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Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter (OTC), are wonderful, make our lives better and are often life-saving. But to babies, toddlers and young children at least under the age of 12, medications can be deadly. Unless a drug or supplement is specifically made for young children, medications are designed primarily for adults. Prescription medications in particular are compounded and prescribed for specific adult maladies and adult body weights. Excessive drug strength, to say nothing of an overdose, can cause serious problems for an adult, so you can imagine how deadly such medications can be for babies, toddlers and young children.

Begin by buying and using only the OTC and the prescription medications that are recommended by your family doctor or pediatrician. Be sure to use these medications as specifically directed by your physician. Also listen carefully when your pharmacist tells you how to use the drug, what the side effects can be and what drug interactions may occur. Pharmacists are often more knowledgeable about drugs and their interactions than physicians. Most use a computer program to check for any interactions. There are just too many pharmaceuticals available to remember all the potential exposures. Be sure that the pharmacy uses child-proof caps on all bottles.

All medications should be stored ideally in a locked cabinet. At the very least, medications, supplements and minor malady controls, such as OTC pain controls, antacids and diarrhea controls, should be kept well out of the grasp of toddlers and small children. Small lock boxes are available for home and travel use. Children are naturally curious, couple this with their ability to climb, and you can see the need to store medications out of their reach.

Be sure to turn on the light when administering any type of medication to be sure that you have the right material in the proper strength and dosage. Many prescription containers look alike, but we can't afford to take a chance where a child's safety is concerned. It's best not to take your medications in front of your children; they tend to mimic what they see parents, grandparents and caregivers do. Don't ever call any medication "candy." Doing so can encourage a child to take several of those shiny pills believing that they are eating candy.

Make sure you review everything in your medicine cabinet periodically. Throw out any medications that are out of date. Expired drugs may well have a reduced potency and may not be as effective. Keep all medications in their original bottles or other packaging. If any are not, get rid of them. Old prescriptions can be placed in the garbage, but an even better option is through the pharmacy that sold them originally if they have a program for disposal.

In short, use the correct medicine in the proper way as set by your doctor. Keep medications properly labeled and stored, be sure they are not out of date, and keep them out of the reach of young children. Set the right example for your kids by using medications safely.

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Your little one is just getting onto puree food and you want to give them the best start in life. You want to ensure they get all the vitamins and minerals and that it is fresh with no nasty added ingredients. So juicing fruits and giving it to them is a good idea you might think. Wrong!

You might be surprised but babies under 6 months don't need the nutrition that fruit juice provides. Your baby is already receiving vitamin c through the foods you are feeding him already and if you are breast feeding him or her then be aware that breast milk contains vitamin C.

Fruit juice is far too concentrated for a baby. It is high in natural sugars (fructose), this can lead to your baby developing diarrhea, it should also be noted that feeding sweet fruit juice to a baby at such a young age can lead to a preference to sweet tasting foods. Which is not a good start for any baby.

Babies will get all the nourishment, vitamins and minerals from a well balanced and advised diet. Always check with your doctor before taking any form of advice concerning what foods to feed your baby. Also never take the advice off the Internet, you never know where the information was sourced.

Returning to juice if you do decide at some point to start feeding your baby juice, firstly as mentioned above, check with your doctor. If he agrees (I doubt he will) then dilute it. Undiluted juice has a cleansing affect on adults and in large quantities can have an adverse affect. Where a baby is concerned you really don't want to risk it's health and any adverse affects will be far more serious than suffered by an adult.

However why not go ahead and juice for yourself, babies can run you down, what with sleepless nights and basically being on call 24hrs a day. Supplying your body with freshly squeezed juice and veg is a great way to help keep your energy and mood up. It's great for adults, just not so great for babies.

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There is a well-known fact saying that "culinary habits" come from childhood. That is why parents should pay special attention to their child's nutrition. Food constraint can bring irreparable physical and psychological harm to a child. Parents' constant persuasion while their baby is eating can not only have negative effect on the process of digestion itself, but also may cause further food allergy. Is not it better to examine closely, listen to what child's organism needs, how, what and how many he wants to eat?

If baby's taste is not perverted and his metabolism is not affected yet, then you should be curious about what he wants to eat. Don't force your child to eat fast, it's better to develop a habit to chew food well. Then his alimentary canal will not have to "complete" the work his teeth and salivary glands haven't done. Speed of eating, temperature of food is his private affair, though.

You should not be afraid if your child refuses to eat at all. Don't panic. This means that something goes wrong in his organism and the Nature just suggests him a way of short-term hunger treatment. Show patience and tenacity. Very soon your child will come running to you asking to eat some certain food. You should not resort to any food encouragement, temptations, don't use sweets as a reward for his good behavior. While observing your child's choice of food you give to him, you can make important conclusions about his health condition and organism needs. And the main thing is that you should rely on your child's instinct. If you have succeeded not to spoil it yet, let him choose what, when, how many and in what combination and order he should eat or drink.

Quite often, food fermentation appears in alimentary canal, as a result of regular feeding with meat and bread, pap with milk and sugar, sweet pies. Frequently, this leads to child's tonsillitis, diarrhea, constipation, gastritis, un-reasoned rise in temperature and allergy.

When some parents overfeed their children, they pave the way for adiposity, which inevitably leads to a whole bouquet of sicknesses. You should not also forget about an important fact of the organism process of preparation for eating. A term "psychology of eating", meaning company, dining room atmosphere, its lighting and the music sounding in, can be included in the concept "culture of eating".

View Schedule of Including Vegetables and Fruits Into Your Baby Ration here http://www.baby-health.net/articles/137.html

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Many parents are concerned that their kids are not eating enough. They beg and bribe their toddlers and young children to eat so that they'll grow big and small...and make you happy. But what if your baby goes on a hunger strike? What if your child is too young to be reasoned with-that is, what do you do when bribing and begging just won't work?

First of all, you should visit your pediatrician if this serves as a serious concern. It could be that there's something wrong with your baby, a medical or psychological reason why he or she is refusing to eat. Your doctor may recommend an IV (if it's serious), or (more likely) will recommend some of the following tips:

1. If your baby is still nursing or drinking formula or milk, let your baby indulge in drinking for now. If she's not eating, she may get all her essential nutrients from drinking milk.
2. On the other hand, your baby may not be opening her mouth for solids if she's tanking up on too much milk. If you suspect that's the case, start reducing the amount of milk your baby drinks and see if that affects her hunger levels.
3. Add a multivitamin to one bottle per day.
4. If you think your baby may be constipated or if your baby has diarrhea (two common causes for a reduction in appetite), add a powder probiotics to her bottle. This could help regulate her digestion.
5. Add one to two tablespoons of a rice or grain baby cereal to your baby's bottle to sneak in extra nutrients and calories.

Remember, all babies go through phases when they eat a lot and when they eat next to nothing. It's related to growth cycles, their moods, the amount of sleep that they get, teething, and a number of other factors. Stay in touch with your doctor if a particular not-hungry phase lasts for more than a few days.

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Well, it's that time of the year that things are out of their normal routine. This is fine for most of us, but our pets sometimes have a bit of a harder time adapting, after all, they do rely on a routine. I've included some tips to consider to keep your furry friends safe amidst the hustle, bustle, and craziness this holiday season:

1 ) Don't buy tinsel--specially if you have cats. Cats love to play with linear objects like string, yarn, rubber bands, and worst of all, tinsel. What often happens is that they will be playing and it will get caught and anchored under their tongue while they swallow the other end of it. Since it's stuck at one end, and the digestive tract is trying to move it in the opposite direction, it gets bound up in the intestines, can shred them, and potentially cause death if dealt with right away.

2 ) Put away all toxic foods. All types of chocolate are toxic, but dark chocolate is the worst. Other foods than can be toxic are onions, raw potatoes, raisins and grapes. Not a food--but some plants and flowers can be very dangerous to dogs and especially cats.

3 )Make sure that guests visiting your home are careful not to let your pet escape out the front door as they go in and out--specially if you have a runner! A helpful suggestion is to put a gentle reminder on the back of the door so they are always conscious of this ( we have printed a picture of our little friend with a "Don't let me escape!" caption).

4 ) Be sure that all pets have proper identification. A microchip that is ISO certified is best so that your furry family can be found and the chip read with a universal reader no matter what brand you picked. In addition, you should always have a sturdy tag on their collar with your phone number. The most durable plastic reflective tags I've ever worked with are from luckypet.com

5 ) Keep your pet on a leash. This time of the year people are stressed and not paying attention to where they are going. The safest way to guarantee that nobody gets hit by a car is to make sure that they are not loose anywhere near the road.

6 ) Pet proof better than you would for young children. If this is too difficult with company visiting, then confine your cat or dog to a safe place like a crate when you go out.

7 ) Be aware of the cold. Remember not to leave your furry friends out there for too long--especially at night or during colder temperatures. Just because they have fur, it doesn't mean that they can withstand sub-zero temperatures.

8 ) Don't feed your pet novelty treat that they are not used to, just because it's a special occasion, especially pig's ears and non-digestible rawhide. A trip to the vet for vomiting and diarrhea is not a fun way to spend the holidays. A couple of years ago there was a big outbreak of E. coli in pig's ears during which many pets fell ill.

9 ) Avoid leaving your pet unsupervised with their new holiday toys. Really never leave them alone with a toy. Nobody really knows why, but eating it might seem like a good idea at the time for your pet.

10 ) Unplug cords an cables that they might chew on or trip over when you're not around--especially the one that's attached to your tree!

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Neither formula milk nor processed food are advised by experts to be fed to babies. Although these food products are good options to keep your child full for the meantime, nothing beats the nutritional value of pure breast milk and organic fruits and vegetables.

Most mothers are unaware what baby foods are made from. Processed baby food and formula milk contains ingredients that are inferior to what is actually found in real breast milk. Formula milk, for instance, contains a lot of sugar, oils and protein such as cow's milk, soy or whey.

This is also the case with processed baby food. There are some ingredients in these products that do not really have any nutritional value. Instead, your baby will be fed with extra carbohydrates, fats and sugar. It does not contain antibodies, digestive enzymes or immunoglobulin. These are all necessary for your child's overall growth and nourishment.

Formula milk and processed food are made in a factory. Although most manufacturers claim that these products are made from real food, the procedure in making them diminishes the quality. Some products, especially those that are really cheap, contain more sugar and less milk/real food. Definitely, there's very little nutritional value.

Children regularly fed with these food products are often develop weak immune system. Your baby may not develop the protection he/she needs from common viruses. Although there are vaccines for diseases available, imagine the costs it would take just to strengthen your child's immune system. Why not just provide him/her the nutrition he/she needs from the primary natural source?

They are more likely to be hospitalized compared to those fed with breast milk and organic food.
They are prone to diseases affecting the respiratory system, ear infections and diarrhea. In some cases, children develop sensitive digestive system. Some formula milk makes babies develop constipation.

Also, breastfeeding tightens the bond between the mother and the baby. Studies shown that breastfed babies intensifies the bond between mom and child, which allows the child to develop a sense of trust to the world. Formula milk or processed food is never really an equal substitute to breast milk and fruits and vegetables.

Nevertheless, breast milk and real food are still the best options to feed your child. Nature has provided us with everything that we need in order to survive. But as our lifestyle changes, and so is the demand for our time and energy. This leaves us to search for possible substitutes that are convenient and less time consuming.

You can feed them with these processed food products only if the real deal is not available. If your baby needs to eat and breast milk or vegetables are not accessible, then you can feed your child with a bottle of formula milk. If you need to work and your baby is left with a baby sitter, or with his/her dad, formula milk may be a substitute.

However, this should be done in moderation. There are still other breast milk/real food substitutes better than these baby food products. Educate yourself on how to preserve your breast milk or how to prolong shelf life of homemade baby food. You could use breast pumps to preserve your milk. You could learn ways to preserve homemade baby food longer so that you don't have to mash veggies everyday.

There are so many ways to feed your baby with nutritious meals without the hassle.

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If your infant is into a distinct level of crying or displaying signs of long-term irritability, then the baby might in all probability be suffering from a severe stomach pain caused by spasm, blockage, or dilatation of any of the hollow viscera such as the intestines, called "intestinal colic". With colic, wind becomes bound in the belly, causing extreme discomfort to the baby. The intensity can vary from baby to baby.

Intestinal colic can be considered as a habit of babies that cry too much when they are in the age group from 3 weeks up to 3 months or in the age group from 6 weeks to 8 weeks of age. Often you can tell by the sound of a baby's cry if they are hungry, need changing, or if they cry continually they might need intestinal colic treatment. Study shows that intestinal colic generally results from a combination of an infant's disposition, environment and immature nervous system. Experts say that serious health conditions like digestive problems are not linked to colic.

It might only turn into this if the baby develops an intolerance to cow's milk, fructos, or transmission of medicine by-products while breastfeeding. If the baby shows abgenerally irritable attitude or cries for no apparent reason, colic can be characterized in newborn babies. Colic can also be distinguished when the baby shows signs of abdominal wind discomfort or abdominal bloating, has a hard and swollen stomach, knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, an arched back, and experiences frequent wakefulness, irritability and fussiness. A stomach ache with abdominal gas is a symptom of colic, but vomiting, diarrhea, fever or a bloody or mucus stool is an indication of something more serious. These symptoms suggest that the infant has a more serious situation that requires a doctor's immediate attention.

For moms and dads, especially to those first timers, intestinal colic can leave a feeling of guilt, frustration, tiredness, confusion, and inadequateness because of the periods of distress brings to both of you. If your infant has colic, there are several ways that you can address it. It is invariably a must to check with your baby's pediatrician before you attempt any curative methods like a medication or supplement. Since this is common among babies, specialists believe that several measures can be taken at the hospital or at home also. Colic treatment at your home can be done by using a comforter, rocking the baby gently by using either a chair or your lap. When colic periods begin, massage the infant's back or belly while in a quiet and non-stimulating environment. Changing the infant's diet and feeding methods (such as breast feeding) and playing soothing music help the situation better.

If you want to seek medical intervention, make sure that you visit your doctor first to get a prescription. Simethicone drops such as Maalox and Mylanta can be used to relieve wind or an alternate formula that is soy based or hypoallergenic instead of milk-based could prove helpful as well.

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When we first lay eyes on our children we can't help but love them and want to take care of them. It is amazing when we get to see them growing up every single day and we get to support them through these stages. There are different stages to the growth process and the majority of these stages can be seen while they are still 1 to 2 years old. One of the more difficult and more painful growing stage that they go through is the teething process.

Anyone who has ever had a child can attest to how difficult the teething process is not only for your child - but also for you as the parent. When your child is teething they are breaking in their baby teeth through their gums. Naturally this cannot feel good at all. In order to help your child get through it you first have to learn how to identify the symptoms.

When taking care of them through the teething process make sure to clean the drool from the baby's face regularly to prevent rashes from forming. Gently wash the gums with water and a clean toothbrush in order to keep the gums healthy.

In order to help relieve some of the pain give them a cold pacifier or teething toy for them to chew on. Many of these need to be placed in the freezer before giving it to them. The cold helps to numb up their mouths and take away the pain.

There are two main types of medicines that you can give to your teething baby. One of the most common is Orajel. Many of us know this because we use it when we have toothaches. Children's Orajel works the same way. It numbs up the mouth and helps to relieve the pain for a short time.

Another medicine to use are teething tablets. The tablets dissolve quickly in the babies' mouth and work immediately. Orajel is not as effective because it will spread a thin film over the gums forcing the tooth to break through not only the gums but this layer as well. In the end it is more painful on the child.

Teething Symptoms

The majority of babies will begin to break in their first teeth between 4 to 7 months of age. It all depends on the child and how quickly their bodies will develop. You may find that your child will not break in their first tooth until they are 1 years old or less then 4 months of age.

One of the most common signs of teething is excess drooling. I know that babies drool the minute they come from the womb and that is a signature sign for them. However, when they are teething you will notice that they are drooling more often and more frequently then usual. They will also try to chew on everything they can get their mouth on and that includes both your and their hands. If you look at the gums they will be swollen and slightly tender.

Many children will be more irritable then usual and very cranky during this process. Their sleeping patterns will be disrupted, they may have a slight fever, and experience diarrhea. They may also experience pain in the cheeks and ears. Some will also have a smaller appetite.

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It's understandable that concerned parents are wondering whether tap water is safe for babies. There is plenty of talk about the hazards in tap water that affect healthy adults. Unfortunately, the matter is even worse for developing babies. Infants are even more vulnerable to the toxins floating in our H2O.

Among the matters of concern in tap water are nitrates. These chemicals are naturally present in drinking water--at least at lower levels. Then, runoff from fertilizers and manure adds to their concentration in ground water, which eventually ends up flowing from your tap. It can even leach into the water system from septic tanks, and the effects on a young baby can be deadly.

When elevated levels of nitrates are present in the tap, babies may be at risk for the development of blue baby disease. Parents mix tap water they believe to be safe with formula and introduce these chemicals into their babies' systems. Once in a baby's system, nitrates actually work to interfere with the oxygen in his blood, causing his skin to take on a bluish tinge. In some cases, vomiting and diarrhea develop as well. Babies may also fail to gain adequate weight when affected by this condition.

The low-blood oxygen levels that occur with blue baby disease are frightening and dangerous, but they're only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to babies and tap water safety. Parasites are another major concern for those with infants. Cryptosporidium and Giardia are two intestinal parasites that manage to make their way into drinking water and cause major problems for babies.

Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts sometimes survive the chlorine disinfection of tap water and end up in a baby's bottle. When a baby consumes even a small number of these cysts, they reproduce and cause illness. The symptoms these parasites cause include nausea, severe diarrhea, cramping in the abdomen, and dehydration. Babies may even have abnormal weight loss when exposed to these parasites. In severe cases, the illness they cause leads to death.

Parents are advised to boil their H2O from the tap before giving it to their infants, but that won't make H2O completely safe. To help protect their babies from unsafe tap water, many parents choose to filter their own water using faucet or whole-house water filters. Quality water filters can make tap water safe for babies to consume.

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Usually teething in your baby starts from month 6 and is the result of some inflammation, resulting in swelling of the gums.

While for some babies it does not appear to be a problem at all, other tots might find it quite painful.

There is usually a sequence in how babies get their teeth-the lower incisors first, followed by the top incisors, then the molars and canines follow.

Symptoms associated with teething are the following:

Ear ache - Your baby may continuously touch his ear as the pain in the gums get transferred to the ear.

Dribbling of the mouth - You will notice that your baby has more than usual saliva around the mouth. If you stick your finger into his mouth, he will grab it feverishly and try to bite it. In fact, a baby in the teething stage will try to bite everything. This is because he/she wants to get rid of the "itching" gums.

Running stomach - Usually this time your baby's stool is abnormal with a high acid content. This might cause a rash and ordinary bum cream must be applied to get rid of the rash. But, if diarrhea is suspected, rather take your baby to a doctor.

Other symptoms include a higher than normal temperature, irritable, not sleeping well. If in doubt, look at your baby's gums and see if he/she wants to bite everything.

How can you ease the pain associated with teething in your baby:

Give your baby a teething ring or something fairly hard to chew on like a carrot or apple. If these items are cool, like being stacked in a fridge, the better. This is an old but well-proven method of soothing a child's' gums.

Safety tip: Just be careful of small pieces getting into the baby's throat that could lead to choking of the child.

If possible get some teething powers and gels available on the market that can help with the inflammation of the gums.The gels and powers contain an anesthetic for pain relief.

However, if the pain persists and your baby has a problem with sleeping and keeps on crying, it would be better to get some prescribed medicine from your GP.

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Those individuals who are diagnosed with being lactose intolerant will find they have a deficiency that began by the time they were in their toddler stages. This is one of those circumstances where the health insurance provider at a later stage will classify lactose intolerance as a pre-existing condition even when the individual involved has no reason to suspect. In the world of medicine, this is considered to be a primary lactose deficiency and does remain dormant until the late teenage years or young adulthood.

An interesting factor to consider is that lactose intolerance can occur at any age due to a major injury to the small intestines such as perpetual diarrhea, celiac disease, and quite possibly chemotherapy. There is also a genetic link to lactose intolerance that researchers have discovered in recent years.

The average monthly cost for health insurance to carry an insurance policy will not cost you more because of the pre-existing condition, but may cause you to wait up to eighteen months before the insurance provider will authorize the shared payment according to the terms of your particular insurance policy. A few of the more common symptoms include the following.

1. Abdominal upset and bloating

2. Build up of cramping and gas

3. Diarrhea and possibly nausea

What the main cause of lactose intolerance remains to be is uncertain, but all concerned in the medical health care community agree that this is triggered by the intake of dairy products, milk in particular. This can also be caused by the many processed foods that include milk and milk products. However, you need to ask yourself if it is the milk that is the direct cause or is it a by produce of something else. This is a concern throughout the universal health care community around the world.

There are many within the medical health community that are concerned by the over inoculation of all bovine that is being passed through the milk. Society is so deathly afraid of the different diseases of the past that began with cows milk that they perpetually over inoculate the bovine to keep any disease from being passed on through human consumption.

Individuals who are diagnosed with lactose intolerance will need to pay closer attention to their dietary consumption. In regards to women's health, the intake of vitamin-D in other variations will be an important additive to the daily diet, which can be absorbed into the blood stream by a tablet with high concentrations of vitamin-D.

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Teething is something that can be very distressing for a parent but is also one of those milestones that a baby comes to. Teething can start earlier than most people think and even before any teeth decide to pop through. Some babies may have teething symptoms in the first few months. Some babies also may not have teething issues at all and may have teeth appear without hassle, but unfortunately the likely outcome is that there will be some discomfort.

Of course though like us all, babies deal with pain differently. Some many seem to not be able to cope at all, while others can deal with the pain without making much too fuss about it. The best way to know if your baby is experiencing teething issues is to understand and recognize the symptoms. Teething signs usually start a few months before the first tooth comes through so knowing symptoms is your only indication of whether it is a teething issue. It is important to know because teething gets blamed for many different things for example fever, diarrhea and runny noses to name a few. However, according to many health professionals, teething shouldn't make your baby ill at all.

So what are teething symptoms? Below are a few to look out for:

  • Irritability - this was a big one for my son. He always showed his frustration with anything including teething. I remember how frustrated he would act trying to crawl! Irritability and restless are signs that teething could be an issues.

  • Disturbed sleep.

  • Flushed/red cheeks

  • Loss of appetite

  • Slight rise in temperature

  • Dribbling - This can seem fairly excessive as well and may cause your baby to get a sore chin from it all.

  • Chewing everything.

  • An urge to bite.

  • Sore red gums.

There are many things that you can do to help teething. Sometimes letting your baby chew on a cold cloth or bite on a carrot can really help. Sometimes just using a finger to rub your baby's gums can help. A pacifier is also a good option and can help a child focus on something else. I didn't want to use teething gels or medication and my son used a pacifier until he was ten months old for teething issues and this worked wonders for him. At 10 months old he experienced teething issues but when I tried to give him the pacifier, he threw it at me and decided from then on he wanted to deal with the pain alone. You can really pick up cues from your child, so see what they want as well. My son seemed to deal with teething really well after this point, so I am glad I chose to let him feel the pain so to speak.

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Newborn Senses

A newborn can respond to and readily differentiate between substances with a number of different taste sensations, such as sweet, sour, bitter, and salty. However, it should come as no surprise that, of all of these, there is a marked preference towards sweet-tasting foods. Further, studies have shown that neonates display a distinct preference for foods that exhibited a smell that reminded them of those that their mother used to eat regularly.

At birth, a neonate has a highly developed sense of smell. This displays itself in its first week of life when it is able to distinguish between the smell from its own mother's breast milk (which provides the main source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to eat and digest other foods), and that from the breast milk of another female.

Infant Mortality

Infant mortality refers to the death of an infant in the first year of its life. It can be characterised in two distinct ways, viz. in terms of neonatal death, which refers to deaths occurring in the first 27 days of life, and in terms of post-neonatal death, referring to deaths after the first 28 days of life.

On this basis, Infant Mortality may be defined as the number of infant (corresponding to the age of one year or younger) deaths for every 1,000 live births. Globally, one of the most common causes of infant mortality has historically been associated with dehydration (which is defined as the excessive loss of water from the body. There are three main types viz. hypotonic (loss of water alone), hypertonic (loss of electrolytes, especially sodium), and isotonic (equal loss of water and electrolytes). The primary cause of such dehydration is diarrhea (which is the condition of having frequent loose or liquid bowel movements. Acute diarrhea is a frequent cause of mortality in developing countries, and is the second most frequent cause of infant mortality worldwide).

Oral Rehydration Therapy, or ORT, is a simple treatment for dehydration associated with diarrhea, especially gastroenteritis (which is inflammation involving the stomach and small intestine that results in acute diarrhea), which may have as its cause, cholera or rotavirus. ORT consists of an aqueous solution of salts (primarily sodium chloride) and sugars which is administered orally. The method is applied globally, and is particularly important in developing countries, and is responsible for saving millions of children a year from death due to diarrhea.

Currently, the most common cause of infant mortality is pneumonia (which is an abnormal, inflamed condition of the lung resulting from infection by way of bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, as well as chemical or physical injury to the lungs). However, other causes of infant mortality include the following:

- Malnutrition
- Malaria
- Congenital Malformation - This refers to defects associated with or damage to a developing fetus
- Infection
- SIDS - Also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or cot death, it represents a syndrome associated with the sudden death of an infant that is both unexpected, from an historical viewpoint, and also remains unexplained after a thorough forensic examination and a detailed investigation at the scene of death

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When you are a parent, I am fairly sure the words constipation and toddlers in the exact same sentence can certainly produce a chill down your spine.

A constipated toddler can encounter a lot of pain and a parent can feel quite frustrated. Adult constipation is defined as when an adult encounters two to three or less bowel movements during a 7-day period, even so mixing constipation and toddlers is really different.

A child doesn't have a normal number of bowel movements. You can find a few habits in their bowel movements and issues such as activity level, fluid volume intake, fiber intake and ignoring the urge to defecate all have an effect on the pattern.

So, in a situation whenever you may be coping with a constipated toddler, here are some things that will help you resolve this issue.

Treatment for a Constipated Toddler can definitely start with prevention.

Dehydration - This is often overlooked, but when dealing with a constipated toddler, this could be the cause. If your child isn't getting an adequate amount of fluids then their stools can become rather hard. Normally this results in a child's stool hardening therefore causing constipation. So by working to continue to keep your kid properly hydrated you'll be able to help towards the prevention of constipation.

Low fiber - This is another challenge when it comes to toddlers.. Without an adequate quantity of grams of fiber for each day, your child has an greater chance of being constipated. Widespread and generally favorite childhood foods include those such as milk, cheese, and peanut butter, which are recognized to be constipating. I know this may be difficult but strongly encourage bulk fiber food items for example wheat bread, whole grain goodies and fresh greens can help your child to decrease their problem with constipation.

Too busy to go potty - which is common in toddlers, can certainly make the issue a whole lot worse. A lot of times, a constipated child will feel the need to go to the rest room, but if your child is busy playing, they will sometimes overlook the feeling. When a child experiences pain when trying to use the bathroom, things sometimes get a little more difficult.

Great News!

I know that having a constipated toddler is not fun and games, but never panic, there is a lot that can be worked on to cope with the problem.. In these modern times, anybody can easily Google a problem like your doing right now and find so many answers.

Every parent is different, some parents are calm and don't stress the situation. Others think the worst and get very nervous when dealing with a constipated toddler. Either way, educate yourself about the problem to know where you stand then take action. To find out what worked for me check out the link below.

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Wait--what? Everything I've heard or been told is that breastfeeding is the best thing I can do for my baby. And I've heard people say that "when their baby had colic it was the worst time of their life." So now you are saying that nursing is a possible cause of colic?

Well, it's not the most common cause of colic but it is a possibility.

First, just to be clear, let's define what colic is. The medical definition is:

A healthy, well-fed infant who cries for more than three hours per day, for more than three days per week, for more than three weeks.

When an infant cries inconsolably, one night can seem like a lifetime. Two nights and most new parents have made an appointment with their doctor.

Given that the misery of colic can persist for a month or more, it is advisable to explore all possible causes--and, believe it or not, that list can include breastfeeding. Studies have shown (National Health and Medical Research Council 1996 Infant feeding guidelines for health workers. Australian Government Publishing Service, Commonwealth Australia) that breastfeeding can occasionally cause colic. But why? How can this be?

There's no question that breastfeeding is nearly always the best thing for your baby. However, for an unfortunate few, it can contribute to colic. There are a number of potential reasons for this--but don't lose hope, and don't give up yet on nursing: changes in behavior or diet can often cure your baby's colic.

The first thing to look at is how you are feeding your baby. Is there good suction? This is also known as a good latch. Occasionally, the size or shape of the breast makes it difficult for a baby to latch on properly. Sometimes the way the nipples are formed can make it difficult for a baby to get the nipple all the way into his or her mouth. A large breast can make it hard for a baby to latch on correctly.

One of the ways you can tell if your baby's latch is not as good as it could be is to watch to see how much work your baby is doing to get at the milk. Does he tend to struggle and wiggle around as he feeds, or does she tend to spill a lot of milk? These signs can mean that your baby may be getting too much air with the milk. This can result in excess gas and can lead to the symptoms of colic. If you've tried repositioning and nothing seems to work or is comfortable, considered getting advice from a lactation specialist. Check with your pediatrician or organizations like La Leche League.

Another potential cause of colic is the active letdown reflex--that is, your baby gets too much milk too fast. When feedings are too infrequent, your breast becomes engorged. It is like a balloon that is filled with too much air. When your baby then first starts to feed, the milk comes out forcefully and will often spit from the breast. This pushes air down into your baby's stomach and can result in cramps that lead to colic symptoms. There's a simple solution for this: feed more frequently.

Timed feedings are also a possible cause of colic. One doctor noted that, in countries where watches or clocks are common, colic seemed to be more prevalent than in parts of the world where they are rarer. Sometimes, taking a baby from the breast too early, before a feeding has truly concluded, can result in some subtle side effects that may contribute to colic. Early in a feeding, much of the content of breast milk is sugar or lactase. This is known as the fore milk. Most of the calories, fats, and complex carbohydrates are in the hind milk. Your baby gets to this milk when the breast is almost empty. When a feeding is artificially concluded too soon, your baby gets mostly the milk sugar. Their bodies are not capable of breaking this down, which often leads to gas and bloating. It can even lead to very soft stools or diarrhea.

In addition, because the caloric content of fore milk is not high, your baby will be hungrier. This, in turn, makes him or her more likely to attack the breast, which can result in a poor latch, leading to air and gas that cause symptoms of colic. What do you do? The simple solution is to feed often and avoid switching breasts. Don't time your feedings; allow your baby to finish one breast thoroughly in a feeding. Let your baby tell you when to stop the feeding. When they are done, then the feeding is over.

If none of these strategies seem to work, try to start a Misery Journal: record when your baby cries; how long; his or her affect (e.g., bent legs, clenching fists). This will help your health care provider come to a quicker diagnosis.

It may come down to your diet. It is possible your baby is allergic to something you're eating. (If you're lucky, it's something you really hate.) Keeping a record of your diet will probably pay off, as this is most likely the first thing your health care practitioner will ask for. Hopefully, she will tell you that the issue lies in the low chocolate content in your diet.

Make sure you are always checking your baby for other symptoms of fever, excessive drooling, vomiting, or diarrhea. If your baby is showing any of these symptoms, call your doctor right away as these are indications of a more serious illness.

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Constipation occurs when waste material moves through the bowel too slowly. It is characterized as infrequent bowel movements and the passage of hard and painful stools. Usually constipation is caused by a diet low in fiber, ingesting too much dairy products such as milk and cheese, not drinking enough water or waiting too long to go to the bathroom. Waiting too long to go to the bathroom is very common among young children. It is amazing how kids will ignore the urge to use the bathroom until they are two seconds from wetting their pants. Talk about procrastination!

If a child has hard and painful stools, he will typically hold in his bowel movements to prevent it from hurting again. This makes the constipation continue and worsen. Remind your child to go when they have the urge and not wait until the last minute.

Constipation is best treated by making dietary changes. Until the constipation has improved stool softeners and natural remedies may be used. Some measures that can be used to treat and prevent constipation in your child include:

Increasing fluids: Increase the amount of water and fruit juice that your child drinks each day.

Increasing fiber: Increase the amounts of fruits and vegetables. Raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables such as beans, sweet potatoes, peas, turnip greens, raw tomatoes and corn contain an excellent amount of fiber. Vegetable soups are especially high in fiber and also add more liquids to your child's diet.

Increasing bran: Increase bran in your child's diet with bran cereals, bran muffins, shredded wheat, graham crackers, or whole wheat bread.

Reducing constipating foods: Foods that cause constipation include cow's milk, yogurt, cheese, cooked carrots, and bananas. Drinking too much milk (your child may only be drinking 2-3 cups a day, but it may be too much for his system to handle) is heavily associated with having constipation. Soy milk has been shown to soften stools.

Stool Softeners

Many medicines used to prevent constipation can be purchased over the counter at your local pharmacy. They include Colace Syrup, Maltsupex, Metamucil, Milk of magnesia, Citrucel, mineral oil.

Unlike laxatives, stool softeners are usually not considered to be habit forming. You should use them once or twice a day and work up on the dose until your child is having a soft stool each day. If you child starts to have diarrhea, then you are giving too much and should cut back on the dosage.

Acute Constipation

If your child has been constipated for a long time he may need to be "cleaned out" before the stool softeners will work by using an enema, a glycerine suppository or high doses of mineral oil. A stimulate laxative such as Senokot can also be used. Miralax is an effective medicine used to treat constipation but is available only by prescription. Avoid the frequent use of enemas, suppositories and laxatives because they can become habit forming. Contact your physician before treating a child with acute constipation.

Natural Remedies

Natural remedies and dietary supplements that aid in the preventing constipation


*Garlic - destroys harmful bacteria in the colon.

*Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids - has a cleansing and healing effect.

*Chlorophyll Liquid - eliminates toxins and bad breath.

*Vitamin E - helps heal the colon.

*Aloe Vera - heals and cleans the digestive tract and softens stools when taken internally.

*Ginger - stimulates the digestive system and helps food pass through the intestines.

* Flax seed - You can buy flaxseeds and crush them yourself and add it in your food. Make sure to drink plenty of water.

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Explosive diarrhea after eating is not pleasant: you go out to a restaurant, and enjoy a beautiful meal but within a half hour you start to feel stomach cramps, and that horrible feeling in your bowels that something is about to happen!

I am sure you know the feeling - we all get it now and again, but some of us a lot more than others. The cramps get worse, and you have to rush to the rest room where you have explosive diarrhea. The problem is that you never know when you are finished, and it can be extremely embarrassing. Wouldn't you just love to have that cured?

Of course you would, and there are a few possible reasons for diarrhea after eating, such as allergy to the gluten in many foods, although the most common is IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome to give it its Sunday name. This is a condition that affects up to 20% of all Americans.

The root cause of IBS usually is not a single trigger but a complex set of triggers, with explosive diarrhea after eating as one of the main symptoms. IBS can be tied with celiac disease, which is an intolerance to the gluten protein in some grains such as wheat. It is difficult to know where the beginning starts with these types of digestive issues, thus it is a condition that has to be targeted from several directions.

Main stream medicine has trouble diagnosing IBS, because it has such similar symptoms as several other digestive disorders. In fact IBS not only causes diarrhea, but can also cause the exact opposite: severe constipation. The way that IBS is generally diagnosed is to test with very invasive procedures for all other known causes of the symptoms, and once none are left it must be IBS. How unscientific! No wonder that the best remedies for you are natural ones. Let's discuss a few alternative diarrhea cures that you can try.

1. Your diet. It is probably worth while trying a gluten free diet just to make sure that is not the cause. Lactose can also cause similar symptoms, so if you keep free of these for a week or so and the symptoms disappear, then you could have found your cure. However, celiac disease occurs in only 1 in each 133 of the population: a long way away from 20%!

2. Eating a lot of fruit and vegetables can help some people. You might feel tempted to increase your fiber intake, but that can often cause symptoms of bloating and gas. Many find that bananas can help both the diarrhea and constipation symptoms of IBS. Many people swear by them, and so are worth a try. The high potassium content of bananas helps replace potassium that is lost through diarrhea, and also helps in the proper formation of stools. Juiced greens also seem to be an effective treatment for some.

3. Activated charcoal absorbs gas and toxins, and helps your stool to form properly.

4. Garlic is useful in that it helps to remove parasites and mucus from your colon, and fights infections in the gut. It also expels gas, and a combination of all of these effects can help relieve some of the symptoms of your condition. A side-benefit of garlic is that it is also good for your heart!

5. Slippery elm taken with a lot of water can coat the colon, and treat chronic diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. It appears to soothe and heal your whole gastro-intestinal tract and help you to form normal stools.

6. Where children are involved, agrimony and meadowsweet are very useful because they are mild but effective herbal remedies for explosive diarrhea after eating, and meadowsweet is both astringent and nutritious for children.

Diarrhea after eating can also be caused by drinking too much alcohol, infections from contaminated food or water, parasites and also emotional stress and other similar conditions. An example of one of the minor causes is withdrawal from some forms of prescription painkillers.

However, most of these cause only temporary diarrhea which goes when the condition is cured. Nevertheless some other natural remedies reflect one or two of these other causes. So, to continue:

7. Stress relieving herbs such as catnip and chamomile are particularly effective in treating IBS and other conditions of the bowel, and far more effective that St. John's Wort for this condition. Kava kava and valerian are useful in dealing with general stress: in fact kava kava is increasing in popularity, and can relax you without affecting your mental alertness. Hops also help to reduce stress, but not in the form of beer!

8. Finally, probiotic drinks and supplements can increase the volume of friendly bacteria in your gut, and improve your digestion in general as well as regulating the function of your bowel.

All of these remedies are a good place to start for overcoming explosive diarrhea after eating. They are easy to try, and actually aid your body in healing, unlike many of the manufactured chemical drugs that can have severe side effects, only address the symptoms and not the root causes, and can even make your condition worse.

While main stream medicine still does not recognize the causes of IBS and struggles to give definitive diagnoses, if you are struggling with diarrhea after eating or other digestive disturbances, you can try these natural remedies since they are easy to take and give good results. They have been recommended after countless years of successful use by untold numbers of people that have gone before us.

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Does your baby have food allergies or food intolerance? How can you recognize food intolerance or food allergy in your baby or young child? Here is some basic information that every parent should know. First, there is a difference in food allergy and food intolerance with the latter being much more common. If you have tried to feed your baby certain foods and he or she experienced gas, fussiness, stomach pains, diarrhea, constipation or similar conditions, this is probably due to an intolerance such as lactose intolerance.

All this means is that the baby's body lacks the proper enzymes to process the food properly and the immune system sees it as a threat and will attack it. The symptoms are usually mild and will go away once the food is out of the system. Most babies will outgrow these intolerance as they grow older.

If they do not go away completely, they may lessen so that the food can still be enjoyed from time to time or in moderation, even if it does come with some uncomfortable symptoms.

True food allergy is more rare and more serious. This is when the body sees the food as a threat and fights it. In its worst case, it can present as anaphylaxis which may result in death. The reaction to allergic foods can get worse with each exposure to the food. If your baby has a food allergy, you should avoid exposure to the foods which cause the allergic reaction.

While a baby can be allergic to any food, there are some that are most common such as peanut, tree nut, milk, wheat, soy and fish/shellfish. If your baby already has a known allergy, be cautious introducing any of these possible allergens for the first time.

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During pregnancy the baby is like a parasite and will take all the nutrients that he requires from you. If your diet is sufficient in nutrients for both, it does not cause any problems. If on the other hand your diet is insufficient for both, then your recovery and the ability to produce breast milk after the birth will take longer and if you still do not replenish your body stores during the confinement period, you may remain weak for a long time. If you are breast-feeding, you need to increase the amount slightly because you are eating for two. A nursing mother must continue to eat high quality food recommended during pregnancy in order to establish lactation and maintain an adequate supply of her breast milk. A deficient diet not only upset the nutrient content of her milk but can also reduce the quantity of milk produced. This is probably why our elders make such a lot of fuss about eating well during the confinement period. It is important that you eat nourishing food that includes all of the main food groups at every meal.

Just remember the following pointers:

1. If you are breast feeding whatever you eat will be transferred to your baby via your breast milk therefore it is important that you eat a balanced diet so that your baby will get the right nutrients for optimum growth and development.

2. Some food does cause the baby to become 'windy' or have loose stools. If you find that your baby is suddenly quite unsettled, try to think of what you ate during the last 12 hours. Avoid that food for a few days and then try again. If the same happens again, then you should avoid that particular food for a while and re-introduce it into your diet by taking a very small amount and see how baby reacts then slowly increase the amount so that baby gets used to the food.

3. You may find that your appetite is slightly low especially during the first week. This is normal as your body is readjusting to its non-pregnant state both physically and mentally therefore it is better to have small frequent meals instead of the normal 3 big meals a day.

4. You need to drink plenty of fluids in order to make sufficient breast milk and it is best that you get this from sources such as soup or nourishing tea. Drinking too much plain water will dilute the breast milk and therefore is not nutritious for the baby.

So what should you eat?

Protein - The building blocks are amino acids that contain oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and nitrogen. Only eight amino acids are obtained from the food we eat. It is necessary for growth and repair of cells in the body. It helps make enzymes that enable us to digest food, produce antibodies and hormones. Too much protein in the body are converted into glucose and urea. Sources - Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, cereals (wheat, oats and rice), pulses (beans, lentils and peas), nuts and potatoes.

Fat Soluble vitamins

Vitamin A - Retinol and Beta-carotene are necessary for cell division and growth. To maintain healthy mucous membranes of respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts and is important for good eyesight.

Sources -

Retinol - Liver, oily fish, dairy produce and eggs.

Beta-carotene - Carrots, red peppers, mangoes, spinach and kale.

Vitamin D - Calciferols is needed to absorb calcium and phosphorous for healthy teeth and bones. It is also produced by exposing the skin to the sun. Sources - Eggs, tuna, salmon, sardines, fish liver oil and fortified margarines.

Vitamin E - Tocopherols prevent oxidation of free radicals polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes and other tissues. Sources - Vegetable oils, nuts, wheat germ, seeds and margarine.

Vitamin K - Phylloquinone is essential in forming certain proteins and for blood clotting. Sources - Green leafy vegetables especially green cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts

Water Soluble vitamins

Vitamin B

Thiamin (B1) is needed to obtain energy from carbohydrates, fats and alcohol and to prevent build-up of toxic waste substances. Sources - Pork, liver, heart, kidneys, nuts and pulses.

Riboflavin (B2) is necessary to release energy from food and for the functioning of vitamin B6 and niacin. Sources - Milk, yoghurt, eggs, meat, poultry, fish and fortified cereals

Pyridoxine (B6) helps to release energy from proteins and is also important for immune function, the nervous system and formation of red blood cells. Sources - Lean meat, poultry, eggs, fish, tofu, wholemeal bread, nuts, bananas, yeast extract and soya beans

Niacin produces energy in cells to form neurotransmitters. Maintain healthy skin and an efficient digestive system. Sources - Lean meat, poultry, pulses, potatoes, nuts and fortified cereals.

Pantothenic acid helps release energy from food and is essential for synthesis of cholesterol, fat and red blood cells. Sources - Meat, vegetables, liver, dried fruits and nuts.

Biotin is important in the synthesis of fat and cholesterol. Sources - Liver, peanut butter, egg yolk and yeast extract.

Folic acid is necessary for cell division and the formation of DNA, RNA and proteins in the body. Sources - Brussels sprouts, liver, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, pulses, wheatgerm, fortified breakfast cereals and bread.

Cyanocobalamin (B12) is necessary for making DNA, RNA and myelin. It helps transportation of folate into cells. Sources - Meat, poultry, fish, tofu, eggs and diary products.

Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid is necessary to make collagen and neurotransmitters like noradrenalin and serotonin. It is an antioxidant in the body and aids absorption of iron. Sources - Fruits, particularly citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, peppers, potatoes and vegetables.

Carbohydrates are converted into glucose and glycogen to give the body fuel for energy.
Glucose is in the blood and glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles. If the level of glucose drops, glycogen is converted into glucose for use. Sources - Sprouting grains, starchy root vegetables, fruits, cereals, pulses, milk and diary products.


o Saturated fats

o Monounsaturated fats

o Polyunsaturated fats

o Cholesterol

Rich source of calories for energy and provide fat soluble vitamins. It maintains healthy skin and body functions. Necessary for the production of sex hormones, synthesis of vitamin D and production of cell membranes and nerve coatings. Sources - Butter, cheeses, fatty meat and all forms of cooking oil.


Potassium regulate heart beat and maintain blood pressure. Maintain fluid and electrolyte balance within cells. Sources - Avocado, fresh and dried fruits, banana, seeds and nuts, citrus fruits, potato and pulses.

Calcium is a vital component of bones and teeth. Vital for nerve transmission, blood clotting and muscle function. Sources - Green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds, tinned sardines, milk and dairy products.

Chloride is vital for stomach acid formation. Maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. Sources - Salt and any food containing salt.

Magnesium is important for muscle contraction and assists in nerve impulses. It is an important constituent of bones and teeth. Sources - Wholegrain cereals, green vegetables, nuts, sesame seeds and pulses

Sodium works with potassium to regulate fluid balance. It is essential for nerve and muscle function. Sources - Table salt, processed meats, yeast extracts and tinned anchovies

Phosphorous help to form and maintain healthy bones and teeth, help to release energy in cells and essential for absorption of many nutrients. Sources - Red meat, poultry, fish and seafood, milk and diary products, seeds and whole grains.


Iron is essential for the production of haemoglobin which carries oxygen. It is needed for synthesis of RNA, DNA and collagen for healthy gums, teeth bones and cartilage. Sources - Liver, kidneys, red meat, sardines, egg yolk, green leafy vegetables, raisins, dried apricots

Zinc is essential for normal growth, reproduction and immunity. It aids the action of many enzymes. Sources - Oysters, animal proteins, beans, nuts, whole grains, pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Selenium protects cells against free radical damage. It is vital for normal sexual development. Sources - Meat and fish, butter, avocados, brazil nuts and lentils.

Water is vital for life. It is necessary for digestion and elimination of waste products. It acts as a lubricant for eyes and joints and regulates body temperature. Sources - Drinks, fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, bread and cereals, milk and dairy products.

Food for thought

It is not only Asian communities that advocate lactating mothers refrain from eating fruits and vegetables, some Western communities do the same. In my opinion, the reason for avoiding fruits and vegetables is that some contain high levels of oxalate that interferes with calcium absorption. Lactating mothers require high calcium intake for adequate milk production.

Fruits high in oxalate - Kiwi, guava, star fruit, blueberries, figs and strawberries
Vegetables high in oxalates - Tapioca, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, garlic, watercress, brinjal, leeks, turnip, chives, lady's fingers, parsley and spinach

Tip - Blanching the fruits and vegetables could lower the oxalate level.

Fruits low in oxalate - Papaya, langsat, banana, avocado, cherries, lemon, mango, watermelon, honeydew melon, ciku, durian and peeled apples.
Vegetables low in oxalates - Cauliflower, cabbage, kai lan, petola, green pea, capsicum, potato, tomato, cucumber, iceberg lettuce

Tip - If you love your fruits and vegetables and is worried about calcium absorption, then it is best that you have your milk drinks 3-4 hours before or after your main meals.

Avoid taking too much salt as this may reduce breast milk production. Cooling and windy food may contribute to baby becoming colicky. Acidic food may increase bleeding in the mother and diarrhea in the baby. What you eat also depends on what you believe in and who cooks for you. I hope that with the above information you will be able to tell your 'cook' what is best for both you and your baby.

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Diaper rash is an extremely uncomfortable, but usually preventable, condition which many infants experience. It is a form of dermatitis on the buttocks, genitals, or thigh folds. One of the main causes of this type of dermatitis is prolonged contact with moisture. Moisture causes the natural skin oils to be stripped from the outer layer of skin which leads to an increased susceptibility to infection by bacteria or sometimes a yeast infection.

Some babies are more prone to diaper rash than others. A flat red rash is probably cause by friction of the diaper on the baby's delicate skin. This type of rash is usually closer to the edges of the waist or leg bands of the diaper. This type of rash does not typically cause much discomfort. This can also be caused by laundry detergents. These rashes should be easy to treat and avoid with proper attention.

Seborrheic dermatitis is sort of like cradle cap in the diaper area. It is similarly scaly and greasy and may be more pronounced in the folds of the skin. Yeast is the most common infectious cause of diaper rash. The affected areas are bumpy and very red with distinct borders and lesions in more severe cases. This type of dermatitis can occur after an illness is treated with antibiotics, which kill the good bacteria that normally keeps the body's naturally occurring yeast in check. Repeated or stubborn diaper rash caused by yeast infections may require medical attention since the condition will not go away with standard treatments.

A baby with a skin rash that is blistered or bleeding, should be seen by a doctor. Antibiotics can be prescribed for painful itching if it is caused by bacteria. This can be administered topically or systemically, depending on the size of the area affected and the severity of the infection.

Anti-fungal creams such as Lotrimin, can be used to treat yeast-caused rashes. When a stronger approach is required, mild steroid creams like hydrocortisone 0.5-1% can be used, such as in the case of seborrheic dermatitis. Prescriptions are commonly used for the short-term treatment of stubborn cases.

There are alternative treatments for diaper rash. To begin with, proper hygiene is the first line of defense in preventing simple cases of diaper rash. Wet or dirty diapers must be changed ASAP. A good idea is to let babies have some time without their diaper each day, just to air things out. Babies that are prone to more serious diaper rash outbreaks actually do better with reusable cloth diapers rather than the common, plastic disposable diapers. This is probably because cotton diapers breathe better than plastic. Some experimentation with different diapers may be necessary to find out what works best for each baby.

Another thing to be cautious about, especially in cases of severe diaper rash, are baby wipes. Some wipes contain alcohol or other additives that can irritate. A quick bath with a small amount of mild soap is the best way to clean a baby with a bad rash.

Barrier ointments can be useful for the treatment of skin rashes. Those white, pasty creams that contain zinc oxide, are particularly effective. They will protect already irritated skin from the chafing and irritation caused by urine and feces, especially diarrhea. Cornstarch powder works well for rashes that are moist or oozing.

Following some of these simple guidelines will help resolve most ordinary diaper rashes pretty quickly if there is no serious underlying associated skin disease. Frequent diaper changes is the most basic rule of thumb to keep skin dry, healthy and rash free. Figuring out what works best in terms of diapers and cleansing products for each baby will also go a long way in preventing diaper rash flare ups.

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