.)

Sea buckthorn, Sanddorn, Argousier (Hippophae rhamnoides) leaves are rich in many nutrients needed by post-menopausal women: bioflavonoids, carotenes (vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, and the B vitamin complex, especially B6. If you live where it grows, try the tender baby leaves in salads.

Toadflax, Frauenflachs, Linaire commune (Linaria vulgaris) flowers add flavonoids to salads. They can also be tinctured. (A dose is 15-20 drops.)

White dead nettle, Weisse Taubnessel, Lamier blanc (Lamium album) doesn't sting, so try it in salads. Or dry bunches when it's flowering and get your bioflavonoids from the infusion; or make a vinegar.


Vitamins for menopausal years. Lists are arranged thusly: most important sources, in decreasing order, are first. Other excellent sources follow the semicolon.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is formed in the liver from ingested carotenes and carotenoids. No plants contain it. Liver, milk, and eggs do. In pill form, vitamin A can cause birth defects, hair loss, and liver stress.

Depleted by: Coffee, alcohol, cortisone, mineral oil, fluorescent lights, liver "cleansing," excessive intake of iron, lack of protein.

Vitamin B complex: For healthy digestion, good liver function, emotional flexibility, less anxiety, sound sleep, milder hot flashes with less sweating, steady heart beat.

Depleted by: Coffee, alcohol, tobacco, refined sugar, raw oysters, hormone replacement, birth control pills (deplete B6 especially).

Food Sources of B vitamins: Whole grains, well-cooked greens, organ meat (liver, kidneys, heart), sweet potatoes, carrots, molasses, nuts, bananas, avocados, grapes, pears; egg yolks, sardines, herring, salmon, crab, oysters, whey.

Herbal Sources of B vitamins: Red clover blossoms, parsley leaf, oatstraw. See also specific factors, following.

Vitamin B1, Thiamine: For emotional ease, strong nerves.

Food Sources of B1, Thiamine: Asparagus, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, barley grass, seaweeds, citrus fruits.

Herbal Sources of B1, Thiamine: Peppermint, burdock, sage, yellow dock, alfalfa, red clover, fenugreek seeds, raspberry leaves, nettle, catnip, watercress, yarrow leaf/flower, rose buds and hips.

Vitamin B2, Riboflavin: For more energy, healthy skin, less cancer.

Depleted by: Hot flashes, crying jags, antibiotics, tranquilizers.

Food Sources of B2, Riboflavin: Beans, greens, onions, seaweeds, yogurt, cheese, milk, mushrooms.

Herbal Sources of B2, Riboflavin: Peppermint, alfalfa greens, parsley, echinacea, yellow dock, hops; dandelion root, ginseng, dulse, kelp, fenugreek seed, rose hips, nettles.

Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine: For improved immune functioning; especially needed by women using hormone replacement.

Food Sources of B6: Baked potato with skin, broccoli, prunes, bananas, dried beans, lentils; meat, poultry, fish.

Vitamin B factor, Folic acid: For strong, flexible bones, easy nerves.

Food Sources of folic acid (folate): Leafy greens, liver, kidney, lentils, whole grains, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables.

Herbal Sources of Folic acid: Leaves: Nettles, alfalfa, parsley, sage, catnip, peppermint, plantain, comfrey, chickweed.

Vitamin B factor, Niacin: For relief of anxiety and depression, decrease in headaches, reduction of blood cholesterol levels.

Food Sources of Niacin: Asparagus, cabbage, bee pollen.

Herbal Sources of Niacin: Hops, raspberry leaf, red clover; slippery elm, echinacea, licorice, rose hips, nettle, alfalfa, parsley.

Vitamin B12: For healthy metabolism, stronger eyes, better memory, more energy, less cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, fibromylagia, and depression. Aids adsorption of all other minerals, especially calcium.

Depleted by: Unfermented soy, lack of animal foods in the diet.

Food Sources of B12: Liver, kidney, yogurt, cheese, milk, eggs, meat, poultry, shellfish.
Herbal Sources of B12: None.

Bioflavonoids: For healthy heart and blood vessels, fewer hot flashes and night sweats, less menstrual bleeding, unlumpy breasts, less water retention, less anxiety, less irritable nerves.

Food Sources of Bioflavonoids: Citrus pulp and rind.

Herbal Sources of Bioflavonoids: Buckwheat greens, elder berries, hawthorn fruits, rose hips, horsetail, shepherd's purse, chervil.

Carotenes: For a well-lubricated vagina, strong bones, protection against cancer, healthy lungs and skin, strong vision, good digestion.

Food Sources of Carotenes: Well-cooked red, yellow, or green vegetables/fruits: carrots, winter squash, tomatoes, seaweeds, cantaloupe.

Herbal Sources of Carotenes: Peppermint, yellow dock, uva ursi, parsley, alfalfa, raspberry, nettles, dandelion greens; kelp, green onions, violet leaves, cayenne, paprika, lamb's quarters leaves, sage, chickweed, horsetail, black cohosh roots, rose hips.

Vitamin C complex: For less intense hot flashes, less insomnia and night sweats, stronger bones, fewer headaches, better resistance to infection, smoother emotions, less heart disease, rapid wound healing. Critical to good adrenal functioning, especially during menopause.

Depleted by: Antibiotics, aspirin and other pain relievers, coffee, stress, aging, smoking, baking soda, high fever.

Food Sources of Vitamin C: Freshly picked foods, cooked potatoes.

Herbal Sources of Vitamin C: Rose hips, yellow dock root, raspberry leaf, red clover, hops; pine needles, dandelion greens, alfalfa greens, echinacea, skullcap, plantain, parsley, cayenne, paprika.

Vitamin D: For very strong, very flexible bones, hormonal ease,
cancer prevention, regulation of glucose metabolism, reduction of risk of adult onset diabetes.

Depleted by: Mineral oil used on the skin, frequent hot baths, sunscreen with SPF8 or higher.

Food Sources of Vitamin D: Sunlight, butter, egg yolk, cod liver oil; liver, shrimp, fatty fish (mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna).

Herbal Sources of Vitamin D: None. Vitamin D is not found in plants.

Vitamin E: for milder hot flashes, fewer night sweats, protection from cancer, fewer signs of aging, fewer wrinkles, moist vagina, strong heart, freedom from arthritis.

Depleted by: Mineral oil, sulfates, hormone replacement.

Food Sources of Vitamin E: Freshly ground whole-grain flours, cold-pressed oils; fresh nuts, peanut butter, leafy greens, cabbage, asparagus.

Herbal Sources of Vitamin E: Alfalfa, rosehips, nettles, dong quai, watercress, dandelion, seaweeds, wild seeds (lamb's quarters, plantain).

Essential fatty acids (EFAs), including GLA, omega-6 and omega-3: For a healthy heart, less severe hot flashes, strong nerves, strong bones, well-functioning endocrine glands, fewer wrinkles.

Food Sources of EFAs: Flax seeds, cod liver oil, wheat germ oil, whole grains; seeds such as borage, evening primrose, black currant, hemp, safflower, and their oils.

Herbal Sources of EFAs: All wild plants, but very few cultivated plants, contain EFAs; fresh purslane is notably high.

Folic Acid: See vitamin B factor, folic acid.

Vitamin K: For less menstrual flooding, stronger bones.

Depleted by: X-rays, radiation, air pollution, enemas, frozen foods, antibiotics, rancid fats, aspirin.

Food Sources of Vitamin K: Healthy intestinal bacteria produce vitamin K; green leafy vegetables, yogurt, egg yolk, blackstrap molasses.

Herbal Sources of Vitamin K: Nettle, alfalfa, kelp, green tea.


Minerals for menopausal years.

Boron: For strong, flexible bones.

Food Sources of Boron: Organic fruits, vegetables, nuts.

Herbal Sources of Boron: All organic garden weeds including all edible parts of chickweed, purslane, nettles, dandelion, yellow dock.

Calcium: For sound sleep, dense bones, calm heart, strong muscles, less irritable nerves, lower blood pressure, sound blood vessels, regular heart beat, freedom from depression and headaches, less bloating, fewer mood fluctuations.

Depleted by: Coffee, sugar, salt, alcohol, cortisone, enemas, unfermented soy products, antacids, too much phosphorus.

Food Sources of Calcium: Yogurt, raw-milk cheese, dark green leaves; nuts, seeds, tahini, seaweeds, vegetables (especially sweet potatoes, cabbage), dried beans, whole grains, whey, salmon, tuna, sardines, shellfish.

Herbal Sources of Calcium: Valerian, kelp, nettle, horsetail, peppermint; sage, uva ursi, yellow dock, chickweed, red clover, oatstraw, parsley, black currant leaf, raspberry leaf, plantain leaf/seed, dandelion leaf, amaranth leaf/seed, lamb's quarter leaf/seed.

Chromium: For less fatigue and lots of energy, fewer mood swings, stable blood sugar levels, higher HDL; less risk of adult onset diabetes.

Depleted by: White sugar.

Food Sources of Chromium: Barley grass, prunes, nuts, mushrooms, liver, beets, whole wheat, bee pollen.

Herbal Sources of Chromium: Oatstraw, nettle, red clover tops, catnip, dulse, wild yam, yarrow, horsetail; roots of black cohosh, licorice, echinacea, valerian, sarsaparilla.

Copper: For supple skin, healthy hair, strong muscles, easy nerves, less water retention, less menstrual flooding, lower blood cholesterol.

Food Sources of Copper: Liver, kidney, seafood, organically grown grains, beans, nuts, leafy greens, seaweeds, bittersweet chocolate, mushrooms.

Herbal Sources of Copper: Skullcap, sage, horsetail; chickweed.

Iodine: For fewer breast lumps, less fatigue, healthier thyroid function, stronger liver.

Depleted by: Unfermented soy products.

Food Sources of Iodine: Seafood, seaweed, sea salt, spinach, beets, mushrooms.

Herbal Sources of Iodine: Kelp, parsley, celery, sarsaparilla root.

Iron: For fewer hot flashes, less menstrual flooding, fewer headaches, better sleep with fewer night sweats, easier nerves, more energy, less dizziness.

Depleted by: Coffee, black tea, alcohol, aspirin, carbonated drinks, lack of protein, enemas, unfermented soy, processed dairy.

Food Sources of Iron: Liver, red meat, canned salmon, sardines, egg yolk, leafy greens, molasses, dried fruit (cherries, raisins, prunes, dates, figs), yellow/orange/red vegetables, bittersweet chocolate; whole wheat, oatmeal, brown rice, mushrooms, potatoes, honey, seaweeds.

Herbal Sources of Iron: Chickweed, kelp, burdock root, catnip, horsetail, Althea root, milk thistle seed, uva ursi, dandelion leaf/root; yellow dock, dong quai, black cohosh, echinacea, licorice, valerian, and sarsaparilla roots, nettles, plantain leaf, fenugreek seed, peppermint.

Magnesium: For deeper sleep, less anxiety, easier nerves, flexible bones and arteries, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, stronger heart, more energy, less fatigue, fewer headaches/migraines.

Depleted by: Hot flashes, night sweats, crying jags, alcohol, chemical diuretics, enemas, antibiotics, "soft" water, excessive fat intake.

Food sources of Magnesium: Leafy greens, seaweeds, nuts, whole grains, yogurt, cheese; potatoes, corn, peas, squash, beans, figs.

Herbal Sources of Magnesium: Oatstraw, licorice, kelp, nettle, dulse, burdock root, chickweed, Althea root, horsetail; sage, raspberry leaf, red clover, valerian, yellow dock, dandelion greens, carrot tops, parsley leaf, evening primrose.

Manganese: For keen hearing, flexible bones, reduction of dizziness, prevention of diabetes.

Depleted by: Chemical fertilizers used agriculturally.

Food Sources of Manganese: Any leaves or seeds from plants grown on healthy soil; seaweeds.

Herbal Sources of Manganese: Raspberry, uva ursi leaf, chickweed, milk thistle seed, yellow dock; ginseng, wild yam, echinacea, and dandelion roots, nettle, catnip, kelp, horsetail, hops flowers.

Molybdenum: For fewer hot flashes, prevention of anemia.

Food Sources of Molybdenum: Organically raised dairy products, legumes, grains, leafy greens, seaweeds.

Herbal Sources of Molybdenum: Nettles, dandelion greens, sage, oatstraw, fenugreek seeds, raspberry leaves, red clover blossoms, horsetail, chickweed, kelp.

Nickel: For milder hot flashes, easy nerves.

Food Sources of Nickel: Chocolate, nuts, dried beans, cereals.

Herbal Sources of Nickel: Alfalfa, red clover, oatstraw, fenugreek.

Phosphorus: For strong, flexible bones, more energy.

Depleted by: Antacids.

Food Sources of Phosphorus: Whole grains, seeds, nuts.

Herbal Sources of Phosphorus: Peppermint, yellow dock, milk thistle, fennel, hops, chickweed; nettle, dandelion, parsley, dulse, red clover.

Potassium: For more energy, less fatigue, less water retention, easy weight loss, steady heart beat, lower blood pressure, better digestion.

Depleted by: Frequent hot flashes, sweating, night sweats, coffee, sugar, salt, alcohol, enemas, vomiting, diarrhea, chemical diuretics, dieting.

Food Sources of Potassium: Celery, cabbage, peas, parsley, broccoli, bananas, carrots, potato skin, whole grains, pears, citrus, seaweed.

Herbal Sources of Potassium: Sage, catnip, peppermint, skullcap, hops, dulse, kelp, red clover; horsetail, nettles, plantain leaf.

Selenium: For clear vision, slower aging, strong immunity, less irritability, more energy, healthy hair/nails/teeth, less cardiovascular disease.

Food sources of Selenium: Liver, raw milk cheeses, seaweeds, whole grains, garlic, kidneys, fish, shellfish, meat, yogurt, beans.

Herbal Sources of Selenium: Catnip, milk thistle seed, valerian root, dulse, black cohosh and ginseng roots; uva ursi leaf, hops flowers, kelp, raspberry leaf, rose buds and hips, hawthorn berries, fenugreek seed, roots of echinacea, sarsaparilla, and yellow dock.

Silicon: For strong, flexible bones, less irritable nerves.

Food Sources of Silicon: Unrefined grains, root vegetables, spinach, leeks.

Herbal Sources of Silicon/Silica: Horsetail, dulse, echinacea, cornsilk, burdock, oatstraw, licorice, chickweed; uva ursi, sarsaparilla.

Sulfur: For relaxed muscles, soft skin, healthy nerves, strong liver, glossy hair.

Food Sources of Sulfur: Eggs, dairy products, cabbage family plants, onions, garlic, parsley, watercress.

Herbal Sources of Sulfur: Sage, nettles, plantain, horsetail.

Zinc: For slower aging, better digestion, stronger bones, healthy skin, cancer prevention, increased sex drive.

Depleted by: Alcohol, air pollution, hormone replacement.

Food Sources of Zinc: Liver, meat, sardines, oysters, eggs, yogurt, leafy greens, beans, pumpkin seeds, nuts, whole grains.

Herbal Sources of Zinc: Skullcap, sage, wild yam, chickweed, echinacea, nettles, dulse, milk thistle; sarsaparilla.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material contained herein is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

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Candida albicans is one of a number of yeasts that live in your digestive tract.  It normally exists in low amounts together with millions of bacteria that keep your bowel functioning normally. In certain conditions Candida can multiply out of control causing distressing symptoms. A Candida detox is an excellent natural method to cleanse your system and bring it back into balance.

What causes Candida?

When the critical balance of Candida to bacteria in your body is disturbed Candida can gain the upper hand. This overgrowth can be responsible for numerous symptoms that involve more than the digestive tract but they can be treated with a Candida detox. The balance between yeast and bacteria can be upset as a result of:

  • Immune dysfunction or disease.

  • Upset in ratio of good to bad bacteria in the GI tract

  • Change in intestinal pH.

 A number of factors can cause immune dysfunction:

  •  Drugs, anti-inflammatories, cortisone, birth control pills, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Toxic metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel and aluminum

  • Stress and over-consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugar

 How does Candida cause damage?

The Candida yeast attaches itself to the walls of the digestive tract. Under certain conditions it can turn into a fungal state and puts out filament like roots deep into the intestinal lining. The fungus releases toxins that get into the blood stream causing symptoms in other organs and tissues. So as well as bowel symptoms of gas, bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, food intolerance and indigestion you can get other symptoms such as asthma, sinusitis, fatigue, depression, brain fog, chemical sensitivity, muscle pain or discomfort and general feelings of ill health. The good news is that all these symptoms can vanish when you bring candida back under control with a Candida detox.

 How to do a Candida detox:

 There are a number of Candida detox recipes but one of the best is a mixture of Bentonite clay powder, psyllium husk powder and liquid caprylic acid. Die off symptoms are very much minimized by the use of this cleanse.

  •  Psyllium husks powder is a fiber that acts as sort of gentle scrubbing brush. It bulks up the stool making elimination easier. Use approximately 1 teaspoon to 8 oz of pure water for each cleanse.

  • Bentonite, as a finely ground powder or liquid, attracts toxins and adsorbs them, preventing them getting into the body. It can help prevent symptoms from the release of Candida toxins as it dies off. Use 1 -2 tablespoons.

  • Caprylic acid, a natural antifungal, is a fatty acid obtained from coconut. In capsule form it would be absorbed high up in the digestive system before it had a chance to get to the parts of the intestines where it is needed so the liquid form is preferred. The liquid caprylic acid is held in the gel formed from the psyllium and water and is thought to disperse throughout the length of the digestive tract. Add 1 teaspoon - 1 tablespoon to the psyllium and Bentonite mixture and shake up well in a lidded container and drink immediately.

  • Probiotics are an essential part of the Candida detox to repopulate the bowel with good bacteria that keep the yeast in check. Look for a high potency dairy free one with multi-strains of bacteria.

Candida Detox Diet

For the Candida detox to be effective you must also do the anti-Candida diet. Sugar feeds the yeast so is probably the most important thing to exclude as well as products containing it. In fact, it's good to avoid all refined carbohydrates such as white flour products. In many cases it is helpful to exclude gluten containing products such as bread and pasta as well as dairy products. Even the milk sugar, lactose seems to feed the yeast.  

 Some people with Candida overgrowth become sensitive to other yeasts and do better excluding yeast products. All meat should be free range or organic to avoid antibiotic and hormone residue that some intensively reared animals contain. The best foods to eat are fresh and natural. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables especially green ones.  

Use the Candida detox protocol once or twice a day for 6 - 12 weeks depending on the severity of your problem. It will help you to overcome Candida. It is always best to get the advice of a health professional who understands the problem and has a good track record for helping people suffering from Candida overgrowth.

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Soy is the original hippie food that gave birth to the words Natural and Organic. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the AHA (American Heart Association) for more then twenty years have questioned the risks and benefits of soy. In the meantime, soy has become an extensively overused ingredient. So while Americans consume soy either by choice or for lack of reading a label, it's uncertain whether soy has a negative effect on the thyroid and does soy in fact, offer any health benefits at all.

Tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk, soy flour, soy chicken, soy tuna, soy protein, soy in condiments and per-prepared foods, burgers, sausage, and hot dogs, soy supplements and soy in menopause wellness formulas, soy in breads and pastas, soy in lotions, potions and hair dye, soy oil, soy cheese, soy in lipsticks, cosmetics, candles, shampoos and household cleaning products, soap, crayons, paper, and clothing. Even if you are a soy devotee, the ingredient has morphed from fermented bean curd into everything else.

Soy and the Thyroid

During perimenopause and menopause it is not unusual for women to develop thyroid problems. Since 1970, the number of thyroid incidences has more than doubled and approximately80% of thyroid disease is experienced by females.

Soy is a food that is categorized as a goitrogen. These are foods that promote the formation of goiter, a swelling in the thyroid gland, which can lead to a swelling of the neck or larynx. Soy is capable of interfering with the thyroid's normal function causing thyroid disease such as Hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone or Graves' an autoimmune disease that can cause over activity of the thyroid -- a condition known as Hyperthyroidism.

During perimenopause and menopause many women develop digestive problems that can easily interfere with daily life. Because we think we are doing all the right things to manage menopause naturally, we simply may not be connecting the dots.

Soy is it a common allergen, so even if it is not affecting your thyroid function specifically, it may be triggering symptoms of an allergic response, which include gastric upset, indigestion, gas, bloating constipation, acne, nausea, a stuffy nose, diarrhea, stomach pains, cramps, headaches, heart palpitations, skin rashes, hives, swelling in the throat, brain fog and fatigue. Also, if you take a thyroid medication for any reason soy can interfere with its proper absorption.

Christiane Northrup, MD, the author of The Wisdom of Menopause, has been a frequent guess on the Oprah Winfrey Show to talk about menopause. As an advocate of soy, Dr. Northrup suggests that women incorporate soy into their diets. Today, both Dr. Northrup and Oprah are hypothyroid. Coincidence or not, we will never know.

Thanks to Oprah she has graciously once again shared from her own unfortunate thyroid story and has created awareness for many women about soy, hormones and thyroid health.

  • Some women might believe that bioidentical hormones are the right treatment for thyroid problems - and they're not.

  • Some women might think that bioidentical hormones such as estradiol or progesterone are risk-free - and they're not.

  • Some women might believe that soy milk and other soy foods are beneficial for thyroid function - when they can actually harm the thyroid.

Does Soy Have Heart or Bone Health Benefits?

After 19 clinical studies on soy the National Institute of Health (NIH) states "there are no significant effects on HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoprotein, or blood pressure. Among the 19 studies of soy isoflavones, the average effect on LDL cholesterol and other lipid risk factors was nil.

Soy protein and isoflavones have not shown to lessen vasomotor symptoms of menopause, and results are mixed with regard to soy's ability to slow postmenopausal bone loss. The efficacy and safety of soy isoflavones for preventing or treating cancer of the breast, endometrium, and prostate are not established; evidence from clinical trials is meager and cautionary with regard to a possible adverse effect. For this reason, use of isoflavone supplements in food or pills is not recommended."

The American Heart Association has also declared that soy has little or no effect on cholesterol and is unlikely to prevent heart disease.

If you eat, drink or take soy in a supplement and are concerned about your thyroid, speak with your doctor and get tested. Until there is a clear answer to soy's toxicity and risks, please use your good sense and not marketing mania as your purchasing guide.

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"The sting of the nettle is but nothing compared to the pains it heals." That is a phrase that has reverberated for ages in the annals of historical herbal literature. And why not? The Europeans have been utilizing the nettle for its medicinal properties for several centuries. Now a new generation is poised to re-discover what their ancestors have known all along.

The stems, leaves, flowers and roots of the nettle plant have powerful medicinal properties. Nettle possesses a rich green color that reveals its high iron and chlorophyll content. The minerals calcium, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, copper, chromium, zinc, cobalt, potassium and phosphorus abound in the nettle plant. The nettle also contains vitamins A, C, D, E, and K, as well as riboflavin and thiamine.

In Europe, the nettle was used as both a spring tonic and in the treatment of scurvy. The Germans used it during the war as fodder and discovered that horses that had become thin due to digestive problems benefited when nettles were added to their rations.

Meanwhile in Russia, it is used as an antiseptic and astringent. The dried, powdered nettle herb is sniffed to stop nose bleeding. Nettle tea is used to improve heart action, to ease headaches, and to alleviate internal bleeding, especially after childbirth.

Nettle is said to be extremely beneficial for the kidneys, being useful in expelling gravel from the bladder and dissolving kidney stones. It is a powerful blood purifier that drives out toxins and metabolic wastes by stimulating the kidneys to excrete more water. Nettle tea is said to clean out the entire intestinal tract while activating the body's natural defense mechanisms.

The nettle tea also kills and expels intestinal parasites like worms. It is helpful in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the kidneys. It is also useful in the treatment of asthma since it helps expel phlegm from the lungs.

Nettle is also used to increase fertility in both men and women. Due to its high calcium content, nettle tea is specific for easing leg cramps and other muscles spasms, and also diminishes pain during and after birth.

In the book, "The Family Herbal," authors Barbara and Peter Theiss recommend nettle tea as a long-term stimulation therapy for allergies, for people with poor complexions and as an additional discharging therapy in connection with all types of rheumatism and gout.

So the next time you see a nettle plant, be reminded that it is one of the more formidable herbs around and that it possesses properties that are likely to ease or alleviate anything that ails you.

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There is a lot of fuss about the African Mango as it is claimed to be the most effective slimming pill but what is the real truth? Is it really effective in reducing weight or not?

African Mango Review - Is It Effective?

Scientists have performed various clinical tests to find out all the details about this product and it is proved that the seed of the fruit which is also known as Dikka Nut is very helpful in reducing weight naturally.

Basically, mangoes are a rich source of fibers, these fibers help in regulating cholesterol and reducing weight by eliminating excess fat and calories.

Along with this, mangoes also help in removing the toxins from your system by detoxifying your body and mangoes are also a rich source of antioxidants. These antioxidants promote cell formation and improve health. Therefore, it is proven that mangoes can help in reducing weight.

Similarly, if you want to reduce weight rapidly then African Mango is the perfect solution.

These weight loss pills are 100% organic and natural and they do not have any harsh chemicals in their ingredients, therefore, when you consume these pills you lose weight without getting side effects or other health problems.

Unlike most of the synthetic weight loss pills that cause serious adverse effects on your system and kidney, African Mango is completely mild on your system and it is clinically proven to be absolutely safe for consumption.

Due to all these benefits, more and more people are consuming it to have safe weight loss. The fact is that it is very convenient to consume pills for weight loss but if you ignore the ingredients and consume chemical based pills then you can harm your health. Most of these chemical based pills do not help in weight loss at all, rather they give you diarrhea, bloating and other problems.

There are various African Mango reviews on the internet and they are independent reviews and all the reviews prove that it is a genuine product that is extremely effective in reducing weight naturally.

It is a known fact that if you continue consuming pills then, you can harm your heart's health but as far as these pills are concerned, they are made from organic ingredient (seed of mango fruit), hence, it is helpful in improving your heart's health.

African Mango is no doubt a gen next product that is one of the best and safest slimming pills.

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Green tea extract is derived from the leaves of the camellia sinensis plant, the common tea plant, before the leaves are allowed to ferment and blacken. The health benefits of the extracts have to do with unique antioxidants found in the leaves. Those antioxidants are commonly called catechins or tea catechins.

The leaves themselves, teas made from them and infusions prepared using distillation or alcohol have been used historically to treat disease. Camellia Sinensis is one of the plants commonly prescribed in Traditional Chinese Medicine for example.

Green tea extract is most commonly promoted as a supplement that supports heart health, but in clinical studies, the supplement has not always proven to be useful against heart disease risk factors. For example, some studies have shown that the supplement helps to lower cholesterol. Others do not show that benefit.

Much of the difference may have to do with the person's diet, which is not always controlled in these studies, and the person's level of physical activity. Physical activity raises good HDL cholesterol levels, which in turn lowers bad LDL cholesterol.

Another common use of the supplement is for weight loss. There is more evidence to support this benefit than any other. The latest research has shown that the extracts boost the resting metabolic rate by 4% without increasing the resting heart rate.

Basically, you burn more calories without doing anything extra.

Other studies have shown that the extracts stimulate the body to burn more fat. This benefit is referred to as thermogenesis.

The extract's use as a weight loss aid has only begun in recent years. Historically, green tea extract has been used to treat vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, upset stomach and kidney stones. It has also been used to prevent cavities and as a brain tonic to stimulate cognitive performance. That last benefit may be due to the caffeine content.

The caffeine content is lower than that of a similar amount of coffee but the content is still significant. A person who is caffeine sensitive should be careful to avoid taking a high dose. The caffeine could cause increased nervousness or anxiety, as well as heart palpitations. The best suggestion is to try a multi-nutritional supplement that contains a low to moderate dose of the extracts, rather than a single ingredient supplement, which could contain as much as 1000mg of caffeine.

It is the antioxidant activity of green tea extract that has been of most interest to scientists. Antioxidants of all kinds may help prevent cancers caused by free radical damage. There are laboratory studies indicating that the extracts may reduce the risk of colon, stomach, throat, prostate and breast cancer.

So far, no single antioxidant has proven to be that much better than any other when it comes to fighting, preventing or repairing free radical damage. That's why the best dietary supplements contain a wide range of antioxidants in moderate amounts.

Green tea extract is included in the best anti-aging supplements, because our bodies need all of the antioxidant support they can get.

Please click the website link below in the resource author box for more information on Herbal Extracts.

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Over the counter diet pills are often not recommended by any doctor but are used as self-medications. Diet pills are oral medicines that help an individual to lose weight. These medicines suppress one's appetite or fasten metabolic processes in the body. They are now available on the market for anyone who wants to take a try at losing excess fat in their body. Diet pills are for people who want to lose weight but do not have the time to exercise, or for those who cannot prepare a program for themselves.

There are various over the counter diet pills for losing weight, but the question is whether there is any pill that can help you lose weight without producing any side effects on your body. There are several drug companies available on the market who are producing diet pills that can help people lose weight. In this article you will learn some over the counter pills that you can take but it is important to read the instruction before consuming them. It is recommended that you do not over dose yourself with these pills as they may produce several side effects and may also hamper your bodily processes. It is your own body and health so you have to take care of that before taking any of the pills available.

Green Tea Diet Pills

One of the best over the counter diet pill is the green tea diet pill. It is among the most effective diet pill that can help in suppressing your metabolism and depressing your hunger. When you start consuming these pills your body starts to consume more calories to perform daily activities and also burns the fat at a faster rate. Green tea diet pills are actually a capsule and not a drink. It is easily available in the market and can also be ordered on the Internet. You must also remember to limit the quantity because if you overdo yourself, then you may suffer from symptoms like nausea, insomnia, nausea, heart palpitations, etc.

Some of the common symptoms that are produced by consuming such diet pills are diarrhea, vomiting, headaches and body ache. It may also make you feel bloated and tired. The green tea pills are not advised for the people who are suffering from the problem of diabetes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure and heart problems. If you are pregnant, then you are not advised to consume green tea pills. Various people who are suffering from stomach, kidney problems, and have thyroid imbalance must refrain from taking these pills.

CLA Diet Pills

Conjugated Linoleic Acid is also among on of the best pills that are readily sold on the market. These type of pills work on converting the fat into energy. It is believed that once the fat deposited on your body is reduced, then your appetite is also reduced and hence you start to eat normally. When you reduce the amount of calorie intake in your body, then you are also able to reduce your weight quickly.

These diet pills are made up a mixture of constituents that are also available in various dairy products like poultry and beef. It is very healthy for our body and also helps in building body mass and muscles. Various side effects that are associated with such kind of pills are in digestion and diarrhea.

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Each month, there are thousands of people from around the world that have their poop turn green. When this happens, they often wonder, "why is my poop green?" To be honest, there are thousands of possible reasons for why their poop changed colors, and there is no one that we could discuss every possible reason in this article. However, some causes of green poop occur much more frequently than others, and in this article I would like to tell you about the three most common causes for stool turning green.

The first primary cause for why people have their poop become green is due to drinking too many artificially colored sodas. You see, sodas are usually loaded with various chemicals that produce artificial coloring, and when that artificial coloring is designed to turn drinks green, it can also have the capability of turning your poop green. However, this really isn't too big of concern, because your poop will go back to being brown as soon as you stop drinking so much green soda.

The next major reason for why stool can turn green because of Salmonella. In case you don't know, Salmonella is a digestive disease, and it is often caused by eating meat or eggs before they are fully cooked. And because Salmonella primary affects the digestive system, it can have quite a dramatic effect on our poop. And, as you might have already guessed, one effect that it can have is turning poop green. Fortunately, Salmonella rarely lasts very long, and your body should return to its healthy state within three to four days.

The final major cause of green poop is from having excess bile in your body. To those who do not know what bile is, I will give you a brief summary of its function in the body. Bile is a special chemical that our bodies produce to help make stool softer, and slicker. This allows our feces to travel safely and easily through our bodies, until it reaches the toilet. So, as you would expect, bile is a very important chemical. The problem is that our bodies will occasionally produce too much of it. When this happens, the excess bile will cause our poop to change colors. This is because bile is naturally a bright green color, so it makes sense that when a lot of a green chemical is dumped onto our poop, it will turn our poop green as well. And, luckily for us, our bodies are pretty good at recognizing when they are producing too much bile, so they will correct themselves within a day or two.

Although many people have green poop at some point in their lives, it really is not anything to worry about.

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Kratom or Mitragyna speciosa is a native plant to Southeast Asia regions such as Thailand, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Malaysia. This tree is characterized by the ovate-acuminate-shaped dark green leaves and globular yellow-clustered flowers. A kratom tree can grow to 12-30 ft of height and 15 ft of width. There are two different types of the plant: the White Vein and Red Vein varieties. In different parts of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, the plant is also known with the name thom, krathom, ketum, kakuam, ithang, or biak biak. Natives of Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia have long been using the plant traditionally even before the Western discovered its properties in 19th century. Kratom products can be found in the form of the plant extract, fresh leaves, dried leaves, powdered, paste, or small pellets.

Besides used as painkiller and for curing diarrhea, similar to other alkaloid-containing plants, kratom is often used for therapeutic and recreational purposes. Taken at low to medium dose (around 2 to 20 grams of kratom leaves), the herb can reduce fatigue as well as elicit euphoria and stimulant-like effects. The stimulating effects of the herb include increased sexual and physical energy, more alert mind, improved ability to do hard monotonous physical works, and improved personality such as more talkative, sociable, and friendly. Meanwhile, higher dose of 21 to 50 grams the plant's leaves bring sedative-like effects; making its user resistant to emotional and physical pain, be in pleasurable feeling, feel and look calm, and have pleasant daydreaming. However, a kratom user can also get unpleasant side effects such as constricted pupils, sweating, itching, nausea, and vomiting.

Kratom is also found to have properties in treating opiate addiction. As the plant has cross-tolerance with opiates, it is often used for opiate detox treatment especially in New Zealand. For about 6 weeks, patients are let to smoke kratom when opiate withdrawal symptoms occur. Within the time range, the kratom dosage will be gradually reduced. Therapeutic use of the plant should be controlled by authorized party as regular use of kratom alone can cause addiction although not as severe as opium or heroin addictions. In fact, in some countries such as Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, New Zealand, Denmark, and Myanmar the use of kratom is controlled and illegal possession of the herb can result in strict penalty.

More studies on kratom also revealed that the herb contains antioxidants and therefore is considered to have essential benefits similar to those found in Green Tea. The herb is also found to contain fiber which is helpful in relieving constipation.

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Cirrhosis signifies a group of chronic liver diseases that causes a hardening and inflammation of the liver itself.

One of the most classic symptoms of liver damage is fatigue. When the liver can't perform it's functions, and it has many, i.e., the production of bilirubin which gives stool its color, and the metabolic action of turning sugar into glycogen, filtering of blood and the production of bile, which helps digest fat-soluble vitamins and helps in the digestion of fat in general.

Cirrhosis has a very long period of time where there are no easily recognizable symptoms. The early signs are itching, constipation or diarrhea, fatigue, rashes with no discernable cause and a white color, or varied colors of the stools, indigestion and sometimes fever. When the symptoms do start to make themselves known they will include jaundice (skin with a yellow tone to it), vomiting blood, abdominal swelling, and some swelling just in general. If it is advanced enough it could result in death or coma.

Another form of this disease, cirrhosis, is known as biliary cirrhosis, this affects the bile ducts, then moves into the liver and its cause or causes are unknown. It is found mostly in women 35-60 years of age; and at least 30% have no symptoms and discover the disease through abnormal blood tests. Up to 50% will have symptoms of a rash, and/or itching that cannot be relieved by scratching, so don't scar yourself because that will be the result. You might want to seek out medical attention just to relieve the itching that will probably be one of the things that will get you into a doctor to begin with. And another 50% will have an enlarged and tender liver at the time of the diagnosis, and maybe also an enlarged spleen. Other signs of biliary cirrhosis include kidney, bone and nerve disease, yellow stools and clubbing of nails.

Cirrhosis has several causes; most pharmaceutical drugs when taken consistently can cause liver disease and a toxic bowel can also cause it. If you are taking medications have your liver function monitored regularly by your doctor and consider other more natural options that could reduce the need for medications.

Some Aromatherapy that may help is: Rosemary, juniper and rose essential oils can help to stimulate the liver function.

Because a toxic bowel can impair liver function a bowel cleansing is important. In cases that are severe repeat the bowel cleanse at least once a month, and take bowel nutrients for at least one year, depending of course on the severity of the condition.

Diet is going to be extremely significant in reversing or preventing cirrhosis or other forms of liver disease. Your diet should be one of organic whole foods, low protein, nuts, whole grains, seeds, and rice or goat milk, and plenty of leafy green vegetables. Avoid alcohol, all of it, and processed fats such as hydrogenated oils, margarine, and avoid foods with these types of oils, avoid rancid oils and hardened vegetable fats. Increase the foods high in potassium and amino acids; use cold-processed oils like olive oil, increase your intake of bananas, rice, raisins, kelp, wheat bran, brewer's yeast, dulse, molasses and drink plenty of pure filtered water. Also stay away from undercooked or raw fish and animal protein - and really just limit your overall intake of fish.

Avoid those things that stress the liver, such as drugs, a diet high in processed foods, fats, additives and preservatives, one that is high in animal protein, alcohol, toxins, insecticides and in some cases avoid the use of contraceptives.

Some of the herbs that can help are milk thistle, it helps the liver cells regenerate. It can be taken in the non-alcohol extract called glycerate, or in the form of tablets. The common dose is in the range of 70-200 mg of silymarin daily. Silymarin is the active ingredient of milk thistle. Picrorhiza kurroa is not as well known as milk thistle but is similar in its effect, and licorice is also helpful. Bupleurum (chai-hu), a chinese herb also helpful and an herbal mixture of kutki (200 mg), guduchi (300 mg), and shanka pushpin (500 mg). Take 翹 teaspoon of this blend once after lunch and once after dinner with some aloe vera juice.

Ask your natural healthcare practitioner about hydrotherapy, which is the application of steam, water, ice, cold and hot temperatures to restore and maintain health.

The juice that will help the liver to eliminate toxins is beet, wheat grass and carrot juice. You can also add raw flaxseed oil and garlic.

The supplements to enhance liver function are: Vitamin C, E, raw liver tablets, silymarin, and lipoic. Also vitamin B complex, B12, niacin (in 10-30 mg. servings 3 times per day), and folic acid, digestive enzymes with hydrochloric acid and ox bile extract and the amino acids of L-carnitine, L-glutathione, L-methionine and L-arginine.

A Word of Caution: Do not use more than 10,000 Iu of vitamin A and avoid cod liver oil completely.?

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