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There are 5 different kinds of worms that can hurt your puppy or dog, and here is a list of them, and what they can do to your dog. There are many different types of medicines and antibiotics for your dog, and not all of them work on each symptom, so it is best to consult your vet for the proper treatment.

One of the easiest ways for puppies and dogs to pick up worms, is by them playing or eating their feces matter. It is important to pick up your dogs poop in the backyard all the time, on a regular basis, can keep it clean and safe.

Hookworms: Hookworms are not visible from the naked eye. Hookworms hide in the intestines and can be transferred to humans. Hookworms are small thin worms that hook onto the intestinal wall and they suck the blood from the puppy or dog, which can cause anemia, and even death.

These worms actually have teeth, that cause bleeding in the intestines. Hookworms will grow to full maturity in the intestines. Hookworms can be spread from the mothers mile right to the pups, to the whole family needs to be dewormed.

The worms like to live in feces matter, and contaminated soil, like the dirt you might have in your back yard you dog likes to play in maybe. If your dog has hookworms, some signs might include: anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, bloody stools and very low energy. Hookworms could be present, and you won't be able to see them, so you would need to take your pet, or a stool sample to the vet for a diagnosis.

Roundworms: Roundworms are the most common type of worms in puppies. Just like hookworms, roundworms attack the intestines, and can cause a pot bellied look, on your puppy or dog.

Puppies can get roundworms from their mothers milk, or even from the uterus, before birth. They can also pick up the eggs from contaminated soil outside, since roundworm eggs can live up to several years outside in dirt and soil.

Roundworms can be transmitted to humans, just like hookworms, so it is vital to eradicate them as soon as practical. Roundworms will live in the intestines, and will grow to adulthood, and lay eggs that will produce more roundworms.

Roundworms can be seen by the eye in your dogs vomit or stools, and is up to 7 inches long, and will resemble spaghetti somewhat. When your puppy or dog starts to get to many of these roundworms, you will see the pot bellied appearance on them, and you may notice vomiting, diarrhea, and weight loss.

Whipworms: Whipworms are one of the more harder worms to kill. Whipworms are long skinny shaped worms that live in the dogs colon, and you can not see them with your eyes.

Whipworms will also attach to the intestines, and cause intestinal bleeding inside your dog. Signs of whipworms could be weight loss, anemia, diarrhea with some blood or a gooey mucus type substance in it, and just a lack of energy.

Tapeworms: Tapeworms get their name, because they look like flat Scotch tape. Tapeworms attack the intestines, and can be seen by the naked eye. The tapeworms will look like a rice appearance in your dogs stools.

Tapeworms can be broken into pieces, and sometimes you can see the worms on your dogs anus and stools, still moving around, with your naked eyes.

Tapeworms are not transmitted directly to humans from dogs, but a human could still be infected. Some signs your dog might have tapeworms would be weight loss, uncontrollable itching around the anus area, lots of pain if your touch their abdominal area, and vomiting.

Heartworms: Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes, when mosquitoes are active, and go from one dog to the next. Heartworm can kill your dog if left untreated, and it is easily preventable. There are no symptoms for heartworms, until it is almost fully advanced.

The heartworms destroy the muscle and tissue of the heart, and can cause heart failure, and kill your dog. One of the best measures these days is to consult your vet for heartworm guard, and you can easily find medications online for your dogs heart, since starting them on a medication is the best practice.

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The ease with which Parvo infection can happen cannot be stressed enough. Puppies are especially prone to it because of their immature immune systems. Are you concerned yet? If not, you should be. Learn how Parvo is spread, how long it takes between exposure and illness, and how to recognize the signs of Parvo in your puppy.


Remember this virus is literally everywhere: every carpet, floor, yard and park. And, it only takes a tiny portion of infected stool, which doesn't even have to be fresh, but can be months old, to infect a non-immune dog. The puppy can ingest the virus by sniffing or eating infected stool, or by cleaning himself, or by eating food off the ground or floor. It only takes a microscopic amount of stool to infect a puppy.

Parvo can be brought home to your dog on shoes, hands and even car tires. So, your puppy can contract Parvo even if he never leaves your yard. It is speculated that even a bird invading your dog's food dish can deposit the Parvovirus there. Insects and rodents may also spread the disease.

Are you concerned yet? If not, you should be.


It depends on who you ask. Most veterinary practitioners believe it takes anywhere from 7 to 14 days after exposure for a dog to show signs of the disease. However, shedding of the virus in feces can begin as soon as the 3rd day after exposure -- long before any clinical signs appear and before you have any idea there is anything wrong with your puppy.


Besides having your puppy tested, there are symptoms of Parvo that you should watch for in your dog.

Symptoms usually start with fever, lethargy, depression and loss of appetite. Your puppy will probably not drink as much water either. When the virus has moved on to the intestines, your puppy will experience vomiting (often severe, usually yellow, foamy bile), diarrhea/dark or bloody foul-smelling, liquid stool. Diarrhea and vomiting result in dehydration. The dehydration can critically unbalance the dog's electrolyte balance.

The barrier separating the digestive bacteria from the blood stream breaks down, making it possible for bacteria to enter the body causing widespread infection. The bone marrow has also been attacked by the virus limiting your puppy's ability to defend itself against infection. In many cases, shock and death follow.

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Intestinal Worms

If you are reading this article, perhaps you are wondering if your dog has worms. In this article, I'll outline the tell-tale signs of four kinds of intestinal worms. Intestinal worms can include: Whipworm, Hookworm, Roundworm and Tapeworm.

How can I tell if my dog has Whipworm?
Dogs can be infected by Whipworm by eating infected poop or dirt (as Whipworm eggs can live in both). Whipworms are hard to detect; however they can cause recurring diarrhea (which may be bloody), weight loss, anemia and colitis (inflammation of the large intestine). The best way to determine whether your do is infected is to examine your dog's poop - eggs may appear irregularly so frequent examination is required.

How can I tell if my dog has Roundworm?
Roundworms can cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs and puppies. Dogs may also look unhealthy and have a pot belly appearance. They may also pass whole roundworms in their poop. You may be able to see these worms in your dog's poop; they are approximately two to four inches (five to twelve and a half centimetres) long, spaghetti-like and white. Roundworm is not generally life threatening, however, they can cause discomfort.

How can I tell if my dog has Hookworm?
Hookworms can cause itchy feet, a rash on the dog's feet, coughing and wheezing, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and bloody or black poop. In advanced cases, hookworms can cause anemia and death. Puppies are particularly vulnerable and can die if infected. Hookworms are difficult to detect, therefore consult your veterinarian for regular testing.

How can I tell if my dog has Tapeworm?
Symptoms of Tapeworm can include abdominal discomfort, nervousness, itching around the anus, vomiting and weight loss. The itching may result in your dog 'scooting' its bum along the ground. Segments of tapeworm can be found in your dog's poop. The segments are small, wide and flat and look like grains of uncooked rice or sesame seeds.

The Treatment of Worms
If your dog is infected or has not being given a worming preventative, consult your vet. Treatment is very important, and any treatment of worms in dogs should be repeated over time to effectively kill all live and dormant larvae and eggs. Treatment usually involves de-wormer medication. Even if you find a de-wormer that does not require a prescription, you should still use it under your vet's supervision. This is because doses can vary depending on your dog's size and the severity of the infection. Your vet will be able to tell you what dosage is right for your dog.

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What is E. coli? How does it affect the body? The answers are simple. E. coli is a bacteria (germ) that causes bloody diarrhea, and dehydration. The infection is more common during the summer months.

E. coli comes from undercooked meat.
Drinking contaminated (unclean water).
Drinking unpasteurized milk.
Working with or being around cattle.

Even though dairy cattle may be healthy they still can carry the E. coli bacteria in the intestines. The meat can be tainted during the slaughtering process. There fore it can get mixed up with the meat.

So as you eat the contaminated meat, you could be infected with the E. coli bacteria. If you used a temperature that is high enough, and cook the meat long enough to kill the bacteria, You might can save yourself a world of misery! When you eat undercooked meat it goes into your body and intestines in return causes bloody diarrhea.

How can you tell you have been infected?

In most people the symptoms start in 7 days of being infected.

1.Severe stomach cramps.
2.Watery diarrhea, it usually last for about a day. After that it changes to bright red diarrhea(bloody stool.) The infection makes sores in the intestines, and that is what makes it bloody stool that can last for anywhere from 2-5days
3. There may also be a mild fever. Along with having a sick stomach or vomiting.

If you have had diarrhea for any period of time you will get dehydrated. That will cause you even more problems. If you drink safe drinking water as much as you can to keep from dehydrating you can help speed up recovery. Why do I say safe drinking water. If the water you drink isn't safe drinking water you could be adding even more bacteria into your body like Cysts and Parasites that can make you even more sick.

Along with Cysts and Parasites there can also be Chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides, VOCs. Now who need something else besides E.coli to make us sick? But that is why we need to make sure all the time, to drink clean purified water, not just when we get sick. We should try to be aware of how we clean and cook our beef, chicken, pork and animal meats. But also keeping in mind it is not only what you eat it is also the water you drink, can infected you with the E.coli bacteria.

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Distemper is caused by a virus and is highly contagious and the incubation period of the disease can be up to 3 weeks, although a dog may develop a fever 3 to 6 days after being infected. The virus cannot survive easily in the environment and can be killed by most household disinfectants. Distemper in dogs is caused when the dog is exposed to respiratory secretions of animals infected by this virus. This infection is air-borne, so, if your dog is in close proximity to any infected animal, the respiratory discharges or other bodily secretions from the infected animal can cause your dog to fall ill.

Distemper if left untreated, can be fatal. Since your dog's respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous systems might be badly affected by this viral disease, you need to take it very seriously.

Which dog groups are at risk?
This viral disease generally affects young dogs that are in the age group of 3-6 months or elderly dogs. Unvaccinated dogs or those with weakened immune systems are also at risk.

What are the symptoms?
Since many of the symptoms of distemper in dogs are similar to other infections, it is often mistaken for allergies or colds, making the process of diagnosis difficult. Be on the lookout for the following signs:

1. Discharge from the eyes and nose that are yellow-green or dark green in colour.

2. Lethargy and sneezing.

3. Vomiting and diarrhea

4. High fever

5. Loss of appetite

6. Respiratory problems

7. Unco-ordinated movement

8. Increased sensitivity to touch

9. Muscle twitching and seizures

10. Hardened paw pads and nose

11. Blindness or paralysis in more advanced stages

Early treatment can save your pet's life; however, the problem is that most often than not, owners discover too late that their dog has distemper.

Although there is no specific treatment for distemper, supportive therapy such as antibiotics for additional infections and intravenous fluids to help correct the fluid loss due to vomiting and diarrhea will help.

If you think your dog has distemper, please contact your vet immediately.

Vaccination against distemper is the only proven method of preventing the disease. To prevent distemper in dogs, vaccines must be administered at the right time. Several effective vaccines are available and these provide long-lasting immunity. The vaccines are available in two formats.

The traditional format uses a modified, live distemper virus to create immunity, whereas, the recombinant format uses a live harmless virus to induce immunity. Recombinant format is a virus other than a distemper virus. Complications can arise when the actual distemper virus is used, therefore, the recombinant format is generally preferred. If you have a small puppy at home, you must follow the vaccination schedule. Puppies must receive a series of distemper shots starting from the time when they are 6-8 weeks old. This is important because by this time, the antibodies that were passed on to them from their mother are no longer effective. Vaccination shots must be given every four weeks until they are 16 weeks old.

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So, you have found that your new kitten has diarrhea. What do you do? Well, do not panic. Cats have very sensitive stomachs and it is likely that the diarrhea is simply a reaction from something they ate. Pay attention to the kitten's next few bowel movements. If only the first one or two are loose, then it was likely simply something the kitten ate. If they are consistently problematic, then there may be a larger issue.

As mentioned earlier, the most common reason for kitten diarrhea is food intolerance. Often, kittens will eat just about anything, so make sure there is nothing on the floor that they may pick up and try to eat. Also, check the type of food you are giving them. Many kittens will have intestinal reactions to things like food dyes. If you are feeding them something like Meow Mix, which has food dyes in it, then this may be the reason for the diarrhea. Try to slowly switch out the food (doing it quickly will cause even more intestinal distress). Hopefully, this will help alleviate the problem. As an alternative, some vets recommend a bland, home-cooked diet instead. This diet usually consists of white rice and hamburger meat, although you will likely want to consult with your vet to see what they recommend. Another method that the vet might recommend is a brief fast.

Another thing which gives kitten's diarrhea is milk. Do not give you cat any milk or milk based products. These are very bad for them and will upset their stomach, often giving them diarrhea or vomiting.

If it is not a food-based problem, then it may be an illness which is causing the issue, the following illnesses commonly cause diarrhea in cats: Overeating, Stress, Intestinal Parasites, Hyperthyroidism, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, among others. You should bring your cat to the vet if a waiting period combined with a change in food doesn't help.

When your kitten has diarrhea, it is essential that you watch them closely. This is because it is common for a cat to become dehydrated. Dehydration can be very dangerous. The cat may not wish to drink enough. If you think your cat is becoming dehydrated, then feed them some wet food. This will provide them with more fluids than dry food. If the dehydration seems severe, bring them to the vet, where they will receive fluids under the skin.

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We have new medical discoveries and more medical practitioners each year. And yet, in the face of all these medical advances and innovations, no one can deny that we also have more disease and suffering than ever before. Why is this so?

Very simple. Can you just imagine prescribing a drug or treatment to "cure" someone who is drunk? But how can we "cure" drunkenness if the person continues to drink? How can we cure without even going to the root cause of the problem? That is the drunkard's drinking habit?

This is how medical approach health and disease today. Medical practitioners will normally ignore the basic causes of problems but instead resort to remedy steps like surgery and treatments that often run into thousands of dollars when the problems can be simply and inexpensively solved by a change in lifestyles and diet patterns!

We must understand that unless we stop the cause of the illness, the problem will always come back, in a more serious form each time. If we mirror upon medical approach, most doctors seldom find out and advise about lifestyles and practices which may cause the problems. What they do is merely prescribe drugs and treatments to "cure" your symptoms.

Patric Holford, Director of the Institute for Optimum Nutrition (ION) in London which is at the forefront of research and education in this field, makes this very clear:

"Tomorrow's medicine will not be about using nutrients instead of drugs. It will be about looking through a new pair of glasses which reveal the true causes of disease. In most cases these lie in faulty nutrition, pollution, stress, negativity, addiction and lack of exercise - the greatest cause of all being ignorance. The original meaning of the word "doctor" is "teacher or learned man", and that is perhaps the most important role a health professional can perform".

Disease as a word, very simply means dis-ease, or not at ease, uncomfortable. Would you be able to agree if I tell that disease is started by your own body? Yes! Disease is started by our own body to eliminate toxic. Just let me share one example with you.

I believe most of us experienced food poisoning before. We've unknowingly taken a poison into our stomach and experience vomiting and diarrhea as a result. So, we'll go to the doctor to get medicine to stop the vomiting and diarrhea, right? Once the vomiting and diarrhea stop, we say the medicine "cure" us from food poisoning.

But do you know that the vomiting and diarrhea are actually a defense mechanism that our body uses to protect us? Our body senses the presence of harmful substance, so it started the vomiting and diarrhea process in order to force the toxins out from our body as quickly as it can.

When we take medicine and it successfully stop the vomiting and diarrhea, our body actually becomes worse off than before. As it is retaining the harmful substance supposed to be eliminated through the vomiting and diarrhea, plus the drug that we take in to "cure" the food poisoning! We must understand that diarrhea never happen if there is nothing in our digestive tract that needs to be hurriedly removed.

There is this beautiful word of wisdom by the Ancient Ayurvedic.

"Without proper diet, medicine is of no use.
With proper diet, medicine is of no need."

So, does medicine really "cure"?

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Feline liver disease usually occurs in cats that refuse to eat for 1 day or more. When a cat refused to eat, the body begins to collect fat or lipid cells in the liver, causing the liver to enlarge. This is why the disease is often referred to as feline fatty liver or the technical name, which is Hepatic Lipidosis (FHL).

In the majority of cats, there is usually some other type of underlying condition that exists. These conditions include diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidsim, urinary blockage and inflammatory bowel disease. Other causes of liver problems include neoplasia (abnormal cell growth such as a cancerous tumor) and bacterial infection.

Another type of liver disease occurs when there is inflammation of the bile ducts. Bile is a substance that is manufactured by the liver and then transported to the gallbladder. If this substance doesn't transport properly, then a type of liver disease called Cholangiohepatitis.

One type of liver disease is triggered by an inherited abnormality where blood bypasses the liver and goes directly into the heart (Portosystemic Shunt). Since the liver cleanses the blood before it goes elsewhere, this problem can lead to ammonia build up and symptoms such as seizures, vomiting, drooling, diarrhea and circling.

Symptoms that often accompany liver problems include drooling, bad mouth odor, vomiting and diarrhea. You may even see signs of mental confusion.

Treatment of Feline Liver Disease

Treatment of a portosystemic shunt is done via surgery. Once the blood flow is directed properly, your cat should fully recover.

If the problem is fatty liver disease or Cholangiohepatitis, then the immediate treatment is to feed your cat via a tube that is inserted directly into the stomach. Your cat needs to be immediately hydrated, electrolyte balance restored so that the body is getting the food that it needs. After several days, 7 - 10, your veterinarian will reintroduce a normal diet that is high in protein. Your veterinarian will also seek to supplement the feeding with certain vitamins such as vitamin K and B.

Homeopathic remedies also have a unique role in restoring and preventing feline liver disease. Milk Thistle in particular has a long history of helping to restore liver health in both humans and cats. Other natural remedies that can be of help include Arctium lappa (Burdock, used as a blood purifier and system cleanser), Greater Celandine (supports liver health), Kalium mriaticum (system cleanser) and Natrium phosphate (benefits the liver and gallbladder).

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Children's diarrhea is a common condition, which normally lasts a few days and disappears on its own. The most common cause is a simple stomach virus.

Symptoms of Diarrhea

Symptoms of diarrhea include loose stools and vomiting. A fever often, but not always, accompanies this condition. Vomiting may or may not be present. Each case is unique.

Causes of Diarrhea

Although diarrhea in children is usually caused by a simple stomach virus, causes may include:

  • Viral infection

  • Bacterial infection

  • Parasites

  • Allergies

  • Medication side effects


  • Children should drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration. Some children cannot tolerate milk when ill, so consider temporarily removing it from their diet. However, breastfeeding may continue.

  • Your pediatrician may recommend a bland diet. Typical suggested foods include: bananas, rice, crackers, and baked chicken.

  • Avoid giving your child anti-diarrheal medications without your doctor's consent. Normally, they are forbidden.

  • Notify your doctor if your child runs a high fever (more than 102 degrees Fahrenheit.) Also, consult your doctor if your child has recently traveled, in case he contacted something during his journeys.

  • Contact your child's pediatrician if your child is under six months old, and has persistent diarrhea accompanied by persisting fever or bloody stools and cramping.


Viruses are often transmitted via the fecal-oral route; by having hands in unsanitary places and then sucking their thumb. That's why it's important that children frequently wash their hands. Making sure that foods like meat are fully cooked and fresh will also help to prevent common diarrhea.

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Nobody likes to talk about hemorrhoids, or also known to be piles. However, everyone should understand the occurrence of this condition to be aware of the specific treatment needed. Having hemorrhoids is uncomfortable and this dilemma should be dealt with properly under medical supervision. A number of people are suffering silently from such condition. Truth be told, more than half of the population develops hemorrhoids at the age of 50.

Increased pressures on the veins within the pelvic and rectal area most often cause hemorrhoids. As pressure increases, blood continues to pool in the veins causing them to swell and eventually stretch within the surrounding tissue. This is how hemorrhoids develop.

There are a number of causative factors that results to development of pathological hemorrhoids. The major causes are known to be

  • Chronic Constipation. Bowel habits can cause increased pressure leading to the development of hemorrhoids. One factor is hurrying to finish a bowel movement for it can lead to excessive straining and increase pressure on rectal veins.

  • Persistent Diarrhea. Persistent diarrhea may cause straining and increase pressure on veins in the anal canal.

  • Diet. Eating foods less in fiber causes constipation. Constipation is one of the factors leading to hemorrhoids. Western diet that is rich in processed food and lacks fiber has been known to be a factor of hemorrhoids. However, hemorrhoids barely affect the population of less-developed African countries because their diet is rich n roughage and fiber.

  • Heredity. Pathological hemorrhoids are not necessarily due to genes. However, the venous condition of a mother is known to be inherited by the child. Venous conditions that are likely to develop pathological hemorrhoids make a person prone to having such condition.

  • Pregnancy and Labor. The growing fetus causes the increased pressure on blood vessels. Hormonal changes during pregnancy causes the increase in pelvic blood flow and relax supportive tissues. Meanwhile, during labor, the intense pressure along the anal area while pushing to deliver the baby causes hemorrhoids.

  • Overweight/ Obesity. Being excessive in weight increases pressure on the veins along the pelvic area. This is most common to overweight people who have excess weight within the abdomen and pelvis.

  • Medical Conditions. There are specific medical conditions that may cause blood to pool in the abdomen and pelvic area, causing vein enlargement. Such medical conditions are long-term liver and heart disease.

Hemorrhoids could heal by itself, as long as you do not do something to cause its flaring up. Most mild hemorrhoids can be resolved without any need for intervention. However, the weakened walls of the distended pelvic veins will develop to protrusion, which will most likely cause flare-ups. Such that most individuals think once you have it, you will always have hemorrhoids.

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Internal Hemorrhoids are swollen or inflamed veins in the walls of the anal canal. They range in size from about the size of a small finger nail up to the size of a golf ball (in extreme cases).

Internal hemorrhoids often cause severe pain, especially during bowel movement and are commonly identified by noticing blood on the stool or toilet paper. They frequently cause itching which can range from a pleasant tickle to something totally unbearable.

Doctors still don't know for sure what causes internal hemorrhoids, but they have identified a few common factors which often lead to hemorrhoids, some of which are explained below.

Constipation:Those who are affected by constipation for long amounts of time are highly exposed to hemorrhoids. Straining excessively during bowel movement (as caused by constipation) often causes ruptures in blood vessels which lead to hemorrhoids.

Hard Stools contribute to internal hemorrhoids: Unnaturally hard stools which are difficult to pass through the anal canal cause pain and can cause sufficient damage to cause internal hemorrhoids. Ensuring a high intake of foods such as vegetables, fruits and cereals will help soften stools.

Pregnancy: Increased blood pressure and blood volume (in the varicose veins) while pregnant causes 20% of all pregnant women to suffer from hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids can also occur as a result of massive pressure on veins in the anal canal while giving birth.

Weight lifting: Bodybuilders are often affected by internal and external hemorrhoid's. Once again this is due to the additional strain the body goes through when lifting heavy weights. Exercises to specifically avoid include squats leg press which can result in significant straining of the muscles in the anal passage.

Diarrhea: Long bouts of diarrhea aggravate existing hemorrhoid problems and can even cause them in some cases. Explosive stools can damage veins inside the anal canal which leads to a hemorrhoid forming. See your doctor if you suffer diarrhea for more than 48 hours.

A raft of treatment methods exist for curing internal hemorrhoids. Which one is right for you depends on several factors such as how severe the hemorrhoids are, how quickly you want a cure, recovery time, cost and convenience.

It is generally accepted that due to the high costs associated with hemorrhoid surgery, as well as the long recovery times and pain involved, that this form of treatment is reserved for severe cases only. Furthermore " hemorrhoids surgery places no guarantee that hemorrhoids will stay away for good " there is always a chance that they could return again.

Topical creams have become popular and have proven effective for some people. Others suffer numerous side effects when using creams to cure internal hemorrhoids. One of the most common side effects is a burning sensation after the cream has been applied for some time. This can indeed become significantly painful for some people. Creams work at healing the symptoms of hemorrhoids as opposed to the core problems. Some creams may just delay the problem as opposed to curing it completely.

Natural remedies are fast becoming recognized as a leading method to cure hemorrhoid's. Being natural, they work with your body which means no side effects are noticed, and the work to cure the root cause instead of simply focusing on the symptoms of hemorrhoid's. One product in particular which is known as H-Miracle has been credited with curing many thousands of hemorrhoid sufferers.

To find out more about internal hemorrhoid's, as well as read reviews about products that work to cure hemorrhoids, visit the link listed below.

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Allergies in your dog are much like the allergies in humans. Your dog can have a reaction to airborne allergens, foods or things on their skin. By learning the symptoms you can provide relief.

Fleas and inhalants will cause itching, licking, chewing and scratching. These can occur on the paws, forelegs, around the rectum and on the tail. Sneezing and runny eyes can also occur with inhalant allergens. Allergies to food are usually vomiting and diarrhea. There are a number of allergies that can cause hives and other rashes. The object with any of these is to find dog allergies treatment.

Seasonal allergies are prominent in the spring and fall. Fleas are common during the summer or flea season. Dog allergies treatment for seasonal allergies is primarily seasonal as well. A continuous flea allergy protection regimen will alleviate the issues created by fleas.

If your dog has any of these symptoms it is advisable to consult with your vet. Some of them can be indicative of other medical problems.

Allergies to inhalants in your home can be treated by frequent dusting, vacuuming and removal of spores, dust, chemicals and air fresheners. Your veterinarian may prescribe antihistamines to help while the skin heals and the allergens decrease. A warm soothing bath with an oatmeal shampoo is effective dog allergies treatment in many instances.

If fleas are the culprit, grooming and examination can help. You will see flea droppings and fleas. Bathe your dog with a flea shampoo and rinse with a soothing rinse.

Dog food allergies can present some other issues. It is difficult to determine the exact allergen in the foods. it must be done before successful dog allergies treatment is begun. Often the veterinarian will suggest hypoallergenic diets for your dog. A home cooked diet is also an option. You will be required to careful observe your dog for symptoms and relief of those symptoms.

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Back in 2006, the Orange County Health Care Agency had a relatively unusual situation where several people were diagnosed with lung infections from the parasite, Paragonimus.

It was narrowed down to a few restaurants that were serving sawagani crabs. Apparently several patrons were drinking and challenging each other to eat the tiny crabs raw.

After 6 to 10 weeks a total of eight restaurant patrons were showing the following symptoms: cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and hives. The presence of the parasite was laboratory confirmed.

There are several species of the lung fluke, Paragonimus that infect humans. Paragonimus westermani also known as the oriental lung fluke is very common in most parts of Asia. In North America the species is Paragonimus kellicotti.

People get this parasite by eating undercooked or raw crustaceans, mostly crabs and crayfish. After ingesting the parasite it penetrates the intestines and migrates through the abdomen, the diaphragm and to the final destination being the lungs.

During acute infection, mostly through migration of the parasite, the symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, cough and hives. Then during the chronic stage where the adults are lodged in the lungs the symptoms are more respiratory related; cough and bloody sputum are most common.

A serious danger with Paragonimus is during the migration of the fluke where it can end up in other organs, the most serious being the brain.

Paragonimus is diagnosed by finding the parasite's eggs microscopically in either feces or sputum samples. The parasite can be treated with the anti-parasitic drug Praziquantel.

So ensure you thoroughly cook any crustacean to prevent this unusual parasitic infection.

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Aloe Latex - Healthy Constipation Medicine?

Aloe Vera has been used as constipation medicine since the time of Cleopatra. It is actually the lining of the leaf that contains the natural laxative properties - quite different from the inner gel that is used for treatment of burns and abrasions. But while aloe may seem harmless and natural, laxative use of this plant has some strong side effects that it is prudent to consider.

This is mainly due to the fact that aloe contains anthraquinone glycosides (aloin, aloe-emodin and barbaloin) that result in its strong effect as a laxative. Natural products containing these chemicals have a variety of issues:

Research on Aloe as Constipation Medicine

  • While the laxative effect of aloe is stronger than other anthraquinone containing herbs like cascara sagrada, rhubarb, and senna, it also has been shown to have more severe side effects like cramping, nausea, and diarrhea (sometimes even bloody diarrhea), making it a riskier choice for treating chronic constipation.

  • Overdoses of aloe can occur with excessive use and lead to nephritis (inflammation of the kidney, hemorrhaging in the intestines, shortness of the breath and dehydration. One must be very careful of the dosage taken if treating constipation. Chronic use of aloe as a constipation medicine may also lead to potassium deficiency, muscle weakness and irregular heartbeats.

  • Due to its high levels of anthraquinones, aloe can also cause melanosis coli - a condition of the colon discussed below.

Aloe & Melanosis Coli

Melanosis Coli is a darkening or staining of the colon that is a unique symptom of anthraquinone containing herbal laxatives. It is also sometimes called "pseudomelanosis coli" because the pigments in the aloe artificially blacken the intestines versus other forms of the disease where the darkness is caused by massive cell death. Still, "pseudomelanosis coli" is a concern as it relates to your constipation medicine. One study looked at over 3000 patients who had colon surgery in the past 6 years and found that the darkening of the intestines was consistently linked to anthraquinone containing herbal laxatives like aloe. When doctors then followed patients over the next 2 years, they found that patients with cancer of the large bowel had a much higher incidence (18.6%) of pseudomelanosis coli as well - reinforcing the link between cancer and laxatives (natural or not) that contain anthraquinones.

Another related study looked at the cells of colons that had been pigmented due to melanosis coli and the use of natural laxatives. It found that colon tissue with melanosis coli had a significantly higher rate of cell death among the epithelial (surface) cells of the tissue compared to controls.

Is There a Better Constipation Medicine?

Aloe's use as an herbal laxative has been superseded by other anthraquinone containing herbs like senna, cascara sagrada, and rhubarb. But while these herbs have reduced amount of the anthraquinones, the same core issues remain. Unfortunately, there is a dearth of natural non stimulant constipation remedies on the market.

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With a recall of close to 21 million toys; Mattel Toy manufacturer and
parents of children playing with Mattel toys, like Sesame Street
characters, Barbie and Polly Pocket, Batman and Fisher-Price trains,
face significant fear of potential cases of lead poisoning and high
lead toxicity levels in children.

For worrysome parents wondering if
their children are impacted by potential lead toxicity; there are a few
signs to watch out for as well as a few dietary adjustments that can
positively effect children's health.Lead toxicity has been problematic
for children world wide and has been recognized for thousands of years.
Sypmtoms characterized by lead poisoning are colicky abdominal pains,
vomiting, fagitue, dizziness, headaches, anemia and even seizures.
Often children do not present symptoms and your best bet is to have
their blood tested for lead. Parents can help safeguard their
children's natural defenses against lead poisoning by feeding their
children an organic diet rich in iron, calcium and fiber. Foods rich in
iron and calcium reduce lead absorption. Additionally, diets high in
fiber decrease lead absorption.

Fortified whole grain breads and
cereals are key in your child's diet. Avoid high fat diets as they
speed lead absorption. Two super foods to prevent lead poisoning:
Spinach and Brown Rice.Children absorb lead either through inhalation
or ingestion; they absorb 30% more lead than adults. In the body, lead
alters cellular and mitochondiral membranes; ultimately harming and
impacting cells. Often this impact is classified as cellular fragility.
It is particularly most harmful in children who's cells are growing at
rapid speeds and it retards the release of human growth hormone and can
cause learning disabilities, behavior problems and even organ damage.
According to Rania Habal, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of
Emergency Medicine at New York Medicine College: Lead Exposure/Lead
Poisoning symptoms to look for based on toxicity levels include:

Mild toxicity -

Fatigue, loss of interest in play and leisure activity, mood
disorders, irritability, aggressive behavior, sleep

Moderate toxicity -

Headache, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness,
tremors, hyperreflexia, numbness of the lower extremities

Severe toxicity -

Lead encephalopathy that may occur with or without cerebral
edema, headaches with vomiting, lethargy alternating with lucidity,
bizarre and aggressive behavior, clumsiness, loss of coordination,
altered sensorium, seizures, and coma

Mild toxicity -

Anorexia,constipation, intermittent severe abdominal pain

Moderate toxicity -

Abdominal pain, anorexia and weight loss, constipation, diarrhea

Severe toxicity -

Severe abdominal pain; vomiting and diarrhea with extensive
fluid losses, leading to circulatory collapse

Other -

Moderate lead
toxicity is associated with musculoskeletal symptoms, including bone
and joint pains and muscular weakness, especially of the dominant upper
extremity.An organic diet will always has a positive impact on your
children's heath and wellbeing and can reduce other risk factors as
well as limit lead absorption.

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This disease is actually the body's way to cleanse itself, getting rid of substances that are foreign and provoke irritations to the bowels. Since this isn't a regular condition, we usually get scared when we notice diarrhea in cats, as they might be sick. There are plenty of remedies which can be used for diarrhea in cats, so don't worry when you notice it.

To get your cat's system to return to normal as far as the elimination process goes, you should take into consideration feeding her foods that are bland, like beef, chicken, lamb baby food or turkey. Fish or white chicken can both be good options. You can also mix beef or chicken with potatoes, macaroni or rice, and give it to your cat.

I also give my cat unflavored yogurt, which will help with the restoration of the needed bacteria in the intestines. However, don't give her other types of dairy products, as they're usually not recommended when they have diarrhea.

If your cat's diarrhea takes longer than a day, you should go to a vet and see what the problem is. The vet will probably ask you about different possible causes of the diarrhea, so try to remember what diet your cat had lately.

Some causes of diarrhea in cats might be:
• Eating garbage
• Eating new foods that she's not accustomed to
• Changes in her activities
• Stress
• Eating items that aren't foods, or playing with certain types of items
• Eating food intended for people
• Eating foods that have artificial ingredients or dyes

You should also make mental notes of any symptoms that the cat might be showing. Some of these are vomiting, fever, walking difficulties and worms. Some of the symptoms might be a sign of a disease, like feline distemper.

You should also pay attention to the type of diarrhea, whether it's bloody or watery, if it has mucous, or if it happens often.

If the cat has diarrhea for a day, it might be dehydrated as a result. She will need fresh water, and if it's a severe case, you can also give the cat some Gatorade, so the electrolytes are replaced. Pedialyte can also be given to the cat, as long as it's unflavored, so dehydration is prevented.

If it's not a major case of diarrhea, you might be able to cure it with some home remedies. If it doesn't stop after one day and you can't control it, go see a vet. If it takes more than 24 hours, it might be a serious disease.

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Provigrax is a herbal erectile dysfunction remedy. Over 200 million men worldwide suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction in their lives. Provigrax is a herbal alternative to Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. Read this Provigrax review to learn the truth about Provigrax before you buy it.

You have probably heard about Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. You have probably also heard about many of the side effects associated with these chemical ED drugs. Another name for Cialis is Tadalafil.

My research has revealed that there have been a number of clinical trial of Tadalafil and its side effects.

Tadalafil (Cialis) Side Effects

A percentage of men who were regularly using Cialis experienced the following adverse effects in varying intensity:

  • Headaches

  • Dyspepsia

  • Back Pain

  • Myalgia

  • Flushing

  • Pain in the Limbs

Viagra is probably the most well known anti-impotence drug. As with Cialis, men who use Viagra have reported the same common adverse effects up above.

Viagra Side Effects

Additionally, some less common Viagra symptoms include:

  • blurred vision

  • pain in the bladder

  • cloudy or bloody urine

  • dizziness

  • increased urination

  • painful urination

  • diarrhea

Levitra Side Effects

Side effects associated with Levitra anti-impotence drug include:

  • Headache

  • Flushing

  • Rhinitis

  • Dyspepsia

  • Accidental Injury

  • Sinusitis

  • Flu

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

These adverse side effects to chemical-enhanced ED drugs can perhaps explain why more and more men are now turning to more natural impotence treatments such as Provigrax.

A Review

Provigrax is a natural supplement that has been specifically formulated and created to get into the blood stream quicker than an injection or IV.

Some of the ingredients found in this ED supplement have actually been used for centuries as an aphrodisiac in tribal cultures. The range of ingredients in this herbal remedy include L-Arginine, Vitamin B6, Niacin, Epimedium and L-Phenylalaline.

Provigrax has undergone numerous research trials and studies and users have reported none of the side effects associated with the commonly-prescribed erectile dysfunction drugs that I have mentioned above.

It Ranks Second

While there is not one particular treatment of impotence that has been scientifically proven to be 100 percent effective in the treatment of impotence (this includes Viagra, Levitra and Cialis) when Provigrax is compared with other chemical and herbal treatments it is in fact second after Cialis.

Why I Recommend This Natural Treatment Of Impotence Above All Others

The reason why I recommend this product above all others is the fact that it's all natural, doesn't produce side effects, no script is required, is ingested into the body fast and is 100 percent cheaper than Levitra, Viagra and Cialis. In fact, you can expect to pay just $1 per pill where you can pay up to $24.00 or more for just one Levigra, Viagra or Cialis pill.

For this reason I recommend that you try this herbal remedy first before anything else. It also comes with a money back guarantee so you can try it risk free and assess its erectile dysfunction effects for yourself.

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A Lactose Free Diet Plan can be great if you suffer form Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you have a hard time digesting Lactose or Milk Sugar then using this type of a diet can really help you a lot.

There is something called Lactase and it mainly breaks down the Lactose so that it gets into the bloodstream. If the Lactase does not get into the blood stream then it can build up in the large intestine and cause discomforts such as, nausea, bloating, cramps, flatulence, diarrhea. You will feel these discomforts usually 30 minutes after the food does not get digested. Also the systems you get will depend on how a persons systems tolerance is to lactose.

A Lactose Free Diet can help people who have a problem digesting lactose. It can help you get in to a situation were you can relieve your discomfort. It is always a good idea to get some a professional opinion to see if your issues could be related to IBS.

It is important to understand that when going on this type of diet that you need to know that lactose exist in more products than just dairy items. Baked goods, cereal, cookies, and instant soups all can contain amounts of lactose. It is also important that any prescriptions that you get can contain lactose because it is a common practice to add lactose as a filler in tablets.

They have found recently that yogurt is a good food to eat because even though it contains lactose it has active cultures that contain calcium. Also it contains actase enzyme that help with digestion that can really help someone with lactose problems.

The most important thing to remember when going on a Lactose Free Diet is to know what foods don't contain lactose such as, Raw broccoli, Lettuce greens, Oranges and Pinto beans.

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Any dog owner is familiar with dog diarrhea. This is a common condition that frequently affects canines and is usually a temporary problem that quickly goes away and is nothing about which to get excited.

The most frequent cause of diarrhea in dogs is a simple change in their diet. Often this happens when a dog is accustomed to eating only dry dog food and you suddenly give him table scraps. New water sources are another source of diarrhea in dogs just like in humans. This often happens when travelling and people often believe riding in the care is to blame. Preventing both of these consists of maintain a consistent diet and taking water from home on short trips.

Puppies are more susceptible to both of these dietary changes since their digestive tracts are much more sensitive. People often see diarrhea in puppies when they first bring them home from the pet store or the breeder. Problems can be avoided by using the same type of food they were accustomed to before. If you want to change the food, do it slowly. This should prevent diarrhea.

Dogs that are unaccustomed to regular feedings will also frequently contract diarrhea when he eats. If the dog's feeding time is irregular, the dog will often overeat and gorge himself. This leads to both vomiting and diarrhea. Prevent this by feeding dogs twice a day as close to the same time as possible. Another method is to let the dog self feed by giving him a large bowl of food each morning, as long as it is dry food. As long as the dog knows the food will be there, he won't be in a hurry to finish it. This doesn't work well if you have several dogs living together.

Owners should keep in mind that dogs are able to eat things that humans can't because of their much shorter digestive tract. Pollutants and toxins in the food are quickly passed through the system before than can do damage. If the dog's body suspects that something is wrong, it will pass the food even more quickly, leading to diarrhea. This is natural and means that your dog's system is working normally. However, diarrhea that continues for more than a day is a serious situation and can indicate other problems. If this is the case, ensure the dog is drinking water and get him to the vet if the diarrhea doesn't stop quickly or if the dog becomes lethargic.

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Food Poisoning

We all know how unpleasant and painful food poisoning can be. Even though it only lasts for around 48 hours, this type of illness can make those two days feel like some of the longest of your life. Sufferers generally experience extremely painful stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. In some of the worst cases, these symptoms can lead to more serious complications such as dehydration.

Food poisoning typically arises when one ingests an infected food or beverage product. Undercooked meat, unpasteurized milk and juices, unwashed produce and water contaminated with feces are all sources of infection. It can also be transmitted from person to person.

Types of Infections

Food poisoning is not just one general type of illness. There are actually many different types of bacterial and viral infections that are all fall into this catergory of disease.

Most cases arise from a viral infection. Noroviruses, rotaviruses and hepatitis A are all viruses that cause food poisoning in their victims. While they all have similar symptoms, they tend to affect different populations. For example, noroviruses commonly target adults, while rotaviruses infect children and infants more frequently.

There is a very wide range of bacterial infections, as well. Salmonella, E. coli, botulism, traveler's diarrhea, staphylococcus aureus and cholera are some of the more common types of bacterial poisoning.


No matter what virus, bacteria or parasite has caused the infection, all food poisoning sufferers will experience the same general symptoms:

· Stomach cramps
· Headache
· Fever
· Diarrhea
· Vomiting and nausea
· Weakness

Generally, these symptoms will subside after one or two days. If they are particularly bad, or if they last for a longer period of time, the victim may experience dehydration, bloody stools or even respiratory arrest. In these cases, medical attention may be necessary.


In general, home treatment will help alleviate some of the worst symptoms. Solid foods should be avoided until the worst of the diarrhea has passed, and victims should make sure they rehydrate after vomiting and using the bathroom. Electrolyte-infused beverages are great for replenishing lost minerals and fluids, and caffeinated beverages, being dehydrants, should be avoided.

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