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If you've decided on formula as the choice for feeding your baby, you might be a bit confused about all the choices. There are lots of options to help you find the type that will best suit your baby's needs and your lifestyle.

When you are in the hospital, if your baby is getting formula, it will likely be pre-mixed in one serving disposable bottles, and will be a name brand, milk based formula. This is likely to be what your pediatrician recommends and will work well for most babies. You may be able to use this for the whole first year, with no issues.

If your baby has trouble with this formula, he may have a milk allergy, and may need soy, or other special type of formula. If your baby is having trouble tolerating his formula, he may cry significantly after eating, indicating that he has a stomach ache or he may throw up or have diarrhea. If you notice what you think might be intolerance to the formula, contact your pediatrician right away. You might have to experiment with a few before you find the right one, but don't lose hope. There is a formula out there that will work well for your baby.

Your next consideration is whether you want pre-mixed, liquid concentrate or powdered formula. Pre-mixed means you just pour and serve. Liquid concentrates need to have water added, as does powdered. Pre-mixed is the most expensive, powdered is the least. But, of course, pre-mixed is also the most convenient. Pre-mixed and liquid concentrates also spoil more quickly. Powdered formulas do have a shelf life, but are generally good for about two weeks. Your decision will generally be decided by your budget and lifestyle, as babies tolerate all three types equally well. You might want to mix and match, using powdered formula when you're at home, and pre-mixed when you travel. Follow the directions on your formula package carefully.

When you're bottle feeding, you must also be diligent about sterilizing your bottles. Keeping the feeding equipment sterile is critical to protecting your baby's health, especially in the early days. If you want to minimize the equipment that needs to be sterile, try using the bottles that hold disposable milk bags. These are good at keeping air out of the baby's tummy, and require that only the nipple be sterilized. The down side is that you have to buy the sterile disposable bags, and each bag can be used only once. You might want to spend some time shopping around to decide what kind of bottle your want to try. Whatever type you choose, just be sure to read the sterilization instructions, and follow them closely.

At first, bottle feeding may seem like a lot of work, but give it some time. Once you get the hang of sterilizing bottles and preparing formula, it will be a breeze.

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Constipation in toddlers should be handled carefully because the more the toddler tries to hold back the stools the worse it would become. It is quite common to see the toddlers suffer from constipation. Constipation is after all a painful process due to the passing of dry and hard stools.

Although you can cite several causes for constipation, one of the most important causes for constipation in toddlers is the lack of fibrous content in the food they consume. Milk products and peanut butter are the two foods that lack fiber and are consumed by the toddler often. Too much of intake of cow's milk can also cause constipation. If the toddler consumes more solid foods then the stools are likely to get dry and hard resulting in constipation. Inadequate consumption of water also might lead to constipation in toddlers.

You might wonder as to what should be done to treat the problem of constipation in toddlers. The best way to keep it at bay is to keep an eye on the diet that the toddler takes. Ensure that the toddler takes liquid diet as well in addition to the other types of food. It is advisable to give the toddler fiber-rich food as well. Intake of fruits and vegetables go a long way in easing the bowel movements. You ultimate goal should be that the toddler should have comfortable bowel movements.

Milk cannot be stopped altogether but too much of consumption of milk will cause constipation in toddlers. On the other hand it would be highly advisable for the toddler to consume foods like spinach, beans, sweet potatoes, turnip greens, peaches and raw tomatoes more as these foods are said to be rich in fiber. Fruit juices and water should be given to the toddler at regular intervals. Pop corn and vegetable soup are also considered very good choices to help the toddler ease bowel movements. If the eating habits of the toddler are kept in check then constipation in toddlers can be controlled successfully.

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After many studies over time, it was concluded that diversification is necessary to feed babies around the age of 4 months. After 4-5 months, the milk that was the baby exclusively food, cannot cover all its nutritional needs. So that becomes mandatory the introduction of more substantial food, which come with added vitamins, mineral salts, fiber, and more carbohydrates and fat. Diversified diet is not recommended before this age, because intestinal enzymatic functions are not fully developed.

What should baby nutrition contain? Before the introduction of solid foods, other foods besides milk, like fruit juice and a can of vegetable strained soup can be recommended. Apple juice, peach, lemon or orange can be introduced even at the beginning, at the age of 6 weeks, in progressive amounts.

It begins with 30 ml up to 3 months and a half, continuing to about 50-60 ml after this age. But this doesn't replace a meal. Instead it is very important the intake of vitamins. There is a certain order of introduction of solid food. It is generally recommended, to start with vegetables and fruits, flour, and then to introduce, beef, cheese, egg yolks, yogurt with biscuits, chicken livers.

At 2-3 months are recommended carrot juices, apple, one orange or lemon.

After 4 months the pulp is introduced, passed well. You can give him fruits mix with biscuits. Starting with the fourth month, the baby can eat peaches. Currants, blueberries, gooseberries, passed very well, are recommended starting with the fifth month, having a good anti diarrhea effect.

Tomato juice, grape, and even cherry red pulp may be administered at 5 months and a half.

At 6 months you can diversify the food with a vegetable puree. You can prepare fruits as syrup. However, those will bring added vitamins, calcium, potassium and iron.

At 8 months, in some cases even at the end of the 7th, feeding your baby may be enriched with chicken, fish, eggs and various dairy products. For desserts and snacks provide cheese, natural yoghurt, ripe and crushed fruit.

10 to 12 months - His nutrition moves on. He has his teeth and he cope better with chewing. He increasingly eats more solid food or semi solid. He can eat snacks without help, so offer him biscuits, a piece of bread, and a cracker. He now consumes usually raw and vegetable purees, pasta and rice. Make sure you give him daily vegetables, fruit, milk and dairy products. Once a week give him an egg yolk and three times a week 30 g of chicken or fish.

The most important aspect concerning a baby food is that it has to be introduced slowly and it has to contain a variety of products, starting with natural juices and purees and ending with meat.

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In part 2 of "Autism - Watching Your Child Slip Away" we explored a typical time frame of 12 to 15 months for a child showing patterns of regression into autism. The use of biomedical treatments for autism could be extremely beneficial at this stage. Now we continue with the 15 months stage and beyond and the final autism regression that is commonly experienced by families.

  • More ear infections go unresolved by antibiotics.

  • The parents are told that most kids go through a transition period in their toddler years, and that boys will many times have delays in language.

  • This cycle continues until it is evident that child is not developing cognitively, but instead is losing ground compared to other children their age with respect to speech, socialization, etc.

  • The child is eventually diagnosed with autism-spectrum disorder and provided various services to help with education, speech and behavioral therapies. One program that ALL parents should be aware of (but unfortunately are not) is biomedical treatment for autism.

  • No significant medical therapies are investigated or implemented, except for basic genetic screening for Fragile X or cursory blood work.

  • Parents' concerns regarding the child's health, diarrhea, vaccines, etc. are disregarded.

I realize this may seem like a simplistic outline of a child's regression into autism. Some children regress much more quickly even before their first birthday. Some never develop language or only partially lose it. Some parents describe their children as never developing normally, or always appearing delayed. There are a wide variety of scenarios, but with respect to the regressive pattern (which makes up approximately 70 to 80 percent of the kids in my practice) the general pattern is the same - normal development, good socialization skills appropriate for their age, language development on target and then - BANG!!

Something happens.

What was gained is lost. What never developed is never seen. The typical child regresses into a world of isolation. Unfortunately, most parents do not find out about biomedical treatments for autism early on as well. If they could, the implementation of biomedical treatments for autism such as the gluten and casein-free diet, supplement therapy and more could possibly help to prevent their child's regression.

I have seen this pattern over and over for years now. Many biomedical physicians such as myself can predict, based on a brief history of the child, what are likely the contributing factors to the child's underlying health issues. As an example, I have seen kids regress into autism days after a series of vaccines - one in particular is the combined Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), which in my opinion is a significant culprit in regressive autism - not the only culprit, but a major one. If a child can be assessed early on, and begin the process of receiving biomedical treatments for autism many children can recover quickly, or never fully regress. This will not happen 100% all the time, but the biomedical treatments for autism that are available can make a huge difference in early intervention.

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The first serious meal

When start?

Recent discoveries recommend supplementing baby's menu at the end of the sixth month of baby's life. Larger babies may begin to require diversification of the menu a bit faster, but the milk (mother milk and the powder mix) must remain the menu key components up to the first year or even longer.

There is no need to hurry with a constant product introduction. In what age your baby will begin to use them as food will not impact his intellectual development. Remember that babies who begin to use the extra feed before age of 6 months often has problems with a peaceful sleep. There are few studies that convincingly refute the ancient beliefs. Therefore, take your time and do not do anything under compulsion.

Your child is ready to pick a permanent feed, if he:

* Shows interest in what other people eat.
* Move his mouth when see how others eat.
* Is more hungry despite he have eaten a large enough portion of the milk from the breast or bottle.
* Don't reject the spoon when you try to feed him.
* Upon receipt of a meal, inhale lip, instead of crowding.
* Own-initiative keeps his head upright.


When you begin to add other products to your baby`s menu, slowly and gradually add one product. Introduce baby with only one food in a week. This will allow you to make sure that your child is not against the food effect allergy or hypersensitivity. Allergic reaction symptoms usually appear as a rash on the cheeks and the areas where the skin is covered with napkins. Allergy symptoms can also be food repulsion or diarrhea.

Sugar and salt to children is not required. Do not add seasoning to baby`s food!

Always feed baby with spoon, do not add foods from bottle during meal.

Start with a pap

Most of the baby starts to eat baby pap produced from the same variety of grain. Most often they are rice porridge, which is easily digestible. Mixed with breast milk, milk substitute or water, they are a good iron, B vitamins and calorie source that require your baby. Once you've tried the rice pap, you can try to offer your baby the other pups.

Sit down your baby on your knee or in his furniture, and give him food with small portions, so that he could vaporize new food and get used to it. If the child refuses from food, turn away head, it may mean that he is not ready for the reception of the new food yet. If so, try again after a week. Never push the child to eat.

It's Time for vegetables

Yellow vegetables such as pumpkin or carrot, is sweeter than green vegetables, so it would be better if baby in beginnings would be offered pellets of potatoes or beans. If at first your baby gets used to the sweetest taste of vegetables, it would be hard to add green vegetables to your baby`s menu.

Before your baby has not reached the age limit of one year, do not add any beets, rapeseed and darker green vegetables, e.g., Broccoli. These vegetables are too much nitrogen-containing substances.

It's Time for fruits.

Avoid citrus fruits. They may be too acidic for your baby's stomach and promote the formation of rash. Citrus fruits are often cause allergic reaction. Many pediatricians do not recommend give your child citrus juice at this time. Fresh fruit is very healthy, but fruit juices is mainly composed of sugar and water and don`t alleviate thirst so well as mother's milk or milk mixture. When you are giving your baby a juice, use a cup rather than give to drink from the bottle. Baby quickly will learn a new type of drinking. Children, who drink juice from a bottle, usually drink too much.

Basic knowledge's of children's food.

When baby first taste adults food, it should be soft, homogeneous and shredded. Do not buy baby food containing artificial additives - carefully read the label!

Be careful!

Babies and small children can choke with some products.

Here's what you never give to eat your child:

* Grapes, olives or other small, round products
* Lollipops and jelly candies,
* Popcorn,
* Peanuts and other nuts,
* Others a solid and detailed products.

To make sure that your baby will not choke, never leave him alone during meal. Then, even your baby choke, you'll be able to respond quickly and help him. Always feed your baby in sitting posture!

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Dehydration refers to a condition when the amount of fluid in a person's body is less than the ideal requirement. Babies and infants are commonly susceptible to dehydration. Dehydration in babies occurs mainly when they take in less fluid than they lose, typically through vomiting, diarrhea, fever, or perspiration. While dehydration is often mild and easily reversible, sometimes it can also be serious and potentially life threatening.

The following symptoms indicate that your child could be getting dehydrated:

o Your baby does not pass urine for more than six hours.
o Your baby's urine is dark yellow in appearance and smells quite strong.
o Your baby's appears lethargic.
o Your baby's mouth is dry or the lips are parched.

The following symptoms indicate that your baby has serious dehydration:

o Your baby's eyes are sunken in the sockets.
o Your baby's hands and feet feel cold and appear splotchy.
o Your baby experiences dizziness or seems delirious.

Here is what you can do:

o If you suspect your baby is becoming dehydrated, consult a pediatrician immediately. You could give your baby a special electrolyte liquid drink that is designed to help recover lost water and salts from the body.
o If you suspect serious dehydration, rush your baby to the emergency room. Babies get dehydrated quickly and an intravenous infusion may be necessary to restore the balance of fluids.

Note: Do not give your baby one of the sports drinks that are advertised to help sportsmen cope with dehydration; while these contain electrolytes, their sugar concentration is too high. Use Pedialyte, Infalyte, ReVital, or similar brands of electrolyte liquids that are specially designed to help rehydrate children. You may continue to breastfeed or bottle-feed your baby.

As newborn babies grow and develop, there are various child development stages that they go through. If your child has a fever, appears sick or dehydrated, has moderate to severe diarrhea or is vomiting, you should call your doctor right away.

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Most babies get diaper rash at some time or the other. It's just a part of baby life, and while parents can do their best changing diapers, wiping bottoms, and using diaper rash ointment as needed, diaper rashes are just going to pop up now and then and even sometimes linger on for a while. However, when a parent notices raised or fluid filled bumps on baby's bottom or extreme pain from the intense redness and peeling, a normal situation has turned into a severe diaper rash that needs additional attention. When that has happened, follow this treatment for severe diaper rash, and you may find you can clear the rash and ease the pain without a doctor's intervention.

1. First of all, don't freak out. Simply having a baby with severe diaper rash does not mean you are a bad parent or that your baby will most definitely require emergency care or suffer long term. Even skin disorders to this degree can happen due to frequent stools and wiping, diarrhea and resulting bacteria from antibiotic prescriptions, acidity, and even sometimes allergies to something a toddler or nursing mother has eaten. While you always want to change diapers frequently, gently clean and allow baby's bottom to dry before diapering again, and use the best diaper rash cream for your baby on a regular basis, flare ups can and do occur even with the best parenting Also, there are both severe diaper rash cures you can do right at home that provide relief and healing and then additional steps your doctor can routinely recommend or prescribe if needed, so this is usually a simple obstacle that parents need to go through. Even the severest of this kind of condition may not mean anything other than something just happened that needs mom's and dad's attention now, and just a little extra loving care and concern is all that is needed to quickly correct the situation, many times without even the need for a doctor.

2. You'll still want to make sure you are changing your little one's diaper frequently, but do not use scented baby wipes when your child has a severe rash. In fact, you may want to opt for unscented baby wipes all the time due to the fact that some babies are sensitive to the fragrances used in these kinds of wipes. However, when dealing with a severe diaper rash, definitely change to an unscented diaper wipe, or even better, use plain water to clean your baby's bottom at this time. Depending on what is most comfortable for you and also on the type of soiling that has occurred, you can either gently pat your child's bottom with a wet, soft wash cloth, or you can squirt water on your baby's behind using either a squirt bottle or a plastic bulb syringe. Do this with every diaper change during this time, making sure your baby's bottom is dry before putting a new, dry diaper on. You should also consider actually placing your baby's behind one or two times a day in a baby bath with Aveeno Soothing Bath Treatment for Baby, or put oatmeal in a knotted sock or half hose and place in bath water to provide great soothing relief to your child's pain during this time. Using plain water and extremely gentle cleaning strokes (or none at all if you can just squirt water) for diaper changes and then providing skin conditioning and relief with an oatmeal mixture (using Aveeno or old-fashioned oatmeal itself) together can go a long way in helping baby deal with the pain and get better more quickly.

3. While you should make sure your infant's little bottom is always dry before you put another diaper on, there is no more important time than now to do that. In fact, exaggerate this step and make this a part of healing your child's severe rash. After using plain water for diaper changes and then supplementing that with an oatmeal-based butt bath, keep diapers off completely as long as possible to allow for air drying. If you need to immediately replace a new diaper, then simply pat your baby's bottom with a soft towel or cloth as gently as possible. Do not stroke or wipe with long motions across your child's bottom. Just gently pat. If you do not need to replace the diaper quickly, let your baby go diaper free for a few minutes or even for longer if possible. Air has great healing powers for sore little bottoms.

4. Supplement the steps above with a superior diaper rash ointment that other parents have found trustworthy in dealing with bad diaper rashes. Burt's Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment, Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash, and Diaper Rash and Thrush by Motherlove Herbal Company are all known as great severe diaper rash remedies. Some parents have found Aveeno Baby Diaper Rash Cream and even plain extra virgin olive oil works well too, even sometimes in extreme cases. If you want to use olive oil, make sure you are using extra virgin olive oil as that is the preferred grade of olive oil that is best for using on the skin. (I've routinely used extra virgin olive oil on my own skin a lot and can personally tell you it absorbs very well and is a very good healer of all sorts of skin disturbances.)

5. Immediately discontinue giving your child any highly acidic foods and do not eat any acidic foods yourself if you are nursing. Expelled acid can not only trigger severe diaper rashes, it can make any diaper rash worse. Processed fruit juices are perhaps some of the worse offenders, but other offenders include mom's coffee and colas, white bread and bagels, processed meats and cheeses, peanut butter, bananas, chocolate, and eggs. Do internet searches for acid foods list to avoid on the internet, and make sure you are very careful with foods for both your child and you right now if you are a nursing mother.

6. As an additional note, consider whether the rash may be a result of a change of disposable diaper brands or detergent, or even added bleach if you are using cloth diapers. Perhaps your baby is reacting to something he or she has had introduced via their diapers or clothing, and if so, make any changes necessary to change or remove the new culprit. If you are bleaching cloth diapers, sometimes adding white vinegar to the final rinse will remove any bleach remains from the diaper. Better yet, use an equivalent amount of white vinegar or 2 teaspoons of 100% tea tree oil in place of any bleach at all to brighten, deodorize, or sanitize clothing and diapers. These more natural alternatives are not only good during diaper rash flare ups but can be used all the time for a more gentle, natural household for baby's and toddler's needs.

Severe diaper rash treatment at home come take one to three days or even a little longer, but if you see definite improvements and are helping relieve your child's extreme pain throughout that time, these initial steps can sometimes provide the exact needed attention required to solve the problem. If your baby's rash worsens or does not respond to these first crucial steps, then a call to the doctor might then be order after all. There might possibly be a form of candida yeast or bacterial infection that requires medical attention, or your baby may have some other health issue your doctor might want to investigate and address. However, these steps are immediate steps that can make a crucial difference in intense cases sometimes and can certainly help your child feel better in the meantime.

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For some new mothers, breast feeding is a challenge and in some cases, it can seem to be almost impossible. Stress, illness and previous surgeries are just a few of the reasons that a new mother may under-produce breast milk. If you have recently given birth and discover that, in spite of your best efforts, you are not producing enough breast milk, you should talk to your pediatrician about supplementing your breastfeeding with baby formula. It can be a bitter pill but if, like me, you find that your baby is still hungry at the end of a feeding, deciding to supplement is actually a complete no-brainer.

If your baby is not showing any obvious signs of allergies or sensitivities (gas, diarrhea and the like) you can start with any cow's milk based brand that appeals to you. Remember that all formulas sold in the US are governed by the FDA so you can be sure the nutrition guidelines are similar from brand to brand. Similac, Enfamil, Nestle or (and I wish this had been available when I was supplementing my baby) organic brands like Horizon are all fine places to start. We used powdered formula and bottles with disposable inserts for mixing but you can also buy formula in super convenient ready to use bottles and concentrated liquid formulas that you can mix quickly with water. Obviously, work within your economics and hectic schedule but once your baby is established on formula, you can switch between these different types as you need to.

Once you pick a formula, it won't take long to see if your baby doesn't like it or if it doesn't agree with her system. She will tell you unequivocally with fussing, crying, turning her head away from the bottle, spitting up, vomiting or with some truly awful diapers and gas. Definitely consult your doctor on this but you may need to switch to a formula with low or no lactose or one made with soy milk. In any case, never, ever attempt to feed your baby regular cow's milk or soy milk... they are simply not nutritionally complete enough for a developing baby.

If you can, you should definitely continue to let your baby breastfeed before offering a bottle. For me, it worked something like this: I would make up a bottle first, then sit down with my baby to breast feed. When he lost interest in breastfeeding, I would offer him the bottle and, if he took it right away, I would let him drink as much of that bottle as he wanted. Be aware that sucking formula from a bottle is so much easier than getting it from your breast that your baby might become "lazy" about breastfeeding so always breastfeed first and be absolutely sure they are making an effort before you offer the bottle.

Finally, how do you know if your baby is getting enough formula? Not surprisingly, you will know if you are feeding your baby enough formula by looking for the same signs of satiation that you do with breast feeding: sleepiness, falling off the bottle and what every mother might call slight "intoxication."

In the end, the very best thing you can do is trust your instincts and not worry too much, anyway. After all, we're talking about our babies!

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Ouch. Cranky babies and toddlers are the worst, and an ear infection can make even the most laid-back child turn into a monster! The worst part is that we know earaches can hurt and no one wants to watch their baby have to feel pain.

First, here's a little bit of background on ear problems.

They're called ear infections because the name acute otitis media is too long to bother with. In short, they happen when bacteria and fluids get trapped in the ear canal near your child's eardrum.

Our ear canals are much longer than a baby's, so it doesn't take much for the build-up of fluid to reach the middle ear. That's why we have fewer ear problems as kids. Most kids will suffer an ear problem at least once by the time they are about 3 years old. Toddlers are the most afflicted.

Colds and sinus troubles are usually the "trigger" that set an ear aliment into motion. The mucus and fluids that accompany these ailments always seem to find their way into the ear canals...After all those tiny tubes are very close to the nose and throat in a little person.

Diagnosing ear infections in babies and toddlers

It takes a doctor or other medical professional to properly diagnose an ear aliment, but there are some signs of baby ear infection that can tell you that you're likely dealing with one.

  • Pain

Babies can't talk, but a toddler who complains of ear pain or pain "back in my throat but up higher" is almost certainly experiencing the pain of being infected with ear diseases. A baby who feels this pain might tug at their ear or keep their ear pressed against their pillow or other object. They seem to know that warmth can help.

  • Fluid and Odor

An obvious sign of ear infirmity is less common, but almost a sure thing... clear yellow or white fluid coming from the ear. A bad smell usually accompanies this sign, and it means that the eardrum has ruptured, leaking fluid. It will heal, though so there is no reason to panic.

  • Other Illness

Since the cause of babies' suffering ear sicknesses is bacterial, there might be other parts of a child's system affected as well. They might have tummy trouble, including throwing up and diarrhea.

  • Eating and Sleeping

Other symptoms include a loss of appetite, because chewing and swallowing can hurt. Your little one might also seem to have an aversion to lying down and making sleep tough...being horizontal can make the pain worse.

  • Hearing

You might also notice that your little one has trouble hearing; they're listening to sounds through fluid which muffles noise. Your child might also have some difficulty with balance; an inner ear illness can affect anyone's equilibrium.

Preventing an Ear Infection

There are several steps you can take to help ward off ear illnesses. Even though they are common, you should try to do what you can to avoid them.

  • Food

Breastfeeding is the absolute best thing you can feed your baby for a number of reasons, and one of those is that it's a proven ear-infection-deterrent! Breastfed babies grow into toddlers with fewer ear illnesses.

When you feed your baby, whether at the breast or with a bottle, you should keep them in as much of an upright position as possible. Allowing your baby to eat while lying down can cause fluid to drain back into the ear canal.

  • Vitamin C

Be sure to offer your child plenty of fruits, veggies, and fruit juice rich in Vitamin C. It is a natural immune booster and a healthy immune system can fight off sickness better than a weak one.

  • Avoid Crowds

If you take your baby to daycare, a smaller one is best. Home-based babysitters typically have fewer kids...fewer kids means fewer germs. Don't let your child eat or drink after other kids, and be diligent about hand washing.

  • Beware of Allergies

Sometimes allergic reactions can cause recurring ear sickness. If you aren't sure what your baby is allergic to, or even if there is an allergy, you should go to the pediatrician to check. If you know what your child is allergic to, you can help him or her avoid the triggers.

  • Clear Their Nose

If your child has a cold, make sure he or she doesn't spend the day stuffy. Toddlers and babies who can't yet blow their nose will need help from you. Use a bulb syringe or some saline nose drops to clear their nasal passages so that the fluid doesn't build up and get in their ears.

  • Avoid Smoke

Keep your child away from smoke, as secondhand smoke can worsen ear diseases.

  • Medical Treatments

Depending on how frequent your child comes down with an ear infirmity, your pediatrician might decide to treat them individually or take long term measures to prevent them.

If your little one has four or more infirmities each year, or if they are having delays in speech or hearing loss because of chronic ear infections, the doctor will probably intervene.

  • Antibiotics

For the occasional ear aliments that isn't part of a chronic problem, most pediatricians don't take medical steps to treat them. It is usually ideal for it to run its course, while you just take action to help with pain and discomfort. Taking antibiotics too often or for too long can cause them not to work as effectively when they're really needed.

For chronic cases, some doctors will prescribe a low-dose antibiotic over several months, preventing the problem from recurring.

  • Boosters

There is an immunization called Prevnar that can help prevent some ear illnesses, but they're only effective on some, some of the time. They are usually only recommended for those children whose ear aliments aren't affected by normal antibiotics.

  • Ear Tubes

For chronic ear infections that don't respond to other treatments, and pose a risk to hearing and speech, most doctors recommend ear tubes. These are surgically implanted under general anesthesia, and help drain fluid away from the ear drum. Most of the time, they are left in place for several months to over a year.

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Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) - Necrotizing Enterocolitis is an infection of the intestines that causes inflammation, interior abdominal damage, and tissue death. This is a disease that is mostly found in very premature babies (less than 3 ½ pounds, or 1600 grams), and generally occurs within 2 weeks of your baby's birth. The problems begin to appear after feeding has started. A premature baby that is fed breast-milk will have a decreased chance of developing this disease than the premature baby receiving formula and other kinds of nutritional supplements.

It is currently unknown what the actual cause of NEC is, but there are a few theories floating around. Decreased blood flow and oxygen levels seem to be problem among premature babies encouraging an environment for the growth of bacteria in the intestines. Bacterium permeates the abdominal area causing complications that can be life-threatening to your premature baby if not treated quickly. Some other suspected reasons are a difficult delivery, too many red blood cells, and body immaturity.

There are many symptoms of NEC and some of the symptoms are:

    General signs of illness

    Eating less or feeding reactions

    Bloated, red, and tender abdomen

    Diminished bowel sounds

    Abdominal fluid

    Constipation or diarrhea with blood






Many of the symptoms listed above are common, but a few of them can indicate very serious problems. Your premature baby may have just a few of these symptoms or many depending on the severity of her necrotizing enterocolitis. Treating these symptoms as well as treating the actual disease is a top priority by hospital staff for the survival of your premature baby. It can take several weeks for your premature baby to recover from NEC.

Necrotizing enterocolitis is diagnosed by using an x-ray to determine if air, fluid, or holes can be seen in the intestines or abdominal cavity, and is treated using several methods. The most effective methods depend on the severity and types of problems that your premature baby is presenting. Treatments may include antibiotics, IV, more x-rays, no feedings for a while, a tube into the stomach to keep it empty, oxygen, stringent cleanliness procedures for all people coming in contact with your premature baby, and/or surgery, with a stoma after the removal of damaged portions of the bowel.

An average of about 82% of the premature babies diagnosed with NEC will survive. Premature babies under 3 ½ pounds will have a significantly higher mortality rate, averaging around 40%. In recent years, technology has advanced a great deal giving these babies a fighting chance that they never had before. As time marches on more advances will be made to increase the positive averages in the survival rates of premature babies.

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I have heard of countless weaning/breastfeeding "horror" stories from some mothers. They recount that while they were weaning from breastfeeding, they bungled up at one point or another. But one particular mum stands out. She said she was so happy that her 6-month old daughter responded to the baby cereal and was weaned to formula almost immediately that a few days later, she included cow's milk as a cereal thickener.

The result? Her baby had a rare allergic reaction to the milk and made her lactose intolerant. Unfortunately, the intolerance included her mother's breast milk. So they had to spend tons of money for lactose-intolerant milk supplements.

The anecdote above is a jolting reminder to mothers that before babies reach 12 months, they should carefully choose their baby's meals. If there is a family history of allergies, it is best to consult with a pediatrician for him to recommend alternatives to baby's diet. If you don't have a history, then it's safe to be cautious as well. Listed below are types of food that SHOULD NOT be included in a baby's diet, especially if he is younger than 12 months:

- Salt. Breast milk and formula already have salt integrated in their substances. A baby doesn't need additional salt because of this fact. More importantly, never put salt on baby's food as his kidneys are not yet fully developed at this age. Salt content in food can actually cause damage to their kidneys, and is also a major factor for the contraction of diabetes in later life.

- Cow's milk. As mentioned above, it may make your baby lactose intolerant. This is because it has milk proteins that your baby may not take yet. This may be difficult for your baby to digest and absorb and may cause nausea or stomach pains - and there is no great stressor for a mother to see her child in pain. Also, completely avoid skimmed milk and low-fat milk products as it gives an inadequate quantity of iron, vitamin E and essential fatty acid. It also gives out too much protein, sodium and potassium. And studies have shown that infants who were given cow's milk suffer from iron deficiency.

- Unpasteurized milk. A baby (or a toddler even) must ALWAYS be given pasteurized milk. In pasteurization, milk is being heated (but not boiled, to avoid curdling), killing bacteria and some of the antibodies the body doesn't really need. If milk is not pasteurized, some bacteria like E.Coli would thrive. If given to babies and toddlers, they could have severe diarrhea which could eventually lead to dehydration and loss of electrolytes in the body, sometimes (but rarely) leading to death.

When it comes to baby, a mother should always be protective. His diet is no exception. There are other foods which may affect or be detrimental to a child (there is a part 2 and part 3 for this article as this information is very important, especially to new mothers). Even if your family does not have a history of allergies (and by allergies, asthma is included, not just those related to food), it is still best to consult your doctor.

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There are very few noises on earth that can shatter the nerves of new parents than a crying newborn-especially of brand-new parents. The problem is this: simply, crying newborns are part of the package deal, some of the worst parents must endure in order to get the very best. However, there is no reason to despair. Following are some ideas and insights to dealing with a crying newborn.
First off, make sure all the basics are taken care of.

Crying is the only way a newborn has to communicate, so chances are your crying newborn is trying to tell you something. He or she may be hungry, so they are demanding food, or they've just eating and desperately need to burp to relieve stomach pressure. Next, it could be a simple wet and smelly diaper-who wants to sit or lie in that? Perhaps your newborn is tired-which may seem contradictory, because a lot of crying comes when you're trying to put them to sleep!

Crying for sleep is caused by being overtired or over stimulated, however, so keeping that in mind does make it a bit more understandable. While these are the most obvious issues, there are also others. Your newborn may need to be swaddled, made to feel safe and completely and tightly covered (this simulates the environment of the womb, the world they are most accustomed to). Or it may be just the opposite: baby may desperately want to move; flailing their arms and legs is the way babies begin to control motor movements and learn basic physical skills. Perhaps the newborn's temperature is uncomfortable: is the baby too cold, or more often (especially in new parents, who tend to over-dress), too hot?

Finally, perhaps they just want to suck on something. This can be difficult for some parents as they may have vowed to never use a pacifier or allow finger/thumb-sucking, but the reality is, for babies sucking is soothing, comforting, familiar. There is plenty of time to break this habit down the road. Finally, your newborn may be ill. Don't panic: it may just be a simple tummy ache. Make sure you always use formula and/or newborn foods that you know don't bother your baby's stomach-changing around can cause tummy problems. In the worst case scenario, baby may have a genuine illness, like an ear infection or pneumonia. Again, stay calm and look for signs: is the baby running a temperature over 102 degrees? Does he or she seem to be grasping at their ears? Are they vomiting or producing many more and/or diarrhea looking stools? If any of these are present, contact your pediatrician immediately.

Crying is absolutely no fun. But it can be stopped and it will definitely not be a part of life with baby forever!

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If ear infections have your child in pain and you are searching for an all natural approach to healing them, consider Chiropractic care. There are a lot of things chiropractors can do to help. Again, this is with an all natural, drug-free approach. After this article, you will have a better understanding of how natural solutions might be what you prefer for your kids.

Yes, there is another way. You might be looking for this other way. The statistics of ear infections in children are astounding. We have found in our research that sixty to eighty percent of all infants will be diagnosed with ear infections. That is a lot if you ask us. This means a lot of tired infants that are not feeling good.

Research has also shows that while infants get these ear infections, children in the toddler years are just as prone to getting these frustrating infections. Toddlers have a higher rate. By age two or three, it is estimated that eighty to ninety percent of kids will be diagnosed with ear infections.

As parents, we want what is best for our children. We want them happy. We want them healthy. So, when we take them to the doctor, we expect something that is worth the cause and will not hurt them. Yet, what do you really know about antibiotics? What are the side effects and potential risks?

Why do we say this? We say this due to all the things that it can cause. For instance, antibiotics may cause diarrhea and stomach aches. That is why they warn you to take them with food. What if we told you though, that some antibiotics have much greater risks?

Antibiotics have been said to cause a lot of things. For one, it has been well noted to cause fungal infections as well as it has paved the way for other diseases. For instance, it has been said to have caused kidney stones and blood clotting. This is a lot of risk for a young child with a developing body and immune system to deal with. This is why we wanted to share this information with you today. There are safer and more natural answers! How you ask? Keep reading and find out!

More you ask? Sure there is always more. Antibiotics have been known to cause a number of conditions in patients. For one, they have been known to cause blood clots which can be fatal. Other side effects include kidney stones which are quite painful. Yet, some have faced much worse. You might ask, what could be worse than blood clots? We would argue, death! Adverse reactions to common antibiotics can and do lead to death every year. Some of these victims are infants and toddlers, that had no say. Baby Wyatt from San Diego, was one such child who died a horrible death from an adverse reaction to amoxicillin that was prescribed for an ear infection. He was 9 months old! Watch Wyatt's Story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKMJ4T2KZtw now and decide for yourself what is at stake. Safe and natural solutions do exist and you deserve to hear the truth.

Wyatt's parents would give anything to know what you know and to have done what you are doing right now. That is, research alternatives to antibiotics. They have devoted their life to telling his story so that other families with suffering children do not have to endure a devastating loss like they did. As you can see, if you want a more natural approach, this Missoula chiropractor says chiropractic care is the answer for you. Chiropractors use their hands to adjust the spine and help maximize the immune system of the patient. Chiropractic care helps to safely and naturally boost resistance to bacterial infections, and helps a patient to overcome pre-existing infections. If you have decided that drugs are not in the plan to heal your child, consider Chiropractic. You want your child happy and healthy. Here is the best way to do so. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Consider what's at stake!

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If you're a soon to be Mom weighing your options between breastfeeding and formula feeding, let me give you a list of breastfeeding benefits that are sure to help you make up your mind.

Breastfeeding is nature's way of helping Mom's give their babies what they need most, the best possible nutrition, and protection against diseases such as Asthma, Type 2 Diabetes, and Obesity. It's God's gift, intended to nurture and protect, and build a long lasting bond between mother and child. There are so many breastfeeding benefits for both you and your baby that I decided to only focus on some of the most important.

Best Possible Nutrition for Baby

First of all, the number one breastfeeding benefit is that your baby will receive the best possible nutrition, designed to promote healthy growth, and easy digestion. Breast milk was designed by nature, obviously, and in the first few days after birth your baby will receive colostrum, also known as "liquid gold". This is a thick, yellow milk that can be present during the pregnancy as well as after. This "liquid gold" milk offers rich nutrients and antibodies that will protect Baby from all types of germs as well as to provide enough sustenance to fill your little ones tiny tummy. After about 5 days or so, your milk will change into something called, mature milk. Mature milk is not as thick as the colostrum, but it still provides all the nutrients and antibodies, as well as just the right mix of sugar, protein, fat, and water that will help your little one grow. One of the best breastfeeding benefits is that you never need to worry about mixing it right, because it's already perfect, and as your baby grows, and the need to feed grows, your supply will too.

Protects Against Disease's

Protection against disease's is another huge breastfeeding benefit. Breast milk contains antibodies, as well as different hormones and cells that offer the best protection against illness. In fact, several studies have been done to compare breast-fed babies with formula-fed babies, and the findings are clear, breast-fed babies have a lower risk of being infected with diseases such as, lower respiratory infections, asthma, obesity, type 2 diabetes, ear infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, and diarrhea. In some research, breastfeeding has even been shown to minimize the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). And the list goes on and on.

Inexpensive and Easier To Digest

Perhaps one of the best breastfeeding benefits is that it's extremely affordable. If you compare the cost of formula to the cost of breast milk, well, you'd come out a little one-sided. Formula is expensive, especially if your little one has a sensitive digestive system. Formula offers proteins that come from cow's milk which are harder for babies' to digest and take some adjusting to, whereas human breast milk is designed specifically for babies' bodies, and therefore is easier to digest.

In the end, breastfeeding is healthier, provides more protection, and costs less. Those are three breastfeeding benefits that are hard to ignore.

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As moms we are always looking for safe, drug free ways to keep our babies comfortable when they are sick. For our family, homeopathic remedies have been an effective answer. When I first started studying single homeopathic remedies, I was amazed at how many factors are taken into consideration when deciding which remedy to choose. Although babies communicate in their own way it is really difficult to know exactly what they are feeling. You know they have a fever, but do they have an earache a sore throat or tummy ache with it?

I decided to ask the practitioner who introduced me to homeopathics. She taught me about muscle testing or applied kinesiology for my children. Studies have shown that this method is 98% accurate. Testing in this way shows the persons "tolerance" of a substance. If the muscle is weak there is no tolerance so it would not be the remedy to use. If the muscle is strong, it's like your body is saying yes this is good for me and it makes me strong. Because mom and baby are so energetically connected, the muscles of mom will respond when testing for baby. It takes practice but once you get it, it saves a lot of time and takes a lot of the guess work out of which remedy is best for baby.

Here is a good way to practice and to get a sense of what is strong and weak for your body. One of the easiest muscles to test is the strength of your arm. You will need another person to help you. Hold one of your arms straight out in front of you and ask your body how would it respond if something is good for you. You can just say something like, "strong is yes" and see how strong your arm is when you resist someone trying to push it down. Then say "weak is no", then notice if you are able to resist as someone is pushing it down. Now you know what weak and strong feels like.

Now try it with an actual substance. Hold a pound of refined white sugar or flour in one hand and see how your muscle responds. Now try it with a carrot or an apple, notice the difference. Just keep trying different things and notice other feelings that come into your body. You may immediately feel the energy come into or out of your body. This is such a great way to become more aware of how your body speaks to you. You can use this technique for vitamins, foods and remedies. Your body will also respond to positive or negative thoughts. Once you have practiced and are more confident with your body's response, you can use the same technique while you are holding your baby. The only added thing when testing for baby is that you should have the intention that you are testing for your baby, not for yourself. So you could try thinking or saying something like, "Is this good for baby" before you test the strength of your muscle.

Here is a simplified list of remedies that I always have on hand. You can buy yourself a household kit and build it from there. There are many different materia medica books to choose from that break down each remedy into symptoms the person might be feeling.

Constipation - Nux Vomica
Fever and inflammation - Belladonna
Teething and irritability - Chamomila
Earache and inflammation - Pulsatilla
Vomiting - Ipecacuanha, arsenicum album (especially good for food poisoning)
Bumps and bruises - Arnica. Arnica ointment is great for external use.
Diarrhea - Podophyllum

Because there are so many different cold symptoms there are also many different remedies for those symptoms and this is where muscle testing comes in. It will help you determine what is best for baby. One signal I have noticed that you have the right remedy is that your baby will drift off into a nice peaceful sleep and their mood will change. It is like it has taken the edge off of the symptom and is giving their little body support to fight the symptom. My practitioner has recommended giving one dose, then 15 minutes later another dose and 15 minutes later another dose. This seems to get the remedy into the body more quickly and is usually enough for the day. For more information consult a homeopath.

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While there are currently many substitute formulations available for providing newborns and infants with adequate nutrition, breastfeeding should never be considered as one of many possible options. This is because the breast secretions furnished by the mother meet not only the nutritional needs of newborns and infants, but their developmental needs as well.

The pre-milk, or colostrum, secreted immediately after birth is important for the development of a healthy digestive system, and both colostrum and mature breast milk play crucial roles in the development of a strong immune system. To get the maximum benefits from these secretions and ensure optimal growth and nutrition, breastfeeding should always be chosen over artificial formulations and other food sources for as long as possible throughout the first year of life.

Colostrum is the first food available to breastfeeding newborns, and remains the primary mammary secretion for the first 3-4 days after birth. The composition of colostrum is very different from that of mature breast milk. In addition to being more yellow or orange in appearance, it is also much thicker, and is secreted in far smaller quantities. Because colostrum is a concentrated, easily digested food source that is tailor-made to meet the nutritional needs of newborn infants, breastfeeding babies do not require the large volumes of fluid required for bottle-fed babies during the first few days of life.

Breastfeeding and colostrum play an equally important role in the rapid development of the digestive system immediately after birth, and in the further strengthening of the immune system throughout the first few weeks of life. Colostrum is rich in non-nutritional proteins essential for the maturation and decreased permeability of the lower digestive tract, and newborns receiving colostrum during the first three days of life show a decreased incidence of diarrhea during their first 6 months. Colostrum also contains high concentrations of antibodies called immunoglobulins. Rather than being absorbed in the body, the immunoglobulins in colostrum adhere to mucosal surfaces in the throat, lungs, and intestines of newborns, protecting them against infection by preventing pathogens from sticking to or penetrating these surfaces.

In order to ensure optimal digestive and immune system development and meet the changing nutritional needs of newborns and infants, breastfeeding should occur as often as possible, with newborns ideally having constant access to breasts during the first 24 to 72 hours after birth. A good general guideline to follow for breastfeeding frequency is 8-12 times throughout each 24-hour period. More frequent feeding stimulates increased mature milk production, and also helps prevent engorging as babies get older. If possible, infants should continue breastfeeding for the first 6-12 months to aid in the further development of the immune system. To prevent the onset of milk or other food allergies later in a baby's development, it is often best not to introduce other foods into the diet during this time.

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Shigella poisoning happens when Shigella bacteria contaminates food that is consumed by humans. Shigella is a family of bacteria that is rod shaped and is usually found in human fecal matter as well as in primate fecal matter, such as in chimpanzees and monkeys. Shigella is not typically found in other types of animal fecal matter, but can be found in water that is contaminated with human waste. The bacterium is named after the Japanese scientist who discovered it, and was named Shega.

When a person becomes infected with Shigella bacteria, an illness is developed that is known as shigellosis. Shigellosis, which is also sometimes referred to as bacillary dysentery, is recognized by the symptoms it causes which are gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea. The majority of cases of shigellosis clear up in about one week's time. There are some cases that may take a number of months to resolve; all the while gastrointestinal issues persist. In rare cases, shigellosis can develop into more serious conditions, such as Reiter's syndrome, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), and reactive arthritis.

For the most part, shigellosis is passed from person to person by means of ingesting fecal material that is infected with Shigella bacteria. This is done unknowingly when food becomes contaminated because of hygiene that is unsanitary. Shigella remains in the fecal material of a person who has been infected, and continues to remain in the matter for two weeks after the infection has cleared. Toddlers who have been infected with the bacteria commonly pass the condition on to other children. It is also possible for vegetables and other types of produce to be contaminated with Shigella if sewer water is used on the field in which they are grown.

What's more, people can become infected with Shigella bacteria by drinking or swimming in water that contains the organism. Water can become contaminated when sewer drain off mixes with drinking water sources, or when someone with shigellosis swims in the water.

Two thirds of all of the shigellosis cases in the United States are caused by "Group D" Shigella, which is a type of Shigella bacteria called Shigella sonnei. "Group B" Shigella bacteria, or Shigella flexneri, make up the remaining cases. This family of bacteria is also responsible for deadly outbreaks in developing countries, mostly due to Shigelladysenteriae strain. This form and other forms than those listed above are quite rare in the United States.

Shigellosis makes a person ill by infecting the lining of the intestines. Once the bacteria take up residence in the intestines it is released from the intestines and makes its way to the person's stools. This is why stool samples are collected and tested when making a diagnosis of shigellosis. Stools that contain the bacteria then become the main carrier of further contamination. Therefore, when a person who is infected does not practice proper hygiene and hand washing, the contaminated stools can then be passed into water, food, and other people.

In areas where there are crowded living conditions, outbreaks of shigellosis often occur because of contaminated water and food sources, as well as improper sanitation. It is estimated that there are about eighteen thousand cases of shigellosis annually in the United States. Day care centers often see the most cases, however there are many cases linked to restaurants and other dining facilities.

Even just a small amount of Shigella bacteria entering the mouth can lead to severe, unpleasant symptoms associated with shigellosis. Symptoms of the illness typically pop up within one to seven days, averaging about three days after contact with the organism. The most common symptoms associated with Shigellosis include: fever that can be high enough to induce seizures; nausea; vomiting; diarrhea that is watery; pus, blood, or mucus in the stool; pain or cramps in the rectal area; and sudden pain or cramping in the abdomen. Because these symptoms can be quite serious, complications can arise such as: dehydration; abnormal kidney function; gall stones that develop by fast hemolysis, which happens when hemoglobin leaks into the blood stream because of broken red blood cells; seizures; arthritis; coma; convulsions; hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS); stroke; kidney failure that may result in the need for a kidney transplant; uremia, which is kidney failure; respiratory disease syndrome; pancreatic enzymes that are elevated; diabetes; pancreatitis; thrombocyteopenia, which is a blood platelet deficiency; encephalopathy; various types of neurological problems; blindness due to damage that takes place in the occipital cortex of the brain, also known as cortical blindness; various types of blood complications; hemolytic anemia; heart problems; heart attacks; congestive heart failure; cardio myopathy; cardiogenic shock; dizziness; irritability; disorientation; hallucinations; tremors; delirium; changes in behavior; central nervous system problems; and death.

While the above information may be a bit startling, it is important to note that even though food poisoning cases happen on a regular basis, most, if not all of them could have and should have been prevented if proper care had been exercised. Anyone who handles food in any capacity has a duty of care to provide items intended for human consumption that are safe and free of contaminants. When this duty of care is breached, a form of negligence has occurred and you may be entitled to seek legal compensation for your injuries.

In the event that you or someone you know has had to seek medical treatment for a Shigella infection you should not delay in contacting a personal injury attorney for assistance. These professionals are quite skilled in this area of the law and can help you to determine the best course of action. From start to finish your case will be handled on your behalf, and you can take comfort in knowing that your claim is progressing properly. Best of all, most personal injury attorneys do not require any money upfront to pursue a claim; therefore you can focus your attention on your personal health and recovery. Personal injury attorneys will work hard to seek compensation for your injuries, your medical expenses (past and present), lost wages, and various other types of damages.

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If your baby is teething, you may have noticed a wide range of symptoms starting from irritability to discomfort. However while children experience a lot of symptoms due to teething, there are quite a few that are mistaken as teething related illnesses. In order to help you care for your child better, here is what you should expect when your child is teething and the symptoms that need to be addressed differently.

Baby teething symptoms

The baby teething symptoms that you should expect are a slight rise in temperature, irritability, being more demanding than usual, chewing on anything they can find, biting and redness around the gums are some of the common teething related problems. While these problems are very common, they usually go away within 3-5 days, once the teeth appears.

3 Baby teething myths

Myth 1: Teething Fever

Teething fever is one of the most common teething myths that have almost become a fact with most parents. While a slight raise in temperature is often seen in teething fever, anything high enough to constitute a fever is usually not teething related. If your child's fever is high, you may want to check with your pediatrician as many viral infections are very common with children that young.

Myth 2: Diarrhea

While teething itself does not cause diarrhea, a teething child is prone to picking things from the ground and chewing on them. This results in infection leading to an upset stomach. While some of these infections are not serious and go away, sometimes the infections may cause serious stomach problems. In which case it is a good idea to check with your doctor for medication.

Myth 3: Diaper and Drool rash

Similar to an upset stomach, diaper and drool rashes appear when the child is teething. However these symptoms are not because of teething. They are a consequence of teething, what this means is that when a child is teething, excess saliva is secreted, which settles on the face and give the infant rashes. When ingested, the child develops diarrhea which results in diaper rashes.

However, both these rashes are easy to avoid. Diaper rashes are prevented if you air the child between diaper changes. Drool rashes are prevented if you do not allow the excess saliva to accumulate on the face or chest by wiping it away with a clean cloth. These simple measures are enough to help you prevent these painful rashes.

While a lot of baby teething related illnesses may all be myths, they are indeed symptoms that each parent has to face when the child is teething. Although medically, diarrhea, teething rashes and mild rise in temperature may not be teething related, they are a reality that most parents face when their child goes through their teething phase. So as long as the symptoms are mild, there is no need to panic, these things disappear as quickly as they appear.

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If you are breastfeeding your child and you are smoking, you are not only putting yourself at risk for fatal illnesses but you are also hurting your baby as well.

Let's face it, we all know that smoking is bad for you. There is only one thing worse then just harming yourself when you choose to smoke and that is smoking when you are breastfeeding. However, many experts still believe that it is very important for a mother to breastfeed regardless of whether she is smoking or not. Obviously, if she chooses to smoke, there can be complications for the baby.

One of the first things a woman will notice if she smokes while continuing to breastfeed her child is that her production of milk will slow down greatly. Their milk supply will also have lower amounts of vitamin C in it. The introduction of nicotine to a baby can greatly increase their risks of becoming colic. Studies show that the chances of developing colic go up 14% versus the babies of non-smokers. That seems like a big risk to take regarding your baby just for a quick puff on a cigarette.

Other complications that one might see with their babies, should they continue to smoke while breastfeeding, are problems with nausea as well as diarrhea. Babies who are exposed to second hand smoke will also show problems with being more prone to allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia and even sudden infant death syndrome.

If you are one of the many mothers who are finding it hard to give up the cigarettes and you still want to give your baby the benefits of being breastfed then you may want to look into what options you have to kick the habit and make your body healthier for both you and your baby. There are many ways you can stop smoking such as patches and support groups. Be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that the patch is something that will be good for you and your baby as well.

If you find that you cannot quit then you will want to be sure that you switch to the lowest nicotine content and cut way back on the amount that you smoke. Be sure not to smoke during or right before you breastfeed as this is the time when the nicotine is at the highest in the body. Also be sure not to smoke near the baby to eliminate the chances of second hand smoke. Always be sure to check with your doctor to make sure that you are doing what is best for you and your baby whether you can quit or not.

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Your child goes into the hospital ill from having very smelly and green diarrhea along with puking. The doctors tell you that your child is very dehydrated and lethargic. Most likely they will have to insert an IV and admit them for a few nights. You are scared and are wondering to yourself, what is going on?

After admitted, the doctor explains to you that your child has rotavirus, which can be very common in children under the age of 5 and younger and when it is a baby it can be very severe. This virus is very contagious and therefore, the nurses make the parents wear robes once they leave the child's hospital room.

The most popular time for rotavirus to occur is between the months of November and May. Rotavirus is very common in the US, sending an estimated 500,000 people to the hospital and doctors offices each year. With that many cases, it really surprises me how many people have never heard of it.

I am a mother of four and I hadn't heard of it until one night my one year old girl was starting to go lethargic and had a fever of 102. I couldn't keep the fluids down for anything and she had become dehydrated. She hadn't even had the rotavirus diarrhea until after she got to the hospital. But once it happened, the doctors knew right away that it was rotavirus. You can't ever forget that smell! I was finally feeling more comfortable and not as upset and went to sleep in that hospital that night knowing that she would be ok.

However, the next morning, when I woke up, she was moaning and I told the nurse that she was very hot. She was and her temperature was 107 degrees. I could only see the whites of her eyes and I can tell you that it was the scariest experience of my life. Four doctors came running and trying to get her to cool down and react. Finally, she did and she left the hospital two days later.

If you have never heard of rotavirus, like I hadn't, and you have children, get more information on the internet about the symptoms of it. The more you know about it, the safer and healthier your child will be. There is now a shot that can be given as an immunization to babies. I would definitely advise it.

If you would like more free information on babies and toddlers, please visit http://www.diaperyears.blogspot.com

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