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Laminitis is sometimes called Founder. When the laminae in the hoof of horses, ponies, and donkeys swells the animal is said to have Laminitis. Concussive forces to the hoof can cause Laminitis in horses although the disease can also result through a decrease in blood supply and flow to the laminae. This leads to ischemia, necrosis, and edema of the laminae. What causes a decrease in the flow of blood in this way is still not yet known however, a number of pathophysiologic mechanisms have been suggested.

Laminitis, irrespective of the precise cause, is a really debilitating disease that can have a very detrimental effect on the animal. For the owner it results in frustration, expense, and is demanding when it comes to treatment. Thankfully, our knowledge about the disease is expanding. With this growth in knowledge comes the possibility for effective treatment. Indeed, treatment has progressed from what it was a few short years ago. Nevertheless, much about Laminitis in horses is yet to be learned.

Some horses can be predisposed to Laminitis. Those that are fed an improper diet top the list. It has been known for some time that horses that consume too much grain and/or lush green grass rich in clover are more susceptible to developing Laminitis. Likewise, horses whose diet is changed suddenly to a diet that is high in energy are also more at risk.

Other factors that predispose horses to Laminitis include systemic illness such as:

  • Intestinal Inflammation

  • Obstructions of the Small Intestine

  • Colitis

  • Diarrhea

  • Uterine Infection

  • Septicemia

  • Toxemia

Further contributing factors include:

  • Excessive weight on one leg

  • Working unshod horses

  • Working horses on hard surfaces

  • Weight gain

  • Over trimming of hooves

  • Certain medications

What To Look For

Laminitis in horses presents hooves that are distorted in their appearance. Founder rings on the wall of the hoof will also be discernible, and they will have overgrown heels, flat soles, and long toes.

Laminitis in horses leads to lameness that can be either mild to severe. It is usually found in the front feet rather than in the back feet simply because horses support roughly sixty percent of their total body weight on their front legs. The degree or severity of the lameness is determined using Obel grades ranging from one to four. If the horse has grade one Laminitis they will be seen to alternate their weight between their front feet repeatedly. Horses that have grade two Laminitis or higher show an affected gait as they attempt to carry more weight on their back limbs.

Because of the pain associated with Laminitis in horses it is characteristic of affected horses to attempt to walk their heels and avoid pressure to the toes. They are reluctant to move around due to the pain and discomfort. Affected horses will also have a stronger arterial pulse in the front feet as well as experiencing swelling and heat.

Diagnosing Laminitis in Horses

Lateral radiographs of the affected limb are critical in making a diagnosis and for determining the prognosis of the animal.

Treating Laminitis in Horses

Successful treatment hinges a lot on discovering the cause of the Laminitis. Initially treatment can vary depending upon the causes. Treating Laminitis might involve IV Fluid Therapy, Anti-inflammatory drugs, Systemic Antimicrobials, and Mineral Oil.

The goal of treatment is to lessen or reduce the swelling in the hoof as well as to lessen the pain the animal experiences. To this end, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are administered. Another major goal in treatment is to improve or increase the blood supply to the laminae and there are a number of drugs that are used for this purpose.

Frog support is very important as part of the treatment process and this is achieved through the use of frog support devices or special shoes. It is advisable that the animal is kept in the stable and on a soft bedding of 10cm or more. If the horse has passed the initial stages of Laminitis special care of the foot will be required. Proper trimming and shoeing is.

Some biotin supplements have been known to promote and encourage faster tissue growth which is beneficial to the successful treatment of Laminitis. Because the horse is recumbent for much of each day skin abrasions and ulcers can develop. These must be addressed without delay.

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Weight loss pills offer a very tempting quick fix for losing weight. But just how effective are they? More importantly, are they safe? Your drug store shelves are filled with bottles full of promises of quick weight loss and glossy photos of super skinny models. How realistic are these claims though? When you are looking at the different brands of weight loss pills, it is important that you understand some of the more popular ingredients that make up some of the more popular supplements.

Bitter Orange

While it decreases appetite, bitter orange is considered to be an ephedra substitute meaning that it possibly brings with it many of the same health problems that ephedra does. Plus, the long term effects of using bitter orange are currently unknown.


This relatively safe supplement blocks the absorption of dietary fat, but is not a likely candidate to cause any significant weight loss. It may cause constipation, bloating and other gastrointestinal issues and its long term effects are unknown.


There is no evidence to substantiate the weight loss claims and long term use remains unstudied, but chromium does reduce body fat and builds muscle. It is relatively safe, though.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA reduces body fat while decreasing appetite while building muscle, but it can cause diarrhea, indigestion and other gastrointestinal issues. It may decrease body fat while increasing, though, but it is not likely that it will reduce your total body weight.

Country Mallow (heartleaf)

Country Mallow contains ephedra, making it possibly dangerous. It is considered to be somewhat unsafe and it is advised that it be avoided. It does, however, decrease the appetite and increase the number of calories that are burned.


It was once considered to be one of the most effective weight loss pills on the market because it so was so highly effective in decreasing the appetite, ephedra does have its downside. It can cause high blood pressure, irregularities in heart rate, sleeplessness, heart attacks, stroke, seizures and even death. It was banned from the marketplace because of health and safety concerns but has returned to the market recently.

Green Tea Extract

While the evidence of green tea's effectiveness is limited, it is touted as a metabolism booster by increasing the calorie and fat burning while decreasing the appetite. However, it can cause vomiting, indigestion, diarrhea and bloating and may contain a fairly large amount of caffeine.

Guar Gum

Guar gum is said to block the absorption of dietary fat and make you feel fuller, leading to a decrease in caloric intake. It is considered to be safe, but studies show that it is not likely to cause any weight loss. It can cause gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, flatulence and other issues.


This highly popular weight loss pill is said to decrease appetite, but there is no conclusive evidence that will support this claim.

Some diet pills do work, but it is due more in part to the healthy diet and exercise that you should follow than the diet pill itself. Only you can decide if weight loss pills are good for you and your weight loss efforts.

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If you frequently experience painful joints, and you have been searching for advice on the internet, you may well have read that one can take magnesium for joint pain. While this is to a great extent true, it is not always a viable option for everyone.

Interestingly enough, it is thought that most people do not get the optimal amount of magnesium via their diets, but at the same time, genuine magnesium deficiency is actually quite rare. Another interesting point is that when this mineral is obtained naturally through one's diet, there seem to be no upper limits, but if it is obtained by means of supplements, there is an upper limit, which if exceeded, can lead to several problems.

In a nutshell, you should never begin taking magnesium supplements without discussing it with a doctor first. Exceeding the upper tolerance level can cause diarrhea, low blood pressure, nausea, confusion, and an irregular heartbeat. Ironically, it can also cause a calcium deficiency, and of course we all know how important calcium is when it comes to one's bones.

Calcium and magnesium compete for absorption, and unfortunately, calcium is just no match. Essentially this means that if you do start taking supplements, you could find yourself requiring calcium supplements as well. In summary, you should only take magnesium for joint pain if a doctor recommends it, or at least, has given his or her approval.

There are several foods which are rich in the mineral, so if you feel you need more than you are currently getting, rather adjust your diet. There are also a number of other supplements on the market which are said to relieve joint pain. Some people find garlic capsules help, while some prefer taking fish oil supplements. Personally, I would recommend fish oil supplements over garlic supplements, simply because fish oil is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.

New Zealand green lipped mussel extract has also grown to be immensely popular amongst people suffering with painful joints. As with fish oil, green lipped mussel extract is a rich source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which means it benefits both your joints and your cardiovascular system. Another good thing about mussel extract is that it is also a good source of calcium.

If you do decide to start taking one or more supplement, you should always make a point of choosing a supplier carefully. Many supplement manufacturers use the cheapest ingredients they can find in order to make the highest possible amount of profit, and these are definitely not the sort of supplements you want to be taking.

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People suffer from different digestive tract diseases such as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are inflamed and infected blood vessels around the corner of our lower rectal area in the rear end. The rear end is the last part of the colon connected to the large intestines. Hemorrhoids can be very disturbing and distressing when left untreated. It can affect you at home, at work, and in different aspects of your daily life.

Hemorrhoids develop to about 75 percent of individuals and are increasing yearly. People who are about 40 to 50 years of age may have a 65 percent chance of developing one. The more we grow older, the greater the possibility of getting hemorrhoids. A lot should be cautious of the different aspects that may cause hemorrhoids.

Several aspects may be the cause of hemorrhoids:
1. Chronic intestinal problems, diarrhea or too much intake of laxatives or softeners
2. Straining during bowel movements can be obstructing with the normal function of the veins in the anal region.
3. Sitting on the bathroom for lengthy periods of time can cause the veins to become inflamed producing pain and itching.
4. Constipation can cause the blood vessels to be infected and fall from its regular position.
5. Deficit of fiber in the diet or poor eating habits increases the chance of getting hemorrhoids.

Practicing a mindful diet and lifestyle changes can be very helpful in the prevention of hemorrhoids. It also helps to reduce the swelling and relieves symptoms. This illness can be prevented by simple changes in our eating habits and daily routines. Mindful eating may keep hemorrhoids from getting worse and unfavorable. Eating the right food and getting the right exercise will establish a healthy bowel habit. One must avoid sitting down and standing up for extended periods of time. Heavy lifting should also be avoided for this can create extra straining on the veins.

Drinking water also helps a lot in the body. Water regulates the blood circulation and carries nutrients to cells in the bloodstream. It also removes necessary toxins and waste.

Here are answers on how to avoid and prevent hemorrhoids:

Foods for the prevention and cure of Hemorrhoids:
1. Fruits: raspberries, pears, avocado, banana, oranges, grapefruits, and other fruits rich in fiber.
2. Vegetables: spinach, broccoli, squash, green peas, and other mixed vegetables.
3. Fluids: water, fruit juice, and vegetable juice.

Foods to avoid:
1. Alcohol or processed drinks
2. White flour and refined sugars
3. Processed meat
4. Foods high in fat
5. Cakes and cookies

For healthful living, It will always be best to ask the advice and support of experts. Being conscious of one's health is very important. Start now with a mindful eating habit.

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What is a normal bowel movement?

Colour: Medium to dark brown. Bile produced by the liver and secreted by the gallbladder has a yellowish green colour that gets converted into the characteristic stool brown colour by bacteria in the gut on the way through. If stool is light or clay coloured, sometimes there is inadequate bile production or flow. If stool is yellowy it may mean that stool is passing through the digestive tract too quickly for bacteria to break the bile down and turn it brown.

Diameter: Normal stool diameter is approximately 1-2". Very narrow stool can signify inflammation in the bowels that should be addressed.

Consistency: Stool should be firm but not hard nor loose and there shouldn't be any undigested food in it. Undigested food can be from a lack of digestive enzymes, low stomach acid, or overly rapid transit time i.e. stool is passing through too quickly to be properly digested.

How often should I go?

At least once per day every day, any less than that is constipation. People in great health will sometimes have a bowel movement 2-3 times per day. Every time you eat, your entire intestinal tract will contract and release, a process referred to as peristalsis. Peristalsis moves everything in the intestinal tract along which should prompt a bowel movement.

What if there is blood when I have a bowel movement?

Constipation can often cause harder stools that are more difficult to pass. This can lead to tearing and blood. If the blood is bright red and just a bit on the toilet paper when you wipe it's probably nothing to worry about, but if it's more than that, if it persists or if it's dark in colour you should mention it to your medical doctor.

What about mucous?

Mucous is a sign of inflammation. Bowels can be inflammed by food intolerances or sensitivities, mechanical irritation or infection. In any case, chronic inflammation of the bowel is not a good thing so if you see mucous regularly, best to see your naturopathic doctor for assistance.

Should it float or sink?

The constituents of the bowel movement will determine whether it floats or sinks, it is not a reflection of whether the bowels are healthy or not.

What causes constipation?

There are a number of factors that can cause constipation:

  1. Food sensitivities/intolerances - most people have food intolerances that they aren't aware of but that do cause problems like skin rashes like acne, eczema and psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome symptoms like constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, mucous in the stool, rectal itching, rectal leaking, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, sinus congestion or recurring sinusitis, vaginal irritation not related to yeast, environmental allergies, asthma, arthritis and autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto's thyroiditis or lupus.

  2. Dehydration - water helps keep stool softer and easier to pass. Inadequate water intake will mean harder stool that's more difficult to pass. Getting at least 6-8 glasses of water per day is a pretty easy way to fix constipation problems.

  3. Dysbiosis - dysbiosis is overgrowth of unwanted organisms in the digestive tract and not enough good bacteria to keep the bowels healthy. Some people try to restore probiotics through eating yogourt, however dairy is a very common food sensitivity and there's no way of knowing how many good bacteria you are getting per serving of yogourt. I recommend use of a good quality probiotic where you know what strains of good bacteria you are getting and in exactly what quantity.

  4. Inadequate bile production or flow - the liver produces bile and the gallbladder secretes it when prompted to do so by stomach acid emptying from the stomach. Bile is a bit of an irritant to the gut which prompts contractions to move it along and get it out.

  5. Other irritants - coffee and tea can act as irritants to the bowel. For some people this helps keep their bowels more regular, although this is not a healthy way of maintaining regularity. Irritation from coffee and tea can also cause inflammation in the digestive tract that inhibits proper bowel movement.

  6. Low stomach acid - stomach acid is the trigger for bile release from the gallbladder and bile stimulates bowels to move. Heartburn, fullness after eating a small amount, burping, belching, upper abdominal bloating and difficulty digesting protein rich foods like eggs, can all be signs of low stomach acid.

  7. Inadequate magnesium intake - magnesium helps hold more water in the stool keeping it softer and easier to pass. It also helps with muscle relaxation which may allow bowels to relax and let stool through easier.

  8. Wheat bran - wheat bran is touted as being helpful for constipation and many find it does help. However because it acts to relieve constipation by irritating the bowels, regular scraping of the bowels with wheat bran is not recommended and can cause more long term damage.

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Over-the-counter medication is the first line treatment of GERD is with over the counter antacids like aluminum hydroxide (Amphojel, Maalox) or magnesium combinations include Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, Gaviscon and Riopan. Aluminum can cause constipation, and magnesium diarrhea. These compounds work by coating the stomach and provide protection against the corrosive effects of stomach acid. Ulcers need more aggressive treatment, since bleeding from ulcers can be life threatening.

The original medications for the treatment of both GERD and ulcers were the histamine-2 (H2) blockers, like cimetidine (Tagamet), ranitidine (Zantac) and famotidine (Pepcid). These worked by decreasing the amount of acid in the stomach, which promotes healing of ulcers and reduces gastric reflux. Patients with reduced kidney or liver function can develop confusion with H2 blockers. Side effects include diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, and headache. Tagamet can impair sexual function.

In 1998 AstraZenica introduced Prilosec (omeprazole), the first of a new class of medications for GERD called Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). PPIs on the market include lansoprazole (Prevacid), pantoprazole (Protonix), rabeprozale (Aciphex), esomeprazole (Nexium), and omeprazole (Prilosec). They act by blocking the H+ (hydrogen) K+ (potassium) ATPase pump in the stomach, which has the effect of decreasing acid secretion in the stomach. The PPIs have been shown to be more effective than placebo in promoting the healing of ulcers and decreasing symptoms of GERD. PPIs lead to a 33% improvement in ulcer healing compared to the older H2 blocker medication, ranitidine. The PPIs decrease acid secretion to a greater degree than H2 blockers, and are more effective in treatment, although they cost more than the older drugs because they are only available by prescription.

PPIs have a low side effect profile, with side effects in less than 5% of patients. The most common side effects are headache, diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, sore throat, and nausea. The diarrhea may be related to suppression of acid formation, which alters the natural bacteria content of the gut. Overall PPIs are fairly safe.

A review of 21 randomised controlled trials of PPIs in patients with proven peptic ulcers showed no effect on mortality, but a reduction in re-bleeding and repeat surgery of about 50%.

There is no evidence that any of the PPIs are superior to one another in efficacy or safety. Since omeprazole (Prilosec) is now available as a generic, it is the cheapest, and therefore recommended PPI.

You have probably seen the man on TV talking about the "purple pill" or Nexium (Esomeprazole magnesium). This particular purple pill is a replacement of the original purple pill, Prilosec. Both should probably be called the green pill because of all the money they have made and continue to make for the manufacturer, AstraZenica. They are both widely popular and equally effective medications. After its introduction in 1998, sales of Prilosec continued to rise year after year until it reached sales of one billion dollars a year in 1995 and peaked at 4 billion dollars a year in 2000 when it was the most popular drug in the world, as reported by National Public Radio (April 18, 2002).

In 2002 AstraZenica convened a team to assess the impact of their blockbuster Prilosec going off patent. In response to the potential revenue loss that generics would cause, they decided to take a variation of the drug (a metabolite) and put it on patent, and then marketed the new version as an improvement on the original. You see, all molecules come in one version, and an identical version that is a "mirror version" (i.e. if you held it up to a mirror it would look the same). In the case of Prilosec, it was a mixture of left and right, but it turned out that the left hand variety worked better. So the company took the left hand version and called it Nexium; they tested a higher dose of the "new" drug against the "old" drug to "prove" that it was better, and sent out an army of sales people to convince doctors that this was the case. Needless to say if you took higher doses of the older Prilosec you would get a regular dose of Nexium, the "purple pill." It was an effective campaign: by 2002 the company had weaned one in six former Prilosec users off of Prilosec and onto Nexium. At $1,500 a year it is much more expensive than the generic versions of Prilosec ($150/year). Why not just take higher doses of Prilosec - it will eventually get your Nexium fix for a lot less money.

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Rats are one of the most annoying visitors on our house that we often want to get rid off by putting baits or poisons in the area where they usually harbors. Incidentally these rat poisons could also pose great danger to our beloved cuddly best friends. Our pets can sometimes get poisoned by these rodenticides either by directly eating the bait or by eating the corpse of a poisoned rat or rodents.

Rodenticides contain warfarin and other poisonous chemicals that when ingested could lead to internal bleeding and hemorrhage. Although they are mainly designed to kill rodents, the same chemical is deadly to other animals especially to house pets. However, poisoned bait does not kills rat abruptly, it usually take few hours or days for the poison to enter their system, unfortunately during this time poisoned rats can go to different area in the house until they die, this is when our dogs or other house pets could possibly eat their corpse. The sad part is that dogs that were poisoned by rat killers do not show immediate symptoms, similar to rats, it will take hours or days before showing obvious signs such as external bleeding and blood loss, making the medication too late to save our pets.

There are ways however to determine if your dog or other pet is in danger of poisoning, you may not be able to cure them directly but knowing these symptoms can help you in determining whether your pet needs immediate professional attention before it's too late.

1. Food aversion or loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting

2. Fatigue, trembling of muscles, uncoordinated gait and difficulty in breathing

3. Bloody urine and bloody or bright green stool

4. External bruising, hair loss or coma

5. Weakness, exhaustion and inability to stand

6. Mild to severe cough, lung problems, diarrhea

7. Nose bleeding or blood in saliva

8. Gum bleeding or lung bleeding

9. Drooling, slobbering or salivating

10. Depression, despair or dejection

Sometimes the surest way to avoid dogs from rat poisoning is to keep them contained in a cage, that way they will have no chance of wandering around the corner of the house and eating decayed bodies of rodents or accidentally eating the poison designed to kill those annoying pests.

Pesticides and other harmful chemicals should also be kept locked up in a secure place that cannot be reached by dogs accidentally.

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Traditional medicine believes that "medicine and food have the same origin". In fact, many kinds of vegetables and fruits in our daily life both have the function of food and medicine. The following passage will introduce ten kinds of food for ten kinds of diseases.

First, green vegetables--visual disturbance
Green vegetables can supply enough antioxidants to your body, making your eyes free from the harms of outside environment.

Second, grapefruit--bleeding gums
Gingival inflammation is caused by the lack of vitamin C in the body. In such a case, it is helpful to eat some fruits which are rich in vitamin C, such as grapefruit, lemon, kiwi, and so on, especially grapefruit, which has the best effect.

Third, banana--limb weakness
Excessive exercise can cause fatigue. The content of potassium in the body is relatively small, so you should pay special attention to the supplementation of potassium after exercise. The ideal choice for the supplementation of potassium is to eat bananas.

Fourth, red wine--diarrhea
When you suffer from diarrhea, you can drink one or two glasses of red wine. Research has found that the effect of red wine can be compared to the diarrhea medicine sold in the drug stores.

Fifth, orange juice--high blood pressure
If the content of potassium and calcium in the diet increases, the blood pressure will naturally decrease. Orange juice is just rich in calcium, potassium and vitamin C.

Sixth, garlic--flu
If you catch a cold, you can eat some garlic, which can help to kill the cold virus in your body.

Seven, apple juice--heart disease
The latest study has found that often drinking apple juice can reduce the morbidity of heart disease. This is because the antioxidants contained in apple juice are conducive to the healthy functioning of the heart.

Eighth, tea--toothache
Tea leaves contain a large number of fluoride and polyphenol, which can prevent dental caries and strengthen the teeth. In addition, when the sugar and pectin contained in tea leaves have chemical reaction with the saliva, it can also enhance the self-cleaning ability of the mouth.

Ninth, cauliflower--cyanosis of skin
For some people, whenever there is some minor collision and injury on the skin, it will become black and blue. This is because of the lack of vitamins in the body, especially the lack of vitamin K. The best way to supplement vitamin K is to eat more broccoli.

Tenth, coffee--poor memory
Scientists point out, the caffeine contained in coffee not only can enhance human memory and increase the reading speed, but also can make the brain become clearer.

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Celebrate Carefully

At Christmas, time and Easter, we all delight to enjoy presents, rich eating and sweets. But did you know that chocolate could kill your pet? New pet owners often do not know that chocolate contains chemicals that cause undesirable and even fatal effects in dogs. Different types of chocolate, contains varying amounts of Theobromine which can lead to accidental pet poisoning.

Chocolate Keep It out Of Reach

The best course of action is to restrict your pets access to all types of chocolate, especially the dark kind. Cats normally are not as susceptible to chocolate poisoning as dogs. This is because dogs enjoy sweets just like a human. Chocolate as we all know produces a cozy feeling by releasing endorphins into our brain.

Chocolate Why It Can Kill

Theobromine, which is contained in the roasted coca bean, is a CNS stimulant. This can have various effects on your pets central nervous system. The amount of danger depends on how big or small your canine is, and how much chocolate they have ingested and the type of chocolate. Therefore, gather a good history of what has happened because your pet will likely need to immediately see a vet or go to the pet hospital.

Chocolate Poisoning Dog Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms may display as stomach upset, gastric lining irritation, vomiting or diarrhea, gastro-intestinal bleeding, restlessness and severe aggravation, dilation or enlargement of cardiac blood vessels, seizures, and possibly even death.

Act Fast to Save Your Canines Life

If you are a short distance from the vet or pet hospital, phone ahead and notify them of what happened. Follow their instructions exactly. If you live out of town, keep a good first aid kit handy. It should include Syrup of Ipecac and activated charcoal. Two life-savers easily and inexpensively obtained from your local pharmacy. Both are sold as non-prescription medicines.

Write Down Their Instructions

Get instructions from your vet, pet hospital, or an animal poison control center on how to use ipecac or activated charcoal before an emergency arises. These experts know the amount of each ingredient to administer for your dogs size and weight and they will clearly explain the rational of use. Please, write their instructions down and keep them in your canine first aid kit.

Syrup of Ipecac -- Activated Charcoal

Syrup of ipecac induces vomiting. The idea is to get the poison up and out of your dogs stomach. Activated charcoal is extremely porous and has the ability to bind with Theobromine and reduce the absorption of the poison.

Promptly Take Your Pet to the Vet

In any serious canine first aid emergency, always promptly take your pet to the vet. The effects of poisoning can temporary get worst, before first aid measures kick in and cause them to recede.

For further information please call the National Animal Poison Control Center at 1 (800) 548-2423. It is housed at the University of Illinois and is non-profit.

Hopefully your dog will never suffer from chocolate or theobromine poisoning.

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Have you fallen victim to the stomach flu or any other nasty stomach virus? As the weather changes we are sometimes faced with new health challenges such as Staph aureus or E.coli food poisoning, Rotavirus infections or just plain bloating and indigestion from one too many summer parties. One of the most common symptoms of stomach upset is diarrhea. Occasional bouts of diarrhea while not something to be too concerned about are sure to cause great discomfort and sometimes plain outright misery. Instead of reaching for the bottle of Pepto-Bismol, why not try some great natural remedies that can help you shorten stomach upset and diarrhea?

Kefir. King of probiotics, kefir is number one on the list of natural remedies because of its many health benefits. It is a yogurt like drink with a slightly lower PH due to its high numbers of fermenting bacteria. It is especially beneficial in restoring gastrointestinal health by supplying your gut with healthful bacteria that will help you bring back your normal flora. Kefir is available at specialty food stores. I recommend getting your own kefir grains from a trusted supplier and making it at home. It's a very simple easy to learn process that will provide you with a great weapon to fight viruses and bacteria that can wreck havoc on your gastrointestinal health. Kefir can shorten a bout of diarrhea from a couple of days to just a few hours.

Ginger is known for relieving nausea and vomiting as well as diarrhea. Research shows that certain constituents of ginger relieve stomach cramps and spasms by stimulating stomach activity. Fresh ginger root tea can improve resistance to viral infections such as the stomach flu. Ginger tea combines well with other stomach remedies such as cinnamon, and licorice.

Chamomile This versatile great tasting tea is known for relieving digestive and inflammatory conditions. It can be safely taken by children and even babies. Chamomile soothes colic pain and stomach acidity associated with diarrhea. If taste is a problem honey can be added for sweetness. Besides regular tea bags chamomiles flowers can also be purchased and infused for about ten minutes before drinking.

Raspberry leaf. Another wonderful antidiarrheal raspberry leaf aids in the relief of severe cramps caused by the viral release of toxins. Raspberry leaves are rich in calcium and iron and help with the loss of electrolytes during a bout of diarrhea by replenishing your phosphorous and manganese as well as vitamins A, B, C and D.

Aloe. Just as versatile as Chamomile, Aloe is known mostly for its healing properties in the treatment of burns and skin rashes. What a lot of people don't know is that Aloe gel it is also useful for treating heartburn, abdominal discomfort, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea. Some of the latest research shows that Aloe vera positively stimulates the immune system and it should only be taken internally in its gel form under the advice of a professional herbalist or Naturopathic doctor. Most commonly for internal consumption, Aloe is found in the form of juice. To relieve gastrointestinal discomfort try drinking a couple of ounces a day with a meal.

Licorice is highly beneficial to the entire gastrointestinal tract. It cleanses the colon, supports the liver and has a long history of successful use in the treatment of gastric and peptic ulcers. By increasing the mucosal lining of the intestines it helps protect against increased acid production during a bout of diarrhea. The most common form found in many markets today is DGL where one of the components of licorice called glycyrrhetic acid has been taken out to eliminate its potential for causing high blood pressure.

Finally, you should watch what you eat when you have diarrhea. Your best bet is to eat simple food with little or no seasoning. When in doubt follow the B.R.A.T. diet. B stands for boiled potatoes, R stands for rice, not fried rice just plain white rice, A stands for apples, preferably green apples, and T stands for Toast. If your symptoms last for more than two days you can add skinless boiled chicken, pretzels or soda crackers to your diet. To avoid dehydration, drink beverages that are electrolyte rich like liquid minerals or Gatorade.

Of course if your diarrhea persists for more than a few days and you suspect an infection such as in the case of bloody stools, consult a physician immediately.

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Hm mm, you may be one of those people that do not like drinking tea so are considering taking green tea capsules instead. You may be wondering what the benefits of green tea extract are and if they are the same as the actual beverage? Okay, so let`s look at 5 benefits of this wonderful extract.

The tea I am talking about is the non fermented product from the camellia sinensis plant. The same plant, when the leaves are fermented provides oolong and black tea but the health benefits are reduced due to the fermentation. The leaves in green tea are steamed so that the healing components remain.

Compounds in green tea such as gallic acid, epigallocatechin gallate, epigallocatechin, epicatechin gallate and epicatechin are thought to be the reason for the many benefits it contains.

  • This extract is thought to reduce cholesterol levels to a more acceptable level reducing the possibility of heart disease. Most of us these days tend to have higher cholesterol levels than what is healthy for us.

  • Stomach disorders are also reduced. Also helps prevent headaches, vomiting and diarrhea. An easy way to help prevent these problems if you are susceptible to any of them.

  • Green tea capsules contain antibacterial properties that are thought to reduce the bacteria that causes dental plaque. Reduced dental plaque helps reduce the number of dental cavities.

  • Weight loss is another benefit. This is effective in combination with other products. The extract is thought to increase the effect of calorie burning.

  • Another benefit includes sun damage and cancer from sunburn or any other environmental cause. This is probably due to the high antioxidant content such as EGCG. It also helps other solid tumor types of cancer.

Now that you know at least at least 5 benefits of green tea extract you might like to consider taking the extract in synergy with other quality products rather than just the green tea capsules to give you all the above benefits plus many,many more to achieve total balance and vitality.

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Every day thousands of families adopt dogs into their households for personal safety, companionship, and love. Some dogs may be considered house or apartment pets, but an overwhelming amount of dogs are outdoor pets, allowed to roam freely in their owner's backyard, playing with toys that are inadvertently thrown over the fence by the neighbor's children and rolling around in their own feces.

While completing an inventory of items people find in their backyard most may come across baseballs, volleyballs, frisbees, mushrooms, fire ants nests and loads of dog feces. Items such as these are not healthy for your family dog and even worse for your kids. Unhealthy outdoor environments causes stomach ailments and other health complications in dogs, easily contributing to an increase of avoidable veterinarian visits.

Dog waste contains many parasites and diseases. When it rains, left over waste particles runs into streams and rivers as runoff. In addition to worms and protozoa, pet waste also contains fecal coliform bacteria. This group of bacteria includes the specific bacteria E. Coli (Escherichia coli)that can cause serious illness and even death to people who ingest contaminated water. There is a direct correlation between bacteria concentrations and gastrointestinal illness. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) government's findings, a single gram of dog feces can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria, which are known to cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal illness, and serious kidney disorders in humans if left untreated.

Here are steps that you can follow to keep a clean dog-friendly backyard:

1. Pick up all debris such as pieces of wood that your dog may choke on, putting them in a bag or around plants that your dog can't get to.

2. Pick up all toys and putting them in a plastic bag away from your pets reach for when the neighbor returns to claim the toys.

3. Pick up as much dog feces as possible, some feces might not be completely solid so it can sometime be futile but get as much as possible. If you don't like picking up feces like the rest of us, use a rake, a shovel and a heavy-duty plastic bag.

4. Find organic or natural alternatives to control fire ants.

5. Find organic or natural alternatives to control feces related diseases.

There are new organic alternatives to control fungus and E. coli related to dog feces. These alternatives are a part of the nations ever growing going green movement. Just do a little research.

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Do you have to take synthetic or bio-identical estrogen to mask menopause symptoms? Then you should know that the side effects, such as breast swelling and uterine bleeding, bother many menopause women daily who take estrogen.

Estrogen was listed as one of the most potent chemical carcinogens in a biology textbook (Levine & Miller, 1994). Estrogen is a reproductive hormone, so most of its functioning sites are in the breasts and the uterus. No wonder all hormone treatments for menopause cause breast swelling and uterine bleeding. No wonder your doctor has to screen for cancers with mammograms and Pap smears routinely during your menopause treatment.

Good news for menopause women who are taking hormones: "Green tea is the single best cancer fighter." said a director at a cancer prevention center in New York. Green tea has 20 times more free-radical fighting power than vitamin E and 200 times more than vitamin C. Nature packs green tea with EGCG, a great antioxidant which shows impressive activity against many kinds of cancer. Studies found that EGCG inhibits a key enzyme for cancer development.

EGCG is one class of a larger group of protective phyto-chemicals. Phyto-chemicals are natural chemicals widely distributed in plants. That is why eating more fruits and vegetables, in whatever form, is a great way to prevent cancers.

Extracts of green tea have been shown to prevent cancer in animals, and recently similar claims have been made about black tea. All true tea comes from the same plant species (Camellia sinensis), such as black tea, pu-erh tea, and oolong- tea, so they should contain the same amount of EGCG. However, herbal teas, such as peppermint, are not true tea, because they are made from different plants, so they do not contain as much EGCG as real tea.

You need to drink four cups of green tea daily to get the optimal dose of EGCG. Pour boiling water over tea leaves and let it steep for 5 minutes. To get the most antioxidant benefit, don't add milk or sugar, and drink the tea immediately.

While the average American drinks 10 servings of green tea per year, the average Chinese drinks 150 servings per year. Although coffee increases heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, headache, irritability, diarrhea and frequent urination, so far, no negative effects have been reported on tea.

As Rome was not built in a day, cancer is not developed in a day. By the time you are diagnosed, the cancer has been in your body for 10 years. While you are taking estrogen to mask your menopause symptoms for years, estrogen stimulates your breasts and uterus everyday. Mammograms and Pap smears are only passive ways to prevent cancers.

Drinking tea is your daily anticancer weapon. It prevents cancer seeds from germinating and growing in your body. When the cancer is diagnosed, it has grown into a big cancer tree. The goal of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is to destroy the cancer tree, and obviously it is the last straw to save your life. Cancer risks increase as we age. Menopause women are especially susceptible to cancers while taking estrogen. Green tea is a great antidote to the cancer-causing effect by synthetic or bio-identical estrogen.

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The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped sac on the underside of the liver, on the right side of the abdomen that holds approximately one half cup of yellowish-green fluid called bile. The liver produces liquid bile and it then moves it into the gallbladder where it becomes 4-12 times more concentrated than it was in the liver.

Approximately 700,000 people in the United States had their gallbladders taken out last year. The number of these surgeries has increased in the decades since laparoscopy was introduced. Because of the popularity of laparoscopic surgeries, many people believe that gallbladder removal surgery is simple and safe. Though the procedure is not particularly risky, complications after surgery occur on regular a basis.

Doctors refer to these complications as post-cholecystectomy syndrome (PCS). Cholecystectomy is the removal of the gallbladder and syndrome refers to the group of symptoms that can result after a cholecystectomy. PCS may occur even after a surgery that is performed by a brilliant surgeon with perfect surgical technique who has performed a surgery without complications.

Uncertain diagnosis and emergency surgery are risk factors for developing future complications. In most cases, the longer the symptoms have lasted before the surgery, the greater the risk of developing problems. If the cholecystectomy is performed to treat gallstones, approximately 20-29% of patients develop PCS. Younger patients have an increased possibility of developing PCS.

The deciding factor for gallbladder removal is the presence of gallstones and severe inflammation. Surgery can remove the gallbladder but surgery alone cannot eliminate all of the actual causes of the stones and inflammation. Also, removal of the gallbladder causes additional problems for digestion, proper work of the pancreas, liver, and colon.
What are essential functions of the gallbladder, and why it is important to have a healthy gallbladder?

• The most important function of bile is that together with pancreatic enzymes it helps the body digest fats. When semi-digested food moves from the stomach into the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum) it is the signal for the gallbladder to contract. Large amounts of the concentrated bile releases through the bile ducts into the duodenum for digestion of fatty foods.

• Bile aids in removing harmful fat-soluble toxins, heavy metals, pigments, bile acids and cholesterol from the body.

• Concentrated gallbladder bile has antimicrobial properties that help to keep the duodenum from harmful invaders such as bad bacteria, parasites, and yeasts.

• In a perfect and normal state, alkaline bile neutralizes acidity and creates the most positive condition for the pancreatic enzymes to digest food.

• The gallbladder also serves as a buffer reservoir to prevent high pressure in the bile and pancreatic ducts.

• Bile from the gallbladder stimulates the peristaltic movement of the intestines.

• Concentrated gallbladder bile aids in digestion and assimilation of the fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K.

Once the gallbladder has been removed, all these functions are diminished or impaired. Improperly digested food is collected in the small intestine where it harbors an overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeasts. This causes constant fermentation of food, which creates gas and irritation of the small intestine. Indigested food spoils inside the GI-tract while the body struggles to get rid of this toxic material.

Our body has only two openings for this: either the mouth or the anus. Therefore, in an attempt to throw out poisons through the mouth, one suffers from belching, heartburn, nausea and vomiting. As undigested food moves through the intestinal tract diarrhea, constipation and lower abdominal pain occur. Doctors call this condition Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth.

With no gallbladder to collect the acidic bile from the liver bile constantly leaks into the intestine, even when no food is present. It irritates the linings of the duodenum creating spasmodic contractions of the intestinal walls which leads to "wrong way traffic" - refluxes. The corroded, aggressive mix of bile and pancreatic enzymes flows into the stomach causing heartburn, inflammation and ulcers. When these aggressive bile acids from the liver move down into the colon it causes diarrhea, colon inflammation, or even colon cancer.

This resulting indigestion leads to inner toxicity and deficiency of the vital nutrients with psychosomatic symptoms such as depression, anxiety, low tolerance to pain or IBS, fibromyalgia, food sensitivity and food allergies.

This variety of problems and symptoms require a range of treatments. Once a gallbladder has been removed, a number of drug-free, non-surgical alternative approaches can be very beneficial in reducing the consequences of gallbladder removal.

The goal is to reduce the body's acidity, lessen cramps and pains, improve the quality and quantity of the liver bile, decrease inner toxicity, restore proper digestion, replace nutritional deficiencies, etc.

Healing Treatments

It is important that a person suffering from gallbladder problems eat a healthy diet of alkaline organic foods, eats often, and in small portions. Many persons who have had gallbladder surgery have a problem with the digestion of fatty foods. Undigested fats cause oily, liquid, foul-smelling stools. For that reason, trans-fats, animal fat and fried foods should be avoided.

People without a gallbladder often suffer from food sensitivity and food allergies that require a restricted diet, especially during attacks. Keep away from alcohol, white flour, sugars, sodas, and spicy food. Drinking 8-12 glasses of water daily thins the bile, flushes out the toxins and decreases the whole body's acidity. Drinking clean and purified water, fresh diluted vegetable juices and blends, herbal teas and healing mineral water is recommended.

Healing mineral water has a long tradition throughout the globe including Europe, Israel, China, and Japan. Yet despite its popularity among people in Europe, this kind of healing is basically unknown in the United States and Canada. The most popular drinking healing mineral water is from Karlovy Vary - one of the most famous spas in Europe. The Czech town of Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) has been an eminent worldwide healing resort since the 1700s.

Demand for this water was high, so Czech doctors began to manufacture the salt from the evaporated thermal spring water. European doctors have used Karlovy Vary mineral water for healing people after gallbladder surgery for more than 100 years. Since then, hundreds of clinical texts and articles have been published, illustrating the healing effects of the water prepared from Karlovy Vary spring salt on both animals and humans without gallbladders.

Karlovy Vary healing mineral water lessens digestive disorders, strengthens the digestive system, normalizes the acid-alkaline balance, and helps with the proper metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Its most important action is the improvement of liver function by increasing the production and flow of bile, promoting peristalsis of the intestines, and preventing stagnation of food in the digestive tract.

Another alternative approach for post-cholecystectomy syndrome is acupuncture. Two thousand years ago doctors in the Orient knew about the importance of the gallbladder. From the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) standpoint, the functions of the Gallbladder are that it:

Stores and excretes bile
Governs decision making
Controls sinews
Effects dreams
Works in conjunction with the liver

According to TCM, the liver and the gallbladder both play an essential role in the smooth flow of Qi (energy) throughout the body. In order to have a healthy life, which is a function of the liver, one needs good decision-making skills, which is a function of the gallbladder.

Many scientific articles about the normalizing action of acupuncture after the post-cholecystectomy syndrome have been published in recent years. Acupuncture can help alleviate abdominal pain and various symptoms such as nausea, heartburn, belching, diarrhea, low mood and energy, insomnia, fibromyalgia, etc.

Other alternative medicine approaches for post-cholecystectomy syndrome may include herbs, nutritional supplements, probiotics, colon hydrotherapy, medical hypnosis and more.


So, you have had gallbladder surgery - your gallbladder is gone. Now is the time to educate yourself in improving your health and eating healthier. Following the suggestions above can help you to alleviate the side effects of gallbladder removal.

The information on this article is presented for educational, informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional.

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Horses and dogs go together like bread and butter. However, there are some safety concerns to consider when the two are together.

Horses (equine) are prey animals. A horse will run or kick when startled. A dog (canine) is a predator. The predator has the psychological "upper hand" over the prey when the two meet. Even though dogs are domesticated and will rarely show aggression toward a horse causing it to flee, the instincts are "hard-wired" into each animal. Here a few tips to keep both your dog and your horse safe at the barn or on the trail.

  1. Always have your dog on a short leash when introducing your dog to a horse. Mendota offers a full line of leather dog collars and leashes that will appeal to any equestrian.

  2. Never hold your dog up to a horse's face. You will run the risk of one or both of them biting. A bite from a horse will send you and your dog straight to the veterinarian.

  3. Use caution when walking your dog around horses. Your dog should always be on leash. Horses can move quickly, in any direction, when startled (spooked). If you do not know the horse, assume it will startle easily. The risk you have when walking your dog around horses is they may get stepped on. An average horse weighs 900-1200 pounds. Even a pony weighs over 500 pounds. You get the idea.

  4. Don't let your dog eat horse poop (road apples). Horse poop may contain unwanted parasites and insect larvae. The result may be diarrhea and vomiting. If your dog needs a healthy treat, give her a Zuke's Mini Natural treat.

  5. Don't let your dog eat horse hoof trimmings. Dogs can't digest a horse's hoof and will throw it up. Don't confuse a freshly trimmed horse's hoof with the processed hoof chews sold at pet stores. A trimmed horse hoof will contain dirt, debris and horse urine. A safe and healthy dog chew or bone from Merrick is a much better alternative.

  6. Don't let your dog run around, off leash, in an arena or pasture when the horses are occupying that space. Chances are the dog will give chase. These areas may appear inviting to you and your dog since the spaces are large and fenced in, but it's not safe for either animal. The horse may feel threaten and attempt to jump the fence or just run through it. Or the horse will feel trapped and decide to fight back by kicking. If you have a herding breed, the dog may choose to drive the horse by nipping the horse in the hind tendon area. If the horse kicks, the dog gets severely injured. If the dog does more than nip, the horse can get injured.

  7. Always keep your dog on leash when visiting a stable. Horse stables (Equestrian Centers) are busy places. Not only are there horses and people actively moving about but you will also find cars, trucks, trailers and tractors coming and going. Preston offers a full line of matching collars, harnesses and leashes to keep your dog safe and stylish. Be smart and keep your dog out of harm's way.

  8. Keeping your dog on leash will also keep others who are riding or walking their horses safe. Riders and handlers can get injured if your loose dog spooks their horse. You must always respect the horse and rider.

These tips apply to both novice and experienced horse and dog owners. Horses and dogs are a beautiful combination when the humans are in control of the interaction. There is no reason this can't be a safe and harmonious relationship for all.

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Diarrhea is one of the most common causes of death among children in The United States. Studies have revealed that 3 out of 10 children are being brought to the hospital due to dehydration which has developed because of diarrhea. This goes to show that a simple reason like diarrhea can cause a child's death when in fact it is pretty much avoidable. Now in order to prevent such dreadful event, you have to know at least a few causes, symptoms, remedies and prevention measures in dealing with diarrhea; most especially among children.

Diarrhea refers to excessive loss of water and electrolytes that occurs with passage of unformed stools. It is a symptom of many conditions and may be caused by many diseases. Organisms causing diarrhea in infants and young children would include bacteria such as Salmonella, Shigella and Yersinia to name a few; and would also include viruses such as adenoviruses, human reovirus-like agent, and rotaviruses. It would also include a few fungus and parasites such as Candida and Giardia. Diarrhea may also result from other disorders as celiac disease; food allergies; mechanical obstruction; and congenital anomalies.

Keep in mind that it is harder to figure out if a child has diarrhea or not compared to adults. Such matter is even more crucial in infants. Now let me share to you some symptoms to watch out for in children or infants having diarrhea.

1. Loose and fluid consistency stools that are greenish or yellow-green color and may contain mucus, pus, or blood. Frequency varies from 2 to 20 per day. Stools are expelled with force and may be preceded by pain.

2. General appearance indicates dehydration in severe cases such as little to extreme loss of subcutaneous fat; up to 50% total body weight loss; poor skin turgor and dry skin; pallor; and sunken fontanelles and eyes.

3. Low grade fever to 41.1 degrees Celsius (106 degrees Farenheight), anorexia and vomiting may occur.

4. Behavioral changes are noted such as crying or legs drawn up to abdomen usually indicates pain; irritability and restlessness; weakness; extreme prostration; stupor and convulsions; and flaccidity.

If one or more of these symptoms are noted in your child then you have to consult your doctor for immediate intervention. But you can also do some measures to help rehydrate your child. You can give oral rehydration solution or Oresol based on number of stools. You just have to mix salt and sugar on warm water and have it drink by your child. Oresol is still the best home remedy you can do to fight diarrhea and prevent further dehydration.

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Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are different conditions of the inflammatory bowel syndrome. Since the colon is affected, the diseases need healthy diets to accompany medicines and treatment.

Both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are forms of inflammatory and irritable bowel syndrome. The difference between the two conditions is little and it is indeed difficult to understand the difference. Though the treatments for the two are dissimilar, both the diseases share the same symptoms and need similar diet recommendations.

Since the diseases take into account irritable bowel syndrome and colon is affected in both cases, the diets should be healthy. If you are suffering from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, pay heed to the following aspects:
- Increase your fluid intake to keep your body hydrated. Normally, with any of the irritable bowel syndrome thus mentioned, you must drink eight to ten glasses of fluid everyday. This will further help calm down inflamed colon and to prevent constipation. Drink vegetable juices along with your daily dose of water.
- Eat small frequent meals. Eat a high-protein diet. Taking lean meat and fish can be helpful.
- Do not take in caffeine and alcohol.
- Do not eat foods that encourage production of gases. For instance, keep away from dried peas, cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli and lentils.
- You must limit your fat intake while you are down with irritable bowel syndrome. Food rich in fats may result in diarrhea.
- It is advised that you keep away from dairy products.

Whether you suffer from ulcerative colitis or from Crohn's disease, it is advised that you follow a low-fiber diet when you experience a flare-up. A low-fiber diet would include:
- Plain cereals
- Refined pasta, noodles and white rice
- Refined white bread, muffins and buns
- Fruit juices and vegetable juices
- Vegetables like beets, peeled potatoes, beans, cucumbers, lettuce and carrots

The following items must be eliminated from your low-fiber diet chart:
- Whole grains
- Prune juice
- Raw and dried fruits(like berries and raisins)
- Nuts and seeds

When the irritable bowel syndrome is under control, it is recommended that you switch over to a high-fiber diet. Since the colon is affected in both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the diet needs special attention. A proper diet restores health along with medicines and treatment. A high-fiber diet would include:
- Whole grain breads, muffins and buns
- Whole wheat pasta
- Whole grains like brown rice and corns
- Cooked cereals
- Dried fruits like raisins, apricots and dates
- Berries
- Fruits like apples, mangoes, kiwis and oranges
- Green and leafy vegetables
- Nuts and seeds

As a victim of ulcerative colitis or from Crohn's disease, you might find the following tips helpful in controlling irritable bowel syndrome:
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Avoid food that has high fat content.
- Eat six small meals instead of three large meals.
- Drink lots of fluids.
- Learn to deal with stress.

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We all love our pets and want to make sure that we do nothing out of stupidity to hurt them...yet thousands of pets are hospitalized every year for problems caused by their owners feeding them table scraps.

The extremely conservative point of view is to not feed our pets anything other than a diet prescribed by our veterinarian. As responsible pet owners we need to be aware that some cats and dogs simply cannot digest anything other than a prescribed diet. If your veterinarian suggests such a restricted diet, then just "say no" to table scraps. Why torment your pet allowing a table scrap now and then only to discontinue the practice when the pet gets sick?

The extremely liberal point of view is to feed our pets anything that we ourselves would eat. Now, that may be a very bad idea and here is why:

Alcohol - Ingesting alcohol can cause a drop in blood sugar, blood pressure and body temperature and can result in seizures and respiratory distress. And be aware that your pet's temperament can change, often to the negative. A friend had a St. Bernard that loved to drink beer! He would become aggressive towards children and other pets. Just say NO to alcohol!

Broths - Beef or chicken broth are a great source of nutrition, but be careful of the high salt content. I once had a dog that was fed his dry dog food in a bowl of beef broth every day and he lived to be 19 years of age!

Caffeine - Often found in diet pills, coffee, tea and energy drinks, caffeine can adversely affect the heart, stomach, intestines and nervous system.

Carrots - My West Highland Terriers love to chew carrots. But be careful not to give your pet a piece that due to it's size, is easily caught in their throat. I sit on the fence on this table scrap. If there is any chance of your pet choking on a piece of carrot (some dogs just "wolf down" their food) then don't feed them carrots. The risk is not worth the reward.

Chocolate - The chemical theobromine is found in cocoa and chocolate. Fed to our pets in small amounts, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In concentrated amounts theobromine can cause disruption of the central nervous system (epileptic seizures), stimulate cardiac activity (heart attacks) and increase blood pressure (internal bleeding). Caffeine is also found in chocolate and can adversely affect the heart, stomach, intestines and of course the nervous system.

Cooked bones - You never know what bone is going to splinter when chewed by your pet, resulting in sharp pieces of bone being ingested and getting stuck in your pet's intestine. Death from a punctured intestine is a very painful way to go. Do not feed cooked or raw animal bones, especially chicken or turkey bones. Follow your veterinarian's advice on allowing beef bones.

Corn on the cob - Never! The risk of intestinal obstruction causing a serious and sometimes fatal medical condition is just too high. Salt, commonly added to corn on the cob to enhance our flavor experience, is not good for your pet. Corn is known to cause allergic symptoms in humans, and may also cause intestinal distress in pets.

Cottage cheese and yogurt - A real healthy treat might be a spoonful of cottage cheese or yogurt. The yogurt, containing live bacteria cultures, may assist your pet's digestive processes. Exercise caution if your pet shows signs of lactose intolerance, upset stomach, nausea or diarrhea.

Fatty foods - Miniature Schnauzers and Shetland Sheep Dogs are especially prone to vomiting, diarrhea and pancreatitis after consuming fatty foods. Thanksgiving gravy is a common culprit. Don't pour gravy over your dog's food; use a low salt bullion broth instead.

Grapes and raisins - The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center advises to never give your pet grapes or raisins. Mainly affecting dogs, various studies show differing amount of toxicity from ingesting grapes or raisins. Don't give your pet wine!

Green beans - My sister's veterinarian suggested adding green beans to the diet of her Welsh Corgi. He absolutely loves the taste and texture from green beans and consumes one-half of his daily fiber in the form of green beans. He has lost weight as a result!

Green tomatoes & potatoes - I can't imagine any pet wanting to consume these, but put them on your list of not to feed to your pets.

Junk food - No chips, fries, candy, jerky or Twinkies!

Macadamia nuts - Found in cookies and candies, these nuts can cause loss of muscle control when ingested in even small amounts.

Milk - Adult cats fed a wholesome and nutritious diet do not need milk. Some cats and dogs may be lactose intolerant, a condition where milk products upset the stomach and may cause cramps and gas. If you do feed your cat milk, opt for the milk higher in fat, which has less lactose. I permit my two West Highland Terriers to lick my breakfast bowl clean of cereal and milk, and they seem to get along just fine. Remember, everything in moderation is a good rule.

Onions and garlic - Be careful of the powdered version likely found in gravies and such, as it may cause mild stomach upsets or nausea.

Walnuts - Can be found in cookies often fed to dogs by well intentioned children.

Watermelon - I know that I can share "unsalted" watermelon with my two West Highland Terriers and that they appreciate the dietary supplement adding fiber to their diet. Just don't feed them so much as to cause intestinal distress or diarrhea.

Your pet depends on you to provide a healthy, safe and nutritious diet free from dangers that are discussed here. My advice is to always consult your veterinarian with your questions regarding pet diet and nutrition.

And remember, the very best pet health insurance is often the watchfulness of you, the pet owner.

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With the wide range of pots and pans to choose from, buying one is no simple task. Comparing aesthetics, durability, maintenance as well as value-for-money and your budget, is not enough nowadays. With everyone being very health conscious and more knowledgeable about health matters, modern cooks would like to know what type of materials their cookware is made of and whether it will affect their health. How safe are stainless steel cookware, cast-iron or the non-stick cookware, or even the hard-anodized non-stick cookware? Will the materials leach into the food while cooking and affect our health?

Aluminum is lightweight, a good conductor of heat and is not expensive. However the disadvantage is that, heat as well as acid. will react with the metal and you might find traces of aluminum leached into your food, especially during slow simmering of food. If you possess aluminum pots, then just make sure not to use them to cook highly acidic or salty food, such as tomatoes or sauerkraut, for long periods at a time. Storing cooked food in aluminum pots, especially worn or pitted ones, is also not encouraged as aluminum can still leach into the food. However, according to the United States Department of Health And Human Service, very little aluminum is actually absorbed into your body from aluminum cooking utensils.

Aluminum cookware which has been treated, resulting in a layer of aluminum oxide on its surface, is popularly known as hard-anodized cookware. This type of cookware is durable, non-stick, resistance to scratches, and will not react with food during cooking. It conducts heat well and is even more durable than stainless steel cookware, but it can be expensive.

Copper is a good conductor of heat and can easily adapt to temperature changes. Meals that need precise temperature control, cook best in copper cookware. Copper cookware comes with a thin layer of tin or stainless steel coating on its surface, to prevent copper leaching into the food. Nickel is sometimes used as a coating material and can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to this metal. Copper taken in large amounts can be dangerous to our health.

The stainless steel lining can last the lifetime of the cookware but the tin lining will need to be renewed regularly, as it can be worn away through prolonged usage and high heat. Acidic food stored for long periods of time in copper cookware, may result in traces of the lining metal leaching into the food. This may cause nausea and diarrhea. Besides being difficult to use due to its heavy weight, they are also costly and need to be polished regularly, not only to maintain its glowing surface, but also to remove toxic verdigris deposits on its surface. Scouring will cause scratches.

Cast iron cookware is best used for slow cooking of food as it cooks slowly and evenly. Maintenance is not easy as it is heavy and rust easily, if not properly and thoroughly dried after using. Iron leaches into food during cooking, causing an unpleasant taste, and is not recommended at all for those suffering from hemochromatosis (someone who has a tendency to accumulate iron in the blood.) To create a non-stick surface for your iron cookware, season it with vegetable oil, and place in oven for a few minutes.

Enamel-coated, glass and ceramic ware might appeal to those who are concerned about metal contamination from their cookware. Enamel is actually a substance made of glass, is inert and does not react with food. Most of the health concerns are related to its minor components used in their manufacture or design, among which is lead.

Glass ceramic ware, although a poor heat conductor, can retain heat very well. It is safe for use in the microwave and has no problem withstanding extreme changes in temperature. Glazed ceramic cookware, with its smooth finish, is easy to clean and if manufactured following strict and effective production controls, can prevent leaking of lead onto food. It can be heated to a fairly high temperature. If storing food in ceramic ware results in chalky gray residue on the glaze, then this shows inferior quality and it is better not to use it for further cooking purposes, to avoid taking in lead together with the food.

Stainless steel cookware are highly popular due to their durability and low maintenance. Leaching of nickel and chromium from stainless cookware is not at an alarming unhealthy level. At the most, nickel might cause some allergic reactions to those with such an allergy.

Non-stick and Teflon-coated cookware are easy to clean and needs little oil for cooking, appealing to the health-conscious. The disadvantage is that it scratches and damages easily, especially if used with metal tools with sharp edges. The coatings may peel off after heavy use, ending up in the food and then your stomach. If an empty non-stick pan is heated to a high temperature of 350 degrees C or 650 degrees F, poisonous fumes might be released from the coating.

The latest addition to the non-stick cookware family is the eco-friendly, green non-stick cookware. This type of cookware comes with a non-stick surface that is free from toxic chemicals and uses more recycled materials, such as the stay-cool riveted stainless-steel handles made from 70-percent recycled stainless steel of the Cuisinart greenware set.

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We always keep listening from some or the other person about the importance of vitamins. But do we know what exactly the vitamins are? Or what is the role of these minerals in our body? These are the organic substances which are not synthesized in the body but can be acquired from an outer source. They are found in the foods we consume. So it is very essential to include green vegetables and fruits in the daily diet so that we get all the essential minerals which are required.

There are two types of these minerals, one is water soluble and the other is fat soluble. Water soluble is acquired from food and is not compounded in the body. It gets destroyed if the food is overcooked. These minerals are usually lost when the food finally reaches on our plate. This is due to excessive use of harsh chemicals to preserve them.

The fat soluble mineral, as the name indicates they are soluble in fat. They are absorbed in the body from intestinal tract. Once these are absorbed, the body accumulates them in body fat. When we need them, our body takes them out of storage to be used. Excess consumption of these minerals leads to irritability, weight loss, dry itchy skin in children and nausea, headache, diarrhea in adults.

This organic component is very important for our balanced diet. Our body cannot manufacture it on its own, thus it is consumed in the form of food. Deficiency of these compounds invites many health problems and diseases. The body's metabolism is dependent on these compounds as on carbohydrates, fats, minerals and other basic components of a complete diet.

There are thirteen types of these minerals. Each one has its own value and functions. Each type is present in different vegetables and fruits. Thus to supply our body with each of these minerals we need to eat different foods to get an assortment of these compounds.

These are necessary for the normal growth and development of the body. Deficiency of this can cause severe problems. While deficiency can lead to diseases, over dose also affect the body seriously. High dosages cause side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. The amount of minerals we need is very small and can be attained with daily food.

However if the daily food does not provide enough supply of this minerals then we can also opt for supplements which are a good substitute of these minerals. Supplements can also have other health benefits. Like Vit C is known to prevent common cold. It can be taken in form of pill or is found in fruits such as oranges. If we have a cold Vit C can also help to alleviate the symptoms.

The best way to ensure that we are getting sufficient intake of this mineral is to keep a check on our diet.

A balanced diet provides each mineral that is required by our body. Before taking any supplements it is advisable to consult the physician.

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