目前分類:green diarrhea (537)

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A study done at American Heart Association - New Orleans, have found that the tea drinkers have a far lower risk of heart attack.

Black tea expands and relaxes the arteries thereby increasing flow of blood to the heart.

The study was conducted over a period of 8 weeks and involved about 50 participants(both men and women) with coronary artery disease.

They were made to drink 4 cups of either black tea or just plain water for about four consecutive weeks.

The arteries of a healthy person release nitric oxide which causes the arteries to dilate. But persons suffering from coronary disease do not produce as much nitric oxide.

The research revealed that drinking tea reversed this abnormality whereas drinking water did not have any sort of effect on the people.

What is black tea?

Tea without sugar is called as black tea. In India and Middle-east black tea is also referred to as 'sulemani chai'.

Both black and green tea are beneficial for the heart, according to latest researches in this field. They can both act as good antioxidants, freeing the body from harmful toxins.

Consuming black tea can also increase the amount of favanoids in the blood. The high levels of anti-oxidant seem to lower cancer rates too. It can also fight bacteria in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.

Brief History of Black Tea:

Black tea has a history of being used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, much before it became a breakfast tea.

It has long been an article of trade. Compressed bricks of black-tea even served as a form of de-facto currency in Mongolia, Tibet and Siberia into the 19th century.

This was traditionally the only tea known to western culture; though green tea has started to catch on somewhat, still black accounts for over 90% of all the tea sold in the West

Few more benefits of drinking black tea are:

1. Helps relieve diarrhea

2. Lowers cholesterol level

3. It can help in making breathing easy for people suffering from asthma.

4. Helps maintain blood pressure to normal levels.

5. Has a therapeutic effect on gastric and intestinal problems.

Wow! Amazing, isn't it? Just think how much useful black tea can be for our body.

From now on, shouldn't we start the habit of drinking it on regular basis - like 2 cups daily? It is advisable to drink black-tea without sugar.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


They have been used by humans for much of recorded history. Early European settlers regarded the dandelion plant so useful with its varied uses that they brought them to settle in the new county both as a food source and a medicinal herb. For these reasons they brought dandelions to the Americas. The dandelion has historically been prized for its healing medicinal properties, and for a number of therapeutic values of the active compounds it contains. At one time dandelions were a popular salad green. According to the USDA Bulletin #8, "Composition of Foods", in terms of overall nutritional value dandelions ranks in the top 4 green vegetables. Dandelion is a perennial herb plant with leaves that can grow from 3 up to 10 inches long and 1/2 to 2 inches wide. The dandelion is self-fertile thus seeds can develop without cross-pollination, thus a flower can fertilize itself.

Reasons to grow Dandelions.

There are two main reasons to grow dandelions.

To use as companion plants for the crops in the field and garden.

To use for their healing value.

Using dandelions as a support to your crops.

The dandelion is generally thought of as a nuisance rather than a being recognized as an asset in your field, lawn and garden. It has a long tap-root that will bring up nutrients for plants with a shallow root system such as your blueberry plants to use. These nutrients will in turn be available to your crops when they are cut and used for mulch. The dandelion is a good plant to grow in the rows between your blueberry plants and aronia berry plants. It also adds nitrogen to soil. Dandelions function to provide nutrients to a soil that needs them. It is also known to attract bees and other insects that pollinate plants. Clover and dandelions are good ecologically. Dandelions and White Clover are needed to help support the honeybee population and pollinate your blueberry flowers and other crops. Dandelions and white clover provide bees with good sources of pollen and nectar, encourage them do not kill them. They help provide bee friendly fields and gardens. 35 percent of the nation's food supply needs Bee pollination. Dandelions also release ethylene gas which helps fruit to ripen.

Because dandelion roots grow deep into the ground, as much as several feet down, they have access to minerals and vitamins not available to more shallow rooted plants. They can serve as living fertilizer, enriching the soil by converting nitrogen to nitrates with the help of soil-living bacteria. The long tap-roots readily produce new plants when cut or damaged. After the plant dies the hollow root serves as a conduit for earthworms to travel up and down the hollow root easily and quickly to reach different ground temperatures or soil levels.

Letting Dandelions grow in the rows between your blueberry plants or you aronia berry plants is a good way to help increase the nutrients to you soil and thus to your plants. They generally do not like to grow in compacted soil but once they do start growing in compacted soil, though, their tap-roots help to loosen it and help improve your soil.

Use dandelions for their healing value.

The Dandelion is exceptionally useful nutritionally.It contains more nutritional value than many other vegetables. Dandelion seeds are now being sold to grow for a tasty addition to salads. Dandelions are one of the most nutrient rich foods you can grow, buy or forage. All of the dandelion plant is useful. The Dandelion is used as a natural diuretic and for treating digestive issues. The roots can be eaten as vegetables or roasted and ground to make a surprisingly delicious type of root "coffee" that is good for you. The edible leaves have a wide-ranging list of uses. You can use them in a salad, for tea, or for however you desire to use them. Dandelion leaves can be stored in the refrigerator in a freezer bag for about a week. Dandelions are very high in vitamins A and C, have more beta carotene than carrots and more potassium than broccoli or spinach. Dandelions are reported to help improve bile flow, strengthen the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, stomach, and intestines as well as and reduce inflammation. Dandelions are reported to help to attenuate gallstones to the point where they almost disappear and they improve kidney function. Dandelions reportedly can help clear skin problems. The plant is widely cultivated in India to use as a remedy for liver problems. In Europe the plant has been used for diabetes control, fever, diarrhea, and boils. Dandelion reportedly may cause you to have hypoglycemia so use extra caution if you take dandelion particularly if you have diabetes.

A mixture of dandelion leaves along with baby spinach and romaine lettuce can be used in making nutritious salads. Dandelion leaves can also be saut矇ed in olive oil with garlic and cooked and eaten like spinach. The best leaves are the ones that appear in the spring before flowering. A healthy salad can be made by using a handful of dandelion leaves mixed with parsley and dill, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. It can be eaten as a salad or in your salad with your meals.

Dandelion leaves can be used to make a tea with health benefits. To make dandelion tea put about 1 tablespoon of dried leaves in 1 cup hot water and leave them for several minutes. You can also make the tea using fresh dandelion leaves. Dandelion roots also make a good tea with a somewhat bitter flavor, if you dry, grind, and roast the roots. Another suggestion for making Dandelion tea is to dig up the dandelions roots and all then wash them and put the flowers leaves and roots into a pan with 3 cups of water, add a pinch of backing powder and boil for 3 minutes. Strain the tea and drink, add sweetener such as stevia or lemon to suit your taste. Since the entire plant is edible you can eat the leaves etc left over from the tea.

Dandelion flowers have a high level of lecithin thus providing a good source of Lecithin. Lecithin is a nutrient that elevates the brain's acetylcholine and as a result it may assist in retarding or stopping the regression of mental ability caused by Alzheimer's disease.

The leaf's white, milky sap is used to remove warts, moles, and pimples. They are also good to soothe bee stings and blisters and sores. My mother would break off a leaf of dandelion and rub it on a wart. It must be applied fresh each day for several weeks for the wart to drop off. The wart would go away in a couple of weeks. It is a pain-free way of getting rid of warts.

Some people with allergies to ragweed or daisies report an allergic reaction to dandelions.


Yes! Grow those dandelions, and let them reproduce to eat and be used as companion plants in your garden. Grow them for the next generations to use! We should enjoy dandelions rather than trying to eradicate them.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Explaining Diarrhea

This is a condition than is known by the watery stools that are passed frequently by a patient with this problem. Most of the organs in the body secrete a form of liquid (which comes from our regular food and liquid intake), and this can be up to 10 liters per day. The diarrhea is generally due to a problem with absorption (caused by inflammation or infection) in the colon and/or lower intestine. Undigested food generally goes through the intestines in a liquid form and the excess liquid should be absorbed by the intestine or colon to form the stool into a more solid state.


There are basically two types of diarrhea, and they are known as acute (rapid onset with a short duration, lasting a few days or up to a week) or chronic (long-lasting - three weeks or more and can be recurrent). It is very important to get the diagnosis correct with these two problems as the causes differ, thus making the treatment different in each case.

A few examples of causes of acute diarrhea:

1) Food poisoning
2) Viral gastroenteritis
3) Bacterial enterocolitis
4) Parasites
5) Drugs
6) Traveler's Diarrhea

Symptoms include - nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and finally diarrhea

A few examples of causes of chronic diarrhea:

1) IBS - Irritable bowel syndrome
2) IBD - Inflammatory bowel disease
3) Colon cancer
4) Severe chronic constipation (causing a blockage and overflow)
5) Endocrine diseases
6) Laxative abuse

Avoid the following food if you have diarrhea

* greasy, deep-fried and fatty foods
* rich sauces - may worsen diarrhea
* sugary or spicy foods
* sugar-free gums and candies (contain sweeteners that could irritate the problem)
* gas forming foods - beans, onions etc

Ensure you eat the following:

* bananas
* rice
* apples
* toast
* crackers
* pretzels
* apricots
* applesauce
* mashed potatoes (avoid using milk or butter here)
* noodles
* smooth peanut butter
* eggs {boiled, poached or scrambled)
* skinless chicken (not fried)
* white fish (steamed or grilled)
* lean beef

Remember eat smaller amounts but more often, in severe cases make up a electrolyte balance of 1 teaspoon salt and 2 teaspoons sugar into a liter of water (drink up to 2 liters of this a day).

The consequences of prolonged diarrhea may Include:

* General decline in health - this will be due to the lack of absorption of certain vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients

* dehydration - this is a serious problem and can be fatal (symptoms include dryness of the mouth, intense thirst, reduction in urine output and sunken eyes, to name but a few)

Always consult your doctor in off the shelf medication does not take effect within 2 days.

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During my research with thousands of patients suffering from almost every kind of illness, including terminal diseases, I found that each person had large numbers of gallstones in the liver and, in many cases, also in the gallbladder. When these people eliminated these stones through the liver flush and introduced simple health-forming habits and supportive measures, they recovered from diseases that defied both conventional and alternative methods of treatment.

What follows is a description of some of the more common signs indicating the presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. If you have any of them, you will most likely derive great benefits from cleansing your liver and gallbladder. In my practice, I have found these indications to be highly accurate. In case you are not sure whether you have stones, it may be useful to cleanse the liver anyway; it can improve your health significantly, regardless. There is an old saying: "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." The only way to discover for yourself whether you have gallstones is to do the liver flush. You will find that when you remove all the stones that may be present, the symptoms of disease will gradually disappear, and health will return to normal.

Signs and Marks

The Skin

The major function of the skin is to continuously adjust our internal body to the ever-changing external environment, which includes temperature, humidity, dryness, and light. In addition, skin covers the body to protect us against injury, microbes, and other harmful agents. Apart from having to deal with these external influences, the skin also monitors and adapts according to internal changes taking place within the body. Accordingly, the skin reflects the condition of the organs and body fluids, including the blood and lymph. Any long-term abnormal functioning of the body will inevitably show up in the skin as skin blemishes, discoloration, or changed condition, such as dryness, oiliness, wrinkles, lines, and so forth. Almost all skin disorders have their root in an imbalanced liver condition. Gallstones lead to circulatory disorders, which reduce the nutrient supply to, and waste removal from, the skin and prevent healthy development and normal turnover cycles of skin cells. The following marks are particularly indicative of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder:

Black spots and small or large brown patches that are the color of freckles or moles: They usually appear on the right or left side of the forehead, between the eyebrows or under the eyes. They may also show up just above the right shoulder or between the shoulder blades. Most prominent are the so-called liver spots on the back of the hands and forearms, often seen among middle-aged and elderly people. If gallstones, which are spontaneously excreted by the gallbladder, get caught in the colon, such spots may also appear in the area where the thumb and index finger meet. These liver spots usually start fading after the majority of stones are removed from the liver and gallbladder. Most people assume that the liver spots are due to sun damage and "normal" aging. This is a myth. Liver spots, as the name suggests, come from the liver. Sun exposure merely brings to the surface of the skin any existing acidic waste deposits.

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows:There may be one deep line or two, sometimes three, lines in this region. These lines or wrinkles, which are not a part of natural aging, indicate an accumulation of many gallstones in the liver. They show that the liver is enlarged and has hardened. The deeper and longer the wrinkles are, the more the deterioration of liver function has progressed. A line near the right eyebrow also indicates congestion in the spleen. Furthermore, the vertical lines represent a great deal of repressed frustration and anger. Anger arises when gallstones prevent proper bile flow. A bilious nature is one that keeps toxins trapped-toxins that the liver tries to eliminate via bile. Vice versa, anger can trigger gallstone formation. If white or yellow patches accompany the wrinkles, a cyst or tumor may be developing in the liver. Pimples or growth of hair between eyebrows, with or without wrinkles, indicate that the liver, gallbladder, and spleen are affected.

Horizontal wrinkles across the bridge of the nose: These are a sign of pancreatic disorders due to gallstones in the liver. If a line is deep and pronounced, there may be pancreatitisor diabetes.

Green or dark color of the temple area at the sides of the head: This shows that the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen are underactive because of deposits of gallstones in both the liver and gallbladder. This may be accompanied by a green or blue color on either side of the bridge of the nose, which indicates impaired spleen functions. A horizontal line across the bridge of the nose implies weakness of the pancreas.

Oily skin in the area of the forehead: This reflects poor liver performance due to gallstones. The same applies to excessive perspiration in this part of the head. A yellow color of the facial skin indicates disorders of the bile functions of the liver and gallbladder, and a weakness of the pancreas, kidneys, and excretory organs.

Hair loss in the central region of the head: This mark indicates that the liver, heart, small intestines, pancreas, and reproductive organs are becoming increasingly congested and aggravated. There is a tendency to develop cardiovascular disease, chronic digestive problems, and the formation of cysts and tumors. Early graying of hair shows that liver and gallbladder functions are underactive.

The Nose

Hardening and thickening at the tip of the nose: This indicates chronic liver weakness, resulting in hardening of the arteries and the accumulation of fat around the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and prostate glands. If the enlargement is excessive and blood vessels are visible, a heart attack or stroke may be imminent.

The nose is constantly red: This condition shows an abnormal condition of the heart, with a tendency toward high blood pressure(hypertension). A purple nose indicates low blood pressure. Both conditions are due to imbalanced liver, digestive, and kidney functions.

Cleft nose or indentation of the tip of the nose: This mark indicates irregular heartbeat and heart murmur. If one half of the cleft nose is larger than the other, this shows that one side of the heart is abnormally enlarged. Arrhythmia and panic attacks may accompany this condition. There may be severe lymphatic congestion caused by digestive disorders such as constipation, colitis, stomach ulcer, and so on. Liverfunctions are subdued because of large amounts of gallstones cutting off the blood supply to the liver cells. Bile secretions are insufficient. (Note: I have personally seen clefts in the nose disappear after liver flushing.)

The nose is bending toward the left: Unless caused by an accident, this asymmetric shape of the nose implies that the organs on the right side of the body are underactive. These include the liver, gallbladder, right kidney, ascending colon, right ovary or testicle, and right side of the brain. The main cause of this condition is an accumulation of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder (the nose is likely to return to center once the stones are removed).

The Eyes

Skincolor under the eyes is yellowish: This indicates that the liver and gallbladder are overactive. A dark, even black color in the same area results when the kidneys, bladder, and reproductive organs are overtaxed because of a prolonged disorder of the digestive system. A grayish, pale color occurs if the kidneys and, occasionally, the lungs are malfunctioning owing to improper lymphdrainage from these organs. Also, the endocrine system may be affected.

Water-containing bags under the lower eyelids: These are formed as a result of congestion in the digestive and excretory organs, which results in inadequate lymph drainage from the head area. If these eye bags are chronic and contain fat, this points toward the presence of inflammation, cysts and, possibly, tumors in the bladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, and prostate.

A white cloud covers the pupil of the eye: The cloud consists mostly of mucus and degenerate protein particles. It indicates the development of cataracts brought about by longstanding poor liver and digestive performance.

Constant redness in the white of the eye: This condition is caused by the protrusion of capillaries, indicating disorders in the circulatory and respiratory functions. White or yellow mucus patches in the white of the eye show that the body is accumulating abnormal amounts of fatty substances because the liver and gallbladder have amassed large quantities of gallstones. When this occurs, the body has a tendency to develop cysts and both benign and malignant tumors.

A thick white line covers parts of the periphery of the iris, particularly the lower parts: This indicates the accumulation of large amounts of cholesterol in the blood circulatory system. The lymphatic system also has major congestion and fat retention. (Note: If you wish to understand the connection of the eyes and iris with the various parts of the body, I recommend that you study the science of iridology, or eye interpretation.)

The eyes have lost their natural luster and shine: This signals that both the liver and kidneys are congested and unable to filter the blood properly. "Dirty" blood, loaded with toxins or waste products, is heavier and more sluggish than clean blood. The thickened blood slows circulation and reduces oxygen and nutrient supply to the cells and organs, including the eyes. If this condition persists, the cells will deteriorate and inevitably age or die off. The eye and braincells are especially affected because the blood has to flow against gravity to reach them. Most vision problems are the direct or indirect result of reduced blood-cleansing capacity by the liver and kidneys. Clean and nutrient-rich blood from a healthy, efficient liver can flow easily and nourish the eye tissues better, thereby improving most eye problems.

The Tongue, Mouth, Lips,and Teeth

The tongue is coated yellow or white, especially in the back part: This indicates an imbalance in the secretion of bile, which is the major cause of digestive trouble. Toxic residues of undigested and fermented or putrefied food linger in the intestinal tract. This blocks lymph flow in the thoracic duct and prevents toxins and microbes in the throat and mouth area from being removed.

Teeth impressions on the sides of the tongue, often accompanied by white mucus discharge: This indicates weak digestion and inadequate absorption of nutrients from the small intestine.

Pimples on the tongue: They are indicative of poor digestion and the presence of fermenting and putrefying food in both the small and large intestines.

Cracks on the tongue: These are signs of long-term intestinal trouble. When food is not being mixed with a sufficient amount of bile, it remains partially undigested. Undigested foods are subjected to bacterial putrefaction and, thereby, become a source of toxicity. Constant exposure of the intestinal wall to the toxins that these bacteria produce irritates and injures it. The resulting lesions, scars, and hardening of the intestinal walls is then reflected by the cracks on the tongue. There may be little or no mucus discharge on the tongue.

Repeated mucus discharge into the throat and mouth: Bile may regurgitate into the stomach, thereby irritating its protective lining and causing excessive mucus production. Some of the bile and mucus may reach the mouth area. This can create a bad (bitter) taste in the mouth and give rise to frequent attempts at clearing the throat, which sometimes involve coughing. Mucus discharge without this bitter taste results when food is not digested properly, and toxins are generated. The mucus helps to trap and neutralize some of these toxins, but as a side effect, it causes congestion.

Bad breath and frequent burping: Both signs point toward the presence of undigested, fermenting, or putrefying food in the GI tract. Bacteria acting on the waste material produce gases, which can be very toxic at times, hence the bad odor emanating from the breath.

Crust formations at the corners of the mouth: This indicates the presence of duodenal ulcers, caused by regurgitation of bile into the stomach, or by other reasons discussed earlier. Ulcers in various parts of the mouth or on the tongue show that inflammation or ulceration is occurring in the corresponding parts of the GI tract. For example, a mouth ulcer on the outside parts of your lower lip points to the presence of ulcer lesions in the large intestine. Herpes ('cold sores') on the lip corresponds to more severe inflammation and ulceration of the intestinal wall.

Dark spots or patches on the lips: These marks occur when obstructions in the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys have resulted in slowness and stagnation of blood circulation and lymph drainage throughout the body. There may be advanced, abnormal constriction of blood capillaries. If the color of the lips is reddish (dark) or purple, this indicates that heart, lung, and respiratory functions are subdued.

Swollen or expanded lips: This condition indicates intestinal disorders. If the lower lip is swollen, the colon suffers constipation, diarrhea, or both, alternating between them. Toxic gases are formed from improperly digested foods, which give rise to bloating and abdominal discomfort. A swollen or enlarged upper lip indicates stomach problems, including indigestion, frequently accompanied by 'heartburn'. An abnormal, tightly closed mouth shows that a person suffers from disorders of the liver, gallbladder, and, possibly, the kidneys. If the lower lip is dry, peels, and splits easily, there may either be chronic constipation or diarrhea, with large amounts of toxic acids prevalent in the colon. This condition is accompanied by advanced dehydration of the colon cells.

Swollen, sensitive, or bleeding gums: Any these symptoms occurs when lymph drainage from the mouth area is inefficient as a result of intestinal lymph congestion. The blood has an overload of acid compounds. Inflammation deep in the throat, with or without swelling of the tonsils, is also caused by lymphatic blockage. Tonsillitis, which often occurs among children, is a sign of constant retention of toxins contained in the lymph fluids and back-flushing of waste from the GI tract into the tonsils.

Toothproblemsare generally caused by nutritional imbalance: Poor digestion and overconsumption of refined, processed, and highly acid-forming foods, such as sugar, chocolate, meat, cheese, coffee, soda, and so forth, deplete the body of minerals and vitamins. Adults usually have thirty-two teeth. Each tooth corresponds to a vertebra of the spine, and each vertebra is connected to a major organ or gland. If any of the four canines are decaying, for example, it indicates the presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. A yellow color of the teeth, and of the canines in particular, indicates the presence of toxins in the organs located in the mid abdominal region, that is, the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, and spleen. Bacteria are not the cause of tooth decay. They only attack tooth tissue that already has an unbalanced acid-alkaline ratio. Proper saliva secretions also play a major role in the protection of the teeth. Truly healthy teeth last a lifetime and are maintained by a healthy digestive system.

Hands, Nails, and Feet

White, fatty skin on the fingertips is a sign of dysfunctional digestive and lymphatic systems. In addition, the liver and kidneys may be forming cysts and tumors. An excessive discharge of fats may occur, seen as oiliness on the skin.

Dark red fingernails point toward a high content of cholesterol, fatty acids, and minerals in the blood. The liver, gallbladder, and spleen are congested and underactive, and all excretory functions are overburdened with waste products. Whitish nails indicate the accumulation of fat and mucus in and around the heart, liver, pancreas, prostate, or ovaries. This condition is accompanied by poor blood circulation and low hemoglobin levels (anemia).

Vertical ridges in the fingernails generally indicate poor absorption of food and the disruption of important digestive, liver, and kidney functions. There may be general fatigue. Strong vertical ridges on the thumbnails, possibly with split ends, show that a person's testicles and prostate or ovaries are not functioning properly. This is caused by the ineffectiveness of the digestive and circulatory systems.

Horizontal indentations in the nails show unusual or drastic changes in dietary habits. The changes can be either beneficial or harmful.

White dots on the nails appear when the body eliminates large amounts of calcium and/or zinc in response to excessive consumption of sugar or sugar-containing foods and beverages. Sugar has highly acid-forming properties and leaches out these minerals from the bones and teeth.

A hard protrusion at the ball of the foot: This condition shows progressive hardening of the organs located in the middle of the body, including the liver, stomach, pancreas, and spleen. It points to the accumulation of numerous gallstones in the liver and gallbladder.

A yellow color of the feet indicates the accumulation of many gallstones in the liver and gallbladder. If the color of any part of the feet is green, then spleen and lymph functions are severely disrupted. This may lead to cysts and to benign and malignant tumors.

Hardness at the tip of the fourth toe or a callus in the area under the fourth toe: This symptom shows that gallbladder functions are stagnant. General rigidity, a bent condition, and pain in the fourth toe imply a long history of gallstones in the gallbladder and liver.

Curving of the first toe: If the large toe curves inward toward the second toe, it shows that liver functions are subdued owing to the presence of gallstones in the liver bile ducts. At the same time, spleen and lymphatic functions are overactive because of the accumulation of toxic residues from inadequately digested foods, metabolic waste, and cellular debris.

White color and rugged surfaces on the fourth and fifth toenails: This indicates poor performance of the liver and gallbladder, as well as of the kidneys and urinary bladder.

The Constitution of Fecal Matter

The stool or fecal matter emits a sharp, sour, or penetrative odor: This indicates that food is not being digested properly. Fermented and putrefied food and the presence of large quantities of 'unfriendly' bacteria in the feces give rise to an abnormal odor and sticky texture. Normal stool is coated with a thin mucus lining, which prevents the anus from being soiled.

Dry and hard stools are an indication of constipation, and so are sticky stools. Diarrhea is yet another sign of weak performance of the digestive system and the liver, in particular.

Pale or clay-colored feces: This is still another indication of poor liver performance (bile gives the stool its natural brown color). If the stool floats, large amounts of undigested fats are contained in it, making it lighter than water.


There may be many more signs and symptoms indicating the presence of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder than those listed above. Pain in the right shoulder, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, numbness in the legs and sciatica, for example, may have no obvious relation to gallstones in the liver. Yet when the gallstones are removed, these conditions usually disappear.

The body is a network of information, and every part influences and communicates with every other part. Seemingly insignificant marks or signs on the skin, in the eyes, or on a toe may be the harbingers of serious health issues. When you recognize them and flush your liver and gallbladder, in concert with adopting a healthy regimen of diet and lifestyle, you will find that the signs of wellness and vitality begin to reappear. To prevent illness and make permanent health a practical reality in your life, it is important to understand what actually causes gallstones in the first place.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For many of us tea has been drank for its flavors and aromas, but what many more people are finding out, is the medicinal qualities of loose leaf tea. In an age of preservatives and fast food, its encouraging to know that a lot more people are using tea the way it was intended. The following herbs are some of the most popular used today..

PLANTAIN Plantain is a gentle but powerful astringent, helping to dry up catarrhal and restore tone to congested mucous membranes. Making it an effective herb for any catarrhal complaints such as bronchitis, asthma, coughs, and whooping cough.

OAK BARK Oak bark has been used to reduce fever and is also effective in countering diarrhea. It has also been found to be helpful in stopping internal bleeding making it an ideal herb for nosebleeds. Oak bark can also be used externally for skin irritations, also as a mouthwash for sore throats and gums.

AGRIMONY Agrimony stimulates the flow of digestive juices, facilitates liver secretions, prevents diabetes and is an excellent blood cleanser. Agrimony also counters indigestion, diarrhea, intestinal disorders, mucous colitis and appendicitis. It is also is beneficial for inflammation of the throat and mouth, tonsillitis, throat disorders and oral thrush. Agrimony can also be gargled to counter any throat infections.

SHEPHERD'S PURSE Shepherd's purse Herbal Tea is a beneficial herb used for any bleeding conditions. It also has a regulating effect on heart function and on high or low blood pressure. It can also be a useful herb for treatment for chronic diarrhea and dysentery.

GREEN The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: Researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells. There is also research indicating that drinking green tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

CATS CLAW Cats claw has many therapeutic applications including benefits for arthritis, allergies, menstrual irregularities, ulcers and a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Some recent studies have found that cats claw can also boost the immune system. Making it a useful herb for Crohn's disease, gastric ulcers and tumors.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This article gives you information about ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease etc. You can get information about the various symptoms of this disease.

All of us know that ulcerative colitis is a painful condition. Many people mistake it for Crohn's disease. The reason is that both the diseases affect the intestine. But the difference is that colitis affects the colon part of the intestine, the later affects ileum, or small intestine. Some people confuse colitis with irritable bowel syndrome also. In ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the lining of colon results in ulcers. As a result pus is formed and sometimes bleeding also occurs. So, the patient has diarrhea with bleeding.

It is difficult to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This is because both the diseases have more or less the same symptoms. One of the main difference of Crohn's disease is that it affects the ileum, esophagus and even mouth. This disease can affect any person irrespective of sex and age. Usually it affects people between 15 to 40. Some clinical studies reveal a hereditary factor. According to some clinical studies, this disease runs in some families. So, if you have a case history, you should try to take care to prevent it. Many theories exist for the colitis, though the real reason behind it has not be proven yet. It is known to be an autoimmune disease.

The common symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, joint pain, anemia, etc. The most important thing about the symptom is that they occur in periodic intervals. Some may experience muscular cramps, loss of fluid from body etc. In children, it results in growth failure. Whatever the symptom may be, it causes severe irritation in the patient. So, it is better to treat it as soon as possible. Moreover, it is important to rule out the other two diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Usually doctors do a physical examination followed by a blood sample. A stool check follows. Finally, an endoscopy is done to diagnose the disease.

Once it is diagnosed as colitis, the treatment varies. This is because severity of the disease also varies from person to person. The common treatment is of course drug therapy. Here the patient is administered tablets like aminosalicylates; Sulfasalazine is usually given as tablets, injections or enemas. Corticosteroids are also given to reduce inflammation. In severe conditions, hospitalization may be necessary. And if the patient does not react positively to drug therapy, a colonoscopy is advised.

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Losing weight is not very easy. It takes determination to achieve the weight that you desire. It is always recommended to eat healthy foods and take exercise. However, you may also try adding herbs for weight loss in your plan. These are not replacements for healthy foods and regular exercise, but herbs for weight loss will aid you in the process.

Usually herbs are used for losing weight because they:

o make your digestion and metabolism efficient

o help the body in burning more calories

o decrease your appetite

o make the body excrete water

o help in overcoming emotional problems due to eating

Herbs for weight loss may work with someone does not guarantee that they will also work for you. Herbs have different reactions to a human body. If you plan to use herbs to help you lose weight, please consult your doctor to get information about the herb you would like to take. Also, your doctor can suggest appropriate herbs for weight loss that is suitable to your body and condition.

Here are some of the popular herbs for weight loss and information about them.

Bitter Orange

This herb will decrease your appetite, thus your food consumption will be lower causing you to lose weight. However, they can cause heart problems (irregular heart rate, attacks & stroke), high blood pressure, insomnia and may sometime lead to death. Its long term effect is still being studied.


This is commonly known as hot pepper or chili pepper. This herb is mostly used today not only for medicinal purposes but for weight loss as well. Sweating and a rush of adrenalin are some of the effect of this herb. But, always be careful when taking this herb because excessive use can cause intestinal tract irritation.


Quite similar to bitter orange, it also decreases your appetite. It can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, sleeplessness and death. They have been banned in the market but can still be bought on the internet.

Green Tea

Taking green tea will help you lose weight by increasing your metabolism and decreasing your apetite. But green tea has a large percentage of caffeine. They can also cause diarrhea, indigestion and vomiting.

Hypericum (St. Johns Wort)

If you eat a lot when under stress, this herb is recommended because it is considered to be an antidepressant It has been used to treat nerve pain, mental and sleep disorders. Nowadays, it is used to lose weight because of its ability to control your appetite.

Citrus Aurantium

This is a commonly used Chinese herb which can convert stored fat into energy, thus, increasing the chances of a person to loss weight.


It's effect on sugar makes it helpful in losing weight because it lowers the percentage of bad cholesterol leaving the good ones the same.

There are many herbs for weight loss which can be used while having a healthy diet and enough exercise. These herbs can be additives to your food and drinks to make them easier to eat.

But remember that there are some herbs which should not be taken together if you have some health problems because they may have undesirable reactions to some medicines or to your body. So it is still best to consult your doctor or dietician about using herbs for weight loss to properly achieve a healthy lifestyle.

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If you are experiencing an itching, burning or stinging sensation on your rectum coupled with small lumps, then you are one in 100 million people who are suffering from hemorrhoids. This medical condition is manifested through swollen veins inside the rectum or outside the anus which causes protrusions in the anal tissue that can be very uncomfortable and painful. Its main causes include diarrhea or constipation, anal sex, lack of fiber in your food, and dehydration. Studies have shown that some people are more prone to developing this medical condition than others, specifically those who are pregnant, obese and diabetic.

A multitude of treatments are available to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as astringents, topical creams and suppositories. But if you want to eliminate this condition naturally, then it is best to start by altering your lifestyle through healthier food choices. The following food items are said to heal rectum and anal problems by maintaining a healthy digestive system:

1. Whole Grains

Eat more of these fiber-enriched foods instead of the refined versions. Refrain from eating white bread and white rice. Instead, eat healthier options such as whole grain breads, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, organic cereals, oatmeal, popcorn and whole wheat crackers. Whole grains contain micronutrients that help keep the bowels soft, thus preventing constipation. In addition, whole grains help prevent colon cancer by eliminating pressure in the intestine caused by digestion problems.

2. Legumes

This food group, characterized by seeds encased in a pod, is similar to whole grains because it is high in fiber and contains micronutrients that aid in digestion. Moreover, legumes are good sources of protein and phytochemicals, which are said to decrease the risk of having cancer. Some examples of legumes are green peas, black-eyed peas, lentils, soybeans, peanuts, kidney beans, and lima beans.

3. Fruits

Apart from fiber, fruits contain vitamin C and a lesser known vitamin called bioflavanoid. Bioflavanoids come from the natural pigment of fruits that help maintain healthy blood vessels and prevent cell damage. The best fruits for hemorrhoids include bananas, oranges, papaya, cantaloupe, cherry, blackberry and blueberry. These fruits help soften stools and contain small amounts of fatty acid that helps control pain.

4. Vegetables

Vegetables are the best source of anti-oxidants and soluble fiber. The soluble fiber in your diet absorbs more water during the digestion process, thus making your stool softer and your intestines free from pressure that may lead to a hemorrhoid problem. Vegetable soups are good sources of soluble fiber, but it is still better to eat raw or slightly boiled veggies such as broccoli, corn, potatoes, cabbage, carrots and spinach. Eat a minimum of five servings of vegetables per day to help relieve the symptoms in your rectum and anus.

5. Fluids

Keep the body hydrated by drinking at least 10 glasses of water each day. Water, which makes up 75% of the human body, will keep all of the vital organs running and help proper digestion and blood circulation. On the other hand, if you feel like drinking a flavored beverage, opt for juiced berries such as pomegranates and black currants which are known to help cleanse the liver. Refrain from drinking fluids that may strip the body of water, such as coffee, colas, alcohol and artificial fruit juice.

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It was 1981 and my wife and I were living at a monastery in the remote jungles of Northeast Thailand practicing as a Buddhist monk and nun . . . and Janet was having problems stomaching the coarse food.

With only one meal in the morning and no further food permitted the rest of the day, she couldn't get enough to eat. I stayed away from the grasshoppers, raw fish, and insect eggs myself, but loved the rice and bananas -- I could easily have survived on sticky rice and bananas! But Janet couldn't, or at least she didn't think that she could, and her situation only worsened.

It became critical when she hadn't had a bowel movement for three months -- hard to believe but true -- and she actually wondered why she wasn't dead, or where the little bit that she did eat was going!

Becoming desperate, she finally scrunched up enough courage to speak with the abbot, who was known to be harsh with whomever he considered to be a crybaby! The abbot patronizingly summoned another monk (two monks must be present when speaking to a woman), and impatiently listened to Janet's sad story.

"Three months without shitting!" He exclaimed. "Please, I have gone six months without shitting. Go drink your urine. End of discussion."

Janet was not a happy camper. Not only was she starving and beginning to look like a skeleton, but she might have to drink her pee too!

As one could imagine, she tried everything -- all kinds of remedies first, but to no avail. Then, reluctantly, out of desperation, she finally did as he suggested; she closed her nose and eyes and . . . down the hatch!

Surprise! It wasn't as bad as she imagined . . . a little salty perhaps, and within a few days, lo and behold . . . success. And she soon learned not only that eating only bananas and sticky rice will bind you up tighter than a drum, but that the bitter leafy vegetables had better be eaten as well to make you go, like them or not. But this episode was only a prelude of what was to come for my training partner.

While my best-friend-ever was having constipation problems, my tribulations were, as usual, on the opposite end of the scale. Late one night, in the middle of the jungle in my little hut, I awoke from a dream -- that I was sled riding -- only to find myself sliding around on my little bamboo mat that served as my bed on the hardwood floor!

"This is strange," I thought, "what could I be sliding in?" I felt around, and it was as if my mat was covered with mayonnaise! I lit my lantern to see what the heck was so slippery, and immediately wished I hadn't. The green, slimy, horrible mess covered the entire floor of my little hut, my mat, and me! I was covered in poop. The dysentery came on like a thief in the night and didn't even wake me up.

The jungle was pitch-black that time of night when all kinds of things crawl around, and with no convenient change of clothes (a monk is only allowed a waistcloth antaravasaka, an upper robe uttarsanga, and outer robe sanghati), and no bathroom to clean up in, I made my way to an outhouse a quarter mile away, where I spent another hour or so squatting away in the blackness.

When I was finally cleaned out for the moment, I took some detergent, that was always available in the outhouses to clean up with, and made my way another quarter mile to the well, where I cleaned my robes as best I could.

I smelled to high heaven the next morning, wearing the wet robes on alms round, but the Thai villagers understood these things, and I even received more than usual in my bowl that day!

But the diarrhea didn't go away. Two weeks later, I was still afraid to fall asleep and this nightly nightmare began taking its toll. I became weaker and weaker, and frankly tired of living in the outhouse, so I finally broke down and reluctantly went to my intolerant-to-those-who-are-sick abbot for help -- and he surprised me! He asked a villager to fetch some honey and bananas, and then instructed me to eat only honey and bananas exclusively for a week.

It was great the first day, but boy can you get sick of honey and bananas quickly, and who in their right mind would believe that honey and bananas could cure dysentery? I certainly didn't.

But within a week, the honey and bananas, or something, did of course cure the dysentery, and I wouldn't have been disappointed to never see a banana or honey again, or an outhouse!

(The above is an excerpt from "The Vow, Secrets of a Buddhist Monk and Nun -- In Search of the Seven Freedoms" a memoir that Janet and I are presently working on.)


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Trimspa was made famous by the late Anna Nicole Smith and has evolved into a marketing campaign titled "be envied".

Now let's get to the weight loss facts: the Trimspa X32 diet pill contains 40% caffeine. A bit of green tea, theobromine, chromium, and hoodia gordonii wrap up the active ingredients of the "proprietary blend". This combination of active ingredients in the Trimspa x32 diet pill is designed to delay fat wharehousing and earmarked a natural thermogenic. Now let's analyze at the ingredients of Trimspa x32.

Caffeine - this is junk. Why should you pay top dollar for caffeine? Grab a diet coke or coffee. This is 40% of the Trimspa X32 diet pill.

Green Tea - contains more caffeine, were seeing a trend. Green tea's main health component; EGCG does have some good health benefits when consumed regularly over time: EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant for your body.

Theombroine - an alkaloid from cocoa beans that stimulates metabolism.

Chromium - In a nutshell, chromium helps your body use sugar properly. It is also needed for the breakdown of proteins and fats. There is not enough evidence to show that taking chromium supplements improves the way your body uses sugar (glucose tolerance).

Hoodia Gordonii - Hoodia (pronounced HOO-dee-ah) Gordonii is a cactus-like plant that grows primarily in the semi-deserts of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola. Much of hoodia's popularity stems from claims that the San Bushmen of the Kalahari desert relied on hoodia for thousands of years to ward off hunger and thirst during long hunting trips. They were said to have cut off the stem and eat the bitter-tasting plant. Overall, it is an appetite suppressant.
Trimspa X32 Side Effects and Trimspa X32 Symptoms
Trimspa x 32 may cause:

* anxiety

* sleeplessness (insomnia)

* Trimspa says that glucosamine prolongs the amount of time glucose stays within the bloodstream after eating. So let me get this straight - glucosamine may increase blood glucose, potentially worsening glucose tolerance and this is good for real weight loss. We don't think so. Most studies involving humans have found that short-term use of glucosamine is well-tolerated. Side effects may include drowsiness, headache, insomnia, and mild and temporary digestive complaints such as abdominal pain, poor appetite, nausea, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, and vomiting. For a natural weight loss aid look to Zotrim, a good review is found at Does Zotrim Work?

* triggers migraine headaches

* Since it contains traces of naringin, a grapefruit compound that can elevate your metabolisms blood levels improperly when taken with certain prescription drugs: you must check your prescription drugs before taking this product. Some of the popular drugs you should not take with Trimspa x32 are Zocore and Lipitor.

The side effects can range from mild to severe. Read about alternatives to Trimspa x32 with out the side effects

Trimspa X32 Conclusion
Much of the popularity of Trimspa is due to clever marketing and ad campaigns. Potential Trimspa side effects may include: insomnia, anxiety, heart palpitations, chromium toxicity, migraines, increased blood glucose. Trimspa is expensive when compared to the active ingredients.

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Why Raw Juice?

We all know it's about fresh, raw, natural, organic, tasty, invigorating, nutrient and vitamin-rich goodness when it comes to juicing at home. However, what you may not know is adding a little fresh Aloe Vera Gel to your daily fresh juice can give you a fantastic boost of energy (and not just short term), as well as turn your tasty treat into a downright health tonic you won't want to miss out on. You can easily make-your-own juice in minutes in your own kitchen from the freshest produce you can get your hands on.

Raw juices of fruits and vegetables are extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and beneficial phytochemicals (plant chemicals). These juices act as cleansing agents eliminating toxins and other unwanted morbid matter from the system immediately. Raw juices are easily digested and absorbed and are also superb for those with a poor appetite, nausea, digestive problems or an inflamed stomach or intestines. They have proved to be effective in the treatment of a number of disorders and diseases including Liver, Heart, Kidney, Colds, Flu, Arthritis, Acne, Colitis, Diarrhea, Insomnia, Obesity plus many more.

Raw juices are absorbed by the blood-stream within about 10 minutes after ingestion, making you feel alert, wide awake and refreshed. It is the most perfect fuel because it's easily assimilated and tends to cleanse and nurture the body while supplying it with a full range of essential nutrients. Fresh juice naturally detoxifies and heals the body by stimulating and healing the elimination and detoxification organs such as the gallbladder, liver, intestines and kidneys. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice as well as Aloe Vera Gel are also highly alkalinizing, thereby impeding the growth of harmful bacteria and virus in the body.

Of course there are dozens of juicing recipes around, which can all have a dash of Aloe Vera Gel added. You won't need much to get started on your Aloe Vera juicing journey, just some great fresh fruit and vegetables of your choice, or those I have suggested below, a juicer (available at most good department stores), an aloe vera plant (bought from a reputable nursery to ensure it is actual Aloe Vera also known as Aloe Barbadensis), and you're on your way.

Recipe To Make Your Own Aloe Vera Gel

Firstly get a nice size Aloe Vera plant from a reputable plant nursery. Cut a few thick fleshy leaves at the base near the stem. Rinse the cut part of the leaf thoroughly, peel off outer layer of skin. Rinse the remaining gel to get rid of any latex residue. Put the gel into a blender and add a little Vitamin C powder or Citric Acid powder to stabilize the gel. If it is too thick to blend, just add a little purified water.

Please take note: for internal use of Aloe Vera make sure you rinse off the brown exudate, called latex, from the open cut of the leaf as well as the gel, as this can have a strong (and usually unwanted) laxative effect. If done properly you shouldn't have a problem. I have been using Aloe Vera from my garden for years now, and by being meticulous about rinsing it properly I haven't had an issue with it. Usually keeps in the fridge for a few weeks, depends on your fridge of course.

5 Aloe Vera Juice Recipes:

1. Carrot-A-Licious

This one is a definite family favourite. Easy to drink, sweet and downright yummy.

2 Carrots 2 Green Apples (or any apples you have)
1 Orange (peeled)
Put ingredients though a juicer, add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.

2. Pineapple Paradise

Seeing as I live in the tropics, I'm very partial to this combination. I also sometimes add a few tablespoons of Coconut Milk to increase the anti-bacterial and anti-viral content. This is a must-try.

1 to 2 Cups Fresh Pineapple
1 Carrot
1 Green Apple
Put ingredients though a juicer, add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.

3. Zippy Zinger

If you love the tropics, you'll love this one. Easy on the tummy.

A small piece of Ginger (to taste)
2 Carrots 2 Pears
Half a small Red Papaya (known as Pawpaw in Australia)
Put ingredients though a juicer, add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.

4. Beetroot Bliss

A great pick-me-up tonic. If you are unfamiliar with beetroot juice go easy at first, use just a small wedge. It can be a little overpowering. Tastes rich and earthy.

One quarter of small beetroot
2 large carrots
1 stalk of celery
Put ingredients though a juicer, add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.

5. Cranberry Quencher

For those of you lucky enough to have this powerful fruit available to you fresh, I have included this recipe. Genuine cranberry juice is a powerful weapon in fighting colds and flu as well as being renowned for it's benefits to kidney function. Fresh cranberry juice is far superior nutritionally to the bottled on-the-shelf variety.

As Cranberries have a heavy acid content, when juicing, use one or two handfuls in a glass. Fill the rest with freshly juiced apple, otherwise it will be too tart. Put ingredients though a juicer, add 1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel, drink immediately.

A Bit About The Raw Ingredients

Apples: A good source of Vitamin A in the form of Beta-Carotene, Vitamin C, vitamin K and Folate, plus smaller amounts of Vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2, B3, Biotin and Vitamin E. A note on Apples Pips/Seeds: Apple pips contain small amounts of Cyanide. While you would need to eat an awful lot of apples to suffer any ill effects, I like to remove the apple cores along with pips when juicing.

Beetroot: A good source of Folic Acid and Vitamin C, plus they contain small amounts of Vitamins B1, B2, B3, and Vitamin A in the form of Beta-Carotene.

Carrots: Very high in Vitamin A - this comes in the safe form of Beta-Carotene which the body is able to convert to Vitamin A as required. Also contains Vitamin K and Vitamin C, plus smaller amounts of the B complex vitamins and Vitamin E.

Cranberries: Rich in Antioxidants and the chemical Quinine which is used to treat arthritis.

Ginger : Stimulates circulation and aids digestion it can also ease motion sickness and nausea.

Oranges: As well as being an excellent source of Vitamin C, orange juice contains Vitamin A, Potassium, Calcium, and Phosphorous. It even contains small amounts of all the essential amino acids which the body can use to make and repair healthy tissue and muscles.

Papaya: Known as "the medicine tree" in Africa, rich in Beta-Carotene and Soluble Fibre, while papain, an enzyme extracted from papaya, aids digestive problems.

Pears: Promote cardiovascular and colon health. The Copper in pears stimulates white blood cells to fight infections.

Pineapple: An excellent source of Vitamin C, Folate, Vitamin A, vitamin K, and B complex vitamins (not B12) and Bromelain which is a powerful digestive enzyme that can destroy bad bacteria and parasites, help digest protein, and may prevent the formation of blood clots. It is also a natural anti-inflammatory and is known to reduce swelling and inflammation in the body, beneficial for arthritis suffers, and to promote healing after injury.

The above recipes are not recommended to replace medical care and attention, they are intended for general use only. If you have health concerns or are on any medications please consult your health care professional before attempting to use any of the above recipes.

5 Aloe Vera Juice Recipes That Make You Feel Great are just to get you started, go ahead and experiment with your own favourite fruits and vegetables and don't forget the Aloe.

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Andropogon muricatus, also known as Usheer, has been used to treat chronic head ache, debility and asthma.The useful part of this drug is its moola (roots) are bitter, sweet refrigerant, aromatic, digestive, antiemetic, constipating and antispasmodic. They are also useful in vitiated condition of Pitha and vata, burning sensation, ulcers, skin diseases, nausea, vomiting, hiccough, asthma etc.Plant pacifies hyperdipsia, ulcer, skin diseases, vomiting nausea, flatulence, dyspepsia, colic, cough, fever, low back pain, headache and general debility.

Nelumbium speciosum is a large aquatic plant with slender, elongate, branched and creeping rhizomes. From the nodes, roots and leaves arise. Leaves are peltate, 60-90 cm in diameter, petioles very long, smooth or with small prickles, much raised out of water. Flowers are solitary, large, fragrant, white or rosy with a centrally located yellow sponchy torus in which carpels are sunken; fruits are ovoid, nut like achenes. Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, urinary and cardiac system disorders, hyperdipsia, diarrhea, and vomiting, burning sensation on the body, nervous exhaustions, skin diseases, urinary retention and general debility.

Useful part: Whole plant.

Cuminum sativus is a small, slender annual herb, with a much-branched angular or striated stem, bearing 2 or 3 partite linear leaves, bluish green in color and having sheathing bases. The chief constituent of the volatile oil is cumaldehyde. In indigenous medicine, cumin seeds have long been considered stimulant and carminative. They are stomachic, astringent and useful in diarrhea and dyspepsia; improves appetite and taste. They are now chiefly used in Veterinary medicine. The seeds showed antifertility and abortifacient activity in female rats. They have been credited with aphrodisiac properties.

Zingiber officinale is an herbaceous, perennial herb, with aromatic rhizomes. Its principal constituents are Zingiberene (a- and b-zingiberene), and zingiberol. Ginger is valued in medicine as a carminative and stimulant to the gastro-intestinal tract. It is much in vogue as a household remedy for indigestion, relieves dyspepsia, flatulence and colic. Ginger is reported to contain an anti-histaminic factor. It is included among anti-depressants and it forms an ingredient of some anti-narcotic preparations. It is soothing for cough, colds, flu and other respiratory problems.

Mesua ferrea is a medium-sized to large evergreen tree with solitary flower and numerous stamens. Its principal constituent is the volatile oil from the flowers shows antibacterial, antifungal and antihelmintic activities. It exhibits significant anti-inflammatory and styptic activity.

Caryophyllus aromaticus is a pyramidal or conical evergreen tree with gland dotted leaves cultivated mainly for the flower buds (cloves).The clove bud oil contains free eugenol, eugenol acetate, Gallic acid and caryophyllene as its main constituents that are good antioxidants. The cloves are aromatic, stimulant and carminative. They are used in various forms of gastric irritation and dyspepsia. They are administered to relieve nausea and vomiting, to correct flatulence and to excite languid digestion. The oil is used as a local analgesic for hypersensitive dentine and carious cavities; a mixture of oil and zinc calx is used as a temporary filling for tooth-cavities. Used externally, the oil is rubefacient and counterirritant; internally, it is carminative and antispasmodic. Caryophyllus aromaticus is useful in coughs and other respiratory disorders. It improves the breath and is a popular remedy for sore throat, headaches and coryza.

Piper cubeba (Kankola ) consists of mature, dried fruits of Piper cubeba (Fam. Piperaceae); woodly, climbing, perennial with dioeceous flowers in spike, cultivated to a small extent in India, especially in the Karnataka state; fruits collected when mature but still unripe and carefully dried. Large trees with gray, scaly, fibrous bark. Leaves 3-foliolate; petiole angular or winged; leaflets sub sessile, elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers bluish-white, in terminal paniculate cymes. Drupe globose.Bangalore, Chikmagalur, Coorg, Hassan, Kolar, Mysore, North Koran, Shimoga, South Koran, Tumkur. South India, Sri Lanka Aruci; Mukharoga; Mutrakrcchra; Sula. Fruits-stomatitis, cardiac diseases, anorexia, blindness, leprosy, worm infestation, digestive, carminative.

Nardostachys jatamansi is an erect and perennial herb. Its principal constituents are jatamansone, jatamanshic acid and virolin. It has analgesic and stimulant properties. The oil possesses antiarrhythmic and hypotensive activity. It promotes hair growth and imparts a black color to the hair. Jatamansone, an active principle of N. jatamansi, brings forth a significant reduction in hyperactivity, restlessness and aggressiveness in hyperactive children.

Bombax ceiba is a lofty, deciduous tree with horizontally, spreading branches. The bark, on analysis, possesses tannins and non-tannins. It also contains lupeol, ?-sitosterol and its D-glycosides. The bark is given as a demulcent, emetic and tonic. Externally, it is used as a styptic, and also for fomenting wounds. The gum is credited with astringent, tonic, and demulcent properties and is used for dysentery, hemoptysis in pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and menorrhagia.

Shuddha Gairika bhasma chemically Hematite Calx is an astringent, hematinic, which is useful for diarrhea.

Yashad bhasma / Jasad bhasma contains Zinc Calx is specially processed zinc. Zinc plays a significant role in protein synthesis, in cell division and in wound healing. It has shown beneficial effects in acne and is known to have antiseptic and astringent properties. Animals fed zinc deficient diets show anorexia, weight loss, growth retardation, various skin dystrophies and impaired glucose metabolism. These have also been observed in man. With age the zinc content of the abdominal aorta decreases. It is administered in sprue, diabetes, leucorrhea and hyperhydrosis.

Vang bhasma chemically known as Tin Calx is prepared from tin metal and has a wide range of therapeutic uses with special reference to the diseases of the genito-urinary tract. It is effective against a wide range of organisms in the urinary tract and thus, is of great clinical usefulness and efficacy in urinary tract infections of various origins. It improves digestion, is useful in wasting diseases and cures all 'pramehas' (A prameha is a urinary tract disease characterized by polyurea and turbid urine).

Muktashukti bhasma (MSB), an Ayurvedic compound, consisting of pearl, Aloe Vera and vinegar, inhibited acute and sub acute inflammation in albino rats as induced by sub planter injection of carrageenan, histamine, 5-HT, nystatin and subcutaneous implant of cotton pellets. In all the test procedures the anti-inflammatory response of 1000 mg/kg MSB was comparable to the response observed with 300 mg/kg acetylsalicylic acid (ASA). Oral premedication with MSB delayed castor oil-induced diarrhea in rats, indicating its prostaglandin inhibitory activity. The anti-inflammatory activity of the compound is attributed to its ability to cause inhibition of prostaglandins, histamine and 5-HT and also by stabilization of the lysosomal membranes. The anti-inflammatory activity of MSB seems one third to half as potent as ASA.

Mandur bhasma contains Ferric Oxide Calx is prepared by purifying and calcinating iron rust. Mandura is especially useful in anemia, amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, menorrhagia, chlorosis, hepatic and splenic disorders. It is also used in diarrhea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia, intestinal worms, nervous diseases, neuralgia of the 5th nerve due to debility, kidney diseases, albuminuria, etc. It is a powerful hematinic and tonic and is valuable in the treatment of hemolytic jaundice and microcytic anemia.

Kaseesam (Ferri Sulphas) is stringent, and acid. It is heating. It checks Vaata and Kapha. It is useful in the treatment of Visha, diseases of the eye, Leucoderma, Kushta and wounds

Action: - Astringent haematinic.

Uses: - It is considered in high esteem as a haematinic in cases of anemia and bloodlessness. It is also given as a substitute for other preparations of iron. For its astringent properties it is given in combination with other drugs in cases of dysentery, diarrhea and hemorrhage. In certain cases of jaundice and anemia it is considered as a specific. It improves the colour and vigor of the body by enrichening the blood.

Abhrak bhasma contains Biotite Calx is prepared by treating biotite (mica) with the juices of a number of reconstituent plants that make it a powerful cellular regenerator. It is a nervine tonic and is also widely used in respiratory tract infections, and anemia. It contains iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium and aluminum in traces.

Saraca asoca is a small evergreen tree.Its principal constituents are a steroid component and a calcium salt. The bark of Saraca indica contains the estrogenic compound ketosterol. The bark has a stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian tissue, is useful in menorrhagia due to uterine fibroids, in leucorrhea and in internal bleeding, where ergot is indicated. It is well established for its effectiveness in menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. It also has a stimulatory effect on the ovarian tissue and may produce an estrogen-like effect that enhances the repair of the endometrium and stops bleeding.

Symplocos racemosa is an evergreen tree or shrub; with white flowers turning yellow and purplish black drupes.Its principal constituents are the three alkaloids, viz. loturine, loturidine and colloturine. The astringent bark is given for the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and liver complaints. It is recommended in the treatment of menorrhagia and other uterine disorders. The stem bark is having anti-inflammatory property as well as hypothermic properties.

Bryonopsis laciniosa is an herb common in India It is found in many parts of the world, like USA. This is counted as an invasive plant. This plant is a member of Cucurbitaceae plant family. This is an herbaceous, slender, extensive, monoecious climber. The leaves are palmately 3-7 lobed, membranous, and glabrous. The flowers are creamy white, in axillary fascicles. The berries are nearly sphericle and smooth. The seeds are obviate, creamy-white or pale yellow, minutely scorbiculate. The flowering season is August to December. In Ayurveda the leaves and the seeds are used for treatment of fevers with flatulence and as tonic, the plant is also useful in inflammation.

Terminalia chebula is a tree with a rounded crown and spreading branches. Its principal constituents are chebulagic, chebulinic acid and corilagin. Its fruits have laxative, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is also known as an adaptogen, and hepatoprotective drug. It acts as a gentle laxative and helps in smooth evacuation. It is an effective purgative and helps in removing toxins and fats from the body, resulting in their reduced absorption.

Adhatoda zeylanica is an evergreen, gregarious, stiff perennial shrub. Its principal constituents are the several alkaloids which are present in the drug and its chief principal is a quinazoline alkaloid, vasicine. The leaves are rich in Vitamin C and carotene and yield an essential oil. The shrub is the source of the drug, vasaka, well known in indigenous systems of medicine for its beneficial effects, particularly in bronchitis. The leaves, flowers, fruits and roots are extensively used for treating cold, cough, whooping-cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma. It acts as a sedative-expectorant, antispasmodic and antihelmintic. The leaf-juice is stated to cure diarrhea, dysentery and glandular tumor, and, is given as an emmenagogue. The powder is reported to be used as a poultice on rheumatic joints, as a counter-irritant on inflammatory swellings, on fresh wounds, urticaria and in neuralgia. It has strong coagulant action which is very useful to minimize blood loss and also possesses uterine stimulant activity and acts as uterotonic. It is also useful in postpartum hemorrhage.

Ficus bengalensis is a very large tree, with spreading branches. The stem bark contains ?-sitosterol, a-D-glucose and meso- inositol. The leaves contain petunidin di-glycoside and quercentin 3-galactoside. The fruits contain cyanidin rhamnoglycoside and polysaccharides. Various parts of the plant are considered medicinal. The milky juice is externally applied for pains and bruises and as an anodyne in rheumatism and lumbago. It is also used as a remedy for toothache. The leaves are heated and applied as poultice to abscesses. The bark is tonic, astringent and cooling. The seeds are also considered as cooling and tonic.

Cedrus deodara is a large evergreen tree. The bark is thick, furrowed vertically and cracked transversely. Plant pacifies vitiated vata, kapha, pain, arthritis, ear ache, inflammation, headache, epilepsy, insomnia, cough, bronchitis, hiccough, diabetes, urinary tract infections, calculi, skin diseases and cardiac disorders.

Useful parts: Leaves, Heartwood, Oil.

Hygrophilia auriculata is a robust, erect, annual herb, with sub-quadrangular stem, thickened at nodes and yellow spines in leaf axis. It is used in disorders of the genitourinary system and is helpful in the cases of impotence, spermatorrhea and seminal debilities.

Asparagus racemosus - a much-branched, spinous under-shrub, with tuberous, short rootstock bearing numerous fusiform, succulent, tuberous roots. The plant contains triterpene saponins - Shatavarin I - IV, which are phytoestrogen compounds.The plant, is used as a demulcent, diuretic, aphrodisiac, and galactagogue. The root extracts exhibit antiallergic activity. Along with the leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, they are given to diabetic patients.

Emblica officinalis is a deciduous tree with exfoliating bark. Its fruit contains the highest amount of vitamin C in natural form and cytokine-like substances identified as zeatin, z.riboside, and z.nucleotide. Its fruit is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative and used in the preparation of hair dyes. A fixed oil extracted from the fruits is reported to have the property of promoting hair growth. The dried fruit is useful in hemorrhage, diarrhea and dysentery. It has anabolic, antibacterial, expectorant, cardio tonic, antipyretic, ant oxidative, antiviral, and anti-emetic and resistance building properties and used in the treatment of leucorrhea and arteriosclerosis. It is antibacterial and its astringent properties prevent infection and help in the healing of ulcers. It is used as a laxative to relieve constipation in piles. It has anti-inflammatory activity and is used for its activity against human pathogenic Epidermophyton, Trichophyton, Absidia ramosa and Microsporon gypsum. It has proven effective in a number of dermal diseases.

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There are numerous benefits of pomegranate. This sweet fruit is grown on the Punica granatum deciduous tree. Its size can be as small as lemons or as large as grapefruits. It has a thick, reddish skin, with about 600 seeds inside. Each seed is encased in a translucent, water laden, pulp or aril. Pomegranates can be a tasty delicacy. Whether you're searching how to lower LDL, (bad cholesterol), to improving your skin condition, pomegranates benefit the body, inside and out!


Lower LDL (bad cholesterol)

Raise HDL (good cholesterol)

Helps prevent Alzheimer's Disease

Lower Blood Pressure

Prevent Dental Plaque

Prevent Osteoarthritis

Fight cancer; (breast, prostate, lung)

Fight heart disease

Ease menopausal symptoms

Support immune system

Pomegranates contain polyphenols, powerful antioxidants, that prevent against free radical damage. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause havoc on the body, inside and out. They can damage cell membranes and DNA, risking your overall health. Pomegranates have powerful antioxidants benefits! One study showed pomegranates having more antioxidants than cranberries, blueberries or green tea! Pomegranates have the benefits of vitamins A, C, E and K. Vitamins A and C can help you fight off colds, flu or other viral infections. Vitamins E and K promote good blood circulation and coagulation, initiating healing. They have a high mineral content including: folic acid, iron, calcium, fiber and potassium.


Combats acne; reduces scars

Combats free radicals; helps prevent skin cancer

Increases skin elasticity


Soothes minor irritations

Reduces inflammation

Promotes skin regeneration

Strengthens epidermis (outermost layer of skin)

Balances pH level


Helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles, scars, saggy skin

Relieves sunburns

Helps even skin tone

Helps reverse signs of sun damage

Pomegranates are anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging. They promote healthy blood circulation, protects skin from free radical damage and rejuvenates skin cells. Used in homemade soap recipes they can fight: acne, dry skin, pre-mature aged skin, fine lines, wrinkles and more! Skin can have a youthful-looking, smooth and supple, appearance. It can have a fresh, healthy, glow. Whether eating pomegranates, drinking pomegranate juice or using pomegranate oil in commercial or homemade beauty products, (soaps, lotions, creams), this delicate fruit is useful in many ways!


Normally, pomegranate fruit is safe to eat when consumed in moderation. An overdose of its seeds, oil, juice or extract can cause diarrhea or upset stomach. Rare cases may involve allergies to the fruit. Contact your health care provider, immediately, and discontinue use if you notice any of these symptoms: itchiness, swollen tongue or lips, difficulty swallowing or breathing.

Pomegranate can be found in grocery stores, health food stores, on-line or other locations. Pomegranates are a delicate fruit, so be choosey when picking the right ones. Find ones that are medium to deep red color, having no cracks or splits, with a thin, tough, skin and feel firm in the hand. Check for soft spots or weeping fluid. You want to be careful that they're not spoiled inside. Eat them within one to two weeks of purchase or store in refrigerator for extended use, up to one to two months. They should only be left at room temperature for up to two or three days. Discard all spoiled fruit, since bacteria sets in, causing digestive problems.

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Endometriosis, the formation of tissue outside of the endometrium (uterine wall), can create painful menstrual periods, premenstrual spotting, pain during intercourse, infertility, abdominal or diffuse pelvic pain, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Symptoms may also include low back pain or pain radiating to the inner thigh, pain upon defecation, fatigue or sometimes nausea or vomiting. The severity of the pain may not truly disclose the severity of the disease, as some women may present without pain.

Western View
Western medications and treatments include:

• Birth control used continuously to suppress ovulation.
• Danazol, Provera, Lupron, Duphaston, Synarel or Zoladex, used to suppress ovulation and the regular course of hormones during the menstrual cycle.
• A laparoscopy conducted to drain fluids and remove small patches of tissue. The cysts or tissues are sometimes referred to as "chocolate cysts" due to their coloring.
• More extensive surgery to remove larger areas of displaced or scar tissue or to unblock fallopian tubes. Surgery is not the final answer because tissue can and oft en does, grow back, causing recurrent symptoms.

TCM Pathology

Difficult menstrual flow accompanied by pain and clotting of tissue or by pain that disrupts other channels (Liver, Spleen and Stomach) causes abdominal or back pain, bloating or indigestion, fatigue, or headaches. Kidney Yang deficiency is usually the primary cause, often accompanied by Spleen Qi deficiency or Liver Qi stagnation. This leads to Blood stagnation. In today's busy world, each of us carries an enormous amount of stress. Stress among professional and working women is frequently chronic and overwork disrupts the even flow of Qi and Blood. The obstruction of Blood flow restricts the normal cycle. Environmental toxins and poor nutrition also contribute, as do traumas and abdominal surgeries.

If menstrual spotting occurs, it is due to the Blood unsuccessfully trying to flow evenly within the channels. Symbolically, it is being pushed out of the channels because it has overfilled the Uterus without any available open exit valve. Regulation of Qi and Blood during the four phases of the menstrual cycle is required. Therefore, regulation of hormones is part of TCM treatment, as contrasted to the suppression of the normal function of hormones. What to expect from TCM treatment?

The goal is to correct the root problem during each of these phases by fine-tuning the TCM protocol.

TCM Pattern Differentiations-Your practitioner arrives at one or more of the following diagnostic patterns used to develop your treatment protocol. Qi Deficiency:

• Feeling exhausted and fragile.
• Dull, aching pain before, during or after menstruation.
• Overworked, overwhelmed.
• Cold hands and feet.
• Insomnia.
• Poor appetite.
• Tongue body may have scalloped, teeth-marked edges.
• Tongue may have no coating.

Qi stagnation:

• High-level or continuous stress.
• Tension or migraine headaches.
• High blood pressure, irritability, anger or repressed emotions.
• The sides of the tongue may be redder than the body of the tongue.
• Sharp, stabbing pain or pain prior to or during menstruation.

Blood stagnation:
• Pain prior to or during menstruation.
• Sharp, stabbing pain.
• Palpable lower abdominal masses.
• Clots.
• Purple- colored tongue body.

Coldness (Can be deficiency or excess):

Many texts use the term "Cold uterus." Cold is typically inhibiting, confining, cramping and stagnating. The Kidney channel starts on the feet and runs through the Uterus therefore, TCM theory believes that coldness in the feet runs up the Kidney channel through the uterus, inhibiting or confining Qi and blood flow. This affects fertility and the proper functioning of the reproductive system. Traditional advice: "Wear socks and keep your feet warm!"

• Generally, one who runs/feels cold and feels better with heat.
• Frequent urination.
• Cramping, severe pain prior to or during menstruation.
• Tongue coating may be white.

• Heat in the channels can cause the Blood to "boil over," producing a heavy, painful menstrual flow.
• One who runs warm, sweats easily or has a facial flush.
• Yellow tongue coating.

Dampness, characterized as slow moving and congealing, causes sluggishness
or lethargy, producing mucus and leading to stagnation.

• Tongue coating may be white and appear slimy, greasy or thick.
• Abundance of phlegm or mucus.
• Thirst but no desire to drink fluids.
• Feeling "heavy" or having heavy sensations or lethargy.

Nutritional Tips for Better Health

Nutrition and Dietary Guidelines:
Aphrodite Women's Health (2004) reported the incidence of endometriosis is 40% less among females who consumed more fresh fruit and green vegetables. Females with a high intake of beef, ham or other red meat, increased their risk of endometriosis by 80-100%. There is a connection between diet and endometriosis!

1. Eat a high-fiber diet consisting of whole grains (wheat, oats, rye, spelt, quinoa) and legumes.
2. Vegetables high in antioxidants (Vitamins A, C, and E) and bioflavonoids - like carrots and yams, spinach, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, green and red peppers are beneficial.
3.Vitamin C and green foods (wheat grass, chlorella, spirulina) clean, nourish, move the blood, create circulation and remove stagnation.
4. Eat foods high in Vitamin B, selenium and zinc.
5. Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, salt and animal fats.

Pattern Differentiations:
If the menstrual pain is derived from Stagnant Blood, it can be ameliorated by:

1. Foods that move and clean the Blood, like wholesome organic fruits and vegetables.
2. Eating foods high in antioxidants and bioflavonoids (tomatoes, lemons, limes, apricots, grapes, beets, celery, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries).
3. Adding kelp, seaweed, spirulina and chlorella.
4. Adding onions, garlic, scallions to move and warm the Blood.
5. Eating whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and 100% whole wheat.
6. Consuming linoleic and alpha-linoleic fatty acids found in pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, primrose (gamma linolenic acid-omega 6) and olive oil.
7. Taking omega 3 fatty acids found in fish or linseed oil.
8. Avoiding refined and hydrogenated oils.
9. Avoiding animal products treated with steroids or antibiotics.

For Cold conditions, eat foods with properties that are neutral or warm in nature (beans, leeks, onions, carrots, garlic, ginger, wheat bran, millet, venison, beef, turkey, chicken, mangos, papaya, pineapple, figs, sweet potatoes, yams, red and green cabbage).

Liver Qi stagnation:
If you suffer from high stress, anger, tension or irritability try to:

1. Chew your food slowly, sit down and enjoy each meal without multi-tasking.
2. Eat smaller, more frequent meals.
3. Exercise.
4. Eat wholesome organic and nutritious foods rather than processed and refined foods containing chemicals and preservatives.
5. Yoga!
6. Let go of issues you have no control over and live the moment.
7. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes or caffeine.
8. Heat conditions react negatively to alcohol, caffeine and spicy or greasy foods.
9. Heat conditions respond favorably to foods with cool properties, which include ocean fish, shrimp, crab, milk, yogurt, strawberries, pears, persimmons, tomatoes, pearl barley, brown rice, wheat, tofu, mung, black or kidney beans, mint, green, or chamomile tea, cilantro, American ginseng, sprouts, kale, broccoli, alfalfa, cauliflower, watercress, winter squash, eggplant, asparagus, beets, bok choy or endive.
10. Damp conditions worsen with sugars, juices and over-consumption of fruits.
11. Eliminate dairy products, alcohol, spicy, or greasy foods. Eat more alkaline grains such as barley or brown rice, spinach, watercress, brussel sprouts, turnips, avocado, zucchini or green beans. TCM addresses endometriosis and should be considered in addition to western therapy.

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Exotic pets are really nice to have. They are unique in that not so many keep them, hence they are called exotic. Well, they are actually called exotic because they are not local or native to the place where they are being kept.

Not being local in such place means that they need to have some kind of a special pet care regimen. Which is the same as when we humans go to another country for the first time. Let us say we have lived all our lives in a tropical country and all of the sudden we are taken to the cold north. Of course we have to have to adjust.

The same can be said about exotic animals. In this article, I will discuss about caring for an exotic animal, the green iguana, which is fast becoming a popular pet in the household.

Your iguana should be be given a good diet. The life span of the iguana is heavily dependent on what you feed it. You may be giving the pet the best cage condition or the perfect heating but if the combination of food in its diet is poor, the iguana will not have a long life with you.

The most important nutrients to an iguana are calcium and phosphorus. Many veterinarians agree on one thing that iguanas do not need a lot of animal protein. Do not take heed from pet books that advice you to give dog or cat food to your iguana. This is a serious warning: throw away such book!

What is essential to the iguanas is that they get a high amount of calcium, some phosphorus and Vitamin D3. Ask your veterinarian for the proper ratio as this may vary depending on the age and weight of you pet iguana.

An iguana needs to digest its food well so make sure that the good you is cut into very small pieces. You can use food processors for preparing the iguana's food.

There are many foods that people think are good for iguanas but on the contrary, they can be harmful because of their high content of toxins like oxalic acid/phytic acid/goitrogens/saponins. Be careful not to feed these to your iguana: brussel sprouts, bok choy, tofu, spinach, rhubarb, kale, beets, broccoli, cabbage, swiss chard and turnips.

There are also food that even though they are not lethal to iguanas, they can cause diarrhea or contain very little nutritional value. These food include lettuce, chicory and corn.

A house for your pet iguana:

You should know that iguanas grow fast so there is not point buying a fixed tank. They need a big room as they like to climb so you might just share your room with your pet or just have a "soft bed" for him in your room.

Just make sure you provide adequate heating and lighting to your pet.

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If you have just heard about the low residue diet then you may have just come back from a visit to the doctor. A Low fiber diet is usually recommended to patients who suffer from stomach inflammation or those preparing for a surgery. In a nut shell, this low residue diet is made to reduce the number of bowel movements you have so that the body doesn't have to work as hard as it normally does.

Whilst you will probably lose weight from this diet it is not a healthy long term weight loss solution because of it's lack of fiber. This diet is targeted towards patients with stomach problems. In a normal diet plan we actually consume a number of foods that our body can't digest and this produces excess waste. The low residue diet aims to get rid of these foods momentarily so that your body can rest from it's usual efforts.

Make sure you always check with your doctor on what foods you can and can't eat as part of your diet plan. In general here is a list of foods that you can eat when on a diet such as this: Well ground eggs, meats, chicken or fish, White rice, White bread, some cereals, clear pulp free juices, plain gravies, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, vegetable oils and some dressings.

More important than the foods you should eat is the foods you shouldn't! Once again, be sure to double check with your doctor for your personal diet plan. In general you should avoid these foods: Spicy foods, Fatty meats, popcorn, seeds from fruit, seeds and nuts, raw vegetables (lettuce is ok), chocolate and coco powder, muffins, corn bread, most cheeses, peanut butter, millet, buckwheat, dried beans, oatmeal, whole grains (including whole grain pasta and bread) and legumes.

People that have the following conditions are often recommended the low residue diet:

Mothers during pregnancy - Some mothers in the later stages of pregnancy are put on the low residue diet to ease with stomach pains associated with pregnancy.

Radiotherapy patients - Some patients that under go radiotherapy treatments in the pelvic and/or stomach area can suffer from diarrhea as a side effect. The low residue diet can stop malnutrition, help the diarrhea and also re-hydrate the patient.

If you are suffering from Bowel inflammation - Post surgery inflammation isn't uncommon for stomach surgery patients and a low fiber diet gives the body time to take a rest from processing so hard which gives the inflammation time to die down.

Crohn's disease patients, astronauts, abdominal surgery patients and people with ulcerative colitis are all also know to use the low residue diet!

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Stop heartburn naturally with foods? Have you ever heard of anyone doing so? Well I am here to tell you that it is very possible to stop your heartburn if you quit eating the foods and combinations of foods that cause heartburn to start with.

You see I used to suffer with heartburn (acid reflux) myself, and it is a horrible thing to suffer with. When I was trying to stop heartburn from making me toss and turn all night and not get enough sleep, I used to take antacids.

But then I read that antacids can cause other problems as a side effect like incomplete digestion of our foods, constipation, stomach cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, aggravate kidney problems, and in extreme cases intestinal bleeding.

Antacid are stomach acid neutralizers. To digest meat, you need this acid or the meat will not digest. Stomach acid also kills harmful bacteria. If you are not getting any nutrition from eating your foods, then it would be better not to eat it in the first place.

Then I started studying what really causes heartburn to start with. Heartburn is caused from stomach acid backing up into the esophagus. Everyone knows this, but what most people don't, is that your stomach doesn't always have to pump out a strong stomach acid to digest every type of food.

It is the protein containing foods that your body needs to pump out an acidic digestive fluid to digest. So, if you don't eat any protein containing foods with your meal, then it doesn't need to pump out the strong acidic digestive fluid to digest it.

List of high protein foods to temporarily cut way down on or eliminate to stop heartburn:

* Fish

The above listed foods are all high protein foods that are difficult to digest, so they take longer to digest. They also need a strong stomach acid to digest them. Its this acid that is burning your stomach and esophagus.

Also some foods are acidic to start with and almost always cause heartburn if I eat them:

* Cooked or canned tomatoes
* Bottled Juices

Other foods that can stimulate the production of stomach acid also:

* Black pepper
* Spices
* Coffee
* Sodas
* Caffeine
* Beer
* Wine
* Tea with caffeine
* 7-Up
* Coca-Cola

If you want to stop heartburn, for your next few meals, try and only eat foods that are low in protein and avoid the other foods that can cause heartburn that I have listed above.

If you eat a meal of only cooked green beans, cooked squash, carrots, lettuce, extra virgin olive oil, and sea salt, then your stomach doesn't have to pump out the strong acid that is required to digest high protein foods like meats.

You can fry them in olive oil if you are used to eating greasy meals, or you can steam them and add just a little oil to them on your serving plate. I do recommend adding at least one tablespoon or more of extra virgin olive oil (up to 3 tablespoons for a satisfying meal) because extra virgin olive oil is a natural anti-inflammatory. These foods will digest well because they are properly combined for efficient digestion.

You can eat the lettuce and carrots raw if you like, but just make sure to chew them up really good. Eat like this just for a day or two, and see if it doesn't make your heartburn stop.

It's the combination of having a super full stomach, (there is only so much room in your stomach) and also having it full of strong acidic digestive fluid that causes heartburn. When your stomach becomes super full, the pressure builds up, and then that's when the stomach acid starts to creep back up into the esophagus.

Most peoples stomachs are stretched out from years of eating too many hard to digest foods and combinations of foods. But, if you can wait to eat your next meal after your stomach is empty, and only eat a properly combined meal that is designed for efficient digestion, then your stomach will digest the meal quicker.

This lets the stomach have enough time to more fully digest that foods from the previous meal, so as to go ahead and move them further into the digestive tract to make room for your next meal.

But what makes your food not digest fast enough to empty before your next meal? Eating too big of a meal for your digestive capacity, or eating hard to digest foods or combinations of foods to frequently. If you eat another meal before the previous meal has had a chance to leave your stomach, then the stomach becomes extremely full.

Also eating foods that are high in sugar makes other hard to digest foods take longer to digest and leave the stomach because your body will digest the sugars first, so then the other foods just sit in your stomach waiting for the sugars to be used up first.

To stop heartburn you need to give your stomach a chance to shrink down a little and empty out a little bit and stop eating combinations of foods that cause a digestive conflict.

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Finding mucus in stool could prove to be quite disturbing for people who might not know the reasons behind its appearance there. There are various reasons as to why mucus might appear in a person's stool, including irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoid formation, colitis, Crohn's disease, infections, and obstructions. If you understand the causes behind mucus in stool, you can prepare yourself better when it comes to dealing with this particular situation every time it arises.

Mucus in stool can be considered as normal sometimes. The intestines happen to produce mucus to maintain a properly lubricated inner intestine region and bits of the mucus can be eliminated through bowel movements. Sudden increases of mucus in stool have to be noted, though, and it might be a necessity to look for medical treatment if there is too much of it.

Every now and then, when a person gets hemorrhoids, he might also get mucus in stool. Usually, the initial indication of getting hemorrhoids would be this mucus presence in the stool. Inner hemorrhoids might even bleed, but people will usually not experience more discomfort with internal hemorrhoid formation. Conversely, outer hemorrhoid formation might come with mucus in stool, swelling, pain, irritation, itchiness, bleeding, and discomfort.

Whenever a person gets irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, he might notice an increase in the mucus in stool. Whenever a person gets IBS, the intestines usually increase mucus production, which will be visible within bowel movements.

Colitis refers to a condition where there is swelling of the inner intestines that gets grossly aggravated and irritated, forming ulcers in that area. The latter ulcers produce both mucus and pus while the latter productions get passed through bowel movements. At the same time, a person might also get intestinal obstructions that will result in passing mucus in stool. These obstructions will have to be assessed by doctors to get proper treatment and in several cases, surgery might be warranted.

Crohn's disease refers to yet another known source for mucus in stool. This issue affects the digestive tract and its adjacent tissues. Usually, when a person gets Crohn's disease, mucus in stool comes with various symptoms such as unexplained fevers, malaise, exhaustion, blood in stool, abdominal pain, weight loss, and diarrhea. This condition could get quite serious and would require treatment and assessment from qualified professionals. In a lot of instances, a person with Crohn's disease might require treatment through surgical procedures and prescribed medications to reduce the disease's effects.

Various different infections have also been cited as sources of too much mucus in stool. If a person gets an infection, it would be vital to look for medical attention so the infection can be addressed properly with antibiotics. After the infection gets treated, the excess mucus in stool is going to subside.

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Hemorrhoids or piles are swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus. Hemorrhoids may result from straining to move stool. They are either inside the anus - internal - or under the skin around the anus - external.

The most common symptoms of internal Hemorrhoid radiation is bright red blood covering the feces, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. However, an internal hemorrhoid may protrude through the anus outside the body, becoming irritated and painful.
Symptoms of external hemorrhoids may include painful swelling or a hard lump around the anus that results when a blood clot forms.

In addition, excessive straining, rubbing, or cleaning around the anus may cause irritation with bleeding and itching, which may produce a vicious of circle symptoms.


Sitting for a long period of time can start the hemorrhoid process. Hemorrhoids also are most likely caused by diet and straining on the toilet. Other factors that contribute to hemorrhoids include aging, heredity, bouts of diarrhea, using laxatives. For women, pregnancy is often a factor as the fetus puts pressure on the hemorrhoid veins.


Treatments for hemorrhoids vary in their cost, risk, and effectiveness. Different cultures and individuals approach treatment differently. Some of the treatments used are

Ayurvedic treatment of Hemorrhoids:

Ayurvedic treatment of hemorrhoids has a twofold intention - one is to reduce the constipation that is associated. Once the constipation is brought under control then methods are employed to reduce the pains of the piles. Application of sandalwood or sesame oil on the piles can help in case of external. In order to reduce the constipation there are other dietary elements like ghee, buttermilk and green leafy vegetables which the patient is suppose to take. Ayurveda traditional medicine has effective treatments against Hemorrhoids.

Home remedies:

Dry figs: Three or four dry figs should be soaked overnight in water after being cleaned thoroughly in hot water. They should be taken first thing in the morning along with the water in which they are soaked. They should also be taken in the evening in a similar manner. This treatment should be continued for 3 to 4 weeks.

Mango seeds: The powdered of dry mango seeds should be given in doses of about 1 ½ to 2 grams with or without honey, twice daily.

Jambul fruit: The fruit should be taken with salt every morning for 2 or 3 months during its season.

Radish: 100gm of grated radish mixed with a teaspoon of honey may be taken twice daily in treating this condition.

Turnip: the juice of turnip leaves should be extracted and 150ml be given to the patient. It is however necessary to take a proper diet of raw fruits and vegetables while taking this juice.

Bitter Gourd: Three teaspoon of bitter gourd leaves juice mixed with glass of buttermilk should be taken every morning.

Ginger: Half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice , mixed with one teaspoon of each fresh lime juice and fresh mint juice , and a teaspoon of honey , constitutes an effective medicines for piles.

Onion: About 30gm of onion should be finely rubbed in water and 60gmof sugar added to it. It should be taken twice daily by the patient.

Rice: A thick gruel of rice mix with a glass of buttermilk and a ripe banana should be given twice a day.

Wheat grass: Wheat grass juice use as an enema helps detoxify the walls of the piles.

Sesame seeds: They can be taken in the form of a decoction by boiling 20gm of seeds in 500ml of water till it is reduced by 1/3 or as sweetmeats. Ground the paste with water , they can be given with butter for bleeding piles.

Chebulic Myroblan: The fruit should be roasted to a brown colour in custard oil, and then powdered and stored. Half a teaspoon of this powder at bed time will bring about normal bowel movements in the morning and the astringent property of the fruit will heal the piles masses.

Prevention of Hemorrhoids:

Change the diet to include more bran or fiber and drinking more water, change the bowel habit and exercise and don't sit around for too long.

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You may be surprised one day as you are going to flush the toilet you notice something out of the ordinary. Your Stool is green. Well don't panic just yet; this may be nothing to get alarmed about.

Causes of Green Feces

The color of our bowel movements reflects the foods that we eat. This could have a lot to do with the green bowel. If you have recently eaten a meal high in rich leafy green vegetables, this could be the culprit. These foods are loaded with chlorophyll, which we all know from elementary school, that chlorophyll is what gives plants their bright green colors. Also, another factor is foods that have high iron contents such as red meats, also tend to cause green bowel. Artificially colored foods are another cause of the green stool. Parents will tend to notice if their child consumed a large number of Popsicles; the green feces may show up. Laxatives and colon cleaners are also known to be a cause of the green bowel.

Risk factors Associated With Green stool

Although vegetarians do not eat meat so the source of their green bowel movement may not be from large amount of red meat, but rather those green leafy vegetables. Babies who are breast-feeding are at risk for developing green stool, due to the high levels of iron in the mother's milk.

Prevention Of Green Bowel Movements

A good way to prevent green feces is to eat a well balanced meal. It is not recommended to totally deplete your iron intake, or eliminate your leafy green vegetables, you may want to slightly just reduce the consumption of these foods and see if you notice a difference.

When to worry about green bowel movement

As mentioned, it is very common for your Bowel movement to be different colors depending on the foods you eat, however if there are other symptoms that develop with the green feces such as a high fever, vomiting, drastic weight loss, or diarrhea then you may want to consult your doctor or or health care professional. These symptoms may be a sign of food poisoning. There are many serious illnesses that have the symptoms starting with green stool. Celiac disease can be indicated through green stool. This is not a life threatening disease, and usually can be treated with a gluten free diet. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a serious disease that can occur due to problems in the intestines and can also be treated with an adjustment to your diet.

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