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If you have never heard of chlorella then make sure you read this entire article for a full perspective on the chlorella health solution. Chlorella supplements may very well be exactly what you have been looking for in a health supplement. Why? Because chlorella is one of those supplements that is given the rare classification of "superfood." And that is exactly what it is. It is not a synthetic vitamin, but rather a whole food supplement that, when taken on a daily basis, will lead to superior health. In other words, take chlorella for good health.

Chlorella falls into the green food category, and is a single-cell, blue-green algae. The nutrition content is so rich that one could quite conceivably live on a diet of chlorella and water alone. A single chlorella vitamin is loaded with all sorts of vitamins and minerals, protein, essential fatty acids, phytochemicals, chlorophyll, and much more (it has been speculated that some of its beneficial health properties have yet to be identified and/or discovered). The chlorella health benefits are nearly endless, and some have called it nature's perfect food.

Do not overlook the fact that chlorella is a natural, whole food. This is important and is one of the key benefits. Synthetic supplements are much more difficult for your body to digest, and often times the vitamins you take may not be very well utilized (low absorption and bioavailability) by your body. Chlorella supplements, on the other hand, will be readily digested and absorbed by your body,because a chlorella vitamin is real food and compatible with your body which was designed to eat and use its nutritional contents.

What are some of the things chlorella health supplements may be able to do for you? Chlorella has helped people with all types of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver conditions, asthma, arthritis, a variety of degenerative diseases, nerve damage, constipation, depression, obesity, and many other serious health concerns. If you do not currently have a serious health condition, take chlorella for a very big boost to your immune system and overall health, and its impact will potentially allow you to avoid any of these serious health problems in the future. Prevention is the best possible health solution.

Are you looking for a plant-based protein source? Every chlorella vitamin is extremely protein rich. So, if you prefer a diet with little or no meat in it but still want to get plenty of protein, the nutritional contents of chlorella health supplements will meet your needs.

Are you looking for something to help cleanse your body of toxins, including heavy metals? Chlorella supplements offer a solution. They are a tremendous source of chlorophyll, and chlorophyll is one of nature's best detoxifying and cleansing agents; and they are especially beneficial to all of those who eat refined and processed foods.

Are you looking for something that can truly help you with serious diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes? One of the benefits of the chlorella vitamin is to help people lower cholesterol and cleanse arteries. It has displayed fantastic anti-tumor properties. It has also been found to have an ability to assist in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

While the chlorella health benefits are tremendous, a couple words of caution are necessary. There are a couple of side effects that need to be mentioned. Chlorella will more than likely cause you to have loose (or looser) stools. So, if you already suffer from a disorder such as IBS or have bouts of diarrhea you will want to introduce it slowly into your daily diet. Also, be aware that chlorella will more than likely cause your stool to appear green, which is a good indicator that you are getting a sufficient amount. If your stool is not green you should add a little more chlorella to your daily intake. Green is good.

Beyond that, no caution is needed. Remember, a chlorella vitamin is a natural, whole food. Your body will recognize it as such, and it will digest, process, and utilize it as if you were eating raw fruits or vegetables. So once your body adapts, so to speak, to the chlorella health supplements, it is up to you as to how much to take (eat) on any given day.

Here is a good rule of thumb to remember when adding chlorella to your diet. If you already have a serious health condition, take at least 10 grams/day. For maintenance purposes, 3 - 5 grams/day should be sufficient. Again, chlorella is food, and you may take more than any recommended amounts if you so desire.

As you can see, the chlorella vitamin really is a super food. And its benefits seem to be nearly unlimited. It is relatively inexpensive, and it may very well replace any other supplements you are already taking. So, are chlorella supplements really nature's perfect food? That will be up to you to decide, but the chlorella health benefits sure make it a good candidate.

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Not all foods or household items are dog-friendly. In fact, some are poisonous and even deadly. Just like their two-legged counterparts, there are many poisons in food and surroundings that dogs need to avoid.

Common food poisoning bacteria, as salmonella, e. coli and yersinia, affect dogs as well as humans. Use the rule that if you don't want it served to you, don't serve it to your dog. Homemade foods, especially meat components, should be properly cooked to prevent food-borne illness. Storage and cooking removes vitamins and minerals, so supplements when appropriate should be added prior to feeding.

If untreated, symptoms can last up to 3 days and be fatal!

The younger the dog, the more dangerous is the risk of chocolate poisoning. Cooking chocolate is the most dangerous for dogs. Two different toxins called methyxanthines are in chocolate: caffeine and alkaloid theobromine (lesser known and more dangerous). Ingesting chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, depression, muscle tremors, excessive thirst with frequent urination. The dog can become agitated and start pacing. More dangerous symptoms can develop including elevated/irregular heart rate, blood pressure changes and seizures.

Not thinking about the ingredients?

You might wish to treat your dog to a family leftover, not thinking about the ingredients. Onions and garlic contain substances called disulphides that can poison your dog. Disulphides damage the surface of red blood cells, causing them to burst. The result is a disease called Heinz body anemia. The dog becomes weak and breathless, and may require a blood transfusion for recovery. The red pigment in urine (hemoglobinuria) is easily confused with urinary tract problems.

Poisons in different mushrooms can have a variety of results for your dog: kidney and liver failure (with abdominal pain), delirium, vomiting and diarrhea, seizures, coma, possibly death. Symptoms can begin 20 minutes to 8 hours after ingestion. Pay attention when walking your dog in grassy or forest areas!

Grapes can be a fatal poison for your dog.

Dogs everywhere love grapes but in 1989, the ASPCA reported an emerging trend - nearly all dogs that consumed grapes or raisins developed kidney failure. When medical care was sought, elevated levels of blood calcium, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and phosphorous were observed. These chemicals reflect kidney function. If urine production is halted, grapes can be a fatal poison for your dog. Treatment can be successful with immediate medical intervention - call your vet!

Whether bones are good or poisonous for dogs is hotly-debated. Cooked bones become dry and brittle, absorb water from the dog's gut, and cause constipation and intestinal blockage. Many raw bones can splinter and perforate the gut, usually requiring surgery to repair. Bone fragments can also lodge in the mouth or throat, causing discomfort, mouth roof punctures, dental damage, and choking at worst. Raw bones can be poisonous to your dog if contaminated by bacteria. Overindulging in bone marrow, which is mostly fat, can result in pancreatitis in susceptible dogs.

Other potential poisonous foods for your dog are:

  • Pear pits, kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pits (contain cyanogenic glycosides resulting in cyanide poisoning).

  • Potato peelings and green looking potatoes.

  • Rhubarb leaves.

  • Moldy/spoiled foods.

  • Alcohol.

  • Yeast dough.

  • Coffee grounds, beans and tea (caffeine).

  • Hops (used in home brewing).

  • Tomato leaves and stems.

  • Broccoli in large amounts.

  • Turkey skin.

Antifreeze, that collects on road surfaces and driveways, smells and tastes good to your dog but is poisonous and very lethal. Other very accessible outdoor poisons to avoid for your dog are: charcoal lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, lead, lime, paint thinner, cleaning fluids, rodent poison, turpentine, cocoa mulch.

Household poisons for your dog to avoid are: cigarettes/tobacco/cigars, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, caffeine pills, acetone, ammonia, bleach, deodorants, furniture polish, fly strips, insecticides, mothballs, rubbing alcohol, soap.

If your pet accidentally ingests any food, plant or chemical poison, call your veterinarian right away or the National Animal Poison Control Center at 1-900-680-0000.

Common plants that are poisonous to your dog are: amaryllis, azalea bush, boxwood, cactus, columbine, daffodil flower bud, dumbcane, English ivy, foxglove, hemlock, honeysuckle, horse chestnut, ivy, lily of the valley, lupine, marijuana, mistletoe, morning glory, oleander, philodendron, poinsettia, rhubarb, skunk cabbage, tulip bulb, yew.

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High fiber food is recommended by vets for chubby dogs because it has less calories than regular food. Foods with high fiber have the same effect on dogs that it has on people which we know is good for us. There are also other added purposes for using food high in fiber.

One of the other benefits from a high fiber food is that it makes your dogs' stool "bulky" and that can eliminate constipation, it also stimulates your dog's digestive system and enhances your dogs' colon health.

If your dog is diabetic I am sure you are familiar with the knowledge that a high fiber food has its advantages in controlling the changes in levels of their blood sugar. This of course is preferable for the well being of your dog.

One of the other values of a diet including high fiber food is the prevention of bacteria buildup. When bacteria is allowed to grow in the colon it causes diseases and colon cancer can result.

Have you ever heard of "anal gland disease". This is when the glands around the opening of your pets anus gets infected. You will notice if your animal is scampering around the floor on his bottom or licking there a lot. For this infection you will have to see your vet. You can reduce the risk of this by using a high fiber food.

All of the components of fiber are really carbohydrates. The most familiar ones are rice, bran, corn and peanuts.

Fiber is not considered a necessary ingredient in dog food. I was surprised to find this out. I was also shocked to find out that what most commercial dog food makers use for fiber is hair or newspaper. You need to be cautious when buying your pet food from your grocery store.

Fiber is necessary for your dogs' well being, but too much fiber can cause diarrhea or gas.

Check with your vet and find out if your pet should have a high fiber food. Maybe all your friend needs is some extra fiber. You can give your dog these things to increase their fiber intake:

• Tomato

• Apples

• Wheat

• Rice

• Carrots

• Citrus

• Green beans

If your vet says that your dog would do better with a high fiber food you can look at getting a holistic dog food, or making homemade dog food. When making homemade dog food you can put in the ingredients that are best for your dog. Holistic dog food will have natural foods which are normally higher in fiber.

Read the label of any dog food you are buying, some of the ingredients are not nutritious. Because we think of our pets as family you can't be too cautious when buying a high fiber dog food.

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These days, many people are finding themselves without health insurance or the money to afford regular visits to the doctor. If you can't afford to have a doctor write you a prescription any time you're sick, it's probably a good idea to become more educated about natural ways to protect your body from the invasion of viruses and pathogens. Lactobacillus acidophilus is live culture and natural antibiotic that's present in some foods that you may already be eating. By taking acidophilus supplements you can help reinforce your body's immune system against illness.

Understanding How Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic Works

The scientific translation of lactobacillus acidophilus is "acid-loving milk-bacterium," which means that lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of live bacteria that like to ferment certain sugars found in milk into lactic acid. Lactobacillus bacteria are one of only four hundred different kinds of bacteria that can exist in your gastrointestinal tract. Thankfully, most of these are helpful bacteria that can feed on the harmful types that could wreak havoc on your digestive system. Eating certain types of food, like yogurt, can help your body maintain the balance of good bacteria in your intestines, but often you have to turn to lactobacillus acidophilus supplements to get the amounts that you need.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking Lactobacillus Acidophilus Supplements?

Many people don't realize that this particular strain of lactobacillus bacteria is able to successfully suppress the growth of commonly known pathogens like Salmonella and E.Coli. If these pathogens are allowed to grow unabated, individuals can start to experience:

• diarrhea
• vomiting
• inflammation
• abdominal cramps in the intestinal tract

These symptoms can become very serious, and it often requires hospitalization to reverse their growth. If you want to make sure these kinds of pathogens can never take up residence in your body, arm your digestive tract with lactobacillus acidophilus supplements.

Advantages of Supplements That Contain Lactobacillus Acidophilus Probiotic

There are plenty of brands of probiotic supplements on the market today, and if you're shopping strictly because of price or brand name, you might not actually be buying the lactobacillus acidophilus supplements that will be most effective for your condition. Probiotics in general can offer a unique blend of prebiotics, probiotics and fiber that are guaranteed to work quickly, safely, and gently to improve the health of your digestive system. Benefits of lactobacillus bacteria:

• produces enzymes to aid the body's digestion of proteins and fats
• absorbs nutrients, stimulates immune system function
• regulates bowel activity and liver function
• improves symptoms associated with indigestion and diarrhea
• produces Vitamins K and B

If you want to take advantage of all the digestive health benefits that lactobacillus acidophilus supplements offer, now would be the best time to investigate adding probiotics to your diet. With just a simple daily dose of lactobacillus bacteria, you'll be getting all the probiotics you need to live a healthier life.

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Chrons disease pain results from inflammation. Primary treatments address inflammation, which is important, but just as important, is a complete Crohns nutrition plan. Chronic diarrhea and loss of appetite may lead to weight loss, lack of proper nutrition and growth problems in children. Intestinal or rectal bleeding may lead to anemia.

Chrons is a disease that may go into remission (periods where symptoms are absent) for long periods of time and then flare-up for apparently no reason. There are some foods and over the counter medications that have been linked to flare-ups, but what causes symptoms to flare in one individual may not cause flare-ups in another. A food and symptoms diary may be helpful for individuals to learn what could be causing flare-ups in their case.

A complete Crohns nutrition plan is important whether symptoms are under control or not, but may need to be altered when Crohns disease pain and symptoms are present. At all times, but especially when diarrhea is present, proper hydration is important, so individuals should consume at least eight 8 ounce glasses of plain water per day. Purified or bottled drinking water is best, because some studies suggest that symptoms could be aggravated by chlorine or other chemicals in tap water.

When Crohns disease pain and symptoms are absent a Crohns nutrition plan should include adequate amounts of dietary fiber. During flare-ups dietary fiber should be reduced. Milk and dairy products cause flare-ups in those who are lactose intolerant and in some other people. Research in London indicates that Crohns may be caused by a bacteria sometimes present in milk, even after pasteurization. If avoiding milk is necessary or desirable, adequate amounts of calcium must be obtained from other sources. Most seafood and fish are good alternative sources of calcium and contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, twice a week is recommended by many nutritional experts for good health.

During periods when Crohns disease pain and other symptoms are present, eating small meals several times a day may be helpful. A high protein low carb diet is sometimes recommended as a Crohns nutrition plan, because this type of diet has been shown to relieve symptoms in some individuals. Choosing lean sources of protein is important, because fats have been shown to increase diarrhea in some people. Nutritionists sometimes recommend pre-digested nutritional drinks or an "elemental diet" to replace lost nutrients and give the bowel a rest.

Certain foods and products should be excluded from the Crohns nutrition plan, because they are known to aggravate and increase symptoms. Foods containing sorbitol (an artificial sweetener found in many sugar free products) should be avoided by those people who have an inflammatory bowel disease. Caffeine and alcohol can increase diarrhea and have no nutritional value. Gas producing foods, such as vegetables in the cabbage family, dried peas, lentils (beans), onions, chives, peppers and carbonated drinks can all aggravate inflammation and increase abdominal pain.

Over the counter medications that may cause flare-ups include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as motrin, and ibuprofen. When over the counter pain relievers are needed, doctors recommend Tylenol or a generic equivalent. Aspirin is known to irritate the lining of the digestive tract, can lead to ulceration and should be avoided, as well.

Most doctors and dieticians recommend a daily multi-vitamin to supplement a complete Crohns nutrition plan. Iron supplementation may be recommended if bleeding is present or has been experienced. Supplementation with aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides (AMP) may also be helpful. AMP is a natural anti-inflammatory and has been proven to subdue Crohns disease pain and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. For more information about AMP and general information about Crohns and other digestive problems, visit www.digestive-disorders-guide.com.

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Diarrhea and constipation are two very common diseases, and it strikes one and all. Colon cleansing is a great method people across the globe have used to eliminate these chronic ailments. But, cleansing is less talked about topic. Reason, everybody loves eating junk, spicy and rich food, alcohol, caffeine etc. But, this is a fact that each of us has to face everyday. Cleansing does provide us with the benefits and in the end; it is these benefits that really matter. A well balanced diet and exercise are a part of daily lifestyle but colon cleansing will release all the toxins from the body.

Complete cleansing will display a lot of health benefits for an individual. Though, it treats constipation very well. People with rich calorie diets and individuals who lack essential vitamins and minerals in the body, actually suffer from constipation. This is what happens to them. The body of these individuals is lined with a plaque-kind substance that is harmful to man's health. Colon cleansing rewards these people in two ways. The junk substance from the intestinal walls is cleared and frees the passages from the toxins, this way these wastes are removed from the body easily.

Colon cleansing can also remove diarrhea. Diarrhea is caused due to the presence of harmful toxins in a man's body. Diarrhea actually harms the balance of the colon, and thus the colon is not able to solidify the waste. Cleansing for this purpose will be very fruitful as it eliminates the toxins from your intestine and cleans the passage. This way it helps you in ease your bowel movements and will make it more solid.

A very vital advantage that you get from bowel cleaning is that you will be on a low risk to colon cancer. If you have a family history of an inherited colon cancer, then it is always recommended that you go in for cleansing, in the least 2 to 3 times in a year. This will be a very good measure for preventing colon cancer and also maintaining good health of your colon.

The greatest advantage in doing colon cleansing is that it leads to a large amount of weight loss, and that too naturally. If a person gets treated with colon cleansing, he would notice that he has lost a couple of pounds of weight from his body. The average weight of a colon is 2 to 3 lbs, but it can contain around 15 lbs of waste inside it. Wow! This is the reason why people lose so much weight after a meticulous colon cleansing. Across the globe, the fitness trainers are including colon cleansing as a part of their fitness routine and weight loss plans.

But this does not bring us to the end! Cleansing also heals the other problems of the body. After a proper colon cleansing you will notice that your skin glows and has become clear, it will re-energize your body, and will provide you with good digestion power.

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Tea is drunk in many homes and workplaces around the country. The chances are you probably enjoy a few cups of tea yourself each day. The good thing about this drink is that it contains zero calories and has numerous health benefits. But did you know that there are many different healthy teas available? That is why in this article I will be discussing 4 healthy teas that you should start drinking today.

1) BLACK TEA: Black tea is the traditional form of this hot drink. It is often drunk with milk but can be enjoyed without. Drinking this healthy tea has been shown to have a protective effect throughout the body. Black tea has been shown to protect against cancer (particularly breast cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer), cystitis (a type of bladder infection), diarrhea (frequent, watery bowel movements), heart disease and pneumonia (inflammation of the lungs), skin infections and tooth decay.

2) GREEN TEA: Green tea has been grabbing all the headlines in recent years due to its cancer fighting properties. The taste does take some getting used to but it is quite refreshing to drink. In terms of cancer, this healthy tea has been shown to prevent bladder cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer. Green tea has also been shown to prevent other health conditions including arthritis (inflammation of the joints), dental cavities (holes in the teeth caused by decay) and heart disease.

3) ROOIBOS (RED BUSH) TEA: Rooibos tea (also known as red bush tea) is not technically a tea. It is actually a herbal infusion. Whereas traditional teas come from the Camellia Sinensis bush, herbal infusions come from different sources such as flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds and tree bark. Despite not technically being a tea, drinking rooibos still has similar health benefits and has been shown to boost the immune system, prevent constipation and nausea and promote healthy digestion.

4) WHITE TEA: White tea is believed to be the healthiest tea of them all and is now receiving similar levels of publicity to green tea. Studies have shown that drinking this healthy tea can prevent numerous types of cancer (including colon cancer, prostate cancer and stomach cancer), reduce oxygen related damage in the body's cells, reduce blood pressure and strengthen your immune system.


If you are already a tea drinker then you will be glad to know that this hot drink is highly beneficial for your body and adds no additional calories to your diet. If not take a look at this list and give one of the healthy teas a try. You might enjoy it and you will be doing your body a world of good.

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You've probably heard about the miraculous health effects green tea can have in disease and aging prevention. However, many peopledo not make healthy choices. Some people are reluctant to drink green tea because they are worried about its supposed caffeine content. After all, it's been drilled into our minds that coffee is unhealthy due to the caffeine it contains.

The overconsumption of caffeine can result in insomnia, increased heart rate, diarrhea, irritability, and many other negative symptoms. A cup tea brewed from loose leaves steeped for five minutes contains 32mg of caffeine. Compare that to the 40mg of caffeine a cup of drip coffee contains and the 212mg a shot of espresso contains.

There are tannins in green tea which counter the negative effects of the caffeine it contains. Furthermore, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to moderate caffeine consumption since studies show that it is actually a healthy choice.

If you are worried about it, you can minimize its effects by taking a supplement. After all, many people aren't exactly keen about drinking the ten cups of green tea per day required to enjoy all of its health benefits.

You can enjoy all of the benefits such as its ability to prevent aging skin, cancer, and heart disease all by taking just one pill a day. For the best results, you should take a supplement with a number of other enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and trace ingredients.

Does green tea have caffeine? It does but you shouldn't miss out on all of the health benefits it has to offer just because of that. The mild dose of caffeine in an anti-aging supplement that contains it will actually help to improve your cognitive performance. And some even contain the decaffeinated version. Look for a supplement that contains ingredients such as bilberry extract, folic acid, calcium citrate,and L-taurine, in making healthy choices.

An anti-aging supplement that contains such a wide variety of ingredients will save you money because you won't have to buy so many different supplements. Plus you will experience far more health benefits since the ingredients work together to enhance each other's effectiveness.

Keep this information in mind when shopping for supplements. Does green tea have caffeine? Yes, but that is no reason to avoid it. Look for a supplement with green tea as well as other beneficial ingredients so you can treat and prevent a much wider range of conditions with one pill. Always remember to make healthy choices.

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If you are like most professional dieters, you are absolutely aware that "eating less and exercising more" is an exercise in futility. After all, if expending more calories than we consumed worked for everyone, the dieting industry would, well, starve.

But it isn't that simple.

There are many health conditions that create a hostile environment for weight loss. From thyroid disorders to oxidative stress, these conditions signal your body to hold on to fat in hopes of creating a fuel reserve that may be needed until conditions in the body are more stable.

And there are other conditions too, conditions you may not be familiar with that are sabotaging your weight loss efforts and making you feel truly unwell. Those conditions can be spawned by... intestinal parasites.

Known as the "great mimickers", parasites commonly create symptoms within its host that mimic other disease processes. During an interview with chiropractic neurologist Dr. Shane Steadman, I learned that in addition to mimicking disease, these little suckers are often overlooked by medical professionals. This leads to mis-diagnosis and mis-treatment with prescription and other medication.

Here are a few of the symptoms that parasites can create in their host... also known as YOU:

  • Gas and bloating

  • Reflux and indigestion

  • Diarrhea and foul smelling stools

  • Difficulty in losing weight, or weight loss

  • Urinary tract infections

  • Vaginal infections

  • Skin disorders, such as eczema

  • Chronic fatigue or low energy

  • Brain fog

  • Achy joins

  • Achy muscles

  • Itchy feet

  • Anemia

Once introduced into the host, parasites change the whole digestive track in order to create an environment in which they can thrive. This change disrupts the entire gut and creates inflammation and conditions such as leaky gut syndrome.

How do they get there?

There are many modes of transportation that parasites use to get inside of you. Some common ones are:

  • Unwashed salads, vegetables and fruits

  • Undercooked meats

  • Unwashed hands after playing with a dog or being outside

  • Travel to foreign country, where water isn't treated diligently

What do you do?
To determine if parasites are, in fact, the source of your ill health, you must first be properly diagnosed. Ask your health care professional to conduct a parasite test to determine which type of parasite is to blame. Then, based on your belief system, choose an alternative medicine treatment, or as Dr. Steadman suggests, have your physician prescribe you with an appropriate anti-parasitic medication.

But be sure to treat the entire family...the parasite's family that is. Parasite's reproduce quickly so you must make sure that your treatment eliminates the grandparents and the eggs as well as the relatives in between. And be patient as some treatments can take three to six months.

Finally, be sure to receive a follow-up test to insure all of the critters are gone.

What else can you do?
Dr. Steadman provides a wealth of information on how you can attain and maintain an optimal digestive system, which then makes it easier to lose weight and gain health. From understanding what the perfect stool looks like to learning how to keep it that way, you'll be thrilled to know that many of your digestive issues are easily solved.

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One of the most important aspects of being a responsible cat owner is providing your cat with a healthy diet, one that delivers all the nutrients your cat needs to live a long and healthy life. This usually comes in the form of a well-balanced, nutritional cat food that is formulated especially for the dietary needs of a cat or kitten. However, some cat owners see no harm in allowing their fluff ball to partake in the family mealtime, providing them with scraps of foods from their plates. This type of consistent indulgence could lead to long-term health issues resulting from poor nutrition, not to mention that a number of very common human foods are toxic to cats, causing anything from an upset stomach, to a much more serious illness and even death. An occasional treat from the table should be fine as long as it is safe for your cat to consume.

Here is a list of some common foods that you should keep away from your cat and in most cases your dog as well. This list is not exhaustive; there are just too many toxic foods to include all of them in this article. If you don't see a specific food on this list, don't assume that it safe for your cat. If you are not certain about the safety of an item that your cat has consumed, please consult your veterinarian.

Alcohol - If you really care for your cat, do not under any circumstance give it alcohol. If you want to see your cat tipsy, try some catnip. Alcohol can not only cause intoxication and intestinal distress, it can also cause more serious issues including respiratory distress and even death.

Avocado- Avocados contain persin, a fungicidal toxin, and while safe for humans, is dangerous for domestic animals. Persin is found in all parts of the avocado, and ingestion can cause vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress and in some cases, a buildup of fluid around the heart which can result in death.

Chocolate- In addition to caffeine, chocolate contains the alkaloid theobromine. Theobromine can be toxic or lethal to domestic animals, because animals metabolize theobromine more slowly than humans, affecting the heart, kidneys and central nervous system. Theobromine poisoning can result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Advanced symptoms include cardiac arrhythmias and seizures.

Coffee & Tea - Any item or beverage that contains caffeine can be dangerous to cats and dogs. When ingested, numerous symptoms could manifest including, hyperactivity, vomiting, elevated heart rate, hypertension, abnormal heart beat, tremors, hyperthermia, seizures, and possible death may occur.

Grapes and Raisins (all types) - Still unknown is the exact chemical or circumstance that make grapes and raisins toxic, however what is known is that domestic animals that ingest either will likely experience renal failure, and possible death.

Macadamia nuts - The toxic element in macadamia nuts is unknown, as is the exact amount that is needed to cause a reaction. Symptoms usually develop within 12 hours after ingestion. The most common presenting sign is weakness and inability to walk, especially in the hind legs. Other signs include: vomiting, staggering gait, depression, tremors and elevated body temperature.

Milk - Some might find this surprising, since cats are so often associated with milk. While milk will probably not kill your cat, some cats are lactose intolerant, and will develop stomach distress after drinking cow's milk. If you would like to give your cat milk, there are some milk products available at pet stores which are especially formulated for cats.

Mushrooms- Since there are a variety of poisonous mushrooms lurking about, it is advisable not to offer mushrooms to your pet just to be on the safe side.

Onion and Garlic - Onions and garlic belong to the allium species. Consuming the blubs, stems, or flowers of the allium plants or products made from them can trigger changes in red blood cells, causing a serious illness called Heinz body anemia. Any form of onions or garlic, powdered or cooked, can be dangerous to your pet.

Potatoes -The green parts and eyes of potatoes contain solanine glycosides, which have fungicidal and pesticidal properties. If ingested, symptoms can include abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, and cardiac arrest.

Tuna - Some cat owners believe that they are providing their cat with a healthy meal of tuna; however, tuna produced for human consumption can be dangerous for cats if eaten on a regular basis. Tuna does not provide a cat with all the essential nutrients its needs, which can result in malnutrition. In addition, if fed on a regular basis, a diet of tuna can lead to Steatitis also known as Yellow Fat Disease. It is OK to offer tuna on occasions as a treat, but a steady diet can be dangerous.

Again, this list contains only a few of the more commons foods that are bad for your cat. You should always feed your cat a well-balanced nutritional cat food, and if you would like to offer a treat every now and then, make sure that it is safe for your cat to consume. It is always best to check with your veterinarian as to the best cat food, and the safest and healthiest treats to give your cat.

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A Miracle Plant from the Amazon Region
Latin Name: Annona Muriaca


"The time has come" - how many times we are hearing this sentence, nevertheless it is true because we are living in times of huge challenges, changes and shifts where secrets of many different aspect of life are getting revealed to be known by the public - people also are more courageous to speak out what all should know and YES, if millions KNOW a fact, those who are hiding solutions, will have to surrender.

The biggest lie about Cancer Treatments and Chemo Therapy

The Powers of Graviola (Guanabana in Brazil - Soursop USA)

1) Beats 12 kind of types of cancer such as Breast Cancer, Abdominal Cancer, Ovary Cancer, Uterus Cancer, Lung Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Boon Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Skin Cancer, Blood Cancer (Leukemia), Bladder Cancer, Liver Cancer


Salubrious way back to a healthy state

2) The Fruit contains a substance called ACETOGENIN that has been proven as 10.000 (ten thousand times) stronger as ACETOGENIN, the drug used for Chemo therapy all over the world with the result of 90% to 10% survivors only - a Bingo Game with the life of people in all nations because the cure is already known.

3) As it is a NUTRIENT it works from INSIDE OUT - eating up the cancer cells, any kind of viruses, bacteria etc. Nutrients have no side effects on our body!!! - unbelievable, miraculous, BUT TRUE (I had the honor to experience many people with cancer even in a very advanced state who were getting well with a Power Juice containing Graviola and there are 1000s in Latin America who had the chance to know about it since 9 years of applications. Solution, Real Cure and permanently heal without Chemo. In case that the doctors ordain Chemo this Special prepared Juice has the powers to protect the healthy cells from burning and allows just the cancer cells to be destroyed, no nausea, no hair loss, neither any other common side effects taking that power plant of healing simultaneously.

MY mother would not be alive without Graviola.

It is TIME TO SHARE and to SHAKE the World of Cancer and to shift the 90% to 10% into a 10% to 90% of survivors!!!

here is the chance to learn about a fact that there is something that has the power to cure cancer, that it has been scientifically proven and that it has been hidden away from people because it comes from Mother Nature and can not be patented in any way.

General Information: About the Plant:

Graviola is an ever green tree growing in the Amazon region of Brazil and in other countries that are touched by the Amazon Forest. It also grows in the tropical rainforest of North America. He grows up to 15 meter high covered with green, long and glossy leaves. His divine fruit is green sometimes a bit yellow shining, has the form of a human heart with a skin looking kind like a big cactus. Its white fruit flesh is eatable and people can buy it on the local Markets. The diameter of the fruit is 20 to 40 cm and local people are eating it out of the hand, the pulp is used to produce a refreshing sour-acid drink or as sorbet.

Indian Tribes use Graviola as medicine since Centuries

Graviola counts with a very long history in the tribal herbal natural medicine. There are Healing substances in every part of the plant: a part of the powerful effects of the fruit we find high effective substances in the leaves, the roots, the trunk, the bark and the seeds. Indian Tribes know about the value of that miraculous tree and they are using the different parts tor multiple and diverse diseases and health Imbalances. Some examples:

In Brazil Roots, Trunk and leaves are used as sedative tee and against nervousness, in other Latin America countries as sedative and as heart tonic medium, also for Diabetes. The leave tee is also used for lever problems and mixed with olive oil it is used for Rheumatism, Arthritis and Osteoarthritis pain in Peru. In Brazil they prepare a mixture out of an immature fruit mixed with Olive oil as extern treatment against Arthritis and Rheumatism.

Leaves are also used against Parasites in Brazil and against Catarrh in Peru.

Fruit, Seeds and Leaves are applied against fever, all kind of parasites, worms, diarrhea, in Brazil also to help increasing the milk of women after giving birth.

In other countries such as Haiti, West Indies and Jamaica are using Graviola as anti spasmodic, sedative, coughs and flu, as nerve strengthening tee, for asthma, hypertension and all kind of parasites, diarrhea and problems at childbirth.

Graviola and Science -

Cancer Research - Scientific Results on Graviola

The Graviola Fruit is already under research since the late 39 of last century - At that Time the science found out that the plant has components, natural principles and properties called "Annonacaeous Acetogenins", natural chemicals that are confirmed to be highly effective against many kind of tumor cells with components that are found as toxins that kills the cancer cells in a very specific way. Simply spoken Graviola has components that are able to isolate every cancer cell, to build a kind of bubble around it avoiding that the cancer cell can get any further nutrient, so it dies. The dead cancer cells are eliminated by the own body system without any side effects. Those components are hidden in all parts of the tree and in different combination they are used for many different kind of disease. They are documented as anti-microbus, anti-parasitic, antitumorous, anti-cancerous, anti-depressive and anti-spasmodic. Several study results have been published but few people reacted.

Since 1976 profound researches of the National Cancer Institute of the USA resulted in curing an "Adenocarcinoma" of the large intestine after short time. The therapeutic effect confirmed the power of Graviola and her components. This powerful component has been discovered by the German Research Scientist and Oncologist Helmut Keller and with three more Scientists they realized many studies on Graviola. As the Plant does NOT ALLOW any chemical process without losing the healing powers never nobody got to know about this effective cancer treatment. WHY??? - because it only works in natural form and a plant cannot be patented in any form, so the Pharmaceutical World and the Monopoles could not get any profit from it and that is the reason they hided the information.


Graviola contains very active, cytotoxic effects against cancer cells with a chemo therapeutic power that is 10.000 x stronger as Adriamicin, the drug that is used for traditional Chemo Therapy, - without any kind of side effects!

(Since a while the HSI is offering now the copies of the results that can be bought for 25,00USD)

After the confirmation that Graviola can cure naturally Cancer the National Health Institute has indicated 20 Labs to studies the plant during 20 years without any result to transform the active principles into a valid remedy. At the end they gave up and let the miraculous findings in the drawer of their institutes.

Since 1996 other groups of scientists did researches on Graviola and found out that the fruit possesses characteristics against tumor formation and that it produces selective toxins against different kinds of cancer cells, without attacking healthy cells. They confirmed the findings of their results were published 8 different clinical studies.

The different studies of different laboratories resulted in incredible findings that the Acetogenines of Graviola have an unbeatable component in prevention of enzyme formations, which are only found in the diaphragm by tumors and cancer cells. That is the reason, why they are poisonous only for cancer cells without attacking healthy cells. The Acetonines recognize the sick cells isolates the individual cancer cells and for missing nutrients the cancer cell dies.

In the year 1997 a small group of scientists found out, that Graviola contains also alkaloids which have an anti-depressive effect. In the same year the PARDU UNIVERSITY published the information that they discovered even more powers within Graviola. Their clinical studies confirmed that the "Annonacae Acetonine" in Graviola are so effective, that they do not only kill normal cancer cells, but that they are also very effective in killing those cancer cells that are resistant on Chemo Therapy. This investigation explained how that is possible: Those cancer cells that survive the Chemo Therapy are developing resistance against many other kind of drugs, called Multi-Drug-Resistant (MDR) what makes them immune against any treatment and leads the patient 100% to death.

After 20 Year of research the Pharma Industry got aware of the Plant and started research by their own seeking a form and way to transform the active principles and components into a cancer remedy. They also failed. Graviola does not allow any kind of chemical reproduction. It is reconfirmed that Graviola only works as it grows in nature and it beats cancer better then any synthetic drug or heavy poison rays. Until today many different groups of scientists are still researching to create a similar product as Annonacins and it still works only like it grown in Nature.

All that information has been kept in secret because Pharmacies could not transform it into something that would give them a huge profit. So they gave proof that they are not really interested in heal people but in making huge profits from those who are already sufficiently hidden by the disease itself. Why would somebody create so many unnecessary pain when there is something much stronger and without any life threatening side effect.

At the end of the nineties one of the Scientists who was part of one of the research teams broke the silence for reasons of consciousness and some of the reports were accessible for the medicine world. Simultaneously some people from Brazil got kind of divine guidance to go to the Amazon and to study the Plants of the Rainforest. They were integrating the native people to learn from them as their knowledge about healing plants of the Rainforest is reaching back in time for many centuries.

The good thing is that for one time in this world the science is NOT finding a way of manipulation - the power of healing cancer lies in Graviola and several further plants that God preserved to be used like the Almighty lets it grow. It is a blessing for Mankind and a gift from Mother Earth - A wake up call to become conscious and to start honoring the gifts we have forgotten that they exist. When we destroy the rainforests we destroy the lungs of our planet and without oxygen all life will die. We need to open up our hearts to understand that all what we experience has a solution and all what we suffer of different kind of disease has a natural way of cure in nature.

Graviola shows us the way

Nutritive Values of Graviola

Iron, potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, Selenium, zinc,

Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin C

In addition
Dietary fibers, Tannin, Proteins, Lipides

Ethno-medical Uses of Graviola in different Tropical Countries and USA

Latin America:

Abscesses, Tumors, Edemas, Worms, all kind of Parasites, Bronchitis, Breathing Difficulties, Coughs, Diabetes, Digestive Imbalances, Dysentery, Intestine Parasites, the Intestinal/Colic Attacks, Fever, Liver Problems, Neuralgias, Nervousness, general Body Pain, Rheumatism, Tetanus

Tumors of all kind, Intern Ulcers, Parasites, Lice, Hypertension Diabetes, Dysentery, Indigestion, Inflammation, Flu, Liver Disorders, Spasms, Fever and as a Sedative

Tumors, Ulcers, Parasites, Worms, Digestive Disorders (Dyspepsia), Diarrhea and Kidney Problems: Renal Insufficiency - Renal Failure

Tapeworm, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Fever, Chest Colds, Ringworm, Scurvy, Styptic (bleeding)

The Caribbean:
Colds, chills, fever, flu, diarrhea, indigestion, nervousness, palpitations, rash, spasms, skin disease, and as a sedative and calmative agent

Gallbladder Problems, Nervousness, as a Sedative and Calmative Agent, Childbirth

Parasites, Lice, Flu, Digestive Sluggishness, Diarrhea, Fever, Coughs, Pain, Weakness, Wounds, Pellagra, Nervousness, Cardiopathy, Spasms, Sedative, Lactation Aid after Childbirth,

Parasites, Worms, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Lactation Aid after Childbirth, Nervousness, Sedative, Spasms, Tetanus, Water Retention and general Weakness,

Ringworms, Blood Cleaning Agent, Hypertension, Palpitations, Fainting, Insomnia, Lactation Aid after Childbirth, Flu,

Cancer, Tumors, Ulcers, Fungal Infections, Intestine Parasites, Hypertension, Depression

Asia - Malaysia
Furuncles, Coughs, Colds, Diarrhea, Dermatosis, Hypertension, Rheumatism, and to Reduce Bleeding

British West Indies:
Tumors, Intestine Parasites, Asthma, Childbirth, Lactation Aid, Hypertension

Other Countries:
Cancer, Kidney Problems, Bladder Insufficiency, Liver Disorders, Dysentery, Malaria, Stomach Problems, Ringworm, Lice, Parasites, Childbirth, Asthma, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Scurvy and as a Sedative

Native Wisdom

After learning about ethnological medicine and their high evolved knowledge we should ask ourselves who is more advanced. They have no hospitals and they have NO CANCER or did you ever see a Native in a Cancer Department of a Hospital? They do not have Laboratories, they don't transform any plant into a pill and they are heal.

The Natives still show us today how to live with nature and how nature provides all what we need for a healthy life. What do we as the so called Civilized World with Nature and with ourselves? We allow destructive exploitation, depletion, exhaustive cultivation, robber economy, not only with Mother Nature but also with our own lives. We burn the candle at two ends disrespecting the holiness of our body. We abuse a maximum and the end is deadly disease. Is that a wonder? No it is just a consequence of our issues, our habits, our believe systems and our actions, of out thoughts, words and the ability to look away when things are not in harmony with the cosmic order. We just don't care when it does not hit us personally. To heal really we have to heal ALL THE REALMS we are living in otherwise we only get a momentum cure. Can you feel that? It is NOT a question of understanding but of feeling!!!!! We shot our feelings down

You go against your feelings and you get sick!!!

How many times a day we do that???? We have to come back to the heart and stand up to safe the natural resources that are still intact like the rainforest as biggest source of healing plants that exists in our world.

A German Doctor made holiday in the Amazon Region and he was wondering how many natural remedies are there on the market. He took some of the to try and as I started to teach in Germany about Graviola and the Rainforest he showed up and said: I am director of a Hospital and I was looking for a way to make people the Amazonian Healing Powers available. I our Hospital we have a new system and are open for alternative healing methods. We offer open Seminaries and you can come whenever you want to talk about cancer and other disease. I did for Diabetes..... it was amazing

So the Western Countries are learning about Graviola and the Healing Powers of Graviola, the miraculous fruit that brings never ending surprises to people with cancer and other heavy disease. Graviola is a chance for all those who are hidden by Cancer or one of the other diseases of civilization.

This Newsletter again is a Wake up Call and a Chance to survive Cancer. I

Graviola is not only a miracle against cancer cells, but has also components (results of researches) that can eliminate other chemicals like cortisone, drugs and all kind poisons in our body. This is UNIQUE as Cortisone remains into people's bodies forever with the horrendous side effect that people are gaining weight fro nothing. Graviola is the power of life that is able to clean all poisons we are exposed today in our daily life in air, water and nutrients. It has the amazing natural potency to clean and to regenerate our body cells. Just remember that our body is the Holy Temple of Life that deserves all our respect because the body makes us the gift to be alive and to experience this wonderful personal journey on this beautiful planet, to have fun and grow in all senses when we maintain us in a healthy state.

This Plant and many others are a gift of Divine Source and Mother Earth preserved for our times to remember the love we should have for our divine vehicle, for ourselves and for all life. Divine Source and Mother Earth have the medium for people who have lost faith in the daily battle for survival.

This fruit has the form of a huge heart to show you even by its form that only the heart can heal without any kind of human manipulation, pure and natural like it is given.

A little insight of my own experiences:

As Multi-Dimensional Free Way Healer I learned to go straight to the cause of a disease that is created by denying feelings, psychic shocks, and heavy experiences on heart and soul level as well as body misuse of any kind. It can be karmic origin or even living on a place that is over poisoned by electricity or environmental. Nevertheless we can never get sick when our body defense is working properly and that opens the door to all what we experience. The way of cause and effect never fails and even incurable disease is curable by cosmic law. I always was driven to the Rainforest and I knew deep within that some kind of cure for the physical body should exist in that huge natural pharmacy of Mother Earth. I asked God to get something into my hands that helps people faster to understand and faster to heal so they can learn on big scale and not just one by one.

7 years ago - I was at about to travel to Germany and the day before a friend of my spiritual group from years ago over sudden crossed my way and she asked me when I am going to travel again to Germany and if I could help the next time I go to open an enterprise that sells Amazon Natural Nutrients that are a power house of healing and there is nobody who speaks well German. Well, the word Amazon was hitting me like an electric shock and I was just going the next day... Is this the answer of my prayers I thought. After one week something drove me to get in touch and I felt the obligation to call. The representative came to present the products, 7 at that time. He started to explain each one and as I held the bottle of a mixture of Graviola and 6 other anti cancerous components in my hands instantaneously my entire body was increasing tremendous heat waves and source transmitted: that is what you have asked for. Of course I studied all I had to and stood in Germany for 9 month to get the information out fighting the meanings and beliefs of traditional cancer cure.

There are so many cases I was testimony of that it would fill books and it would made you cry as it does with 100s of people when they hear at the annual gathering people telling their stories of survival in the last moment - their despair facing death and their families without a penny left because no assurance would take the bills anymore - family selling everything they have to safe a beloved one.

One friend of mine Brazilian Plastic Surgery Specialist got Leukemia Myeloid and the needed urgently a cell transplant - she was on a list number 989 - I past 4 month with her working on her and finally we could access the products and the doctor of the enterprise said to her: You know that you are in the hands of God? Yes - but nevertheless we will give it a try - you got to take 5 different products and we found a sponsor - today she has a foundation for abandoned animals - she left her wheel chair behind and she is fine!!!!

All those experiences are divine one by one but I think that more people need to know about it - from mouth to mouth it is just to slow - there are so many people suffering for nothing. The Lady who became director of the German enterprise had 5 types of cancer - 5 children - her best friend a director of a Hispital - he told her to go home and to spend the last time with her children - that his art has come to an end and that he is so sorry. At home a friend passed by and told her about those products - she loves life and she took one product only - after a week she felt stronger - her life powers came back she felt that she could make it and she said she would only go and show up front of her doctor and friend when she was fine. After 6 month she visited him in the hospital - he cried and asked what she did - she talked about the products and halleluiah the doctor today is working in his hospital with those products too. There is not only hope THERE IS HEALING OUT THERE and people need to be informed!

Here some more evidence I found in different reports of the 100 strongest Underground Cures:

CANCER "MAGIC BULLET" DISCOVERED - but drug giant hushes it up!

10,000 times stronger than chemotherapy with no adverse side effects

DARYL S. HAD 12 TUMORS IN HIS PROSTATE. But he received a cutting-edge treatment that helped save his life. And... In 3 months, his PSA dropped AND THE TUMORS DISAPPEARED

HOW? Daryl's secret was the help of an amazing tree that grows deep in the Amazon rainforest. Called Graviola, it may well prove to be the ultimate cancer-fighter. Studies by the National Cancer Institute already show that Graviola extract is 10,000 times stronger than top chemotherapy drugs...

Yet it's incredible precision hunts down cancer cells while leaving healthy cells completely alone! Graviola just seems to "know" which cells to kill and which to avoid. There's no nausea, no hair loss, no weight loss, no weakening of the immune system.

The news about Graviola sent shockwaves through HSI's extensive medical network. But the story behind Graviola is just as shocking.

As we learned, this lifesaving discovery was very nearly denied to mankind. And I'm sorry to say the reason is that somebody sat on the research. The trail of evidence clearly shows...

For 7 long years, a billion-dollar drug company covered it up!

What's more, this is undoubtedly not the first time that something like this has happened. Following is a textbook example of how modern drug research works, and how your health falls victim to the pursuit of money and power:

It all started in the early 1990s, when this well-known drug giant started pouring money into the search for a cancer cure...

What gave Jacqueline the power to CONQUER BREAST CANCER?

JACQUELINE HAD BREAST CANCER, but she also had a huge advantage in her battle. Best of all, it works by using your own body's army of natural "killer cells." So, it actually makes you feel more energetic, rather than sapping your strength. Like many such firms, they were intrigued by the healing powers of rainforest plants. They discovered that Graviola was being used by Amazon Indians to treat a huge range of diseases. And when they tested its cancer-fighting powers, bingo, they discovered a revolution...

But you can't make megabucks from any cure UNLESS YOU PATENT IT...

And no one can patent a tree that's been around for millions of years. So the drug firm tried for seven years to come up with man-made duplicates. But they hit a brick wall. Try as they might, they couldn't match Mother Nature. Finally, they tossed in the towel...

Okay, they're in business to make money. Fine. But let me ask you...

If the research files for this breakthrough were sitting on your desk, what would you do with them? Call a news conference? Send out press releases?

At the very least, wouldn't you publish them all in a prominent medical journal? After all, more than 6 million Americans have died from cancer in the last few decades.

Think how many might have been saved if a discovery like this had been available. But, instead of turning it over to independent researchers.......-

They boxed it up, put it on the shelf - AND TURNED OFF THE LIGHT

Happily, one courageous researcher just couldn't live with that decision. He spilled the beans... and the result may turn out to be the most life-saving substance on earth. More clinical trials are needed, but more than 20 studies to date have already established that...

Graviola can wipe out 12 types of cancer cells, including breast, prostate, colon, lung and pancreatic tumors

Yet, unlike any chemotherapy drug, it leaves healthy cells undamaged.

A miracle? Perhaps. Yet even now, not one drug company we know of has picked it up and run with it.

WHY? Same reason. No one can legally patent it.

Are you starting to see?

AMAZON MIRACLE TREE fights much more than cancer

While scientific research on Graviola has focused on its cancer-fighting powers, the tree has been used for centuries by tribal healers to treat an astonishing array of diseases:
*muscle spasm
*diarrhea neuralgia


My report continues here: Healings -Cures - and Lies about Conventional Treatments

True example: In Germany one of the Patients of Dr. D. Hamer (working on the psychic shocks for cancer cure) suffered breast Cancer and she was asked three times in the hospital if she is Jewish and she denied - she had family members who were but she wasn't. She was wondering first why they asked that. The next day another doctor appeared in her Hospital room offering her a heavy treatment apart of the chemo therapy and he told her that people with cancer have only 10% chances to survive but she could be one of the 10% when she would accept this incredible expensive proposal. The got aware of why she was asked if she is Jewish and as it was not the same doctor, she answered, sorry I cannot do that as I am Jewish - the doctor replied: oh I didn't know and leaving the room he remarked: you will be fine anyways...... can you believe that? But that is the truth about heavy and expensive treatments and people believe the Chemo (90% are not making it) and suffer for nothing.... The Lady reported the doctors and left the hospital. One thing is the big lie about Cancer - the other side has the solution and is not sufficiently known yet to help many people and children avoiding so much unnecessary pain. You will become porter of the secret - during May I will send out a report about the plant and how to get the juice product that is saving 1000s of lives since 9 years in Latin America and 5 other countries - not in USA yet apart of some friends of mine I sent the product to help them get well.

(She is German and the report is to find on Dr Hamer's German Website)


What more can I say now as that I have experiences with Graviola since 7 years - As I learned by guidance how cases are set into motion that ends up in heavy disease or chronicle disease, even aids is one of the biggest lies, during this year I will publish more reports on products and natural powers for many of diseases that are used by the science to as a good income instead to inform about simple cures from inside out. Graviola helps reproducing the killer cells without our body that is the reason self defense it growing fast as the own body helps the nutrients to fight the sick cells in the body structure -any of them.

The latest studies in Brazil have confirmed that the product combination with Graviola has a component that kills even the Hospital Virus - this is a killer virus without cure until today that is 1000% deadly - we got results that are amazing. In the meanwhile the component who does that that been found.

We are working to get information out to doctors and alternative healers. There is so much to learn and to do because the greatest shift has to be done in education. It is not easy to teach people who have been driven in only one direction to believe denying all other ways,even if their own life depends on that.

The reason of cancer is a psychic shock and it is not so difficult to learn about it - recreate your life from inside out and use the fruits, plants and natural elements that Mother Earth grows so we can get well. Let's open our hearts and minds for the Amazon Rainforest and join people work fro the protection of this last wonder of an intact ecosystem and stop burning down 5000 square miles each day so some people can make their profit. They are killing life itself and we are the crown of creation and should honor all LIFE in first place as holy!!!!

And don't forget: Miracles of life are there for everybody

Blessings and time for reflection

Regina E.H.Ariel

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many causes to diarrhea: virus, bacteria, germs, bad food, antibiotics, excessive intake of laxatives and so on. There are plenty of remedies to diarrhea, and some are better than others. But one that is 100% natural, easy to make, cheap and effective is: carrot soup.

It supplies water to combat dehydration while replenishing your body with sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium. It also supplies pectin, and coats the intestine to reduce inflammation. Moreover, it will prevent vomiting and any growth of harmful germs inside the intestine.

This carrot soup recipe is not the traditional soup recipe your grandmother used to cook. In fact, you will only need the juice from the carrots, as you do not want to give anything solid to someone who has a diarrhea.

What you need:

A large cooking pot
A strainer
2 pounds of carrots, peeled and sliced
1 cup water
1 teaspoon salt

First, peel the carrots and slice them. Then heat the carrot in 1 cup of water in the cooking pot over medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 25-30 minutes, until the carrot is tender. Mash the carrot thoroughly and add 1 1/2 cup of boiling water. Bring to a boil again, then simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Place the strainer over a large bowl to retrieve the carrot juice, then pour the mixture into it. Press the mashed carrot with a fork to retrieve as much carrot juice as you can.

Give 3/4 cup of carrot soup to the patient every 20-30 minutes.

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'Before taking any medications to stop diarrhea, it is a good idea to let it run its natural course as it is usually your body's attempt to get rid of the bad stuff.'

Diarrhea- also spelled diarrhea, is an increase in the frequency of liquid bowel movements- three or more per day or an increase in the looseness of stool. Stool is what is remaining after your digestive system absorbs the nutrients and fluids from what you drink and eat.

The fluids you drink and the foods you eat pass too quickly through your colon in the case of diarrhea. The fluids aren't absorbed well, and this results in a liquid bowel movement.

Being a common cause of death in the developing world, it can be quite dangerous in children as well as in people over the age of 65. It is actually the second most common cause of infant deaths worldwide.

Diarrhea is used by your body to get rid of viruses or bacteria you may have received through bad food. Common causes include:

• Food allergies.
• Some form of virus or bacteria in water or food.
• Infection.
• Food poisoning.
• Certain antibiotics such as penicillin or other medicines.

Diarrhea can be accompanied by symptoms like headache, tummy pain, nausea and vomiting, dehydration, thirst and fever. It will most likely go away on its own. However, on certain occasions, it could be a sign of something a little bit serious.

Remedies to Help Stop Diarrhea:

• You lose fluids in your body with diarrhea. In many cases, replacing these lost fluids and salts will be all you need.

• Let the diarrhea run its course for 8-10 hours to rid your body of toxins. But you will need to make some changes to your diet at the onset of diarrhea.

• Drink fluids- fresh juices and sports drinks that will help replenish your minerals.

• Keep away from carbonated and caffeinated drinks; caffeine can irritate the bowel and carbonated drinks can affect the intestinal contractions.

• Don't eat processed carbohydrates until your recovery.

• Drink blackberry tea for mild diarrhea.

• Do not drink alcoholic beverages.

• Opt for warm drinks as they help the digestion.

• Solid foods are a little difficult to digest and you need to give your digestive system a rest, so avoid solid foods.

• Apples, bananas- especially ripe and blueberries are great but avoid the other type of fruits. Your body can easily digest banana and the magnesium, potassium it includes.

• Eat a green banana every two to three hours until you feel better.

• Avoid greasy or very sweet foods.

• Yogurt or acidophilus tablets help restore your intestinal flora, so it is good to eat yogurt but not other milk or dairy products.

• Take fiber supplements such as FOS to absorb excess fluid in the intestines.

• As stools begin forming, start eating solid foods in small quantities. Take it easy for a few days and stick to foods that are easy to digest to help your system get back to normal.

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Was it just recently that your doctor discovered your hypertension? High blood pressure or hypertension can lead to complications like stroke and heart attack which makes it important to be managed. Here are different ways to reduce high blood pressure.

When someone is diagnosed to be hypertensive, doctors prescribe anti-hypertensive drugs to keep the blood pressure controlled. Different types of anti-hypertensive drugs can be prescribed like angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, angiotensin II receptor blockers and others. Even though patients complain about the various side effects, these anti-hypertensive drugs are very effective in controlling hypertension.

Yes, like any synthetic drug, these also have side effects like dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, heartbeat changes, and others. It is good if the side effects can be tolerated by the patient. Unfortunately for some, the side effects are intolerable that they look for other effective methods in reducing hypertension. What is great is the fact that certain approaches have been proven helpful in reducing hypertension and these methods have no side effects.

Decrease your salt intake. Your salt or sodium intake can increase your risk of developing hypertension. Only 2,300 milligrams of salt must be consumed by people each day. Only 1,500 milligrams of salt must be consumed by hypertensive people every day. Remember to look for the sodium content and nutritional information of products before deciding to buy them. Purchase foods that have 5% or less of the Daily Value of sodium. If the daily Value of sodium is 20% or more, do not buy that food.

Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables that are rich in potassium, magnesium, and fiber. It has been proven that these nutrients can help in reducing high blood pressure. Fruits and vegetables that are high in these nutrients are fat-free yogurt, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, spinach, squash, raisins, potatoes, pineapples, oranges, melons, mangoes, lima beans, grapes, grapefruit, green peas, green beans, carrots, broccoli, bananas, apricots, apples, and a lot more.

Smoking cessation. Smoking is another established risk factor of hypertension. Cigarette smoke contains nicotine which causes blood vessel damage, increased clotting of blood, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and reduced oxygen going to the heart.

Be active physically. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the risk factors in developing hypertension. Exercising every day for at least 30 minutes can decrease a person's risk of getting high blood pressure as well as effectively control hypertension. You can do jogging, brisk walking, biking, walking, swimming, and other aerobic exercises.

These are just some proven effective methods to reduce hypertension. And there are still more methods like stress reduction, yoga, meditation, supplementation, deep breathing, and a lot more. So that you can reduce high blood pressure without having to endure the adverse effects of anti-hypertensive drugs, you must know the different natural methods in controlling hypertension.

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I am not a big fan of antibiotics but sometimes they can't be avoided, especially if you have an acute medical condition, such as a deep infection, that needs immediate attention.

In these cases, antibiotic therapy is sometimes the quickest way to resolve the problem. Unfortunately, sometimes the side effects of antibiotic therapy are just as bad as the medical condition.

Side Effects of Antibiotic Therapy

There are lots of different kinds of antibiotic therapy being used these days, so it's not possible to cover all the side effects. The main problem with antibiotics, though, is that they tend to kill off the beneficial bacteria (also called probiotics) that live in your gut.

Probiotics are important not only for good digestion, but also as a first line of immune defense. They also help support your body so you don't develop either seasonal, environmental, or food allergies.

In addition, the side effects of antibiotic therapy can include:

* itchy skin or rashes
* diarrhea and other digestive complaints
* yeast infections,
* nausea and dizziness
* dry eyes

And that's only the short list! Now the question becomes, how do you recover from antibiotic therapy?

Oral Probiotics Overcome the Side Effects of Antibiotic Therapy

Since the side effects of taking antibiotics stem from the fact that antibiotics kill of the naturally-occurring probiotics in your gut, the simple solution is simply to replace those probiotics by taking them orally.

The most commonly-taken probiotics are acidophilus (which live in your small intestine) and bifidus (which live in your large intestine). Taking high-potency capsules of these probiotics orally during and after your course of antibiotic therapy will prevent most of the side effects, and keep your digestion functioning normally.

During antibiotic therapy, and for 2 week afterward, I suggest taking 4 capsules of acidophilus in the morning and 4 capsules of bifidus at night. After that, you can reduce your daily regimen to 1-2 capsules of each daily. If your digestion suffered seriously during the course of antibiotics, and you are having problems like constipation or gas, try a more powerful full-spectrum probiotic to address the entire gut. Just add 2 capsules to the regimen mentioned above, morning and night.

Choose the Highest Quality Probiotics

The side effects of antibiotic therapy are not pretty, especially if you have to use antibiotics over a long period of time, but luckily you can easily replace any probiotics lost during that time. Oh yes, when you go to choose probiotics, go for the good stuff that is stored in refrigerators or sold online by reputable companies. If you are going to go to the trouble of replacing your probiotics, you might as well start with probiotics that are guaranteed to be high-density and stored in ideal conditions.

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It's not something we like to discuss, but constipation affects almost 1 in 5 adults in the UK within a 12-month period. In the UK about 10% of the population are regularly constipated; 20% or more in the elderly. Women, particularly, are prone to suffer.

Constipation is the result of waste material moving too slowly through the large intestine, leading to infrequent or painful elimination. Bowels should be moved at least once per day - ideally once for every meal! Otherwise harmful toxins accumulate in the body and may cause many different problems such as bad breath, body odour, coated tongue, depression, diverticulitis, fatigue, wind, headaches, indigestion, piles, hernia, insomnia, obesity, varicose veins or more serious problems. Poor absorption and blocked intestines can also reduce absorption of nutrients and medication so no matter how good your diet, you can't absorb food correctly.

Did you know?

* The average person has 1 - 3 kg of unwanted, putrefying matter stuck to their bowel wall. This creates a source for toxicity and a welcome home for parasites.

* 37 million drug prescriptions are made in the UK for digestive diseases every year.

* 1 in 5 people in Europe suffer from a gut disorder.

* 1 in 10 of all deaths in the UK are from gut disorders.

* Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects 20 - 30% of the UK population.

* The number of bowel movements per day should equal the number of meals eaten.

The Problems with Laxatives

Many sufferers are tempted to resort to laxative substances to promote bowel movement, but these can cause problems. There are four basic types:

* Stimulant laxatives irritate the intestinal wall, stimulating peristalsis. They can damage the bowel walls with habitual use, as well as leading to dependency. Long term use can damage nerve cells in the colon wall, which will perpetuate constipation rather than alleviate it.

* Stool softeners soften faecal matter so that it passes through the intestines more easily. The mineral oils contained in these can damage the lungs if inhaled, and they decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Long-term use can cause liver damage and increase the toxicity of drugs.

* Osmotic agents promote secretion of water into the colon, initiating bowel movement. These are safer than stool-softeners and stimulant laxatives, but if used regularly, dependency can result.

* Bulk-forming agents increase the bulk and water content of the stool and are the ONLY type than can safely be taken on a regular basis.

What Causes Constipation?

The cause of constipation is often poor diet with excess junk food and insufficient fiber or fluid intake. Experts recommend that we should have 20 - 35 grams of fiber daily, however the average person consumes only 10 - 12 grams. We need both soluble and insoluble fiber, which keeps your colon clean, and helps to relieve both constipation and diarrhea.

Other causative factors include lack of exercise, advanced age, poor diet, muscle or structural disorders.

It may also be a side effect of iron supplements or certain prescription medicines. If you suspect the latter, do not change any medication without your GP's approval.

How to Stop Constipation

The following recommendations should help.

* Drink plenty of water whether you are thirsty or not.

* Aim to drink 2 litres of still mineral water daily. This final target may need to be built up to over a period of a few days. If adding fiber supplements (see below) make sure you have a full glass of water with each dose. Herb tea or fruit juice diluted 50-50 with mineral water add variety to your fluid intake, but alcohol, tea and coffee do not count towards the total - in fact they can have a dehydrating effect.

* Eat small portions of food, minimise large, heavy meals.

* Vitamin C supplements at higher doses can encourage loose stools.

* 6-8 prunes (or 3 figs) before breakfast may be helpful. If this is insufficient, eat more before dinner. They are best eaten before meals as they can otherwise cause flatulence.

* Other foods with a mild laxative effect are: strawberries, raw spinach, watermelon, garlic and dandelion leaf tea. Fruit (bananas, citrus fruit and apples) and vegetables (cabbage, raw green leafy vegetables, celery, peas and carrots) should help as they contain good levels of fiber. Rice, nuts, lentils and seeds are also good sources of fiber.

* Whole-grain products contain more fiber (and vitamins and minerals) than white.

* Soaked flaxseeds may be helpful too, but be sure to drink plenty of water and chew them well. Ideally grind them, to avoid them passing through you undigested.

* Avoid fried, refined and processed foods. Also minimize foods like dairy, fats and spicy foods - these stimulate mucous production and are difficult to digest, as well as containing little fiber.

* Essential fats help stool formation - these can be obtained in supplement form or in foods such as nuts (almonds, Brazils, cashews, walnuts) and oily fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna).

* Visit the toilet 20 minutes after every meal to encourage a habit reflex. Relax with a book for ten minutes, don't strain or push. Leave if there's no bowel movement and don't worry.

* When you do get the urge to 'go', don't delay.

* Exercise can help prevent constipation, even a brisk daily walk, as physical activity speeds the movement of waste through the intestines.

* It's important to have a healthy balance of good bacteria (probiotics) and bad. Heavy laxative or antibiotic use may have caused the bad to crowd out the good. Acidophilus or consumption of live, unsweetened yogurt daily can help restore the balance. Garlic helps destroy bad bacteria.

The colon is a holding tank for waste matter that should be removed from your body within eighteen to twenty four hours. If this does not happen, harmful toxins can form. These can cause distressing conditions such as migraine, Candidiasis, wind and bloating. Or they can play a role in the development of serious conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease and bowel cancer. If the suggestions above don't help constipation to clear up quickly, please ask your GP to check that it doesn't have other, potentially serious, causes.

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Nowadays, more and more people pay great attention to the health care. They want to defer the aging and keep themselves healthy to the full extent. People think that they can be healthy if they always eat the nutritional foods in everyday life. In fact, this view is not proper. The wrong collocations of nutritional foods can also seriously endanger the human health.

The first wrong collocation is composed of seafood and beer. Seafood usually contains purine and orsellinic acid, while beer contains vitamin B1 which can decompose the two kinds of substances contained in seafood. If people drink beer when they are eating seafood, the toxic substances can be integrated inside the human body to increase the content of uric acid in the blood so as to cause the lithangiuria. If the metabolism is not good, people can even get gout and gouty arthritis.

The second improper food group is composed of ham and lactic acid beverage. People like to eat ham with lactic acid beverages together, which is very dangerous. The nitrate contained in ham can be integrated with organic acid contained in beverages to produce nitrosamine, a kind of carcinogenic substance. Therefore, people should get rid of this eating way to decrease the risk of getting cancer.

The third wrong collocation is composed of radish and orange. Radish can produce a kind of substance called "thiocyanic acid" which can resist the thyroid gland. The flavonoid contained in fruits like orange can be transformed into thiocyanic acid to restrain the normal functions of thyroid gland after the decomposition of bacteria in the intestinal tract. Then goiter can be caused.

The fourth wrong food group includes milk and chocolate. Milk contains abundant protein and calcium, and chocolate contains oxalic acid. When people eat these two kinds of food together, calcium contained in milk can be integrated with oxalic acid to produce calcium oxalate which can not be dissolved in water. Calcium oxalate can not be absorbed by the human body and the symptoms like diarrhea can be caused to affect the normal growth.

The fifth unhealthy food group includes spinach and bean curd. Bean curd contains magnesium chloride and calcium sulfate, and spinach contains oxalic acid. The intake of spinach and bean curd can cause the production of magnesium oxalate and calcium oxalate. These two kinds of products can not be absorbed by the human body. The absorption of calcium can be affected and calculus can be easily caused.

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There is no standard definition regarding the color of normal stool. This is particularly because the body structure and diet of everybody differs. However, pale yellow and green color falls under the category of normal bowel colour. In most of the cases it might be dark brown or light brown also.

Causes of White Bowel Movement:

A bowel movement is characterized by white color throughout the stool might also indicate that you are suffering from your biliary system of infection in liver. It is actually a fact the bile present in our livers are responsible for coloring the stool matter. Now, in case, one suffers from problems in these internal systems then the bile may stop functioning properly which effects the process of digestion.

Further, there are some other problems which might lead to white bowel movements. In case, you body is digesting the food consumed at a very steady pace than your waste matter gets white colored due to the presence of mucus over it. The mucus is actually secreted by the colon which in order to shield itself from the unhealthy foods items.

Common Symptoms of White Bowel Movement:

* Abdominal pain
* Constipation
* Abdominal swelling or discomfort
* Acidic taste
* Diarrhea
* Anal pain

Common Reasons of this problem

* Tumors and tightening of bile duct.
* Symptoms of barium particularly from antacids and enema.
* Biliary cirrhosis.
* Problems in metabolism.
* Gallstones.
* Celiac disease.
* Sclerosing cholangitis.
* Liver infection due to hepatitis etc.

Treatment of White Bowel Movement:

As there are many reasons which might cause this problem, the doctor first try to find out the specific reason and then start the treatment. In fact, there are numerous which would help you to bring your stool back to the normal color.

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For most of us, the normal reaction when "D(iarrhea)-Day" strikes is to swallow a pill or antidiarrheal medication. Manufacturers of these products often promise quick relief. But the truth is, none of them is necessary in case of acute or simple diarrhea which disappears sooner or later.

"Simple diarrhea, whatever its cause, is almost always self-limiting; it subsides in a day or two without treatment. The simplest remedy is to avoid any foods or drinks suspected of causing or aggravating the problem, drugs not recommended or prescribed by a physician, and most dairy products since the lactose aggravates diarrhea even for those who are not normally lactose intolerant," explained Kurt Butler of the Quackery Action Council of Hawaii and Dr. Lynn Rayner of the John A. Burns School of Medicine, University if Hawaii in "The Best Medicine.

"Water or diluted juice should also be taken to replace lost fluid. At least one glass every three hours is usually advisable. All caffeinated and sugary beverages should be avoided. If diarrhea lasts more than a day, make a mixture of half a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda, and four tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water. Drink it when thirsty to prevent dehydration," they added.

Dehydration is a serious complication of diarrhea, especially in infants and people over 60 The loss of too much liquid from the body can be fatal and is often the cause of many infant deaths in developing countries.

"Diarrhea causes dehydration, which kills approximately 3.5 million children every year.
Diarrhea is also a major cause of child malnutrition," according to the editors of "Facts for Life" published by the Philippine Information Agency and the United Nations Children's Fund.

Even then, "Facts for Life" said medicines should not be given to children unless specified by a doctor. Most infants and kids can get along with breast milk, soup and rice water to prevent dehydration.

Other alternatives are fresh fruit juice, weak tea, green coconut water or a packet of oral rehydration salts. The latter, which can treat and prevent dehydration, can easily be prepared at home by mixing with water.

"Most medicines for diarrhea are either useless or harmful. The diarrhea will usually cure itself in a few days. The real danger is usually not the diarrhea but the loss of liquids from the child's body," said the editors of "Facts for Life."

"It is often said that a child with diarrhea should not be given any food or drink while the diarrhea lasts. This advice is wrong. Food can help to stop the diarrhea. Also diarrhea can lead to serious malnutrition unless parents make a special effort to keep feeding the child during and after the illness," they added. (Next: How to prevent diarrhea.)

To strengthen your body, take Immunitril - your first line of defense in maintaining a healthy immune system.

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A common question posed by constipation sufferers is: "do bananas cause constipation?" This article explores this topic in more depth and seeks to give you the answer to this often asked question, once and for all.

Interestingly, this question does not have a simplified "yes" or "no" response. The truth of the matter is that bananas can help fend off issues with constipation just as easily as consuming them can be a source of constipation.


  • Bananas are very high in soluble fiber which, in some cases, helps to move the bowels through the intestinal tract so bananas can be helpful in eliminating constipation issues.

  • Bananas contain an ingredient identified as pectin and the pectin is the source of fiber in bananas.

  • Consuming a single banana offers you more than fifteen percent of the entire daily fiber intake you require.

  • The ripeness of a banana will determine whether or not it will make you constipated when it is consumed.

  • The potassium in ripe bananas helps to alleviate diarrhea since it replaces needed electrolytes.

  • Fructooligosaccharide are found in bananas; an enzyme producing compound that assists in natural digestion and hinders the fermentation of bananas once inside the intestinal tract; this helps to prevent constipation in some cases.

Unripe Bananas

When bananas are green, consuming them can cause you to become constipated. The unripe bananas or Plantains are far more difficult for your body to digest; they are also bitter to the taste due to the tannin in the green bananas. Since Plantains are more difficult on the digestive tract, the green banana variants may move into the intestinal tract and cause a binding effect in the bowels. These types of bananas are also filled with heavy starches, which can also contribute to constipation.

How Many Bananas Should You Consume?

You should definitely consume bananas in moderation; one, but no more than two bananas per day is recommended to maintain healthy bowel movements. The bananas that you do decide to consume should be yellow with several blackened spots on them; this indicates the banana's ripeness. You might want to start with a single banana daily to see how the bananas affect your system.

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