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It is important that you learn about green lipped mussel side effects before you take the product. Nowadays, many of us are already on some kind of medicines or supplements. Therefore it became imperative that we learn about all potential harm before it is too late.

People with Stomach Issues
It is known that, in small chances, that people may be more prone to getting gastro-intestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, flatulence, nausea when they take green lipped mussel supplements. If this is you and you really wanted to get the benefits of this supplement, you could try taking it after you had a proper meal.

Another thing to check is how is the product being made, if there is any additive being added. To some people's dismay, if you are taking a stabilized product, you may wish to think again. Why? Because the word stabilization actually means the practice of adding chemical preservatives to the mussels before they get converted into a powder form. Thus, you may be getting irritated stomach reaction from the chemical preservatives rather than the green lipped mussel itself.

Always look for a 100% natural and more effective mussel powder where possible.

Temporary Worsening of Arthritic Pain
It was noted by 3 studies that when you first get on to the product you may find your pain getting worse. But as the studies continue, the pain started to go away. I like to compare it alike to the detox reaction sometimes you get when your body started to have the nutrients it need to work right.

People with Known Shellfish Allergy
If you have shellfish allergy, then green lipped mussel is not for you. Don't risk it, as the substance is very akin to shellfish. And if you are allergic to one, you'd very likely to be allergic to the other. That's why it is always wise to consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any supplements. It doesn't matter whether it is 100% natural, you would never know the hidden danger.

Distinct Marine Smell
I wouldn't really call this a side effect, however, to people who are not familiar with seafood and its distinct odor, you may find this product smell too strong. Yet if the product is indeed manufactured while the shellfish is most fresh, it will almost always smell.

Other Possible Side Effects
This happens very rarely to anyone who is taking anything new for the very first time. That is, your body may not be able to process or recognize the substance and start having an allergic reaction to it. The signs and symptoms to look for are: itching, swelling or rash on any part of the skin, tightening of the chest, or unable to breathe normally.

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There are various natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. These natural solutions could prove to be effective in alleviating pain, cramps, bloating and diarrhea.

More and more patients suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are now going the natural way to bring their situation under control. Natural solutions are mainly preferred to avoid the side effects caused by conventional medicines. Natural remedies are known for their safety and you feel in greater control without any worry about surgery. You also need not worry about the nutritional value while resorting to natural methods. Natural treatments are also beneficial to keep a check on irritable bowel syndrome.

When conventional methods of treatment are not helping in healing ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, then alternative medicine or natural therapy may be resorted to. However it is always advisable to take the opinion of your physician before doing so because any wrong move could further aggravate your condition. Most doctors also advise natural supplements to be taken along with conventional medicine and not as a replacement.

Some commonly referred natural solutions for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease includes peppermint oil, Boswellia, probiotics, psyllium and elm. Other vitamin and mineral supplements for colitis and Crohn's include omega-3 fatty acids, garlic and ginger. Probiotics is extensively used, as they are known to benefit the intestinal tract. If you have an inflammation in the intestinal region, then probiotics helps fight the infection. Similarly, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome may also be contained with probiotics.

Capsaicin is used as a natural remedy for pain. It also helps bring down diarrhea, cramps and bloating. The lemonade detox diet is a very old therapy which uses mineral water, maple syrup, pepper and lemon. This diet is supposed to improve your digestive system, liver and bile ducts. Aloe Vera has a calming effect and is used as a natural ingredient for the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. But it has to be taken in mild quantity else may aggravate diarrhea.

Peppermint oil is supposed to reduce abdominal pain and bloating. It is also said to have properties that help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Fish oils, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, are believed to be a natural solution for colitis and Crohn's. Ginger and peppermint has shown to reduce some symptoms of colitis and Crohn's. Certain teas, which use these ingredients, have proven to be beneficial. They are also quick remedies to ease bloating and cramps.

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Diarrhea is the loosening or the watery state of the stool, which occurs due to dehydration or improper diet. It is normal and the treatment for diarrhea can be done even without visiting the doctor in a period of 2 to 3 days. The common symptoms during diarrhea is the loosening of the stool at frequent intervals, pain, irritation in the lower abdomen, vomiting and loss of appetite. It occurs due to the low water level in the body. It is very important to consume a particular amount of water everyday. The best cure for diarrhea is drinking loads of water. You can take any other kind of fluids also but the main point is the replenishing the water loss that had caused diarrhea.

Many of you have the notion that the food you eat during diarrhea has to be without any spice therefore absolutely bland but this is not the case. You need to avoid fatty food like lots of butter, fried food and other kinds on the other hand consume a lot of green bananas, apple, rice, soups and vegetables. Even after diarrhea is cured do not eat fatty and junk food for at least three to four days. A proper check is very important to stop it from occurring again and again.

During diarrhea do not consume alcohol because it will intensify the situation in your intestine and can lead to serious conditions. Exercise during diarrhea should be reduced, you can carry on with them but do not carry on with your exercise for a longer period because it leads to tension in your stomach muscles.

Children and infants are at a greater risk of being infected by diarrhea due to the tendency of getting dehydrated in greater among them. to control it from happening again and again solutions like Pedialyte should be given regularly because these liquids have a small quantity of salts present which replenishes the salt loss that takes place during diarrhea. Children feel very weak during diarrhea therefore the only treatment for diarrhea is to take proper sleep and rest along with a well planned diet. Do not go over board in checking your diet just avoid the junk and fatty food.

Bacteria, fungus and other virus that enters our system through the food we eat are the causes of diarrhea. But do not pop in anti bacterial pills because they are of no use at times they cause the situation to intensify. Check your diet and follow the homely treatment to cure diarrhea.

However if you are traveling then it is recommended that you carry some medication with you like carry your own water, food and also some tablets like loperamide. They will help in curbing the symptoms of diarrhea. If diarrhea is followed by vomiting and expelling of blood with the stool then do consult the doctor immediately.

The points mentioned above are the best treatment for diarrhea. If you take the precautions you just read you can put a check on diarrhea. A proper food habit should always be followed in order to avoid its occurrence.

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A home remedy can be an alternative to commonly used practices in curing calf diarrhea. There are owners of calves, both professional as well as hobby farmers, who are considering to use these alternatives. Some use it as a last resort and others because they prefer not to use antibiotics.

The question rises if this way of treating their calves from scours is sufficient enough to cure it. What does this treatment do exactly? Does it prevent dehydration or does it kill viruses and bacteria? This article can provide some answers to the working of home remedies.

Since most of the home remedies haven't been tested scientifically, guarantees can never be given. However, some products have shown to have good results. Which one will work and which will not, is something you have to decide for yourself.

There are two ways to help calves to overcome their scours. First combat the causes of the scours and second, support the health status and defense system of the calf.

Products that combat the causes of calf diarrhea.

Grapefruit seed extract.

This is an effective disinfectant and it is a powerful all-around antimicrobial product.

Lemon juice.
Lemon juice can kill pathogens that cause diarrhea.

Red or white wine.
Contain polyphenols or tannins, these are antibacterial agents.

This is a pro-biotic formula that consists of a strain of bacteria called Lactobacillus G.G. Research has shown that it protects against salmonella and clostridium, increases antibody response and intestine-related immune functions. It has also shown to be able to treat or prevent different causes of diarrhea, including Rota-virus, diarrhea caused by antibiotics, and colitis (inflammation of the lining of the colon).

Apple cider vinegar.
This contains Pectins which are effective against certain types of bacteria that cause diarrhea. Pectins also bind to disease-causing bacteria and flush them from the gut.

Carob flour.
This is very rich in pectin, a binding substance, and tannins, which have an anti-viral effect.

This is a good remedy for bacteria-caused diarrhea.

This contains a chemical in the bark called myricitrin that fights germs, and also contains tannins which have a drying or astringent effect that will help relieve diarrhea.

Egg yolk.
Chickens are many times vaccinated against diseases that relate to diarrhea diseases. The chickens then pass the antibodies in their eggs. Research has shown that these egg yolk antibodies can prevent and treat scours very effectively.

Products that have a supportive therapy.

Reduces all intestinal inflammations and has an astringent working.

Methylsulfonylmethane is natural organic sulphur, one of the essential minerals. It helps reducing inflammation and aids the digestive system to work better. MSM has a healing and soothing influence on the mucous membrane that lines the intestines.

Blackberry root.
The roots of blackberry bushes have a chemical astringent that dries up excess fluid in the body. This drying up in turn helps stop scours.

Soluble Pectins.
These Pectins can coat the gut wall leaving a protective coat and slowing the passage of food.

Lignocelluloses and yeasts.
Are used to stabilize digestion and improve the consistency of the stools.

Citric and ascorbic acids.
These acids can restore the right pH levels to promote beneficial gut micro flora.

Chamomile and bilberry.
Soothe the intestines, act as a spasm reducer and as an anti inflammatory.

Make your own recipe by mixing one gallon of water with 86 grams of sugar, 14 grams of baking soda, 13 grams of salt and 3 grams of potassium chloride.
An alternative can be: 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 can beef soup, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 package of jelly pectin, plus add warm water to make a 2-quart total.

Acidophilus or live culture yogurt can help with the buildup of good bacteria in the intestines.

Carrot juice.
The essential oils in carrot juice have a positive effect on the stomach's mucous membranes.

FOS pro-biotic.
Improve good bacteria in the intestines by adding FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) supplements. FOS can be found in vegetables and fruits. It is a soluble fiber and it has acidophilus as well as other needed bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar.
The vinegar helps cleaning the intestines and the complete digestive system and acts as a natural antiseptic. It also contains pectin which will thicken the stools.

Garlic can be a supportive product in several ways: it cleanses, soothes and reduces inflammation. Garlic has also a large amount of potassium which is needed for a good working of the contractions of the intestines. Potassium is also an important ingredient of electrolytes in the body.

Unprocessed bran can soak up the excess fluids in the intestines because it absorbs eight times its own weight.

Charcoal can stop the diarrhea quickly by absorbing the toxins that are causing the problem.

Substances in cabbage have shown to heal intestinal lesions.

Green tea.
Green tea is a rich source of tannins which has an astringent working.

Cinnamon and Cayenne pepper.
Cinnamon and cayenne pepper as a combination, is very effective in tightening the intestines.

Ginger can help with cramps or abdominal pain.

Tormentil has 20% tannins, making it very astringent and helpful in reducing inflammation.

As you can see there are many alternative products that can help curing and treating calf diarrhea. Most of them are supportive products that definitively can be a benefit for scouring calves. It is good to keep a close eye to these calves to see if the products actually work.

When in doubt, always consult a veterinarian because dehydration is a real threat to a calf with diarrhea and it can cause a rapid death. Learn more about commonly used practices in treating calf diarrhea here and how to prevent new outbreaks.

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It seems as though there are new products for your health coming out each year. For the past couple of years, green tea has become a very popular trend. There are so many green tea benefits that you can't just miss out on. Take a look here and find out why you should add this important nutrient to your life.

If you are looking to clean your entire system out, green tea will do the trick! It is used in a lot of detoxification supplements on the market today. Many people purchase these supplements with the hope of losing weight and getting back in shape. The truth is, if you really want to clean out your system, you need to take it regularly.

We know at this point that coffee can be potentially detrimental to our health. If you still need to get your caffeine fix each day, green tea can take care of that because it contains 2%-4% of caffeine. The caffeine in it helps to stimulate the central nervous system, inhibits platelet aggregation and improves cognitive performance.

When you take it, you may notice an increase in your urination level. This is completely normal, the more that you urinate, the cleaner your system will be! Again, this is one of the best green tea benefits!

It is also helpful in treating conditions such as diarrhea, stomach disorders, vomiting and headache.

It has also been discovered that green tea benefits the heart by lowering bad cholesterol. This has become a growing problem in the world. The diet that we consume today is not healthy in any way. If you need to lower your cholesterol level, this nutrient will do the trick!

It may also be helpful to your teeth as well. In recent studies, it has been proven to be an active agent against tooth decay. If you take it on a regular basis, your teeth should be looking new!

There is a wide variety of good this tea can do. It may also help in the prevention of cancer. It seems amazing that such a small extract can do so much for the human body.

However, the best way to maximize green tea benefits is by taking nutritional supplement that contains the extract and other vital nutrients such as turmeric, olive leaf extract, lycopene, resveratrol and others. They work better together than when taken alone.

You should also make sure that the supplement has enteric coating to protect the nutrients from the stomach acid.

Having seen the many green tea benefits, you can have a look at the dietary supplement I personally take, it contains over 70 vital nutrients.

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Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin that occurs in 2 forms; retinol (found in animal-origin foods) and carotene (found in both plant and animal-origin foods). It has got many health benefits including but not limited to:

  • Promotes growth and strengthens bones.

  • Keeps teeth and gums healthy

  • Keeps skin (helpful in acne treatment) and hair healthy

  • Fights against infections

  • Maintains blood - sugar balance

  • Promotes healthy reproduction of cells

Best natural sources for Vitamin A are fish liver oil, carrots, dark green and yellow vegetables and yellow fruits. As a major antioxidant essential for our immune system, it would be even more beneficial if it is taken with Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin E, calcium and zinc.

If you include liver, carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, red pepper, lettuce, apricots and cantaloupe in your diet, you don't need to take any additional Vitamin A supplement.

For a much effective therapeutic advantage, it should be obtained from food. However, if it is not obtained from food, taking supplement will also be beneficial to the body.

Supplements & Excess Intake

Supplements are usually available in 2 forms; Water soluble supplements and supplements derived from fish liver oil. If you are already getting enough Vitamin A from natural foods, you do not have to take additional supplements because the excess intake of it would lead to serious health concerns listed below:

  • More than 50,000 international units intake will cause toxic effects in adults.

  • More than 20,000 international units intake will lead to toxic effects in infants.

  • More than 35,000 international units beta carotene daily intake will turn the skin into yellow (temporarily)

  • Excess intake will cause hair loss, diarrhea, headaches, liver enlargement, vision blurring, vomiting and pain in bones.

Deficiency of Vitamin A

Its deficiency affects many children in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vitamin A deficiency is under control in the United States and Canada however its deficiency is one of the important concerns in Southeast Asian and African countries and more than a million deaths took place since 2000 due to Vitamin A deficiency. Sufficient supply of vitamin A is extremely important for pregnant and breastfeeding women; however excess intake will cause birth defects so the amount taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women should be decided by doctors. Last but not least, its deficiency also causes night blindness which is considered as a serious concern by doctors.

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Here in Thailand they say that the reason durian and mangosteen produce fruit during the same season is that one is needed to balance the other.

What does that mean, one balancing the other? I asked this of my wife once while eating both after a meal, and was told that durian is very hot and mangosteen is cold, so they balance each other. I wasn't any closer to understanding this than I had been, as both had come out of our refrigerator and seemed cool enough to me.

What she had been talking about was the nature of the fruits. In Chinese medicine, all food stuffs and medicinal herbs have a temperature nature based on the effects that they produce in the body when consumed. These are broken down into cold, cool, neutral, warm, and hot natures, which correspond to the yin or yang energy of that plant. Yin is associated with a cold and sinking nature, soft, damp, internally manifesting and feminine. Yang is associated with a hot and rising nature, hard, dry, externally manifesting and masculine. Thus durian is dubbed the king of the fruits and mangosteen the queen.

This will seem really strange at first, but once you begin making connections between these concepts and your own experiences as well as scientific data, it will actually become a very simple and effective frame of reference for dietary management, almost intuitive.

What you want to achieve is a balance of these forces, neither an excess nor deficiency. We can illustrate this most effectively by looking first at symptoms caused by excess. An excess of heat might manifest itself with symptoms such as flushed face and rapid pulse(a small sample of symptoms for this illustration). One example of a hot food you are probably familiar is cayenne pepper (or any other chili pepper). What is the immediate aftermath of hasty ingestion of too much chili pepper? Flushed face and elevated heart rate. Some foods that classify as cooling are yogurt, mint, and cilantro. Now think about the pairing of raita with spicier Indian dishes and you will begin to get a sense of this balance in a very immediate and palpable context.

Tea is not exempt from this. Unscented green tea has a cooling nature. In moderation or when trying to dispel heat, this is no problem. But when consumed in great excess in an otherwise balanced system, it can create an over-cooling. Symptoms of excess cool(and if you ever have had a touch too much, some of this won't surprise you at all) can be things like excessive clear or whitish urination(when you seem to be evacuating more than you are taking in), painful gas, numbness or cold sensation in the extremities and even diarrhea.

In addition to that, it can be somewhat hard on otherwise compromised systems. I was reading through some message boards about green tea health benefits, when I came across a thread of people talking about their IBS and green tea's failure to help with it and even aggravation of it. They had read and heard that green tea was loaded down with healthy goodness, but no one had bothered to tell them that it's cold nature can be very harsh on the stomach and digestive system. In fact, I don't think very many people are bothering to tell anyone about this.

In the west, we are accustomed to drinking teas from India and Sri Lanka with milk/cream and sugar. The tea itself is usually cooked to the point of near burning and much of the caffeine and polyphenols are lost in the process, the milk helps coat the stomach, and the sugar by its sweetness possesses a warming nature. Prepared in that fashion it is safe enough to drink on an empty stomach and in great quantity, especially as the marked decrease in caffeine and polyphenols cuts back on the tea's inducing the production of gastric acid which is the primary cause of the discomfort in the first place(in western terminology), but green and white tea are totally different animals. The wisdom from the area where tea grew to maturation states that one should wait at least 30 minutes after eating before partaking of the tea, and to never drink whilst eating.

Another thing we usually foul up is the brewing of the tea. Green and white teas cannot be subjected to extremely hot water, nor should they be left to steep for more than a few seconds unless they have been tightly rolled, in which case a minute for the first brewing and a few seconds for each brewing after that should do fine.

One last note on the coldness of green tea; there are plenty of lightly oxidized oolongs, scented green teas, red teas, pu erhs, and even black teas that are a full of the disease fighting health promoting agents, great flavor, and mild stimulants you are looking for, but that do not have the cold nature of green and white teas. Why not step outside the box? As the saying goes, yi shi tong yuan - medicine and food are of the same source. So pay attention to what you eat (and drink!)!

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Super green food is a powerful solution to a major problem in America today which is poor digestion. Why are people have so much trouble with poor digestion? The problem Is primarily related to diets today consisting of high fat, high sugar and caffeine which leads to infrequent bowel movements, constipation, persistent gas buildup and bloating, and diarrhea, not to mention ulcers.

Not only do people have poor digestion problems, but many of us Americans have fallen into a sedentary lifestyle, we have been blindsided by the side effects of medications, and then you can add to that the normal decline in the digestive system that comes from the aging process. The result of this is that we are bombarded with tv commercials wanting to sell us a variety of prescriptions to "aid" us in our digestion problems.

Super Green Food is the Answer

By adding super green foods to your diet, you will surely notice a difference in your digestion due to the alkalinity, fiber, and digestive enzymes that help to clear out your digestive tract much faster than your previous diet of poor choices was capable of doing. The combination of the greens and fiber help to create a softer stool that helps move your digested food through your tract much easier and with a lot less discomfort.

Super Green Food comes in Several Forms

We all like convenience and are used to it in America, and fortunately super green food is offered in at least two choices. One way is to get it in a powdered form that you can mix with water or your favorite juice. I have a shaker that is outstanding and I think it is one of a kind in that it thoroughly mixes the powder with various liquids in a very good way. Look for a shaker that comes with a metal ball inside and I think you will be pleased with the outcome of the mixing.

The other choice that I have used is the super green food that comes in a capsule form. For years I have taken vitamin C in a capsule and I know that with certain things that we need in our system daily like vitamin C, the capsule provides a convenient option. Either way you choose, the important thing is that you see the value to your body by taking action and getting green food into your system for its benefits.

The two forms will provide your body with the various fruits, vegetables, grasses and fiber to aid in your digestion and help burn fat by alkalizing your body. We all need to aid our system to rid itself of visceral fat that your body produces to store the excess acid from many of our daily poor food choices. And of course there is always the added stress you may experience from going through each day.

Also, you shouldn't be fooled into thinking that you can continue to eat anything you want without the eventual consequences even if you are consuming super greens every day. Keep an eye out for the bad choices, cutback on them or even eliminate them and focus on getting the benefits of more energy, a stronger immune system, a leaner body, and more mental sharpness by insisting on a healthier diet. One of my favorite sources for super green food can be found at http://www.pppsupergreens.com/.

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If you want to get rid of common cold symptoms quickly, you may be disappointed to learn that there are over 200 viruses that can cause common cold symptoms and at this time there is no anti-viral or other drug that will cure your symptoms. Opinions concerning zinc and vitamin C common cold remedies vary. Some studies support their use, while others conclude that they are ineffective.

Most in the news, these days, is a zinc nasal gels and zinc lozenges, which reduce the duration of symptoms in some people. For years, vitamin C common cold remedies were all the rage. Some experts say that you can get too much vitamin C and too much zinc. Others say that vitamin supplementation is unnecessary. Those who are pro-supplementation say that they are interested in optimal good health and that those against supplementation are only interested in health that is marginally better than being malnourished.

The facts, which cannot be disputed, are that both zinc and vitamin C common cold remedies may be helpful in getting rid of common cold symptoms. Both are necessary for human health. Both are important for proper immune system function. Both have been shown in clinical studies to reduce duration of cold symptoms. Both have been shown to reduce the number of colds that a person experiences per year. The question and debate concerns the appropriate amount.

The U.S. recommended daily allowance (RDA) for vitamin C is 60-95 mg per day. However, if you are interested in preventing or getting rid of common cold symptoms, vitamin C intake may need to be higher. A recently concluded study, five year study of 439 participants in a village in Akita, Japan, concluded that in those people who received 500 mg per day of vitamin C, common cold frequency was significantly reduced. The Nobel prize-winning biochemist Linus Carl Pauling advocated the use of 6000 to 18000 mg per day, but this recommendation is considered unorthodox by conventional medicine. Mega doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea and anyone who is beginning a vitamin C regimen should note if symptoms of diarrhea appear and reduce dosages accordingly.

Two double blind, placebo controlled clinical trials appear to prove that zinc nasal gels, specifically the over the counter product called Zycam, can get rid of common cold symptoms in a matter of days. The gel must be used within the first 24 hours after symptoms are noticed. In those participants who were given the zinc, symptoms were gone in as little as two days. Those who received the placebo exhibited symptoms for as long as two weeks.

Other studies contradict these findings, saying that zinc does not get rid of common cold symptoms in a significantly reduced amount of time. In fact one study concludes that it is unethical to recommend a substance that could cause a permanent loss of smell for treating a temporary discomfort, such as a common cold. A number of people, who lost their sense of smell after using Zycam to get rid of common cold symptoms, sued the company. The company settled out of court without admitting fault. The risk of losing the sense of smell associated with zinc nasal gels is not associated with zinc dietary supplements or zinc lozenges.

An overabundance of zinc in the diet, for extended periods of time, can inhibit the body's ability to absorb iron and copper, which could lead to anemia. A lack of zinc in the diet can lead to hair loss, skin lesions and diarrhea. If the zinc deficiency is allowed to continue, death can result. A deficiency of vitamin C can lead to muscular weakness, bleeding gums, low infection resistance, loss of appetite and nosebleeds, among other things. Vitamin C common cold remedies are not believed to have any serious side effects, other than diarrhea, if daily amounts are far greater than the individual needs. Most cases of zinc overdose have occurred in children and dogs that swallowed a number of US pennies minted after 1982. Rather than copper, US pennies minted after this date are composed mostly of zinc.

There are several herbs and other plant products that may help you get rid of common cold symptoms. Herbalists still support the use of Echinacea, both for preventing and treating a cold. Some studies indicate that Echinacea can be toxic to the liver, when taken over an extended period of time. Andrographis paniculata, green tea, piperine, olive leaf, and turmeric all have clinical studies supporting their safety and effectiveness at boosting the immune system, possibly reducing the frequency of colds and other viruses. For more information about vitamin C common cold remedies and other natural products that improve immune system strength, visit www.immune-system-booster-guide.com.

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Any person who has suffered the pain and discomfort would want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently. No one wants to experience such a painful and embarrassing condition ever again.

To know how to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently you must first know how hemorrhoids occur.

Reason 1: Constipation

Constipated fecal matter is the leading cause of hemorrhoids. This is because these feces are hard and large with rough surface that will bruise and stretch the anal walls during bowel movement. Larger the fecal matter the greater chance these anal walls will be stretched further straining the blood vessels. These blood vessels would get swollen from the damage and will cause the hemorrhoids.

Solution - Avoid Constipation

Maintain a normal bowel movement and eat foods that are rich in fiber. Also increase your intake of fluids like water and fruit juices. Normal bowel movement is at least 3 times every week. This will ensure that feces have not lump together into one big mass when you try to excrete them. Fiber-rich foods are fruits, whole wheat bread, oat meal and green leafy vegetables. This will ensure that fecal matter will be soft with smooth surfaces. Fruit juices and water will also help in keeping your feces soft.

Reason 2: Forced Bowel Movement

Forcing to excrete feces that are not coming puts a lot of pressure on the anal tissues. This pressure is passed to the blood vessels causing them to swell like being bruised by constipated feces turning into hemorrhoids. Normal Bowel Movement should come naturally. You should not be forcing your body to meet the normal intervals for defecating.

Solution - Keeping a Your Diet Rich in Fiber

Maintain a fiber-rich diet to make your body adjust until its bowel movement becomes normal. Also take lots of water and fruit juices. The diet that you used to avoid constipation should be your normal diet so that you will have normal bowel movements.

Reason 3: Prolonged Diarrhea

Diarrhea is the opposite of constipation. So how does it cause hemorrhoids? It is simple. Diarrhea also causes too much straining in the anus due to the abnormal urges to defecate for more than thrice a day. This abnormal frequency of muscular exertion by the anus will cause the blood vessels to be strained. Prolonged diarrhea will eventually cause the blood vessels to turn into hemorrhoids

Solution - Treat Prolonged Diarrhea Immediately

Diarrhea normally settles down after you flushed out the cause out of your intestines. For diarrhea that last abnormally long you will need to consult a doctor.

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If you bringing home a ferret, you must educate yourself about the possible diseases a ferret can contract. There will be some ailments that the ferrets may be more prone to than others. You will need to know such information about your ferret, so as to help it lead and normal and healthy life.

The first thing you need to know is that ferrets are susceptible to common cold and flu. Ferrets, perhaps, are the only animals in the world that can contract a common cold and flu just like the human beings. They will show similar symptoms of common cold, as shown by human beings. These symptoms include running nose, sneezing, fatigue, and loss of appetite. According to veterinarians, common cold and flu, in the case of ferrets, is likely to go away on its own, similar to the condition with human beings. However, a vet may still prescribe amoxicillin to your ferret for this.

But there are other diseases that the ferrets are prone to, that may have a deeper impact on their lives, to the point of fatality. One such disease is gastric ulcer. Ferrets have a kind of bacteria in their stomach that causes gastric ulcers.

Therefore, ferrets are more susceptible to this disease. It has also been observed that ferrets that have been under stress of some kind, often suffer from gastric ulcer. One needs to be careful about this disease, as it does not even show up in the blood tests conducted on the ferret. Symptoms such as dark stools, loss of appetite, grinding of teeth are indicative of gastric ulcer. In more severe cases, ferrets may even gag and paw at the mouth.

The second fatal disease for the ferrets is insulinomas, also known as pancreatic cancer of ferrets. In this disease, tumors inside the ferret's body start producing excess amount of insulin. This shoots up the level of blood sugar in the ferret's body. They may experience symptoms such as loss of appetite, weakness in their hind legs, and even staring into the dark. If not treated on time, insulinomas may lead to death. Vets treat this disease by surgically removing the tumor. However, removal of the tumor from inside the ferret's body is no guarantee of its cure.

The third disease among ferrets is Epizotic Catarral Enteritis (ECE). This disease is also known as the green slime disease, and it is perhaps the most dangerous disease for the ferrets. Vets have not been able to find any cure or preventive measure for this ailment. A viral disease, ECE may cause the ferret to loss its appetite and cause slimy green diarrhea in its body. This is a contagious disease, which also attacks the ferret's digestive system. Almost every ferret goes through this disease. However, ECE is not known to be fatal for the ferrets. The symptoms linger on for days in this case. Older ferrets may experience the symptoms for years. Vets usually place ferrets suffering from ECE on a liquid diet, such as duck soup. They may also be given subcutaneous fluids.

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According to the traditional Chinese medicine, people must do right things at the right time so as to keep healthy to the full extent. For example, people should eat any kind of fruit at the right time. They can eat kiwi fruit in January and eat sugarcane in February.

In January, people can eat kiwi fruit which is called "the king of fruit". Kiwi fruit contains abundant nutrients to nourish the bodies for senile people and children with weak physical constitution. However, when eating kiwi fruit, people cannot drink milk. In addition, people with weak gastric functions and diarrhea should not eat kiwi fruit.

In February, people can eat sugarcane. The nutritional value of sugarcane is rather high. Abundant nutrients like iron are contained in the fruit. Therefore, the adequate intake of sugarcane can nourish the blood for the human body. People with gastric disease can not eat sugarcane.

In March, people can eat pineapple. A kind of special nutrient contained in pineapple can decompose protein, dissolve fibrin, improve the blood circulation and eliminate inflammation. In addition, people can improve their gastric functions and digestive ability by eating pineapples.

In April, people can eat mangosteen. The nutrients contained in mangosteen can effectively remove the internal heat and improve the physical immunity for people. The adequate intake of mangosteen can improve the physical constitution and alleviate malnutrition for people.

In May, people can eat strawberries. The carotene contained in a strawberry is a kind of important material of synthesizing vitamin A inside the human body. It can also improve the liver and eyes for people. In addition, the pectin and dietary fibers contained in a strawberry can improve the digestion and smooth defecation.

In June, people can eat cherries. Cherries have a lot of nutrients like iron, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C and mineral substances. For example, the content of vitamin A contained in a cherry is nearly 5 times higher than that contained in an apple.

In July, people can choose peaches which play important roles in nourishing the blood and promoting the secretion of saliva for the human body. People with iron-deficiency anemia can frequently eat peaches, as the content of iron contained in peach is extremely high.

In August, people can eat watermelon which can help people stop thirst and remove internal heat. The sugar and salt contained in watermelon can improve the urination and alleviate renal inflammation. The adequate intake of watermelon juice can also enhance the elasticity and alleviate wrinkles for people.

In September, people can choose grapes which can alleviate the hypoglycemia for people. The anti-oxidants contained in grapes can defer the aging and remove the free radicals from the human body.

In October, people can eat pears. The vitamin B complex contained in pears can protect the heart, alleviate fatigue and decrease the blood pressure for people. Other nutrients like tannic acid can eliminate phlegm and protect the throat.

In November, people can choose apples. The nutrients contained in apples can decrease the cholesterol, decrease the risks of getting lung cancer, prevent the poisoning of lead and alleviate high pressure for people. The coarse fibers can also accelerate the gastric and intestinal peristalsis.

In December, people can eat oranges. Oranges contains rich nutrients like carotene, vitamins and trace elements which can improve the physical health for people.

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Iguanas can naturally carry salmonella, a bacteria that can cause salmonellosis in humans. It's important that you practice good hygiene so you won't be infected. There are a variety of ways you can get this bacteria from your pet reptile.

Your iguana can get small amounts of stool on himself. This usually occurs on his feet or tail whenever he defecates. The bacteria can then be transferred to you if you touch him in this area. The bacteria may also be left behind in various places that your iguana goes around your home.

Salmonella can take anywhere from six to 72 hours to incubate. After this, you will start to experience a range of symptoms. They include a moderate fever, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. It's also common to experience abdominal cramps and pain. If you're otherwise healthy, you should recover from this condition in a few days. However, salmonellosis can be fatal to infants and people with weakened immune systems.

There are various things you can do to prevent getting salmonella from your iguana. First and foremost, you should always keep your iguana's enclosure as clean as possible. This will go a long way towards preventing the transmission of the bacteria. Just make sure you don't clean the cage in your kitchen because bacteria may be left behind.

It's never a good idea to touch your mouth or eat when handling your iggie. To be on the safe side, you should wash your hands thoroughly with disinfectant soap after you're done working with your pet. You should also know that the bacteria can enter your body through open cuts. Therefore, make sure you don't have any wounds when handling your pet, or you will increase your chances of an infection.

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Most of us know that there are some human foods our pets shouldn't eat. Keeping our cats away from alcohol, for example, is a no-brainer. But did you know that onion powder can cause anemia in cats and dogs? Because of their different metabolisms, many common foods that are safe for human consumption are not safe for your cat. Reactions can range from upset stomachs to severe illness or death.

To help keep your kitty safe you need to know which foods to avoid. The following list spotlights eight common foods your cat should never eat:

Baby Food

It's hard to imagine that a food that's safe enough for a baby's tender tummy would hurt our fur-kids. But what makes baby food so dangerous for cats is that it might contain onion powder (see below) which could lead to anemia. Also, baby food doesn't meet your cat's nutritional needs, and could result in malnutrition if she eats too much of it.


Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs, but many of us don't realize that it's harmful for cats as well. Chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical compound that humans can eat safely. But cats and dogs metabolize theobromine more slowly; as a result, even small amounts of the compound can lead to theobromine poisoning, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, excitability, panting, abnormal heart rate, tremors, seizures - and even death. Theobromine poisoning is treatable if caught early enough. But to be safe, keep chocolate away from your kitty.

Coffee and Tea

Caffeine is toxic to both cats and dogs, and there's no antidote. According to ProVet Healthcare, it only takes about 8 teaspoons of coffee to potentially fatally poison a cat that weighs 3 kilograms (that's about 6.6 lbs). Signs of caffeine poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, panting, hyperactivity, restlessness, muscle tremors, increased or decreased heart rate, irregular heart rhythm, increased body temperature. But most scary of all: caffeine poisoning can lead to seizures, coma and death.

Grapes and Raisins

Scientists aren't sure exactly just what substance is in grapes and raisins that make them so toxic for our pets, but according to the ASPCA Poison Control Center, dogs who've eaten large amounts of grapes and raisins have suffered renal (kidney) failure. Although it's unclear what effect grapes have on cats, to be on the safe side the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center "advises not giving grapes or raisins to any pets in any amount."

Onions and Garlic

Raw, powdered and uncooked onions and garlic are especially harmful to cats because they damage red blood cells, which could cause anemia. Not only does anemia make your kitty pale and lethargic, it can be a life threatening illness.


The jury's still out on whether or not spinach is bad for cats, but scientists do know that spinach leaves contain a small amount of calcium oxalates (a chemical compound that makes needle-shaped crystals), which is a major component in kidney stones. If your cat eats enough spinach, it could lead to crystals in her urine. Cats with a history of urinary problems such as infections, crystaluria and kidney disease, should definitely avoid eating spinach.

Unripe Tomato

Everyone knows that tomatoes are good for humans. But did you know that they can be toxic to cats? Tomatoes are a member of the deadly nightshade plant family and contain a poisonous alkaloid called, solanine. Solanine is toxic to humans too. But you have to eat it in large amounts for it to hurt you. That's why you shouldn't eat green potatoes - a potato that has gone green has higher levels of solanine inside it. And it can make you sick, causing a bevy of symptoms that range from nausea, diarrhea and vomiting to hallucinations, paralysis and in the worst cases, death. Unlike humans, however, only a small amount of solanine can hurt your cat. According to FelineFuture.com, "traces of Solanin, like those found in just a 100g of cherry tomatoes, can be fatal!"

Yeast Dough

Raw or uncooked yeast dough should never be fed to your cat. What makes it so dangerous? Yeast (the single-celled fungi that causes bread to rise) isn't toxic per se, but if your cat eats the raw dough, it might continue to rise inside your kitty's stomach. And you can imagine what that could lead to: painful bloating, gas, and in the worst-case-scenario, possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.

Remember, the information in this article is for informative purposes only. If you suspect your cat has eaten something that is harmful, or needs medical attention, contact your veterinarian immediately! For more information about other harmful foods or toxins found in your home, check out these great references: ASPCA Animal Control Archives and PetEducation.com.

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Slimming tea is an herbal product that includes approximately 25% tea. Perhaps, the manufacturers and marketers are trying to latch onto the benefits of other pure teas by creating a beverage that is said to stimulate weight loss.

However, these herbal concoctions are filled with laxatives. There is a time in everyone's life when a laxative may be warranted. Use for weight loss is not one of those times. Among the possible side effects of the use or abuse of these brewed beverages are:

  • Diarrhea

  • Stomach cramps

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Fainting

  • Chronic Constipation

  • Dehydration

  • GI Tract problems

  • And possibly death from extended abuse by those who suffer from anorexia or bulimia
  • These side effects may not manifest with occasional use or the first use. However, for some who have "delicate" systems, diarrhea and stomach cramps may occur after the first cup. It must be noted that there are times when the product is useful, especially if one is suffering from constipation. However, it must be further noted that extended use of laxatives in any form will make the body become dependent on them to stimulate the bodily functions. The end result may be that the very product one uses to override constipation may create a never ending cycle on dependency and necessity.

    It goes without saying that pregnant women should not use the products during the nine months of pregnancy as there could be disastrous results.

    Generally, nausea and vomiting follow more than the occasional use. Fainting and dehydration go hand in hand. Often these side effects follow repeated daily use. While death is not likely to be attributed to drinking a laxative filled product, it is understandable that extended use followed by vomiting, dehydration and fainting could eventually lead to death.

    Of particular note, many anorexia nervosa sufferers and those who experience bulimia are more likely to suffer the dire consequences of taking, or drinking, these slimming products daily. The psychological dependence can lead to physical dependence and to death. While no one is suggesting that any of the products are directly responsible for death, the abuse of any weight loss product by someone with a weight related disease should be a consideration.

    Perhaps, there is a place for these products in the cupboard, especially for those times when a laxative is needed. However, before using these products as a weight loss tool, one should be fully aware of the consequences that can arise from regular use or abuse.

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    Green tea is known to provide 10-40mg of polyphenols and has antioxidant activity greater than a serving of spinach, broccoli, carrots, or strawberries. Studies show that green tea contains antioxidants, polyphenols, theanine, as well as a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. Green tea is definitely good for your body.

    Enhances Health

    Tea is known for its incredible power to prolong life. In recent research into green tea, results show its power in preventing disease as well.

    Prevents Cancer

    The death rate from cancer is known to be significantly lower for both women & men in Japan. Why is this you may ask? As much as 5-6 cups daily are consumed in areas that produce green tea, making it the main beverage to drink. This suggests that the main ingredients of green tea (tannin, catechin); in sufficient amounts lower the standard mortality rates for stomach cancer.

    Restricts Blood Cholesterol

    There are two types of cholesterol, one is "bad" cholesterol (LDL), and heavy accumulation of these in tissues can lead to atherosclerosis. The other is good cholesterol (HDL) that prevents accumulation of excessive "bad" cholesterol. It has been proven and demonstrated that green tea catechin restricts the excessive buildup of cholesterol.

    Controls High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure is a serious burden on the vascular system and is known to cause heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. Green tea is known for lowering blood pressure.

    Lowers Blood Sugar

    Green teas given to diabetes patients cause a decrease in the blood glucose levels. Green Tea has the capability of lowering blood sugar. The sugars and carbohydrates in our food are digested mainly in the duodenum, where it is converted to glucose and then absorbed into the blood stream.

    The agent that regulates the intake of blood sugar into tissues is insulin. Diabetes is characterized by lack of insulin or not the body not using insulin properly, which does not allow proper absorption of glucose into tissues and leads to a high blood sugar level that must eventually be excreted into urine. If this high concentration of blood sugar continues for a long period, it will affect the vascular system and cause serious diseases including arteriosclerosis and retinal hemorrhages.

    Suppresses Aging

    Oxygen plays a key role in metabolism, but can also be an unhealthful agent. As a free radical, oxygen in the body can corrode cell membranes, which will damage DNA and the fats. This then leads to diseases such as cancer, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. Lipid peroxide created by fats combined with oxygen tends to build up in the body and create aging.

    Consumption of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C promises longer life, and we already know that green teas are rich in those two vitamins.

    Refreshes the Body

    Green tea caffeine taken in proper quantity stimulates every organ in the body and clears your mind. The small amount of caffeine (about 9 mgs of caffeine) present in a normal serving of green tea can stimulate the skeletal muscles and smooth the progress of muscular contraction.

    Deters Food Poisoning

    It has long been known that green tea has the ability to kill bacteria and is known to deter food poisoning. Treating diarrhea with consumption of strong green tea. Green tea is a powerful sterilizing instrument for all sorts of bacteria that cause food poisoning.

    Prevents and Treats Skin Disease

    Soaking in green tea has been successful as a treatment for athlete's foot. Bedsores and skin disease can be prevented or healed by using a green tea bath.

    Stops Cavities

    Green tea contains natural fluorine and is thought to aid in the reduction of cavities in schoolchildren. It has been known for some time that small amounts of fluorine can strengthen teeth and help prevent cavities.

    Fights Viruses

    Green tea catechin and theaflavin, which are both present in black tea, have a strong effect on the flu virus. It is also thought that the anti viral capability of green tea catechin may have some beneficial effect on the AIDS virus.
    Additional Information

    · Green Tea drinkers appear to enjoy better health.

    · Catechin is 100 times more potent than vitamin C and 25 times more potent than vitamin E.

    · Green Tea drinkers have half the risk of fatal heart attacks. Compounds in the tea called flavonoids stop blood platelets from forming clots, much like aspirin does.

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    Millions of Americans want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids. Although it certainly depends on the severity of the condition, most of the time it can be treated with dietary changes and natural remedies.

    While not all people experience symptoms (in fact, some experience only one or two symptoms), the solution remains the same: discovering the best way to get rid of hemorrhoids. They are an unpleasant reality for many people. For some, it may be simple at-home treatments that serve to soothe inflamed area and/or reduce the inflammation. For others, a doctor may advise surgical intervention.

    Hemorrhoids is simply an enlarging of the veins in the rectum area. The veins may become swollen and painful as a result of stress in the area. Pregnancy and childbirth often contribute to hemorrhoids. As does aging, chronic constipation and diarrhea, and sitting or standing too long. Regardless of the root of the problem, the question remains: how to get rid of hemorrhoids?

    While it is unfortunate, hemorrhoids will not usually simply disappear if you wish for it hard enough. Likewise, there is no magic wand that will erase the problem and allow you to continue to live your life as you had before. Rather, some action must be taken to actively get rid of hemorrhoids. In many cases, simple lifestyle changes may be adequate. In other situations, more drastic measures may be required.

    If the problem is minor and only recently developed, try soaking the inflamed area in a warm sitz bath. This is simply a warm bath where your hips and rectum area are completely emerged. For full effectiveness, it is suggested that this is done at least 3 times a day in 15 minute intervals. Only a few inches of water is required. Simply soak the area. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce the swelling and pain of hemorrhoids. It is important to thoroughly dry the area after each session so moisture doesn't develop into rash and so that it does not rub and tear the area further.

    A change in diet is also critical in order to get rid of hemorrhoids. Eating a diet rich in fiber, lots of green, leafy vegetables and non-citrus fruits will serve to make stools softer and easier to pass. Relieving constipation is one of the key impacts you can achieve in your quest for relief.

    Stool softeners may also be of use when attempting to discover a solution in how to get rid of hemorrhoids. Again, constipation is a major contributor to hemorrhoids and can further aggravate existing conditions, not to mention be particularly painful. Be wary in your choice of stool softener, however. It serves no purpose to replace one problem with another. Often, laxatives tend to create watery or runny stools or even diarrhea.

    Many creams, suppositories, and other topical applications can serve to reduce the pain, itching, and burning associated with hemorrhoids. The unfortunate aspect of these products is that while they do provide some comfort, they will often simply mask the real problem.

    Surgery is sometimes a last-resort option for some people. Discuss this option with your doctor to determine the best course of action.

    Today, however, many people are finding that supplementing their diet and other home treatments with more natural remedies, such as the inclusion of Horse Chestnut, Neem, vitamin E, and zinc oxide, is a very effective method to get rid of hemorrhoids. Many of these herbal supplements will actually help to reduce inflammation and swelling, constrict the size of the blood vessels in the area, and even reduce pain and bleeding. They can be stand-alone options, used individually to target very specific ailments, or combined for a more comprehensive solution.

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    Neurotoxins are minute compounds that may come from exposure to pathogens such as bacteria and fungi - in these cases they are known as biotoxins. Neurotoxins can also be free radicals. They create problems in the body which can lead to disease and premature death.

    Free radicals are small damaging particles that can result from exposure to chemicals and heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury. It is also believed some free radicals may be overproduced internally by the body when certain bodily systems go wrong, such as free radicals produced by chronic inflammation. In Chronic fatigue syndrome, poor mitochondrial function and chronic inflammation are two processes which are believed to increase free radical stress on the body. The key point to understand is that these internally or externally produced toxins are:

    * Fat soluble, so they are not flushed out with water
    * They dissolve into the fats and move through fatty tissue of the body
    * They have a highly disruptive toxic impact on the body's cells

    The body is made up of around 50 trillion cells. Every single cell membrane of your body is made of fats. Hence neurotoxins can wreak havoc on the body by:

    * Causing lipid derangement which disrupts cell membrane function in terms of what moves in and out of cells, effectively preventing them from breathing properly
    * Attacking enzyme reactions which disrupts energy production in cells
    * Stimulating certain enzymes which cause cell membranes to uncouple
    * Disrupting DNA function resulting in part in increased inflammation in the body. Inflammation is where the immune system is in a highly active state and can do more harm than good to the body when it becomes chronic disease states now associated with neurotoxins include CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, Lyme's disease, Sick Building Syndrome and other diseases like MS, Parkinson's and Autism.

    Symptoms of neurotoxicity include:

    * Deep, persistent fatigue Weakness Chronic muscle aches
    * Cramping Memory impairment Impaired cognitive function
    * Disorientation Confusion Sinus congestion
    * Shortness of breath Red eyes Headaches
    * Blurred vision Tingling Abdominal pain
    * Diarrhea
    * Vertigo
    * Numbness
    * Swollen painful joints Light
    * Touch sensitive Anxiety

    What are Neurotoxins?

    To understand how to treat neurotoxins, it is important to understand where they go in the body. Fat soluble neurotoxins move through the cells of the body from the gastro-intestinal tract to the sinuses, to the lungs, to the eyes, to muscles, to joints, to nerves, then they eventually enter the liver, are then pumped into the gall bladder, then they move back from the gall bladder into the lower intestines as bile. Once neurotoxins unite with bile, they are reabsorbed through the intestines poisoning the body over and over again. For this reason, ensuring toxins in bile are actually flushed out through the colon in fecal matter is very important in cleansing and clearing the body.

    The key to treatment is to stop the neurotoxins re-entering the body from the bile by clearing out the biliary tree (liver, gall bladder duct) to clear out the neurotoxins from the fats in the body, manage any immune dysregulation, and prevent the rise of enzymes which cause cell membrane uncoupling. This is done through fat flushing or exchanging cell membrane fats using supplemental phosphatidyl choline.

    Interestingly fasting, or low fat diets, high carbohydrate diets and exposure to pathogens can cause biliary stasis, which promotes and increases the reabsorption of neurotoxins. High carbohydrate diets also trigger cell membrane uncoupling because the insulin increases these uncoupling enzymes.

    Lifestyle Instructions:

    * Avoid exposure to all external sources of neurotoxins (e.g. black fungus in sick buildings)
    * Avoid consuming large body predator fish that may be contaminated with neurotoxins or heavy metals including amberjack or other jack species, grouper, swordfish, tuna, shark, barracuda, mahi mahi, red snapper, sea bass, largemouth bass, tilefish, oysters, pike, marlin, walleye, king mackerel and halibut
    * Avoid exposure to chemicals, pesticides, solvents in the home or work place, i.e. go organic and switch to home cleaning products
    * Check water supply and consider a water filter
    * Avoid fluoridated toothpaste
    * Avoid supplements including spirulina, blue green algae, green drink mixes, chlorella other than those grown in glass tubes.
    * Removed processed oils, hydrogenated fats, margarine, canola oil, peanut oil or peanut butter, commercial mayonnaise or salad dressing with trans fats

    Avoid the Following Foods:

    * Grains (wheat, rice, barley , millet, rye, oat, corn)
    * Pasta, bread, crackers, cookies, muffins, cereal
    * Starchy vegetables such as potato and parsnip. Sweet potato, carrot, beetroot and radish are OK
    * Fruit juice
    * Caffeine

    Permitted Foods:

    * Protein at each meal, organic meat, poultry eggs, fish
    * Raw organic nuts and seeds
    * Organic butter, cream, homemade kefir, with lactic acid bacteria
    * Oils - cold pressed only (do not heat) including sunflower and safflower oil, grapeseed oil mayonnaise, walnut and rice bran oil
    * Oils for cooking at high temperature include butter (organic) oil, palm oil, coconut oil/butter
    * Homemade salad dressingsï 
    * Limited sweet and new potatoes, beetroot, carrot, radish - always eat with protein and vegetable/greens
    * Limited beans and legumes - always eat with protein and vegetable/greens
    * Three pieces of fruit daily
    * Vegetables

    Green leafy vegetables and salads everyday

    * Fresh herbs/spices
    * Vegetable juices

    It is very important to have up to 2 liters of fresh pure water daily

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    Is it safe?

    Yes! This diet is not that dissimilar to the a Paleolithic or the Stone Age diet - the kind of diet man ate all the time before the time of agriculture, Âand many chronic disease did not appear until the appearance of agriculture!

    How long do I have to stay on this plan?

    Stay on it until your VCS test is clear and symptoms are relieved. This is usually after a minimum of 3 months

    I am worried about losing too much weight?

    Speak to you practitioner, but if weight loss is a worry, place a little more emphasis on the beans and legumes and some of the starchy vegetables. There are other hormonal and digestive factors which you should discuss with your practitioner

    I am worried about putting weight on?
    Very unlikely to occur. It is insulin which is a fat storage hormone - and you are going on an insulin holiday. Talk to your practitioner if you are still worried.

    I have gallstones - can I do this diet and cleanse?

    The answer is no, you need to have these gall stones professionally removed. Starting this diet and cleanse could move a stone and get it stuck more, which is potentially dangerous and very painful.

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    Lemon or Lime (Nimboo) is a greenish or yellowish juicy Berry fruit, rich in vitamin C and is commonly used as flavour and preservative in culinary and a number of therapeutic applications. It is borne on evergreen thorny bush, shrub or small tree. The plant bears white flowers. Lemon belongs to Family Rutaceae and its Botanical name is Citrus limon/ Citrus medica. Other closely allied fruits are Orange, Malta, Mausambi, Keenu with slightly different taste and texture.

    It is found both as wild or cultivated horticultural plant throughout the world supposed to have originated in South East Asia ( India, Burma & China) It is supposed to have originated genetically as a hybrid of sour orange and Citron during 1000 AD.

    It prefers temperate as well as sub tropical climatic conditions and is a hardy plant. It bears green shiny leaves with winged petiole. Unripe green fruits turn yellowish on ripening but in some varieties remain green, Fruits are round or elliptical in shape sometimes pointed on one side ranging from 2-4 inches in diameter. Skin of the fruit may be thin and delicate or thick and tough. It has many varieties such as Eureka, Lisbon, Villafranca, Lucknow seedless, Assam Lemon, Nepali Round etc. From each medium sized lemon 2-3 tablespoons of juice can be squeezed out. The Juice contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 ( Total 18%), minerals like Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper and about 88% Vitamin C along with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It is sour in taste and has unique fragrance. 100gm of lemon juice on consumption can provide 29 kcal energy. Other constituents of lemon include volatile oil in the peel, flavonoids, bitter limonoids, citral coumarin, pectins, mucilage and alpha-terpinene.

    Lemon is credited with many virtues but most interesting claim is its ability to kill cancer cell and its use as a substitute to chemotherapy. But all these properties of lemon are still to be proved experimentally. Investigation on chemical constituents of lemon and their relationship to cancer prevention is under progress in some laboratories. Following are some of its common therapeutic applications.

    Helps to tackle skin problems As lemon has antibacterial and antiseptic property it is able to rejuvenate skin and it is rich in vitamin C enhances beauty. It acts as anti -aging remedy and is able to remove wrinkles, blackheads and scar left by burns So is commonly used in soaps, Shampoo, cleansng lotion etc.

    Helps to tackle mouth and dental problems Lemon juice when applied to gums can stop gum bleeding and also assist in getting rid of toothache. It gives relief from bad mouth smell.

    It cures throat infection As lemon juice has antibacterial property, gargle with lemon water along with a little salt helps in fighting against throat infection and also assist in curing respiratory problem.

    It is beneficial in reducing weight It helps in loosing weight faster. For this purpose one has to take one glass of lemon water in the morning with empty stomach. The lemon water is prepared by squeezing juice of one lemon and mixing it in a glass of lukewarm water with 3 spoons of honey and a pinch of salt. It certainly helps in reducing weight on one hand and person consuming it feels energetic and fresh whole day.

    It controls high blood pressure It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation to mind and body. It also controls mental stress, depression and nervous disorders.

    It helps in curing Rheumatism Lemon is also a diuretic and hence lemon water can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins out of the body.

    It reduces fever Lemon water can treat a person who is suffering from cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fever by increasing perspiration. Half cut lemon slightly roasted on fire with little of salt and black pepper improves the taste after fever.

    It acts as blood purifier The diseases like cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon water as it can act as a blood purifier.

    It is good for relieving stomach problems Due to the digestive qualities lemon juice helps in tackling indigestion, gastric trouble and constipation. It also acts as a liver tonic and in killing parasites. It is antibacterial, antifungal and is also able to control worms. Lemon water with sugar and salt is also prescribed to compensate water loss or dehydration during diarrhea and dysentery.

    Although lemon has so many virtues but some people have skin allergy towards lemon and at the same time it may adversely affect teeth enamel, gasteroesophageal disease and tonsillitis. As lemon juice has citric acid may irritate mucosa and decalcify teeth.

    • Lemon juice, flesh and skin are used in many culinary application and is a common kitchen item throughout the world. Lemon is used to prepare a variety of food recipes as potato chat, mixed chat, cakes, lemon chicken, lemon flavoured drinks.

    • It is used to make lemonade (Shikanjee along with sugar), Sharbat, Squash (soft drink).

    • It is used as preservative in preparation of short term pickles of ginger, garlic, green Chill etc.

    • It is used in dressing onion, tomato, cucumber, radish and beet root salad.

    • It is also used in fruit salads of apple, banana, guava as its juice is acidic denatures the enzymes and prevent browning and degradation of fruits and keep them fresh for longer duration.

    • Lemon juice is also used to marinate fish (reduces smell ), mutton and chicken for tenderizing collagen fibres.

    • While making Ladoos, Shakarpara, Gulabjamun and Jalebi Sugar syrup ( Chasini) is cleared by adding some lemon juice as it contains citric acid.

    • Grated dried skin (as that of orange) is used in bakery for flavour and in marmalads, jams, jellies, puddings and biryani.


    Aroma of lemon oil is used in aromatherapy, enhances mood and vigour.

    It is also used in soaps, body lotion, shampoos and other cosmetics as moisturizer.

    Sliced lemon is used as freshener in refrigerator.

    It is used to clean and brighten copper wares and decorative pieces along with salt and baking soda.

    Half cut lemon is rubbed to remove stains, oil, grease and to clean plastic storage containers.

    It is also used for preparation of citric acid.

    It is used as ubtan (Scrub ) on skin along with gram floor, turmeric, curd and rose water.

    It is applied along with coconut oil on the scalp before head wash to get rid of Dandruff.

    Lemon is cultivated by seeds which germinate on getting moisture or by cuttings, grafting etc. Nursery beds are prepared on light fertile soils. It grows well in wide range of soils. pH range of 5. 5 to 7. 5 is favourable for lemon plantation. Soil should be well drained. Irrigation improves the plant growth, flowering and fruiting in citrus. Planting should be done from June to August. Inter plant spacing should be 5m x 5m. Manuring is required thrice in a year. Spray of micronutrients promote growth. Sub tropical climate is best suited for lemon growth and development. Dry and arid conditions having low rainfall are most favourable for the crop. India ranks sixth in production of lemon in the world. In India Citrus fruits are grown in Punjab, Maharashtra, Karnataka. Andhra Pradesh. Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Gujrat, Assam and Uttaranchal Lemon trees are perennial and produce fruits upto 10 to 15 years and may attain a height of 6-8 feet and canopy of about 4 feet.

    The most common disease of Lemon and other citrus plants in India is Citrus canker. Kagzi Nimboo becomes infected in rainy season by bacterial pathogen Xanthomonas citri through stomata and wounds. The disease affects leaves, twigs and fruits. All green parts and maturing fruits become covered by brown scabby spots of about 3-4mm. The market value of fruits is reduced due to scabby lesions. To control this disease 1% Bordeaux mixture or 500 ppm solution of Streptomycin sulphate is effective. Gummosis of Citrus is caused by Phytophthora Species. The symptoms are exudation of gummy substance, yellowing and ultimately falling of leaves. Greening disease of Citrus is caused by Psylla (MLOs). Symptoms are yellowing of midribs and veins of mature leaves. Ultimately whole leaf turns yellow and fall. For its control spray of 0. 05% Malathion is used. Aphids cause a serious damage to Citrus tree during growing season. Aphids suck the sap from leaves so leaves become twisted and deformed. Citrus whiteflies tiny winged insect feeds on underside of leaves and also lay eggs. On hatching of eggs larvae remain attached to leaf and suck the sap. Leaves become curled and covered by a moldy substance. For control of pests gammexane powder can be dusted on leaves and soil surrounding the roots.

    As other fruits and vegetables lemons are also infected by variety of pathogens during storage such as. Alternaria, Fusarium, Botrytis, Geotrichum, Penicillium etc causing black and brown rot, gray and blue green molds resulting in heavy damage. To control these post harvest diseases they should be stored in low temperature and while packing for transportation safe and mild fungicides should be used.

    1. Whole lemon with salt and Ajwain (Carum) I have seen this pickle being prepared since childhood by my mother.

    Ingredients 25 lemons of medium size
    200-250 gm salt
    2 tbs Ajwain

    Method - Lemons are washed with water and dried. Both end are cut with knife and with fork lemons were punctured at seven to eight places. The lemons along with salt and ajwain were placed in a clean glass jar with tight lid. The air was left in sunlight for about 25 days. The jar was shaken after every 2 to 3 days. The colour of lemons gradually changed. It is a long lasting prickle and can be stored. It is very tasty and can be taken with Khichadi or Rice and dal. It is useful in gastric troubles.

    2. Sweet and Sour Pickle of Lemon

    Ingredients: Lemon -1kg
    Salt -150 gms
    Sugar -200 gms
    Garam Masala(Coarsely Ground )-4 tsps ( Dalchini, Bara Illaichi, Clover and

    Method: Lemons are washed with water and dried. With sharp knife two cuts are made to divide the lemon into four pieces joined at the base. In between cuts mixture of salt, sugar and garm masala is filled. These stuffed lemons are placed in a glass jar with the air tight lid. It is left in sun for about a month. The pickle is very tasty and can be stored for 2-3 years.

    3. Ginger pickle in lemon juice
    翻 kg Ginger is peeled off, washed and cut into long and thin slices. 7-8 Lemons are squeezed to extract the juice. The ginger pieces are kept in a glass jar and about 2 tbs of salt and lemon juice is added and is stirred well. In one or two days colour of ginger pieces turn pink and the prickle is ready to be consumed. It can be used for about two weeks after that colour of ginger pieces starts becoming pale and the taste also changes.

    4. Garlic pickle in lemon Juice
    Peeled cloves of garlic are mixed with little salt and lemon juice in a glass jar. In about 10 to 15 days garlic cloves become tender and sour in taste. It is prescribed in stomach problems, indigestion etc.

    5. Green Chilly pickle in lemon juice
    Green chillies are cut length wise in the middle and then to them salt and lemon juice is added. It is a very tasty pickle, enhances the hunger.

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    Lime - (Mexican and West Indian lime) Citrus aurantifolia

    Lime is used in alternative herbal treatments to treat ailments such as, bilious headaches, brightening dull hair and detoxifying the body.

    Although we believe in the therapeutic and healing properties of herbs, care must be taken in the use thereof, as they are powerful compounds.

    Botanical Classification: Family Rutaceae

    Genus and specie: Citrus aurantifolia

    Other names:

    Sour lime as well as Mexican or West Indian lime.

    Description of the herb lime:

    It is a small tree with light green, ovate leaves and white flowers, followed by ovoid green fruits with a sour pulp.

    Parts used:

    Leaves, fruit, peel and oil are used.


    It has cooling and astringent properties.

    Therapeutic uses:

    Internal use:

    Internally, with leaves infused as a herbal tea, it is helpful for bilious headaches. The fresh juice is also used to counter diarrhea.

    External use:

    In folklore lime is sometimes used externally to lighten the skin, but can be irritating and should be avoided. A few drops can be added to the final rinse water while washing hair to brighten otherwise dull hair.

    Aromatherapy and essential oil use:

    Lime essential oil will energize a tired mind, while banishing apathy and anxiety. It stimulates the digestive system, detoxifies the body, cools fevers and is useful in treating rheumatic pain.
    On the skin, it has an astringent action and helps to clear congested skin and stems bleeding from minor cuts.
    The therapeutic properties of lime oil are antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge, haemostatic, restorative and tonic.

    Safety precautions and warnings:

    Lime oil can cause phototoxicity if the skin is exposed to sunlight after application, but this effect is not found in oil obtained by cold expression.

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