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The health benefits of breastfeeding are well established in the literature and also in history. Let's face it babies have been breastfed since the beginning of time.

Improved resistance to infectious illness:

Breastfeeding provides the infant with many immunological benefits and protects against infectious diseases. The mother's immune system is more mature than a baby's over time the mother has had the opportunity to build resistance to many disease causing pathogens. This protection is passed to the infant in the form of antibodies in breastmilk. Colostrum is particularly high in antibodies.

Mother's pick up microorganisms from their infants through their close physical contact and produce antibodies to any possible pathogens the baby might have picked up. In this way breastfeeding provides the baby with an ongoing external source of antibodies, that his own immune system is too immature to produce.

Better digestion:

Breastfeeding promotes the elimination of meconium which is the substance that is in the baby's intestines from life in the uterus.

Unlike commercially prepared formula the composition of breastmilk changes over the lifetime of the breastfeeding relationship and in this way breastmilk meets the baby's nutritional needs at every stage of life.

In addition breastmilk provides several protective factors for the infant's digestive system that protects against diarrhea type illnesses.

The baby's close physical contact with the mother through breastfeeding provides inoculation with the beneficial bacteria the infant needs to colonize the gut. These microorganisms provide the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of certain vitamins and the digestion of solid foods when the baby's digestion tract is more mature.

Early protection from allergies:

A baby cannot be allergic to breastmilk. The protein of breastmilk is "species specific" and therefore the baby cannot be allergic to it. During the first few weeks of life the baby's gut lining is immature and permeable meaning it will allow certain large molecules (like protein) to leak from the gut. If these proteins enter the infant's immature immune system allergies are a possible result.

Breastfeeding protects against this by providing the infant with a substance called secretory IGA. This immunoglobulin in colostrum and breastmilk prevents the absorption of very large foreign molecules when the infant's immune system is immature.

The health benefits of breastfeeding are well known and pediatricians now recommend that breastfeeding be the main source of nutrition for the infant for the first year. The advantages of breastfeeding are so well established scientifically that it is recommended that breastfeeding continue well into the second year of life.

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The earliest signs of autism and other autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs)

ASD children can seem fairly normal in the first year of life. If the ASD child is your first, it may be very difficult to recognize a problem since you don't really know what to expect. Even if this is not your first parenting experience, we are constantly told by pediatricians, educators, well meaning family members, and so-called experts that all kids develop in their own way and time. This is certainly true, but in retrospect, most parents of ASD kids can recall some early signs of a problem, such as these very telling traits:

  • Not making eye contact when talking, talked to or called

  • Don't smile when they see familiar people

  • Limited or no baby talk (babbling or pre-speech)

  • Don't point or understand pointing

  • Failure to play infant games like peek-a-boo, patty-cake or waving bye-bye

  • Fixation on certain toys, objects, movies

  • Failure to learn and consistently use familiar words

  • Loss of words

  • Odd non-verbal vocalizations (squeals, squeaks, grunts, melodic utterances)

  • Lack of interest in family members

  • Don't like to be hugged or cuddled

  • Repetitive rocking and twirling

  • Arm and hand flapping

  • Walking on toes

  • Looking sideways (glancing out of side of eye)

  • Easily upset by changes to routine or changing activities

  • Don't turn towards sudden noises (but can hear)

Or these traits which are harder to interpret as specific to ASD:

  • Sensitivity to certain textures or being touched

  • Sensitivity to bright light, especially fluorescent lights

  • Sensitivity to loud or unusual sound

  • Very limited diet and refusal to even try certain types of food. Often this is based on texture more than flavor.

  • Frequent severe abdominal pain

  • Long periods of screaming with no recognizable cause

  • Weak muscle tone and uncoordinated movement

  • Insensitivity to pain

  • Unusually strong ability to memorize

  • Inability to sleep or frequent waking during the night / gives up napping at an early age

  • Self-injurious behaviors like biting and head banging

In addition to these clues, many ASD children have repetitive and unexplained rashes, frequent ear infections, frequent bouts of diarrhea and/or constipation, and severe colic. Some ASD children are just the opposite - never sick.

The Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)

The checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT) is a set of diagnostic criteria that can be used to screen children at 18 months of age. This is a big improvement over the more traditional criteria because it can catch ASD earlier. It is designed to be administered by a physician but is easy enough that any parent capable of being objective can administer it. The first part consists of nine YES/NO questions:

  1. Do they like to be swung and bounced?

  2. Are they interested in other children?

  3. Do they climb?

  4. Do they play peek-a-boo or hide and seek?

  5. Do they pretend?

  6. Do they use their finger to point to something they want?

  7. Do they point to indicate interest or to have you look?

  8. Do they play properly with small toys?

  9. Do they ever bring toys over to show you?

The second part requires observation of the child then answering five questions:

  1. Does the child make eye contact?

  2. After getting the child's attention, pointing across the room at some object and asking the child to look, did they look at the object or your finger?

  3. Can you get them to demonstrate pretend play?

  4. After getting the child's attention and asking them to show you some unreachable object, do they point to the object?

  5. Can the child build a tower?

The test scores a severe risk of autism when the child fails (answer is NO) the bold questions (Part 1, questions 5,7 and Part 2, questions 2,3,4). There is score of mild risk if the child fails only the pointing tasks (Part 1, questions 6,7 and Part 2, questions 2,4). A child is at risk for other developmental disorders if they fail more than three questions. This test and has been given to more than 15,000 infants with some success in predicting ASD.

AAP indications for immediate evaluation

The American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) has published a set of red flags that indicate a child should have an immediate ASD evaluation. These are:

  • No babbling, pointing or other gestures by 12 months

  • No single words by 16 months

  • No 2-word spontaneous phrases by 24 months

  • Loss of language or social skills at any age

The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC)

The Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) was designed to assist parents, physicians and researchers to evaluate treatments for autism. The Autism Research Institute (ARI) offers a no-cost internet scoring procedure that calculates four subscale scores and a total score from the ATEC. The scores are weighted according to the responses and the corresponding subscale. The higher the subscale and total scores, the more impaired the subject (your child). You can get a copy of the ATEC here. If your child has a diagnosis of autism or an ASD, or if you suspect there is a problem you should fill out an ATEC form to record your ASD child's starting or baseline score. Be sure to be very honest, you do them no favor by exaggerating their skills. Once it is filled out, you can go to the ARI website and fill in the information. They will score the information and send you a report.

A word of caution concerning pediatricians and the medical establishment

If you even suspect that your child has a problem, you should seek professional advice immediately. Children with autism or related disorders do not usually get better on their own and may get much worse. Treatments are available and are much more effective when started early.

Pediatricians are the doctors best placed to be on the front line of autism diagnosis and treatment. They usually see our children first and most frequently. Unfortunately, pediatricians and the medical establishment in general, have a very distorted and unhelpful understanding of these disorders. Commonly, pediatricians take a conservative approach to diagnosis, preferring a wait-and-see approach to aggressive action. ASD children do not have the luxury of time! If your child gets a referral for further tests and if they get a diagnosis, parents are likely to be told that the best they can hope for is management of symptoms with prescription drugs. This might sound reasonable, but it fails to acknowledge what is known about causes and effective treatments. This means that most parents are not told that there are ways to determine what is at the root of their child's problems and that once these problems are addressed, children with autism or ASDs can get better!

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Recent stats on toddler food allergies show a marked increase over 20 years. Every school and kindergarten today keeps a list of children who certain food allergies and from time to time we hear of tragic stories where a toddler's allergy was not known with fatal results. With some foods where there are mild reactions a parent can build immunity by gradually increasing the amount over a long period however this ought only to be done under the guidance of a specialist in allergies

A most common toddler food allergy is contained in cow's milk. This may be related to a lactose intolerance or reaction to the milk protein. The allergic reaction is often in continuous diarrhea or even vomiting in the toddler. While milk is vital to a toddler's growth you may have to search for a substitute food, which provides the same nutrients without the reactive nature of cows milk. Some have turned to goat's milk and soymilk and there are other options, which can be provided by the specialist.

In understanding the risks in toddler food allergies you need also to recognize other names used for cows milk - albumin, casein, lactalbumin, whey, lactose and if soy is a problem food you need to know that it can be listed as Soya or lecithin. Labeling today can be misleading and there are not a few cases where toddlers have eaten foods, which the parents thought were free of cow or soy.

Fish and Honey and eggs are also danger foods because they can be a source of botulism which man make the adult ill but can be fatal in small children. An added problem is the vaccines that are grown in eggs and unwittingly given to a child with an allergy to eggs. There are other food products that contain particles of foods that would be avoided if known for instance many pastas are made with eggs as are cookies or biscuits- so it is important to have a list of ingredients in all foods that come packaged and commercially produced.

There is a range of nut foods from peanuts to almonds that should be avoided till after the toddler stage, as they can be the source of severe reactions in a child less than two years. It should also be noted that in some toddler food allergies there are children who are affected by just being in the same room or sitting at the same table or just touching the food but these of course are the extreme cases however it does occur and parents have a duty of care until a child gets past the age of two where immunity is more established.

Its important to mention Strawberries too which are such a delight to adult palate and yet with some very young children or infants can give the typical anaphylactic response with the swelling of the throat and mouth leading to airway problems. Most Pediatricians recommend avoiding strawberries until after the first birthday of the child just to be sure. Also should be noted that some baby foods contain strawberry. After the first birthday a parent may start serving small amounts of strawberry for the infant or toddler to adjust and so that in later years they may enjoy this delicious fruit.

Finally there is the most common allergy cause to both children and adults and that is Wheat. How to avoid wheat is not easy for it is included as an ingredient in so many foods from breakfast cereals to pasta to bread. Of course when we speak of wheat most times we mean the gluten, which is contained in the wheat. There are many alternatives today for wheat and most supermarkets and health stores have good supplies.

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You and your baby have spent the past few months settled in a routine of breast or bottle feeding, or maybe a mixture of the two. You both probably feel quite comfortable with this now, but there comes a time in every baby's life when she is ready to take her first few mouthfuls of solid food. This is a big landmark in her development and one about which most parents are proud and apprehensive in equal measure. Many questions arise about what, when and how to feed the baby from this point on. The first question is when. With regards to solids, as with everything else, each baby is unique and the exact timing of the first solid meal varies greatly. The WHO recommends that babies should be started on their first solids from about 6 months of age, but that may be too early or too late in some cases. Beware of introducing them before 5 months of age because her digestive system is still undeveloped and it could increase the likelihood of her suffering from allergies.

Signs that indicate your child is ready to start eating

  • An interest in solid food she sees you and other people eating

  • The ability to sit up, either on her own or supported, and to hold up her own head

  • Loosing the Extrusion Reflex; in order to be able to keep food in the mouth and swallow it, she must stop pushing it out of her mouth with her tongue

  • Starting to develop chewing ability and the ability to control food in her mouth as well as swallow

  • This is an indication that her digestive system is also becoming ready for solids

  • She may begin teething at around the same time

  • Increased appetite; she may still seem hungry after feeding

General guidelines for the introduction of solid foods

  • Introduce new foods gradually, only one per day

  • Introduce new foods early in the day so that you can see any bad reactions

  • Introduce new foods only one or two at a time, which makes it easier to identify the cause of any allergies or reactionsSigns can include diarrhea, a rash, bloated tummy or gas

  • Give small amounts, but give as much as baby will eat

  • Expect certain meals to be eaten and others rejected

  • Be prepared to introduce new foods take up to 10 times before they are accepted

  • Feed solids and follow the meal with usual breast milk or formula

  • Introduce raisins and other small items after she can pick them up herself as by then she should be able to eat them without choking

  • Keep salt levels to a minimum (see below)

  • Don't provide too many sweet foods

  • Never add solids such as cereals to her bottle, this may cause her to choke

  • Use a soft edged rubber spoon, being careful not to injure her gums

  • Look for signs that she is full, such as becoming bored and interested in other things, refusing to open her mouth

How much to offer

Offer as much food as your baby will eat, starting with only a teaspoonful at first and gradually increasing the portions. Babies that have been exclusively breastfed are used to controlling their nutritional intake and are less likely to over feed than bottle-fed babies. Begin feeding once a day at any time that is convenient for you Offer 2 meals a day from about 7 or 8 months and 3 meals a day from about 9 months Gradually increase the amount and thicken the consistency.

Until one year of age, breast milk or formula still forms the main bulk of her nutrition. Breast milk or formula must continue until at least one year old. Cow's milk can be drunk after that. This should be full fat milk until 2 years old.

Early Menus

Fruit and vegetable purees; such as banana, sweet potato, apple, pumpkin, broccoli and carrot; baby rice, oatmeal, bread and rice crackers are excellent first foods At the beginning they should be very mushy as the baby can only squash them with her tongue before swallowing. Gradually introduce more fruits and vegetables, bread and other carbohydrates, as well as proteins such as tofu, cheese, egg, fish and finally meat.

Foods to Avoid

  • Egg white is more likely to provoke allergies than egg yolk, so it is best to wait until a year old before using egg whites or whole eggs.

  • Oranges and other citrus fruit can cause diarrhea and nappy rash in some babies, especially girls.

  • Try to avoid processed food where possible.

  • Honey should be avoided for the first year as it may contain spores that can cause the Infant Botulism

  • Shellfish, peanuts and peanut butter can be likely to cause allergies if given before one year old

  • Cow's milk should not be given before one year old

It is recommended that the salt intake of babies and young children should be kept to a minimum. The British Food Standards Agency has issued salt intake targets for children:

o 0-6 months, less than 1 gram/day

o 7-12 months, 1 gram/day

o 1-3 years, 2 grams/day

o 4-6 years, 3 grams/day

o 7-10 years, 5 grams/day

o 11-14 years, 6 grams/day

If feeding your child or baby the same food as you are to adults, remove her portion before adding salt and other seasonings.

Prepare fruit and vegetable purees, soft rice and other dishes in quantities larger than you need and freeze them. Ice cube trays are useful for freezing small amounts that can be individually defrosted for single meals.

If you use ready prepared baby food from a jar, put some in a separate dish and heat it. If you put the baby's spoon directly into the jar you will have to throw away any uneaten food.

Expect to see changes in your baby's poo as you introduce solids. They will change in colour, odor and consistency. If she becomes constipated or gassy, try changing to different fruits and vegetables.

Baby-Led Weaning

Many people advocate 'Baby-Led Weaning', which is a system of giving babies food that they can eat by themselves, rather than spoon feeding.

Foods that are cut into easily graspable shapes, such as bread strips and softly cooked carrot sticks and broccoli florets are presented to the baby so that she can suck and chew on them herself. The idea is that the baby will eat only what she is ready for and able to eat and will, at the same time, learn about foods in their natural forms rather than having everything pureed. It can also help parents to identify any foods that she won't eat, because foods are presented individually rather than mixed up together. At the beginning, many babies find it difficult to take in a significant amount of nutrition by this method, but as they are still drinking breast milk or formula, this is not a problem.

What equipment do I need?

Plastic bowl

Soft plastic spoon


Cloth for wiping up spills

High chair or low chair

Where and when should I feed my baby?

Habits established early on are hard to break so it is best to start as you mean to continue.

Feed your baby in her chair (high or otherwise) and not in front of the television or while she is running around the room.

As far as possible eat together as a family so that she can see and learn correct eating habits by watching everyone else.

Do not make meals into a battleground, if she doesn't want to eat a certain food or a great deal, don't push it.

Don't over feed her. Look for signs that she is full.

Keep her diet well balanced with a mixture of vegetables, carbohydrate and protein.

Avoid fast food for as long as possible and minimise sweet foods

Minimise salt and use fat in moderation

Don't use food as a bribe or reward

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If your baby is into a distinct level of crying or showing signs of chronic fretfulness, then the baby might probably be suffering from a severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, blockage, or dilatation of any of the hollow viscera such as the intestines, called "colic". With colic, abdominal wind becomes confined in the stomach, causing extreme discomfort to the baby. The intensity can vary from baby to baby.

Severe crying behavior is known as intestinal colic and can occur from when the baby is 6 weeks to 8 weeks of age. Experts say that the amount of the baby's crying can be at varying levels and can be normally diagnosed as colic when a baby but cries extremely and excessively for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, or for more than 3 weeks. The infant's disposition, immature nervous system and environment are the general cause of colic according to study. Intestinal colic is widely accepted to be a normal part of the first few months of a baby's life, and not usually associated with more serious health issues.

One of the things that can occur if a baby becomes intolerant to cow's milk protein, fructose, and then requiring some type of medications transferred from the mothers milk. Intestinal colic can be characterized in newborn babies if they show generally irritable attitude or cries for no obvious reason. Another symptom of colic in a baby is gas discomfort or belly bloating, possibly has a hard or swollen tummy, knees which are being pulled to the chest, tightened fists, swinging arms and legs, an arched back, and experiences usual loss of sleep, fussiness and fretfulness. A stomach ache with abdominal wind is a symptom of intestinal colic, but vomiting, diarrhea, fever or a bloody or mucus stool is an indication of something more serious. If you notice these signs, he or she might be enduring from a more serious digestive trouble that needs fast medical assistance.

Intestinal colic is a nasty disease that can cause a vast array of frustrations and negative feelings for your parents, and for you. If your baby experiences intestinal colic and you would want to treat it, there are several options available for you. It is invariably a must to check with your baby's pediatrician before you attempt any curative methods like a medication or supplement. Since this is common among babies, specialists believe that several steps can be taken at the hospital or at home also. Household intestinal colic interventions can comprise of: using a soother, or a light side to side movement of the baby. When intestinal colic periods start, massage the baby's back or tummy while in a quiet and non-stimulating environment. Changing the baby's diet and feeding methods (such as breast feeding) and playing soothing music help the situation better.

If you want to seek medical treatment, make sure that you visit your physician first to get a prescription. Medical interventions may include simethicone drops like Maalox, Gas-X, Mylanta, and Phazyme to relieve wind, attempting alternative to milk-based formulas like whey-based formulas, soy-based formulas, and hypoallergenic formulas.

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Many moms like to think that as soon as their baby turns 6 months of age, they should start giving them juice. But this couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, juice is NOT necessary for an infant. Here's why:

- Because of the sugars in juice, it can cause diarrhea.

- Too much juice can cause a child to be overweight or obese.

- Juice contains sugars and acids that can cause tooth decay.

- Giving your baby too much juice can hinder growth and development, and can cause malnutrition and anemia due to lack of nutrients like proteins and complex carbohydrates.

- If you are still breastfeeding, juice can cause your baby to nurse less.

Although juice contains Vitamin C, you don't want to give them too much. It should never be considered a supplement. If you must give your baby juice, consider these guidelines.

- Wait until your baby is at least 6 months old. But even then, babies at this age still do not require it.

- Dilute juice by at least half and half. Most grocery stores have a baby aisle with juice specially diluted for babies. These juices also contain more Vitamin C than regular juices, but are also more expensive.

- Never give your baby juice from a bottle. And never give them juice from a cup to suck on all day. This can cause tooth decay.

- Don't give your baby juice at bedtime.

- Babies shouldn't have more than 150ml (one half cup) of juice a day.

- Instead of giving fruits in liquid form, try giving them real fruit!

- If your baby is thirsty, give them water instead. If your baby doesn't like water, try flavoring the water with a little bit of juice.

- If you start feeding your baby water from the beginning, they won't naturally prefer juice instead of water.

I hope these tips will help you in your decision to feed your baby juice. If you are concerned about your baby's health, contact your physician.

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Contracting stomach flu symptoms can be very depressing! You can find yourself stuck in the toilet for days. Diarrhea is the one of the main stomach flu symptoms. Some people also experience vomiting. What happens to cause stomach flu symptoms is that the cells along the small intestinal lining becomes damaged due to a viral infection. Contrary to what people think, stomach flu is not caused by a bacteria or even close to the virus that causes influenza. Stomach flu is also known as viral gastroenteritis or stomach virus.

The damaged cells leaks fluid which causes diarrhea with a watery consistency. The rotavirus is main leader of viruses that can cause watery stools in children under five years old. Children who got an infection from the rotavirus, can be ill for a period two to seven days and can experience stomach flu symptoms such as fever and stomach pain and cramping. Adults can also become infected but the symptoms are generally milder.

There are also three other viruses that can cause stomach flu:

Calicivirus is a group of viruses with the norovirus being the most likely culprit of stomach flu in people of all age ranges. Other than diarrhea and vomiting, some sufferers also experience headaches, muscle pain and fatigue. It takes up to three after exposure to start showing symptoms.

Adenovirus is particularly active in young toddlers age 2 and under. There are about 50 different strains of this virus but only one causes the vomiting and diarrhea.

Astrovirus is often found in those with weaker immune systems like the elderly, infants and young children. This virus breeds best during winter time and most people will show symptoms in about three days after exposure.

This is one virus that is particularly contagious. In fact, just touching objects contaminated with the virus is enough to expose a person to it. If you share drinks, utensils or buying food prepared by someone with the virus, you can also develop stomach flu symptoms within a few days. Those who not wash their hands properly after using the bathroom are more than likely to pass along the virus. Eating food grown in viral infected soil or in contaminated waters can also cause you to get stomach flu symptoms. It is a fact that viruses live virtually everywhere.

Strangely, some people do not get a stomach virus but can still pass along the infection. That explains why not everyone falls sick nor at the same time. Only some get sick in classroom settings, nursing homes, households, day care settings, etc.

Unfortunately, there are no cures for viruses; hence, you just need to allow your stomach flu symptoms to run its course. Getting bed rest is important so that your body can take the chance to recuperate. However, you can take some measures to reduce the intensity of your symptoms.

The biggest problem of having stomach flu symptoms is dehydration. Fluids are lost by your body through diarrhea. If you or a loved one has the stomach flu, you must ensure that you consume enough fluids. Mild juices, water and broth are great at keeping your fluid levels up.

Children are most susceptible to dehydration. It is best that they consume electrolyte replacement drinks to help. In addition, until the stomach is feeling better and stools become more solid, both children and adults should avoid dairy products and alcohol and caffeine. All these tend to aggravate stomach flu symptoms further.

You can prevent the contraction of a stomach flu symptoms by always washing your hands before meals and after changing diapers. In addition, avoid any areas that may not have adequate water supply or improper sanitary waste management system.

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Have you heard of the saying "Breast feeding is good for babies up to 2 years of age?" This saying is true because it is the best nutrition advice that the doctor could recommend to a mother when feeding her baby. There are doctors who stated that babies who are breast fed for at least 2 years since their birth builds strong bones and increases the immunity system of the baby. There are formulas that don't have some of the nutrients a baby needs which is why mother's milk is better since it has many nutrients. This is because of what the mother eat; the vitamins from the food she eats add up to the nutrients in her mother's milk. That is why breast feeding is good for the baby. Here are some amazing facts about breast milk.

• Breast milk cannot be replaced by any other artificial foods that you can feed to your baby. Breast milk has the nutrients that your baby needs. It tastes much better for a baby.

• The baby that drinks breast milk can become healthier and his or her body builds more defenses against various types of diseases that the baby can encounter in the future. Breast milk doesn't affect the baby's bowel movement and prevents diarrhea.

• Mother's milk is easily digested by the baby so the he or she does not feel any constipation. Breast milk is a vaccine to some infectious diseases.

• If you have prepared breast milk in a bottle, the it doesn't get spoiled if stored at the right temperature. mother's milk does not spoil for a day or two if you store it in the refrigerator.

• Mother's milk creates a strong bond between mother and baby. When the baby drinks mother's milk, he doesn't need anything else except finding his or her mom when he or she is hungry. This creates a strong love between the two.

• You can still feed the baby during the nights that he might get hungry and you can rest while your baby is breast feeding. When the baby is done, you both can sleep soundly.

These are some of the facts about breast feeding and breast milk. The baby doesn't need other food when he or she is at least 3 months old. You can feed him or her other things when he or she is older but there is no better substitute for breast feeding.

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With every new exam I ask the same question...

"How many bowel movements do you have each day? Do you see any mucous, blood, diarrhea or constipation?"

Feces, crap, stools, shit, poop, manure, BM, #2, dung, droppings, and bowel contents are all the same thing. I use all these terms as sometimes my clients don't know what feces or stool is. If I can't communicate with my clients, I can't help them.

Feces contains water, indigestible fiber, undigested food, sloughed off intestinal cells, living and dead bacteria, bile, and worn out red blood cells. A normal stool should be brown to light brown, formed but not hard or too soft, cylindrical but not flattened on any side, fairly bulky and full bodied but not compact, easy to pass, and it shouldn't have an extremely foul smell. Each bowel movement should be in one piece, about the size and shape of a banana being tapered at the end. Sometimes this will not be discernable if the feces breaks up in the toilet. Some people feel that if the body is absorbing all the minerals from the food that the stool will float. Others believe that the stool should sink. I think the important thing is that there are no air bubbles in the stool and that it doesn't drop like a brick in the toilet. It should be somewhere in between.

An occasional deviation from this pattern is acceptable. Any chronic deviation from the above pattern is not healthy and should be dealt with.

It's amazing how many people don't even look at their stools in the toilet. It's so important. Stools can reveal a lot about your health if you learn to read them. Digestion happens. It's a shame that few of us are unable to talk about them without embarrassment. For instance:

o Air or bubbles in the stool can mean that we have a gut or flora imbalance and that gas producing bacteria are overgrown and competing with the healthier flora.

o Alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation can be cause by irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies, red meat, spices, sugar, alcohol, stress, lack of fiber, irregular bowel habits.

o Color: Stools are usually the color of the food.

o Constipation can occur leading to impaction--the presence in the rectum of a mass of feces too large to pass. Fecal impaction is usually the result of poor bowel habits, a diet with too little liquid and roughage, too much protein and inadequate physical activity.

o Diarrhea, whether acute or chronic, can disrupt the bowel's normal rhythm and lead to irregularity. It can mean that your large intestine is not functioning properly. The large intestine is in charge of removing excess water from the feces. Rule outs can include food poisoning, lactose intolerance, anxiety, stress, too many antacids, antibiotics, parasites like Giardia or Coccidia, Balantidia, Coccidoidiomycosis or other parasites, viruses, bacterial overgrowth, inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome. A healthy bowel will take about a quart and a half and condense it down to 1 cup of stool. That's pretty amazing.

o Frank red blood (obvious bright red bleeding) can be a sign of hemorrhoids, colitis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, colon cancer or be caused from impacted stools passing through the rectum telling us we need to drink more water.

o Horrible smelling stools--too much protein, flora imbalance.

o If the stools are black, tarry and sticky (called melena), this can mean that there is bleeding from the small intestine. These types of stools usually have a distinctive bad odor. If you've ever smelled a dog with Parvo, corona or rotavirus, you know what I mean.

o Light green stools--Too much sugar, fruits or vegetables and not enough grains or salt (or in the case of animals, too much grass)Mucous can reveal diverticulitis and gut inflammation due to allergies or parasites.

o Oily or greasy looking stools that usually float and can be large can mean that your pancreas or small intestine are not functioning well enough and not releasing enough digestive enzymes. Normal stools are about 1% fat. When this percentage increases to about 7%, the stool will look oily and greasy. This is called steatorrhea. High fat meals can cause this to happen but should be temporary.

o Pale or clay colored stools can mean that your gallbladder or liver is not working correctly.

o Pencil thin or ribbon-like stools can mean you have a polyp or growth on the inside of the colon or rectum.

o Presence of food: If the stool breaks up easily and you can see bits and pieces of the food you ate, maybe you are not chewing your food thoroughly enough. This can cause GERD, acid reflux, abdominal bloating and diarrhea.

o Red or magenta stools-- ingestion of beets.

o Very dark stools: Too much red wine, too much salt in the diet, not enough vegetables. Blueberries, Pepto Bismol (the bismuth in it) and iron pills can also be responsible for dark stools.

Normal bowel habits not only improve the quality of life, they help prevent several common diseases--for example, diverticulitis and fecal impaction. Gall stones, appendicitis, colon cancer, hiatal hernia, diabetes, and heart disease have also been related to the quality of bowel movements and the foods that affect them.

Number of bowel movements: Healthy bowel activity is considered one or two movements of moderate size every day. Every other day or once or twice a week bowel movements can harm you because the bowel contents release toxins back into the body through the mucous membranes. You've got to keep that waste moving!

Fecal incontinence (uncontrollable diarrhea) should be dealt with by a professional. Often with this particular symptom (and irritable bowel syndrome) I will pick up a bowel parasite. A bottle or two of Bowel Pathogen Nosode drops does an awesome job most of the time in clearing up these cases.

Healthy bowel habits:

There is usually a time of day when bowel movements are more likely to occur. In anticipation of this time, the patient should participate in activities that stimulate a normal bowel movement. It is also important for the patient to recognize the urge to defecate and to respond right away to that urge. The longer stool sits in the rectum, the more water the rectum will absorb from it, making it harder and more difficult to pass.

The urge to defecate is often strongest in the morning: Just getting up triggers the movement of the large intestine. The stomach also sends a signal when it expands after a meal. This gastrocolic reflex is the reason many people, and especially children, need to go to the bathroom soon after eating. The reflex gets weaker with age, which is one source of constipation problems and the reason why good and consistent bowel habits are helpful.

Laxatives: Some patients are so convinced they need daily laxatives that they are afraid to do without them. It takes time for a changed diet to affect the bowels and for the bowel to regain its normal rhythm. Be patient. Enemas are a better solution.

Healthy bowel movements require ingestion of a large amount of liquids and bulk foods. The patient should drink two to three quarts of liquids every day. Bulk comes from unrefined foods. Oat bran, wheat bran, brown rice, green vegetables, apples, and pears are a few examples of high residue, high fiber foods.

Some patients will benefit from adding bulk preparations of psyllium, but others find that psyllium will cause extreme amounts of gas. For these people, the addition of WHOLE flax seeds (eat without chewing them) and bran will help. And one single 8-ounce cup of coffee in the morning often helps people get a regular bowel movement.

Natural Laxatives include:

o Anti-Constipation Paste

o Coffee

o DSS (dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate)

o Glycerine suppositories

o Nature's Sunshine LBS II (excellent)

o Oil enemas

o Prune juice

o Saline purges

Fleet enemas are used only for people and dogs. They are very toxic to cats and can kill them. These are OK to use occasionally, but the other enemas we are talking about are better for healing purposes.

Soap suds enemas can be a little harsh to the intestine. Use these only occasionally if necessary

Some Notes on Intestinal Bacteria Replacement: Inside a healthy lower intestine are billions of beneficial intestinal bacteria or microflora. These bacteria are of the Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus bifidus strains and were transferred by breast-feeding into our intestines as newborn infants. The body uses L. acidophilus and L. bifidus in the final stages of digestion reproducing themselves as necessary to keep in total harmony with the body.

When the good bacteria can't keep up, bad bacteria overpopulate the gut to give a gut flora imbalance resulting in lower bowel diseases, gas, diarrhea, IBS, and Crohn's. The devitalizing effect caused by harmful bacteria in the intestine is rarely diagnosed near the beginning of this imbalance. Headaches, skin infections, weakness and constipation can also be symptoms of depleted intestinal bacteria.

What Causes A Gut Flora Imbalance?

o Toxins, especially drugs such as antibiotics and narcotics.

o Severe diarrhea can damage or destroy these beneficial bacteria, allowing harmful bacteria to take over producing by-products like ammonia, purines and ethionine, which can eventually cause colon cancer.

o Fasting can also deplete the beneficial bacteria because large quantities of toxins are dumped from the lymph glands into the colon at the time of the fast. Also during a fast, with certain diets and with eating disorders, there is an absence of foods that the good bacteria thrive on.

o Using enemas also depletes the beneficial bacteria, especially if chlorinated water is used.

To reestablish intestinal bacteria, do a couple enemas with liquid acidophilus or live acidophilus. These products should be stored and purchased refrigerated. Off-the-shelf products are not so effective for replacing gut flora. You can also mix a couple tablespoons of active plain yogurt to your enema mix along with a tablespoon of the liquid acidophilus. Add some warm water, but do not heat the mixture or use chlorinated water. After blending the mixture, pour it into the enema bag. Use less water for these types of enemas (only 1-2 cups) and try to retain the liquid within the colon for ten minutes to allow the beneficial bacteria to pass up through the intestine. This procedure will ensure that a healthy culture will propagate within the intestines.

You can also start adding L. acidophilus and L. bifidus to your foods a day or two before you break a fast. Use repeat dosages as per bottle instructions once a week for about 5 weeks.

FOS (Fructooligosaccharides) are also good for reestablishing gut flora. These are long-chain sugars that feed friendly flora. You can purchase this in concentrated pill form or eat lots of apples, Jerusalem artichokes, or pears. These foods have high amounts of FOS in them.

Well...That's the scoop on poop. (Some people take things so seriously.)

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If you are a new mom and you choose to breastfeed your baby, then it is advisable for you to follow a kind of diet that is beneficial not only for you but for the baby as well. Keep in mind that your health is now of great importance as it can help you produce healthy breast milk, or not. Read this article to get to know more about the diet solutions that are ideal for breastfeeding mothers like you.

Elimination Diet for Breastfeeding Moms

Elimination diet refers to a special diet which you can try if you are afraid that the foods and drinks that you take can negatively affect your baby. This method still allows you to choose foods from all food groups, but you are advised to create some changes in what you eat and drink depending on the health issues regularly faced by your child. If you are thinking of using elimination when dieting, then you should become more familiar about the foods that you need to avoid. Among these are dairy products including cream, butter, milk or milk fat, whey protein and lactose, since these might trigger acid reflux or digestive problems in your infant. Other foods that you should consider eliminating from your diet are chocolate, eggs, wheat, soy, corn, citrus, corn starch, alcohol, acidic foods and caffeine, since these can also negatively affect an infant.

Dairy-Free Diet for Breastfeeding Moms

A dairy-free diet can also help if you are breastfeeding your baby, as you can expect this diet to keep your baby safe from allergies, digestive problems and acid reflux. The first items that you should consider removing from your diet are milk, yogurt, ice cream and cheese since these have the highest dairy content. Other foods that are rich in dairy include sour cream, butter, pudding, cookies, chocolate chips, crackers, cereals, pizza, hot chocolate powders, potato and nacho chips, smoothies, snack and granola bars and Italian and Mexican foods. The following foods are safe for you when trying a dairy-free diet for your baby:

• Whole grains and bagels
• Sandwich meats
• Soy coffee creamer
• Frozen fruit bars
• Rice milk frozen desserts
• Soy-based margarines
• Plain taco chips
• Whole foods
• Vegan foods
• Smoothies that do not contain ice cream or yogurt

Foods and Substances You Should Avoid While Breastfeeding

If you have decided to breastfeed your baby, then it is important for you to avoid those foods and substances that may cause harm to you and/or to your infant. Among these are the following:

1. Chocolate. Consuming this may negatively affect your baby since it contains caffeine that may trigger sleep disturbances. Eating chocolate may cause your child to lose sleep or experience difficulty falling asleep.

2. Alcohol and Caffeine. Your nursing baby tends to get a small amount of whatever it is that you are drinking, through your breast milk. This is the main reason why you need to avoid coffee and alcohol as much as possible.

3. Dairy Products. These should be avoided because they may cause acid reflux and allergies.

4. Spicy Foods. These include chili, onion, cinnamon, curry and red pepper. You need to avoid these because they are harsh on the digestive system. These foods may cause an infant to suffer from diarrhea, vomiting and upset stomach.

Vitamins and Minerals to Incorporate Into Your Daily Diet

As a nursing mother, you need to make sure that you take the right amount of vitamins and minerals to keep both you and your baby healthy. You have to make sure that your daily diet includes the following vitamins and minerals:

• Vitamin A
• Vitamin D
• Vitamin E
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
• Riboflavin
• Niacin
• Folate
• Pyridoxine
• Calcium
• Zinc
• Iron

Breastfeeding Diet for Gassy Baby

If you are nursing a gassy infant, then it is best for you to know exactly what you need to eat and what you should avoid in order to reduce the gas. Among the safest foods that you can eat when nursing a gassy baby are rice, non-gassy fruits and vegetables, lean protein and soy. It is also important for you to make note of foods that tend to cause gas and avoid them. These include foods rich in sugar and fats, spicy foods, dairy products, cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, caffeine and acidic foods.

Breastfeeding Diet to Increase Milk Supply

In order to increase your breast milk supply, you need to eat certain foods. These include tropical fruits such as peaches, avocado, cantaloupe and melon, yellow vegetables including pumpkins, carrots and sweet potatoes, brown rice, barley, oatmeal, apricots, asparagus, green beans, parsley, watercress, pecans and dandelion greens. It should also be noted that while there are foods that increase breast milk, there are also those that decrease it and these include peppermint, spearmint, oregano, sage, cabbage and alcoholic beverages. You should avoid these as much as possible if you want to maximize your milk supply.

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Potty Training Problems: How to successfully potty train your child and common potty training problems to avoid.

Are you a frustrated parent who dreams of a day when you will no longer be changing diapers? Do you watch other mothers potty train their children with ease while your child isn't interested in the potty at all? Well join the club! I was one of those parents whose child refused to potty train, and no amount of coaxing did the trick.

In this article, I will list several potty training problems and what you can do to avoid them. I will also recommend several books and videos that helped my children understand the concepts behind potty training. Even if your little one seems years away from potty training, you could be diaper free sooner than you think. In my opinion, there are several keys to successful potty training.

The key first key to successful potty training, in my opinion, is developing a well thought out plan and being consistent. Whether you are using sticker charts or other incentives, find what works best for your child and stick with it. We got the most mileage out of stickers to chart progress and a small jellybean reward at the end of the day for no accidents.

The second key to successful potty training, in my opinion, is throwing away diapers and pull-ups and switching to underwear as soon as you can. My children never learned to associate the feeling of going potty with the actual physical results, until they felt the wetness in their underwear. It only took a few days of messy accidents for them to realize they didn't like peeing and pooping in their underwear. Plus they got excited about picking out new "big kid" underwear and trying to keep them dry.

The third and most important key to successful potty training, in my opinion, is understanding the common potty training problems and seeking help when necessary.

There are 3 main problems that occur for most parents.

Potty Training Problem #1:
For many parents, potty training involves weeks, even months of ups and downs. There will be times when your child will do great with very few accidents, and other times when they will leave you wondering what you are doing wrong. A certain amount of regression is to be expected. Remember, they are just learning how to use the potty. Many children often excel at first only to regress when it is no longer "new and exciting". In this case, simply start your incentive program again, watch the potty videos, and look through potty books. These are all ways that you can reinforce your child's desire to be a "big kid".

Potty Training Problem #2:
What do you do when your child repeatedly has accidents in his/her underwear? As a parent your first question shouldn't be "what am I doing wrong?" It should be "what is wrong?" Many children have frequent accidents in their underwear because of an underlying problem such as urinary tract infections or chronic constipation. Your pediatrician can determine if these are the causes and may even prescribe medication.

Small, frequent and even loose stools can be a sign of constipation. Sometimes loose stools aren't diarrhea at all, but rather small stools that have escaped past a larger obstruction. If your child is straining to use the bathroom, having frequent stool accidents a day, or if his stool is small and pellet shaped, he may be struggling with constipation.

Potty Training Problem #3:
Have you had a recent setback in your child's potty progress? If so, then you may want to look back at the last few weeks. Have there been any major changes to your child's life or routine? A new sibling? Starting preschool? Any changes to his life will result in stress. Stress can have a profound effect on potty training. Talk with your child about her fears and reassure her that things will return to normal. Most importantly BE PATIENT. If your child is already uncertain about things, putting pressure on her to potty train can blow up in both of your faces.

If you are interested in potty training your child keep all these things in mind. Potty training does not happen overnight, but it does happen and you will get through it.

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Most parents wish that their baby would grow up without crying. But remember that without crying your baby will not be able to communicate anything with you.Accept the fact that crying is a way of developing the baby language. Especially, in the first six months, babies cry to communicate their needs. As a parent, you cannot always tell, but many mothers in due course will be able to recognize their baby's needs from the type of cry.

The most common reason for babies to cry is hunger. But there are many more common reasons for them to cry too. If your baby cries after a feed, do not jump to the conclusion that the feed was inadequate; instead look for probable reasons other than hunger. Babies cry to express their needs as they cannot communicate otherwise. Given below are the various reasons for which a child/baby cries. As a parent it is important to comprehend the baby language i.e. the reason of cry.

Some common reasons are:

Hunger: In the early part of their lives, babies may need to be fed at short intervals, sometimes in even less than two hours. Frequent feeding will help and over time your baby will space out his/her feeds.

Thirst: Usually not seen in breast-fed babies, but can happen to bottle fed babies, more so in summer.

Diaper-change: If the diapers are left on too long, it can cause painful and uncomfortable rashes. Frequent changing of diapers can prevent these troubles.

Too hot, too cold: Since babies are unable to change their clothes or uncover themselves on their own, they will cry to let you know that they are uncomfortable. The proper way is to feel your baby's body. If it feels cool, add a blanket. If he/she is sweaty or hot, remove a layer of clothing.

Uncomfortable clothes or positioning: Check to see if there is anything poking your baby like a price tag or a piece of Velcro. Change his/her clothes or give him/her some time being naked or swaddled in a warm blanket. Also, change his/her position of sleep. If he/she is lying on the back put him/her on his/her back.

Bowel movements: Some babies will cry, scream and get pink in the face just before passing urine or bowel movement. Once they are done they will be okay.

Anxiety and fear: Sudden movements and loud noises can trigger crying. Be gentle with your baby.

Boredom: Babies who are bored cry to get your attention. Picking up your baby and interacting with him/her can put a quick end to the crying spell.

Tiredness: Babies always don't know that they need to sleep when they're tired. It's your job to calm them down for naptime, not stimulate them.

Sometimes you and your baby can get into a crying cycle. When babies cry, you get anxious and start panicking. Your baby senses this, feels uncomfortable and cries even more. If you find yourself getting into these cycles, talk to your doctor.A sick baby will cry, but will also have other symptoms of illness like runny nose, fever, tugging the ear or diarrhea. Generally a healthy baby will have a strong, loud cry. If your baby's cry becomes weak, contact your doctor right away.

Crying is almost synonymous to baby language. A child primarily expresses it's emotions by crying, making sounds, laughing etc. In the initial stages, it is no cakewalk for a parent to comprehend their child's needs. But with passage of time, the message is communicated effectively and it is an important step in bonding between a parent and child.

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Halitosis in adults is relatively common - we all worry about it - but toddler bad breath is much more unusual. This is probably because the most common causes of halitosis, such as gum disease and post nasal drip, are generally only seen in adults. When we notice that the breath of a child is unpleasant, it is more surprising, and often more urgent. It can be a signal of a more serious medical problem.

We sometimes notice bad breath in child diseases. The most common of these is probably childhood diabetes - ketoacidosis is characterized by a high blood sugar, dehydration, and a sweetish bad breath. Sweet smelling bad breath in a child could be a sign of serious illness and should be dealt with very promptly. Another common cause of adolescent and toddler bad breath is throat infection: bacteria and viruses frequently cause pharyngitis and tonsillitis in the young, and strept throat can lead to debilitating complications. Any red sore throat accompanied by a fever that doesn't resolve on its own in a couple of days should be assessed by a physician. Other diseases that can change the odor of the breath include kidney and liver diseases, and some cancers, but these condition are relatively rare in children.

When toddler bad breath is not caused by an underlying condition, the most common cause is probably dehydration. Dehydration can occur easily in a child, and can result from a number of factors: insufficient fluid intake during hot dry weather, strenuous exertion without taking regular drinks, diarrhea and vomiting, consumption of diuretic beverages such as drinks containing caffeine, respiratory infection, and other things. Bad breath in child dehydration is often initiated by a drying out of the mouth tissues - when saliva production is decreased, the bacteria responsible for halitosis are able to proliferate. The more of them there are, the more severe the toddler bad breath will be.

Of course, some instances of bad breath in child situations are simply caused by a recently consumed food or beverage. Ask your child what she has eaten in the last little while (and remember that we don't always know what our children are putting in their mouths - never assume). Foods like garlic and onions, curry, and spicy foods like pepperoni can leave a distinct odor on the breath for a while after they are eaten. Strong flavored confections like black licorice can do it too. And if the toddler bad breath you detect has a chemical or medicinal smell, double check that your child has not ingested a cleaner or other chemical, or a medicine left within reach. If you suspect this is the case, seek medical help immediately.

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Doctors are not sure what causes colic. Some believe it is due to a milk allergy, but doctors now believe this is rarely the case since breastfed babies often get colic too. And, approximately 35 percent of infants who are allergic to milk-based formulas are also allergic to soy milk-based formulas. It is, however, possible, for mother's to pass on a milk allergy by breastfeeding because a more recent discovery concluded that milk allergens enter the milk of a breastfeeding mother and irritate a baby's intestines resulting in colic. If your baby is colicky and you are breastfeeding, it may be a worthy test to go dairy-free for while.

Colic is probably not the result of gas either, which was another previous thought. Research now suggests that colicky babies get gas because they are swallowing too much air while they are feeding or crying.

More recent evidence suggests that colic occurs when food moves too quickly or too slowly through the baby's digestive system. It is also thought that colic can be the result of the baby's individual temperament; which means that some babies just take a little bit longer to get adjusted to living outside of the womb, or that some babies have an undiagnosed reflux disease.

Others speculate that colic could be the result of one or more of the following:

Ear Infections - Signs that your baby may have an ear infection include: pain when they are lying down, cold symptoms, and not sleeping well. A thorough examination of your baby's ears should be part of a colic checkup.

Pediatric Regurgitation Syndrome (PRS) - Also called gastrointestinal reflux, or in more severe cases Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD), PRS is a recent discovery as a medical cause of colic. When food passes through your baby's throat and into the stomach, the stomach contracts and pushes whatever is already in there into the intestines. In some babies this does not work properly - when the stomach contracts, some of the food is pushed back up into the esophagus and, in some cases, even out of the mouth. The stomach acid irritates the esophagus and cause heartburn. Signs that reflux may be contributing to colic are: frequent spitting up after eating, colicky episodes that occur shortly after eating, frequent awakening at night as if in severe pain, and colic that is just not going away.

Urinary Tract Infections - A urinary tract infection is one of the most serious and most hidden causes of colic. These infections are very subtle, often lasting for a few weeks before they are detected. Urinary tract infections can cause kidney damage if left untreated. If you suspect this to be the case, take your baby to the doctor for a urinalyses.

Skin Rashes - Skin rashes may also be a cause of colic. Eczema, rashes caused by allergies, and diaper rashes may be the reason why the baby is colicky. Diaper rash that is particularly hard on baby is the raw rash that looks almost like a skin burn which is caused by acid stools from diarrhea. Bathe your baby in baking soda (one tablespoon in a couple of inches of water in baby's bathtub) to help soothe it.

Constipation - Constipation is another possible reason for the colic that is rarely looked at. If your baby strains or turns red a lot when they have a bowel movement, and if the stool seems hard, or if it is accompanied by a few drops of blood droplets or if they have a tense, gas-filled (hard) tummy, your baby may be constipated. Consult your pediatrician.

Since no one can pinpoint one primary reason for colic, it is best to create a log of when your baby is the most colicky and note feeding times, which foods were fed, etc. then take the log to your pediatrician for recommendations.

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Too many new mothers don't realize that what they consume is what their baby will also consume. They also don't realize that some of those foods aren't right for their baby. It can make them uncomfortable. It is important to learn about foods to avoid when breastfeeding. That way you can do what is going to keep both of you very happy. While no one consumes those foods intentionally to affect their child it does happen.

Topping the list of foods to avoid when breastfeeding are those that are spicy. A baby may end up with a variety of problematic symptoms when you consume such foods. They include an upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, and a hard time digesting your milk. In the most severe cases they may have abdominal pain that makes you take them in for medical assistance.

A common food that many women enjoy is chocolate. Yet this is also on the list of foods to avoid when breastfeeding. It often leads to gas that builds up in their small stomachs. Too many new parents assume that the baby simply has colic but that isn't the case. If you have a craving for chocolate only consume a square or two of it. You should only be consuming white chocolate as this is easier for them than milk or dark chocolate varieties.

It is common for a new mother to want to eat right so she can lose weight and for the health of her baby. Therefore they are often consuming large amounts of fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. Yet some of them are too harsh for your baby when you are breastfeeding. The types of fresh fruits to avoid are those that are high in citrus including grapefruit and oranges. Avoid consuming large amounts of broccoli and cucumbers as well.

When you are focusing on the foods to avoid when you are breastfeeding, you also need to think about your drinks. Soda and coffee are full of sugar and caffeine. This can make your child irritable and it can upset their stomach. You also need to pay attention to how your baby reacts to certain foods. There may be some types of foods that your baby doesn't seem to agree with. Cut those out of your diet so that they can feel their very best.

The more you are aware of the types of foods to avoid while breastfeeding the less concerns you will have with your child. Changing what you eat is a very small price to pay for the happiness and health of your child. Make sure you are consuming enough food each day for both of you. Make it a point to find those foods you enjoy that your baby isn't bothered by.

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Mark is a 5 month old baby. He has not had any sort of bowl movement for close to one week now. His parents have tried all sorts of medication to help ease the constipation: putting one-and-a-half teaspoonful of light Karo syrup in his bottles, massaging his tummy, placing him on a diet of prunes, to giving one table spoon of cereal after his bottles. Up till now, there has been no improvement and from the way things are looking, there may be no baby constipation remedy unless a "miracle" occurs.

Mark's parents, John and Jessica have been extremely worried and concerned as they are at a loss for what to do and would only use laxatives as a last resort. Does the above scenario depict what you or someone you know are currently going through? It is only natural that you be extremely worried about what is happening to your child. Not to worry though, we might just be able to figure out what to do to help your child have the bowel movements you desire. Baby constipation remedy can be easily gotten if you know what to do. Before going into how to get the baby constipation remedy, we need to know what the causes of constipation in babies are.

  1. Constipation could be as a result of the formula used in feeding the baby. Changing the formula used in feeding the baby can cause the baby's body to take its time before adapting to the new formula.

  2. Lack of breast feeding. Some babies who are fed with just formulas have been known to poop once in three days compared to their breast fed counterparts who go at least once a day.

  3. The form of the formula. If it is powder, ensure there is no packing when measuring. This basically means no compressing when you are measuring the formula.

  4. The current atmospheric temperature. What is the current temperature of your locality? If it is pretty hot, then it might be responsible for your baby's slower bowel movement.

However, the baby constipation remedy you need varies. You can try using a glycerin suppository. When using this, ensure that you put a little K-Y jelly on the suppository and insert in the baby's rectum. Then hold the buttocks together so the suppository does not slide out. After this, give a warm bath. This helps the baby relax and have a bowel movement soon. Watch out however, as you might just have to deal with cleaning the stool from the bathtub as the baby may go right there. If on the other hand you don't like baby constipation remedy stated above, you can try using a poop inducer available as a natural remedy (Check online for the website and become an affiliate). It is a perfectly safe digestion stimulant. What's more, it doesn't cost a fortune to have and can be used by all age grades -adults inclusive.

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It's on the shelf in every grocery store and in every book on baby care - but is feeding baby rice cereal actually hurting your child? Extensive studies on cereal are showing it's not the safe, wonderful food you've been taught... and studies on children are showing we've been starting babies on foods they're not ready for.

What problems could "gentle" rice cereal cause? The startling truth is that studies have shown rice cereal is anything but gentle on baby's immature digestive system. Parents who, for decades, have seen their babies start having gas, constipation, bloating, fussiness, and even allergic reactions after starting cereal are finally getting the scientific evidence behind them to be taken seriously. It is not a good food for babies.

Cereal causes a few problems. First, a sixteen year study done in Australia has shown that rice cereal causes far more reactions than either cow's milk or soy - two major allergens. It also causes more severe reactions in the infant's digestive system, causing damage to the gut wall and lining.

The western world tends to think that rice allergies are rare mostly because there's not a whole lot of rice eaten in many countries. Asian countries, however, eat a lot rice and rice allergy is quite common. Rice is not the completely allergy-free food you've been lead to believe.

Another problem with rice is that it's binding. That's right - it clogs the digestive system up. If somebody has diarrhea they're advised to eat mostly rice and bananas to help stop the diarrhea. The rice stops things up - feeding baby rice cereal can cause problems with constipation. Many babies get severely constipated on rice cereal.

Rice, like all cereal grains, is hard for babies to digest. Children don't develop the enzymes to break down starches and grains until after their first birthday. They just don't handle rice, oats, wheat, corn, or other grains well. Many parents have noticed that grains like this go in one end of the baby and come right out the other. They're not being digested at all.

It's is nutritionally poor. Rice just doesn't have a lot to offer your baby! It's fortified with iron that's hard for baby to absorb, and can further increase the constipating effects of rice cereal. Health Canada has even come right out and stated that the iron in rice and other infant cereals is hard to absorb as compared to the iron in meats.

So rice cereal - and other cereals - are not really good for your baby. They're actually pretty bad choices. Consider starting your baby with another solid food choice - one that offers a lot of nutrition and is truly easy to digest.

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Being the parent of a newborn baby can be quite overwhelming at times, and you may possess many questions about how to properly care for and feed your precious child. There are many problems that can arise, such as mastitis symptoms or a wheat intolerance. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid these problems by finding a suitable feeding method for your new baby.

Your baby's body will be healthy from the start if given the proper nutrients, such as those that can be gained through breastfeeding. Yes, this is still the ultimate means of giving your child the proper nutrition. By breastfeeding your baby, you will match his or her nutritional needs for at least the first six months of his or her lifetime. The ingredients in your breast milk will help your baby's digestive system, which also means that the possibilities for constipation and diarrhea are highly unlikely. Your breast milk also contains great antibodies that can aid your child in not becoming sick. The only thing your baby will need if on s strict breastfeeding schedule is daily supplements of Vitamin D that come in the form of drops.

Formula feeding has come a long way, and it is now also a feasible means of feeding your child when breast milk is not available; however, it must be prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. If not, this can cause malnutrition and other illnesses. Breast milk is always the best, but this is the second best alternative.

Studies have been done that show that the combination of breast milk and a formula diet for your newborn can lead to sleeping issues. When you breastfeed, your body automatically makes more milk. When you bottle feed, your body gets used to not making the milk, meaning that when your baby does breastfeed, that he or she will not be obtaining the proper amount to make him or her full. As a result, your baby will require more feedings and will probably wake up more during the night to obtain those feedings.

It is also a widely known fact that babies should have no cow's milk till they are at least one year of age. This is because their intestinal tracts and immune systems cannot handle the main common allergens that are found in cow's milk. This is the primary ingredient of formula. If you can at all avoid bottle feeding formula to your infant, you can save him or her from many different ailments that can be avoided simply by sticking to a breastfeeding regimen. If you cannot always breastfeed, there are also soy milk formulas.

One of the common ailments your baby will have is known as spit up, or baby reflux. The valve that separates the esophagus and the stomach is immature in babies, and reflux occurs when what they have eaten does not get properly digested. This can cause true discomfort to babies when this occurs out the nose or the mouth. One way to solve this issue is to give more frequent yet smaller feedings to your baby throughout the day. This problem can also be caused by not properly burping your baby. Burps are a natural way to help heal this issue, as is sticking to a breastfeeding regimen or soy formula feeding schedule.

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Milk allergy is the primary indication of giving babies hypoallergenic baby formula instead of the regular formula milk. The usual signs and symptoms that a baby might manifest when suffering from milk allergies are diarrhea, difficulty or pain upon defecation, bloody stool, persistent crying during feeding and other feeding difficulties. These symptoms can also be observed with those babies who are intolerant to breast milk and may even be experienced by babies with family history of allergic conditions such as asthma, eczema, food allergies, etc.

Hypoallergenic formula milk is more tolerated by babies with a digestive disorder compared to the regular baby formula because its protein constituent is in its most simple form and therefore it is more easily digested. In fact, hypoallergenic formulas are classified into three according to their protein structures: partially hydrolyzed, extensively hydrolyzed and amino acid-based baby formulas. These three types of hypoallergenic formulas are all derived from cow's milk but vary in the forms of their protein constituents. The partially hydrolyzed formula has more complex protein structure compared to the other two formulas. However, among the three types, the amino acid-based milk contains the simplest form of protein that makes it more easily digestible than the hydrolyzed types.

Several brands of hypoallergenic formula are available in the market. Popular brands for hydrolyzed milk are Nutramigen, Alimentum and Pregestimil. While, Elecare, Nutramigen AA and Neocate are some of the most popular amino acid formula milks. One brand may be the best choice for all babies. Therefore, be patient in trying different brands until one has satisfied your baby's palate and stomach. This search for the suitable milk formula might be costly but worth the price as long as it meets your baby's needs. For more guidance, visit your pediatrician as soon as milk allergic symptoms are noticed in your baby.

Parents should be mindful also that the signs and symptoms mentioned earlier are common manifestations of other gastrointestinal medical conditions. Hence, proper assessment by the pediatrician and diagnosis is required before deciding to switch regular formula into hypoallergenic milk. The pediatrician may also suggest brands that are quality and time-tested to ensure your baby's health and nutrition. Typically, hydrolyzed formulas are the first options of pediatricians for babies with milk allergies and the amino acid type serves as the last resort considering their price differences.

Indeed, milk allergy is an expensive illness for babies. As much as possible, health experts encourage parents to continue breastfeeding. However, the baby's condition must also be considered because milk consumption is the primary source of nutrition for infants. Inappropriate feeding may result in malnutrition and even death in the long run. Hypoallergenic baby formula is specially made for babies with specific conditions like milk allergies and this is reflected in the high price.

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It seems right to see why expecting mothers are nervous about their first child. After all, having a baby is a great milestone for many women and the duty does not end right after having a baby. It is true that being pregnant has its own precautions but after a baby is born, the duties tend to rise ten-fold and the mother and baby relationship becomes even more demanding. There are numerous books one can find regarding baby care literature and there are many baby websites as well. In this article, I will shed some light on the baby care points just now that you are starting on your journey of motherhood.

Talking about baby teeth, it is always a good idea to start brushing your baby's teeth as soon as they start to arrive. If you practice this, your baby will get used to having their teeth cleaned. This can especially be helpful in the years later on when you might have to nudge your kid every time to brush his or her teeth. Babies exhibit variety as to when their teeth come out so do not worry if your baby's teeth come out too soon or too late. Some babies have their teeth out before they are born while for other babies, teeth might not come out until they are almost 1 year old. However, as a general rule of thumb, all your baby's milk teeth should come out by two and a half years of age.

At first you may find it easier to clean your baby's teeth with muslin dabbed with a little tooth paste and simply wipe your baby's teeth with your little finger. If you want to use a brush, you should get one with a rounded head with varied length of bristles. This will allow you to reach the nooks and corners of the mouth in order to provide a thorough clean. Moreover, the fluoride levels should be checked on the toothpastes. For children who are under three years of age, fluoride levels should be under 1000 ppm. Children who are over 3 years of age should have toothpaste with fluoride levels from 1350 ppm to 1500 ppm. Ingesting too much fluoride is not that safe for the babies as it may cause vomiting and diarrhea and gives teeth a mottled look. Moreover, toothpaste without a fruity flavor should be chosen so that the kids know that toothpaste is not food.

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