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It is extremely important to always sterilize your baby's bottle and the teat every time you use the bottle. Baby's need their bottles to be absolutely sterile, as they are not as robust as older children. No parent wants to see their child suffer with colic or any other stomach upset, especially diarrhea, and one way of avoiding these complaints is to sterilize baby bottles and the pacifier you might use. Don't lick either the teat of the bottle or the pacifier and then put it in your baby's mouth. You might think it doesn't matter, but your germs are as dangerous to your baby as a stranger's.

Whatever you do, if the baby has thrown the bottle or pacifier on the ground, don't then wipe them and give them back to your baby until they have been properly sterilized. Your baby's health is more important than the embarrassment you might feel because it is crying. It is better to be safe than sorry in this instance. You can easily sterilize you baby's item with boiling water, or you can buy a sterilization unit for bottles etc.

If your baby cries a lot and seems to have stomach pains, this may well be because of lack of sterilization. You may think that babies are resilient, but babies, especially newborns, need extra care and attention if they are to be happy and healthy. The importance of a hygienic environment for a baby cannot be stressed enough. It's quite simple to boil water and leave the baby's bottle submersed in it for a few minutes, and it will save the baby a lot of discomfort if you just spend a few minutes doing this to ensure your baby stays healthy.

Some people may tell you that you are wasting your time doing these things, but they are wrong. Ignore them or explain why you are doing it. You might be helping their baby too. Babies need to build up immunity to germs that do not necessarily affect older children and adults. They are new to this world which is full of germs and viruses and need to be protected from them as much as possible in the early stages of their development.

Your baby relies on you for its well-being, so don't let your baby down.

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Dehydration is a condition of the body wherein water is depleted and is less than what the body actually needs. It happens when a baby's water intake is less than what he or she loses. Usually, they lose more fluid if they experience a physiological disturbance like in the case of diarrhea, vomiting, and high fever. Staying too long outdoors during warm weather could also make him lose more body water in the form of perspiration.

Although dehydration is usually mild and easy to treat when attended to right away, sometimes it can be fatal. If dehydration is left undetected for quite a long time, this can potentially cause shock and multiple organ failure. Babies and infants are more commonly susceptible to dehydration because most of the time it is not identified quick enough.

Here are the signs and symptoms that you should be aware of to know if your child is dehydrated.

- Your baby appears restless, irritable, tired, lethargic, or unconscious
- Your baby's eyes are sunken (In some babies and infants, their eyes normally look sunken. It is important to assess appropriately if the eyes are normal or more sunken than normal.)
- The eyes don't produce tears when the baby cries. His eyes are dry.
- Your baby 's lips, mouth and tongue are dry
- When given water, your baby drinks eagerly (if moderately dehydrated), or drinks poorly (if seriously dehydrated)
- Your baby passes out very little urine than normal or does not urinate for about six hours or more.
- The color of your baby's urine is dark yellow, which suggests that it is concentrated due to lesser water content in the urine
- Your baby's hands and feet feel cold and clammy
- The baby's pulses are faint
- Your baby's skin goes back slowly when pinched

If you suspect that your child is mildly dehydrated, consult a pediatrician at once. But before you leave the house, make sure you begin giving your baby a liquid drink rich with electrolyte (e.g. pedialyte, or infalyte) that are specially formulated to help recover water and salts depleted from the body. Never give your baby Gatorade or other adult drinks because although they consist of electrolytes, their glucose content is too much for babies and children.

If you suppose that your baby is extremely dehydrated or can not tolerate oral rehydration, bring your child right away to the medical center. An intravenous access would be needed to administer the rehydrating solution and correct the dehydration faster.

Dehydration is truly a reversible condition if timely treatment is initiated. Nobody must die from it, especially infants and children who are still helpless and dependent on their primary caregivers. Therefore, parents or whoever is taking care of these little ones should know about dehydration.

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Good nutrition is essential for infants and provides them with the right amount of nutrients to continue on through the day. Not only can they grow healthy, but they will also be able to stay active and maintain proper weight as well. It is never too early to set the right example for healthy eating in children. Starting out with great nutrition and eating habits earlier leads to good habits later on in life.

Infant Nutrition

Since infants grow tremendously in the first year, nutrition is an essential component of their lives. The infant stage begins the eating behavior, food preferences, and eating habits that are shown later in life. Depending on the parents, how they are fed, when they are fed, and what they are fed, they shape ideas and habits from those shown to them already.

Breast Feeding

Depending on your preference and what you might have heard, breast feeding might be the option by which you choose to feed your infant. There is also bottle feeding that many parents enjoy doing as well for various reasons. There is a lot of pressure out there for new mothers to breast feed their infants rather than bottle feed... be it from their doctors, spouse, and even peers. The decision is not based on whether or not you give into their pressures, but whether or not you choose to breast or bottle feed depending on your own personal decision to do so. This is the decision that is best for you and your newborn baby. However, the benefits of breast feeding should not be overlooked before making your decision even before the baby is born. They are very important, and can help your decision to breast or bottle feed.

Breast Feeding Or Bottle?

There are many reasons why a mother should breast feed over bottle feed because of the benefits that breast feeding has compared to bottle feeding. Even though infant formulas seem very advanced, there are still benefits to nourishing your baby with breast milk. Breast milk is uniquely designed to meet the needs of your baby with the necessary fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in the right amounts. Breast milk is also beneficial for the immune system enhancing benefits that reduce the amount of respiratory infections, ear infections, and even diarrhea. Breast feeding can be more cost effective since there is no need to purchase formula, and it is always at the right temperature for the baby.

Breast feeding is also believed to help provide protection against your child becoming obese or overweight as they become older. This is because they are not a detectable nutrient such as the nutrients or immune boosting antibodies are, but they are known through the act of breast feeding your child.

This is because with breast feeding comes:

The ability to control food intake on their own.

This is something that we are all born with, and provides us with an alert system that lets us know when we are hungry or have had enough to eat. It is known as being satisfied. This ability for the baby to respond to these hunger cues relies on the mom's interference or even lack of it when it comes to feeding them. When breast feeding, the mother is not able to see how much she is feeding the baby. This allows the baby to have full control of how much they eat and when they feel they should stop. When a baby is bottle fed, there is more control by the mother to choose how much the baby eats and when they should stop. The mom will feed the baby the whole bottle, even if the baby feels that they are full. This inability to respond to the internal cue can actually disrupt their ability to self regulate how much they feel satisfied eating. This inability to control or manage the intake of food is what leads us to overeat. This can be the onset of obesity in children and even adults.

Acceptance of healthy foods in their systems.

Breast feeding mothers should incorporate a healthy diet into their lifestyle. This is to provide as much nutrition as they can to their infant while breast feeding. There are studies that have shown that the flavors of the foods that the breast feeding mother eats seep into the breast milk, giving it the same or similar flavor. Introducing vegetables through breast milk earlier on has shown to have a significant difference in the transition and acceptance of vegetables as the child becomes older because of the prior exposure to the same flavors. The early acceptance of foods in an infant has a lot to do with the foods that the mother eats while breast feeding. This allows great eating habits to flourish through the life of the child when starting earlier on through breast feeding.

Introducing Solid Foods To Your Baby

It is recommended by The American Academy of Pediatrics that babies are introduced to solid foods between 4 and 6 months of age. Before beginning solids, it should be discussed with your pediatrician to ensure that your child is on the right stage to introduce them. Introduction of solid foods begins with grains, vegetables and fruits; while eventually transitioning to table foods by their first year of age. The interaction between the caregivers and the baby can greatly influence the baby's acceptance of certain types of foods in their diet.

Encourage Their Acceptance Of First Vegetables

Introducing Vegetables To Your Baby

Make sure to watch all of the gestures that you make when feeding solids. This is because even if you do not say anything, your gestures can make all the difference.

  • Make sure not to agree with them by grimacing back and adding that the food is "yucky". Try to say "yummy" instead.

  • Do not add anything sweet to the vegetables. This is because you do not want to cover the tastes of the vegetables. They will not like them in the end.

  • Don't give up after a few rejections. Keep trying to introduce them with positive gestures and yummy looks.

  • Try not to introduce any food items that are inappropriate or unnecessary to the well being of your infant. In a study done, FITS revealed that infants are:

  • consuming more calories than they actually need; and

  • eating below the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables.

This includes infants receiving fruit juices, french fries, and desserts high in sugar as early as 4 to 6 months of age. Try not to introduce fast foods and processed foods in this stage of life. It may be tempting, but holding off on it can help your child transition into much healthier eating habits later on in life. Infants need very little amounts of sodium, while a lot of the foods from fast food places are processed and have a high value of sodium in them. This might put some strain on the infants developing kidneys.

Fruit Juice Does Not Count As A Serving Of Fruit

Of course, giving prune, pear, or apple juice for constipation is sometimes done and is fine in moderation; there are actually no other nutritional benefits from drinking fruit juice. Fruit juice is not recommended to be introduced into the baby's diet until they are around 6 months of age or older, and should not exceed 4 to 6 ounces per day; as per the American Academy of Pediatrics. This can decline the intake of milk and formula when fruit juice is given more often. It also decreases the amount of whole fruits that the infant has on a daily basis. Fruit juice can give dental cavities and cause diarrhea in some small infants. Over-consumption of this type of fruit juice is also linked to childhood obesity because it is high in sugar, and low on needful nutrition. A lot of children might also use it as a source of hydration above water because it tastes better and they prefer it.

If fruit juice is introduced, it should be done after 6 months of age, and should be 100% all natural. It should also be placed in a sippy-cup, and never in a bottle. This can reduce the risks of cavities developing. To prevent dependency on it, fruit juice should be given with a meal in a small amount, and not sipped on throughout the day.

When It Comes To Good Infant Nutrition, Always Remember To Be A Great Role Model

All of the habits, behaviors, and routines that you have are going to be noticed by the infant that you have in your household. This is the best time to change things up a bit and spruce up the way you do things. They are greatly influenced by your actions. Making sure that you have healthy habits can help them build healthy habits. You want to make sure that if you do not want them eating processed, high fat, and high sugar foods that you're not eating them either. It should not be a "do as I say, not as I do" type of thing. You should not do it if you do not want them to do it.

Make sure that the environment that the infant is in embraces all the nutritious foods and healthy behaviors that everyone is participating in. This will show your infant how they should embrace these behaviors as well. Do an evaluation of the home you live in, and think to yourself what can be changed to alter the environment that the infant is growing up in. Are whole grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, low fat, and low sodium foods accepted and encouraged in your household? Make the modifications that will benefit the infant, as well as everyone else in the home for the better when it comes to healthy eating choices, habits, and routines. This can make a tremendous difference in everyone's lives, not just the little one's.

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Categorized into two categories - helminths [these are multi-cellular worms] and protozoa [single cellular worms], worms can affect anybody no matter the age or gender. Toddlers and young children are more prone to this infestation [generally found in the stomach or intestines] and over the counter treatment is quite easy and readily available, worms do not pose a serious health risk but if left untreated can cause serious complications and may be life threatening. Infected humans are found in all parts of the world but it more prevalent in the tropical or sub-tropical regions [especially during the rainy season]. Helmiths do not have the ability to multiply [once they are adult] while in the human body, whereas the protozoa can multiply rapidly and thereby cause severe health problems and certain infections.


Though found mainly in the stomach or intestines these parasites do have the ability to live in other areas of the human body. Listed below are some of the more common infestations with their own symptoms:

* Round-worms - inflammation of the lungs or intestines, nausea, vomiting, fever, irritability, nervousness and loss of weight.

* Thread-worms - bouts of diarrhea followed by constipation, cough, fever, loss of weight and severe itching around the rectum of the infected patient

* Pin-worms - this infestation can take up to 2 weeks to manifest[after ingestion of the larvae], this is because the female moves to the rectal area and begins laying eggs [ about 15 000 a day] which causes severe rectal itching and irritation of the anus

* Hookworm - there are a few different species but the common one is medically known as Necator americanus, these enter through the skin [get into the bloodstream and end up in the intestine] and can cause irritation at the point of entry, abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss and anemia

* Roundworms - most common in tropical or sub-tropical areas and do not produce any symptoms, severe cases have however shown symptoms like weight gain, abdominal pain and these worms can cause complications like a blockage in the intestine

* Tapeworms - prevalent in pets with a low risk of cross infection to humans, this infestation shows no symptoms other than the appearance of white particles in the stool [rice shaped]

Common symptoms not mentioned above

* Dark Circles under the Eyes
* Foul Breath
* Constant desire for food
* Restlessness at night
* Bad dreams
* Headaches


There are a variety of ways one can get infected with worms, first and foremost is general hygiene, contaminated foods or water, contact with contaminated soil [in the case of youngsters], over population and poverty.


This is probably one of the hardest infestations to prevent [especially in children], as they are always playing with their pets or in infected soil, ensuring that they wash their hands thoroughly with a sterilizing soap is easier said than done as parents are not always around when they come back inside and grab a bite to eat etc.

As adults, we can prevent infestation by ensuring good hygiene in the home, making sure all fruits are washed thoroughly, ensuring the vegetables are washed, getting our raw meat from a well-known source etc. We can also ensure our pets are worm free to try keep the soil in our gardens clear. De-worming the entire family [as well as our pets] at least every six months with over the counter medication is a must.

Never neglect the fact that someone in the family has worms, they can infect the entire family and ignoring the problem will not make it disappear. Medical treatment should be sought if over the counter medication does not clear the problem - ineffective treatment can cause severe complications and have lasting consequences.

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Stages of teething is difficult for any baby. Sometimes, parents do not understand that the baby is undergoing teething and therefore, can't treat it properly. Here are some baby teething symptoms:

- Constant crying
- Decreased or nil appetite
- Lack of sleep
- Mild diarrhea symptoms
- Skin rashes
- Drooling
- Soreness of gum
- Constant fussing
- Rubbing cheek or ear
- Trying to chew anything that the baby comes in contact with

Baby Teething Solutions At Home

- Give the child teething rings or tablets to chew on. Teething tablets are soft on gums and melts in mouth. Teething rings are filled with liquid and are made for the child to keep chewing upon. Before using, refrigerate it.

- See if the bottle nipple is causing problem like it has become hard or worn off. Change it and use soft ones made with good quality rubber.

- To relax the gums, give the child clean cloths to chew upon. Another option is to massage the gums slowly or apply pressure on it as it soothes the gum muscles.

- Apply cold objects on gums. For instance, you can use ice cubes or cool cloths and hold it to the child's gums but never hold it for long as the baby might catch cold.

- If home treatments do not work, try using simple medicines available at medical shops that will numb the gum pain temporarily. To stop baby teething pain, never give medicines containing aspirin. Usually ibuprofen or acetaminophen work all time. However, check with the chemist as there are certain medicines which should not be given to babies lesser than 6 months of age.

Consult doctors to solve baby teething problems. It is important to administer medicines only in guidance by the doctor. Generally, the home treatments work but sometimes doctor's opinion is needed for severe problem.

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A healthy baby can be somewhat challenging when experiencing a single ear infection but when both ears are infected, things really get crazy. An ear infection is actually a common problem that children experience, which is painful and often produces a low-grade fever. With the interior of the ear now swollen and painful, it is common for the child to be cranky, which means for you as the parent it would likely be a very long night.

The most important thing you can do is learn about the signs of ear infection problems so if you notice a change in your child's behavior an ear infection could be the culprit. Because there is intense ear pain, you would expect to see your baby tugging on the ear so if both ears are infected, then the tugging would be see on both sides. With this, the baby is simply trying to do something to ease the nagging pain.

Ear infection in babies can also be detected by the change in behavior. Again, because of the pain, children become irritable, cry, whine, have difficulty sleeping, show no interest in eating or drinking a bottle, etc. In fact, if the infection were in both ears, your baby would probably cry if you were to put any pressure on the ears accidentally. For instance, if your baby tried to lay his or her head down while you held him/her, it would likely be too painful.

Because the type of bacteria that causes ear infection in your baby is the same as what causes problems with the gastrointestinal system, you would also expect to see a chronic problem of diarrhea. Another of the common ear infection symptoms is a lack of appetite. For one thing, the child does not feel good so there is no interest in food. However, the process of chewing in a toddler or sucking on a bottle in a baby would increase the level of ear pain. Of course, if the infection in babies were in both ears the child would have no interest in eating or drinking.

If the twin ear pain in your baby were serious, you would probably notice a white or yellow colored fluid oozing from the ear. In some cases, a slight odor would also be detected. Of all ear infection symptoms, this one should never be ignored since this is a sign the infection has become so serious a hole has developed in the eardrum. With this, your child needs to see a doctor right away. Typically, after the infection is treated and the problem resolved, the hole would heal but there are some cases when additional treatment is needed.

Okay, so now that you know the most common signs of ear infection problems but you also need to know what to do as a parent. In most cases, your baby would get better without antibiotics but if your child is over six months and the problem is severe, medication may be required.

Otherwise, the doctor would likely advise you to keep your baby cool, control the fever, use a warm or cool compress depending on the one that helps most, and make sure the baby is getting adequate fluid to avoid becoming dehydrated. Of course, if the baby still has an ear infection or ear pain after three days, then something more would need to be done.

Diarrhea 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Diarrhea is a condition or a disorder, which causes the discharge of frequent stool which is loose, liquid and soft; thereby the frequency is increased of a person's excretion rate. Diarrhea takes place or happens to a person, when the intestine does not absorb much fluid or when the intestine creates excessive fluid. Having diarrhea and fever are the symptoms of having viral or bacterial stomach flu. Diarrhea and fever occurs when one feels or get abdominal pain and throws up or vomits frequently. Diarrhea gets cured within five to seven days. While having diarrhea and fever, causes the discharge of regular stool sometimes with blood or pus, in quantity which is usually small. If a person has fever of 102 F or more than that, usually lasting over 24 hours or even lasting for 48 hours after the onset of having diarrhea, then it is the symptom of bacterial infection, there might be extreme cases like fainting or shivering due to high fever. Having diarrhea and fever increases the chances of having dehydration, through the fluid loss increase, constant breathing for the cooling of one's body and the interference of fluid and its replacements.

The cause of diarrhea are many the most common are lifestyle that a person leads, too many medicines and weak immune power whereby there is a reduction of fighting ability against infection and diseases. If not checked by a doctor, then it might lead to severe and serious problem and other hazardous illness. Condition of diarrhea and fever are older age, especially above the age of 60, drinking diary products which are not pasteurized and impure water, swimming in water which is contaminated, undergoing surgery of any kind especially in the abdominal region.

Taking antibiotics, and other medicine like ampicillin, amoxicillin, Dioxin Lithium Medicines to support an organ transplant Medicines used to treat cancer and radiation therapy. A person can prevent the occurrence of diarrhea by properly preparing and cooking food, watching what one is eating, and the intake of prescribed antibiotics, all these can prevent from having diarrhea and fever.

The other ways of preventing oneself from having diarrhea and fever, is by leading a hygienic life, especially by washing one's hands quite often, as diarrhea and its virus spreads through unhealthy and unclean hands and other things. One should consume mineral water and avoid or reduce the intake of soda, bee and other alcoholic drinks.

One should not take in water from the tap and iced water too. While brushing teeth a person should use mineral or treated water, Boiled water must be consumed. Therefore by applying and introducing such habits which are healthy too, can prevent the occurrence of diarrhea and fever. Diarrhea is a condition that is cured by small treatments, but OTC or over-the-counter antibacterials, can be taken to cure diarrhea and fever, dehydration usually occurs along with diarrhea and fever, therefore a person has to increase the intake of fluids, water and electrolytes too. With all these diarrhea and fever can be prevented and cured.

Related Articles:

Proper Diet for Diarrhea

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Teething is one of the significant milestones of your baby's development. Memories of your baby's first big toothy grin will stay cherished forever. Some babies hardly appear to have any trouble at all and are boasting their first teeth before you know it, but for others it can be a more uncomfortable time, causing distress to both you and your baby.

Just like adults, all babies deal with pain differently. As a result, some will have an easier time with teething than others. However, most babies will have grouchy and irritable periods!

The first signs of teething usually begin a few months before the first tooth appears, so you will need to look for particular symptoms to ensure that the symptoms you notice are truly teething-related. While most parents generally agree that some or all of the symptoms below occurred around the time of teething, it is still recommended that you check with your pediatrician to rule out other possible causes for the symptoms, especially if you're baby is running a fever (temperature above 39C [102F]) and/ or appears lethargic and unwell.

1. Irritability: As the new tooth rises closer to the surface your baby's gums may become increasingly more sore and painful, leading to fussiness and crying.

2. Drooling: From three to four months of age you may see your baby start drooling more often than normal. Teething stimulates drooling, which may be worse with some babies than others.

3. Coughing: The increase in saliva can cause your baby to occasionally cough or gag. As long as your baby shows no signs of a cold or flu and does not run a high fever, this is noting to worry about.

4. Chin rash: If your baby is a heavy drooler, the constant contact with saliva may cause the skin around the chin and mouth to become irritated. Gently wipe your baby's mouth and chin periodically throughout the day to help prevent chapped skin and rashes.

5. Biting & gnawing: A teething baby will gnaw and gum down on anything. The counter pressure from biting helps relieve the pressure from under the gums and temporarily numbs the pain. Teething aids designed specifically for babies are safe and effective.

6. Cheek rubbing and ear pulling: Pain in the gums may spread to the ears and cheeks particularly when the back molars begin coming in. This is why you may see your baby rubbing their cheeks or pulling at their ears. However, keep in mind that pulling at an ear can also be a sign of an ear infection, especially when accompanied by a fever.

7. Diarrhea: Most parents usually notice slightly looser bowel movements when a baby is teething. A recent study done by the Children's Hospital in Australia found this to be the most common symptom of teething, yet many doctors still disagree and discount diarrhea as a symptom of teething. The most likely cause of diarrhea during teething is the extra saliva swallowed, which then loosens the stool. Report any diarrhea that lasts for more than three bowel movements to your doctor.

8. Low-grade fever: A fever is another symptom that doctors are sometimes hesitant to directly link with teething. Many parents however find their baby gets a low-grade fever while teething. Notify your doctor if the temperature rises above 39C (102F) or if the temperature remains elevated for more than 2 days.

9. Not sleeping well: You may find your child wakes more often at night. Most parents agree that night waking occurs more frequently when the molars are coming in.

10. Cold like symptoms (runny nose, etc.): Some parents find that their baby displays cold-like symptoms when teething. Runny noses, coughing and general cold symptoms are believed to be a result of frequent hand-to-mouth movements in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Notify your doctor if cold-like symptoms occur for more than 3 days and do not improve on their own.

The process of teething frequently follows hereditary patterns, so if the mother and father teethed early or late, your baby may follow the same pattern. On average the first tooth comes in during the seventh month, although it can arrive as early as three months, as late as a year, or in rare cases even earlier or later.

In total there are twenty primary (first) teeth. The full, adult set of teeth comprises of thirty-two permanent teeth. Most children have a full set of primary teeth by the time they are around two or three years old. These primary teeth usually last until about the age of six, when the teeth that were first to appear become loose and fall out as the second teeth begin to push through the gums. The primary teeth continue falling out until roughly the age of twelve. Again, these ages mentioned above are only averages and your child may follow an earlier or later pattern.

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It is very common to come across people who are allergic to some or the other substance and according to various studies about 50 million people in the US suffer from some or the other form of allergy. A lot of studies have been conducted by pediatricians and allergists about toddler allergies and the results of such studies have proved that a toddler has about 50 percent chances of being allergic to various substances if one parent has an allergy although the chances of the toddler carrying the same allergy are rare. Some studies have also pointed out that if both parents are allergic to substances then there are 75 percent chances that the toddler would also be allergic to some or the other substance. The most common of all the allergies reported for toddlers are the milk allergy and food allergy although there are many toddlers who are allergic to dust, mites, cockroaches and pollen too. It is important that you observe your child closely for any signs of allergies and if you see anything which is not normal then please see pediatrician as soon as possible.

Toddler allergies can be put into various groups based on the causes for allergies, allergy to milk, eggs, nuts (peanuts and tree nuts), fish and cereals (especially wheat) are the most common. The possible symptoms of these allergies are appearance of rashes or boils on the skin, vomiting, diarrhea and wheezing are the most common and visible symptoms which can be seen if the child is allergic to milk. Cow milk is believed to be the primary cause for milk allergies however it is not uncommon to come across toddlers who are allergic even to the soy milk or milk obtained from other animals like goats, sheep or buffaloes. The symptoms of milk allergy can be seen in toddlers within minutes or a couple of hours from the time of consumption of milk and it is highly advisable that you rush your kid to hospital or call the emergency number for help if the child is feeling breathlessness. Many toddlers are allergic to eggs, fish, peanuts, tree nuts and wheat protein and the only way of dealing with such allergies is by strictly avoiding the food item the kid is allergic to.

The occurrence of toddler allergies caused due to dust, mites, cockroaches and pollens is also very common and the possible symptoms are sneezing, running nose and itching. The best way to deal with such allergies is by keeping the environs of your home clean. Many parents get confused between food allergies and food intolerance and it is advisable that you visit a doctor and get a thorough check done by a pediatrician or allergist before you form any opinion about it. Many toddlers grow out of certain allergies and intolerance for a particular food item with age and might become receptive to the food by the time they are about 8-10 years old. There is no medication for allergies and the only way to deal with such situation is complete avoidance of the substance. The only medication available is for hay fever which can be tackled by giving shots to the toddler. If your child spends time with caretakers or babysitters then it is advisable that you keep the informed about the allergies and give them clear instructions about the food the kid is allergic to, the symptoms and the action that needs to be taken if the kid eats the food he or she is allergic to. This would help in keeping the child safe and healthy.

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As a parent, you can't help but be familiar with antibiotics. It is one of the most commonly prescribed medications given to children today. Doctor's prescribe it for cuts, colds, infections, and inflammations of all kinds. Unfortunately, antibiotics do have negative side effects, like upset stomach, diarrhea, and infections. The purpose of an antibiotic is to destroy all bacteria. This is where the problem comes in. The human body needs a certain level of both the good and bad bacteria. As a result, probiotics are the perfect counter for the damage that results from using antibiotics, which kills all bacteria-even the ones your body need.

If an antibiotic treatment is inevitable, it is highly recommended that a probiotics for children regimen be started at the same time. Do keep in mind that these two substances should not be taken simultaneously. They will only cancel each other out. Make it a point to ensure there is at least a minimum of a 3 to 4 hour time span between the probiotics and the antibiotic doses. This option is especially important because the probiotics restore your intestinal tract to its ideal balance of good and bad bacteria promoting overall good health. Probiotics responds to the negative impacts of antibiotics which include less resistance to disease and becoming more susceptible to irritation.

An easy way to get the importance of why probiotics for children are an ideal choice for any antibiotic treatment is to look at how each word is composed. For instance, the prefix pro in probiotics means for, and the prefix anti in antibiotics means against. The root word biotic means life. Hence, probiotics literally means for life, and antibiotics literally means against life. The same holds true for what they actual do to bacteria existing in the body. One giveth life and one taketh away.

The good news is that should you start a consistent daily regiment of probiotics the resulting overall effects may cause you to eliminate the need for antibiotics. The number of instances where a need actually develops for antibiotics is very small or nonexistent, when dealing with a healthy immune and digestive system. So, you don't have to use probiotics to recover from the damage done by antibiotics. You can avoid this damage all together by using probiotics as a means of prevention.

It may be a bit difficult to grasp the concept that antibiotics is not necessarily an ideal drug to introduce a child's bodily systems, but this is the case. Not to mention, you can validate the contents of this article by simple asking your doctor if indeed this is the case. However, available medical evidence indicates this truth.

Furthermore, probiotic supplements are so natural that the body welcomes them and puts them to use immediately. Probiotics are the VIPs of the immune and the digestive system. A healthy immune or digestive system is impossible without the introduction of probiotics. Our natural lifestyle and environment are too much for our immune and digestive system to bear without the aid of friendly bacteria like probiotic supplements to put the situation back on a balanced tract.

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Baby ear infections are caused by a build up of fluid and bacteria around the eardrum. Normally this fluid leaves pretty quickly through the Eustachian tube (which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat) during yawns or swallows. But if the Eustachian tube is blocked which often happens when you have cold, sinus infections or during allergy season the fluid gets trapped in the middle ear. The bacteria grow s in dark, warm, wet places, so the ear becomes infected and as the infection worsens, so does the swelling in and around the eardrum, resulting in pain. Then in an effort to fight the infection a fever develops. Baby ear infections are more common because the Eustachian tubes are short in babies rendering them more prone to infections.

Babies cannot tell you they are in pain and crying more than usual should alert you that all is not well. Other baby ear infection symptoms may be grumpiness, refusal to eat and the big tell tale sign, a fever. It is good to keep in mind that an ear infection is likely to appear after a cold. Although babies often pull at their ears for no reason other than that they are there, if you notice ear pulling whilst really crying hard is a good indicator. Other signs that warrant investigation include diarrhea, foul smell coming from the ear or a white or yellowish fluid draining from the ear. This is rare in babies but could happen. Should you notice any of these signs it is time your baby to see a doctor for a proper diagnose and a course of treatment.

Recent studies show that most ear infections in babies will clear up on their own without any treatment, but it is important to have your doctors check it and in most cases he will prescribe an antibiotic and suggest giving your baby children's acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help relieve the pain. At this point is important that you ensure you give your baby the complete course of the antibiotics and get your doctor to check it in a week or two. In the meantime if you feel anxious or the infection doesn't seem to be responding you should call your doctor.

Although rare, some ear infections can be dangerous. If an infection is severe and is left untreated it can rupture your baby's ear drum. These do heal but it is important to get your doctor to make sure the infection has gone and the eardrum is healing properly. If your baby has recurring infections and they are not treated accordingly they can lead to permanent damage to your baby's hearing. Untreated infections can lead to infections of the skull located behind the ear or to meningitis. So, proper investigation and treatment by your doctor is imperative.

Preventing ear infections in babies is difficult as the baby associates with people. Making sure your baby has been immunized and if your baby has had recurring infections it may be an idea to consult with your doctor about flu vaccines. Also research suggests that babies that have been breastfeed for at least six months have a much lower incidence of ear infection.

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Most people calculate the cost of baby formula by adding up the price of formula, feeding bottles and rubber nipples. They might also include the cost of sterilizing everything, which requires clean water and energy.

However, the real cost of baby formula includes the costs of increased risks for diseases that formula-fed children have, compared to breastfed children. These include medical care, medicine, hospitalization and time off from work that parents have to take to care for the sick child. Increased illness also impacts on the child's growth and development. Finally, the manufacture and use of baby formula places a burden on the environment.

The World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and INFACT Canada have concluded that infants fed with baby formula have increased risks for:

Diarrhea and Pneumonia

Formula-fed babies have been shown to get sick twice as often and 3 times longer than breastfed babies. They also have increased risk of pneumonia and diarrhea. In contrast, exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of life prevents at least 33 per cent of diarrhea cases.


Babies fed infant formula have a 40-50 per cent higher risk of developing asthma and wheezing than infants breastfed for at least nine months.


Children who were breastfed the longest in infancy had the lowest incidence of atopy, eczema, food allergy and respiratory allergy.

Reduced Intelligence

Children who were formula-fed in infancy had lower IQ points than breastfed children. Greater differences were observed with children who were breastfeed longer.

Infection From Contaminated Formula

The International Food Safety Authorities Network says that it is not possible to manufacture sterile powdered baby formula. Therefore, the risk of contamination is always present. In fact, baby formula products are being recalled all the time, because of contamination with anything from molds to metal particles to bacteria.

Chronic Diseases

Children who receive little or no breastmilk are at increased risk for becoming overweight and developing diabetes and cancers, including leukemia.

The true cost of baby formula cannot be counted in dollars and cents. It is not possible to calculate the cost of illness and even death of a child in a family. However, it must be considered that increased risk for illness and disease - even death - are part of the cost of baby formula. The loss of human potential in the form of potential intelligence that was not realized because of formula-feeding is another important and incalculable cost. Parents who want to make an informed decision on how to feed and nourish their children should be aware of the true cost of baby formula.

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In a society where sugar is a main ingredient in most processed foods, living with sugar intolerance can be challenging. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup can be found in everything from sodas, syrups, fruit drinks, baked goods, packaged foods, yogurts, and candies. Managing a sugar-free diet is possible, but challenging.

Sugar, or Sucrase intolerance is a disease in which an individual cannot properly digest and metabolize sugar, causing a variety of unpleasant symptoms. The body is unable to break down sugars because it is missing the appropriate enzymes. When the body is unable to break down sugars, the individual experiences a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. Sugar intolerance most commonly manifests in increased gas, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, and nutritional deficiency. Parents of infants with sugar intolerance also report their child experiencing excessive sleepiness, irritability, and poor feeding as a child. Sugar intolerant individuals have also reported experiencing depression and mood disruptions.

Sugar Intolerance can Affect All Ages

Most cases are diagnosed when the individual is still in infancy. As children mature, they wean from their steady diet of milk and begin trying new foods, including fruits, juices, and grains. For children with sugar intolerance, this exposure to sugar contributes to unpleasant symptoms and it becomes clear to the parent that their child has a problem. The symptoms for this is quite similar to the symptoms of other gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, Sugar intolerance is commonly misdiagnosed. This type of intolerance is commonly mistaken for colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, toddler's diarrhea, food allergies, or the common flu. A family history of sugar intolerance can aid physicians in providing an accurate diagnosis.

Depending on what your situation is with your family health, your financial status, and overall health and age, there is assistance and various medication that will help out with dealing with this intolerance. Make a run over to the local or family doctor to see what options you have. There are thousands, if not millions, that suffer from the same symptoms and lifestyle that you've been dealt.

Although this intolerance is linked to various eating habits and genetic pass downs, you can be sure that there is quite a bit of information located on various medical websites, medical blogs, and other people who aer blogging about the same issues... all there to help out. Read and educate you and your family to get the best options available for living a normal life. Remember, do your research, make some calls, and you'll start to live a normal life.

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Diarrhea is an unpleasant and sometimes embarrassing problem. Unless it is medicine related, it usually doesn't announce it's intention to pounce, it simply starts up. There are many causes, and it can strike anyone at any age. In the very young and the elderly it can become a serious problem, though it usually doesn't.

Food poisoning is one of the most frequent sources for diarrhea. It is sometimes mistaken for a flu bug, and titled the stomach flu. Prevention is always your best bet. Wash all of your fruits and vegetables carefully to remove bacteria and chemicals from it. Always cook meat and poultry to a minimum of 165 degrees and fully cook egg yolks.

There are foods that can trigger this problem as well. You've probably heard the phrase "green apple two step," and eating unripe apples can be a culprit. Eating a large number of grapes and/or unripened ones may also can a bout. If you are fond of these, remember to partake in small amounts to avoid spending an unpleasant amount of time in "the reading room."

There may be some warning for you where medications are involved, though you may have to read the accompanying literature to find out. Laxatives are well known to increase bowel movements and can cause diarrhea like symptoms. What might surprise you is that both antacids and antibiotics could cause the problem. Antacids with magnesium are most likely to do so.

Now for the remedies. Before getting into specifics, there are some general things to do. Make sure you remain well hydrated, as you will be losing a good deal of fluid over the course of the illness. Keep foods on the bland side and don't eat large amounts of food, as it will put added stress on your gastrointestinal tract. There are over the counter remedies for this problem, and they should not interfere with most of the remedies below.

Apples: You can use applesauce, but scraping the inside of a raw apple and eating it is even better. Don't eat unripened apples (see above) and don't eat a large number of them. If the patient is a baby or toddler, a small amount of apple juice could help, but don't go overboard as it could make the problems worse.

Blackberry Leaf Tea: The tannic acids and astringent qualities of blackberry leaves can help reduce the risk of diarrhea and calm the bowels during an episode. It also has antioxidants, adding health benefits to the brew.

Licorice: The root of this plant can coat your stomach and intestines, giving them a chance to calm down. Diabetics should use DGL, as that has the sugars removed. If you have high blood pressure, stick to marshmallow, as the licorice can cause it to go up.

Tea: Like blackberry leaves, tea contains tannins which can help reduce risks and calm the bowels. Black tea is the best, though any tea could help. If you have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, depression or high blood pressure, either avoid tea or use decaf, as the caffeine content could make the other medical conditions worse.

With these tips, it is possible to resolve diarrhea in a fairly short amount of time. If it doesn't resolve quickly, go to the doctor as you may require something stronger to get over the problem. Ask your doctor before starting any new supplement program. Be sure to give information on all medical conditions you have as well as any medications or supplements you use. This will help you avoid dangerous side effects and herb/drug interactions.

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Two years ago the Children's Hospital in Boston started a treatment programme for child migraine sufferers. At the end of the programme, of the children who had received acupuncture treatments, 70 per cent of them stated that their migraine intensity levels were reduced.

When parents were asked to confirm, 55 per cent agreed that their children did indeed reap the benefits from acupuncture treatments. Out of all the kids in the study, only one said that their symptoms got worse by undergoing acupuncture.

Another study, also done at the Children's Hospital in Boston, focused on acupuncture treatment on children between the ages of 6 months to 18 years. These kids were sufferers of headaches, back pain, stomach problems, and other common childhood complaints. At the beginning of the study the patients ranked their pain as an eight upon ten. At the end of the year, the average pain rating plummeted to three. The children were also sleeping better and attending school more often.

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice where very fine needles are inserted into the skin of the patients in order to restore the Qi (energy) and ultimately help to relieve pain and treat diseases, is common amongst Singaporean adults. But is it suitable for children?

Acupuncture and your child

According to Huaxia Acupuncture & Chinese Medical Centre, and 2M Chinese Physican, yes. Both centres say that Acupuncture can be done on children as young as infants, as long as they are able to take the discomfort of the needles. Usually massaging, before injecting the needles, is advised for the younger age group.

Acupuncture can be used to treat childhood illnesses, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), eczema, asthma, depression, and upset stomachs in kids. It can also help with bedwetting. Depending on the condition, the specifics of the treatment (frequency, dosage, strength) needed may vary. Conditions such as simple diarrhea or fever can be treated with one possibly two treatments, while an eating disorder may take up to or more than 10 total sessions. If more than 10 sessions are needed a slight break between sessions will take place, then back to more treatments. Children's sessions at both centres usually last for between 30-45 minutes.

If you do indeed decide to try acupuncture for your child though keep in mind that you need to go to a licensed acupuncturist. There are requirements and training that will need to be met in order for the acupuncturist to have their license. It also best to consult with your GP or Pead first.

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Your baby may get her first tooth as early as three months or as late as one year. And in rare cases some babies are even born with a tooth or may take longer than a year to get there first one! But on average most babies get their first tooth at around seven months old.

There's no telling how long it will take for a tooth to come through or how painful it will be. With some babies it can seem to happen overnight and with others it can be quite a long drawn out process.

What to expect:

There is a whole range of symptoms that go hand in hand with teething. Your baby may experience some or all of them, however if you are in doubt ask your doctor as some of the symptoms may be caused by something else.

Often the first tooth is the worst and as your baby becomes accustomed to the teething sensation they will be less fussy as later ones come through. But in saying that, you may find that your baby is fussy and uncomfortable as every tooth comes in. Below is a brief outline of some of the things to look out for as your baby goes through the teething process.

Drooling and Dribbling:

Your baby may start drooling (a lot!) at around the three to four month mark. Teething stimulates saliva in your baby's mouth so now might be the time to check for any visible lumps or redness on your baby's gums that may signal a tooth is about to come through. Also the extra saliva can make your baby cough or gag sometimes, this is usually nothing to worry about so long as your baby seems happy and isn't showing any signs of a cold or flu and doesn't have a high temperature, but check with your doctor if you are unsure.

Chin rash:

All that extra drooling can irritate your baby's sensitive skin so it's important to gently wipe their chin throughout the day to help prevent any rash from developing.


A teething baby will gnaw and chomp down on anything they can get in their mouth! So breastfeeding mums watch out! The pressure of biting down can help relieve the pressure of the tooth pushing up from under the gums.

Unsettled Sleep:

Teething continues whether your baby is awake or asleep, and if the pain is particularly bad they may wake more frequently. Many parents say this happens more with the first teeth and then later on when the molars start to come through.

Ask Your Doctor:

Other symptoms that parents often notice are cold or flu like symptoms such as a runny nose and coughing, low grade fever and even diarrhea. The best thing to do is to check with your doctor as these could just be part of teething or possibly something more serious, it's better to play it safe and consult a health care professional if these symptoms occur.

Teething is an ongoing process that can start anywhere from around 3 to 4 months old, most children will have all of the primary teeth (baby teeth) by the time they are two to three years old.

When it comes to teething it's hard to tell exactly how much pain those new teeth coming through will cause your baby. And obviously as your baby is so little they can't tell you either, so that makes it all the more confusing.

The best idea is to check with your doctor. They will be able to advise you of what type of infant pain medication to use (e.g. Infant Tylenol or Infant Panadol), the appropriate dose to administer and how often. They may also recommend an oral teething gel as well.

Easing The Pain

Apart from pain medication that your doctor may prescribe there are several things that may help to ease your baby's teething pain.

When your baby is teething they will want to chomp down or gnaw on just about anything they can get in their little mouths. The pressure of the tooth coming up from under their gums is relieved by the counter pressure of biting down on something.

  1. Teething rings and water filled teething toys that you can chill in the refrigerator are great for teething babies, your baby will have something to gnaw on while the coolness can help soothe the inflammation on their gums. Just make sure that you chill these teething rings in the refrigerator NOT the freezer, you don't want to hurt your baby's sensitive gums with freezer burn!

  2. Cold foods such as pureed fruit, vegetables or yoghurt are good for soothing sensitive gums.

  3. A bottle with cool water can also help. Just be aware that your baby will also gnaw on the bottle teat or nipple and probably put large holes in them, so you may want to try using a sipper cup with a solid mouth piece. Water will also help replace some of the fluid your baby may lose through all that extra drooling!

  4. Even mum or dad's finger is good to gnaw on! Just make sure you have washed your hands and be careful, some babies can chomp down pretty hard!

  5. Older babies who are already eating whole pieces of food will enjoy gnawing on hard crackers or biscuits like teething rusks or cold pieces or fruit like apple or pear.

Please note: If you are in any doubt about your baby's teething or managing their pain, always play it safe and consult your doctor.

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"Malnutrition caused by poor child feeding practices claims over 10 times as many lives as actual famine," says researcher William Chandler. "Coupled with diarrheal dehydration, malnutrition is the leading killer in the world." Often, the 'poor feeding practices' begin in infancy.

Breast milk is the ideal food for most infants because it contains all the needed nutrients. It is easily and rapidly digested. It is always fresh and at the right temperature. It contains antibodies that protect and help the baby to build up resistance to infections. Breast-feeding also provides an infant with loving attention, essential to emotional development.

As women take on secular jobs, however, breast-feeding declines in many developing countries. Consequently, many African babies are fed powdered formulas. Such formulas are nutritious when correctly prepared under sanitary conditions. "In poor areas of the world, however," reported Time magazine, "that is sometimes impossible. Mothers may unknowingly mix powdered formula with contaminated water or, to save money, dilute it too much." The results can be deadly.

Queen, a Nigerian mother of seven, recalls that hospital nurses introduced her babies to bottle-feeding right from the start. Queen continued the procedure at home. However, her six children all suffered from serious and repeated diarrhea--one almost died. Her husband says: "We realized that our sixth child was being infected through the feeding bottle, so we stopped using it, and she recovered. Now Queen is breast-feeding our seventh child during its first few months."

The message? Put your baby to the breast as soon as possible! Eat a balanced diet yourself so that you can produce healthy milk. A side benefit of breast-feeding is that it tends to delay the onset of menstruation after the birth of a baby. It is thus called nature's contraceptive.

Feed Them Right!

Sometimes, though, African children are fed breast milk exclusively well into their 18th month of life. "When weaned," says William Chandler, "many children are given adult foods they cannot chew or digest, or that are unnourished."

UNICEF's office in C繫te d'Ivoire produced a poster that advises mothers: "After five months, more than the breast." Mother's milk should be supplemented by fruit, cereals, and vegetables that have been cooked and strained and that are thus soft enough to be chewed and swallowed by an infant. A Nigerian mother named Ijeoma breast-fed each of her four children during their first four months. She continued breast-feeding for up to 12 months, gradually replacing it by spoon- or bottle-fed meals of fruit juices, pap, and other preparations. She observed strict hygiene in preparing meals. The result? Her children have grown up healthy and have had few infections.

As the child grows, a balanced diet will help him stay healthy. A meal of only carbohydrates, such as yams, cassava, or polished rice, will not provide sufficient nutrition. His body also needs proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which are found in meat, eggs, milk, beans, corn, and a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Important too is how food is handled and stored. It may seem tempting to use spoilable food that has been left standing unrefrigerated for a couple of days, but do not use it! "Contaminated food is frequently unsafe and may lead to repeated attacks of diarrhea and other infectious diseases." Therefore, (1) wash your hands before touching or preparing foods. (2) Eat food immediately after it is cooked--don't let it stand for long at room temperature. (3) Keep your kitchen, your cooking utensils, your clothes, and yourself clean and tidy at all times.--World Health magazine.

Germs and parasites abound in polluted water. So filter or boil water before using it. Rinse eating utensils with boiling water, and wash your hands before handling food.

Indeed, perhaps the simplest health safeguard is to maintain a high standard of cleanliness. In developing lands, though, this can be a real challenge.

A survey of developing lands revealed that in Latin America, the majority of mothers want no more children. "Only in Africa did a decided minority of the women have this view."--State of the World 1985, Worldwatch Institute.

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For years fruit juice has been considered a healthy drink of choice by parents. It does not have all the unnatural ingredients of fruit-flavored drinks, and soda-pop. It also has been recommended as a good source of calcium, vitamin C, and other nutrients by family doctors. In a day and age when children rarely get the recommended daily values for fruits and vegetables, juice can seem like a good strategy to help your children at least get a few servings of something nutritious.

But as it turns out, fruit juice may not be all that helpful.

Not long ago the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a warning about fruit juice and its misuse in pediatrics. The AAP's major concern was that doctors were only considering the benefits and not the potential problems with it. The reports says that parents should be aware that juice is not without its problems, and parents should be aware.

So, what is the big, unhealthy deal about juice? Well, for one, kids are drinking way too much of it-which should not surprise any parent, because kids love it! The AAP report says that while children under age 12 only account for 18% of the total population, they consume 28% of all fruit juices in the U.S. (On average, that is about 9 gallons per person are consumed every year.)

  • From a nutritional standpoint, fruit juices, especially fruit juice concentrate, has all of the sugar of soda, but without the nutritional value of whole fruit. The AAP states that commercial fruit juice offers no nutritional value or benefits over whole fruit.

  • Over-consumption of fruit juice may be a factor in dental problems and digestive problems like diarrhea and gassiness-and should not be a food source in a child with diarrhea or dehydration due to illness. In other words, telling kids with fever and flu to drink cups of juice to acquire Vitamin C and stay hydrated may not be the best option.

  • In some families without access to proper nutritional resources, increasing fruit juice has meant an increase in malnutrition, as children prefer to drink it over consuming real food.

  • While the data is controversial, some studies have found a connection between drinking juice and obesity in children. (More likely than not it has to do with overwhelming consumption of sugars eaten in the Standard American Diet, which includes refined grains and sugary drinks in general.)

So, what is a parent of juice-loving kids supposed to do with that fact that juice is not healthy when consumed only in moderation?

Here are a few important tips:

  • Instead of drinking fruit juices as a source of vitamin C and calcium, parents should choose whole fruits for their children.

  • If it has already become a regular source of hydration, parents can easily reduce the amount of juice consumed by adding water to the child's cup.

  • If parents want to increase vitamin C in children with cold and flu-like symptoms, water with a high quality chewable vitamin C supplement may be more helpful than increasing the child's consumption of sugary juice.

  • Consider becoming a family that juices. With just a small investment your family can bring home an efficient juicer that you use to create your own healthy, natural cocktails-out of both whole vegetables and fruits. Juicing is a great way to get more of your daily recommended values of these important foods, in the convenience of a beverage that can be just as sweet as a juice box, but offer more nutritional content.

  • Finally, Whatever you do, stay away from "fruit juice drinks" or "fruit juice cocktail" which contains very little real juice, and mostly contains sugars and fillers.

Is fruit juice healthy for kids? In moderation it may not be harmful, but as the concern of the American Academy of Pediatrics has shown, fruit juice is not healthy in the the quantities that many American children drink it. While fruit juice can potentially count as a serving for fruit in your child's diet, he or she would do better nutritionally to simply eat a whole fruit. So, here's to putting down the orange juice, and picking up an orange!

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Both cloth and disposable diapers have their advantages and disadvantages. Whatever is right for your family is OK. You shouldn't feel like you're an awful person for choosing one over the other, and you shouldn't worry about other people's opinions. Let's face it. You're probably the main one that is going to be cleaning up pee and poop. So you might as well be happy with what's catching all that waste.

Disposable diapers are readily found at just about every grocery store you can think of. You can buy different shapes, sizes and gender specific types. On the other hand, cloth diapers aren't as easily found. They are at some grocery stores, but you can have your pick of the litter if you're shopping online.

Let's examine the good points found in each.

Disposable pros:

  • They are disposable. You throw one away and never think about it again.

  • Travel poses no problems.

  • They won't leak if your kid has a case of diarrhea.

Cloth pros:

  • They are natural and better for the environment.

  • They have Velcro straps for easy access.

  • A diaper service can pick up soiled diapers, wash them and return cleaned diapers to your house.

  • Cloth diapers are less expensive in the long run than disposables.

  • They can double as burp cloths and later be used as dusting rags.

That all sounds well and good. But both choices have some major minuses to consider.

Disposable cons:

  • They are horrible for the environment; they continue to fill landfills.

  • They can cost a pretty penny. I noticed that as a baby increases in age, you get less diapers for a higher price tag in a package.

  • Disposables may delay the potty training process because a child will feel dry with one on.

Cloth cons:

  • They use electricity and water.

  • They must be rinsed in a toilet, and you have a huge mess and terrible smell to contend with.

  • Even with plastic pants, cloth diapers leak more disposables.

  • You have to carry used diapers with you during travel.

So after reviewing this information, maybe you have a solid answer for which variety of diaper is right for you. If not, give both a try. If you like using a combination, I'd say you have the best of both worlds.

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We never know when an emergency or disaster will strike and sadly, often in the rush of things, pets are left behind or simply not given the care they need because their owners just don't know what to do with them or don't have the proper supplies. By spending a little time preparing for possible emergencies and disasters, you little furry friend can be properly cared for until your family can return home after an emergency or disaster.

What can I do to prepare for a possible emergency or disaster? First of all, it's important to know that many Red Cross shelters are unable to accept pets due to space and hygiene constraints. That's why you need to take an extra step ahead of time to have a plan. First of all, call around to hotels out of your immediate area to see which ones accept pets. Keep a list of pet friendly hotels so you know where to go if you need to evacuate your home. Additionally, keep a list of pet boarders outside of your immediate area in case you end up someplace that does not accept pets. Finally, have a portable pet disaster kit ready to go with you. It should be in a container that's easily taken with you such as a backpack or duffle bag and should contain food, medications and medical records, leashes, a carrier, a recent photo, water, food and water dishes and an index card that explains the animal's routine and habits as well as your veterinarian's contact information and a few toys.

What should I do with my pet during an emergency? If you have to evacuate, take your pet with you. Do not go and assume you'll be able to get back soon to care for your pet because depending on the extent of the emergency or disaster, you may not be able to return home soon enough to care for your pet. If you cannot keep your pet with you during the evacuation, find someone who can keep your pet for a short time or take it to a boarder. It's also important to remember that animals can get stressed during this time so be sure to give your pet the extra attention and comfort it needs to feel safe and secure.

What can I do if our pet goes missing? Whether your pet is missing due to an emergency or not, it's important to get out there looking for it as soon as possible. Make up fliers that you can post and hand out. Also, knock on doors of the houses in the areas that you suspect your pet might be. Finally, check all shelters within twenty miles of where you last saw your pet at least every other day because it may take a while for your pet to show up at a shelter.

Pets are Part of the Family: Three Things You Can Do to Show Them How Much You Love Them

You probably often see dogs riding in the open beds of pickup trucks or with their heads hanging out the window and we all know how much fun it is to let kittens chase a ball of yarn. The thing is, however, that these are dangerous activities for pets and if we really want them to be a part of our families we need to protect their safety. (NOTE: Cats and kittens can strangle or choke on yarn and string if left to play with them unattended.)

Pet Proof Your Home. If you have pets in your home, you know that they take as much care as a toddler, especially when they are young. They are curious and active. That's why you need to use childproof latches to keep your pets out of cabinets that contain items that could be dangerous if they swallowed it. You should also keep your trash covered and toilet closed and you should always check your dryer before you start it because sometimes animals will crawl into it to stay warm. You'll want to also check your houseplants to make sure you don't have any that are poisonous to your animal.

Hot Weather Safety Tips. When it's hot out, you need to take special precautions to make sure your pets don't overheat. One of the biggest misconceptions is that animals can stay cool on their own. If you take your dog jogging with you, make sure you alter your exercise time to the cooler time of day as most dogs like to please and will continue running even if they are too tired or hot. If your pet is an outside pet, make sure it has a lot of water and shade during the warmer months.

Cold Weather Safety Tips. Animals do grow thicker coats in the winter, but that doesn't meant they don't need shelter when it's cold out. Avoid using space heaters for your pets, however, because they are burn and fire hazards. If your pet stays outside, be careful that they have fresh, unfrozen water. Check their feet often to make sure there isn't an ice build-up on the pads of their feet.

Pet Safety Tips:

1. Keep a list of pet friendly places and chains so that if you travel with your pet you know where you can and cannot take your pet such as hotels, amusement parks and other entertainment venues and campgrounds.

2. Beware of things that are toxic to animals. Chocolate can be deadly for dogs and pine needles cause diarrhea and vomiting in cats (even if they just drink from the water under the Christmas tree).

3. Check your pet's collar at least once a week until it is full grown. You should be able to fit two to three fingers between the collar and the animal's neck.

4. Cats do better indoors. They live longer and healthier lives than cats who are allowed to go outside. Furthermore, cats who go outside are more likely to get fleas, ticks and worms.

5. Feral cats are a growing problem in the United States. Do your part in solving this problem by spaying and neutering your pets.

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