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If you feel sluggish, every task is a chore and exercise is exhausting then you should think seriously about whether your pH balance is too acidic and concentrate on regaining the correct balance with having a green drink. pH is the scientific name for the level of acidity in your body, running on a scale of one to 14; pH 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, greater than 7 is alkaline. The ideal pH balance for the human body is 7.4 and slightly alkaline.

When pH is below this rate the body falls prey to common complaints, such as sore throats, headaches, head colds, flu, chronic fatigue, general aches and pains. Green drinks, made from a variety of green vegetables, quickly begins eliminating the acidic toxins from the body restoring the body's pH balance to the ideal level and aiding the whole metabolic process.

All green drinks contain a potent blend of organic grasses, leaves, green vegetables and vitamins - over 125 in total. The entire list is way too long to mention so here is a snapshot of the organic ingredients: Aloe Vera Leaf Concentrate, Alfalfa Leaf, Black Walnut Leaf, Blackberry Leaf, Boldo Leaf, Broccoli Floret, Cornsilk, Couch Grass, Cabbage Herb, Celery Seed and Dandelion Leaf - to mention a few.

Prime pH acts as an oxygen catalyst In the bloodstream and this formula reportedly has a positive oxygenating, alkalizing, and pH balancing effect on the body. This is taken in conjunction with a green drink, using one level teaspoon of any green drink per liters of spring or distilled water, then adding 16 drops of Prime PH. This can be enjoyed, after shaking, wherever you like - using a screw top container.

It is essential to have these nutritional drinks regularly throughout the day. Women should drink three liters and men four liters every day. The general rule is one liter for every 42 pounds of body weight. Once you have drunk your daily intake you may want to drink some more which is fine, as is drinking water with a drop of lemon or some Prime PH drops.

Some detox symptoms may occur which are normal - flu-type symptoms, fatigue and even diarrhea. This is all good, proving that the body is getting rid of the stored toxins. Feeling less hungry is a positive symptom and any hunger pangs should be satisfied with another liter of a nutritional drink to counter the cravings, which are usually attributable to dehydration rather than hunger.

Another positive change will be noticed in eating habits. Cravings for coffee, bread, soft drinks, candy and meat will be replaced with yearnings for salads, vegetables and fruit. Once your body settles and begins to alkalize body fat should start to shed - continuing to drink three liters of any green drink and Prime PH a day can lose up to 20 pounds in a four week period. Drinking green will also boost energy, making sleeping a deeper and more refreshing experience.

The Green Drink regime will also sharpen the thinking process and eliminate that 'foggy headed' scenario, which will in turn help handle stressful situations. Another bonus is that your skin will improve and start to look sparkling rather than tired.

A green drink is a very positive life-enhancing health boost for anyone feeling stressed and unwell, and any initial outlay will be rewarded handsomely with the greatest gift of all, a healthier, leaner, body, sparkling skin and renewed energy.

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One common question that a lot of victims of constipation ask is whether bananas could be linked to the problem. Here, we will look at the topic more in-depth to finally find out the truth.

You might find it interesting that the answer isn't as easy as a simple 'yes' or 'no'. The truth is: bananas could actually help fight certain issues that come with constipation the same way that eating bananas could be a cause of constipation. Are you confused yet?

The Facts:

- Bananas have a lot of fiber that, in several cases, can help move bowels all the way through the intestines. Because of this, bananas could be useful in getting rid of constipation problems.

- Bananas have ingredients called pectin, which is a fiber source.

- Eating one banana provides you at least 15% of the whole daily fiber intake that you need.

- A banana's ripeness will pinpoint if you will get constipated after eating it.

- A ripe banana's potassium can help in getting rid of diarrhea because it can replace any required electrolytes.

- Bananas have fructooligosaccharide, which are enzymes that produce compounds and can help in natural digestion while hindering banana fermentation once in the intestines at the same time. This can help prevent constipation within several cases.

Eating a green banana can make you constipated. Plantains or unripe bananas taste bitter because they have tannin and they give your body a much harder time to digest things. Because these plantains are harder to digest, variants of green bananas might get inside the intestines and cause binding bowel effects. Such kinds of bananas are full of heavy starches, as well, which could also contribute to the constipation.

On the flip side, ripe bananas - due to their high content of fiber - can help the bowels move through the intestines. Therefore, in this respect, bananas can be beneficial in relieving constipation.

Bananas must definitely only be eaten in moderation. It is recommended to eat one banana a day - two, at most - to keep the bowel movements healthy. If you decide to eat bananas, go for yellow ones that have some blackened spots. This happens to be an indication of how ripe the bananas are. You may want to just eat one banana a day to see how your system reacts to it first before upping your daily intake.

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What is a negative calorie food you say? You see there is no such thing as a negative calorie.

Let me explain - a calorie is a unit of heat and it cannot be negative. So when people talk about negative calorie foods. They are talking about foods whose calorie level is so low that it takes more energy to eat and digest it.

Take cold water for instance, it contains no calories at all, but the body has to expend energy to bring it up to blood temperature. Therefore, every time you drink a glass of cold water. You burn a few calories and lose a little weight. There are very few foods like this.

Below are a list of some negative calorie foods to help in your weight loss efforts. A lot of the foods on the list below do not really use more calories than they add, if they do it is minimum. Our body is always expending energy just to keep us alive and breathing. You are always burning calories.

It is not healthy to use these foods as a long term solution to your weight loss program. Why? because eating them in abundance could cause serious damage to your body. They could however be used as a healthy detox or fasting plan for one to three days. Provided you are in a healthy state it can be a great way to clean out your system. You should always get medical advice before doing so.

For example, the acid in grape fruit and pineapple can damage your stomach lining. Some of these foods can put excessive burden on the liver and cause diarrhea. They should be incorporated into your diet with other proteins, starches, and vegetables. To create a healthy natural diet.

Here is your list of foods that can be incorporated in your daily meals:

* Apples

* Asparagus

* Beets- better when grated

* Blueberries

* Broccoli

* Cantaloupes

* Carrot- better when grated

* Cauliflower

* Celery stalk

* Celery root

* Cranberries

* Cucumbers

* Eggplant

* Endives

* Garden cress

* Garlic

* Grapefruit

* Green beans

* Green cabbage

* Lamb's lettuce

* Lemons

* Lettuce

* Onions

* Papayas

* Pineapples

* Prunes

* Radishes

* Raspberries

* Spinach

* Strawberries

* Tangerines

* Tomatoes

* Turnips

* Zucchini

Please use this list of negative calorie foods wisely. I can't stress this enough. Do not over eat one food, chew your food slowly for more satisfaction. You will also lose more calories that way. Especially, if you eat some of them in their raw state. Use them in salads, soups, smoothies, and hearty side dishes. The possibilities are endless. Have fun! Good luck!

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Estrogen dominance is the main culprit in many conditions which lead to infertility and worse - estrogen dependent cancers. Some examples of estrogen dominant conditions are PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, low sperm count, poor sperm quality as a result of low testosterone, fibrocystic breast disease and obesity.

There are three different types of estrogen produced by the ovaries; E1 (estrone), E2 (estradiol) and E3 (estriol). Estrogen is a very important hormone for women. It promotes maturation of follicles, development of endometrium for implantation of the fertilized egg, production of fertile mucus, softens the cervix, lubricates vagina during intercourse and helps sperm to swim in the female reproductive system. It is the key hormone for development of female sexual organs and it's important for overall health of your breasts, fallopian tubes, ovaries and the vagina. And when you reach your menopausal years, your can thank estrogen deficiency for hot-flushes, dry vagina and the risk of osteoporosis.

Too much of a good thing?

So how come that something that's so good and important for female health can be also causing a host of conditions which predispose to infertility and cancer?

Balance and moderation is the key to any successful endeavor. Too much exercise can actually break down your muscle tissue and cause you to gain weight. Too much vitamin C can give you diarrhea and too much estrogen can cause a hormonal imbalance.

The fourth type of estrogen we recognize belongs to the group of so called xeno-estrogens. Xeno in Greek means 'foreign' i.e. not made by the body. In this context it refers to estrogens which we get exposed to through the food we eat, drinks we drink, creams, lotions and potions we put on our skin and the chemicals we inhale - some from the environment and some from exposure to commercial perfumes and cleaning solutions. Xeno-estrogens look similar to body-made estrogen and can dock on your estrogen receptors (key-lock system) and activate the same reaction in cell a real estrogen would. As all hormones depend on each other and secretion of one prompts the secretion of other hormones, soon you end up with uncoordinated release of hormones which start creating havoc in the body.

Daily agitation over prolonged time can lead to tissue and function changes ultimately resulting in a chronic condition. Chronic conditions respond best to dietary and lifestyle changes. So what can you do to prevent estrogen dominance in your body?

5 Foods to reduce estrogen dominance

  • Meet the cruciferous vegetable family! They are broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts and cauliflower. This family of vegetables contains sulfur compounds (can be gas forming) and indole-3-carbinol. These guys bind to estrogen and escort it out of the body. Have three servings a day. These veggies can be eaten raw in salads (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale) or steamed (brussels sprouts). Kale makes wonderful healthy chips baked in the oven with some olive oil and sea salt.

  • Hello green leafy vegetables! Spinach, celery, rucola, parsley, dandelions, Swiss chard. Have 2-3 servings a day. Gren leafy's make great salads and can be blended in smoothies. Adding one banana to your smoothie will mask the grassy taste. If drinking a green drink is not your thing, add a handful of frozen blueberries or cherries to make it purple and taste of berries. A dash of stevia and vanilla essence compliment this gourmet combination.

  • Good morning sunshine! Fruits which remind us of our beautiful sun are all the citrus fruits; lemons, oranges, grapefruits (ruby red and yellow), mandarines, tangerines, pomelos and limes. Citrus fruits contain d-limonene which helps detoxify estrogen. Aim for one serving a day. You can juice them, eat them and add their juice to a variety of dishes. Organic lemons and oranges can be blended whole and make a great addition to smoothies making them taste delightful. If you are going to use the peel (which is very healthy) make sure to wash the fruit and use only organic fruits as pesticides can get absorbed into the essential oils found in the peel of citrus fruits. Pesticides act as xeno-estrogens, so you want to avoid getting exposed to them.

  • Grandma knows best! Apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Insoluble fibre found in apples, oats, berries and beans binds to estrogen in your small intestines and stops it from being absorbed. That way you can reduce your exposure to xeno-estrogens from your diet. Aim for two servings a day.

  • Lastly these small seeds contain more than meets the eye! Sesame seeds and flax seeds contain estrogen binging lignans. Aim for two to three tablespoons a day. You can have flaxseed oil or ground up flaxseeds, sesame seeds sprinkled in salad or ground up in a paste called tahini. Flaxseeds are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

These foods should be part of your daily staple diet. They are very versatile and can accompany many dishes as sides or feature as a main dish. Get creative and ensure to have them daily.

Share your thoughts on these foods and if you have a delicious recipe featuring these estrogen dominance eliminators we'd love to try it out!

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Most people should be interested in building a strong immune system, but many people really do not understand how the immune system works. And, that's understandable, because a lot of very intelligent people, including doctors and scientists are not sure how the whole thing works.

Researchers have done thousands of studies about building a strong immune system and it is a relative surety that they will continue to do studies for quite some time. The immune system is very complicated. Its normal functions seem to, in certain diseases, make conditions worse. But, opinions on that subject vary.

There are many things that we know about the immune system. It functions constantly without our knowledge. Whenever an invader of any kind enters the body, specialized cells identify the invaders and communicate with other cells, planning a basic attack. Injury causes the immune system to shift into overdrive.

Fever, inflammation or swelling, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, even diarrhea are all efforts made by the body to rid itself of invaders. Some may think that if they have a strong immune system, they will never have an infection or never get sick, but in actuality, having a healthy, strong immune system means that we can fight infection more easily, more effectively and that the risk of serious complications from a mild disease, such as a cold or flu, are relatively small.

Debate about building a strong immune system includes which vitamins, minerals, herbs, plants and other natural products may help. It is important to remember that good nutrition is of utmost importance. If, like most people, you do not always eat the right foods in the right combination every day, then a good daily multi-vitamin is a necessity. Experts do not always agree on the value of mega-doses of vitamins, but if you are willing to experiment a little, then you may be able to find the right quantity of a specific vitamin for your own personal needs. For example, if you are beginning a high dose vitamin C regimen and you develop diarrhea, then you need to reduce the dosage. When the body gets more vitamin C than it needs it responds with diarrhea.

Those people who are very active need more vitamins than those who are sedentary. For example, studies have shown that marathon runners benefit from large doses of vitamin C. Measurements of vitamin C presence in the blood indicate that during infection (even a common cold) levels of vitamin C are depleted almost immediately. So, increasing vitamin C intake during an infection is a good idea. Vitamin C works best when taken with calcium and magnesium, which help the body absorb vitamins and other essential nutrients more efficiently.

Plant components believed to be helpful for building a strong immune system include Beta Glucans, the subject of numerous scientific and clinical studies. In one clinical study, patients who were given Beta Glucans had an increased number of helper T-cells (specialized white blood cells that help other blood cells identify invaders) circulating in the blood stream. The are currently being studied for their potential use in fighting diseases which affect the immune system, cancer treatment and cholesterol control.

Herbs that have scientific research supporting their use for building a strong immune system include andrographis paniculata. Used in traditional Chinese medicine for treating infection, cold, fever and inflammation, researchers have shown that this herb is an effective influenza treatment. Study participants who were given the supplement recovered more quickly from the flu and developed fewer complications than the control group.

Green tea, ginseng, piperine, olive leaf and a number of other botanicals may be effective for building a strong immune system.

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Weight loss takes place when the body cells burn more calories than what is consumed with food intake. This usually happens when you do exercises or when you are on a diet. The activities you do such as jogging, weight lifting, and even walking will increase the metabolism. This is what leads to weight loss. The body is composed of fats, proteins-muscles, bones, flesh, skin, body organs. It also contains fluids such as blood, mucus and water. When an ordinate person loses weight, it is most likely that they will think that they have lost fat content. Scientifically, when a person loses weight, it does not necessarily mean that they have lost fats, it could be muscle mass or even fluids.

Most people who are overweight and start a weight loss program usually lose the most weight in the first few days of the program. This happen because the person has lost water weight. After this you are more likely to gain weight in a short period of time because you are hydrated and the water is back in the body. As time goes on, you find that they will have a difficult time losing the rest of the fats.

Weight loss scientists would say that the ratio of the body components has changed. A great reduction of any of the components of the body will affect the overall weight of the person. There are circumstances where a person loses too much body fluid and it leads to weight loss. They usually get a serious case of diarrhea that will cause dehydration. Diarrhea always dehydrates the body so you will have to continue drinking water to replace what was lost.

The more you weigh the more likely it is that you have water weight. The main cause of weight fluctuation is due to water retention. Our bodies tend to retain water when we eat sugary, processed and high calorie foods. Foods that are rich in sodium are the main cause of weight gain due to water retention in the body. This is the reason we are discouraged from taking in lots of foods that are prepared because they contain lots of salt. Salt contains sodium and that is the main culprit behind the body's water retention.

It is hard to say that you should avoid eating salt completely because all foods contain some traces of sodium though in different amounts. Bananas have potassium that aid in preventing water retention. Gaining weight is caused by accumulation of fats in your body as well as retention of water. When you reduce the caloric intake, your body will lose a lot of water which will result in weight loss. The body then turns to the stored fats and proteins which make up the muscles in the body to get the needed water. At this point you will also lose a lot of water because the muscles contain a lot of water. This will make you thirsty. They you will drink water which will hydrate the body and you will gain your lost weight back.

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Regular and satisfactory bowel movement is bliss! But sadly not many people enjoy this gift and suffer from what we term as constipation. Hard, difficult to pass stools irrespective of the frequency of bowel movement is also called as constipation.

Lots of factors come into play when it comes to regular bowel movement. Inadequate fiber in diet, drinking less water, eating instant food, sedentary habits, etc are some of the factors that are modifiable. Rather a doctor must advice modifications in every patient complaining of constipation instead of merely suggesting remedies; only then the cure can be said complete. Maintaining factors often are the crucial factors that hamper the way to cure. Most importantly the physical activity must be stressed the lack of which is THE reason in many of the patients these days.

There are certain problems that also include constipation as one of the symptoms. The diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes, scleroderma, spinal cord injuries, etc are some of the problems giving rise to constipation.

Homeopathic Medicines for Alleviating the Constipation-

As we always say, nullifying the symptoms is the way to cure for any disease. Therefore, the name of disease is certainly not important while we treat any malady. The symptoms of the disease considered in totality help one find the accurate remedy for any disease, rather person. Constipation can be effectively dealt as a symptom in homeopathy and there are quality medicines that can be employed homeopathically to help one restore normal bowel function. Let's see some of the important remedies and their differentiating features for constipation-

繚 No desire for defecation
繚 Hard dry and knotty stools
繚 Itching at anus
繚 Even soft stool is pushed with difficulty
繚 Long before the evacuation there is a painful urge sometimes; but ha to strain a lot
繚 Pressing in groins
繚 Associated with dryness of mucus membranes everywhere
繚 Moody person with hasty hurried attitude

繚 Extremely severe constipation
繚 No desire for days together
繚 Absolute lack of ability to expel stools
繚 Despite passing the hard stools, the rectum feels full
繚 Stitching pain in rectum after stool for long time
繚 Associated with hemorrhoids
繚 Constricted sensation in mucus outlets

(3)Ammonium mur-
繚 Crumbling stools at the verge of anus
繚 Itchy sensation pervades rectum
繚 Hard stools covered glairy mucus
繚 Mucus stools (often green) alternating with constipation
繚 Smarting and burning pains in rectum during and after stool
繚 Associated with the thirst for lemonade
繚 Hemorrhoids after suppressed leucorrhea

(4)Antim crud-
繚 Marked anal itching
繚 Old cases of irritable bowel syndrome, where constipation alternates with diarrhea
繚 Hard lumps of stools mixed with watery discharge
繚 Bloated abdomen after eating
繚 Entirely mucus stools at times
繚 Haggard look on face, suggesting subdued liver function
繚 Marked craving for sour food, especially pickles

繚 Stools seem large, hard, as if burnt
繚 Lack of desire for stools
繚 Tender abdomen
繚 Burning pains in rectum with sensation as if peristalsis has come to a stop
繚 Associated with thirst for large quantities of water
繚 Pressure in stomach as of a stone
繚 Irritability is often a concomitant in all Bryonia patients

(6)Calcarea carb-
繚 Stools at first hard, then soft, then liquid
繚 Large and hard stools
繚 Stinging hemorrhoids
繚 Most Calcarea patients however do not complain of constipation; they are better with it
繚 Has to be associated with sour belching, sourness pervading the system
繚 Fearful gesture, with marked fear of disease
繚 Indolent types, averse to any type of exertion

(7)Carduus mar-
繚 Venous constitutions with dropsical swellings
繚 Bright yellow stools, hard, dry, knotty; often alternates with diarrhea
繚 Constipation in patients with gall-stone disease
繚 Tender liver region
繚 Hemorrhagic piles
繚 Burning pains in anus and rectum

繚 Sharp sticking pains in rectum
繚 Most obstinate constipation with hemorrhoids
繚 Constipation during pregnancy
繚 Alternate constipation and diarrhea
繚 Itchy anus with constricted sensation
繚 Painful bleeding piles
繚 Venous engorgement of rectum
繚 Mental emotions or excitement aggravates, better by heat

繚 Climacteric constipation
繚 Knotty stools with mucus threads
繚 Soreness of anus
繚 Anal fissures
繚 Undigested stools, very offensive, with fetid flatulence
繚 Hemorrhoids with itching of anus
繚 Associated with constrictive pains in stomach
繚 Must loosen clothing around waist

(10) Kali bichrom-
繚 Marked periodicity associated with constipation
繚 Sensation of plug in anus, worse mornings
繚 Associated with pain across the loins and brown urine
繚 Cutting pains in abdomen after eating
繚 Constipation in fat, flabby, light complexioned people
繚 Most suited to subacute stages and not violent ones

(11) Lachesis-
繚 Offensive stools with tightness of anus
繚 Pain through rectum and anus while coughing, sneezing, etc
繚 Purplish protruding hemorrhoids
繚 Blackish discharge-bleeding from bowels
繚 Abdomen sensitive, cannot bear anything around waist
繚 Associated with gnawing hunger spells

(12) Mag mur-
繚 Constipation of infants during dentition
繚 Sheep dung like stools, knotty, in small quantities
繚 Crumbling stools at the verge of anus
繚 Bloated feeling in abdomen, worse after eating
繚 Associated with painful hemorrhoids

(13) Mezereum-
繚 Constipation after the delivery of child
繚 With bearing down pains in rectum
繚 Alternating with greenish offensive diarrhea
繚 Associated with colic at times, with shivering and difficult breathing
繚 Associated with watering of mouth and some or the other skin concomitant

(14) Nux vomica-
繚 Ineffectual urging for stool is the hallmark of the remedy, whether in constipation or diarrhea
繚 Has to go several times in the morning and still feels unsatisfactory
繚 Irregular peristalsis
繚 Absence of all desire to defecate is a strong contraindication to use Nux
繚 Uneasiness in rectum
繚 Associated with flatulent distension and chilliness

(15) Plumbum met-
繚 Black, lumpy stools
繚 Frequent urging and spasms of anus
繚 Impacted stools with sensation as if anus is drawn upwards with constriction
繚 Associated with colicky pains radiating to all body parts
繚 Neuralgic pains in rectum

(16) Sulphur-
繚 Fears defecation on account of severe burning pains
繚 Unsuccessful desire to defecate frequently but passes small quantity every time
繚 Marked redness around anus with itching and burning
繚 Oozing hemorrhoids
繚 Good appetite or total loss of appetite; all gone sensation about 11am is frequent concomitant
繚 Feels as something is alive in abdomen
繚 Milk leads to constipation spells

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Green tea is made up of caffeine, Tannins, Theophylline, Polyphenols, Theobromines, Saponins and Vitamin A, K, C, P, B1, B12. This tea is used worldwide for its herbal and medical applications.

It is made by steaming the leaves of a plant camellia sinensis. It is made up of polyphenols which are antioxidants. It has to go through the oxidation process during its preparation. Its core origin is from the Chinese native gardens but it has been subjected to many research studies and experiments worldwide.

All these experiments have resulted in a long list of its benefits for human health and a very small list of its side effects. One of the many advantages of this fantastic drink is its ability to burn fat. This is the basis of its popularity among all age groups because it helps one lose weight.

Many people over the world are facing the problems of heavy body weight. But green tea helped them lose those extra pounds without doing any physical work. Many people were told to start using this tea for better results.

Green tea has the capability to regulate the heat flow and burning of fat by minimizing the intake of calories which helps it to play its role as a successful fat burner. It is reported that it reduces your weight naturally. No exercise, no physical activity just 2-3 cups of green tea in a day helps you shed those extra pounds which were haunting you earlier. If you combine it with exercise and diet, it can help you even more.

Green tea not only functions as a fat burner but it also plays a crucial role in reducing the chances of cancer growth. It maintains your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and sugar levels. It is also said that it can reduce chances of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension and mental disorders.
It has been revealed it inhibits the functioning of free radicals and it also helps in curing many skin related problems.

Green tea with its long list of advantages has some disadvantages as well, which are:

  1. Since it contains caffeine, insomnia is reported in many cases.

  2. Heart palpitations, nausea, diarrhea and uneasiness are also reported.

  3. Indigestion and acidity have also been observed by some users.

Hence, with is long list of advantages it is considered to be a healthy drink.

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One medium mango, about 10oz or so, is packed with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Mango like most fruits are low in protein, about 1 gram for a medium size, but high in natural fiber. They do of-course contain no cholesterol, no saturated fat and about 0.6 grams of essential fatty acids. As for beta-carotene, mango are bursting with it, plus impressive amounts of potassium and magnesium. It's the perfect fruit to replenish energy levels after heavy physical exercise like jogging or working out in the gym. Then there is vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, plus calcium, iron and even traces of zinc.

The mango is indigenous to India, and has been cultivated there for over 4000 years. In
Ayurveda (Traditional Indian Medicine) the ripe mango is seen as balancing and energizing. The dried mango flowers contain about 15% tannin acid used as astringents in cases of diarrhea, chronic dysentery, and chronic urethritis. Mango kernel (seed) decoction (boiled in water) is used as a vermifuge (anti-parasite) and as an astringent for diarrhea, hemorrhages and bleeding hemorrhoids. The fruit cleanses the body, and helps the immune system fight infections.

Every part of mango tree, roots, stems, bark, the blossoms, unripe or ripe fruit, seeds, all have been used over the centuries for their curative and medicinal properties. The mango tree and its medicinal parts have shown to have some antibiotic activity. They also strengthen and invigorate all the nerve tissues of the brain, heart and other parts of the body.

Preparing a mango fruit- wash off the sap on the skin before handling it. Some fruit is so fibrous that it is difficult to slice and eat, in this case just squeeze the juice. Non-fibrous mango can be cut in half to the stone, the two halves twisted in opposite directions to separate the flesh from the central flat stone.

In Mexico - the mango is pierced at the stem end with a long central part of a special mango folk, then the fruit is held like a lollipop. Small mango are peeled and mounted on an ordinary fork and eaten in the same way.

The fat extracted from the kernel is white and solid like cocoa butter, and is being proposed as a substitute for cocoa butter in chocolate.

In India green hard mango are peeled, sliced, parboiled, then brown sugar, salt, various spices (cumin, ginger, turmeric, coriander, chili etc) are added sometimes with raisins or other fruits, and cooked to make chutney. Serve with meats, or bean etc this chutney will help improve digestion.

The bark of the tree is high in tannin acid about 16% to 20% and has been used for centuries in India for tanning hides.

In Thailand green-skinned mango are called "keo", with sweet, nearly fiber-less flesh, they are soaked whole for 15 days in salted water before peeling, slicing and serving with sugar!

In Africa - the gum of the bark is resinous, redish-brown, and is used for mending crockery.

In Hawaii - Hawaiian technologists have developed methods for removing the peel from the fruit for the production of mango nectar, this is an important export industry to Hawaii.

The Canada Department of Agriculture has developed methods of preserving ripe or green mango slices by osmotic dehydration.

In the Caribbean, the leaf decoction (leaves boiled in water) is taken as a remedy for diarrhea, fever, chest complaints, diabetes, hypertension and other ills (see under caution).

CAUTION - The sap from of the tree trunk, branches and the skin of the fruit, is a potent skin irritant, and capable of blistering the skin. As with poison ivy, there can often be a delayed reaction. Hypersensitive persons may react with considerable swelling of the eyelids, the face, and other parts of the body. The leave of the mango tree has been used medicinally for centuries. Documented medicinal properties and actions of the mango leaf are - anti-asthmatic, antiseptic, antiviral, cardiotonic, expectorant (helps clear the lungs), hypotensive, and laxative. However, it is not recommend, as they are toxic and cattle grazing on mango leaves die. Diabetes - the tender young bright green leaves of the mango tree are considered useful in diabetes, but only under supervision. Continuous intake of the leaves may be fatal. When mango trees are in bloom, it is not uncommon for people to suffer itching around the eyes, to experience facial swelling and respiratory problems. The irritant is probably due to the vapor of essential oils from the flowers. Wood from the mango tree should never be used in a fireplace as the smoke is highly irritating.

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You have no doubt been hearing a lot lately about the preferred use of "green" cleaning products. Using the term "green" is supposed to indicate that they are environmentally friendly, not their actual color. Even the large soap companies like Proctor and Gamble and Johnson and Johnson have jumped on the bandwagon with what they are calling "safe" and "natural". But there are concerns among professionals and laymen alike as to just what exactly these terms mean.

What Is Meant By Safe And Natural?

Just because something is "natural" does not mean it is safe. For example, rattlesnake venom is of course "natural" (found in nature), but who in their right mind would consider it "safe"? So what does all of this mean to the normal consumers? Should they still be investigating bio-based green cleaners? Absolutely! They just need to be very aware of what they are finding.

What About Commercial Cleaners And Soaps?

If you were to search the Internet with the phrase "making your own soap" you would quickly discover web site after web site that provides information on making and using so-called natural cleaners. Most of those sites simply copy each other and include similar postings by individuals who have a formula for making "safe and natural cleaners and soaps". In most cases, they will suggest that using commercial cleaners will cause cancer, asthma, skin rashes, and even death. And they may be right. But what they offer as alternatives may be just as dangerous. For example, many of these natural cleaner formulas contain rubbing alcohol, washing soda (Borax), commercial liquid hand soap, vinegar, and fragrances to make it all smell good. And they tell you to add tap water to dilute them for everyday use.

Alcohol - Ingestion or inhalation of rubbing alcohol is dangerous and toxic to the central nervous system.

Washing Soda - Highly alkaline and can cause severe skin rashes and burning, especially to those with skin conditions and allergies.

Liquid Hand Soap - Most of these (even the "oil" soaps) contain potassium hydroxide which can cause acute poisoning if ingested, including severe pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and collapse. Cancer may be a long term effect.

Vinegar - An acidic liquid processed from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid. Vinegar can cause a severe reaction when applied to the skin and can cause burning of tissue in the eyes and nose.

Fragrances - Many people are very allergic to man made fragrances such as those found in commercial cleaners. Snakes and rodents are repelled and even killed by inhaling these fragrances in lab tests. Even the so-called natural fragrances named essential oils are highly concentrated forms of potentially toxic plant chemicals.

Tap Water - Usually contains alkalines, lead, chlorine, and other toxic materials in low doses.

Are these the ingredients you want to have in your "safe" and "natural" cleaners?

How About The Bio-Based Cleaners?

Bio-based cleaners are those produced using only safe organic ingredients found in nature. Yes, they are called "natural" too. But they are non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-corrosive, non-abrasive, non-alcohol, non-polluting, and contain no fragrances. The usual ingredients include (but are not limited to) vegetable oils, vegetable and plant-based enzymes and minerals, coconut oil, and natural vanilla, mixed with de-ionized, purified, and/or distilled water. They are so safe they can be rinsed down any drain or disposed of in bodies of water including ponds and lakes without having any effect on aquatic life or plants.

"But what would happen if my child should drink some"? Very simply - nothing! Because the cleaners do break down organic materials the child may experience some mild diarrhea if he/she recently ate a large meal containing fatty foods, but it will quickly disappear.

Bio-based cleaners do not require any warning labels on their containers and no special handling. On most commercial cleaners you will see a warning to "Keep out of the reach of children" because those other cleaners do contain toxic chemicals.

Bio-based cleaners were originally formulated for those people who are chemically sensitive, hyper allergenic, have compromised immune systems, or just environmentally concerned. While they certainly surpass those requirements, they have also become very popular recently with those seeking an alternative to the dangerous, toxic chemicals that are being sold today as "safe" and "natural" cleaners.

(Please contact the author at the website shown below for more information)

Dr. Douglas Bryce

Material Sciences Manager

GreenWyre Products


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Regular intake of fibrous foods helps in the proper digestion of the body. With a good digestion process, it avoids the risk of diarrhea or constipation. It also ensures that foods eaten are well-processed and the necessary elements from these foods are well-distributed in the different parts of the body. Fiber intake needs to be part of a regular diet as it is a means to effectively address the untoward incidence of stomach distress or annoying bowel movement.

There are lots of fruits and vegetables that are proven to be rich in fiber. Pineapple and green leafy vegetables are some common examples. But according to some studies, Psyllium husk has the most fiber content making it the most excellent source of dietary fibers. An estimate of 71 grams of fiber for one-third of a cup is in its content compared to only 5 grams fibers of the same cup for other fibrous foods.

Psyllium husks are found in Plantago Psyllium. It is a plant that thrives in Middle East. The husk is the seed cover of this plant. Because of its high count of fiber, it is found to be a very effective in terms of obtaining more dietary fiber into a person's eating habits.

When psyllium husks are taken, they pass through the digestive tract, taking a lot of water along the process. But these husks are not digested, instead they help in the built up of stools becoming bulkier and softer. In this way, the stools can move through the intestine smoothly with lesser force on the intestinal wall. Through this smooth and fast process, haemorrhoids are prevented to occur. Going through this process, it is important that husk should be taken along with lots of water. A glass full of water should be taken when taking husk and an additional of six to seven glasses of water should be drank within the day to give the husks do their function effectively.

In addition, studies show that aside from digestion improvement, there are other benefits that these husks offer. They can also be helpful in reducing blood cholesterol. If taken regularly, it has been found that it can lower bad cholesterol by as much as 7%.

Furthermore, it has also been observed that excretion of stool includes fats. In effect, it acts as a supplement for weight loss. Other studies also inform that these husks are also beneficial in decreasing the count of blood sugar in the body. However, these studies are yet to be proven as these benefits are still on the initial stage of observation.

Continuous studies are being done to identify the other benefits of husk consumption. At the moment, it is already proven that it can facilitate in the proper digestion process and it helps in lowering blood cholesterol that results in lower blood pressure. A study on its effects on weight management and blood sugar control is currently in progress to fully establish these additional benefits of the husk.

With the existing benefits of the husk, it has already proven itself of the positive implications of its intake. Additional advantages would just be another testimony of the goodness of husk in the body.

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Why Do You Have to Drink Watermelon Juice?

Through the intake of drinks, preferably vegetables and fruits juices, you can have excellent sources of water and natural nutrients that are going to help to detoxify your body. An ideal fruit juice to consume for this purpose is watermelon juice.

Watermelon is Refreshing and tasty, satisfy the most demanding palates, this fruit provides many additional benefits that our body would appreciate staying healthy.

Watermelon, the older sister of melon

Watermelon is an herbaceous annual plant, his younger brother, is the melon, which has a hairy stem, It is a flexible and trailing three of four meters in length, dark green leaves and yellow flowers.

Each plant usually takes three to five fruits, almost spherical or elongated and a large size (they can weigh over 40 pounds), the skin or rind is dark green or clear, uniform or with white veins.

The pulp has sweet taste, is watery, grainy, refreshing and bright red or clear, according to the different varieties.

Inside the watermelon there are a lot of flattened black seeds, which form concentric circular lines. This tasty fruit, can be harvested from May to August (in the central and south American countries is usually achieved throughout the year).

High water content - There is evidence that the watermelon held for the first time in the Nile Valley and was in charge of Egyptian farmers. - It is high in water content and its healthy fructose is has few calories.


To get an idea of the value of this fruit, 100 grams of the pulp is composed of 35 calories, 90 grams of water, 8 carbs, 0.2 fat and 0.6 protein, to which must be added half the daily recommendation of vitamin C, 25 percent of vitamin A and rich in minerals, especially potassium, calcium and phosphorus.

The watermelon is low in calories

although they taste sweet, watermelon contains a low percentage of carbohydrates in the form of sugars. Therefore, it is of little value and caloric energy, but has important biochemicals needed to develop good health, like vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Anti-Colds Fruit

This fruit combats thirst in the days of extreme heat, remove the bad taste in the mouth and helps remove mucus. In cases of coughs and colds is advised to drink a pectoral drink prepared by mixing in a glass watermelon juice (previously drained) with a tablespoon of honey. Heat and take three tablespoons every two hours between meals or before eating.

It is laxative

By containing fiber, watermelon has a mildly laxative action. It is indicated in patients with intestinal constipation trends as food that enhances and accelerates intestinal transit. On the contrary, is a fruit that is not recommended for individuals with a tendency to suffer from diarrhea.

Favor Breastfeeding

It is good food for breastfeeding mothers because it thins the milk and makes it easier to digest for the baby.

It is diuretic

Watermelon increases the secretion of urine and helps eliminate impurities in this way. It is highly recommended for patients with prostate, kidney and urinary tract infections. It has few carbohydrates The fruit is recommended for patients with diabetes, hypertension and obese due to their low calorie and low carbohydrate content.

It is an antioxidant

Its juice has minerals, and helps cleanse the blood and tissues of impurities that harms health.

It is Anti-rheumatic

Provides alkaline minerals that help eliminate accumulated acid in the body. For this reason, we recommend the watermelon to gout, arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica sufferers. It is refreshing and It's dietary qualities are beyond discussion. It is a fruit, eaten cold in summer, a great satisfaction for the refreshing and smooth taste.


For its wealth of vitamins A and C are the best to consume during the stages of growth and development, and to prevent infectious diseases.

How should watermelon fruit be consumed?

a) The watermelon should be eaten ripe and well chewed, otherwise it is heavy and indigestible. It has some white seeds and its taste is not so sweet.

b) The chemical composition and the benefits of this fruit are very similar to the melon, but is not advisable to combine them, as their mixture is indigestible.

c) You can prepare watermelon juice in the best juice maker machine in a fast and healthy way to preserve all its nutrients. If you want to know more about fruits and how to prepare healthy and delicious juices in the best juicer, check my resource box below.

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It is important to give ferret kits vaccinations as prescribed by the vet. This will not only ensure their wellbeing, but will also prevent them from any kind of disease. If you are the owner of a new kit that you have just bought either from a store or a care centre, then you need to check their papers that would have come along with the kits. This will keep you updated of the vaccinations that they have ready received and the ones that you need to give them.

Most kits receive their first distemper vaccination within the first 6-7 weeks of their birth. Usually the store or from where you've bought your kit from should have arranged for the first shot. The second shot for your ferret kit is ideally planned 3 weeks from the first shot. It is therefore essential to check their papers, and just incase you don't get them, ask the store owner to get in touch with the breeder. A recommended schedule for your ferret kits should be as follows;

6-7 weeks = first shot

10-11 weeks = second shot

13-14 weeks = third shot

The distemper shot is the only one that needs to be given annually. Most ferret kits suffer from distemper if not given the distemper shot regularly. This terminal illness can be prevented by a simple vaccination and you should therefore ensure that your kit receives this shot. Before this shot is due, you might need to schedule an appointment with the vet. This will give the vet enough of time to get the shot, although most vets who administer ferrets do keep it handy. A few vaccines that you should avoid giving our ferret kits is the cat distemper vaccines, dog distemper vaccine and parvovirus vaccine. Basically you will need to watch out for any kind of vaccine that are a combination of canine vaccines as these are originally from the ferret cell line

Most vets check ferret kits for other problems like coccdial parasites, ear mites, fleas, congenital defects and virus diarrhea. Some of these like the coccdial parasite usually cause intermittent diarrhea in ferret kits. They could also have diarrhea because of bacteria which could result in frequent watery feces that you can recognize because of their distinct green color. The green color feces is basically the excess bile that is released. Consult the vet for the right antibiotics that you might have to administer your kits to. You vet will also advise you to keep the kit in isolation along with the right nursing care that will tackle this problem.

Young ferret kits are also prone to respiratory problems and infections like pneumonia and colds. They could contact them anywhere, at the store or even in their new home. The reasons for respiratory problems could be varied, and its best you check with the vet who generally prescribe a few antibiotics that will take care of the colds. However if it's a severe case, then the vet might keep them in nursing care for a few days.

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Every pet owner wants to keep their dog safe from harm and will go out of their way to do so. But how many people realise that toxins can be found in the most unexpected foods in your home.

For many people it can come as a big surprise that many of the foods that humans eat can be highly toxic to their pets. One well known toxic food is chocolate. In fact it is not actually chocolate itself that is poisonous to dogs but a naturally occurring compound it contains which is called theobromine. This can also be found in tea and coffee and other caffeine containing substances.

Effects of theobromine vary according to the size and breed of dog so smaller dogs are usually much more susceptible. Symptoms can include epilepsy, vomiting, diarrhea, internal bleeding and heart arrhythmias possibly leading to a heart attack. Generally speaking over 200mg of theobromine per kg is needed to kill a dog, with milk chocolate containing 44-66 mg/oz and dark chocolate 450 mg/oz it is wise to keep dark chocolate out of the way. If your dog has a real weakness for chocolate, pet supplies stores often carry a wide selection of specially formulated dog chocolate.

Other foods which can also be toxic dogs include apple seeds and apricot kernels- both of which contain cyanide. Grapes and raisins have been found to be linked to kidney failure in pets and nuts which contain high levels of phosphorus can lead to bladder stones whilst walnuts are especially toxic and can cause seizures.

Your vegetable drawer holds some terrible offenders; potato peelings and shoots and tomato leaves both contain alkaloids which can affect the nervous and digestive system. Luckily this is fairly rare and as long as you keep an eye out for green skins on your potatoes it is highly unlikely to affect your dog. Raw onions on the other hand have been shown to be linked to haemolytic anaemia and should be kept out of a dogs reach. Perhaps the worst offender amongst the vegetables is avocado; the fruit and pith of which lead to vomiting, diarrhea and laboured breathing and can even be fatal.

Finally some of the most surprising foods which should be avoided include fat trimmings which can lead to pancreatitis and liver which can lead to Vitamin A poisoning affecting muscles and bones.

Signs of poisoning in dogs: Signs to look out for that your dog has been poisoned include lethargy (if your dog does not appear to want to get up from its dog bed ), weakness, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, excitability, seizures, dilated pupils, dizziness, rapid or laboured breathing and fever. It is important to realise that even non-fatal poisoning can lead to heart defects, kidney damage and other long term issues.

If you suspect that your dog has been poisoned you should immediately contact your vet. Do not give any dog food and do not attempt to make your pet vomit unless instructed to do so by your vet.

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It has many names: hot pepper, cayenne, chili pepper, Tabasco, green and red bell, and paprika. Herbally and for healing, it is HOT!!! In the 17th century, and English herbalist wrote that the use of Red Pepper was dangerous, as it inflamed the mouth and throat. However, he stated that when used in moderation, it helped digestion, urination, toothaches, the stomach, kidney stones, and even eyesight. This same herbalist told the females to mix red pepper (and several other spices) with cotton and insert it vaginally to lessen bleeding during menstruation. However, he added, if inserted in the uterus after a delivery, it would make the female sterile. During the 18th century, Red Pepper was mixed with snuff to give it a 'kick.' However, one physician believed this would cause violent sneezing fits that broke the blood vessels in the head. In many countries, it has long been a digestive aid. However, the Europeans believed that hot spices caused stomach ulcers.

During the Civil War, Red Pepper was used to cure anything caused by cold and healed by heat. After the Civil War, it was used as a poultice to treat arthritis and muscle soreness. Ingested, it was used to treat diarrhea, colds, coughs, fevers, constipation, nausea and toothaches. Red Pepper was placed inside socks as a foot warmer. During this same time, the spice was used to treat the delirium tremens associated with alcohol withdrawal. They believed it enabled the advanced alcoholic to digest food, thereby nourishing his/her body. Folk healers use it in a powdered form to stop thumb sucking in children and nail biting. Currently, herbalists use cayenne capsules for colds and stomach and bowel problems. Externally, they use poultices for arthritis and muscle pain.

Pepper is traditionally a digestive aid and pain reliever, because it contains an element called capsaicin. It can be used in aiding digestion, diarrhea, chronic pain, shingles, diabetic foot pain, and cluster headaches. Another possibility for it that is not yet proven scientifically is its use in lowering bad cholesterol, preventing heart disease and increasing metabolism. To aid digestion, Red Pepper stimulates the flow of saliva and stomach secretions. Red Peppers have antibacterial properties to relieve infectious diarrhea. Red Peppers contain analgesic properties to relieve pain, but it is not totally understood why. The 'burning foot' syndrome of diabetics is aided greatly by the use of capsaicin. Cluster headaches, an extreme pain on one side of the head, are alleviated when a Red Pepper preparation is inserted in the nostrils. As I said, for healing purposes, those peppers are HOT!

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Some people develop multiple small pouches in the lining of their intestines (usually in the colon), that protrude through the muscle of the intestinal wall. These pouches, called diverticula, produce no pain or other symptoms, unless they become inflamed or infected. When a diverticular pocket and the surrounding tissue becomes inflamed, the condition is called diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis is caused when undigested food or fecal matter lodges in the pouch, causing irritation. This compromises blood flow to the area, making the area susceptible to an invasion by bacteria, thus hampering the bowel's ability to remove waste. This, in turn, results in constipation, diarrhea, and cramping.

Studies have shown that diverticulitis can run in families, but it is most common among the elderly, whose intestinal lining starts to weaken. Researchers also believe that diet plays an important role: people who eat a low-fiber diet are at increased risk of developing the condition.

Signs and Symptoms

sudden onset of diarrhea and/or constipation(people often alternate between the two conditions during a single episode)

Severe cramps in the abdomen, particularly on the lower left side

Nausea and vomiting

Fever with chills

Conventional Medical Treatment

If you have symptoms of diverticulitis for more than two days, or if the pain is extremely severe, Contact your physician immediately. A rectal exam and colonoscopy or CAT scan may be needed to diagnose the condition, since diverticulitis is often confused with irritable bowel syndrome.

Common treatment includes bed rest, stool softeners, a liquid diet, and antibiotics. If you happen to suffer from two or more diverticulitis attacks over a period of one to two years, your physician may suggest surgical removal the involved segment of intestine.

In severe cases, one of the inflamed pouches can rupture, spilling undigested food, bacteria, and fecal matter into the abdominal cavity. This results in peritonitis, a medical emergency that requires intravenous antibiotic therapy and hospitalization.

Complementary and Alternative Treatments

Nutrition and Supplementation

Fiber is key to controlling this disorder; you need a minimum of 30 grams daily, which can be partially obtained through supplements. During an attack, your healthcare provider may recommend a low-fiber diet until the condition is under control. Water is also important, and you should drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of quality water daily. Herbal tea, broth, and fresh juice are also beneficial. Liquid prevents toxic waste buildup, which leads to inflammation.

Your diet should contain high levels of protein from vegetable sources and fish. Eliminate dairy products, sugar products, red meat, fried and processed foods, and spices. During an attack, avoid seedy foods, such as berries. (Once your condition stabilizes, however, you can resume eating them.) Try to get vitamin K through diet by eating plenty of green leafy vegetables.

Nutritional supplementation is also important. During an attack, switch to liquid forms for better assimilation. Otherwise, follow these daily suggestions:

Most Important

fiber (as directed on label)-helps prevent constipation

vitamin B complex (100 mg 3 times daily)-for proper digestion

proteolytic enzymes (as directed on label)-aids digestion and reduces inflammation of the colon

a prodophilus formula (as directed on label)-heals intestinal wall

Also Recommended

flaxseed oil (1 tblsp daily)-protects the cells lining the colon wall

garlic (as directed on label)-aids digestion and destroys unwanted bacteria

L-glutamine (500 mg twice daily, with water or juice)-fuels the intestinal cells

vitamin K (100 mcg)-a deficiency has been linked to intestinal disorders

vitamin A (25,000 IU; do not exceed 8000 IU if you are pregnant)-protects and heals the colon lining

vitamin C(3000 to 8000 mg in divided doses)-reduces inflammation; use a buffered form

vitamin E (up to 800 IU)-a potent antioxidant

gamma orizanol (as directed on label)-aids in healing the intestinal wall

N-acetyl glucosamine (as directed on label)-aids in healing the intestinal wall

(For an acute condition, take supplements until your symptoms subside. If symptoms persist, seek the advice of your health care provider. For a chronic condition, consult your health care provider regarding the duration of treatment.)

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Nobody wants to get older, and there's a huge market for skin care products that claim they can keep your skin looking young and healthy for as long as possible. However, many of those products contain potentially irritating or harmful ingredients that you may not want to put on your face. Luckily, there are pure ingredients that occur naturally in nature that you can use to help keep father time at bay.

Shea Butter

The shea tree is native to Africa, and the fruit is commonly referred to in African lore. Shea butter not only leaves the skin with a soft, natural texture, which is ideal if you have dry skin, it's also chock-full of antioxidants that help prevent free radical damage that can prematurely age your skin.

Kola Nut Extract

Kola nut extract is taken from the kola nut, and is commonly used in natural medicine to treat dysentery, diarrhea, stomach ulcers and upset stomach. When applied to the skin topically, kola nut has rejuvenating, energizing properties that can tighten the skin for a short period of time. Look for kola nut in products like natural night creams, serums and moisturizers.

Grape Seed Extract

Grape seed extract contains polyphenols - powerful antioxidants that can help to in strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation, which can give your skin a natural, healthy glow. Grapeseed extract also helps to prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin, which breaks down naturally as you age. Healthy collagen and elastin fibers keep you skin looking firm, tight and supple.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract is high in the epigallocatechin gallate, commonly known as EGCG, which has been shown to be more powerful than both vitamin E and vitamin C, both of which are common antioxidants. When used in skin care products, green tea can help to stop free radicals that can make your skin look older and dull. Green tea also contains caffeine, which can temporarily tighten and firm your skin. Drinking green tea also has health benefits, and some research shows it may be beneficial in prevent the formation of cancer cells.


Guarana seed was used by both the Mayans and Maue Indians as a natural tonic, and it has been popular in natural health and skin care circles for many years. Guarana contains a compound that that is very similar to caffeine called tetramethylxanthine, though it contains some vegetable fat not present in caffeine. Tetramethylxanthine works topically on the skin as a stimulant, stimulating and firming aging skin, while the fat content provides moisture that is essential for healthy skin.

Foods can help or hurt your skin which is why it's important to make good diet choices.Younger looking skin requires lots of moisture, the right nutrients, and protection from the sun. Bad habits can speed up the clock. To look your best, avoid cigarettes smoke, caffeine, and alcohol. Eat fresh raw vegetables daily and eat minimally processed foods.

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Herbal tea has become sort of a culture in many countries. Compared to coffee, tea can actually be consumed in relatively large amounts without any risk. People who love it can average anywhere from 3 to 8 cups daily. However, there are associated adverse effects that come with tea overdose. You need to watch out for these as well.

Green Tea

Some people show hypersensitivity reactions with green tea. Others develop the condition after long-term use characterized by hives, swelling of ears, lips, tongue and face, difficulty breathing, closing of the throat and skin irritation. Another grave side effect that can be caused by heavy and long-term consumption of green tea is esophageal cancer. There are agents that remain and accumulate in the esophageal area leading to the development of cysts and tumors.

Too much green tea can cause a variety of side effects such as anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, irritability, mood swings, interrupted sleep, cardiac arrhythmia, headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea and constipation. It can also interact with other substances thereby causing problems. Do not drink tea if you're taking blood thinners like warfarin or Coumadin or it might cause hemorrhage or internal bleeding.

Black Tea

Black tea contains caffeine and should be taken moderately in order to avoid kidney, blood sugar and gastrointestinal problems. High amounts of it can lead to cardiac arrhythmia, insomnia, interrupted sleep, hypertension, hyponatremia, low potassium levels, urinary incontinence, liver disease, skin rash, internal bleeding or hemorrhage, kidney failure, anxiety, irritability, psychosis, delirium, seizure, muscle and joint spasm and rhabdomyolysis. A cup of black tea on the average contains about 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine. 1000 milligrams of caffeine reportedly can be fatal.

Addiction is also expected among individuals taking it in large doses. Chronic intake can cause substance tolerance and psychological dependence. Upon discontinuation, withdrawals symptoms will also occur characterized by nausea, vomiting, headache, mood swings, tremor, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and irritability. People suffering from psychological disorders should not take black tea as it can aggravate symptoms of mania, depression and confusion.

Other Herbal Tea Effects

Herbal teas in general have been suggested to be contributory to the development of cancer. There seem to be carcinogenic effects that come with chronic use. Teas high in tannin may lead to iron deficiency and microcytic anemia. Other associated effects are liver and kidney failure and bronchial and respiratory problems.

Individuals with underlying conditions like thyroid problems, pregnancy, cardiovascular and heart conditions and kidney disease and those who are taking medications should consult their doctors first before taking any type of herbal tea. Doctors recommend that individuals limit intake to 2 or 3 cups per day or less.

http://primeherbal.com - Prime Herbal

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What is food poisoning? It is an acute illness, usually sudden, brought about by eating contaminated or poisonous food. The symptoms of food poisoning are:

1. nausea - a queasy feeling as if you were about to be sick

2. sickness - vomiting

3. Pains in the bowl - gripping pains in the area of the stomach

4. Diarrhea

5. Fever

The main causes of food poisoning are:

1. Bacteria - the commonest

2. Viruses - which are smaller than bacteria, are normally found in water

3. Chemicals - Insecticides and weed-killers

4. Metals - lead pipes, copper pans

5. Poisonous plants - toadstools, red kidney beans (insufficiently cooked)

Bacteria is the most common form of food poisoning and so it is important that we know more about them. Bacteria are tiny bugs that live in the air, in water, in soil, on and in people, in and on food. Some bacteria causes illness. They are called PATHOGENIC bacteria. Some bacteria cause food to rot and decay, they are called SPOILAGE bacteria. There are four things that bacteria need in order to grow. These are:

Warmth. They love body temperature of 73 degrees but can happily grow at 15 degrees. They grow most readily between 5c and 63c. This is known as the DANGER ZONE

Time. Each bacteria grows by splitting in half. This takes time, on average every 20 minutes. This is known as BINARY FISSION. Imagine, one single bacterium by splitting in half every ten minutes can become more than a million in 3 and a half hours.

Food. They like high protein foods for example, poultry, cooked meat, dairy produce, shellfish, cooked rice, stews and gravies.

Moisture. They need water and most foods have enough water or moisture to let the bacteria thrive.

Some bacteria can form a hard protective case around themselves, this is called a SPORE. This happens when the 'going gets tough', when it gets too hot or too dry. So they are able to survive very hot or cold temperatures and can even be present in dried foods. Once the right conditions (5 - 63c) return, the spore comes out of its protective casing and becomes a growing, food poisoning bacteria again.

Bacteria and food poisoning

We have established that the presence of bacteria is one of the most common causes of food poisoning - the presence of poisonous chemicals can also cause food poisoning. There are a number of potentially toxic chemicals present in food. For example, potatoes which have turned green contain the toxic substance, Solanine, which is only dangerous when eaten in excess.

Rhubarb contains Oxalic Acid - the amounts present in the stems which are normally cooked are relatively harmless to humans, but the higher concentration in the leaves makes them very dangerous to eat.

A toxin is a poisonous substance that may be produced by the metabolism of a plant or animal, especially certain bacteria. Toxic food poisoning is mainly caused by Staphylococci in the UK and more rarely in this country, Clostridium Botulinum.

Foods most commonly affected by Staphylococci are:

• Meat pies

• Sliced meats

• Pies with gravy

• Synthetic cream

• Ice-cream

50-60% of people carry Staphylococci in their noses and throats and are present in nasal secretions following a cold. Staphylococci are also present in skin wounds and infections and find their way into foods via the the hands of an infected food handler. Hence the importance of keeping all wounds and skin conditions covered. Although staphylococci are themselves readily destroyed by thorough cooking or re-heating, the toxin which they produce is often much more heat-resistant and may need a higher temperature or longer cooking time for its complete destruction.

Food poisoning from Clostridium botulinum - known as botulism - is extremely serious. This produces a life-threatening toxin which is the most virulent poison known. Foods most commonly affected by clostridium botulinum are:

• Inadequately processed canned meat, vegetables and fish.

During the commercial canning process, every care is taken to ensure that each part of the food is heated to a high enough temperature to ensure complete destruction of any clostridium botulinum spores that may be present.

YEASTS & MOULDS - microscopic organisms some of which are desirable in food and contribute to its characteristics. For example, ripening of cheese, bread fermentation etc. They are simple plants which appear like whiskers on food. To grow they require warmth, moisture and air. They are killed by heat and sunlight. Moulds can grow where there is too little moisture for yeasts and bacteria to grow. Yeasts are single celled plants or organisms larger than bacterial, that grow on foods containing moisture and sugar. Foods containing a small percentage of sugar and a large amount of liquid such as fruit juices and syrups are liable to ferment because of yeasts. Yeasts are destroyed by heat.

VIRUS - microscopic particles transmitted by food which may cause illness. For example, Hepatitis A (jaundice). Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot multiply or grow in food.

PROTOZOA - single celled organisms which live in water and are responsible for serious diseases such as malaria, usually spread by infected mosquitoes and dysentery. These food-borne infections are mostly caught abroad.

ESCHERICHIA COLI - E Coli is a normal part of the intestines of man and animals. It is found in human excreta and raw meat. E Coli causes abdominal pain, fever, diarrhea and vomiting. High standards of hygiene and through cooking of foods must be applied. Raw and cooked meat must be stored at correct temperature and cross contamination must be avoided.

SALMONELLA - is present in the intestines of animals and human beings. Foods affected include poultry, meat, eggs and shellfish. Prevention should include:

• good standards of personal hygiene

• elimination of insects and rodents.

• washing hands and equipment and surfaces after handling raw poultry

• not allowing carriers of the disease to handle food.

Control of Bacteria

There are three methods of controlling bacteria:

1. Protect food from bacteria in the air by keeping foods covered. To prevent cross contamination, use separate boards and knives for cooked and uncooked foods Use different coloured boards for particular foods. For example, red for meat, blue for fish, yellow for poultry etc. Store cooked and uncooked foods separately. Wash your hands frequently.

2. Do not keep foods in the danger zone of between 5c and 63c for longer than absolutely necessary.

3. To kill bacteria, subject bacteria to a temperature of 77c for 30 seconds or a higher temperature for less time. Certain bacteria develop into spores and can withstand higher temperatures for longer periods of time. Certain chemicals also kill bacteria and can be used for cleaning equipment and utensils.

The main food hygiene regulations of importance to the caterer are: Food Safety (General Food Hygiene) Regulations 1995 and Food Safety (Temperature Control) Regulations 1995. These implemented the EC Food Hygiene directive (93/43 EEC). They replaced a number of different regulations including the Food Safety (General) Regulations of 1970. The 1995 Regulations are similar in many respects to earlier regulations. However, as with the Health & Safety legislation, these regulations place a strong emphasis on owners and managers to identify the safety risks, to design and implement appropriate systems to prevent contamination, these systems and procedures are covered by Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and/or Assured Safe Catering. The regulations place two general requirements on owners of food businesses:

• To ensure that all food handling operations are carried out hygienically and according to the 'Rules of Hygiene'.

• To identify and control all potential food safety hazards, using a systems approach either HACCP or Assured Safe Catering.

• In addition, there is an obligation on any food handler who may be suffering from or carrying a disease which could be transmitted through food to report this to the employer who may be obliged to prevent the person concerned from handling food. Catering establishments have a general obligation to supervise and instruct and provide training in food safety & hygiene commensurate with their employees' responsibilities. Details with regard to how much training is required, are not specified in the regulations. However, HMSO Industry Guide to Catering provides guidance on training which can be taken as a general standard to comply with legislation.

Prevention of food poisoning

Almost all food poisoning can be prevented by:

• complying with the rules of hygiene

taking care and thinking head

• ensuring that high standards of cleanliness are applied to premises and equipment

• preventing accidents

• high standards of personal hygiene

• physical fitness

• maintaining good working conditions

• maintaining equipment in good repair and clean condition

• using separate equipment and knives for cooked and uncooked foods

• ample provision of cleaning facilities and equipment

• storing foods at the right temperature

• safe reheating of foods

• quick cooling of foods prior to storage

• protection of foods from vermin and insects;

• hygienic washing-up procedures;

• Knowing how food poison is caused

• carrying out procedures to prevent food poisoning.

This has been just a brief overview of food safety. If you are in the catering trade or are planning do become a cook or chef, it is essential that you learn all there is to know about the subject. The following links should help to fill the gaps.

Essentially, you need to know the Food Regulations appertaining to your own country. Its pointless following the Food Safety Regulations of the UK if you live or work in Australia, Spain or New Zealand.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Sometimes green bowel movements can be completely harmless. However, it may also be indicative of a more serious, underlying problem. How can you tell the difference between the two, and what commonly causes green poop? Read on to find out more...

Some of the main causes of green feces are:

1. Overeating of green leafy vegetables like spinach.
2. Another important causative factor is if you consume huge amounts of colored processed food items such as candies, squashes and flavored drinks.
3. If you use too many iron supplements, the body may not absorb or process the excessive iron. It may excrete the excess in the form of iron salts. Iron is present in several food items like breakfast cereal, red meat, spinach, beans etc.

There several other causes of green poop
1. Medicine intake which can cause side effects
2. Food poisoning due to bad food habits.
3. Overuse of laxatives
4. Disturbance with the bowel movements.
5. Increase of bacteria in the bowels
6. If the patient is suffering from Crohn's disease or has diarrhea that is infectious

Green poop is not a proof that your intestines are infected. Often the reasons of having green stool are the food you eat, the medicines you take. However if you have pain in the rectum then you should visit a medical practitioner. Additionally if there is rise in body temperature, weight loss or Diarrhea then see a doctor.

You could prevent these problems by going in for colon cleansing twice in a year. This treatment has gained huge popularity and by following this method you can lose excess fat, freedom from constipation problems and your bowel movements can be regulated.

Don't just panic if you see green poop. Study the causes why you have green poop and if required visit a doctor.

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